The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 27, 1867, Image 4

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ii true GREW
Misseng., igaiway—Nepthl el
ll•werA“. laws Le.
' A regular secol-noonthly meeting of
Allegheny City Councils was held Miura
. day evening, Dee .*h. • ' •
I - *mum an.A.ron.
Member' present.—llessra. ' Brown,
Panver, Dram, Engliah, Game,
ich, Irwin, Motherel Myler, McCormick,
Patterson. T. C. Smith, A. D. Smith,
Th om ,,e, and President Mcßrter.
-Theminatea of the preceedhog meeting
Were re* arm/approved
van canat sawrir.
prodder:it read a commuelcation
from William Melville, ln regard In the
sawment on the Canal sewer.
Mr. Irwin, a remonstrance against, the
partnere or assercsments on the Canal
sewer - from Levi . It. Duff and - others,
rber „, :r a g niust the confirmation of
m r .:ll. C. Patterson presetted a'com
intawion from a numheeof citizens to
the a effect.
esbove communications were re
- to the Committer) on titres*.
CITY HALL szwznaar.. -
Irwin presented a report from the
Committee on City Property In regard
to the inanffleient sewerage from the
cor RAIL. The Committee recommend
leYinEef a pipe to , connect, with the
,;Penitentiary sewer, a distance of. man
'4Onstind feet. Accompanying the .re
port was a resolution authoriting_the
sallut, which was adopted. , , • .
Mr. Motherel presented a bill of 131.45
from the M. E. Church, in Manchester;
' man ed
da g m r g k
i d n o t n he
vtioc intheir
fchheu chu rbcyh
for..the purpose of laying water pipe.
• Referred to the Water Cantle.
teener arnaur ormsin .
'• The President presented a Fenton
. attune° from Jonathan Gallaher against
oonfirmation of the report er the 'View
ers for theopeningof Locuattgreet. Re
ferred to Street Committee. • .
. Mr. Ifyler presented the
_report of th e
Committee ou .Paseenger Railways, ac
. companied by . an ordinance granting
permission to the Federal street and
Pleasant Vallee Rallway . Company to
construct a railway over the proposed
line. • •
Mr, Myler moved that the report be
reeelired and the ordinance finally passed,
Mr. Motheret moved to amend by re
ceiving the report and laying !Jae ordi
nance over until next meeting, dn order
'tog:Lave au expression from the citizens
living along the proposed line of said
Mr. Meder Raid that he could not see
the propriety oflaying the matter over,
as it would not be reached again before
the lest of February.
Mr. Drum naked for a division of the
,guattion, and moved that the report be
received, which was adopted.
The question on the . final peerage of
the ordinance was then taken up and
discussed by Masers. Myler, Eriglleh,
Thrnes, Drum and othere.
Mr. Drum thought it was n -matter of
general interest to the city, and he feared
that by laying it over at this meeting
might defeat the measure finally, and
hetheretore favored its - passage: '
Mr. Patterson raid be would like to
know the conditions of the charter of the
company before °awing the ordinance.
The motion to lay over was lost.
The ordiromm was then taken up by
The Ist, 2.1, 3d and 4th sections were
allionted without discussion.
The filth Section, which provides that
the Company shell be alloweri - to run
their cars for a period of five years free
of tax, was then taken up and elicited a
lengtLy discus•ion. •
• Mr. A. D. Smith moved that the per-,
tton of the sultan exempting 'the road
• from tax be Stricken out, and that the
'section be so amended u to jrnposo a
yearly tax of ten dollars upan each car
run on the road from the time of to con
structacm, and called for the yeas and
nays on the question. The motion was
last and the section adopted. ~•
Thexemainlag sections were 'adopted
• without discussion. •
The question on the final ad ptton of
the ordinance as a whole was th n taken
.Mr. A. D. Smith )roved to emend by
laying it over until next meeting, which
was lost
The ordinance was then adofted or
dered to .a thin reading, an . finally.
.L: TILE anwrativas QUESTION.
Mr. Brown, chairman of a specdslcom
mittee appointed to examine the sewer
age laws of thellty, presented the report
of mid coniudtee, which is as follows:
2b the Efortbrall the &le& and Co' town
councils, City of Allegheny:
The undersigned having been pßolnt,
ad a Commilttee to examine the hewer
Laws of Allegheny City, or more especi
ally that perhon relating to the manner
of assessment, and report whether any
altemtions or amendments wend neees
. nary, made examination et the Feints In
question with the care and consideration
that seemed duo the importance of the
subject, and as the result of their labors
beg leave to trubnilt the following report:
In arriving at a plan of taxation for
, . ..
sewerage purposes, the first thing to be
considered is the nature of the beneilts
derived by the construction of the sewers
contemplated: It mist be admitted that
. whitever CSIZ be tionatowarda improving
the minketo condition of the city—ln
creasing Dal general healthfulness and
adaptability for business purposes, as
well as for places of tecldenee, benefit+
the whole city. "Who construction sof
trunk or arterial s*ers to' relieive the
more depressed portions. of its area of
storm waters. collecting there, and to
prevent the' poisonous ' exhalations that
would arise therchom, and infect the
surrounding atmosphere, as well as to
carry tiff all the accumulations incident
to human life in crowded communities—.
andalio to intercept the-storm water In
ill, flow along the elopes to prevent the
saturation of the subsoil of the area
through which it passes [ohs channels of
(Discharger, are improtTmenta of ir - enerei
elm otter and affect directly the w
and prosperity of the city at lar Any
thing-.further than thin in t he vat- of
" drainage seems to confer special rather
than - general . benefit—and ass mesa I
stricUy local ebaracter,affecting o ly die
'property &Lettingen line of eamel
The construction of a - newer r tho
purpose of draining the street a d the
property abutting on it, secures e im
mediate removal of au house sew rage—
refuse matter from &inks an bath
houses—the (meal matter from ',rater
closets, privy wells, etc., not only ving
a good deal pecuniarily to the rties
f is e
ruling it, but the thousand' and o an
noyances Incident' to ttie s clean' g and
overflow of privy wells, cloggin 'at, of
aurfaoe drains and removal o house
waste generally.. Thin dra'i'n gives
great addition coinfortsperf the
domeathfarrangement, and cense newly
appreciates proportionally the s ne of
the. property abutting on It; so tso far
as the plan relates to the more actual
drainage or Improvement, It is purely
local, and should be
assumedlocal, on the
property using it. '
Again, in reference to sears es a
general Improvement. Different sections
of the city differ widely in their
graphical - features, and require latinct
and separate systems, each adapt toils
particular formation, In some intricts
Immediate relief must be 'pro dediin
others sewerage construction ay be
delayed fora longer or shorter ti'ne, ac
cording to the. rapidity with whlen
the district ' Lecemes bunt up, and the
•claaa of ita improvementa,
Thin lead. to the oonclusion that the
system of taxation must be a mixed one,
the arterial drainage is a general 'im
provement and confined properly to clis
trims. The lateralthaissage is a special
one anti confined to property abutting
on It. ' , .
To arrive at the most equitable plan of
.amessment of property for seweragepur
- poses, it will be necessary to take Into
consideration the nature and topography
of Siegmund, and also the present and
prespativa improvements, as well es
what has already been done in the way
of assessment of property far such pur-
I I mustbe conceded that in any. plan
of sewerage each district or (Iranian ba
sin must have its distinct system of trunk
mid lateral sowers, and as these districts
vary in size, iu the clans and nature of
their Improvements; and tbo value of
their property, to make the iumesatuent
approximately fast In them districts, the
levy should be confined within the lim
its of thedistact In which these Improve
menta are made: It would be manifest
ly unjust, for instance, to assess. upon
property in the Seventh ward, the sew
erage of the First, and vicsaiersa,
In the Cage of lateral sewers a different
gt an eril f or local se '
jr " e " ra u t 'e' n t o s t Trte r t d i trat
benefits over the whole district, 'hut are
.special improvements to theproperty
mediately connected with them, giving,,
as before mentioned, additional comitarts
and conveniences in building appoint,
manta, and.perfecting the domestic ar
rangements for Swellinws, removing all
filth, ordureand refuse water therefrom.
These sewers Set as Improved vehicles
for cariltog away what would otherwise
be only half done by' the 'Wheelbarrow
and scavenger cart. The improvement
- beasmes a matter of.doliers and cents to
the property holder, to my nothing of
the mereased-healthiulneas of the place.
Suppose, then, we ascertain the Size
and cost of a sewer capable of carrying
off all this 'house drainage and storm
waterier a block's length, and tipper ,
tan. this cost on, the foot front of all
g, ro e = g r utting, ni ma c ci m ite loc thlr .o ra w te e... ks
We then make the property astuallyitm
,c,rravedA ved psgulTbo set a cost t ' a f °m ien:l:v%
the actual mist wallow:for contingstmies,
'say 51,50 per foot front'be assessed on all
prOpierty abutting on the ilne of sewer
c onstructed. ilnderthla plan tbrpayment
of eXpetutas of construction, (mating
allowance for corner lora) this would
nay-leave the Starlet to'beiPited Co the
ardount to cover the cost of the main
sewers; and as these main sewers abio
give means ordisposal for house sewer
age and drainage of all improvements
of property atuittinw thereop, Tirop.
erty should be IniSeStled the load rate in
addition to the pro -rata tax on the dis
trict for the construction of those sewers
for the increased benefits 'received.
Li What is mains' in the traruf
on la:
let. Authority for the city to dlvido the
olty'area Into drainage dlstricla-eto fix a
plan of sewerage for these districts—to,
vy a pro rata tax neon the superficial
area of Me property within the limits of
the disttictido defray expense of con
struct:lmi of main sewers, or such por
tions thereof as may from time to time
be constructed, (sewers over certain
Callbro to be considered mains.) .
24. Power to assess, for apportionment
of oxponse of construction of all other
public sewers, all property fronting or
abutting on streets or highways upon.
which Ouch sewers are constructed, the
local rata (,so).per foot front and
further, le lassoes this local rate on all
property abuttingonlineof main sewer.,
,whenever such are constructed, In addi
tion to the pro rata tax for such sewers
for the - increased facilities afforded for
oemoving.bouse sewerage.
3d. Power to make such alterations
and changes in existing hewers as will.
secure uniformity to general plan. and
the 113 Opp efficient serrico of said sewers.
4th. Power to provide for and control
the construction of private drains, the
making of house eommotions, the top
.ping of sewers and the matter of privi
leges of public and private sewers and
sth. Powerto exonerate parties owning
property off the line of exiirmgcsewers,.
who have already paid tax for cOnstruc
tion of sewerage, from payment of die-.
trict taxis for farther construction of
ciewetsge,litll such time as the amount
of their pro rata assessment under pro
pod.plan shall equal the amount paid
by them under Unsold law.
11th. Power to make the assemment for
contraction of any of Iko public sowers
of the city as soon as the same shall bo
pat under contract, said saseennent to
be made froth the Engineer's estimate of
the oast of such sewer or sewers. • .
7th— authorize payments by
monthly instalments of a certain per
centage on sewerage contracts.
-• SM. Authority in constructing public
sewers to construct such additions to the
same as Council shall deem expedient,
and furnish the prober plans of connec
tion with theprivato drains or sewers to
be hereafter constructed, the cost of therm
additions and plans of IN nnection to be
assessed on the lots for whose benefit
thoseadditiona are made.- .
• 9th. Authority to construct main sew
ers or any portion thereof whenever
Councils Khali deem necesaary (all over
certain calibre to ho considered main
secrets,) 7vlth provision that the con
es,:letter, rot sewer other than mains
shad notbe entered on unless petitioned
for by at least two-thirds of the propetty
holders liavingproperty on the street to
be cowered. Jan. Bomar, Ja.
• . Joaar MEanaw,
The report was accepted. -
Mr. Brown moved that the Cammittec
be - authorised to prepare a bill to he pre
sented at the next session of the .Legis
lature, embodying the recommendations
made by the Committee in the wrote re
port. The motion was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Myler, the report of
the Viewers on the most sewer wet, re
ferred to the Committee on Streets and
. .
The report of the Viewers on the open
ing of Locnst street, was laid over till
the nextmestlng •
The mart of Viewers on Evan
alley was (=firmed.
,In all of which action the Common
Council concurred. • -
Councils adjourned.
Members present Messrs. Caller,
Dapham, Drennan, Dlll, Hanna, Ing
ham, Kirkwood, Megraw, Means
Moral, MoDonidd, McNeill, ' Reed
Voeghtly, Windsor and President Rid
The minutes of We previous meeting
Were Tend sad approved.
Reed presented a petition from We
Sonthinirk Hose Company.of.the Sixth
ward, wallas. that It be recognized es a
portion of the fin department of the city,
and famished with a house and anal.-
rants. Read and referred ,to - Committee
An Engines.
Mr, • Megraw presented a petition
from the citizens of the. Fourth
ward, en regard to the assessments for
the construction of the Canal Sewer, and
asking that the report of the z/ewers ho
not confirmed at present. Referred to
the Committee on Streets and Selmer.
Mr. Hanna presented a petition from
residents of the.Flret ward, protesting
against the confirmation of the report of
the Board of Viewers of the Canal Sew
er. Same reference.
Mr. lib kPairiCh presented a proteat,
signed by Mr. Luso Craig, agutuat thel
assecament of a tax. for the construction'
of Cent Sewer.- Same reference.
Mr. Megra* presented. a communica
tion front Major Wm. Wade, which had
been addressed to Mayor Morrison,
stating - that earth and- cinders sea placed
outside of the established water lines in,
the Fifth ward, Pittsburgh, and_that new:
buildings are erected thereon, - forcing ,
the water against the opposite shore, to:
the damage of property. The true intent'
of the act, for:establishing high anti low
water lines not being fully expressed in
the act nor so clearly understood by
parties directly. interested as - desired, the'
Mayer - in his ebumarmicatiori suggested
that the Councils apply to the Legiala
ture for an explanatory act defacing more
exactly its truemeaning and effect. The
form of such an act was also enclosed.
The communication was referred to the
Committee on Wharves and Landings,
in conjunction with the City Solicitor,
and thu latter instructed to inquire into
the alleged defects in said act, and if
found to exist to propose a remedy.
Mr. Dill presented a remonstrance
against the_gcading and patina of Tag
garistreet,ln the Second ward, at pre*,
Oat. Referredto the Committee on Streets
and Sewers.
Mt. —"Drennan presenteld a remon
strance from residents of Taylor alley,
against placing cnrbatone on mid
it being only twenty feet wide, and the
the change not disused by the property
holders on that thoroughfare. Ileterred
to Committee on Streets and Sewers.
Mr. Dill offered a resolution instruet.l
lug the Committee on Streets and Sewers
to meet at the Canal street sewer on
Mr. Dill stated that a large number of
Sethi ofis find remonstrances had been
preeented to ConnelLs in regard to this
sower„and he hoped they would receive
proper attention. All that Cenncils were
required to do was to give the people jus i
lice. -Those who winsidered themeelves
aggrieved could be present et that time
and consult with the Committee. • •
Mr. Megraw, Chairman of the • Com
mittee, opposed tbe motion, as the peoplo
could not be notified in time. He
thought tho time of the meeting should
be extended.
Mr. Dill said that the notice would sp.
pear in the papers with the proceedings of
Coungils. Re would not, however, be
particular In regard to the day.
Mr. McNeil said the pooDle only
wanted time to examine into the assess
meats end see that they were equitable
and Just. • . Berne had examined them
and were satisfied that the' asscesereenne
had not been made fsirly.
The resolution was amended, substi
tuting Monday for . Friday, after which it
was adopted. . •
• WEST wgirw: B.- B. •
Mi. Drennan presented a report from
Mr. Davis, City Engineer ' In relation to
the alleged oxtipaUou b7y the Western
PennsylTania Railroad tainpany of a
portion of East Lane. The report staled
that the wall erectedbythe'rallroad cora
nstny extended upon the lane, and that.
the company 'bad been notified br tho
City Engineer that such was the case
whlin it was in course of erection. The
report was read and referred to the Com
mittee on Streets ~with power to act. -
In all of which action the S. C. Don-
Onblotion adjourned.
- .
The Apocalypse at.hfasonin fell seems
to be more than. sumer& Immense and
enthusiastic crowds are nightly drawn
to witness these marvellous tableaux,
while hundreds of the little folio!, arid as
many largo ems are made happy and
joyous with the elegnnt presentaof
afternoon and rught,beemed doubly
compensated by the general glow of eat
isfaction which beamed from their coon.
terminate, as one by ono their numbered
es:grammes were called, and the genial
Doctor handed over the coveted prima
As a Means of advertising this beautiful
work of art, the manage:tient have hit
upon the plan of giving away at Cant) and'
every exhibition a, largo atiffiber of ele
egant and costly presents..', fly reference
to the adrertbsement In another column,
our renders will see that there will be
given away in connection with many
other valuable articles, one night thin
this week, one of Wheeler's.and,Wilacm's
Sewing hiaeldneis. There will be a ma..
tinge on Saturday afternoon, and we pre.
diet a well packed house. The3fasonle
'Halt Is open every night ' Tickets may
be purchased daring theday at the Hall .
Admission 25 cents.
Mutatelain ayialsanee.—frands Rog
era made information before Alderman
Strain, yeatentay, charging Sm. McKee
with matntalning a nuisance. The par
ties reside in adjoining houses on Wylie
oared, and it is alleged by the prosecutor
.that the defendant's cellar is tilled with
water and filth, which he allows to re
main there to the great danger of the
health of those-living. in the neighbor
hood. A warrant was fielded.
Fell:retool Assault and Ilattery.--John
Shook made information before Justice
Covert, of Lawrenceville, yesterday,
charging George Dunn with felonious se
unit and • battery. He alleges that ho
was attacked by the defendant, end street:
upon the• head with a '141.1y" which
knocked him down. Dunn vrasarrested,
and alter a hearing, was held to bell in
the sum of fUteen hundred dollars for
his' -appearance at Court, In default 9f
which he wan committed to jail.
Aggravated Assault and .Hattery.—
Henry Hollinger made information be
fore Alderman Strain yeeterday, charg
ing Reuben Henderson with aggravated
assault and •battery. The oc
curred in East Doer township, where
the parties reside. The prosecutor al.
loges' time ho was . pas-sing quietly and
peaceably along the highway on horse
back, when be was attacked by the de
fendant who struck him over the head
with a piece of plank' and then threw
atom.% at him. Ho was airested and
held for trial.
, City tr onncile:—The Pittsburgh Coun
cils will assemble at City Building this
morning at nine o'clock for thepurpose
of attending the funeral, in a body, of
City Controller McCargo, which will tote
phtee at ton o'clock.
A diegraehral fight took place on Filth
street on Claistmax day. The pollee put
in an appearance and grrestedlbe prin
cipal parties.
ilterGiami Ilediniern Gun Works—lie.
opening nt..•Sio.i2So Liberty' iltireet,
• With an keno.° Attu tlioek.
Mr. J. H. Johnaton, proprietor of the
Great,Wastern Guu W ks. recently deo
troyed by Ere, respectfully announces
to hit fiknds and tho pnlille generally
that he bas sect,- the commodious
sales Moral " lberty street, in
the _A- building, and
rest an elegant,
larg‘ ,d stock of
now °races guns,
rilleaand all
tho to sporting
met tins in store.
aultal Ins, are very
super t the whole
wile remarkably
cheat n's stock of
cases, cart
desiring to
W , "'e
tot fall gh ,
Works, at
tag visit.
wil c
lug f
,e beast of a
grim present . in the
way ei, ... modr}channi, cigar
tube, to
- poiich or a box of delicious
Havanami re. Mr. G. Blumenschein,
No..ll3eveh street, lieu an elegant as.
aortment o Meerschaum Pipes, Tubes.
Cigar Case , Snuff Boxes, Briarwood
and Clay.Pipas, ..en. Beanies, be has a
large stock of- cigars and tobacco, of all
the favorite brands. The stock is beim*
sold or at veiy low price-o, and deroUm
of the weed, who desire a good cigar, 'or
choice bran holchewing tobacco, wilfind
Illumenschein not only but fully
prepared toeupply their wants. It Mac
hprpper to *nate that the Meerachaudi
Pis aomq of which are of handsome
deslgna, ard warranted genuine, ao that
parties ptircbsaing may rely upon obtain
ing to such a pipe as the proprietor rep
resents. i
.Itarker4 Great Bale Continued."
Every mother who regards the life and
health of her child .should possess Mrs,
Winalow'e Soothing Syrup. It is an old
and well tried remedy. It relieves the
child from pain, soften., the gums, re,
duces -Ml:lntel:nation, cures wind colic,
regulates the stomach and bowels, and,
by giving rest and. health to tho child,
comforts the mother. Offices, 25 Ful
ton street, .Now York, and 105 High Hol
born, Ltindon, England. Be sure and
call for "MM. Winslow's Soothing Syr
up," havlut the fee-sheik uf;"Curtis
Perkins" in the outside wrapper. All
othera - are L Imitations.
Great Sete Continuerl"
Thar, Ole and mosey might ho
saved by pu .basing at 112.Fetleral street,
prime Cann.. Fruits, Vegetables. Cook
ing and D..ert Raisins, , Prunes, Cur
rants, Cit m, Extract, T.lelhes, Pre
serves, Pea. h and Quince Jame Orange
Marmalade Condensed Milk, E2xtruet of
Beef, Cho. , aces, English and Amerimn
Pickles, Sp ced Oysters and Salmon,
senee of S liaas, Anchovies and An
chovy Pave Extra line Crmm Bon
bons, all hi de of Nuts, Candim, Tithes,
Dates, Pro cites, Satires, Fine Peaches,
Fears Bin kberrim and Pineapples in
glassJars,live Oil Chinese Clinger and
Walnut Ca .dy. GEonnßlJEavn::, -
(it 1 Federal street, Allegheny.
GyeaiSAle Continued..
Down a ong the dead men are, at this
moment, thous.ands who might have bean
alive and well hat they used that great
life preserver, Plantation Bitters., Let.:
the Mein ; lay, itjta heart that they are;
the best known remedy for ull dyspeptiel',
complaints, stomach derangements, andi:
general debility .
. AN a delicious oordial
combined with great tonic virtue. their '
equal cannot bofound.
Delicate ',Females, Clergymen, .Nter-1
chateak. Isia-yers 'and persons of cadre,
tars. habita—partienlarty those who ore'
iweak and sutler ith er w mental depression; I
are greatly bcoetitted by these Bitters.
Ittest riellghtful toi-1
lot artleltiperior to Cologne, and aLI
half the 33,:wst-A,
''Barker's Great Sale Continued
. Pornetturi Goad.—Tla, boots. IdaneN,
galtern, ae.,•for men, ladies and children,
kept at 8l) Market street, are made of
the very best material, mid sold as lorr
as the lowest. All goads are warrantee)
to give satisfaction. If you want some
thing goal, and at gold prima, rail at
Robb , . Shoo House. SI market street.
'llarker'a dreat Suie Continued.
To 11 - holes:de 'Buyers of Dry Goods we
ore offertn g special lnducements--job loth
from the Eastern Auction Sales--Showls,
Dress Goode, I.louseke‘ping Goods,
MOi3 . llWear, Sheeting's, Shi rti ngs. Prints,
.te. . • ' J. W.-Dant:En h Co.,
119 Market street.
.I . l.arkuni Great Sale Continued.
!shawls, Sontags, Hoods, Nubia.,,
Scarfs,; a good assortment very
cheap, wholesale and retail, at Wm.
Semple's, ISO and 152 Federal street,
Allegheny. •
.Barlier's Great Sale Continued
Shirt Fronts, Irish Linen, Plllow Coth
Muslin, the.. good stock, .wholesale and
retell, at Wm.. Semple's, IN) and Pig.
Federal etreet, Allegheny.
"Barker , * Ormt Stile Condmied
Meals. Undershirts and Draivern, a
good selection at low prices, wholesale
atql retail, at Win. Semple's, IFe and 1F , 2
Federal street, Allagheny.
.13.14er'i arept Sala CootinuaL”
Cot ti the earner of Penn and St. Clair
street's, Singer's Sowing store,
for the, West gtyle of Ladles' Winter
Cloak 7., •. •
"Barker's Great Sale Continued
At 51.00. A good quantity of Water
roof cloth at Wm. Semple's, 1& nod
82 Federal street, Allegheny.
."Barkees Great Sale Continued
The Pittsburgh Cloak mai Mastitis
store I. the only reliable cloak Loose iu
Pittsburgh. It Is 313.'0.1'3 Market street.
, Barceihi Cireat Salo Continued
Semitic Mn great reduction, Mast large
stock of Indies tars at IVin.•Fleminc's,
N 0,139 Wood street.
..13arker Groat Sato Coraluued
Multi, Berthas and Collars, cheap
•holosale and retail, at Wm. Semple's,
80 and /82 Pederul street, Allegheny. -
“Barker , a Great ,Rale Contlnued.V
At litie—An artra quantity of Illatela
ed Masan et Wm. tiemple'e;• lee and 18`
Federal Erect, Allegheny.
.11arker'iGrent time Continued."
Every Indy of good teen., when eho
wants it, elcelk, always gm" to Spence','
Ko. 7 Market etreet.
"Harker'. Great gale . Continual
Call and examine thu largo moor of
ladien turn - at 'Win. lolooilog's, No. 130
Wood otreet.
"Barker , . Great'Sale Continued
GL aad Eaanune tho largo and4ttor m -
Tante gook; otladlea' Fllll4 nk
Flendag'n, No. 139 Wood ntreet. tt
"Bailers Great Sole Continued
Dr. Aboru will he profwedonolly at his
rooms, 131 Smi th field otroot, from JILII-
tiary 15t1t to tho - "-HIV
...Barker's Great Sale Continued
;Constitution IVatcr as a curtain curo
for Diabetes and all discuses of tho'kld
neys. 'Furl alo by all drup;ista.
lime& keeps the prettiest, cheapest
and most stylish:Winter Wraps west of
New York. •
Baria %dim fun. at Wm. Flom
lug's. 10. 139 Wood atroot.
lifulverimilst Fair and Itistivil at City
mar every night-this week. SP
ilargains In Links' Furs, s
Fleming's, No. 139 Wood street. tf
Grand Promenadu at City Hall from
10 to 12 °Very CVOnitrg thln z week. Tr.
Bargains In ladliiS Cars at William
Flaming's, 189 Wood atmet. .
At No. 13 Market street Is the plow, for
cheip winter cloaks.
Great Reduitian=At Wm, Pletntug'a
co. /IN/ Wood atreot, In ladies tern.
PH. yt. 31--marrz,
118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth.
Government Securities,
Gold, Silver,
And CA' )upouz,
104f,111.11. 6,1•1 n Itteral lama. Dm! .014
as all lac prlttelpal cltles at Ewer,
We are now prepared to eoarert the
New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds.
Dien it ;must Sviritin,
,Corner Fourth & Wood Streets
AN NUBS n 60112611Eil
Car. Fourth and Smithfield Stres ts
Virol.cll glee holders of JUNE AND JULY
BESE , - , 11.11c1.,En the Doers. at 7 3.111 per
cent. to January so. sod glee theta In oscnosse
. 4-29 80.1rDS OF 1867.
Interest ON GOLD LSO per annul:rota that att.,
TRA R. IIIoVALY dc 60.
tarrate or tern Porreseianisthtswire,
jrnotenoy, Decemeber 21, iber.
- In thelabeemre of say commereial new. from
London, gold remained stationery to-do),
opening at 1.113. g, Auld declinlog to (toe.
ernmant bonds ore unchanged; a4l. of 1013 de.
par cent.; the balance !Albs list le
ateady withenti any settrity. The demand for
money cotton meaty to realise who formerly
got book accommodations for a short time
wheuever needed at a lets rde of interest thou
the government paid them, btit the bank. are
all short of money and can Cake het little new
paper. A large amount of paper le on tho
street etfiled at rates at which the partite
thmemertei could not otter it without serious
damage to their credit.
Theetoek market remains Seca, and a Mahar
fn most of the ornetern anemic bank stock.
are title:cl freely at reduced quiatatioult, and
are likely to Mid 41111 cure to the peculate fur
Cik...lug New lutic quotations...stain.", by
Pb. lt. Merit, ware as folJoac
()aid, 1.115 C !Wahl, lairs, 1.0;
1664, 110 j; Commis, UN; 19 40*,
101 W; T•rys, 104%,
Cleveland I Pittsburgh R. R IC%
Merchants Croon "apneas
Weetern Union Telegrap h ......_._..... ddli
Lrie R. R 12A
Pm:burgh Tort Wayne Zs Chicago R. E. ed , r.
Northinettern Rallroad—ooiendorl dely
Northereeneen--pmf.......... 71.4
New York tdeolvel
Ohio and delealsalppl Certillestaa di ,
aLlelogart Southend
—fle funding selheme of the Senate anent.
committee andouoceal In the report sad hilt
*oh:milted by bit. Sharman, lest on.. .halt.
ceeidderahle toont•nt in iirtauclal circle., tad
geeerally to a opitit of diaspirogel. Taxedoa
of the bonds under this bill I. objected lola
Interested hnstter., se might be expected, rat
It meet he adopted that the hies of se large a
portion of the capital of the country !Bulges
taxation se is new the eare,ls one that the no.
area public cannot reaeonably be erpeeted lto
bcostltfied with, sad it I. thought la Waite .
legion that a majrtitY of Mellon. Is In fagot
of some kind of taxation - Or flamed States sc.
cantina. To create or Wane a new loan would
of course involve considerable tepees., and ea
this point : the 0.. York Jourtarti o Cbrri•
nieree, in reply to a corrupondent who "tan
gee no ressoo for negotiating the public debt
by themene elf an. bend.," plainly pot. the
1211,101. in the following reply:
etio reaeon! Wotan ate a reason to thettall
sw reported equal to one Pet emit: ' , Pen the
e n tire amount to be negotwited. This reason
will Apply to the debt a. tong. it .ball remain
uoysta. If the bonds were a hart.! of dour,
and the Treasury agent the - miner entitled to
toil every - Mate It oassed hi. hopper tbe :su
ttee for regriodieglt every yew: would he no
plainer. No resrolm ladeoll oneoplalmt
astedlOUr venerable OntrePpOildnnt must be, to
be sure:,
The Idea; benreyed to tiniest on lbe mind by
rbutbn tao cominittee's Wl and report.
intim commotion also the Joanna! of flonO.
mares add one or two olltivr New York papers
. up fleqtteitt allusion to the fact that cer
tain toterteted broken have quite too much
private Ouciness to do for the United Stales
Tenant/ in the lode, Of gold and to the =-
change of the National securitice. The Secre
tary of the Treasury, would at all events, stop
all oarlitted jetiou's complaint, se well as vin
dicate those who have molt monfldenee le ht.
purity. justice and impartiality, by making the
burintre of bin department as public at 'poM
ble, to that there could not be aeon a stieptclon
of tinftlrners in this of any other particular
connected with hie °Aloe.
—The forelto eschattie operations in New
Truk feat week seemed to Indicate a merriment
on the part of Latish espltalLst.. to plane geode
on this .I.le, and the ErerunplPost saps
"The appearance. on the market 'of /756,000
of foreign bills drown last week an Barb*. by
Hank of Comment Is vartinuly Interpret..
The, collateral. for thin amount es well sit !or
othermt • elmilercharactin meetly lotion
red Per eleerehere, are rapposed to L. 6.10., to
wDinh rams London hoe.. we
known to have been giving .peetal attention
lately. The advance In oar ad:milk. repelled
hp cable I.lnWrpreted as having tome connec
tion with the movement. referred to."
—The Ptilladelphla Pre. save: Our bank.
ere is a prosperous cendition, and are mailing
but few losses. We usenet of course expect
that then pleasant and tear 6.1.6 days et. l .
eontinue much longer. A few wonewhat an.
xpected (allure; bare alreadycalled the at
tention of the mananers of our banks to the
generallyeritleal wirdltion of tillage. Natty a
mbrasl bank would ufideuhterlly pay ri small
Peree.tare cif what Air. Butler term. its moat
extraerdisary profit. fer a reliable guaraewe
of the safe home return of Its scattered fowls
Orme,. or roil Prressokom /
TOPOSDAIif. Dezember no. UV,
corrsterres or urwerock wear.
The ehipments of stock East during the past
week trona the Pennsylvania Central Stock
Yards PONY S. follow.:
.Cattle. Bram Sheep.
-- DM
RAY. via Allentown 211 HMG NOD ND
Baltimore 124 1141 ....
Way Station. 426 14412
2,10 :4,331 6,112
The market alma the date of our lest report
has been rather doll, the mica In the egg regale
being light, aid tills being holiday wmk, many
operators hare gone home to .Vend Chrlstmu
and New Team with thole temples. The ex
trema prises, as wilt be men by sefercnoa to
the report of •ales, named from Ito 0:15--It
Mould be borne In mind, however, that there
seem no mesa of good cattle, snit 11,M, Were.
fore, cannot boregarded as a talc ulterior:44r
prime (et Mock. We have no donee but Pint
the grace of cattle bare referred to would hair
ercaltht 'No, and even 13e—last week there
were mace at el( k e m 4 Ellie. The reported tale.
were as follows:
'ledge., a lkylor told LI head to fledges
Co at 5,83;31 Weenie at 3,90; 1 to N. Wargo a. at
5,10; ata wamlnat 6,26:15 to 8. Braht at eat; IS
to same 51 0.31;3 10 Mom at 7, II to Shall..
berg.: at 3.31.23 to mums of LAO. ,
Smith d Talmage soflle bead to litdge•
Co. at 15,6 , ); 10 to Watt. at 1,75;1 to Linea at
2.70. J. Beast. mold B. Garvey 23 bead of 6. D.
Rahn to J. Lull. 3 head at 3; lame' 10 tame 17
et 4,75. J. ft. Robinson to J. dull aat 160.
The market for this elan of stoe4 was do
thla week, the aupply beteg eouelderably ott ex
cf. of the demand, mid rummaged . will. Ise
week, prima are o shade lower. The sales to
ported were aa follow.
Eldeoek A Co. hota&ht 01 head feom A. sl4el
at 3,U; 130 front J. H. Badtoz lat 3,12. Stall& &
Talmage to 11.'Weratx, GO headat $1,23 per
head; same to 43 , r . te196 01 11,03 per head. ;glad.
a Larlarly 001. lopd, Or haad at 3. Scotch
Ihdulage to J. It Wagon, 104 at 1.45. Heoge• &
Tarlor to J. Raffle, 109 at' 3,94. E. .Wilder to
It. M. Mouthe3l3.l3l at 3.12; A. Overholt to
sat. Oa at 3. , at W. Wilmer, to MO. Joao.
31 at 3,7.1.
There hasbeen • tett apnoea in hose ante
the data of our loot report, the reported sale.
117 lire days resetting 19,4.8 heed. The &tether
harlco turned colt and hang rather unfavora
ble for Naar;, has had a Ptomain:to, circa on
the smathei. sod.,thererpee, easumwed with
last week priers ore a. hats loner, Tin re
ported sale. Amman tonna. : •
singer and Daher Penght 143 head from It.
IL COOL!. AS 7; a from .7. W. Felten at 6,00;
ist from A. H.O; At CA from W.A.
1:1•11eheme17,11; 'l O from mama at 7.15; 21 from
rldtot lc it 136. at CPO; 220 from T. Haralltem at
too; 74 front hbutler,and Welch at 1,13; 113 from
3. 211.1thet 007,,03, nil from W. 11. Manses 'at
7 33; 37 from Wm. Coulter at 7 ID; Me frons.T.
L Smith at 7,00; Itt from J. J. Foster at 0,15.
Haagen & Co. bought lee heed from J. A
Inothould at 6.13; 03 from J. Btowning at e;
71 from lobe Price at 9,10;03 from J. Beak at
10; /Timm J. Yount at P.lO, 210 from Glassy
Coal Sating from awe at 6,47$ 111 from sane
stall from acre at ha.
ILSelith bought 03 head &eatables Qo. at
7:110 iron Pestle le W. at GAO; DO from Glare 61
at SA6.
W. Moen & Co. bought ISO headaneaGls
a Co. at 6,6; ha from ...fie a a
O. ,
Ihnoms & Gin.. bought 31 heal from 010.0
Pi Co. at 6. .
• Jimaftao bonier 126 head from J. &ott M
0.15: NI bead from Pldoook CO. at 6,23; VS
from J, B. Metzler at 6.75; 775 from meta at
pintodeg ca. botintt.7l a t
Halet at 646;64 how J. Uhl at 4,167 10{ from J.
L' Ear. at 660;45 IV= Same at at 45 from R. LI,
Al alotf at 6 1o:67 from Mats. It Taylor at 6 / 3 01
12 from T. ratter at 5; 106 (tom mania at nat.
CIISUBe. E. a US. boudtalol head front .1. Lt.'
(Taste at CM.
D. Paulin bought 11l head from J. Cornett at
•6:60 from T. 'Robinson at VIII 19 from tame at
catiloo from E. Cocoa at o.ollolloom I. Neal
at V: 21 from fledges it T. at 11,00.
Paulen in (Jo. bought ToU hood front Itmalok
Go. at 7,11.1 from P. Acker at VIOL 'JIM from
CO. at 010; 107 from P. P. emoote
at 4,75; 0 from S. lialgotan‘t 0,76; 71 from U.
Othielman aa6tl2.
Nobtotoo a Co bought HI head from Iten lsk
a 'Noy. at a Oat It 3 from Ulan, L. a Co at C;70;
91119tim same at IOU; Ili from same at GALL ISt
Isom ammo at 7. ' •
J. idWel .old flodses t 130. ES /Ind of 6.1M1;
to Lusa:l . * I s SOI was te Hodges Ss T. 211
011ehralet Ss Co. bandit 73 bead tram Joh,i.
•1 , at 11.701 113 froth Glass, I.: a, Co. at 7;117
ma saw at 7; 111 from Smith at 7; SA (ram
lras at 7,7701613 frim.licAtts & T. to 5,90; 480
ram Holmes &Oa. at 6,76. '
69 anti 10 Water Street,
spa dardel4.llr ; CRUDE. LMINIOI.IIIOS .d
CANNON Olin. -
We warrant our No. 1 Lied 011 SWIM lo rho
Gat or Mb 1,2 101040. .d prom.
to sell nn low u Irinelanatl or Chicago
on O enll ednr No 2 Lard 011 .01. Labrloscon cannot be
of thck Creat i
it to
theft Inttrelt interest Intuit Val before MO:11n;
Lard 11 from t h e West. nit:
011100 0) TSUI Prrielitral. Gamins,
TBOILIDAV, Detembar Re, 1247.
The general markets coutioue doll, but wo
aro In hope. that an improvemeet is near at
bandom navigation has been fully resumed,
and between three and four Millions bushels of
coal, It is watimetal, have been sent down the
river, and this, as • matte, of course, Will In
due time do much toward eating up our money
OttOOERIES—The gromiy :nation haa bein
moderately active during. the peat week; there
bolo, a fair volume of buelnets 'ln the. aggre
gate. but prima bare undergone little. or no
elmugo. paneled will be found the ruling
suuse.'—Primo New Orlesua, 03.4 e; Cubs,
11317%. Porto kb, bee 4 ,e
lined, Mit; "A" Carte, isKc;"B" do,
Extra V, lb,
Corker—Sara, 28o; Laguarra, 31%r; Prime
Rio, Me good, We{ fair, 1-.0:310.
MOLABOILS—Prime New Orleansorler good.
tae; Porto Elmo, 50J; Harbadoer,loe.
Nr..Ta — LOTrriara Oki Contmental, eee•
New. York, 'ger' Booth h Edgar% Slt; low
grades range fro= no to 73e.
Samna—Pure Ground Spilt. to Foil—rep.
par, Gal Cinnamon, la: Cunha, am; Adaptor, 3%
Worts, lea; Nutmeg., Mao.
Yams—Layer Relates, $4,60 per box; Val
tin, Teo per pound; Flan, 111,27 per doom; pmn
me per pOtattd; tlurrau3aa, 01;1,1 loi new, lblb
143.41; Usrollae,
ORLl.l3—Wheat la milet and unchanged et
P 1 . 3064.33 (or Red Winter, mid 12,ek./2.05 for
White. Barley to In eteady demand at WA*
1,63 (or SpOng and Fall. Oats continue dull
but unclunged at 63(5000; on track, sod Ornalel
la store. Cora I. ttunhenged at f1.0.101,t0
sew, and 41,1561,18 for old. Eye/ 41,4061,41.
FLOWI—Tbe snivels hare been unusually
largo during, the pail day or Oro, and labile
the market la s Ilttle dull, poker aro leithout
change. Weleoutlnue to quote et illnOrio.:3 lot
SPrlllti 811,14312,50 for Muter. and ttl,Lot/
Oen (or teary brand., Rye Flour. 119,30 per
WO, and Buckwheat 15.4e&5,50 pry curt. Corn.
meal, 41,40 per awt.
APPLES—In god. (lessen,' but 1111•114111 Mi
regular sales In store at {3U4 pet pis
OT.ILTUDS—PeachniOI6II wens good local
demand, And may be quoted at IWO per buena!,
.ltdSS,tte3,6o par bal.
,J3UT LER...Prime to choice Better Le la
demand but unchanged at n att. • .
EGOS—Seared, ma framer; may ; be quotee
31149 k.
DRIED PRlME—lbollnuet dull but no.
obauxel; enuU oaloo ot TI,WBo for Applos,' cud
1411 SO for Pooches. '
LIA Y-14 ttollinit firm, countrywsitois at VA
Cri3 Mr ton, as to quality.
LARD—Stlea et loy‘ala%O.
BEANS—Lott of
BOMINY—DaII at Vir,SO. '
0/IA.NISEILIIIP.i—DeII at 6I la.
POlfLTßY—Dallieela of 611uu1 ohltkera
at 144130, sod laptop, at It4il6a.
MMus or TIC Presentation Oinsero.l
• Tattabasy, December M. MIL
UltUDE—The - cnols market 'exempts, active
twasy, the repotted gale. the aggretste
belay, wmattally large, we prices are • 'bade
better. We can report a sale at 1,40 i batrelei
to be Oehtereal La bulk boats—forthwith—at
%tan I,ofo to bulk, to arrive, at 74; sat • par oat
•pot, at 7t4c, dlfferenen to each. From the
above It wllabe ma that *pot all may be fairly
quoted at:lol4e. We'are molt ant Of nokle
having bees made to buy at Slit, mad fauled,
asol we beard of seven mats having been of
feces With a lake re.ult. The Allegheny Ihrte
a. lbw 10 excellent wandatton for funning bulk
boats, mad We citron to record large arrivals of
011 within the next few Saye—tava lest at Ott
City able evening.
SEYl7ibill—The market for 'Loade] ell Is
quiet and urielumged—spot Sul is quoted at lit.
Sa`e b Ire hundred barter lots of a (44) barrels,
lanai-io, rot January. 24a for February, and
and ittee forklarah. There wane to be a alight
improsement In the demand for eta drat three
mantlia 'of Itift' but tor, Immediate daltiery
there If llttle or to iequity, thoutri prima hare
undargorie no quotable charge.
araPiala of, all by t h e Al.
letheny Valley Itallrosd, elnee the date of our
last report, mare me follows:
'Forsyth Ilro. h C le Edwebt
5191 total, 2,6= ; ,
Ott rditerno carer we a. v. n..
Dream & neannerire) harrele oil:led to War
too. Klux d Co.. Phliadelphla.
Lornhart & Frew, 67 bile reload to Walden
newt Co, Philadelphia.
Nat. Ref. Co, :MO bbl, do to P Wtlght d Soo
Mordshelmer. L'oehler h. Co. 1.50 Ibis do ' t ;
Warlog, Ring It Co. Phlledelphia. ;
Forsyth, Tito. Co,loodo do to T °Dacha.
h Co :1 40 do, 3S hOotole, War
deo Frew A Co, Phtladelphla.
Liberty Oil te oar., ten no do to Drawer
Mahe h Co„Phtladelphla,
Dilworth, Ilro & Co. bno do do Ls F e bit
worth h (10. Philadelpbt. •
on. orilrltt2,6lllos 00000050 (MTV,
Ilinahlaast Oil (10 rd Ibis ter to S. Phicoe
Plitladelph la
• ..
A D 61Mer 60 Oo do to W P Log. A Itto
P 011.16441.
New Turfs Prot/Dee Market.
by Telearapb to the Flttaburshmermtml-
Saw rots, Dec. M.—Cotton le scarcely to
firm; tales of Igoe bales at 1.9815 1 (e for
dihlg Flour—receipts 0'.470 bole;
the market 10 rater more artier but with.
Out ilVelded rottener; sales of CATO ems at
MOW) for m.p.h. - State and western,
10,M810,0J fore st. Duda 00,01412 for es-
It a western, 612,33e11,73 for w h ite aLent
esil'a;so.Milla for round hoop Ohio. $llOlO
farommon to goal St. Louis, and eltrell
forgoo.] to choice extra dm -the market
closing stestly.-Califortila floor onleti
Of 330 tkiclorat 110,60131100. liye Dour steady;
sales of 2.50 Idols ut. 10,6009,D0 for western to
amts. lilt/sky quint and unotimnivi.
uapts wheat GAM tat; market nominally uo•
charmed. llyo groin Sod steady; tales Of
1000 ton Slate, at railroad depot, et 1 1 .0, 0n0
lotto he Canada West, now Co canal, at
Mel. Malt Meetly; Wes -Of de Im at 51,31.
Receipts corn ILOUti Du; the market Is with
out deeiden change; new is timbers-osier;
taloa of SLOW int at 111.20911 3.1 for old rotted
western In Moro, ILLSCIAL3S for new atioat,
41,11131.,54 tor new yellow Jersey, 11.01 for
common now white southern, and SIM tor
very choice do. receipts eats 230 hot Olio
inarket is dull; sales of Mem ou at talM4l4,
tor western in store, and Ode buyers , option
for Drat rums in Jsuuttry. IL yo 0111.1.
Cefftanalat. huger poles, sal.of littds
blues at 1140IM. Molasses; dull,
Hope quiet; tales at Matte for American.
fo".-r-g.T.":„VC:l4eal."olia?toftroVfy'ldnt2l' •
moderate declined. .Lcather; Hemlock solo
In mod/oat. ropiest at prey - lone prletts.
Wag; low grades In good demand and Ann;
other 010111 dull; sale. of ISO WO It, at .16m
fee for dotto.tle. Fork gond and steady;
sales of 640 00114 at katiludy2l.o for meal,
Tieing at 120.10 cosh; alT,Mmie,37 Inc prime:
575(iv,00 for prime mess; for
thin mem; oleo 2AV" Dbl.; ol 10W mum for
setier.9 , option of Jaw:inky at 121,12, and 221
id. do tor sellers , option at February at
t::,3o.Deaf steady; Bales of IST bins and 170
Marco. of ptlme, mess at 1,31021. Beef
Ilame doll; salon of lit 120.30ttlido
Bacon limner and in better mquest; sales of
0 boxes of Cumberland. at Cut
Cot Alerts heavy; sales of p.o pkgs, at '
for shoultlem and. 12(e1314,0 for hams.
Ureesal Iluge arm, at eleattilvi for western,
rind P ) iMito Inc city. Ltot steady and 50101,
Its of 070 bids, at nualtioti 13-irs
(Aldo; Butter steady, at Uyllitle far
thee.. envy 11010 e. Freights to Liver•
pool quiet and unchanigeti; 10,00 able corn
at slid per steam. . ,
L•Tgai.—Flour cloned rather morealtive.
In medium and good grad., without any
decided change in price. Wheat ' nomluallP
unchtioaeal. Rye dull at 11,7501,18 for west
ern. Oats gultosteadynt Me In store for
western. -Corn was active and a little den/.
er al 81,8010x0010 for old 001004 was.. and
11.3701 tglagoat new muted western. Fork
steady, 000 bids. mere at $10.0704, at regular
elcrongi with litirire at 1 0.1,07/c, null sdloro
01 ell now mess t0.022,m lee delivery; and
023,254102,11734 for February. Deaf/oiler, end
steady. Cut moats quiet and unchatiked.
Bacon steady, with very rmainrato inoell7;
Lard steadyat 19511218 - (or fair to prime
bloom and kettle rood ttred. k , •
thilitargo Margret: •
Ins Telegraph to the Pittsburgh dairtts•l
films., Pro. M —Flour more netts's( and
firmer. it , . .17.7 2 1010,01 for spring eattaa
Wheat—No. 2. Raymund 2423 t algbar,clodng
firm at StJadiafill,td; No. I Lintel, ma tanner,
at a1.91a1,95. torn—old' Mac, tilt and Mont.
al; now finial.. closing at thiNfited‘o. Oat.
firm at fipsfifido...ltya motive at a1,a4(ii 1 ,5 9
for So. I,'an ll - 51.511,1.64 for NO. 2 Homey
Otto sad quiet, at 41.01101,71. for No. 2. < Pso
visions Inactive an firm; Moss Pork 110,2 0 adlp. Lard dull. at 11%10120. Balk mama
doll; Curnherlatal nfidaleardie loom. doom
and plotted manta naglomed and nOrninaL
Dragged hogs firmer at7ffig, dividing on 202;
live firm and 00100 Mahar, at 0,1)002,fii for
medium to rale, and ispir,ou for good t o
choler. Beef Cattle dad and usieltard.
Itecumut-4,400 MA, flour, 2 ,020 bush w oat,
24600 bath corn; 11.000 broth oats, 7.000 Ogn..
!that . ruzigt=hl2l , extf 4 4..Mtl . hush 'afield,
Clet<elebd StarkSl.
IT Trlegrat. to MI 4lttewntb datetta.l.
Cr.svotann, Macomber 20.—Flber le quiet
, aed shandy with only a moderate tufiltient;
.X.X spring at /1,73411,80 t do redat 'Mho°
12,60; do white. at412,00D14,n0. linaltwheft
flour lo good leanest ar.53,14.1010, ilye floor
eteady ate:Mud, Wheat la staidy bat the
market la weak . and a etude lower; .00.1
rod winter la bold at WU; NO. Ido attl,4oi
No. I Idllwaukao spring at vastasp. Corn
'unchaoged nod steady at 8403 for No. / old;
now at 51.02.. Orb dull but norbartgod and
nominally arm at 6411 for Nn. I from etnre.
Ilya drip at 111,3601,G0 for No 1 State and
western. Batley at . 51,7001.13 tor No.
1, and fov No. rotroluum One
changed and steady with a gOod but noi 00
tiro demand for tree oil at 4012/120; Waded
quint at i'ooar2lr. . I
Nnerfoax, December M—lYholeealimnar.
kat continuee devoid of activity and lack
ing In buoyancy nenerally, odtbonel, the
hang. afro ..reey • lYnOlen
hhawbi In fancy or high colors cubit,BB . at 1,
and black and wblte Checks, t 7 by 101inebee,
Ilka Tadasordan, eyon dod :
dleao: long fibawlp. A few bnodeof, Cot
which are scubas . arn rather firmer 4.4,-..eliber at lild extra A do 11;
and Layman Eat sg, The retail trade boa
IP, Telegraphto the Pituborrh Gazette.)
. ,
Deeembir .41.—Itiour. quiet
and Orin: city double eztro $9122,50; country
do 68,150gagg10; extra Saglege. Wheat llrnt, at
•1,01;4 fur No I. snit 'IX , for No Gate.
quiet at tegglefe for Ito 2. Corn doll and
nominal. rrernilana laaettro; clear pork
bold at $22.00023,001 men 1120.20; prime lard
125.0112t,ga.. Ilea:00-1.200 bide hour,
11,0110 e
boob wheat, am boob cam 2,200 bush corn.
Shipments-400 bb/a flour.
Financial 114ttets In riew TOT
By Telegraph to the Plttabeigh tlasette.l
Xsw Yoik.
itimsrr stn' aoLp. •
lltooay la user and steady o.t.Bpeecant.
too cell loans. Sterling Ls firm al / 10 0/1054
gold, for tint class tans. Gold Is n shade
Ander. optionse at, WI. advancing to
dtelitlillgtO -nod closllnz nt.134.
Fart. ov
The linpala, tor Liverpool, yegtenlay took
$102,973 Spvcin, ineti0!1n01370,475 in gold
and sliver bars; rho balance. except 1.5 0 . 0 09,
was American 'coin, The Union, tor Mow
teeeottotlay took about 11:00,0e0 In specie;
novetintsr BTOCKs.
Government ro
smelt,. Iwo quiet And
COUDOn4 do teL 10 440 10 .- . /
40'04, nthaylW , lsttlo 'tzt. 105 313h 0 53 . ;;tt0 ne .
I W.VON e etii do ' 6 %. tot t ialuSll; TemFortl .
S k rett-Thlrtler,
, erect,
Stec were setive and higher 'for Erl
New Took Central and Prererred,
lionstliefestnnes of the day. In Ohlo -
tltleates the advance in - the market mat u
exorcist mocks Canton lati4(ysl,• Co -
berlacd VtlettP.4. Wells Entire. -144()
Amerin 77 3 4Itdet‘, Adam. intailbiL Unto a
Stale) 79/WeLt.. MeFebautv Tinton =MM. I,
geickauver WWII 7%07%. P..
Clad Mail Inet4oloitlL Atlantic Mealla
Weotorti Telel o ranti an:. New K
117%0117%. r , o 1nt.1," Madison
Reuling :UMW ii 3 Otble Certineates
l i egft.;„ 54.1165d.4, PreArma V
Michigan Central—no -quotatto at
Michigan Southern stintS.ll4,
o le o Cent a
lead: lelnn'l l
Wayne to - M0rm . 34 . . 1
1V51.11.911 *ls st
esss,Munn.' S. ht. Jon ICollzodEl W, X .0
I TC.K.Cto: 1101. V. . •
Milling 'hare..heavy and lower. Eldn
do IA atria 1111 l Ed(1415; Walaid 41; 11
worY ra Outman P.l. Corydon 2424E4 E
11111 015; Multi; .0 Parmelee 01.:
, .
I[ooolotl.l of SIIII inry
- .
111.P.41.V0; r. y
cuts balunco 01007•57.5. •
;,11r Tal.grinn to 1110 Plttsborrh 0401410
Clne,unuyz. Dec. Vt.—Flour As dolt hot
price" am not lowan nuttily Is 110,75{P11,au
Irt., fu,75(01.),..13. Wheat. 14 lintel and Clara
t not Much Onne; No. 1. red laCnbor 14 OA;
No. I. spring; 1.2,15. Corn Is In llghl r aupply,
and lho inar kat Ornior and p rlcasaril higher;
Clueing at rtd:rlo.W. Out. Is 101 l 1.1.13 e. ALyO
It 11.:4401.102 Barley Id thrall, winter . to.
5t.451.12.70. ,Cotton In dull ',aid ' pricesaro
drooping; tutddlluga 13q01314c par Ilt. To.
b,teoo Is 111111 tn.. prices a [
Whlany to noch.grael and dull. Jleca ' are
doll and pricul are noncom' at 07,50111.11 n
So sale 4 Itolateptfl 34,0011014t1. PrOylal to
are doll, awl:therein no demand and pr ea
{Gioinal. Slot Pork to hrhl at 10 ..
n ((weld and new. hut these arnnoml al
onotattona. 111.11 Meats can Ito innorut at
7gQ9Nc.. lola. Lard to held at 12!•te. ot
can not he of la at over llt, and that la
not;-teach demand of this rate. • llottot In
ateady at 35417 c. Curate le strady at 11140
15c tar Wrstent Ito.erve, and 151441 6 0 'rr
factory. 17.;00 tp..., 344..5, per doz., and 1,1
In fair sapply. Mayer aced Ls.lloll at 12, .i.RI par la. Tlinotlo , rued an tt,tatp2.3o. Flax
atnal is 11,CU. 1 lithrar la /waren and than., Is
vary Ilttle In the market and prices tin lltl-
Thsay.i. oxen to du II al larirdo lathe largo ,
way. Iltaf t:attla aro racy dell, but prlc a / 5
a Imola:acad. Gold IO 10310 buying; 131,
aallintr. Thu, Money markuthilwliar,
Pit. Lout. dlarnel. i
ti3•2 ,,,, ,arapn Oa n, *l
I ., ttoeuren *ett ..1
fir. LAMS. Pat.'s.—Tottareo .1 diet and un
changed. Co ton 41311, at 13n. Floor in lie,
ter demand and .e
xtra notierfino
rangeo (Inn, a1,51.437..1., extra antiii,no, doulde
extra 4 ii 13211,0 1 ,. treble to flinty 111014,00.
, t .
. Whet. diol and unchanged. at 110.M75 for
prima to eholen winter. Clore thall,lar Sts
nein for enelie.t. and :514itie for rue otltr en.
PI?, dull and p rooplng,n.t. GwiElte. tilt la ter
fer relief. 'parlay firm and blither. p , lag
. 4.; logenelonfolL. ' (lye firmer. at $l. Lau.
Ploritionn dull and very little dont 3 Wens
Leek 41162145.. Ilanan—clenr anlen p 11c.
Loot. Jail, at. 12.011inie tor (wren and int.
ilori. unto Mai at 31!2.673,t.'e, with notates the
number yanked lodate la att./ 21240. net
cripts—whea;,l,7nu etteks; corn, $(1, nub;
'oa is, 2 .1l 0004 barley, 1,1..0 Truglii ry , 7. - 4)
Wan. I
.liena .„ Orion,..Orl itark.t:
Fit•• 7 , •1i,ra:..••• rittildnr,i•retty 1 •
New Out.. rive. 2 , 3—Cotton too trier,
at lit, for 1111dillinx l. 3 Plan , i l, Tle tale.
alticerTueignie amounted to O.UP hale . and
the reteitit• lon lOU' same (Imo ..,14 NorA
been; .n0[14E3,076 Dales. !Myna LIM teitti
an upward tentlenret common. 041074 c;
prime toe men. 131 , -343LSN. .11.1olagmearelli to;
4., , c; prime to cnoire C. 13,03•0., Flour
le iliiil with but a =tail Jabbing I.notlneti
li , ont, done, 2,lperilne 1i4 , ; , r , . ,, 1.,...tr0,
11040'_,, and elite, at 61.3L50 , a14 50, Corn
1.11011 lit 41.01 C, 12. Oat* 1011ta 11l •Sltr , 3,
Men. I'ooo In dull arid nominally Unlit Ott
naeon, retallnie, a tfon Idles Ile, rltigteilei lin,
and cleci I '. 12iIielliEri. Lard; nolegteii
'quoted at i.122e. tor tieren. iireellur Exchange
nominat at $1.11,1,3,(t1,V.3.i• New Erik
Nin..t Car` .Ige ii Per Cent. ilterount. bold
----i- --we—,
Motrala Market.
;Ne e eregraet, the etlaeherte 41 5591% , ..1
To Le —Clour—ltere:pf a T../11 , Ohlt:
market q Itlanat—roccipts 2 Fat bush;
market arm: sales of ember et kA79..Nn. l red
Wat.aa la at araaa, , crto--rocalpla 35,C5burlt.
at It: low•rt amicrnt paw at 92 aryl For brat
half jaa.fOgrA Hato—reef' pt. or r:,9 hulk;
held et e3e for So. I aoth 4. 91,1, Rya—,
no Forel For, aaFF..4 Of No.l at
reemr9ui See4ll-1. loch Scott 11 7 . 1
prcr.rd Ftotra-Faltil I; Lrld at 7!...jaq!...:a.
1R y .11,11/o Markel.
ktt.e 9.
19ergh• , t4.l
Lotosloraas, r .acomber . W.—Tolmcco—na
de, !'lpui; rblc+. auporilrxt at 17,7.59/FLot,
No I 412 Gum
I its .5.41 , 1,e. 91
111 - e, Pork non
on ham.
124 e. WI, I+
Suil at filtp. Ey
• now 'god - eltelirta ea
4.=3380,40 Colon W.
td-tl at 5-11011,:4 Itacon—
ar lie; plata Attila ,
Balk Meats; shoulders
tojle; clear rldes 1014 c. Lard
to bond' ' W.?Oc. 'nose
t•tmlna. 4.:tetl
I' , ;— rtt n our modorato
utzehnogod ana Inet
tgl; MLitt, 5V1,20n,1u
41 11cnr loud au.
,10. 00.0 mmildal, 74.010
OM. 1: trley, Rith. 4001
ii ie; at 41#0. Mess iOr 411 to
IllahWlnef varr.lnal
Ull told. uuchaogtja.
ut6 tA ,
I ear lo
Dre.rted hog,
Albany (Mile . •
sr graro. its Isitsahlah '
Iferenthor N.—Slarkot for Ca:ttlo
or:tremor dun, CO 'Ales ynstarnlay, and less
than 1,1,0 Manned bawl. to-day at C-set 4 .nO:
rotelpts 1..) brad, tursdly poor sod of a
coors gosh,: Stools 10,1 n; rassdpla of
says n.a,t; saws of 1O01) head. lions; ro
rends of 3.1 , 4 heal: silts 0f4,61.110.1. nt
,s. Drosscd blocs olr the - hOoks Od)
Phl/wdelpttln 7144,1404.
N. Tolecronh
1 . nnL55.1.1.A1ei.f.De.41711,, 74.—('Ctrolegank
43.75011,00 lrh , c4st sr4ron awl 6U• tug. lye 41.75. ateita)'; firm mixed
Kenterta 41,3/. Groverle4 all , t P 10514101.4
B.llll.norn sket.
To.revntt t•••••,,obrb.n .411,4 4 .e.1
rt4.l..r.onic, Def.:A—Fit - fur vorYchlinl sun
prices only non2lnntly sustsincd. Iml.
quiet stet !Corn tery
...lied...slum SUS. Oxts yncEnt
Rot' doll unit um:Out:god. P rovision,notnl.
Iteir:77.pttici awry-a.
ili. emiemob iii •tle rlltst•orrn ..tte.,
l'a urn., ribeolnner tt —Cotton /3&140.
Cori 7..1c. (WI 7.44120& Hay 911(1122. , Me.
!7:413V 4t4 . I_ , l ' ..' . Ik g k ohMe 9 7 -9 1: 1' 1-.5e.
........114J/giTM. Flour 47811,20.. iii Cl'
i Igt POE adHY RialkatiEfilli.
PI 'Miur. tria
. Four WAr & 01110A0011.11.,
Demi ober ::0-0 bbl. clder. CV II Ili ea; 21 begs
oatE,Seghto vet a. Vockampi 1 carnamllloge,
Hitchcock. hlet2wery.Cd; 31 d bogaJ .a Haa
n* a Illis - 33 do do, EU layer. a Co; 9 Jo do.
McCullough. Smith a 00; 2 cum barley. 2
Wail/ I .IIOM . Md. cry besches.s Mine butter kg. ' laid, Voigt .2 Cml62 la. oats. 41 do bar
ley. II Men Jr; II 1.0. buckwheat hour, Mole
1 la McClure; a/ locf cheese, smith, Johnston k
C0;29 dot bum.. Ell Mathew.; 11.1. rake,
COMgey a Clat 4. ' 11 Jaw Watch. Wal Gown
ley;:a, oo do, V. 11 halioltrlMC & LO; 20 do di,
W Miller; 23 do do,J a Llltwonh a Cu; IA do
do. 1211 Trowc.; Ike. lard. awl a Illtalms ;
Ms Md. dry peashe., 3;0 do hour, Shotoslier a
Lana; 23 du il7 I Shop.... 3 do 'doter. Kirk.
1,010101/ k gal 1 cu hay, E W Tabor; I do bar
lama.. 4 Co;l g toil a Coil car. milllced. J Doraglo at a IMO bbis
door: C U Leralf;,9o do do; S I.ledny Jr &
00;476,10 do. J .8 Moe; 100 do dialownem am do
-do, .1 a Dilworth a Coil.. do Mail: li Myer. .I
Co; 300 du do • lime a C1e0:J.41179;34 tcs lard.
F Seaer i a Col i ow callifeid, Cock, Nation a
110;•I7 moo metal, arida a Leeches'; 11. do do,
1 Wood, Sou a Co; 23 du dP, Pllcatok aCo. '
calwacakt, 'lop I . ,lainitiors Va.m.auao.
I wr: lion oreMlallman, Balm. a Co; il an ito,
Br ran & Cauithey. 2410 00, Brady. Bend nut
tO;3 do do, alioanbeiger .0 Illair u bole beans,
2 do dry peachs., I Mil butter.. tow do, 2 kg. 3
bun ellgfi I idi feather., (lied a 3 1et34.1 4 tum
d 'o r o,o 'o'
‘ r7l ' t i!.lVfts.`3:Alleugotblsullagepro. (.11 -r.7 1;24.i Cg lea; ta) ik
80 do nate, It Haug; 2
- Ws Igrd. 4 do d apples, 3 do turolp.,T Mitchell
51 •139 core; Fetzer Et Am/strong; 2 bbm dry
;mach., 2 do eppleo, I hbl butter, I kg cue. 6
do lord, in bbl. apple., 8 do boon.. 2 .10 rig.,
4 11 1 1 411, butter, 1 ilu wed, Bead a Biel mar; 14
roofy apples, lit do wed. W II Klrkontock
6 ..lo eggs, l butter, I/ 111.12101 9 4.7 hese.
4 du dry apple., Fetter a Artactroug; 9 do du,
ti do bean. Head at Molnar. I roll leather, W
Flaccus a Son:7 wt. clay, a. -Co;
a talemeal, E Ilowletoo; el dude, 4 do bead,
Strickler, Mori. dge a Co; I car luMber, Jolla
Nat, 1 bbls older, A ibuckles taco; 42. k. rye,
:J ik W Fattley. .
Prwanuntni,(loLoolahn a 1 / 1 41011431/171 R.
December 21-23 bbla mot ..... , Ewa.
(1611 car coin. reser Setioo • I dodo, mod,
coot, McGreevy a Co; 260 Obli; lour, D 'Wal
la:cis cora oats. Jai; Illeuo; 2do corn, Stewart.
A Lardiiitlielm; I do do, heron & tlo; 100 Wile
lour, T L Aileron 13 .ka teathera, I)Ick•
'eye Ca; ,bat noodle., Muohall aad at..
near; too lAD Dilworth lo; 300 do
do, Junco Gardner k Coeolo do do, Showaker
A 1.A053 62Wk. Moen'''. la do rye. &Hood. 47 do
barley, e 11 Love; 40 Obis cloy, T Coffee; 1 mow
tobacco, lerkpotrlek &Herron; 0 var. looses,
(1 1.1 Smith; 22 bale. cone.. I{epowd7. Uhllde
Cot 1 ;In dei Alt Obilds k tb, I 'ear oats, Wm
/nitaham; u ewe. tobacco, 1' Schablt. GI aka
owln, 1. beach, Sweeny &Cm a plow boater,
Coml.& r.tcyl .15.0. ese.r, Sol tth .0 Co; 10
du do, 13 do trheat, Inwoor Wllawer; ll do
euro..Alol pintas & (nil 33 do ;ye, Dlurgeon A
Co; 27 Ito barter. 0 do horn meat. Alolleww a
, H 4 / 1 4 i1: W hdla hide., Loaner to en; 2 bola. do,
'(130 llodalott; ZOO We cote. Isaiah /)lekey &
Um 0 baton cotton, liolinea Dell &AI&
iALLI4OIII.3Y Deane.. Demonbar 214-150
Ilataeed. Ewan & Umullino; MO bake barley, J
:I/ Ludas
WO elder. .1 &I'm
Inckaoni 1 ear bbla whisker L
. e. a A tlaratio;
'IS sla oat,
& Lotbrop:2 ears whwt. W McKee
OM' 6 do' broom.. JD Hanlon; It aka oats, ID
Shaman t ear move., ltayala& Itobettoon; 00
bl. starch, Swllln & "Thompwo; • 10 do do, 6
Dyer, 20 do do, Minter A lloblowes 10 do do
:Doge) , ee Co; t ear lumber, 0 0. Taggart.
Ar.1.M41431/3 , VALI.... R. 11..,Deenmber CI
02 aka wheat. 11 do woo. dO eye, 34 Day,
.Scott & (Dial; Ideeeeed home, W II Allrkpat
rick !allot 00 aka oat& 0 doeow Adama Au.
tin; alt. rye 1100101 Wallace; Icat metal. Jul Alnorheall Ido do Lyon. Stink A (Jo; Wear s
oil, oil, For.y th Dry A eloC7o do do. 111111er &
wards; to aka ona, Kell & Ettobart OM aka onto.
Mellott; 71 aka corn, ido oat., Alallenty
pond; 1 car hey. Scott & °Dalt IA bits oat& W .
Promolinnort, awn eoWarttoliilLLa IL It,
December aka mlll feed ,D: Wallneer ba
aka bale, 0' It* (I lebti • 7.k. feather., D Klu-
Ly, BM; grata, Guy & Wok's; .3 bbla egos,
Vona A CO; 40 go.. ,ne. S ht wicks.
Mom; 27 cars rope, 2 reels yar so
!'upon, 11,211.
JOSHUA HiloDEs& CO , ,
Offlee,3Bi Penn Street,
nom., Rebecos`CcruettottentUne
Worku, anegneDY,
27. 1867
InNapalm ROES won&
MAlrsetnretbe ben
if iIiUM,
TWINCS, is att . ! laitiy,
114 dt 110 Water ■t.
Thoriver wee again :Wing at this point last
crentogwith stover feet In the Allegheny and
ten feet in the Monongahela. A telegram
from Oil City report. eve feet and rising, and
river full of Ice. The weather yesterday was
mild end pleasant though towarde evening it
became somewhat colder. We had very heavy
role. on Wtenesday night. .
The Kenton from Itoehester Is the only tra
vel we have to report.. She has. hien laid up
at that point since early last Yammer, end bar•
mg. been well repaired, and repehrted, is in
Rnt retecondition for bnsln d s..
. • . . • • • • •
,T,Thedcpattutee alma our last report warn se
Tallow.. t J. W. McCullough: for • Cteelmmtl;
Amer). for or. Lords, and Mary Daysge and
barges foe New Orltausi, -
The Kate Putnam, Yorktown, Silver ,Clond,
Limit., Curia, Delawsfe, and Now York ore
among.the first boats due.
, The dlstatersto the Coal neat &Afar Al heard
'from have not been very serimmr, The Dart
sunk them, of het-bargee at the foeft of Bruno;
sal about the lame, runt:lto the tow of Ben
gal Tiger, and sunk two of , her b . The
•Wlld Cat Cluck one barge at the head of Bhp
not And the Antelope grouadid. two barges at
the Point belonging to Janie. Walton. The
Niagara stook MO barge (or Jolllo , Rail.The
Hyena loin one barge by running It against one,
of the pier* of the Steubenville Midge. The
Dick Fulton .tuck part of her •tow WhlWs
Ripple, but succeeded In getting it an" ssfeiy.
Two floating baota, loaded with coke, and be
lottery to Sttlekler & against the
pier of the Steubenville ' bridge letter-
say morning, and mink out of light
010011 itatandlataly. Had •it not been
for mutant,' tendered 'by the opleers of the
tow boat Lake Erie, setillti was near at hard.
the crew of the hosting boats would all bare
been drowned. . .
There we're but these Maulers to Port last
evening, the Komar:, Maggio Hays and Lore
es. The Hays ie Wilzig up rapidly fur (Nada
hall, ns le Pi. the Lorena for St. Lout..
The Allegheny- rwer is now in excellent
boating coudition and we urea ume one for the
packets will leave today.
Ceptisin Noe. receive. s telegram flora St.,
Lsuisyestenuy mating thettils boat, the
porter . ..had got down to that- plate from the
Upper Allwouri In safety.
We extract the following Items from our
Cloclunstl exehm/ges of Weeneeday:
The Delaware -let foe Pitisahase at ro ot
yesterday. Ifer pilot. are _Thomas Poe and
Saone Hughesr Cl . - •
The Sliveoud N 0.2 also - [.fe l l for Pitts.
burgh Into eras:dog, light. , Nu pilots are Dory
Dona sod Raj. Ugig.
Captaln George Reed backed tha Columbia
MIL (or Pittsburgh .yesterday. Jas. Rowley
esidl/apt. Rpm Morgan anther pilot..
thaptstri Wm. Dean-arrived m tbe alty yea
ierdey to take the Lamella to Pittsburgh, a
the bleceencer depart, !I
Captain Thome. Lauehroy arrived here ye
terdsy,lo have the Bella fitted up lo • haw
soma manner nor the packit trade between tai
clty end Pittsburgh. Stitt_ will resume he
reguter days. leering Plttsbutiti ery Sato
day uhd thocnati every Tuesday, t noon.
The A. a M. S. S. Co., ateabier Trills. rte.
ported sank et Council Bead, IlnE was
blisetssippl, (In Theists, Ie Copan OM
built In Loureville, tour or eve ye r• ago, by
Captain Peanut, she le valued at and
Duane. fur CIRO In Oinclausil, .ss follow. r
Lweyette ,ll3, ohalthtioo,ligphitth..l.... 22 0E 2 4
Beacham., 11.,109. Eaterptleelll6,olXl, lank..
COO ;Bub/telt blAteli Germania, he,Cleo, and
V• Its. 14,000. She '
,_,•was' Dan oh • bar and
soak In ate lent of Irate-. Shah broken badly
aidenlpe. with her stern ln rune feet water .
The freight la the bold D datusked.l
Light cairns hay& arrives at St. Louts, fro4i
the ateamer Elm Schnee., ict booed la the
11.1peouri, Uri uthes shoved Joarph:, 11. eel.
ler. eighteen by seventy feel, end ;wen. feet
high,'ham bee a dug to the meet a plateau, lino
which a past of the cargo Las been Pot tokeep
from freezing. ! . '.. • 1 .
Adele., dated-the 154, nye that ;the neat.
tir Unto Roek, was mink and burned . bogie
tarenden, White river, No itvee lost. She Is
valued at shoat N4OOO, 004 trained fee di ACM
rils inducer was formerly the Florence .10.1-
1 ..
ler No. 2, b tat Cincinnati la lea..
• Colgrid xi . ..innate are caning „In large
number, at N Pantie, to hire ion steamers eit
fit per mea t . • ~
'The Nesse. ere &frivol last !, night from New
Canine, cu d, ring <ponderable IP ttninigh
freight &hoar , will pprobably"proceed to that
putattoelay, 'after dlgebsrgleg he Cincinnati
The Luellabla Rites and iCands left for
Pittsburgh. be letter twowili Sd put le or.
der for a trip to tb. mountallis la the spnag.
the Luella will be rebullt. 4 0e hull hull hoe
already nen built for the manna ry. Jaen
/Pardeal went out in charge of, the vs of the
Ice Rec.. The New. Tork Ind kl. F.Ounts
Nilo loft fur2 3 t ,... ts:urgh,the former With a part
of her cargo ram St. Louts. , The Curtis take.
on tbree ku tome of pill non at 'PDX..
i i ,
There was . roping oo the what yestardev
that the low renew, Riehmend e s coming
up bete to es ow WC° Better, st. at Latin
villa and fuel. for our Diercitait a and pee.
pie will patters e their own boats.
Two berme,. owned by JAL e, loaded
with thirtg•tire tone of tadroad I , belong.
lag to the Geeaupalatirs Railro ad Company.
wok In the Little Kanawha var. On aaalte
the huge, 1. t Rednetley. ,
The St. Lotil t . Denneent a 'Ma d ay nye'.
On Setpuisy he Arable°, p lat Lloyd I'.
'kelt: left for Fort (linon, DO the pper Ar
k A pOttbm of her earn be a. borne
nut other pro pe ne of the Vatted inn
ae. Seen
Goad is allot of tho Arabian. Rs took the
Paxton Barker town and had jos retired.
lie expect. to Cad three cad *half feet at 1101
Wand. and four. feet above..l Cant ein Sliver,
with lii• nuttneare, pilots and .. ales, went
.owe a ' the Arablanoind will liken have the
Pearl* Cite hey) thla evening. The Penis is,
dewreleg only phree feet eight itiehea. The I
Mint. left ferralro cad bletaphle; drawing.
like the Arabian, three feet of water. 31111.
and t.teven no her plinte.l Ceptain A. C.'
McConuel he. command of the Attune for the
Wynn, and Jabal fled le in the office. !Tlia
well anion wrecking packet Balser No. 2 left
tbla port rd
gesteey. to , do the beat she can
with the wreck of the Tracy and cargo,Tke
Salvor had a good trio of panengere-011 boat.
m t e e n lo — p l h n: e m Pa i lcke the
eotbn ee o r n s
anadn d A a w a f th
Ttobte will be brought here 00 enedlly !as pm.
01111. -
Wive, •
:Br Tel eating; to the Miam. gazette)
hleartos, Useember W.-L•The river has
risen bight inches to-day, In all twenty
Inches. .
Dee.2ll.—The river is rising
last, With Seven feet eight inches in the
cumt by marg.
VOR CAIRO A.ND BT. di s i i
LOUE.—Tbe tine aria/Naar.
LO3N Cani. Sabltnaan.
will lea le abore THIS DAY.lnth blatant. a.
~L.J.vgatrAtiati. or 0
FOR NEW OhLEANlLz i ar oa li
—The Towles;
1 1 / I IIY. DAB' MIK. 42d Ue, DI us. y Sod 2.
1, 2;ut14. , .. 0 1 . 1.21.1.. Commander. wlll leave
ab,Vo on 11111 luklt. 55551
For frel,Ol. or P.... , ‘50.P1 ,, T00.. 0,220
_der CHAIM KIS 11A25X1.2. , Agent:.
141,9 1 r !fl ,C IT4k 11 1!L N E . .AltieLZISt
Coo neatuer
21.tti9112. al,
-••••.al a .1 AT9 cart. I.l.akt
91, llartn
o 19 DAY.Gib lattant
ro ar LA a ,lli a r la. or paatas apply ca r a board a
CuLL.2,I4 y/4..M,4 AIM r ig::
• I Agaata.
PiRUA, Ida InIitFACTUR 1 0 C
_ _
AL/LIM. 711 W
il+ussecnoNt to LOVorlaalf A )NSW.)
Harness, Saddlery, Trunks, at,,
And will also kfoll on band asolfsilorOs ham
It.aterm marlsOto 41140 LW patterns, MISS OwO
Dorlossrsents 111. . .
B!azketo, Pala. Bop . sad Ilona *via
- At thei r n.w Wurroom.
No. X 4051 VlTcs.c.cll. His:root
Elf-Pole agouta th.WOODYLNOLW BIT
or W. tern rena.yhrania.. pol:T
• •
(Fourth donr above Maraonlyi, (lain Vv.are & Table f finery
At groktil7.ll.l: 1•61010 L ICrerctllnv rtontrea 111
• Cut daze store on bawl... Call and...mine
815 , (X)0 TO LO/ON, ,
1 1 , .1
0:411 , 0ND lii.3ll;lll7l.LidS:'! ;
T.Lr; TM",
sti. m emlthttela !Street.
KM.. bon irht. sod sold. YrN 111
li. .3E1..• IMOCZTIKEtip,
eroziE IT ATH9_
WHITS LlttE. 0
?cud WAT •
o r=po.7.:±rp , pf, 16T, 7/11a ISTILZIFT,
_ _
,Ln4 dCaltr In Porelpt ..martewr f flll2f.
ricui.r.s. NU, ikci,
liL Ve I'MtAL Hr.:MET, encond ,font Crow tie
rurt ~ tlostal /Sauk, Alletll.7 Mr.
- .
=N PNILT.Cratel I
vuirß, ORR ti" Co.,
AU, alieWL4, LACEbvtrus,
*R& B. C. NEVER,
UCCrieoli TO MRS e. A. MORGAN.)
aker & Confectioner,
Comer of Smithfield Street acd liefiefid
S T s r gVo K erry. r ir .. 3 o i rl..t Paill. ,t iglV.
v 11 41.1SEJS. 005..111...A.Ann, mannfactured
sell at short, ...aside. ,
oiendld WA Ulina.lL sad OTSITFR SA
. has toren IS .ted up especial y for sAdiel.
t received. a large variety of handsome
r Remember the place. .-
Corner Djamond alley and Elmithileld SU
~ 9 ort -
, I
o. 20- Fifth Street.
A itewa=lnovel sr I!.nitelllcat for Ittavlng ,
ached td the baekhod of eommoo cook stoves,
•Ithat the waste blase +bleb goes o the stole
•. he a t. ell the water needed in ann:hoary
led relent'. .7 passlog Lb.. blase dietetic
• • ugh the boiler, which slthoist the pipe bold
he stove. - his new sor.geteent eau De out
• o to oar b0.7..S or 9 common Cooking ewe, of
s. oar
s, psalm having • 1.1,
11;11.//1Y. itogalAX BEAUTY or
ling IsTOVis. or sha
k e env other Cook Stove
to la the Union, eau ave Boilers attached la
h tr Stoves. Isom:Wing the Attachment, the'
gone[ Ligi l aro• Allah Coot by
the toodet-
L" XXV DuLLLits. by opplylar to
CITY or 4r.t.katietr.
Tar.9sonsee Urrica, Deemeer 9. 1,997
emits boldleg Compromise /fowl( of me
/ or AlliieteeY. Pei'. era. Perces , notified Lest
• ehtlina read feel MO frlll tet Ineesteela
theme Hoods at the lowest rater offered. /Woe
tele wilt be reealred 17 the oneeraletted, until
liEtnel4l)Ar, the /et of Jettairr. 190.
D. hi scram/101,G
Trepanear of tee CUT of Alle/bear;ra.
• ea:ill I
1 0 u,. ,
is haretry given that the undersidned.
INrolnted viewers to &steed benefits and darn
*gig for Hie
7 4dening of !DU Alley,
271111 l) WAHL), ALD i EfiIIENT,
74 no etrawberry alley to atontgomerY attune,
w Imeet on the preintees to [mall the datten of
thiir .pptintinent on MONDAY. the32dof Da.
.. her, INri, at ild o'clock P.R.,
' JOHN ettliYON. '
J ntitid OwAtLAM. •
elkile . EINEM.. DOI.II.iDD.
• . •
Pal - relic , CU, P Chapter 231.1117.
• ber th s. Me 7th troilJnor amble=
of the - thty Calm el ccccc and l Orders that all and
Polthn who MO pothers or thltabit the
r ht boom. hu, or building aolohatng to and
fr • dog th e Pun tlernlePtit ellthle the thin elty.
e•. I cellar the eamo *be treats at their
mis.the thorn. houses. bonding. improperly
t• he • , Pt. terapett the .eleation at lean on
e era Tomos) tug Friday ore s& week. And
UULUM.Or th e Perements of the y In mach
e•ntllcton as to ter legal y Impede the Intaipms or
d art 4theetona tot. penmen.. agilltals tO
e batten th at holm!. th e arnre•theiten Previa '
to • t the e•dle•har Is Complied with. the .pee'
to attached therntowill&trimly exacted.
. cm • O. ktelthithitY. Mayor.
. PPIC2 OP (ATP 61tOINTell /MD .I.IItIMPOIL. a .
Prrrearramt. Dee. la. IPA. 4 '
‘,. draelog , raving sod CurbM
,g of CRAM
? MD Ma SUMO= klitackTlM frolll Wetater
s set to iltaford arense; and P..)PLaB AL
L T. from rim to lro.tala atroatogra pow
ads tor examination, and wilt mamba la tall
0 . Mamas:k l,
at Mundia. natal M 0 2 1 01.T.
emit', Mak, when thereoll De plared'hi the
C tyTkessarer'a UMee far collection.
• 111. J. i
.03:10 .. OUT Enatheer mad Surveyor.
AS! TEAS:., , .
Jost reeelssd. ALares cpd abates tot of feed,
Nu. I.s . Dlairmnid, Plttsb.exp.
ve e htlo h ..
base nestled at mires that will eery
• rt from toy one every .Duce. • trial geed JOU rill be witlstliNli. • '
• - • -
IS PIA issoqd. PIW4.RI.
0,000 D ... OLLARsS2O.OOO.
• •
• 4 COSTant.clal 1.11 , ,tcy, _
OITY ALLZGatlitri. 1851. I .
Loan of $20.000,
Yor storm of fears. Interest payable tong
uWI• • -
B. B. Int.A.NCIS,
City Co)strollor.
liClON't*l;l-k•1 AIL 1,41aU
linueNel-ren . d. N
The P , 31.1 . 1111.01a H+ll.rolid 0 0 .4.11 ' T L Itrcelnr
:erre nude. tent I Noy will revolve prodosale Udell
the end oay of deanery.)NT, lot leaNne se a.
Y_etdie ce . liecNedlY lantoa DepOttlatjall
iiil):l72:l7cr: 9::o!TraAlll°lstatufgll:74
zeo 2 ite • re:t:lri ° l l 7 thrr ea °°°r reiTl.Tal hr°°
are !Invest., teroad a lltele r talr. tosentrr o .. °
", _n_ele , e , e exereee.Y endendulel that the Ball-
IVITUrne t r otlerlebrilu l tig, “ ,y 4 r°'°°°'
masses, for tee Cort•eule.e.s.angt""l"".".
denenneone nano nle ae Hue. °"°r°r°
gers . w/ lo2Oreseal 10 JOHN kl. NEN
rytVe!tio.t...go t9)°"dir* :;l ' ; °.
Titaugumn.B OPrlca, Lseember lid. I
to tlso holders or the
Per Ifierideof the
City trrAitertieti
That the Coupons on gall BODdS. owning du
aanuury I at. will be paid on said in. (les
this dint tit:Ant the ULNA pp rarsuuntat
In the Llty of rittm.,,sh,r.. •
• D. MAO r Exams,
Donley of ten City of Allegheny. Ps.
13.11' BYTEUY 1ik213161, V -3 1 9 rigr W7[o.
NM AY—earning 17. e. Nell. ?tact& .old
to en , from Irelead, Eaaland, tleotlaad, tier
arlil Apply el like CaC01 , 111.74
1 ,
'r. Df" iii !( . Jr .,
, . ,!,. to Book Cabin P
_ "mi.ii.....itt r.l4, Ipu
.wr war
i 1 ellit ROOD/MOO. t
CUT lil
. Dettbet Ht. ira. { ,
poOlOted to MO.. 1t 1 01.6461. SOO aim.
IllOg • tOOL the Otttl2l9l Or .
east Street. and Evans Alley;
• C 1 ,7 nr Allenneny ion on lkt
eakill. T. DATTS.
AV. Os Pipterti's Street;
. .
. . .
• there ;of effflool)11 }MAMMA. D i 'llLWlll
L 4 /171(.l, BIIIITT'd (111601111 A AND
tiS to all Its foram A largo alga of CITA.
'0 • XXV 4,0131.1.1, on hart . .•211
STlCE.—nhe.ea.: Jny: wife.
th Irt 13.4.ter. MM. loft am. bed mid booor
_ About imt come err rommtion. I beroby for
bid o'l }embalm= Months ber On my mottrom.
oo 1 r m day no dobLe of Ma coritmettng after
sautuairrEns pore
a Alrflegistera and VealUatorth
gof *taw zaannaeg 154nare or Sound, at
nen No. sax taazivrY err.
Very large Mock uf 'Fran and 6e We Trot
treens lbfbibbbylbOakbya, for Ws by r ..
JOR ilt. dB .14:11111ADOLa
TRA Nos. 1 ADD 2 LARD,
Ca. Wane tar Pan meets
Cemiral Pacific U ilread
First Mortgage Thirty-Tear Six
Per Cent. Coupon Bolds,
Principal aod fntereot ayable
in Gold Coln; t -
Iknretent it, preferred elsire ei,o6 onnof the
me...Morten' Newt of crosnensil Glee co the
.. . 1 1...4 le the sale Link betw n the Cecile
~._°°""" Um great latstior Bail . °Ter wtileb
... I......wieuteriand travel Ma 1. , :a. , . Yd the
The. '" " 0'.... completd fr.lnEtera•
meat* to the richest Y.., Nee at in the Salt
Late Basin , ard it bele, mo/
d, ,reted for
ward by the largest force of tab°era ever c a .
played by any Ealleoad Company co this conti
bent The natural.. fermium., commercial
ellectia . of the road mew aaaaa all rmmin,p, nu-
Peetallon, Ana II proltable beiond caralael,
teen among the oldest reale In eclectic. The
Lartniagnuti Expentee for the flu..r ending
ttetober E. were aefollowe. IN (hOLD:
Gabes • or rnamrto
, . Iraa!mitil!.„ _ x ...rasa.
8593 847.92 $102,098.6:
This retell, however. wool,
roster het for the inability of
forward the (relent sad pass
temporary foramina In the nun
The United States floweret:a
and cities of California bate
treed the Great Enterprise,
ir6assnale very Ilaht aunts
tlov., and will hate the . foil
tourers at conunand fee the
Donations In Loads. Hood, loners
-4.... ,vt., (without lien.) boners-$13.90,000
Capital Stock, Net Earstairs, etc., (no
it.,., ---- 11,0C0,0W
twang, (sabordutate lien.) r 1,119.10/
Il.n.tinotidy Wendt. 7N tollet. Inter.
Manta 1 1.0.)",— , ..--,
,111.10511/oripa• 00dda.... • f.
The . 71ILIT mos - reit/a 11 " 1.)N Lin win soma
of with coat-annual gold coupons
attached. and are °Seine for aale, for the pros
gnu at ish per cont.anti acetate interest Iron
July lot, in eurreno7, • whllin rate they Add
nearly,' •
alias par cent. upon the Investment.
Mese Bonds, auporhied by the Cadets Rail
igisA Lets of Comae.. are Issued only ai the
w a tt wigreues. and to the time extent' nly as
the Bonds granted by the Government. and' are
the prior Alen upon the whole valuable property
mate bed by the above Resources. They's:iciness
Medal au umaces and advantages over other
Corporate beerulties, and are destined to rank
WORLD. from their unusual attractions of tale
ty. soundness and pron.
Into Central Patine
Now titan.. for the tiolder• from
Twelve to Elghteewper Cent
/lona. can ea obtained ierotah the enbaeriberb
direcuT, or through reeronilble Bantle, 41011-
du. /Descriptive Paton Wets, Maps .d;inriarm.
anon can be had at the oince of tee c. it. x.
Co.. No. d 4 WNI.m htreell New York. ander
*lea a HATCH. is
. .
Banters and Calor. in government Steatitic,
and Financial Agents °ripe C. F. K. B. Co.. No
3 Nasaan Meet, Flew Tor&.
Apo, of norn*sogo 41,1118011..
*OO B. ISO ;MUNN 1. CO.. i•tttoOnzlb
. . . .
.; rus EIT/1391 (lAA Old OIL. : .
of In patterns and best workmanship. at
priced. among whintk at, So
=LIM?. tins Chmidelless at DO oaf?.
; I •
3 Idpin nneket for oaa' SO • •
•• " .. . di id'
All of latest penults and bat workmazuhip.
ALIIO.I idLL natelfrainnin on •
liticlien, Hall aud Parlor Laupt,
• „OPAL - AID,,PANIC i 11013; •
.• 4 4 1 .x.c , 3211fu1, daawatto.a
qtran.ltiesnis mitt ptitilmart.
--..z:.424 084 11* 7.0*"4 11.. .1•12144.”.
.TAL mc. as; cv-wi
- uNivERsAL
AN .9-5149.9.1.9 W P1110.11.111•TIllh.
We ere .747/ ann
Minh meactarlng this
MIA It you et% env. ne learn trona throe eh ens
boon` hard labor on Ole wash board. b0t1.155
S Fo
MNosm a
h Invaluable, bocone It
el.. Mom e.1597,a0l
NO LIME ; ' •
CEOother talurlorre for nls /1 5 0.
Lod DINNIBINI . S rerorslll. sad wbolo
sole sod mall at our Utleo idalearoO/u. No.
61EO. E. SLAITI6II 100.
rues nom _ r.l Son.
importers sad Wholets , e,Dealeya ler
• 10.123P105T AND DONLITIO
111B19lELE3, Nro., ezo,
807 ratizporty /1111:1 6
OnTanztlicrtarnits. inuar.
Her loses to inform their end, d tbetmolto
So.sntl test toPeso ° M an
prised Meer wbolesate
Z 1 Lithe i shore
tr nowt
riga. to
.111 : 4 11 1A WM ir sIT i r ti i'the'r' ti b eri g r irsittigrOl
too superior or osittlsasod purity or their geoas,
and 11 white their sem kr uphold :` tu
directed ror'e tri n ittrr=tarr 'bb b
OLD eillitlfArllr
- •
,mrol semester qoalltles of, .1P .
Orders len sr No. PI irtmsOsm. tiiD alto he
promptly attemted to.
- Jos:gilt Rana a'ses.
TEL Machine takes the clay ambito/is the
bask. Oratbmat the preparatlara by/waking' se.
erattary tar •tratt ninon mace theta ratd tempers
It thoroughly peeving In atecl nitottpra,.ratek
o= l .. bald n'sage, and ki
mang a strong, Drat
wall, there are no tenter brick known. 'ne coat
of making heft In ehla machine Is iremb3 cents
Peig 9 01 ; .20 igiarttgelT2II: Untlerttlif: o f
own e•tbely of iron and ate
and Itt tne best
style toreteendra and pernanewratse winking
lay. •p tr 1 1
1 7„ig,, 4 0,, ..i... 1 , 01 irAraC.
• 00 CANAL IST.,rad Story,'
Ihtweeii Fenn and Liberty rarects, 'lran the
Union H. St. Depot,
Itteratin rITiSOD Nft Pa;
I . NOW oUEPama E
am Maio ARD TO
wall jolt o[
cro, PlO all mor
• ,
All Wan left al or mat frr mall to am sama.
blos. 179 and '174 PILIMEAL, liTamcr, Atte.
Om, Cul. Pa., or to leo S4OO2IDIIIMEAT,
enutwo. Pa.. eul mmelle Mama altanilall.
W. J. `GlioscoßE„
x. ,, ,x:=4:2111:7.1 Za?"
T alises, Carpet Bags, &o.
*froV:7ll4ll'"' " 21 " 611
0 .4 1 ,11 vow) Irausar. Pittsburgh.
Bill& WOlLliti AND ritliPTlltErt, 92 ,
• mitt anat. cue daar from Wool. Massa a.
AP irr= 6 ”iNlitrgariMl beats; =cart Chat us, Bracelets, ie.
la good peke= cast, sat ba gam
• alr
'EL Et. 1-1-1001`i,
.. •
•aler of Welgit . ta and Neastres;
so. 5 501USTIIIIIIIEZ5.. •
Betersen Liberty sas lell-1 4 r..tit ..
'rd... D.MVUT ikilandee to. • _ .13:161.
EATEIEBS-10 bags to arrive
ca m "°' ni° lisitaz mealy s co.
cv, l l l4 r,v gi v i lij
Pittsburgh Foundry,
Faimace and Oven Frames
A. 32. G 7. rfc)
Cooking and Heating Stoves.
No. Y. 109 Libor2l - Strpe:
GRAFF KF,1 1 4.$ & CO.,
Sane ue.
liana peen In
wagon teams to
neere from the
at and the State
, aldtd an] It s
at the Company
Intereat 011 a
top sated/ tie
• tructloat
Bari loop. and Sheet Iron,
tsaa IitIVD E4B,6yiiii, Vat?, it
Office, Ito. 98 Water Street,
rr.rTeStraGu, FA.
BOILER, SITU tNB AN 6 . l— &‘
Tumnas, Dotarl.E-3t.11D,
FIRSZOT&CYLLKOLT.2 . 2.I36II comene,
Ofl 8 . 1126121 AND OIL TAILTSA,
013775(NEY0, DICEZCLUEOI.2iI7) LAIL ?Ala
8TX.:121 rfInIIJ, Li ICOR
rumoxrwmiLapic(ku , :anxxr4
01111..!Mo .ad ri sad Worls•
lahe so r.ty -cl-s;acca..l.llrt-r,/:
Pittsburgh, • goirittaylvtinin;
RE.NS.1110T011" MON WOR.U.
I.l.trYl) a if., 5. cm.,
ista celaslop., tiozegai
cd,fatn, i fu n z t ri? .to kip On irLdnan
wxuutkirr o LtAim 4" - Vlsl4lCi?:ii `1 . 7, 1 414. 4 ' •
VLLT ILAILS Pounded and Coantannak.
NAllll.d NPIKES.
Wan:bean and Wane so Ole Worn, InICE.I‘.
OUEM nr...i.coptinuanon of Firat nrtnt,Le4.-
Wain, tbd IntyOu Works. inlaid:rah.
prirrsttunGe PTEF:L
(4LiCOESd,OU3'IO'JOICid, &OTC & 00
Aqxz , lirort Lx4.A%,1,1v =
Merl for
• .i.rzas, CM:PLANS.
str.4l CoMoTeri 'Piety & .prlng Steel. 1
Ine—Corner of Ylr.t tai koas etteete. two
bkoka abyrz the Xuttaagehela Houle:
JA.4SI.ICAOS A. a. Was.
111. SOLE & c 0.,.
FOrr-i - .1,,E as.
Engine Builders , gad
Make to on!er tla +ltcstm i Elegize.
°Call wam ric utut e
to t give sALLlfactloll.
Cautiegs, Otavery Oetrolkttott. blade to oraai
4.6.1m2i.10N,tay•t....11-. B. RILL. FtitrittA
elacelne keep. Cot. y ling.,.
War. rkraterr. Ma:. a AIM StTlaint Street.
.V.11:114111.1841:41. LS,
PAII4, k '..
OOkcml Oarebcasc, 120. 122,121140-
oodsua 110 6121 First
. • rsinsum3oll.
. PAINS & 6,lxi9J
• , Nu. 29 Iltood Street
Jitastactarri snißrttp oculrtmitlr Ot 12=4
Thimble, :Sheri .7 :PEA : Dozes,
RAO?! WIN 4 1)(19 MC*. 111.113.1,8
K&T ►ad uelang. settentlP. U"..° W .W.LUr"
MONT 131.,AP1C
Butler &Teat, Ninth Ward.
erro4rz. LINItYti 4.1a;!.4
xrxrar.g. ,. .*l.7ei - rizrzitcirsa..
Rolling min 1 , 12 d Byld•Te Castings;
Tuna ki
. U.4.1T . 3 rlys . tasz,
ffiSneter.ary nao. (: V:L!ga :•, - c eriLtly
lade. itromptif s Lc 3 ke,
VaLBUITh ma.s..tuNz.m.r.. • .
' Ermr,“T LIS 1
2aPri - .1 WORI I I
IMMO, Bia ear4ars,
. .
11.68 T 011A1,117.1).131
"'"VT`ML, , fli'ai,,! - :;:`,",_;/,-'-'1.1V.F"
meet!. DI
Iratriu. 6117411i3:534t r. 1.11)
..0.0 "at
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