The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 31, 1867, Image 1

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zoundsn mut •
Ink &gam tspo Sr Ifitfra tautuif;
OirDnAL PAM or mamma no
otourzerr aarr WU=
Mati OS Tex OULU
LL~fCgag.l. 7.46l !AM U'.
bus. pa , Va.••••••45:00:
tts pittburgli Gayttg
The loyal voters of the Commonwealth
ask no higher laibute to the worth and
character or Judge Rut rams than the
following neat compllmeit paid him by
tin only dais Hemocratic paper of
Western Pennsylvania the day following
)110 nomination. It said:
The nomination of the Hon. Henry
W. Wllliarcui as candidate far Judge of
the Supreme Court is a good one. He
wu the best man named belore the . Re
publican Convention, andpossessenlegal
and moral qualifications for the respon.
'Able position to which he has been nom.
lasted', Both parties hays now present
ed their candidate& Ku important duty
has been ralthfclij , discharged by the
respective conuntioos. - The campaign
•may now be conducted without personal
aspartions, and decided - upon the princi.
pies of the two great .parties. This is as
it should be. It Is an suspicious sign of
the times, and lithe county 'conventions
are eguallrfortanue in the selection of
logislative candidates, there • will bo a
stop put to the deplo y bin corruption at
the seat of government under a new
tdo of •honest men and conscientious
WaLtara.--/tirmayrph Post, Jens fainn,
The Phis, in referring to the above,
on the 29th of Amps; was pleased. to
"We have nothing to Wee back or
*ply. .Of Judge .Will/ama` private or
].gal' reputation we have nothing but
:words of praise; and however it may
sun souse pugeacious add heady polyt
eta* we cannot bring ourselreato view
Erea, tunultis as either whe or IT
TO-DALTthe 'Republicans of Allegheny
county are alled upon to elect delegates
to the Convention .which meets at the
Court House, en Tuesday next, for. the
purpose of nominating candidate& for
the General Assembly. We again urge
on members of the party the importance
of attending the palls to aid in the selec
tion of tried, true and trusty delegates
to mamas them lathe Convention.
If-bad =mind their way into that body,
and frame a. ticket for the suffrages of
the Repabhcaus which will prove an.
worthy of support, the reeponahrlitTs
in a large measure, will rest on those
Who absent themselies from election
places today. Let ns have a goodness.
creating Convention on Tuesday next,
and our county will be represented next
deaden at Harrisburg by able, honest
and hottorilde retpresentarlyes:—by suds
a delegation is will advance the interests
of one *action, of the 4:kaamonwellth,
wad at the same time redect credit oil tbe
constituents who Bend them. -,
:Normcso has occurred of late so cal
culated to dente the negro character as
lie prompt refuel of the colored orator
of Ohlo, Mr. Landon, to be made the
instrument of disgracing : Gen. Howard.
The President has no true sympathy for'
the freedmen. Ile fairies the party who
Have been and are now their oppressors,
and at heart has but little care or respe ct
for them. No person would accuse him
of taking' much stock in the executive *
abilities of Mr. Langston or any tither
eelored man. Under the garb of friend-
Uip for the blacks, however, he con
cealed a malicious design to degrade
' Om Howard by elevating a negro' our
Mtn, but Yr. Langeton 11111 too shrewd
to honied in such a way. He had much
more penetration of character than Me.
Soksuon imagined, and properly and,
promptly begged leave to keep out of
potato service, preferring to remain an
humble edit= rather than bold an ex
alted position at the expense of a faith
' 141 Officer. The -inducements to Mr.
Langston were not ordinary ones. By
accepting the office tendered he would
have occupied a higher position than any
of his nor in the country, and would
/UM had spread before him inat field
for the development and display of the
talent, eagacity and ability he undoubt
edly possesses. He wee afforded on* op
pattimity to have his aacne written in
Ids country's history, but hit geseilliih
immilses commanded tam to' stand by
* Gen. Howard as the friend of his race,
sad to treat with scorn the offer of the
President. Few instances. of more,
worthy conduct we record.
• TEI Philadelphia Republicans have
nominated the following ticket : judge
' of the Court of Common Pies; M. Ras.
Thayer. Senator, Third District,
Joseph A. Bonham; Assemblymen—
Fiat Distrlct„Elavid Foy; Second, - R. C.
• Tittertnary; Third, A- AL._ Walkinthaw;
Fourth, W. W. Watt; Fifth; Edmund
Yard, Jr4.l3ixtb, Col: Chas. 'Meaner;
Seventh, Smiles Sabers; Eighth, James
V. Stokes; Ninth, no nomination; Tenth,
• Blithe W. Davis; Eleventh, . Charles
Begat; Twelfth, Alex. Adaire; Thir- '
'math; no nomination; Fourteenth, Geo.
F. Thorn; Fifteenth, James Hoigate;
Ststeenth, Eyeball 'M. Bone; Seven
teenth, Watson Com/y; Eighteenth, Jas.
AA Parka. Messrs. Well, finbers,-Divis;
Jilikire, Thorn and Marks, have been
AVMOLIGE 1/1•013B hu considerably
stresumi in Table, the size of the loaves
of bread furnished by Pitt Mar& bakers
usitairtlutchanged, while the old prices
ire demanded. Ipet us haze a reduction,
limn. Bakers, or a strike may ensue
IsOngstihe large class of our population
who depend on lotifor a dally supply of
tho staff of life. There is no reason why
. laud should command old prices, eluce
lour can be procuregl much cheaper than
of yore.-
- -
• Paatf.APs the ,mamllin arum .7 felt
for Ifazunftian will be considerably
attatea after the anisoincement, which ie
riadety our telegrams • this morning,
tilaithe canted daring his administration
Vaissectiticrn of over nine thousand. sub.
',.teitifit;;He held life at a poor prim and it
is 'alaps Ofy that ids own was taken;
- :jewel% lireeteragasnier tent.
ikeigrave to Ds ridisberse Omen.)
lemsuseor.m, Animist 33.--,Arren gement.*
tor the North Western teengertest. aw
esome:mg cm the id proximo, are nearly oom
yarAW. 11.11 eatable of seating .l or
amen thousand parlous has bean erected
ma Cans Noose plume lOr tb. occasion.
piny newtheyar Axerrareandeata
the gaengarleat Mt:tested to eallattending
emAtiately on- arrival at the Journal er
NAMPA Mke& where the etassleormatttee
11111 terrain WI needed credwittale end ita
commcodattona. AL cetrirdtmontaxe banquet
will be tendered Wining members on FA.
- day night.
tI,Ts/sereth to the Plusbarsh musette.)
=oath MIK; Me-tom tenant hansom, at
Fourteenth street and Third somas, wars
destrOyen by are this montima , Lou
111 =M - eis, *wort Me-Dsold fiery a no's.
wholmale Minor slam Ito. Sb Eltele straet.
wee asstr ax : are to.M.F. • LOIN estl•
tooted at on which trona 15 en no
=ranee nth Th e stook. of Tomer .
IMMO* it CO, wholesale Mettler dealers, m
u 031141 ballnlog was damsatal. by water
to the extant ofithmo. West% stOot of
• • ta also damaged. Total MO
• T•bbees Illialustaelory
NaVzccr,:g.a.r. alciabratoelatg.6.:
ao mawallosu7 mika mama twlay for vials.
tlasi at Internal Itarreuue law. The am ,
chants bus ora•nlsed • Board of trade
Ileasurve Maireaa• Oaken.
ciI:PAMstA to ;ha Pittsenus bThe -
anw•Arass, August Lemmas
.02Soars bare mama !him% a three raw
War n ictatr:r th:
ArilYid Os= 1tt..166a4mh
llT'flitErato r rutotwti zartil";r
Uutdom; from Part Mkoatcra cm the Mb. ar.
rind stens/a&olio, with . Milt • silinlon
• • •
. .
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FIRST Elllllll
Wiesisirrox, August CO, 16.1.
111121M1NT..113.011 calreamor,
"Bps:dais , ' to Now • Tork impors thus dl
Ate upon the rocel4 elesstlork
Gan. Grant and President John.= I
The Herald's special says ' ( The troth to
regard to the Twines ristenre afloat relative
reptilre betTetiri Ocutrid Grant and
the rreeldent le that no rupture has
taken piano, that the tw G e n e ra l Gra n t most
friendly terms, and that tute
not offered or the President wilted Lim to
tkelgn lds oilloe. The Lipner.' did protest
against the removal of General Shedd.:
nue ground for the protest rot
Um it we.
unjust to remove Hancock LO /W. Orleans
while DIG yellow fever was math g there.
Re also suggested that he alone was OM-
Powered to ...TM matters in the houtheen
Department. The President. In this ton.
versatlon, confessed that Congress had to.
vested Grant wan the control of the Booth.
amt dletriCtil. button tended thathla p 0 were
Were necesserlly subitet to the annervistOn
of the supreme Dreentle* hoed. The Gen
eral, without venthrthg to offer. soy ran-
Hag amanita Ls, assented to the Prosliteit's
The Tribune's special Darr Gen. Grant. It
to understood, hat tet•ently come to the
tonelmion that fretted misapprehended ale
powers rmdm .. Ite roconstrucuon act, and
that his nth letter to the Prealdent, with
reference to the removal of (inn. Eherislell
and the relieving of Gen. Hancock, was
based viral a mlsenderetendlng Of bats faun.
It 13 stated by thesolrlso are well advised
is to tle movements M. tho headquarters of
the army, that Gen. Grant, on Tuesday, •ii
emend smote To the President withdrawing
the letter first above mentioned, arid it Wiwi
Immediately surrendered by Yr. debates.
The only oerrespOndenee nO w remaining
unpublished ,Is the Int. letter of tan ,
upon the subject 01 the remova
C lef Stanton,
ond merited "privnte, o .hich e rsideut
grill refinters to a/low. Who published. - Gen.
Al rent,how ever, by his re i e rring to It in the
eorrespondenee on the removal of Sheri
dan, already published. removed the prise
ey, and' he ban nu objections to Its . pub.
Ileetion,but at the same time, he cannot
give it cat for such a purpose for the reason
that It would be a breach of military I
etiquette: When General Grant's views on
the anbject were mnronuttleated to the
Prominent, he raid that It general Grant
thous/it It was no longer private be ought
to give it tot publication, but he would not
doso. lt now loots as though neither this
letter tear that written by Grant on the Styli,
on the subject of ' asaignine Elnurork to
relieve Bberulan, will be mane nubile until
Congress Meets and calls for there. '
' Seeretery Seward's friends say ho 10 not
going oat of the Cabinet. as his presence In
trill elate Department la obsoletely re.
qtdred—at leaf , for soma Uwe 'co come—for
tna completion of the negotiations witn
Great Britian concerning Mao settlement of
the Alatetese Claims, which are On a tar
way OI prOgress, upon the basis of the ces
sion of British Columbia Important not
Gotham' with other powers, tart:ring the
cession of terri to the nited Stat..
have so been °penal by.hlr. U 'Seward, and
It LI believed that Ito alone mul bring them
to a lavetreele eonclustort. The condom..
1100 of Ills services as Seenstary of Stnto in,
' therefore. deemed as tronseerillost us ',ob
it. Importenee all temporarY Oilliical I.
110,C9 growing oat tit the late proceedings of
the fresideet. Jerry illack, Coyle dt. Co.,
dooltthlnk Do however.
• .
cescanento mamma' maces.ase ears..
The following order was issued today t
assounsareae Usrrso gray.. Aster,
An.icrasr Ommas.t...e (lynch
Wasarsoros, August Id, POI.
General Order No. P.S. •
The following order, received from the
War Department. Is published for toe In
fort:nation and goldance of all concerned:
To prevent payments on 01 - 111001.6110 eel
diem& disenarge papers, raymesters ars In.
Istrutted bY O. Gitief of their Department
to reface payment, unless the Identity ol
the soldier fa properly establisemL ,
erscor.lo so. O. • - .
, . Zs.ritsseen - Gitneitat's Grime, i
August liith. - liil.
'Sobel:ire se far rie practicable thePtmarit
payment of each claims, and et the same
Dims .atill more care Pally guard against
fraud, ail Milner* who sign and deliver die.
charge papers Ism instruct the soldier to
deliver them to the enter of the pay dis
trict in which he is serving at the time ot
hie diecbargther, If he prefer. sesame other
designated chief of a pty distrlc t, Clad the of.
IP:cretin then immediately notify. thPOngn
Another channel than the handeof the man
oMM:urged, the paymaster , designated of
the fact of each discharge. the Ist!, name.
ragitnent, win compacts , of the soldier, es
set forth in thi papers. Novaya:isms alit be
made an a dischasge ay any paymaster ea.
ce& on receipt of seen nellGeutlan, unless
otherwise noricimilyuly eatisdad of their
gmanineness and personal Identity of the
fly command of General Grant.
[Signed,] E. D. TOWstle.D. A. A. G.
The Revenue . receipts from dlettlied
eptrtta and tObaceo at the Bureau of Inter
nal net...eontinne to tie lerge , y in en
ema, for the fiscal year ending 'nth Jane,
over these for any preceeding like period.
lloramiseloner 11.olLlne left Waelltagton lent
night on bartneso In NOW Tort.
ITALIAI X 17110.2.
Mr. Cerruti +se' to-day bbeblYea by Q.
President an italizol Alinister.
*MI. IS •.,03,
The Poilmuter at Prereatif Arltons, In a
letter dated July 9151, says : "There err
probably ten 'lndnto every on.
reported. ' The ia
military r .. oma In not lush
equal to the demands, and unless norm
suitable COMMUldeir la appointed, who car
comprehend the true °outdid= of the coon
try, it is feared many years will elapse b,
fore we will be relieved at 'lndian trouble
and personal danger. The reentry ix, how
ever, cenatnutlY increnning to white pops
A rumor was eirenleting thtt afternoon
that General swum,an is to to appointed
secretary of War, but on inquiry at tha
proper amine the reportls eacerialued to be
entaredi devoid of truth. The General cab
ed at the Execut Mansion inerelr e
visit of MUMMY. ive
There are no new dere.
gATAlLPrrg t i,Ttf:rrnctto= r tg
now appear probable.
TESMir.. VIM. eictZED.
0011111 ItifOrlrtato4 received from SlMl
ton,.Tstriales, says.fleary Clifton. the see,
man who cemtn the Isrn of
matt funds on itted ec
bosrd the United
sorer 8ta.1.4
steamer tiettystairw, last winter, hos but
tried, fond gnlity nod sent to the Penile,
' tea quantSty and vain& of raw and fleece
wool and neore, waste or annadsi. imparted
to the United State., for the year ending
June Mtb, was: weol, 25,3‘15,151 p ou nd . ,
TA M; att.ddy,5400,147 pound', $518,493. •
• • roars. marratut._
The restates* Department lam enlarged
Its arrangements tor env elo p e s. ruUng
or black lined stamped
roz clotast• IV ITALT.
Oftldol sceOunts from Palortno to Auguitt
Coshow it frihtful state of afters in that
and nolithuttood, tho cholon. tuvlog
become eph:;sqtla and 7d60 sproUL
=mos la eau :await - .
The amount °tooth In the Treasury to.
day to a 111.718,005, of which e 18,800,000 was In
cOlu eirtlflcates. The amount of currency
Is 07,0:0,000, rusting a total of $1.57,313e00.
The /secretary of the Interior Is meth
',esker to.daY.ear/ hte, physlctsna bees for.
bidden vieltme.
tay Tslcossh to Zs rittalrtrrgs Osretta 3
Nsw Yong, August 30080.
1621910011 01 s 0960 .... s.
At Now Brunswick, 14. J., to day, Bridget
Duran, the New Itarket murderess, exults.
stud her clime on the gallows A large
, number of people witnessal the execntlon.
the =MIAMI onnfinulon of her scolltatair
her supposed accomplices idAr7
nd alleging they she committed
ttni murder to the boos Of taking kfrs.-Vor
riot's ylaos In the household.
Gov. 1' eaten bon appointed John Austin
Woman, Jr„ Commlwooor to raprPsockt
Maher h . oßtatatial Convex In Park,'
• •
• Munn/Atm .hseurt.,
Thu Maniere Garavada, tha, itad y,,„ n .
orivartin, from EllrOP. armed with aorta
two thousand dye, hundred immigrant., to
day. •
♦ “tregnien sednot.go.
Ge ry =a4l.ot Weehtngton ta, !M
-uni% Co tho eve of d•paritos fo M
ral L.:taxer,
was tWknelled by w COnadelleo man cot of
Pm la VIII.
ndezzerger vast
Intemeting bankruptoy Mee will 10011
be trial to this olty. George E. Sob nyler,
member of the grin of it. G. ft L. gebuder.
hes filed eto be d berth.
ruPt. that hedition
en Adjudgev
obtain certllleate of
di/Charge of all 013 debt!, which amount
to nearly 4µ,000,000.
The Convention yeeterday determined to
take the office of Attorney General oleo•
ire, and shoiteh GAL of MAW liniGneer.
31.1tVIOCII Perin/tn.
The MaroneWan itarenne Board/Mee re
dlstricuel the city. cot down the list Of In
evertors my - nteterlelly; Wd pieced the
earps directly under the control of Colonel
DlepDlpra. -.
• aiansOtra C•ZS. -
• znyttoriOtto m llr ardar and abortion MOD
bas occurred in Lassinaburg.. The bc'dY Of
r. Totem cal vas thrown from a window or
eantlnall on Monday night, and found
dead. Slabt of a recent attempt at &bona=
ware discolored, and two mm have been
arrested on suspicion Of boing 00nneCten
with the mardor. The wortunta name is
believed to he Card, Ltubbard, and it Ls
supposed she Manion at rittat.olrn.
11110411 •14.411..
• Neil= letter %aye Ptln. helm 51.1 m,
who wY expecting shot,hea boon eon
wne.d see. your,' tmertsonment. Banta
/Stun te ILO L. Wed by court martial.
Lduti o. given In selneutou tette GOl
- A caret - MIT outlawed Het of vet
lees executed since 16 , 35. try UtaxlisUlen's
order, &hotel/ it Wad et 0,044.
• .s.sirssr, ow RAZ VZIMILLIA -
The !Tinsels .wsr steamete Pnelestorten
and Bouvet. arrived • lest Melt Itom Yey
Cros. Tt3 Steamer Aleppo, from Liwstorsd,
arrival:llMA WSW.. • • • ,
Slier Telegrams.
(By Ye)esrapbto We Pittebarak (Wette.)
wihuirse le 2 sx s nhs Ixn va = r
Teter.pb tc tGe ntub rih'Gazette.)
Fn.; 1 i L.
...Tine erMa VOm xavoLlitoN
. -
pj,ms, August M —White the Emperor
if spoken was temporarily 'delayed at
LgUes.'yesterday , be made a short speech.
Ile alluded to the Past tefaridi ei 'dark '
spots on the hokum , ants 401iiirtfinted at
soma length on the Paden state of atlairsin
Harold. Ile spoke encouragingly to the
people, and propheided that the certituty
of peace would glue great to trade.
While no blinnett the directors ottbe public
press rersoreading unfeundod rumors, and
creating anneral dlstrnet, is hbelielf isould
do Attila his power to retell confidence.
1011/10 sate TO 1■ MAIM%
Is Is reported that a note from the kreway
foreign ofllr t..ptclfe In. Its etterloter,
soon tlsnea
raoromgo SIMSATtOtq
poems, Aaron '..lC.—The Hosolationa of
the Clotted gt►tea Congraq• ONOrffailtig
aricipathy for the atroggltog Ordeal, which
Ir. florae, the Americakilatrileter,reoootly
preranted to the Sublime Porto. had crea
ted a profoutolummatlon at corotantihople.
enuT nirrte ...scree rAhaar.,.
tmamt, A:mr. 10.—Tbe That sMkraer from
Itto J =dr°. arrllea to-day, Orme. latolli
gene* that the allied army bee craned the
Upper ' , areas tato Puegmay, end 11 Groat
billtle might le looked far et 7 'moment.
6.1.110 coirmenpgr.
, . .
Stll2o/itt, Angust3o, , —The 11•zette
bf city enntal. an article d.llon th►t
toe !ouch Germanband was donna:ell or
even broached at the 101000 Contemnce at
SilksiTED otrir
Gi.r.iiabw. ingest 3. —The steamships
lowa, from New Yorkomd Bt. George, from
Quebec, arrrroOto.dey.
Baum, August SO—Erreinkj.—The steam
erap CoUg, 11-om Now York, arrived to4ley.
rlsmicls.L.AL7so tomissuccau
Lisuarout, August 30—Eseapi:,—cottou
doll. and prima, iisouge easetsr, quotably
upon. god I sales WO balm of tolsidilisg 0p
lands et 13 1 1 4di Orleans Wad. Ilenebaster
ma-ket for Gaon, nod Yarns dull and
droooll2g. Elsondsintfs dull and 7 p ice de
ollaud WOrOC ii, 74 per cc,
fgr Calif° miss. rsax CA Corn 33s 04.
Onts -1, el. Tallow 4s 13001 137 s CAL
Curt 75s f 4. Eason Cs. l Lard 6141 64. Sugar
quiet at Us 64.
Aserwalsr, August 36—ErmIne.—Teirol
si• Amer and admaettl In 4414 Imam.
Loans', August. 93—E•nong..—Consols
souiewhat larnart, closing nt 94 9.16. The
10,11100 assumed by timers! 6reol lb the
&mark.. Cabinet Ism had • narked <Shot
on tbe price of Anistricsa son:11111m and
snore L moon .posl3lolol, pertaculatir in
sin boors. Anoint prices: VAN 441131n0ut
Central.7G3"; SAM, 73%; Atlantic and Great
Montero. 2135,
YeasiArorr, Amnon 33.—Ermine.—FITC.
T amities closed at 76,'41
Faunmn to Earladed. frees lite
•Ontloo—bCeeaveralas• Civil Co.
reels—Posisiots lot one Pteasstel el
lieeraranota esellerte.
Cr Telegraph to the ilLtilnatti GASIIII.4I
ASSICSTA,GA, I,l2glltt CArenters
Sent ‘nel esseri.e oa lie CULhOrItY of M.:A
hern of the Pato] of Itenittere that private
Inatroctrons have been famed that tro freed.
tarn be permitted to take idols La the ap.
Oroschhart Cr:narcotic..
Gen. Pope horroz been written to to know
whether there vat any truth to the report
toot belntended Leming co order elaYloll
the collection of Selgis, bas.replied: "Nu
conceivable circumstances could Indeed me
to Interre with the general of'
the Stat fe e Or the maritime ofdetner oremdl
r r. The only orders itaned or to be Weed
art snort to era tone:dared necestm7 to the
reseuttoo of 0 . 4. reconetruntrou acts. .01011
Lro not warrant %alnic:a elote,ge to the civil
coaree. Thu people Mord lonic for relief to
the Ow. Coo ventlon. 1 do not omeldrr
ouch matter. within my poster to adjust."
Got. 000 Ina to deliver aspeenn at Belton,
5. C., today, to which he Ili advise the
people to register and rote for s Couven.
Lon, being satisfied that the attitude of the
negro 01 the Conventaoo and the Lrgisla.
!store would produos a wonderful reaction
In farce - of the South throughout the North.
500•arrars, AUSISP.4O.--IS Is rammed that
a madame 2.1.11 TIMM ‘0.11% KV General rope
for the removal or the present 'lderor 11141
Ward trf rardermen.l .0 counter Delltlob
Cle:a Mum gotten up, elinamt 01 . 11 the / 100.
cotter. cluronormad merchants.
Yellow rover Itaiogro—Aoosbor Bo
moral from
LOTtiO lorpoolors Ofd - end.
-Eleollon for
My Teiegraphw the Pittstmrett Satiate.,
New °savage, Aug hi.—Thero wore Mean
ty-sla deaths from Yellow fever yesterday.
General Cyrus Usual in was today interred
with Idasonlc ceremonies.
Thirty of the crew and four obtains of the
iron clad liatimike, aro sick IMO yellow
fever and were.removed' to. else hosptial
Ymterday. Pour coopede mew bare died,
They had remained upon board the
•hip until the vcasel bad almost become a
pest bowie.
Limier/Li Sberlitmfe order No. US remotes
O.H.kfahon,City throptroller.mid appoints
MIL Mandel In b it stead, for snob
i.e those iven in the order readjustlog
the City Cou g ncil.
Order No. I.X. Order, en election, on the
of September by
otter of each parish oaten inspeatoroffer.
eye, to enter forthwith upon their :duties.
Ong riparian proprietors to rcpalr
snd strengthen or COnstruet new leretS, or
in default thereof, to enforce the
law for such case providing this it
correct sheount of ,Spinet for shell repair
or fonStlrnottOn, whether by- individual or
parish, he kept, and open acceptance of the
levees by the State Engineers the arnount
lobe paid from the proceeds of the State
appropriated for that nurprisa
The Jonesi.3l'Hee.le Prise Fight.
the Telegraph to Ma kittaborgh useette.l
VITCINIATI, Ace - oat Jo—lt II maderstood
that the fight between .WHoole and Jobe.
will . take place some Pa.. to 1101105
county. Ohio. Testae will leave the depot
of the Cleemnata. Hamilton And Dayton
goad In thin city at two o'clock Cm hatiatday
=rams. The gilt will comuiencit betWeitM
all and eight - A. a., .. ,
• Twritiski Walters.
CDT 'rattrap!: to 'Use Plllt , +orth Gattlte.T.
TOROXTO, Armin SO —Demerol Hassles
and the Secretary of War to the Sultan are
here. They intend mending two weeks lo
Canad, and will than p Meted Senth. Their
Malt to America 1.1114=1:Ty three months.
:Special corremegdorre Pliumirstr Baratta.
Wasniadrrs, ra., August ghl. latd,
The camp meeting held near Bentley.-
m this connty, closed this morrung
.1t erne a success 1n every way. The attend.
mace from Oral to I sot was eneouragioltlY
large. On habbath tuenum her present was
varionsly estimated from three to flee
thousand. 'The order observed throughoua
rhe entire meeting was unexceptlonabl.
Oar fetters of this meeting was unuetial—
the congregations daring the day were
ID larger than lq the evening. Thence.
pie In all the neighborhood oeomwl to have
spended beetle's altogether.
The preaching was excellent—plain, prim.
Wel, earnest. The eclat ot tied made It
effectual. .11uth. good was auvrempllthed.
Believers were greatly quickened, and quite
a n ember united with the Church. ..,--
To.clay a mooting begins at Castleman's
lien,even talcs back of Wellsburg. In
West r tits la /mold °atop amend.
It Is more then fifty yearn. nines the first
mooting legs he Id rm It. The people thorn
abonts are making largo on of
the prose:at meeting. 'Yon me.y hoer Item
• •
3114 glerpnlll#3 ,
Tr. A. Met:audio., Phytiolan to the
hoard of flealth, make. the following re
turn 01 dentliatn the city, and the cannon
by which tlicy were produced, for the week
commencing Anwar 10, and ending angina.
55, 150.
The number of deaths were twonty•sevon
of which 15 were males and It were females,
all of whom "erre white..
The causao are clans% a.l se follow.: Con.
gumption 3, peritoniti. 1. disco. , of brain
3. abdominal tumor I, cholera Infantum 3,
diarrhoea, 151.11111 g it IN 1, grotto enternin 1,
typhoid facers, mammon #, etLi horn I.
.akooptng oOngh 2._ .
Oftae 3
e above 8 were under your, 7 from
to a, %from to 5, 2 from 3to le,' 3 from 'M
to 30, 1 from 30 to 40, 1 front 40 t 033,1 from
to to Gooarial lramnom7o.
The Republican voters of this county Sslil
meet at their respoctiSe plasm of bolding
elections; Urtlay, for ibo purpose of sleet.
Countyegates to the •
Ü be Dola n
UOSlTention, le be Tuesday.
serdemSU, aZ 10 e'eleCk a. la., for Ito
puma or placing In nomination !puma.
dates for trio Senate aDd Home et Havre.
gentatises: TIM elections will be pen] i n
the eltlee and boroughs between the Donn of
Ave and levee, aad bo by ballot; In
tee LOWnselpa beSween three and ms.
o'clock. by marking, except - Oakland, Pat,
Peebles, Lamest-y.II'IIICW, end-the Last pre.
otnct of Cobble, where the Lat wth
open betWoen throb sad seven o ' dock, and
tbo voting wilt be ty
Panther Exelfeaweillll. — At
panther boa made his appecustion. Ile Is
a terrible fellow. YOr tear Of belug Wen
up women analcbilarc.n !are, arrida tzr OP
away • from hetes, and frown up fen Will
not venture to treed the reads alone niter
night.- A. large bent Is being • Ora pined,
'thee IL Ur Loped Liao larocalis bdhet
captured. •
10111 H PAGE,,Thefullea and "Rase ratio,-
• bt. Money, Ch eak Prochrie itarkel.Rporfs
given by any paper in the city, teal bcfaund
on our iburth Pape.: "
The .13inch penterfetring ease—Eel
dance jar, • Dottier:linen% and De
fense C,inos tided.
Before Hon. Wilson 3icßeadles.,
lathe Dolma Staten 'District Court Fri
day morning, Robert M. Black, of Washlnn ,
ten county, wee illeted oe trial On tam bi-
Mete:mitts, one enorging him with having
peered and attempted to pass, on the lett, of
November, IDA a counterfeit treasury
note of the denothinetlen '..en dollars,
and the otter inth having in Ida pos90”1011,
with Intent to utter and pnblish, fifty coml.
terfett tonsure notes, or greenbacke of tie
denomination of tee dollars, und with
malleg ono of the same. The Indictments
were feried,lind the defendantarraigned, at' .
the last May term. The 18 . vertitiiint 4:rie
represented by It. B. Carnets., Esq.,llls
trict Attorney, and his Assistant, W. D.
Ideate, Esq., and tor the. defense 'Thomas I
LL Harebell and William Linn. Eels., al.
peered. The ewe Erna oilseed to the Jury
Oy tir.Sloore, lifter *hien witnesses were
Eemntei Welters astern—R.ollde in rm.
tern. tO/n1.61p, Welters,
counts; lived
there in tholall of I am_ acquainted l i
with Robert IL Black; saw him et a horse
race, in Urtelio crounty in the fall of 19t 51 lie
gave me a ten dollar bill to bet en the race,
saying that or I won, I chead have half the
money,eind if I loat to let i. ht I
his protgosttion too generous t go loathe bond
to be good; It was a greenback, with the
PreDdenDs face Call It was one of the notes
called greentnickat c ;l. him I toonglit the
note bouldnin ire g and be said he khew
lt waeriot, bet the ban could not dettetitt
he said the Government bad tried to ruin
him, and be wee going to rob bar; that he
had got the ,ante no. the
tin, and that..llo eapecred a man there
(at the race) that day with *even
hundred dollar* of the money; kept the note
until next day._ when I gave it total son
.John to Intern' to Mang. The how. race
saes!, 0. Plate Milled Stogdeb's Lane, near
Jager son, &bent the last of AUG On or 11111
of September.. Black Ind a large bundle, of
money m his pOSSCSNIOn ut the time he give
Ina the ten dollar bill; he did not ten me
how mach he had; mitipqatek there was '
three or four bmulted ha t far as
sew the notes were:all tens be old me It
was all counterfeit looney. Saw Mack at
tempting to make. a bet vita, Randolph
Ilowitti he offered one of the tan dollar bibs,
bat Dewitt said ' y eas bad and. would not
bet .
CrerVekamlned—Bon't think I mule the
information In this cam:. tee rime Minmo• 1
'poke of la about twelve Mile* freers Braila a.
valet Black mulled a niece of mine:did
slot tell Jacob (Xt., Ewa, a few weeks after
the rate, term I toter nod received any
counterfeit Money Iron Mack: dill 1101.0110 r
fOr drinks at Frederiek,,Or Illre from
whom 1 got It; nom told the eirmitestaime of
gottleg theme dollar bill„ from Bieck So'
deny Mesterei less esther-th-mw,and•riest
mto John Chewer. Ms uncle. 1 tn., the
eth moor, which I t was arreitoin hod
not htteeded to do anything to the mat
ter; 411,1 not .y dories the trial of the
tiontta.oonsielracy ease that if Meer s
lost itleseeder MOLLS.' 0.01.1 yet aim
the reline:atilt/1 did nut sty this to Item
T. edema
Wit.. explains:A how he came to make
the tommeattom Bering the trial Cl tan
Ilet-Thoinoson rolispirarr epee
et .11 00 had trenspired na:mseen awl
Mack at the 'Greene dusety ram, to the
theme% ot Moffitt,hearlatealiter, AIM
after tbat ease vas concluded tie Wee asked
Lis Mate astll SO what OlebaJ staled reoeurn
Inv Muir.
John It. swum—Am II sort of
emote. witness. /lave •tewu aeonslnted
with Black Mum. I came home Prom the the fall of ISM get a tat dollar
counterfeit genes imek Min Mtn, al, filar
00010. woare 1 went, by tavitmlee, to .
bbA arty.
ve Ra to &Alan ef 111 ld. nib p then / e lt, d return
lees a coentertelt, hut said nothing sun
kept 14 1 gave It to Lydia K,1107 • soon hullo
her 11 was • counteeett. Kota prodrocest 1
Thin is tbei rime note /lark teleted sst..l
It tom In October, 140.1. Ina / got the
note. !Witness Ea , * • somewhat detailed
Mstoty of the nom. catteg that when the
information. no Lien assaleat Meek, be
(witness/ spelm or 170 num. and nes
encetedko maao en effort to set it. Ito did
se, bang harnithod with a thermos. ace
strocred in Barre It noon 14.110 In
sem she refused to wive no the nese. The
women at neat v4'120;1, hat 00a117.egred
to procure frt.:. het brother, tn whom
see had given it, if she was laietshcal with
a hone to go for it. ehesi,nnarel the cm«.
see benonthsprodartion4 W Maim stele. ,
oonmeasatee boheftwitrePlatk, who enla
mat inth faits/ran *Mild do es he fn!flOil
wool,l direct, he could place anomie Ina
position to bay a fares, propelling that. thel
bonld protons a -waken and go Deililline
poultry through the aoufetrT, 001100
oOnaterfrit andsiting for good money.
tirossemunductl—am tool friends with ,
111. kt never had any difeculty with hina.
ethent test 1 be/levee be was leading Me te.
ntin; did not mil 1.0 , 11. ficiiir I was going.
tsartacos, and that od outr.e ,
aains Math oho 11 L 21.1 get a esu
deems lot the time i got the nom teem Mack
00 .9000 of another that was not so well
conned, and also that he' eximeted bl'
the hositi when. t went tot toe onto, Ale..
Yollitt told Me Mat 1T l got the 01,010 note
that l gave to 1.7 , 110 Kelly he would give me
the price of • snit of clothes; 110 not tell
Squire Hawthorne that Mollitt WO tee that
if 1 41,1 not get that rude, to gist One like h.
or 107 hotel ho told tan to get soy onto tent
Black had pared; did trot tisk Lydia Kelly
to swear teat Brack passed the nano Chem:
wheel. yea given the subpoena lsop posed
I had ablitortty to take Lydia Kelly before
squire Ilawthorste and Lams bet anese.
Zara Consent. sworn—llmialn In Trader.
icksown, Kam Bethlehem lawnatilp, Wash.
imam' 000017. itkil coovertnitlon Will
Robert Black about menet/Mt money be
will be could get what be eauted from Dr.
Barr or 11111. Dawson I zever saw elm have
ay counterfott tonnes. //a made a prorat
es/ for toe to go across the country to the
sot, and to furoieh the home and wagon
Imo money; he 014 not In this conn.tion say
may thing abotit counterfeit money, hut did
previously. In May host ores present et s
eattrerlatiOn between Meek and Emanuel
Walters at Brownsvilles Walter. met be
not sworn to nothing but the truth, 1.11
hat the Merles
P (Walters) sand.
tow Min (Black) -to t h e erntentinry Were
net true. • •
/erne Reetdp d, awnre-I.lve In bast Bethle
hem towm, Waablnition mtely. lathe
townie of UM, was ereatet when Mack was ,
negotiating for the porches , * of a bade
cloth, for which Black Citered two doihniSi
tee reddler cruelly agreed to tette thetrunch,
when Black precnced n ten deliar ethers•
backi• the peddler looked So 101 10 the note
was good, 0000 Black said no heal sot to at
Predericktoeu. The meddler gave the
chump, and went away. Mach then !Mil II
thepoddlereame look he wroth! alone' torn
• trer. Weth tensed IMO. Ceuta notear ths
DM i
wee oo r unterfelt;thought et ti:iliu m Shit,
It It wee, It was the nest of the 010,1 1 110. i
overseen. NeVer se , the peddler altar-
Bertjemin Thornburg, sworn—Lien In 11 mg
Bethlehem township, Washington counts - .
to March lest Mack came to toy 1101.0, told
be had been in She Mnfilter Of the lki4erhi
hi m. tid Vice hooks bbed hill, had em
paid hi end that he was going to get ee•
en, or twOrifeto that effect
linced French, sworn—Know Meek; 10 the.
fell Of 15d4 saw blue Wm. Dasseenia 100.
13/71.51V1 had a mmversation with blot. Bad
ewe agelnat Mack ter 5130. 11 1 000 enld he
bad sold Ilawrone acme 1.111.11/ Port of
.01011 to be maid for In counterfeit
mOnov. Dawson 'ha been absent (or six
teen or eighteen months; emigrates:o be
comes booth eeery tyro or three wealth. lie
kept a tavernv It Ix now carried en by' Lie
son. Black said Dawson woo to pay him
for the Whisky behiul sold him. half in good
and half in counterfeit mover, .11 would
pre witness the good meney on the EP note
WWleol Centrum, sworn—daw Mack with
counterfeit money in the fell of DWI. about
squatter of a mho below •Fthdertektowut
he hed sercnty delineate ten dollar greets-.
began, I was living with hlre et the time;
Black said It W. net good money, that he
got, It from Joe 1011111100 and wits geieg to
take 11 back.
tiroSanglatineil-111acle told me be had
sold a horse to Joe Johnston for pink ho got
his Mirth beck.
Jorrph Crow/ord. sworn—Mack told nen
that he bed .right smart'. of counterfeit
money, and that he had burnt it, Spoke Of
blenaving .old a Mine tO Jon Johnston and
getting piddle counterfeit Money, which ho,
had returned. •
John Balm, sworn—Wan present with Mr.'
heed when Black purchased the table cloth
from the pallor. Black told the pcdier that
the neat them he erne slob g he (Bleer)
theours Mee cloth from him. Mon
the pedierleft, Mace mad lf be came hack
he would show ben a trick worth two of
tt, ,
A/crawls ,. MuffUL, eflirmed—km now liv
ing in. W eahlegt on city; lost epilog lived In
Brownsville; 1 arrested Black, tee defen
dant In Deeember -lets, had a convene
tion with him In Uniontown; he said he had
Fold Joseph Johnston - two horses fur two
hundred dollars In connterfolt the
money to he rated at Rimy dollars , good
money on the hundred. /111 said Joseph
Thompson - 111000104 mule counterfeit
money from How York, ..flt Wheeling.
where I hat Black ender arrest, after bring.
log him from Ilobinson'a Run, In Welt Vir•
Mulct, ha. said If 1 entocl nave bin Matter
arranged Ise would show um whore the
m COO Aymado‘about twelve miles from
Grosiregamtned—Did not offer Black his ,
liberty If be would eweer tn eertale things.
leach was not a witness on my trial tor con.
spireey in the Quarter Smstonsit he was
present in Wert, but don't know what the
intrust!n wm la having elm there.
- • Albert Conway, ewera—ltlack dill eOhie
ploalng nr.ooe m May: lOW. He elbowed me
a ten duller bill welch ho said was coautor
-10111 It was a tiovernment mete; said he not
It from the tiortemment in• Me pity. 00 the
oth of this month be 811 , 1 ho got It from
- 08Websrs?og 2-1111b2: ln 0
arrestn ' l 1 0 :V V .;
-talked with 915010, who W. near neighbor
of mt.; he elwayapilyed Innocent. When
home from tho alley , hart n conversation
with liken about 001Interfellnanney, 000 110
selt me 1f I knew' Where soy couiii be
bash ho mid there 'Rena goal deal pausing
In the army. ' •
PAW(' Ireffers, (son of Eniennel Walton.)
tstoth.-In the eluting of 104
e el
night et Black'. bruise: To conversation
Block Mated he had about n grate lull of
oriented Mt - money; 1111 oor say Whore 110
got Idt, but Spoke of letting 000 hundred
nalarti Irmo 11r. Johemon for culling him a
horse. Ile bald further that the 10.0.7
to giro Mtn trouble
• erOesknaminell—Canft tell what month
this wait in, abont the month of MU.; I‘s
tut oonitivo that It wail in IWI4.
Thin elestd the evidence for oho flOyern. ,
o l ioord tortier stating
that the hrokecutionotblllack=o Out of
the MoMtt•Thommoncoosointcy tiane, tried
lathe tlearter nessume. .11.111 1105 been
for Alt:Mender, trouble with Um
TbentaKee, 'pone Bob Meek...
bairn peentirbaconted. slack tr. s wlloe9a
lothrenee and this woo 11 is Offoneeagelatil.
igqns 'll% Utgatuani that la the beigilhOt'
hood *hero the defendant radhlett Onunter;
felt money hal been pleotr , ,8111 Dineen
c had n t L
, een a mone y a L n o d a ti w al h a
, f
L w u o n
closed ty Matins that the defense hoped to
0110..011e entire Innocenti. Of the defendant.
Thom. Block, sworn—Am a brother at dis.
fondant; ho can neither real nor write: h i
Tenn In trio ertny. Dernehiber o f the rfde
ipokon of by the adlnews Watteraf MYm a
ther 'got donana there fro
man named JohnilOustim. to wham be bat
sold a bona. 1 am satisfied that Who de- i
fendnot cannot tell'whitt leant a note ho rse .on
tee money which he received fl!r the
end which I as tts national notes
aim of Ptttaburgh a n d Waynesburg banks.
flohertmas farming In Virginia last aprind.
od had n Lora rented. At the race yaw
Emann o l Walters SAW aten dollszareen
back, widen lie 11A14. be got MOM ..., go. ,
man; a iir- on Lb whorl he &berft tue bill
told him to hot Won theaweat cloth.
The Oltctotreo of Hobert M. Bleak from
the army,. Joon eth, 1005, at thrtaberlreld ,
an, o ared In evident:la
6.2itire ),.. , th.,,0, or 11 1 11 . b0rc 0 . 04 V uh*
Ingien m usty, testified to the brinettT,Ot
Lydia Kelly twfore him D 7.113101 Walter , .
oho der trod her (100011[100 taLcen, stating
tlintliellad au thcrlty Boat the u0t . 1 3 0 ' ..000
Court. The deposition bet
dratted taken was
C o ot
a ten dollar emintWaelt bit tn
the possession of the woman -With Witt
rot. elate Wetter, to antiwar to • nuelltiOn
na tho stirett Mild ne had no ntleata mart
on the 1,1 11. Witness farther aald that the
reputation of Emanuel and Jae= Walters
wan notgorsl.
(This witness, who his twang Juatice of
the e ' .. 1 . Wasbingiola enielityior %v5...15'-
1011 r yen.r.i. .in lei le Isms ..I.o4lajouth, and
Wee broti Olt 1.0 the 'Jaen ‘1•1'
L1e.1... .Kelley,
et for .r... 411. Trite
n 0... John Waiters gave rho fog i tgood one,
for stopping at me
at. Wire aaw
ill.drn[s he teld me that if I would swear
about the now I would get stnesraalt stud
be would get forty tbousaiaddollara 'Pilo
7101, tell James Gibson •that. Tatters moo
hire , to re , UM note awl Min lanatehed
, ltdmt,Ot Ids kande. d „
/mos Berson testified that lioltsritilli Trai
-1 tars atop pal at hi* fatter'shousold Fri7ster.
Icktown cm thetibilttafter thorMlSlnGreene
[ county; tool a tee dollar eentliterfOlt note.
tanit 'said
the r ata.
of that, kOf
inonoy at the ma. Ile said beget It (cosMO a
John flood teeitilled URA ba alio saw WM.
tern at Llarann , e tavern with • omintertelt
trade:llx tail. Saying, tied. fie e .had.reado
that at iris mai ilia Boron said that if wt.
mit good, but that he got it Mora a goOd
man. in Urceno crianty.
~Cress-asarrileed—Walteri ,saill , that he
goll the lime rrtfra a amid rtran sad would
thee it hack.
Jacob Conn, Esp. tratlfl.4 that In the bd.-
ter part of Lott March Walters remarked
that il Ito (Walters) had toga to kittatnirgh.
111100 Owl hotter leave the country, res
h re[ng to went had tatter °Wiest tee ram
et Oren , . oonaty. Walters said 'lm del not
dohs% 11010 tam, any tif Mork% Monter
felt money and warned tits 00)0 nett Le take
tote of IL
-V, B. ihgdon. of Fraderickrosro, tptined
'an had beard gamine) Wallet!' nimranfet
'5.1!..f:.[:-.‘ei;l" clVtrlfgll0 .10 051.:onblVeild,
el lain.
Judge Ontllol4, ilide ltaioolata Judge In
Fatd. emesty.l tastited .t/asht known
Kumar:tat Walters trout Irayri t bia attar.
...or for veracity CY not considered gelid
tome nine ago,
800 Adams testified that dartegthe trial
of Ist1 st for enniptistry iitmanttad Wit[teril
Inn LitteLea I 1111: to tell Mack nut La apnea..
....tine.* agaiaat Mosintt —that ta IWO
. re) wan brotaist there to swear ...asking.
1.1[ and that II Black Old not appear he
(waiters) would not eftreer.
tin cross -examination witness said he
hAn not been in luny troeble shoat counter.
"t ...le: thorn Wet a Arno which It was
ssld be but passed, bat he gatflml It wait.
re Isiah...
, Tno .I[Giese hero 'rinsed their Instil:non y
[ .100 tinTerlonetat, Introduced - l amina re.
l i i1,,,"!')-71„,.7,-.", 1.,
tte romity, had
amine ttmano . ol Walters for Atteou year.,
1 ,t 1 nyver beard any thing ligstrut his char
w Weer.
[ Ra. , t hat-
e , ~11 Washington, conntY,'
. o at died that he waS Welt acquainted who
11,sa. and ocvey beard Ins elia.racter
,•:I, unlit Ills rare Artere.
a t., ol Walter , . tor t
•./..g.ll e als t
oth. o Wa l l %Da char.
J... 7.1, Mertes test:sled that be bad tient
in tilt oaolo ot,teht.Ortatoe WWI Ketters for
11 re or 613 yrealt, One had peter heard his
contact. , relied In gyration. •
.57, - ,Arn Ildlot Ftrinoldw , r. , b+. l keel..
F.311.,:tei Wolters for twelve or thlrteen
t, oorr; het therettrr rut tenet , ' wee good.
111/tute. Metre Owl known Waltera for
ten or wovenvisats; lived la the neighbor
:•t with anal Ida charactor wee g OW.
Cloth thottrretif 1 Bved. to the game neigh..
.... w .tot NT 0,201 entotrdtertra ale I
ft-water for Tr:catty question .
1111:asin t rowlard and Ooodloto Mitchaer,
..0 gssaterlelitolly, gave Walla., a am.
,ltarecter; they navvr heard 7aYything i
Jdere eroviorti, resist:ed. trestle:l con- l
men lag the ehnvorsation welch took place
erv,. Waiters and dem , Cons. hot
dc:LI nct distinctly
What Owl
escii 501.1
....aor n iv f sita.,i aaa te ollileant%eartta In
rteeate-eel t '
ortorni er the Mew.
Tao I , tni,ooooo,etos,ll at flee nernetes
' ttoco ttrtv WoloCk. weed the court ad.
,now! tall toe elelocir Vide A. a.
Tice Itrestdy atom. Again.
Tito Lem by hire. Crawn¢, at Libor.
ty street, , hat of late been the eeette of a
i.ututier.OlfedfsTracelisi affrayn. LI, (a but
a (Lott time stare the pescrable eaten. of
that imailitr were grub:ire with the inteill••
greet tatsit legal prneemling• had been to.
.titutslTMltiottlitt this old offender, aad
was .r.C...inittly hoped that the matter
would receive the prompt attention the we
ressitire of tee case demanded. We regret
. 0 any, however, that the horn was a vain
dne, and that ]in. A senotleregintatiati to nos
erets, still enetiners teuntherrrepted
,roprietor, tea Sur as the la w ty oeocerned,)
non et the moat tlisgraenlut.ilsorderly ,
notnerenus, sad damnable "he ld." within
Ito 0001.:01'01 the slog. Ito coabt *2'
,t,1111,0, whether a mote Infer:met house
coo no toned to too United States outside
the rsty of Nashville. The following In only.
ono own (amber of dlngractfui Mbar* that
:vent thorn, many of welch never teach the
nets tho putnia About ten reelneh,
westhes.tay night, a party of hire, airman
whom .wets. eine Camses , . Christ. Hare,
nr. , l umau hotbed lied, went to the house,
vet atter bring thorn n short t ette gOt hit*
a dtsarrbance el seine kind. Alter Pale
sage of welds. tiara, as IS etatedl doste i ri m e
cent.t and 0101 lyric. at Bait, area t VII
It It also atated that be
titer itstilog nut the bons. Oat , O • the
party states mat a-watchman .Interfertal,
when (tore tired at him and fought hts way
chtart but this 1e hot eiribruted. Infertile
:lea ter assault and battery with Intent to
Uhl bat made beftot, the Mayor, ano Them
bay atterneou cant rs Ulcers,
td tP31404 proceeded to make the arrest.
stare was found Manse( the
C sipper teems of
trintit `a boons, and rat arrested
sold:out ettlibulty. He was forked up, but
notionquently got ball. Yesterday morning,
at moose o'clock. he appeared Wore the
111 4 00, ',hired a Learltnioud gave bail for
1,,. apinntrnere at Court. /In states that he
n•ne Mtn:mated, and In snowing one of the
.. am pinto' It "wont off,” and while
prIN trying to ramose the eibloded cart
rI ign froth the cylinder It "went afro twain.
to cure ditinast It is neonata7 that the
°suet should be eradicated. and not nein
thin oink hoi• of lumpitte ts broken ON nen
peace and quiet!. miltimined In that in
enitit, la tree no method by whiett ibu
id may be necoMpllithedl . •
We take great Pleasure in ceiling the et. ,
tent= of oui readers to the re-organise.
thin of this Inetttuten, ettiloh Le so India.
'persiblo. one to 000 Citizens. We are en
tered that It has fallen into Mind. folly
competent to 114 miluitteolent% arid that
every species of washing, from a Brunel.
carpet to IS, hell v , artalri. la executed . wrath
dispatch, nod et such pri....a In 10ah
rummer as ail give batiste/3 , 143e to all. We
hote the manager will receive prompt
nod abundant patronage.
iOn suotna a hat of ' boxes where Orders
cagy be left:.
J. C. St ettern, cor. Smithfield and Third Sts.
John Porterfield A Co., NO. 15 Market tit.
Sheers F... 0.6 E. K. Elitoue, Nn 4351. Clair St
steCierran A Her:ennui, No.E3 Market St.
A. J. ILIMILin, No. It ht. Clair Street.•
Deutel Ilemilten, coo. Beaver ..aLocut
• eirr.vts,
J.l'ontleo+l,l4o Federal St., Allegheny.
'Enemies IL Cool, Central Druz 01010. ker.
ket Betiding. Allegheny
Peter tV ills, corner Penn and Canal Ste,
J. B. 11111 comer Cougressend Wylie 01,.
.1,00110 Abel. corner firsns and raw 1310.
Meenor'n Itotisl. No. 8. Fourth Street-
Pntunc , re Douro, No. 7 . / Filth Street. -
Goldstein, No. G 5 Market ellntet.
12. W. A, W. J. Snodgrass, oor. Lthook and
y e d e rastreets, AllnabOny.
01101.1141911, 01 man . , East, Liberty.
Cemetery Marble and Storm Vierica.
The ceinatorle. In the neighborhood
• f the Ann titles. contain at exquisite
pecimcns of tombstenas hen monuments
cm are to be otwerVed neywhere etre in the
=miry. Indeed the fame of our marbly
°niters is not astendattimayheut
our own end Mg Oluing ftintet•eed the Mete
In nu:ll,4ton°e If uot the least important
of eatery.. Prominent among them who
ilavecontrilmied tench towards elevating'
01.0 tastes odour nevi° In the direction of
nnrblu cutting and sculpture, is Hr. A. J.
Ilarbsesii, the proprietor of the Cemetery
Marble Works. opposite the mule entrant.°
ct the Allegheny Cemetery. Be Is. a prac
tical and tinishod workman. and all the
specimens turned from his establishment
bear the ImOrat. of iinfteriMity. The de.
slam for monuments and tom tones
IrlittleenaOrlll2o,lo WU creste d of pane..
end LIU 117,ClitIUD In un tO the most
earutui of workmen. At the works will be
found a very floe alto's, 01 tombstones rind
m ro o nd n o u . m e
mn wfazinr o ' acoife e a ti t o one
mac., which era warranted to' prove water
proof. tiro made a mu:Malty, and will be
found to batter answer tile purpose for
which intended than any other style • now,
la Dna. Lturbaugh attends pro t ry to.
all hinds of marble and. stone wor k,and
ills pricas will be found very roasionaa. To
any of nor readers desiring anything in
this lino wo earnestly COMmend the hems.
tory Marble Works.
• • Flour —lFrutidalea I Brands.
It pill be observed that R. T. Kennedy
Bro. caution ho 'public against a fraud*.
lent and mischlovOne practice of certain
ip dour, of buying up second hand
sethe and barrels branded with thn trado
mark of the Foul Sidi, ailing them •witti
, morior quality of flour. and vendiag the
sumo m tho prudent of that popular • milt
gene prattlers are disgraceful to any moo-
chant. a.% the guilty parties should te
v i A mea with exemplary punishment Mad
loss of custom. Memos. Kennedy a Km
have eapplied themselves largely with a
auperfor qualy' w
of from
w hlch they aro it
co manufacturiwhite ng wheat ,
fly of dour for family use bolter than , tney '
Rrrb sv a able to mOO6 nam tam -silicas of
lad, and unsurpamedoY no knows Dram!
In the ocemthy, East or w eat , and Lays
adopted taeltmiclomerpedientruentioneir
In their °Catalan tout ,- gehlic."Tar7l7rir
rectum' their Ciattnnitas from Ilapastilcm: • '
llls Myers Cele Expose.
The Gannet resorts will remember the ,
developthents truth °entertain - it opposing
counsel at thh trial of Alfred Myers, for
counterfeiting, to the Enited Estes Court,
a couple M. reeks state. Of the attonstel
Concerned. were Ira H. Pierce, Esq., of Ti
tusville, for the detente, alit W. I.
r.fiq., or ritiole. assisting In the proseed.
Con. A controversy is now going on be
tween these members of the bar,ttirmigh
the abwipapers at Tlinsville and Y l llllol*,
each seeking tethfitnin 1,11 own reputation
et the expense of the MIA:. The ',exhibi
tion' In the Coact, outside of my opinlens
which may he entertained as to which of
tile two falsified, aaa Most astraOrdlnary.
Plate; it will he rscollectell, yeas charged
with having tainpured with a witness
named Da Maven, whose tpothatorrys as to
the tampering, was stretamel by Perrino
testifylng to a conrerestion which he had
Plerce bearing noon the subject, this
corroboration bnlncolifered as rebutting
Piereels moat posiuse dent.ll of slant had
been seorn against him. he
cation concerning too
matter which we
have sent it ta 1.110 Titusville 'liereld,
consisting of fife affidavits,. One
1. by 0. S. 11111. Yortusseter at
Ellhole, who swears to state of f.serf beg.
'ad:MEV, identtint tech a conversation as
Porcine testintol to cosh( hove taken place
lettere.. hint (Perrintl•Otd Pierce, or that
If It bill taken place, Mr. 11111 wouldtlerve
heard it, and ho says be did not. Lie sayst
further that Perrino, during a visit
Platte, at tim at. Charles Hotel, "was t ot
tu CC:pinion to gild nli way bock to his
hotel, and that stereo 01100 a derby and
gave the dark? olio dello< to rake toe sold
enclitic. home, and that the deponent, and
Pierce lifted Perrino into the earthma n
The other affidavit, muds by C. C. routs?,
locomotive Clic:neer, In eaeratkee 43 the
hadetetcoaledinent by tbe vrttneas 110050
that "be a done Pierce great wrong,
that ha had ihai about. hitt, tad be eip,ted
It would. 000 him to Penitentlary, ll ead
&loot° a ntatetriettL v", Ito If ivy. that 'Ter
rtse was as deep In tilertiun.:s Mona
von) was to the mire, La the tionspithey
of Pierce."
It is dm , to say that while Perrino wal al
lowed to testify etralimt Phone, and was the
last ot the rebuttingsConesses called by the
Government; the Court declined to show
stir.rebUtting evidenes. anfortm
nate for tile ds tense la the collateral issite
Introduced, thus rdllnt; *as, regarded tu
proper.. Had we Gunn snowed tee daattfe
to suriebrit, as they .dseired, thy testiontlny
totem. to be Introduced oeuld not have
anted the issue the DiCY Were UM= to
Toe riext. chapter In Una rather Inte. • eet
cohtlorer,y wo tll IVlChit , with tome ,
anx lnß
et Deltertng this Mr. Parr - the *lll
se qopl..ant. to toy la reply
to the rather etrong rare made r. alast. tarn
by the 'lttonvllle itanakt.-
The ruins Snot Case.
''The Point Riot Case; which with contth•
mai trout Tint:Way evening, was refueled
last csMoing at eight, Oehler, 'When the
cOnnsel tar the prosecution romalled John
Melly, she had been finned nu Thursday
craning, but distatiltrited On anneebt of being
unable to speak or understand the English
lisnenarba being an Itheimani. An tate*.
iireter w. pt.: tired, through orb= the fol.
lowing faits vete obtained from (to lilt.
news: lie resides on rent street; ftw onto.
Jante inking tin prisoner, -Pock," sloes
with him; was at the corner of
. Point Wiest
When the watchman culled '' On ohm wet'
sew two iota betting oilicor
Jolt. tint MO not know them; went to sent
the oll.r when tailed en. and was stabbed
in tee side; aid notknow }he man who stab
d him: knew Frank anci* . nid ,. Slignr, and
.11dr Jim." hut dui r. of see either of them
atria., toe saw . 111.0464 1 thrown, bat
dui not anew who threw them; Wit struck
no the leg by t stoney heard one pistol s ae a coal.] trot way who Merl It; there was a
t hese od therm <Multi net mv how mMly t
t Wein have been trernito Floe pris
oner iias here eat edit be had talked vita
franc PI Iller since the stir. t Tiles ro
farms derene. obieetcd. The Mayor odd
that at .was evident there bad been *
fearitte - rird there. mid nntwlthstroadlmy
there were Mar bunered parental retread,
no one I.rpearefl to know anything about it. , ' "....' if..--d
5.....4 " .
lir. Moreland tail there wag no evidence , lith ettentton of eel reader/ le direeted
that there had been Soar hundred person:. l Lathe beslualseard In another opiumn of.
. the affa. the question was wasved.l th .- t-, 11,...,1 1 0 =,,i,., and , Mackin
The prosmoulott here °Mewl. r an T nni. • . .. ~,_._,.. ~,,...,,,_
tar dee:limit. ...sal A farthe ring; Wearer ean..... , e-- --- • -----,- l' Of
and ale. littiorthy. who represented the which Ur. Tho Men .C.l. le p roprietor.
Renewer:Mo., asked ler ariA etwebartin of ~.,,,.....,,,,..,, eoto ~,, rei ,,,y,tio
k. vans and 'Their. Ilia Moneta, the =Ayer. ...
ado that before flyi the amour's of atOone the Mutat'. men end ls evertitietire
10 h. , are/nark to m a
eto the counsel. li hall n witlimUch Me ,e
lay the proprietor. whit Vet.
hid 'wan tinily crialrealwird toy one of the sett cs tin expenented nacchmtle. Spieled
attorney. for use detent road am ettention it paid to the 01
lb It hereafter when that e,
attorney Wm enhoped .
rolling mall and inaehine castings, 'Crimuhicture
end as
Rated In 0 case before him, he would be a north but the mew; !skilled workeden are
lithe more guarded tn his threat as.' 31r. etopleywd all the work entrusted 10 them le
il.ientl replied that he at:peered lira wernadleal to atters durable and sail Stace
Item.; yeast - mil hrm, titnd hat in cap's, tory. We Arrow Ile. iietiln toile a fair deal.
.attou he deededle say that he had nolo- tog and henbmilaletm.ineas gentleman, and
tent!, oto cuntradiet bled, ' • • i bespeak for him a large atuare at public
The seemed. Ilex.. .absanaa , -. taunt* rottatatrt , .
two lidiere. were wren ' held In rheum of 1
one thonwand dollars ball for their agiertar•
ance at Court. Snide and Br.• were dls.
Ciesliui b / yore.
reser before atteldiptal•
1-1 t posses...a selhediest log lariston that
any person Can estate. wlllent say
trouble. •
A—Cantu , guaranteed to run for two years
Intl:tent requttlac tO ta taken apart to
be clewed. • .
4.—tlas been tu ow torten years and there
never Ills been any of theca sold at, WM—
S.—ateretred the blithest model at Pars,
Vor heti Poin o perfeCtly
sdaptal to all lauds of w or t.
4.—lt .13! sew (runt the Itshtust that* pa
per tattle heaviest cloth.
7.—Esch laaerUns is arranged to stitch,
here. fed, tend, card, ruirleolnat, gather
ns, bem stitch..
P--Tuck without westering.
•the rods just as you bay them
true , the store. and will net pucker nor
draw in washing. •
10.-24.thes a stitch silks on both shies. and
u,cs'Ab n re d ed from lie. It up 1.3 LW, nua
linen a from
pus over seams st full speed with.
out Oresalug needles or.throad.or skip-
Dinh litltoluut.
13. is wearing parts are cOnstrUctod of
I.4.—huch Is the consults' of the hest Weed
Sewing achlee. It is the beet the
' World o ut 01 ei represented at in
Vail and caul:lino it, et Nu. I/3 Grunt
Bent of reference where In nee
Weheath Isetosol Pie Me.
The ann.{ anion pie ale of the Sabbath
Schools connected with' the Lad United
Presbyterlse church. of Yittsimrgh, was
held at McFarland'. Grove, on Theratisy
the VOL Imt. The weather wag very ore
'onions, and everything patted Mr agree.
ably and pleasantly. The children, with
their pareo [to, to the number or eight or ten
liumimd, assembled at .the Sabbath School'
rooms, at eight o'clock, ...N. Etta Masa
• R.3decorated with badges ot Moneta col
ors, bearing the inrcriptions...Ood Mesa
Oar Sabbath Botta:de e and "Lied these UM'
Hornet: . The children, atter being arrang.
ea into chase. were. marched in gular
enter, hawed b y their remoulds@ heathers,
to the Union Logpot, where ears, chartsr
tor the purpose, were In walling to cOnVey
them to the grove. After arriving at their
destination the children were. aesembled
Oa the large end oommodlous platform,
when liter. Dr. Clarke.. or alleeherLY City.
offered ova brier Lea swami prayer. User.
Mr,. Montt being requeste Owtal in
'roar :appropriate remarks, otter wisloh all
...gaged in tinging the One Hundredth
Psalm. nod as the last note's of "Old lieu
diadi away. hutuintdsofJoyOus , h•PPX
hearts bounded away to event& slop". stou
hePPY day. We
andot oral& to men
tion Clint the pleasure haPentese or the
t i ed
ems meloly owing Ao the enemas
led and enticing efforts or the beloved
lineerincendenis of the respective school.,
Finish And ThOrtinti lt. 11.000, Ems.
Alleged Outrage.
Gotielb Both made Information before
Alderman Taylor against John Nick. elicit
le g the% tie, Nick, outraged the proaeoutor's
daughter. • little girl about nine years of
age; .Tho prosecutor rendes in Bloomfield,
nest TAlNtentemillo. The Ilefeodemat, who
is a married lane, over toll? years Cl age, .
is • carpenter by. trade lOW hag been on.
gaged In building +house for the prosecutor,
Trittk whom , band? ho ha. been on veto In
timate terms. It Is alleged that Melt went
lam the prosecutor's. house on Thursoo7.
laid down nu a lounge In one of the
room.. end while there the little girl came
In. +hen be seised her and Committed the I
nutmeg complained of. Allston as tun child
escaped she Informed her parents of the.
occurrence, and bar father proceeded to
the Wiles ol Alderman Taylor IMonallefolY,
warrante inf.rminlori above stated, A
welt lashed and placed In the hands
of officer Bolls who•arrested Nick during
the afternoon.. The aentited had a partial
lacering before Alderman Taylor last
mg, and and was committed tolau tor • further
'bearing to.clay, In default of one 'thoutand
• .
11r. R. B. Norris, the weil•known and pop.
ular Mort-heat tailor, No. Tt Federal Street,
Allegheny, antiounees that be ban received
Ma 'drat litoek of new all geode suitable '
for the custom trade, It embraces all the
latest patterns a d uovaltiesln the way at
cloths, casalmetes and vestlalls, and will be
made up In Lae to t fashfonalde and latest
styles at the etas able rates which preVall
tbr.onitnOut tllle ease. ltendurs will, do
well to call In an !examine for %nonagon' ea
Ille . umu Ire the rises. Th ey can depend
e ectrring stea tits end advantageous
prices. ANU a k otresdv•ruade elothLng
end.goats tarnishing goals will aloe pa
found at to rats.
Au Exciting. Cheme.
bury' Musks made Information ° agate.;
William Gallaway, before Alderinin : Strain,
yesterday, charging him with admatiom "
Thematic...rear the "colored persuasion,
and reside In the Pightlt,wrad. Oallaway_
wee arrested and-after a bearing, 001,1
the sum or Ore hundred dollars•for trial,
default or erlitch be way ameralsted. Ordeer
Barry stared with him to the Jail, and est
as they reached the door of the Alderman's
ogles be ease the afloat the ally, .
down shit, street lam .diMmermaga
with the odieer following close In the rear.
Ile RY arresusl la hlawild career hear the
Vigilant Itegloe nOUSO 00 Third street,
and conyey
waitingmi ,tO jail, Whore he la 'army
lodged, a Ills
• The Coatlnertial lialoon,—go
Ilougo lo the ntlY &better teputatton
than the Cantina ntai ir Inter Saloon; audno
Proprietor know* Cutter how to anetaln
reputation or. Ins entablletniment. Unto Mr.
Holtebelelet. Y kpribile caterer Kr. EL
riY DO gueetleT,lLS all ate tellittig to testily
win rise. visited th e Clettlheatal 8•10041,
Filth streets tent dm: to the; roirtorlico,
ho Dasescauts.
aw.m.... _ .
yk,seg Th i, ....It ?fork. . . Eltmtsleel Conductors.
It Is remarkable writh what esiV.lliless Fervensdesatruf protection easiest dts
those light tuger o d gentry, commcinly rotor by lightning eboald order the "Cop
known tte.'eneak thelves,u ply MOM woe. tier Thine= Liahnahrg 'Nod with Spiral
Lion. It might be presumed that through ,Flanges.'? Mattatectured en Duquesne Way,
0011011bect 090010 they would become se by Leckhart & Co. The peke put op fa thlr
emldened and motleys PB to leave some ty cents per foot, three dell nts !Or Club My,
tra b ce o s which Went,: heed to their data:Mimi and rio extre charge. of nny OWL - meter. Tlrm
bet on the Contrary they sower to improve hod may be Imes , on many private rel.:Mendes
on each yjob,e' and scarcely deter aro they In a`meet any nelghbothood In this erty
°elected: from any negligee,. py ~tepees „ . and vicinity; among thiLyablie but t. dings
nem of them oleo. dpresionally one of them I,lgl,7lgrit gub,,nc'erc'.reliY 'r"
a 'n"
le deteitelf, bbd ft is generally from mere 50... -ritebs-terlanChurch!Rest Liberty.
010.1, and not Mtn soy orersught of the P •21,,th Freebyterum Church, Allegheny.
YiethonfstChurch, Ohio Av., Manohestem
thief or adroltness on tan part; of the <dicer. shady side Cermet • •
The pfefetudon Mont be quite nthnerous In st. Studgct's Church, Pittsburgh. '
tae , clty at prtnenti py times who follow It : Cou ist's Methodist Courch,Flttabor att.
are dolis thriving trade, Almost every - • Volverealim chureb_l'ittenorab. .
mention the peyote otnet en. account M. Mary's Ch nrob. Freeport.- .
of a boarding boom , or hotel robnery‘ ,The DieCiple's Chnreb,New Ciente. '
bust we have-heard of wee that of ba. W. . Church at Zconothy.
11. Rlghter, of St. Loafs ,' a guest. at the St. Methodist Church, Coshocton, Ct.
Clair Hotel; who wan robbed of a gold • Church, Morgantown , T . A.
stet end btu Ir twelve dollars In money.. Lutheran Church, Johnstown, &0.. &c.
There:demoted Me. B. retirealto his room— . This conductor has the power to co s of
No. 3.3.--eteut eleven o'clock, and, ;mho sup. twenty times as nineh electr l
Citt. as the
poses, belied -the rider. Fridey morning, common iron rod, and I* equal to 0 solid
OD= sWelcing, he disMoyered %battle" belt copper bar, four inches in cireumfereace.
wed drawn hoo k
end Um door . slightly Tale rob never gets Out of order, but the
ajar: Oa futtber esateinstwo klr. It found mains a perfect pretend. as long as the
that 1110 ;gold wattle had been taken from n bothung end u
res. it has the endorsoinent
ammeters., where trWhad 1011.11... There was of leading and *Montilla. professore se La
also stolen the or twelve dollars from the ten tbe bent liglataing rod ever invented.
pockets of the gentleman's prints and Vest. , A 001.03.1 LoCtOlersT lb Co.
FOllOOlOO la a descrlinfon of the tool. at. • v , • ritteborgh. Fs.
deice; Gold watch. made cue, Loden make.
letters "W.J. T. to W. 11. it.;' on back of
mom. Attached 053 a black Melva sinned,
me,nlt Among t p h r e i pa wn s h t e a k w enw enWnag. bro
dollar warrantee the Sc. Len's Tresauty,
The onlmire have been notified of the Iran.
Section, and are In poseselon of all the bleta
oontreettio Pith it, bet It will bo • very bard'
case dr =lke anything out of, as the thief
left to track behind, mandated to lead to
his detrital/h.
a ,•auv, sad
An amusing hale Incident occurred at fr .
the Rush Rouse, yesterday adorning, in the
way LI d "Donn betwee/1011m. siglitt and
"Long Jim,. tioltecl of whom are celebrl..
tlei of the F.8.."..$ the watch
the "act to" wu ClOnduated word.. vuuli
Indicate. The parties were at the It dal
Ilettse, where they nail been dithining a feW
friendly gleeful - together. and by some
meting o dispute time between them.
gr r .tr:lrgn i :?Wg'Ji P :O t Ztbd w rrim th :
liar. Rejen'e was Up, and Ito
tor" th e long andivalul, dealing him a
` heat", blow on the noie, to whien.l . Long -
Jim " replied with s left' bander, • which
lodged In Regent "broad basket," knock
ing the wind Deed LIM I& a moment only.
when he snow:Tied grid "treat let"s"
eis ad
versary with to mutt earnestuU. that
"Long Jiro," tb "ulacretton the bet
ter part Of valor," Warted or sant het 4rtil
Caete fete of speed that wOuld bane ten
Dexter In the shade. Re thane • direct line
Ts the basin at the tag oh the bill. and when
last seen was turning the upper corner of
rho enclosure. Ills hat anti mat re.
main to the Butt House awaiting his otlier.
B. T. lents. & aSs., under& ekers.
Anions the careful and experienced nm.
dertakers of this nelgesserhood none stand
higher in tae estimation of the general
community than ]leers. 11. T. White A Co.,
corner ofSheffield and Chanters streets,
. _
Allegheny (lisachester.Y 'these gentlemen
are hilly Tweed In every throgrunent of
ti•elr DOM:mita, and perform the last sad
MSc& for the Gear detrarted in a manner
within cannot fall to am sallefectlon to the
perste - log friend.. At tlielr narerooms will 1
on toned a splendid eAvortment of plain,
men and elegant coffins, and cues of ma
hogany, roses:rood,. walnut and metal. They
theca ihtlllally id erchalming, &M early
out all the' details incident tu reiterate.
lleerses and carnage , of the hest Style,
with themost careful drivers ex., furntshed
aW eery reasonable prises.,We cbeerfallY
commend Wiese gentlemen o the patronage
of orm readers vim map need the sorroirfai
se-relent of undertakers. .
Beit Fill lick Quads. .
She claeareet seen fog years. Fine Black
Mohair Lusters, trona' coati; TO 4/ peryard.
Dark F.ll Chintzes, new aisles boot kends,
3r4 Coats; Ladles !Sackings: and ttinseator
proofs, at alkh Dart Fall Foolin Bross
Ocala, from 30 cents to 73 cents; Black and
Colored French Bertha,. solendid. quality..
T.mureas Cloths and Kappa, Black auks, ita
ion aa el ant White, lied and Follow Flan.
IL CS and SO cents,. Extra Good Snirt
Fronts. kJ cents;Bust French Consent and
Kid Glovea caw ; no
Stole for 4L
Poll Goods. Spreadsta,ll% and Quilts. eneap;
tealdlral Bark sau .ntst Blecube o
and Unbleachedr Food: 12 15
94 mid 19.4 Snooting CS and CO °ante. on tho
West corner of klarant we
d Four th stream,
No. fa. GAILDSIS a
Paster Rtilllll4o.—The anivor friends
and admirers of Bar. James - B; Dickerson.
the zealous and • silica eager of the First
Hapttst Church, wall be pleased to loam
that be bas returned from his recent tour
oflt pleasdre In uch unproved' health, and
occopy m Dutra , to-monow, Mr.
Dickerson tau endeared himself to his
congregation. being a fatting nano? In
' every era.. of the word. and nee untde•
reputation here ,ae a PsoPit orator
r4.1012/1 worker In the grnal muse which
only <quelled by birthright cam, for golden
deedstserfOresed during the rebellion.
.Vetere Alaciewas Tietniang.--rseilerick
Wise wan before Alderman Thoiesei.
del. on • charge at assault ans
pretested sexiest him by John Wailer.
timeseposal that Wise street him Valve
over the toad and arms with a t
in a drinking saloon on recinsyllianla Ave.
nun.. The defendant Weßee iliac the press.
outer acid he had three wives, and intended
to get one more. Ile (Wise) told him that
• Win who bad
violence wives ought to be
+Miele& The rollowNl and hence
the suit. The defendant was held to bad.
Nate...MA Fe4ol. Mr. George
1,117 Federal West, Allegheo con
_ to simply the trade with his tope
...or candles, and or mum. enjoys Ids canal
high reputation. Ms candies are all made
of the best engem and syrups. and ace
perfectly hommirso while most delicious
anti templuig. ft toilet:mg of foreign fruit.,
pickles, to always keyd On band.
The prices are very Inducing- It La 11.1-
'calmly, do not fall to favor Sir, Donna's
candy headquarter...with a mill,
The Attempted Maim at tree City
Part.—Jesse. Price; eneuied of beetle" , at ,
tempted to comma • rape on the ;M1,012 of
May D 0900317 on Ilooday, at Iron City
rarlx, had &bearing before Ms lloneellayoe
McCarthy, yesterday arol9lolf, when, ener
the proaeoutiLx hod Non examined, the
counsel Mr the aleienee valved stetting
Ningxia, and the amused wan held in the
sem of three thotitd dollars ball, la dee
1 Unit Of vrtneh he w oo committed tor court.
Falarretasse.—llytun • Miller. &cloth
ier, at No. L 3 hush-Wield street, yesterday
made Information agalost Elsner Rohm
charging him with obtaining goods under
false pretense. lie alleges that the accused,
under false represeutataeas. Procured from
him stall colt of cloth. of the value of
550.11. holes eras arrested and In default of
ballcomudtted, bet subsequently procured
the required ball and was released.
ILare aaaaaa UsB.-43. U. Ward, a boarder
at the Eagle lime'. made Information yes
terday hanno Alderman liellaatars.aswaat
W. A. Urgaabart. charging Mot with steal.
tag All hat. Be alleges that helm WV ay
on A ehaltoll the stalawalk at the r.g1.110-
tog:whe sawseat to sleep; and that Ina
amused along . , took. Ws tut ott his
haw]. nod away with It. A warm:at...lo
issued for his arrest. . -
The Pittsburgh ease Bali liesdrinair
tors. and EMI Myers' rium. PM
took's,O. P. P.O; The new Em romettlo po u, ban.
the Atlantic{ aloe, Urn flottuding Adook.
Gbamrlon loung America, Cock et' the
•Vr Jnnlor Itarlrooa, Ilercomm. Engle end
!Her balls; also, ' , Eats. Dame, B o lt., Cepa,
Score Books. foul Nose, nhomt, with end.
~ba ut LEN Sprint Bate.
Ppm , . celebrated Sarno{ Pine tlats,aral the
New tort 61111IIIp' WIZOIr Bet. ,
. - .
iigntsere. to decidedly re
(woo.: W o hungry mint to Olt down to •
~tgoonto witho u t alet place, 'theca tie
Can enjoy it totem:intim:l Or any
kind, and.wilero ho ciao get anything he
Bailsior :on emir; notice.. Bootie, place le
Holt:Mei met', q?...l.lnprital Saloon, on Fifth
s m
treet. Ton 1,111 . non cptetypttog to t ywit
tante theta it next-door 1.0 thairtest.
office, in the twaement • .
A Model %atlas Iltgage.—The Contr.
Bernal Balogo. FMB street, next door to the
Post once Se a model Esttea WAN% The
ithle. are always stmtdhaenththe beet the
eras= alrodsr, served In a etylo user
posed la the city. No- strong' drtok•
ere sold at the box, bat the best articles of
Ine s and melt ligteers are ;owlet there.
The Penn lOitttatd. 23 and 27 Hartaxdr
atroaL—This • Belest School for boSa wad
iorla opens on Monday, lieptionba ad. Earl
apollaottorka fOr sebolorstOpe raddamu•
For farms - , Ac.. Nov Clranlara—To oo had
at Mew.. Davti.Ciark d Co,, td Wood groat,
or can at too School Room. . •
.3.** Th4L-A. Wallah garde of We ball
will bo played st Oatleud to-day, between
the'•Plouoer" and .•Escelslot" auto, . for
the o:mmlAm:whip of Pittsburgh. Piety call.
ed ac three ceeloolf .These altibit• are
well matched eta the tame will doubtbles
been liatarestll4l one:_.... ' • •
Entered-1511L—Ohritt. were. alerted
ballir =carnal N i n t hoetre arhairat
ltre. Wendy's t a the Warn. Wed-+
lthaler wadded lett, r exterdss welted
hearing and enteral Dell In the lam or /gold
for We eppeoraneti for trial.
• .
. nowt ite•bery.—Thrandey elente& Un
met's or • lodger at the St. Clair 'tote wee
ntered, and watch ranted 1.. t. three hun
dred dolLars stolen. The. robbers , trie not
die:severed unUt Irides morning,
• • • .
• Ognsum romOstro amio, e semrtoes
of aon elms plumb•r, c ob:.e or performs
allsroPs soUstsotorUp. should. WI an T. T.
Elmossarsatleal gas And steam Mter.ond
plumberoh7. l SO Wcsatl street. •
The gloat rosoortoog Thing
To hussies health and long life si ft good,
faxen ehest, snobns ks mostly possessed
by every one with a sound constltation. In
'Pittsburgh. saki every Other. /Aran ale
therodirethousanis Who Coley. applying a
comedy In time to cheat the invallons of
(aortae, until knee fatal Incise Oeselk,
*bleb soon undermines Dos conitltntion
and d
saps the
he to ondatdooo oriori which de.
health and long liCe. Da. Knees& of
DU Wood street, prepares a Metilearrecasled
.PECTOIiaI. SY nu re. aswell as. other
great reniantes, welch hare been there:Aril
of reeeniuse thaosonds from . the grasp of one
Of tbe most learlu I and generallyy considered
11/ACM,Ie realadle., . kook. to the worbL
Dr. Key sore medicines aerrpeefectly agree
able pi the most feeble chnstitutton. and
*lbe cocci When every other• known
real has !aped. Hie toodtowes are
real .of ' the tultaan con.
siltation. TrieW have It pecan= land.
once over all it:6 secretions, end will
surodly make new serf good 01°06, watch 13
thew s ource of ail healthy and Menet mono
mma in the animal retC - is ti IS by this
omens that many-of th air e d
scrofulous diseases arc by flint. Efts
manner of rumpling the lungs to pectftlur to
Money, and is socoutpl what by muses o: an
usgratruni which pow. as
of tn., pulmonary ermine accurately as II
they could I. aeon avvrkmg through a gLass,
The examination is rottenly Tree free:Wale,
and le the hest means know , to give a per
son true knew) age of the modal of
toe lungs and other organs of the chest.
rne rarkable 041.e3 of core, cad be re.
Bo reread •
in this city and neighborhood,
where be has restored to healta persons
who bare hone given over to die wan ths
worst forms or mrosompttott.
In> PY.tik kTitEET. Office nonce from Da.
m. nettle
_ •
rooe'rerm, rmid.4l.lo cioq
allittiOlL •
The Directors of the Poor, in&wordage°
with a recent not of Assembly, and Moho -
ma Of Connctle of the city of Allegheny,
will nail by stollen, on the premise* on
Wednesday, geptepaber Sth, at ID o'clock, Si
large portion of said farm, which has hemn .
surveyed sod laid oat In convenient build
. log and garden Una, varying: from .s feet •
front tad lit feet in depth, toe sores each.
This delightful Property Is ellgiblysitnAted
cm the Buticr.colanitroan and Western Penn.
.yl,..i.Railroad, by whicli there are seven
R daily, sti of winch atop at thaw prb
miles, late die cents.
A sPieud id OPportundy Is here presented
roust t o
inannraCtiirer atpl
to secure - lucrative naventments and
desirable homes. is
Ths ground is the richest in the market,
countryite' line, and oombotes Olty
• advantages in an ambient degree.
Plans of the lota will be furnished tooth
Public on Monday. Terms-onodhird cash.
oslanoo In triree yews.
public atte.nttOn Invltod to this
agtrsonlinsry large and attractive sale.
A Lcooara, Auctioneer,
119 Yageral street, Attest:l.Y.
first premium sod Gold Medal.
The only sewing noustane, that received.
the Ard Premium (which was a Gold Medal.)
at the late Pans Ashibtt.ors. was that man
ufactured by the Wheeter it .Wileon man-
Is:attiring company of XewTorg. a!Taltorip
Poole. claim InglitOltratiVoritios Moir' PW
well Mat Wiliam tiothedong toop ,
of rho fridelaf wows 1.11 - Xerard - to Maas
awards mistrktd the bands of the company
which prirred2be above statement correct.
We cordidiftitly say that there Is no ma
chine combining so many simple. useful
and rateable Improvements as the Wheeler
Wilson. and to show you that such Is the
ease this agents DO this city astryou to vis
it other agencies to obtain the gluiest
roey o samples they can produce. GO
par with ton. mole on the Urn Pre
mium sewing machine. Gs, Wheeler
Wilson. The agency bat No. fifth
Prattles/ mad Worthy Meelumstaa—
lleaders desirous of procering the
of skillful and experienced Use and Massa
Fitters, eon to no better than by favoring
unseen. S. S. Biddle& Bro., Beaverstreet. be.
cheater.ran and fl ed u rg e
They have large and liberal
to their business, sipsactice],
careful nod finished nimhaaal daVOLO
especial attention ur-UMAlroper eXecntlon
of all orders entros thent,stur
terms votary .tea
growanteed to prove d "
wry. We take much pleasure In commend.
the them to our readers. knowing them to
be isle dealing. honorable. and In every rau
pent worthy of a large share of public pat
ronage. gate
Iron Patronise lowros Stores ender
toe impisosien ttutt - yon ant think. cheaper .
Tbls is a mistake, as ye a will fine at Sal .2
redmal street, the in
in either eILY. fin Joni
cbSafron"gcateauldnnu"Oystors and Orange lia h
.04.14 Lowteris• e
re gr a c r a s ID
settle atera. lit ' llaSO, MusD
; roes ane o Mani. C and
atnip, Tees I' in. Mr.,
Gin 4t ,_
Tamtr o nntli_sel
Frezeb faustaoi.kienit rfen
rind Wig, Extract Of Beef,
0 0 1.
N. 111r1 line, Cream 80W...
CRAWL 1:111dIet 74 4 .4
a°. So. nit Federal
faterAtslfel! 11,4,
Ilesalanosso to
taa , s Ctenbtuatlon• of non Phi:ll;9ll9M'
and Callas o f known ea terro-PhosPh oo.,
Cod of Calleeys. Tire Iron restores .
oolor to the blood; the Phosphorus renewa
waste of the
he tissue, and the Caltsays
eines • natural. healthful toga to the diva.
%ITO orgsus. •
One oult contains the virtue of me onsets
of Calms and one teaspoonful • gran of
trop and Phosphorus. Ilannfietured by •
I• • CASIFELL, More 00,2 PM Iferrt..
lfor sale by 411 druggists. es
Vocrotry licrolsinele.—Your attat,
bon is galled to the wholesale rod
grocery store of Arthur lark, Nos. 17S and,
174 YOELarld street, Allegheny, Lett the place
to boy your grooertea sir. litrk hoe
Use roe 0141111 C Wad' ensedos Wel To sell to
recall merchants at s lower figure than say.
other Donee ha the two cities. -8e keeps
times all lends of groceries, end will b.
pleased to have castles call end exandne
bis pries Ilst sad pcuillty of goods held 7 -
bl.. Iternember his number, 172. and 1 e
Federal street, Allegheny Cdy. ••
Goods • all Ileumwads Priesla—Zllr."
James Robb, Falle Mutat street, ores 'at
the Waver. to the boot =ale:0o trade of
has easy, hes on IWO a hoes and Isablerow
ble stock of boom...bowie:id galtere fblebbe
oilers tothe publleat very. reasonable prieoll4
Is will be remembered Chat %be aaaormeat
None bare te not hoot Eastern auction
amuses but Dee been selectee Alroet -
manufsernrara who dog ht snob artlelegi n' a
Olt!m e • v . t or
tor se
yoursehrea. re - Rambla sae ..hirable.
lex .. - ; .
Cold itparallait escias Water at J. T
samplo , t bruit atom hp. U raden.Urtrut
AJlmetterry. • . • , •
Dlscharew trona 11* far 164mut.-1
have been suffering from boyhood with •
nisei:tarifa from my car. which had reacted_
Wmedical ai4 until a month age. lapelle d
to Dr. Abort:., Fa. Smittoledd itreifft
whose treatment has coxed me. • • •
• Afloat IeCT.
Re sell Dag aeons Una at wholosid•
and ratan, and • are.'ns a cowedum
*bled to keep • larger and much better as.
sorted Mon, to sail cheap.% adduantitice the
NOW , In mote accommodating q
than exclusive jobb= houses. Retail man
chants sgeinviunt to owning our stook... '
JW. axis Co., •
• . • ea Idarkat attest.
Col. J. D. Egan. tke cetera:Meng and
popular book and new. dealer, Sixth meet,
be.ow thanticad, advert:Lan a eollecuon or
Dance bootie, to-ay. which gill be Bold at
can nowhoze elect In tho
'can books De purchaned minuet advantage'.
Deetrebte 11144.100. e• >o Altegtani citt
AC Auction. au Itonday, deptesnoor Id; st
throe o'clocar. u.; on tint premlnes,• corner
of Hamilton and &nitwit:A smuts. • Bee 114-
vart.i.emant,of Insiltasou; Palnals. a Cat
AuctiooccrA •
. , .
• •
M. Weimer Druggist . oorster Of 1.1. n.
cOln casco, and 'Onto Accent:" Alleghbuy,
prepares the Intztoco Mat Z. ?IC U , rn CV
toting to the pnbt to ea a intro for the lipoo-'
Me for attono drink. ZIA •
To Tatelltea.lo 'to Aii.lint , Nitre urn.
eery none, ling:l74 . end 171 Yedaral Street.
Allegheny. and buy your Sager for putting
up frui t flehea inclement, Wet Lon OtlelnT
get Meek I{t the guy. Call an . tlgne fairer.
. .
•a nolntbdon Pura—Tee fesn corms,
Saran, Opleen an, sold • at FLlflc'eCoen/
Stem Non 172 and .174 iederel attest.
abenr. see warranted to be tee Teri beat In
the market..-Call and get pro. net.
!re , Allechenlasta.—Arthur tehtde
sabs and ects:l(irecar. Nes. 172 and 174 Fed.
qtal street: has remised -ono of the best
'stocks of geoperfasaver Ozonabt to the city,
that writ be said lower thin at any bOOOO.
' gzeelslee saltase—rorbothlsode ltle,
Serentoemth .sesslos, tULL COMMODOO on
MesSs7. September la. "looms No.Trounti
street.' War reholooßblns esti tramellstely.
Or addreu W. 5. lie4T,PrlnelPs4 • ,
41.11,1111110.16 t Salo of Zama. Buirites,
Harness and Sandie., on natunit,y. Anon.
Stim at 10 A. Race's Rotel, (Mute%
F ad) nee ulvertisement,
.92 lhattaseaL
wzarionem AID SLTDDDLT.
► largo 0a.% coaudadilt TItraTT4IEL OM.
Well et taltlrrstUut ntaltata leartm.ladaatala
twit= tattotilla llama SaledraDa •
![attar tor
sad Nalt• Nasals Bowline ta
TsSar. Sad balm% sad meet rat:Side Ili..
gag sad Oasualastat Kukla Upon. own tv.
Lay aamart tlt• atty.. BO ~au. Idsagadge rie
IdSrealareaoala be withaat It•
Cub. 1415.
.51117007::: nOPT
ths Man. Laatuca• sham San as SAM at
imy um, as dab nark
1(040:7 TotiriTScum..--
t* las .1 mwler few . 0.130 a.
Inas, ea In Wu* Rigtiol.h ZOOM MI sat/.
scribes toms traios• s'weeZ
Koury try Dr•ft, Xos.Ty Qbassy.
•wlLtt W 7 tow% at r Tts)
• • fITTIMYHEitt, PciaTA.,
secs MeetlereML—The Lure tek sewed
anoe es the Vetted etatei, court for four
're the
ks part ware dbettrjed Y.Mte_V•9's
Uourt. than ming theme tx "On."
exel Gee, Bowler th e Ilasstisl, earn-
Peu..tihe thorn base of the Gown
meet t o their valuable eerier.
Gown Tea is a dastrabla bbl'>rege'hwttbw •
stanatne ...toot to 'mien atitAlsratlns SC
the article le carded warrants Ar t Z bA r____
In bens cautions ratalni
Joe, A. Bebtapen, Ito . %) Vittlt strait.% at no
ant otnabilanal Mart .
Sao the SAWA* .
VCA or ImPtsr irna in the Watt.
Carl .1m wane gaming, sad to
we SIMI WIMP.' to recommend to the
highest terms, gr. T. W. %wen% practical
gat, water and Wawa attar, No. NU Wood
street. .1.11 of bit orN of ma th • charm.
for as to guarantee attlainetton.
• • ----
p.m. Teas, truti and It eratos articles.
Imported direct frenzi gm tea OSM et tsa
old world, received dolly at lb. old estalw-
Ilehed ten e•tAbllehment. of Josolk Sot.
I num, ;go. ortrad. • •
T.?. Eames. leo. InLifoal street, hes
on loan& and for gala az dna moot me—
sonable neon, a lama end finely neerro
ad 'took of onendallere and 'ornamental
glade:lnge .•
As tiestreeseell iretameS Is Waseca the
esPerlOr tsOrkelanehlp of
T. T. ittens es
gedets=triel.egrA Re wl eed stela=
him with ■
e.orrimittfol for a laoarara,aldorma
Lindsay committed George Orsiisis yenec.
May, oath of .7. B. St alinortit, charging May,
him tatty obtaining irailec
Vods *Mire-
;Ir — e are MAIM' . Eavellipa stlea."%kaa
• 84 Feral sums.
lfrf *Myobareti tisvlsje
Lens et.soseci, eaearnished sue reeTete o , 2
will be oyes for Diane morfloes at the an=
Meow @reveries...Jar cbeap Groeilerhis
and vomecatlro d t ftat al =figg
Itome' , •
tlegbany Cm.
we are isoUlag igavolloPoo RS lon
Pdee lizoTT, Laolosoir i Co,
81 Path street.
11,741:r. 111... t. egg,
Cry"D abontlitruithallgg 7 A 1 " VOt.
by mail ea cents. IPS*
r. of even degaTlPtiOn T*
MlZlartraLited try trawa obeenzakia ,
Pared - J. K. Ilossla a ,
No. 63 1 , 11111 Meet:.
DSO 011601/ tO Toss ernaresetal
chandeliers and lareln la at T. T. • Wires%
" p m.. ? I,..p4neriers 2110.116 W 064.10444.
- • •
64, to ilbs-Baw•Mat 1..X..d401•111SPII•
POlnyan'a. O. P. P. and ant Idaa oalr
adatina 8a.1.1-,Tn• AU %!a '•
pets Ilpal_rkains WM& Wafer as
Eamplosh ltom No.lll
We see BellteilgwirWereeat leis I
Saidregain Wien.
A. 1.031341. i Ce.SL rewleeeee
Or Additional Loral Ours os
Third , ,
IitILVSBILLe 4 tdata kELI2I--A 1
OatbapY4 Ayivt V*, by it* Bey W. Dratt".
N. J. Inn.VPsll,l.., 35 , Ta. MA
Ain /LUIZ WAWA:NiI/MN. pf ZAawalo.
, .
CLOOLTASIS.—Is Christ 'sod to Itlitor - Jsi r
ours fassotoat , 000
0f Ws city. sr 4 Irian so&
II dorm ••/t with skis hild...
The burro] ollt roc SO CI six Val** TOIL
1101fOrStr. from Its. rostiaterr of parrots, ow
Crotos istease, to Um Constoop at . itollintoOlis
wßre a'co., cNDIED
R. **
TAISSE asn totemz.mitts.
ter, Wood., Ran tad .tauter.Wiz Boa= ei
Memenvetier the: y Stable. lePreur atelleld sad
Certlers,atreeti. HAWN sae . oserisiti fore
N. UN "Visa molt, rittanozb.
mown of an max; MUMS. GILOV 31:14 as 4
AratramWyo i ltozetal rarnishisi Owls
t.....4l4.l:'l,:OsiepirosaairsadldEls% Waal
aaa c..'711,06 teralsield. • • • ,
Barznix..,ll.-314v. DaTl4l,
W. jara•Das. U•D•111'''.""1".2"44
j G. rcoosnage usroznirs:
- • awl Jon, smpauliZa. meant. loos ,
eusand aoasnes. 91 , owe Btrest.
throe doors Qom Sesser.lagtteo7 4=7.. Ms,
Laißa. Bolo Mood. llabodso7. Watadf,and 800.
.sreod =Amnon o.llos. et this looaso
=moo is Pails:vars. 447 WO Veg.
841000 anA Csrldsiss rarsdstod e!. ahori ASSAM
ud an moss rrsscniabls
UPWARD cziaeutibiu,- CV-
Duccuras. offei, .244 uzio . traxgz:
alleatmay. Rovrava4 Otaar.9ll4
ana, with a aosabletssiodr.44 4 ass raltaralaldar,
Loads as band, aa4 ta144144 al abartaaS sottal
Wawa% ince.. ada ,ad Wary Shea. ear,
nu et Tratr 17D NLIDIMZIZIIMS. 131111AIMe
EarnottS, B a ggle. . 13.0. 1 .1 44..,
to ritre.
, irEwAlßT:,viaderia444
comirof MORTON sad r1:701
tillaix 1$ ant. OM= *I dl tlaels, - Mats , WM
Cartisits fbredzbedltortest so1.1"1_
-A.. J,sisßA.Tra, fl WIL• (*Milan` OW
Latrtaacaatila. ORS AIIZISTM..I II . IIII L III
Lr, swam W 08111; INII 'Wag.
QUM . VriliatAiTZD WiTitt ?BOOK
Da - CriraoM :
'wetaltaatatb.l...ischtesthe_.aatam. sf.J•wetery and 01K,
igilarolrLarareatt," UM'
' Dllrfis ^llea nek,
ewelers ' and -Optici*,
mu mu tin!Eff.- -
A.Krtabnuceis As penal todrovan
ertio...paemay awarded pp IrPhilor
ditty co., .aa swan gh,06.4.4k ru.saloazr
.3421 Mil SCOW.; • •
JN.WELlt"ir , '
sluThat-ri.AnaD !'' LTC.
. .
WTI =lux: •
smiitas o,s toe
WAtelso. Viotti sail Jewetry: 2- ~.
riming /IMI sad Box Fader' ,
Tn. marsupials: Ps/mom VIII. l it*
to roma ltsssis and Baths aro,
All•stsms V &Us, assrosS,Dl.l.7_o...„
Iss•lf As WI. ther .'` ... :eir.sTEAValhp
tsstslusj m i tagi i tt
KIP ssl o
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