TIEF 4 DAILY GAZETIA rtwas93) MST Y 0113111163. 71;:usrao.) PE MllUlijkar r I REED Proprietors, nrunt.tx P... 11.231201.014 _ MEM ===! orrun, aizrrn. ass. St ssa SS IMP= ' Leak Iquiria. Piper st_Testaqrssiltuis. MUM P s dag g IITRIFICII LID Ltionatagns " Tzars . or ISI DAILY . Stint., i,tl Neer. ........... •ddreso. + • • , CIAZIMITZ. MT- 118132 0R. rESN,A. Eitkurifit Gaytts El= We :gin:red hrlitiy on Sigurd*/ to the call which had been published, request ing Mr. JoCana ijlackmore to permit his name to be Wed eta citizens' candidate for the allies of Mayor: We have no objection to the members of Mr. B.'s political parry %hue paying him compli islesti,lbut it is out of the natal course of things to palm of on the community a Denloeriitic electioneering document as • a thing etesnairng from the people with. out party dlitinetion. Any , person so. quainted with the political complexion of his fellow citizens will readily ob- Wire that nearly awry name attached to the call belongs to a Democrat The call Weitheiu Mt. Blackmore's chances and sins:when Mr. Riddell. It weak en' the fanner inasmuch uit shows who are the zook potting forward for ma iciparrOnire at the coat of a Republicur defeat .. •• s and it , strengthens the latter by derveldibig thit trickery of the Democrats in endetiming. to defeat him oy sailing under Base ewers.: Personally we hare nothing to urgeeSol Mr. Blackmon, other bah his life lon` adherence to the tarty .tridelt has been friendly to slavery and hostile tit thi llnioa. Bin opponent, Jelin W. Riddell, Esq., hai ever been an active ' member of the Rep:Mlle= pity ' 4S, Modally,' and In* various pieltlour op honor and trait, demon. grated tbat bi endowed with rare legal talents and executive abilities, and eminently gaiililed for the discharge of duties portal:ibis to the: oar of Mayor. Re is vrorthy generous suppod from all Republicum, and so is every geatieman placed on the recently nominated ticket, and if we ails - not sadly mistaken in the tone of the peogieg all. will be inducted into ollice by as large majorities as were ever Alluded --Suy ether other candidates for municipal Imam A cotrasc OF- SCIENTIFIC LEC. TURES, It basiecently been stated In our col. utmost "thatii "iiouise of .Bclentiflc tyres Is to be 'delivered .before ttie Pea ; bony Institut/ilia Baltimore" thiswlntet. Idany'otheiettlei are tOttieithelr COMM or courses of " i:dentine Lectures." Not • word is sold of:anything of the kind in thiiiiitY. Why .Is this? Have we so many aiiih'imitses our. Institutions of learning and tralthey of such a character - :an so well attended as to render a pub : he course anneceisary? or Rio our tastes so low thatwe do not desks and would .Mot appreciate them?. Onr numerals and lugs manufaubaring establiti.lihrodd be conducted= !scientific 'prinaples to secure the best Arendt' at the least - expense. A great / saving of. L moterials and of labor and mew or 'greatly Improved machinery *mild be,aecured by the Mallon of • owledsm, , and especially scientlllo hnowlidge, our operatives. We about.] lime workmen capable of per korming better and nicer wort - ' We 'should not _be llnporting steam engines -from Abode We hear It often said that; we Pius. iburghcrs are radical people. If - we :ma so in the:true and high ace*, then 'why should we not seekto give to all of at Lepel, _a knowledge_eff.t. : - Itelencestelplusg to 'tik kranchieof tii: le which they are, or are to be employed. Ate we willing to plod gong ;In our fathersateps,- with rude macldet. ry and uncultivated labor, and to be far behind 'other cities East and .Westin Scientlfti knowledge? It is true we have •ttadings and: opetudertal popular lee- Puree oh different, disconnected subjects, affording but little ureful infortiatlon. People do not ger to be informed: Can we not pay something to be hist:meted? If the times and tasks of people are not 2p to this point., can they not be raised :o. It? CiinitOt a beginning be made? - One thing Is very certeln, that we never shall Milan- this elevation winked the xial,! and repeated trials it may be. Money nuking is 'the oh ' laCt _of our manufacturing and our trade; it. shOuld not extend to our lee. !Ares. This Is degrading our lecture- Nystom. It7; - /thould be * lntended and • 'adapted to benefit one people and to !m- prove and - *lfflijair. the potato taste, dot simply and directly to make money. Are :there not mente our,community hateirt. irant and fir:seeing. enough, and gad. re-Aurigae of the gains Or lames In inch a matter • to take hold of this sub. ject? Shall oyar.dirtarul smoke forever, hide the ligtit' Ode, aid entre from the minds Our youth, and doom us to the peepetrat diger= of a !want of ibied - Mier-of CUM- adiudiftc learning, much log of the highest cul. Amoisorr all that ism been said shoat i f lunkastripii the. Democratic' ides of ..iknisting it of a religious cluirseter is rather new. The R:orktappears uneuy jut Radicals may regard the natio:sail eines of the lnatitution as an endorse. Omit of Ptilltaniitri,and 'lays "thafthi day should be kept with sermons in the churches may or may not be a homage to its Y:1411161111 origin,- , and certainly `does in ste; wise detract from its general :social twee." — lt is well, that religious `worship, doss not sport Thuskssieing entirely, ; (of : our toorkl/y friends; and there are few we think, of the party of .which this :Wisrid claims to eic thepreu sepreseniation - ' who will not agree that Tbunitsglsingisk.religions institution; and tkoteier atuasiteirthis may be con. 'muted in the .usind of tho World with {Radicalism, the 'religious aspect of the 'day will WII be its moat prominentas. Peet in the mind* of the ts.fic portion of the - community. - ' A pada/I:1211*H has illicit• place In 'Albaa~..A Dal there wts to ran sixty - 'Our miles la nine. kon:s. ILL stated that he'did not go the whole &slime, that be rode .wevly all the tra4 both there and lath, sod that he 'did It in all bouts, wlddi, es all acknowledge that be did go ocimitroli; fatty -eight sullen ha sheer lmpowdEdllz,: - ; Pedestrianism bi capable pj.deeeptlgn se well se other things. Last year Wand got all file 'meteors and we had :only:a few Stragglers; this year England did not hate any °wan ,connt of kfig. - Pads,. hoWever, joycd them, finely, and we understand that the Parisians enjoy meteors, and all thine which come up suddenly, shine brightly, and then. disappear. Some pf the State guards got amain Jackson,. Timul.con Elmiday last and created er disturbance, whereat tome citizens, horrified at the apparition. of a drunken man in their town, but haying become Reed to murder, fired upon &Tent shots were returned, but no one lieri*lly hurt • A brskentan In °sands wu dragged hy • train ,or cart . for miles, he bolding on by a rilllng Ids feet 'diked ono* tt" alsegiFs is the road. The un "fortanal a. Li Di VOLUME LXXXIL FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. PROM WASHINOTON, The Message and Doeinients. CmTaney foloptrolleed Report Tliatilugiving Day at tbs Capital he Howard Usiveraity ;: .peal of the CottOn lax. BY T.INIT•ta tot.. rtuipun WAsialutroar, Nay..3o. 18$;. TUX MUMIDIENT'S UnaRUIZ is In type. It was again the subject of Cabinet oonsideratlint today.: All the members of the Cabinet ware present, including General Grant. Tao measawa, is moderate and oonallatoryin tone, but It arrow; that the Congressional plan of reconstruction a failure, and that the country had pronounced against It at the fall elections. Economy and retrench- ment and uniform ' taxation. are recom mended as a means to effectihe restora tion of spool° payments. • ; 1 • TllLEmmaywacp 11, 111CATOB. The Sonata Judiciary Committee mat this morning to examine into the ease qf Senator Thoula% of Maryland. It will be remembered that when he appeared last March to take his seat It was alleged he had in various ways given aid and comfort to thu rebels during the war and his credential,' were aceordinglyreforred 'fore examination. John J. -Cisco and other prominent vitt:owl are hero as wit- =MEI The fractional currency printed for the week amounted 1145,fre; shipped, 1 1 200.775; 'United States notes - shipped, 3188,000; National bank notes issued. 5180,300. The fractional currency de stroyed amounted to $94,000. The re ceipts ot Customs for the week ending the =1 inst, were 1f211,400., LTICITING CIROULATI6.7 ' The Finance Committee will press to a vote Mr,Fooaenden4 bar Malting the Circulation of Sort/atm basks and la canals'. It. South. . NOMINATION CONITRIAEM The Beunro.lrasoonfirmed the isombse. , thou of Wm. B. Davis as agent for the Indians of the Cherokee Avow. Ef==722/ , Only fifty-seven votes can be counted In the Ifouse la favor of Impeachment. The receipts from Internal rival:me for the week were $3,114,000. . . Wasurecovdrit; Dec. 1,1607. MESSAGE A-NII The President's; Meane and accom panying. documents will be communi cated 011.1411318 on Tuesday. Copia were mailed today In order -to reach distant pointa by that time. CVIIII.I2(CY COMPTILOLLZR'S =rola. The following, Lan extract froht the Report of the Comptroller of Currency, relative to the failures of National Beaky Slam the organization of the first Na tional Bank, June . Rali,lBB3; up to Octo: ber let, 181 R, ten National Banking-hesociations have failed. Their aggregate cepital - le 51,870,000. Their aggregate liabilities and circulation, $1,187,800; do- posits and other liabilities to the public, 53,572;200—t0tal $-1,860,100. no circula tion will be paid in full, so the public suffer.no loss from that source, and the bonds deposited as Securities th e the same would to-day realize a surplus of some g2Z0,000, that would be applied to the_ ent of geneml creditors. • • • N eea ike they realize a to saincleat to payeievesty per CIMIL to the creditor*, leaving a total ultimate Toes sustained by the public' • through - their Ware of about 51,000 . ,000. The failures of 'National Banks which have Gins far occurred may in every instance directly be traced to dishonesty or incom petency-a bank officials. and the habit ual violation of the plainest proilaions of the law under which they weroorganned. Government deposlla are not included in the above mentioned item of deposits and otherliabillties to the public. The only loss to the Government. will result from the failure of the Merchants National Bank of Washington, which hail been investigated by a Congressional Coto. mittee. The estimate of the total of the ultimate lon sustained by the people does not include the amounts which may to recovered from stockholders on per sonal property. [From our Regular Correspondent.] Irlaaakartriad Day at Ow Cs pita— Tao'Mtwara Valsarette.;Vdtshetten. Ceadowss—lsta. Steward's Zotarw.. Teecettea Tax. WASIIINGTO . ZI, Nov. IW. The Thanksgiving is very generally observed to-day throughout this city, in accordance with the proclamation of both the President of the Drilled States and the alayor of Washington. Appropriate religious, 'exercises in all the churclien' • sermons - t ouching quits generally upon the public - crisis, the position of thi peathment and qvfeet coming future of , Americi - sermon 'board • ,bv Yen, • correspondent was very much In accord with the timely article in the liturrya of Wednesday on i`lfisdenteanor." It buy ever been the curse of our 'politico 'that a morally weak and facile majority are not swayed by the simple question— " 71 . 4 Is rifthf," but rather what will carry the next. election? ."What will continue me, at present member of Con great from lincomW,ln thy present ellgibleand pleasant teed?" • Oh for the hearty faith of Adams the elder—"Sink orswim, live or die, lam faig this Dec laration!" - • • • • Ought the President to be Impeached? L . it right In' the eye of Go& Is •it a great duty to show forth to all, high and low, rich and pair, that this man, th eugh in the high place of the earth, is not So high that he can do wrong with Impuni ty? Shall we as a people hold him to the sacred discharge of his duty under that solemn oath of ofiles, or will the nation, yielding up even Its theory of righteous ness; glide along in the pleasant path of present gratification, putting off that evil day which, In the ways of sin, will come at last. Obi how dreadful, how withering! Even as the' rain of fire and brimstone cams on Sodom, and the tide* of .the plain, blotting them .out forever! Such-wee tone of the discourse. And looking at the question simply as ono of party politics and aside from any higher cousiderations—which neverthe less boloug to it-.4t is true, true-to the letter, that the American people do detest a twaddler, adancler,adotterter,andread out of place, and repudiate and spewout, all men and parties who -hesitate and draw back and flinch before the stem demands of the occasion. When apartY In this country shows an Inability to manage affairs, tails to respond to the demands of the times; no eye tow sharp to observe it as that of the. reat public. The Republican party is 'eunuch a child of our great revolution as was that of the commonwealth in theZtays of Cromwell. During the war it was strongest when it most tirmiy held an iron hand upon' the. great nerve,of power, directed fearleaely the ship of state, and steered her au if the breeze were posperous, though really no light shone upon the roaring -reefs threatening on every hand. - Did ft not weekly leave the helm, when the bitter est strife was over, to a piratar and when his true character was discovered, why was he not hurled at ono* overboard? What madness to amnion that we could wait as a nation till some. other man could booleeted to take his place at the helm! He has improved his time and brought over o part of the crew. to ac cept him as captain, and recognize -his steering as toward the port for which we origitudlyset out! 3101TAIED UNIVEILSITT. Yet, while these gnat questions re main unanswered, or, if we may infer from all Indication, to be answered AO cording to the dictates of a temporising policy, there are great moral interests of the whole people lathe strong bands of faithful public servants which ing built up wording to the eternal principlei °fluidic°. The Howard Uni versity la One of these grand enterprises, directed by that Christian soidler, Gen. HoWard.. Under a law of Congress a fine trset.of land was purchased by him butt summer, In the immediate vicinity of this city, and thereupon a commo dious college • building la now being erected of a stone manufactured under the patent" f the limed= .Thillding Block Company: • The building • will look am if made of marble. FMB, cony°y dent and extensive dormiories . of the same material are 'tieing alaoi-the whole overlooking this city • .. . . svrABLISI7 - 1- 1 • -- - -vm , :, ' ' , , =. . • ..•,,,. . _ _ .... . • . , - 111, liik , • • - \\• - •'ili -- \VOID vv7 -,,-; -di) I t - __ , -- • . - •• ~, i v , ,•-•---,„ v, ti • . , - ~.... • - •-•-.,,,, 2. • • . _________l 7: 4... ; ' " : 21 ;1 - * : l i:: :'" -l it ai .„_- •-•,. \-1 ';,:,, ---- 4, ;1.4; .10111 ,7 , - .: _, , , i ;- ,,, '.. . .;,- ... 1F , .:::,.. --; :.. ', 1?..._ . . --."-:•••• k '''' - ' tt . . ) I 1111 , b , . ~,,,,,:,.4,•,,,.,r____•, --_-_-_-_ ./". .. 4 -- , • -T - 2:- • . , ~ . .. 4. 4- , . 4•4.. .•• \F''...'•:jr4;7rl ' . 1: -.?.. '. •. ' '••• • ' ' ... ' I li ta r-. ..j:( •.•• s • '...-"...11.t.. . Ws•-•e-••••71,.... ‘.7 7 :1P4t,,,_ , , . - )2, , ... , , ,, , f itgal•,.. ~.... ..: • - . i .....______„__ ~"''''•- --''''------"" - ..E.-. ' '''''''. - "..,:, -1 '.=.1.47 - S='W'-----.--' •• • • - •-v.-''-:- - - - -?".." '...:-----. s • / . ...___...._— --, -...f.._--, 4 _ ',...;---_--!..,?.-:- •, , f23.1'.. r ., . ••,.,...:L_,„. . - .---.....-. ,5.....-, - ; •- - ,-, - - - - . - ..."7 , ' ..,-- -- . ) 11 '''' . _ . •• ---- 7 . -------'" - • . , , , • H , ;-..,..J . • from.= eminence, and shining as a bea con 'of progress to all who may look Upon them, These buildings are to ac commodate students already attending their studies in temporary structures on the estate before named, and such others me may offer. Tho first mitalogne In already issued. No less than ninety four students have been to attendance, and tktir program Lae afforded great en ifoUraoMnent to the! teachers.: Pupils are received without distinction of race or color, and their progress in learning and the honors to be bestowed depend Upon ttla abilities and merit of the scholar. The moose of !study marked outoccupies three years for its completion, and, in cludes the classim, the higher math.- =glee, and • belles-lettrim There is also * Normal Department, - where teachers for the =lettered millions are to be taught. The organization of the institu tion is ea yet in an Meehan) oandltion. It 'contemplates not only collegiate but theological and medical departments, and preliminary ep hae alrad bee taken toward st the s endo v wment e of y claire n in the two latter. The tuition is One Dollar per month, and even this will be remitted In case of indigent students. CONORSSS. ...—.Fetry" little hair: been-done so far in either House. The Impesclunent report having been made several speeches on the financial question, and a general de ! elocution of 'What do you think of it?' copped:um* everything hiss tided into a thanksgiving quiet. The Republicans have as yet held no general (mucus; the other side of the House have announced their Intention of holding one next week. Many nominations to fill federal Mikes are said to be In the hands of the President, who will not, however, send them In to the Senate on. the regular Session. Among others is named the Meet= to Ecuador, Hon. Tom,. Ford being a prominent candi date therefor. Your readers will remam bet him as an effective stump speaker ambng them as long ago as in the Pre mont campaign, Ho was so unfortunate as to be in command of the MI Ohio vol unteers at the surrender of our forms at Harper's Ferry, and a good deal of doubt leas undeserved blame was upon him on account of it.• / say aadeservad, because Mr:Lincoln =adhere thought so. or he would not have aopted'hia resignation, after so much had been said and done about the inirrondet, bearing upon Col. Ford. Since the war he has been a sue. • cessfid claim agent here, and recently has