The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 30, 1867, Image 1

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rotreetraum, ma..
„tift Gairtts
The litral risers o the Commoseradth
ask se higher tribe . to the worth end
dieraitar or Judge Williams thin the
*DeWitt liras cosi Paid him by
duig:liddy Democratic paper. 01
Westiwirsuassirseis thedsy fbarwing
his noislnittim. It gad: •
"The' itataisaticai - ' f the Ron. Hem
W. William es a can date - for Judge of
the BopetseCourt . A a good ona. Ha
wu the bed man zur before tho Re
publlaua ConvontlON dpeseinsealegal
and canal guallfleati e for the revue.
alb% position to whi ha Ina bean nom
inated. , Both parties now prena
tal tbelicandtdatea An important duty
hu beta - faithfully Ischerged by the
reapeetive , cognation . ' The campaign
.may %Ow be conducto wallow persenai
Aspevions, and' deed , upon the pried
plea gibe two - pelt lea This is as
It should be. It is an auspicious scan of
the thhes; end if the •utity animations
are equalli , redivide a the selection of
legislative tandldate. there will be a
atop put te the &pia -bl•Oertuption at
tie seat of gamma under: a new
taiga of honest men sad eouedeutions
legislators.—Platbarg Ref, lane 26th,
Tbd Post in re gto the' above,
'cat then Seth of A was pleued to
"Welts:vs nothing to take . back or
tooditir;. Of liaise Williams' private or
legal sepatatiett wo have nothing but
widen- of praise, • an & hammer. it may
suit somaymirzaniona• sad'heady poll*.
ciani4'we cannot bring otasalyes to view
m eited 'Amanita as either wise or po-
liPpoputar reeeptkita, green to Gen.
Ethseittaa, show that Cangream has the
ameaha ot . tool men at ha back.
Tax disaintent of the Party of Ao
sbni, a /WY, at the arrest of Garibaldi,
lindaecrpresalon In trunnlniary proceed
ing'. Ale -EWA doubting/I, has a hard
strindie befirtiterDesireind Duty: .• '
TAW Liberals of thews want to get
dd of itisdratonarchy, and set up a re
pribliireider the protection of the United
Stataii: , ')The desire is natural and Sec
zatarillaward unquestionably ready td
WY:A:CO:or poojAck do mot want "en
tangling alliances'!. abroad.
Tim 1314mhaa retuned the de:aslant
the Czar thtihe independence of Candle.
It noi► *alai to be' men whetter the
latter AMU his threat, or. like Dan
iel Webster, when botheiral by his nab
intimation of war avinat Srigland, ea.
cape the dilemma* indefinite Postpone
.poß,cialm RESIST ILN CE.
The But !aye Governor Geary threat.
=el, in his speech in our city, that lie
out the State troops "to aid
the risiip 9eingrents to displace the Trois
identlinuLtulda !!Gleary hid better not
try &the. - Hs may And; pout*, two
armies hens."
Every intelligent man knows that no
one in Ocmgreha haaproposed to displace
the' President except by impeachment;
and no principle of th e Constitution is
morel f Ain .then _that - mbici mithorizes
them to do so. No member of Congress
Las proposed to go outside , the limit of
the ea' ilk;iity rtiwy toilierrea by this
instrument in this matter of displacing
the President; and it la the' threatened
forcible resistance of that right by Mr.
lomasorr,Md his patty, which Goer;
nor raihriti prOpeises'to meet by a Moroi
ter force. To sustain Mr. Jonsson fa
his menaced resistance to the constitu
tional authority of Congress the Post
now threatans tuwith.the; zg,o men'
who toted Lei Muria add, pnonOMMea
the purpose of Cloy. GLIM a "wicked
piece of folly." --
In 1880 the poly of the PO.O mid to
the psepbs of, this monk" ty.,'!lf ton slid
ILucairwe Willaissolye the
-Union ! The people listened, and replied,
"lirsshayia constitutional right to oleo!
laitooptond Listrunr, ,Some of ,m do
not are much for them or the Painalplii
theilinreient, lmt we should intti to
know; whether the Constitution oz dem.
ocrabc-thunder la the supreme, liw-of
this / 0 0 1 - W 64l eCt and Mx-
Lni and now let us see the long theat,
sued dissoltOeni" - - .
If we resietteber coirectly • whit gala
paned in &next Rini yearn, the Union
we not dissolved. Now, SOIZIA3 of the
people propose to impeach - the . rxed.
dent, if just mind Multi spins' •en
trial .The rnatd . ent am "If you do, I
Will Cesare- Congrese, - -and the Ant
says that renotylmit democrats will
spring to Anne, and loin luto,l Tom
State troop's, lo obedience to our regular
Buda auttunity i should interfere to sus
tain Oengrele In the - exercise of its con
altetional authority! Does this look,
like nufflS4kin ic i f t h e .4/ denenrstle
policy or fintible redatauce to the , cien--
stitutioually expressed of the peo
ple? We think It does. Ira taro party
could threatened spied ideals brat=
of Its defeat, in a constitutional election,
andifterward make good the threat, the
nunelairtY, - threatening Mance,
CUM of a constitutional proceeding of
*lngress, ma,ytessonebly, be expected
to carry otd daS:threag -
Will the peoPletuccumb to this argu
ment of the sustain their gok
ftlia:111 any cerettitnticcuil ma me
they may deem expedient? The coming
elettlon win sendren 'the libation; and
we feel that that answer will be the re-
Petition of thaterhich they gave in '6O.
Nif10,1atALL.,4124 4 140, AO
=Pin litibiOlone by the denrainta;
shout the meanest .is the porsistmice
with which they dlstoriorod President
'Llsoolo s and_ visit their hatred of him*
upon his Brick Nano-;
roy Aoelis all decent people by Ids 11.
baldry Dem the murder of our martyred
.‘ chief, his ' more respectable coadjutors
mannibolure 'lenders on her who bears
his Bala. Ono story hes scarce mu its
rounds berms another is started eller it;
' sad the last; by the Todd, le, that she is
in New York, ender the name of Hrs.
eirirtarylog to rill her clotidng and
jewelry to add to her slander income.
If Mrs- - Lincoln!' reduced to arch nacos.
sfty, shame to the laud, and it is the
. people, not herself; she Screened
when she dropped that honored name,
la =Oh livantnetion; but we inre no
derabt the story Is a sheer fabrication,
made to gnaw demo:oldie hate of the
Oval dead, who Dad honored his wife
as do foirliying men. -
Ws call attention. to. the adrer
tteeinent of the ironing class in the
School Dualgu, end reouniusend the
instltuth* td,tlie friendship sad
age ofill'isho desire to see our city ed.
Tame In Um arta of elTilization.' The
opportoultrit gives, a few women, of i
Andutcbccace andprofltable employ ,
meat, lathy no means its highest Moo.
Wm. -The cultivation of a love of art,
the elevation'of the public taste, the dis
tribution of correct ideas, of habits of
close observation 'Minn appreciation of
the beeogbal, are amongst the uses of
girl & school Hainttarr, the
ighlebad, was educated in the Philadel
phia School of Midge, and the still,
which ahe brings to her woilkis credit,:
hle to vie State. .
VOLUME t. - XxXII.--NO. 225.
vriam EEMOI3II
tar ToletrAp?Ao.partetabyrrommtte.i
• SAILLIALIMIN Inotisettteassun.
hoinares, Snt.receiv rlota by
Gartbalatan relit:cum isulous' pasts Of
the kingdom bare' bank attpunnted, 'aK4Tt
annoisneeil to.tur tbet the
ecnmtri lortranquil. • •
- .LeeDow, Beet. 28—a"eca—lieports tram
/ 111 7 sre:soullletine. The latest dUp►teh
tesatlcsas astio.flriots at Mods., =au,
Geterat Ilad'Saples. Gan. Giulbaldl waagolag
te Capron. • -
The Pope sent a =essays to Napoleon
tilookbot Win for,the arrestof Garib&Lll.
tor= sink as - antsimi—as szsciars en
Ftensuct; September O.—Uarlbaldl bas
written n letter in which be says the
Mumaa barn the right which ale slams
have to rise against thole oppressor% and
it Is the duty of Italisna to, help them. In
their struggle for liberty. Ile hopes his
tellms Marlow *tlioo be dlsoonraged by
theilast serene, and exhorts them to re.
organise and march on again to the liber
ation. of Rome. The letter carmindes with
magpie:alto the men of the Überal wily of
;alb declaring that the ayes of the world
are turned upon them, •ed the rattan or
'the 'earth anxiously await the'reimin of
moth nazi mations 14111111111'611:1"6.-TNAOtA
- mica tiros ran mores.
hbassaa, Sept. 19.—Pirtieulars which
bavit been rettelind :of the =kite last week
la sextons pans bf Italy . show that they
were MOM 1102100.11 than at tint; mooned.
1111111.10 tittles the molts were flame and ob
nth:tate, and 'the troops-wore frequently
obliked to use the bayonet and sometimes
to Meet= the Isnople." YAW ethane um
soldiers were killed and a arse number
lisecnorma, Sept. 21.—Horannx—The
yid ,00ntluu0eet7 actin In arroningxer
sonstellUed to be implicated In the recut
riot: Soome.htme benn appesherulet shwa
the Um report. The prisoners are an dhe
ntinfaed. hammer, u Lit as examined,
nothinrbentlatiren 'to rarraht their de.
'Ration, nor has anything no to the tuna of
the Irentanorumblation transpired.
irmnOns 1 1Ptheber nt—it Mew Market
jeatarday the handicap wee was by Frt.
TztOOdero . ar a4i secolarl. The nos
for the forlorn stakes:wen van bully b 7
taataa atbrolta.;nsomea camas ans.
Lemnos, September n—rmet...4extien ru
mors ata Mall ;turn= It Is • anneunarma
this amenbut that another realm maim r
was reoently seen Desiring about the Irish
coast. Tile Government fa laktur every
panaltee preeentlon to prevent an out.
''l.ornrorr, &rater:abet .—Dosing the ass.
Mon artkoran.saillesaltyrual last . srack,
tse arrlrksgs of
.Ccdenso were cscossed wad
ocsdeameo. •• •
erreaar ammo:
lief Tong, Sestemoer cable Sli
me:Silo the, Sethoer, dated al Coriatanttno•
piet Mao The 'Beatlart demand. for the
.oeulestatt'retelo Greeds; imd for theequal:
it) Of Ctolatlau.being refuetl,the Malan
izabseeadoe, Geaaral-' igastlerf, trent to
make a report to the Cur. He baglast re
turned. The Cur decline, to see the Sal.
ten.thees Wag sot in. easeee*ll tonV
neaniffnittsT deaden
from fbitien.
Ancona* front - Athena . state that a large
partyln - Greeee favor degoeleg the King
and aggeNuteg a gorpubllo nadrr pro.
teetneetd dm. United States; or to annex
It as three States:
Booteanbor M—Thettcroitoznent
Turkey hos ottlotaly dotted ttio - publlabod
stotassomt that Its stilted boon or ..irM be
tact to Dokhaxlin Via oipanst
Huila. •
ophze. heeousalah eTrourroo.
earifehrsitotter4chehrThe Bohan has
MA 11 ormhilsalon of Inquiry, eohslatiog of
Miele Turkish
. stuf. three Greek sambas,
to Inventlesze 'the effkus of Waite of
.Tondla. The Tiller, Bass Pasha sad Kabul
Peas Ai! thiMlLiVirhisesibore of the Com;
' Daum Baptember 9,sltotaing.—The Past
Dr; eannaincied at Lang Champ on
Mind= last, were continued today. The
nos 1= the Criteria= prime was won by
diarszlit,* and tha Omuta= prima* by . 4 21 e.
=en , * Both bars= ars =mod by the War
quis De Lairange.
KM TO ss rosounisi Aro O•COSISS,
Bsszaw, Soto:tubes Zl—Zoterliv.-11.1ei is
to be boxiatllibily fortlsted by Liserinlazit
• a gazrliocamid wll4 Prouty:l tiooPs
' ZAPAIr. ,
Chaos. Sehtembes 321.—Lato Weestebes
trots Japan sanonace that the Christfans
In rattans parte or the talatid ware =l
treatedtry -tier attire& Tble
me of the rehabitaute of Najraaki and its
Ltraarcoz, Sept. 23 —EireflOWn —Cotton l
under ansorfitararablatitsda report, owned
lirrnarmliti awe .doingt. sates tad*/ EEAIe
masa middling uplands at FM, Orleans at
The Breadstarfa market la quiet and
white California ',beat at Its Al
Corn at kW tfarlay at is 24f Oatar at -at Eft i
Pau at Ur 114.—alrostalona Ann. laid ad.
maid to ii.
Ed far AMCLICAU. Other ant.
A 4 from Antwerp. reports that
umlaut mane reffroltrani clonal at 14%
`msw YORK.
CST Tslark . ph to Us Iltra . trugh gasatts.)
• Saw TOIZ, Septstbeisi.
trauma ,riF.ox mulkl•••••1111WIr 1.14.61;.
The reesaner, sad l/imatcags.
tram EtwopearrtiteettoadiTwlth sgsiorkto
tne 'Alutoactis Plummier+ of. Ma gar.
mar was ItaasyJarausceer, the oolabrated
oirskintrastlleame. tom saaori4 - -
Llantessat Gollllll= Prowl, org*asi
salted pet the City of Paris for EfIXOP6 to.
seems 1.1•01133 41:1,111:111:4 ,
Num Mores. • SelieetSsieber of Jersey
city.ssse &merited es Stall:WM of Cruelly
wrapping eArldres.
110X21119 w=latnaces qtaestob.
At a ebeitteg of the =Demo trade totday,
the Onlallthldee Who watt* Watblodtte re.
ported that &list deereteris of the Truant=
'tarots= ahem that Old bonded wairesouas.
would hot be Interfered with. The coottelt.
tee ma. AlltrlCted SD =vile the =embattle
of other =lles nadtadbefdla JO rho* he the
Secretary the lattamoblllty of honestly
maxtblylog with the regvhdloas made by
hoe • subordinator. It-le Zellprell the raw
regulations cotteataing tlltaidatell will be
eattlaoo emu,
Mary acago bills bete ter the unirtst
to-day. with a good proryeD of being cue
Desrease in Want, ihidiracint Luemanue
meals, 0611,0 Dis increased ctroulationalne
exit deerfflum in dsrOsits: tjah,r9l - dterecie,
legal tendon, 1D.D1,84 •
lisvr.Toax, iSepternher SD. En
- • imaan le na-w9V 2 "" rr ' ,•• •' •
The Vairiaariarld'DitlienS Dinh a All.
ill=tbitrg 11111 beet T erry
-by the Secretary of the , and the
receiver directed to wind ay its bill[lollL
ram siith.or our. warp - - •
On. licoWs wtf hairjeat intscivirobited.
De begsuuthu all his Drciert7 "WM'
ter, will of tioL Bohn. o th wrilaughteni
had previously tecar.givery very WWl'
equal PrOyartLatlSOf his effects. Jilsrulnall
sword wee left m
to Wert Pala A.64:10Z117. end
his sword y -
Ilezion to Ws igrandniOn,
Winield Conti-41bn,
cim.staxa rOlsowzo
. .
Those children of • Yrs. Bursts, in
Yeekskill, were poisoned mends In come
qolMos of •na.. by drag clerk.. Their .
lITOSMere SZTO 2 r7lp. DrUtlipt, services of
• physician.
. •
dutmary et Rama a Ryan, 47th
grata, mai Nasal yeatetdia,
Mr. J.ltaoldns6oJr" termer or Duncan
!Merman • Co.. nua • <Ws OILO In Ban,
• 'Dann Or POD/. Elle.
Fresto tigoinzin 0 003 unem the . 1 1.11%
OL cb ts aders mar, at Trauma, near /wane. of
The iteamehlie Brdtan* from Glee w
on eha 13th, ,
Stsissamiess assserlislirs Meeting.
IMO Tb ititt to to ntiotegn eliette
ssax•Liletenibutt.:-.M; °Mom
stmkassusslisdadsat grestaxx speeds*
vets man, sad plltiael tualsos7 and ell.
UM= WU isuuditult4KL
' Eco
Nanarle. •
No •
to Formally Itee.tveli—irtantin - Denn..
neratestfon on Monday lelaht...Ex.-
Goy. Cordes. tleerelery relaneasomad
Mena. Hancock and ellekk,s • ea' fro b K . A.
fay yelearach to the Pitteterati
Yaw Toe., Sept. et. —Goaeral tlberldan
eataeadottrally received at Newark to.
day. A Cent:a Mee of tbo Newark Councils
Viet blui brtacialek. 'Oath. err! C
of the train at.: Newark art imitate...o
oferainsi lined twine..thltd, 05,0 cheered
the 'Genera: &mende:oils. A precede=
'Edcottal him to the Glty ffal,
*here one
rpm:oho. were made, after which be ma
ritrloik e n a nV gi ' a i nlVlMPf n or lle a fr n YoTlt.
arriving here at bo'oloolt and prodeedina to
Fifth Medi. anal. Goy— of M. 1.,
“compantol Olin to Sorely City.
No 000110 demonstration will. he made
till Monday eight,allett Ike General elalia
the triton Lease, tecorted by, probably tan
thousand tatrtan soldier,. 'The banding
trill be llinenlnated, smooched delivered and
a apl..nd id banquet partaten. rrtkorer•
nor Carrie, 50Cretek7 Gooerall
Hancock and Sickles are expected to be
Ttlero will probably be %public
reception at tha trolon. League Goleta on
Zrenlay for tbobenellt of the
Fl,ltti nub Inatome-MP_ Dr*
• tau way of Itharf , nodal U p
Mr Telegraph °slam.)
B.Mr Vitamin°. September %.=k itL•P:Atels
from Oregon stains that tittatenant
of the First United States Cavalry-. fought
and defeated a bend of Stialrolndhtioi, near
Lake Albert. The RAMO bA3141,1110 Iftely
defeated lienerat Crook% Mendip , Indians.
Atter the etrateharge this Snakes mode for
the swamp, tAt the troops dismounted and.
'Meta theta waist deep to water.
sir warriors, with their chief, were killed,
and fifteen taken prisoners. None of the
soldiers were hurt.
. . .
At Monterey. yonder , ' an while the 'tamer
"Betimes. waa unloaalue a. cargo of flour,
the whale wharf shdelertly fare way and
tome down with& tremendous crash, pre.
Molten° g the floor and teams into the bay.
and dragging down and wrecking a sin:Loot
er 'Oaten" with lumber, feet to she wharf.
Our Faasusco, Stet. lire at the
Santa Grua Parer NWe. last night. de.
strove" matertlal and wood worth Mgt: or
ten thousand ed. dollars. The was not
Among the passtmgars by the next
steamer East, are Senator Corbett, Oregon,
Congressman Rigby, thalltrenia, and J. ltOen
Browne, KMleg Uotninssinoner.
The report that the managers of the
Central Paoleo ktiolooad Company Dad per.
chased the CaMorels Centrist and Ttoois
Saltroads In not true. The porch... was of
ail the rankle stook on than. roads at
.hails. sale, under the loreelOsare of - .
The receipt. of the Treasttry for the past
ten dope Were over a 011111011.
Nashville Ensiles Panes Oa Qantas
injositi 1.600—u/t7 As.
thorlass Win het • SteeeheaSe the
Elesassi, but Await the Deetsles et
she Comas —ilssreseposvieses
Sheen enema Thomas' an *aloe
-Steen. •
CB, TerrentA ibs net/burgh Gazette.}
HAMSTILL e. September W.—The election .
today passed off peacefully. edktiers ware.
Motioned at all the places of rotitim but
there Inane need of them. Thelldim Had
teal ticket for Mayor and Connell wee elect
ed withrbuS little opposition. The colored
voter. were out In considerable numben,
•Mist tne mass of white voters declined to
Tom. Alden'. majority over Scored Is about
&teen Muidred.
The city authoritlea and recognise
the legality of the electionill hold on
until the natation is determined by the
Courts. If not ejected by military authority.
correeponaenee twitneen Uan. Thourme
and Napa Brown took plane to-daT. the
former charging the latter with nitereyre.
smiting his action, Ina card published Ulla
morning wittiorawlnk from•the =warm
ter Mayor, In mating that' Ito(Thornas) had
notified hint tear be would as, the Military
power of the United States to Iftwieniting a
permeable elecuolL Brown. In a long letter,
repeated his statement. and attempted to
justify It. Therm.; Incon el rmicre, reiterated
his dental of haring given any core notifi
Imam Ilinstia-llik-horloggoap. ,
Itsrssts. September 7.7.—Angsr more so-
Ilya al sy.asri seals for co. 12; Porto Mee
Tho shoet of an eartlionsiko we/ felt et
Rio Peeros on the lth
.Atnnhatoccurred la the Ponce River
esaillig =cot o.42a.magn =AI the loss of ask
Dexnme. SeMamba National
Cor.Wren aPProved tlke traILY Wltil Hain
on Cho 9d. -
Entine bto.lth arrtv....l hate est the eh
with truly negotiated with the United
- - .
General Cobral arrived M the capital on
the eth, and _the Hayti coaubbialonen oa
tbe lach.
Intelligence from Itaytl to the ath -states
that the country was In an attraorateary
state oh agltatstm. - (Sold mu aboloeslY
Melt arid provisions were wham. Flour
was soiling at twenty dollars to sold par
barrel. Trarty.fonr Haynes{
only worth one bpautsb sliver dollar.. The
Coy's' .wereirtin in arm...OP.M esdaases
sod had plugged De=arte,! a town to the
Butkey• Cellos licoper4Close or Um
1100t1011 , 4100021 e9rikas Sebbeel of
Ole 000,
(By Totems. to tee Plarbarrit Garsts..) •
Greenman, Septearnsei Skt—The meeting
At the Iloulteye Web Cenall anted'
In the first race there 'veva att entries;
puree $.100; selling race.; ialleelash, free,
far all area. nu hopes Isterted. Alex-
NOranY. GruiSteares 1111rdv Strd,
McConnell'. Cl:menses 'gelds!). by !Mediu,
Reber'. Liverpool, andlferadelltOs bay
gelding by Star Davl4.. liojerayand Liver-
pool were the first and ;rwerond in the pools,
and the rue was woe by Ittidy 131 M. Tame,
Sdt.• She wee afterwards Nld for flve hue-.
01.4 and dm dollars. Tor the second ram,
purse See hundred dollnee, mite heats,
General McMahon wet the , only Mate en.
tared. •
CINCIIIATI. September t—Two men en- ,
tired the ears of the Ge . It.. B. in Her
moor, Luellen& last med. updttuakingtbalr
way to the Adams MUM.* setri areered the
messenger and roobed the uteri of about ten
thousand dollars. The rob, ems esesped.
The Ceallele la' Ptgadelphis.
(Speelet Cot spovecate Pit sash h.setta3
. Peitesatrix.( Sept. SII, UV.
There has been a g;Iltioal awaken;
Ina In this city wltlain tt last few days.
One Mends are wide alinitnel In Cho been
spirits. They hope to svike Judge .411,,
e t
llama's majority larger th •4 that for. Gayer.
nor Cleary. National es override all
local granting and have - ed all divta
ions. The Iteputdican co hem la 'alenost
unmeiMfala for the imp meet ore:are.,
Johnson, whose name ma be seed embla on large potters . 0 15.1 perjldlow
:kresidnil.“ Never were a more lo earn
est than are the friend. of Congress In this
Great:thng. are exPected of Allegheny
county. the home of Judge - Wilbama /
lobe they may not be diesnrolotea• I In.
Mud to beat home in time tow, one vote
to mete tip that ten thousand majority of
wheat same people talk.' _ , •_. •_ . '
A bossy majority for onr candidate in the
State will do more to settle the ementryen• gi ve
coarse. Congress ,quiet the Sou th , and
oonlidemm in hi:Wasp' of all kinds. Mae ,
anything else exit do:. -Moreover ll'lrill ma
*Oleo= brethren of New. Took and Other
States who vote in November, to achieve
similar triumphs.. ' , . ' ': .ar.C, •,
Mistriler and lie a
IllOnse - af in Panne.
CiT Temitiob total rilpiniziranasarta.l
Belmosaapt; 20.—iman named Baboon-11v
ma Cincinnati tem
f • fmt
a o n f
Pa n l
oomro Aret fambaooms• P wo B It
atnt htnisetf In tha fare and stabbed tan.
colt three times to the 614111. Yo mlil plot.
atilr No.
• RsLamas** liaise Fair.
Telmnspe to the Plnsonsull Omettel.
Drramv, 'September 20.—The Ralamasoo
,Fattonal iititllll Feu commences on Tue.
dny.. A largo number of the besttbotees In
the comnry. have &meet], and over two
hundred entries have ahead) been Mad.'
The aseoclatlon has made most perfecter. .
rasgameate to il:1111266 eomple.h POCUM.
libierfltaa loTtted t. Deirenti. •
By tablirsph to the Pletsbarch Gusts, .7.
Borrow, Sept; =.—A committee .of the
Eocton city gortortHeat proceeded to Rem
Tort lest Motto invite. Gen. Sheridan to
visit this City. A quipstch states that. Ai
Las acceptEd the swrltatlon end Intl be here
at the It of October. - ,
Aged Woo*. lad ea . soUroic
toy Seamy:Ltd thy Pittabyrab tiazatta.l..
Haarroao. 6M.. eentamber %.—alts. Han.
etas /Hoslrina. Glirman, mod ea, w
etanU► kW ed taday mhtie Iraiklaw on the
k W ing ford and Nair Haven Ran.
Mad. DY run °verbs , a grandirtaa.
Itiodzser "Arrested for 1116•1211.
(ByTstligrOlt to Mt rlttaborgkG.Wato.)
/1113111•70Ltl. Mire, ptataber
Edward Dunbar. Baptist mWtater wta at ,
mated yesterday cm a charge or
and committed is default, of two thousand
Coll lemmas
11,ma of
Egg Telegraph to Ilia rlttatrargh basest.)
Atammr, SeptamberlS.—The locomotives
"Tivoli. sad" ltsmsosi n collided yesterday
at East Albany. and were nearly deteallsb•
ad. Engineer HoggL pmesely fatally In
ALIO for atirt Howard
(Er Telegraph total gltisbarga essetta,l
Coated saPterator Beard or
Trads mat, ss,xe totde Ilowarden
at New Orleans, being part at the Ars; curs
Ulcer Items.
Talsielea to the rluateenhGentte.l
/ennui." Sent: 29.-81ver hlllfR Via
114 to 37 Umbel in channel.
By relemob to t'io Int:souring Gatinte.l
tirAindiraToar, Bapiemberr337
Arau9nauxac—onor ilgrOirre.
The crop: report: at the Daplertment' of
Agreesflare, or Angest end September,
have Jett , . ben limed, the tePerte for
Attignet give steno - MI avilreges for se,
Seal plater, from approtimate eeti•
Mates of co spondentar of 'crops then
harvested, as moved with those of IPS%
leamther wit the Carrera condittott of
. . ..
grettiniaiOni, White tae tePtember tables
pertain ailed? WEitato fall coops. The Alar
gnat returns. show. D. uniform redbetten in
the gentreleertige Of Wheat, Ai tidelpayed
with July Agnew, and. Ole avilemPer MU
mates of wheatharveetWiteeconspered with
the crop. of I..te, drop. The fleece. are
sonallirhat lower es a. number of States, at
tributed LO a considerable osteut. to bad
weather for bsrvmung. and to the fast that
In some sections or Veto Ohs tOood• t ° °.
and. tiltoserd °alms to the acre
thativaCelittlelpatett Lvatill arliontgtOtro
ing alarm report tho followie nerfientestet
incret I at 'the Moto pr DP I OR . ..1 WWI
one . hundred and il.l.l . tvi ndian seven
Michigan, thirty-three; Wtsconsin,even
n; Minnesota twentyrive; linnets, elev
en; lowa, twenty; 11 Iseotari, forty I ;
Keptuelrf .
thirty-fourt Nutt' Yirgenta, Pam .Tenum••
7t e aria. r t i .g[ll l I.:tielttisisl44.;. l
Only as and Toros show a tailing off
from last year, when the crops from Mese
States were very large. Denims due Octo.
bey Ist will enable no to eatimete with
greater accuracy the amount of UM crops
ter Via careens year. The
corecontimle IA it:armee, Vol if v ) e, :red,.
hold off the gnrosial clop may oe a 'tale one.
Wide &number of States return lower tool.
mates,others,particululy Sonthern Stat.,.
show marked Improvernents dyer last
year. Cotton promised well nit to
September Scot, when the worms
were appearing •and, much apprehonsioe
telt in vedette seetioes for be gaiety: Of
Cotton growing Suttee, - ettracts from cm
respnederge shot that =
Georgia promised a
Veld of fifty-three perent.
f o y o t f w M o; li t Caro l S tsosuitpl, na,
tfyf- tyoue;
rA;ol n
aAbdra gmohnae,
was,eightten.nd -
Teatime, nineteen, white
Louisiana and Texas Show • cousiderable
felling or:trout Lib year.: Eye, Parlay and.
Oats tuttibit no Material:ellen. trout pee.
rums reports, thouge Oats war Serionelv
injured in mim ltenut by eltteme wet
weather during hareem, btu generally the
crop appears superior to that of UAL year.
Buck•neatahowe au average acreage with
prospects of a fair crop. Potatoes are rot.-
teeing Welly to many large potato grow/cog
States, and thecrop will probably fall be.
low tee yield of Met you. lb-Amnia sugar
productegg Statesibou 11 fair luereme am;
the mops of leas year. Sorghum Melded..
ly on the decline In most States, • with sofa.
cleat reason that the mop now growing is
Mimed condition.
In • few mama the *vele - cm Te'ethiaa
well, bat in a majoritytterrop will befrom
ten Colony per cent. below the crop of 'M.
Hay shows an Increase in almost every
Mate, andqulte large in moray. Permaylva.
Ma returning In increase orelity per cant.
New Tork - tweety•four. &Iceboat. Wleoon
sla and. 0110010 twooty.oloht. and Indiana
twenty-els. The average SEI rest h from thirty per oent above the
Drop of Vi.
The wool crop will probtblv fall from Ore
to tan per tout. 30011 of last year, attribu
table to the severe Weather last winter ace
. 30 1.51 0 0 rt eirPolltire aria Clestreetteri of a
large mustier of Cheep. • • „
The Commtagoner tieriethl of the Lend
Once has received I:menial:the of the open.
mg on the 9th Inst. of the Land Once for
the District. Of Stontesta at Lieitha. and the
&indications for the entry of relearn! lands
are Inerassing:
toperlntendant 'Head writes t4i. the In
dian Unman from Great non Lake that
Ultima Hawk b. Malted tantonlto Mx , on
me talintwen toping .turtber itaorodationo.
to visit inaOlon band at Oar" and atop. an
boottiltiso and, immeataugr: tbireoltar sae
other boollte Mtn:wand Indium Mom so .do
likewise, and moot Hand with hie own-In
diana and Mims oh Unita Wlnlerrallan
within ain or
Gen.Slektes /me been =tern , / to event
orders sr Se w York.
tiltEMlteltworigramo OrT i gt
l a t al k tas a. i'lltollalia'to in
tbe i tatted State
Man° to
traat,so bet applied toward t
Ina lltealttonal ditt.t. .
• riaaaa, rixamotas 2 c 0.% aaaa •
The taints agreed npoator the eartlement
°Libel:evilness betneen the Voltz& . Mete
mad /meet, Trenbolin & Um, are patiently
estistaatory to the government The e
fendar.ta, by their oonnsei, acknowledge the
nintapies of public leo claimed by the
-government for. eecartng to it ail the prop
arty to .o:debit maritttled. garthemmtirm.
Itowel&e. wl/1 eleomeary to' toe; ebbs=
mation Orthe MIMS throntiti - the roam of
(boat Britain Lad the United Mates.
craimor moves, &o. ,
Tile Motional commie) =etched at the
Troastar from Tae Yrinting Bottau for tan
weak aoloantad to 1500,61) seat oat, *SA
LM National Doak ourrancy wood,
ot M roya o d n a l l 4 7w,oorte o n y n a dw o d s o r a os d o Ip O ta w ,
thilin,o34) for !Leal 7aar to nate, 01,113,161
Thefoit.boomina statement of the public
debt will show a (unbar reduction to to
total, =one, sun aa large as tte, last ate.
' if la probable the trial of Jeff Deli +rill
be consUl aced lb' Oabnief meeting before
Re Attorney. General gives Dieu lc* Attor.
bey Chandler, of Virginia, any minclat ad-
Ilea.T.B. Washburn° left for his home
/ilbsole. Thesole object or his visit to
Witslilhirton wacto ewers noose ice the
Germeral Srmodild confirm. re. sick
Mita bill°. tor.. rt./TIMIS MOSSOC.
Order Edi
netloa seersdp —Be IMir Jan.%
MO la Iroise—
Tim Iti Sat—
i Deane at reaphas 7ro ,Ittilovi
Nee Cletus% ' September 20.--Sorieral
Mower tuned an order to-nay , modifying
inilltary orders relative to pulse of Tex.
as, sou to render it. practlcable to obtain
Juries In that State. The order requires
Jurors lobe drawn horn Mose registered
sad 0000 others, and no other oath 10 re
nutted, than that of registration.
• The election passed od calmly on both
=lO the fourth municipal district toe
vote polled is shone 1...T0. In tide die
[Met the .Espotitorn desponds of the vote
being MTSo enough to render the election
yam- ' and says she white tote le about:ono
tenth of the ...bole vote cast. The retire
erne to the city is estimated at 11,600 white.
The number registered ts over =tat 'Ser.
era Lostances wore noted of nemoos vot
ing; or offering their vote; tinder a differ,
Ma creme 1000 toot on their registry papers.
.Dr. Wm. Clearly. Zettlao /load tantee of
rmazeigne. end Captain J. W. Inurphrt •
noted roman organizer, died of yellow
Tie Interments 'Cm FralaY oumieree
. .
Iliallar .71rasca *magma Cbialiallige•—
• Mall UMW Jackson In soy Fair
lialilt. bur sea at Pltiaossjitt triitior
. Any raraaaastaseaa.
leopnph to the Pittsburgh Osumi.,
, Tdierkusni Poptember Ph—Wolter
inairn tiontortOw publtshes hU scooptanoe
of the &Wear, or Thelma Tanning, of
Toronto, to joint fists tans roof Lb rortianil,
Itarpor for O r e_ hundred. dollars gold, two htladret oxpetosem, or In
to,seestniar the creme allowsnoe.ur
In 'albino, Carman East, etch' aefesying
Ins own stosnse,4lllBo, accepting the chaP
lenge, of Wlllblut Jl=ton, of. Pittsburgh,
o po th y rf en e .
water, b eo u t r b e f n l ü ßom a nought
In Thttsbtoph tinder any circumstances. .
OWN* to lam tholnitotoo of New
fationloof ittle*OM *Wire
SIII O'fltatobl. to Da Zit:anorak Usiattal •
Otroora, bent. 27.—1t0n. Wt blanottall,
In a Ofenonn Vitt night; sold bothad nniolvod
trZgn n''l i t t i nt f rtileVlrt . nr i lint7;
Montt aaormOto there
t o pato retolue
[lon. 'Akins Wnaltudeln Into the Lantodent.'
non' oho CUM at the r talon soon to be bold
at tow' rennin ttcmo would be pan.;
and vanptlOnod Inn raper
ment,enluttttinc the Mason Bey tortitory,
. , . .
of Tame In the tinseling.,
toy Ts'<geeseto the Ylitsherre Noah..) . • ,
ate=zeros, eeptensbar .21,4lennyel Can.
by flu Issued • nesterel , Orthir &ether/zing
the suspension ot the colleOtion Of lases In
north and &ante Caroline, ureesed by the
local stithortielt„: In - eons= 1410$ by Poi.
aortal at the agate Pair- • reggae&
41.4000. - •
Os TettTook to the rlttaboexttealetto.),
Slawarress, September "A,—Tbe Wiseon•
sin elate Iralr closed siltedbeM yesterday,
and Is presonneeei • perfect Micron. Th.
twat rocolvt• . for .weeic were, .11,009,
about th e same amount as last pear.. •
• hid for 'Yellow ?ever Sufferers.
CBS lalsonanaui the Pluslorst guests]
LOinsysnatoSeotembor 25.—This Board of
Trade reMittAld to-aat two tbousa , ul dye
ncndrae dalaratothoHodard
plow Orleans.
Warms near...l%l2l\W flferderegl better
todgmetield remains obarboter Lb= ' , ben
120 ferpreasect the fouolf lag • opinion of ueo.
(}eee. Tbeeroun
0 1 think Gen. thonnuitrould nuke& va4
.„.I.bibiewurtary tansclinats., la able and
bosolte'end *bare the sednellOn of party
CITY A% 81111111811%
41. put wan or.fithait lllrmilixhim
Crpird-- - tho Speaker* tater
roptedby Woralotoseg. • '
Turenant to notice a Itopubllcau mass
meeting was pall in trkrStatilet 'ignite bf
llirminaham borough on is,aerday Craning.
A brass band was secured for theocintslon,
and the music dtecureital loome d to abeele
,. .
rate the assembling of citizens, se that by
the time evriounced The the commentelment
of Progeedlnaesticry. large creed had been
The enterublege baying been caned. to
color, W. C. Aughlnhatrli, 5.4., was walled
upon to preside. A numnor of Vice Veil
meets sod also Secretaries were netted.
Sir, Atightebarieh schntrirribitiled the hotter
•cdeferreil in ielegting bun asChaiginan.adA
_ . .. . . ..,
llettmittle a row general remarks pertain.
tog to the einteloni after which hi intro.
ilcol:idt:ltoorhead, wile ',nada thtitrie
iota:tea, brocooded ix, dlecriii the . oriels of
the hour. referring to the weraemmaneett
by the rebels and closed by the Union army.
earl to what bad taken plata entrie,Wle the
attestant of An.trow Jahnten, President of
The ashen Snake, aini. in' immliarb, 01111 .
ieticle and tr.dtors, to override Comiresa,
the laic coalcing power. The cmestlou was
whether rebel, wboseligluda were yet red
with the blood ot lovedsoldiers,. end , those
who aympatblega willitlieut, were tote re•
stove( to gliAne and power to tyt egnittston
01 mon wee lad ittonLtly - lh? ayerantent
in Its hoer ot trod. ..I;et..e_ eat the war
bed Won fought for, what a million soltiiers
had • dint tor, was to • be. Cit led
out, or whether the bOotheril iiiidil racy
Vole again to &suttee the reins of., ern;
meat. Judge ffibarewasit, the Democratic
warded ate for Judge of the Supreme tiourt,",
was once( these wno.ben
of ytiteedith
imbela..- It. had titan oho tleindontked
lierentiln erwerUng the-I'4lll,ot' clattrca.
lion, of EWCtlitildel; and starlet the bite war
be Intl daciaed that the (turmeric, of the
country woo enentatttuttottal. - The nether
then prOpOwett to ear eamethin ir Ooneet9llls
. the workingmen. and at thts announcement
a enushietablenumber In the creed Degas
cheering.,.. , ..rhreir cheer, for tate wonting..
men. were given, also iithroo cheect for
' Andy Purt.i . ,
[ • gr. &Damietta roctrited amidst can. illerc -
Mc oonfnmen, but deststed for • PIT at
the I,ll2est of the President of the tier.
lir. noel inhaugb, ti ho implored ithe wu
wore:et - so enter. Mr.
soo t h e d Aodr head and r
gentlemen had been t lb hell ad
dresser, sod he hoped Ito cue would ult
the speakers, but dear them throne% -Ile
hotted for the credit of the borough, anili the
'mt . /lingo:Wl themselves, the Interruption
wont.] no: 1.10 renewed...
Mr. ?Moorhead aid/ he Lid not feel ihealteit
pt the chairs for the workingmen. Ire was
worktegkith dbutualt—nta w0r124 LAS
bard la We day al aby forgethan., hammer-
L 'mon. Or glass WI , . the Crowd. 110 prO
'pOted tO irla Lit Oninion of the present
agitation mong thu workingmen. They
drere not intend by it, and !tabula do them
no harm. ileforring to In, tariff ilneatiori.
he wild that unless a now tarltr on. bagged,
three or five :Can Name there Weld tot
he antected lo :Birmingham as largest:lowa
of worklugmen an were now before Mee, is
there would not be employment for them.
Ihwas to the Interest of the worktrurmen.
therefore, to cast their lefluenee to favor of
tWall, and they enuld net do tthyis hatter
han 111.rthelinw the tuteihst CC Lila Ile•
publican party. They oonld gain nothing
by their - terse, and would do them.
einem Injure. The speaker heat referred
to tee recent lock out, and stated that the
. . „
estimated loss INV.loted thereby, to the
workingmen and Um community irencrellY:
ticomnetru et se - Yen millions of dales.
thinpoint. the interruptions were re
...v4 wlib orPsesslons,..wbose Galt was
../Inw shunt the Ilona Law,” nett vs
about the lielgtens,” aa line individual
..ons bol;Iterou; the root adaltWeill
it remark to Mt epraker ettleh we did not
hoar, bat he received a fitting rebuke, - 2dr.
ktoorbrad unyinm 1 atoll (batman hid one
drink lees or three or four mom. If ha had
•t, drink le» he would be qnlo4. aid if
"Ore hill 1116110. W.!d eirry him aw/V.
Mr. Iteorhe el, when the renewed Miter.
Opt toTla had tkaitrdiSlAl.l...
speech by throning n
beltppor of tbe
hotpot,ilea, ticket us the means of sub
serving the nttereSta, net eel 9 of the SOM..
tnurney. but of the whole Country.
John L. Fttrtepatriels, Seq., marten% th tree
&teed and made a brief speech. Hu first
ardarerwl two questions width had been
pre - pounded.' Taal:rat wu ae wtha Stagg
Law, +hien bc tononnt , e4 at most Intent
ions enure:ant, and said Me repeat Would
be etnong the diet Mali:test transacted by
the hest Lseislatere, no the impeachment
of drntrow Johnson woubt antontivalsa
ft rat sets of the nest Vona - ErnaHe ant
apnso aboultha,lietalans.fseperted • • •
fin. Oh, by the mill *when., and
said, that pa tar as he knew none of
these .oweeta bad. Contributed •
single.. "tsit • litaraldff condUctleg the
presentusetpalgo. Mr. Kirkpatrick (stating
that be would answer nofartherwhesttrnts,/
then proceeded to argue 13OOtt the man
near, on between the rim! eandidatas fur
tlet Supreme Jade.hip. t o Ede
tea divisiou . 151bilit be. Le to the eoutitY
ticket. he h
that 'every Tbbittial
would met biz vote for Henry W. WI
whose record citizen end .0. Jade°
was beyond reorotien. end *he al. Wee
among th 0.1.111010.00.1 by LIMUOTOILIineiIt
1.114 it...totalities, whilst itharewmat emd ot hut
rebel itympattmera worn b y to break
np—Shara worst hi anent by endeavoring
to reinter worthies the unmet/ with *Mot
out le:44mm acre nab!.
It. it. Carnahan, lisq. mid. the closing
wi sh
ha In starting out he anl4 be did not
wish ha be tritomuptchmuteroulit not spy
melees. suet Wee the dein:cot the eetin:
lie very clearly presented the political tit
nation, the home. Involved, the position ot
tha Republican party and Mut of President
Johnston arid the ...Dmmicratki piny.
when he hub trut talrlycocommieed ht. lid.
Ore.., there was a cemmotion in the crowd.
and he ceased spelking. The Interruption
we behave ass duped by the arm% of a wo.
anti, ti.nd Unreal:um may have gnome•
pretded the oocurmusce.
Too.. WILL. tiErfOrther 1111..kIttir, the meat..
leg adjourning atter lin
tile stand.
The emulnet of tho pomade. who Inter
rooted the previous eptskors wee highly
Improper, not. town,' oistrageous. nod cannot
but do harm to tho canoe of the Working
men, In whose interost the Olettirbere
teemed to be noting; NO such winos Dave
occurred at Mem gs held by the it °thing•
men. but on the contrary they have been
allowed the largest freedom to conducting
their campaign. Can vt• be that they deny
to others the privilege aCcorded them I
Republican Meeting. at iteßeesport.
The Republicans of Reg 'wort had a.
splendid meeting on Saturday night. Not,
althemiding the fact they the ',Working
men" tried to take off their mon to a Meet
ing at Elizabeth; the attendance wan near
ly equal to that at meetings in exciting
James 11. Berry, B.fq., preelded, amdated
by e number of %lee Preektents, whale
norms ore alltlmOtoblal4. ,
Mellon addreer erne isitele'bY Colonel
Renal* Ertutt, who held the Olen oaten
lion of his largo audience dozing the whole
of his epeoch,le which be referred to Wei .
perils overhanging the nation, to the ne
cesalty,of giving immediate and eareitti
tittentledrio the overabaderring 'national
questions Worn the poopia,te.tillt, Out, OA
postpouiriganside buries debt third Party
questions until Um Solon is thoroughly re
emitructd th e treltson cempleuity pot
down, and to the imperative duty Imposed
upon every flepoldloutto rally with his
11.3pahlIcens, same Uteq, to the imp.
port et the liepubilean organization 00 the
only norm of Mb nation. - • -
He wad followed by General r. 11. Collier,
One made • most eloquent and eductive
campaign effort. Ile assured his hearers
that teen, 00 not the Wain. doubt' of to.
success of the Itepohlicans at' the ensuing ,
elven.; that all side lasueswero but trick.
the on e to deceive and mislead Pos..
Onbileane, put that the fleptddlegne of th
empty weTe too shrewd to fooled by
,tholle stela Invootions{ that the true and
only hope of the working man • for the Ts
eirevot tile grievances wise in the Reptant.
Can Dart!. end that third Producti ve t mach •
time as- this, could be producti of no
good, either to the , woritingmen Or,
° l:Mph : Oilcan. Of Igettroalpert PiCentite
to give as Dig a =gouts ma Mac year.
• • •
Moen° g ne alswelliester. •
A Moo and evirlied moellegof the lteindi.
limns of the Fifth wad With - wards Alto-
: ghoul, semifluid on' 81,thrday evening, on
Legge. @treat In the /fifth ward. notwith , !
standing 'the largo number present the':
meeting wag quiet and orderly, and the
speech., of which there were several, wore
Bethnal to -with marked attention to the,
end. The citizens of Allegheny city are
Billy imago to the importanee of the Menet
Deeding, sad arenot disposed to be led Ins
to the abenrclity of .a division on local,
hence, an w o h th ith er ti p lij r e pa rr e _e. l .T o T vi ejt io. for wh th icuL at
they pietism senates , ' noway them,
but most Inevitably work In their disadvan
tage hi indeed. 'The meeting wa,
'et ortrimpelly of workingmen, many of
thorn, as we ascertained, members of Trade
Unions; bet who fortunately have the Intel.
„goo,. through. ther shallow -trick
their enemies erre attempting to play open
them In order to weaken ino Itepublican
Party. ,
whith , has. slertye been to the
or too tooting obiseel,and thereby
inereese their own.
To o tng semi presided over by Air.
Witham F. Tritrible,aetheed. by a Walther
of Vice Trmildents and eecreterlea
Cantaln J. Y. Mania, Major A.ll. Brown;
li. C. Yanks...ll ,and. /1.. tA Cameron, ad ,
dresinel.. the meeting in the cede= named.-
I The apemen. were Mt able efforts, and from
toe entinietalitintoanner of the audience at
I the close of once, It It evident they Were
fully andirwelated..
' Boma of the speakers confined themselves
to the ,meered questions linpenoing netweeti
too two settee , the histories of suntan Were
reviewed and con Mutest Man able mariner,
While the others referred to the local Issues ,
now enlisting the mindset the P.O. Of
thle oottot , eying their origin in sawner
ealerliated tooOnirteee the meet sl=l2
that they knee , Sther they ware
boat. At a late hour of the night the meet.
tuff adJOCirried wreesemble at that place
on Fnd sy forming east, at tinVen o'clock.
Gaidand Teentehly Meetimt. - -
At a reaa‘,l4 of the. Depulidlcarm or Gal,.
laud township, held oh Saturday Mehl at
the School bodes, Gilbert Ifeldaster, Zee„
In the Claw, and F. U. lieges, Bearotary,,
the following Vigll.l.o COnlnlitteo we. sy.
pointed for the Illtrelni eampahrot: T. I
Craig, Chairman, Walter Anderson, Job];
Aideeioe, jamph Baolik_Jalnes ,
DiehardStramt,._ -DaMson, /lemY
Lloyd, Thomas meConaghey, , J; D. Collimr.
wood, „roan Gray, BobenAnnali, Adam Con.
nA. Bright, Gray,
an. 11. 8. latep Ge ,T re en
.10 es, Ralph -N M . Brown, J. 1.
tle.hrOeder, T. B. 80408.
Up ihe i'Vestem Pentia;-Rallroad.
Improvements In Suburban Tillages—
“llebotien”—a 'SolenoidTown also—
Socettion—Deser iption—Adyenteges,
gee., Ote.
Por soreraiVeaHhgAi o'er drat-erownql
And pout-up' population Inks iYeen &sting
tiboutforatedleg places, wlthoritthe smoke
hegrimmed and heated streets of the city,
and graddilly . llifise idsMillen to pur
chase *suitable ih't &Margin therien% Isla
and substantial dwelling or oetiak,, tave
one by coo. or we might say, of lite, by doe,
ea, betaken theinAeivell with their families
to free breathing and healthful place.,
where life lit nit ornament ether than It
northern The ant atraotfon lia+ri t 7 this
much to be commended .exceltut wee along
the line of the Pennsylvania Itallroad east
wirdly, 'DOW fOr ten mile/ oetwardeo
numerous hare boon the beiidiue opera
tines and the rcidaral of the toettmate ones
from the cities, that In realfti beefy the
whole. illettmee Is but a continuation of the
city proper. The elastic step,. the ruddy
cheek, the 'Darkling eye and cheerful voice
of the unddren who. thee ester° the
tainted atmosphere, shorn Cho Nin
on they hove- 'Modred from the
chuniflt TooPenneviranla liallroad being
the drat pertn'tnent knit Convenient °taint
,illtardett the unoolu, wait, oCcourso the firs;
to derive mho...wren tronirnd to cattier
benefice upon them. as othe a r railroad
hareeprunglinto existence ones ormiean
retool dirtotlunn, the nattle improvements
have been steadily going no aloes their
Imes, The taint. of theta, and we believe
what tIU I neon be the meat popular alrne
tlonfor.OberDan realdenees, In the Ilne of
the Western '.Puenslnta Railroad
etrotching Itself castwar y dlyalonc va the north ,
slit= c! tea beautifitl Allegheny: tieing but
Little acoosinte2 with tlie territory- along
thin route, on Ontereay tratt, Ise Wow s plea
ura trip, or miler a tour of ohs erVailrki,
a were not a little pleased with It. We
found, as meal where the iron horse traevie,
the march of improvement following him
natal o.e. T .;
yd tannins „, t r ,s o i n) our,.sassent
ere 4,/g
round that within et rear he tmoprot , many
and great Improvements tare beep Made,
and that the work is beingpus g hed .ftwor.
°Mil forward. The place tool rows - won.
der! eilly,end Is new really a part fled par
eel .01 the elle., Coothiliteg eleme tap
road wound many ildS7thigs endpfingiber
of manufactories of oh:tenni atone eprieg-
Inc Op, and the popolaUori Increasing
with asimalling rapidity. At no other
nutmeat:o.mM.). Snout the cities has such
great advani!ettent brim made so in and.
around nlimpstourg The Patireed Com
pany have here a inns depot, with waiting
rooms, telegraph and ticket emcee,
de., and at ell 'times can now be seen
there that Wattle Vt,l stir which indicatee
fte growing place. In the bor.
cogn of new dwell
ings and Other hoilsee that, Leto .Dian
elected within ecomperatirely that period
le enormous. while , the cry Is for
"Mete.” .s.nring a brief stay there on Set.
allay WO, enticed
or n nnreber of per.
sons Wile either did or we, tunies, re
in the any. Tide mistake. hareems,
often occurs from the fact that many
porn Ons live on the Ithell of the roads whits
they do beanies* 1d the city. alum MO,
ere centinualiy main: trey
the, cities.
and at
time, and for s long time to
come, we th e • continual tine Of re..
moral out the Western PennaPrmila Ball.
bond. Above Sharpeburg the' lame eel
donee, Cl growing pomilatirel are wen
'everywhere. mid we might mention Me'
town already reemil rennettl Station.
Farther on unto are memo Of tte 150621.
locations for residme to tee forted any
where,. and now 141 agree to the Mimi
b e everything oon-Idered. for •terele.
be found within ten miles Of the Ott.
in either direction.
Ono hundred and fortyoleveri Gored of the
Innen <Mt" adiolniug the wall known
Rosa property, on the .e prominent titre
chased b y < a
number of mad dr.
terprining merchant& in this ally, end it ti
mw being laid out in a mmt admirable
anner In town lots in else. to. eat all
cloavie. Wo stopped. at this point on oar
oy up. the road, and *ere induced to ow
there on afternoon, and more pleasant and
profitable been we have no t spent for a
long time. It is laid by the poet the.. are
"the melancholy dare, the ',oddest of the
toot," but from our experiences : of eater•
lily at, the beautiful site Or the town beat,
after to ne.knewsi as ollobolien,o we can
confidently contradict the serainlort of the
namairrion Cif gas merle r.
The =verity If Situdted nit 'a lend ef:the
os we Wage said, about
50000 tulles and a half freak the cities.
About one hundred Mr., perhaps Some
what more, and genie lying neereat the river
—ere cleared, end roar of th e delay contain.
inn from Cate.. to twenty-five acresa ,
stretch the clone by a tresettlf
•dfaddlirlarildpagg't . — •
dile back,tha lend letdown level,excepttlie
knolls rusing let/.WW therlandr.te suilthe
Mho more elegantie adapted forresideneog.
In the rearjorty hens. or Man/ ate Conned
with excellent timber MX linliding materiel,
while a great portion of the land is covered
with mine feet of egUl..brie! clay. One
of the best surveyors of the county,Mr. P.S.
It Dovelin. has been furtive! fen' some day.
past In surveyingand. -laying ent• the
%repent, mama • nut Leta . and - , for
hands It willcertafnly be well findroomette.
ly done. On the west aide of the tracton
avenue to It roiled I.:.eptnievenua AMY feet
wide; Is to be opened teem the river entlrelY
through to the Shamsburg end Butler road
beyond. conf Ind and latenseeting the row
port turnpike, which. cute • seen. the teed
shoat midway up the Blom, On the east
gide of tilt erect will run a street forty feet
le width also from the river through. In
tersecting these from side to tide will rue
• streets, generally of the width of for=
and farming^ monconvenlenterul
We system of net work and mode* tidy of
scene to env pert of the town. Tee front
age on the river to the finest to be forted la
Allegheny: the channel it that point rim-
MON along the shore. which le protected by
a growth of *tont tram along Its sided. For
• us UM eliminator alto this point le Probably
one of the best. If nut Ike Vert , beet. that
could — be .elected within ten miles of Me
city, We understood them ten- Ilberal
oder, have already been made for it for
these purpose*. Thu almost level fled lying
oast to the river belw I nc lud ing roa has
! already been laid Ont. th e avenue
and street on the two sides, and forty feet
Meows—three of them—from side to tide.
In trite field tinfoil havebeen made twedity-
Zoe by one nundred Bbd twenty feet, and
altogether them will be about three hun
dred of them, all of uniform site with Pat
tern streeta.
•. •
&b.-. the nairm4 1n Is held oeuthlolha
shoat (wen ty-fivo Imre*, which teem , be ee
laid mat in lots of forty by oho hundred mod
aixty feet each, and with streets lona feet
whin. its ripper elde, dividing tt from
another field, runs the FrOSISIITS turnpike,
which It is the Inteution of the proprietors
df the land to considerably widen. Thls
ebt Li admirably /coated. rerin t g&aelnellY
remit Me railroad to the tarn , being
dotted wtth and to wk ch . to • fine
spring of excellent water. The dela above
the turnpike to mono eloptee, and cantatas
ebent gluten acres. It sbotdd not be un
derstcori that any part of this tract hover
eteep, ior club, la not the case, and thls 001,1
that Me . now speak of, while 'hailer Jim
"realest • deellvity, le, to enrol:dale., the
finest 01100 for handsome roallisusces. The
knelty continua here and there, and the
elope afforded for the grounds In front of
• residence will be moat adaptable for corns.
mentatinn. This field will be laid out In
lots of from one ands half to two and
belt acres. to cult 'purchasers; and. Inlaot,
Mc whole arrangements as to 11,14100 the
land have been :made with the moldexced
lent Judxmcet. • At the 01trome end of thts
dchl IS t2lll brow ottler htil,from , which,
back, the lead - fa 00' we have betere sale,
almost rottenly level, at lout as faros all
practical purposes are noricereed.
Trona the brow of the hdt we have a most
.M•gulficerit view ca the whole region for
nide* around; the Lllla and valley. on the
booth bank of the Allegheny, gaudy Creek
'and the elation thereof the Allegheny Val.
ley Railroad. the location, tot,, of the Pala
Wel works of Kier, Yeeter A Mer, the blue,
though cowed) , Allegheny. winding around
and flatted with mlende, the cultured delds
on the hills on both Mdes, and nearer, at
hho foot. the line of the Western Perinsyl,
Tanta Railroad. The view to well worth
Awns, while the beard UM and hniclug air
to moat refmetung to enjoy. From the Drew
of the Gal twit is about tour cleared geld.,
or different • lees, w bile adjelnlek them to
be timber land &trendy 'paten of. Avery,
largo piece of timber lend Iles also to the
lreet of the tract. The whole property can
hardly ha sald to contain any hrotettland.
At ti:Amber part of the =ming ;
along the • imams side of the tracit,'m a
ravine oovered with trees of
l e el
e the
buli i v t a tl r o i n o t u Al
mood whi d h ngsone silz.;
had there, has calmed A number et hide to
be made for It. We etiould havenientioned
before that the lend on the top Of the 1411
volt oe divided tote tots of from din to ten
acme. to suit. The soil lariat and very pro
cluctivooted forgardoulas purposed Gannet
ettrysaned. . 7
The advantages claimed for the site of
Hoboken • are :many and -excellent ones.
Theltestkes, While being one if the moat
!Many, 10 at came time beautiful. The
lOU 115 vet,' -DrOductive, teal is in shun-',
dente nesu by, and timber. stone and brick
clay can ballad. demise can be had to it bY
two: railroads, the western Pennsylvania I
'matte) Aillegliteny' Talley, and also by. the
steer. The time taken to travel the die
ranee to or Sturm it io Lilt twenty-tthe
Mosby the rallroad,tuel as will be mum by
the schedule - 1n- another column, quite a •
number of .tralns are run at Co nvenient
hennas, The city can be reached as early :
in the =Opting. and the last tram
...ea the illy at 7:IO in the evening. Em
forwions additional trains will be Put on. •
- so tlilet Hoboken can be reached at any boor •
in the day. Commutation Motets will .owe
De lamed, and by these the cost will be but
:` a would
tglii`eten ln
an1 . 1:4; 1 ' it° is el; t • site
r t. ilrme by all means
t ic. fee . t ,, l . c:o h lr er tt
We believe es ° ll. `Q t r : be °
narallseed In ant;
wayj and: are cattalo that all who see it
well be pleased it
it. Already two
beautiful - .residences - are under otalitthalt
area. soon it is ' known that
the lets are in the market, the
rush for theta will he Pee , . ,41.°4 " u " . "
loolong for a Mta should lathy's. , Li:meant
a m v th an en tagOef,a , n d they
le wi ed . e
Ment s n the
oOlirostet Is to oe.t.d st any. point. in
the land at but a very short depth. another
KM.,mithrltitge. Messrs. dill it Bhuttrly.
the gentlemanlyand reliable Baal Istate
NOW.. of Lawreneersllie. have the sate of
Me lois In °barge. uld • [bey w ill t4 p10"54
therm all Information In regard to thine,
and to .bow them to all olle.l_tn r =4:
t.g e tzlt to Ei . o n r a kT i l l 'A plan
Do MO for
,ognew.lol3. - •
TlOl - 013211. 'Thad WO of iota wilt take place
on the ,mend, on naturdayi the 18th of
October, at 'Llthograptile Waits oan
haw' be :peen at.. 15111 10MS/brills Beal
Istate and irdrursace 011the.lawthenellthe.
' • • '
" • .
0114 , ceensetlia— A - regalar monthly
IneotWit of the PlttabulTo Cho ioofineele
Will hs held tole eventnee•llusleese Ot .I.oi
partanco will be brought beforeloe meet
•hg..l.l a full att.:cams of the member
i;1141•11ZD THE C. 13.•
Joseph Armstrong, :elm Bobineen and
Luke O'Brien, charged on oath of Owen S.
Mellen, with forcible entry, had a heerlng
before the Mayor, on Saturday, when the
cue wu disesteemd at the omit of the prose
cutor. ft appe".rs teat h uttee and Arm
. strong had is stand to the Yale ground in
Partneraidy, and Make alleged that Arm
strong, assisted by the etlier defonduata,
toot ..;:elide• Vegetation of
.400 AmiAt . ....Orn
Theiside Y 4114410 made InforinatlOn be.
fora Mayor hforrisdd. oh Saturday, aßainel.
L.:haring McGuire, charging Mrs.lth
granted assaul t and ba , tery,lie aflege ,
that the defendant cut hie brother at Oho
Fair on Thursday . . A warns= eras bellied,
tidt tea danteed had oat been arrested late
comma - rap rorf truth.
Meek Geuheuk,eherged with Isiah - U . 4le Ider
tie Newland at Franketawu.op Month ledt..
of Which we published the punier:tiers the
!I:3°V 7 r."2,l . _,h`,:=. - L s gtf:
mated for tr ia l
Yortfosso AdAMB•
The nearing' which Itas Co hayo taken
Lee on Saturday before 'Mayor IfollarthY,
in the ease of Josena Melllullinand Thomas
Hughes,. charged wjth felonious summit and
battery, on oath of James co Mill., whom
It will be remembered wns soot on the St.
Clair street bridge, on. I.o6tPooe'l tnall
Satunlny, October Bth,the prosecutor Doing
Unable to attend. two useener. •
retitle information before
Alderman Thomas, ehisirattig_. And
Peters with assault and Lattery. The
TtOnnentat alleges that the defendant
struck huh with the butt of a whip,
Lam by tee ttimat and tiled to choke tiOn,
and otVerlitae Missed him. a warrant wta
latuad and the deft Oda. arrested. A Lehr.
tug was had *h. tb. dtgaeulty as
iT b fl u t rr il=gls=rlllll e: rinete
Oa renttylYPrda *Ven
• ,
Francis Wagner appeared before Alder- ,
man Thomas andpreferred an Information,
charging Edward Bnitshok wlth false pre-
Wheels. The prosecutor alleges that the
deferiddnt hOrrowed money, 00 the amount
Of Vega fhb* hbri tinder representatlona
which he has Steen found one to be false. A
warrant was Issued sod 506 defendso4 tr
eaded and held t..) hall. The parties reside
On Pride street, In the wad.
Fatal Aeeld.lint.COroner's Incmes..
A most dlstresiing incident <jeep rred yes.
terday, between eleven and twelve &Clock,
which resulted fatally to Hobart Wallace,.
of the rum ward. Mr. Wallace kept a
boarding.honse oil ienfl street, between
O'Hara and Canal, and about elektn &cloak
he was down stairs talking with his wile
Cud family, la perfect health and epirits.
gamily diertrerd he want tip stairs to the
third floor; and was °keened by some of
the neighbors looking Mat Of a Deck thlrd
story stiridOwi which , wet toe Met that was
seen of him KU*. • lietween eleven and
twelve o'clock an unusual nobs, was beard
in the back yardt when coma one in the
hones went out sae found Mr. 11. dead. He
had isDen from thb window mentioned and
Meek on a board fence with each force
that his Steel:sew was berated open, and
death ermined Immediately. coroner Claw
son was notified, and etimmermel a jury to
hold' an Inquest, who rendered a Verdict
of soeldentW death. The widow of Mr. WM.
lam stated that be was In the habit of Ht.
Übe at that window end looking out at the
rata to the beet red, and it Is supposed
that while Hens engaged be lost hie balance
and fell, The deteased was about 1011741 re
acq a
Of age and highly reepseted among
A Measles Oemtvresiem
Peterds7 about twelve o'clock thilicar
Wathan:: (thud • man lying on thopon
nolleville railroad tray' near tte. jepot, 1 .
an ingenaible coalition. Ile 47 . 1* loath
unknown means received a severe cid On
the bead from which be had bled profusely.
Ile wearer... 6 to the watch house. where
his taintlas were µleaded to by- Dr. Mur
doch and Hobert Orabaug. The Doctor eald
that he bed fedelved a rest Qn tea tisad from
some heavy instrument, or had fallen
aganut something by whist an artery had
been severed. The toast was very drank
Chad found. sod alter be had become fotae.
whet sober he rave hie name =John Kane.
and Cold he reek!. at lthltonruation, on
the Allegheny 'faller railroad. He seol be
bad fail. and cat his head, but could not
my when or where it, ocerfrred , se all he
could reccoleet before the accident wall that
he had been at the Monongahela-bridge.
from which he. Lawrence
ville. It is stated by thoia - wne attended
tborthOlcist over. teo gni= Of blood.
After he bad renhetently Meilivered frOfo
the effects of the injuries be bad 6003411104
td be Mlle 00 Memel with safety, he was
allowed to depart, to his.home.
Orin Boirsa.—This evening Mite Ida
Vernon makes her grit sppearanoe, wa be
lieve, en the gittabwrgt, stage. Mies Ter
uo enjoys a high reputation ass sensation
actress, and with the erection company
now at th e Opera Month to support her,will
doubtless create a sensation hero. Manager
Canning It untiring in his efforts to plows
the public, tad it Is gratifying to see theta
highly appreciated.
traumas Tirsarnalie usual amount
of attraottoa mar be found at the Varia
nts Tnestre, and during the present week
an reensually attractive MU win be presen,
ted. Sam gollyer. the champion of light
weights, mates his first appearance to
TRlATlLl—Orialh d Cbristy4 Minstrels
are Orswing large houses at the old Thee-
Ire. and are rendering general estisfacUon.
The troupe is efeadmeed of gentlemen,.
rant wiihrh Is becoming generally known,
►red le highly appredated by the Javan of
genuine wit and hamar, when void of low
Hadar this head this morning Is an
nounced the death of Mn. H. 11.'Iteed, wife
of A. H. Heed. MI merchant of this etty.
She was ■ daughter of Hon. Thai, L. liaMit.
the, arm thirtyclx year, of age. and a molt
tall:nano nay. She became I Member of
the Unformed Presbyterian Church (Dr.
Andre* Black, utor,) at the age of seven
teen, and continued nor concoction 'nth
that untregation until her desalt. Her
!Inane was Inflammation of Melange. and
her Mons of Witten week. duration.
We have alio to anummee the death of
soother highly reap:treble lady. the wife
of Mr. .1 aleph Horne, the well known dry
roods Merchant. Her demise took place=
Thunday last, from dlytherm, after a total
The Weed Triamphane.
The remowned Weed Sewing MenMem, for
which MOM. Long, 1e0.119 Want street,
the agent, was triumphant at the State
Fair which closed last Friday. Misjudges
awarded it the highest Odes as • superior
f1.11.21/1111 for Ono• or hoary work, and as
entitled to special notice, and the first pre
mium for &mita boyeiclothleg Mild • upon
the Weed machine. The Wheeler a Wilson
=clam received the- weeded mention and
the Empire machine the NW—the others
were not mentioned at all. This is a eelen
ad triumph for the Weed Sewing Machthe,
end fully stamps it as the bed machine
existence. Those who wish to own the ben
will mane notes of theselacts.
Common Plena Trial List.
The following is the ILL of cases marked
down for trial In the Court of Common
Pleas for this der
21. Mclntosh vk Battler d MCI.
81 limmer vs. Mott. . ' .
EL Btewari vs. eumart. •
L. Henry vs. John Agnew, Ron t Co.
N. timedloth vs. same.
e 7. Odlare vs. Dais d Maim.
90. Reamer, smignee, vs. Lumberton a co.
M. Venn vs. Maid.
Bayer vs. Wahnan. - -
ad Melon vs. Movers.
W.' Dock Creek V. Co. vs. Robinson.
Be. Barrington vs. - Sech. •
loopr nOtins of matters• and things at
tete • ratr we entirely overlooked our es-
Mined &Md. lix.lfurUn Shuns, of Bins-
Latham, ',howls on the ground In full life.
genial and smllhig ea usual. with snindY
of the beet lager beer rosio.,"""e her
or elsewhere to the eonotn• nohtribotthlt
greatly to the condi= of thou of the duty
thirsty - stilton . who I orinited in that
insrbrage• It he did not, got n Prestiluni It
no, not because be did not deserve ft, but
for the moon that none "03 °Mired. Ile
was, boWever, eutireli manned with his
espertence, having hauled on kegs home
empty. *nun tin amnia' Of "Mixing" wu
considerably fneniased.
The body of the man lend drowned
Flue Creek, Friday, a notice of which we
published Saturday, has been Identified as
of H ug e iiare, formerly fruit and
peanut vender on St. Clair street.
h er body was identilird by Ms wife. and her
statement of the alronumtancm, Connected
with leaving home on Thursday night
about ten o'clock would Indicate that her
husband committed salcldo. He all
to be In acme financial trouble vert=
p,,nebt upon his mind as to result In
artial Insanity, to which may be at,_
.1111oltell his death.
Mikan to the Penitentiary.
Michael Leonard. coarleind of. feloaious
insult and battery, sad- sontaneed to Mr
Piers le the Western penitentiary, and
ilmiblnelyotentlieled'of blarney rebbery•
and sentenced toren. yeti.. were taken over
00 Satur ratnemberodday ty blier . Ginty. .Leonard, It ,
sr 111 tre charms:l-
tog attempted total's, tbeilfe of Patr n i ab Urn.
heaths blest Pattaburgb, on the night of um
90th efJuntr. • Feely, • it Is alleged, robbed •
man by tits mares Price on the niCotOngh
_. serious AteridanlL—L serious accident
ocetuved at the Cainehernia depot, Hater.
day, by winch Mr, Mc%%Utah.. or, angle
wood, a carpenter ti the crania? Webs WM
peep, had hie thigh badly crashed. Mr.
lteiglaughl In MU engaged on one MMus earl
In making Kale repair., when another car
eras backed nown.the track and by some
means cough his th!ght hetwven the hem.
Meg, crashing lila a terrible manner. The .
Lohman Man was conveyed to hiaTlMldeillee'
and his Injurles attended tO by Mr. /Wings.
Melee Oesumereise Offiege...4ln
loartheitaetit to.dars 'panes told be found
a. Wendel engraving of Vets
nre• lute te sileken of the temente ac.
teem a commercal' education
em in this institution. we refer our
nadirs to the annertleement for pill:kn.
Deetruillie Fire on Penn intreet—p.
K. tam.mre elatt Damen
Lose Slo,otio.—Fcli7 Coverea or
occurred yl4sti!ily
.A .deetruetive Ore
morettshbetweett aye and. alz o'olocifOry
which the large Malt House of D.R.GaiweY
al Co, at the cornet Of Toon street. and
Barker's alley, Was totally dotioailled. The
are originated, it 11 the ht, from the !M
-oines m the building, in which Breves
kept tar the pony:too of drying malt. The
alarm was upended from box 12, at the cor
ner of Liberty and kit. Clair etrsets, and the
. .
fire departinent tens promptly on the
erected, and die good service: They saved
the extensive stables of Collin. &
winah are situated lonnedintelv to the nor
of the Melt )10eov, bet oil their aorta to,
onenoh the names In the Malt lioptc were
of no avail.. The bethling, with BD eon.
tents—a large lot or melt and grain—Wes
entirely contented by tne !Mattering elf
meet. The alt Milne of McCuttelece a Co,
wets en the first doer of the holiding. the
contrede ef winch oleo felt prey to the
John Hare, (tell of the The Department,
narrowly escaped by
filigree wall. Lie wee
etan dine In front of the but Int rte. close to it,
guesting the operations of tee thereon.
when the well fell, scattering the brick and
burning timbers all around him. Ilia es
capewim almost, in I racetlorm, as the wail
ruled tramedl.tely in front. of him, end
piles of brick fell within a few feet of mm'
on either elde. The. Eagle engine blew off
her cylinder bead Curing the tiro, but no
ponson was leJoreti by the accident.l
Galway E Co. have an Inoqranee on the
ertabllthment 0(410200. - which. it 1 . Ore'
owned, will telly cover their Leas.
Ls Gessoso-713r1Gnolt—OpereL
_The Opera auleeted for ITednbeley night
next is tEe. “riarber. of Seethe." W clip
the following trot: w New York cordernpo
eery regardusg Madames Ise Cringe:
"This grant and very populef artiste will
arrive in New York on the Barbeu this
weelt.and the musical pent will hail her
retina to these Shores with unfeigned de
light: She will come rich In her lyric esbe.
Oconee, which, as ere have noted horn time
to tithe haVe by attended by honoreand
triumphs hit few artists here the fortune
to gain. She had lAsetrin the greet capital
of Europe, the eynosnre of, wend. drawing
from the most °seethes" critieWthemosiflat.
tering laudation.. Presents (tothe intrinsic
value of two hursdred thousand dollars In
ally were lavished upon her in nod
Madrid. Paris and Vienna, London eM St.
Petertherg, and in Milan, and other gains
of Maly, she has been extolled as an artist°
of the very highest rank. At Vlennai it Is
said, the court was he rivalry totter honor to
her. atter she had displayed her rare Wentz
I in the Moat difficult. operas of berreperreere..
We may think we may promise Max bus
kaseli• that in eschrins Madame La Grano,
and Shr.Brignoll res prioelals .in the
portant combination that lie haa made for
the present season. he has placed a' dein
foundathme for a eneceas that Is not Often
aChleved in the United Slates. Macienie Le
linage is *tower of strength in any open
title or musical cietexPrirM red Sig. Brig,
n. fame increues with
T l, he boa °Mos at Mr. C.C. Mellor's Isle are
requested to state) will open at 9 a. X. this
day, (Menday,).4 continue each day, COm•
Mooring at the same hour.
nilosbands, Love Tour Wives^
and give them Plantation Ylitters when
rgrgrlit'll*,l7lfnftreot, t=l7l,':Arke'i
the thousand and one diseases to which th e
weaker sex Is Slaving you mime ex
perienced the benefit of their use, extend
the stemma to Miners, This invaluable to.
me will chase iivpOchondrie or "the Blues"
—give tone to the damagednervocts system,
—gently atimulatescevetlons,—di•
poll vapors and , g and itenethily MAN
hp the worn COIIALICIMIDIL roe each eintanifl
all ages it Is a gentle stimulant and • Pe,
fleshing cordial. Millions of bottles are
sold daLy all over the world. •
liteeotte waTea.—.4l. dellahtfultoiletar
ticle—superler tc!C•stoehe and at half the
price. • awe'
We would inform persons visiting the
State lair that Mr..frattes Bobb. No. WS Mar
kat street, one of the pioneers In the boot
sea shoe trade of this eitY. hOe on hand.
Wee and fashionable erect of boots, shoes
and gaiters which he otters to the public at
very . reasonable prices.' It wilt be rewrote
bared that the.sortment found here Is not.
(Mel Eastern auction houses but Mut bean
Detected direct from manufacturers who
deal in mesh articles as will prove service
able ann durable. Call in and see for your
selves. •
CommenelskaTo-asy, the great Sall sale
of Dr/ tioOds, by,Boaker a Co., 63 Market
popular- steam bikerY - Whlcll - 'wes
fished In left, and has share been so STICOO63.
fally cOndueted by abutin Cohn allY.nt Nos.
/9 lad Si :Irsrin Erect.. Plttabstrsti. has
passed Into the handset - J. T. Wray g /Wm,
who will doubtless misuan for the old es.
Mallstnionot the reputation /1 /ICJ so long
enjoyed. /no geetlethen comprising' the
already enure - nettle Ironed me.. sad be , .
added valuable improvements in
the way or mactnneriow that they now
hove every facility for manatee' urmg ell.
Made of crackers. For further Intern:tat/on
we would oar reader. to the card of
this Ann, which appears in another column,
and sortie_ respeatMlly rtwomtnend them
is worthy of &Uses share of ;labile patron
Sweep take Pr•sist•m Gwes.—We no.
thw that Messrs. Glenn 3 Brother, of Nobles.
town, Allegheny county, Penneylmnia, took
the brat sweepstake DreMlUtil on Spanish
merino ewes—three two year •Old, three one
old„ and and three spring ewe banns, Thaws
ewe, were bred by Wenn t Brother, as also
their two roar old rum, ° Bell. Ifelkoide , ”
which took the second premium on rams of
his Masa Messrs. Glenn 'S. Brother have
established en en viable reputation inbreed.
ere of improved Spanish merino sheep, and
eta famish a few rams to breeden of as
pure bred sheep of the improved Spanish
merino blood as en to be found M the Uni
ted States. ddw
eft. (Markel Zugssuth has Jost Ni
b:treed ham the East with • large and well.
,selected lot of variety geode of every , dee
criptioe, which bell:deeds - to offer the trade
at a very small prolit on the investment.
Zugsmith has had considerable expe
rience en the notion line man fully under.
stands the busineas la all Its details. Fie
has made ,his selections and purchages so
that he cad otter a superior lot of goods at
prime coasiderably lower than those elan)
other house ha the cltr. We would marmot
folly advise coo friends cud readers to
give him a call at No. St Ylith street.up
liessazuber that the Orval Ad! Sate of
Dry tmods by Barker d C 0.,. 19 Market. street,
commences to-day. ' •
Connta7 AgerebAawas.—Your atten
tion le called to the wholeaale mid retail
Finder? store of Arthur Rirk, Noe. 172 and
174 Ite4total street, Alleheny, lust the place
to hey your groceries. Mr. - Kirk. has facia
ties for keying that enables him to sell to
retail merchants at a lower figure than any
other harem In the two cities. He keeps at
rdr times all slues of groceries, and will be
pleased to have rattles call and examine
his price Hat and quality of goods kept by
him. 'Remember his number, 113 and 174
Pedant streel,,Allecheny City. • Norio
Desirable Private Resident. wad
Grouse, on Western avenue, Allegheny
City, at auction, on Monday. October 7th. at
two o'clock, r. a. Lot ninety feet front, ox.
tending along Bidwell street De feet. being
e corner lot. Also, a vacant lot staining
the above. fronting Arty-two feet on the
avenue...tending back 217 feet to a slily
foot etreet gee advertisement of Smith
son, Palmer and Co., to auction 0011311111. •
At Whole.le and Xetibll. Dry Goode.
The aroet fell Bale o[ Dry Grods. by llama
day, •
Dry Goods a Whole...le.—We ttlYtte
the Wheeler attention of borers at whole
sale to our complete awoke or BOP, Dream
rlootie and all &lode of Fahey and Maple
tioode, and to the feet that ere bell at the
lowest Eeetettl prizes and out good, to !nit
primers. J. W. Hausa & Co.,
69 Market street,
Too Allegbenians.-.Arthurlilrk. whole.
sale and retail Grocer ties. 174 end 174 red.
oral Street: ha rece ived one of the bat
stocks of galleries over brought to the city,
that alit be sold lower than at any house a
the city. acne
• To-4e7 to the wrest day among th
Witt. • Tbo Groot Fall Sole of Dry loud
by Barker & Co, 69 Market .treet, ootrtalon
oat keday.
To ritisolioo.-6o to Arthur Kirk , s arc.
eery 'tore, Soo. 17,1 and ft [Wand Street.
Alloirheny, end buy your Sugar for putting
up Ault. Rohs, thelurgurt, cheap.
art 'tack Sn thAcity. Cell end Me NO TOM'
salve. /11111.
ilenteilalow Pare.—Teo Sees. Corona,
Sitn i nt e rliT:n * d " gUteNt r ei;eel,72::
Whean are warranted to be tee very beetle
the Market. Gall and get prlee net. a Wet
Bag. atatl.Theie rill be 'a Inaten glom •
on Tuesday. October ill, et Oakland, be
twee. the " Planter" and ' , Our Muffin Mae'
base ball clubs, bath of this elm. • •
New Dwelling /loose and Largo Lol
In Alleitbani Law at anotion. ft. *dyer.;
tinemanc in suction colutan. 4mitAbOti,
nor & Co., Auctioneer.. : . •
W. .11,. Oildeinrci.e*Y. Flrto &mitt,
ham put received BleelmoixVii Edintrtirg
Ilegatine, American edition, for .13eptetn.,
bet. Contents rt.= and strong la ustuit
. .
unoop Groeortee.—Fos cheap 01 . 0013Tb:A
seasotuetta pit gOod, go to Ano .
tirmoryStoro,Nos.ll34 n 4l 7lFederils K inee rk k a
Allegheny cap, ,
Lye, 17n., 'throat. Asiaa% Cheat . Dia.
ear's., salt Catarrh. Saeortattalt treated
by D. Abora,l3l Balithdahl stmt. A Look
by mall to euta. •
tO Pleas toreDo6l4.o. "
Mortal street toe PoNorth Ilna
Tor, at the totroothrteer. •
. .
ftt i ple" ln at
Saga Mater I; T. T.
aueosny .F . 3 . 13 704mila:root
. .•
The Greeks Is l l Milo Of Dry GOoda by
> terb Co, 69 Market street, earatneeoes
tsmlay. .
t 3 an yore • fierrors, near. Mauro
Arad, at* auction. lee anvertlesneent of
analebeon. rani= a Voo anceloneetri.
alt = l e h A ß lV.le W t= CR
Alleclanm ,
to lleuitors • Drugtalk No. t 4
Ilortet Meet, tor your 00. Toilet 4oeye. .
Two zmitruill.
11/11221160/WW AID RATVlliallr:
& uno simsot,, ooatabgni TIONTT.PEL Otltm
.07[8! et IstoPOOttlit moan motto; tbei.ftelly '
pAttortala s West Itioni by Selwyn*
£OO yalnablo Itta.llos litttor tor tb..
7asolly, mot fulloat salt mat reliable Maw •
old sod
ilk Eastot &mono alma VI
&ay pap& ilk ttm otty: longer. Misbante or •
Ilarehent avoid be Intl:mot It.
nava 001 ma *iii aasarmi
(25 0: 140.
—Lod op* CM of pager to 100 porn irttUo. '
np the Clop. idankno to elobiooll D 0 gado M.
toy Mot, st club r0.t00.• ' .•
zrortcpe 00 SoRlCatbaL74 3l OrtoltM Vogt ,
booty, po rozo And. popery rant *Maw
Won, brae swoeneedar =nue SO -seir
seribersturing bat owmail WILL -
/pp MOrioy by Draft. 11.0yr055..10..1
..11.11.1114..dutv.. lasybo mat si OOIAO4
Puna= ,
PIE! Welsh Republicans in Pennsyl
vania a c re making unusual efforts in their
varlowi' settlements, and although, , an,
general thing, few of them, are, candi
dates for office, . their . vote is &pretty
heavy one. In the Lucerne County Re
publican Convention Norris gapes,
Hag., a most estimable Wolshman, Wait
unanimously nominated to the !APIs-,
sure, while he was on a tinniness visit in
Now York. Mr. Hughes lea popular
wan, self.mnde, and comee from& sturdy
TEE Chairman of the Derneenstie Com
mittee for Columbia couitty bas famed
mn chimes, demanding thbt "the past Be
forgotten." We don't wonder the Dem
ocrats want to bury their former disloy
alty inp oblivion. A mom Alameda'
record was never nindev:p. But the
masses of the American people are not
ready thus to condone their offences.
Mx. STANTON refusedto furnish 40,000
stand of arms to the Maryland milltla
shortly before his removal from office.
Is this one of the causes for which km is
to be tried?
Sabbath Demserattaa.-vßase DaU Mar
log was Indulged in by boy. au S•rtsur
bang, ;a the borough of Blrmingluna yea—
imslaY. as It has Peen regularly same..
hebballl for tome time past. it the
Meats of the have have thee little Mara
for the morale of their offspringthe Ime—
ough sethorlties at least stgruld ' uot allOw
this desecration.
' Palmed Ttironati.-11z$Or Gerterld Haw
cock passed through, the city yeaterday
evening era route for et. Lou/s. He Was
receited by General ltegley end Murk at
that:felon bernt, *hero he remained bat •
abort time, when he took the wasters MM.
Republican feetter....Tbe Itepubtkarke
of the First wanl. Alleetlaul ME. will
bold a public Meeting et cliff Roy* ao
/Must) thin evening( at ni o'clock. I Wri
meeting will be ad dressed by able apeakera.
! _
mcio—Un /Ma'. , 4pteather Mb. MI. WI.
MAST 4., wife of Alea.lf..
/that'll [rola the reeleeeee of bee neothee.‘
Mrs. gene Tio.ll Boyle etnet. Athle
ebony Oily. on MONDAY, Ilia o'clock. P. W.
Batonlay evening. at elEkk:, In the 71th nese or
Ws age.
The tooaral will lake plate ITEM Mostar.)
Arril.ooi, ate o'clock, from kb lota reaUloaea,
Beglrellneono, Eloth "ark Al I catasy. • • •
ItIIONZ/dY.—tm Satarday. amdamber Inaire o•coek. tiEUtogr., fathers{
Janne and Robert M. Kennedy. to the 11101 year •
of ate age.
The Calmat will take place gmil (lienniad*
zonteinct. at It o'clock, tram the outdates or
Ms eon. James 11, Kennedy. Ito. 12 311varkmo.
nue. Allegheny City, to proceed to Yount 17slas
Cemetery. The Maeda of the larottl, aka Sao •
Boeotian{ laalted to Wend. . •
PO AYIPAI 1:5 z-V , , 3+ 4:1
7:e.106 ?Om th Most. l'lttatailia.
001110 of .11 kinds: CRAM, 01.017313, as*
e,gry description of Ifoaaval Paratabliu goods
fandaacd. 80.111180110.til du sad :Oat. ficisrsit
and omria,ao foraDarl.
Maraalaotta-lito. David Kan, D. D.. r.
lg. jg.tynt. Tbnautarortsts.Z.l.; ev.
cab H. ]7lller. Tao. •
J. noutaarco. ENDEIRTA.
• =8 AND ZNZALMII3I. =meow to the
late Sasmeci Y. Itodscri. tO. )19 0010
. _
estße. Rosewood, RE alXOßlT.Walstnt awl Mow
- rood Imitation Calinna. as am lowinn maniaa
prleeS. Rooms open at all nowt dn./ site. sled+
licassa and Carelamm Inentsned on Mort t"Oltle
And Mt Most ressOnatde Wane . •
RDW.41121) CZABSITECNI, 1/71.
"" DERTAXSZ.. Once. 944 Odzo firaitt.
Allegheny. X•l4/11(e, iloirelyooll and *WV Cod.
Mu, Irita a comedete Met of Amend feralsklag •
good, es baud, and parnlstied at •b0x.: 7 '.4 , 11.111
at Union vice. Sali and - Ltreer tables, on.
d! Fran ...VD 312Motaarsa7L. c'.11.4*„
Va4:8 4 .!..5144 1 .. J. , . **w
hy, tam
C. STEM/AUT. Undertake 4
data WWI. Collins of all Irina. Hums MA
Carsteiea fornlahed on the
Illthlthl7ll, se the flemethey jethe
Ley^ , theville, Pa ORN/LICSNRAL
AND maws wthnot mas , immus.
BOY voila
No. 56 BT.„
Opposite IttasosictHaLl.
Merchant Tailor.
Hu 'unwed to No. OS WTIMISTuRES=
lie/ of Fodrest Street.. where be In Dow
leg hie env sad cot mare evrek.ot •
/1L.L1.. CLOTH& GatioL/eXIIOO.
VCISTUNIIIS Ano. uvz.coiathee• •
Which will 0.1004 e to order to the meat ststisli
Raiii47l3ilfarre irgrat r f :Nll
RILL N Sold on were romp:m.l4e tem&
SI. Natrris. Metrolisat
PS wlrt.a.2llltZET. oor. rodent.
X•3•Lari•XCEe =Mr , - •
it Parnmlar irtrei to feral eft
Wntatra. Cloaks an • Jelrelli.
BISILDLISH lAMB, 1 1 / 1 110dteste Gs GM:Wm
Tureptke, edpeateg tee bang:lmes refietele:• Of
3.1. 11. Ixt.c,ulovaa. j Tams are the attefi dear.
eble leis lezr urantry rrldrects lemsum.llls
ter ele excaUeo.
Serene ewe.
Ventre of - lILL a SINOTTM. LT.
Eta .1911a4 anA Inrcrance Aienth'
FOR 'l3ALE—Mbat ' handsome-
mi.:, 4.tabhaaass tITOItrIIZIOZ
wILLING,IIOIIISE, .Itei.ts No. lb Baud*
tired. rlttatargh. Slam how talltaatad s
ohs bt tha handaossed wawa is Plttibatel.
anut new teats tor, gat Thlg property la we ,
worth the attention et theft Hatings aft'
hoes,. rtt.L £BaotrsaL2, Bad 'Kathie am.
tinaiabtat Lopata, Dattaramed, star BOW**
to nap Lawresearille•
0N3,1111, & CO., -
Prettied Furniture iiiantifaetaren
CTP.. PM'S. ar; warm Ears.
bawl. 14190 r 17141 M VOL. rrillb•Soicasnatir..
gonna ro BALP A AT .
illowarors Livery Stable,
vizor ST/WM len Hogregibei. Haugh'
One TIMM Vtd7 Arestio to 4rtvlor V A. &
losostottva. tonk• good
ran to trot, One cheep wort ala i
low. Hors...bonen Ind Aa
Anct.oy Cotton male, Eittabpg%.
amituctum, szavx. aznitric • znar
autrxriares ..