The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 22, 1867, Image 1

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    THE DAILY GAzerre..
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003120111011 LL TAPER to the Mae. •
itau sablnn
1 , 4y.0,n.;,m1F -- rnd
Eljs gittsbalt
Gizmos Naos, of West I'llisdeh
phis, left Mame On election day for
the Pens, andjramthalthne wanton*
day last his family:weld not find any
traces of him. At length atom"
ed that he bad been taken up dead &wok
to a certain station bein that
. city,
where he had died of ire .
pain during
the night. Nobody ha recognized
the body, it had been our to the
I:inivensity, and the widow disoorered
on a dissecting table among a dozen oth
ers, all more or less mutilated. A mad
encounter for the relict:
Timm is an 'enterprising' New York
evening paper, which:Emceed' in col
lecting more criminal reports and ru
mbaing them 'withappollinina ma than
any other pilaf.
give the headings of a few of them from
one page as a specimen:' "Dog Fight
to Jamey City." , "eloTs right in Wit.
liamaburg," "The Tombs,", "Dubuc
Highway Roblery at the Binary,"
"Assault on a Female,V "flanging up
flu Drinks," "Amu& itith - a vial on
Measure," "Boasted' - to Death," "ilea
Death from a Singular Wound." These
are only' select few, and "Uri' what •
little eharptise clan do. Every evening
a mew list oil:wears is dished up. ,
A 61.1101L1.1. 9LD IIIATTLEXAN, per
fectly inofferadm, but a little out of his
- mind, who led a_niatila for watches, left
less hone in Damien ' N. L., on Friday,
With are gold watch es and a well filled
Packet boot and wee found by an old
negroes in hei liaise at Reign's Point.
dead, and with nothing but a bunch of
keys in his *kit, The old rupees die
- appeared, and .0 is supposed that she
murdered hittt
SECRITAET EitlfaiLD,.:llo.Tillg his _re
tiremeat at leibarn, is Mid to:bare
remarked that his amvictirm was that
the Democrats would eery New Fork
State this fall. This will probably make
the Republicans feel pretty sure of vie.
troy. They aught feel oer4fnithehed
- specified the time to elapse before the
election, gay osixty days."
Porntesyna MEWL, of New York, is
about to int:Waite a podumn's WO=
and secure mail wagons_ in that city.
Thu is certainly a move in the right di
rection, and has teen 'adopted by emu/
'European government solely on account
of Its metriM. ? We sincerely hope that it
will be wire* leriMhtced all over the
A Juan on , Mode . Wand mute,
Washington City, caved in on Friday,
gaged in - excaeating. One was killed
instantly, one was seriously Injured and
had several bones broken, and one Was
acutely broiled, Although .they were
side by side - at the_time of the accident
C. C. Idris, a Cloonan, late, in the ea-
ploy of Drexel & Co., Philaulphia;lum
gone off to parts unknown with some
$30,000, raised in sums - of - two or three
-,' thousand dolhcra, procured from all who
would lend, on . . Third street. He had
calculated well, for no one person loses
enough to makerpunialt worth' while.
• Hoer of our occhanges here bean da
lighting oureyes Information
that Pittsburgh issbout to buy ail her
bridges fora million and a half of dol.
lora, and throw them opect free to the
; parole. We guess not The defeat of
consolidation' kilted that philanthropic
I project. • .
Awn:writ'Bocinial of New . York,
ins in the act oflaing 9 guroted on 134-
i lltdaY morniog.'whon he was rescued try
policeman, whci,' lir. Buckley's
assistance, &mated the pampa :stern
Mr. Buckley only had ten deibirs on Ws
person, hardly Sufficient to pay for the
IiAND Of Gypsies, twelveinnumber,
la reported es carryirig on an excellent
badness at Biudmabarg.> Their Qua=
; it said to bee woman of remarkable per
, ettual beauty and attractions. She may
have dreamt that she dwelt In marble
ball once, bat tied thin is pest noir
On Thursday last, two women were
1 burned to death by tha swoloshat of a
can of bmziiielii satire: and thiseirerei
1 were fatally injured by an ezpioeion of
,1 gunpowder in Burlington. Vt., Benders
• can number almost as many recent tic
time as guripoWder.
Imorrs, the New York artist, is lbl
lowinin tlirik,e,ol . Gustave Doreduid
hu be
gun Sustrating Temiyam's
Blaine. He has already completed' two
gne oil paintings, the subjects of which
an taken PVIBP4tt idyL .
,) Ts publishers of Dr. Selland's Kith.
tine announce the 17th thousandth in
• prem. What am, they hare done with
all of the others?' probably they are in
` prey too
Targsrm Mosey atastrieuren in Brasil—
liadmiesa of the uuw owe.
7 Tabliwnelnia,tha I'Malbarak Ounta.3
Raw Yolit,'Oet. ,-- 21.-2:he steamer
t Bergh America, from Rio Janeiro Sept.
Bahia 80Ih. • PirMienlmeo .Oct.' ' '2d,
P '
Para Bth and St. Thomas 15th, has ar
-1 Arad.
The Brarilisn "Parlistffent restihated
the issue of paper arty million
The Chlst or Pollee at Rio wau enforc
r ing the continental system of requiring
keeper's of hotels, to furnish. daily
Beta of guestra,•ami demonnoe trospecW
ts confirmed that the. allied fleet
passed thel batteries> of,Curcips, end
; were within range of Ramata. Th e iron
2 , • clads suffered to some extant, said had
thirty-three MANI and wounded. 'ne
t Paraguayans were actively atrengthen
lug the inner lines of defense. The
2 allies were well supplied and had fifteen
days' proviskaw. - •
- the river Amason was formally
opened September. 7th, by e
. grand cure
s menial at Pats.- No foreign own Weer
p r esent, though invited.
Ardii= ba. ! been discorered
t n Tiroops are still being sent to the river
A ministerial crisis °mimed at Bue
and new ministry was formed.
7Sincli uneasiness 'was felt at Monti
a2 video, from suspicion of the proposed
• attempt at revolution.
The Emperor. of Biatil, in his speech
i. . closing Parment, said the Government
expect an, early and' honorable amelu
sion of the etruggle with Paraguay, in
• which initialed pride is engaged—
lieu's al ars ltastetesa gieettea
i ,couireesteataleee-gereeseir illefetwe
.-asdessiste Detainee at Quarts*-
. ter weasel, w taaameasugaeuette.)
• Nttw Ourmaiss, °Caber' 21..i.-Special
I Order No. 186 declares that the total vote
of the State of Louisiana, at 'the election
j ou the question of a Convention, to be
71071, of which 75,053 were for a Con-
Tendon, 4,006 against, and 05 blank. A
majority of the whole number registered
having voted, and • majority of the vote
mat being for a Convention, the
elected are notified to asaemble d
vention Orleans,
November 23d. Tho order is stalled by
. General Mower.
The mortality report gives the number
of yellow fever ig i termentsf the tree*.
te2rtfiVyhfilve, nes "'and ye s terdayng
thtlinx% en -
`ing this morning Theweather
is again oppvely .warm mul the opt
demle consequently is not decnsaing.
ship load oLortilgranta which as ,
g t rived hero from Europe, was note jp ect
mitted to land, owing to the p revail
epidemic. The. slap waosrdered below
city 'until Militia:miters can be taken
or beard a Ammo - r and
without landing here.
- ••
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Funeral of his Victim.
%pedal Dlsp•tai altPlUstnuilMisql.)
CANTON 0 Oct _i. _ 1867 .
The Man liotilnan, who murdered his
diver Wed wife, Was Yost, was this morn
ing, at seven o'clock, found suspended
by tho neck, dead. , The physicians who
examined the body said that life had
beim eitinet for some honrs. Every
precaution.-bad been taken to pre
vent his committing suicide, but since
learning of the death -of Miss . Yost he
WWI determined to die at WI awn Lands
rather than survive Ids trial. Them was
cmoda — t steitun of people passing in
and out the jail to-day to see the corpse
I of the murderer.
Tko fonenit of his victim took plume
Win ofleroooit. Over one thousand, pat.
Geo. IL Pendleton, erlildo, Biggest
IA agile, DemersUe
Cisonsisart, October hL—The Cincin
nati Rnriniter of to-morrow morning
will present ihe name of George. H.
Pendleton L 4 the choice of the Demons
ey of Ohio and the Northwest for the
neat .Preiud* eat of the United ; States.
The li7rutairer enjoyed great celebrity
as lving the leading organ of Douglas in
ISA - -
The Enquirer sayer.
_"ln . about six, months the National
Convention of. dieDemocretle party will
meet for the purpose of selecting their ,
cundidates for President and VlosePred
dent of the United Stales. In common
with the Democracy of other • States, our
friends in Ohio have a preference, and
that preference we propose to express.
It is a preference thatflonewholthow the
sentiment of our people,who have seen it
manifested in many. different ways, In
the local press, in private letters, amain
*dittos" conventions, will dispute. In
the name of .the victorious Democracy of
Ohio, who but the other day :sent greet
ing to the Dam emacy of the Union that
Ohio was redeemed nom the rule of fa
naticism; that she bad vindicated the
Constitution, and arrested the bold. tn
reer. of _the • madmen who have been
tranapllng upon the rights and liberties
of the people; In their name we this
day seize upon the honor of presenting
the claims of Ohlo'e native son, Hon.
Gehrge it Pendleton, to the Democracy
of the oonntry; Ohio's choice for the
high office of. President of the United
is not only Oldo's Make,
but he -is also the favorite of
Kentucky, who will send a fall
delegatiM for him to the National
Comention. Indiana, Illinois, Iffissomi
rind Minnesota will not be behind Ohio
and Kentucky, in their devotion ;to
Ohio's noble and trusted statesman. He
la by ell odds this day the strongest can
didate's:a the Northitrostomd, we have
mason to belbsre, In the United' States
lie possesses; in a grant degree the Dem
oenflic popular confidence, which was
given to Stephen A. Douglass and upon
him ham fallen, In the Northwest, the
mantle of that eminent man, A gentle
man, a scholar and statesman. whose
histgry andehtmeter are known to the
country, and everywhere recognited and
remelted by all parties, in the
very prime of life, with a mind
inured to ea:diked= and 'study,
with the habits of a profound
thinker, the experience of a hied
eminently sound in Judgment,
eloquent in the expraelon of his
thoughts, candid in his political views,
with an integrity that was never clues-,
boned, he is that model 'of a President
which we had in the early days of the
Republic. With him as our candidate,
standing upon the platform of the Con
stittetkm, equal justice to all sections
of our commoncouritry, with equality
to all, special priilleges to none, the same
currency - for. the bondholders that the
people aro compelled , to receive, the
prompt payment of the *bile debt mit
Ails due In' thn , legsl tender- of the
nation, the immediate restoration of the
Southern States to the Union with their
full Mare of representation in both
branches of the government ma guaran
teed by the Constitution; and universal
amnesty for all politkal offenses- With
such apktform, and George IL Pernik-.
ton as its exponent, we will sweep Ohio
by fifty thousand majority, and also the
country, as We did with Franklin Pierre.,
ill M w
e, him the conqueror of Mexico,
Gen. Scott, was the candidate of the op
USI ToWIWI. to Qs PlWbszeketasis4.62
WASHTiGTON,SDard. 1867
LA 2M oiu..N . r iv cu.3::co zomL.
The Secretary of the Treasury has sp-,
proved the decision of the Cominissioner .
Gemmel of the Land Wilco in relation to
a Mexicarp grant in canton:dm, called
Sabrette De tian°into, confirmed to
Gearta Del Itoeariu wifo, of
Joao Antonio Aguirre. - The giant 'con
tains 48,847 acre°, adtnatedin Elaralicruar
dino county, about eighteen miles from
San Antonio. The survey was resisted
by adverse claimants, but being' now.
sintsined, tho Sibratte claimants are ap
plying for an early Lame of the patent.
171. The
thb Ferdan'Oenaral O'Neill haw beencity.
dining the pass week in, puled
-IrFenian organisati In
At a meeting here to-day be mid be ex
pected to recruit • regiment In the Die.
ilia of Colombia. Tbb Fenian general
tutiV:ttinr hn acme, urwan;u4nunerismirZ
already on hand.
The Treasury Department to•day re
ceived a letter_ In= Brooklyn, °amain
ing check on the-Long laland.Bank for
wren hundred and ,seventy•orren
The Judiciary Committee iv progress.'
ng slowly with the ylaud Investiga-
Con, owing to the didiculty of obbduirig
General - Pile, member of Congress ,
from the St. Loots district, is herolook
ing at tar raceme Emitters in his district.
Them wM bo a dotage among tbs.:slcent
there very moon.
etto.aor or Arras.
. ,
The Mowirciiiiii -Thizeau will thl Week
require atl dfstilleiries tn annex the
Tos,:viamnmi ELECTION
Inerrmatkrn from a Iteptablkan ammo
In Virginia Is to "the effect that at the
election to-roonow the patty in favor. of
■ convention wiliprobably be tiefeated.
non= circa:en stmerlon.
Adybonfrom,l 4 torth Carolina sag It
seems probable the object for which the
Convention met will ber debated by the
oontentions ot
ptboearls &Urea factions.
e mai of th tak Tlittle
Th intatait in ttio e
endallng str i fes and are
devoting tbetneelree to the cultivntlon of
The Presbyterlnn Syixtd (old itchtxl)
t G i z
of the Gran Committee to tbo Basalts
doss of various Prcelryteries, to hope
that they ntay be eo acted opon as to toed
to *union of the Old end - New Schools,
makeln Strum but hi teallnir, and
the y re-uttitod 'Church inclosed one
body to doctrino, spirit, truth and loco.
• rximers lastre.
. . .
Tem hundred end forty-ono patenth
have been lamed from the Patent Office
for tho week ending on the
ONLY• nrcurrnna.
(moral Cr-Neill end. Colonel Welsh
are not organizing .a now branch of that
:Fanfare , hero, hut are nimply recruiting
far the Roberts tVillg. The former hay
been eloctod /lad uentm for this di,.
111:WilH.idrageblmary t 0... Lomas.
. . ..
E ij i gdatiees to th e rittanllik Quetta)
Sr. Lonny Dot. .2L—One of the stein
extensive =I ever committed hero I
assured last t. The wholesale_ Jew
elry store of M eter =No. /4 !forth
MLitt street, was e ntered, e seam me,
rd aiat!drotu 110,00 to $15,000 worth of
jewelry, constating Of watebat, both gold
and silver, - diamond slam and a lance
lot of gold and Silver ohas, taken. No
clue at to the robber. yet.
—The electionln:Virginia takes place
—Mai. Gen Pleasanton hos riwiliffied
and will retire from the army .1 money
—Judge Redfield, of Vermout. the
special ascent of tho . Government in the
Fearer Trenholde t.wee, will sail for'hiti.
gland on Wednesday,. for the xerirposo of
effecting a settlement of the attain.: ..
—MI of the autharitirefof the Tivaeeury
lie_partment deny the truth of tbe l , report,
which appeared a few days agqthat the
Department had information elbowing
the • amount of counterfeit Governtuent
74:1 bonds put in circulation ;t 'be ohe
million of denims., • '
—General 'Sheridan to yipeeted in
Virsahington in the Grat week ofNovem
bert and unless • tbe President - ehangm
Ida intention be will be ordered to take
commend of a now military department,
which will embnCee Maryland and the
Dietrict of Columbia. .
• —The intimate friends of the President_
assert that hu denies the correctness of
the words, attributed to him by his Bos
ton organ' to nit: "That he would for
cibly resist' Omtgreits In ooze the latter
an act suspending m from of
=afore' him
—A Nashville special to the New York
Express says the Tonnes-see Legislature
win act 11mi:trebly upon the recommen
dation of Governor Brownian' fur the
reimbursement of loyal citizens for lees•
as =stained during the war.
—A territle galeutieurred on the Lab
rador Coast on the 9th Instant,:erat eo
far unheard from some thirty .Nessels
have been totally wreaked. Also, an
Immense amount of property end forty
lives lust. Wharrta‘loats and ttleh oft
on shore were washed away Steamers
are leasing SL Johns with relief for the
sufferer., there being over nne thousand
people leg destitute.
—Marshal Goodine, of North Gain Una,
pow in Washinaton, reports political af
fairs in that State as inn bed condition,
and very much mined up, there being
strong enmity existing between the two
wimp of the Republican party—Radlods
and Conaercatlres—and that the object
for which the State CoriVention reacm
bled will probably be defeated-Qom this
—ln ..plymouth Church, - Brooklyn;
Sunday, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher pre
senfed to the wangregatlon au appeal to
mutat a Union lady in Charleston, South
Carolina, who proncoes to remove the
three hundred and eleven dead Union
soldiers now lying In the Potters Field
there, to Magnolia Cemetery, and erect a
monument over them. A volleetion or.
Moen hundred dollars a r e made.
—The sub-Judlciary Committee in
Maryland affairs are likely to have a
busy time, as, oontrary to expectation, it
Is probable that there will be considera
ble testimony taken in the ruse. The
subject- is of such wide stole, and is
likewise of so novel a character, that it Is
ditliccdt to tlximy-decided plan for • the
investigation, and It Is; therefore,
to include much that is irrelovant or that
bears upon sldeissues merely. About a
demon witnesses have thus thr been sum
moned. -
—Eon. :James F. of lowa,
Chairman of the House Judiciary Com
mittee: in a letter, states that he express
cd no opinion regarding the Impeach
ment of the President outside of the oom
mittee room, and that he will vote either
for or aptitu 4 reporting the ..ftkiet: of
i ai
r " es= n eu en ly t. unfounded ru -etate u“ gors se whiah
have been published recently, to the ef
fect that Mr. Wilson had announced
. -
•hunge of opinion on the subject. The
me remarks apply to Judge Church
till's position to tins mutter. • •
—The GovertnentCommlssionetayea=
terday acvepted another section of the
Kens. Feeble Railroad, extending to
Hayes City, to wtiich point passenger
and freight trains am now running. The
mad to graded some forty mules beyond
Fort Ilarrmod thwlrenttg•lveing
—ArehhishonSpauldlng; who return
ed on Saturday from Europe, Ttaewel
coined on Sunday' at Bilthnore 'by an
Immense gathering or clergy and laity,
and othera, at the CAM .wfra,where he
lirmod a sermon on the late eighteenth
mammy celebration at:Rome. ` •
The nehoeuer Winona, Alth fourteeli
hand., including the Cliptaiu: was loot
ihtober hith off the :Union cost, bating
capsized while racing. -
—There were siic yellow rever..inter
niente In Mobiles daring the Inuit two
days.. . ,
By Telegraph to %tie ingtougil ensue.) - • •
ZiKo• YORK, delobor IR3I.
Thomas itulane, who was released
from the l'eultenUary last Siturday,
where he had been incarcerated ou a
chargoa of an attempt to kill, this morn
lug <sails wlfe's throat and thep cut his
awn. Both bodies were taken to the
station house in Williamsburg. ,
Three hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars worth of corporation land was sold
by suction to-day, bringing good pr teas.
A Boston oirreiporidentot the F.:lpirest,
strites that owing totheiritimacy ut thity&
Holstein, of thri - Piassiteu'Ll&pabm, with
the wife of Charles Sumner, the latter
procured his withdrawal frothWisbliog
ton-. The result of the affair being that
Mrs.' Sumner has gone to Surope., and ;
the Sumner establishment Washing.'
tun is broken up. Nothing criminal is
Washington special to the .Erpress
stator that Mr. Ewing, of Ohio, a brother-
In-law of Gen. Sherman, still has the
best show for the War Department, and
will probably receive the apWntrrient,.;
with Gen. Sherman man adviser in the
President's interests. •
The Episcopal 'clergy of this city pre
sented Bishop Potter to-day, In Trinity
Chapel, with anmicirem, - congratulating
him on bin nib ;Mum to this -Dksmse
from the greatE.nglish-Connail. -
anon has been given that the government
will not find It nomiletry to send the mlt.
hazy exiedition serous Ike Alpe, mad that
thnforee which bad been =mewl for that
ruin* Will be relieved
Generals Sheridan cml Clinton 11. FisiCe I Renteihnoyent.
are at the Fifth Avenue lintel,
. . . .
An attempt to break jail at the Louth"
was discovered In season to prevent Its
being earriedont.
Five hundred dollen of the riot fund
has been paid to the widow of Officer 31c-
Cheetuey, murdered' on Saturday; and
elle will dra* three hundred per annum
from the polite fund. The funeral takes
place tremorrow, and will be attended by.
a huge detachment of police.
N. Hill alias Edward'Williams,
and an neromplieo, have been'arrestedas
the supposed authons of a somber of
stiesful forgeries, in the way of orders
on meonmUle hOuses, in this city.:: .
Dipartilre and arriesl et' Viessmsls—
Oateare b liaise ass saw
estilles la lambs. Laded
Dimaerae Mims Mamma Fa n&
H..-vins Magid sad Thaw nem
greineudy Ireamtee. .
Cal Tittgraph to the PltstntrOt auette,t
ScA Frusch4co, Oct. 19.—The 'stem-
ship Golden City, for Panama, nailed
to-day with 1 , 42. 9 , 6 4. 5 in lrea.:ltre, Me'
-Ilk for New York. • Senatom Con
nowt and Stewart, Iteprceontative. elect
Tehnson, and Generalx ldedwit and W.
11. Frenelterepassengent.
The steamship Contient4 from Ma-
Milan Oct. 10th, with sloo,oooln treasure,
has arrived. she- loft at Port Loper. the
United States steamer Saran=
The steamer Merin Nerada,Trom Port
land, with *i02,000 in treirrute, end ad
vices from the l'iorthi to October /sth, hoe
The Indians in Oregon and Idaho tran.
Untie depredations. The /Minkel= of
the Allem and Allen perry . , have bean
ptru-ed and proved lobo aluand
tenons.- They-were surrendered - by the
Chief. On the spot, another, was hung
end the rennueder placed under guard.
. The strike In the Idaho mines has end
ed; end the companies had commenced
work Tin, sonto pas , lng the edvence
. . . . , .
A dispatch states that on' the day of
the election at Little Lake ' Mendocino
county, a shooting affray occurred be-
Lemon two famines named 'Coates and
Frost, 'Five of the Coates *ere killed
and three dangerously ermmiled, and ono
Frost killed and another mortally woun
ded. An old feud had -existed between
the partite.
atilelee t■ doirlOi.
Ms Tsleirspo to laa ritubanib essatti. 1 -
BOSTON, October T.;
formerly a merchant, and recently in the
employ of tho Congressional Committee,
In Maim at this city, on the subject of
the treatment of Pirrott prisenem, com
mitted suicide this morning by hanging.
The Situation Critical.
A Great Battle Reported.
Late (Official , Dripslclitts
French Interyention Unneoess;ary.
osincuta trlC9ll
Flatlyfflontradietory Reports.
Menotti Garibaldi Reinforced and
Ade anoing
War Preparations In France,
PrusslA-nryi Amain. .
Dv Teletral)h to Um Elksboarsit emus
FLOREN9I,' Uat.. 19. P. 51.-11110.
Lion of Italy fewer& Brune' is still 'em
barrassing and eriticaL, Tho., Italian
troops on duty on then...inn*
beim roinforeed, and the oaken§ *Witt'
under the are making increased,
eliorta'for the.wilisfachrirdiarltarge of
their instruetitnia. l All Italy is excited
in a remarkable manner et the threat, or
French Intervention, as reported from
and the twinal war 'preparations
whletitire iselng Parlifd on o at Toulon.
RatsMa bar's been reeeired In thlanity
from Roma, dated Friday evening, w filch
state that a tierce battle took pare be
tween the' revolullonsry Invaden and
the Papa troops the previews afternoon,
in which the soh:hens of the Popo twos&
the town of Windt, the tteribaldlan force
soustalnlng henry
vEN-rtos ITNNIirk•SAIIT. "
LONDON, October W.—lmportant offi
cial dispatches have just been received
from Paris In mbstnnt Alfaint in/fain
ft in announmerthatlttilylias porrittVely
pledged herself to enforce tle, pros Woos
of tho september treaty. .
The Park Rat* Kaye the Freneh
troupe posted. I,leut:they could
have been nuertloti ttr fdpe•al n
momenVe notke. •
This decided stop of the Italian (loc.
Mutat:arta :tempted at Parts as cantlet,
lug French intervention I.IIIIICOMMIS,
and the French expedition has, there
fore, been abanaoned. :
The Insurgents, In elotacquenm of Urti
- tiniaokesi for attitude or -King VilStor
Etnanttel, lutes• _evacuate:l the Pontifical
territory. .
Ftommos, Oct. il.—Roports that Gar
thaltll.. has;:disaprestred .from Caprent
eio - . reiterated, and scent to meet no
Hattask„ Mix resigned as the head of
the Cabinet' He swill "be maenad . by
!.;em bfetiabrna.
Some of the bands, of ineurgente 4111
remain in Papal territory, and the erne
meg.= le not rnmplete, MI was KOVit,lll9l3.
Lome's, October
counts of admire the States of the
Chuzdt iuo coitilletlng:' Telcgrmnltaturn
Florence reinospt. [link : Menotti Carl
l;altil not only millntilne hisrpoeltlon
tho ROMIIII territory, but his command
has been roil:am:od and Is hourly grow
ing Larger. On the . „other band, dis
imtchos, originating In Boma, daily eon
undlet„these stptainents, and assert that
rldennitt, with all ‘ his folloWera, has fled
from the Papal dominions and abandon-
al tho atm:no on. Rome.
LaTriTlll7ll4.lfiEnalit., 'Oa;
bas Inumnoned Oen. Cantina to Florence
uml entrusted to him tb formation of
the 'Bilnietry. The peo 's uspect Mat a
now Cabinet L. being lined In the tu
tored of the French Em emri`Petltione
ore pouring to from al partis of Italy
protesting against the deleridon of the
the nati O ual catuxi by t.
the Governmen
Palm, Mt. 2L—qPighf.—ollieLal ,iiintes
Pssum,, October 21.-2ifidnight.—A dhe
patch front Toulon states that Orderer
betas received countannandinir the sail
ing of the float for the relief of Rome, and
that the troops, were dlsemberktog from
the transports and returning to the ibex
. .unostmolistow. stevistm. -
FLonageg, - Oct: M.—Rotated addieeeed
a largo tcrowd of people ' who. wore
making4unonotratio satin favor of (tort
bid& deciared in theinoet emphat
ic mazder that victor illumucl would
maintain the honor of the nation in the
.rule through which It was passing.
rucgwfxriosenoxtiett is
Gariba issued a prochutudlon
which adds to lhoprovalllngexcitement.
He exhorts tho people of Italy to pone
.vere In their patriotic struggle, and bids
them hope that the national, honor may
yet bo.redeomed
ThuNtrie York ileralea cabin special
says the French Minister assured the
Popo of thei Old Of Fiance; also, that the
French 'fleet and : troops loft Tedon to-
nlghi for Rome; also, that Win rumored
Garibaldi has eespaped from Caprora and
Pe-rettewisee, Oct ..
21 .7 - The tree l Y
with the :United States for the sale or the
Rpositter•liti;th ..Alneticte
hem; been ratilinil Ruesien Pov
JOINT .111113iVigifTWA Ur; .1 , 137 n011."5
PAILIM, October 20—Elnming.—It In ru
'rnored to-day that the leading European
rowan, Vrith . Prance - hi joint
fakxventlon - for the nottleltleA.Of- - # lO
Boman queetten, and the preservationof
Tho Fretieh 7 6tbltiet tiao':iddreastd
circular note to its representatives at
foreign m e net loiernr4Piedgfrig rgenre
to enforco the ittpulitioun of the' treaty
of September.
- The c*eltoutent add anxiety created
by the : remote innithtually_strtelog ; hole
toto:yery groat, and reales aro tlnctnattng; -
' vnEvuofzuran CAW.. Alva*
P.m.., October ,
2L—Tho Journal dna
Detain denies that 'the Prone!) govern
ment has granted subvention In aid of
Ott now Atlantic cable from Breet to the
American coast.
.No answer lino yet been returned-by
the King Of Italy to the oltimMuntot
the Emperor Napoleon.
o. c.
i.oxotdr, October 21.,--The Arricrimut
squadron under Parraiuttccday sailed
from' Portsmouth for
RI Lisbon., •
LONIXIN, October 21.—Tbo price light
beetreett Mare andO'llaidssin hail - been
given op.
NE , VA/ATIKFIT,.: October 21L , ..Ercning.—
The third earicA of reeve atttfewmarket
commenced today. kosicruclan woo
woo the winner of the Criterion stakes
Van .Atchnrigh lAA , the: - Cho hnndrod
sovereighs plate. . .
LtornrooL, October 21.—Erenisg.—
The Royal Bank of Liverpool had sus
nended payments and closed Re doom.
to Ilahllilbss are estimated at t 4,W0,000.
It is thought the tonic will be able to re
sume busiluuss.
Dtm.ts, Ott 21.—The inforiner. Reilly.
hos been idiot and badly wounded nest
this city. :Several polloomen, moonily.
had been tired - upon in the night, but,
mine hurt. The authorities ant en:
in a vigorous search tor the , perpetrators
of three outrages.
Octobe of
iirnerza. Nagle, Colcinel ,Warren aryl
prottllnimititinfq plinnon
. 4
etod in the Fenian . nansplraay, wW
,MILUOUCO on the Zith :Ntreember
fore a ,Tooke! Comrettettem It in told the
Vatted Sinter Government will"l3mvitle
roi the defmme of Naglelkel Warren.
thaober.t.'l.—The 'North Gar..
mark Parliament has papa.] the 'Federal
NI Hilary '6ervioe
The new postal treaty between the
North German Confederation and 'the
United Staten vrattaigned to-day.
The: North tremolo Parliament has
adoptaaik Monteath, postal law; to oper
ate everywhere within the borders of the
Confederation. The bill contains a elatute
deviating private letters inviolable.
MA1.1E11.1.42% Oa. 2A—Accounts are
i*vtived Prom, the of'Goodin of
the arrival of Abe Tlarkhkh Grand Ch ei
mid 'other members of the Courtm*oz!
of Inquiry. The Gmnd Vitier firaf mct
&patentee' of Cretan tnentrxesta- at
Canes, to the presentee of id the Canaanite
the foreign puffers - The ttitunbens 'of
the deputation truants] upon the anion
of the leiland telth (imam.
. .
AR111.1•20 0117 T. -
sotirrmarerinr, October ,g..--The
steamship Amid* front Near York, nr
rive4 this morning.
Loirnostiminv, Ortiotier "t3.--Tha
'*ioanuship St. Dart:l,l4nm Quebec, orris . -
e.l at l'irovilis this morning.
' facnit:oot,' netibee
Cotton firm; Middling L'phmids, Bb Or
leans, SI; salsa of 11400 baled. Bread
!gulfs nave been cur,* quiet during the
day; prices hive been gradaufig deelite
lug. Com; new mixed pastern 43e
- Wheat declined to lie lac Callhunis
white, and to . lie Sd Inr red wtedern.
Oas, Ss lad. Precisions steady. Beef
L:Os. Pork, :le. 13acon, 45e 6d. laud,
Ja 6.a. Cheese, ;Zs. Produce unchanged.
Petroleum, is 2tl folspitits; .1a tial for
refined. Tallow, 43e 641.
latabox, Octobar 21—.E'rening.--(7on-
Nola !Inner at 93 7-8; Five-treaty bonds
, Extrzi Coupon Illtnola Central
Ts; Erie t 3.
LONDON, t..kt. 21.—.Evening.—hiugar }s
quiet:at hosed chtkes dare *d'art
ml to LII per ton. .Bpermoll
Awrwisar, Qetober _l.—Petroleum Ie
tlat at B 2 4113108.
l'nuenvonv,Ovtober2L—United States
bonds have noivanced And are buoyant.
PARIS, October. 21..—Under Xavorahle
Bennis have an upward lenderng
and greater tirmneas on the Bourse.
Estrium:4 AND numer. mrsituu.
Fltitter.—The Empress and Prmee
Imperial s liecom pulled by sit' Lavellatte,
wore cruising about the ward of Blarribe
In a steam gun bola., and at nightfall got
it whip's boat in order to land at lit. , John
Delme; but the pilot missed the en
trance of the harbor and ran the boat
ashore. The. Empress, the Primo, and
bL Lavallette were fortunately landed in
toady, but the pilot was drowned:.
The Patric announom that the Ern.:
press of Austria will not accompany the
Emperor to Paris. His Majesty le ex ,
ported on the 28th at Matzgic.
At the aux-Mary -31/111.9citablishment
of Framant, France, the hands were
working night and day. Seven hundred
*lea avrecit'svere turned. out an d four
teen hundred will soon be Issued per
According to a •Paria - Jettrnal Prince
Napoleon - urges th e Emperor in the clam
ed and mpg positive manner tq an
nounce the''pacific policy of Fran by
proclaiming the abiolute principle of
t wan pnanicrioss.
litTn9l.4.—The St. Petersburg corm.,
pondent of tho• London Times *rites
that the Rnssiaas are. reinforcing their
troops in the sontitessteM provinces.
This unmistakable move - is aocompa
ided byt he Moscow Gazette varying its
habitual vituperations of France by the
oocasiotud insertion of an article point
ing out the advantages ofaltressrel reach
'alliance against Germany and the East,
The Got°. of St. FeWingues
thatlettssia should stir up the sturg6 Moose
ardor 'of France And Prussia, in order
that - *o may derive from them similar
benefits to those eviddh they reaped at
mu-- expanse during - the Crimean mun-
,Als.easplidr Stu..
es—r•allteuttary Wardpia OONVesse•
Walt et Cft.lll.l
[By Telestore to the Plttibarlre..l
IiAMIYILLY, Oct: 21.—Yesterday, on 1
Charlotte Turnpike, near town, It. F.
Foster, eon of the late Monitor Foster,
while daina Mine in WI, buggy, was
shot by It;IL Douglass, eon
of Byrd
Douglass, .a merchant of t h i s • ty.
Douglass, who was accompanied by his
•brother, ugh Poster, was wounded 111
the hand and breast, though not danger
oualy. The parties occupy high - .octal
= o s,..ang ol th on e el aira ii l on r c ea r aile i Lr o uch
tatissioner, to-day bound 'the Douglfe l ;
over , to the. Crizumal Court for tiial,
ingg bond in $2,000:
The Dhstrict Cmirt of the United Stater.,
Judge Trigg, convened at the rapitoL
The business Is likely to be retarded for
want .of a District Attorney, tho ofilco
being Vacant 'and the Premident unable
to appo,lnt .under the tenure of office law.
It h. expected, however,. that Justice
Sanwa° will appoint a temporary Atter
q'he investigauenof the charges ngelnst
Cot. Hull, warden - of the Penitentiary,
wow brought to a elate by his confession
of the charges. He will-be tried for em
bezzlement by theCrimmal Mona Hon.
Thom e 8 . licElwer has been elected
warden In his
ClliTeaUcraas in Um PUlaitatai fisaidt..l
peril tourna ment opened az Zdeaodoon
Hall to-oled,„ end wee attended'by a
large The. garne•rerioi he
treen Fwd. .'jkalterrean Cincinnati,
and Velment= ' - Or - aims°, Acker.:
ruan won, making three hundred against
Teraienten's-one hundred and aixty ,
eight. Ackerman's average wee aluteen
and two
.thirds,' and - Lis . - laid run "was
ninety-eight. The second game was
between Park,er, of goy elan and Sny
der, of Louisville, Parker winning. ,
. . _
I , ADA.
Ger. i i 4Witimesits—/Liaerteas
Invce DI “711149.11espber Bask
Tnlsinpll 1411.131.• Plitsbargb (Mutt.)
'Orrow.i., 4 21.—The official Gazette
contains tho fiirpointment of Cu!. Hard
ing. ris Lloutpflov. of Now Brunswick,
and Gen. 11410 as LiouL Gov. of Nova
The dimming. on Americui ititoitiea for
the week ceding Saturday wee 31 per
met. '
.The bauld'etatement.ibr September lir
published, ' , Provisional notes tu circu
lation, 43,6fid,G99f debentures held by
Receiver General, 01;0,0001 epee., in
resemo, $7114.= ; bank notm In circula
tion, ti,l34,te-B-41ile . oxcluaivo et New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia returns.
tiitapikessmenitur 11111811•16
:ay Taegraph to the rainbow/has:Mod .
RICIINOND, OctobOr .121.—This after
noon Mr. Hunnieutt, in aspeech on (Up.
Itol .denounced the Northern
men here, Whereupon one of them said
be was "a daunted liar." At this the
ilegronsatdevi to mob the man, but
trudead caught a German andwere
abbot to kill „The pollee aucsweded
In rescuing the :awaited were followed
to the station house by the negrocs, Who
behaved In' a very disorderly manner,
throWLng stones, be. All :is quiet 13CPW,
tilt MOM is much ezeitement in regani
to the election.
There happened yesterday Morning a
few mintites past seven o'clock, at
WetWer'il Mille, ten miles from the city,
'on the line of the Fan Handle railroad, un
waident of a terrible character. The mt.
rattislato' victim, a man name! John
Lanahan, a reunited of Wis city, had
been - sojourning in the neighborhood of
We accident for several days past, and
Testeeday morning's/kW the station
'and procured a tick - 014 his passage to
the city. All the tralnivaa approaching
the station hone% be endeavored to craw
the track within a few feet of the loc omo
, tire, and woe struck wroarely by Wet:ow
', catcher and horribly: mutilated. The
e:freaaofthehce was torn off and
tebon t lenwmostompioe
He died instantly. TetWday afternoon
Mr. Alexander Aiken, the well known
undertaker, • No. lett Fourth street, via-
Itedsthe wane of the accident, and, after
refining the body, brought it to the
ratidenott of a battler of the deceased on
Tunnel street. Coroner Clawson was
wattled, and will hold en inquest title
morning.- -No blame Lan be attached to
the conductor or other officials of the
train by which the unfortunate mall was
killed, tut hie death wan the nevelt of his
own eareleesnetra.
. •
Some weeks ago we recorded the ar
rest of Marry Dell, on the charge of hav
ing stolen th e `.parlay clothing of a num
fir the Moithegabela House servants . ,
whfi had sleeping qtaxterw at thia•3fer
chants hotel. At the time no evtdlnee
could be, obtained to essten the charge en
the datsky prisoner, and he wasprotupt
by-relesed: Mr. Will= Croup, ono of
the victimised colored savants, was not
=Vol: r i
tandlhaVaitth De ll' s
' u i p un tlr me ;
Or to other words to play detective. He
lonely witched • Bull's movements, and •
Mooned the goads offered for sale at the
psarnbrilkers• • offices and y secand-hand
establishments-of the city, in order to
gain a clue to the missing
/16 ener g y anal patients , wan 7e=
rewarded, for at a macond-hancbaixas he
discovered his own hang lost brOaathes
offered for wale, He made • ingtdrieas,
traced the unwhisperables to the .moo-
rent Harry. ant informed otljeer Mc-
Cready, of Ise Maaver's pollee funs% of
hLs alNeovers. An Information um
made before Ills Honor, anal at hlshouse
le Roberts street, In the Seventh
theaemised was arrested and reeve
to the lock-up, where he remains prePar
starui, to being Jailed or hailed to answer
the charge of larceny at Corat. Moral:
aidai clothes and murder will out.
. .
• Miss .13rroline 3Secallkey, the cele
brated rantatriee, of Philadelphia, will
give two grand ioneerts at the Academy
of Nitrate, in this. city, on Wedueeday and
Thursday Meitings, - Octobm 30th and
314. Mini McCaffey Will be twisted by
the following. distinguished talent;
Madame Henrietta Behrens and Miss I
Helen IfeCatTruyV I Phibidelphun Mr.
Theodore Habelmann, late of Gorman
Opera troupe; Mr. B. Behrens, late of the
r•rakterch Concert 'troupe, and Mr. J.
Bonita, of Pittsburgh: Manof bur
readers are aware that it is quite a trait
to bear tho Misses .McCaffrey ring.
Madame Henrietta Behrens is a first
dam sopramcof rare culture. Mr. Theo
dory Habelmann is the celebrated tenor
of the German Opera troupe.. Mr. B.
Behrens, who will occupy the reoponsi
l i r n llr r tigo i l . o p f A .. .ndLeto m r aud
As a Arian m Ist,
to take part in the concert owe ortirds of
the higbast order, our Ottawa may-an-,
tteipate a rare utrusimi treat;
• • urea, Digger Fkaten.
John doet is engaged In the task of
disinterring the bodice consigned to rest
the novrebantionsd grave yard of the
Seventh ward. H s.ocimpation is not
calculated to LuiMinellin with any par
ticularly jovial: feelings, end be cannot
appreciate the practicaljokee or the boys
of the neighborhood- Yesterday, a lad
named Hunter, annoyedhim some way,
when losing all patience, ho administer
ed to him a 'pretty sound mustii;ation.
The father of the boy heard his com
plaint, and nought out goat and repaid
him by a sound body beating. The grave
digger!appeared before Alderman Al ,
beita., of tivtaifth ward, and lodged an
information against Mr. Hunteifor as
sault and battery, whereon awarrant was
Janice Robinson was out hunting in
Penu township - on the 11th of 'fiat An
gust. Game being acrarce he concluded
to catch a cold by reposing on the grass,
and, stacking his shot gun near by,
fell asleep. When ho awoke he found
that his gun was gone, some fellow-hun
ter making It his game. Yeeterday ho
found.the missing weapon at a house to
the "Ninth ward, and learning some par
acceruning for its absence, he
. pretlinvd a charge of Larceny a gai nst
Burns, the. alleged Pennsylvania Rail- ,
road robber, who is now in jail. Alder
man Taylor, before whom the charge was
made, lodged a commitment against the
prisoner. A: hunter who eleepa cannot
!taped any better luck than to be medal
gnmeltlmaell by more alert eportamen.
In the Wrong Box., Quito au am us i ng
case was brought bathe Mayor • Mutts ,
thy yesterday. It appears that Justice
Arent, of Basurve ineendthip, - had - sub
punned 111711X10113 named Rover to ap
pear and give testimony In a wee to be
hcardyeatentay. The countable nerved
the subpoena on a brother of the Witness
deeirod, and he made appearnnoe at
then office of the'Jnstioe at the d eetaaatod
time. - The worthy Justice, it to alleged,
lost tile temper and - kicked . the witness
be didn't want out of tile office. A suit
for assault and battery before the Mayor
brought by the Injured individual was
the watnequence: A ware:int woo issued:
Itquatic Itace,—Tbesp oil&frater
pits A
yln beginning to ,ovineo co clerablo
Interest In tho forthcoming roue' on the
Monongahela river, between Henry
Coulter, of this city, rota John Mekoil, of
Cold Spring, Now York. The race, ac
cording to the articles of agreement, take.
place on the upper course, or betwevn the
Toter mile run and Pestle*,. Makell to
expected to arrive in the city during the
present week, and will go ret
active tea filing. Coulter is in good condi
tion, and le undergoing severe training,
Violation of ileattot—Georgo Haunt
keeps a tavern ,fir....Lawreucetilley at
WDlcil one Jeremiah altiahony, or some
of his frieads, obtained drink of intox
icating beventge . on Sabbath last. In
order. to show Ids appreciation of the
.law Jeremiah turned Informer, and pros
ecuted Baum for willing the "ardent,'t
before AldermanStraiu. A warrant was
homed; The accused will Is taught that'
Sunday sales are without
_profit, if the
of ,itretiser.triolation prove
. .
pm e med i . Lem—at hi no.yery pleas
ientthing to have one's and altatelenied
upon for gebt., unit wo.etth hardly blame
ungh witypahlrk: tbr thwarting arch .
Meer John .Barr!.:Bat he
of t:rday, Stui,thq officer charged
hnnWith the offense hetork,Aujerman
stain. d warrantwawleenedo
Death et an Old Pittsburgh. ,
The Washington elrineide, of Satur
day last, says: "We r regret to learn of the
death of Mr. William Hutchinson, who
has been for n long, time connected with
the Engineer Department of the Capitol.
Mr. Hutchinson -was very well kitown
in this city, and was generally esteemed
and respected. His furore' took place
from his late residence, Ore-italf
street south at three o'clock r.
Mr, Ilutchin-son sorno years ogo,
sons Mimic' tlte 'Crick making busi
ness on Boyd's Moi {V33 widely
known in this city and adjoining coun
ties. Ho Was In this city only a ;rev
weeks ago, and looking hate and leanly.
During the war he was ;inactive member
of the Pennsylvania Helier Association
at Washington City, mid Many a soldier
from . this vicinity will ever rirmember
rho many kind gifts he carried them
Whilst lying on'bods of sickness, or dis
tributed to them when 'able to visit the
store-nit:mos of the Association. De was
aged forty-coven years, and h3IoCS a with
buf no children.
amainl7 Assault.
Patrick Hogan was before Mayor Mc-
Carthy; yriterday, on a cburge or amiult
and battery, preferred against him by
John Paine, on behalf of his:brother,
William nine. The
i alleged assault was
ommntted alien William l'aine, on Sat-
Imlay afternoon. It appeare that the di: ,
fondant at present attends u little talloon
on II igh street, formerly kept by It erip
pionamed Matte!. to Saturday - U. ,itt
jured man went, to the saloon, and,
during his 'left, us is alleged. he was ue,
vaulted and badly beaten with a bottle or
chili (lithe bands of. Kogan. From the
injuries retiolitxl, Paine to confined to his
bed. Officer Moon arrt-,sted the defend
and, and he gave ball for Court.
Riaiding Romeo Robbery.
• • •
A few dap *ago two men namielJosoph
A:kali:may nod Sayers . diSinz
pearad from * heartling Lutist, in Ver
sailles township, and Aith them brush,
razor box and some clothing 'belonging
to fellow bunters. The vietiros did not
regret the absence of the individuate, but
felt Aggrieved that their ...fleets lihould
accompany thetn. Loughran, who
just mime of the :Whine, veeterday ap
peared before Alderman liteMnsters and
charged the individuals mooed with lar
ceny. Kennedy - was arrested, and ac
knowledged that Ito !tad phiyfollv.taken
the goods, but fully eannomted pan
. Sayers, from any complicity.
Bo AM o}llllllitlell VI jail to await his
trial et Court.
Desertion. Maip lateen. Ileum made
information pstterdsts . before Alderman
E.S. Morrow. of the kighth ward, eitarg
big her husband John t.. Raoul with de
sertion. The accused left his ssitit on the
first day of last March, anti since that
Unto has refused to contribute anything
towards her support- The .defundant
WAS arrested and hold fora further heav
leg. The prosoeutrix resides with her
sister in.
Ueghev, while -the accused
holds Ids residence in Sharpsburg.
• perjury—Yesterday George Primp. of
(pakten,' township, was before Alderman
Thomas our charge of.wilful and car.
rupt perjury prefem,l by Anna Grant.
The perjuryallega alleged eras committed at a
hearing in &cube whore proeemitrie
figured, we believe. :IA defendant. After
due consideration the Alderman concim
ded to lipid the aocu'eed in ball tenwait
further hearing in the caw. '
Baas Her. literbeati.—Wm. Uevinn
yesterday made Information againmt big
wife before Alderman Taylor ; of the
Fifth ward, charging her iTith assault
and battery. Mrs.. bovine, it was al
leged, took occasion ate, does ago to
strike her husband with a etub on the
bead. She wee arrested. Tjte parties
reside in the Third ward.
Kicked Him. -Goo. Shafer was ycster-
day before Alderman Taylor on a charm - ,
of kieking a lad muncd W.. 1. “srdcncr.
The boy bad been playing nlennShafer's
out, much to his annoyance.. and hence
the trouble: A warrant was issued.
There has been thrown open to bus
mem a new and sultiumbir atocked whole
soleliquor hoagie at N 0.307 Liberty street,
oppoeite Smithfield, by our well 'known
fellmr ritireas, Measra. Jobe Roth J: Son_
The Senior member of the firm ban had
ample experience la tide Vile of trade,
and bit high buelnena reputation will be
ample guarantee of the character of the
kept In the new. house. • The
unlor member, Mr..l. Y. 'Roth, is also
well known in commercial eircloil, nad
will ever be found in uttendanee ut the
yiersrooms. The store hes been tined
With an immense ll stock of the choicest
wines, brandies,
_glint, rums, whiskies
and bottlednquors, which lutve beim sp..
daily imported from the most reliable
houses, by the Messrs. Roth. .The firm
make old German wines and pure} rench
Copts& specislties, andwill always
keep such a stock of: pure liquors on
hand as will gain an edvmblo reputation
for the- house. We sincerely commend
this new firm and new the pat
ronage of our readers. .
Messrs. Gardner S. Stewart, eaet cor
ner of Market • and Fourth streets, No.
e 5 have now open and for sale, at whole
sale and retail, the largest stock in the
city, in all grades and qualltice, which
they propose to sell at less prices than
the same goods can be bought elsewhere,
also showing a greater variety and en
tirely new furs. All buyers of furs
should remember this, and avail them
selves of this rare opportunity to make
their purchases. .
They are also opening a large stock of
new dry goods, most remarkably cheap.
West corner Market and Fourth streets,
TW.4 -• • - GAM:Mk:ICSTEW/ILT.
_need the Teellmeny [reel 0310 of the
Magee Crisp me e,r Atietbens City.
A.LLSOIINNT, Oct. 14, 11 ,, 117.
Mn. Gm. A. KELVEY.—ikar Sir: I
have been troubled for Some yenie with
the complaint described by your adver
tisement of Dr. Bargurit's Diuretic or
Backache Ms, and ooucluded to give
them a trial, and ant glad to say they af
forded me immediate relief. I claccrfully
recommend them to arty one suffering
from like symptoms,' foaling iv:militant
they will do till you claim for them.
For sale by all Druggist, ,
yPriee 54t
omits per box.
Whitetail wool blankets 14,08 wilt $ 7 . 00 .
ga • . ,1 ,50 s,OO
5,00 " 8,00
5,50 10,00
" " 11,50 " 11,00
" " " 8,00 11,80
" j - 0,00'" 14,50
10,00 " AOO
11,00" 10,50
12,00 0 17,50
- Largest stock, and cheapest broods ever
seen in the two cities, on west wetter
Market and Fourth streets, No. 0
To Wholesale Ilayerit —I am prepared
to offer you at my now house, ho. 104
Wood street, a superior lot of Trunks,
Valises, Carton Bags, Sutatela, lower
than any other house in the city. T man
ufacture all my work, and can warrant
them to be mado of the very bust mated;
al. Remember the number, 101 . Wood
sTrn:s Josgrn Lin.utant.
A Very Desirable Country Rums, st
Hazelwoal Station, Counclisville Rail
road, will be sold at auction, on Friday,
October 2.5 th, at 1.1.34 o'clock,' A. n. The
desirable msuleueo -and grounds of the
late Colonel Wm. Ilper. Soo advertise
ment in our auction column. Smithson,
Palmer tt .Auctioneers.
Thinks! Trunks!: Trunkealf —.Element
bar the place to get' your' Trunk.. Wa
imea, etc., In at Liebl erh Trunk Honor,
No. Wood street.. BS keeps the very
beat andhllthe lated Rtyi Call In and
examine. T rn.
Conirlotion. will follow a fair trial ,of
Ward's Fluid and Powdered Dentritioe,
as to Ito merits In tha pre,ervation of the
teeth and hardening the gum.. Sold
wholotade and retail by Joseph Fleming,
1'i0.84 Market street, and all dentigik, sitar .Vor.xtrr !ann.
CLO, goodn;_sablimu Oat !
uullic.iti addtkui, at has prices th an nail.
be Candid in the two cities, on West cor
ner efllarket and Fourth streets. '
TVs. ilatinannos Sriiwairr
- -Desirable Bea;deuce and Ground. o n
the 'Second Bank, Fourth .ward,.
gheny city, st auction, un Thai-hay
arl.4th, at .l o'clock p. 113.. Smadver
tisememt of Bmittlson, Fulmer:a- AA,.
For coodart, U 7 one, nt tbosq Gents'
Vine Plenaing's; 'pTo,
Messrs. Editors,—ln reply to a curd
bearing my name, pnblished to Satur
day's papers by Smith F.: Cuwley, of the
Iron City College, I desire to say that that
wtawritten about three years ego under
false impressions of their - Collegsi. Soon
after giving it I found woo deceived,
and, not desiring to. Injure them by a
counter statement, J sent them at private
notftieation Hint I withdrew It, and re
'quested them not to publish It. They
now compei .ine to say, publicly, that
!heir ceurset of business educatitin is not
to be compared with that given in Duff's
iderceutile College. I leave. the pub
lic to judge of the merits .of an
institution whose principals ore private
sot main this unwarrantable nannor.:
I Very fcspeetfully, C. C. CO(iiSA.N.
Masser.. Editors —llsving been 111-.
duced to 'visit the :Indian sale of lots at
lleboken yesterday, 1 desire. to state
through your colutiut, that under the
very able management - of Messrs. Sill it
Siltittierly, the favorably known 'Real
Estate Agents, a tree number lots
were disposed of, at excellent tignres,
averaging far above those of the previous
sale. Purchasers were enthusiastie in
their praise of its location, and at their
earnest solicitation another large block
of lots will he offered for sale afauction.
Saturday, October 20th. • Free trains Neill
leave tflu Western. Pennsylvania Rail
road, Allegheny City, at. ted.i and 11:20
A. returning at 2:45 r. 31. A free
lunch will be furnished.. ,
Dry Goods at •Wholesaile.—We
rite the particular attention of buyers at
wholesale to our comiPlete stock of silks
dregs goods, and all kinds of fancy and
'staple goods, and to the fact that we sell
at tho lowest eastern prices, and cut
goods to suit purchasors.
t 9 Market street.
..runt. Received, Mr the Nev, York Hat
and Fur Housb, No. 52 St. Clair street, a
large and complete sine& or Lrlies'
Romettdvg Cood.—The hoot*, Rho.,
gaiters, sta., for mots, isuliesandehildren,
kept a atreet, uro made of
the story best •material, au - a
eold as low
as the loweat All goods are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you want 110171.&-
thing good, and at gold prices, call a
.11oblia Shoe House, EU market stralbt
Immense Vtart of Ladies' and
Furs at Ulu extensivo and popular ladles'
Fur Ilouse of William Fleming, , No. 139
Kane a Petreientu Map is *the only
coap that wilt cleminge the coal dust • and
soot from the akin aaltlzocd injury.
Suburban ItesMese. and Handsome
Grounis—on Terrace Avenue, Oakland.
at Auction, on Thursday; Oct. 24th, nt
o'clock, tr. e., wilt bo sold the eligibly
cltuated and very destruble irtidenee and
groucho Of D. lloatetter,E.g. Se. Ad
vertisement of SMITIISUN, rAtikElt ot.
Co., Auctioneers—ln another column.
Ladles' Fuiv.—Tho only plate to get a
nice set of Furs in tide caty, is at Wm
Fleminglr, No. 139 Wood. alAvet, • :
To the. Ladles.—lf you want a Nice
Traveling Bag, Toiler or &fiche', go to
Len/lora - fashionable Trunk !louse, No.
104 Woodstreet ‘ ond you will find any
Wing you can wish for in his llne--chesp
and "good.
eye, Eat, Throat, Luso,. CannT
DISEASES and CAT-I:MM • ancoesatally
treated by Dr. Aborn, 131 Smithlield
street. A book by mall 50 cent, •
(Call and Examine the large atoek of
Furs. of the New York Hat and
Fur Howe, No: 52 St. Clair atreet.
Kazies Petrolei= Soap will want i
beryl water as well as in Vat water.
nr A dditi o ,iai Local mutters
on Third and hPag e. Pagt
McKEE--McCEICFAMT.- - On Thoeseho. Octo
ber 1701, ; lon% at the residence of the bride ,
Vrotlker. Mr. nannsel breCriekert. Pittsburgh. by
nor. S. IL Heed, Mr. ROBERT WILSON bie
r:Er, .rn.ti4bertr. tad 311 .' 1118 rtle- 1
IIeCRICIIAMT. of Plttebnogh.
COMMTNEr—BELL.—Ou Monday eccag.
October Met. lO.T. by the Re,. John Dontla.,
D. 8., Mr. JAMES COLMITNEr and Mrs. MAR
CLARKE.—Adds resldence. in Oakland, near
rittsba October o'clock rn. fin Saturday. the
lath of ligf, TLIOMAS
(.7th year of Ida age.
The funeral nut pro6ed from .oakinnd to Alle
gheny ecnittery on TVZSD&T 3101ir1ii0
at la o'clock. CarMagesn - 111 leave the corny" of
tie Tenth and Smithfield streets. of hid o'clock..
- - -
NU. HO Fourth Street, Fittahurgb. Pe.
COFITNS. of all lauds: CITAPES, GLOVES, Ara
trove deseriptlos of Funeral Furnishing Good.,
fornishod. Rmy open day soil night. Hoarse
.4 ttarritges fortarheir.
RtvirueliCht —Rev, David Ken, D. D.,lt ay.
D. W. Jacotnia. D. If., Thom. 'Ewing, E..,
Jnoobli. hiliter.
"" • NCR AND IMIIIALICER, (successor to the
late nantnel K. Redeem.) No. El Ohio Edna,
than doors from Bearer, AllegbenY EDT.
taßle, Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Rose
wood lmindion Comps, - at the lowest reduced
Room, open at Mt hours, dal mtd Mel-
Ronne and Carriages furnished on :bait notice
and on most reasonable terms.
DEECT•Kka. 011 the tat onto suect,
Auezbe.7. ,metaute., uo,owooa other tor
des, with sc.:deplete sloth of ft:net - al run:dating
Goode, on band and fundthed at shortest settee,
at lowest prime Sale and Idler?, Stableis thr
one of First nod 'Middle Streets. Cthetares.
Ithrouthes. Boggles, Saddle liars., de.. de.;
A. J. ITAXJ3III.IIIII.'at tiro Cemetery Gate,'
warranted water proof..
Wpp.—Strayed from the subscriber. on
Saturday. the 19th. WM..% email red and white
COW. aboui four years eld. The above reward
vrill be rola to any one returning her to PETER
041.T11131..11G31.1t, corner. of Coal 11111 and Terry
Areas. Idenelagruam.
"MR RENT—A'large and well
lighted ROOM in ; the GAZICITZ building.
F°'IIE,NT-21lnElegt4it Fur-
NISITEI) ROOST, Ou second fluor. auktanle
for two tinglo gentleman or a man and wire.
For Mrther particular. Inquire at 2q0.. 165
THIRD STREET, above Smithfield. ' '
ward. PI ttaborgh, Is oipen imam ErENINO.
A . srLazipm tiol,l, BEADED CATS will
be awarded to the Editor receiving the highest
number of votes.
SPEC ifAii NOTICE.—In view of
EP m any per.. de hiring to he in greeted In
the art of machine new Mg, (who are not eves era
of n‘Ohin..) on TUC WHEELER 1 NVIT,
wo hero made attangements whereby mi
are enabled to Invite ally ouch to one romis. To.
:t Filth street. Wbere they will be tborneghlT In
structed without charge. To Abase who nee con
templating making it parchneo, ererl o
situations, this will bc' a mod favorable oppoe
-100117. Out easterners are esrnestly requested ,
to leave immediate notice. whille , 'er t.e 7 oe
may be desired, as we hive a large term of com
petent and obliging mothers, 'whose vertices can
bo bad ea often as necessary.
W3f. SUltifErt d CO.
11:;:mr'1%1NO . ,":blq1. 4 f.Zrolug= 1 :4
Lila nrn and extensive inert of •
Cl 422lllMT.Tralic • oiTili. •
Whirl oil be made to order' In the
moat styllen
Tva;VIVAZIRIT. tremor . b aEli e i
be oold on very renoonable terms. '
rerrru. Yerohaat Malec,
oei WYLrE HT.. cam. of Federal
C 0,:. ;
Practicai Furniture Illanafactunos,
Jacat otTleo or I : I7.ANITI7IIE c0n5t.0 . 407: on
. .
kto4%or tCAVY XE1)11111 .
621 .
Honszst HORBI6BI-911E
HOWARD'S Lir z 7 MIRA, zilarr =zit
moor the HoeryahelgAoote•
- • TWO LOCUM. '
A Imo Manta vents:Wan THUOR-StEXOYYIo-
DAM ofinteresting readiest matter, Incising&
i e .do."Amortels, Welt Rturs,by fawns& and
numb., Metter fer the Shaft
and fullest and most reliable Floandal and 00•1
martial Market MP." gW e. b l
the a t , yesmer. Menbarde or Mertbas
Mould be without
Teens ton TIM WILIZIF haleTri:
SluV: Subscribe µ= Claim of Ten ...... LI&
—And one four of payer to the passe gettlaw
op the Mob. Additions to dubs sae be each MI
inn Has a at Mem rates.
Merin. To SUhaCallarma.—ln erdsatis mum
pepem be sere' and speelty arbat oditand yen
emht., Sd .014.0 a 'Wednesday edlttrea by nb. .
scribed hallos but one mall week.
86/Money - by Draft, tkpreas, maw Orders.
orbs rtaslaterod Letters. maybe mat at <Ma*.
Addre”. asziortir.
WANTED , --' A poor/ oroi. f.r
honsesroik, in a family where
thers are no children. linot come well rm..-
evsd , Al. Pre,¢4.ant prefers...L. Address li.
..rt-rs orrlca. '
LEI% oho thorebuitar understands the
waling or stn., Pattern, Adams BOX I=
rntrburgh Po, Ofl%ee.
IlUmber.,lnr,tl6. FRAMERS' wasted
. vatant lot on Rulan.on :trret. near Federal.
Allegheny City.
• • German Igornanj aged Wirt! years, (1/110at
lug Frendt nod Engtl4l.) to educate ctalldraa. or
at amtoraor In hourewura. or In a agora. Ad
tlreet Oftre of the GAnnr. litttborgh.
WANTEP 4.41 of
carariene2 and builoCaa uoallfleatlon
would )Ite ta.nnetflaruself with a (tali - dry, to
„„r d , Wye a St aplc article far whlchlthare L. a
WilICT.r.3l-2 0 000 ABENT&-=
A „. 0 „ sent f re e with mama, for say one
.kit.r ES daily. lu three boars. Baalneas ea
11001Y non. light and desirable. Can be done at
home or trawling, by bulb male and female.
No gift eatery/ire or humbay. W. U-CIIIDE4 ,
Broadway, New York.
- - -
- HOUSE, No. 104 Fulton street. Stalls
Ward, Pittsburgh: eight rooms and orator: sat
the modern linproyements. Large lot. Apply
on TUN '
—Good stock ofLIORSEF. BUGGINEL U.A.-
1101/CrtEn.. Must be void, .0 preeent owner*
other hunnees renulrlng his *Kennon. Located
on Water etrot, sear Federal. Allegheny Clt . F.
Fee (nether pa.rneularo Inquire or WLLLIANI T.
PANT., corner, Anderson and (Knells street*.
dllegneuy City.
FOR SALE--146 Acres of Land,
with one 'doable frame house, apfing Douai
and good spring: small barn; all bundler/Mew.
Emy access to four font rein of coal, underlaying
shout 100 acres. Butte t'and Slumming Torn.'
pike num through the farm. The above will be I
txchanged fur property In Um city or mldatning
owns. Apply to R. S. BOYD d CO., Seal Eat
tale Agents. No. to Filth Street, Pittsburgh.
F °xl BALE.—flowie and Lot on
corner of Manhattan sed A.dalms straits,
at Pasnenfer Italbray. Lot 44 by &' fee,
Moose frame, contain - 447 rooms and good hon.
well Improved. 'Mouse and Lot on Shellieldr near.
Illdreell'e.trcet. Allegheny City. Lot by ILO
feet; bone frame. contains bill, Aro rooms and
good cellar; 'ater and•gae. Also, gereral small
11011Sts god Lois to good locallom, 'Msgr..; 3.
RUST! ,k CO., Dearer curet. one
. WE.OlrgEit TOB BALL that large age ref
Double Brick ?Mansion Homy
Situate No. 56 WASH/NO CON !TEE= Alla
gheny Cliy, cop.lnlng thirteen WO WA 71 , 10
Lashed roccra. - bealdee a kitchen, ;aster and
&ticked batement. all of tha most modern style
midtateat Improvements, arranged dad Adapted
for every convenience.
The Lot iii 60 - by 320 Feet•
A good Stable on :➢o bxt end. Several eaetettoa
tig the ehoicest
Peach Trees, Grapes & other Fmk,
flare been carefally Wetted and cultivated
jkartng maturity. together with boor shra
'nary systematically arranged over th lat. a
lug beauty and reltneunent through^.
Zeal Ebb mod lasarsasePol..
October Bih, M. •
• • In Mei , of the feet of so many counterfeit
notes now In circulation, your attention It nenen
to our
One of the brat ta.r. ever Invented
FOR RETEOTIN% comas - arm H uY
Windt comes at a pries within the Ivaco urinary
One. Save money by, calling at maga an 4 r rs
cbaslnnonm trent
Jewelers and Opticians,
se wx.s•r.loc arrszrasssr.
Merchant Tailor.
Cur. Perm and Pt. Clair Streets,
Takes rest pleasure of Informing his casino=
and the public to general tlist his stock of
Xiss Morcbtxr Glom:napMete.
Noe. 65 & 67-171.1011iSTEZIT,
'loop slintra.
Sir Femme tettblng to butebsen RILL "do wet
to tan:ulna one of the ben nnoronents error
' . .
air Tv rult.ure a n d Household Good( 14 AIM.