0 ttmis rGaiitte (411 AND SWUM/. THE COURTS. *hated States tub? rt—Judge ■et)ea4 C=l FILIDAT, 'February 7.—The case of the Malted States a. Michael 'Thicken, in . rlicted for illicit brewing, occupied the lathe session without being concluded. Diatribell IDeart-Jaag• =.:01, February 7.—ln clews or J. o.nem & Co. vs. the Pittaburgb ISlMngs :Baalc,-the Jary had not agreed aim art upon a verdict at adjournment . I PNrosa CB. Company U. Jas. Benny, Jr. Amigo on a promMeory note. Vet dint in favor of pianatitre for 5:046. Alatun A..-tone—Judge Itarreon Fitmkr, February ease cf thi, Comm: nwonlth vs. Any Hoosier. Indic= antutlissoco—malntainingabnne bolting, - entabllnlment In tile Seventh ward, dllenheny—ocoupled %the nntiro nualon without being concluded. TW.I3- ty4light notun.n, vo.rn nowt toed on tho put of the Commonwealth. The defense Ms not yet elos.l. - -• • ----- Common! Plests—lnflge Mellen. 'FRIDAY. Sob. 7.—ln tho use of Cole man- vs. Executors of E. IfcCowin, , deceased, the jury form a' verdict for plaintiff for $1,71A.80.: . ETODMII, Preston k Covs. Pittsburgh sod, Connellevillo' FUJI ad Compan y. tl . The plaintifnare prnprie mot the Penn sylvania Rolling 11,11, n Second street, .in th e Eighth ,Ward, and seek , o recover : damages from the Rai l d Company, i . whose tneck'pa.wile along the base of the hill•overloOking end cl to the rolling toll- The damages aro 'lowest to have — been canned by masses iof rock and earth sliding down from the hill side, re . gulling. from cerelessuesa, negligence or neglect of duty in properly constructing tbe railroad. On trial. .• - 7. Beat Lists The following deeds were left in the -Beeorder's °Oleo, Feb. 6th 1868: A • William Jackman to Elizabeth/8. Battik • &Opt 24th 1367, a lot: of ground In Ohio township, containing 5 acres and /34_parches 83,000 John Taggart to James Reno, Aug- 13th, 1987, part of lot 253 on Fremont street, - Second ward, Allegheny , 40 by 139 feet gt. 030 George Ogden to Robert hicEldowney, Feb. 4th 1868, lot 32 In Arthufe plan of lot' in the Seventh ward, fronting on Axthurs street IS feet and extending , heck 144 feet . Peter Peterson to .Tohn Bradley, April - • . Bth 1807, a lot on Belfontain Street. Lawrenceville, 23 by 100 fee $560 'Joseph. M. Gineam trumeo to Bran", ..Clow, Baleen .t Co., Sent. 7th 11857, lots Nos. 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106 in •1. E. A. Gazzam's plan of lots in PAL I toienallif, , fronting on Canton street 120 feet, and extending back 100 feet ...... ... . . . ..sl,toO Margaret Molloy to AllexanderMolloy, • May Litt 1887, a lm an Bedford strive, • • Sixth ward Pittsburgh, 26 by 100 feet... .... • Adolph Rosemund to .Williard Feb. sth 1568, slot in Collins township, frontmg on Stanton "treat 25 Pet, and extending back 100 feet to a Orates feet •• a/ley. . . .............. . Benjamin Hall ...... 13.. . Been, Jan ', nary, 1588, 'lot on Bingham 'trivet. • Smith Pittsburgh. 20 be 100 feet..sl,osu John Wright to William J: Warden, Sep tember sth, 1857, lots N 0.4, 5,8 and 7, In Wright*" plan of lots in Pitt town ' ' ahlp,..fmnting ou 'Bedford street9B feet and extending back 107 feet BC , Alezander Warden to William J. War -den, August 25, 1862, lot No. 14 in -.-Wnght'splau on totc. 24 by 107 tect..sloo Patrick Coegrave to William J. Warden, Feb, nary 10,1867. lot No. 16 In plan of lots laid out by-Bishop O'Connor its • . Lawrentwville, wonting. on St. Mary's 6.` Avenue 24 feet anti nvtancting back ..' 110 feet sooq De Witt C. Bidwell to Mary Ann Bailer, Sept: /8, 11937 lot In Mt. Witattingtoil, • fronting on 20nley avenue 50 feet and extending back 190 feet $B5O =1 =I Cotoliown, , Febroary 7.—The SOOtelj of the Army of the Cumberland, after brief session this morning, visited, by 113.Vi011ti0O, the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, where they ' were heartily. received. The afternoon an open meet ing of the Society was held at Heart Hall; which was splendidly decorated for the oreavlon, and was densely crowded. 'major General R. W. John son delivered an oration relative to thr history of the Arniy of the Cumber land. Generals Shertuan, Thomas, Coo. Gross, Ntl7lch , and others made abort speecbes. Paris lady with an Italian - title, who MOTES tnt h e drat society, owes ail bar good fortune town accidental tumble late a pit. - The story 11.4 romantic, if net creditable. Some years ago a French 'nobleman. hunting in the forests of Brittany, fell into one of the pita used for et ring winter vegetables. Unable to get 'out, he remained there until a band of peatams approached, to whom be appealed toramistance, They regal, ed thathe should drat band out his vein . *bleb, and while he wee complying with T this - outrageous demand, a young girl, leaning forwatoi to take something from Ma band, fell into his arms. Ile .hel.l bar as a hostage, but the, peasants Zed. finding themselves outwitted. The Marquis end hitt companion spent three ..-damtho the pit before mundane, reached there, in which time he discovered the, .the girl was pretty, intelligent and agreeable, . and whim released ha took beam. Parts, educated her and ed ,deith deft her a millionaire. —An English mechanic, named Elar boy, is said. to have solved - a problem, which Ilea no long faded the. efforts of engineers and sciectifi f mem, in dhieor ening, a certain means of. detectiog the alteration in the texture of iron, or graekv, or m itinte-defects, nvisible to the sys; which hare been a fruitful cause _Ol the brealdeg of railway axles and other machinery. - kfr. Sarloy, it is said, ha , , tumid that when an iron bar is Immo a, the tnagnetio needle will not V. l stl i denly displaced from its position en being slowly-moved to and Into in direction perpendicular to the magnetic Meriden, of the locality, but U there be ir. the bar any numonnd allex, a fault or new, the .6W-wino' of the needle will bOCOMeI .TEiry it:III.DM) so it P 11.114 are r these defectlro points. In view of the less oflife and property :reeulthilf fro lima tithe iron work of machinery. the dt•Covery of ouch • teat of iron must prove of great vain,. ... —A Paris journal catalognos the beau thisfelthe Princess de Sletiartiteh:--.eyei which have the nwoetneas of A. German nestle; teeth of brightest mama!; a fore 'head menorah and clear seen infant's; high and *ideas that of atbinker; and &bush'. tent silky brown hair:' the form' of heed es Greek as that of the Venus of Milo; hef coo like a pink shell: tbe.heantiful All of bee snout& re, the eaqujel,• form of her arm. the long, arLtocrailo hands, and the narrow" ' dainty foot. Be 'rho dreamed . in blue, red or; yellow; be abe ,coiffet with - her tonne one her eyes, or with a sereentdayillearap asaheappear ed one day at the 'Paged ps—she is and remains a 'rinee , n"' • —me Republicans at Columba.. herd a • glarions meeting Wednesday night to Inteicharnis congratulations over the cheering soften in the. Eighth DistrieL Judge Thrall prodded, and notches , wars mad* hi Lien*. Gov, Let; a t onal Potts,loentral Kistler. Ron. G. W. Rob , Limon, General lachnsidec.lifon. Samuel Galloway and Ron:E. E. Wiafte. olntlan of sympathy with with Hon. elannuel Shellabarv.er, and requesting - ham not to return to public duties until Italy restored to health, was passed, and another renewing the nomination by the - `Columbus Union Club of Gee. Grant for the Presidency, . -41.7 slab and faasloatlng Zetancky widoWwas wood by .two salamis. an* formerly belbsiging. to :Ia national and the ottur the robot army. She gully ealselculed to tato the rebel-Aral arranged that tbernarriage should take place attha Leaterille This: wee Tarr agreeable to +be rain' vlinsak. with plekad a ilea with hit raeoesatta And challenged barn to a data.. Tba :Con (edemas colonel bad twedaugbters by a former wife, who did 'tsar want attar. to marry *gabs, and linally par anadad the wldrrw to gins bl tip anti tlate.ths loyal assn. She did w, and tits riot O'r.m. rred at Fayotterille, Lin wan counts Tennessee, lam Monday .r. -tension, la - stink from four o'clock until r. dark, and cauedrig great'encitement. A VAl=man named f'amphilte was killed istol shot, sad a number orotteers wounded, some with knives and otkers - with stones ..Tbs riot Was caused by a dnustenTellow riding into a crowd and saying he coul4 whip say 'parson la it. --Tha .I:h.aware and. Lackawanna ltaltrcad Company have bearf.losing „Slily tens of coal per neatly and wishing .twknow what became of it,,set watch, Whiebrasulted in the arrnil of r per . mak the guilty. parties at el . - dill Hanapson Jmactlon 24'. J. • - - Jacob C. Malinc,late of Cliamisidgn . eanatzty. Ohio, was arrested at Baltimore "en Thu:trader, On a requisition from tha eirvernor of Ohio, on a ,charge of rape. andetna taken In charge an onion. from .C.lncinnatl and conveyed to that Onntract for building the Marine -.:Mespital to be erected on the northwes , tern outskirts or this city. has , bees let . -to - Wilson King, Esq.; - and other parties. ling .11 now . Inspecting , various :Patine hospitals so as tO both' Watt* en. • &bled to determine npon the pian.—Erie Seceral" german paper* thick it mdber'strangeand =becoming In:the 'Anagricimeonsul asSobworin gedaiso burg) to solicit patronage by -.Jedractise imam resrmb4gibbie ofinakirry quack. • .:,.5.:', - :::'„: , :,' ,, •,,%'.i: . ',...'...:;:'1t ',4Xt--4.Z''::,1•71iiiz.,,,:,,Z::‘,.4. CITY ITEMS - . Pain . paint awes Simians. - Pain Paw:cares _Chilblains. Pah2 Paint leaves no artaln. Pain Pantie harmless. • Pain Paint is certain. Pain Paint is quick. Pain Paint endorsed by 31. Pain Paint mitt everebod.r. Pain Paint eons old Ulcers. • . Pain Paint cures fresh wounds. Pain Paint cures Bra iaos. Pain Paint cures broken Ribs. - Pain Paint cures frozen Feet, • Pain Paint ruins all Lininients. Come and tort pain Paint free of cost, at 8211 Arch street, Philadelphia, in the drag store. The crowd is tug: come early. impOrgollit SsloAlare Ck 4060 for lo- Thin day, (Saturday), February nth, at 3tVykw.k tha premises, will be sold that very handsome,and elegant residence of James P. Tanner, Esq., corner of Cliff, Gum and Bedford streets. The lot has a front of 75 feet, by 2.4) feet In depth, enclosed bye brick' well and covered with ornamental trees and shrubbery. The building' in a three-, story brick (anitation of stone) dwelling hone* of 16 commodious rooms, with tire and burglar proof iron vault in dining room. This property is the finest ono most valuable over offered at pnblle vale in this city, and it i• well worth thn n attention of those desiring to per erMal ea first-class pkoperty, or for a car. 7 itallet seeking investment. 'This is in deed a rare chance to secure a great, her. gain. Do not fall to attend the sale. See auction advertisement of Smithson, Vs* hook and McClelland. Wive Yon Cough T . Have you Sore Throat? Have you He norrhage of the Lunge? Have you Croup or Hives? Hare you Bronchitis? Bare you CODIIIIMpt lon ? have you Asthma. Hays you Pains In your Breast or Side! Have you Hattie Fever? Have you Whom:bag Conch? Hays yen Pleurisy. Paine? Os your Breathing Obstrueted A/ams you any Pulmonary Afircrieu It you hays any of the dbeasta enum erated above, Dr. Keyser's Pectoral is sure cure In the early stages, and a relic' In the hit stages. Dr. Keyser boa mind bad cams of lung dom.se with bin Pet tors' alone. - Prepared and mold at 14' Wood street. Dr. Reyser's Resident Consulting cum', for Lung examinations and the trsist ment of obstinate Cibronto Dieaases, Nn. 120 Penn street from 9 A. M. until 4 P.:l. =l=2 The question. "where shall I pur chase?" is one of vast importance to tin. ciommunity, and should be carefully studied before It is answered. To-deter mine whereto make yeurpurebaseil, Toe should first ascertain where y6u na ge: the best article for Tour money, or Is, other words where the treat article c6i. be had for - the least money, and when ever yon have done +hat the question i.. answered..' Snodgrass 3, Bee. at -N. 24.16 L. Clair street, dealers in bc:cits, shoe and vacs, are selling as cheap as tin cheapest • quality of goods which In un surpassed in this or any othermarket, ti the pnrcluwer will readily ascertain lc, a visit to their establishment. Their stock, comprises a full assortment 0 , everything usually kept in a first etas shoo horns, and the salesmen arc gentle manly and obliging. - . The Celan...nisi Saloon. Neither the extreme cold weather !Poi. the dull tlareishave the al ightest effect eti' business at the Continental Saloon. Mr. Holtzheinser, the gentlemanly' pro prietor, ts signal to every emergency, and no matter what the state of the weather, or condition of the:l:markets, he al were keeps his establishment supplied will. the best the season offers. This fact 1, apparent to all Who call at the C,ontiner- tal. on Firth street, next door to the Poll oillee. Mr. Holtzheimer's corps of nt- 1 tendanta eta gentlemanly and eCacient:l and 'Aways attentive to the wants of cn. tamers. And In addition the high st,Vb of art in which viands ere prepared r. , this establishment, the saloon and its ni partments are kept in a most perfect state of neatness. I == Pnringthe incenit cold weather the gas and water plpea throughout the ••Ity has, become generally disarranged, and n vas: amount, of repairs will be necessary set them to righisi again, and in arias instances thework to be done is of auch complicated =fin?* that none but most experienced workmen will be adc pule to the task. In this connection is, will take occasion to refer ant of en, readers , having work—to do of gild car r seer to T. T. llwens Plumber and G., Fitter, No. 168 Woodatreet. • Mr. Ewen employs a corps of competent workmen. and yam in M.swork noise but the scrs beet. material, so that all needing Ivor; his - line will find it to their advsntag , to give him a call. - • ==l In theme times of high prices It Is Important matter to those who desire h , be erionomical to know where to pm ChaMO Me beat article for the trait money. To those in need of boots ter: shoes. we would remmmend the or- Lablishatent of Stewart Dairen, :No. G 7 Centre Avenue, manufacturer and denies in boots and shoes. Ile pays particuln r attention to the manufacturing branch , - the business, and biting experienc,i, having the. bait. material, and nog. bat the most competent workmen, err.- sequel:l4y his work always renders with faction: Itte Pah' Lic will find at 112 'Federal St., Alter heny city. Canned Fruit. and Veg etablee as cheap se at any house in either city; also, all kinds' of - Picklee, Sauce-. Cataups, Prepared Cocoa 'Nut for Pia.. eftudensed Milk, Jelltea, Peach as Quince Jame, Spiced Salmon, fined Bor.. dean Prunee,..bortdma Layer Retell:it. Citron, Pe:mono; Chocolatee, Seems, Corn Starch, Arrow Root; Gel's tine . Exteacts, Virgin Oil of Aix, tiara Ono Cream Tton Bona, Cream Candle', etc.; 4c GEORGIE BYLVEIf. Its3C-iWul The Best end original-Tonic of Iron, Pliriaphorus, and Callaoya„ known e. unman, Metk *Co:* Ferro Phosphors led Nitric el Callsayaßork, Tim Iron restores color to the blood, the, Plinoploo. .roe renew. mode of the nerve dant. and the Collates give+ a. INUOXII health ful tone to the digestive orgint' thereby curing dyspepsia in to vorl us Wakefulnew, Wawa] Debility, and Do preaaion of Spirits. Manufactured onto by Caswell, Natant. ec Co., New Teri. Bold Dy all druggist+. ' +Nowt'', • Geed Geode at Gad - Pritese—llssin marked down my goods to gold price 4 Ig will: bell my entire stock of boots awl shoe. °lshii - bads for gen ta,latites. and boy* at prices lower than, they sot.t been sold mince the war. I warrant al: my- goodiq' Wiring, been selected 'wtt34 great care, and from knit class bones. Parties - purchasing can depend on get• Ling a good, article. Call and' ezamiw• before purchastogelsewhere. No trouble to show goods. • Jssess Rona, • • /39 Market street, eet lest skated 'Wee at l'lttock'a Damaged Goofs-- Birdie Eye Crash, ¬ch Huck roweling, • . • fleeetine Tbweegeocis are slightly wet only, and will. be meld- at wet bargains, at gar- Vaieetlaes, s lot; at F.lllOOOl. Palst.w—Tbe special hi:Torte tlon of real point hese-00013 junt opencl by !Sacrum et Carliala should . be wen ny every_ lady WhO paooion for fiTilf lame For elegance, style and beauty of design they excel anything ever apen ed is Pittsburgh. - The price to not tlic least stir:active feature, tieing extremely low. 2d. Elltkaaa , a *arta at Pitt:oak's. To Wbolossis itspersoi Dry Goods ire sty offering spacial - Inducements—job lota from the Eastern Auction Sales-- Shawls, Dress Goods, -Hon keeping *Goods, Mena'- Wear, Shootings, Sot*. ings, Prints, &e. t- . - - •- - 59 Aforicct stroct. -iftwi:mopic.Numrs at Plltack's. J *lmlay ant Cleves, soma late clesiag •ai t alightly soiled, at Barter's Throat Anettioatcooneutoptlon,ehrofl. ic catarrh of the bead, dttel4 l as et Use eye and ear, enetwerfally treated I,y Atone, 134 Banthfleld street. tenee Lours from St. A. u. to_ 4 r . Diaries, Diarlas, at l'lttoeVe Dry Veal. at Illatitaht—We aro nr laring bargains from a full stock. 3fany goods 41c" thin W e ir. Pri r Its rkf,t street. Drees Goods ,most unusual baripans, at Baker's.. 'octal par; at PlUack'a. limas, sad Lit Is Antibes, at hustles. —This day', at T o'clook; the , property 67 Webster street wialsepsrsraptority sold by A. Lemma, Andi p tieer. iv '2O by 110. 'geese is brick, of Beres rooms, Marlirt!,Gold Plum, at Fit.lnk* tali ibd;Ezancastbe large and anm -4MAJIiar.S.. of Ladles' razz, at. William • Inandafekr lo . l . 39 Waod stre?‘ • BessOm of the . Crook, at Pittoek's. Ragalas inLadles' Fms, Wfithini Flemings, Ito. 1M Wood atmeL tf Alassisea at Pitta 4. , - PILL. 1 -.'::...1.1k2 - ..43tTrZ, EILAIrit iND BROKE, 118 'Sod n4ar comer of Fifib. foorcrnEactlC !"rities„ • Ongupons ,r 6,1, itLeral Dr.t& .014 ts, rrlat, al ~:et of tnvonc. 1 1 1031.432 , 1"1 1 R.14 4DV GOTkiiiiKENT, SECIIIIMES eta rtai:za :.• 1 . 1:07.5 1.,1 , nine 'MEIJI TO IOva: Twezty Per Cent. yr, 11.::7,,.. , 1 lu io 1 i ' J.C.ll.e. H. P. Firit Dlortgzge Bonds. .1.V.f..2..T.T BRADY:a CO., , , wlsiw, 6 rwcunc itwasowo, , sraler Fourth dt Wo.ll •trma. IFINA.IqC , E TRADE 1'77.01 or Tux Itarrebousu Baxala, FAMAT, rebfo•7l . T, 11.171. f':!d, under raablogloo ' didOetdbed llnetu ated foal lb e epentrt t 0.141%. but I. , zet rtrcLc at Itlialt2. The ,sneettlattrn lacerlona era Iserrattcd, vet 111110 0020- lEler eaprottord in a rile of any extant (art!. taiicnte.tre OracLuncten Weis coolies most. prntr.tstler II taxers, corned (Or Ito 020 pogo or.garnenng the Idled 0 gold, bonds and sleeks. Tae rarer: Of orectO at preeeat, ex. to amat) 0.40011.. is .4.trpria4ig.alna. exchange atoll Oetnt the .tanning p.tht 01 .P.ll. • (bort bane. ars dull and luwar, and It pretlltud - rtre It net'llkely to cosmic, the !tic r post of the dammed for ear reooo:ok: la the ba:o sad Wear la laq:rearing, and Lb I d oet 8.1.00070) 00 the artaletat4 cala rtll dreeb 7 an-ae4ce. Th 2 bona naaiket 1e kept up . ,trtttlo:ady by the large deralars,44 Order to ;banner ortruar coca on band .4 be able to tbrou - out. optiood, TLo atodt omliet to Ames bud htikar, but tzstacctt,ra sro :united; the 4oelbao was laid. Malt to atlmulato tow parettsaan. d Pans sotterveztlent to !tho Phlladalpbla Balkan..;.:' It to desirable, I tattia, last 1 •oqula mentl , n that 'On or latter. dad al/Idlers Plvd L.ed endeastati.4to play sr r.va oet, up oor bat:tars sad mu. sztempt I. to pools 'totted bills rutee• no to be Gra "en by the 2Loglo Auotrtan Hai le 01 %%eon, upon 0174. atilt. a Co.. •LoyOuti, pa; able uoe Hasa Parpagattss. data tee, One 01 thus Lids, sad it ate admit. atnis strustettelt•d. It ass attempted to palmed sLupo.a bluets. Mutton a Oa, ist ttate 414, who air taste .400144 pdsaulag thalargar. Let Panty" saa mu; a bastnells Norms 0 Ina of Meg.: nee tried Webb:it et mom of !cur . Patina rah Canine; it Irani.. .althorn! of pleat, woo belie quiet Luang with the elieetures of 'the Lonaon r -bantam, and the inanrer In whine Ouch COO me Miura, he do clinct-iorrhaelnr, Lot the bilis wet* salient:4 ne,;iiiiited, ea atifie proilttae2 bf&h. forger &Atril ihit he wee inaceielnl In Obtain - Wig ar r er. Cliostig how Yorlt qnosittlens, received by eh! uu. here, arO re folloeni (lola, 1416 611.5. 14666;15-a., 11.441. 11166: 1534, 1t.1%, 1.564. 141.7 i; t 4.616015, 801%; 116464, 16•1 1 ,16 7-61, 1,7%. I . 1:1E6 elw,u a, rweeturgb MI B. VI ‘16e661.....nts :Trona E 661•066.1 ....... ....•• 04% Weet err. r Mon • Deln - ripS .'. ..... -...... 16% En... LL.,,_ TS% Pwleuurgb Bun Wayne t.. 4.1161e5c0 R. 8. /0/9/ N.wth..rewere r.51.4044—.6669 , 161 ilo Norttivreftteen--preferml....—. ... .. .. ...., 78% New Yort Cenwal • ' —. ,1a• 0666 and 1.14664:66p1 (66.. - 41.d.1ts , az% 11:991999 ://0../inern 9/ elory. • lce ..._ BO ... 1 16 QQuart -I.ltelitt H.Tourhlne the deteerogueta bobby ad rep. dletlec rt the pubtle debt, one-spoken B.• puhtleart oFe with wo`eould fallow some of out eon temporaries to 1,141tw Opmach Deastretatie loserre as l'enaleteo sod trallaseldham to the spectsledotempt of all haute* met, for their Pallowpadiattah era , lasal dell. : Bat when leo llod .rodsrs the whet mite. itls• Thad. Sunnis sad Both, proyoutdout mt... 01 0 . 1 0 els mediumal,. hod • dtsgrarefol,' we man. do so. theto ulst cameo me far morn malpabla thou at 'others; tar tha respousthle Itepublleao pot ttlelao• at tha country war. adastaotly estee. loathe eoplr amide the to sr that the Mow, of the; aneermorat would b. redeemed at their par ratuo—that lti areordlog to the fixed stmt. dsrd of Talon, whmh slots. On be reeeditmeo ismottry assurance. Ta attempt to bun dawn Iron thus now la most dlehoearabla.. If eLs press of all vutifi, elf acne* • • trf4 wolld Affo=e Otit wont toot towerdt cclictors, rccatdlose of thfOr Roalsa. the he c2ri would coon to citirp Med. Pulls= lac* fLuttLl cot bio alloyed W core. dl boOcac.,:c cofotuct. Low ar'cr Each thO cut Pr 4. Mentrils telegiats. 'leder detect Tifoj. met tts7 salt: Gs; out Savlags Beek. ens of Loo . .ttete bootee' of i tete ally. felled to• deo. lostnitt.es, 13,0,Zett. suet% 1161,040. "no sespen sten erected Steal exeltam•nt, estuatl• rtio no other leek a. It wee the resin eepreltorr !or th• IsbOllng class of pee. 1 4 4.h0 zrre dolu( theft reviled bun.: con. Th. t. 0 ,1.1. at tag .I,gt of Order! WA but It la hard Wt . :, ton). two ve, •• Accidgetti happen 1.1, be.: ..1 1•21 , 11.1. tier/thin; dull. theatreo b.:1111'1i the, • .made or ',der 11,• 1 to new: , the neerahat• sleer otrret c,ruers. C.o.d. Lew Vaoded,ll , ,,,t the AtVll7, is her. efoong hie miy •cd Toe . 1. - /{.l•lsurg 11 , ,,.1 Of the, Ile!, earc Ti,. it, I:, •nd 1...11a0 • Strlvdd last wren t he foie., mined gudOeedalta eztrelestin• litter ctuttwo to which ch. with 11. exceptlo• of the elviard .w., of A, et.alvf,•••talued srgara. Toe Leg b:ltuilt down shoot on• tr.lf of het foal. I= I= 1 An ir vis.t.a. Jen oer77.—Thwriver with food fret ands half waver in %havens!. Tike ti .erved et Six tells Island and bee, tlln•tir,oorti netiCatioa is wholly sits.. bended. ~The ktw pnainroateamtaat Rich. morel returns Lb Ness Orleans Co the Brat wide/. Pseweate, Telinitry 7.—The weathir I. slowlyan l mtid. The river Is retitled rap idly; if hit • !Liver Is falltnyy with ex feet of water to Augusts; the A rkansail Is low with thirty-two - bodies to i.tt tie Bock. Siete tits err setts*., The Ewyelior !verse Ito-night for V iiitileiastl..erlth eleven Luadred bales eettoni Mitt Titornala i tenttherber, Belle Lee, sea Olt •e Branch banal desist heav ily Index.. . . Seildel, La: r 7—The ConiwirtS ad Is telling with Inas feet West; nr fah can cold. Arrived—The ,Tillsratia. 7tWift'Clit7o. departed —itert; for auks. wile. _ . EMI AItIBOATS; INITI t;,T. ILOClic—The r. of LLI.V%e.f I , ,tavAii,Marva' 'rrfPfror th.'••••••• 101 tratlrtna'd:a • .1. Ft Ai:IL •: lgeoa.• .11111 "Chat. tetO ;I' , NIIPIIIV/LIAI !t.M 11,e flina eysiaar 0 • ... . ve*. wtoeC 6 04 hattimf2rat• rafts Cc the vv., I f or, IP flistlon. • Tar roo boort orb 1 jb I:CTILZ "V( ' °u I .44 `'. O ALS , , • • • von lIINCEVN !avid ji le:Mb' • LuUtBVll,l,::.—Th. 1.1,3 ploaccer • ' CM., 90110100 W lonve at nonillatton.' k frnlnto. or ptoll.ne apply .1 boar& at t 4 :of Wo,l eten et. FOR , P. LAWER.—Tbe 0ti&3117 -f Vasa 0 I.! an operi , or of nar , tal‘nn. For frrllir4 l or PL.B.e spot' on board or to • C t..t,t^.41W001./.1; 091,Ltnti unnnans - 1. 4 01". MI GM =t!M!!E3 Tllo7r. 11Ir . FOR ALLEGne,- !IT Wttall. 11 till[. • "Atlrt 1 -nn ul irlred Is thu eruselon of tin aboTe Until. rt sca,rlancs mlth umpls sod deUllid i ilV;it ' agT , Z e" S•cretall, eII nr. Wnr. 4.0 fourth t mirth ugb. . no. / Y, dekli 3APANNING . miux)ilarn OrAILVINTAL, HT •., ' T.TILI.Ltanr LLOYD,. ' • X.. s me- . ca. vir..4t, rrrniutrp.en, 31,•• Muni to ROBERT 411,111TH5,, . . ':e%Yrrz'Ortzvrmrir, • 'o. 05 101.1virii er., pue.bauirig. Boer! rt atterittiso 1r itt.ro ro trillootlhor. root- • 1.619 -UrpeUbs , Cont. -eostrolastloro of TVAr. od laur.lars or omit Actoowl• f 41,11.rAt s 4.0141 , , DOposmon,, .I'., intro for it 04,01Attro SAM* !!IMIIIII:M=MI ,RTTAR 8,186 S -COAL. COKE. &o 10. E. A uAti r 3.o.. A. S. ROICILINION. AHNSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, laoconsors P5111.111=19 I O M TOrporri‘. 4121.11 T W". 00/17111T. KINEBB 11 , 111171335 and DJULLTIOS. by t all. road lila =Ter, of exrprzies YOVOICIOG ENT 'CAS AID FAMILY COAL. I.Mes And 'Ard—TULPT Or YET BiEtZLT. ezrtadW et nr I . r m ut i;, ll T tp , l . 3 . l.-d or 1,4dre....1 BEST FAMILY COAL Alt an Oa Wild uddeliveraiprocoUy t.tv , tiaN I ' AS Low Err Nos= RAT, }3l OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., G.7.44adisty Ittreat of P. h kC. barn, .11.14:411.101Y CMG Alethrscitto Cost tnraf thed at the lowa. Met. lonm I • 00&L! cosmt comun DICESON, STEWART a CO.. elselag removed their Orneo id • Nw 56 LIBERTY BTEIKET, AM) 13 Zetnell ...Will:, - are now ploPssed b feral/At atiodlioqeleloarrell) Luau,!! All! 001 L OS ICLACIL, As tte lowest market 1700.. .{Tall orders left St their