E3ll 0 DAY GAZETTE, ITBLIPIFIrD IT73Y MOZSIZO 4MMTII Nif2ll'lXD.) Et El BirMn&M.REED & Ca; ' .. 2 .l CripriaterriSh . -mum Imre, Bs Art; Z.Vtrien. 071 M GAXICTit BUILDING bits. 11l slid SI YIP= 3 felliEtu - hptt el Totem ramllragi. !Priam pn.r.n nriaret r impas ALLECIIIBIz . I LVNlLSEltiiniffrit gra az. uk Y TI/111 OP TEM DAILY: t. GAZETTZ. PrITS131:111011, rays gittgtatrgt Gaytte It conjectured, and not without •n, that 11, in 'repel'ling tho tax on on, tho crop of the present year shall 'lncluded, tne advantage ,will not e to the planters bet to the bickers, these snainlY In tho city of New riaManday etening last, at it meeting at, • eJflratPresbyterian Church and con - cilia' or Philadelphia, !rely nod i the:bert of the Rae. Albert Barnes, a• . salmons eras extended to to the Rey • Herrick Johnson,' D.D., formerly past of the fhirdPrestiyterian Church of tills , city, to become their pastor. This is announced bi th'e Philadelphia . news- de l Vra ninon, the lionise of &prison eatives.has acted Wisely in voting not to disontlaue land pante is aid of way' enterprises.' Of course, proper discrimi no nhotdd be exercised ; , but with tide liderstanding no bettor tee can be or part of the public domain than cid, ng it to aid in constructing rail way doidgned to bring the whole ander sett! enL 'This policy bon been tried, and ihe results hswo vindicated ita Judi. AL daj yesterday it.snow storm pro ve' this city," and . over 1 wide rang- of territory.. Railroad trsnspor. tette. was very generally impeded. If a higher temperature shell now convert the snow into water, so as to raise the rivers to boating pitch, a vast relief will tm fell not orsly in business circles, but in thous:rib' of families depending for coal's' 'reasonable rates -upon increased deptl' of water is the channels. Tens Arriftenatilliteibyrnerr phials to the • Ilinffrage Bin for the District of Colunibla, Just passed anew' by. Con s grecs, on this . ground, among ethers, that .1S;Is laault to the people of Pennsylvania." We are not'aware that the people of this. Uommonwealth have given that Journal a conimisalon to pro tect their dignity or sensitiveness. When - they do it will be Mammon for it to eielltilUe that Protection, and not till Tarn ()11.m5.) RePublirept; in commenting on an article in the Al bany Slanting Journal,urging the noted linden of Gov. 'Fenton for Vice Presl. dent on the ticket with General. Grant, lactated that the 'claim of Norlfork ems barred' hy the dissensions existing among her . przmiaent Repnblicann. The New ,York Commercial Adveriiscr • maintains thst this point is not only well, but con clusively, taken '; 'and to give it addi tional effect proCeeds to renew its con tention with the supporters of the Gov— ernor.., Queer fellows! some of the New York`editors. I. Tint Associated pleas dispatches, in common with some of the 'pedals sent from this city. make a dead 'man of M. McCaiso, the Republican candidate for Controller. Now, be it known that he is not deal, eiber politically orplrysical. 4:; but WAS' elccied. , and -is - 71 n - 000 1 perform the duties of bit °Mee. About as dirty en electioneering trick as was ever resorted to, was that of cir culating a story, while the voting Was going on, that a Candidate had ceased to grist, and hence, that voting for hint Was useless. - :However, the trick did not avail, either to hill or defeat Nr..Mc- Ex• Gov. CURTIS still occupies a 1613319 corner, in the hearts of the. people of Pennsylvania, and oa every proper oc casion be is made feel that his services to thei Slate and country are remembered kindly' by grateful citizens. lie was a witness In a Philadelphia' Cony last Tuesday, in a trial which attracted very largo attendance. ,In speaking of his testimony,: the News Court reporter said: "Gov. Curtites_.evidence:wu listened to attentively, end when he left the Volta Rouse he was bidden Unwell to with. many denim:titration" of reepect. He eat in an obscure corner of the bar, near the dock, daring the trial, only ap pearing when his name Was called as a wheels." In THE BOUSE OF RZITZBEZTATIVILS - amaideratken of party interest eviden. ly have miich to de in determining Wiffit sffstancial policy meMbers will espouse. The Repablicatuf generally fear a tom menial revulsion would be fatal to them, aqd are ready to adopt any plan that premises o avoid or posipo:.e it. •The Democrats believe a general colh_ipse will bring them into power, it any Ching would; and, to this 'extent, would be glad to`see it happen. It would be wrong to my that all the members are she°. lately or even consciously controlled by these considerations; but whoever wamhes the divisions on Luanda! gnu lions attentively •will sae reason to Con clude that what we affirm is true: IT is sometimes intimating to observe what "a aoher retond-thought" will do Coe a man. Take an illustration. Oa the evening of the roma charter tire. lion this dispatch wu rent from the office of the Itspublie: - a El' 0 /TIM Prrtsnunom Dec. 10, 1567. ! To Col. R. P/ontgan, Editor of the Daily News : „ Blockmore, our candtdate for Mayor, i 5 elected by wet three thousand major. ity. We have carried our whole city ticket, and' hart a majority in every I -ward. Rejoice with us at the death and • destruation of Radicalism in the smoky 1 . • Editor of Depubito. Yesterday the Republic made this de claration • Prhe election of Mr. Blackoanra wits by no means . ' party triumph. Had ho been nominate,: by the Dent.crutle party ho woUld have been defeated, the same as Mr. Durgrrin wad, for whom votes were , demanded on the ground of party." Bowe of the newspapers affirm tint the dying out among Senators of real for the restoration of Mr. Stanton to the ; War Department, la owing to the ed. imitable =goner, in which Gen: Grant hsa atiministeAd its affairs during his bacumbenty. It is undoubtedly true that' the General has abundantly satieded the popular demand and the wishes of the 1 Senate as well. Bat this dom . /lot cover thir whole. case. The Office Tenure bill declares that the Prealdent thrill not re ( move any officer appointed: by Ains without the consent of the Senate. Mr. Stanton was not appointed by President Johnson, but by. President Lincoln. The law, therefore, seems not to 'reach his case; thought Senators started with the Idea it did. The President goes 1.1 farther, and holds that the 'law Itself is void, because m contravention of his constitutional prerogatives. .Wo think .; be has no, such authority.as he claims; Ind more, that if be was possessed of 9each . power .ii would be hostile to the CSISCaltill elements ,of popular, govern ! pent, and ought to' be taken from him • with ms little delayee practlcable. allow storm 'on 'Monday caused ate inPpetl9loll of all trains on the Toledo d Ohio Railroad. VOLUME EMT EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FORTIETH CONGRESS. 17 letstnlS Inttabargb Elszett• 1 ' , NFieariNorotr, DOq 12, 1867. BEIsTATE. ea memorial evai txtegnated by Mr. POMEROY fn. es 'citizens of Minnesota, praying for Impartial suffrage. Mr. WILDMAN reported from the Cpuantittoe on Enance .a 'bill for the . , . Iropealof the-exam tax, 11.111/ INClkhotice 'that he would calbit up to-lnorrod. ' Mr. PATTMISON, N. E., from the Committee. vo lletrenchmeat, reported a rennitition that contracta for stO.ionery ant other supplies for the Executive Departments shall, in the present unset tled condition of the country, be Mach.. , fok a period no longer - them one - year Adopted. Mr. NOYES Introdtreea trbillto amend the various oats establishing it navy de partment, - .Deferred to the Naval Com: ante:. - On motion of Mr. SIII:DMAN the Senate took up -the bill in reee.,,, rd to the proceeds of captured and nbanuoned T e qucatlces aa.S.islated to beim Mr. Edmunds' amendmeet. I Mn EDMUNDS stated that since yes , terdny ho had learned the Secretary of the Treasury had been instructed to ep= point treasury agents sander at. . of Congress. Mr. Omni had • con sulted the Solicitor in ,to whether ho had authority to decide which was captured. Mid which abandoned property. The question.' had arisen whether the President or Secretary had authority to submit - the question to h commissioner, and particularly What had been called the Savannah Cotton cases. The Attorney General had decided ad versely. The Seeretary,of the Treasury, ho believed, bad given op no canon In a manner conflicting with that opinion. He read a letter from the Attorney Gen eral, dated April 24th, 1166, expressing the opinion that certain-property Was. .unjtatillably aimed, not havingbeen the FeTter t iz o o r ne th rs e t ( erthel n ec le r B et tu fry • Ol Y t h t i ; Treasury tram personal blame. . Mr. FESSEIi DEN said this matter was doubtless mused by such a misapprehen sion aggravatedby diasatisfleticialmanta Of such property. few had- arty concep tion ol the trouble and difficult). entailed on the Treasury Department - by large amounts of property, scattered all over the country, which had been seized. :The law did not mean that the gross receipts of captured property should be paid into the Treasury. Secretary" Chase had established the principle of paying the expenses of captured property out of the proceeds.' Would it be proper that -when certain property Was unjus= seized it shout,' be sold and the p paid into the Treasury? Mr. Chase bad decided it would be fleet subject to proof. The sixth section made it the duty of Gip army arid navy receiving abandoned property to turnit over to the govern ment. They bad been in the habit of Seining property that hid - never been abandoned, and. the Secretary •of the Treasury had properly allowed proof of ownership. In act of 1164 It was provid cd that the proceeds, after deducting ex penses, were to bo' paid inks the Treas ury, under which law he had- assumed control of that tlepartment. He had doubtless erred in endorsing the opinion referred to of the Solicitor Of the .I'reu nry, without suMMnatly considering the difference thetvreen. eapteired and &Mo. , donod property, but; an investigation would show that under his administra tion, and probably under that of the other Secretary, in property subject to seizure they had exercised the most scrupulous care, so great care, indeed; that a part of The office was 'Set aside for that haveselgatioe..' 'pedant - gentleman detailed to pro nounce ,on the legal sutrect of the cane. Ili addition to that be himself hail always examined cases after a decision by this Bureau, and hail sometimes set it aside. Mr. McCulloch had simply followed the Mune marked °orby himself and predecessor, and felt 'called to take a share of the blame, if there were any. If the bill ehould pan with the amendment, though the - Trea sury Department had no objection, it would operate unjustly to partieshaving just claims against such property, de priving them of their remedy. - Mr. SHERNIAIN said when he claimed yesterday that the Secretary of the Treas ury had conformed his action to the opin ion of the Solicitor, the Senator from Ill inois (Mr. Trumbull,) had taken lam by surprise in denying the fact. He reed a I statement from the Secretary's report, I showing that the fact was as he had stat ed. He explained that the Committee on Finance had defined the action on the bill on the representation of thq Secretary of the Treasury In regard to proceeds of the thirty-four million dol lars worth of property. Doubtless it was not proper for th;tmoney to remain without being carried into the Treasury. If the Senator from Maine thought more time should be allowed, he had no ; ob jections. . . . Mr. FTSSENDENT said the onlirca• son for delay was that It waa only the net proceeds that were to be paid Into the ireastfry, and niers were certain claims to be testerL. The morning hour haring expired, Mr. JOHNSON roso to spent. on Mr. Drake's resolution restive to the Pres ident's message • - Mr. TRUMBULL desiring to spook On Um pending bill, opostponn motion of Mr. SHERMAN' it waspostponed till to morrow. Mr. DRAKE rose to a petuonal ex planation in regard to an attack upon him by the Nations:4 Intelligencer and the New York Troth:, bossed upon a cor respondence In the Cincinnati Comma.. fira, under the nom de plume of "Mock:. The charge wan that he (Mr. Drake) h . voted in the Legislature of Missouri, in 18541 and 'us, that negroes in his State should be put pp by the Sheriffs at pub lic auction. It wouldhe unjust to him self and his State did ho nut pronounce the statement totally false. In August, 1850, ho was elected to that Assembl„ and took his seat, not having previously been a member. 'The previous winter the House passed such a9hill, and after he took his seat a substitute was offered to the same effect. An amendment was offered, providing that negroes or mulat toes settling in the State Niece 1847, should bb reduced to slavery. He had voted for It. The operetta of it would have been confined to a . dbiall number. If the bill should have become a law, every negro in the State woe to be enslaved, but ire had voted against the bill on italinal passage. The statement, therefore, woe false and unfounded. The SENATE took up Mn DitAHE'S resolution. Mr. JOHNSON' apoko t length In de fense of tba President's Message, maying It was ono of the beat sent In by any President. On motion of Mr. GRIMES„,the reso lution VIII.I postponed till Monday, and the Senate ureic up the conthrrent two lotion to adjourn from the 20th of De cember to Jammu, 2864. i Mr. SUMNER suggested it.might °c ession a pocket veto ottho bill for further securing equal righte in the District of Columbia. Ile moved to imbotitute the glth for the 20th,. Lost. . . The resolution was also lost- , elghteen to twenty. The President transmitted to the Senate his reasons for suspending Secretary Stanton. The papers in Fite John Por ter's ease were also sent. . - Tbo Senate, about four o'clock, want Into oxerutive Reunion' and nbortly after adjourned. 11013 SE OF REPRIENTATFVES. Mr. BROOMALL presented a memorial of various yearly meetings of the Society of Friends, praying fora change of the Indian policy, substituting efforts to civtlire and educate In place of compel-, elan and war, and offering their gratui tous cervices in bringing about kind and Cabal= treatment of Indians. The SPEAKER presented a memorial from the Waehington Monument Society for national aid to complete the monu ment. Referred to Committee on ApprO. prlations. Mr. SCHOFIELD Introduced a bill providing for holdingsilbuit court lathe city of Erie, I's.. Its. - [erred. Mr. ELLIOT offered. a resolution directing the Committee on Commerce to inquire lain tba causes that hate pro duced the present depreseion ht the 'hipping interests of the United States, and whether our maratlme interestedo not require a remission of Internal du. ties on materials entering into the build ing of vowels, or 60190 iecita6Uoll to fa cilitate the transfer of foreign vessels to American owners. • .. Mr. GARFIELD suggested an Inquiry also an to whether a return to spoch3 payments would not bo valuable to the Mteresta of commerce. - • hir. ELLIOT decllncal to receive any amendment. The resolution was adopted. Mr. LOGAN' offered' u redolution In structing the Committee on Commerce to Inquire 'Motto expe di ency of locating at Cairo ; or some other suitable place In Illinois, the Marine Hospital formerly ' - . , t sTABLIS 1: h. - • - • ..,,,., _. , ..... 1 „ - ..--..--,.....-- , :,....z. -k , ~....0 . ....._.„---•—..-, - 4. 4 -, •- - - , 4• ' ~. 1 - , • - , --- - • e_.. ~, , .. . . •-.,..,-,-.:„,„.....-- - g...Lipaite-- - --,-- -- ■op : ',7 111 r -- - - . -----,,,, , ,\ 4 - .:f- ,,,, : , :--- , ---.-,,...„& rito..-.-;.;,.-o,' 4 A i - W i r - -- -7:" ," - , :q t-Z-..1, . - '''-''' rir ...:. ,: .; 4067 7. , '..% if...Ma ,-.:o°-('' ''. -- -'-' 4ll .fi g lE 4l .-' 'Ci., • •• a - • \ kk':-.o`. - rpe"&t, - 6 = .. )• - , . - 4 .•,, ,,, - zwu,_ Jt..),!.,f.`"'•"..`%:r7VN-..-tactr7l,,,------7- 0 341 1Q: 4 .- •-'t =------- , ,p 4 : - - ''''..,-7-- - :' Zi_ . laa M, 41 1 1.' 4.77.-.----- ; Z15e,. : ... - f r ,*,,,,-_-:,1, , rtit , ..„____...„....,,_...„..,,...,....„,„,..._._ ~ 1 i - ' . /1 )\ - , .... , - - -. , ;-": located ist Paducah, Ky., and destroyed dnring the rebellion. Adopted. Mr..IIANKS offered a resolinfon call ing on th President for information a to the sal of public vessels truce tint close of t a war, Adopted, • Mr. PI K pretreated the reaolutlons of ' a masa rn oght St. Louis ou the rights Ofnettllstl zed citizens to protection. terred. Mr. KE R asitedleave to offer a resol. lotion I tructing the Corotrilltee , Roads and Canals to Inituire into the necetwity,cort, Vic., Of constructing a cai, tat artfunn ten fells of the Ohio on. thl Indiana bide. ' Mr. EGGLE3T ON objected. ' Mr. CUANLER offered a reeolution directing the _Ohonnlttoo on Ways and Means to brlnglri a hill tbbVtog atax on crests amteders of arum on - vehleles and household furniture in actual use. Adopted. Mr.:IIRDOKS offered a'resolotion log on the Secretary of War for copies of all general orders promulgated by the, several commanders of tallitar,y, district.% and all special orders issued bj . : them or Xlatdraubordinates int the execution of reconatrilttioll lowa or in any war re lating.thnßio. Mr. WARD ridhg.te debate, the' -Intiort went Over. • .. . . Mr. ETZ offered a resolution reciting that the cities of Boston and Pithibilrgh had recently . elected detttnerbee IttOters, thus fridiestrtg-S. of 'disloyalty, which should lie promptly suppressed, and directing the Committee on Recon-i struction to Inquire whether Massachu setts and I'ennsylvanla have republican forms of government mid - do 'wet' odeti A debate stifling, the keivolution went over. Atri, LAWRENCE, Ohio, offered a res olution instructing the Judiciary Com mittee to inquire into the expediency of providing that solicitors, in the Depot meat, and other law °Macro of the Gov eminent shall consiltute part of the At torney General' aDepartment. Adopted. Mr. ASHLEY," Chin introduced a rev:elution directin thiSelett Commit.' tee on Bounties to report at the earliest poasible day.. Adopted. Also, :a joint resolution to retain lathe service, officers of the Freedmen's Bureau. Referred to Military Committee. Also, a hill to facilitate the restoration of the late rebellious States. Referred to Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. SCSIDETELD offered a resolution Instructing the. 'Naval ,Committee to inquire into the propriety of It:tooting the navy yard and naval depot at Erie, Pa. Adopted. Mr. SPAULDING offered a.resolntion that when any treaty matte by the Presi dent, with the ad - vlya of the Senate, stipulaiAssegulationsion any of the sub jects submitted by the' Constitution to the power of Congams, must depend for Its execution as to such stipulations on the law or Ltklit to bopassed by'Congress according to its round discretion. Re ferred to Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. Mr. CARY offered a resolution that In the opinion of the House! the Secretary of the Treasury ahould net provide for the Immediate payment , of the seven millions of bonds issued • under the act of January 28th, 1847, or of tire_ eight millionsissued under the act of March 31st, 1848, bat their payment should be postponed until coin sad legal tender notes shall be oritio same value. Re ferred to Committee on Ways and' Means. . • Mr. CARY introduced abut! to abolish land °Siam at Chillicothe, Indianapolis and SprlnaGeld. • Mr..I..A.WRENCE, of Ohio, Offered a resolution directing tho Secretary. of the Navy to furnbcb accounts of the ex pen. ditures of the late trip,to Europe cf the Miantorionmh,-spectfying the item In detaiL Mr. BROOES:rhing to debate, the rot elution went or.er.- . •WS State tif Te nneysee being called for resolutions, Mr. •.ELDIUDITE tss genteel the vane question of order which he presented Jut Creek. that =Cording to the doctrine of the majority, tbe State of Tennemice having been only admitted into the , Union a year ago, the State of Wisconain took jam:opium of tin the The SUEAKI:ft overruled the point of ordei. Mr. FARNSWORTH !suggeded the gentleman from Wisconsin having ex austed that suggestion int week, It should bo considered "played out." Mr. ELDRIDGE replied that if tho re mark was applied to the gentleman from Illinois, he would have been "played out" years ago.. •• " Mr. MAYNARD offered a resolution instructing this 'Committee on Foreign AtTaire to inquire into the expediency of providing by law that diplomatic and consular representation of the govern ment to Hayti, Liberia; and other points of Africa, shall be selected from citizens of African descent. The previous question having been seconded,Und the main question ordered, Mr. CITANLER called for the ayes and nays on the adoption of the resolution. .Mr.WASHBURNE, of Illinois, moved to reconsider the vote ordering the main queston, that he might move to refer the. resolution Teo rote ordering the main question wan Simusidered. CILANLEII meted to lay the res olution on tho table—year, sLaty-three, nays seienty-seven. The resolution was' then, on motion of Mr. WASHBURN, of Illinois, referred to the Foreign Committee. Tbe House agreed to adjourn today till Monday, but reconsidered the action and meets to-morrow for general debate in Committee or the Whole. A resolution authoyizing the Secretary of the ,tie”' to relinquish to builders sueleiron-tdads not required by the Gov ernment, on refunding tho amount paid them, with abatement for inliudas ro colvod, was, on motion of Mr. JUDD, referred to the Committee on Foreign Mr. WASHBURNE, Indiana, offered a regal utlon Instructing the Military Committee to Inqui re 'Motile expolioney of extending additional bounty acts to widows of soldiers who died since ita P.ga• On motion of Mr. JULIAN, the Secre tary of War was directed to report the Information called ter by the House res olution In July lost respecting swamp lands In the South. On motion of Mr. COOK, the Secretary Of the Navy was directed -to inkirm the House whether any of tho public vessels sold since the war were captured from tbe.enemy. Mr. ROSS offered a resolution reciting that the report of the Secretary of War 'shows the expenses or the. U. S. Mili tary Deportment amount to about f 77,000,000. being more than the entire expenses of administering the Natioeal Government in its earl:Arend betterdkys, and direMingthe Committee on Military Affairs to Inquire into the expediency of reducing the army to ar peace-.establish ment. Adopted. Subsequently Mr. GARFIItaiD moved to reconsider -the vote, remarking that the preamble contained a reflection on Gen. Grant. Mr. ROSS disclaimed any such . pur iTt e rote was reconeldered and the resolution laid on tho toblo. ' Then Mr. BAKER offered& resolution reciting that it Is on every account expe dient that the military establishment of the United States should boon small and economical An la compatible with the real and absolnte wants of the country, and directing the Committee on Military Affairs to Inquire Into the expediency of so reducing the army, whlehwas adopted unanimously. Adjourned. . , TENNESSEE Yalta* 01Neer ladteted froolearetaty 4eary Bask lase. I Ro...Torrerroob to tea reel:arse 0 stete 3 S.lannr'mat, December 12,—The Grand .TurY boa found an indictment I:gab:tat J. fikilbOtn °filter of the 'Metropolitan Police, for complicity in a- burglary, Skills was one of Truesdale's detectleeS aurlngsths war. The case' of the holders of notes of tly Exchange Bank of Tenuessee - agalnst the officers of the State Bank of Tennes see and the State of Tennemee, to recover from ono hundred thousand dollars to two hundred tbobsand dollars In bonds, which aro alleged le havo been abstracted from the State bank a number of years ago, has again been taken op In the Chancery . Court. The decision of this stilt invotres nearly one million del., BALTIMORE. Too Nsorso—brom ofa Nary/Menem —.armorial for. the Para*. of Dr. Mudd. • • t es Telezratli to the Pittbarzli Gazette. Itax.ristons, December 12.—A heavy north east storm, of hall and snow has prevailed since one o'clock hat night. Wm.' Tipthn, a Chief engineer In • LIM navy. died on Tuesday. after the adjournment of the Convent Sion of physicians of the State yestenlay, an informal meeting was held' and: a memorial to President Johnson drawn up praying for the release of Dr. Mudd. The memorial suggests that If Dr. Mudd was guilty of any wrong, be has sulfur ed sufficient punishment. SOB EDITION. THREE O'CLOCK A. M: PROM EUROPE. Sympatby for Executed Feciane. Funeral DeIUAW/diens Prohibited The "Times" on our Financial Difficulty Spanish pinks Abolished =I GIRLILT BUITAILN. ri,iIAIUMATTEIcs—NOMMEIts AlumsTzt, Le:soon, 800. 12--,S f evend British sol diers who participated in the ceremonies of hone to the executed Fenian,. at Dpblin, en Sunday, and marched In the funeral' precession, .havo ben., ..plageg nnd er mitestindnife to be tried *mart' =wife. .Thspatches how all parts of 'rebind givb atteounts of the exhibition of pipit. lar aympathy for Allen sand his 'com panions. In a number of the principal town there hare been• funeral proces sion., In which large multitudes, wearing the national emblems, participated. FUNERAL DZILONSTRATIONS rnonnurEn. Dumas, Dec. 12.—The Lord Lieuten ant of Ireland has issued a proclamation declaring . that the 'holding ',Of . public 'funerals for the Ferdaref executed for treason at Manchester is seditious, and prohibiting spelt demonstrations of sym pathy in the future. TEM 1:13ITX/:. STATES COTTON TAX. LONDON', Dec. 12.—The Theca, in an 'editorial on.the prospective; abolition of tho tax on cotton, by the AMerlean Len gives, says the financial difficulties of the United States are extreme, and expects . the country will be obliged to resort to Lttcressed internal taxation and higher tariff, but believes the people will dhue. vow any plan which for its object the payment of bonds of the United States and intemt thereon in paper. The weekly returns of the Bank' of England show bullion decreased .53,(90 pounds. =I Marinth. Dec. 12.—8 y a royal decree the &diet On cattle, provisions, bread- Mullis, oils and machinery Imported Into the Island of Porto Rino, era abolished. EIC= FEDNIULL COUNCIL AWOCRIIED. Banbm, December 12.—The Federal Council of tbo North German Confeder ation closed Its session to•dey. OPERATIC COMPOSER DEAR Fizzasca, Deo..l2.—Jeats Yachted, the veteran operatle. oaropoter, died yes terday. PINANcIaL AND COIIIILEMAX. LtVaafoot., Neember...— Ootionilmarican.descrigattas,ldltrwer, but the *cline tended IGS; keettler the market staiidisr vri*AscAg tivlty. - 13•1•1 - Mt-Mi• in port nt 7td; do to arrive • 614; do Or leans Ttd; the sales to-day amounted to 1,000 bales. liireadatniTs; there was no chimes in tho quotations, except pose, which doclined 4. 6 d Per quarter for Canadian. Provisions and produce en- Urcly nnehanged. LuriDolt, Dee.l2—Ecmaing.--Consols • shade weaker at 921. rive-tvrentles 511. Illinois Central $O6. Erie 404 Fnannsons,D•c-12—Eventsg—rinited States bonds nudes at the last quota tion. ANTIV7.IIr, Dee. 12—Brening.—Petrol num; standard white 45 (rates. FROM WASHINGTON, Senate Officers—Republican Caucus. The Whisky Convention. I=3 WASIIINOTVIX. Dec. 12, lsta SENATE OFF/OEM—A CAUCUS. A caucus of Republican Scooters was ' hold thlemorning, to consider the pro priety ore new election of officers of the Senate, and partlealarly • Sergeanbat, Anus In pine° of the present Incumbent. After in expression of Tieseennadjeurn• ment took place under circumstances producing the impression that the whole subject Is indefinitely postponed, there being no disposition on the part of the, majoritj this time to make a change. e aten . . Gen. Ord bastasued an order declaring that the Convention hen been carried In Mitinwlppi, and elan In A,kansan, and he orders the Conventioris to tuuseMble Jackson and lade Rock respectively.on the Sib or January. The ordet son there aro Ruth irregularities at some et the pre• cinemas to make It imposelbte to give the total vote In the thetas for and agtunat a Convention._ . - TUB ApilliB.67 COUITnit. The whiskiy' Convention re:tumbled to-day, and the following National Ex ecutive Committee was appointed: 0. Perrin end P. N. MurphY Ohio; H. I). Hunt and D. It. Shortwell; Mass; P. Howlett and Charles H. - Curtis, Ills: . Z. M. Sebirley and Jobrild. Geo., W. laimpkine and .Henry C. Her. tuck Mw S. P Ingham Jr„ Cleo. W. Kidd, and C. H. Stole, N. Y; Randolph Sahler and leo. Sinning, Pa; Edward Wattere and McOrchton, lid; and Mr. Julius Dorn. Sy., representing Ind. A motion that. the Oonvontion , reitet at the call of its Chairman wan adopted. A reudullon providing for the Weaning of distilleries to 1250 to $5,000, and tax ing Wes of dlstilledepitita, wu adopted; alu, that the Convention on. all its ef fort:l'U promote the collection of mato taxes on spirits; slio,deflning the term (Untitled spirit. to be crude spirits, the product of ono distillation only, and each barrel *hall be stamped, and any barrel found touring the dignitary un stamped shall ne condemned and do. etroyed, end the distiller fined MO, the &ranger to suffer in. the atone .penal- ST. THOMAS. •1 1, 11 1 . eked.r— 4r . gri At : a IS , leleeregeo le UN YlLt.ba Ce Baseel/1 FORT Moulton, Dee: 32.—The tinned Midas steamer, Da Soto, Commander Pk‘gs, Shield hare after npeeeage of six 'days from St..Tbornas, with the Danish Commieslgnore on board, and also. Rev. Dr. Hawley , who wan sent out by our Government to secure the acquiescence of the people of tIL Thomas to the na. nexatioh of the . . Island to the United Wm. Moore, Vita Coned! at SL Croix, end the officers and crew of the United States steamer. lionongthela, :whtch was wrecked at Croix, were passengers. Five loon of tturahlp were drowned. Capt. SurrowN of th e United Status Marinas; and p, attacbed'Ao 'the 'United .States eteamer Suagoeherum died of yellow fever at Ht. Thomas. ' Rear Ad mind Palmer was very low with the fever. There were eighteen out aof yel low fever on board the United States eteamer Don. The Da Seto's. boiler woe temporarily repaired before., tartingfrom this place. She leaks but little. NEW YORK. - ter reievaim to a rutoraisx oaseui..l Draw Yong, Dec. 12, in. A balmy anon' storm coinmanaed bat night and, still prevails, with ! it high northeast wind. Railroad and atoamboat communication' is Impended or verg ir . o► Al[iltlOAxe AnnoAD. Mayor Hoffman mat *communication to the Aldermen this afternoon, urging such action as would result in protecting the rights of ;American citizens abroad, in connection withthe Fenian executions in Manchester. - . • PITTS.III I IRP4I CITY AND -81111IIIIIIAN. THE.COURTB. Dl.Coort—Joare Ow Turfitshia,, Dec. Court iliet at the : usual hour. The ease of Samuel Graham vs. John Corlin - H. Co; action for trespuzsonottl lends,. taken', up lyptlnesday te ittlLL • . ,Folinwing is trial lint fbi this day: 120. Jas. S. ye. Fairview Oil Refinery. 130. Alm McCloskey vs; N. J. Illgley., 131. Thelma:. lliennun ia.:3l:J.lllgley; IS.. Hoary Donna v... N. J.11itt1139.. 133.7311ctia..1 Bradley as N.. 1. lltgley. 131. John I'. tl.bson Ardeseo Ult Company. ' 137. Tim , !3tary, Bavege" va. Wm. It 111..10 Forrester & Co. is. J. Jennings et al. Common Inclis—Jaitgalllelleo Tirunsiay. Davit:lller l2—Cant4. tdet at Inn o'clock. • The catio of Patrick H. Pierre tho' Pittsbtirgh and llirAtingitan I'assongar Railway Company, reported yesteidayt is still on trine, • Fnliotvion to tile trial list for to-dayi Id. John Dior 7 s. vs. Fred. ltalni. 43. A. Lit v teatrilloathla'en - li Fainter: , • 49.• It. Wriy, p r., vsjitta‘. and Albs' 52. 1 . J. Clary vs. Thomas Fox: • 53.. Win. Smith vs. C. Orlailarelder , :d.. G. H.. Park ye. Aug.liat'llallifeak • hi. 4 Einstein vs. Julio. Elder. I•'otncthe Co, vs, senor., (7autleld AD Cn. t)o. , l 3 7m:Wooliford vs. Adam Rush. Cool or guano, Nosuion.. TH December I'L—Court met at ten o'clock, S. 31., Judge Sterrett: on OA. Itench. lEEE= The trial of the cross sults for felonious assault and battery, to .which Joseph Fiskeen ihomunl Roofer were the per- Om, was resumed Thursday wientirg. In trying the eases together, as••thme were tried, eat. side has an opportunity . of testifying, and N a natunit eons°. quenew the testimony was of a rather conflicting nature; each prosecutor en dearoriug to make the other appear the aggressor, Theiury failed to agree and were discharged. • • , • ASvAIMT AND tiATTSMT. The next ease token up Wan that of the Commonwealth to. Joseph Riven, trillium Brown and John Fockloy, in dicted for aggravated asatault. and bat tery, William 11l prosecutor. fmyer. psecutor. The prosecutor reel Sai on Knox's, farm, on the Brownsville pike, In Lower St. Clair township, and ho allegos that be wmi on his way home from the city,' on the evening of the 4th of October. is company with a friend, and whoa oboist half way home Le waspet by. the tree defendant. who were standing- in the road. Some words passed between them, and the defendants threw. modest at him, followed lam a short distance, and one of them struck him with some heavy Instrument uh 4 knocked hun thArn. The witnemes for the prosecution were all German, usable to sneak the English language, and MI a commemenne the services of the Interpreter were re quired, which occupied more time than the coot' otherwise would have done. The coutnei for the detense moved that a not pro,. be entered to the ease of. Brown and reekly, as thete was no posi tive evidence Of their having participated in the assault; in order that they might be put upon the witness etand.. The District Attorney objeMed and the Court overruled the motion. The defense offered no teettmonv and submitted the case to the Jury under the charge of the Court without argument. The Jury res. turned- a t'erdlet or aggravated assault- and betters In the case of .Blvect, and found - Brown and Fealey guilty or simple stimuli. Moen was sett- ht , eln7.4. r•os s".);use.M. • . land to undergo an itnpriatiument Of two months to the county jail, and the Where to pay costs of prosecution and a tine of $'2.3 each. mrerrtto AFFRAY. Commonwealth va. James Godfrey mhos lamas Miller, Indicted for ea lenions assault and battery upon toe prosecutor, Samuel Franklin. The par ties -to this case, who are colored men, appear to have bad some previous difficulty about a woman, and on the crenlng of the tail of November they met at the house of John Lucas, in the Third ward, Allegheny, where they en tered Into a game of cards, and while sit ting at the table Franklin alleges that the defendant struck him on the back of the neck with s Maur, indicting a severe and danger°us wound, and then knocked him olowy with ills flat. The defendant, by advice of his counsel, plead "guilty, - nod the Court, alter bemiring the statements et both parties, eentenced Mtn to pay a fine of one dollar to the Commonwealth and the poets of prosecution, and to undergo an imprisonment at labor in tke Western Penitentiary for the term of one year and three months- IlDitlX now. Commonwealth Garotte De. trich, Franenica Dottie), and Rosana Detribb, I ndiebst for assault and battery, Jobe tiotsner, prosecutor.' The parties to thin suit re.ideln the same house nt Spring Garden Run, and got Into a neigh borly quarrel, when, its alleged -by the prosecutor, the defendants who are hus• band, wife and son, attacked and bast him, pelted him with stones - and other. wise abuned hint. • .The Jury 'returned a verdict of guilty is io"George" and Fran sinks, and "not guilty" 63 to Rosana. Sentence deferred. 'Commonwealth vs. Charles Aesenbaes, ,indictment larceny, John Shenker, pms mutter. Tim prtnecufor alleges that the defendant took from the null of Gridr, Byers d, Co., Birmingham, a coat belong ing to him, and that he saw she presenter with it on 'his back. The defence offered no testimony, and the case was submitted to the Jury without argument. The Jury, without leaving-the box, returned a ver dict of guilty, end reeommended to the mercy of the Court. The prisoner wirecalled up for sentence, sad Mated that ho had taken the coat Ina mistake the even big previous to the date of his arrest and was there for the purpose of returning it and getting hie own. ;Its was asked if he had not been in Court on a previ ous 001.11111J11, charged with burning a haystack, which its dented. The Court,' however, rots:ignited, him •as the tame man, sad upon examination it appeared that he had been In C,ouretwitie before, The. Court thought that if the jury had known ifs touch atiditt-the case us trans pired after the, verdiet, , they would not havernade thu recommendation aud this Instance the (lourt would - have 'to disregard It. The prisoner was WU temeed to pay to tine of one dollar to the Commonwealth. ..lota of prosecution and to undergo au imprisonment in the pont tenUary for a term or fifteen months. In the case of the Communise.lth John,,Nelsner, Indicted for assault and battery, ()gorge Moirtelt: prosecutor, Which wan tried on Monday end a ver dlchof guilty rendered, counsel for de fendant moved rola novairtal. Motion entertained. • 'David Jones, imitated forth° larceny of £llefrom It.' If. Mole, prosecutor, was arraigned and plead guilty. The prose 'rotor alleged that the money was taken out of a bos on a shelf at the "Coroners pia".:ealoon, at the corner of Fifth end Union' streets.. The prisoner was gem tensed to pay a' fine of $1 to the Com monwselth, costa of prosecution, and tn slnderge an Imprimrunent of oqp. year and eight months in the 'Western llenb tentlary. VhsinsaaFlavin,indlcted forthalareany or lot of queenmvaro, won arraigned end plead guilty to the otmrgo. The facts of.thd case were pubilshod inc detail at the Irmo the otresice was committed. Tho prlapsiqr was aenteneed to pay costs of prosecution, return the property etolqn, pay allne gi .to Use Commonwealth. and to undergo an imprisonment In the Western Penitentiary for a term of one year and three months. . Court adjourned. • ' .. • =I The grand Jury pow, "Inquiring In and for the body of Allegheny . county," having :tempted an invitation to visit the "County Rome," It wue arranged by the Jury to go to that Institution yester dayt-going by railroad ne far as Mans=- nein and thence to the "Rome," two or throb miles distant, to • vehicles to be provided. "rho Jury accordingly pro ceeded to the railroad depot yesterday forenoon to take the eleven'o'clock train on the Pan Randle lioad,tut altar watt, keg fur some time it was officially an nounced thakowiug to the anew storm, and consequent obstruction to the track; the train had been discontinued for the day. Hence the jury were obliged to Owego their visit. Otostrarted„--The Birminghain Passen ger. Railivey was so mtich obstructed by the heavy fall cof snow yesterday that but five cans were running, which la oue half the resubir nuniter, • • - , DE1Z101l&R lg. 1867. Tali Normal BebOoll =olefprlM-LIP -end Prep iiiii ono. Thepropositien to loeolteand establish a ormal School In smtty, for this dis- Vet (eleventh In nunibar) coniprisod ei eghony, Beaver and. Butler counties, s exciting deserved attention, but as yet tt progress has been i made except In .1i way I of liberal proposition' by ths• obi Influentlin eillaebtl. TIM It• he in the Laois of a committee ap• •.1 l td by the Teachers' Association, oil üb-comenlttee on location misfit of Messrs. J. B. Lyon, of Libetty, • T. Douthett, (County School Soper n ndeut,) Jos. bilworth, Liberty, Jas. •?If, Wilkins, Colonel William Espy, leen, and J. W. F. White, of Sou ickly. • Tbd act tinder wine!! the sehool is pro ,a• to be oatablis ed (pa=led Mr the --- if stare In-1957) divided the by 1 0 svelte educational district., and pianos the establishment of n teal School In each, to be supported Slats Insititution, hod having for its o ? I thottogh instruction hrthB4b itIM ~..• s choose teaching an a profession. a, ur each schrhilo have already been es.' l - I hed-in Lancaster, Erie, Timm and ▪ it countign. The law requires that r ore ouch schoold Ore rlfognited lIR be 106(1410011Ni the Ortlieptbr(i lithit deli 8 Writ:lent capital for tho pihr uase ,ten gem of ground, and a rilitablo itilldlna with accommodations, for the tiling and instruction of at least three .iiintiredroliolitts, rind which must also -Main a bill huge fhongh to tie ii atoilata one thousand persona. his lest report, the State Su- I • . ft:Pendent of Public School. otated I tact the policy the State has pursued to- Ns these Institution.. Is to grant to ,at Intervale, $15.41X1, to b e used In rehAging ground and eviction and far • hing buildings, and after the 'dipole ilia gone fairly solo operation, to allow, 1 der certain conditions, to each pupil If Igning to become a teacher, fifty cents stir week, and to all graduates pledging insole!. to teach two full years itt.the •• .. • on schools of the State, fifty dol . ruder ib i s arrangement, pupils taring mod of the gusto Normal Stdioobi, d being prepared to tako up the EMI .. of the Normal course proper, receive ; riy two dollars from the State, a sum If ' t wo . k t i ta n n i nte . vtl .e en i t i , • -- i t . b w o Oo ' Il s en . emg pa?d e ry t i nouns theitatiiirns, Ilisableugoltiltra i "il l o oZ , ;li r ei ° r r Fl b s n o n s i c s h t i I n d e r en , il . c•o h lo tte • untry, receive twloe as much per week ordinary students. `-The. Cominittee on Location, at a acting on the `...V mat., bad under con sideration four ptopoaltlono, all of them re or less liberal , and have been rnsk- I , a personal eXto imination of the ro • live sites, Th ppositions are os 'l s, lows: • ~L Stephen Bayard offers thirty scree ground, valued at tour hundred dol -1 re per acre, with buildings which root , '„000, and cash eubecriptiona (by him- If and neighbour) to a considerable Amount, swelling the evre, gate, inclnd • cost of bonding. and value (Lied on •• land, 000 to V 9,140. la be proposeolo •ye for 11.0,. The roporty is located ear ) leFtesport, an is known 111 A the intrani mint, It. Col. William Stpy offers ten servo ground on the Washington road, In ; • tt township, three and a half mile. .m the city, with a cosh donation of ye thousand dollars. Ho will also guarantee a stock subscription of $20,000 3. William A. Shaw otters thirty-nine of ground at Turtle Creek; with a old Allen Brown Hotel, containing v-eight rooms, for i 45,000, and a sate II nen of 110,000 to the stock la the t 4 ftl tution. 4. Jame. Rally offers !mond, from len acres to m much as may be desired lap to thirty acres, any place on the line of the railroad in 'Wilkino township, tetween Judge Hampton's residence and ontewood station. Thin land is valued jtt two thousand dollars per acre. In lose the committee should agroo.to locale n his property on the Franicatown road. F, will donate from ton to thirty acres . urail.a4d site five thousand dollars These prepositions are certainly Übe' , al, that et Mr. particularly no,' In the view that the location is ronsider ed the most desirable. If no other offer. are made within ten days, the commit tee on location will call the general corn mhtere together and decide which of the four to accept. The following named gentlemen were added to the committee at the last niecting: Isaac Jones, George Wilson, Oakland, Matthew Hail, Robin son, James Irwin, Fawn, David Lloyd, J. L. Graham, Alkshon Geo. B. Rid dle, Allegheny, J. C. Bi dwell, well, Alleghe ny, J. Ilumus, Tarcatuw, John Black, Turtle Creek. E==! Ittsront.---ewing to the prevalence of the snow sterns last night the attendance at the Academy of Idcsicon theoctutsion of Itistorfa second' appearance FM yell small, many of the seats secured in ad . Vance being unoccupied. We were sorry teShaterve this, although could not at tribute to our people any want of aPpre elation of the greatest tragedienne of one day.. To-nlght she appears for the tag time in our city, on which occasion the grand play of Marie Antoinette will be presented. This rote la-universally eon nideroti Ristori's best, and an touchingly deee she portray the scenes of sorrow chasing each other In the life of this Most unfortunate' of unfortunate queens, that few can resist tears of pity and sym pathy. The pihy is worked up with considerable license by the author, his aim heir g to render it even more tragi cal than plain hiatory might allow. But all of tho seems, find a brilliant Inter prefer In .Itirdori, whose acting ap proaches peresetion in many of the thril ling adventures of the unhappy quote], whose generous heart was crushed and torn by the cruelty of an ezquisitively. cruel peo ldc. It fs to be hoped that this grated occasion there will ban gen erous greeting to Rieder', and that she may not again be chilled by a beggarly atcount. of empty benches In a city no proverbial fir paylisgehomage to true genius and ability. EINILY Itaxvizast.-150 adze." on the American auto la more worthy encour agement than little Emily Melville. What she lacks in fire and brilliancy, she amply makes up in vivacioneness, mirth, moan; end good homer. • She is gleaning in every aimed of the word and cannot fail to draw a laugh from the lips ore tear from the eye of the most atolual. Last night she played at the Opera House, to the smalleat, audience we have ever seen assembled at that place - of - moue: meat, bat Rho teat nous of her mirth or gaiety, making the empty house ring with her !silvery voice In - snug and 'her heart warming laughter. Tonight she Ukase benefit, and it is to he boned that she will not be forgotten by those who have hitherto regarded her sa the] pot of the stage. The bwinoin of the Opera Hoy .° has been very light this -.canon; and the management complain or heavy leases. liertaluly cap city ahmaid Rapport nt least one Owe of theatrical entertainment. - Ma% Lasusn.—Thin gifted American aetreaa Will appear In her grant huger anuation of Ultrahigh, queen of England, at th e Academy of Munn, next Monday night, like is the Email% Itinkiti, and perhaps even greater than the Italian ar ticle, inc while the ono acts in • smooth, musical language, the other has td Inter pret in the, comparatively Mirada Iwords of ear own tongue. But wo do net pro pose here to drew lines of comparison between theme great tragedienne., but simply to nab for thegenerous ands patri elle kiwi. Lander a greeting in keeping with her high histrionic genius, 'and the ciatins she has upon .the retingot, admira tion and encouragement alb. Ameri can people. Unless ere asdly.ridatake the character of our amusement 'loving community, the Academy of. Music will be thronged to its unmet capacity on Monday night. ~. • I , Siceaxso:—The'inow . has 'inthrtered with the skating parka and Widnes. lieu almost entirely been suspended at Oil or tbcm. The hero was In good condi tion previous to the alarm which'visifed on yesterday. - 01=11:=1 Tlio great anew storm which we had yesterday appear. to have provallad both In the. Etat and West, and serhattaly ln terfsred with railroad operations: \ Early on Wednesday evening it commenced /mowing here in right good earl:Mat, and continued et intervals during the entire night and yesterday up till nine 'o'clock in the evening. The Weida •and tops ore coverod with snow to the depth of four or five inches. The streeta yes terday resounded With the merry Jingle of sleigh bell,. .Very few persona, how ever, can alfdfd, at the present high rates otllvery stable ptoprietors, to Indulge In "a ride on runners."' We hope to la fa vored with a few hours sunshine no that the spew may diepppear and swell oar rivers sufficiently to enable coal' awaiting shipmenVio points low M Contempt of Court—John lot:infl atable of Itoldnsort township, arrest ed yesterday on & process for ntempt of Court. lt la due to Alf. N1:11 to say that, the contempt was not int ntional, and the matter was adjusted out Im posing the customary lee. GOODS HOLIDA' eliy n r l• E•wlere Panto Feld T t, in los On I Bete Of rI lota it seal tier loos 'aka andl e.st Very Low Prieri—Joseph Berns .t. • I.V . S.lotrooraloooy opertal tele. Pre have hitherto alluded to the, many I adVentages offered to the wholesale and retail trade bY the large end prosperous Misfilese °Mitt shilleilt Or iloienh Marne ,t Co., NOs. 77 and 70 Market street. Possessing rare facilities for the pi:imbue Of goods, and having at - the head 'of the Man one of the moat experienced buyere In HMI frailly, tea heit peat of whose fire has botm spent in the particular line of t buniness of which ho Is now one of i the first representatives, the house Ia Prepared ' to offer the trade hero aiiiilt - hdrgelrol oi +rem never berore uffitrilerithe public. The tacetit Cerra-It akin In the eastern markets, which. Was mooed by local as well as notional causes, yi.4 taken -advantage of by Mr. Horne, 41:t1 With'.ti aditstble cash capital he se cured for the hortig !fele noel( a large, varied, fashionable :and complete Culart. meet or geode peculiar to his line of trade, as will defy all competition. This fresh stock, the last invoice of which has het vet arrieoll Is thrown open to the public for inApi . fetleti; dad will be dis posed of gt special male °atm:id - Cleary till it is entirely closed out. %%lien it is considered, that Joseph 'Lorne it Co.'s c". tabilahment is the largest as well as one Ofltia oldMt In Western Pennsylvania, 30311 that itt presperl Pr has been unsur passed by any conterAPOrlity Snout, the ~ reader will net doubt but the presell: err= Mal sale is not inaugnopted for any other perinea* ILI n to effect the speedy closing paid' the large stock of geode carried by the firm. The goods were purchased at a groat autilteS M original cost from the original ItripOrtert drul Manufacturers, I who, pressed for money, Were Mt:triune and willing to bridge theinselvea, over the financial panic which threOtoned them, by taking almost anything offered for the non:paying wealth locked up In the way of 'stook' no their *Mesea and colluders. We • cannot enumerate , the multitude of articlee offered Cl thei very cheapest of cheap rates, for the commo. dious buildings occupied by the lima are filled to their utmost capacity with an endless variety of goods. Nor 'cart we give any Jost idea of the ' extraerdivary tow pr ere prevailing in every depart- Meat by the fellowlttg quotation", which ere Select from the double coluihn tiaver thieinent that appears on our second page haday, vla: Two ens°. baltrioeal skirts, fresh goods, at M,00; two cases shlits arid drawers, at 50 cool,;' 000 pair rest French (Meseta at $1,00; 50 dozen Brad !eel. duplex skirts-at til.oo, (n great bar-, gain); geed fleecy lined hero tit S . cents; extra fleecy lined hose at 25 cents; ladies' ,fine fur topped gloves 'at $1,50; 000 gmod and fashionable hoop altirts!at 50 cantor, and the mile remarkably cheap prices prevail for gloves omffhealery (an tindel, brooches, 1 sets, plan, money bags, t.nev goods, flan sit I; umbrella", rant and Imitation laces, 1 fours , sell, oallars, barbs, coif , fours, embroideries (a, splendid line), Infant robes, caps anti waists, broena scads (very cheap } - beautiful piece. of embroidery, fine Slipper patterns, fine ;Mk aitapenders (embroidered), cloak and dress ornaments, gents' furnishing maiel", ties, scarfs; shirts, zephyr kmi goods, hoods, nublaa, untags, scarfs. mitten", lsagnes, Ce„ Co. The advan tages offered the retail patrons Of the ea tatallalunent arose great and inducing that none should fall to avail themselves of the rare chance to "buy themselves rich.” Dealers whobuy to sell again will reads= ly, mako-np their made to lay in their holiday stocks during the continuance Of this extraordinary specie! sale. We be: speak for Mesons. Horne ,t Co. lergeand liberal wholesale and retail trade, believ ing that their enterprise to supply the Pittsburgh Market with goods at less rates than ran be purchased am3-where in' he Gut, will be fully appreciated he the community at large. See the double column 'advertisement on one second . • nand?, God or Direct Imports istesdre Jelin Stevenson it Son, the well known and fa:shim:able jewelera, N 0.03 Alarkei street, make the announce ment In this Morning's paper that they will open on 'Tuesday next a fine assort mein of goods of their own transporte r Ben, Includldg English, French and Al. ontia goods; FarisanStatuary,Va_ses, de.; Branca Stattlary, Vestal, ,to.; Marble, Bronze, Alabaster and Clocks; fancy Glut Goods, Work Boxes, Handkerchief Dimes, Droning tines, Writing Desks, Card Stands. Gleam Boxes, and other ankles imitable for holiday gifts. The thin have ablo In store a magnificent monk of rich ktul plain jewelry, ladies' and gentletZ.Wmgoici and sllverwatebes, English plated goods In great variety, Bohemian glass vases; stands. de..,; table cutlery, and all goods usually kept In similar first class establishments. Messrs. Stevenson 6:Son have lung en joyed a high reputation an fair dealing and honorable business gentlemen, and we , bespeak - for them a 'full share of pn .11e patrOnage. See their mid on one as .nd page. 11==1 Lt===l Convention of the East Allegheny Sabbath School Association will be held . in We Sapthlt Church, Sharpsburg, Pa., an Thursday and Friday, January- 2 and 1, 168, opening at 10 A. x. on Thursday. Roe. Alfred Taylor, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Sabbath School Amtoclas tioni and others of exptaience In the .roe will bo prosenL E d , ertalnment has been provided for all who may come. - It is important that all the Schools in We District be repre sented. Pastors and Superintendents aro requested to read this notice In their Churches and Schools, and Invite all teachers and Weeds of the. Sabbath Scheel to attend, and: particularly not to forget to come themselves. The Ihaiversallet 'Fete. The *poring of the Universalist Fair, at dity nail last night, was not attended with that mimes anticipated. The at tendance was reasonably large, but not no large as it would have been had the weather (teen mere favorable. We were surprised to find as many portions pros eat; but those there were amply re. paid, and bad not-the slightest occasion to regret venturing ont to such luclem outyeather, and doubtless would again taco the storm for the aake of, the plea...- woof spending. an evening so Meas. r. We anticipate a perfect throng at therflidlimnight, I=2! hfisa Anna Dickinson will lecture to• night under the auspices of the Young Mon's Mercantile 'Library Amocintion, at Lafayette Hall, on the significant sub ject of ..NYouton and Idiots." Mist Dick moon is very popular herb, and wo hope an old fashioned welcome will bencoorded her be the lecture.gning community by. crowning the house to its fullest caps, lay. This, wo behove, will be the only lecture delivered by the =debits:3 talker Ia title city during the present season. There willbo no interred seats. We have Seethed a communientlon front one of the oldeet and most resmicta hie citizens of the Eighth ward, In which he severely, and without doubt Metly, criticises the conduct of to anypernons who attended the polio of that district on elec tion day, and by their rowdyism Inter fered with citizen! who quietly wished to aojoy their rights an freemen. the evil seems to be an Incurable one, we mus sea no good to be accomplished .by M. publication of our friend's well written communication. The Vote of Collins Tomollll4--The Tote In this district for . Common Coon oilmen, nt Tomidny's election; Was no fol- F: Torrence li. WA D. Holmes, 11.. 195 Al J. Davls, D.. 2O J. II: Little, D. 211 Messre. Torrence and Davin ere the Councilmen elect. In our Bet, published Wednesday morning, Mr. liolmes was put down an elected with Mr. Torrence. With the correction the councils will stand slily Republicans, nine Democrate and one Labor Reform . , • • Cheap Sleighing...4'omnd Rho ate fond of sleigh riding havo tut opportuni ty of enjoying the luxury nary, cheep .tut now, as 'the Minersville I'Msebger Hallway Company are Carrying passen gers at the rate of live cents each. It is, Perhaps, more expensive to hire at the livery stables. Dee, DM. J. D, - Clarke, the 'popular pulpit orator of our 'sister city, will de, liver a lecture lu the Duquesne Metho dist •Eplecopil Church this. evening. Bub *et: The Duty of Christians in ro.. to the Politics and ReibrMs of the se. We trust he will be steeled by a large audience. • - Allegheny Bay Scalca.=.lno. S. Edgar, Weighmmter at the 'Allegheny' scales, wolghml ~.I.,Otel.loads- o f hay during the month of November,ffrom which the city realized }195.99. This, we believe, is the greatest number of loads ever be , fore weighed in any ono month. • Conferee,Ca on VII, ICenterelleaUon mad NOW Of Ms roe,. Itepresontatlves from some fourteen Milian and four societies met In .If. . • Afitirow's Church, Iland street, last even ing, to iluiffer Mt the subject of city evan gelisation and the Mier of lb* that are In temporal distress. Dr. Frahm was called to the chair and Mr. -B. F. Jen. ammo appeinfod Secretary. TIdR Ca. Score stated the object of the meeting to b'o to devise some plan of co-operation by wideli different code ties might not conflict with Mei Miter or travel overlhe same ground. To pre , vent this, the city should be districted. This plan had bean attended with good rhults Lk other cities. C. Iltigtentti President of the Connellsvillo Railroad; hoped some= thing would be done by Whirl , the pea.. 'pie would be protected from imposltiorL and impostors detected. • Addressee were., delfvered by F. R. fictmot, Req. Rev. John Douglas, D. Rai - . el A; Reed, , Mmars. C aney, Mc- Clintock, lioUrneni liecee,MCCreery and others. on motion of W.'o.lluglitrt, 134., a Committee was appointed to prepare a plan of operation. Rev. W. R. Locke, Chairman of the Committee, Is to all another meeting as own as the report Ls prepare!. It was expected that the matter of Mis sion Sabbath Schools would' have been dissumed, 4,easmuch as some Tor the Su perlritendMlta of these Schools have ex perienced some difficulty owing to their crossing each other's pasha.. The matter was overlooked until it was too bilg. 'he meeting adjourned, Dr. Preston pronouncing the b nediction. • alstiirleei laacearsay EDITOES GAZETTE: attention ims been directed ton pamphlet lately 'need, and entitled, "Historical Sketch of the Sabbath Schools Connected with the FUR Prestryierian Congregation ef Pittsburgh, froia h. D. 1809, to A. D. 1867. By David A. lifelinight, A. M., Secretary of School No. I.!' The' pam phlet gives, evidence of extensive am labnriouggirommrch„ but whilst it claims to be mu mere reliable tßan any that hard gone before lb it has fallen Into mistakes. Speaking of the First Pres byterian Church of this City It hays, "And yet that log house, only slimy seven years ago, WWI the sole church is . all this vicinity; that congregation was' the one single congregation in Pitts burgh I" Tins is not historically correct, as will appear from the following extract taken from en Issue:of the Pittsburgh Cl(mmerelat 'Jo arnaf,..of October -or No-1 vember, 1519: 1 1 "Dom, on Thunulay Morning. the October, at 41 o'clock, at his residence in this ci ; ty, the Rev. John Mack, D. D.„l Pastor of the First Reformed Presbyte rian Church, in the ft2d year of his age. .... lie was liceneed to preach the gospel, by the Presbytery of the Reformed Pres. bvterian Church, which met at Colden- N i him, :Yew York, n June, 1799, and weal very- shortly after located in Pittabdfgh us Pater of the congregation with which he, ever since and up to ,be hour of his death, has been connected—a period of more than fifty yrara." This extract shows that sixty-seven y miaow, there was another Presbyterian cungremitlon in this city. "The error %TAO evidently the result of the incom plete re careless mode." IWe may add that the First Reformed Presbyteiian cmgregation has only had two pastors. The present. pastor, Rev. John Douglas, D. D., was called to take charge of it a few months -after the la- Merited death of Dr. Black, and hasbeen Ministering to It for a period of about eighteen years. Yours truly, MU= 1= EDlToll4Gszarrs: We hadlithe ?lose ure of a trip to Butler on the 10th inst. to attend the dedication of an Orphan Home. Overlooking the town there. islands tin lime to splendid reiddennsi some time ago owned hy Gen. McCall, - which, together with thirty acres of ground surrounding It, ins been pur chased for the purpose. We think it ad mirably adapted for its ins. It bears the name of the St. Paul's Orphan Home of the Reformed Church. Several goo- Omen and congregations - In this city have already subscribed and contributed Most liberally toward it• others we doubt not will join In its support. It is to be Managed In the true spirit of christian Charity. All orphans, those of soldiers included. are to Lind Its doors open and its advantages at command. The dedicatory services on tho occasion were isandeeted by. Rev. G. B. Russell, of the General Orphan Beardot the Church. Addreces were mad, by Rev. T. J. Barkley, of Greenaburg, and Rev. F. K. Levan, of Westmoreland College, Mt. Pleasant,ra., in the English language, end Rev. W. Londle, of Harmony, in the German langtiage. • A Board of Directors, rept..- .Venting We climes of St. Clar ion and • 'Westmoreland, was appointed, to whom is entrusted the general manage ment. Rey. C . A. Limber was elected temporary House-Father, or Superin tendent. Several orphans aro already in the Home; and application for some thirty more has been mado. ' A charity Ike this 'M highly creditable to these who bare 'projected and so liberally ear. vied It forward thus far, and commends itself to the sympathy and aid of a phi lanthropic, chrlstlan community. L. Pemonal.—Mr. A. P. Cordon, an old Pianiturgher, but who during the peat twelve or thirteen veers hes been ,ritsl. ding Ines!Venal% in here on. a vielt to his friend'. Mr. Canton expects to rib turn again In the course of a row weoko. Pelle !Wed.—no Citizens Passenger ibillway have a ~umber of bands at treqk removing tho sunw from their track on Ponn street. The cars are run ning 1, gularly. ' • • " Absent.—We felled to And my of The Pollee 'Magistrates of the South Side at their °Sloes yestailay, consequently we lowa no potion news S•orn that quarter. Tbe proePectus or the New York lbe groat family paper, ...11l be timid lu our advertising columns. It is ri very renchibie document. 'CITY ITEMS now we Were 11Wisresee. We have heard the sweetoist strains of the Decker pianos.' True, a master ar tist manipulated the faultless black and 'wkite ivory keys, but even his genius eould not have wrung ench heavenly inusio from any other Instrument than a Decker. Firstthe powerful tones ebook bur parlor and made the window. rattle as though a tempest raged and rollicked without, and anon the deep volume of coned faded away and soft, sweet strains revlshol our ears and into...tented our lenses with bewildering beauty. We vere Menet:Wended to the other Minds where celestial musks seemed to hold sway, end angelie choirs . chanted in heavenly harmony. F Sweet, grand and powerful wee each note, and ea potent aas the effect that wo aimed hastened to postrophise the instrument which had contributed els much to ou'r enjoyment. Words cannot convey tile high estimate In which we hold the Decker sumo then. It Is the utlimst Mute of modern science; the alpha end omega of musical inven tion. • Embracing all the improvements, Yet simple In its countraction, it Ii the pinto among pianos. No wonder that it Is forcing Its way upwardover alloom- Iltetitors; no wonder that the master mu lciann pronounee In its favor; no won. der that it M rapidly supercedlng all 'other pianos in America. Though pow. sensing en hundred merits not needy to be enumerated, its price Is very reasona ble. Years hence, when its real value will be julitly appreciated, ouch en in sitrunient may eomnumel a fabulous price, but now the rattle are kept low In order to crowd off competitors and to in mare the triumph of the Decker. Mr. C. C. Atelier No. el Weed etreet, is the agent Mr hits city, and those dashing to parches° pianos are directed to his rooms where will be -found a magnitlcent as nortmeht of the incomparable Maitre - moots of which we have spoken. To Wholesale Moyers of Dry Goods wo ore offerindepectal Inducements—Job iota Irout.the Eaetorn Auction Sales— Shawls, Dress Goode; lionseirceping Goode, Men's Wen; Sheotings, Shirt. Inge, Drinte, .tc. • J. NV,. Barmen tt. Co. 59 Market streeL Neeessity.—Fatal necessity is never linown until It strikes. When it etaikes at a tender nerve of a neglected tooth vou will then had the neeessitv °Ludas 'Ward's Fluid and Powdered' Ihuttrifiee. Sold wholesale and retail by Joseph Fleming. No. 81 Miirket street, mid by none Covers, Grey. Blankets, Gum Blankets, cheaper than °lamb's* at the Mammoth krapprium or Smith son, Palmer,; Co., 55 n 157111th street. For $4.00,. All Wool Long Shawls, neweit styles, at Ilutket's. N . NUMBER 288 olT'ir, ITEMS Dr..E. S. Aborn informs his patients and friends or Eittaburgh and vicinity, that hewn' be absent from Dec. 18th, until the 15th of 'January, and thetthere after be will only be professlcmally at Ms Medical and Surgical rooms, 140. 154 Smithfield street, from the let to the sth and from the 15th to the 20th of each month. 4t.wF. Prrrinnuair, Dee. 10, 1847. Great emu!-annual sale of Dry Goods Ifafters. - . Irtyon want borgalna In tango to Wm Flemings, No. IS Wood street. Astounding.— Tho most astetuidlog bar/rains ever &fired to this country io dB hinds of Dfoos Goods,,st Barker's SemßArdittot Bale. Fine Singing Birds at Alasttaa.—This day at 10 A. u. and 2P. M., at Masotti' Hall Auction Room., 55 and 57 Fifth Street. Amami Alse To the Millar of the ..Veo York Herald Respecting the rellois'of lioreolain ware found in the Into exhhimatlon at Heron- Isneunt, which havo 'been forwarded to the Society .of Antiquities In London, Whereof your -correspondent , says the bottle resembling Drake's Plantation Bitters was undoubtedly placed among the ruins by the agent of Dr. Drake, we --derlre to state he is Internet in every respect. If a bottle was found there bearing our lettering, the language of the Ancient Romani was different from the accepted literature of that day. Our Agent has other business than this. in • Eurcpe, and' has not been in Italy at all. No - doubt Athericaus carry Plantation Bitters to Rome; but frying to Impose I upon a society of Antiquarians In this way,.BCOMS quite useless, and we do not appreciate the 'eke. It is unnecessary for us to spend money in Europe while • e are linable to supply the demand for these celebrated Bitters hero. • • Raspectfully, Itivr:P P. H. DII.AXE4 CO Barker'. great riming ant sale or Dry Dyads. The beet Once to buy ladles' fors is at Wm. Flemiug's, No. 139 Wood etreet. • Cloth gacques in full assortaaent, at - ono-half former prices, at Borker's groat Blanket, Flannels, Clothing, Carpets, &e., at the torrent prices, at the, mammoth EmporiEmporiumof ,Sniithson, Palmer & Co., 55 and et Fifth strooL No auction ages on Saturday. = . There is no'llalstake about it Mrs.. Winalow's Soothing Syrup, for teething,' ant only relieves the child from pain,lnit regulates the stomach and bowels, cures dyserderz and diarrhcea, softens the gums, reduces all indentation, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. It Is pleasarit to take, and per •fectly safe to take in all cases. It gives universal satisfaction. . Be pure and call for "Mrs. Soothing Syrup," having the for-simile of "Curtis it. Perkins" on the Militia wrapper. others are base lialtations. Barker's great eloalag oat sale of Dry Goods. • -f Make money by aitaing money; save money by buying at Snodgraaa X Some, 23 St. Clair etrom. . • 178. For 12 crate, Shirting Long Cloths, re duced from 21 cents, at Barker's sale.: Boots, Shea - and Gums, at tile Iw/rut .ricee, at the - liammetle Emporium of .ndthson, Palmer &Co., 55 and 57 Fifth treat. No auction sales on Saturday. The auger Sewing Machine tknopany have just opened a new and splendid store on the corner of St. Clair and Pews streets. This Company hive lately per fected a now • family machine which, while it possesses all the goad points at the old machine, has been sempkied, and mdde to ran remarkably light and glad, Messrs. Straw & Norton are the agents, and will bo happy to explain the ma chines to anv pereons who may give 'them a call. Great semi-annual mato of Dry Goo& at Barker's. Country Flannel, all wool, 30 cents, a Barker's. Barter's great dosing out sale of Dry Goods. - FJm Cottage on Ohio Aventte, Alto gheny, at Anctlon.-- . .The vont pl ea retddenoe of Mr. Jonathan Gall aher, on Ohio Avenue, Is to be sold at 2i;Felock ihls afternoon, on account of Yr. Ws. intended removal In the noting. Thin house and lot Is worthy of sper_tal atten tion, and all In want of the Name should by all means attend the sale. See adver- tisement in A. Loggato's auction sales. ch Lo p r 12e 2 r:r , d:w ... id u e k tr e n r tlirached /twain at Ca at once and examine the la_Tatitemi glstVree a t. Sn'xigra".k. 4".24" Call and examine the large and wail selected stock of ladles' hint at Wm. Fleming's, No. 139 Wood street. Shirt. and Bruner., Woolen (Roods, Gum Blankets Gum Oasts, dm., at un usually lore priests, at the Emperiunrot Smithson, Palmer & Co., 55 and ST Fifth street:. • Rezeollllffre of Ittwerd% Brick Ma. chtne—The office of the Sword Brick Ma chine Company hes been removed from 359 Liberty to 52 Canal street, between Penn and Liberty, Just oppmite the ele vator by the Union Railroad Depot. They occupy the second floor of the new build ing . recently erected by Moser... Watson d McKay. . dePilw Linen Back Towels, 1.2 i cents, ball price, at Barker's Great Sale. • Boots, Mots, fiats, Cepa end Fine selling cheap at Snodgrass et BOW, 24 St. Clair intact . 1711. Patent Ear Muffs for ladles andismz ebeap, at Wm. Fleming'.,No. 138 Wood Bultale Over., Arctic. and Grum for littlisa% gents', misses', boys', youths' and childrens' wear, at popular prim, atthe lifardrooth Emporium of ilimUbson, I Palmer A Co., an 57 Elftai street, Dry Goods at Wholes"le.—Wa in- Site theeticular attention of boyars at wholes', eta our complete Kock of milks, dress goods, and - all kinds of Dino,' and staple goods, and to the that that wa sell at the lowest eastern prime, and ont goods to stilt purchasers. , W, 33,usiza a Co., • - 59 Market street. Figured French Afeclnon,o2l4, reducod from $1,25, nt Barker's. Price. reduced at Snodgraira 4 Rosa 24 Bt. Clair street. rte Fun, Fan. Fun, bcap, at William Flaming's, N 0.130 Wood atreet. Call and Elamme the large and corn- Oete stoat of Ladles' Fare, at Wlllhwo Flerxilng's, l.\ - o. 130 Wood street, . tf Something Goad.—The ,lbodk and ahoes, gaiters, dtc., tor men, ladle! and kept at SO .Market street, are made' of very beet material, and sold as low as the lowart. An goods are warranted to give sallathction. If von want some thing good;' end at 'gala prices, all at Robb's Shob Home. 88 market stmt. P O O llll 4 all wool, 1,11 cants, at Bar . ker'a Seml,Amtmal Salo. Bargains itt .Ladlere Furs, at William Flerulog'a, No. 139 Wood stmt. tt Bargains am be had at Wm. Item Inc; No. 159 Wood street. Or Cloak Departatestie supplied with the latest styles, materials and trim ming.. The. superiority in taste and workmanship of garments made bY our house is established, and we are offering great nargalna in read_y-made Garments. J. W. MAXXAM dt CO., 59 Market street. Great semi-annual, male of Dry Goode at Barker's. Canstitutlon' Water isi • certain cars tbr Disbetes and all diseases of the kid neys. Foetal° by all druggists. xerr. Biqaluta minced w Itt Pc pair at Bar ker, s great sato, • - Stench Merinos, 50 cent., at Batter's Closing Out Sale Dress Goode reduced one-half hi 'pries at Bicker's. • THE WEEKLY GAZEIII; TWO .i.DITIoNs. VEDIS3DAT AID EllllllOl7l • • Ismll nada. soatalasit 'WITT an, 13111 fa of lazdetqUad ludiag Editorials, litsst Naas b 7 Tslsnarb Jyd Iret, Vg - 0 - 01111 MlSdhlft Matter tar. Ms sad Mod sod noel tallablo /1..14 sad c 0,.. sanda )(vast Itepa , u SM. by ` 47 PJPar 1 a Ids city. So hamar, Ifsehsals or Jtettas• asld be widlest It.• Trans rob 121 trarCLY nAnnTTat Innis 81111t3 rib Clot. or Onto of Ten . . .... . . ....... —And one eop7 of paper to the Won gelato, eP the blob. iddltlons to glebe dan he made at any One, at .lab rates. ' XOTICi scom.,,,m—in °Malan. yaw P.P.. to mere ad specify 'Aut. Anniteo rtn tram, as ye Inas • Wednesday edifies fox We. ensibetebattne bet one mall • Peet. .q'Yent7 by Draft, Intone*. Holey or In Reenters:l Letters, etny be mint al ear MC, Address. ' GAZIISTyr. 1.12111131711011.. POI'A I THAW—COPI.DT.—tro Thunder erening. December Oth,Die, by:tbe Rer. tl. T. bebeel. WILLIAM THAW end DADS b.. I aught.. Of Josiah Copley. Neg. No reeds.. UNDERTAKERS ALES. ATE EN, UNDERTA KSYy No. lea Toarth Street, Plttabargit,• L'se COFFINS, of an kinds:CRAPS:3. OLOTlftd;nni every dem:Option of Tanen! Tunnel:Mlß InhNo faralabad. Rooms open day Cod night. NOM" .ad Crania,. rarml.ba4. Stfrastmczb—noy. David E. D. p..u••• b. W. Jsen.us, D. D., Moms. Ewing. 7•.r1•. J.e•b H. 1111ter. F.l• • ROBERT T. RODNEY. titteies— Tittin no rainagaszo. No. 43 Ohio Bt.. Allegheny, Sod No. SO Diamond Square. (1) , Job. 11 - 11 son a 8r05..) keep. always on hand lbw b..t Metal. Rosewood. Walnut and lailtallen Bennwood Coalsts. Walnut Coffile from g'Z'OP.. ward.. Itesneent Comm PS.I3 pwards; MIAs CelDna to pee:Tertian. Canines an Manic. recisland at low rates. Crape, Minn. Plata and Ingratlng forolsOs4 cralls,t/16t. eves ea! sad &het. G. RODGEII9. V2UDEBT.4- • YEA AND 7111BAL3IElt. foneentor toil u late handiel Z. todgenii No. in Ohio Went, theta doom from Heaver. /Maxima., Olt:. "I° gosowrod, Mahogany, Walnut:and lime— wood Imitation (Millen it the lowest' minuted prices. -Exuma open at all Doom, day and sitaiih. Hearse and Carriages fUrnlabed on short VIOLI,V end oa moat reasonably terra.- EDifi ABU IUZigt?NiECIV, CC, DERTANEd. 00ee. No. NJ 01.10 Stint, Allegheny. Netaille. ttosewood and otter SAP. to.. with *comp!ete stock of funeral Furnish!. Goods, on band and furnished at sna Meat outlet , . IS lowest prlem. Bole and Llreel Stable.. rrf nee of Fleet and Middle' Street* Cerf/Mtee: licrounbes. Suggles, Saddle liouttis. AM. it,.. forldre. • - . LOST . 0 8 T—s2o 11E - A-AIRD.—Lost. on Sunday, October the :DO, ult., on'the road betsreen Camden and West IfllsaGeth, n GOLD HEADED OA)IP.,Ith the name of PLUMP StOGGR tessrised no lt.' Any person nimbus found It, or knows of Its whereabouts, will rends. the oboe, rener4 by cantons,. tho ..woes. (who Ida disibled soldier.) at the ..t. One. to Bisullenham. Pa., or JOHN BRAD- . LIPP:West nittabetb, MAY . 1.08 T—s6.oo .RELIVARD„—Op i Wednesday, the 11th Instant, 1n Diming illll3:-.1% DOCKET BOOK. CO tall:ling %beet Him. W. ll ($120,,) and some reeelpte, or no vidne to any one except Ma owner. The above reward .111 be paid on tbe rattan et the ado a to THIS OFFICE. . i2k_U W • ANTE D— CANV "TUE INA 9 BLUE," Ali the Moth days. We nit In want of urine Attain In retry township. for the above work. Send Am elretdar s with tall deserlntlon. Address A. UILXISOM co. CO Market street, rfltshtirAti.-- FOR RENT ROB N'T-19arehous9 911 LIBEUTT STREET. Faunal. ens hamealatelr. TO LET—Four &Wan dnd [oo hnlmt noests, In the Itorougli et Law renceville, two obwhlch havejour rooms. In quire if D. P. HATCH, corner or lioiough Mt.. Washington Micas, Lawrenceville. , FOR ARENT—A Amain+ rani. — • Muse, with /Meth Acres of Lend, Ott the Hite et the Perrysville plthk reed, one mile !rem IN line or laid T. The house Is new and lbe Tsai rood for gardening purposes. Enituirs of RAMSEY dit HALL, Real Estate Avoids. No. alt Rosser street. or DR. THEODORE SISPEOIf., Raw Brighton.. 11 county, Pa. •FO U BENT—OFFICEIB.--7'ho rooms law occepled by the Secretary of elan Union Mallroad atukTransportation Companv. No. sa Fifth etrect, over O. McCllntock.a Carpet Store. These gnome an very deft: MA fear *Meet. baler locered , ln the contact butt- nem, sad on VIM street, now being inid writ tea gliceleon pavement. renderieg Meta ham acts*, etc. Pratt room contains Luza aim proof vault. Pmseseion can be bad on UlO/... • preadma le. vast of OLIVZI7. UcCILINTOOti • CO., ZS Ftftb street. FOR BALE Rue. SALE—FEED STORM. al-, m' randy esinbilst6d, now dolor n goodlosi lIM. For paritennirs enquire It No. LW PONS IRECZT. FOR EALE-110VEL 11 due Country Hotel dole. a good bales... with Read tete. tie.. will be sold with or Theo,' tandtara •ad Shoe.. lot part Imbue emote* of Col. J. D. EGAN, Cloth Heel, tioar told. FOR BALL-370 ACRENI NOOO YANKING 'LAND. In lows. Torsos 11911% Goon MI. Taxes all pad. Will trade los alto proporty. For nortleolors. Inquire of D. W. 110=11. ho. ft Market street. pole 13 ALE —T ORM [WILDING LOTS IN BELLTIELD, near Oakland MA UD. two eqoarei, from the bona car amok. - Fatah lot Mow . Montt:MlT situated. and will ha sold Ofeai. Enquire of WILLIAM 'OILMEN. 231 Liberty Street. • ROlll SALE—TIORRES.—AT HOWltitarS Livery arta Sale Stable. on. Ise lAXILY Etotrsa inws Are* D.rinal easy' HORSES. ma LAUI3B DRAUGHT .111ORSIC: three ISLACE, MAIMS; O.' WM! KAI= 111131 . uncyri, bear the A lAtlttabia. Mistimes. arm bought and sold FOR BALE. —litouse.and Lot u 7 — e.raet otllontinttatt and Adam attoots, Pastontor'RoUway. Lot H by 1 . 7 lett. Homo resale, 000talialsot7 too= h-41.- well Improved. Bosse and Lot onlibebsld. naas Bldwall street. Allesbely Clty: Lot 27 by St ' Mt: bolus frame, contains boll. In rooms sod good enlist.; water and das. Also, several .dint Halms and Lots to good loesUon. /advt. of J. aunt a co., II .. ck... - ifanebester. VOWS A Lre—SiLtorsutima WM.—We new offer oa azotiedinal7 tense anew plena luge and desirable late. hes lag out of that valuable unite./ heinneirintr• the heirs of L. C. I. Noble. Acute at the never end of 6harpsbiirg, and no. (immure Btallnn. thirienat Penne. r•Uroad. A portloo or Nicest lots front the railroad on the week and. Main Meet ea, thipeulth The loss are 411 by Nebel. with wide .t oho running thronih the entire , . "manly. The soU gerdening 'tarpon.. tens eat be ear-ailed. inad for beauty of location sad seem hare no suing. Nor elaaeripttre plan cod forUier tabs:nation sail at 'HILL • all UTZNIS VT'S, Zeal TAW. Agent.. trNITED STATES WATCH 'COMPAHT'S WATCHES. )vat recelved soother let Of thew eel. Ousted Watches. They are undoubtedly . lhe TIN= and itEST . for the price suer breeder to tnie snerhet, beinuietrekd with CiiiilTHULThlh. Telpeee4 XscaPicnent, 11th imsoToasariss Lu.asce. loule and Retail Agsg!.ls, DIINI3I3ATH HASLETT, 66 171111 BISSET. orrosms )(Ammo HALL. O.EHCOATINGd3. pyrncoe!Lmes! ovramoimmost An Immen.o and abate. SI 11011112 tat H. SMITH'S TAILOHING ESTABLISHMENT. MOPS WTI.= OS., corm: et rettena, =MMI HIMBY IG.IIALE, Merchant Tailor, Cor. Penn and M. Clal, Sere prrnsuitax,lPA. THE BEST HOLIpAIf gift dine Oi UlO4ll CeNMelM' Rimeler d Inbales Sewing' isenhass. E.liihttio. out/ Ue eby 1117/1. REFILBIZE CO. $7 rush street. - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers