El Rittbutt 64Etts CITY AND g'OI3I3IIBAN. STATE UIRISTRA COM'ENTION. Ileeesit Dew. rrecordwg. /SOWING E/.YltG:e'. The BMW Christian Convention, tho opening session of which WAS held TUCS day evening, the proceedings of which we gave in yesterday's 1.5.911 e, re-aassem bleCyrreterday morning. In the First Presbyterian Church, Wood street, at g. o'clock, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. W. B. Chidlaw, ono of, the yice Preddints, the President elect, Rev: T. Miller, not having arrived. After reading a portion of the. Scrip* tures, the Convention lolnrd In singing ahymn. The next halt hoar was spontin devotional exorcism, which were Partid red in With deep interest by the maw 'The Chairmrol stated that in order to perrect the blank papers would be distributed Ihrough the audience; and delegates who had not yet reported were requested to write their names and real . THE Dilitt"lSTON The timei for discusalcin having Ant ved the Chairman Announced the following topic The Chrileicui. Row can we increase our personal devotion and sense of re eponsibillty, and belt secure preparation Lor chtistian work.: The dbicusalon was opened by Rev. W. R. Chidlaw, of Plneinnati, Who 'was fol losred by' Rev. Dr. Blair; Indiana, Pa.; Rev. W. H. Locke, Liberty street. M. K. Church; -Rev:Mr. Long, Mr.. 7. B. Bake, Salem, Ohio; Rev.. Dr. A. K. Bell, Alle gheny; Rev.. J. K. Andrews, Rev'. 7. K. 'Ormond, 'Rev. Mr. Fink, Dr. Martin and Mr:Burwell, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. LETTEUR TO TilE CONVENTION . Anal' the ' discussion wee Concluded, letters were read from several ministers conveying their well wishes for the Sue rams of the Convention, and invoking the blessing of God upon their labors. ORDER 0!' neSININg Revak F. &swill, Chairman of the Brudneu Committee, then announced tbeorder.of exercises for the afternoon sessiott, The Convention would rv-isr sociable at half - past two o'clock, andline At& !four would be spent in devotional exercises. Frousthreo o'clock until half past four the third topic on tho pro gramme would be discussed. The Coro- Mince also announced. that during the afternoon any person in the oOngronn. lion who might have questions of a Christian character to ask, could write them out and send "them to the Chair men, with the name of the pgrsou they desired to answer. In cave no name was desiated, the Business Committee • wo rld assign- some person. A sperini invitation was extended h.) tocchanter, and workingmen generally, to be iant tendanoe at the evoning,sexsion, and par ticlAtur tiL o inthe exercises: • • of adjournment having ar rfted;-sttler 'Singing .an npproprnite hymn, the .benediction was pronounced, and the - Convention adjourned until half past two o'clock. - AFTERNOON SESSION. The .Convention met at half oast two o'clock, Rev. Snarlll, in the chair, and the devotional exorcism commenced by singing :the 14th - hymn, ~:aa 1 viynm. u .w 7 The • Chan:Dan then read a . chapter from Pants Epistle to the Romans, after wilt& he lewd. a note Rod had been left on the table. requesting the prayers of the Conrentica in behalf of a young man. og.t.tdi city who he alleged the Mit of Intemperance, which was signed by. the "Mother and- Sisters,". after which the Rev. Chit:Haw offered an eloquent prayer. which - Nu . followed by singing the flit hymn; ./Leake. ea sent &ow.' !al. /Dallas the greet Re ecten era prs The Chairman requested the brothers toremember the young man i their prayers who had been brought to n their notice by the note which had Just been road, In compliance with which one of the delegates oftered up a beautiful nod ptoucldng appeal to the Throne of Grace behalf the young man for whom the special prayers of tho Convention had been aoltdred, and ail others given to the vice' of ,ftiternperanee. At the close of the payer another notewnsrrodstwltirsb lug the special prayers of the Cortvens Roo in behalf of an absent brother. At the request of - the Chairman the Comm:dim:joined In singing the third hymn: m omit, or every le essl.t." Prayer was then offered by one of the delegates. After which the second verse of the third hymn was smog: • ...on Mgraser bee arm: &debtor.. licc..W.4. Reed then led the maptincr In prayer, which was.fellowed by oing lag thtreecond Terse of the fifth hymn: “Ite ►aw me mired by the fall.' After mhlch one of the delegates led in prayer. DIMMAGE OF GREETING no chairman announced that a mar sage of greeting had been received from the Young Iden's Christian A-mgmlation of Cincinnati, which read as fallows : 2i/the Ymeq - ,,lfen'ir Christian .elssock • tion of Pittsburgh, and membere of Use Convention assembld: Tho Cincinnati Young Men's Christian Amemiation sends greetings to you, and pray,tt kiod may guile yon In your oust We present out motto to your. young • men: "Stand up for Jams. ° The hour appointed for the discassion of the emend topic having arrived, the devotlmud exerclies were brought to a close,. and. rev.-, IL Thane Miller, the permanent CLairman. having armed, took the Chair, sal announced that die Convention - would be opened for bred news with prayer, bg Rev. Mr. um, of Cincinnati; at the does ottwhith Mr. ti ankedotbe Cot vectfon for the honor conferred` iNet • him by selecting him as President o rho Convention, and after some Nellie' remelts, requested ' the Convention to sing: the tweni.Y. -sov oath hymn: • Wet b....yr di11.... • WO all th) (11 , t . r.larr Arens - . • The Chairman of the Business Corn midi, =flounced to the delegates from a that the Committee had inc. evaded In procuring return neketson the Pennsylvania Central, ittlarbeny Vet-- ley,' Pitlabuigh and Connelleville and Panhandlirroads, and the Mononga hela tante, but they mere unable to ee. eau° tickets on the PUG:burgh and File Lad Pittsburgh and Citicanoroade. , .A.NOTIITA MILaiUIE. IF. President announced the rectldiffin of , a dispatch from the _Christian Con vention la Mitulasota, :which read as •!ThirMlialacaola Slate Claistlan Aeao clatloa to tha Convention in •ecatou. at Pitlabargb; mends greptl cc, Colloidana Iht I. ebrr iii4 . and 9th venal, and 2,1 • Thew. chapter and Ist Tem (Signed): ' B. d.. CLICNINMIA24.- , • • - TILT. Di.ocontst. • .Ths Convention then proceeded to dis ease thit errand topic, via: "The Church --How wall we develope the Church; tuatafest, emputbd nutty, and im ;proia devote-Val meetings?" Rey. A. . A. iturnett, of Milwaukee, Witconsin.operted. ale discussion, and In Iprd to . the v flyst_point, said that to de erg moat m arvelop:de.l"Ttildwi ind i vidual the principal add most ttnportant work to do in order to develops the churchft. rndl vidnal effort must be made in an earnest Manner, and be made continually; and it would of itself make a combined effort, - and finally acoomplish the obleet for which we were laboring. Let eli work for the one end and much good would be attained and It all work Ihltlatelly they • - Clinici . or Oar to'oee good mount; follow. lie .related a number of anecdotes Illustra 'tive or his position. and ehowing what gOod had been accomidlehed by Indict dual. efforts. • At the coocluslon of Mr. Itumed's re-. marks, one verse of the nth hymn leas !slung: • wrlts Leta Is .stin Id.•• alf • The Rev. Mr. Blair, of Indinun, Da., next addressed the convention upon the topic ntider'disensalon. Elle • reularks ware foreibleund to the point. Rev. Dr. Marshal, was the next "peak ; or, and,eatertained the convention for ~ ten minute', the full time allotted hini, in an We . manner, letting forth the power of the abbreit, and of individual" j to do good ff their efforts were put forth the proper dlieetion. • - =nun ViONI tiowann cnitny. Bev. Dr. Scent then read the fellow .lng letter: Neer Tom Orptetnber Mt. Ply Due SWUM. Essumm-Your letter r geom. 7th 0061111(dUrtIqg my vacation. opg;.ve not teen able to give lt an early re ply. I have oat time to prere the paper yea so lent, bat I can aho ygis the facts megt irog oar ohnreb work . , and you can pablua 0111001 In 007 trey by which the woos et Illrt nit re" ferthered: yjealooo4u y egg sp Poo Canan gratoefa. Obtlnten nurtured young Ysw sago and women. They hive a COTOIIOO3I mentlng every eltordelr eceolog rror tanned. where emu Y Ponoll . 0 . Carted h obliged In Ids into to lead th• sweettett sad every youoir rose's expected to prey when called on. or teenhort. mestlage are very hvely and nealtby, and boa, Lbws' Mts. means of developing the . erne of out young mennocr. PO that the/ sang* leaders In ornebborbood prayer wiseetess. tied kave0OP11.10111:10 in !meeting to others of Christ and Ills raltralon. To hal*• imwdel meeting at my ta.lw on re mouth. This meeting le impeded. lt to °paved lean geriptermaing lag and prayer, and eased at tea ehtlock t. exactly, with the drmalogy and bauedictten. 'wean ee essembly ',Loam separate. The guesting leanly sold la the pastoes house on that these details esn be exactly performed. Via two hours of the thee time are Oman OP tO promenadlog, 4:Anvers/dem a c e d mum 111 a a vary charming evooleg. The coo =Pagrentdettlktraterbt. th e ri fl er::: ineeehlp and personal nymnathy. Thera 1LT00K11011,40.11 Of the A•welikalos: 1. - Ott thatday reknolt-To . the geoday ye nted. are provided with teacher. Os leiVedeerfirev-.To look after the young strangers corning to the church. , 3. Oaths Sek. OaXnachtece-To attend lei thetailieas et 1.11 Jlesoclatlos. and on &veld all emend Unions lesellege. 101111 'very tettoormin, yortfortoernefTo And employment a. Ors tae AM Ar""9B-1° al;nl44..the , Airlifts Of s two Peoplebt . Christlltut We /me been •great blemluf 10 00 prom) the Tory Ilfe.osotra of nor Church- I thank God constantly for nutting It 1 . 10 IDC beat , to 7000/1 1/0 Ladies' Auxiliary bacirVlLs. .t. dutr, . 1. To employ Bade reader , S To Intermit the OM. of the emigre. gation In every form of (Midst lan rork.. 1, PenhtilY demanding the SYmPsti , i 1 1.1 14 LLM - operation of ladles. It haw a innately meeting, . r.ll .3 ' .....1 ' tMen the visitation of all the ladle:. f:le an. noel POnntiOnit. all, 111. The &sides divides thin - 0444a of Vet news, poverty, atiliction soil distrematoon ', Its mentlrera.anopiementa L 1.411010 of the ' psstor, the Dimeon i a f nod being dread, 131012 na the Ca.. MAP meal. IV. rho Sunday' &howl . Tioehers of the f i rer nelmolo (about 110 teuhen. lit all) 000 the ma. tlible lumen Ott Sunday. and on Tuesday arenUla meet In the Chapel and hear a lecture kern the %materna the !clone tor the ensuing Sunday. This lecture be pedeavore to adapt telltale eapeelal want. V. ASSportfory &moss are preached every Sunday afternoon in the textroar sec ond eel - Vico of the Lord's Day. Ina+. about 1 twenty verses (awarding to the natural tilvistons of the tinniest) Of the historical Lr atirrathre porUons„ and make It IL COI. tlnlatielrpollll.lol. I honan with Erodes 2.1. (tarn of 'roses) and •am • now at Daviit l l contest with GoOlth. (P..alm 1-17101 It has taken me three years to Rothe, far. I bare no manuserlpt for these exposition, nor do I prepare any thetorie Inc them. They ere plain 4111 Courses bat I study three days on each expoeltlon, ming every awe or Uebrew, Uldory, Geography, .10 etrerlogY. 6e..,,te s and mean Drayer. I have a fine , map of Palestine (mule foe tboplnpaso by ' Ralph Wails) haus op behind my PolPi , I'flees exercises bay° mule my OroPlo Bible students. One of them I Consider worth a doxen of Inv setscrew.. . . . VI. Our Prover Martino ten rrhlaYaven log) are conducted by myenlf and my Eld-. era in rotation. tau leader orer.s, lavel out a hymn, and reads the Mule lesson tor the evening, and then throws the conduct el the meeting Into the hands of the mmulens —toringing the mention ton clone Penct ally at the ezdintdon oc ttrs hour. t have never known a meeting to drag or lank in terest to oat church. 1 *oppose we have one htliNired pursues who can nen Ulric gifts or public. VII. I glue a twenty' minutes' lecture. (asnappr as Ic•n make it) On Seriptute iieogrephy. to Mir dome Sunday Scheel. nu every Sumlay afternoon at three o'clock— ono flour briers the church service. using mane null ManrOneltb VIII. Oar Sunday , ficheof Duch,' are pledged to Matt mulr Masans at their nom. regularly. In pastoral feet eoolall calls. hit Dean Ilsovnadt—Thom are the Ilona of principal Interest. Bot , of coarse rhluery is nothing without, the Soleil of God. 1 have a noble people, full nr falth and prayer, and three, under &Isl. le the tu rret or anCeeea. They rebuke me by their Zeal. Ida not pull them—but they pma 'loathe these !ni " gh lines„ hastily written. may'may'no of Ferule' , to you. and with be wtalleA for tno en tag ut t our work. I ow yourO, inrhrist, lit 17•110 Coonsr The Cluirinitf,tnted that the time al lotted to the dismission of the topic ander consideration avniu prinAink rapidly, and recommended that the time of each speaker be limited to tiro instead of ten minutes, which *MR admit:ad, - The familiar hymn, ' IM!== . . • seas thensnug after which the Chair- - man Introduce d. Roy. W. I.l.,Chidlaw. Mr. Chidlaw stated that we wanted the power of tho C urch prevailing with God to d to bring u s out captairas and hosts. There was a wer in _the Church to compel all the at ring, hungry hosts to emnoup to the ;anctuary and hear the wort There was another power in the Church to be developed; he referred to the gift of teaching.. The power of the Church lies in the resources whielt God has given to theM who love Christ; and if these resources could be brought out, a barren desert might_be Made id over flow with the rtelies of God's grace. Rev. Nir. Judd then addressed the .Convention. Ho said he did not WWI to =keen address, but rather tell his es perlence. He related a number of anec dotes or incidents, which he said came under his personal Malec, showing how much good could he douo by individual 1. effort. The President here announced that he had been informed that a number of per sons had their pockets picked.. He said he was glad plek-pdchets were present; he honed they would attend all the meet ings; lint the delegates had no more money than they desired. and he hoped they would keep their hands. In their own pockets. He then requested some brother to lead in prayer, and wished him to remember the pick-pockets. His mined was complied with. Rov. Mr. Cummings, of Brownsville, ... next addressed the Convention. At thecloscorMr.Cummings' remnri,, the Chairman announced that the hour tor closing. discuusiota hurl arrived audit wt have to close unless the Co o ventim ottitr‘vis% During the time they were studying on the matter, they would have the comet ions which hod twin propounded. The Mmt question propounded to din Cliairuum mad as follows , : Eire Qacorion.—Tho newspaper.. of Pittsburgh speak daily to 1i0,004 romans, !, Is it not a legitimate work of tho Vining Men's Christian Association to bring special agencies to beer on those who coutrol their columns by peter and per. soonl effort., that those fountains of greet Milne/num may be beneficial and wioethied, and thereby dedicated to inn service of the Redeemer! &coed . Question—flow billitt we Induce our -young arum who prefer Gotilinew to exercise the gift of prayer? .. This question was answered by a dele gate In a brief address. Rev. Mr. Burnell, of Milwaukee, stated that it question had Nen submit ted to hint, which read as follow,: -Can you toll anything of the effett of etrret preaching in Wisconsin 7" Mr. B. answered the que.tinn in a short address, In which be said the/ it had been very successful. Mr. Shepty, of Blair/grille, propounded the following to Bev. Mr. Seosdi: "Should chnstlans preparo themselves by prayer In their closets before attend. inn public meetinuar Mr. Soortl replied that the :quoiltion was one that arbalued of a wide range Of discus-doe, and preferred havnir it re tetrad Wel: to the Convention. lle said ho could answer the question generally lathe affirmative. After sin log the fring meter Ilozolncr, the bc-nwiletion woe prom - Mooed, nnel the Convention . adjourned until half poet seven o'clock. I=2 The Convention - rieassemble4 at half past seven o'clock, and the devotional exercises commenced by ,Inging the 3!th hymn. =2 after add& prayer velts offered I,y Rev Dr. Speer, of Altooni. • ' 010 0 4.700000.. The Chairman stated that the time fnr taking up the topic for ditsue*ion hot arrived. The question NVX4 as follows: The Church and the TV,ltt. Rhall, we ascertain destitution: ristele'l special claims; carry the Co.pel to remotenedghborimods; so insprow etinrell arrangements as to secure a lamer st, tendanix; and overcome the spocisi tinkles arising from the tempt:air/to and excitement. of city life? Rev. Mr. Chitlins , opened the dis cussion, in an able am; eloquent ntereib of rtwenty minutes. The speaker had been a chaplain In the army. end ita the mane of hbo remarks reFirresi toe num ber of intemegzg incident; which oe curets! under his y.crtonal observation. At the claw of his reioad.e, the limb verse or the 34 hymn WWI 81111 g, ••Cmike Oeutot at of every 1 , ..ea11ig." Rev. A. A. Burtlelt tollowed in the dis cunsion. lie oocupiecithe full, time al- MUM to him, hi au able nod 'eloquent appeal to the citizens Of Yittaburgit to go to work to earnest. At the close of his remarka the Chair man requested that two nil:Wm, bri spent in client prayer at the close of which he affered a most iiloquent, audible raye,, and then rung the sevetoenth h ymn; "50.11 we caner at sae stri C r The entire audience Joining in the clients. The time allotted to tbediseusslon hat , lug elapsed, it Was about to be brought to a close when It Wan announced that Mr. I). M Moody, of Chicago, woo prat.- tint. The Chairman etattd that the tline would be extended, and Mr. Mccely ad dre....l the Convention. lie rekLrrod ryt length to the works of Spencer, of Lon don, end Garage Muller, of lirlat4, and of an Irishman. In Lublin, whftt, be said, had printed and circulated more tracts than the great 'trsq Society of London. At the eioo of \tr, 7.lfoody.'s rermarks, the Chairman rommtel that while the congregation was slnging the iirvt verve of the lieVenth hytuu, “Tn.tistr thatbsiwareaos,•• it there were any persons' preseitt who &mired to have Brother Moody utter up:: pray er for them they would rise t•, their feet. Thebynniwassung,andanumheref persons Woughout the congrtmuion row., when Mr. Moody offered a tottah hitt prayer In their behalf• Rey. Sheaf,`' Superintendent f the Young 'dien's Chrlatian Ateinelalinti of Cincinnati, next addressed the Conven tion, relating the workings of that Asso ciation In that city. At the rhea etilfr. fibentra remarks Mr. Smell real the following propost. Hon: 1 "I will be one of, ten persons who will pay the sabtry of a mintster, to be under the direetion. and- control of he Young Men's Christian Avmelatton of this city, whose duty shall be, in e4sincotion with the pastors of the different, Evangelical churches of uur city, to t he out lute our streets and lanes and preach Jeans and Elm ermined." • The above was .iigned by a responsible man, who regumted that W*11361310 might be supprms. • Aftak some little solicitation by the Prolddent nine persons in the congrega tion sweepted the propr.ition, after which the Convention adJourned, with prayer and the benediction, to meet this morn ing at nine o'clock.. —The Eanton Fove- Pans says: Loot evening an Irishman gunned Sally at tempted to commit suicide by cutting bin throat with a razor. The tool 'wantno dull, qui filled to led the existence of the son' of Erin. tie bled very badly, but 'Squire Lenher being Informed of the fact, took one of the man, and saw that he-did not bleed to death. fratly Ina been given too ninth to drink, and while under the influence of liquor at , tempted to kill himself. On two previous ocatalona he threw himself on'tne nark before the locomotive, buttbo engineer would not- allow his train to peer over the poor man'. bones, and be agonized , himself through life until he nought ee -1 lief byk mor. lie will undoubtedly be sent to jell, or tho poor housitdo4afp keeping. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS —On the 13t11 inst., Wm. Martin, aged fifty 3-ears, fell from the platform cf a r or. 'nn emigrant train, aMila paaslw.: Dnrmek Point. near Jobrenosv n. lie vws badly inJurwl, but will re-os-er. —A :man named Wa,le. INetts her, Planed in the 'folickyr:burg ,;all, on toe charge of esommenitaz a rap , on 1. , - evina Wilt. of . .111,hent - tor:ream, --A Mr. Kara, it Way nes Station, Cl.rs toh ersontv, nee. fr e ns clays lit the lerealiln, at a derrien scith wheels he tilts holteiner to het -intro f.er a pier ir the LeNVIO,..Q . terideio. /heath NV:-.ln (Jr leave. a fanuit. There W e re Iwo of lei , tole- at work is ale (inn at the time of his death. —The proprietor of the St. Honsr, at I.li , r2er Cherry - Ann. wo, robbed f Between and :trio on Wednesday. It seems that ht had left his react hanitinit in the house., with the money in oue