The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1868, Image 2

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ttmis rGaiitte
(411 AND SWUM/.
*hated States tub? rt—Judge ■et)ea4
FILIDAT, 'February 7.—The case of the
Malted States a. Michael 'Thicken, in
. rlicted for illicit brewing, occupied the
lathe session without being concluded.
Diatribell IDeart-Jaag•
=.:01, February 7.—ln clews or J.
o.nem & Co. vs. the Pittaburgb
ISlMngs :Baalc,-the Jary had not agreed
art upon a verdict at adjournment
. I
PNrosa CB. Company U. Jas. Benny,
Jr. Amigo on a promMeory note. Vet
dint in favor of pianatitre for 5:046.
Alatun A..-tone—Judge Itarreon
Fitmkr, February ease cf thi,
Comm: nwonlth vs. Any Hoosier.
Indic= antutlissoco—malntainingabnne
bolting, - entabllnlment In tile Seventh
ward, dllenheny—ocoupled %the nntiro
nualon without being concluded. TW.I3-
ty4light notun.n, vo.rn nowt toed on tho
put of the Commonwealth. The defense
Ms not yet elos.l.
- -• • -----
Common! Plests—lnflge Mellen.
'FRIDAY. Sob. 7.—ln tho use of Cole
man- vs. Executors of E. IfcCowin,
deceased, the jury form a' verdict for
plaintiff for $1,71A.80.: .
ETODMII, Preston k Covs. Pittsburgh
sod, Connellevillo' FUJI ad Compan
tl .
The plaintifnare prnprie mot the Penn
sylvania Rolling 11,11, n Second street,
.in th e Eighth
,Ward, and seek , o recover
: damages from the Rai l d Company,
i .
whose tneck'pa.wile along the base of the
hill•overloOking end cl to the rolling
toll- The damages aro 'lowest to have
— been canned by masses iof rock and
earth sliding down from the hill side, re
. gulling. from cerelessuesa, negligence or
neglect of duty in properly constructing
tbe railroad. On trial. .• -
7. Beat Lists
The following deeds were left in the
-Beeorder's °Oleo, Feb. 6th 1868:
A •
William Jackman to Elizabeth/8. Battik
• &Opt 24th 1367, a lot: of ground In
Ohio township, containing 5 acres and
/34_parches 83,000
John Taggart to James Reno, Aug- 13th,
1987, part of lot 253 on Fremont street,
- Second ward, Allegheny , 40 by 139 feet
gt. 030
George Ogden to Robert hicEldowney,
Feb. 4th 1868, lot 32 In Arthufe plan
of lot' in the Seventh ward, fronting
on Axthurs street IS feet and extending ,
heck 144 feet .
Peter Peterson to .Tohn Bradley, April
- • . Bth 1807, a lot on Belfontain Street.
Lawrenceville, 23 by 100 fee $560
'Joseph. M. Gineam trumeo to Bran",
..Clow, Baleen .t Co., Sent. 7th 11857,
lots Nos. 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106 in
•1. E. A. Gazzam's plan of lots in PAL I
toienallif, , fronting on Canton street
120 feet, and extending back 100 feet
...... ... . . .,toO
Margaret Molloy to AllexanderMolloy,
• May Litt 1887, a lm an Bedford strive,
• • Sixth ward Pittsburgh, 26 by 100
• Adolph Rosemund to .Williard
Feb. sth 1568, slot in Collins township,
frontmg on Stanton "treat 25 Pet, and
extending back 100 feet to a Orates feet
•• a/ley. . . ..............
. Benjamin Hall ...... 13..
. Been, Jan
', nary, 1588, 'lot on Bingham 'trivet.
• Smith Pittsburgh. 20 be 100,osu
John Wright to William J: Warden, Sep
tember sth, 1857, lots N 0.4, 5,8 and 7,
In Wright*" plan of lots in Pitt town
' ' ahlp,..fmnting ou 'Bedford street9B feet
and extending back 107 feet BC ,
Alezander Warden to William J. War
-den, August 25, 1862, lot No. 14 in
-.-Wnght'splau on totc. 24 by 107 tect..sloo
Patrick Coegrave to William J. Warden,
Feb, nary 10,1867. lot No. 16 In plan of
lots laid out by-Bishop O'Connor its
• . Lawrentwville, wonting. on St. Mary's
6.` Avenue 24 feet anti nvtancting back
..' 110 feet sooq
De Witt C. Bidwell to Mary Ann Bailer,
Sept: /8, 11937 lot In Mt. Witattingtoil,
• fronting on 20nley avenue 50 feet and
extending back 190 feet $B5O
Cotoliown, , Febroary 7.—The SOOtelj
of the Army of the Cumberland, after
brief session this morning, visited, by
113.Vi011ti0O, the rooms of the Chamber of
Commerce, where they ' were heartily.
received. The afternoon an open meet
ing of the Society was held at Heart
Hall; which was splendidly decorated
for the oreavlon, and was densely
crowded. 'major General R. W. John
son delivered an oration relative to thr
history of the Arniy of the Cumber
land. Generals Shertuan, Thomas, Coo.
Gross, Ntl7lch , and others made abort
Paris lady with an Italian - title,
who MOTES tnt h e drat society, owes ail
bar good fortune town accidental tumble
late a pit. - The story 11.4 romantic, if net
creditable. Some years ago a French
'nobleman. hunting in the forests of
Brittany, fell into one of the pita used
for et ring winter vegetables. Unable
to get 'out, he remained there until a
band of peatams approached, to whom
be appealed toramistance, They regal,
ed thathe should drat band out his vein
. *bleb, and while he wee complying with
T this - outrageous demand, a young girl,
leaning forwatoi to take something from
Ma band, fell into his arms. Ile .hel.l
bar as a hostage, but the, peasants Zed.
finding themselves outwitted. The
Marquis end hitt companion spent three
..-damtho the pit before mundane, reached
there, in which time he discovered the,
.the girl was pretty, intelligent and
agreeable, . and whim released ha took
beam. Parts, educated her and ed
,deith deft her a millionaire.
—An English mechanic, named Elar
boy, is said. to have solved - a problem,
which Ilea no long faded the. efforts of
engineers and sciectifi f mem, in dhieor
ening, a certain means of. detectiog the
alteration in the texture of iron, or
graekv, or m itinte-defects, nvisible to the
sys; which hare been a fruitful cause _Ol
the brealdeg of railway axles and other
machinery. - kfr. Sarloy, it is said, ha , ,
tumid that when an iron bar is Immo
a, the tnagnetio needle will not
V. l stl i denly displaced from its position
en being slowly-moved to and Into in
direction perpendicular to the magnetic
Meriden, of the locality, but U there be ir.
the bar any numonnd allex, a fault or
new, the .6W-wino' of the needle will
bOCOMeI .TEiry it:III.DM) so it P 11.114 are r
these defectlro points. In view of the
less oflife and property :reeulthilf fro
lima tithe iron work of machinery. the
dt•Covery of ouch • teat of iron must
prove of great vain,.
... —A Paris journal catalognos the beau
thisfelthe Princess de Sletiartiteh:--.eyei
which have the nwoetneas of A. German
nestle; teeth of brightest mama!; a fore
'head menorah and clear seen infant's; high
and *ideas that of atbinker; and &bush'.
tent silky brown hair:' the form' of heed
es Greek as that of the Venus of Milo;
hef coo like a pink shell: tbe.heantiful
All of bee snout& re, the eaqujel,• form
of her arm. the long, arLtocrailo hands,
and the narrow" ' dainty foot. Be 'rho
dreamed . in blue, red or; yellow; be abe
,coiffet with - her tonne one her eyes, or
with a sereentdayillearap asaheappear
ed one day at the 'Paged ps—she is and
remains a 'rinee , n"' •
—me Republicans at Columba.. herd a
• glarions meeting Wednesday night to
Inteicharnis congratulations over the
cheering soften in the. Eighth DistrieL
Judge Thrall prodded, and notches ,
wars mad* hi Lien*. Gov, Let; a t onal
Potts,loentral Kistler. Ron. G. W. Rob
, Limon, General lachnsidec.lifon. Samuel
Galloway and Ron:E. E. Wiafte.
olntlan of sympathy with with Hon.
elannuel, and requesting
- ham not to return to public duties until
Italy restored to health, was passed, and
another renewing the nomination by the
- `Columbus Union Club of Gee. Grant for
the Presidency, .
-41.7 slab and faasloatlng Zetancky
widoWwas wood by .two salamis.
an* formerly belbsiging. to :Ia national
and the ottur the robot army. She gully
ealselculed to tato the rebel-Aral arranged
that tbernarriage should take place attha
Leaterille This: wee Tarr
agreeable to +be rain' vlinsak. with
plekad a ilea with hit raeoesatta
And challenged barn to a data.. Tba :Con
(edemas colonel bad twedaugbters by a
former wife, who did 'tsar want attar.
to marry *gabs, and linally par
anadad the wldrrw to gins bl tip anti
tlate.ths loyal assn. She did w, and tits
riot O'r.m. rred at Fayotterille, Lin
wan counts Tennessee, lam Monday .r.
-tension, la - stink from four o'clock until
r. dark, and cauedrig great'encitement. A
VAl=man named f'amphilte was killed
istol shot, sad a number orotteers
wounded, some with knives and otkers
- with stones ..Tbs riot Was caused by a
dnustenTellow riding into a crowd and
saying he coul4 whip say 'parson la it.
--Tha .I:h.aware and. Lackawanna
ltaltrcad Company have bearf.losing
„Slily tens of coal per neatly and wishing
.twknow what became of it,,set watch,
Whiebrasulted in the arrnil of r per
. mak the guilty. parties at el . - dill
Hanapson Jmactlon 24'. J.
• - - Jacob C. Malinc,late of Cliamisidgn
. eanatzty. Ohio, was arrested at Baltimore
"en Thu:trader, On a requisition from tha
eirvernor of Ohio, on a ,charge of rape.
andetna taken In charge an onion.
from .C.lncinnatl and conveyed to that
Onntract for building the Marine
-.:Mespital to be erected on the northwes
, tern outskirts or this city. has , bees let
. -to - Wilson King, Esq.; - and other parties.
ling .11 now . Inspecting , various
:Patine hospitals so as tO both' Watt* en.
• &bled to determine npon the pian.—Erie
Seceral" german paper* thick it
mdber'strangeand =becoming In:the
'Anagricimeonsul asSobworin gedaiso
burg) to solicit patronage by -.Jedractise
imam resrmb4gibbie ofinakirry quack.
.:,.5.:', - :::'„: , :,' ,, •,,%'.i: . ',...'...:;:'1t
- .
Pain . paint awes Simians. -
Pain Paw:cares _Chilblains.
Pah2 Paint leaves no artaln.
Pain Pantie harmless.
• Pain Paint is certain.
Pain Paint is quick.
Pain Paint endorsed by 31.
Pain Paint mitt everebod.r.
Pain Paint eons old Ulcers. • .
Pain Paint cures fresh wounds.
Pain Paint cures Bra iaos.
Pain Paint cures broken Ribs. -
Pain Paint cures frozen Feet, •
Pain Paint ruins all Lininients.
Come and tort pain Paint free of cost,
at 8211 Arch street, Philadelphia, in the
drag store. The crowd is tug: come
impOrgollit SsloAlare Ck 4060 for lo-
Thin day, (Saturday), February nth, at
3tVykw.k tha premises, will be
sold that very handsome,and elegant
residence of James P. Tanner, Esq.,
corner of Cliff, Gum and Bedford streets.
The lot has a front of 75 feet, by 2.4) feet
In depth, enclosed bye brick' well and
covered with ornamental trees and
shrubbery. The building' in a three-,
story brick (anitation of stone) dwelling
hone* of 16 commodious rooms, with tire
and burglar proof iron vault in dining
room. This property is the finest ono
most valuable over offered at pnblle vale
in this city, and it i• well worth thn
n attention of those desiring to per
erMal ea first-class pkoperty, or for a car. 7
itallet seeking investment. 'This is in
deed a rare chance to secure a great, her.
gain. Do not fall to attend the sale.
See auction advertisement of Smithson,
Vs* hook and McClelland.
Wive Yon Cough T .
Have you Sore Throat?
Have you He norrhage of the Lunge?
Have you Croup or Hives?
Hare you Bronchitis?
Bare you CODIIIIMpt lon ?
have you Asthma.
Hays you Pains In your Breast or Side!
Have you Hattie Fever?
Have you Whom:bag Conch?
Hays yen Pleurisy. Paine?
Os your Breathing Obstrueted
A/ams you any Pulmonary Afircrieu
It you hays any of the dbeasta enum
erated above, Dr. Keyser's Pectoral is
sure cure In the early stages, and a relic'
In the hit stages. Dr. Keyser boa mind
bad cams of lung with bin Pet
tors' alone. - Prepared and mold at 14'
Wood street.
Dr. Reyser's Resident Consulting cum',
for Lung examinations and the trsist
ment of obstinate Cibronto Dieaases, Nn.
120 Penn street from 9 A. M. until 4 P.:l.
The question. "where shall I pur
chase?" is one of vast importance to tin.
ciommunity, and should be carefully
studied before It is answered. To-deter
mine whereto make yeurpurebaseil, Toe
should first ascertain where y6u na ge:
the best article for Tour money, or Is,
other words where the treat article c6i.
be had for - the least money, and when
ever yon have done +hat the question i..
answered..' Snodgrass 3, Bee. at -N.
24.16 L. Clair street, dealers in bc:cits, shoe
and vacs, are selling as cheap as tin
cheapest • quality of goods which In un
surpassed in this or any othermarket, ti
the pnrcluwer will readily ascertain lc,
a visit to their establishment. Their
stock, comprises a full assortment 0 ,
everything usually kept in a first etas
shoo horns, and the salesmen arc gentle
manly and obliging. - .
The Celan...nisi Saloon.
Neither the extreme cold weather !Poi.
the dull tlareishave the al ightest effect eti'
business at the Continental Saloon.
Mr. Holtzheinser, the gentlemanly' pro
prietor, ts signal to every emergency, and
no matter what the state of the weather,
or condition of the:l:markets, he al were
keeps his establishment supplied will.
the best the season offers. This fact 1,
apparent to all Who call at the C,ontiner-
tal. on Firth street, next door to the Poll
oillee. Mr. Holtzheimer's corps of nt- 1
tendanta eta gentlemanly and eCacient:l
and 'Aways attentive to the wants of cn.
tamers. And In addition the high st,Vb
of art in which viands ere prepared r. ,
this establishment, the saloon and its ni
partments are kept in a most perfect state
of neatness.
I ==
Pnringthe incenit cold weather the gas
and water plpea throughout the ••Ity has,
become generally disarranged, and n vas:
amount, of repairs will be necessary
set them to righisi again, and in arias
instances thework to be done is of auch
complicated =fin?* that none but
most experienced workmen will be adc
pule to the task. In this connection is,
will take occasion to refer ant of en,
readers , having work—to do of gild car r
seer to T. T. llwens Plumber and G.,
Fitter, No. 168 Woodatreet. • Mr. Ewen
employs a corps of competent workmen.
and yam in M.swork noise but the scrs
beet. material, so that all needing Ivor;
his - line will find it to their advsntag ,
to give him a call. - •
In theme times of high prices It Is
Important matter to those who desire h ,
be erionomical to know where to pm
ChaMO Me beat article for the trait
money. To those in need of boots ter:
shoes. we would remmmend the or-
Lablishatent of Stewart Dairen, :No. G 7
Centre Avenue, manufacturer and denies
in boots and shoes. Ile pays particuln r
attention to the manufacturing branch , -
the business, and biting experienc,i,
having the. bait. material, and nog.
bat the most competent workmen, err.-
sequel:l4y his work always renders with
Itte Pah' Lic will find at 112 'Federal St.,
Alter heny city. Canned Fruit. and Veg
etablee as cheap se at any house in either
city; also, all kinds' of - Picklee, Sauce-.
Cataups, Prepared Cocoa 'Nut for Pia..
eftudensed Milk, Jelltea, Peach as
Quince Jame, Spiced Salmon, fined Bor..
dean Prunee,..bortdma Layer Retell:it.
Citron, Pe:mono; Chocolatee,
Seems, Corn Starch, Arrow Root; Gel's
tine . Exteacts, Virgin Oil of Aix, tiara
Ono Cream Tton Bona, Cream Candle',
The Best end original-Tonic of Iron,
Pliriaphorus, and Callaoya„ known e.
unman, Metk *Co:* Ferro Phosphors
led Nitric el Callsayaßork, Tim Iron
restores color to the blood, the, Plinoploo.
.roe renew. mode of the nerve dant.
and the Collates give+ a. INUOXII health
ful tone to the digestive orgint' thereby
curing dyspepsia in to vorl us
Wakefulnew, Wawa] Debility, and Do
preaaion of Spirits. Manufactured onto
by Caswell, Natant. ec Co., New Teri.
Bold Dy all druggist+. ' +Nowt'', •
Geed Geode at Gad - Pritese—llssin
marked down my goods to gold price 4 Ig
will: bell my entire stock of boots awl
shoe. °lshii - bads for gen ta,latites.
and boy* at prices lower than, they sot.t
been sold mince the war. I warrant al:
my- goodiq' Wiring, been selected 'wtt34
great care, and from knit class bones.
Parties - purchasing can depend on get•
Ling a good, article. Call and' ezamiw•
before purchastogelsewhere. No trouble
to show goods. • Jssess Rona,
• • /39 Market street,
eet lest skated 'Wee at l'lttock'a
Damaged Goofs--
Birdie Eye Crash,
&notch Huck roweling,
• . • fleeetine
Tbweegeocis are slightly wet only, and
will. be meld- at wet bargains, at gar-
Vaieetlaes, s lot; at F.lllOOOl.
Palst.w—Tbe special hi:Torte
tlon of real point hese-00013 junt opencl
by !Sacrum et Carliala should . be wen
ny every_ lady WhO paooion for fiTilf
lame For elegance, style and beauty
of design they excel anything ever apen
ed is Pittsburgh. - The price to not tlic
least stir:active feature, tieing extremely
low. 2d.
Elltkaaa , a *arta at Pitt:oak's.
To Wbolossis itspersoi Dry Goods ire
sty offering spacial - Inducements—job
lota from the Eastern Auction Sales--
Shawls, Dress Goods, -Hon keeping
*Goods, Mena'- Wear, Shootings, Sot*.
ings, Prints, &e.
t- . - - •- - 59 Aforicct stroct.
-iftwi:mopic.Numrs at Plltack's.
J *lmlay ant Cleves, soma late clesiag
•ai t alightly soiled, at Barter's
Throat Anettioatcooneutoptlon,ehrofl.
ic catarrh of the bead, dttel4 l as et Use
eye and ear, enetwerfally treated I,y
Atone, 134 Banthfleld street. tenee
Lours from St. A. u. to_ 4 r .
Diaries, Diarlas, at l'lttoeVe
Dry Veal. at Illatitaht—We aro nr
laring bargains from a full stock. 3fany
goods 41c"
W e ir. Pri r
Its rkf,t street.
Drees Goods ,most unusual baripans,
at Baker's..
'octal par; at PlUack'a.
limas, sad Lit Is Antibes, at hustles.
—This day', at T o'clook; the , property 67
Webster street wialsepsrsraptority sold
by A. Lemma, Andi p tieer. iv '2O by
110. 'geese is brick, of Beres rooms,
Marlirt!,Gold Plum, at Fit.lnk*
tali ibd;Ezancastbe large and anm
-4MAJIiar.S.. of Ladles' razz, at. William
• Inandafekr lo . l . 39 Waod stre?‘
BessOm of the . Crook, at Pittoek's.
Ragalas inLadles' Fms, Wfithini
Flemings, Ito. 1M Wood atmeL tf
Alassisea at Pitta 4. , -
PILL. 1 -.'::...1.1k2 - ..43tTrZ,
118 'Sod n4ar comer of Fifib.
foorcrnEactlC !"rities„
,r 6,1, itLeral Dr.t& .014
ts, rrlat, al ~:et of tnvonc.
1 1 1031.432 , 1"1 1 R.14 4DV
eta rtai:za :.• 1 . 1:07.5 1.,1 , nine 'MEIJI TO
IOva: Twezty Per Cent.
yr, 11.::7,,.. , 1 lu io
i ' J.C.ll.e. H. P. Firit Dlortgzge Bonds.
.1.V.f..2..T.T BRADY:a CO., ,
, wlsiw, 6 rwcunc itwasowo,
, sraler Fourth dt Wo.ll •trma.
1'77.01 or Tux Itarrebousu Baxala,
FAMAT, rebfo•7l . T, 11.171.
f':!d, under raablogloo ' didOetdbed
ated foal lb e epentrt t 0.141%. but
I. , zet rtrcLc at Itlialt2. The ,sneettlattrn
lacerlona era Iserrattcd, vet 111110 0020-
lEler eaprottord in a rile of any extant (art!.
taiicnte.tre OracLuncten Weis coolies most.
prntr.tstler II taxers, corned (Or Ito 020
pogo or.garnenng the Idled 0 gold, bonds and
sleeks. Tae rarer: Of orectO at preeeat, ex.
to amat) 0.40011.. is .4.trpria4ig.alna. exchange
atoll Oetnt the .tanning p.tht 01 .P.ll. •
(bort bane. ars dull and luwar, and
It pretlltud - rtre It net'llkely to cosmic, the
!tic r post of the dammed for ear
reooo:ok: la the ba:o sad Wear la laq:rearing, and
Lb I d oet 8.1.00070) 00 the artaletat4 cala
rtll dreeb 7 an-ae4ce. Th 2 bona naaiket 1e kept
up . ,trtttlo:ady by the large deralars,44 Order to
;banner ortruar coca on band .4 be able to
tbrou - out. optiood,
TLo atodt omliet to Ames bud htikar, but
tzstacctt,ra sro :united; the 4oelbao was laid.
Malt to atlmulato tow parettsaan.
d Pans sotterveztlent to !tho Phlladalpbla
Balkan..;.:' It to desirable, I tattia, last 1
•oqula mentl , n that 'On or latter. dad al/Idlers Plvd L.ed endeastati.4to play sr oet, up oor bat:tars sad mu.
sztempt I. to pools 'totted bills
rutee• no to be Gra "en by the 2Loglo Auotrtan
Hai le 01 %%eon, upon 0174. atilt. a Co..
•LoyOuti, pa; able uoe Hasa Parpagattss.
data tee, One 01 thus Lids, sad it ate admit.
atnis strustettelt•d. It ass attempted to
palmed sLupo.a bluets. Mutton a Oa, ist ttate
414, who air taste .400144 pdsaulag thalargar.
Let Panty" saa mu; a bastnells Norms 0
Ina of Meg.: nee tried Webb:it et mom
of !cur . Patina rah Canine; it Irani.. .althorn!
of pleat, woo belie quiet Luang with the
elieetures of 'the Lonaon r -bantam, and the
inanrer In whine Ouch COO me Miura, he do
clinct-iorrhaelnr, Lot the bilis wet* salient:4
ne,;iiiiited, ea atifie proilttae2 bf&h. forger
&Atril ihit he wee inaceielnl In Obtain - Wig
ar r er.
Cliostig how Yorlt qnosittlens, received by
eh! uu. here, arO re folloeni
(lola, 1416 611.5. 14666;15-a., 11.441. 11166:
1534, 1t.1%, 1.564. 141.7 i; t 4.616015, 801%; 116464,
16•1 1 ,16 7-61, 1,7%. I .
1:1E6 elw,u a, rweeturgb MI B. VI
‘16e661.....nts :Trona E 661•066.1 ....... ....•• 04%
Weet err. r Mon • Deln - ripS .'. ..... -...... 16%
En... LL.,,_ TS%
Pwleuurgb Bun Wayne t.. 4.1161e5c0 R. 8. /0/9/
N.wth..rewere r.51.4044—.6669 , 161 ilo
Norttivreftteen--preferml....—. ... .. .. ...., 78%
New Yort Cenwal • ' —. ,1a•
0666 and 1.14664:66p1 (66.. - 41.d.1ts , az%
11:991999 ://0../inern 9/
elory. •
lce ..._ BO
... 1 16
H.Tourhlne the deteerogueta bobby ad rep.
dletlec rt the pubtle debt, one-spoken B.•
oFe with wo`eould fallow some of out eon
temporaries to 1,141tw Opmach Deastretatie
loserre as l'enaleteo sod trallaseldham
to the spectsledotempt of all haute*
met, for their Pallowpadiattah
era , lasal dell. : Bat when leo llod
.rodsrs the whet mite. itls• Thad. Sunnis
sad Both, proyoutdout mt... 01 0 . 1 0 els
mediumal,. hod • dtsgrarefol,' we man. do so.
theto ulst cameo me far morn malpabla thou
at 'others; tar tha respousthle Itepublleao pot
ttlelao• at tha country war. adastaotly estee.
loathe eoplr amide the to sr that the Mow, of
the; aneermorat would b. redeemed at their
par ratuo—that lti areordlog to the fixed stmt.
dsrd of Talon, whmh slots. On be reeeditmeo
ismottry assurance. Ta attempt to bun dawn
Iron thus now la most dlehoearabla..
If eLs press of all vutifi, elf acne* • •
trf4 wolld Affo=e Otit wont toot towerdt
cclictors, rccatdlose of thfOr Roalsa. the he
c2ri would coon to citirp Med. Pulls=
lac* fLuttLl cot bio alloyed W core. dl
boOcac.,:c cofotuct. Low ar'cr Each thO cut
Pr 4.
Mentrils telegiats. 'leder detect Tifoj.
met tts7 salt: Gs; out Savlags Beek. ens of
Loo . .ttete bootee' of i tete ally. felled to•
deo., 13,0,Zett. suet% 1161,040.
"no sespen sten erected Steal exeltam•nt,
estuatl• rtio no other leek a. It wee the
resin eepreltorr !or th• IsbOllng class of pee.
1 4 4.h0 zr<l , lr. An eiell•dertme
ottheret "round the hunk Seri.; .510 atter.
otla. The countenance@ and appeals of the
10.40-tee tissa of depotratOre
ttee. tints me coelldeat of seethe,
'mettle great ..satnital Moro. The hantlier
hos:heel tttitk Is unprolitable, oft emelt 01
the lanbiltt 7 to make otlitelloast. '
-Tb. Cf.lesen 7...brine:of There:l6y r sayer
Bittli.est lo I aacnal eltelee was Tell dull
Anil there was ealte a fellteg CS ix' the
4.i...114 money frepcoits were weleten op,
ane the ert:uma of urieeinieled feeds was
:Leger the. for throe deis put. Ifottelthe
truilee 'bet the bunko an ruotiag enter,
leer* a to relaxation el the seueititil se eetileh
paler b eafjreic4. lelreterlsee steel end ee.
n.ciert In eorxf ettallon experience roilti•
vol 4, •taarzing scro.laneettaa, bat OULU.
.11.12V:1r-a 11.1 the gamest oneelefottably
ncso, ann . =n th "thincirre le rtenthea Oen
(WIC] US ra. Pirr2lGll2Z 0.1.1,2T211.1
Tamar, February 1,10/
'There ate no new .11•12letet12tlas la Ude de
narlmrel. of trade worthy of eburatal mum.
Ilusteesi - lenationee very U dall, ardent Mang
nmiten and of an mumpertant !akaraffter,
though Wale nothlneunstral at thla 'sasses
Cl the year, W• monied to ital., holism . , that
irtgi spring trade LE 11.111f2102.1242114 cadet .
vela:ink el tee =mantes. It melee Ito' a.; al.
moat Wert, able. The West and Synth have
nut been for several ;ears, If aver, Its bare of
tol;Pkm ae it preseat, aI:WM.4 thole will be •
heavy demand from there fa the alyithy and
early In the 'summer, to almost cal “rtala as
seytbing ran be. 12 001. Market the Meta of
maeutactere4 loon ana nal/a are remarkably
Ilan, and wilhle*bearel!alsty flays me *S
pec:: to see all el!our ne Ws In fell Wan.
00212,24. Fier ones' 434
!lane S!re .. •
HnryITI , LI:Vq. Hand.
11.1 r Gym' Awl half Bound.---4.04
Iron ..............
• •--- •
bite* ken, to ten W, Set I
4••••• I'm
“ t, 10
Ade/teats ovet=Le: .44 7N ex a.
106 to._ Old .19• alls .1
rf tat{ , KW . 04.11.6......,..,
Ura.4ll OS I. 'SO Ore
.4 0n..1 .1 11 fa to Unto( 500
41 .0d 24 '• 676 - i511661).....-4—.... 670
.d.od 301 600 C. , 131.1.66$ 5110
Barrel Nal Is-3. 5005. 111,00:1 loch. 117P1 8
VIM; I% filth, 564.0,1% Orr., 54,011. •
Toasts --"sote or 6.min.... 63 dog., with
comon•-rsto of- Erotati. on -New York, or a.
d•osouot of 5 for few. for eta., 16 remOtod on
Jenftfo of teontro. , Paveanala 10 bet tools In
Ni. , Yo/ 5 F....0w. U. S. Troarany Notes,
or 166,6 • q6ir61,06. Mot. In lots of ISO lop
and up•roolii, 12546 nor keg of. No alsecmat
90,Olita 01103 tbrra 6109 dollar.
Oeletee b. etre . Yerevan's= fi•farti,,
I .17.m•r. rebrum
' Theo:eta! market twat in. active This We*,
the repotted gate. &bowleg • actstetint falliag
°trio the aggregate, and Itelth dlablithed re,
eeipta and • steady destine, thent &manta
to be a little timer feeling, etPealalla far do-
gtrable Cegatlptlonr, but !peteee ate Without
paotable change. Are ualteretaad that ao leee
than lane, Wallet,. to the Makeetag; Valley
hate gone out of bloat; owing to an an.illing
yMe •e
the wag of the amployet• to lotion
*tido:M.ln wager.
10 tong KO. t FOUIVUT
FL/4M7 - 4210-4 mos
40 •• orey Yoes•-tar..002201.-. 40 W-I, ah
120 Me; :....0.r21 !ergo 07 00- sash
I Tooadr7.-- 46 10.40242
loaf Urey FoFrk: RL
sirnscrsoos COAL - 140242 . 23. TlO2l uma 41/..
1 ' I turd. else.
60 tone". .4 3 6 1 41-434a 4
ea HlsbuniosNalleylo , l2•. 34 24-4 , 00.
43 N.-6 000
10. •• Matte•legro¢oo2l 44 00-42402
40.1 Orey'foree ST 00-4 owe
00 P 7,Tatium rimy YOrts..... la 0-42402
lea ^ Medias, Page —...... r-4 satoa
to too. toola moot
• .
' Rt. tante ./flogket.
(my Telegraph lathe ritt,bier[b *them.]
'Lorr, Tehroare I.—ilrobsteco bete*
oc4 rrttnno•quotablo Orrice. CA:ttatis
Very firm but no gales reported. flour so
rite wtUr. ore tocialry.trut prices rematneal
pree.b.r.),.•:. of good tocholce chor
es,. at rf.'4,1,,,r1, double extra $10,011111,00.
Rnuttnrin tnt quiet Illtbataall ea. Of
erulnu and orlon red fall at Mil.
Corn Wronger but UM. gentetee blithers
Baler llf.trne for •belled and 7GC770 for
oar. Onto Arra and boldero are eating hien.
rddeea, but Um duo , attune meanie , / tuil
changed; rale, at 67.774. Berle! steady
with a moderato datuandt pricer gyring
told at 12.07; prime to mooted Ind 114011/2,1311.
Stye dull and lower with tales at $1,50Q1.03
for prime. ?rotten/9S quiet. • Igoe, pork
nominal with roles at en. 00022.00: round
lota ono ul too !meant at Clan - Baena, clear
Aides •old 17:401:Cf 00 407 "malted lle.
I, rd 7elrt ultt' email silos of kettle ten
'dear* et llOrdo. /Covalent, 9410 bola of deers
13W seek* of *bent. 6.50 bur of corn, 7511 One
of oats and UV btteof.rie, 'The weather Is
cloudy and rainier with Iddicatlolla or a
Clevelend ; •
Iollagralda l. Ms ClUsbari b Bonetl , l4:
CLlrlreeims, Fehrtitry MIN
lint l quint, atenrly and neat/Aged, dOabla
eats v.aarlua 010.75011.64 denble *Etta
rudainter at 0121,13,60; double extra LIDA
at. 514013; country armed.; ern LOrggal below
Slglarea., Wheat s :4lle merlon to
dull andorltnout deeded evangel 21 e 11111.
Nantes spring at Vali No tared wutter et
4:,56d:,60; 202 cl net 1 4 / 4 2.43. Cern qUiet
sad .U. 0 1 0 .1 1 .4 on *pot trot" the afore
al.93e;ear st gle en the track.. Oats neatest.
No I held at 0111 Co rem the mom. .2re
quiet end eteedy at e1..2h2r,204 Baja,'
moderate damned and tlrna atl PRO tor No 1
neatened Otneilet 21.904111.00 tor 20 2 State.
l'ettotexim ',very hetet, @teeny and ;reit,
free told at NO0410; banded at /MM. •
PlTTediumili DAILY (1
JAMES DA1.711.1. & SON,
69 arid TO Waiter tilmet,
Lad dull. b C217131t, 1. UNFLIC./11Nti Oise
We ..mat one No. I Lori MI qui o the
but Lures' , ere or other bunt,. ad propose
to sell se row as thlarretute CEesee rots+.
Our No I Leal ee s walnutar eursot
I Lock 'Noes ten=eatto it
oh LIM insadaril bran
letn telt ornuteally hu
lesree earthe ssts see mule esetortra e,
lOU Ate It. to
Malt !Moran to glve u L toll Ceram orcluithe
Lard Oil tram the on. *l4,
Cretan ce rem Pllisernen Guar.,
Funar, Februvry t, lOW.
Thereto no imprommeat to note in the gen
eral markets, nor do we expert soy great
ehaage until after the resumption at naviga
tion. The demand for almost everylLtat to
very math restarted, white pease are without
quotable situate.
GRAlN—Winter Mbearis morseled to
mood but wiehensodi w cOntlnue
Red at 112,40012,42, and white at r.,60G7,ii.
Oath Jo pretty good supply, but with'''. talc do.
mend, prises are maintained; Mirkli on track,
and Worm Le more. By. le still quoted itt $1,15
01,4 e. Corn I.ln good. eupPll nod Mint may
be quoted at SMOG on muck. Barley is scarce
and Wmxted, and prime Spring Is selling .1111,00
to fret hued., and may be quoted at 72,10
FLOUS—Is yilet aml unahanged. We eon-
Mi. to quote at 510,T11011,141 for Spring
Wheat; 015011,115 fog, VP Uttar Wheat; and 1140
lb for faoey biands. Sy. Flour la dull out
chanoed; small W. in More at 11/101Pd. Busk-
Cuba Is dull but unshamed at tali.
IItOVISTONS—Iate. la steady arith a fair
Jobblag demand; and tro e. report regular
Jobblngsalas at Irdis for Shoulders; t 2500 IblGe
for 11.11.0 ed and Clear gldeat Ise for Breakfast, std zsgiC4 for Sugar Cured Hams.
T, rd. 11. It tbireas, and Wiens In kegs.
Drtild Berl. 21s. and Mesa Pork. stgl!g.
LiED OlL—llas still further ads.e., and
ittarnow be quoted at 136 for N 0.2. and 11,180
{IA for No. I—theao are the faaLorg Prior.
SEELT4-111uverseed la a shod* Omer, and
0.100 quote at 18011,50. -Timothy Seed la
. 01110 0 in .0011 • lot. at tr.,7403. Flayeed is
mar. Mad wasted nt • •
BUTTES—Is doll, 01th a supply largary lu
wits of the demand{ prime to' tholes 801 l fairly be quoted abuse now..
ZOOS—Trot& packed are In demand. and
may be quaint arm at get. • Limed, OSLO.
APPLES—Scarce, and with a fur demand,
the niarltet may be quoted Arm at $1,5005,0
for emnoon to atio lee.
ELLY—Is quiet aod'unahented; reguhr Wes
!Rota emote, wagoan ai 017022, for 00[116.1
to thinly ptlate Tiateithe.
pitIED 111131P—Ie dull and unah.7e4; aro
@oohing to quote Peaehae ai 7061 for quar
ters; leet2a for halves, awl la 73 for Apple..
PO PLTOWl—tiostlata dud, noterithatio S
log the ateleale 141.11 age Teg7 hFhti ca
eogitigai• to quota at $lOl,lO p Duihet. and
13.1141100 per Dbl.
110ZI5T—Is dull and unahasqed; ally. at
11,14011,1$ to tha trade. and 17. la a Mall
' BEANS-110er en* toluenes or s dlmmletted
supply. are Armor, Sod easy tow De quoted at
weasio Dee bushel
Oinnot or re. Perreareon Ciatarre.
Tama. February 7. t
Cat7DE—Tkere I. lot little dotal, in the
ensile market. the only tale reported being
0111.00 epot."111e; holden iaeacrally ate lath
ing Ty{ to Na,, but there are am, If to.y•
ere at anythint above Te. For March sod
April,. Mars have but op sale. for two or
three days, in the abrebee of which. we pea-
Ilan. to quote at . 11.4 to TNT erased, soil ga
sated; and Slay la quoted at as offered, 501
CO a.k.a. The dewitad le by oo meahe
gent. bat the eacrteas are very light. '504
LAW the martin is outlet, poteu ere pretty
wall aeletalnal. Oil City telegram. q.t. al
RE/INED—The market for bonded cif wee
unusually setive to-dity. the repotted sales
bank mtutually lug. to the aggregate. Slosh
lag nottrliaevto thoueetad barrrle, and we are aoother bperstlon rwallak, eta
Omani rotr thoo..toL but at lan acconots It
had sot been otiallJ t i la.mmmatea. me sales
repotted Were as fohowev lOW able for all the
Year. buyet a oath.. at hae; • ' , call" for 600
bble to De 'delivered between Autos: and Sep-,
tauten . , af c as, mad dollar; 1550 for fteplere•
ber, , at WINe; 43 far July, at 26!-iat also. •
..11n." Of WA bble/-680 for Nor, it 4e, two for
Joao, at 4sc; Yor, at %a; dm for Ao
rtal: at !itittiat 100 far septerahee, at are; trer for
°Cant, at attic; bast for November, at too, ant
ON NeveMbsr. at n 34... There were to
traosactleas a spot all, la the aasettee of
Walsh. w. eoattaue to quote, at it to for
Woodard white, tad for pelmet light straw
to white. A• will bootee, the above gales are
all for cote. - 4a/loary. abowlog that the
awstiteat to altegether speculative: mod It le
'fair to lora that speculators have ass to tha
eozelnales that the bottom haa broad sled -
otherwrai they would not have commensal
Rat. NAL Oa. 53.1 bias reAskdd lb P. Wright
Mod. Pkilaaalyhu.
Lt . 011 TiO do do to Orteor,
.Btutio • Ca. Phtladalphla. •
dove York Produce Martel.
reTS2l4(72lgl Vs the Plttalnughflazette. I
XI. TOSS. Tab. 7.--Cotton better
and Si good demand; Woe of 5.620 bale. of
uuddlln2 uplands at 1.35022 e. /lour:
reeelpta 1,102 barrel. at 215100 lower and
more doing la port for exports: talee of 0.103
barrel* at 0 Wain for superfine. state acid
brain,ltd:foolo,ls for extra 1011, 00.1011
11.75 do. extra western. and 212.20010.00 for
white. Nbno. extra 52,72013,12, roiled boor
Ohio escusoamas, ommom to rood tit. 1410,.
412.400 l 5 le. good to choice estra do.
at steady. Calitorala dull' ealee of See .0000 at
amssouva. Sy. dour lanottankod 15011. or
11.1 barrels .1 47.1.5011.13. Lora. meal
moderate and utast; antra of 500 Dorm's at
for western. Whiskey none. Wheat
10m' lower and more doled; sale. 2r22.401
be 111 1 . 1• at 151.41122.42 foe N,.. girthr deliver.
ed. ail for winter red Cuiada, and 22.02 for
anther Cala. Ey* quiet. larder rem end
gren. Matt Ir.; W. of g.." nuslietil
153111.0. Itroelpte—Coto, 07,610 beans's;
Core lfr-q lower and .01r in moderato bust.
noes; pales of 1111.07020•2 at 11,115111,17 for nevi
mixed wastern adOat. 51,11 for 1e47 onedr ,
do SIAS for nowyellow Jetsey, and 17,21(1
1,27 for new white western and eoditturn.
. Iho l. w ly o - 4 ' ao
l u a d
a b a} h 4o 'for wes tern s
atOre. Mee Arm. toff!e gale'. auear bane
erlta vale's of US blida Cuba at; and
NO bog. /tarsus at 125211te.
quiet. ParrOleuro dna at MO for Crude,
lad 1414 e for refined bOoded. Hope quiet
•nd nneharigwo. Pork doll, with sales of
8.1) Ohio at 011,1107.1-60 for o.d - rneaso..lowilig
" 0000; 1.1,20022,es for nee do, clue
ing ar anal.; 01721111 for prime, and $10 .50
(ma far prime; al.,bbls nee - mess.
miller, March. em private miints. hoe firm,
it& Wes of 112:1 burs at previous pri0n.,..1.1
On tierces at 0r..m.34.7 for prima me,
Beef Hama quiet, with tales of 114 1•01. at
howes firm, with/wee of CIO Dors.
at /ii 1.8122.2 for Cumberland Cor.`11)0111.0
for short oohed, IPACIISI:e tar snort clear,
and 415(0 lor lend dear. tint Keats stesdr.
with ...riot 404 pkg. at 511111 1 .40 for 000004-
.00..11 1214011 VA for Hama. Ore.. Woes
Scalar at 1001ey..4 for ...totem. .4 115(0
11040 fee city. Lard .4047, with eale. of
La. 'ado MOISS4e. - .attar dim av 100
60C - for Mato Chewe gel. at 110:10.
/Matta to Livery.' a anade Msgr.
Lararr..,Tiour closed .1152112 in boyars
1 falror Wilhastiodsrata dernmuid. part tor eir
wntern In store. Corn did% at 111.%01.14 1 .4
for sew, added western *neat, anti E xit
1.311 for old mixed western. to slate Purr
quiet and 'Ready,.4II,24YSLOPX 'fur old
, mem iptiogn,7s ftrr new 10.5 in rigne=2o
tor illare.2l: fad er.,1NG12,1214 tnr.opril;
.slO p bbl. new mean 10 503.70 niholar.
Deer steady with a moderrie demand. Cut
Matto dim Olio a fair demand. - gaped /rte
at. 10 1 ,1 e for Cumberland. Lard mad} at
14 '40 1 :4 for lalr to prime ateady and kettle
Claeutaatt Market.
ler Toensvb to tbellltarecitt ,Wettr.l
CM:nasal% Yebnis i V I.— Pinar dull'bot
Otters nchangal. heat' doll and not
amen doinst No Isfirlo. .014 01.12401 hinter
held atalari t aa Mt NO and No :Corn
unchanged and indlitiear µOW Illhebstied
held am OM. aye uncbsaiod. Burley arm .
10.3304 40 for No I and Mcalee toll. orm
0010 n. .Cotton active mid. price advanced
to Ws ler middling. :Widely - dot' an.V.
Mien nominal. • Nem Pork doll at eli,i,*
Mod for new, with no demand. Bulk Alcatel
DOMInaNY annoulgoll: onouldere te.41244e;
aides 101(010iimcloar sides 11 yial II tio—ota
side rates—for elly. Como IN.. WO. P.
sad my,. for itionlders and Miles. nut ar
Cared /lams Ilene. Lard held nut of tho
market generally; no orim• leaf or tv Cad
at tea More below lem coon try *old at 141. in.
to Ite delivered at different points to hoi•-
terlor. Bolter &MK. sad trot at LIOI7O
for gement. Nags lot; Clover Need limn at
MciLuaotby Mali but no Iptasa 'Linseed Oil
dratat $1,14421,11. Petroleum donor; reda
ct 10 bond atillao. how timer. and
Maher: Cotfro bat advanced tic 00.1 Very
Om; fair to ehiltee lobo Mtdritki. 3101.5.5.
11541100. Hay dull beet price co lower. ttold
141% baying.
wOO-4 ..•
. a so • ..
Ours,. market.
T•i•lripi w Ile !limbs rgl 1010.47
(..loaaaa, February 7....Ylont_quiet; aalee
At $1,79 , 110 for aor ta ` _ extra. Wnsat—No I
quo; at ItaINWS,IIO. 9 opened saint sad
surer, and an aent/y trnaoored.aad
vowel Ito !Wl:dinar; Net, at 11A1111.O2N;
elo6la/at 1W , Hd19,03. Cora—aow , oaanYi
eaten at IttAtlllin, elating steaely at 914.1
No. I quiet anti Llabtc *ales at 910. Oats
%mom entre*, wttb early gales at 11 711Piej
cloalng steady at 170675,,6.170 quint ant
unetkangelt sales Or NO. 1 at. $1,96 and N.. 1
at/1,5441484. Barley noted; salsa NO.l at
Van. aall rejected at 41.7 1 / 1 ,11, - PEOVi.i.•
very outat bleu pork Aum mal at Cut
mentanalet and nontiaalt males roega +tan
i !
t Me. I,:,=c;Mlrfru:rt
=or fon i na, ant . Zl4l: l l;k t; l i tre log
ettOora; 9.111 be ML.• Abtataeste-9,657 bats
dour) Wenn Wleati Du corn 11,901 bu
ToLino, labilury 7.-71 oft natal. wheat
lowir; 'alas &mbar Mloblem at 01.0254.
Wt.—ample NAOS bus; marital la butter;
ules Ha. 1 at SWAN, and tar all don; at
230210, ats We. 2. lire; O labeller; ales at Ma for No.
I. and 040 tor buyers atter 01.2/X.
bee's-Claser 150 batter; salsa Timothy at
er at ClevlSidlder. PAO. Drxwed /Updraft . aro!
'a.uprl. Ear
NI Telegraph e , el U. 0=44.1
IS =ems, February I.—Ceiba settee at 111
018593; week's rec.iptai Lai tam.% orspocu.
• bales; stock. MKS hal es. Flour; wiper
s... mosatio., Part'. SU 000134 v. nos..
Wear stdes.Assmat bulk shoulders..9oo!Sul
clear sadesll , ,4o. Lard; keg leat,l49l o !ic.
Conk, SICISie. Oats, tglo. saLso.. ins, .
lblladelpllla Marko&
Cill'alsirspik to t►e PI Itibe rah Uer e tte. T
Muchness., Mb:-
VW. Petroleum ve dulll erode latelillSe,
reaped la tnedCOMO._ PlOar lust wen-,
nu eats rurally 410,0Da11. Wheat steady;
rWpa6 Bye *Lupins .OrniuSeasoodul
yellow. sl..n. Osta 710700. Groceries Kul
Prollalous unharmed.
Financial Natters In New York
%Fold Close 4 - as 112414254.
137 Selegthrt to the rtliaborgb Gazette.).
%n ions, rob. 7, it 74.
•0137 LID 0030. • •
H.., aan, ai 4tjs nor cent. on call. iar-
Hog quiet siStiCa7i. Gala active and buoy
ant; Glenna! et la.N, advanced to 112'4; and
cloccd at 1t:421144; •
CiimeromesTtedollent the nrlees are ceel , n•
tail:bed; Conpona li,ll2Gll2lij . L,6
'Wiz d 0 14.104iiic9; On `,5%,!,9,*01.1L.,:,1
104301 'lO
100,073 ti; In '0 1 0 1
,417. an, , j
Eir%WS 1.1•1111 S.
ALlntes Expr , ..9.,13)7974; Ilertbantitiolon.
51yg034%; Wen., 42.4,a1.3; Astarte...oo;4C
70; Gall.o4States,73l4f3..
Stocks opened wave 'wlth general
vane.. but under re alizatins art of the
advanue was liwt. B 'mess coontin p
oml besy7
till the end el tbe Any and tn.: market clewed
s i roo ,. t o ot°, 00.(foll; CutnearlanO,
(S&P,': Quicksilver, t1.;0.4%;
I "Pit . ravine Slab. IlftN0110; It lane ~ , f,%:(9
95. u. W.•••.rn L". , ll;iX-ne37: Uartferd ,„,
Eno, 15;;; Now 'Ve Central.
911:4391,i, Onto Cart:..bash 40
47 ; St. Paul 4 0 5 00 ; orelerred 511,b.
.Igan Con t r‘l Il9'40119%; Mich ti.nn routhern •
92.091%; Illinole Central 1:10lie157; P:;1••-• 97097 V, Totten, 1133:C113 , 1r Itorlely.
laud e l .:tit:V.sX; ri•lrtnwe.tern r0.....100; do
preferred 7b,1,;074!-4; Pont Wayne itrr,tepto2kt;
Marlette and el nefnuall nref•re.ol tal,;
cleveleold and Palnesvllle • 10• bi, Torre
Haute 50; Cbleage nod Altos 13474; 2dtatottxt
1033 ti; new• ' •
Milling lb loeka quiet. Corp.°. le. iYuutlr
Lily PM, "-WM S Parmelee
tirecory 401.
AI7I2,IIAPCIIT nunlrr.. •
twelpts. rayments,tl73,477; L 4.1
atcr, 51,1,313047.
• .
Sew York l td) Mends 3farSell. t
'SY T Insows i.e MO ei.oo¢:gil norete.l
New roan, Ft b. 7—Tho dry goods luctrket
se as more active mot cotton goods arm at
the advance. All heavy brown sheeting,
wares and wanted, Atlantic A are quick
at 16•ic; Pacific extra, Amooseas A and Au-
wield. A. In; Cadm A. 15 , ;, Atlantic KIP!
Pacific L. Son to. 14 , 4, Atlantic V. , :tirt.
Inge, in, Exeter A, 19fp1v4; ni.cp,,,,1,...,%.
Amos seas ll:cachet Muffins. 17t,' e At 1.•
wrlght Water Tor
wist, It; Se , •1•10, 1.1 . `1;
!temper lderb, N'l; !lope, II; Lon-dale. le;
Ilostlo Lake, Illata, heynnids Act. 11•;•
arum. and Red 11.11[0V -it Slat:Marti Brown
Drlds 114, Llau pd., tiingtum 15. .ninte
—Studs:id Mx ea as.. steady al: t2:111•4 for
America., klor Ins, Itamllten' and , .
11 ab
-41011 to. an •1 11‘,.; for-Cticheco I. and 21erri.
muck I). For °flew mat. tilt marknt nun
steady and beldam are Indiffereut oellere
Unless to parties In giant credit
.1111 w maker' Mame,
• .
lily Tdesraut le me sitlonc/te ton'ett:.."
Intwassm. February .
7.—Flom It d 11111;
favoriteerring exists saw eolllng at EDS
10,'$t. me ntor to Minim, s 9 25010,-and com
mon to we 11... at aS 751214,25. Wheat Is mit
settled at $2.5 - 2!5 for No I, and 11.27 fur So,
2. Corn actlia and firm at ate for new
shelled. tee eitttrulo uttrunal.- Dres.ed
Hog. Mere. at 47,904.:10. net:mum—LA.
Morels Sour. 17,w.+1 Umbels :a/brac, Clot
busels aura, 3,[e.4 bushels corn. Sal Li o•hels
roe,' anti leg head of monard nose.' :lulu.
' ments-71'0 barrels flour lad LOU nu•Sels
: wheat. ' . .
tilt Telegraph to the rit.e.,,t,
zc.tao, rebrnary 7 Dress, a hogs
opened quiet. but dem; tales of smell On.
at Ii a:43v. clividlng on 13sh sod at
log on Pah and snoods more active slut
unchanged:lll niter. at td.73 , 46.6 3 for lig.:
II tor nor to 1.1:3e1 collie, chill at
07.7 a for light to Roof 4tefera. Sneerv• Arilvo
at e 4.33113 teeelpts—dresne.l hogs 3 173 t non
7,017. Stsion.ta—slrgased hags :,671; lice.
Loaln•Ille Martial. • •,.)
ry Tolncrana In ens rittelnanett (Iszet.,.. 1 •
LnOrtel Lim. re 'Tway I—Tobacco in !Inn;
ot 7l ands in 4 la 1.. e( 45,1,
Ynnur LL $7.7441/4 for ruy , l 11 or, Toot
11'4 5 . TO , fsncy hout at 12,4001,15. 0.11
at 41 . 0nan. corn al:ha:it for car and about
•.1. M... Pork At r 149. 'Lard t, 134 c *.
con, Lonldrri ILL 10C; clear *Mtn at 13c; Lin
shoulder* Si Y s, and clear 61404 at/V.-in. tad,
2011 nt Inyiplll4n.
Etrlr•to, Fnbroary T.—Flour SOH. 01.01
ranelz•ogo.L Wlatat owall:131. C. ru Un.t.
itales of i etas of nen on tlla traolt St. 01. U.
1.07. oat. ttorittunt at 140 for 1•410•Tp.
Itstleydulllnd unclottott.•7.
Slew , Perk', Lard and Dreamed 114...• un
chnoged. Lle homes ordtretly uouttnaly.
I =7=
.by roie•rapa to lay Io,F. 140.1
114LT10 0 114 rob. 7.—F.rur ts titdet oo.t I
.tends. Whs. ;r
la Arm aO , l n; I:angst!. A.:•no
Is rlrtner; i O l lO /..4 1 . 12 0 1 , 0 : 710114 1 ;
411,16 Odto •trod you 74/02.. Ilse Is doll
61,66. Provhdons aro - firtn. wida and
Shoulders are ISet 00,11 . 4 d; , r4d• •
Larva's* wr ILA 44 Yu.4 ri 1
Press scraois..Voirs Wagots s!r•too 11.1,
Fsbelntry 7—s ears mat.. J ww,d, soi Rl2, ,
sdo da strike S t/seshay; le do a-. 034,14 k n
Co;11 do do,J Moor . ..tort/I do dd. 010210rs1 o 1
old: 4 do do, Rees. Orstr A Dull, I. 5014 11
.1 0 ardlsor / Co; IL: itSs les.% a 3, L.: uo h
wta do do, 0141.;I tar tolltrrel. 11410,tra4.
13 ski stn.:. 01,05.1...? 1, ,Lars, It
4 - hesteut (Ist 64 site satsp Imo;
LlLlMbilzka, sus tr.o ore, aloliststst; Porter a
cut 6 (Is tiraff. berms. & Col t do May:,
1t Y Adam. a Cat a kgs aspic ,td.t.f, N 1•05 -
ed hods. /1' Bea Jr: 1 Mg .33!. ou l tsr, 7 4 11.
Graff,: ears 41 lds 7.107, 03744.0 . 1 1114,11.0 i.
0 Obis 11 7/ thrortli Co; 47 oks tuts
wheat iour, "yarn; id 404 salts. 14 L l l-0 ,0 •
40457 1,41.20 litutrurtr. A boo.
rt . :roar:so/0204s sure c..rNiv
3;031.1 7-2 sort hay, 6445 ens, L W toO!t,
lot c.rrloss haradarn. flue / 104;4 essi.
Gerd. Mollosty R 11.40 7 do do, /tacos A
Hocsort 100 Cols flour, 8 33.11.1,1 14odn
seghntosr a Vt. 44•01 .1 ;u•r corn.
Co; 1.1 btts J plus .to , acco.
Scot./ Johoston t I'2, 0 do dr, Id 1,1 Vora, .
dud.. Aso/ A 0n11000'1..,::.L 6;.,
hams, 4da Sorf.J 3,trifirlo; 1004 14044,,'
Hoyle a Cot/ so4es du. o .00Orrt ft I dia do. II
1/stssyet; 10 half SW. 151.1 03, Shoesaltar a.
-1An4523 1114 soap, Pecos Solt co,
A.l.l.sesoirs V.ttLog 11. Lt.. P. 11,0.;;
oars 011, Ptah. A /rot do do, 133/33; 4.
darn: t 3 dodo. Laskhutt. nos l 1.2 01 3 do do. J
Idr/hallt Isar mot., 11 Woodstdratt I
Li , ..tihorh a auod3rs,! H larsh•rnt
14 bags by., W J 6 tags, W II
/Irk/salsa 1.1.1-303 bee rye, 14 do a.. 4; 'J 4;
Ohs/.y:00 61714 4.3.11 A h. catsoot I 4.040.
Adana t Auattslll.64 Itsdh my W Lastsgstni L t
IS bid. 011,! It aletroso:lags 0...1075/dal; c
htdo .sops; W Ft•dal. • MON 1 sz - butter J
IMy Co. J -.EMI.: Ido do, .11. Had,
ltdctrr<brdmil, L .114szletohl 14.5.
poirallastf, „
4,4/4740.40 anti Prerskttusig iLartso4h,
Fetornary ears leott ore, firoltf,!3yars
llo;0 do, Zug 1.171 7do 10, Stingutergor a
/hag Ido do 2,4041111 A Cu; 3do 00,.11,-
Nalght, Py4tss A Coil dodo, J Letsoe,“ 0:0 0
lustbdr. A S. S Wilsost 10 0014 Ilsoe, 1110
Bloghadt. Oms aids. Or.i.t. Slot 1.0 tads put
! ash. Wm 214061.17 Col 6do do, J 11
ft Soo, II WAYS 40.4.0, /rar.oklo• . 12011 4kg
I '7,0 oat?, 1 - 11 17rawfordt tasks orate, Srott
A 1713/1, IA do rre,p., 10 borlej. S do rldssr•
1. En. / Esnog; 1 tr. /m 414104,0 cos.;
isskiodsi, .410 dor/ 'J. Orollani YE4 0.•
malt/ Pler. f/surials i 4.1. 1 ass W
AJentmair 141 able grads all, Bultuat, /show
C 034.1 do a.. D 711,.. .
A. 3.1.34313333. STATIOS, fabttlaii 1—
1.33 .3. bark3••• 3l pal:Pk3. L•rg ,
a Ross: i mar seillf.d. Swan,: d
Wm 3 wars nevem Italy• It.ohereacn: I t.r
31.11.“7 d Hood; Its ost.eal . , H 41.1 1,
ii././:IDO Obis aut. •St & •biLaou,-1 - 1
gip apple tngter; J tLlintts lam bt4
Kay% A Sown elo,t tar, Twltur E3+:6
Juenni. nnOnni •n.
iwwx A1an , 160 , .•
. Itattliiters •
• Office, 3112 JPetioi I, . •
• eTrulainizatx,
Halt Homo Itettensai
Warr.. AttiviclageY• • ••
•' 1•217. EL 7., c-viitrtfE7l.lB['ili?2
"r:'!.. - ,11 tr
aout Jar tic sal, of Orrara . .l,
1441terri , Zt3ik.u; :Moms vo 4.7; hi. I ,341.1.1 1'.V.2
IMltil .'
grA:r.:s v.ll.
MALTe-500 La 11 IaLS
etermiCaV'dlloYOU esls.Lt
Jett reretell.. tae 0.0110 Mona, of
0100031 I.lJlgll,Lti, • '
%Web writ be dlnbiree or at low rut:3. to tae
•17.11:041[11EL.Y. 14'N:4110 I.ruttr•
- -
' •
Aro , 'SOW: RI),. V s e.
UnY 1.18;; en - to
rtl , 4
7 , • 4/ VI!
- go
REmovAL. • •
ify 111,0, of 1111.:41.
lcortur,,llktmn. I S?' trerstriloc ['lnto
.o7nai 7-
p ' rc brl sr:f t ti: t S ts 3; ., r ` trf. '' , 7 7 "r qi
0[1) •14 740.10 lmllhcai,l noo n'
depress Tel aged Pile <e Isoel Wore,
. .
Dose's In emits,. Cookies. Parlor mei eieating
!Seem /swim , . anew.. asise Block Ile Were.
No. 11l wTI.IZ Irrnext, near 'ffliertilecitszi•
seeseeisst..eloS TldfN 11.11.1,4 e‘1.0.114•1 and
r tali. OrA Jo.blnx and !:.l e ak In, P.. 1 . 17
atte...led to .!;
JAN. II 14111A.r.01t
-Comnifmnioin Ittcrchtuits,
I.IIIIIKIT r4sTy. erre..
1 1 / 7 11LIRCET-4. W. Manta; tubt n Moubse.
Rs bailout: no .J. b, Jillognr -C4 1... r,
Nennreir a-100.
A iii9N CITA( Ett:lll' WYOMb..I.
CEO. O. GL,4
11K <7l,
7...cowthor 1,1t1.14.
lgt;:fZi!frti I 7 I I "
fEJLTOx, 3:3ll l etad A, CO. -
C*l , ll4 . A4kE,
.I.A_l.t,' V "I
t.:." •t r • ;)
.! . • 'f
The weather contlenee Very cell and wittier'
Itha, the thecaturneter In the afternoon Ittelasi
Sown tot: degree. above "ern. Taking every
thing Intft cont.:elation, the chances for 'aril
tatty taca't.ti and rem:option of r
at, an fry end It look. now am If the ,
:tont hoc min/Iv:out.' Odd good thia tine. Is nboOtt wholly eusytalded at. the
leviot ^9 1,11,05 a few plows Irani alalitiml:
:4verde:, but at i'.le tide, it was all , puler ,
ilttne th.,tntlto
young nor, name nohdown jtimpad nverfi
tun ftunt tha ilotnionStar, Tottlay night,
.between Ittand,btan and Leav e nworth, sad .
0 0. nee. I) . MP:fla t ted love,
pocnett rat) at Nathrille, on cotton to
C1.1.1:1, Is dt Pot bale. Onsicoont of there
bflty uo boat 'lnt - 8,1.y receiving for elneln•
oath the Louteerde s Neel:villa Railroad ad.
ranted the one., to 61,09.
- ,
!e ]a r.titerlat aoudad the 6hlp.Rlver,"l'
the New lock L"...enley Port, or. M00d07.1
. .
At. c tlker CP 11. c Ettglhter Carts le peeper.
It, en etatterste repeat on the improvement o
lett Oh, rlvrh II: hats a Oil:keit problem to
- :re. The plo a e hitherto prepeeed hare bevel
te.proc.k .t.lo. or ceb•empla:ed to outlay
u - 11...t. t.,e A, pt IA thought of. A general
tec.t.f mt....c 1.1 • th.e.., pt.... can be given to •
(err mold.. Ilea Ottel at It or teeter la A Bye,
cua eels.
i r
km el aorldhars It has beta pro. posed • ta•dteige 'err y the bars. Engineers.
ate that be reonit would he till
uredtke • uniform Ohl owners throughout [het
leogth 'Ol the 'nyer. A lt:other attigrnioh isl.
t:t.t. t , .t. Aver siteull tte genii. , with water:
From, E - te Co wrap, of A fec4ltt Canal.'
line otjocettA to tit!. ;lan Its the tact that
I•lt's•uteit Is Wore thin one hundred ae
tweA , li I. A , ,NA Or level et the lake. .
Gtt.... plontol,rte.trt: the rettotr
ru ectlee of
cle cat.o et hj.h• fv.d olrAira, And et Imetlee
rek l. tarirs,liere leen amid •olee. .
,ny..h.• ~
nvlenal. Gatoife, of '
• Lb, tl tr tn. P. Walker Its.l
•I•ne M./mph...4 illaclunatt racket company.:
to .1.0 Superior ilotot yemerday. judgment,
bag •••Inst:the plulutirr. who elsing {tentouLth for Th.' ••••o•-•.$5.0 per month in pliot,'
abt 0n.,..0th a. Cilp4 of the Root. Hutch,
w••• thartlor...l at the end cf one trip.'
the Coon Ll , O tr.i.lll contract Ought lb
Fe tufo Ned, even It male, as every steamboat. ,,
to to writ mantled for runolog day and night,
oueht to i eve pdota and two enelnegra.
who art: r.qubed to he il.enstd. The gargle
ut ~,,,,,,,,, .arol slap requires that,
.h ,01.1 '•lt i• gaol It I. a. ,
0/0.1.05 lor • luau to thew too:
poetiunc it le," atld the Court, "the googol
n at plat,* la ahaio d, the hotter fot•
the rubtle,g weil b loot
e- the ateamboat own
ha folic I:I rect list of the Enia
raVe IF : cor ,
lnger. 370 bids mo.
taller. to 1. , :w sere' , iroo.a tooll top; PO al.
1,51, 1.0144 1,4 t) W
ge, tier, I .
201.1. 100.20 (o.lni 40 tbial
. cescanuto. Captain Shunt;
:thin( rac.o. the elethes he were.'
ilia mo, i!rank, also lest everyithea. 1E0144-
in 4 A watch and
. 41,stn,.A diamond pin 'rained
Artitnr tl. %Vivre.. agent et Neer Odra. fur
the Si. Lel.. 114ard or I nuorwrltero, pub-,
c•til um the in] trier.. nottryttin rota
ofinteeo itormarreal cm...Sowell. masters:
led +rents el stoorennoto or hero. Mowed ‘e
tutus ori.ich wog be. met with
ii.ter tu t inu tietiire any steps err
it one nuitt, Tigard to the diorostti. or thoi
t tut city, or r•palts rue. to the
iir nu. tur ruminated in trostdi
:her., art. rtill rate the eitiPreill
parcrt.if• 44d:twined rroperty.ied the r
se to •t r.•ritt • will uric ..... y to:
rata:it:ol clition fur Woo en the Vadotwritcar
• gat uric 11. to oleo directed to approve;
.11 ht. 1 - n. gee,. av•rage iliOnttihntiert. furl
*Men I.outo Um.irriatirors may he 11a•
Lot-. ti
story ere ntil try the Comerford in
New inn
The Clnel.tnatl Clmteseretol, of ThitradlOr,
tny• : tc Del•twore 10.• elevated. neripalr
• t chimneys. (;,13,4 Colh,on hod • 15•1,1.
ma e,,,mtee anion frompmsbargh tbroushi
ee, t trt LA,. htoll,ll sorely, sod, leant.,
l'un,erlto.l Hirer. Re Is noel
et an e oernette commander.;
otA la satittc.; Jolio Cnonhey IA the
.fn,.. Thr rie of W. r. Walker •e.I
tr.e.Nraut,s s
0,11,1,1.1'1.0ct Cumpanyi
to vehlell vista. won*. ter eerelonl
Jes tow in n, .1., I.lloz. 2, , ltistne haying been ,
yirrs. en• tea l • elute,
•ot roll It eien•tal [elm yett•rday.
The eirest It•publle no to hare left (lotto
to: :Yew 11,,!etits en l'hurelly =mien. shi,
hoe A I.µl-4.4lennegn.l tit , n , thoi pollt.
FT A r.l , ON A T`,l•P , ',. ',keno., Con.l
to,,tarn, ettler: dote t.l'
ve,dursity, Prtatilent of ths Ferry'
Cowpony, In o•atd. nave Oleo tcooon net tofu.
, n thee , . w vv . 1.a% osertlronti
,trry . l , ,t , rl.,eL not close to
M e 'save.' eAsee lwAt Woo =wan/onto, an&
t 1„, I.,telen, ...t.:toict t , lnpar.y, of Pittsburgh,
set en'hunaten dollore for the
e:er. the Cto,coott conipmwes pot,l him
a...! re tho l iar and ?Cpl.,
:r.r ecas.n.:. About oa• but
ys:o6 tel yr th• butted II
tt, t
Poln tUeye. fu bOw con
o.lyi ny *lda, bltl-. 1 %
eze. s.lle, , tne
11.,/. bawd,. writs. (tow St. Lou...' under,
Etta of Tue... 1•3. to ithelt.unll Coln , lter-1
mg! *a :1, I, an.ll
~... rig .111 •Inee :go •carg 151 011 tar I
:1.•V,!; Y O The ferrytofate
to rultint • shaonet front I
150,01 , titug ed 4 >re dolu( theft reviled bun.:
con. Th. t. 0 ,1.1. at tag .I,gt of Order!
WA but It la hard
Wt . :, ton). two ve, •• Accidgetti happen
1.1, be.: ..1 1•21 , 11.1. tier/thin; dull.
theatreo b.:1111'1i the, • .made or
',der 11,• 1 to new: , the neerahat•
sleer otrret c,ruers. C.o.d. Lew
Vaoded,ll , ,,,t the AtVll7, is her. efoong hie
miy •cd
Toe . 1. - /{.l•lsurg 11 , ,,.1 Of the, Ile!, earc
Ti,. it, I:, •nd 1...11a0 • Strlvdd last wren
t he foie., mined gudOeedalta eztrelestin•
litter ctuttwo to which ch.
with 11. exceptlo• of
the elviard .w., of A, et.alvf,•••talued
srgara. Toe Leg b:ltuilt down shoot on•
tr.lf of het foal.
1 An ir vis.t.a. Jen oer77.—Thwriver
with food fret ands half waver in %havens!.
Tike ti .erved et Six tells Island and bee,
tlln•tir,oorti netiCatioa is wholly sits..
bended. ~The ktw pnainroateamtaat Rich.
morel returns Lb Ness Orleans Co the Brat
Pseweate, Telinitry 7.—The weathir I.
slowlyan l mtid. The river Is retitled rap
idly; if hit • !Liver Is falltnyy with ex feet of
water to Augusts; the A rkansail Is low with
thirty-two - bodies to tie Bock. Siete tits
err setts*., The Ewyelior !verse Ito-night
for V iiitileiastl..erlth eleven Luadred bales
eettoni Mitt Titornala i tenttherber, Belle
Lee, sea Olt •e Branch banal desist heav
ily Index.. . .
Seildel, La: r 7—The ConiwirtS ad Is
telling with Inas feet West;
nr fah can cold. Arrived—The
7tWift'Clit7o. departed —itert; for auks.
wile. _ .
INITI t;,T. ILOClic—The
of LLI.V%e.f I , ,tavAii,Marva'
'rrfPfror th.'••••••• 101 tratlrtna'd:a
• .1.
Ft Ai:IL
•: lgeoa.•
.11111 "Chat.
11,e flina eysiaar 0 •
... . ve*.
wtoeC 6 04 hattimf2rat• rafts
Cc the vv., I f or, IP flistlon. •
Tar roo boort orb
1 jb I:CTILZ "V( ' °u I .44 `'. O
ALS , , • • •
von lIINCEVN !avid
ji le:Mb' •
1.1,3 ploaccer • '
CM., 90110100
W lonve at nonillatton.'
k frnlnto. or apply .1 boar& at t 4
:of Wo,l eten et.
0ti&3117 -f
0 I.! an operi , or of nar , tal‘nn.
For frrllir4 l or PL.B.e spot' on board or to
• C t..t,t^.41W001./.1;
091,Ltnti unnnans - 1. 4 01".
Tllo7r. 11Ir . FOR ALLEGne,-
!IT Wttall. 11 till[. •
1 -nn ul irlred Is thu eruselon of tin aboTe Until.
sca,rlancs mlth umpls sod deUllid
i ilV;it ' agT , Z e"
eII nr. Wnr. 4.0 fourth t mirth ugb.
. no. /
Y, dekli
. miux)ilarn OrAILVINTAL, HT
•., ' T.TILI.Ltanr LLOYD,. ' •
X.. s me- . ca. vir..4t, rrrniutrp.en,
31,•• Muni to
ROBERT 411,111TH5,,
. .
':e%Yrrz'Ortzvrmrir, •
'o. 05 101.1virii er., pue.bauirig.
Boer! rt atterittiso 1r ro trillootlhor. root- •
1.619 -UrpeUbs , Cont. -eostrolastloro of
TVAr. od laur.lars or omit Actoowl•
f 41,11.rAt s 4.0141 , , DOposmon,, .I'., intro for
it 04,01Attro SAM*
8,186 S
10. E. A uAti r 3.o.. A. S. ROICILINION.
laoconsors P5111.111=19 I
O M TOrporri‘.
4121.11 T W". 00/17111T.
, 111171335 and DJULLTIOS. by t all.
road lila =Ter, of
I.Mes And 'Ard—TULPT Or YET BiEtZLT.
ezrtadW et nr
I . r m ut i;, ll T tp , l . 3 . l.-d or 1,4dre....1
Alt an Oa Wild uddeliveraiprocoUy , tiaN
I '
AS Low Err Nos= RAT, }3l
G.7.44adisty Ittreat of P. h kC. barn,
.11.14:411.101Y CMG
Alethrscitto Cost tnraf thed at the lowa. Met.
lonm I •
00&L! cosmt comun
elselag removed their Orneo id •
AM) 13 Zetnell ...Will:, -
are now ploPssed b feral/At atiodlioqeleloarrell)
Luau,!! All! 001 L OS ICLACIL,
As tte lowest market 1700..
.{Tall orders left St their <ens, or addressee
to theel t ,
k , SPICS the mail, wtll ettendedtal, te
I -•calk
tiornez Wetter and Marian% dirt yard an Lite
arty and Clymer street., Kind+, ward, and oa
banana Meet. ne. Lock 1 , Flirter:rah, Pa.
/art/11es sad dltSl2llb4.ll , r• supplied "Fhb the
lien article of Coal or Cato at tna lowest can
orders le.ft at any of tattle °Cites will reeelte
prompt att. • Lion.
surEulion cosL.
Miners and limper,. of PITTNIOINOH. GAO,
Ifollant.d ELT COAL,. NUT CO5l. and
SLACK. coal glellaend oronantle 0 , 1 pane
Of the elalea,
_ate be lowest manes rain.
(Mee antlTard. learner POUNTIE and VAT.
BON ((omen; Canada BTaistra.
111cGItAW I President
of tttla COMPS kllr lo atf tad, sitati7
Those wishing to .7.11 tbeiroolrfa
.Is, hod Lotto?
T. St.
tro *hi ss
st Its best
Fer ffal $l.. Aekbeny..
Li. LOOM. Jastuaty 1.. (
. . .
for 6alru; nil ileitis; d royal Ui,
I • ,
Two Ellgb Service and Two Low
Service romping Engines,
Paturday, Feb..l6th, 1869.
llr 01Pra Or TUD BOARD
AND lIIIIVATIC EVIL. llilin.-elfavlst
rKel•fel Lettatl ratens for an IrisuvaD
03 , 114 I Ow tow orspand I. rarntill RIO
:1 1 ;1!:1Ve fr % ' :i2 1 1 7 1 .o h r h ' 41111 ' :1 ," 1 , 11 ' .1,t, ' ;! ' "A'
ssne are desirous of patio, In • na•Use or of
ousts. the 11.01 relemd no the 11001:1:
nsrues Isno bass It In use:
James Wag. X. D No. rri nr.:4;
I.• B. tle.V.e /I Co., oonsan,of Townltt and
noltlerlf meets, llllDOennti.
k• Arlnors. X D. t: Want 'ft,' Iltlsbonas e
D. 1.1. lUntslasd st Lnltsbulgh.
kf. •. Versus, 1%1 ecoml ht.. it ttt.burhh.
A D. hialth. ....heal. • '
Z. Ingrhat, ceast!ses los:L.610.
Xr•st to 115e1.4.
31 1,111.1r. 00711 UR.. Nl:nkte.
„DOW: Fourth ...rot 1,1411.r0,
P r i l utTni 4 il i ttrri t rt."
82Thlral Strczti Pitisbargt
OrrICCII.4-11101.782 H ANT; E, 1.1.1 , 1ent.
LlVlNfleir .g. t) Tres.. , r,
D H za. z 7 t o l . a — AUl. B•arin te.ola Atw . B.
Cash P. 14 for Paper titftli.
TO 16110 .1111117.0TUREISF.
• .
esevq.l Os .1a ActinY tatill• Mgt al tl.•
Are ...lone.. to fen). It la any Osmanli
to:hone pronini an inny.
.De inns allot, years , went Inn c i ty we h u t s .. .
rived at Inch "mourn.. am we believe canna
a Patter Arlie. tar pots than any In the mantel,
we baring seen. rrrr stand of Ti.
asthe for each•pet, and so!ening no long at
h and few menthe. We w ilt fnnilli reestipe
for the proportion of the mister. of this Clan to
verso. liarchnlein. deli
Clay. to von. and
moulded la lota for delivery. •
Drifi ILlDtall !'IOW.
Pon Plis Work..
Wasaninfteat.. Pittsbaren. pa.
No. 110 Wood St:, Pittibursb,
:meg e4;21.1; riiV"mts.VAl ztd
I PAO+. LTA drtliu 2 4 ,W.4.2."AZ . ;
2,T146 , grrxag.".a.r. , al
ILligtitf IMILDI2II3 ezetrited la Um
I ' VP ,1 16VcrottiATE. neanallnrt
1 3E'
I a yr0x.......v„..nt.,
- !If
•(I%v aro tic Cutlery.
no "
i n."sl;wrslnsuhr3p*samiv.
Cornsr Ltbeny and Si. 814
De; BILL. lttantleguilturer of
TIAVIN/I pan emcesvo aerie;
Aritt'e?.?e d irgrler4
ibmce alms oa bawl.
loTria nonior Pituunral,
istprtaxtv,az /MD znalattrarie
.12ZA1EV..171*.."'" ""zr•
1•BONILUCI r ". '
tra to r t kho
~., 1...7; Tlintl, ',TAW. 1 / 1 7:113
WT 1.6.
1,. N .,;
‘ l , l . -EarAlAtrz tl a a errs to 3.13 • omo , f4 t e •
' 1 ON BOND AND 32 08T11.6.01,
11;iir e , 31a• lIPIESIPIP2... •
• No. 63612100 M Stmt.
t Boot *mt.. Ilmmltt .01 .le. 161.
, e co. 1.10.1 XL E.C3130.3Eit,
(XV I.°
minim ruts 1113106. AND TILE,
• 6.1111111 HEATHS •
ij • WI! a taieVN 11.11
IT1111 . ,__ "1"6..
011 Ce Villvhoulo, 16V 21161 . 611. T,
6.6116 611..811.1a - rat
I; 1E1: Et; 3-4ICIDIN, '
eater - of We!gilt, •andlileastret,
1 • Ish s isoCsinmrayuCz, _
1 'Betweal Liberty age Yam streca,
: Ord.rixrhm attopel.llll.. avlll.llo
slid.. 004 Kalamai,
tr ?!.. rang
I , 75 •• L0,4171,3'3 trup;
. •• DOI,. do:
I, WO Retried Ir.g.n:„
r ••
• 1 ” noValtraun a LAIII) '
. • 371 sad 17411rtod et t
/multi Wool, one door from Wood. Ploolowe
tAman thud a ?moms woortascot L.
Coe Wlca, Bohol, eyelid Oontleam,•
and gentlaranVilt.atx•cutatzdozoli
• ,••••,....V...n•••• .
WEST -04tommori.- MACHINE
BTONg WOW ' 2(.11.101M1 . Ooroq of
IV .1. Canc.., Al+1011:11:71T. • '
• !PligallVU iLIVATILZ' it
• : Rays. trawl or W . orm., IlbOrt.Wee _
: Butfaickm, 1411irmi
, sirmd.r. promptly axocatod. PHIOI.IIIOI
&RIM. • • • ,
'WiLL rirszei
6eatbriellior a tall stook at atlivad.a. Mark ta e
clamp latent to the One =wapiti Gold PaDa. to
be .all ae IoW setae lovroat to =rte.. gw.i .04
en at • • • • •
, 1 14,r7 111/LEXlSlesTMiSTiselie' lb: ,
AA. Si. Ilittiinlid a - 11111. •
I 1 .
p;',l:l;l6,4A•iitaj:l:4: l -1
. 6i CO.,
mAigur.icructcts •
Bar, Hoop and Sheet : Iron,
Ito 711 st) 11 , alb as, MA, inn s al
• ,
Office, NO* NI Wider Street,
FOP.` 1 7 . 1 71 E .
110114111 i, STILL ilill'i.l l lN4
• '
xcrint Laat. u LI AR, Ti.'dIULAII
rum-max 4 CYLI.NOI.43:=AII 'zouzz.a.
CMIINETN ma:rail/14 AND Am rAllt ,
ISTNAM P/P11.3,Q44‘344T1GUN, AiiDl ON
P 41604 3100.14161 i i, CaiLL
Oak./ ancliVerlcsconlogrS.a.a4. Whitt.
Ettort .al LlbertE OtroNSa.
rittelatergh. ronusylyaniz.
i.:11a.,•....411.• wilt I.
famicm .614 MACK,
dIII , IJ/{;=,112.9 Or
Best Comacn, ttareot
Juni Bloom II - 'on..
rderiHAFT St/LIND & Welt, it LiAnt
floor. lr rod ATltll.le IRO) ,
11011.1'S YLATZ..pod
1101./1111 and MCA rdlt BALE• -
CYLINI)eit srd 0111011) 011111N1i.f.2 1.6+01/!:
”HALL lt , / sad IN lbs. to NUN rldSlt
Win/ UOHT CHAllltd add VI IMF! (07
/LAT HAW% Peinrheel (losanemat.
Warta.. aal 0111 ct at LW, Worts, kiltl , l%.
OUti LI .Yr.. cantlnuatlan of Yl.tzt itreet, 14-
10111 tax the Cltytias Worta,..l•lttac,:t?. aaV.l.
olarce .1(.1,0r1 a. H.
111111. M. BOLE lit CO.
Engine Builders and Plat=lns
ilake ta Martha and Land Meant Mutants
Of all anat. trarrantod to 2170 tattafactiOn.
Ca.Ungy. or every detcrlpttan. tua4a to oldiT
Inlaid :intent. fiort....A. B. BOLL /areas Yo.
rofizt Any,. A Mtn..
Way. VonnOry, :Not.= and SI TLlrd atreet.
rurnonuuen. PA;
pITTIMIIIIGH 87E,E1;7801:11.9
ANDEMON, 000 K dc 00.,
(gliCOZlntlftd TO JOSH!, SOTO &C 0..,
lillildfaatUrCia of tbe best
'list and octagon, Of all atom Ha
noes, Hoe. Port and :MIKA Colt Stcalt Can
Steel ror
iltpllfo AND MOWING 11.10111nte.
• AXLES, 01.14001.41(3.
Cut ad Common Plow At Orrlng Steel
theta—Corocr of TOO and Woo Moe% tw•
bloc La above Om noogaloola Haase.
lEEE •. • l• •
LOU) .111 e rani LS end!rr-Cl3B.
11 1 1774 ' ; ' AIITILiatlitar&ILMW.
ilStrArAd attended to prordOt/T ,
AS harrtao.. the Der. manutrisls will always
r• need at aids nureirr.
darteddisposed or our old 'stoat. era We
C. stnl• AND lu.sOlrltD vette/3m
constructed under supervlstOn
. 1 51
lirmerr, to :varlet NAIL NAOIIINZA .151005 50 ,
[ton. I Dam
Batler Street, Ninth Ward
OretUnTE UV10.117 WO -ILLS.
Liill and Bridge CasUnse,
14111111 BUM A) niti MU,
tlaakfakeiry and Castlagnganagally.
ord,..rirmaptlr andoarondly •xxstsa.
caisracs artalsolfißur.,
. EMIBt7.I-1T
• ! •
; -
- ,
aturin.LClTaltas Or Sn. 'nufzurricrse ar
ga r r i Ml333:ta.
and Warehouse, 120.1
arid and 110!121 VIM SI ree*
frrnatuneil. •
•- •
ANTICS Ira WanaaOtax.
No. 29 Wood Street
itaaa(satala inaalasep aoaraatla ea baaa
Thimsbis, ;Shrift J, Pips Bosse,
Lea 1.110 sueim
wAuompar. uow)w a siz,
'Saul iiattgeltaatiall3, aa)C 74
- - MEM t, :FABER,
I9iarran..l 134n.t . te sa:Jr la W.. NOT
kot. either Lapnrn.l or or D••
Office, Wood Street.
rm./manor. Jun Dia. Wing
• , • 11.A.VORACTOBX4 07 •
Freight • ECciiiitere
AND .DOCTOR mynas.
:aldiss=lptlolA 1.41. to mist
Calmer .2.f tit.% e.m.l Larry Street;
rirreulusoß. PA.
J. piur.rrinn s ()Pie.
kr, nuniket, Tub and Trunk
Iliaaufaitarot of iIt,OPLITio Irrtittlia• •
Illt•rtto. ZI.III/2101, WASH, Wltleittt n n
sit Inadt of HULL. .W WARR; VAR WU ost•
sod all kinds of .11•CRINSMY VABT/tA4l3.cor-
Reat tof WATtON 41.111.1d1b0135 OTAZETO. foot
of Ift• stoott ootonti•lt. rittaborro. V.. - •
1 • u=ntact.r.t - • ;
ibigl4ll.lalierroaall,JcualAita ' a Pau)
,' ' 211 1 ..3:211.078r4 .
~ ./71 •4 4 ,4, 4 not', xn.'...4Ajt.KM
NET. 101119IGNECEA 4 11.
lio btils,iesql Max . rottlosoi
bbisi Ajsidss; • - • .
Ita. pried Apolsai : ' -
[(Liss ;b. o trap; :
• =OM Ms Teats... ['stout.; . ' • •
testes Ilsonbotogh sat lte.tery ChM*
ADO boss. Utuuse /tutu;
N/ Obts Prlst.• Nat3 , l3ssus: ;
• u fibls n r,k'f r '• • • - •
• •30 bbt NUL' , :
'ID gags No.l tarn; ;
it , :4 11 4 /o0 11.010 Nuttc!)...."
111) bushels I.4luke I.;lrrserreSOt
. 13 bbus rup. (Ads,:'
SO 4nts COILS Vlttesto• '
Z 3 7 .••• , t 1 ..1111*77 a asrpta
./411J1111/ 181 E • .• ' , • • • • :
700 • • •
astory do;
.• thusibuji do{
- ICo'cluks Purtath; , ; :
.nlarn Sodi
200 nau. Wblt.e Lime:.
bap.AMU iritoh4
1 1 44 , 4.44 ler
dos • J. a. OaIIII7IILIVA WA.
Jas. Yams; Prean . .W. T.Xobeas., batet.
Sae MOM • . •
Nallsonal Flab Elms and *Oita
' Ilattroatt Car balm Wollea;
Rbilromt Om Salta Haas* mei
lammeate• lemalebi
LecomeMaa limas Slap/a '••
Mae Wale;
Team: Stampti
Fitton Heads . , rar,
Steamboat Intttas
Steamboat Irmaks; 1 - . 1 • '
Piston Sods, ;*.;
Funs. Jabot, Vollare• itte 4 .)
Omcz, No. 17? PENN' §43., Err,
. PITTSBOItott. Fe s
P - 21- 21 1-0 "tyVoIiECEI4,
CMMCC' Carroll and firuNallsamni
Meech Nintb Walt%
O'FITT.. , Z3IIrAG Et I ItA.
, •
Cast iron Bowl , Myra,
FOR GAR_AND wive 'k
Lll' . f4;wrsV.l.Wit,.r,M I
meat or
;EMIL f l ECB 1.0!B IW .
I +mad erth WI the arteetion et erleurea
eats of Vas Werth teeth ruts of rire.
NEW 1111111WIRB iOllBll.
Lindsay, Sterrit &?inwer,
flonnfautirers Impoxten of
CUTLERY, ace.;
One Nunn) Below traln Depot,
ihr A...L. for WMILEAN JEW 43 ALB/11.
stAarGYACTD - M.,
11111.0. AWAY. ULICVLII4
iLIar?LC LnD 01011-47.17710
cast Spring Assn
Case asp Gorman Pitt' w Mee),
mow MMUS LIED turrals DABIL
51 8111 • Ve1ia1fiL. ° 14.17.1. 1 .1. '1 .
Warehouse, 1312 Water Ski P~leer'gp.
.1834 .
Math Ward, Pitts4M,
T110Z369 S. EICILLEEY lerestileint;
nese Worbe are amens the lellaset sad teat
Complete eatabllebskent ma Wale sae as.
Bow prep.ree Cara/ta • •
• %I' Let:moot Everyl3.llctiptlex,
Mlle* Oil Tante, I . 1 ;
sheet Iran Wort,
Vslicoad Cazilngo,
' Soiling 34111 Cieltgo, Vj ,
ElWait Cottage,
14ae4the Cam
[antra Cut Lop.
53 and d 6 Water ktreet, -
corral: wrz
" io N a e l ; x !r i. oisa
• - for ll.E•asainau.
Carson St., Ittb Ward,u4 LLB. It.
,uxrn,TuLl off;
Hammer Dies. SteaL Moult*
Len ED oi Castiownlly,
ineusa. • 341
mom cr. Deavo..-......cluniti norumrs,T.
.1)11111 &DONULL
Jobbing and, Itachtneri-Distings,
- - -
w . h . T. o7 2e= cage 41.1:11 . =
..en parPooe , , made to GM., 4 .
011914)%250LiberW ,
-seer= 14461.i7 of 1041ta1dbil4 •
stassolt..ais.a. sAa . .sztv...ns. IMAM
(y11 . .411UL BOILER
Ileum- Bonen, BUIL% Arlatars.
Tants. Salt Mu. Gsairdatars.
Aronant Iron
ellto•t Iron Worts
PlTranViitair;.l none Ireln
Iron and Steel Werke.
comma ' Emig * 00.,
IiMIP/ATltraViSr/V .
Iron, 15 a Ils,BptimsoSileOleel,
No. oT IRATki
L. arAidarr-..W. L r drama
• : lerratherral tarry awrOArd...
Ce4k, aniSteatlizg" ,fiteveii;
Among Wider "metre era) ba44
TIMM red' TALlSALLNlaorritorrar_arr
((MIA . VETIMAII uul imulreLDLl (Warr
Ural oterw.ll. aranisaurnr - • .
warns, aLITE
Ulla and Wareiroure. lamer lid Broom
Word ancts, Illadarrtr. latiMar Prartuf
yruv s..
AKED K. znicez—..........XDIKKKI . D. IMMO.
JADE," az. annul a Sox, •
Mean Boilers, 011 80111 hal;
Sine* 11roti Works irate.
6 / P° 2 s ag•S,SOCIPOz'
- Ain Reim woxitti!,
011 *1 4 : , *• 4 " 1- 1 11 ire.,.
BOLLSAN 1101114 UGH"
Chill Bell. lan Cowan". Noiil Lulu a
THOS.:; `p ' _
• .•
_M r -14 4:
ratwhmerrakehig ""'
... Nf'.. .v.... o-~ _. _._
ptrristrosia ABDCONNELLS
Oa and 1 . . . ale 13IINDAY. (Tanner Intlt”C.
tralas Ma Dora,. matt or Nit
!Mt Was. meats. an lOU,.
KIM le 00:0 frau 11Aleat 4 a.7:01 A. IL 4:OAr. i.
Ilaseesport Aecalaodat . A.ll: l lo Y. 1:031.. N.
far. sr ant fro A rliollt . a. 3•00 r. Y. 10,1/
3 . 010 . 104 .000:14:000.1.141. 4:10, N. 4:481,11•
We.. 144.20. Abrolrod••., &lir. W. 01r 0 A. i.
A 41 . , 0 4 vegAteAport.l.o:4l r. CAC al.
atm day Chareliltsist to .0
from 11" rat Nowtort 1000 x. Y. 1004.1 A. 00.
7 1: r7 t a k ro ets u -4 7 4114 1 ;44et. "'' . '4; : At'. • 1:41.
, • , . _ .. _ ....
• ,
Rstenalug TA:rough t• IV eeteuge Oily.
VeaneeUns: with Tvelhs East and Wait w it h
Rostra the ethnkith liallneut : he. with the
eteuttle the West wetttle httliway, . ' .
. iota J.rturr. um,
ms P.ue i
at Me ritt.c,h .I.fer ' g I
...Ca, as io!lvprir.
Depart. Arrive.
111.1110i0.1 eroll Vet. City. t . . 1) o. 13:10 A.
Expel. •• ' •• •• 5.45 r.
Er.,11 . • Be n ) :4 , P. Y. It my A. Y.
' , pa • Wry • .•: a A. I; • • -•
t • L.
Ilo)to•? n e•,na•ur.daslon
eandel 4.41141C11 Vrolrta •
114 ••• " • 4 ' .. g vIS: A. Y.
e,turrict. - , IA • 'ittitturgtl/44 112
21.1'g at 2.01 a Work.. 11 . . •
1868.E1M.)x" 1868:
FITT•Vdt!HtI V V — . 'E. • L I
ipm„ tre1.7....•111 leave
Port.tadorr,e s; tot Lb lid.
rlt.s.bugh. eat
Lz.,•,. I As .-.
De l = l" .l
x.d. a ;Ai
C 1.41 Why. I'l. 6:2.1.1t =,libr.r.4• 1 , 7 - 1%11.'8 In
Cbles.zo C: , a 91:15,r , mr . ..i . .c.,. l!!!11)
• r' ; '..l - .; , •,-;!... , 111:;1;;',
011, 7 We s "C ° 3q3 p7: Cd Dm
V,u'..NrlVre.r. ; aap a
..c.1.141a • .•
.• ..• I.l:ti • sr. IWer.:•.•11.1 •• p a
kLect...r. . ,tl/1 • if.
p 51 , 1! lo
~,,„.,440.,d.t 5=
Lret...,151a •' 101 a I •
./i1 . 4r:1•
r te.
nuseuro., c.rr;T:l7l 3.
PAN .ii.ANDIS RA)l3 . e..
fitta.Ntir OF T0g..7:.-02 si.e. altar ISIJNIALX.
Month, Pan /estra and 41dtall
Union ref.', La tellowe, IV:Waugh t
nSI ime:
' • Darn , TZ.
Not Everaes---...—.. Ms., it. o
Ina Line 1.40 a. a. tasr.a.
rot /aorta 'SS n• are
!Med ta ay • dO, w. n:5O P. X.
Asa. f,o. 1,11: . 0.10 la U.
dteabenenla Addend` I.{ Si P. al. ^:O ate
Ideltoratel'a not. h ta. Ent A. U.
.alea r
SSIP 1.3,Citrz..0.4; G.a./ A. 21 .
st nosy. ar.
late PAO rare /.17112 7 51V17: ea row ? Ole .
Hood. aleatetod. 1..1,00 I a elnalonati et 9:1
the tetra. cleat:, 0 tl , lllOf 04.NC1
eluszge of dri •atro, Int fetarl . h
elnellanattl and bat. 05 alatithaa da. 011 a•
a/AlO. and tan rthelf t. Leta II ven.acti out]. .
not. . .
"Wt.ta Tie Lt
er:s of t^n,
• Caton Depot, (k.batit,"ll,..!,o Itg.nll
prmsmiLvAlvi.4 e.Jari:rlzza..- .
C . :. i1.17 , M . •
. - . ' tr&l. - :1 - .r.. a
Om lad ahat UCTOII.EIt ilt,i, ,17. intim" will
antra .14 dam., ticiarat 1.7r.1an ,i-.-t;.l,varastl:
at Wtahtagtaa hail Li haxl., , :Ili .. ea to Lim..
- - AsileT.r.
hail ' , hilt...-. lA* - ...i lA, - I,ipi-i.. 11;73. ill;
r....1Lir..-.21;i , ..ri.. , ...-1 , 4:: .
......,..;:,, ,,, -.... , .-:,.--i..40---v , 4...
° VG . ' a li t
L. , a n
. 2 4 oir , I
„. 1....... ,
.. t
~: S.'' , i tr - :
l '• •
.1.a . 1 a i:a li :, ,, V
../ li:a .- ::: . 1_t E . .. , ; la . :
a n
hatur.inm ale.hill ii. ra .li.L^iVaint' An. ti tip a
Viiif , a 4 S ' o ' .V. l,l MI i ) , * i': ' , ' f,t 4 .
:: : -TI P
Wallis No. 1.,. ha:, ..-',Wa2...a he. ia... cop ni
Ziii:". NO,I i:. i';;Y Pt, a . t * L. ' ; ' ,.. " 2l! ' .; . ;.-:: :acrE r a ls
Alluvia At.... 1., alai, Va.. ' .
IkaidYnilittaat . ,
s , ' e.,-_'• . O. i. i.i
- Tin Cilatch ital. /ea le il sitiaY•iatioli shill
Intaday 1.11;15 ajal., raca.ll.::: - rimcscp ..11:42._
S. N. tactaminfletvea lilitel.a rata ci. i ahltia 91;
.1.1 arriva at l'• sil•a - di,lt:c... I, i'..; 0 11....
ocateigunti zz.p,...a 1.702 hlih OLDSa
tral. d...1,u.r.c.,,...1.,:.;
1.1;1,aelpt.:1;• tce.7a. Apto;am
uvmtat!ort t allr. lw
• nallart . :lr
111=cr Cr.l.lao da, - ; r
Par zurst:
- ei n
'Ma Ptcn•ylv..z.a Ri f ts.l, emia w
ma r :Arca .1.113.” :34.7.1c5,e2 , 41.4.
will Ile , . ct , e n r 11
U" . r 4.47
SJI.Ass. I a.
tothe rause:nor ou 7 -- • •
rr...^17.V2:1• I:et:rd.rl Will =TIT
at aro: deport from' tor ;Feet. , lit:rtt-lrepOt
C.t7, . re;!,,,t,;
• StlaraYll. .; .2.1"..0...:97. •
Etsrpeb•grio 1 ..131..e.!re5t!.-.....-:: elm/.1111
ITeepart No. I R:l:4.ll.lFrorpor:No.l9SClA.ll.
Taortuu •.; : 11VM Ault
rtart&i: No true- 1.50 P.M
free:sort No.l 4 , 13 lursocse, 3:35e.12
tl "U ar.erro•rere ' 7 ' ..3 ' Or ' . ' ll . .lll " .;- ' - 7.' N '' '•: " . " `fT sC T ."
Aboveuatosnmounr...47Ato:cere '
Thu 4T.ltlral Thdr. :rater Alloutuar Joduld.
er l
ury5..!".. , 5•v ft ?AO?, tl ve t rOverace Alleeteelr
at ;ISS 2. IS. • •
torrq.7.:„.:ll3 . tt ' e T a. - aViTI
foot fitly en ite until MM.
e ' 4l . ll7e r. l= ' ;i.Ue
.611,S dire, rrtypor. +nut
Welter's 1.1...0 el 11.:440 - for
'I P•= "" . T •
lute., no •to ocrodautelt •
07,e. V, Cl,l, ::ree., th.rprostitel
llttneo.ettreboruh,•ns t at :ha I.)o;.:...lLUeel:be
te G r &alter Inleralelt i nt trilly
• [ . k.rcill ' itautfl7c• L' ol.
The euttra rednurl gr.lirouel yell Rae
truant tap tilt Cu: ltueretr; execrl. far W.,*
iV. A MLIII43t,
Amu.. I la me10i...111 te
.10 of the vetoer. onto.. tate. Itnirlai eon.
• ' 'ND Are....alt. VplLLtAgo
Ore • elcorral Bur,. .A.ltar4Sir 11.
To ram .
toitilellon of th • Allegheny Yrey
110 ead,,: •
0. im4 nn 110N1141". De...t.ct Um
, rtle. i.xt tntt rout will fun thranh to lresSate
The4danu Express Company,
(actinic,' oh' hal•ttry'r
. 1 titei:'l,lll
b ltTAltlV4 4 lrUNT2C.;etrtilt?. M I A
Btlob be.
Flttiburgh awl the OR Ite•lotta. lit•sime
eor•ht••• tett. catty ri r : 011 CU; 4
naltrerll76 te
YOr litarticulles t Into • et.
isciatmas 11.0titg,zial Gut Dans th
• 001.09.11Z•0, . NEV/11 ,
asusurmi weiAlizaturosr.
- Two trains leaver Li a* and Lorrenvottlo
dao7. CEnadaye anttolgtd,) on the antral Of
tralna of Eselio Railroad from It. Lanli, sad
lianalbil and `R. Jo 12OUrood fro= Unloor, con.
neettni as tavrionce, Topota and ',7asede RIM
Blues tor MI rolotr to &nova. • Atoodoltita
wool ot SUaarorsb olAb elm UNITED BEILTZII
=PEERS oußriza , a DAILY. 'turn Of
ovanutarD xalb 0010 E
loOlnrltti wsacor.rwor,,e 261-17- 2 .1 LS LIAM
MAW= 01 - 1 - .l' Union, trot's. Fort.
Unto Vv. and at v0N.1.1 ill
- and Nom. tottio.:
With to t rev.% rol!ln't VtOeleknt
onAt tan otanAttonts.o4o *lib no
nonelbte Overtone!' Tivnvirtrtsitt.n Itoa
tea vreetenitettalonv, Itts Tor.d tJS oatere
grualtdlia6iWASO7 tit Oiramtsrionitatilelat
`7lr.trets for We it tit ,t;rlv.Vivol 64.4.1111
V. welted Motesead Ponsdow
Be save nee AS* :Olt
• T14XX213 ne„xius
3110 MT MIA. ittatir., 17N wx t ursci
11111.7.1. T..
A; Amyx:risen,
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0.11,ra rcryninkudira
13. rt. rEldr, ,
ritum rree.t. std Tlcket ht•t,tl
Smix x4a.s.tin min -
LIVE;IPP.3I.I. otttnamlif
c••_ • • ,
TEE • 1172/44ai• iaNk;
!Niro!. Yr.vrtnr . sivoliturr-evVrWT.I3-
tran - r= ' tiAsaVekoi " O V. 1 41t 4
!:# 6 )l :cat. rs 4 ,,,ia .
tmarttal . : •
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MAlrern lestaftlit.
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err , iiritdea:`
-nuritaa wit!'