THE TAILI EILIEITE .. . -41411 .,,.. ii - ~ , l - o‘i\\, 7 t:ll9 //1 7 "r --- >---. 4- n•' _ ..,,,, ,, , , ..,y, ,„ .... v .:4 5 _- - --- „....., k ,, , „- .--;11.-5.„-_- : --"t• -- vof.:--- mbrazarsaters. :4 ~. ~-c: . —,_____-. -, ...„,..---,, „#----:: , 1 , - • ' = - , 1-, . '• • • --#..........._, ~ M IIIr .§,, ,a.. ;›,..._ ..—,----!_, := . 4. : r z'-,i- A .. b - t -- a-......_.... i,;;:i . lima. 11 ' -.•,-' 0 mr A -If eLsorraironxinre. ”. .. ' • " ` --, Alto ea Rims wriossi. '' I 1 I I) ----''' ' -a4t...0,..,.. -,, ".„. k ,.- :4,..., ,54:) ,, i , .). 1 1 - ••-•'- - .t. - . - • ' - -,-- 4 •_k) ~,,,--;•• _, (1 c li I I - firg if Tarim %minds, 4 • •';, ), ~ ) \ / I rozat or rrrrestrzon au 1 '4 [ - ri ~. \ - I --- - - - ------- .•,-,•.-.. -____-; - 7 , —• --,; - _---,_,,.. e , - • ~-7--,-•••--- - -,..---- .•-•,-, • r v i k ,• ---..---- -. -_ :- .- -- _ • ----_----,-.___. /-- --/- - t - -- - --- - _= - .•__ -- - 7 -1 --- 71..-=.,.. - - - --f- - - _ -,------- -- / bow. rm. I. sleazy... inetsui or Dam: •••,.. PO Prir...7.1*.0u. ranamian mar acosalze, atom' amcim3:6l QM 75... T. P. 111017STimg. HAIM% nadroia to -,11401ku i mi n i , ca4 C Oeltvea% . . Mauls emucznra, rotreetraum, ma.. „tift Gairtts 3i.wonivrr = The litral risers o the Commoseradth ask se higher tribe . to the worth end dieraitar or Judge Williams thin the *DeWitt liras cosi Paid him by duig:liddy Democratic paper. 01 Westiwirsuassirseis thedsy fbarwing his noislnittim. It gad: • i "The' itataisaticai - ' f the Ron. Hem W. William es a can date - for Judge of the BopetseCourt . A a good ona. Ha wu the bed man zur before tho Re publlaua ConvontlON dpeseinsealegal and canal guallfleati e for the revue. alb% position to whi ha Ina bean nom inated. , Both parties now prena tal tbelicandtdatea An important duty 1 hu beta - faithfully Ischerged by the reapeetive , cognation . ' The campaign .may %Ow be conducto wallow persenai Aspevions, and' deed , upon the pried plea gibe two - pelt lea This is as It should be. It is an auspicious scan of the thhes; end if the •utity animations are equalli , redivide a the selection of legislative tandldate. there will be a atop put te the &pia -bl•Oertuption at tie seat of gamma under: a new taiga of honest men sad eouedeutions legislators.—Platbarg Ref, lane 26th, Tbd Post in re gto the' above, 'cat then Seth of A was pleued to "Welts:vs nothing to take . back or tooditir;. Of liaise Williams' private or legal sepatatiett wo have nothing but widen- of praise, • an & hammer. it may suit somaymirzaniona• sad'heady poll*. ciani4'we cannot bring otasalyes to view m eited 'Amanita as either wise or po- liPpoputar reeeptkita, green to Gen. Ethseittaa, show that Cangream has the ameaha ot . tool men at ha back. Tax disaintent of the Party of Ao sbni, a /WY, at the arrest of Garibaldi, lindaecrpresalon In trunnlniary proceed ing'. Ale -EWA doubting/I, has a hard strindie befirtiterDesireind Duty: .• ' TAW Liberals of thews want to get dd of itisdratonarchy, and set up a re pribliireider the protection of the United Stataii: , ')The desire is natural and Sec zatarillaward unquestionably ready td WY:A:CO:or poojAck do mot want "en tangling alliances'!. abroad. Tim 1314mhaa retuned the de:aslant the Czar thtihe independence of Candle. It noi► *alai to be' men whetter the latter AMU his threat, or. like Dan iel Webster, when botheiral by his nab intimation of war avinat Srigland, ea. cape the dilemma* indefinite Postpone ment.- .poß,cialm RESIST ILN CE. The But !aye Governor Geary threat. =el, in his speech in our city, that lie out the State troops "to aid the risiip 9eingrents to displace the Trois identlinuLtulda !!Gleary hid better not try &the. - Hs may And; pout*, two armies hens." Every intelligent man knows that no one in Ocmgreha haaproposed to displace the' President except by impeachment; and no principle of th e Constitution is morel f Ain .then _that - mbici mithorizes them to do so. No member of Congress Las proposed to go outside , the limit of the ea' ilk;iity rtiwy toilierrea by this instrument in this matter of displacing the President; and it la the' threatened forcible resistance of that right by Mr. lomasorr,Md his patty, which Goer; nor raihriti prOpeises'to meet by a Moroi ter force. To sustain Mr. Jonsson fa his menaced resistance to the constitu tional authority of Congress the Post now threatans tuwith.the; zg,o men' who toted Lei Muria add, pnonOMMea the purpose of Cloy. GLIM a "wicked piece of folly." -- In 1880 the poly of the PO.O mid to the psepbs of, this monk" ty.,'!lf ton slid ILucairwe Willaissolye the -Union ! The people listened, and replied, "lirsshayia constitutional right to oleo! laitooptond Listrunr, ,Some of ,m do not are much for them or the Painalplii theilinreient, lmt we should intti to know; whether the Constitution oz dem. ocrabc-thunder la the supreme, liw-of this / 0 0 1 - W 64l eCt and Mx- Lni and now let us see the long theat, sued dissoltOeni" - - . If we resietteber coirectly • whit gala paned in &next Rini yearn, the Union we not dissolved. Now, SOIZIA3 of the people propose to impeach - the . rxed. dent, if just mind Multi spins' •en trial .The rnatd . ent am "If you do, I Will Cesare- Congrese, - -and the Ant says that renotylmit democrats will spring to Anne, and loin luto,l Tom State troop's, lo obedience to our regular Buda auttunity i should interfere to sus tain Oengrele In the - exercise of its con altetional authority! Does this look, like nufflS4kin ic i f t h e .4/ denenrstle policy or fintible redatauce to the , cien-- stitutioually expressed of the peo ple? We think It does. Ira taro party could threatened spied ideals brat= of Its defeat, in a constitutional election, andifterward make good the threat, the nunelairtY, - threatening Mance, CUM of a constitutional proceeding of *lngress, ma,ytessonebly, be expected to carry otd daS:threag - Will the peoPletuccumb to this argu ment of the sustain their gok ftlia:111 any cerettitnticcuil ma me they may deem expedient? The coming elettlon win sendren 'the libation; and we feel that that answer will be the re- Petition of thaterhich they gave in '6O. Nif10,1atALL.,4124 4 140, AO =Pin litibiOlone by the denrainta; shout the meanest .is the porsistmice with which they dlstoriorod President 'Llsoolo s and_ visit their hatred of him* upon his Brick Nano-; roy Aoelis all decent people by Ids 11. baldry Dem the murder of our martyred .‘ chief, his ' more respectable coadjutors mannibolure 'lenders on her who bears his Bala. Ono story hes scarce mu its rounds berms another is started eller it; ' sad the last; by the Todd, le, that she is in New York, ender the name of Hrs. eirirtarylog to rill her clotidng and jewelry to add to her slander income. If Mrs- - Lincoln!' reduced to arch nacos. sfty, shame to the laud, and it is the . people, not herself; she Screened when she dropped that honored name, la =Oh livantnetion; but we inre no derabt the story Is a sheer fabrication, made to gnaw demo:oldie hate of the Oval dead, who Dad honored his wife as do foirliying men. - Ws call attention. to. the adrer tteeinent of the ironing class in the School Dualgu, end reouniusend the instltuth* td,tlie friendship sad age ofill'isho desire to see our city ed. Tame In Um arta of elTilization.' The opportoultrit gives, a few women, of i Andutcbccace andprofltable employ , meat, lathy no means its highest Moo. Wm. -The cultivation of a love of art, the elevation'of the public taste, the dis tribution of correct ideas, of habits of close observation 'Minn appreciation of the beeogbal, are amongst the uses of girl & school Hainttarr, the ighlebad, was educated in the Philadel phia School of Midge, and the still, which ahe brings to her woilkis credit,: hle to vie State. . VOLUME t. - XxXII.--NO. 225. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. vriam EEMOI3II tar ToletrAp?Ao.partetabyrrommtte.i • SAILLIALIMIN Inotisettteassun. hoinares, Snt.receiv rlota by Gartbalatan relit:cum isulous' pasts Of the kingdom bare' bank attpunnted, 'aK4Tt annoisneeil to.tur tbet the ecnmtri lortranquil. • • SIMMS COSTLIMMID,ASMOMI • TOSION MISUIMID ST TUX TOM TOI 11/IDM' 'SAMMY. - .LeeDow, Beet. 28—a"eca—lieports tram / 111 7 sre:soullletine. The latest dUp►teh tesatlcsas astio.flriots at Mods., =au, Geterat Ilad'Saples. Gan. Giulbaldl waagolag te Capron. • - The Pope sent a =essays to Napoleon tilookbot Win for,the arrestof Garib&Lll. tor= sink as - antsimi—as szsciars en IPOLLOIIII2, NOT:re 3A DIAOCOCIi Ftensuct; September O.—Uarlbaldl bas written n letter in which be says the Mumaa barn the right which ale slams have to rise against thole oppressor% and it Is the duty of Italisna to, help them. In their struggle for liberty. Ile hopes his tellms Marlow *tlioo be dlsoonraged by theilast serene, and exhorts them to re. organise and march on again to the liber ation. of Rome. The letter carmindes with magpie:alto the men of the Überal wily of ;alb declaring that the ayes of the world are turned upon them, •ed the rattan or 'the 'earth anxiously await the'reimin of ihmiscUottiniltspresent. moth nazi mations 14111111111'611:1"6.-TNAOtA - mica tiros ran mores. hbassaa, Sept. 19.—Pirtieulars which bavit been rettelind :of the =kite last week la sextons pans bf Italy . show that they were MOM 1102100.11 than at tint; mooned. 1111111.10 tittles the molts were flame and ob nth:tate, and 'the troops-wore frequently obliked to use the bayonet and sometimes to Meet= the Isnople." YAW ethane um soldiers were killed and a arse number 114 . 1Fp , .. VINIAI .. IIII3I , PLEINISIZB CO lisecnorma, Sept. 21.—Horannx—The yid ,00ntluu0eet7 actin In arroningxer sonstellUed to be implicated In the recut riot: Soome.htme benn appesherulet shwa the Um report. The prisoners are an dhe ntinfaed. hammer, u Lit as examined, nothinrbentlatiren 'to rarraht their de. 'Ration, nor has anything no to the tuna of the Irentanorumblation transpired. irmnOns 1 1Ptheber nt—it Mew Market jeatarday the handicap wee was by Frt. TztOOdero . ar a4i secolarl. The nos for the forlorn stakes:wen van bully b 7 taataa atbrolta.;nsomea camas ans. Lemnos, September n—rmet...4extien ru mors ata Mall ;turn= It Is • anneunarma this amenbut that another realm maim r was reoently seen Desiring about the Irish coast. Tile Government fa laktur every panaltee preeentlon to prevent an out. break. ''l.ornrorr, &rater:abet .—Dosing the ass. Mon artkoran.saillesaltyrual last . srack, tse arrlrksgs of .Ccdenso were cscossed wad ocsdeameo. •• • erreaar ammo: lief Tong, Sestemoer cable Sli me:Silo the, Sethoer, dated al Coriatanttno• piet Mao The 'Beatlart demand. for the .oeulestatt'retelo Greeds; imd for theequal: it) Of Ctolatlau.being refuetl,the Malan izabseeadoe, Geaaral-' igastlerf, trent to make a report to the Cur. He baglast re turned. The Cur decline, to see the Sal. ten.thees Wag sot in. easeee*ll tonV neaniffnittsT deaden from fbitien. Ancona* front - Athena . state that a large partyln - Greeee favor degoeleg the King and aggeNuteg a gorpubllo nadrr pro. teetneetd dm. United States; or to annex It as three States: Booteanbor M—Thettcroitoznent Turkey hos ottlotaly dotted ttio - publlabod stotassomt that Its stilted boon or ..irM be tact to Dokhaxlin Via oipanst Huila. • ophze. heeousalah eTrourroo. earifehrsitotter4chehrThe Bohan has MA 11 ormhilsalon of Inquiry, eohslatiog of Miele Turkish . stuf. three Greek sambas, to Inventlesze 'the effkus of Waite of .Tondla. The Tiller, Bass Pasha sad Kabul Peas Ai! thiMlLiVirhisesibore of the Com; WIIIMSOE. ' Daum Baptember 9,sltotaing.—The Past Dr; eannaincied at Lang Champ on Mind= last, were continued today. The nos 1= the Criteria= prime was won by diarszlit,* and tha Omuta= prima* by . 4 21 e. =en , * Both bars= ars =mod by the War quis De Lairange. E KM TO ss rosounisi Aro O•COSISS, Bsszaw, Soto:tubes Zl—Zoterliv.-11.1ei is to be boxiatllibily fortlsted by Liserinlazit • a gazrliocamid wll4 Prouty:l tiooPs ' ZAPAIr. , •' 'autumn XALSJIMAT,II2I XLTITRIL. Chaos. Sehtembes 321.—Lato Weestebes trots Japan sanonace that the Christfans In rattans parte or the talatid ware =l treatedtry -tier attire& Tble me of the rehabitaute of Najraaki and its AXSEICOMILLICIAL. Ltraarcoz, Sept. 23 —EireflOWn —Cotton l under ansorfitararablatitsda report, owned lirrnarmliti awe .doingt. sates tad*/ EEAIe masa middling uplands at FM, Orleans at The Breadstarfa market la quiet and at white California ',beat at Its Al Corn at kW tfarlay at is 24f Oatar at -at Eft i Pau at Ur 114.—alrostalona Ann. laid ad. maid to ii. Ed far AMCLICAU. Other ant. A 4 from Antwerp. reports that umlaut mane reffroltrani clonal at 14% `msw YORK. CST Tslark . ph to Us Iltra . trugh gasatts.) • Saw TOIZ, Septstbeisi. trauma ,riF.ox mulkl•••••1111WIr 1.14.61;. arsaaaasa{ The reesaner, sad l/imatcags. tram EtwopearrtiteettoadiTwlth sgsiorkto tne 'Alutoactis Plummier+ of. Ma gar. mar was ItaasyJarausceer, the oolabrated oirskintrastlleame. tom saaori4 - - Llantessat Gollllll= Prowl, org*asi salted pet the City of Paris for EfIXOP6 to. day. seems 1.1•01133 41:1,111:111:4 , Num Mores. • SelieetSsieber of Jersey city.ssse &merited es Stall:WM of Cruelly wrapping eArldres. 110X21119 w=latnaces qtaestob. At a ebeitteg of the =Demo trade totday, the Onlallthldee Who watt* Watblodtte re. ported that &list deereteris of the Truant= 'tarots= ahem that Old bonded wairesouas. would hot be Interfered with. The coottelt. tee ma. AlltrlCted SD =vile the =embattle of other =lles nadtadbefdla JO rho* he the Secretary the lattamoblllty of honestly maxtblylog with the regvhdloas made by hoe • subordinator. It-le Zellprell the raw regulations cotteataing tlltaidatell will be =celled. eattlaoo emu, . Mary acago bills bete ter the unirtst to-day. with a good proryeD of being cue _ Desrease in Want, ihidiracint Luemanue meals, 0611,0 Dis increased ctroulationalne exit deerfflum in dsrOsits: tjah,r9l - dterecie, legal tendon, 1D.D1,84 • lisvr.Toax, iSepternher SD. En • - • imaan le na-w9V 2 "" rr ' ,•• •' • The Vairiaariarld'DitlienS Dinh a All. ill=tbitrg 11111 beet T erry -by the Secretary of the , and the receiver directed to wind ay its bill[lollL ram siith.or our. warp - - • On. licoWs wtf hairjeat intscivirobited. De begsuuthu all his Drciert7 "WM' ter, will of tioL Bohn. o th wrilaughteni had previously tecar.givery very WWl' equal PrOyartLatlSOf his effects. Jilsrulnall sword wee left m to Wert Pala A.64:10Z117. end his sword y - Ilezion to Ws igrandniOn, Winield Conti-41bn, . cim.staxa rOlsowzo . . • Those children of • Yrs. Bursts, in Yeekskill, were poisoned mends In come qolMos of •na.. by drag clerk.. Their . lITOSMere SZTO 2 r7lp. DrUtlipt, services of • physician. . • dutmary et Rama a Ryan, 47th grata, mai Nasal yeatetdia, Mr. J.ltaoldns6oJr" termer or Duncan !Merman • Co.. nua • terb Co, 69 Market street, earatneeoes tsmlay. . • t 3 an yore • fierrors, near. Mauro Arad, at* auction. lee anvertlesneent of analebeon. rani= a Voo anceloneetri. alt = l e h A ß lV.le W t= CR Alleclanm , to lleuitors • Drugtalk No. t 4 Ilortet Meet, tor your 00. Toilet 4oeye. . THE MaUCLI GAZEM, Two zmitruill. 11/11221160/WW AID RATVlliallr: & uno simsot,, ooatabgni TIONTT.PEL Otltm .07[8! et IstoPOOttlit moan motto; tbei.ftelly ' pAttortala s West Itioni by Selwyn* £OO yalnablo Itta.llos litttor tor tb.. 7asolly, mot fulloat salt mat reliable Maw • old sod ilk Eastot &mono alma VI &ay pap& ilk ttm otty: longer. Misbante or • Ilarehent avoid be Intl:mot It. nava 001 ma *iii aasarmi time 1.25. (25 0: 140. —Lod op* CM of pager to 100 porn irttUo. ' np the Clop. idankno to elobiooll D 0 gado M. toy Mot, st club r0.t00.• ' .• zrortcpe 00 SoRlCatbaL74 3l OrtoltM Vogt , booty, po rozo And. popery rant *Maw Won, brae swoeneedar =nue SO -seir seribersturing bat owmail WILL - /pp MOrioy by Draft. 11.0yr055..10..1 ..11.11.1114..dutv.. lasybo mat si OOIAO4 AAdpeso, Puna= , PIE! Welsh Republicans in Pennsyl vania a c re making unusual efforts in their varlowi' settlements, and although, , an, general thing, few of them, are, candi dates for office, . their . vote is &pretty heavy one. In the Lucerne County Re publican Convention Norris gapes, Hag., a most estimable Wolshman, Wait unanimously nominated to the !APIs-, sure, while he was on a tinniness visit in Now York. Mr. Hughes lea popular wan, self.mnde, and comee from& sturdy TEE Chairman of the Derneenstie Com mittee for Columbia couitty bas famed mn chimes, demanding thbt "the past Be forgotten." We don't wonder the Dem ocrats want to bury their former disloy alty inp oblivion. A mom Alameda' record was never nindev:p. But the masses of the American people are not ready thus to condone their offences. Mx. STANTON refusedto furnish 40,000 stand of arms to the Maryland milltla shortly before his removal from office. Is this one of the causes for which km is to be tried? Sabbath Demserattaa.-vßase DaU Mar log was Indulged in by boy. au S•rtsur bang, ;a the borough of Blrmingluna yea— imslaY. as It has Peen regularly same.. hebballl for tome time past. it the Meats of the have have thee little Mara for the morale of their offspringthe Ime— ough sethorlties at least stgruld ' uot allOw this desecration. ' Palmed Ttironati.-11z$Or Gerterld Haw cock passed through, the city yeaterday evening era route for et. Lou/s. He Was receited by General ltegley end Murk at that:felon bernt, *hero he remained bat • abort time, when he took the wasters MM. Republican feetter....Tbe Itepubtkarke of the First wanl. Alleetlaul ME. will bold a public Meeting et cliff Roy* ao /Must) thin evening( at ni o'clock. I Wri meeting will be ad dressed by able apeakera. ! _ =I mcio—Un /Ma'. , 4pteather Mb. MI. WI. MAST 4., wife of Alea.lf.. /that'll [rola the reeleeeee of bee neothee.‘ Mrs. gene Tio.ll Boyle etnet. Athle ebony Oily. on MONDAY, Ilia o'clock. P. W. Batonlay evening. at elEkk:, In the 71th nese or Ws age. -• The tooaral will lake plate ITEM Mostar.) Arril.ooi, ate o'clock, from kb lota reaUloaea, Beglrellneono, Eloth "ark Al I catasy. • • • ItIIONZ/dY.—tm Satarday. amdamber Inaire o•coek. tiEUtogr., fathers{ Janne and Robert M. Kennedy. to the 11101 year • of ate age. The Calmat will take place gmil (lienniad* zonteinct. at It o'clock, tram the outdates or Ms eon. James 11, Kennedy. Ito. 12 311varkmo. nue. Allegheny City, to proceed to Yount 17slas Cemetery. The Maeda of the larottl, aka Sao • Boeotian{ laalted to Wend. . • PO AYIPAI 1:5 z-V , , 3+ 4:1 A LEX. A filk ca. UNDEBTAILEN. 7:e.106 ?Om th Most. l'lttatailia. 001110 of .11 kinds: CRAM, 01.017313, as* e,gry description of Ifoaaval Paratabliu goods fandaacd. 80.111180110.til du sad :Oat. ficisrsit and omria,ao foraDarl. Maraalaotta-lito. David Kan, D. D.. r. lg. jg.tynt. Tbnautarortsts.Z.l.; ev. cab H. ]7lller. Tao. • J. noutaarco. ENDEIRTA. • =8 AND ZNZALMII3I. =meow to the late Sasmeci Y. Itodscri. tO. )19 0010 Itttil=2tMt3=M . _ estße. Rosewood, RE alXOßlT.Walstnt awl Mow - rood Imitation Calinna. as am lowinn maniaa prleeS. Rooms open at all nowt dn./ site. sled+ licassa and Carelamm Inentsned on Mort t"Oltle And Mt Most ressOnatde Wane . • RDW.41121) CZABSITECNI, 1/71. "" DERTAXSZ.. Once. 944 Odzo firaitt. Allegheny. X•l4/11(e, iloirelyooll and *WV Cod. Mu, Irita a comedete Met of Amend feralsklag • good, es baud, and parnlstied at •b0x.: 7 '.4 , 11.111 at Union vice. Sali and - Ltreer tables, on. d! Fran ...VD 312Motaarsa7L. c'.11.4*„ Va4:8 4 .!..5144 1 .. J. , . **w hy, tam C. STEM/AUT. Undertake 4 corner of MORTON sad TRNNIMERIERIS. data WWI. Collins of all Irina. Hums MA Carsteiea fornlahed on the CEMETERY MAWILE WORKS. Illthlthl7ll, se the flemethey jethe Ley^ , theville, Pa ORN/LICSNRAL AND maws wthnot mas , immus. CASIL 'FA..IIBiSTED WATER eg.OOY. ' STRANGERS, BOY voila SPECTACLES DIINSEAT/1 HASLMVS, No. 56 BT.„ Opposite IttasosictHaLl. REMOVED AID NEW GOODS. - Hi SMITH. Merchant Tailor. Hu 'unwed to No. OS WTIMISTuRES= lie/ of Fodrest Street.. where be In Dow leg hie env sad cot mare evrek.ot • /1L.L1.. CLOTH& GatioL/eXIIOO. VCISTUNIIIS Ano. uvz.coiathee• • Which will 0.1004 e to order to the meat ststisli Raiii47l3ilfarre irgrat r f :Nll RILL N Sold on were romp:m.l4e tem& SI. Natrris. Metrolisat PS wlrt.a.2llltZET. oor. rodent. JABIES SCOTT, MUCOII36OB TO TO dICITU2II • 1110F12,1 X•3•Lari•XCEe =Mr , - • FINE ,WATOICES, IMP ,TEWELRY'„ - MILVER.FIATED WARE, f3TQ I= it Parnmlar irtrei to feral eft Wntatra. Cloaks an • Jelrelli. F(111. .RULI,II2 HANDIKIEN BISILDLISH lAMB, 1 1 / 1 110dteste Gs GM:Wm Tureptke, edpeateg tee bang:lmes refietele:• Of 3.1. 11. Ixt.c,ulovaa. j Tams are the attefi dear. eble leis lezr urantry rrldrects lemsum.llls ter ele excaUeo. Serene ewe. Ventre of - lILL a SINOTTM. LT. Eta .1911a4 anA Inrcrance Aienth' ==:7 FOR 'l3ALE—Mbat ' handsome- mi.:, 4.tabhaaass tITOItrIIZIOZ wILLING,IIOIIISE, .Itei.ts No. lb Baud* tired. rlttatargh. Slam how talltaatad s ohs bt tha handaossed wawa is Plttibatel. anut new teats tor, gat Thlg property la we , worth the attention et theft Hatings aft' hoes,. rtt.L £BaotrsaL2, Bad 'Kathie am. tinaiabtat Lopata, Dattaramed, star BOW** to nap Lawresearille• • 0N3,1111, & CO., - Prettied Furniture iiiantifaetaren CTP.. PM'S. ar; warm Ears. bawl. 14190 r 17141 M VOL. rrillb•Soicasnatir.. gonna ro BALP A AT . illowarors Livery Stable, , vizor ST/WM len Hogregibei. Haugh' One TIMM Vtd7 Arestio to 4rtvlor V A. & losostottva. tonk• good ran to trot, One cheep wort ala i low. Hors...bonen Ind Aa ROLDIEB, IBELE & C 9 4, - Anct.oy Cotton male, Eittabpg%. amituctum, szavx. aznitric • znar AXOIIOI/ AJSID MISSIOLIA. autrxriares ..