Ei ii true GREW CITY AND;: SUBURBAN. .e.maIiGHENY COUNCILS Misseng., igaiway—Nepthl el Lem. ll•werA“. laws Le. ' A regular secol-noonthly meeting of Allegheny City Councils was held Miura . day evening, Dee .*h. • ' • I - *mum an.A.ron. Member' present.—llessra. ' Brown, Panver, Dram, Engliah, Game, HUlor ich, Irwin, Motherel Myler, McCormick, Patterson. T. C. Smith, A. D. Smith, Th om ,,e, and President Mcßrter. -Theminatea of the preceedhog meeting Were re* arm/approved van canat sawrir. prodder:it read a commuelcation from William Melville, ln regard In the sawment on the Canal sewer. Mr. Irwin, a remonstrance against, the partnere or assercsments on the Canal sewer - from Levi . It. Duff and - others, rber „, :r a g niust the confirmation of m r .:ll. C. Patterson presetted a'com intawion from a numheeof citizens to the a effect. esbove communications were re - to the Committer) on titres*. CITY HALL szwznaar.. - Irwin presented a report from the Committee on City Property In regard to the inanffleient sewerage from the cor RAIL. The Committee recommend leYinEef a pipe to , connect, with the ,;Penitentiary sewer, a distance of. man '4Onstind feet. Accompanying the .re port was a resolution authoriting_the sallut, which was adopted. , , • . Mr. Motherel presented a bill of 131.45 from the M. E. Church, in Manchester; ' man ed da g m r g k i d n o t n he vtioc intheir fchheu chu rbcyh for..the purpose of laying water pipe. • Referred to the Water Cantle. teener arnaur ormsin . '• The President presented a Fenton . attune° from Jonathan Gallaher against oonfirmation of the report er the 'View ers for theopeningof Locuattgreet. Re ferred to Street Committee. • . PIS6EIIOER . Mr. Ifyler presented the _report of th e Committee ou .Paseenger Railways, ac . companied by . an ordinance granting permission to the Federal street and Pleasant Vallee Rallway . Company to construct a railway over the proposed line. • • Mr, Myler moved that the report be reeelired and the ordinance finally passed, Mr. Motheret moved to amend by re ceiving the report and laying !Jae ordi nance over until next meeting, dn order 'tog:Lave au expression from the citizens living along the proposed line of said Mr. Meder Raid that he could not see the propriety oflaying the matter over, as it would not be reached again before the lest of February. Mr. Drum naked for a division of the ,guattion, and moved that the report be received, which was adopted. The question on the . final peerage of the ordinance was then taken up and discussed by Masers. Myler, Eriglleh, Thrnes, Drum and othere. Mr. Drum thought it was n -matter of general interest to the city, and he feared that by laying it over at this meeting might defeat the measure finally, and hetheretore favored its - passage: ' Mr. Patterson raid be would like to know the conditions of the charter of the company before °awing the ordinance. The motion to lay over was lost. The ordiromm was then taken up by sectlnna. The Ist, 2.1, 3d and 4th sections were allionted without discussion. The filth Section, which provides that the Company shell be alloweri - to run their cars for a period of five years free of tax, was then taken up and elicited a lengtLy discus•ion. • • Mr. A. D. Smith moved that the per-, tton of the sultan exempting 'the road • from tax be Stricken out, and that the 'section be so amended u to jrnposo a yearly tax of ten dollars upan each car run on the road from the time of to con structacm, and called for the yeas and nays on the question. The motion was last and the section adopted. ~• Thexemainlag sections were 'adopted • without discussion. • The question on the final ad ptton of the ordinance as a whole was th n taken up. .Mr. A. D. Smith )roved to emend by laying it over until next meeting, which was lost The ordinance was then adofted or dered to .a thin reading, an . finally. • .L: TILE anwrativas QUESTION. Mr. Brown, chairman of a specdslcom mittee appointed to examine the sewer age laws of thellty, presented the report of mid coniudtee, which is as follows: 2b the Efortbrall the &le& and Co' town councils, City of Allegheny: The undersigned having been pßolnt, ad a Commilttee to examine the hewer Laws of Allegheny City, or more especi ally that perhon relating to the manner of assessment, and report whether any altemtions or amendments wend neees . nary, made examination et the Feints In question with the care and consideration that seemed duo the importance of the subject, and as the result of their labors beg leave to trubnilt the following report: In arriving at a plan of taxation for , . .. sewerage purposes, the first thing to be considered is the nature of the beneilts derived by the construction of the sewers contemplated: It mist be admitted that . whitever CSIZ be tionatowarda improving the minketo condition of the city—ln creasing Dal general healthfulness and adaptability for business purposes, as well as for places of tecldenee, benefit+ the whole city. "Who construction sof trunk or arterial s*ers to' relieive the more depressed portions. of its area of storm waters. collecting there, and to prevent the' poisonous ' exhalations that would arise therchom, and infect the surrounding atmosphere, as well as to carry tiff all the accumulations incident to human life in crowded communities—. andalio to intercept the-storm water In ill, flow along the elopes to prevent the saturation of the subsoil of the area through which it passes [ohs channels of (Discharger, are improtTmenta of ir - enerei elm otter and affect directly the w elfare and prosperity of the city at lar Any thing-.further than thin in t he vat- of " drainage seems to confer special rather than - general . benefit—and ass mesa I stricUy local ebaracter,affecting o ly die 'property &Lettingen line of eamel i The construction of a - newer r tho purpose of draining the street a d the property abutting on it, secures e im mediate removal of au house sew rage— c6 refuse matter from &inks an bath houses—the (meal matter from ',rater closets, privy wells, etc., not only ving a good deal pecuniarily to the rties f is e ruling it, but the thousand' and o an noyances Incident' to ttie s clean' g and overflow of privy wells, cloggin 'at, of aurfaoe drains and removal o house waste generally.. Thin dra'i'n gives great addition coinfortsperf the domeathfarrangement, and cense newly .! appreciates proportionally the s ne of the. property abutting on It; so tso far as the plan relates to the more actual drainage or Improvement, It is purely local, and should be assumedlocal, on the property using it. ' Again, in reference to sears es a general Improvement. Different sections of the city differ widely in their td topo graphical - features, and require latinct and separate systems, each adapt toils particular formation, In some intricts Immediate relief must be 'pro dediin others sewerage construction ay be delayed fora longer or shorter ti'ne, ac cording to the. rapidity with whlen the district ' Lecemes bunt up, and the •claaa of ita improvementa, Thin lead. to the oonclusion that the system of taxation must be a mixed one, the arterial drainage is a general 'im provement and confined properly to clis trims. The lateralthaissage is a special one anti confined to property abutting on It. ' , . To arrive at the most equitable plan of .amessment of property for seweragepur - poses, it will be necessary to take Into consideration the nature and topography of Siegmund, and also the present and prespativa improvements, as well es what has already been done in the way of assessment of property far such pur- I I mustbe conceded that in any. plan of sewerage each district or (Iranian ba sin must have its distinct system of trunk mid lateral sowers, and as these districts vary in size, iu the clans and nature of their Improvements; and tbo value of their property, to make the iumesatuent approximately fast In them districts, the levy should be confined within the lim its of thedistact In which these Improve menta are made: It would be manifest ly unjust, for instance, to assess. upon property in the Seventh ward, the sew erage of the First, and vicsaiersa, In the Cage of lateral sewers a different gt an eril f or local se ' jr " e " ra u t 'e' n t o s t Trte r t d i trat benefits over the whole district, 'hut are .special improvements to theproperty Im mediately connected with them, giving,, as before mentioned, additional comitarts and conveniences in building appoint, manta, and.perfecting the domestic ar rangements for Swellinws, removing all filth, ordureand refuse water therefrom. These sewers Set as Improved vehicles for cariltog away what would otherwise be only half done by' the 'Wheelbarrow and scavenger cart. The improvement - beasmes a matter of.doliers and cents to the property holder, to my nothing of the mereased-healthiulneas of the place. Suppose, then, we ascertain the Size and cost of a sewer capable of carrying off all this 'house drainage and storm waterier a block's length, and tipper , tan. this cost on, the foot front of all g, ro e = g r utting, ni ma c ci m ite loc thlr .o ra w te e... ks We then make the property astuallyitm ,c,rravedA ved psgulTbo set a cost t ' a f °m ien:l:v% the actual mist wallow:for contingstmies, 'say 51,50 per foot front'be assessed on all prOpierty abutting on the ilne of sewer c onstructed. ilnderthla plan tbrpayment of eXpetutas of construction, (mating allowance for corner lora) this would nay-leave the Starlet to'beiPited Co the ardount to cover the cost of the main sewers; and as these main sewers abio give means ordisposal for house sewer age and drainage of all improvements of property atuittinw thereop, Tirop. erty should be IniSeStled the load rate in addition to the pro -rata tax on the dis trict for the construction of those sewers for the increased benefits 'received. Li What is mains' in the traruf on la: let. Authority for the city to dlvido the olty'area Into drainage dlstricla-eto fix a plan of sewerage for these districts—to, vy a pro rata tax neon the superficial area of Me property within the limits of the disttictido defray expense of con struct:lmi of main sewers, or such por tions thereof as may from time to time be constructed, (sewers over certain Callbro to be considered mains.) . 24. Power to assess, for apportionment of oxponse of construction of all other public sewers, all property fronting or abutting on streets or highways upon. which Ouch sewers are constructed, the local rata (say.sl,so).per foot front and further, le lassoes this local rate on all property abuttingonlineof main sewer., ,whenever such are constructed, In addi tion to the pro rata tax for such sewers for the - increased facilities afforded for oemoving.bouse sewerage. 3d. Power to make such alterations and changes in existing hewers as will. secure uniformity to general plan. and the 113 Opp efficient serrico of said sewers. 4th. Power to provide for and control the construction of private drains, the making of house eommotions, the top .ping of sewers and the matter of privi leges of public and private sewers and drains. sth. Powerto exonerate parties owning property off the line of exiirmgcsewers,. who have already paid tax for cOnstruc tion of sewerage, from payment of die-. trict taxis for farther construction of ciewetsge,litll such time as the amount of their pro rata assessment under pro pod.plan shall equal the amount paid by them under Unsold law. 11th. Power to make the assemment for contraction of any of Iko public sowers of the city as soon as the same shall bo pat under contract, said saseennent to be made froth the Engineer's estimate of the oast of such sewer or sewers. • . 7th—Power.to authorize payments by monthly instalments of a certain per centage on sewerage contracts. -• SM. Authority in constructing public sewers to construct such additions to the same as Council shall deem expedient, and furnish the prober plans of connec tion with theprivato drains or sewers to be hereafter constructed, the cost of therm additions and plans of IN nnection to be assessed on the lots for whose benefit thoseadditiona are made.- . • 9th. Authority to construct main sew ers or any portion thereof whenever Councils Khali deem necesaary (all over certain calibre to ho considered main secrets,) 7vlth provision that the con es,:letter, rot sewer other than mains shad notbe entered on unless petitioned for by at least two-thirds of the propetty holders liavingproperty on the street to be cowered. Jan. Bomar, Ja. ENOLLIII, ALEX. HANNA, • . Joaar MEanaw, JOHN KIRKPATRICK, The report was accepted. - Mr. Brown moved that the Cammittec be - authorised to prepare a bill to he pre sented at the next session of the .Legis lature, embodying the recommendations made by the Committee in the wrote re port. The motion was adopted. On motion of Mr. Myler, the report of the Viewers on the most sewer wet, re ferred to the Committee on Streets and . . The report of the Viewers on the open ing of Locnst street, was laid over till the nextmestlng • The mart of Viewers on Evan alley was (=firmed. ,In all of which action the Common Council concurred. • - Councils adjourned. COMION COUNCIL. Members present Messrs. Caller, Dapham, Drennan, Dlll, Hanna, Ing ham, Kirkwood, Megraw, Means Moral, MoDonidd, McNeill, ' Reed Voeghtly, Windsor and President Rid The minutes of We previous meeting Were Tend sad approved. YEW HOKE COMPANT. . Reed presented a petition from We Sonthinirk Hose Company.of.the Sixth ward, wallas. that It be recognized es a portion of the fin department of the city, and famished with a house and anal.- rants. Read and referred ,to - Committee An Engines. E= Mr, • Megraw presented a petition from the citizens of the. Fourth ward, en regard to the assessments for the construction of the Canal Sewer, and asking that the report of the z/ewers ho not confirmed at present. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Selmer. Mr. Hanna presented a petition from residents of the.Flret ward, protesting against the confirmation of the report of the Board of Viewers of the Canal Sew er. Same reference. Mr. lib kPairiCh presented a proteat, signed by Mr. Luso Craig, agutuat thel assecament of a tax. for the construction' of Cent Sewer.- Same reference. Mr. Megra* presented. a communica tion front Major Wm. Wade, which had been addressed to Mayor Morrison, stating - that earth and- cinders sea placed outside of the established water lines in, the Fifth ward, Pittsburgh, and_that new: buildings are erected thereon, - forcing , , the water against the opposite shore, to: the damage of property. The true intent' of the act, for:establishing high anti low water lines not being fully expressed in the act nor so clearly understood by parties directly. interested as - desired, the' Mayer - in his ebumarmicatiori suggested that the Councils apply to the Legiala ture for an explanatory act defacing more exactly its truemeaning and effect. The form of such an act was also enclosed. The communication was referred to the Committee on Wharves and Landings, in conjunction with the City Solicitor, and thu latter instructed to inquire into the alleged defects in said act, and if found to exist to propose a remedy. =I Mr. Dill presented a remonstrance against the_gcading and patina of Tag garistreet,ln the Second ward, at pre*, Oat. Referredto the Committee on Streets and Sewers. Mt. —"Drennan presenteld a remon strance from residents of Taylor alley, against placing cnrbatone on mid it being only twenty feet wide, and the the change not disused by the property holders on that thoroughfare. Ileterred to Committee on Streets and Sewers. TUE CANAL ST. W&1 AGON Mr. Dill offered a resolution instruet.l lug the Committee on Streets and Sewers to meet at the Canal street sewer on day. Mr. Dill stated that a large number of Sethi ofis find remonstrances had been preeented to ConnelLs in regard to this sower„and he hoped they would receive proper attention. All that Cenncils were required to do was to give the people jus i lice. -Those who winsidered themeelves aggrieved could be present et that time and consult with the Committee. • • Mr. Megraw, Chairman of the • Com mittee, opposed tbe motion, as the peoplo could not be notified in time. He thought tho time of the meeting should be extended. • Mr. Dill said that the notice would sp. pear in the papers with the proceedings of Coungils. Re would not, however, be particular In regard to the day. Mr. McNeil said the pooDle only wanted time to examine into the assess meats end see that they were equitable and Just. • . Berne had examined them and were satisfied that the' asscesereenne had not been made fsirly. The resolution was amended, substi tuting Monday for . Friday, after which it was adopted. . • • WEST wgirw: B.- B. • Mi. Drennan presented a report from Mr. Davis, City Engineer ' In relation to the alleged oxtipaUou b7y the Western PennsylTania Railroad tainpany of a portion of East Lane. The report staled that the wall erectedbythe'rallroad cora nstny extended upon the lane, and that. the company 'bad been notified br tho City Engineer that such was the case whlin it was in course of erection. The report was read and referred to the Com mittee on Streets ~with power to act. - In all of which action the S. C. Don- Onblotion adjourned. - . The Apocalypse at.hfasonin fell seems to be more than. sumer& Immense and enthusiastic crowds are nightly drawn to witness these marvellous tableaux, while hundreds of the little folio!, arid as many largo ems are made happy and joyous with the elegnnt presentaof doubly afternoon and rught,beemed doubly compensated by the general glow of eat isfaction which beamed from their coon. terminate, as one by ono their numbered es:grammes were called, and the genial Doctor handed over the coveted prima As a Means of advertising this beautiful work of art, the manage:tient have hit upon the plan of giving away at Cant) and' every exhibition a, largo atiffiber of ele egant and costly presents..', fly reference to the adrertbsement In another column, our renders will see that there will be given away in connection with many other valuable articles, one night thin this week, one of Wheeler's.and,Wilacm's Sewing hiaeldneis. There will be a ma.. tinge on Saturday afternoon, and we pre. diet a well packed house. The3fasonle 'Halt Is open every night ' Tickets may be purchased daring theday at the Hall . Admission 25 cents. Mutatelain ayialsanee.—frands Rog era made information before Alderman Strain, yeatentay, charging Sm. McKee with matntalning a nuisance. The par ties reside in adjoining houses on Wylie oared, and it is alleged by the prosecutor .that the defendant's cellar is tilled with water and filth, which he allows to re main there to the great danger of the health of those-living. in the neighbor hood. A warrant was fielded. Fell:retool Assault and Ilattery.--John Shook made information before Justice Covert, of Lawrenceville, yesterday, charging George Dunn with felonious se unit and • battery. He alleges that ho was attacked by the defendant, end street: upon the• head with a '141.1y" which knocked him down. Dunn vrasarrested, and alter a hearing, was held to bell in the sum of fUteen hundred dollars for his' -appearance at Court, In default 9f which he wan committed to jail. Aggravated Assault and .Hattery.— Henry Hollinger made information be fore Alderman Strain yeeterday, charg ing Reuben Henderson with aggravated assault and •battery. The oc curred in East Doer township, where the parties reside. The prosecutor al. loges' time ho was . pas-sing quietly and peaceably along the highway on horse back, when be was attacked by the de fendant who struck him over the head with a piece of plank' and then threw atom.% at him. Ho was airested and held for trial. , City tr onncile:—The Pittsburgh Coun cils will assemble at City Building this morning at nine o'clock for thepurpose of attending the funeral, in a body, of City Controller McCargo, which will tote phtee at ton o'clock. A diegraehral fight took place on Filth street on Claistmax day. The pollee put in an appearance and grrestedlbe prin cipal parties. CITY ITEMS ilterGiami Ilediniern Gun Works—lie. opening nt..•Sio.i2So Liberty' iltireet, • With an keno.° Attu tlioek. Mr. J. H. Johnaton, proprietor of the Great,Wastern Guu W ks. recently deo troyed by Ere, respectfully announces to hit fiknds and tho pnlille generally that he bas sect,- the commodious sales Moral " lberty street, in the _A- building, and rest an elegant, larg‘ ,d stock of now °races guns, rilleaand all tho to sporting met tins in store. aultal Ins, are very super t the whole wile remarkably cheat n's stock of cases, cart flasks, desiring to W , "'e tot fall gh , Works, at tag visit. wt wil c inlet inlM lug f thel =II sent. ,e beast of a grim present . in the way ei, ... modr}channi, cigar tube, to liacsf - poiich or a box of delicious Havanami re. Mr. G. Blumenschein, No..ll3eveh street, lieu an elegant as. . t aortment o Meerschaum Pipes, Tubes. Cigar Case , Snuff Boxes, Briarwood and Clay.Pipas, ..en. Beanies, be has a large stock of- cigars and tobacco, of all the favorite brands. The stock is beim* sold or at veiy low price-o, and deroUm of the weed, who desire a good cigar, 'or choice bran holchewing tobacco, wilfind Illumenschein not only but fully prepared toeupply their wants. It Mac hprpper to *nate that the Meerachaudi Pis aomq of which are of handsome deslgna, ard warranted genuine, ao that parties ptircbsaing may rely upon obtain ing to such a pipe as the proprietor rep resents. i .Itarker4 Great Bale Continued." 1 Every mother who regards the life and health of her child .should possess Mrs, Winalow'e Soothing Syrup. It is an old and well tried remedy. It relieves the child from pain, soften., the gums, re, duces -Ml:lntel:nation, cures wind colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and, by giving rest and. health to tho child, comforts the mother. Offices, 25 Ful ton street, .Now York, and 105 High Hol born, Ltindon, England. Be sure and call for "MM. Winslow's Soothing Syr up," havlut the fee-sheik uf;"Curtis Perkins" in the outside wrapper. All othera - are L Imitations. 111=2 Great Sete Continuerl" • Thar, Ole and mosey might ho saved by pu .basing at 112.Fetleral street, prime Cann.. Fruits, Vegetables. Cook ing and D..ert Raisins, , Prunes, Cur rants, Cit m, Extract, T.lelhes, Pre serves, Pea. h and Quince Jame Orange Marmalade Condensed Milk, E2xtruet of Beef, Cho. , aces, English and Amerimn Pickles, Sp ced Oysters and Salmon, senee of S liaas, Anchovies and An chovy Pave Extra line Crmm Bon bons, all hi de of Nuts, Candim, Tithes, Dates, Pro cites, Satires, Fine Peaches, Fears Bin kberrim and Pineapples in glassJars,live Oil Chinese Clinger and Walnut Ca .dy. GEonnßlJEavn::, - (it 1 Federal street, Allegheny. 11E=M2 GyeaiSAle Continued.. Down a ong the dead men are, at this moment, thous.ands who might have bean alive and well hat they used that great life preserver, Plantation Bitters., Let.: the Mein ; lay, itjta heart that they are; the best known remedy for ull dyspeptiel', complaints, stomach derangements, andi: general debility . . AN a delicious oordial combined with great tonic virtue. their ' equal cannot bofound. Delicate ',Females, Clergymen, .Nter-1 chateak. Isia-yers 'and persons of cadre, tars. habita—partienlarty those who ore' iweak and sutler ith er w mental depression; I are greatly bcoetitted by these Bitters. Ittest riellghtful toi-1 lot artleltiperior to Cologne, and aLI half the 33,:wst-A, ''Barker's Great Sale Continued . Pornetturi Goad.—Tla, boots. IdaneN, galtern, ae.,•for men, ladies and children, kept at 8l) Market street, are made of the very best material, mid sold as lorr as the lowest. All goads are warrantee) to give satisfaction. If you want some thing goal, and at gold prima, rail at Robb , . Shoo House. SI market street. 'llarker'a dreat Suie Continued. To 11 - holes:de 'Buyers of Dry Goods we ore offertn g special lnducements--job loth from the Eastern Auction Sales--Showls, Dress Goode, I.louseke‘ping Goods, MOi3 . llWear, Sheeting's, Shi rti ngs. Prints, .te. . • ' J. W.-Dant:En h Co., 119 Market street. .I . l.arkuni Great Sale Continued. !shawls, Sontags, Hoods, Nubia.,, Scarfs, ..tc.; a good assortment very cheap, wholesale and retail, at Wm. Semple's, ISO and 152 Federal street, Allegheny. • .Barlier's Great Sale Continued Shirt Fronts, Irish Linen, Plllow Coth Muslin, the.. good stock, .wholesale and retell, at Wm.. Semple's, IN) and Pig. Federal etreet, Allegheny. "Barker , * Ormt Stile Condmied Meals. Undershirts and Draivern, a good selection at low prices, wholesale atql retail, at Win. Semple's, IFe and 1F , 2 Federal street, Allagheny. .13.14er'i arept Sala CootinuaL” Cot ti the earner of Penn and St. Clair street's, Singer's Sowing store, for the, West gtyle of Ladles' Winter Cloak 7., •. • "Barker's Great Sale Continued At 51.00. A good quantity of Water roof cloth at Wm. Semple's, 1& nod 82 Federal street, Allegheny. ."Barkees Great Sale Continued The Pittsburgh Cloak mai Mastitis store I. the only reliable cloak Loose iu Pittsburgh. It Is 313.'0.1'3 Market street. , Barceihi Cireat Salo Continued Semitic Mn great reduction, Mast large stock of Indies tars at IVin.•Fleminc's, N 0,139 Wood street. ..13arker Groat Sato Coraluued Multi, Berthas and Collars, cheap •holosale and retail, at Wm. Semple's, 80 and /82 Pederul street, Allegheny. - “Barker , a Great ,Rale Contlnued.V At litie—An artra quantity of Illatela ed Masan et Wm. tiemple'e;• lee and 18` Federal Erect, Allegheny. .11arker'iGrent time Continued." Every Indy of good teen., when eho wants it, elcelk, always gm" to Spence',' Ko. 7 Market etreet. "Harker'. Great gale . Continual Call and examine thu largo moor of ladien turn - at 'Win. lolooilog's, No. 130 Wood otreet. "Barker , . Great'Sale Continued GL aad Eaanune tho largo and4ttor m - Tante gook; otladlea' Fllll4 nk Flendag'n, No. 139 Wood ntreet. tt "Bailers Great Sole Continued Dr. Aboru will he profwedonolly at his rooms, 131 Smi th field otroot, from JILII- tiary 15t1t to tho - "-HIV ...Barker's Great Sale Continued ;Constitution IVatcr as a curtain curo for Diabetes and all discuses of tho'kld neys. 'Furl alo by all drup;ista. lime& keeps the prettiest, cheapest and most stylish:Winter Wraps west of New York. • Baria %dim fun. at Wm. Flom lug's. 10. 139 Wood atroot. lifulverimilst Fair and Itistivil at City mar every night-this week. SP ilargains In Links' Furs, s Fleming's, No. 139 Wood street. tf Grand Promenadu at City Hall from 10 to 12 °Very CVOnitrg thln z week. Tr. Bargains In ladliiS Cars at William Flaming's, 189 Wood atmet. . • At No. 13 Market street Is the plow, for cheip winter cloaks. Great Reduitian=At Wm, Pletntug'a co. /IN/ Wood atreot, In ladies tern. PITTSBURGH. DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY, D PH. yt. 31--marrz, DINUR AND BROM, 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And CA' )upouz, • 104f,111.11. 6,1•1 n Itteral lama. Dm! .014 as all lac prlttelpal cltles at Ewer, CONVERSION OF 17-301. We are now prepared to eoarert the SECONO ANS THIRD SERIES 7-30's INTO TNT: New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JADES T. BEADY & GE.. Dien it ;must Sviritin, ,Corner Fourth & Wood Streets IRA N. AIeVAI j& CO., 23aaals_erk.71. AN NUBS n 60112611Eil Car. Fourth and Smithfield Stres ts Virol.cll glee holders of JUNE AND JULY BESE , - , 11.11c1.,En the Doers. at 7 3.111 per cent. to January so. sod glee theta In oscnosse . 4-29 80.1rDS OF 1867. Interest ON GOLD LSO per annul:rota that att., TRA R. IIIoVALY dc 60. FINANCES AND TRADE tarrate or tern Porreseianisthtswire, jrnotenoy, Decemeber 21, iber. - In thelabeemre of say commereial new. from London, gold remained stationery to-do), opening at 1.113. g, Auld declinlog to (toe. ernmant bonds ore unchanged; a4l. of 1013 de. par cent.; the balance !Albs list le ateady withenti any settrity. The demand for money cotton meaty to realise who formerly got book accommodations for a short time wheuever needed at a lets rde of interest thou the government paid them, btit the bank. are all short of money and can Cake het little new paper. A large amount of paper le on tho street etfiled at rates at which the partite thmemertei could not otter it without serious damage to their credit. Theetoek market remains Seca, and a Mahar fn most of the ornetern anemic bank stock. are title:cl freely at reduced quiatatioult, and are likely to Mid 41111 cure to the peculate fur Cik...lug New lutic quotations...stain.", by Pb. lt. Merit, ware as folJoac ()aid, 1.115 C !Wahl, lairs, 1.0; 1664, 110 j; Commis, UN; 19 40*, 101 W; T•rys, 104%, Cleveland I Pittsburgh R. R IC% Merchants Croon "apneas .954 Weetern Union Telegrap h ......_._..... ddli Lrie R. R 12A Pm:burgh Tort Wayne Zs Chicago R. E. ed , r. Northinettern Rallroad—ooiendorl dely Northereeneen--pmf.......... 71.4 New York tdeolvel Ohio and delealsalppl Certillestaa di , aLlelogart Southend __...- .8.4 CotTdoct QUAIL!.. E=M —fle funding selheme of the Senate anent. committee andouoceal In the report sad hilt *oh:milted by bit. Sharman, lest on.. .halt. ceeidderahle toont•nt in iirtauclal circle., tad geeerally to a opitit of diaspirogel. Taxedoa of the bonds under this bill I. objected lola Interested hnstter., se might be expected, rat It meet he adopted that the hies of se large a portion of the capital of the country !Bulges taxation se is new the eare,ls one that the no. area public cannot reaeonably be erpeeted lto bcostltfied with, sad it I. thought la Waite . legion that a majrtitY of Mellon. Is In fagot of some kind of taxation - Or flamed States sc. cantina. To create or Wane a new loan would of course involve considerable tepees., and ea this point : the 0.. York Jourtarti o Cbrri• nieree, in reply to a corrupondent who "tan gee no ressoo for negotiating the public debt by themene elf an. bend.," plainly pot. the 1211,101. in the following reply: etio reaeon! Wotan ate a reason to thettall sw reported equal to one Pet emit: ' , Pen the e n tire amount to be negotwited. This reason will Apply to the debt a. tong. it .ball remain uoysta. If the bonds were a hart.! of dour, and the Treasury agent the - miner entitled to toil every - Mate It oassed hi. hopper tbe :su ttee for regriodieglt every yew: would he no plainer. No resrolm ladeoll oneoplalmt astedlOUr venerable OntrePpOildnnt must be, to be sure:, The Idea; benreyed to tiniest on lbe mind by rbutbn tao cominittee's Wl and report. intim commotion also the Joanna! of flonO. mares add one or two olltivr New York papers keep . up fleqtteitt allusion to the fact that cer tain toterteted broken have quite too much private Ouciness to do for the United Stales Tenant/ in the lode, Of gold and to the =- change of the National securitice. The Secre tary of the Treasury, would at all events, stop all oarlitted jetiou's complaint, se well as vin dicate those who have molt monfldenee le ht. purity. justice and impartiality, by making the burintre of bin department as public at 'poM ble, to that there could not be aeon a stieptclon of tinftlrners in this of any other particular connected with hie °Aloe. —The forelto eschattie operations in New Truk feat week seemed to Indicate a merriment on the part of Latish espltalLst.. to plane geode on this .I.le, and the ErerunplPost saps "The appearance. on the market 'of /756,000 of foreign bills drown last week an Barb*. by Hank of Comment Is vartinuly Interpret.. The, collateral. for thin amount es well sit !or othermt • elmilercharactin meetly lotion red Per eleerehere, are rapposed to L. 6.10., to wDinh rams London hoe.. we known to have been giving .peetal attention lately. The advance In oar ad:milk. repelled hp cable I.lnWrpreted as having tome connec tion with the movement. referred to." • —The Ptilladelphla Pre. save: Our bank. ere is a prosperous cendition, and are mailing but few losses. We usenet of course expect that then pleasant and tear 6.1.6 days et. l . eontinue much longer. A few wonewhat an. xpected (allure; bare alreadycalled the at tention of the mananers of our banks to the generallyeritleal wirdltion of tillage. Natty a mbrasl bank would ufideuhterlly pay ri small Peree.tare cif what Air. Butler term. its moat extraerdisary profit. fer a reliable guaraewe of the safe home return of Its scattered fowls CrETRiLL LIVE-NTOCki Orme,. or roil Prressokom / TOPOSDAIif. Dezember no. UV, corrsterres or urwerock wear. The ehipments of stock East during the past week trona the Pennsylvania Central Stock Yards PONY S. follow.: .Cattle. Bram Sheep. -- DM RAY. via Allentown 211 HMG NOD ND Baltimore 124 1141 .... Way Station. 426 14412 TOtal3. 2,10 :4,331 6,112 OATTG. The market alma the date of our lest report has been rather doll, the mica In the egg regale being light, aid tills being holiday wmk, many operators hare gone home to .Vend Chrlstmu and New Team with thole temples. The ex trema prises, as wilt be men by sefercnoa to the report of •ales, named from Ito 0:15--It Mould be borne In mind, however, that there seem no mesa of good cattle, snit 11,M, Were. fore, cannot boregarded as a talc ulterior:44r prime (et Mock. We have no donee but Pint the grace of cattle bare referred to would hair ercaltht 'No, and even 13e—last week there were mace at el( k e m 4 Ellie. The reported tale. were as follows: 'ledge., a lkylor told LI head to fledges Co at 5,83;31 Weenie at 3,90; 1 to N. Wargo a. at 5,10; ata wamlnat 6,26:15 to 8. Braht at eat; IS to same 51 0.31;3 10 Mom at 7, II to Shall.. berg.: at 3.31.23 to mums of LAO. , Smith d Talmage soflle bead to litdge• Co. at 15,6 , ); 10 to Watt. at 1,75;1 to Linea at 2.70. J. Beast. mold B. Garvey 23 bead of 6. D. Rahn to J. Lull. 3 head at 3; lame' 10 tame 17 et 4,75. J. ft. Robinson to J. dull aat 160. The market for this elan of stoe4 was do thla week, the aupply beteg eouelderably ott ex cf. of the demand, mid rummaged . will. Ise week, prima are o shade lower. The sales to ported were aa follow. Eldeoek A Co. hota&ht 01 head feom A. sl4el at 3,U; 130 front J. H. Badtoz lat 3,12. Stall& & Talmage to 11.'Weratx, GO headat $1,23 per head; same to 43 , r . te196 01 11,03 per head. ;glad. a Larlarly 001. lopd, Or haad at 3. Scotch Ihdulage to J. It Wagon, 104 at 1.45. Heoge• & Tarlor to J. Raffle, 109 at' 3,94. E. .Wilder to It. M. Mouthe3l3.l3l at 3.12; A. Overholt to sat. Oa at 3. , at W. Wilmer, to MO. Joao. 31 at 3,7.1. There hasbeen • tett apnoea in hose ante the data of our loot report, the reported sale. 117 lire days resetting 19,4.8 heed. The &tether harlco turned colt and hang rather unfavora ble for Naar;, has had a Ptomain:to, circa on the smathei. sod.,thererpee, easumwed with last week priers ore a. hats loner, Tin re ported sale. Amman tonna. : • singer and Daher Penght 143 head from It. IL COOL!. AS 7; a from .7. W. Felten at 6,00; ist from A. H.O; At 7.hn CA from W.A. 1:1•11eheme17,11; 'l O from mama at 7.15; 21 from rldtot lc it 136. at CPO; 220 from T. Haralltem at too; 74 front hbutler,and Welch at 1,13; 113 from 3. 211.1thet 007,,03, nil from W. 11. Manses 'at 7 33; 37 from Wm. Coulter at 7 ID; Me frons.T. L Smith at 7,00; Itt from J. J. Foster at 0,15. Haagen & Co. bought lee heed from J. A Inothould at 6.13; 03 from J. Btowning at e; 71 from lobe Price at 9,10;03 from J. Beak at 10; /Timm J. Yount at P.lO, 210 from Glassy Coal Sating from awe at 6,47$ 111 from sane • stall from acre at ha. ILSelith bought 03 head &eatables Qo. at 7:110 iron Pestle le W. at GAO; DO from Glare 61 at SA6. W. Moen & Co. bought ISO headaneaGls a Co. at 6,6; ha from ...fie a a O. , Ihnoms & Gin.. bought 31 heal from 010.0 Pi Co. at 6. . •• • Jimaftao bonier 126 head from J. &ott M 0.15: NI bead from Pldoook CO. at 6,23; VS from J, B. Metzler at 6.75; 775 from meta at 0,43. pintodeg ca. botintt.7l a t final46a Halet at 646;64 how J. Uhl at 4,167 10{ from J. L' Ear. at 660;45 IV= Same at at 45 from R. LI, Al alotf at 6 1o:67 from Mats. It Taylor at 6 / 3 01 12 from T. ratter at 5; 106 (tom mania at nat. CIISUBe. E. a US. boudtalol head front .1. Lt.' (Taste at CM. SiliSZ==l D. Paulin bought 11l head from J. Cornett at •6:60 from T. 'Robinson at VIII 19 from tame at catiloo from E. Cocoa at o.ollolloom I. Neal at V: 21 from fledges it T. at 11,00. Paulen in (Jo. bought ToU hood front Itmalok Go. at 7,11.1 from P. Acker at VIOL 'JIM from CO. at 010; 107 from P. P. emoote at 4,75; 0 from S. lialgotan‘t 0,76; 71 from U. Othielman aa6tl2. Nobtotoo a Co bought HI head from Iten lsk a 'Noy. at a Oat It 3 from Ulan, L. a Co at C;70; 91119tim same at IOU; Ili from same at GALL ISt Isom ammo at 7. ' • J. idWel .old flodses t 130. ES /Ind of 6.1M1; to Lusa:l . * I s SOI was te Hodges Ss T. 211 tam. 011ehralet Ss Co. bandit 73 bead tram Joh,i. •1 , at 11.701 113 froth Glass, I.: a, Co. at 7;117 ma saw at 7; 111 from Smith at 7; SA (ram lras at 7,7701613 frim.licAtts & T. to 5,90; 480 ram Holmes &Oa. at 6,76. ' JAS OU,;ML & SON, • 69 anti 10 Water Street, LIED - OIL ' MAIRUFAOTTiREES , spa dardel4.llr ; CRUDE. LMINIOI.IIIOS .d CANNON Olin. - We warrant our No. 1 Lied 011 SWIM lo rho Gat GlDalls.tl. or Mb 1,2 101040. .d prom. to sell nn low u Irinelanatl or Chicago on O enll ednr No 2 Lard 011 .01. Labrloscon cannot be of thck Creat i it to theft Inttrelt interest Intuit Val before MO:11n; Lard 11 from t h e West. nit: VIITISBERG CI ire 011100 0) TSUI Prrielitral. Gamins, TBOILIDAV, Detembar Re, 1247. The general markets coutioue doll, but wo aro In hope. that an improvemeet is near at bandom navigation has been fully resumed, and between three and four Millions bushels of coal, It is watimetal, have been sent down the river, and this, as • matte, of course, Will In due time do much toward eating up our money market. OttOOERIES—The gromiy :nation haa bein moderately active during. the peat week; there bolo, a fair volume of buelnets 'ln the. aggre gate. but prima bare undergone little. or no elmugo. paneled will be found the ruling ,quotatlontt suuse.'—Primo New Orlesua, 03.4 e; Cubs, 11317%. Porto kb, bee 4 ,e lined, Mit; "A" Carte, isKc;"B" do, Extra V, lb, Corker—Sara, 28o; Laguarra, 31%r; Prime Rio, Me good, We{ fair, 1-.0:310. MOLABOILS—Prime New Orleansorler good. tae; Porto Elmo, 50J; Harbadoer,loe. Nr..Ta — LOTrriara Oki Contmental, eee• New. York, 'ger' Booth h Edgar% Slt; low grades range fro= no to 73e. Samna—Pure Ground Spilt. to Foil—rep. par, Gal Cinnamon, la: Cunha, am; Adaptor, 3% Worts, lea; Nutmeg., Mao. Yams—Layer Relates, $4,60 per box; Val tin, Teo per pound; Flan, 111,27 per doom; pmn me per pOtattd; tlurrau3aa, 01;1,1 loi new, lblb 143.41; Usrollae, Teas—Unchanged. ORLl.l3—Wheat la milet and unchanged et P 1 . 3064.33 (or Red Winter, mid 12,ek./2.05 for White. Barley to In eteady demand at WA* 1,63 (or SpOng and Fall. Oats continue dull but unclunged at 63(5000; on track, sod Ornalel la store. Cora I. ttunhenged at f1.0.101,t0 sew, and 41,1561,18 for old. Eye/ 41,4061,41. FLOWI—Tbe snivels hare been unusually largo during, the pail day or Oro, and labile the market la s Ilttle dull, poker aro leithout change. Weleoutlnue to quote et illnOrio.:3 lot SPrlllti 811,14312,50 for Muter. and ttl,Lot/ Oen (or teary brand., Rye Flour. 119,30 per WO, and Buckwheat 15.4e&5,50 pry curt. Corn. meal, 41,40 per awt. APPLES—In god. (lessen,' but 1111•114111 Mi regular sales In store at {3U4 pet pis OT.ILTUDS—PeachniOI6II wens good local demand, And may be quoted at IWO per buena!, .ltdSS,tte3,6o par bal. ,J3UT LER...Prime to choice Better Le la demand but unchanged at n att. • . EGOS—Seared, ma framer; may ; be quotee 31149 k. DRIED PRlME—lbollnuet dull but no. obauxel; enuU oaloo ot TI,WBo for Applos,' cud 1411 SO for Pooches. ' LIA Y-14 ttollinit firm, countrywsitois at VA Cri3 Mr ton, as to quality. LARD—Stlea et loy‘ala%O. BEANS—Lott of BOMINY—DaII at Vir,SO. ' 0/IA.NISEILIIIP.i—DeII at 6I la. POlfLTßY—Dallieela of 611uu1 ohltkera at 144130, sod laptop, at It4il6a. rxrreigiukaiii PIETROLXI.I MIALALLISI • MMus or TIC Presentation Oinsero.l • Tattabasy, December M. MIL UltUDE—The - cnols market 'exempts, active twasy, the repotted gale. the aggretste belay, wmattally large, we prices are • 'bade better. We can report a sale at 1,40 i batrelei to be Oehtereal La bulk boats—forthwith—at %tan I,ofo to bulk, to arrive, at 74; sat • par oat •pot, at 7t4c, dlfferenen to each. From the above It wllabe ma that *pot all may be fairly quoted at:lol4e. We'are molt ant Of nokle having bees made to buy at Slit, mad fauled, asol we beard of seven mats having been of feces With a lake re.ult. The Allegheny Ihrte a. lbw 10 excellent wandatton for funning bulk boats, mad We citron to record large arrivals of 011 within the next few Saye—tava lest at Ott City able evening. SEYl7ibill—The market for 'Loade] ell Is quiet and urielumged—spot Sul is quoted at lit. Sa`e b Ire hundred barter lots of a (44) barrels, lanai-io, rot January. 24a for February, and and ittee forklarah. There wane to be a alight improsement In the demand for eta drat three mantlia 'of Itift' but tor, Immediate daltiery there If llttle or to iequity, thoutri prima hare undargorie no quotable charge. araPiala of, all by t h e Al. letheny Valley Itallrosd, elnee the date of our last report, mare me follows: 'Forsyth Ilro. h C le Edwebt 5191 total, 2,6= ; , Ott rditerno carer we a. v. n.. Dream & neannerire) harrele oil:led to War too. Klux d Co.. Phliadelphla. Lornhart & Frew, 67 bile reload to Walden newt Co, Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co, :MO bbl, do to P Wtlght d Soo Pr.liadesphit. Mordshelmer. L'oehler h. Co. 1.50 Ibis do ' t ; Warlog, Ring It Co. Phlledelphia. ; Forsyth, Tito. Co,loodo do to T °Dacha. Philadelphia. h Co :1 40 do, 3S hOotole, War deo Frew A Co, Phtladelphla. Liberty Oil te oar., ten no do to Drawer Mahe h Co„Phtladelphla, Dilworth, Ilro & Co. bno do do Ls F e bit worth h (10. Philadelpbt. • on. orilrltt2,6lllos 00000050 (MTV, Ilinahlaast Oil (10 rd Ibis ter to S. Phicoe Plitladelph la • .. A D 61Mer 60 Oo do to W P Log. A Itto P 011.16441. New Turfs Prot/Dee Market. by Telearapb to the Flttaburshmermtml- Saw rots, Dec. M.—Cotton le scarcely to firm; tales of Igoe bales at 1.9815 1 (e for mul dihlg Flour—receipts 0'.470 bole; the market 10 rater more artier but with. Out ilVelded rottener; sales of CATO ems at MOW) for m.p.h. - State and western, 10,M810,0J fore st. Duda 00,01412 for es- It a western, 612,33e11,73 for w h ite aLent esil'a;so.Milla for round hoop Ohio. $llOlO farommon to goal St. Louis, and eltrell forgoo.] to choice extra dm -the market closing stestly.-Califortila floor onleti Of 330 tkiclorat 110,60131100. liye Dour steady; sales of 2.50 Idols ut. 10,6009,D0 for western to amts. lilt/sky quint and unotimnivi. 11e uapts wheat GAM tat; market nominally uo• charmed. llyo groin Sod steady; tales Of 1000 ton Slate, at railroad depot, et 1 1 .0, 0n0 lotto he Canada West, now Co canal, at Mel. Malt Meetly; Wes -Of de Im at 51,31. Receipts corn ILOUti Du; the market Is with out deeiden change; new is timbers-osier; taloa of SLOW int at 111.20911 3.1 for old rotted western In Moro, ILLSCIAL3S for new atioat, 41,11131.,54 tor new yellow Jersey, 11.01 for common now white southern, and SIM tor very choice do. receipts eats 230 hot Olio inarket is dull; sales of Mem ou at talM4l4, tor western in store, and Ode buyers , option for Drat rums in Jsuuttry. IL yo 0111.1. Cefftanalat. huger poles, sal.of littds blues at 1140IM. Molasses; dull, Hope quiet; tales at Matte for American. fo".-r-g.T.":„VC:l4eal."olia?toftroVfy'ldnt2l' • Io moderate declined. .Lcather; Hemlock solo In mod/oat. ropiest at prey - lone prletts. Wag; low grades In good demand and Ann; other 010111 dull; sale. of ISO WO It, at .16m fee for dotto.tle. Fork gond and steady; sales of 640 00114 at katiludy2l.o for meal, Tieing at 120.10 cosh; alT,Mmie,37 Inc prime: 575(iv,00 for prime mess; for thin mem; oleo 2AV" Dbl.; ol 10W mum for setier.9 , option of Jaw:inky at 121,12, and 221 id. do tor sellers , option at February at t::,3o.Deaf steady; Bales of IST bins and 170 Marco. of ptlme, mess at 1,31021. Beef Ilame doll; salon of lit 120.30ttlido Bacon limner and in better mquest; sales of 0 boxes of Cumberland. at Cut Cot Alerts heavy; sales of p.o pkgs, at ' for shoultlem and. 12(e1314,0 for hams. Ureesal Iluge arm, at eleattilvi for western, rind P ) iMito Inc city. Ltot steady and 50101, Its of 070 bids, at nualtioti 13-irs (Aldo; Butter steady, at Uyllitle far thee.. envy 11010 e. Freights to Liver• pool quiet and unchanigeti; 10,00 able corn at slid per steam. . , L•Tgai.—Flour cloned rather morealtive. In medium and good grad., without any decided change in price. Wheat ' nomluallP unchtioaeal. Rye dull at 11,7501,18 for west ern. Oats gultosteadynt Me In store for western. -Corn was active and a little den/. er al 81,8010x0010 for old 001004 was.. and 11.3701 tglagoat new muted western. Fork steady, 000 bids. mere at $10.0704, at regular elcrongi with litirire at 1 0.1,07/c, null sdloro 01 ell now mess t0.022,m lee delivery; and 023,254102,11734 for February. Deaf/oiler, end steady. Cut moats quiet and unchatiked. Bacon steady, with very rmainrato inoell7; Lard steadyat 19511218 - (or fair to prime bloom and kettle rood ttred. k , • thilitargo Margret: • Ins Telegraph to the Pittsburgh dairtts•l films., Pro. M —Flour more netts's( and firmer. it , . .17.7 2 1010,01 for spring eattaa Wheat—No. 2. Raymund 2423 t algbar,clodng firm at StJadiafill,td; No. I Lintel, ma tanner, at a1.91a1,95. torn—old' Mac, tilt and Mont. al; now finial.. closing at thiNfited‘o. Oat. firm at fipsfifido...ltya motive at a1,a4(ii 1 ,5 9 for So. I,'an ll - 51.511,1.64 for NO. 2 Homey Otto sad quiet, at 41.01101,71. for No. 2. < Pso visions Inactive an firm; Moss Pork 110,2 0 adlp. Lard dull. at 11%10120. Balk mama doll; Curnherlatal nfidaleardie loom. doom and plotted manta naglomed and nOrninaL Dragged hogs firmer at7ffig, dividing on 202; live firm and 00100 Mahar, at 0,1)002,fii for medium to rale, and ispir,ou for good t o choler. Beef Cattle dad and usieltard. Itecumut-4,400 MA, flour, 2 ,020 bush w oat, 24600 bath corn; 11.000 broth oats, 7.000 Ogn.. !that . ruzigt=hl2l , extf 4 4..Mtl . hush 'afield, Clet OE WELL TOBIN, MEM Office, Ito. 98 Water Street, rr.rTeStraGu, FA. ataia,33 PGICV BOILER, SITU tNB AN unamisti.il 6 . l— &‘ I= Tumnas, Dotarl.E-3t.11D, FIRSZOT&CYLLKOLT.2 . 2.I36II comene, Ofl 8 . 1126121 AND OIL TAILTSA, 013775(NEY0, DICEZCLUEOI.2iI7) LAIL ?Ala ELETTLINO PANS, BALT COI. DSNREIW, 8TX.:121 rfInIIJ, I.li Li ICOR rumoxrwmiLapic(ku , :anxxr4 01111..!Mo .ad ri sad Worls• lahe so r.ty -cl-s;acca..l.llrt-r,/: Pittsburgh, • goirittaylvtinin; RE.NS.1110T011" MON WOR.U. I.l.trYl) a if., 5. cm., ista celaslop., tiozegai Juniata;Bleani JardOILLIIT BAJL. Win2:l) GOVASTI InOti HOILEH ISOUP. BANA 'l' rad a nOLE. cd,fatn, i fu n z t ri? .to kip On irLdnan wxuutkirr o LtAim 4" - Vlsl4lCi?:ii `1 . 7, 1 414. 4 ' • VLLT ILAILS Pounded and Coantannak. CULL acilKiN MON. NAllll.d NPIKES. Wan:bean and Wane so Ole Worn, InICE.I‘. OUEM nr...i.coptinuanon of Firat nrtnt,Le4.- Wain, tbd IntyOu Works. inlaid:rah. .5,29;H prirrsttunGe PTEF:L ANDERSOIi, COOK es CO., (4LiCOESd,OU3'IO'JOICid, &OTC & 00 I=l ItEFENED CAT STEEL, Aqxz , lirort Lx4.A%,1,1v = Merl for REAPING AND 1( MIND MACIIINER. fi TEEL PLOW WINGS, SPEIN4 A • • .i.rzas, CM:PLANS. str.4l CoMoTeri 'Piety & .prlng Steel. 1 Ine—Corner of Ylr.t tai koas etteete. two bkoka abyrz the Xuttaagehela Houle: =3.1 OHM i JA.4SI.ICAOS A. a. Was. WOIIILS. 111. SOLE & c 0.,. FOrr-i - .1,,E as. Engine Builders , gad Make to on!er tla +ltcstm i Elegize. °Call wam ric utut e to t give sALLlfactloll. Cautiegs, Otavery Oetrolkttott. blade to oraai 4.6.1m2i.10N,tay•t....11-. B. RILL. FtitrittA elacelne keep. Cot. y ling.,. War. rkraterr. Ma:. a AIM StTlaint Street. .V.11:114111.1841:41. LS, Tleevee BI ACS ITLIAIOND STEEL WORKS. PAII4, k '.. ItANCTAGIVILE OF Atli RISCF.I!IION6 OF OOkcml Oarebcasc, 120. 122,121140- oodsua 110 6121 First . • rsinsum3oll. BERLIN FOUNDRY. . PAINS & 6,lxi9J • , Nu. 29 Iltood Street Jitastactarri snißrttp oculrtmitlr Ot 12=4 Thimble, :Sheri .7 :PEA : Dozes, RAO?! WIN 4 1)(19 MC*. 111.113.1,8 K&T ►ad uelang. settentlP. U"..° W .W.LUr" MONT 131.,AP1C Butler &Teat, Ninth Ward. erro4rz. LINItYti 4.1a;!.4 xrxrar.g. ,. .*l.7ei - rizrzitcirsa.. Rolling min 1 , 12 d Byld•Te Castings; Tuna ki . U.4.1T . 3 rlys . tasz, ffiSneter.ary nao. (: V:L!ga :•, - c eriLtly lade. itromptif s Lc 3 ke, VaLBUITh ma.s..tuNz.m.r.. • . ' Ermr,“T LIS 1 ofJ.Stlti` 2aPri - .1 WORI I I IMMO, Bia ear4ars, = . . 11.68 T 011A1,117.1).131 "'"VT`ML, , fli'ai,,! - :;:`,",_;/,-'-'1.1V.F" meet!. DI uslet.fr..Tara. Iratriu. 6117411i3:534t r. 1.11) ..0.0 "at fra.ga. e - Otibe9.:ia IT. CHAR:AI-4 2107.1 L 21:71LIHISO, raT3c1.71.... 4 .2 / 1 116th. Eft, 102:44, I. R. 130716017..11, 0. rAmxtrit.,..TAA' (MARA 1:1041,173 WOU MORROW, BAIIIIIIII,I, IILLYGIaLIT37MI op ltrato Ilollerr, Oli , ts:"lv, AA , cum, tallet, Fait 2'.w',fi. , =etc tr, VI r0,,,, , 11t rimr. 11 (Itc.o, • I . .lu:tn.:viz Wt. -. 4.. e., eze-, . - Ofto LI t?Y.CIVAD I P "a" VS:AI:AR .SE, .P 0; Igl'Al4ll.d 11(..N:; Pr.f:3lxTlX ICER7i!LEA LEA, o.o!urt.cluatuer TEAR_ EVIIIIES AER BOILERS, • Fe - reight - 1- 7 1oistors AND D 0 5 .17.0• A • ENtiiii.r.B.--j C 1 . 17 3N!:otrder ==2MOM I=3 vsr,rf if' siuulfrrovr: woe% ALLMR!..FeI'X,EV. 02re fwatlWmfLhorff, :Mt ra1:1 , 111 — : PT., hp rh2rtEo braittole.i. hrtfy oariusf of W vrtja .0 c 6.4..-“, M11'; "long Coo.dy. 3, 4 vt, sho AuShrsat. and I CnSlza/ for ckni %IC ILO unti1 . ..11.1 eta, of Use:Xx..f;:o. ,og4 Ur:, Archer. efh=re. rthaPrr, Phr, list:ll4 Dog =on: hol Ilallaw Ware get inom CITY rAtLz..r.. 1 ILOGEMS 4 1 r. BIIECg.FTELID. -ne2ntAttarets ' .SoLined, Wnrecal.3nnintad Volts 'Zino nn NCIIIII.A)4LA EVERBON, PI,I2BTOn& CO, ra1:374 mcori•woacur.l4. Vranto.o. No. Mood ICI Pinta.. nouongoJaca If out. rutaintub. so04:01 LE:fi'll i g) , V3Plllioll4l):Ll AL JOHNSTON. • argMann faeterer Of/OKM) riONli b trfa • i .. of Il g ai2lnVtlfr:. WAILLS • and ell tines of MACHINE/ fl eneTtlain, care ner of WATtOS and nEI Ulu 12s ern Kra% fool , of Fenn street extension. Mtenurtn. En. •• • J'e II SIM in ESE =