The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 24, 1867, Image 4

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Rittbutt 64Etts
Ileeesit Dew. rrecordwg.
/SOWING E/.YltG:e'.
The BMW Christian Convention, tho
opening session of which WAS held TUCS
day evening, the proceedings of which
we gave in yesterday's 1.5.911 e, re-aassem
bleCyrreterday morning. In the First
Presbyterian Church, Wood street, at g.
o'clock, and was opened with prayer by
the Rev. W. B. Chidlaw, ono of, the yice
Preddints, the President elect, Rev:
T. Miller, not having arrived.
After reading a portion of the. Scrip*
tures, the Convention lolnrd In singing
ahymn. The next halt hoar was spontin
devotional exorcism, which were Partid
red in With deep interest by the maw
'The Chairmrol stated that in order to
perrect the blank papers would be
distributed Ihrough the audience; and
delegates who had not yet reported were
requested to write their names and real
THE Dilitt"lSTON
The timei for discusalcin having Ant ved
the Chairman Announced the following
The Chrileicui. Row can we increase
our personal devotion and sense of re
eponsibillty, and belt secure preparation
Lor chtistian work.:
The dbicusalon was opened by Rev. W.
R. Chidlaw, of Plneinnati, Who 'was fol
losred by' Rev. Dr. Blair; Indiana, Pa.;
Rev. W. H. Locke, Liberty street. M. K.
Church; -Rev:Mr. Long, Mr.. 7. B. Bake,
Salem, Ohio; Rev.. Dr. A. K. Bell, Alle
gheny; Rev.. J. K. Andrews, Rev'. 7. K.
'Ormond, 'Rev. Mr. Fink, Dr. Martin and
Mr:Burwell, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Anal' the ' discussion wee Concluded,
letters were read from several ministers
conveying their well wishes for the Sue
rams of the Convention, and invoking the
blessing of God upon their labors.
Revak F. &swill, Chairman of the
Brudneu Committee, then announced
tbeorder.of exercises for the afternoon
sessiott, The Convention would rv-isr
sociable at half - past two o'clock, andline
At& !four would be spent in devotional
exercises. Frousthreo o'clock until half
past four the third topic on tho pro
gramme would be discussed. The Coro-
Mince also announced. that during the
afternoon any person in the oOngronn.
lion who might have questions of a
Christian character to ask, could write
them out and send "them to the Chair
men, with the name of the pgrsou they
desired to answer. In cave no name was
desiated, the Business Committee
• wo rld assign- some person. A sperini
invitation was extended h.) tocchanter,
and workingmen generally, to be iant
tendanoe at the evoning,sexsion, and par
tiL o inthe exercises: • •
of adjournment having ar
rfted;-sttler 'Singing .an npproprnite
hymn, the .benediction was pronounced,
and the - Convention adjourned until
half past two o'clock. -
The .Convention met at half oast two
o'clock, Rev. Snarlll, in the chair, and
the devotional exorcism commenced by
singing :the 14th - hymn,
~:aa 1 viynm. u .w 7
The • Chan:Dan then read a . chapter
from Pants Epistle to the Romans, after
wilt& he lewd. a note Rod had been left
on the table. requesting the prayers of
the Conrentica in behalf of a young man.
og.t.tdi city who he alleged the Mit of
Intemperance, which was signed by. the
"Mother and- Sisters,". after which the
Rev. Chit:Haw offered an eloquent prayer.
which - Nu . followed by singing the flit
./Leake. ea sent &ow.' !al.
/Dallas the greet Re ecten era prs
The Chairman requested the brothers
toremember the young man i their
prayers who had been brought to n
notice by the note which had Just been
road, In compliance with which one of
the delegates oftered up a beautiful nod
ptoucldng appeal to the Throne of Grace
behalf the young man for whom the
special prayers of tho Convention had
been aoltdred, and ail others given to the
vice' of ,ftiternperanee. At the close of
the payer another notewnsrrodstwltirsb
lug the special prayers of the Cortvens
Roo in behalf of an absent brother.
At the request of - the Chairman the
Comm:dim:joined In singing the third
m omit, or every le essl.t."
Prayer was then offered by one of the
After which the second verse of the
third hymn was smog:
• ...on Mgraser bee arm: &debtor..
licc..W.4. Reed then led the maptincr
In prayer, which was.fellowed by oing
lag thtreecond Terse of the fifth hymn:
“Ite ►aw me mired by the fall.'
After mhlch one of the delegates led in
no chairman announced that a mar
sage of greeting had been received from
the Young Iden's Christian A-mgmlation
of Cincinnati, which read as fallows :
2i/the Ymeq - ,,lfen'ir Christian .elssock
• tion of Pittsburgh, and membere of Use
Convention assembld:
Tho Cincinnati Young Men's Christian
Amemiation sends greetings to you, and
pray,tt kiod may guile yon In your
We present out motto to your. young
men: "Stand up for Jams. °
The hour appointed for the discassion
of the emend topic having arrived, the
devotlmud exerclies were brought to a
close,. and. rev.-, IL Thane Miller, the
permanent CLairman. having armed,
took the Chair, sal announced that die
Convention - would be opened for bred
news with prayer, bg Rev. Mr. um, of
Cincinnati; at the does ottwhith Mr.
ti ankedotbe Cot vectfon for the
honor conferred` iNet • him by selecting
him as President o rho Convention, and
after some Nellie' remelts, requested
' the Convention to sing: the tweni.Y. -sov
oath hymn:
• Wet b....yr di11....
• WO all th) (11 , t . r.larr Arens - .
• The Chairman of the Business Corn
midi, =flounced to the delegates from a
that the Committee had inc.
evaded In procuring return neketson the
Pennsylvania Central, ittlarbeny
ley,' Pitlabuigh and Connelleville and
Panhandlirroads, and the Mononga
hela tante, but they mere unable to ee.
eau° tickets on the PUG:burgh and File
Lad Pittsburgh and Citicanoroade. ,
IF. President announced the rectldiffin
of , a dispatch from the _Christian Con
vention la Mitulasota, :which read as
•!ThirMlialacaola Slate Claistlan
clatloa to tha Convention in •ecatou. at
Pitlabargb; mends greptl cc, Colloidana Iht
I. ebrr iii4 . and 9th venal, and 2,1 • Thew.
chapter and Ist Tem
(Signed): ' B. d.. CLICNINMIA24.-
• • - TILT. Di.ocontst.
• .Ths Convention then proceeded to dis
ease thit errand topic, via: "The Church
--How wall we develope the Church;
tuatafest, emputbd nutty, and im
;proia devote-Val meetings?"
Rey. A. . A. iturnett, of Milwaukee,
Witconsin.operted. ale discussion, and In
Iprd to . the v flyst_point, said that to de
erg moat m arvelop:de.l"Ttildwi ind i vidual
principal add most ttnportant work to do
in order to develops the churchft. rndl
vidnal effort must be made in an earnest
Manner, and be made continually; and it
would of itself make a combined effort,
- and finally acoomplish the obleet for
which we were laboring. Let eli work
for the one end and much good would be
attained and It all work Ihltlatelly they
• - Clinici . or Oar to'oee good mount; follow. lie
.related a number of anecdotes Illustra
'tive or his position. and ehowing what
gOod had been accomidlehed by Indict
dual. efforts. •
At the coocluslon of Mr. Itumed's re-.
marks, one verse of the nth hymn leas
• wrlts Leta Is .stin Id.•• alf
The Rev. Mr. Blair, of Indinun, Da.,
next addressed the convention upon the
topic ntider'disensalon. Elle • reularks
ware foreibleund to the point.
Rev. Dr. Marshal, was the next "peak
; or, and,eatertained the convention for
~ ten minute', the full time allotted hini,
in an We . manner, letting forth the
power of the abbreit, and of individual"
j to do good ff their efforts were put forth
the proper dlieetion.
• - =nun ViONI tiowann cnitny.
Bev. Dr. Scent then read the fellow
.lng letter:
Neer Tom Orptetnber Mt.
Ply Due SWUM. Essumm-Your letter
r geom. 7th 0061111(dUrtIqg my vacation.
opg;.ve not teen able to give lt an early re
ply. I have oat time to prere the paper
yea so lent, bat I can aho ygis the facts
megt irog oar ohnreb work . , and you can
pablua 0111001 In 007 trey by which the
woos et Illrt nit re" ferthered:
yjealooo4u y egg sp Poo Canan gratoefa.
Obtlnten nurtured young
sago and women. They hive a COTOIIOO3I
mentlng every eltordelr eceolog rror
tanned. where emu Y Ponoll . 0 .
Carted h obliged In Ids into to lead th•
sweettett sad every youoir rose's expected
to prey when called on. or teenhort.
mestlage are very hvely and nealtby, and
boa, Lbws' Mts. means of developing the
. erne of out young mennocr. PO that the/
sang* leaders In ornebborbood prayer
wiseetess. tied kave0OP11.10111:10 in !meeting
to others of Christ and Ills raltralon. To
hal*• imwdel meeting at my ta.lw on re
mouth. This meeting le impeded. lt to
°paved lean geriptermaing lag and prayer,
and eased at tea ehtlock t. exactly, with
the drmalogy and bauedictten. 'wean ee
essembly ',Loam separate. The guesting
leanly sold la the pastoes house on that
these details esn be exactly performed.
Via two hours of the thee time are Oman OP
tO promenadlog, 4:Anvers/dem a c e d mum
111 a a vary charming evooleg. The coo
=Pagrentdettlktraterbt. th e
ri fl er:::
ineeehlp and personal nymnathy.
1LT00K11011,40.11 Of the A•welikalos:
1. - Ott thatday reknolt-To . the
geoday ye nted. are provided with teacher.
Os leiVedeerfirev-.To look after the
young strangers corning to the church. ,
3. Oaths Sek.
OaXnachtece-To attend lei thetailieas
et 1.11 Jlesoclatlos. and on &veld all emend
Unions lesellege. 101111 'very tettoormin,
yortfortoernefTo And employment
a. Ors tae AM
Ar""9B-1° al;nl44..the , Airlifts Of
s two
Peoplebt . Christlltut
We /me been •great blemluf 10 00
prom) the Tory Ilfe.osotra of nor Church-
I thank God constantly for nutting It 1 . 10
IDC beat , to 7000/1
1/0 Ladies' Auxiliary bacirVlLs. .t.
1. To employ Bade reader ,
S To Intermit the OM. of the emigre.
gation In every form of (Midst lan rork.. 1,
PenhtilY demanding the SYmPsti , i 1 1.1 14 LLM -
operation of ladles.
It haw a innately meeting, . r.ll .3 ' .....1 '
tMen the visitation of all the ladle:. f:le an.
noel POnntiOnit. all,
111. The &sides divides thin - 0444a of Vet
news, poverty, atiliction soil distrematoon ',
Its mentlrera.anopiementa L 1.411010 of the
' psstor, the Dimeon i a f nod being dread, 131012
na the Ca.. MAP meal.
IV. rho Sunday' &howl . Tioehers of the
f i rer nelmolo (about 110 teuhen. lit all) 000
the ma. tlible lumen Ott Sunday. and on
Tuesday arenUla meet In the Chapel and
hear a lecture kern the %materna the !clone
tor the ensuing Sunday. This lecture be
pedeavore to adapt telltale eapeelal want.
V. ASSportfory &moss are preached
every Sunday afternoon in the textroar sec
ond eel - Vico of the Lord's Day. Ina+. about 1
twenty verses (awarding to the natural
tilvistons of the tinniest) Of the historical
Lr atirrathre porUons„ and make It IL COI. I honan with Erodes 2.1.
(tarn of 'roses) and •am • now at Daviit l l
contest with GoOlth. (P..alm 1-17101 It has
taken me three years to Rothe, far. I bare
no manuserlpt for these exposition, nor
do I prepare any thetorie Inc them. They
ere plain 4111 Courses bat I study three days
on each expoeltlon, ming every awe or
Uebrew, Uldory, Geography, .10 etrerlogY.
6e..,,te s
and mean Drayer. I have a fine
, map of Palestine (mule foe tboplnpaso by
' Ralph Wails) haus op behind my PolPi ,
I'flees exercises bay° mule my OroPlo Bible
students. One of them I Consider worth a
doxen of Inv setscrew.. .
. .
VI. Our Prover Martino ten rrhlaYaven
log) are conducted by myenlf and my Eld-.
era in rotation. tau leader orer.s, lavel out
a hymn, and reads the Mule lesson tor the
evening, and then throws the conduct el
the meeting Into the hands of the mmulens
—toringing the mention ton clone Penct
ally at the ezdintdon oc ttrs hour. t have
never known a meeting to drag or lank in
terest to oat church. 1 *oppose we have
one htliNired pursues who can nen Ulric
gifts or public.
VII. I glue a twenty' minutes' lecture.
(asnappr as Ic•n make it) On Seriptute
iieogrephy. to Mir dome Sunday Scheel. nu
every Sumlay afternoon at three o'clock—
ono flour briers the church service. using
mane null ManrOneltb
VIII. Oar Sunday , ficheof Duch,' are
pledged to Matt mulr Masans at their nom.
regularly. In pastoral feet eoolall calls.
hit Dean Ilsovnadt—Thom are the Ilona
of principal Interest. Bot , of coarse
rhluery is nothing without, the Soleil of
God. 1 have a noble people, full nr falth
and prayer, and three, under &Isl. le the tu
rret or anCeeea. They rebuke me by their
Zeal. Ida not pull them—but they pma
'loathe these !ni "
gh lines„ hastily written.
may'may'no of Ferule' , to you. and with be
wtalleA for tno en tag ut t our work. I ow
yourO, inrhrist, lit 17•110 Coonsr
The Cluirinitf,tnted that the time al
lotted to the dismission of the topic ander
consideration avniu prinAink rapidly, and
recommended that the time of each
speaker be limited to tiro instead of ten
minutes, which *MR admit:ad, -
The familiar hymn, '
. . •
seas thensnug after which the Chair- -
man Introduce d. Roy. W. I.l.,Chidlaw.
Mr. Chidlaw stated that we wanted the
power of tho C urch prevailing with
God to
d to bring u s out captairas and hosts.
There was a wer in _the Church to
compel all the at ring, hungry hosts to
emnoup to the ;anctuary and hear the
wort There was another power in the
Church to be developed; he referred to
the gift of teaching.. The power of the
Church lies in the resources whielt God
has given to theM who love Christ; and
if these resources could be brought out,
a barren desert might_be Made id over
flow with the rtelies of God's grace.
Rev. Nir. Judd then addressed the
.Convention. Ho said he did not WWI to
=keen address, but rather tell his es
perlence. He related a number of anec
dotes or incidents, which he said came
under his personal Malec, showing how
much good could he douo by individual
1. effort.
The President here announced that he
had been informed that a number of per
sons had their pockets picked.. He said
he was glad plek-pdchets were present;
he honed they would attend all the meet
ings; lint the delegates had no more
money than they desired. and he hoped
they would keep their hands. In their
own pockets. He then requested some
brother to lead in prayer, and wished
him to remember the pick-pockets. His
mined was complied with.
Rov. Mr. Cummings, of Brownsville,
next addressed the Convention.
At thecloscorMr.Cummings' remnri,,
the Chairman announced that the hour
tor closing. discuusiota hurl arrived
audit wt have to close unless the Co o
ventim ottitr‘vis% During the
time they were studying on the matter,
they would have the comet ions which hod
twin propounded.
The Mmt question propounded to din
Cliairuum mad as follows , :
Eire Qacorion.—Tho newspaper.. of
Pittsburgh speak daily to 1i0,004 romans, !,
Is it not a legitimate work of tho Vining
Men's Christian Association to bring
special agencies to beer on those who
coutrol their columns by peter and per.
soonl effort., that those fountains of
greet Milne/num may be beneficial and
wioethied, and thereby dedicated to inn
service of the Redeemer!
. Question—flow billitt we Induce
our -young arum who prefer Gotilinew
to exercise the gift of prayer? ..
This question was answered by a dele
gate In a brief address.
Rev. Mr. Burnell, of Milwaukee,
stated that it question had Nen submit
ted to hint, which read as follow,: -Can
you toll anything of the effett of etrret
preaching in Wisconsin 7"
Mr. B. answered the que.tinn in a
short address, In which be said the/ it
had been very successful.
Mr. Shepty, of Blair/grille, propounded
the following to Bev. Mr. Seosdi:
"Should chnstlans preparo themselves
by prayer In their closets before attend.
inn public meetinuar
Mr. Soortl replied that the :quoiltion
was one that arbalued of a wide range Of
discus-doe, and preferred havnir it re
tetrad Wel: to the Convention. lle said
ho could answer the question generally
lathe affirmative.
After sin log the fring meter Ilozolncr,
the bc-nwiletion woe prom - Mooed, nnel the
Convention . adjourned until half poet
seven o'clock.
The Convention - rieassemble4 at half
past seven o'clock, and the devotional
exercises commenced by ,Inging the 3!th
after add& prayer velts offered I,y Rev
Dr. Speer, of Altooni.
' 010 0 4.700000..
The Chairman stated that the time fnr
taking up the topic for ditsue*ion hot
arrived. The question NVX4 as follows:
The Church and the TV,ltt.
Rhall, we ascertain destitution: ristele'l
special claims; carry the Co.pel to
remotenedghborimods; so insprow etinrell
arrangements as to secure a lamer st,
tendanix; and overcome the spocisi
tinkles arising from the tempt:air/to and
excitement. of city life?
Rev. Mr. Chitlins , opened the dis
cussion, in an able am; eloquent ntereib
of rtwenty minutes. The speaker had
been a chaplain In the army. end ita the
mane of hbo remarks reFirresi toe num
ber of intemegzg incident; which oe
curets! under his y.crtonal observation.
At the claw of his reioad.e, the limb
verse or the 34 hymn WWI 81111 g,
••Cmike Oeutot at of every 1 , ..ea11ig."
Rev. A. A. Burtlelt tollowed in the dis
cunsion. lie oocupiecithe full, time al-
MUM to him, hi au able nod 'eloquent
appeal to the citizens Of Yittaburgit to go
to work to earnest.
At the close of his remarka the Chair
man requested that two nil:Wm, bri spent
in client prayer at the close of which he
affered a most iiloquent, audible raye,,
and then rung the sevetoenth h ymn;
"50.11 we caner at sae stri C r
The entire audience Joining in the
The time allotted to tbediseusslon hat ,
lug elapsed, it Was about to be brought
to a close when It Wan announced that
Mr. I). M Moody, of Chicago, woo prat.-
tint. The Chairman etattd that the tline
would be extended, and Mr. Mccely ad
dre....l the Convention. lie rekLrrod ryt
length to the works of Spencer, of Lon
don, end Garage Muller, of lirlat4, and
of an Irishman. In Lublin, whftt, be
said, had printed and circulated more
tracts than the great 'trsq Society of
At the eioo of \tr, 7.lfoody.'s rermarks,
the Chairman rommtel that while the
congregation was slnging the iirvt verve
of the lieVenth hytuu,
“Tn.tistr thatbsiwareaos,••
it there were any persons' preseitt who
&mired to have Brother Moody utter up::
pray er for them they would rise t•, their
feet. Thebynniwassung,andanumheref
persons Woughout the congrtmuion
row., when Mr. Moody offered a tottah
hitt prayer In their behalf•
Rey. Sheaf,`' Superintendent f the
Young 'dien's Chrlatian Ateinelalinti of
Cincinnati, next addressed the Conven
tion, relating the workings of that Asso
ciation In that city.
At the rhea etilfr. fibentra remarks
Mr. Smell real the following propost.
1 "I will be one of, ten persons who will
pay the sabtry of a mintster, to be under
the direetion. and- control of he Young
Men's Christian Avmelatton of this city,
whose duty shall be, in e4sincotion with
the pastors of the different, Evangelical
churches of uur city, to t he out lute our
streets and lanes and preach Jeans and
Elm ermined."
• The above was .iigned by a responsible
man, who regumted that W*11361310 might
be supprms. •
Aftak some little solicitation by the
Prolddent nine persons in the congrega
tion sweepted the propr.ition, after which
the Convention adJourned, with prayer
and the benediction, to meet this morn
ing at nine o'clock..
—The Eanton Fove- Pans says: Loot
evening an Irishman gunned Sally at
tempted to commit suicide by cutting
bin throat with a razor. The tool 'wantno
dull, qui filled to led the existence of
the son' of Erin. tie bled very badly,
but 'Squire Lenher being Informed of
the fact, took one of the man, and saw
that he-did not bleed to death. fratly
Ina been given too ninth to drink, and
while under the influence of liquor at ,
tempted to kill himself. On two previous
ocatalona he threw himself on'tne nark
before the locomotive,
buttbo engineer
would not- allow his train to peer over
the poor man'. bones, and be agonized
, himself through life until he nought ee
-1 lief byk mor. lie will undoubtedly be
sent to jell, or tho poor housitdo4afp
—On the 13t11 inst., Wm. Martin, aged
fifty 3-ears, fell from the platform cf a
r or. 'nn emigrant train, aMila paaslw.:
Dnrmek Point. near Jobrenosv n. lie vws
badly inJurwl, but will re-os-er.
—A :man named Wa,le. INetts her,
Planed in the 'folickyr:burg
,;all, on toe
charge of esommenitaz a rap , on 1. , -
evina Wilt. of . .111,hent - tor:ream,
--A Mr. Kara, it Way nes Station,
toh ersontv, nee. fr e ns clays lit
the lerealiln, at a derrien scith wheels he
tilts holteiner to het -intro a pier ir the
LeNVIO,..Q . terideio. /heath NV:-.ln
(Jr leave. a fanuit. There
W e re Iwo of lei , tole- at work is ale (inn at
the time of his death.
—The proprietor of the St.
Honsr, at , r2er Cherry - Ann. wo, robbed
f Between and :trio on Wednesday.
It seems that ht had left his react hanitinit
in the house., with the money in oue <if
thr riorkets. anti WiII/11 strient from the
room some unknown party' entered, took
the money anti mode dl'.
—Thp new Harrisburg bridge will be
finished and open for wagetus on Satur
day morning nom, and in a short time
the whole <mem . ° will be under roof.
The completion of this structure will be
a great convenience to the poople of shot
—Front the Cadiz :0.) Republican We
r. J. flirting, n Ir:real:man on a
freight train on the P. C. railroad,
wits - killed at the flowerstown Bridge,
Monroe township, in this enmity, on the
night of the 181 h Inst. Ilia body NVIIS not
(Wind until the next day. It is supposed
ho-was Mantling up when the tntin cause
to the bridge, Ida head coming ill ei tacit
with it, Ltratkingldc skull and other - wk.,.
injuring hint, resulting in his immediate
—The Braver _leg. has the following
particulars of a heart-rending accident:
Last Friday morning a .ail accident oe
curred near Darlington, Beaver 11 1 / 1 111, 1 '
r l
A little non, nixed about six years. er . Mr.
William S. Wallace , whibi on I is oay
to schist! in company aOh his h ahem,
steppral at a noighlair's Louse fin a few
minutes. While thee the neighbor's
win tied: .1 01111 001 er the hen. , le sheet
a greimil -, uirrel. 111111 a lido in dm net.
or erie,ing a rent, the wilt watt aveklent
ally diehargeil. and the load_ passed
throngli rim 1, air of Mr. Wallace's little
-sin. Ile linens! 10 great pain for a row
!wars, Mien dead, 1,11111 1 01 liiit relief.
We learn that he was a very prontisintt
child, and that tie casualty has east a
der , giloinn ever the enure neighlairiviisl.
—Thu Reading Dispatch says iin
Sunday afternoon la , t Nfr. Bold coi
lleinly, , of Earl township, isle: n1:14 n
sad accident. Ite wa, on n large tree
trying to knock down a few eke< nut
burs when the bleb upon AV101•11 10 1
stow' broke, and lir :ell hi the gsierni, a
distanne of t h irty feet. i ine ei Ins
right ril, was hreken. ns :Ilse was one iii
his arins ale.,. dwells., His little li,y,
who was with him when Ilea 0.11.10117 's
carred. rail home and ;13,e die anirin.
W 111011 , 1 .10 01 - dins: 1104.111bori. went te his
—That live and onterprising, journal,'
the Titusville I ferald. say:: an adjourned 1
meeting of the Oil Dealer, Erolianua ti as !
hold Tneralay !Memnon in iini i niara
House, Putrolunift uentre, et which in 1
rimmiratlon was perfeeted, and it may i
minor lie regarded - a, •-no of the Insittu. ,
Bons o f the oil rte.:ion. ()whit: to the In-
elennott state of the weather. mei to a I
inisunderstandine as ui what 111110 the t
tilooling would Ins hold, the, nas oar a ]
full attendance. Severit new members
were then efinted, and the Exulianire
then pen-tided to !tininess. when sone
' apirited ilisianision' vaioloil. There
now thirty-four tiiernlicr, and there is no
doula lint that this.numbor ii in n‘ in
creased to upwards Mime hundred wide
In the next ten 111:,cs.- II to pro shed .
mein or puivhase a suitable lauliiina in
which to hold mettiahrs in soon as there
are sulltriont fundaln die trfiri,nry, The
nil linain,“ in the vleinsty of Petroleum
1 Centre Is vet - minty of sufficient rri
I tilde to support au institution nt this
eharnetnr, and it is to Lin hoped that all
purth, interested ,roll enthats or to ~,i,
Lain it. Thin far there han 1.4,11 co:udd
er:Oil, vitality ott , ervable nt the in, eh..
itt...,, :mil the Exchange has lits, estah
iEshed on a firm foMimr, - nail shut, h.e,
under n depressing state or the oil mar-
—A story tout In riroulatton In Tito,
vino that a troll known oil reilner down
the Crook heel alrwondoil lie is charged
with certain fraud , . tipon Lilo (invert,
nent, and Lie bonilsonin re_-ide
Hie. We trust tuft rumors art• o m ; ;,,s.
moil, for the party has hithorto %coo:o.Ni
an excellent roputistlon.
—Thn Titutmille ilo,oM of yetaerdav
contained a poem. of mnsideranie te,st
entitled the 'tltetttructittn -termsdem," I
from the pen of J. L. Tracy, Esq.
-A idtort 1 1100,.ince three path or twin !
children went born in Randolph town
idtip. Crawford county, In u I 1. 411 t.
That is dounllnn t p the
t opalation at a
prtity rapid rate.
—The Wheeling In'cifg:xar, wty,:
Captain Timmer. Superintendent of the
Nunes? Run Petroleum Com yany, open,
taut iloeneek. reymrte his company
as putting down n well to !.1-3• the efb.,t
of deep boring. They bast , rAite ?horn
Lela feet, and thilEk they ha g ve nearly
ratehot slut great relatrat rel.erVeir.f
Crtpt. K. report. RN:, the re- , erkiMr al
1•11 shazdOned well. which hail faileti
yield oil fora year past, stud the ros llt
pumping promises to restore It to its f •r.
—Thre old and Ililltl:l{mt,h . d eitlrens
or Ohio were stopping nt the Grant lieu,.
Wheelind. en Tuesday. Wo rider to
Hon. 11. 5. Curran, father
B. Cowan, President of the Ohio Stine
Central Committee, lion. tVin. Rennet.
Clatray ilia, mid lion. It_ Marsh, of
Steubenville, .11.1 of them have b o on
prominently hefere the pubdi in ilay
long gene by, end are now beyond thr,
,uore and ten.
-Alt , tot. three iteretait. out of
four, wlw travel on titan t I;ldin,atl
IniVhklintr, pay the %ix .o.ot. fare. The
aVoraar., return of tickcc, 10v day h
about .is hundred. Thcavrnve
'ptnare pertgtpt not fur froin t one hun
dred WO forty thdlttr,.. hit (4' rushy.
hOll.l, wily One , Ira. died up ht
thifi time.
-.6. utt,te you will in. Centro Wheel-
Utz, y Will .1.0 oVidif ir.ev „f the
grovetlf ou
of that portion ;of the au!: on
every Workmen: am lin-y on
lluilaitum in every of ...xis; ru,tiou,
and the clone of tip', , ur will sue a !Ara.'
aililltien to the numb,
in ttult
• The Ilri , rlei .ny,: 1 ,,, r 11, V. rrlc
ending October 1905, Inn, wry , r.,r.ivr.l
„, ei, „-,,i. n d ti,s,.. , n,tor poro& n 1 Iran,
, N. 40 41 poinnlwre rails and .4,11c0 , ,, urn!
0,140 tune of iron or, Shipped during
001110 pepicel, 5,400,090 pounde . iron;
I,2,l,ooopoinuis Ntdis RIM spikes, and
4,e50 tone Iron ore. ..
—The spirit of puzifieni late Infected
some members of the colored popuintion
of Clevelar.d, and is watch hot iN4•II toed.•
for pile it skis between two feuoreoie St
ter the honor. of the ting. /II
lo a vatitn while the otner y
ly arrived In the cloy. .
Tye TRINITY Clair:W.l Client, whirl l
rival' In point of excellence; and culture
any tp "tea city, or per - Imps Statil,,
nounee a grand nitcal connect of secular
musty at City It ill, nn Tualny next.
Tins programme, is varied, embracing
the semi or. gampt.sitien frern'the great
Gorton. end khmlish incste:s. r.osit
may be seetimd at the inucio store,
tLtnsv CoNelllll,. Lot It net he !for-
gotten by our nil...teal friends that iss
Caroline McCaffrey, the pleasing and tin•
(clout contralto, of Philadelphia, ssalsuAl
by einiroit vocalizers, will give tWor
grand vocal colivrts nt the Acaderitv of
Atonic, on Wtsitaisda., , and Timrs;lay
evenings of next week.. 'Phu aridly and
talent of 1\ 11/01 ilceolfroy la univcrsally
rmognized bore, and with sari. nu lo• sto
port •wl ..Ntadatua Behremt, of khgadel-
Id Itratitz, °neer Ito lees°
vottui of .foitarltta, and Theodore Ito-
belni no. and J.•Bithrei.e, equally tintntr
oil masts, the affairs must lireve
fol. JU,tervt.;tfiteate may lei encored wit h
;',tlt ostre atiergo it C. C. .Nleller'e, 41
Wood street.
NEW °Pena. floutig—To;nigh,t; fourth
nnpenranco of the great natural cornets.
Mon, Mr. S. N. Chanfrau, in the cornet
of 'limn," Nopportod by the cittire stock
Titimat.ela Velttb - rnem Tnevrnr--Azt
otteelletit tall to-night; as will be per.
mdved I,' .rtferring to ad vertlaolient.
•el.wtt allow la coming. It
will spread Ica tent: yank. Thursday on
Red Lion let, seven all will ha ttlYortleil
an opportunity of seeing for the lent
timo In ill. ring Alleerletitt favorite
clown, Ural (tie,.
lieneral roalervues.Prpeeeallno.
Bishop Esher to the elhu r. 'rbesession
opened by prayer by Bet . . J. Stull, of
the Ohio Con ferene,
Tito'aiinov of yeztterday were
road end approved. The election of gen-1
oral ° m eet , sot continue! end ccoultml 1
In the election of Rev. bt. Netts, of the
E . r. Fenn,. connolittio sta Genertil gook 1
Steward, Rev. It. nob., of the lowa Con-,
!bream, Editor of tbe Church llorechafter.
and I be noelectinit of Rev. T. G. cieweti i
for the Evangelical bleasenger. The !
forenoon sesaioneleeed by prayer by Rev.
A. *inbred'', of lowa Conference. .
Teo afternoon reselon opened by luny. I
eferrebylot.ertattpyt n, ler,hoefr In
thtqill . ttoin ci t i ! ;,. .n r:
Rev. 8. R. Dorner,Prlnelpelnt the Lent. 1
Orion Female Seuitnary at, I
Pa., way Introduced to the Conference.
The Conference pnweeded with the elec. i
r bons, which resulted as follow: Rev, It.
Yen bet reelected Rditorofour S. 8. liter.
acute, Rev. W. Tost re-elected Corti,
, pending Secretery of tbo Mitisionary ho
clety, The following brethren were.
elected metutters of tbe Board of Pubil•
cation, vies Mabel, Faber, Rev. J. P.
Stab, of Feet Penna. Confereade; Rev. J.
0. ghetto', of Ohio, Rev. 11; 'lamer, or
New York, Rev. M. Steffy, of Indiana,
Rev. H. HuoLster,of IVittoullain, and Rev.
•B. J. Bowmen, of -lowa. Closed. by
prayer by Rev. 11. Linse, of Minnesota.
Tom anti Norr—Tlini Lea-necallad.
MK•rstts. Elstionre—ln sower to the
allegations contained in Sir. Cochran's
Into card, in which be states that the let
ter given its was under wrong BnPres
stens of our school, and that /to had pri
. •
eately recalled thy tame, Wo beg leave to
nyike the following stateMent •of the
manner in which it was obtained, and
ilsolanne circumstances connected with
Cociu - an's recalling tendencies:
Some time since, unbidden, nnsollci
:ind very unexpectedly, a gentleman
whom we had not been In the habit of
meeting upon the street tor several
years, but who, far some muse .011-
known to us, persistently refused to no
tice or speak to us, call& at our Whim
one evening, and, after Introdueinghim
self as Mr. C.C.Cochran, late a teacher th
Duff's Oollege, said that ho had celled
for the purpose of making an explons
tion of his rnyeterlons conduct, and apol
ogizing for his seeming want of courtesy,
Which he did; by stating Slat such Iron
.1110 nature of his into eligNremont that
hod I; been detected by hie employer,
or by any of his family, as holding in
tercourse with, or in anywise recognizing
any ono connected with the Iron 'City
Collage, ids position would have been
forfeited and he diseharged. But that,
inasmuch as he had been able to secure
employment elsewhere he had resolved
to submit to this Iltyr aliatlon no longer,
was determined to assert his manhood,
turd had thrown up his situation as
teacher lit said school. He therefore
hoped, ho said, that see would over
look his past offences and consider
and treat him as, a- man, inaimuch,
as he heti hitherto acted not from
choice but from restraLnt, his employer
Imposing this as ono of the conditions
upon which his servlessi wore to be re
tained. Accepting lase. tiaailanation and
typology as satisfactory - , - no tispissts. ed
hhnaeli extremely gnitificd, and there
:tiler became not only a frequent visitor
let the Iron City College, but professedly
one or its seamiest and most devoted
friends; so lunch so that we were repeat
,slly Urge , ' to refer persons desiring . In
formation iMneerning the different col
leges to hint And,ns a further evidence
of the genuineness of his repentance and
the s
la ou.ray or his friendship, lie
kindly roblaed us with the Card which
hr lbw stye ho 'mit:aerie cl) recalled.
tottotovor to this we would state that
the only tittiniallott, either public: or pri
s•atc, sve over had of SEW o•'s change of
opinion sea.% that suggested by his late
re-on,Oitettielit with the party whom he
Ist.' liiitorly accused of- tyrannizing
, liberties anti degrading Ins num
b. I. And, hl Order to test the Matter
lather be hail mmin sold him-
self to Ids fAritter alleged 7ipprintnor, we
.1....i.1..1 to publish bin yard, which wren•
retort. heti appeared in the nowt:paper%
fi„, kne,e,.. The sal.. appear,.
to have hove inalspicto. If he is satin
tiod, we have 1,11,011 to nimplein.
'root Mr. r. is predinrsiseil to change
inn pluton,. and resort., his decision% in
most c eiclusively shown in the fact of
los Inciter, while in the employ of 're.
911,1111/k businen house Ix this
and utter Inn log the sehoOl whose prin.
el pa characterized no one of the MOM
-1,...,140.0,10 or earn. entered Into not IT,.
than pot r separate engegotnents with than
prepre.tors oft. runny Mil - erten bunion:Ls
etoflee g.% an leacher. In throo of which, l ett
least, he preiturtei Itimitelf try ho eaten
vivelyadvcrtisetl In advatke, hot when
tic. nom for the fultilltuent of his engage
111011D, Arrived, be had charged .
n” , ., end recalled them. Ifau.
able at that, tiletance of time to recoil the
el reutontanotia,wo van Inform him where
le.e-mit ...Muth ell desired inforntation'on
the Pottier% lint we regret to ha, obliged
to nay that sons. of these wicked gentle-
•I~cu do not hesitate to declare it as their
.ipttiltm thou Mr. C. never Inlended'lo
Otlfvl ein engettemente with them, - hut
merely Le 111 , 411 as lesthre in en in.
:0111[.: to obtain an increase of notary In
the pinttion he lb, (Irrupted.
A. a ferthcr iudicttlull of Mr. 1. 1 .'s re
.matt prrnelis l ain, 0 o would elate Met
we have been crudites - informed that, in
siditent 1.. the commendatory lettere
frail Mat already pubilshed, , he eine
43111 C till., sine , once td the proleipai of
mother school, not sexy remote Ivan
nen., a very flattering fetter, In st }itch
were Inourperalnd stone highly denten
leatements concerntint certain
praetieni he alleged existed in the
imaittition lie unto praises no extrnra
gently. flirt after diseovering Um! Ito
Heti t. 15 en It e• under wrong imprrininns"
tually make rut l‘hrOrt privately
to recall tin. same. Lot it wan conelmied
that Ito must again have suddenly
chmittni Lan mind, a. he was pabhclo
.3 mat, ins a hurried exit from the
gruttematin CiheC, with nundry rent, In
his hrt,adelcth,, rrti
,ove ar ,- Wwg ini
prstiniems Il ls .frimere Attachment to
the talented author of 'We coveted deem.
terra. We are Authorized to Inform Mr.
I', that if he In still dminme of revelling
the name. and Ito' forgotten the contents
of dm letter he lately purpled ebb - melt to
re s.ver, Ito Call Oa* a nipy of it by , J 111,“;
at he ititons where.
No one 'to promme will tips ate Mr.
Cols right to change his opinion, but
eouting al it does upon the heels of his
re tern engerment with the pony whom
lie accus.Kl of a]! that WUx Inn, lane and
mean, and coupled at the .1.11105t11.1, with
.I.llxtravagant prelso of an institu
te.. w hich, bet lately, be Could nut etig
mall. to.. violently, It has toensuggest-
Cad at least. may feel dislx , sod
,e,..tioh its slneerltv, anti doubt the
..:Prillillrlll,s% of the {.51,111.171ee.
Sthttl C'tsvt.ry.
Si rpiw wol as Intl
thv rtmrn !fro mginci of licmtou.
Phibutolphia i. tro hnro. • Gersrun
r... prelartinnry nln. have
• .Nlt-a Coul.lact: qua pa:lan:aft with u
of Montana ta,ld, vulual at t , .41A
,t La,, a F-u. do -4 'lave, at Omaha.
-hair Ire, •Nttulttot.,
th, -totpltur in he hair or in the
&yr. deadly portttm, which of.
dm tkresittoit-t Itartlyttt, .
• Ittp (211116 , mi:1,1Lp, ib.411011
s 11.14:Oral letter urging tin. clergy to use
t!•a:r Na..t et ort.. to brlvia. about 11 better
observance of thr Sabl/4111 , 1.
111 , 11141f,4 that Ito tntt rln•
I.lov- n.. tra4lli.V. 11.14, reavtitly, Instill
twels , C 1, 1 ,4 ~ 111 1 , 01 . 1.,V1y, Ith
untiral+itt. for whi,periirg:
_ ho I);,;.a.rd• learn.
unuTaiattot“- , 1 authority - pant there ere
I , al rtal.n tluOtt.and ,Itsblvtri,N4 [wpm, onl•
ii, work, Inoatly 011 141111,1 in
-114, author rS Lifilth lank'
m,tu - the “Ifereafter we nlutll
careful Iva •only wtio aro our
tun nh 1012/ ate their
Too mil teethe, of tho eagle
aunt no: Le
A 11,, n shrewd villain in
N.hua, N. U., walked doliberately up
y. n store window and in a pane
or Frvneh and - when Taxicril to lm_
(or Erns deliberately drew not none bun
` .11 , -.1 dollar Llii, which the Aore keeper
ruing him seventy dollars in
r•lenze. Tim bill proved to be coultior•
Mr. John T. 'Mowry, n,idlog nrikr
Cuatio, Delaware, on Saturday shot
hit he !ns ppod to be an immenge wild
.ro,k, the Indawaro, none/ at place.
'A' hen the gamo waa brought to him. it
fompl to lw of tho most eXeol,itely
varic.4 . atall Nmmige, and to Lace four
tot. Mr. Mowry Intand, xtuning
nod kf,pintr it mn u cluloßity.
—A Now OrleanN exolanureof the 10th
ortoher, hay, 'rho New Or'pawl
fruited Statt , s 111 ililary band, ~ehleh will
Ito retnemberetl oa 411henifyilng elegant
nitede in Lafayette and Cell,oitin Square%
before the advent of - the priranit epidem
ic, eumptvied of twenty-nlx maul-
ciao;. Of thin nutubei twenty -fnur have
had the yellow fever, and nine have died.
—lt Is curious to note the distinction
of valor as applied to disease. There are
the ytAlew lever, the bleak vomit; the
green sicknem, the whlto swelling, the
',ark: fever, the yellow jaundice, and
Gs Mn. Parliti o nton says, the "brown
rectei4' And no* vn have (l Cll.
t.llO blue de ath," On beard the
lampital ahip - at the New York tionnut
tine. 4..
• —A band or ro boor reefuttly slopped
a stay. , vonnti to NVoulthigtrin county, Ar
.lcans:.s, nod calk:trot the motto. On ho
lisg told them was none, they Jumped on
tho huge, but the driver; who was armed
with, n revolver, rotated and iron !that
through the near,tlie 140 no. Ho
a mit three or tour 4)n:4 Illtoturn, wound-
Ingono of To robbom whet.oupon they
r o d( off wit rouldurther n)olent4tion,
. .
—Detturegard had 'an lutervlee with
the Presidentfor the purpose of malting
on application for the rester:aim: of his
lands near Itemphis; which hn Mimes
a: o tmeupled by negates and TanlfeA
eehotd medium, who are tieing his pro
eitywithout tendering him en equiva
lent.' It is thought Kr. Johnson will
graelouslyirrant hie request. The next
upplication "from the redou bitable General
will probably be for the Government to
compensate him for his losses during the
—Mrs. lieisif r. East man. of SallehurY.
N. 11., tiled In..that triton n few day:, age
in herands - Inindred and fifth year. She
woe supposed to be the oldest Peng - Min
the State. An incident connected with
her lifii lif tverMY of mention. ''Seett fitter
the execution of ,Ira: Surrittl in 1 Vooh
ingten; a portion Secldentolly mentioned
that; Met in :dm. Eastman's Presence,
when elm immediately exclaimed, with
solemn emphasis: "I wee them :atm of a
woman I clog hung once." - She referred
to the execution of Ruth May, which tic
tarred at Port: mouth, N. IL, December
:it:, 17(B. It appears that thin woman was
the schoorteacher of letruEastman when
the jotter was abqut six yoom of tom
One day, through II inotts,'Ruth Diay was
fitment, and the children were all at play.
NI rs. Eastman says ehe found 'a lotose
Leant it. the school room door, and got
I underneath the Minding, whet° she die.
I eovered a handle wrapped In white cloth,
in which; there was a dead intent. The
; eerie° proved to be the child of her
teacher, situ was arrested for murder,
ennvietett and hung. A reprieve came
fer her untie day of hoiexachition, but
ShorilK,.Packer .wanted a warm dinner,
and swung her elf a few momenta before
the. appointed time. Circumstances of
manned to prove thst Ruth Blare
child wan still-bormt and that ahOwainolt
PH.53..11T.a ,
118 Wood St., near aorneief Fifth
Government secorities,
Gold. silver.
I%iid Coupons,
actrilt Sia .4.1 on I:ber, trims. Ur&tll male
.n principal cities of Europe.
60w.1867 6-20 Gold Coupon Bonds,
Halm is GOTtniment Sriimt
Corner Fourth & Wood Streets
Cor. Fang) ad Smithfield Stretts,
esill I
atee botdais of JUNK AND JUL O ,
IVEN., .
t I tut to Ka th , 11 , Pregl at V- ill nor
0010 Jaavate tet t a n d Idea theta I 7 n
, 5.20 BOXDS OF .11567,
Introit IN NOLD at 6 per coot. fro= that date.
Omen or run Perestinuart Nazism,
Nntuergroas, °Nadir 11, Nos.
(I old I. dem NINN to INN, with more die.
position to buy thou Nil. The improvement
of our bonds In the Landon and Frankfort
quotations, shoe the solution of the Papal
difficulties between Franco mid Italy we. lost
Nista; the election In the Southern Stages, irs
well as other political !roubles which affect
our primaelal pulley more or INa, glyaNso to
apprehensions nod favor higher rates. Nothing
riot the scarcity of money and the blob rater
tor otlrryinlC gold, present • any =rind ad
enine to the premium.
Government hands, after au edema" at from
s:to per tout., dropped again to the (Omer
Itgures, and ore dull. Tuner wno pild a high
premium for hoods would gladly .ail and in
veit other tette, but hesitate to lose on the oil
glnel investment, whilst those who, have
money to spare far a short period are loth to
buy now for fear of &eclat lower quotations at
ordering the meeting of to at Corpiee..
The stock ~shells entirely mentpulated by
clique., andkhe less the public know of their
oporetlane the batter for then. they go not
make um money which, they might hoe • made
and hove no knots to tegret, which Ines itably
would he the case tor any one who per his
manes where it (Might ant to be.
We reeentls eoiMiedl.n paragraph f , m •
naiads , lptisa paper, assonacthg the
sion 1:1 WastataalteeSs Brasse.Stathlers
atty. We ire as.. In receipt of a lett
the fleas le qu“tioo,la shish they s
tbnewbote story a natrnr in nem part
that they bare not failed. nor ante
&sancta! embarranmen t whriaever. Tb
tic. Of *owe Sournallata in pubtishlnir
aritettm: the credit of mercantile hone
mint Orvieto. mle r and alien causes
when none wit intended.
PL. la. Mali. Irene
Gold, ILI4IIt!EV4I,
L1N5.'1.0,4; 10054.
/ 00 ! , ,i; 1 - .3•
cle* . elivad i Pltuaurel, r.. It.
Westernlegtspl, ...... -.......
Er. , IL IL.--
Pio imrstl ran Wkyke k Chicago It.
Mon torrAlerrt
ohlo awl 3 11 1•thiMPPrCrnit4...
311.higsn Southern
liorr Son
—lu the letter of the &cline lamp,
the CotteheY. a( the tele:lre I.
of: her Coat. eettlEcetee a. • refer •
UT banks atiould tare real sa rol:ow
mmmtry bank. n.e trqulren to bar*
at AS wt tea. o 1 cit./silos sad %topes
dabs of which moat tw in Matta m •
xbriellt3Ls 3•3133 map cazalst of 3 •
eariltrato. or of -.b depetitt t•ltb
dYeeetlee Agent eelvete4 by the beak."
—The NeYr Twit Ti tee, rce.4l:
• .
dale ago that tette Was Waste ault
teen ta ebactluee laittltuUas ea thee'
of the wen. neat Oa. tiourety. rhr
low:Tett wee eat very luxe. uy 6%"
meaty. TO .dualaeS hes tare be..
tale ~erlbe ehooka ttl6tra nr asteto,
liaang liax6l la as, of
ekuks up town, and vho, to
gmat..t.ll.lols lath lei./ter Cent m t
easetantres the la2c. tteektes Ixx
Volk. he money la default tete tit ,
tepalti t the hetteeel Lean iron
n•ii. lot oposolotors hod rocede,
• to tato
req. mmttiitems
ollsl4 2 to t ar;c•sot o lu n l to
th , lo the VaaJalo Ittok or the
eltirnos 2 , of 41111orotOurr, bolt. en I
mem pott,tivot to utto tot, r oudor
10114 11. *two cYtttnkett Vt• toolttol
lb. .fait It tits Houk El•Salbet fro
Lorttarilto Courier sop.
Lotto., that votortrtmte In tbo chin
of Cat,Ol3 f I.e. c. cue men. twee .4
peorel .a a.m. our L.L.Yeae la is e
au lasearlalual ...Unmated as • K•atuek
vuotataat Out b.. about My ••••••
akaorol lee.e feud.te tamale ear in
eseh via.e. 71.1 elf.r taa.
un•galoo Its sommosial cira !
Ch. nevi,. 2:ave 11(411./ .1 lb 0.11.4,11;
—Thri ...telt opens IC th a Malt and
anneal for money, and lamrat Lan
the /13.../itet /11 Watkilair
110. z. toe canal ry for entreaty Were tA
latte!reala than tk!.•ny Mae erlthlnat
t•o ders past thse pause rename
tads} to It. country . tortetocdenta.
feria.; of Vain ;forst-41oa bills o
oad tat sweettlitloo here—hte at the 1
while the etlteellowteous demand Is
etowlor. 'The tetoto how thf tolowter
endemic Vis merchants ate Nettan
•rsbne la tha way of collection., but e. ry
la beloite.o.4 from trie country ba km
lb. opts market the demand Is y,
Prnernm. Yirat•clam nem.. are teka • at If@
le per mast., bat ethers cermet be dale for Int
then trilra per Mart.e—Viercuern Trion, Val.
Onto, • t reat Prvormarne. 3 serer., /
OCtObel St, INCt.
Cll.OllP—Th. market was unusually ectin ,
Obelov. the repented sales machine thirteen
thousand Ore hundred berryle,lo the atgre•
tete, sad walla there was conalderable teen,-
men. prlcre, although stronger, hove tolder
gone uo quotable <barge. We can report aale. I
of boor Ude for November. .0.10 . • option, at
111qm MOO bbls, to tank, for Inimbilate delivery
et 15,./c; IMO bble, Imago! la tank, at inic,and
MO do et same genre. The Improved condi..
Mon of the market ,may be stiributed to the
fact that refined also Is better, uad the fact
that the weather hes &gala turned clew and
cold, and th. brospeets for ao early balk ll.e
or. about. remota as aver. Ttitgtf., loom
Ott City repot{ et nil. more &Mite and UMW.
REPO. TO—Th• market for bonded oil era.
also Ortnerbied snomettat. exalted !to-day. .1.
though there was but tromparatively Attie
done. Competed with yesterday and the Ida
before prime are batter, sod the 1.1141.0
upmeld. For emorqdc, October gm, quo•
tad to-day at gie, %West 3414 a on Tim...lame&
stn oo Monde.; tiotember. la reported as have,
log been roll la Philadelphia ter..isy at =lie
ZlO, which also, le an advance, mtd December
may be quoted at 304 c. We eon refoitha .0.
of IMO, tip each fur Demi:ober, Jemmy,
Pcbruarrauct March, at eh. It aa. rumored
today that Antwerp bad adv.nced to 10 franc.
but up to a late Maur In the aftertmonethere
eat, .e far as we r eauld 'tear., no amain:mango
of the tumor.
Ott tauten ant, COOK DOVIT•1111
11. M. Long & Co. 144 bbla refined to W. O.
Warden, Philadelphia.
(1.101, kst Co., It do do to Tack, Ikea on,
lintehuntoo 011 C 0.,. do do tale, Wilco..
PAW, etl do ao u, W. u. Wadden, nu.
6, It. 51111.., ta ao do to Waring, King
On. Phtladelphle.
/Juliann & It do do to W. P. Lt.
(oth Phil.detphik
oi. tort re.t. hurrerr A. T. K. ..
. . .
Lockhart la Frew, 718 bole refilltd to W. O.
Warden, Ph
ktoolabelmar, Koehler & Co %d do do to
%%lariat. KWIC h Uo.. Philadelphia.
Damn &Wagon, itd do do to Waring, Knit
& On. Philadeiphis.
Kirkpatrick • 1:0,101 do do to Warloth /MI
k Co, Philadelphia.
Lodirkaft a r , ew. WO do do to, Brads?ga &
Co.. Itogo4.
No Uef. Co., Us do do tot. A. Dilworth
fifackromi & UW, 311 do do to vi k a. W. 44 e .;
Philadelphia. .
3 .T. Tel* Dry Goods limited.
PT Tolernotk IA the Ilitsbunib tl.etto 1
nue l'oas, Oct. 24 •Ttio'doelloo in Print.
and Debacles or certain styles has brought
stayers in fall force in the inaritet..d large
quantities Of Koran have beam' disposed or,
sm that stools are mato:gaily reduced. Pa.
chic Prints hare sold rabidly at 12)io, and
so bale American, Oriental.; and 01 Ott,
hot the Merrimack - I/ ore held with morel
firmness, at 15!i0. All Prints must Ito to.
I •liiiling. in Dalaines, the only cameos is In
ilomliton A linrsons. , tho former selling ut,
Marro, the latter at' Ito ftir White. 'She Pa
cifies. Manchester command 210. Brown
Allestlup In
of the best alas; 20 a' about
it par yard lower;Ontl Atituruhr and Milan
Mood tell at ISMei Widow A, 150 t 'elite iistru, Mark A and Appletou 4,1101 actle:
2310; Athindo U, 'Ric. . : :
Phlladwlplatta entitle Mitsk.wt.
• Puttanzaent a, October , al.—The recelPld Of
heel little wire lane this week. trdrhtha
shout IMO head; the market Is cotwequeneo
was dull and prise. were tweattled sad lower.
Extra Poona. and Western etre - o_6oll l +m
from Mello per lb. grow Asir goo d In , O.
and common at
to 40)60, am to qua Hp.
Ahead were dull sod low . .000 head wired
and partly sold at from Malan per lb, rClea, 05
to condltion. Mere all* dull &Oa lower;
head sold at the different paid. at from
eildetile,oo per 140 lb., nit. . .
atteago Cattle noriet
CDT Telegaph to the rittabargh LW OW]
Cinooao, net. 91—Haft Cattle atelo9 and
=Wanton , sett's, at 13Q2.10 bletter. a 000,23
66,17 for coal to extra ChOlo., raeOtoll
liois quiet, at. 40,21613,60 for gotot to 0001011.
lHr Toleiraph w tee Pittabarik 0 . 040 . 1
OctOtar 4d.—Flear—notbleg
W neat 4.111 prime, IMPUL Cons
slistaly better. 0•14 steady and svilOt. Ity•
steady. • Para/Lou nominal.
GO and 10 Wades Straot,
Lod hamar. to CRUDE. LIDIRIC.I.EUSU and
ammo. our tro. I tard Ott 44.0 to It°
oea:...actr.zatt. or older Wanda, and provoke
.0 a- It as low aa Marti/nail or (Dago° rotas.
Otr Ito Lard ittl at a LoOrtootos csanot
I :olcatl , lti 'and staddard brand.
o Mambo:Da Lan -
ut Y ffc, 0. : "" 11.1 - 11. to
their Utterer. to - Or will
Lard tro from toe -Ice
I'lol6c-1 order i ng
7011 Prern Oct eonou
ober 23, Wa
The georrel markets prevent but little that
is new or worthy of special notice.. fliminese,
generally, Is very dull. and even the stale
trade, which has been action ever since hat
reeto..howleg uncuistaiteble signs of weak
nem and stagnation. flow long matter. will
meatieue thus, It is di Olcult to determine; it Is
probable, however, that a resumption of nevi.
esti. would Import more life and animstion
to trade generally, especially manufactories
littAlN—Wbent is firm and In good demand
but unchanged; we continue 'tei quote prime
Fenn. • and Ohio Red at 13.6562,00. Corn le
dull, with a drooping tendency; we now quote
new at 1104'01,00, and old 142161 26. ()Cation
but unchanged et eiggiqc, on trace, and R6:0:,
to store.. Barley la doll but unchanged; we
can report sale. et prime Spring, In trot
bands, 01 01,10, and In eecond hand., at 11,350
evl. Rye 111 dull, with drooping tondeneS:
vane at 111,4501.50. .
FIAlUlt—I. thin and weak, but pricer are
without quotable change. We continuo to
qUote at t 10S:411 for. Spring Wheat; tq2,Y5fS
am:, fur Winter *host, and 1113.61;014,68 tor
tansy brinde. Bye Flour to Still quoted at
rItuVISIONS BACCaI . 111 quiet awl u
chrored et I{}4c for Shoulders; ITC/16a for
•ILlhhedned Clesr Std.; for Pleat Sugar
(lured nams. nod 24ito for AlartrArredtlo.
Lard ropy bp quoted. at 1150, sod Mein Pork
RUITLR—Ie. dull but without qubtable
change. Small ult. of prime Roll at tse, and
ahalea at 270 Common pooled Butter in vo'
EGGS—Io good demand and seam, and
(rob peeked may be quoted at bleiMe.
tNlEEdld—Sales of Hamburg at Isom, ind
Goshen at 17elee.
APPLEL—UmatIone to arrive very freely,
and with .supply largely tarsal Ito de
mand, prices are mock cad drimprog, itootteg
from fUjis,E4 per barrel, for goad Pa choice.
POTATOES—Peach Blow. ace being sold
abe1,121111.16 per bosh. New Jersey Sweets
are gooted at #4,15081,76 per Md. •
011 Is too but unchanged at Ale
for Nu. sod /11,16 for No. 1.
II —li quiet and unehenged; re,tular eaten
from country tenons 3it 416C0) pet ton, u•
oordlny to quality.
DRIED ten report anlee of new
Pena. et 133 per lb for prime balyta. APPI.•
may be quoted at tr.
Ormuz or ewe rIT111101109(
W mm:S T.
nug. October tn. 19e7.
There le netbing new to note In regard to the
leen trade. There In only n mcderate demand
for manufactured iron and unite, and there is
no dlegulateg the font that Pittsburgh It /man&
bee prestige, and it le owing mainly to the
bawds railroad discrimination, whteti pre
vent..., Irma manufecturers from euteesaf
ly competing with the cut s - particularly while
ossigatioo to .impended. The following are
the end rate.
Comm. .110
5r5;675 , liana 5 49 c
rlionp nod Light gsntl . 01 . 6
8 Azad owl :Nun. 0 , 4, b. 4
,1. • 4 Si
kl.ll Oval and hall Ilonn , T ,
lOW, lion /3 (2) 0
Cnt.St iron - .14
All *Lem o , cr a In. wide, Sa pats..
1. . " •! ,'‘ .1 " :! , I. wALl ' a 'la • :p :4
1614.180 'lns 44{9 1 05
NMI itoda 04,211, 8 '.
Coal Semen lenn 4%0 8
Amer. Chanel. Amin..
inert Stun, 10 to 17 DX 01.; 818
18 7}j 10
MS totB IN
B!+C . . 1 10 V
All shell.s over In.llldo
tot to OM Nslls
reneltog arid 2EI One
. Mods &J Stl Lao
- • •
4.1 all d 9,!. II 16 4ln 1ta122
6 , 1 6.1 1.1 6 Cu clinch...._
£3 awl aa •26 Cut bytkent
ai 676
(1661167 16116--(n4 - H.&1: Sdo 50.48{ 161 4 1 4 1 00
16.1. 1 6 .66. • . .
Elpistlag Notlls-etsi, 0; 0 0; 5 1 N,5;1P1, 8 6 . 56 :
Igg, SPAS; 1 6 . 1 . KM.'
Itarrel Inch. 31,3;1 lath, ST,P);
ins!, 16,7.;1!` toe, 116.7111115 inth. 1144.5.
Tot:lasso N..1,—.6d. 4446; 6d. 6.60 i Mr 11 . 75 .
An &TEM gsr-125SP per keg off, la lots of IPS
kegs sod upsruds.
Nom' York Prodwoo Marital..
coy Tel h. me altutaush.hesetto .1
New Tout:, 02lobar IM.—Cotton Ileawy mid
h;olower: gel. 15.0 bales middllow upoulds.
V [Our; receipts 22,70 Why oponed steely
andiricaud lato foram pales 126,603 tihis at
li,ooo. 53 for Imperil. Woatorn and State;
...4212.90 for extra Western; p. 13,1:3 for
It U. Otto! a11.e01216.00 for at. keiuls; Cali
mrni. quiet; main re seeks at ellAiill3,.ll.
If ve F10ur . ..7..294N WhLskey quAlst, bet
:caul) . .. Wheat; ...tat. 101.0. V bum opened
yshadx firmer. and closet dull, heavy and .
ak idiot; satin .;aill tons at 17.10 tor So. 3'
!uint: 4.1.17 , 72... t, for N 0.2 do tal,Milykai for
Sty. I1.0;1141 for midair Sta. WY. otdot.
Choice amine *shade limner; otbor kla!le
ant. and .0.01.50010 lowan mans 04. 003 11.
at el. N., toe slat it 111.3 0 4111.83 fOr Wenern, and
111.2 t tom clad. Canada West. Walt dull;
.ales 0,030 hu... Canada Peas to baud... 1,43.
Corsa: rweipt. 042.17e1 ho.; Caen. lam: bet.'
tvr, and clewed quirt; advalloo 0.1110 Oa
hum MOM) hum. el.teutkl,4l for mixed West.'
ern in .lore and a 11.% closing at ill .01[40
'l4O all., CM 11, receipts .3.1 X b.; ildiro
foeSentern. el ...first 0i0... wool; no deelded,
Scange; talc.` OW M. Itt trlllt7o for dureestle
anew. watt unChatirod. Leatber—Lliena•
look [Sole Is loser, with sale at alma for
Huelva, Ayres, light Mahal*. Woe;s quiet
ism"eg is dull. anger Is !inlet with sales 0,0
.1.0 lumen...m.o 71 :40181[0 for Cuba. and It
_AS/. , i, ii 10. Porto Woo. MolacV. is 'heavy
f•lttisslos of MU boakb ea. Cuha at SM.
irolenal 11. quiet at Wye for Or 341(e.
me menud in [mod. Woos are quiet. Pork
la heavy soot loser. with sales of 2210 [air
rats at fi11,50130.1,437.; for me..eloslns at
4 71 . 37 regular. ant 120121:150 for prima. Baal
I. news with wiles of 65 literals at proyto.
urines. Deet lems• are gullet with sales of
70 barn. wettern at 11 70 . 50 0 30 . Deeon is
quiet, villa .alewut 500 barrel. Cumberland
cat wuti 27.1 boxes short riobod, both for
Puniinlwr, on ingrate term.; also On boxes
tong clear and 73 hos. Cumbral.d cut,
both deliverable within Wily day. at 1. 1 -
,04 h.., Cut Masts are heavy, with'
set. of I. path... I 1i.4814?4 , 7 for shoul
ders. alOil Isiiillii,u toe bates. - 1..f.1 is
hoary watts males of WO marsh!. 114.3141.40.
nutter Is qultt and messily at WON , for
Mate, Cber. IS dull. Preiglas to I.lvor.
pool arts dull and loner; 21.00 Ouchot. per
.reamer, at Mid for cora sad 12Kii- for
belr t
I Ns
as 11...
erg Im -
CO. ItOf
a Malt
1 A 1.01
. k or
fll4 - 00
or4c. ° .
I CreAse
IN qUlle
Laresr —Flour lo In tic loantr, with a
woildain linstersa. Wheat dell and Ito tt
lOW., No.r snring 12,1001,101 •Ptllifr 12.10;
No.: spring wt.33C1,31. life dull. at alarm.
western. data ,1011 and hop at !00310 for
western. Corn! 12101., Aral 110 fur Rood
to pride ally. ral wasted, orle.nrmer sod
rater, nate, at S7AO for mewl $21.405121,14
reeds,. Lite/ nominal. 'Cut 1131311t11 nom!.
nally unchanged. Raisin OOOl, with a fair
deemed. Lard ilrilLwid heavy, at 13310110
fur talc to prime steam and kettle nap
Clocheettellk Karkel.
:87 Telegraph to the rlttsbargh El alatie.l
Clonatgart. October la, ta, x.--glour un
changed at .11,G0C111.1% I beat dull at AGO
for NO.I red. Corn dull at 9ftost for No 1
mixed. Oslo ndraneed to @ON and at the
olden holdors naked 7t'a for 10. I. Rao doll
at 01.13. Barley unchanged. Cotton, doll
and pnees lower; tnlddlum, 170171 hto
bacco la active at full price*: lodes I tula
700 woo for lug., and 170 to 11,4 c
loaf. Whlskuy ononanged; good Clamant'
for free, hut 'mire, are not mad, public,
Uses Porlitu demand, alas NZO bbla at 111.
Bacon ateady, but qu ley
the lktt
three ayo, .htuls. tont dull at Ito.
Nutter dull, and price* solo loner. twain, to
"stern a
7 l oo e e n . t ra Lb O ao o t ' auy l at
153 Clover hoed dull and uric.d nominal
at 40 Timothy null; no demand, glom
at OLIO. Potatoes grin at 1.1,0006,171. .apploy
an demand at 42 to nor Uhl. lion In 00.
line demand and prima tughar,cloalug at
76 groeo. Cold, 1431, buying.
Talearaok l 0 the Mubarak Uncut.] .
be. Loam. Oaten.. VA.—Tobacco Is actl.r.
Inge at Ot,2sad for ablaPinat leaf at Itrudil
for mane fantorlug. Cotton in better de•
maod at in!.i 0 5111 . 0 forraiddlitura. klonrerry
doll and fr let tall extrast lOWA °. NV, do
:=3 , 11 1 . " go o ll 4 lnt 1 1=1;;I;litt
at . .4 0 1:11 1 .7111 red ar {
at apring at
al.TrAf2l,l.o. Corn firm at Olaf, for 'chow,
and $1,1901,.. I for prime. Oat. at Gllrlefn for
prime. liar op Inactive at for 00010.epringt 11,9114 for ohoice fall. RVe firmer at
41,0 for oho *a.
dull and droop.
Mg. Blain 1 ark at 'Ala tartan ahofil4far.
at roar 0104..1 las. t.lird doll 1114 e lot
kr anon nta—Onr 1.1.74500181. wheat:OD
ac ettrn =Stoat; oats
]her Bust rye PM bna
barloy tOo bus. The wea if clear and
tis re.elettivitt the Pittsburg b Guaira.)
eta'scene, October 21.—Flour onlet,
steady and unchanged, et - 01143011,1301
double extra ember $134.1013.f0l triple
extra white ell 300000, Wheat dull er...1
Inactive, but firmori No 1 re . * c:nter bald
4 ^ , 6 31 No 0. do 'Veil.° 1 Itllleankee spring
r.100;le. Comte fate demand for leo. I
ruile.for the drat ball of November St
11.111 no sal., on spot; psh' at 41,11 (Ala
meady and nuchanded Meld at 1106 for /to.
I Meta 111 a yule. and unahangedt.held at
11.4001,14 her No 1 State and weldor.. from
more. Barbee dell; No I bold at 11,1g01,33
No 211.1201.2), Petroleum tinted and speedy
a d
t tie far re ;led In bond In largo 1011, and
PBMll2de • fo po In trade lota; standard
whit.. 1 roo old at 4901 Pr
(dr Telegraph t ,, toe Plllo6 o ol 6it aget,e.)
To c op, October 13.—glouri reoeltita. 2,442)
boob Whole'. Wheat; reocipte,
a.VXI will white Quiet andhrmy amber to
listteri coring dub; sales of amber. Minhl.
gen at $2,65112,57i No 6 rod Wabash, OM.
Corot reorlote. MAW bosh' the market is
iajlo beater' pales of No 1 Wabash at 11,12
01.101. Nov Woboob ei,to4o Liu Michigan.
No I new, 11.07; °atm receipts, I,lpo
nuell'; the market is !Moody, fit AILO for No 1
Oto for No No 7. 80.1 rgeol/.1., 7W bonhi
the Margot lerunehangedi sales of No Ist
ir,s7ellol tt 111.IIL norlesq receipt., Lino
basal ealesof No 2at 01,16._ seed—ealee of
Aug Lt. OAS. Lake freights genii char..
tore for corn Teebel 00 to tloffalt), and
pa to ammo.
I =73:=1:12
us, ie.MINs to the Plmbarsl. klint4l4l
Lamelt.cs, Oat.. 4.l—Tobooon—miles 118
khan, 3302.1,60. Flour ot lOW for sumo,
000.1 Corn MOO for nellatly Tho for newest.
(.4m—roan 700. When quiet.. n. aim Cot.
too Poo. Men pork WA M0...,h0 0 l
don IMic; clear oldas Min Lord Imo in
Es•Teleinipb I.b• Pltlatounh Ossetia.)
'pen:Antsarzu. netobez 113.—Petrolewa—
oracle. MO- Y lour doellabag_t Im__Nstana.
A 6049,00., ‘Whost 43411 i r54,49,30wa. UT*
g 67001,71. einthll47lo.
Financial Matteni 112 New Yoik.
ttolaEClot.l at 143!,i.
By roloßoLob to tn... PI osbarrn Gazoio..l
Noror You. Oct. 23, 19.77.
)(ahoy markut steady. at per cold. for
mill WM.. oteedinu steady, at 40.7.4010 for
gold and grot.cluo Gold without ma.
canal orange, oposiln a at ztrj., 4 .1„, 11 „,„ g .
tolf.:)i, and aionma at
00rSIINNIL, 16 . rocg,
Dull and drooping; Conoons of 1111-4"
/1 1 Ni itlito 0f02..1/21.;4211.2!.“ 'Pito of
I:ll i i .,ig it o t f o: 3, " ll4l:iitTP.Ao ' n "- TP ,n tn:
paiWarGiGN; eleven-Thirties,lol4olOs.
CLOBIWO QC02,101.1.
Stocks openedheavy and lower. and closed
strong ma excited. Canton, 13%0 13!5; Com.
berlaral. 'MOM; Walla , Express, 54! , , , cm , .;
American. ette;67; Metal, 051560; Cniih7l
State.. MCP 4; Merchants tiniota.
Quicksilver. 17 ® 12; Marlene. 7MS; Pacine
Mau 14301454; Atlantic. 117MiliTS: West
ern Unithl.,33MeAM.,S: Sew York. CantraL,
Olite;;; Erie. Me7o%; Madsen. P... 501111%;
nestling, 965,1M91r Ohio Certiticetaa, Vi4M.
;Sint Wabash. 40; St. Peel, 43; preferred. MM;
Wailes= Central. IaSOICe; Michigan South.
ern, 757stil Minas Central. lilijM2l;
Pittsburgh. 30 , 4131154: Toledo, 102.41;
area laland. sly,epix: North Western, la
all de. Preferred, Me.,0C , 04; Fdit Wayne ,
11 ,, =
Sim shams dull; Gregory, 5.43; Smith
and Parmlee, 45, El Dorado, 7eo; Leororee,
55; Quartz
PCO.S./.1311111 . slOslrre.
Thn receipts at - ills Suu-Treastil7 were.
01 . 2a20,247; ritymenta.laaM Bl3 ; ba/"."11a..
Cum .°, Ort.23.—Wwat her clear sod cool.
Flour vary lull, at au,93(110.40 for Opruali
Extras. triteot closed dun. and 101 , 4 u
lower for No 2; 41,tOffll,at for No. I; 91.903
1,57 for N 0.2, Oiled ng of $1,804)1,111t4 for No. 2.
Corn firmer. closing at .1.01401,05 for N 0.2
in Moro. Onto firm, awl 1101110
oldelog at 7.5.4 Ot ature. 1130 Onll, and 11.0
lower. nt al zu for No. 1, und SI,2tGtIM for
N 0.2 tn at ore. Burley 2 to ac lower, eloolug
at 91,00 . 91.0 N for N n 2. Provlalons heavy.
Mow l'ork freely offered ut 901.7.0. Lard
0011. at 123 11111 Flour
137,09 , 0 hu Wheat ; ar,orl bu Corn 1 97.000 bu
Oath; 2,10111 ' Nog,. 03110neut.-722 Olds
Flour ; 4,70010 Wheat ; 11,0 W bu COM; 3 6 . 10 0
bu Mts. Frelghlx at 5 , , , ; for Wheat,
;09;; for Coro, Off.% for Oats, and 83 for
Rye to
Ito/iota 31 orates.
•7 Telegraph to the rti lebtagh Uezetto.
Elcirrai.O. Ott. 23 —Flour Wet; western
baker, Mat; I.lllnols western, 01423. - Oiliest
tittil and unchanged; natio 3,003 bu No. g
Chiesuo and 3111wanace club at V. Corn
very dull; mica 1,000 bu No. 2 western at
10). tretelloolllll‘l. nt :St for western.
:lye nominal, at $1,59 for No. western.
Ilarley nominal at about (1,21081.33 for west
ern and Canada. No change - 1n other arth
cies. Itecei ors—Wheat 211.01)) nu, corn MOW
bu. oats In) or; to. rye 33.000 ho, barley 12.000
to. flour 17,100 bids, tildoments—flour 701
bids allhat 133.060 bu:com 30,00) btu oats
110,0;0 bu, barley WWIto, rye 21,003 ba.
rreliSn.—whwtshOlDed at elc to Now Fork.
closing firm at 23e.
Now Orleans Market.
10 1 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh kisrutte4 •
:gad Oaxsass,Oettsiter it —Cotten Is easy
with sales of 1,200 halos low middling at
17. Iteceints,• bale.; wxhotu, 652
bales. Floor Is. In bettor demand and
timer, with sales of dealer, extra. at $10,59,
and choice extra at slo;Tohili. Corn is
s-arse with gales of whlle at 10,4501,fa
Oaht hetet and steady, with e.ties at 710.
Pork Is nominal and hold at , P2t,id. Bard.;
there Is Wit a mall . jbbing business done
at !,th lower. lard Is doll and lower, with
ales of prime In tierces at 14%e. Stoning - ,
156 , 0151.. New York Exchange lo onoter, at
%ON per cant. prom tom..
Osnelico rtarkot.
[Ey Teloarsph to the Mehl:rah thtsotte.l
Osaa 2.3.—F10ue Aall and uttehan
ged. Wheat dull; sales 3000 ho 0.0110 Can
a at $1.85. Corn—no sakes Oats telling
in d email lots at, l'att for Ohlo. Earley q.t.t
sod uncltrufed; salcs.bmt night of ICAO to
Toronto at 01,40. Rea quiet. Peas eatid at
4%.2701,N In bowl. Lake imports-70, 000 hu
abeat,W,Oo.lbu corn, 48,e40 tot barley. 8,3. q
.0 eye:o,9oobn peas. Canal sinorte-1,400
Obi. floor, ..00,1 On wheat. 10 000 bu corn,
17.000 bu barley. 14.740.00 rye, 700 bu peas.
4%0 4%
Altbweuvro, Octobt:r O.—Floor dull: city
double extra ni.).117/210,50, country . do 044,4'4'
octet Wheat Irreltolori Nu. 1
11,00. Unte onsettled nt rde for No.d. Corn
doll at, dl,lolor No. 1. Frelobta nnlot: to
Buffalo Wyo. to (Isercgo 50.. llncelptn-1,'90
Obis dour, tm.lo. bun whea :MO onto,
11.CCO bus corn. Shiponts.— t,
3,800 bbln flour,
WAY:bon m 0114.9.
lllyThlegesph to the Yu.Ovren Gazed, 3 .
Mane:tie, Ont. Tl.—cotton 011661614 c.
Corn In demand, at McGill. /lay gym fat tlele
Crn.t. Ottte ecarc,, 71talltc. Flour—Suoore
dna all at Porte dull; Mae , . 1.-se
BlLCUll—snontdora 31011 at 35(115t4c,
clear Wet dull at 11151030.'.Lsed 141513-o.
.. 8 15
Prmreauutiti,lrotniarans s tiracrixnart /LIG;
°Moho, 09—I ear aira. Stoma:old. tiro; 10 tea
lord, Eli bikers& Co, lot furniture. locum At
Mem, ~ Mecca 547
bbla apples. ,,, Foist 9, Co; le do do, ....IV.
(Stair tt Reit eq.; eke c0n:40940 rFe.Friblude;
50 aka huley, Smith Co; 131 dif do. 30 do
corn, Meant.' a HarFen 9 Ma buckwheat nom
I bid cornmeal, T Demilmci 13 mi. potatomiff
Johnston; is do rve, 9 do wheat, McKee
Co; ei do cam. C II Loom 10 pelt apple., Mil
ler a Irrsie9;49ll4l oats. 110 do barley', IS aka
clorereced, 7 do rye, 31CLIenry d Mood; XI aim
torn. 231 urrl. ap,Ars, $lOllOOO h 10205 2., ueka
itcbeimk. McCreary a Co; i car do,
Clllsoire, Straub a Co; 91 b.0•00191 ' It
a a
.7 Sawyer; 5 . 2 balm; hemp, Gerwir ;Ina.
do, Folios, Itollman Co; limn. eon, It hood
a Son; I ear J Wend.' y; '
do do, o 0
Smith; 140 Brewer, Maim tt Co.
t 4.3111.1.111/ AID rITTINVVROSI D.Allaohh,
October hi —1 the pig Item, Nhatek it Cot NI to
Welch, J 11 HIII; xes Rd. topics. T a Jodi'
kits; 0000 11 lumens. W. W llicloo a Co; I ear
Iron oh, W II tithienherpir I do Itels.
J J 18 ethwiocs tops, II II Coldas; ih
water Opts. I.loles', Farrell S Cott% chimney
tape, 61 water pipes, .1 F Steteestrat
Thos Mitchell; CP aks clots corky., ti
Penner Cot II rolls leather, t/' N liodstott;
coldthal, J T Olses;l3 do do, h Mehlittiont
do do, WOO NeChtehoom 40 d/do,S Flosd
00; IM sks hotiirots, Tolgt h. Co; 100 do dn.
.V.gof kit( a Shepard/ 033 bhl. $1 , 1 ,1 54 11
Pr reser RUH. Poser WAT. & tMroaao 11.11
October OS—ten bbl. now, Pt Wallace; 1 ear
J It Patterson; 200 MI bnit, Ir t ookbart
k Frew; 6 bate Iron me, Snaenborger a Blair;
I ear tiro back, Unstop, Wells d Go; 7 belt
etre,: lags butter, potetoes W J Steel
Jiro; lb dot broom., Klrepatrrok Havant
76 bare Ism, Dlthri dm a 8091 bbl. apples, U
Rldale;s4 sits wbeat, fa do Qom, In do 0 ameeo,
owner; m ISM apple.; Voter.. & W A
tnewmor 3 ska corn, Aktileary a Rood; 6 bale.
web!, Slr.aok a tlo. ,
Ast.toneve STATION, October 2r-9 bill.
applm, V Jenkins; 191 tits barley. (I Seidler t
ear eorn..l W inpwor 2 ear. Illeseed; 119 Ms
do, 31, 91 Sophia; s ear. wheat. W.a Itießee
Co; J belt otter, 61 Welt; 10 dos broom, 91er
eer A Robinsoo; IR ekemom, liermetty A Lot
thmpt I eat lumber, II Hemet ;I do sub, A
Patterson, 1191 am tram. 106 bblaßour, Stewart
Langenheint; 011 bele apples, John liar.
At.rwarrr Valour 11. R.. Out. :4—:t bp
ne. V 7'.1 !leek; Id Imo buttrootreAt tour.i.) 13
Idoleorior,l3 plip W./WM, II Lutgoalop; Se
trust, potstoes ..Stroo• Co; CI oks ottt,
Ado.. truant Y bserols egg.. 4 pooks44l.
eotrer,3 II Grattan; ISO boort!. oil . Jamas
3 1 / 1 1trInet IS do do, Wlltrato trlcCutebton;
dodo, Brower, Butke k Co; I task Dogma,
Sellell It Co.
Prrressitslr AND C10aa5t.444n1.43 H. it..
Iletober. —I rolls lecher, :Tolbert R Heron la
do ad. 43i d.o.lem/s4; Sd as wheat. 1./meett
ho; l 7 Seim Outs, Levle, 011ver Ph 4113,4; 14
rails lettsee, Leers, h Wattscs; 83 Ddle sheet
Iran, ST V Armetrode; DI calla lope. 4 bales
eeme. Fonda. Holleman et Us; .43 tone metal,
S7d Wlekmaham,
verrtrr4 the 1 , 3:4 At7n,./ for 4.i pale at Mt
Are Itow ttrtplkned to fttrann IL lo Rog .v.llO
to tbuu *lnking to mourn sop•rior untele.
I).lns Ilftsgne•rs• tumor this nifty we have
rived at tact, Or , p , artlons as ..< bollnvo MILL cIU
• nutter •rtlet• for Dot* than .07 to Lon lo•TOII ,
w• 1100100 Mare. no araMte stood loo (( au
01.1111.1 ro r oar.* not, slot sumo lasttug gs os
furtont len mon th s. We will fnrolen terstpto
tor (Le Wroporticot affba Itatxtvre 621.11 01.7 t.
Detto.4 pkircbaata.. Tn. Clay Ls grould won
tootall,ollo to•• for nottyLry.
. DITUSII DUE & 14031.
Won Vat 1.41 as otka.
Vkal IVashtelataa Pittabarah.
F 0 St hare far sale
.cacral 5001taton4-baritt
drop Turning 'Lathes, -
r.Deetally ulapted ter tervlng axtua. WM
the Above At reasonAb:e re... • •
ON 10401 slO loth erttaae va wet
stroke on Iron bed; bolter 40 Ineltso dintnatOr t
II freeload. two la Inelt Ones,
lagstra nt'the =DilalelllAL WOlllO
HUGH 11. 120114 *
VVlCgt,"slitt.":ti tor r a - ,74,.. 0 ,1447. .1
WI Calaar..
The buttauaa wal Eke. e 1 0 0 Etunol
WWI Lbut• sod arta to Vat Mw.
tog letter .11100 ma be • corral Ida of a
quallaot thots Wino
ratl. 4 EzintOt:. 1.. 1i t.
. • - - —••
"Lau,Snl. trpt cu. Co.—Multrobtor me.
' tog mir,,o ipour 0111fierat•Oherooarca thorough
In%o w it L 'a iatirinVi i Nre li ger " "
.0•11•10110 pan It Oa 007 billoetbro! '" lto W n
tr.ux ,I, I ElNtleLYar & ti s
. R N
irtu s WOEL.eI,' liorthrast Cantu Of
Was Onraaou, itybearpi , ,nr,
1111.1)% 44,4 1VA T aa a Co.
riaTlM a itt i tiVgg3N " .1" Itr "t"
suar.Aknlaz,„rm7 l4 ll72l".:.f'
. .nme i r mapitr 'dais
167 rtatl e auxeurvw v.
• ( 70 . 11, d.4 AbOTO /141 , 0pda
WASS) Chtlia . *Are ‘
a , Table Gallery
At SAlSTliall PeloM. Eerrythlue required
strat elm stet. on hand.. Call and exerallts
HAIR wonmEn 'AND I . ltUrtplitil. thlt
Fourth atm . .. Vt.. , 1/ 0 547 . b.
ltirvt *
Boodpala wtt Ida be aly.. •^T *".
WQtta• .n4lttntlemea•r ptlnevW n~I"
arri Pura6 ifirrVe " 'ARNO 'Ale."Bt
Jun reeelved for'elie YT O. b " . "' °""*.
OCI .4.... Lorre, see Mee it.sti
ut 4 3AW STILL.
O. Imam, vet tea. pattUngil and gold sad .41
H 1 Mmes. a
IV7 swami weacsi. •
• •lIK R 171101.. 11 WM.
eXI bole, ; . ,
BalflOW %." o k y i t i turinatt,„ ,
cutie a Word ar
V-innunctnni the ben
0 -2,4itlitl,
Z kit 18S,
The hopes entertained on Monday and Tue.
day that the dry weather was at an OW, and
that we were about to have • aeries of rain.,
have snarl been blasted, and tome of oar river
mon ow despair cf water until in the wall'
part ci the winter. Oa Tuesday night ft
elected oil; and yesterday It two quite told,
notwithatandLoit the eon shone blightly dating
the :renter portion of the 1107.
About noon yesterday the steamer Bayard
now laid up eV the main lambing, was discov
ered to be on fire, and (or a little while,
things tool-c 1 •squally," both for her and
other boat., lying above ind below here.
Thb Ere originated .lo the texas, and to sup•
prised to have started from the store pipe
passed through from the cabin. Feria.
mate/y, it was discovered before It had made
much headway, and a few buckets of water
nosed sufficient to extinguish the flaw.
The sow Parkeraburg packet, 3. N. Absent.
lough, waa lying on e1...W00f the Bayard, Led
the Selma, Capt. Thos. tierces 1:104 , boat for
the New Orleans and Alabama riser trade, on
the other. The McCullough was phrited hut
into the elver, mid the helms would alto hare
.twen Seat adrift had not the ere been put out:
The damage to the Bayard In Inelgnilleank;
Join E.. Packer, lon of 'Captala 'Packer, g
wall known river Mars, died at Wlektburg on
Sunday tart of yellow' ferry: The deeeared
had been engaged In the coil! buslners, and
LCITCS a wife and oho child.
Saye the St. Louis Di-moon/I of Tuesday:
'the iargest nUMbet of attend ed men we ever saw
at a steamboat sale at the auction of
the Richmond yesterday, and they were main.
ty member. rams aristooratlo elrele of own
er.. The Rtehmone was tweaked' down to a
litise for ISA/. She wu built num Lou.
mill° a year age for 4lapt. A. Miler, for
the lied river trader son 113,062. and V a 000 d
We take the follotelng items - from the Re - :
pubwm,,,f the same date: Letters I rem New
Orleans mutouldee that Maj. Bob Duffey had
recovered from the final. of knone•
Joel, snd teat Joe Fithian was also la a. fair
way to recover, Their numerous' friend. Al
thin Mty tall be glad to B.! , th i s .
The steamer lien Johnson, which sunk on
the Orb lest., near Brownsville, Debi, ha,
through theexertions of ()apt. Made and his
mew, assisted by a pump Sent to the boat Dora
this city, been suecessluily railed, sad is Bow
prebably on her way to ails port for repair - A.
It woe in' mored at Ctainnatf on Saturday
that Lew. Place, a wollAuown pilot, had died
!n New Orleans of 3 - allow fey.. Geo. Little.
mmgence of the Little Tate, that lea. Saint
I Louis • few tweaks Mace, Is reported dead In
New Orleans of yellow fever.
'The Stools Central lladroad Company le
- gobbilto lip Ulna at Dubuque and Dunlelth.
Accothin to the Debuque Errata the railroad
compouy es bought lue Ferry, the Trendier
Company t. r. 4 the Dadelth elevator. 'Slices
not atele . The [Joyner—Menlo& la one of
the brat on the Upper Miaisslpin, and east
origally 583,003. ,
The /Manahan kw:firer, of Tuesday, nye :
We ur.d rr 3rr rid that a bagman ts about Mead
between Captain lemes lime tied Mr. Joseph
F. tluentialittio and the Lout. tile Mal Com.
pee me age rM transfer to llee tenteatties of
the g Major Andra°. The purechaere
Intend ruhhing theAmicreon between tall city
and Ihttsh urge as n'wally packet, leaf.,
here every Tuesday. Cap:* Ida was tormerty
in eommhed of the Sr. James. ad it well
known la the up river trade. Mr. Cunning
ham is of the enterer - blue etesortiost agency
era of tit nalighsa A Banat.
The Dangle of game dare aye: The funeral
of Capt. W. - A. Whttaker, whose death we an,
nuanced yesterday, takes pima today at two'
!Velma, Among the large number or arrivals
of steamboatmen Iron Pitabergb. Sunday
atyld, wetddice that of Capt. DLL:gas sad
Capt. Leer. Vaidergrift. . ..
The Mobile 2inter. of the 15th, ear• a Some
little feeling ha, been exhibited among steam
boat owners, by what they <minder rather an
unfsinuni ou the part of the revenue folks
here, .on I the atgeot of tailing bonds for the
payment Oldie toe On eettell, lame boots (one
at lean) Lhavlog b ten allowed to take oat a
bond, welle the privilege has been denied to
other. We know nothing of the stream.
stances of facts, and only gag it apart of the
steamboat bearayt..
The steamer 011ie Sullivan sunk near New-
burg, radians, ntglitnefore last. Shown ply.
tug as a retutor packet between Owensboro.
and Lesnarllle. la eaeneetlOn With We Louis
ville and /lender - ton packets. She was overt*
la Evidarille.
The IVI IL Arthur, ladle man way to St.
Louis fro f New Ortega, stench a log near He
tens; whl /a erill.ncusaltate a delay el some
days for pars.
. .
An a Aug., nye: A DL Neima n7 Pro .
poses by trovernmeht sernatace, to undo the
ter o the rdlaruri neer with the water w
at the G et Mexico, through attew and safe
elothoM, blnlentnx with a channel at Karma
City, on the Intaeort river, reread tom
branch of the Osage, connecting by card with
the Naha river at the fella; ruarang 230 mile
or Mare Io Fort Gime, on the Atka.o
Ace:; mgr running dawn the riper to Fort
Sertoll, hadn't stoma the base of the San
Bole. Aiduntabo through a smell branch of the
Arkansai elver, into a breech of Red Myer by
anal; thin routing down river some dlidllaee
to a branch of Red river:meeting by nasal
through ,Clalne. , e creak lath a a branch by genet
to Sabine river. runeleg 3 0 Attlee taste demos
lay," etc., ere.
' The Laid of Capt. Arisen Me3-11I's new beat.'
the tithe Lee. was suceesdully launEhed from,
the auremd of Stewart a Beater/re, at ;tram
eonvillo,liast Saturday etching, le the pree
n of several thousand Ledles and gehtlerneu
'who had'aseshibled to witness the lapneh. Mai
doneuelcia are: Length of hull,Soo feet:depth
of hald, 114 Act; dinar ol floor, 31 feet; width
of beam. 00 feet. She le exprealy designed as
. a Lou radio and New Orleans packet.
Pee Ltutaille . stiuck the beak above Na.
a potent end sedum her butts. nod ahlppod
- elcideeniachecof water.
A St. Louis teleffrem, under date of Mod.
,• day, syld The decline emulates slowly, and
will be nom rapid this week, It to feared. Ite,
ports to [het effect e- , nie from ail palate above.
Slight rain this motherg, and more threatened.
' winch I t greatly . Laded. While but little
gran la enrolee here from the Upper Musts
. eippt, Dubeeue Is receiving Itomenee quad.
tiee of von at. Oh the flab, MVO bhabele were
received.. by tell. Cu Saturday the Paragon
t broeght To bates cotton, ad sesterday the
JACO, MA bales for tooditphieut east by rail.
! The 'Paragon bat withdrawn seam the Mem
phis trade, shipments hiving decreased here.
Beate contemn of then uarantine near Cairo
•• • hada. tax on etescabeats. -
Itamlburigla. SP`sa.
J. 8 EOOA~B~B do BOA
\ rr.Drlttars or the .
V'X v 1"..703131:7M1LC1416C
Whit) Load and Color Work',
Ltantanotarers ct
And all colon Ocy or In 011. •
Inaccon. N0c..9173, SR% 474,' 456=
456 goncen ficrint .4 IV, 61 And DA L
n Atlerh.r nmsgail
Jobbing and Machinery Catalan
Mita 011 L6lap, 01 Other Malleable fre BM
Iron, of all passons, also. sad styles s salted to
tsars purpose s Made to order. . •
41elve, 2DO Libertylitreet,
tioatemy of Mato 11011d1..)_
• F. 1111:1138MANN.•
flub Strad, bstween TOHISIa
ar.d manacles Elreds.
Gunsmith and Dealer La Hardware.
dr. oiui sooda
es o. P. LT
Ikmulttetarvs of every 4044'014 of Psint,
ettste.toit, loatta.l3 •-•a ttlt.tod
2.60.1A.1301" 236t1.1432.
20. ;op LIIICRIT , OT..' CIA ' o
CIA on.
Onion 1 not 11 ,. 11 . 1 11 1nt b.
• -
VOVZ4b . ' fzgriug
P g;:giroatr aor moorY rro
r tio:Vetrtf:,
Hese% Geraniums, Verbenas; the s
1ii,100., at the Uallnad I/rumba...a
aosta At 1. 11111M1.4314
Nowa in, nWan.. .3% • 'kV 1
Choice _Wines 9/4 Liquont,.
)10.0 N T Oor. omo K. LID stiiisosris
was - 413441m71:1117,16.
1 • 11ANCITACT1111.191JI or
Bar, loop and Sheet Iron,
(10 nun 7C ILS FilbS,3 ll 4 Iran , IC
Office, No, 98 Waler Street,
Corner Carroll and Smallama
StreoU, Ninth Ward,
Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,
„gy * z g yy r.: , 4= , L i x
Meat of
WEIL 'WM IME c9B 121 S 111111.
egU l ttlVii,=== t liesrugg!".
we ,~3.
mammura,IIIO:IICOITING AND 11111 paint
/STEAM PIPXII, 0.6130112TY1L/1, LSD LIIO/1
lihszt 'ad Libertyllll.tosis.
Pittsburgh, Pentu3llvrais.
arthar• 0691 to tho atlas Manta will 0•
WavaDtbr atieuckd N.. 107:18/
Bast Ontinoth Refined Clams!
Juniata Bloom Iron.
T RAILEEO sad 161ba. to th• WO.
PLAT ILMLYA Punened And Conntarnak.
. .
Werebtnttettne Anal at the Woite. ARISEN.
°Mitt 81, 4. ogolleostion of Pint street.t_Ul.
bluing the tat On Work.. Plttoburcb. &WOWS
(517C4391085 10 JONIB, BOYD & C0..1
Manstraclareta of the best
irr.• DialTiVlng ta• q -C..
srEst, PLOW irrivas, SPRINGS.
Cast and Common PIOw & !prim litre:
Mae—Corner ot floatina Von Matta,
tanks Morro the Monongahela Home. • . '
. .
roux:BEAN.. •
Engin Builders ante Math
Make to order Itlatime ind Land Mom ZOttOnii.p
Immune,' to otTestateseitOt.. •• • ,
Canto's, artery llosortpOlna: tasti• Word.. ,
taats3 Nrjo*. dult.t....A. B. SC... Poona, • 4 .
Maradoo elAsp, Cot. Pang Alto; & -
WIT. Votoulty. Nos. alto at ittlot stmt.,
prrreavair. PAW' -
'FRIO & SUM' .•
Ormii KO WORXItO=I4 '
No. 9.9 Wood Street
Thimble, Skein Zr - Pipe Box fen
morrriam, ataa.ow wizz. •
And castlagsirsaarally. . apfttiL
Butler Street, Ninth Ward.
gelling Mill and Bridge CasiirAge.
Etiobtiorry Did cuutuqrs gemdraLly:
Omar. p.mray =anal 4T.taatee.
_ .
11[11117n.C1rtni=8 - 11/
t ~ o. nestle Elamitmetur...
erva.s armsinir a rgrarnaz tax!
Office, 88 Wood Btreed. • .
la err. otterass myna.
Plrtenrlzia. Jima ISM. UM Wilda
Kr.13a1r....?18. L ILUssinza.....U.S.. SIAM
0114.11 A souse WOHJIRS:
• .uxeriontaams ar
'iltrrua Sollars. Qll. StUls.
Taut.. Set Pans, Orsnararrk
Rimmed tam Bridg et' ghost iran War!. •
COB. L 111611711 AND' frAolD
ROBERT7tEA.7 • YANZlnettalalln Or
Freight Hoist rig
AND DOCTOR ENGINES. et alidesarlptiosis =a. sooner
Come of IPlrirt und. Voir, Striiits,, •
EILA.MI , 3I3NVAajt.
B. wow, a1.04c6..
Ettxrdwar6 41 Cutlery.. ;
an now mewing latest ahoustosu MS.
',blob I. °Send s -Dalian al •
Canter Liberty and 81. Clair
I.lttatbruirsiz. 3Pak.
• WIII. M.
Ilmultertf COOSIXO .TUV11.4.,; •
At rftd ; 6 rt.t a NNWIT. "a" Ti fivti
ilaa ail ads orIu.OHINII4II averra us, - oaT.
/A ESP, war nen.
• •
prrremnamEß IIrARU
egablx,a /11/4.1..611.1011MF1LLL OMEN
°mos awn wAsinetnue. -
Re. ST Thlnli Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
2.1.! M BIDD ANE"4",
•••• _
elits—The ban calf th
=d t zfrir wows
07 Wags snits PM_ 7,