The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 02, 1867, Image 1

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rtwas93) MST Y 0113111163.
PE MllUlijkar r I REED
P... 11.231201.014 _
orrun, aizrrn.
ass. St ssa SS IMP= '
Leak Iquiria. Piper st_Testaqrssiltuis.
Ltionatagns "
Tzars . or ISI DAILY
•ddreso. + • • , CIAZIMITZ.
MT- 118132 0R. rESN,A.
Eitkurifit Gaytts
We :gin:red hrlitiy on Sigurd*/ to the
call which had been published, request
ing Mr. JoCana ijlackmore to permit his
name to be Wed eta citizens' candidate
for the allies of Mayor: We have no
objection to the members of Mr. B.'s
political parry %hue paying him compli
islesti,lbut it is out of the natal course of
things to palm of on the community a
Denloeriitic electioneering document as
• a thing etesnairng from the people with.
out party dlitinetion. Any , person so.
quainted with the political complexion
of his fellow citizens will readily ob-
Wire that nearly awry name attached
to the call belongs to a Democrat The
call Weitheiu Mt. Blackmore's chances
and sins:when Mr. Riddell. It weak
en' the fanner inasmuch uit shows who
are the zook potting forward for ma
iciparrOnire at the coat of a Republicur
defeat .. •• s and it , strengthens the latter by
derveldibig thit trickery of the Democrats
in endetiming. to defeat him oy sailing
under Base ewers.: Personally we hare
nothing to urgeeSol Mr. Blackmon,
other bah his life lon` adherence to the
tarty .tridelt has been friendly to slavery
and hostile tit thi llnioa. Bin opponent,
Jelin W. Riddell, Esq., hai ever been
an active ' member of the Rep:Mlle=
pity ' 4S, Modally,' and In* various
pieltlour op honor and trait, demon.
grated tbat bi endowed with rare
legal talents and executive abilities, and
eminently gaiililed for the discharge of
duties portal:ibis to the: oar of Mayor.
Re is vrorthy generous suppod from all
Republicum, and so is every geatieman
placed on the recently nominated ticket,
and if we ails - not sadly mistaken in the
tone of the peogieg all. will be inducted
into ollice by as large majorities as were
ever Alluded --Suy ether other candidates
for municipal Imam
It basiecently been stated In our col.
utmost "thatii "iiouise of .Bclentiflc
tyres Is to be 'delivered .before ttie Pea
; bony Institut/ilia Baltimore" thiswlntet.
Idany'otheiettlei are tOttieithelr COMM
or courses of " i:dentine Lectures." Not
• word is sold of:anything of the kind
in thiiiiitY. Why .Is this? Have we so
many aiiih'imitses our. Institutions of
learning and tralthey of such a character
:an so well attended as to render a pub
: he course anneceisary? or Rio our tastes
so low thatwe do not desks and would
.Mot appreciate them?.
Onr numerals and lugs manufaubaring
establiti.lihrodd be conducted=
!scientific 'prinaples to secure the best
Arendt' at the least - expense. A great
/ saving of.
L moterials and of labor and
mew or 'greatly Improved machinery
*mild be,aecured by the Mallon of
• owledsm,
, and especially scientlllo
hnowlidge, our operatives. We
about.] lime workmen capable of per
korming better and nicer wort - ' We
'should not _be llnporting steam engines
-from Abode
We hear It often said that; we Pius.
iburghcrs are radical people. If - we
:ma so in the:true and high ace*, then
'why should we not seekto give to all of
at Lepel,
_a knowledge_eff.t.
: - Itelencestelplusg to 'tik kranchieof tii:
le which they are, or are to be
employed. Ate we willing to plod gong
;In our fathersateps,- with rude macldet.
ry and uncultivated labor, and to be far
behind 'other cities East and .Westin
Scientlfti knowledge? It is true we have
•ttadings and: opetudertal popular lee-
Puree oh different, disconnected subjects,
affording but little ureful infortiatlon.
People do not ger to be informed: Can
we not pay something to be hist:meted?
If the times and tasks of people are not
2p to this point., can they not be raised
:o. It? CiinitOt a beginning be made?
- One thing Is very certeln, that we never
shall Milan- this elevation winked the
xial,! and repeated trials it may
be. Money nuking is 'the oh
' laCt
_of our manufacturing and
trade; it. shOuld not extend to our lee.
!Ares. This Is degrading our lecture-
Nystom. It7; - /thould be * lntended and
• 'adapted to benefit one people and to !m-
prove and - *lfflijair. the potato taste, dot
simply and directly to make money. Are
:there not mente our,community hateirt.
irant and fir:seeing. enough, and gad.
re-Aurigae of the gains Or lames In
inch a matter • to take hold of this sub.
ject? Shall oyar.dirtarul smoke forever,
hide the ligtit' Ode, aid
entre from the minds Our youth, and
doom us to the peepetrat diger= of a
!want of ibied - Mier-of CUM- adiudiftc
learning, much log of the highest cul.
Amoisorr all that ism been said shoat
i f lunkastripii the. Democratic' ides of
..iknisting it of a religious cluirseter is
rather new. The R:orktappears uneuy
jut Radicals may regard the natio:sail
eines of the lnatitution as an endorse.
Omit of Ptilltaniitri,and 'lays "thafthi
day should be kept with sermons in the
churches may or may not be a homage
to its Y:1411161111 origin,- , and certainly
`does in ste; wise detract from its general
:social twee." — lt is well, that religious
`worship, doss not sport Thuskssieing
entirely, ; (of : our toorkl/y friends; and
there are few we think, of the party of
.which this :Wisrid claims to eic thepreu
sepreseniation - ' who will not agree that
Tbunitsglsingisk.religions institution;
and tkoteier atuasiteirthis may be con.
'muted in the .usind of tho World with
{Radicalism, the 'religious aspect of the
'day will WII be its moat prominentas.
Peet in the mind* of the ts.fic portion of
the - community. -
' A pada/I:1211*H has illicit• place In
'Albaa~..A Dal there wts to ran sixty -
'Our miles la nine. kon:s. ILL stated
that he'did not go the whole &slime,
that be rode .wevly all the tra4 both
there and lath, sod that he 'did It in all
bouts, wlddi, es all acknowledge that be
did go ocimitroli; fatty -eight sullen ha
sheer lmpowdEdllz,: - ; Pedestrianism bi
capable pj.deeeptlgn se well se other
Last year Wand got all file 'meteors
and we had :only:a few Stragglers; this
year England did not hate any °wan
,connt of kfig. - Pads,. hoWever,
joycd them, finely, and we understand
that the Parisians enjoy meteors, and all
thine which come up suddenly, shine
brightly, and then. disappear.
Some pf the State guards got amain
Jackson,. Timul.con Elmiday last and
created er disturbance, whereat tome
citizens, horrified at the apparition. of a
drunken man in their town, but haying
become Reed to murder, fired upon
&Tent shots were returned, but no one
lieri*lly hurt •
A brskentan In °sands wu dragged
hy • train
,or cart . for miles, he bolding
on by a rilllng Ids feet 'diked
ono* tt" alsegiFs is the road. The un
Li Di
The Message and Doeinients.
CmTaney foloptrolleed Report
Tliatilugiving Day at tbs Capital
he Howard Usiveraity
;: .peal of the CottOn lax.
BY T.INIT•ta tot.. rtuipun
WAsialutroar, Nay..3o. 18$;.
is In type. It was again the subject of
Cabinet oonsideratlint today.: All the
members of the Cabinet ware present,
including General Grant. Tao measawa,
is moderate and oonallatoryin tone, but
It arrow; that the Congressional plan of
reconstruction a failure, and that the
country had pronounced against It at the
fall elections. Economy and retrench-
ment and uniform ' taxation. are recom
mended as a means to effectihe restora
tion of spool° payments. • ; 1 •
TllLEmmaywacp 11, 111CATOB.
The Sonata Judiciary Committee mat
this morning to examine into the ease qf
Senator Thoula% of Maryland. It will
be remembered that when he appeared
last March to take his seat It was alleged
he had in various ways given aid and
comfort to thu rebels during the war and
his credential,' were aceordinglyreforred
'fore examination. John J. -Cisco and
other prominent vitt:owl are hero as wit-
The fractional currency printed for the
week amounted 1145,fre; shipped,
1 1 200.775; 'United States notes - shipped,
3188,000; National bank notes issued.
5180,300. The fractional currency de
stroyed amounted to $94,000. The re
ceipts ot Customs for the week ending
the =1 inst, were 1f211,400.,
' The Finance Committee will press to
a vote Mr,Fooaenden4 bar Malting the
Circulation of Sort/atm basks and la
canals'. It. South. .
The Beunro.lrasoonfirmed the isombse. ,
thou of Wm. B. Davis as agent for the
Indians of the Cherokee Avow.
, Only fifty-seven votes can be counted
In the Ifouse la favor of Impeachment.
The receipts from Internal rival:me for
the week were $3,114,000.
. . Wasurecovdrit; Dec. 1,1607.
The President's; Meane and accom
panying. documents will be communi
cated 011.1411318 on Tuesday. Copia
were mailed today In order -to reach
distant pointa by that time.
The following, Lan extract froht the
Report of the Comptroller of Currency,
relative to the failures of National Beaky
Slam the organization of the first Na
tional Bank, June . Rali,lBB3; up to Octo:
ber let, 181 R, ten National Banking-hesociations have failed. Their aggregate
cepital - le 51,870,000. Their aggregate
liabilities and circulation, $1,187,800; do-
posits and other liabilities to the public,
53,572;200—t0tal $-1,860,100. no circula
tion will be paid in full, so the public loss from that source, and
the bonds deposited as Securities th e the
same would to-day realize a surplus of
some g2Z0,000, that would be applied to
the_ ent of geneml creditors. •
• • N eea
ike they realize a
to saincleat to payeievesty per CIMIL
to the creditor*, leaving a total ultimate
Toes sustained by the public' • through
- their Ware of about 51,000 . ,000. The
failures of 'National Banks which have
Gins far occurred may in every instance
directly be traced to dishonesty or incom
petency-a bank officials. and the habit
ual violation of the plainest proilaions of
the law under which they weroorganned.
Government deposlla are not included in
the above mentioned item of deposits and
otherliabillties to the public. The only
loss to the Government. will result from
the failure of the Merchants National
Bank of Washington, which hail been
investigated by a Congressional Coto.
mittee. The estimate of the total of the
ultimate lon sustained by the people
does not include the amounts which may
to recovered from stockholders on per
sonal property.
[From our Regular Correspondent.]
Irlaaakartriad Day at Ow Cs pita—
Tao'Mtwara Valsarette.;Vdtshetten.
Ceadowss—lsta. Steward's Zotarw..
Teecettea Tax.
The Thanksgiving is very generally
observed to-day throughout this city, in
accordance with the proclamation of both
the President of the Drilled States and
the alayor of Washington. Appropriate
religious, 'exercises in all the churclien'
sermons - t ouching quits generally upon
the public - crisis, the position of thi
peathment and qvfeet coming future of
Americi - sermon 'board • ,bv Yen,
correspondent was very much In accord
with the timely article in the liturrya
of Wednesday on i`lfisdenteanor." It
buy ever been the curse of our 'politico
'that a morally weak and facile majority
are not swayed by the simple question—
" 71 . 4 Is rifthf," but rather what will
carry the next. election? ."What will
continue me, at present member of Con
great from lincomW,ln thy present
ellgibleand pleasant teed?" • Oh for the
hearty faith of Adams the elder—"Sink
orswim, live or die, lam faig this Dec
laration!" - • • •
• Ought the President to be Impeached?
L . it right In' the eye of Go& Is •it a
great duty to show forth to all, high and
low, rich and pair, that this man, th eugh
in the high place of the earth, is not So
high that he can do wrong with Impuni
ty? Shall we as a people hold him to the
sacred discharge of his duty under that
solemn oath of ofiles, or will the nation,
yielding up even Its theory of righteous
ness; glide along in the pleasant path of
present gratification, putting off that
evil day which, In the ways of sin, will
come at last. Obi how dreadful, how
withering! Even as the' rain of fire and
brimstone cams on Sodom, and the tide*
of .the plain, blotting them .out forever!
Such-wee tone of the discourse.
And looking at the question simply as
ono of party politics and aside from any
higher cousiderations—which neverthe
less boloug to it-.4t is true, true-to the letter, that the American people do detest
a twaddler,
out of place, and repudiate and spewout,
all men and parties who -hesitate and
draw back and flinch before the stem
demands of the occasion. When apartY
In this country shows an Inability to
manage affairs, tails to respond to the
demands of the times; no eye tow sharp
to observe it as that of the. reat public.
The Republican party is 'eunuch a child
of our great revolution as was that of the
commonwealth in theZtays of Cromwell.
During the war it was strongest when it
most tirmiy held an iron hand upon' the.
great nerve,of power, directed fearleaely
the ship of state, and steered her au if
the breeze were posperous, though really
no light shone upon the roaring -reefs
threatening on every hand. - Did ft not
weekly leave the helm, when the bitter
est strife was over, to a piratar and when
his true character was discovered, why
was he not hurled at ono* overboard?
What madness to amnion that we could
wait as a nation till some. other man
could booleeted to take his place at the
helm! He has improved his time and
brought over o part of the crew. to ac
cept him as captain, and recognize -his
steering as toward the port for which we
origitudlyset out!
Yet, while these gnat questions re
main unanswered, or, if we may infer
from all Indication, to be answered AO
cording to the dictates of a temporising
policy, there are great moral interests
of the whole people lathe strong bands
of faithful public servants which
ing built up wording to the eternal
principlei °fluidic°. The Howard Uni
versity la One of these grand enterprises,
directed by that Christian soidler, Gen.
HoWard.. Under a law of Congress a
fine trset.of land was purchased by him
butt summer, In the immediate vicinity
of this city, and thereupon a commo
dious college • building la now being
erected of a stone manufactured under
the patent" f the limed= .Thillding
Block Company: • The building • will
look am if made of marble. FMB, cony°y
dent and extensive dormiories . of
the same material are 'tieing
alaoi-the whole overlooking this city
.. . .
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from.= eminence, and shining as a bea
con 'of progress to all who may look
Upon them, These buildings are to ac
commodate students already attending
their studies in temporary structures on
the estate before named, and such others
me may offer. Tho first mitalogne In
already issued. No less than ninety
four students have been to attendance,
and tktir program Lae afforded great en
ifoUraoMnent to the! teachers.: Pupils are
received without distinction of race or
color, and their progress in learning and
the honors to be bestowed depend Upon
ttla abilities and merit of the scholar.
The moose of !study marked outoccupies
three years for its completion, and, in
cludes the classim, the higher math.-
=glee, and • belles-lettrim There is also
* Normal Department, - where teachers
for the =lettered millions are to be
taught. The organization of the institu
tion is ea yet in an Meehan) oandltion.
It 'contemplates not only collegiate but
theological and medical departments, and
preliminary ep hae alrad bee
taken toward st the s
endo v wment e of y
claire n
in the two latter. The tuition is One
Dollar per month, and even this will be
remitted In case of indigent students.
...—.Fetry" little hair: been-done so far in
either House. The Impesclunent report
having been made several speeches on
the financial question, and a general de
! elocution of 'What do you think of it?'
copped:um* everything hiss
tided into a thanksgiving quiet. The
Republicans have as yet held no general
(mucus; the other side of the House have
announced their Intention of holding one
next week. Many nominations to fill
federal Mikes are said to be In the
hands of the President, who will not,
however, send them In to the Senate on.
the regular Session. Among others is
named the Meet= to Ecuador, Hon.
Tom,. Ford being a prominent candi
date therefor. Your readers will remam
bet him as an effective stump speaker
ambng them as long ago as in the Pre
mont campaign, Ho was so unfortunate
as to be in command of the MI Ohio vol
unteers at the surrender of our forms at
Harper's Ferry, and a good deal of doubt
leas undeserved blame was upon him on
account of it.• / say aadeservad, because
Mr:Lincoln =adhere thought so. or he
would not have aopted'hia resignation,
after so much had been said and done
about the inirrondet, bearing upon Col.
Ford. Since the war he has been a sue. •
cessfid claim agent here, and recently
has <tome out as an effective worker and
speaker in the temperance reform, and
more recently made an open profession
of religion in connection with the Meth
odist communion. How, .uqder sack
circumstanoes, can he expect a nomina
tion from the Executive?
OMf. UowaßD
HAS Plat returned faun his tour to the
tar Si mt, where he has been examining
schools, and working generally In the
great interests committed to his charge.
It was expected that the
r resldent would
muster Wm' out at the same time with
General Sickles, but yesterday= ofilciel
order .was promulgated mustering out
all the volunteer oldcers now In service
exceprGen. IL and his dteburalng offi
cers. This leaves tho General in the
rank he held in the army during the
war, L e. Brigadier General in the Regu
lar Arniyand Major General of Volun
teers—giving him - the rank and pay of
the latter. It was published some time
ago that ho had been reduced to his rank
In the Regular Army, but that was a
mistake: It wits optional with the Presi
dent to continue him in the higher rank
above mentioned, bat he cannot disturb
him in his Regular Army rank; nor can
he be removed Beta the latter position
it all except as the result Ma court mar
tial. Gen. H. has recommended the dis
continuance of the Bureau from the Ist
of July, but it is the impression 'among
many of the'best friends' of our cense
that it ought to bo continued. This will
be decided, however, on the facts devel
oped by the examination beforstheCom
=tie on Freedmen's Affairs, of which
Ron. Thomas D. Eliot, of Ifassacbuiette,
is Chairman.
• • Tax currori TAX.
It is belleTtd that the Committee of
Ways and Means have unanimously
agreod upon a resolution in favor of the
repeal of this art, and that the report
will be adopted by Congrees. The high
price which cotton bore when the law
was enacted no longer rules, and Artier/-
ea has hi l iort hee eciuo
planters to lighting against their coon.
try's flag was spent by the capitalists of
England in completing railways to the
cotton fields of India. The pries cotton
born in England meantime stirred up
the Egyptians and other tropical or sew&
tropical countries to enter upnn cotton
culture, and so it has come to pans that
cotton, from being king, hay become, In
fact, a paorrind dependent subject. It is
the just Nemenis to the southern planter.
It is failure continued and pursuing the
lost cense. 'We bear of enterprises now
on foot in parts of the South for emigra
tion in large bodies to Brazil, the Carib.
can Islands, and especially to Jamaica.
In the latter Island, though the negro is
not, by laW, a slave, there are frequent
opportunities offered to kill a few of them
with impunity, as was enjoyed under a
recent British Governor in that Island.
Us= of 5... llasuSers—Tie
Leines Inallomtlie•
Bios. Ontarans, Nov. 30.—Governor
eraFiand ban issued a proclamation for-
Wading all connection 'with those parties
who were attempting to procure the pas.
nage of a Mil from Congress to bultdiovees,
*M lays.any and all persona claiming to
act by State anthority In this matter as
sume power. that do not belong to them.
and declares null and Told the contracts
littered into by N. H. Angemar aud Chas.
liedaurie, the • Dommisuipners of the
Board of Lone; whereby It was atlpula.
that.the State was to pay a bonus of
. dfl.werity per cent on the loan as appro
priated. He also revokes the Commis.
pions of Augemar and Leclaurie as
agents of thenitate.
Geoerhl Hancoelcs order is having •
healthy affect. ,
In the Convention today a :resolution
was offered by a negro member express
ing the sense of the Convention as op
posed to the General Amnesty. It was
laid ove r .
A resolution offered, that the • first per
manent duty of the Convention Is to
form a Constitution, end to dispense
svittr all minor business until this was
arnomplished, was laid over.
• Mr. Wickliffe offered an ordinance pro
posing certain changes In the organic law
of the State, to the effect that the Lees- .
Miura shall establish free public schools
throughout the Stab and provide for
their. support by taxation-1W children
between the ages of Mx n.ul eighteen
years to be admitted without distinction
as to race, color or previous condition—
no separate establishment for any Mea—
n University to bo established in :Vow
Orleans, open to all students capable of
matriculation withoutdistinetion of race,
color or previous condition. Another
section provides for the maintenance of
a Government school. The ordinance
was referred to the ComMltickstas Edtt
cation.. • _
• A resolution of thanks to God for the
succeasof the Radical Republican major
ity in this Stare was laid over under the
A resolution that no property qualifi•
cation be required for, any t3tate, parish
or municipal officeof honor, twat or
emolument, was referred:
The two last resolutions wero offered
by negro members.
The resolution offered yesterday that
the proceedings "of the Convention bo
published in the Now Orisons Republica&
and bo field for, was debated to-day, acid
tabled by four majority.
The resolution offered yesterday by
Mr. McMillan. to ratify the acts of the
Legislature of 1600, for -the issue pt
bonds and to provide means for salsa
lag and constructing the levees, was
made the special order for Monday next.
101 Telma:Ai to tee tittattoito uototta.l
WAsillNallnt, Nov. SO, ISM.
- • ROUSE.
The order last Weddesday being that
no business should be done to-day, them
wu a thin attendance, not more than tiny
or sixty being present.
A. H. Bailey appeared and took the
Mr. MANNARD moved a recess until
hall-past, ten o'clock Monday
Agreed to. .
IluesesaMal For&lag OPenalaita.
City Toterropti to the rittoborok 614.1•1ta. I
Crississrore, December I.—A swind
ler calling himaelf.ll. 'r. Coleman, bear•
inga forged letter of introduction from
H. B. Clotho, of New York, Ms obtain
ed six thousand dollars In cur
rency from the First National
Bank of Charleston, borddes a, check for
51,000r0u the National. Bank, A tisustai.
by depositing check on the Find ation
al Bank and Suffolk National Bank of
Boston. Ho decamped lastMondriy, and
nothing baa Waco been heard of him.
The Steamship INdosion.
Contract fir British Mails
Fenian Excitement litenevved
American Finances in Germany
Thaddeun Stevens Denounced
lolly and the Boman Conference.
Vesuvius in Grand Eruption
rail Service for Germany
The South American War
Imposing Demonstrations by Fe
' Mans at Oork and Manchester,
CDT Telarrapb to ski ristabarsti 6mt14.1
Losecr, November 30. Additional
particulars of the explosion of the 'team
ship Bouboullna at Liverpool yester
day are published. ' The Bouboulina
was a . GrerJan steamer, recently turned
over to that Government, and built In
this muntry during the latter years of
the war in the united States for Frazer,
Trenhelm 4 Co. Her original name was
Colonel Lamb. The explosion occurred
about six o'clock in the morning, when
the Boubthillia was getting up steam
preparatory to leaving. One hundred
and thirty-seven persona wore en board
at the time, and it is thought at mast
forty were killed. The Bouboulina bad
a largegneatity alarms and ammunition
on board for the Grecian Government.
Lorimar, November 30.—Some par
ticulars of the contract with the Cunard
Steamship . Line. for carrying the British
mails, have been made public. The
Line is to receive dSO,OOO for weekly ser
vice between Liverpool and Now York,
for one year.
LoNnow, November.V.—Warren,
pino and Castello, tice Fenian primmer,
who were sentenced to Imprisonment for
terms of years, were to-day brought from
Dublin to Pentonville to suffer their
sentences. They wens handcuffed and
Fenian Burke was up for examination
at Bow *treat . to-day. 'gamey teoUlled
at. considerable length. No deehden was
exaxous Arras:ammoNs or L VZJ4Jc
LONDON, December L—There la oonv
stderable excitement on amount of the
Pentane. An outbreak I. fearedat Man
chester, where anima had been seised by
the police authorities. Only one arrest
had been made. Dispatches (rim Cork,
received late to-nigh; make mention of
Virtureiris there also. .
Lonna'''. Nov. 30.—The proposed in
csimi tax to paths expenses onto Abp.,.
atrium war pawed to second reading
In Commons this evening.
SUNCBIIIIIM, Dec. I..—Ecesdep..—S:o.
day this obloquies of Allen, Gould: mid
Larkin were observed • here with much
solemnity by the liu h inhabltazits. A
futioral procession proceeded. through
the streets and a meeting , was held. No
attempt wee made by the authorities to
Interfere with the proceedings, and no
disturbance whatever occurred. The
demotuftradou, though considerable
numbers, did not 'gaol the one made in
Cork today.
14 Z 241IXONIRMATION u .0011 Z
Cons, Dec. I.—Dvenfep.—Lgreatdem
castration of sympathy for the 'throe
Fenians executed at Manchester was
made here to-4*y. The ceremonies were
similar to those which took plitaeonaun
day last in Landon. .-The funeral pro
assalon wax very long end imposing. It
was headed by a loftfcatafalque, trim
med with green and and,drawn
by six hones This win@ followed by
nearly twenty thousand perilous, most of
whom wore the green emblem shrouded
with crape. Over tlfteenhundredwatnen
took part in the procession, and several
Priests ware observed marching lu the
ranks. Good order prevailed throughout
BERLIN, Nov. 30.—A. large meeting wax
IteM'yeaterday, at, which American poli
tica and finance* were ollacusseL T. S.
Puy, an American, severely attacked
Thaddeus Stevens as a demagogue and
repudiator, and dented dint his Mew
were thee, of the Anterioan-poople.
Bzcznr, December I.—Tbe Frugal=
government, through Ha postal .depart
moot. hoe signed • now contract with
tbs. Hamburg 'and ,Ainerlean . Steam
yacket Company and the North German
and Lloyds' Steamship Company for
regular mall service from Daptburg and
Bremen to New York. By the terms of
the contract many adaltional facilities
are given to the patina and special pro
vision Inside Ibr the transmission of sam
ples of rnerclumdize by . mall.
Tan rrALTAN civarnom
Pam!, November 30.—MariiMs de
Mouldier, Minister of Foreign Attain,
in addreviing the.T4ench Senate yester
day, said tho stay of the French troops
now. remaining In :Roman territory
Would be brief aid was only Intended to
insure the safety Of the Pope.• The quee
tion between MI Holy Father and Italy
was one of distrust, and theobied of thi
General European Conference proposed
by the Emperor wag to .remove this die-
10111111 £V asroA.
Ltsnote Dec. I.—The mall steamer
from Brazil bas arrived. The newifrom
the seat of war on the Parana was, that
the allied cavalry made an attack on the
Paraguayan forces, which the Brazilians
@lama; resulted In a complete victory
for the allies. Brazilian reports of the
fight may Lopez's loss was one thotteand
killed and two hundred prhuMins, while
the loss of the allies .was only eighty
savtrto:i or~ti'U WL
'FLonzacz, Nov. 30.—A. dispatch from
Naples Mateo that yistiviwi to
now la a (wand data of eruption.
I= 1..233
Italy hex not yet acceded to the pro
posed Conference. Yesterday an °Metal
was teat to France asking certain explii
nations. The 'anal answer of Italy sail
depend on the nature of Di apoleon's to
AYw coxarroriox
. Vixares,:Novlsi the Raletiarath
yesterday a draft for a new Constitution
was adopted, titter strenuous resistance
bythe Liberate.
Masai* la a State al laavalattou—llio
volt in Para—Taml faandaxell—al
, Men BoMars Mammas* Lost.
NEW. Yoax, Dec. 1.--The ,steamat9
Henry Chauncey, from Aspinwall' on
the Zid of November, has arrived.
The steamship 'Neisda, from' Noir
York, arrived at Panama on Nov. let, In
forty-four and a half days, running time
from Now York.
Advicos from Bo to to October lath
state that the trial of Mosquera was un
concluded. Demonstrations of sympa
thy for Mosquera compelled theZ' resi
dent of the senate on several days to
have the public removed hom the house,
and Congress was ruirded 'constantly by
soldiers to prevent an attack by Mos
quera's friends. President Acosta's gov
ernment was in a dangerous position
several States havieig energetically pro
tested against -the the Interference of the
General Government in the affairs of the
State of TolimAi The press oftheState of
Cauca speak openly of severing' comm.
Lion with the Federal Government and
declaring itself independent, and a Com
missioner from the State of Ai:dingy&
lied arrived. at Popagen to arrange a
common line of action if Acosta contin.
ued Ms unconstitutional meddling with
the sovereignty of the States. A new
revolutionary force was sprung in Jule
ma, with whom it was feared Antioqua
and Cauca would make common cause,
and a bloody civil war ensue. Troubles
seemed to be . brewing In other sections
erase Republid. - The rep&rted lynching
of thineral Herrera he denied.
The annual subvention - of fifty thou.
sand dollars to the State of Piumama
has been withdrawn by Congress. The
annual budget show" a deficiency of over
two millions for the current veer, and
that of the million dollars paid to the
Government on the ratification of the
Panama Railroad contract over three
hundred thousand dollars have been
expended In two months.
A new guano deposit had been discos , .
ered between Caldrea and Puerto En.
glee, in Chili. • ,
President Prado, of Peen, was at the
head of his army, immediately in front
of Ariquapa.. Though some of the rebels
delierted and joined the national army,
the great bulk adhered to his cause. It
is stated the wholecountry WAS prepared
to rebel, It the revolt at Ariquapa was
not speedily crashed. Some small out
breaks In country districts have been
suppressed. 'Some exiled Spaniards re
turned to Cellos, and the President. was I
resolved to annul the decree of exile
moot, except only to those whohad been.
hostile to the Republic.
The new Colombian steamer Calm..
pad foundered at seviSeptember =il.
tween the Island* of Trinidad and Toba
go, on a voyage from England. The
crew were all saved. The vessel cost
8300,000 and bed aboard a monument of 6666
the finest marble, destined sa a romp
tack for the heart of Simon Bolivar, now
In the Cathedral of Bogetha, for which
Comer., had voted $72,001). •,
The Peruvian Foreign Ministeip •
pesos, on behalf of his Government, that,
the representative. of the . four Govern-c ;
meets now nailed against Spain meet
annually to deliberate on means tomain- I
lain and strengthen the confederacy. 7
Chauuvey brought'J .c.t",•
The Henry
000 In specie.
riiesodlass.-A: Chase it
• Asbervo,
CB7 Illunspb to
- Ortowa, No
last night 3fr
that ho would,
etntloa provld
Queen, wilting
and the North
Parliament of
late for theft fn .
ember 50.—1 n the limn,
31cDougi/1 gain nortlott
. onday, introduce a rri=
lg. fee a memorial to-the-
he unlonofilupermitadi•
vmt ,Territory with the
.ada,and tO grant to the
Vanada authority to legi.W.
ten welfare and govern,
A gang of Co nierfolters was arrested
at Castloton on Vedinsday night. About
two hundred weight of spurious soln;
and moulds to mountings:ming AMMON*
and English p ores were found calk/
Nov;fiettate.thlt 7)*. ins morning for
Liverpool. tho last steamer this sea.,
sikinches of snow fell lust night.
Post COLBOIIN, Noy. SiL—The steamer
New Dominion Went s yesiord.,
_near Lon. 0— miff lb 1 7 .
for Kings.
' the Piers
Jt will bed
image. The
% block of
Jib aide of
Ind Market
by fire bust
rket hiquare
5,000. •
King - .
• sznia.l
passed an
tbe 'ohm
and voters,
all _ zy the Gov
ernor and toini Of known loyalty. A
great many officers, with largo emolu
moots, are provided for,
including one
Major General, three Ildinszlier Generals,
and one Adjutant, Quartermaster, In
spector, Paymaster and Surgeon Gener
al, the whole to be under command of
the Governor. • The Conservatives do.
claret thin meaner* places the State under
a militia dynality similar to Brewnlow's.
and say its sapeneeno. will necessarily.
greatly incroaliktaxation.
An ordinance was passed declaringg the
war debt of the State, and all liabilities
erentaddirectly or indirectli in aid of the
war, null and veld.
An ordinance was reported by a select
committee, and until the hour
for adjournment, providing for the ex
tingulahment between citizens of this
State, of all debts *misting July 20th 1861,
on payment of inateihnout by note of
the original amount of debt.
Tho maiden of the Convention will one;
tine, through part or next week. •
ithittod.llliNer (Alai YJeer•M-7tf.
esokstruellso teßvilaUisa—line Jeff
Davis lontstimmt.
tire Tetemsph re the Pttieharsh u melte. i
30.—The United States
Court will adjourn on Monday until the
adjourturierit of the Reconstruction Con
vention, which meets on Tuesday,
Many delegates - have arrived. A CAUCUS
will be held, on 3lunday night by the
Republican members.
The following witticism were exam
ined en Cavils' indictment: Gen. Lee,
Secretary Seddon, (ten. Wickham, lion.'
John Letcher
E ,, Roo. W. Mumford. John
B. Hddwin, xAtipeaker of Confederate
Congress, and Pen. T. S. Raymond.
-The Comm) loners of West Virginia
to-night sign an agreement relative to
the construed n of the Chesapeake and
Ohio' Railroad
•Itti snit o Steinbeak & Co. againat
Media k Co., New York, for $250,000
damages, for teeing them upon an at
tachment, da mimeos hare on Monday.
fay T.Jurskpti • Um DIDADIDID dssettso
Nsw. ens, December 1,1107.
Refistrnin n o t n ids ettr im for l t a reetetn u ff
l i ' l l j a e n n cj orboliev , much over 90,110O'votes
will be cast.
The Court o -Errori .and Appeals of
New Jersey h finally decided that the
Camden and boy Railroad , bualnese
must not be in rferod with by the Ilan
tan and Dela* roltallread, which had
Indite winced/it branch no that they
shared the mon... y of the former road
of running Oral between . Now. York
cud Yhtladelphl
Weather sae nale—Lelite Dlseaters.
tryrettarsootte to ruralize estate
RocumaTHß, ov. aO.--Cold to-day;
mercury 20. Ca • clear of Ice, and
boats moving. • t it this weather con.
tinuee another d y will doubtlese close
Oewsoo, Nov.: schooner ear
thman's, from C how, ith a cargo of
7,010 bushels of heat. went where butt
night a nillo bet. w tho clty. Thocrow
were taken off I. a life boat. Ith:retired
the vessel and ea • will boa total loos.
Durtimuc, N. . 00.—The propeller
Owego went ash •ro last night Ina bad
snow storm four tulles above this place.
She is full of w and pounding on the
rocks. - The crow of the bark Getn.fielth
a number of rut, starnid With a Ufa
boat to rescue • crow. After the crew
of the Own left, •at vessel , broke =loose
frontlet dock d grounded. She had
no cargo on _
Dormer., De tior,l.Sen of the
Crew of the Ora go attem to land
yesterday anent u. The t was cap.
sized and Orrin 11111ps,•eugiaerr. WU.
11am Johnson. 1111 am Doyle, Samuel
Johnsen and o • other dreamed. s The
two mates were ved and the remoinder
of the Crew were Wid, this morning.
"--The conversion of Berm:Thirty .
*tie wore vbry' , hitwey , siiiirine last
Wiet, auregating abou. .
t. twenty mll,
..... , ... , . ~.. .. .
I r—liev ' . E. W.lDPither- lu week way
destaicted of pcilysanly at afinneapolia,
co 4 liarigaUcm on the Epper thisshrilipi
lita. Closed:•'..ll. Mitnieaphlis an 'Bair;
&Tithe tblM 1 34;0 1 1 1 r. it° o 4 at twove
Wright colusty„hfini On the
Wial .; Market:Bl6W, wassisiroalted
•On . tkartmontk so& son, spat ao
Jared that he has slocodhed. 'Tha
hayo beam atritistegl. r ..'. l ..... ,
he OW Teri Waal( llnindisioliets
twee named the .I.oth pf. Daneenber for
~., the clash but coliPerWler —only
xrni.,.....' IsgrorAlla OlihiEly l .oloaq'
won swam twenty-lour„hortne. ,
~ .
. ,
f - —Ely MU, in lemyra. „New York,was
gtoyid by ;e .- Friii.. ky nig& The
Wer portion of the building was emu
:bLaspnla Maw Lnes, thirty to
',..;.•: . ..sA unna blbmeapcdis, - 711bs -ftlii7jalaurea' a. burs;
Wellmay company be been orgenised
lad the track will be laid as soon as
Eleable. Nest season a dilly , ilud of
am will be run to hiluneepolls,
, transferring the Al t mdguartan:
pc =salon from 8 Yard to, Q t
ilt*lrd prialeY, age& winbtY - inn
Jeweler in Hirelbrd, Conn:, woo
-on the esening of the illth
by an English thiernanted John
Mend • colored man named Alex.
o also robbed the store. Both
—The Kirkwbod Hotel, at Elrkwood,
miles: weld of St Louis, wag
. . - . Saturday night, and nearly all
Snenituns destroyed. The building
as owned by Samuel Tuntet, or St.
and was insured .for $lB,OOO. The
ens was huluZ i rr . i c i l l m il ler . ti C d ir =
The aetnal lose ,by um Are has not boon
assoses to OWCore 71 . 1Sovos =WU or.
yrs warms, ssair ettYWAIS 060.130 1
..13Ava.sra., Nov. 1.M.--The Spanish Goo
litaznent hail ordered Woe all arrears of
again to widows and orphans of deemed
j adlittry y. arid civil officers fobs pail WI,
The convicts from Santlogo "t
a* . e o F °mikado Po, aro - all .c.far.tre
Santa Anna, before his antiwar was
flounced In Maxloo, made Ms last
and testament, declaring pro V . &mounted Ao $300,00), in , whir-Vie
i• tided the villa he own, in St. Thomas,
Havana, December I.—The Austrian
•,/, • • N ara ra , having on board the .re
i•-•7 . of the hate Arch Duke Maximilian,
• arrived here.. TM, . Navas
•• •gm dates from the City of4llex.
fro to • the 12th, and front Vera
a M
Cru to the 46t h ult.. Maximilian`e
1 . 1111111.1011 are in charge of Admiral Teget
buff and Dr. llortich. The frigate will
sail in a few days for Europe. On the
the people assembled in masers, but
iferiequiet.and 110 demonstrations were
nada The:body was not permitted to
beFn the ooilln. The phyelcian who
en ed the. ta:4y In prison mutilated
It .entlingnif the hair and clothes for
the Purpose fit speculation.
Trosierli Ii lii Tett —111•011ig - of
.alb• I.lllll.Mises—TlN Magmas fu•
liefaue—ip... •Vemtrall
liaalroad. '
LET Testrape So tbor rltlalmish Osseum.l
SAN FILANCI3CO, ISioncsobe-Tltis
Golden City, tiotni'ritniaa, - alined to
day with one: csittOrsid and
eighty-eight thousand do in trens•
urn, one million one houdroland eighty
ono thousand six: hundred. tbr
. Workshop. hen. T:;aen etWetat Vat Ve
vier Core, preparatory to commencing
work on the now fortlncations at Tile
Point, near Golden Owe.
Tb. Legislature meet. at Sacramento
on kfeedsv. Senatorial candidates are
on hand. 'The Democrats bare eighteen
of a ihnfority In Joint convention.
The track of the Central Neill° Gail
road has been laid from Cisco to the
summit and through the great' ' tunnel,
over them thousand feet above the sea.
The first vassenger car paned through
the tunnel' .vestorday. Tweedy-four
miles of track have been laid on the east
sideof the mountain. A fortnight, in
caw ofopen weather. will complete the
Imp °raiz miles, when connection will
be made with. the lower Truckee, one
hundral and thirty miles east of Sacra
The See RI.H rths r«.--nose,.
Helms Illialpplaw.
tPt ielogrsalk to ON PUUtoirg• Omuta.]
" Sr. Teralrai - ;Nev.: 1.1.--Anothei earth.
. ,
quake, eLoceuipsided with volcanic erup
tions, bpi - occurred. Tho is roes fifty
feet, doing great damage to houses and
shlip p. •
A similar dlsturbanes occurred - at the
Dutch Island of Saba and at St. Doinin •
go. It Is also reported that another
earthquake has occurred at St. Thomas.
litlabos AlaMq "DIO•11113,
31 3. 1 .1 1 .0 11 to LM rtsubarsa awns'.)
Itosycia, DSc. L—The ovar4sausofsomo
thlrtssd thonaand shams of Altones min
ing 'took, alleged to have been done by
the former alms of the Company,
threatens to lead to legal proosedlngs. It
la, sold some of the old Wilms bass Wen
2danints Erdzona:-1 - happened to be
looking Over a late number of the Post
and noticed an article on the Modern
Penitentiary, In which the editor, deeply
concerned for the public Inkweet, regrets
that things are notraew is they were un
der good old DemOcratio rule. Ho sup
porta himself by some "nrumbrione"
which be ups prevail, that therfinances
and discipline are not as
managed en they were before the Radical
Legialature robbed the Supremo Coitrt
of ono of its functions...lle refers to the
eircuundance tbnt the old Board deliv
ered to the new ono *OlllO 0110.0011 ln stock
and funds, and takes the WI of the
prison being now In debt as evidence of
negligence and mismanagement.
It J• true that the close of the war loft
the prison Ina prosperous oondition,ow
ing to government patronage, the scarc
ity of labor, and large demand for such
aftleles an are manufactured there. And
this promperity would doubtless have
continued, had the Peal party been see
m:Wul in sustaining their Southern
brethren in their - belligerent demonitra-
Sons against the gt vernment. At the
time of the reorganisation of the Board,
I understood that there was stock on
hand invoiced at fifty thousand dollars,
which it was impossible to realize from
an unsettled and rapidly declining mar
ket.- 1601111 on manufactured articles Ursa
inevitable to Individuals and enrpora
tions, as the numerous commercial fail
ures and embarrassments In this. city
and elsewhere fully attest, and the Pose
might just as well ettrihnto these dim. ,
=Mtn to variations of the weather u to
It has constantly been under the con
trol of genticrumu well known for their
large experience and eminent business
rapacity; who. have with great fidelity
denoted themselves to the duty of a
thanklene office, and whose only fault is
that-they have not been able to ehift the
prison, beyond the influence of
universal depression.
',But there Ls another eiroumatanbe of
importance to which- the Post avoids
refer po ence, probably owing to its wonder.
tel capacity for , the Ignorance which la
Imposed on It . by the Warden and
'Teeters, vim the unprecedented Influx
of convicts, unskilled In everything but
sloe; whose Instreetlon end Ruppert Is a
matter of much time end expense.
I am told that as nresult of lie over.
crowded condition there are et least one
hundred and fifty cell" each andantino
two . convicta; by which "certainly the
facilities and Silks of maw must be
virally inereneed, and we think the vigil
auce of the Warden and other officers
will be fully established. by- in reference
to the eircumatancea. This they will
doubtless do at the proprx time.- 'Per,
whatever prosperity tbennalltutlon en
joyed, its Ilemeemlo tauten were In
dobteti to the peralatent vigor and none.
ago wllb which - Republic= party
fought the Robellloti. • P.
Death' or an /I.ll9(hentan•-•We are
palnod to announce the
.dosth of hit.
llustal4 Ebert. orAllegheny city, trhloh
took plane atltn early.hour an Batnnlay.
insculdras at St. Lon's. The 'deoanied re.
aided at - so. 63 Main street, and had a
'host of levlogrriendannd , antinelntancee
In this' neighborhood. . Ins remains
'were expected to arm° hero last night.
env AwsusußßAri.
Mord .111omliallesis.
Ontilszarday 'the following gentlemen
wartiPbuted in nomination by the Union
Republicans of . the First word, at a
largely attended primary meeting. Se
' fact Council: James Reese and 0. W.
.CoMti. COmmon Council: Wm. R. Boggs
sad 1 MAUI Fltsehzunons. School Di
rectopai.Wra. FL Hazen and Won B.
Mown. Reese r Cala and Boggs are at
tosannt Oottnclltnen and. have exer 'die
' charged their dullest faithfully and with.
*larked abLlity. Mr. litzalmauous will
be anew toomber, but long =gamut-
Inn , with altY .alfhlre, and L especially
thosewhieh patiela to hie ward,. Is a cut - -
gaeranteoof hiefltneaa for the po
sition., Thetlnkegti,an•OglUtUallY alrong
me: Ondcwillleenallogld lOW to all the
The •Republican. voters . afi the Fifth
:ward held their printery meeting on pat
utdiy,'• and placed the 'follOwing very
excelloat . tioltat lu nomination: Babect
Commit: Richard Thompson and Robert
Dickeon. Common Connell: James
blestMWM, Charles Beck; James lifoCand
but, David Russ' and William Friday.
llesars.Thompsoo. Dieksonandßamp
hill have represented the ward In Coun
cils during the put year, and are among
the mad enunetle and able members of
that body. Their renomination is a lust
reteltion of past services, and with
their experience they will be more than
ern useful In city legislation. Messrs.
Midkutdbem. Hum and Friday aro _all
representative citizens of the ward and
ha better or more worthy and compe
tent gentlemen oonld have been selected
to represent this important ward In the
ticket an earnest and hearty support.
■Wb Ward l•rimary damMatlass.
Pursuant to•pnbliehel announcement
in the Gazwrin, the Republicans of the
Sixth Ward held their primary meeting
Oa Saturday, for the purpose of placing'
in nomination candidates for the Pa 601.11
ward Willem Tho following wax the re
sult of.the balloting:
First Prerinet.
ron anunar COUNCIL.
251• (Noopp
couxox cot :colt.
J. M. Brush 251 4 (Noopp.
John Rahman .. ... 2A• ( Noopp.
Charles Jeremy. .. . . 2.51* (No opp.
Joseph A. Butler (No opp
scuoOr. thnicron.
Thot. Roberts ILT. John MambalL' 100
D. L. nom! og 110 , I Goo. Gillespie.. 100
Alex. Moloy • 251 (No opp.
nErvax mcsracton.
John Mazahnll ZI.• (No opp.
William non'. 31* opp
Seecnut Precinct.
201. (No opp
Robert Rabb.. 161* 1 :I.G.M . Camlless 75
Wm- Bunhlll l i
IscnooL Drasoroav
.1. U. Walter-16P IG. Coalman, Sr. 41
Joe. Hartman. 91• V. G. Elliott... 6
D.34.Ctounbers '46 Witi. Coleman. ld
.117 DOZ , 01rXLIIIV11031.1.
Sam't Scott.... Su• G. Cochril, Jr. 55
. 11.. MK:toady.. 66 .1
.Icok, Little 106
Jolla Scott.
G. F. 31orgon:. 1557 I John C. lir3;ant 50
Wm. Shore- 11Sll I John Little, Jr. Cl
W. J. Logan... i 47 4.
. itroollikAte werotharacialized by
- harmony itald - 71MItrvg - 'nn
aide.. The gentlemen nominated are
admirably qualified he 'll9tiellsehatge
of the duties pertaining to Um offloos for
which selected. :it, stronger sot of
candidates couldlislee been put forward,
Itwlll be observed that Alderman Butler
bee been we nominated,. the Republicans
thus complimeuting one of our most
praiaowortty, careful and efficient city
magistrates. 'Mown. James P. Tanner,
Jared M. Brush, John Itebmsn, Robert
Robb and William Itarnhill.:-.1l at pres
eat member. of Pound's—have been
. .
nominated for rireleinion; and through
their experience and. undoubted ability
and integrity will form a strong delega
tion in the new Councils. We are glad
tor:taller, that A. M. Brown and Charles
Jeremy, Dins., Wee been nominated as
the new members ',to Councils. Maj.
Brown is a gentleman ~o f of largo legal
acquirements and in vie w of the many
portant questions which will arise un
der the Consolidation act, his services in
Council will prove invaluable. Mr.
Jeremy hos shown a noble example
and proven that his fidelity to principles
is stronger Ulan his desire for mirsonal
advancement. Unlike Mr. Allinder, who
abandoned , the party because not nomin
ated to an ollice, and set himself upon an
independent candidate, Mr. Jeremy fell
into the ranks and is doing good service
for the Republican nominees. Unless
the party is more ungrateful than wo
imagine It to be., Mr:Jeremy will not go
long without just reward for his manly
conduct -in this campaign, while those
who have pursued a selfish and dif
ferent course , new live to repent their
grave error.
I I:l2Es===l
Tho Republicans of the Tenth ward
held their primary meeting on Satur
day, nominated %ward ticket, and ap
pointed a Vigilance Committee, Width
appears In our advertising column,.
For Select Council, Mr. John Shipton
and Dr. T. J. Gallagher were nominated.
Both these gentlemen are members of
the present Council. -and have had
taiga experience In legislating for the
el V. That they both have, given entire
mßefaction to their constituents, as well
as citizens at large, Is evidenced by their
renomination.. For Common Council
Messrs. David Sims and Henry Daub
ware placed In nomination. Both these
gentlemen will be new memoers, and
possess all the requirement, essential for
active, capable and intelligent represen
tatives. Mr. Sims is ono of -the most ac-
tive and zealous members of the Repub
lican party, and has contributed largely
to Its states both In the city and eounty.
Tho other gentlemen on the ticket a,e
worthy hearty support, and wilt be elect.
ad by handsome maJoritlea,
Seat Wilber Payne,. an' author and
writer of comilderahlo reputation, paid
us • visit last night our sactinn. Ho
is on his way front New York to San
Francisco, andmeanii to accomplish the
feat Of walking 'the entire , distance. Hp
L not out to - make; an exhibition of hina
self, or to attract attention trout 'porting
circlet, but simply 'to era his country,
mix among tho'peolde, and learn their
'character, customs find social habits, and
to give the world the benefit of, his Jot
togs by the wayside. Ito lea hearty,
vigorous young man, and will doubtless
experience no di ffi culty In accomplish
ing his long drawn out walk. This gen
tleman early. In Rho apring slatted
Europe, not for pleasure, health or re
creation, but that ho might ixlcome re
ally acquainted with that part of the Old,
World no familiarly!,.known in
America as "Our Mother Country."
To accomplish this ho action t from Ohm
gate on foot, and walked to 'Edinburgh,
via Stilling; thence through the South of
Scotland by the way of Abbotstord acid
Dumfritsi to Ayr; then crowed Into Ipa
land and walked from Belfast to Dublin;
(was twice arrested in Ireland as a Fe
nian); rperoulug the channel Into Wales
ho walked horn tfolYhendlbrollgh Wort/1
Wales to Liverpool In langland, und from
Liverpool to London by the way ot Mau
cheater, NotUngham, Lichfield, "Strat
ford-on-Avon, QzfordandliVindeor.
To the Gettyebuiy dtayltart
In view of the chtuitable datum of pour
enterprise. we Atoneent In your
or your t i. i& t o o n t lett Ingr p store tt or
, f llo h atte Co,
dealers and Agent* for tho cele
brated Marechall &Dinh= Plano&
. . .
l' lo • 63 Fifth Moot, r Ittmburgb,
Whero tickets can be procurod of tho
sent, far. E. It. Gartinor, Nebo will give
14=r1rIAL.1012 desired mord to this
ortILY lirVricl, •
Reath pf His. Gen. :Negley.—Wa
record this morning' in our obituary
column the sudden death of tho beloved
wife of Gan. Tames R. Netri- Thp
deceased was idghly adept:nod for many
noblo and codnering quell ties of bead
and haul, and her unexpected death will
ptove a• 'Pam. of' deep gorpow
those who
.had enjoyed hoe acquaint;
RAILROAD ' 3n;;mlz:wwlE
putaboisl4 In.irtroet Zall.Commtat•
callow with Oil 01117 by- aim
Talley Sialip—Oeseply,ten of
• am. Wawa. • -• • • '
There ,sere • one hUndred .and thirty
three miles 'of railroad trick added to
our ceturniudeutron on" Sibiu:thy, as
thehist nail of the extension of the Alle
ghonY,Vailey Railroad to Venni:lgo City
waslaid. Witlidirectndllicililles to pit.
'City, the. mission of .the Allegheny
river is in , a large measure dime away
with. Witt that Indomitable; persever
amp and rernariable entarlirthe
distlaPillilicethe , character of the very
woithYtyritlderit' of tlio road, Colonel
William Phillips; the work his for some
time past:bhn' vigorously pushed for-'
ward, and now the city'oflelttabuigh'is
placed lweasy communication with one
of the most important , oil - regions'
of the world. ,Colonel _ mine down 'the , road on Saturday 'after
noon froth the 'point s;fjenhtion where
the two parties of .track,leyers,".goim
north and coming south, met.' The tmek
layers from' 011 City and the partyggi
north met between Franklin and
Onus, at a paint near what' is known as
the Burning.ell.. From Monday u n til
Saturday morning, thew Orkth&Patla
laid down four miles of Wl*. point
where the junction is twenty
miles north Of 011 City—or;rather Vs
nango City, oPPosiOk: wielebwin hater
the present the northatiallentdnrw crabs
Allegheny Valley Its
tance from the etattellllttkellith ward
to vetoing° City, is into: hundred and
thirty-three miles. No train his, as yot,
passed over the entire line nt the road,
but to-morrow regular freight trabsswill
be put on, and es soon thereafter pos
sible through passenger trains will be
run to 011 Clty, , When everything is in
perfect working order, CoL Phillips oon
wmplates opening the road !brutally
with a select excursion party to 011 City.
The arrangementa being made for the
affair are on a liberal order, and those
who attend cannot fail to 'have a highly
enjoyable time.'
We anticipate an immense business la
the carriage or oil on this road at once.
Regular oil trains will bo run from 011.
City from and after to-morrow. There's
a, large amount of oil awnitingshipMent
In :the oil regions, accumulating since,
June last. It is estimated that there are
one hundred and any thousand barrels
no* ready for shipment. This of itself
will be a good 'item of thisineas for the
road to commence its through Waffle
The city Is timely Indebted to Colonel
Phillips for this highly important rail.
'way connection, by means of which the
commercial interests of our city will be
greatly, benefitted and Teat wealth
brought to our doors, na Pittsburgh in
now lastly entitled to hold rank as the
Cistri Laing point fur the oil world. All
honor to Col. Phillips.
The did saying that " Ii le an ill wind
that blows nobody good," is a true one,
and hence a !source' of consolation to
many. generque souls, content
themselves with. the ,theught that the
. .
cause of their misfortunes has been be-,
nada' to others; but notwithstanding
the truth df ti f 4 aaying, we are frequent
ly dlaappoin In our expect:Worm. The
present cold weather, which, coming as
it does so early in thelioason, finds many
unprepared, and must necessarily bo the
canse of much isulTerlngauti great Ineme
roulettes: to hundreds of our . citizens,
and for that maims it has been the cause
of much regret lon the part of many no
ble, generous h.-.ltedpersonsWho deep- .
I r sympathize with . distress 'whim ever
they dud it, but whose faith 'in the
workings of "Ulm who death ill things
well Is such as to lead then:lto:mak for
something good In every: apparent evil,
have been consoling :themselves with
the', thought that the birtif*pieicin
winds which penetrate the /aunty cloth
Ing.of the half, half ItuplaffitigMor
tale, whose hungry appeals &reheard at
every street corner mould .alati.have
tendency to ilScreasie the number, If not
drive all theme detestable. creatures
knoent as street loafers to more comfort-.
able - ganders - . 'ln - this 'they hater tame
disappointed, and muse of necessity look
In soother dlrentioif fur consolation. '
This abominable practice of sheet loaf
ing prevails toe greater extent in Pitts
burgh than ever before, 'and If by any
portil tile moans If can be stopped it should
be done, and that speedily. The num
ber of loafer" is greatar. on Sunday than
any other day of the week, and It is then
they are the greatest annoyance, a. thee
are found on the street corners in crowds
sufficiently largo to occupy the entire
sidewalk, so that ladles as well as gen
tlemen aro frequently contlpelled to take
the streenito puss them.
Officer I.4,eran, of the police force, seeing
a crowd congregated ut the corner of
Webster and High -streets yesterday
evening, requested them to disperse,
which they refused to do, and when be
Insisted upon it, one of the party attacked
him, when a scuttle ensued, in which the
Mibeer's host Was nearly torn off his
back. Ile succeeded In arresting ono of
the party, - who was taken to the lockup,
and will probably be provided with More
comfortable quarters for the nest ten or
twenty days. The Jail is a more suitable
place for all much characters than street
corners and the authorities should hare
no hesitancy in • sending them there.
Lot them have all the time In jail the me
tare of the offence will admit of, and the
detestable practice will soon become un
ao Uosobass—.Grost Bargains Offoreil
so lb. Oloolewd. awl Alston Trod.
The attention of our 'readers la respect•
folly directed to the doable colninn ad
vertisement on our second page of the
well known and extensive house of Joe
Home ,t Co., Nos. 77 and 79 Market
street. The stock bold by the firm le one
of the largest and most casofully, assorted
over offered to the trade In this city, and
as it Is desired to close out all tho goods
embraced it it, rare bargain. are offered.
The high reputation'of the firm Is sufil
elentguarantee that there is no humbug
abOut this, special announcement, and
those who are wise will make a purchas
ing visit at the establishment In order to
ar r uhemselves of the opportunities of
f° for buying goods atlas than mat.
We cannot hero enumerate the prevailing
prices of goods at this store, and Indeed
the advertisement gives but poor Idea us
to how very cheap the goods are offered.
Dealers who buy to tell again will fiud
It to their advantage to call while in the
city selecting their holiday stock of
goods. Tlle assortment and selection of
fared is vEry . fine, and cannot be sur
passed by taro house either east or west.
The firm deal largely in trimming.; lace'
goods, embroideries, hosiery, gloves,
gents' and ladies' furnishing goods, mil
linery goods and ribbons, bonnet frames,
and overythingin the line ofanotionand
trimming house. The retail beds will
be made sharers In the bargains offered
and will be surprised at the general re,
ductlon In prices made. Those desiring
to purchium holiday presents of a' sonsi•
blo and useful character will find at
Horne eic Co.'s Just much a stook as will
please nil. tastes. Remember the place-
Nos. 77 and 79 Market street,
Tim' immortal tt.f. N.,. the =assum
ing philosopher who airlift more wis
dom than any other man on the thee of
God'e enrth, and yet who le as humblest;
a child, will anuses the pressure and
lift the veil for the peopleof Steubenville
this evening. This great eldlnn , Tb.r
to see us lest night and lifted the
veil so effectually es to confound our
wisdom:, and make us thel our nothing.
neva aswthad never felt before. Great
is "J. N., but worldling' cannot:soar so
high u to comprehend those mlghtythe.
odes, upon whiohJiangs the pence of
mankludand the deathly ut notions and
he must travel around, a martyr seeking
to elucidate principles hidden by that In
visible veil.
Cheap Coal.—No publiehod in Wed
nesday's i1r340, In our pollee Items, un
der the head of "Cheap C0a1,7 a me In
which Mr. fienry Peterson was defend
--cug .44 Manua McFadden prosecutor.
Mr. Peterson alleges rhst be is not the
man who. got the coal ho says It was
J. P. - Snyder who ordered-and. paid
tor It at tho oak:0ot Dickson, 'Stewart et
Co., whose learn Meraddendrivo..Thla
being the ease, W 4 did Mr. Peterson. In
justice in publishing the rattle, and
cheerfully padre the correction.
D o Weather yesterday was very cold,
and we may regard eld winter u fairly
upon no. The prospects are that the
rivers willfrooso over before a risecornea,
and that as a consequence the vast quan
titles pr. coal locked up here awaiting
shipment to paints below cannot gat out
till next spring... buena the weather
Moderate, however, It Is net out of the
proliabilitlea that wo have good
rivers for navigation between .thls and
Ctuistrnas. • •
'To Adopted eltlaeas.,—A lneoltrotr
citizens born 4 under the nog or (tryst
Drltaln will. at held - at - lata.retto Hilt
'hi* ' , Toning, the object of which lerittlly
- Set 'forth in a , card from 'Do. Dounelly,
publishedargewhero. -The matter la ono,
of Importance and the meeting sheaht
be well attentit4.
Bastases at We ■eit.Nr'. ulnae
Mr. Gray, County Register, fumishei
the following mond of bundiess trans..
acted d. MI °Mee during tho month of
IN.esdarit. adtedolstrainic (Metals
irasn 'i tillnrutsf:Abl r i g e e tioBfifr' °4 l,tl
Henry Sscrtlal......Mary Ann ata11e1,.,.,,50
Jomph , Divla......Atoslla Graham-- am
Charles . 3.....lSoob Balrar • '
James A Citeow.liancT. M. Gibes,— SAW
Jahn Manrar...X.Anans Atria Imo'
_, •, • • 'John M. Grooms, de,
Joon Creme ilioninssermawAsn.
Chas. P. MaDarlts.Mkry 2.
Wm. Mcnilar &haus— sia.
Wm. Donalasowf.Manha Donaldson.. 103
Marg. IL , Clark....alazandar_Alken....• Ico
Ottristlan Matier..anna Adoi. Mahar. 4001
Jots Etrunkt" vO
DonsMarty...Jamos Enna.....:..• 50
Wm. Poonalne.i.lmary Priamims -
Mils. Itannamono..G. a. Batas - crab
1.L7/L Prosolamt..Wre.4.Pronelfoos... exr
, Marls Oconar—• —Swab CoOpisr_ .. .:" • W
Maris MoGrana..John lAco
Thomas Monsar..olArald Winner • ••• ISO
James Lyon ' 'Jima% LTosi "1,003
Jo wl in . /Sark Era B. Stark. 1,04
Jos Borkbardt.Amannal 10)
Jane I. Illerrata—John Kannedy 4,00$
B.a, MOSTOw John Morrow AGO
• miLla AmsirrraS TO isarlasTs. ••• •
Jams lliaodn..
( Charles.i. Works,
%UMW M Clarice I lIIGIGam Miss •
Millais W Lamb.
Junes Theo. WoOd.
Charles A. Wood, .
„B. B. Reath.
• $ William H. Smith, -
i WWl= Ketchum.
lkeirrentisre Monck.....Jonutas Banat.
JamNOampbeD• 'Mary Dovatme, •
Massy Ferguson.
John Qui& 'John Quisss .r, •.
=Aortas A. IL. Ttioin
licrAL.” Elisabeth Boat'
j"" ‘ 249? " t r i h rt i st i 4 = j :
••• ThomisCmed
• ' • WM ;WA • •
J121:11 Wood."
The Conandttee — of C . 00C1111 are.
busily engaged •In remodeling •Cototall
chambers la City Building, , /ft Ardor, lo
make mom for the incoming:to* dletrl;
bets. The chamber. are to be refitted in ,
good style and made worthy the 4.lty.
he ant.rooms now hardly ever used,
will Do thrown into the main rooms, no
that the lobbies need not be made any
loss commodious. We believe that re•
Porters are not to bo forvtlen in th e now
order of inds, but will be provided with
ample. accommodations In the way of
desk room.
Deith of ft G. Childs, -Esq.—The'in
telligence of the death of B. G. Childs,
Esti., a merdber of the Pittsburgh Bar,
was received this city on - Saturday
last. Ile. died at..EUenville, Ulster
county, New Y Ths deceased was
the oppordtion ca ork. ndidata ,
agairfst Hon.
Thenms Williams for Congress hallo
Twenty-third District, at the last elec
tion. He was,' highly eclumted and a
man of much natural talent and ability.
. Masonic 11a11.—Proteasor Mara Ulster's
magic entertaintuonta at Slasbnle Hall
are drawing large crowds. Ho will con
tinue to epmao• the public during the
preecnt week, no that all may have an
opportunity of witnessing hie truly won
derltil performances. _ - •
11rs. Partington Insultee . 6... The White
Mountains of N'ew Ramos:are are evi
dently a great • instituticss —vevy ingn,
hem7 4 soSta, beautiful view, four dollar
dinners, , But the practical dye of a cer
tain renowned Drake sate those smooth'
rapid, reaki and thereupon adorned and
variVidd the bridle path to the ,Tiptop
'abide wjtit his familiar
Planta:Son Bitters. 'This' raided the -ire
df thb,dra.-Partingtons comprising , the
Legislattue of .the Granite Slate, 'who
got their wise heads together, outlawed -
Dr. Drake, aid made it a penal offense'
to pie the artistic brush on their belay/d.
bills. Verily, the tine arts are at a dis
count in New Hampshire. Query.—Did
Drake pay them for this splendid adver
MAGNOLIA WATEn.—A delightful toi
let artlelesuporior to Cologne, and at
halt the price ; atmlr:l,
C4l ll l4 l 24llkattglitshw-ilLoci. talent ,
lion is called to the wholesale and re
tail grocery store of Arthur Kirki
172 and '174 Federal'stavak :Allegheny,
rusgthe-Whese to-bsty=yoaogtocrlea..-
Mr. Kirk's facilities for buying en
ables him to sell to retail merchandise at
a lower figure than any other house In
the two aides. Ile keeps at all. times all
kinds of groceries, anwill bo pleased
to have parties call and examine his price
list, end the quality, of goods kept by
him. Remember his numbers, 172 and
: 174 Federal stKeet, Allegheny City.' sow
•• • •
The purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil
In the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the sea shore; It is
perfectly puro and sweet. Patients who
have once taken it can take no other.
Ask for "Hazard and Caswell's Cod
Liver Oil," manufactured by Caswell.
triarard dr Co., New York. Sold by all
druggists. • • at
Fry Goods it Wholoralc.—We in
vi.e the particular attention of buyers at
whol -mole to our complete stock of silks,
dress goods, and all kinds of fancy and
staple goods, and to the fact that wo sell
at the lowest eastern prices, and cut
goods to suit purchasers. •
ikaacthing Good.—The boots, ahoee,
palters, ete., fbr num, ledicSand children,
kept at SP Market street, aria made of
the very test material, and sold as low
as tho lovreat. All goods are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you - want some
thing good, ; and at gold prices, colt at
Robb's Shoe Renee, 89 market street
Decay.—lt k sad to see the arch of a
beautiful mouth ruined by the &ear of
the teeth. tree Ward', Fluid and Pow
dered Dentifrice, and into the most ea
pmealve feature of the Thee. Sold whole- -
saloand retell by Joseph Fleming, No.
84 Market attest, and all druggists.
To 14rautilles.--Go to Arthur Kirke
Grocery Shire, Non. 172 and 174 Federal
street, Allegheny, and buy your Sugar
for putting up trait. He has the largest,
best and cheapest stock in the city. Cai
and see for yourselves..
To Allastienlans.=-Arthur Kirk, whole
ode and retail grocer, net 172 and
174 Federal aimed, has received (mead)
beet stocks or groceries over brought to
the city, which will be cold lower thou at
any house in the city. sm.
Something Pura,—The car.;
Sugars, Splces, dm., sold. at. cery Store, Nos. 172 and 174 Federal
street, Allegheny; era 'warranted to ho
Slavery best to the marker. Call and
gat a price list. uto•
Eye. Ear,. Throat, .Lmso Casco ' DTA:Kasha and CATAMIIEr, su ' oeosarnlly
treated by Dr. Mara, l34 Smithfield
street. A book by mail 60 Onto..
'Cheap CATOCCriek—For clomp Gro
ceries and something good, go to Arthur
Kirks Grocery Storey Nos. 172 and 174
Federal street, Allegheny. mrva •
Call aad Examtoe the largo and Com
plete Mont of Ladles' Fora, at William
Fleating's, No. 130 Wood Street... tt
Ladles* FUra—The best and cheapest
Fors In the atty nut bo found on west
corner of Market and Fourth streets:
' ; GAMMEN. dc.STEWAItr.
Constitution Water•-la a certain care
far Diabetes and all &sews of the kid.
ruiya. For ale by all druggists, 31117.
Ilargabuk in Ladles' Furs, at William
Fleming's; Nml39 Wood atrost. tf
EBEAS....At FL Loots, - n eatutday hiorotae,
at 0 letlock. OVSTA A. EDAM.; orAUestheny
City. medharare- • • •
The reitalea wl4.errlve hem this evening or
to-mom. seeming: Ineltarge of bls
WAlif Ta
WARTED--,To tell. out. a .urell
No. et Ohio Mint. third door below tbellott
000., Allegbeor City. matt reoldrod.
Gonad Wild STORM. • -
.thforal•hly ralhbk. Amin o[
witidit age, and n thorough awoont•tit. Nose
when awed apply.. Ultima. • per•••• • wwpcur.
•01...L4 Dohaweas poilltlon will be girea, with
tlbti•l Wary. Iddrtio,,with rataw,•,••,, BOX Ia. •10. Pitt•bargh;
. Alms
.AZTOL`7I*X-pawl tor flpos.
err MIN, or. Carblooos;ad crab 1. rliborrarr
Alan or Cantor.; 44:00igi..41.. chop. A ..,
Dr. Novi li4rett4l, Groh, Q,W .tor ovors rra•
itpUou of oroar. - Poroaoa harlrrig
&taro arios taxi oiliad T..
J. H. JCIFISErfOrt. aka wuura yin *oil.,
tur. 3 4 W•Tai. Wlttriatliti;
- - -
cad pretantorkrr toortlog.lrdli r hold 'al tbo
real& 'Word &loot Ikons, Aux stmt , ors.
W0.16.1Wr I . V.tNING, Doecabor U. to dr..
1 ,i 413 it be rotod for far Ward Otirdh.
THE WtßiatT.G
. .
. TWO F.DIMMII. . ••, :
WrIPISEDAT A Elkltril47. •
lug. • ghost, rvizrr don.
DYAD of lateremlaMreaalg slitter. tease:Mr ,
leading LetterMle, iatest Nob* / 11 •00. 1, '
Mall, 'meant. rMiteliik:Mcitri,Me tb 1'4014
mad Ibliett awl Mgt :CUM ittmtele Oft.
ome reiM Market RarortA. nr atu t i s.
thr. lio raruleb, **MMa
abould oe 211 beet h. !..
emeee roit ins ,
l la
Clubs of Tert ••••••••,.• •
—Abd ob. bopr arra. to'll4llool= ll 4
UP the Additions se eletilefie Mt
goa — cs — ruSmosCaLaal& — La ih---- ' 7"*.
roper. M an ane.pieltr.l 754
.bt, es an. Imam Wedisitat illar•
scribers Wins bat Gag
, 433aaby by Dft.AXlMkriia""-a.
p! Baznterad Latter, bttladroaa.
it. iptir,. Or T. IFIODNETI , nil."
WIZ, AND ELDJ.Tatxx. lirou"ifklt..
Al l eittn.t..:lll No. 60 DLemsca4 61, .'
it. .'
. 03...
jobs Wilson 2.1.3r00 , ..) keep. en..1,61...= lig
' '•
Deer Itritil.'llouiroal. it' aloui .04 MP, 4.
.P.roewdo4CoMtn... Waleat Colas frog'
siaroir..licaerraid Conie Ins upwards:
Coign's. lii . iirmas ripe., ' Carriages W
toitlibetrat 10, races... Crap*. • ul.! 4.
aitiiEnifi.bitturat.hed gnu.. ofimi'-
4 ... 2:6.-Mi
COFTINS. am' kiaas:olll.ll*
errn•dperipUcreatrolend •• •
hindibatt. Dammopes4ll,o4ile/41114.
ma qn,rt.a• foinlaned,"
Inrismitou—flem' Dart 4 illin , Zlar '
M. ,v..,,jatop.„ D.,Tti. ;Tt,,C..a.auLierl4 -
Jaeotilf. ildlller. rxj. ' • ..,,, ~: '..
1 - #A,- itODGEnik'tPintili*,.' ',
‘!•,liztt AND4SIMALIFLO, , Civr ,
late Ssninil X. , itoar.*) - 21.. - liouidir.
threeiloon r nmsk Be rn er, allattiekr
t+. 1 4 , -.:1n....vad. Mambas, Ward .
! "
w 504 ltalititlota Calati, it. tbkicrwall.
pitc.s.' noinhailiftitiluitids; 41 .1:1407.
treai . CroVidi !mat:twat
~ ~ ~
... k mas , L . bl,l tom. . . ' ,...-,
Egi:Cr, AM) fck - AnbIECIWISS . ...V.
. .PAIiTAZZIL 1 52 . 50 , .' U.•. 11. 4,61•11111 W
. 0 e5 1 ..v.. .II R ood'. Yd 11011,0110
g. 41412 .equilgate Minna pulaimit" ,
okapis. Ail,qtaxid MO . ti the iatibilillailk ~,
a imtcot prima, and ,LlvralliiamOlMPe ; - v
AO Irxim lint • -Marts; 'Clutimim: :''
Illaibid... nutigu...e.utut Itini, alh."alki '"
s a
, 4:i.llketnvon,lit lei. emi,447. ,
I L L isigg l i s'P tts c i U MS7II2x,
Ilmolidvattimbr• ' .'„ . ;., I :.
SA WENT — Onlieleg
ITalou -
N0..3 rittb ow O. uppelliagi.l ,
Carpet 'Mersin.= are yew impaaw • •
Croaleea.belag lamed la,tha tempi atiagat s
se. aad o.,nau stoip,tokint
pareraeat., rendering . WES M. a •
teem nol:e; '
etb. Brame roam tinted. Ws*
proof vault. Pammulaa eau ba hit !a 12 0 1 116
Dmsano. InpilrearOLlValt irectartvaitA. •
co.,a Fifth etreet.
• •
- SALE'L . 4:IO ACIIEN saw
smalls° LAND. Di.. ?MU OW.
430.1 4tle. TeXelen• Dad: 'Wlll:tegalliarelrk
P=l , erty• • Tor parUcelexel tasittiZe •of D.
SOll.lll—No..allattet street. •
Fon s A LE —T [MEE bUILLINUM: . :,
LOT 3 IM ,BEkf ittELD. wear Oaklaill
0100, two stouts from theborsocir track. , .
tot Vim betwatlfblly tltastad, wattwilljyt aay
cheap. Enqultro of WILLIAIt
L U0LX231,`..•
Utterly Suwec. •
SAVE—(Ine Orat-riiii4;lllll*.
story -MUG'S! •
elgbt rooms, finixtted auto and good dry eWY;„
briar stable and carriage bowie, all . In repilkor r
der, Iltuate on the corner of Eisner limb aiid
North alley.' Ga.. and hot' andbold water to tlwa
house. 'Enquire 0f.11.11131eY *BALL. aeadiar
tate Aerrits,.bio. 91 . 11esaer attaCet. 4.ll.tsbany.. „
The anderthrtied will WI ill' Or !earring* .
a "trick Yard, to any person sitshlnt loam:soak.
the business. The yard is nete,'srlltt all thlarida#
'ern Lesprorenten Is. Lease rehire* Tears. YOlel
need applyhut their, who m;2411 bastnasi s 14e,
Amer E. T. C.. Allegheny P.'
- ,
on RAZE-nOnons-.-4kir,,,
INWARD'S . Limy. aid dalCitibis; , ,aiM , `
duo r.AXILY HORSE ManD • thase:DIFITI3/i
-'Mitt Hunsiss,- m.e .Laaas u DIMUOIES.
.112U14: Abr.. gLACK 311,11Mi•-asaMddir
DAUM.. rntsr STOLEt, near Ibildtbdibiia`i.
heti Hound: .
SirMorzes bought and Kola ononduildateM' ,
FOR4iILE.--Illatinv and' Lilt "
oproor of Ilaohatton• ABisni`litain.".
itear Paasengor Railway. ;Lot 41,byl LB fug:
Novae frame, coolabilig rooms and • nood halt, -
watt Improved. iienuandLidonShoglalti,paane
Bidwell Anent, Allrihear City . Lot In lay I: • r. , ...uuThau4vcipsisosay , ,o.
irandfasliatf,arltafaii&lrao.' :Alan; soma! mak •
Boos. and Lola In gain location, lagnlnpl.
& B aaa o a • near.
Foy FiXtr— I I Lot.
—A large lot of ground . JOuLT• tee/ In is"„
in..; wattle Frankstown e ad. TO yardstroset/
the Tallrosa Station, on witlek Is erected ins ' '
twn story brick hoase of aka room, with me
eellars. This I. a good Aims; welt Saliesd o m
throughout 'with marble mantels, Le.; eatiag .
doors laid with brick: a pomp at the - -
fords se abundant and constant sepplyor glad
wale; and will be sold Very rattan and on Sag
terms, lt applied for seen. Tar FartiestaiSesii..''' r
quire of G. U. TowEn, neat Estate AgeaS, , NO:.;
ill Fourth Street,
F' ore SAL E—speamenglii
LOTS.—We now offer 'on althedthsay . they, ; •
tarns • ovoid. or large net Osalrable lots. '
lax rut of that valuable property lethoffhallt.: ,,
the hens of L. C. L Noble: Attune at theuppell,
end of Sharyaborx, and near Guyette% Orar .
thereat Penn a. Railroad. A Donlon iirabionl , ': ^••'•
tote front the railroad on thi vela. Ltd Nada, ,re • ,
street on the south. 'The ,lot. My 40 t71011..1.
with Olds dreets running at
nth OWLS'
property. Th. soil tor gardenias' purgunne esa.
'net be excelled, and for guthuty of Iconic:4*M
secession, no - equal. Tor Idesertptlya plan and ,
farther Inlbonallou tall at BILL •
nen ffstate Agents, Butler Meet. /WW. /1
Vide. / •
„ .
We ban) tt reaalied
baled Watebee.
/C4T Uti HEST for the Wit. •‘4 4 '1.41. t: "..
!tat t.t.rkM bti.g Jeweled vr th ClitirtifJ L.. el
Pored Esevexu.t. "-Mk
cmstaxuatErszt nALAxeig. „
Whale.alt and itetnll lnnu, "
DIINSPATEI at amain, .
fie rum srama.
01'1'081= IItiSONIO HALL:
Feather Alerobaritai•
And dealers In Bedi and Tteddloy. Mattrilnas, •
ftrda,i Pillow.; Blanket;. (NUM., Crundesta', 74 m%
eneetr and Slip., kept In Dom. temir,parltem. ,
'mad• ' out of the best material; as relliouble ' • '
Wm. PURIFIED FEATllRRSoradmaattieL‘r'.-
the. ba i t or pound, and eerryintng spinet/ROY
rolbe Upholstery business. Drdare reapretrally ,
eolletted and promptly filled. Store, rorriaiilf
Iladthneld and Titled litrecle..nnder A/aeon/wen:lot
farontis '
'UL RI G. mix,
Merchant Ta ilor;
Cori Penland sf. Clair Stiel4
WWEEIXIIk W ., / qs lll
xwiura..sarpapie qosir...xr .
aparnre• 1.49111.111313 .,u LockZUaeb,.y.janieb at awl beer. Obbnft, bt
Salesroom. No. :7 B '=NEE2'. •, sroup AND,
NSW Gomm:
H. siErrEimeiciu'ult, fi
wr., tomer •rtellie4
Row rec•tviag ftcoms .mgr or 1,4-14
ram yap TIMM/ 04+83 - ' 1442 . G.
CA1234117:3, zsriltas,
me - e.t"
•; ^l's