THE DAILY GAzerre.. rtsuszto NWZRY IgOKILOIG. Cltalatrgs accarzu) REED & CO., rxxxnius-... T. I.loi t011r5.107i....... Ed =l= Orion, GA_ZETIT, BUILDING aim VINTH RTSZET. tang &sli tql" lr°l6". hnßhuiL output. PAPIER. OP miasma LID wanourr an. ABGEST. OREAPSET olt4 BEST PAWL? 003120111011 LL TAPER to the Mae. • ". itau sablnn idgreas. EZiMM 1 , 4y.0,n.;,m1F -- rnd Eljs gittsbalt EDITORIAL Glal!l4M:N'GB Gizmos Naos, of West I'llisdeh phis, left Mame On election day for the Pens, andjramthalthne wanton* day last his family:weld not find any traces of him. At length atom" ed that he bad been taken up dead &wok to a certain station bein that . city, where he had died of ire . pain during the night. Nobody ha recognized the body, it had been our to the I:inivensity, and the widow disoorered on a dissecting table among a dozen oth ers, all more or less mutilated. A mad encounter for the relict: Timm is an 'enterprising' New York evening paper, which:Emceed' in col lecting more criminal reports and ru mbaing them 'withappollinina ma than any other pilaf. give the headings of a few of them from one page as a specimen:' "Dog Fight to Jamey City." , "eloTs right in Wit. liamaburg," "The Tombs,", "Dubuc Highway Roblery at the Binary," "Assault on a Female,V "flanging up flu Drinks," "Amu& itith - a vial on Measure," "Boasted' - to Death," "ilea Death from a Singular Wound." These are only' select few, and "Uri' what • little eharptise clan do. Every evening a mew list oil:wears is dished up. , A 61.1101L1.1. 9LD IIIATTLEXAN, per fectly inofferadm, but a little out of his - mind, who led a_niatila for watches, left less hone in Damien ' N. L., on Friday, With are gold watch es and a well filled Packet boot and wee found by an old negroes in hei liaise at Reign's Point. dead, and with nothing but a bunch of keys in his *kit, The old rupees die - appeared, and .0 is supposed that she murdered hittt SECRITAET EitlfaiLD,.:llo.Tillg his _re tiremeat at leibarn, is Mid to:bare remarked that his amvictirm was that the Democrats would eery New Fork State this fall. This will probably make the Republicans feel pretty sure of vie. troy. They aught feel oer4fnithehed - specified the time to elapse before the election, gay osixty days." Porntesyna MEWL, of New York, is about to int:Waite a podumn's WO= and secure mail wagons_ in that city. Thu is certainly a move in the right di rection, and has teen 'adopted by emu/ 'European government solely on account of Its metriM. ? We sincerely hope that it will be wire* leriMhtced all over the country. A Juan on , Mode . Wand mute, Washington City, caved in on Friday, gaged in - excaeating. One was killed instantly, one was seriously Injured and had several bones broken, and one Was acutely broiled, Although .they were side by side - at the_time of the accident - C. C. Idris, a Cloonan, late, in the ea- ploy of Drexel & Co., Philaulphia;lum gone off to parts unknown with some $30,000, raised in sums - of - two or three -,' thousand dolhcra, procured from all who would lend, on . . Third street. He had calculated well, for no one person loses enough to makerpunialt worth' while. • Hoer of our occhanges here bean da lighting oureyes Information that Pittsburgh issbout to buy ail her bridges fora million and a half of dol. lora, and throw them opect free to the ; parole. We guess not The defeat of consolidation' kilted that philanthropic I project. • . Awn:writ'Bocinial of New . York, ins in the act oflaing 9 guroted on 134- i lltdaY morniog.'whon he was rescued try policeman, whci,' lir. Buckley's assistance, &mated the pampa :stern Mr. Buckley only had ten deibirs on Ws person, hardly Sufficient to pay for the thk. IiAND Of Gypsies, twelveinnumber, la reported es carryirig on an excellent badness at Biudmabarg.> Their Qua= ; it said to bee woman of remarkable per , ettual beauty and attractions. She may have dreamt that she dwelt In marble ball once, bat tied thin is pest noir On Thursday last, two women were 1 burned to death by tha swoloshat of a can of bmziiielii satire: and thiseirerei 1 were fatally injured by an ezpioeion of ,1 gunpowder in Burlington. Vt., Benders • can number almost as many recent tic time as guripoWder. Imorrs, the New York artist, is lbl lowinin tlirik,e,ol . Gustave Doreduid hu be gun Sustrating Temiyam's Blaine. He has already completed' two gne oil paintings, the subjects of which an taken PVIBP4tt idyL . ,) Ts publishers of Dr. Selland's Kith. tine announce the 17th thousandth in • prem. What am, they hare done with all of the others?' probably they are in ` prey too SOUTH AIdEIUMe, Targsrm Mosey atastrieuren in Brasil— liadmiesa of the uuw owe. 7 Tabliwnelnia,tha I'Malbarak Ounta.3 Raw Yolit,'Oet. ,-- 21.-2:he steamer t Bergh America, from Rio Janeiro Sept. Bahia 80Ih. • PirMienlmeo .Oct.' ' '2d, P ' Para Bth and St. Thomas 15th, has ar -1 Arad. The Brarilisn "Parlistffent restihated the issue of paper arty million The Chlst or Pollee at Rio wau enforc r ing the continental system of requiring keeper's of hotels, to furnish. daily Beta of guestra,•ami demonnoe trospecW persons. ts confirmed that the. allied fleet passed thel batteries> of,Curcips, end ; were within range of Ramata. Th e iron 2 , • clads suffered to some extant, said had thirty-three MANI and wounded. 'ne t Paraguayans were actively atrengthen lug the inner lines of defense. The 2 allies were well supplied and had fifteen days' proviskaw. - • - the river Amason was formally opened September. 7th, by e . grand cure s menial at Pats.- No foreign own Weer p r esent, though invited. Ardii= ba. ! been discorered t n Tiroops are still being sent to the river I.otto. A ministerial crisis °mimed at Bue and new ministry was formed. ,Loch 7Sincli uneasiness 'was felt at Monti a2 video, from suspicion of the proposed • attempt at revolution. The Emperor. of Biatil, in his speech i. . closing Parment, said the Government expect an, early and' honorable amelu sion of the etruggle with Paraguay, in • which initialed pride is engaged— NNW OELtiIIAN3 lieu's al ars ltastetesa gieettea i ,couireesteataleee-gereeseir illefetwe .-asdessiste Detainee at Quarts*- . ter weasel, w taaameasugaeuette.) • Nttw Ourmaiss, °Caber' 21..i.-Special I Order No. 186 declares that the total vote of the State of Louisiana, at 'the election j ou the question of a Convention, to be 71071, of which 75,053 were for a Con- Tendon, 4,006 against, and 05 blank. A majority of the whole number registered having voted, and • majority of the vote mat being for a Convention, the elected are notified to asaemble d = , vention Orleans, November 23d. Tho order is stalled by . General Mower. The mortality report gives the number of yellow fever ig i termentsf the tree*. te2rtfiVyhfilve, nes "'and ye s terdayng thtlinx% en - r `ing this morning Theweather is again oppvely .warm mul the opt demle consequently is not decnsaing. ship load oLortilgranta which as , g t rived hero from Europe, was note jp ect mitted to land, owing to the p revail epidemic. The. slap waosrdered below city 'until Militia:miters can be taken or beard a Ammo - r and without landing here. - •• . • ' : • 1)• • ~ v,strABILIS , i ; 1 ,-:, • . ' - .I. . .. vm _ - '''' At ' v M:WP W • . -,),..;:-.. , • -,,- • - -.-. -i.r. - --zf?: . . • „‘ ~ Nilk, . • i -.: ' ;„ . 4. .: ' . I .'*_g_ais* 7-----,_00111: 1 , „ ,:wisit -,, , *.. •-•,,,„ . , ez :try T-'-.". - -1 1 ,1a v., a^ry , ' I. I t 1 ._... ~ _ ... - ~.,.,, __ 4 ...,1......-....".-....... ..;;V . .‘ • . - ......._..:_ - a n , i ,\ , „_„_„......_,.....,.._________..,....._,......_._ e ll, • _ „.____,____ ~.. • . ___ _.,...,.....,„,_., VOLMg T.XXXTT. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. SUICIDE OF THE MINTON MURDERER. Funeral of his Victim. %pedal Dlsp•tai altPlUstnuilMisql.) CANTON 0 Oct _i. _ 1867 . The Man liotilnan, who murdered his diver Wed wife, Was Yost, was this morn ing, at seven o'clock, found suspended by tho neck, dead. , The physicians who examined the body said that life had beim eitinet for some honrs. Every precaution.-bad been taken to pre vent his committing suicide, but since learning of the death -of Miss . Yost he WWI determined to die at WI awn Lands rather than survive Ids trial. Them was cmoda — t steitun of people passing in and out the jail to-day to see the corpse I of the murderer. Tko fonenit of his victim took plume Win ofleroooit. Over one thousand, pat. T I NR IT P SIDENCY. Geo. IL Pendleton, erlildo, Biggest IA agile, DemersUe A VIITEIEREFIED DECLAIM. Cisonsisart, October hL—The Cincin nati Rnriniter of to-morrow morning will present ihe name of George. H. Pendleton L 4 the choice of the Demons ey of Ohio and the Northwest for the neat .Preiud* eat of the United ; States. The li7rutairer enjoyed great celebrity as lving the leading organ of Douglas in ISA - - The Enquirer sayer. _"ln . about six, months the National Convention of. dieDemocretle party will meet for the purpose of selecting their , cundidates for President and VlosePred dent of the United Stales. In common with the Democracy of other • States, our friends in Ohio have a preference, and that preference we propose to express. It is a preference thatflonewholthow the sentiment of our people,who have seen it manifested in many. different ways, In the local press, in private letters, amain *dittos" conventions, will dispute. In the name of .the victorious Democracy of Ohio, who but the other day :sent greet ing to the Dam emacy of the Union that Ohio was redeemed nom the rule of fa naticism; that she bad vindicated the Constitution, and arrested the bold. tn reer. of _the • madmen who have been tranapllng upon the rights and liberties of the people; In their name we this day seize upon the honor of presenting the claims of Ohlo'e native son, Hon. Gehrge it Pendleton, to the Democracy of the oonntry; Ohio's choice for the high office of. President of the United States. ho' is not only Oldo's Make, but he -is also the favorite of Kentucky, who will send a fall delegatiM for him to the National Comention. Indiana, Illinois, Iffissomi rind Minnesota will not be behind Ohio and Kentucky, in their devotion ;to Ohio's noble and trusted statesman. He la by ell odds this day the strongest can didate's:a the Northitrostomd, we have mason to belbsre, In the United' States lie possesses; in a grant degree the Dem oenflic popular confidence, which was given to Stephen A. Douglass and upon him ham fallen, In the Northwest, the mantle of that eminent man, A gentle man, a scholar and statesman. whose histgry andehtmeter are known to the country, and everywhere recognited and remelted by all parties, in the very prime of life, with a mind inured to ea:diked= and 'study, with the habits of a profound thinker, the experience of a hied eminently sound in Judgment, eloquent in the expraelon of his thoughts, candid in his political views, with an integrity that was never clues-, boned, he is that model 'of a President which we had in the early days of the Republic. With him as our candidate, standing upon the platform of the Con stittetkm, equal justice to all sections I of our commoncouritry, with equality to all, special priilleges to none, the same currency - for. the bondholders that the people aro compelled , to receive, the prompt payment of the *bile debt mit Ails due In' thn , legsl tender- of the nation, the immediate restoration of the Southern States to the Union with their full Mare of representation in both branches of the government ma guaran teed by the Constitution; and universal amnesty for all politkal offenses- With such apktform, and George IL Pernik-. ton as its exponent, we will sweep Ohio by fifty thousand majority, and also the country, as We did with Franklin Pierre., ill M w e, him the conqueror of Mexico, Gen. Scott, was the candidate of the op , WASHINGTON.:- ~ • USI ToWIWI. to Qs PlWbszeketasis4.62 WASHTiGTON,SDard. 1867 LA 2M oiu..N . r iv cu.3::co zomL. . The Secretary of the Treasury has sp-, proved the decision of the Cominissioner . Gemmel of the Land Wilco in relation to a Mexicarp grant in canton:dm, called Sabrette De tian°into, confirmed to Gearta Del Itoeariu wifo, of Joao Antonio Aguirre. - The giant 'con tains 48,847 acre°, adtnatedin Elaralicruar dino county, about eighteen miles from San Antonio. The survey was resisted by adverse claimants, but being' now. sintsined, tho Sibratte claimants are ap plying for an early Lame of the patent. =I 171. The thb Ferdan'Oenaral O'Neill haw beencity. dining the pass week in, puled -IrFenian organisati In At a meeting here to-day be mid be ex pected to recruit • regiment In the Die. ilia of Colombia. Tbb Fenian general tutiV:ttinr hn acme, urwan;u4nunerismirZ already on hand. CONECIITSCE XONNS. - The Treasury Department to•day re ceived a letter_ In= Brooklyn, °amain ing check on the-Long laland.Bank for wren hundred and ,seventy•orren aria X AWLAICD LIVESTIGATION. The Judiciary Committee iv progress.' ng slowly with the ylaud Investiga- Con, owing to the didiculty of obbduirig witnesses.. T. LOUIS BEVENISII 01770E70 General - Pile, member of Congress , from the St. Loots district, is herolook ing at tar raceme Emitters in his district. Them wM bo a dotage among tbs.:slcent there very moon. etto.aor or Arras. . , The Mowirciiiiii -Thizeau will thl Week require atl dfstilleiries tn annex the Tos,:viamnmi ELECTION Inerrmatkrn from a Iteptablkan ammo In Virginia Is to "the effect that at the election to-roonow the patty in favor. of ■ convention wiliprobably be tiefeated. non= circa:en stmerlon. Adybonfrom,l 4 torth Carolina sag It seems probable the object for which the Convention met will ber debated by the oontentions ot ptboearls &Urea factions. e mai of th tak Tlittle Th intatait in ttio e endallng str i fes and are devoting tbetneelree to the cultivntlon of = The Presbyterlnn Syixtd (old itchtxl) t G i z pee of the Gran Committee to tbo Basalts doss of various Prcelryteries, to hope that they ntay be eo acted opon as to toed to *union of the Old end - New Schools, makeln Strum but hi teallnir, and the y re-uttitod 'Church inclosed one body to doctrino, spirit, truth and loco. , • rximers lastre. . . . Tem hundred end forty-ono patenth have been lamed from the Patent Office for tho week ending on the ONLY• nrcurrnna. (moral Cr-Neill end. Colonel Welsh are not organizing .a now branch of that :Fanfare , hero, hut are nimply recruiting far the Roberts tVillg. The former hay been eloctod /lad uentm for this di,. 111:WilH.idrageblmary t 0... Lomas. . . .. E ij i gdatiees to th e rittanllik Quetta) Sr. Lonny Dot. .2L—One of the stein extensive =I ever committed hero I assured last t. The wholesale_ Jew elry store of M eter =No. /4 !forth MLitt street, was e ntered, e seam me, rd aiat!drotu 110,00 to $15,000 worth of jewelry, constating Of watebat, both gold and silver, - diamond slam and a lance lot of gold and Silver ohas, taken. No clue at to the robber. yet. TELEGR.A.Pmc sUM RY. —The electionln:Virginia takes place to-day. —Mai. Gen Pleasanton hos riwiliffied and will retire from the army .1 money —Judge Redfield, of Vermout. the special ascent of tho . Government in the Fearer Trenholde t.wee, will sail for'hiti. gland on Wednesday,. for the xerirposo of effecting a settlement of the attain.: .. —MI of the autharitirefof the Tivaeeury lie_partment deny the truth of tbe l , report, which appeared a few days agqthat the Department had information elbowing the • amount of counterfeit Governtuent 74:1 bonds put in circulation ;t 'be ohe million of denims., • ' —General 'Sheridan to yipeeted in Virsahington in the Grat week ofNovem bert and unless • tbe President - ehangm Ida intention be will be ordered to take commend of a now military department, which will embnCee Maryland and the Dietrict of Columbia. . • —The intimate friends of the President_ assert that hu denies the correctness of the words, attributed to him by his Bos ton organ' to nit: "That he would for cibly resist' Omtgreits In ooze the latter an act suspending m from of =afore' him - —A Nashville special to the New York Express says the Tonnes-see Legislature win act 11mi:trebly upon the recommen dation of Governor Brownian' fur the reimbursement of loyal citizens for lees• as =stained during the war. —A territle galeutieurred on the Lab rador Coast on the 9th Instant,:erat eo far unheard from some thirty .Nessels have been totally wreaked. Also, an Immense amount of property end forty lives lust. Wharrta‘loats and ttleh oft on shore were washed away Steamers are leasing SL Johns with relief for the sufferer., there being over nne thousand people leg destitute. —Marshal Goodine, of North Gain Una, pow in Washinaton, reports political af fairs in that State as inn bed condition, . and very much mined up, there being strong enmity existing between the two wimp of the Republican party—Radlods and Conaercatlres—and that the object for which the State CoriVention reacm bled will probably be defeated-Qom this amts. —ln ..plymouth Church, - Brooklyn; Sunday, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher pre senfed to the wangregatlon au appeal to mutat a Union lady in Charleston, South Carolina, who proncoes to remove the three hundred and eleven dead Union soldiers now lying In the Potters Field there, to Magnolia Cemetery, and erect a monument over them. A volleetion or. Moen hundred dollars a r e made. —The sub-Judlciary Committee in Maryland affairs are likely to have a busy time, as, oontrary to expectation, it Is probable that there will be considera ble testimony taken in the ruse. The subject- is of such wide stole, and is likewise of so novel a character, that it Is ditliccdt to tlximy-decided plan for • the investigation, and It Is; therefore, likely to include much that is irrelovant or that bears upon sldeissues merely. About a demon witnesses have thus thr been sum moned. - —Eon. :James F. of lowa, Chairman of the House Judiciary Com mittee: in a letter, states that he express cd no opinion regarding the Impeach ment of the President outside of the oom mittee room, and that he will vote either for or aptitu 4 reporting the ..ftkiet: of i ai r " es= n eu en ly t. unfounded ru -etate u“ gors se whiah have been published recently, to the ef fect that Mr. Wilson had announced . - •hunge of opinion on the subject. The me remarks apply to Judge Church till's position to tins mutter. • • —The GovertnentCommlssionetayea= terday acvepted another section of the Kens. Feeble Railroad, extending to Hayes City, to wtiich point passenger and freight trains am now running. The mad to graded some forty mules beyond Fort Ilarrmod thwlrenttg•lveing —ArehhishonSpauldlng; who return ed on Saturday from Europe, Ttaewel coined on Sunday' at Bilthnore 'by an Immense gathering or clergy and laity, and othera, at the CAM .wfra,where he lirmod a sermon on the late eighteenth mammy celebration at:Rome. ` • The nehoeuer Winona, Alth fourteeli hand., including the Cliptaiu: was loot ihtober hith off the :Union cost, bating capsized while racing. - —There were siic yellow rever..inter niente In Mobiles daring the Inuit two days.. . , NEW YORE By Telegraph to %tie ingtougil ensue.) - • • ZiKo• YORK, delobor IR3I. 'ET not WITWE THROAT AND THEN 1111 Thomas itulane, who was released from the l'eultenUary last Siturday, where he had been incarcerated ou a chargoa of an attempt to kill, this morn lug