THE DAILY UMSrrE zoundsn mut • REED & COI amasxmo. ar. O.IZI72IIIIIIILLIMM. • •u. MI AND MI MINK AI2EL7. Ink &gam tspo Sr Ifitfra tautuif; OirDnAL PAM or mamma no ALIMENT GPM otourzerr aarr WU= WOO mILLL WWI I& QIM... Mati OS Tex OULU LL~fCgag.l. 7.46l !AM U'. bus. pa , Va.••••••45:00: =I tts pittburgli Gayttg A vrowray CANDIDATE The loyal voters of the Commonwealth ask no higher laibute to the worth and character or Judge Rut rams than the following neat compllmeit paid him by tin only dais Hemocratic paper of Western Pennsylvania the day following )110 nomination. It said: The nomination of the Hon. Henry W. Wllliarcui as candidate far Judge of the Supreme Court is a good one. He wu the best man named belore the . Re publican Convention, andpossessenlegal and moral qualifications for the respon. 'Able position to which he has been nom. lasted', Both parties hays now present ed their candidate& Ku important duty has been ralthfclij , discharged by the respective conuntioos. - The campaign •may now be conducted without personal aspartions, and decided - upon the princi. pies of the two great .parties. This is as it should be. It Is an suspicious sign of the times, and lithe county 'conventions are eguallrfortanue in the selection of logislative candidates, there • will bo a stop put to the deplo y bin corruption at the seat of government under a new tdo of •honest men and conscientious WaLtara.--/tirmayrph Post, Jens fainn, 1867. The Phis, in referring to the above, on the 29th of Amps; was pleased. to "We have nothing to Wee back or *ply. .Of Judge .Will/ama` private or ].gal' reputation we have nothing but :words of praise; and however it may sun souse pugeacious add heady polyt eta* we cannot bring ourselreato view Erea, tunultis as either whe or IT . „ TO-DALTthe 'Republicans of Allegheny county are alled upon to elect delegates to the Convention .which meets at the Court House, en Tuesday next, for. the purpose of nominating candidate& for the General Assembly. We again urge on members of the party the importance of attending the palls to aid in the selec tion of tried, true and trusty delegates to mamas them lathe Convention. If-bad =mind their way into that body, and frame a. ticket for the suffrages of the Repabhcaus which will prove an. worthy of support, the reeponahrlitTs in a large measure, will rest on those Who absent themselies from election places today. Let ns have a goodness. creating Convention on Tuesday next, and our county will be represented next deaden at Harrisburg by able, honest and hottorilde retpresentarlyes:—by suds a delegation is will advance the interests of one *action, of the 4:kaamonwellth, wad at the same time redect credit oil tbe constituents who Bend them. -, :Normcso has occurred of late so cal culated to dente the negro character as lie prompt refuel of the colored orator of Ohlo, Mr. Landon, to be made the instrument of disgracing : Gen. Howard. The President has no true sympathy for' the freedmen. Ile fairies the party who Have been and are now their oppressors, and at heart has but little care or respe ct for them. No person would accuse him of taking' much stock in the executive * abilities of Mr. Langston or any tither eelored man. Under the garb of friend- Uip for the blacks, however, he con cealed a malicious design to degrade ' Om Howard by elevating a negro' our Mtn, but Yr. Langeton 11111 too shrewd to honied in such a way. He had much more penetration of character than Me. Soksuon imagined, and properly and, promptly begged leave to keep out of potato service, preferring to remain an humble edit= rather than bold an ex alted position at the expense of a faith ' 141 Officer. The -inducements to Mr. Langston were not ordinary ones. By accepting the office tendered he would have occupied a higher position than any of his nor in the country, and would /UM had spread before him inat field for the development and display of the talent, eagacity and ability he undoubt edly possesses. He wee afforded on* op pattimity to have his aacne written in Ids country's history, but hit geseilliih immilses commanded tam to' stand by * Gen. Howard as the friend of his race, sad to treat with scorn the offer of the President. Few instances. of more, worthy conduct we record. • TEI Philadelphia Republicans have nominated the following ticket : judge ' of the Court of Common Pies; M. Ras. Thayer. Senator, Third District, Joseph A. Bonham; Assemblymen— Fiat Distrlct„Elavid Foy; Second, - R. C. • Tittertnary; Third, A- AL._ Walkinthaw; Fourth, W. W. Watt; Fifth; Edmund Yard, Jr4.l3ixtb, Col: Chas. 'Meaner; Seventh, Smiles Sabers; Eighth, James V. Stokes; Ninth, no nomination; Tenth, • Blithe W. Davis; Eleventh, . Charles Begat; Twelfth, Alex. Adaire; Thir- ' 'math; no nomination; Fourteenth, Geo. F. Thorn; Fifteenth, James Hoigate; Ststeenth, Eyeball 'M. Bone; Seven teenth, Watson Com/y; Eighteenth, Jas. AA Parka. Messrs. Well, finbers,-Divis; Jilikire, Thorn and Marks, have been AVMOLIGE 1/1•013B hu considerably stresumi in Table, the size of the loaves of bread furnished by Pitt Mar& bakers usitairtlutchanged, while the old prices ire demanded. Ipet us haze a reduction, limn. Bakers, or a strike may ensue IsOngstihe large class of our population who depend on lotifor a dally supply of tho staff of life. There is no reason why . laud should command old prices, eluce lour can be procuregl much cheaper than of yore.- I 1' - - • Paatf.APs the ,mamllin arum .7 felt for Ifazunftian will be considerably attatea after the anisoincement, which ie riadety our telegrams • this morning, tilaithe canted daring his administration Vaissectiticrn of over nine thousand. sub. ',.teitifit;;He held life at a poor prim and it is 'alaps Ofy that ids own was taken; - :jewel% lireeteragasnier tent. ikeigrave to Ds ridisberse Omen.) lemsuseor.m, Animist 33.--,Arren gement.* tor the North Western teengertest. aw esome:mg cm the id proximo, are nearly oom yarAW. 11.11 eatable of seating .l or amen thousand parlous has bean erected ma Cans Noose plume lOr tb. occasion. piny newtheyar Axerrareandeata the gaengarleat Mt:tested to eallattending emAtiately on- arrival at the Journal er NAMPA Mke& where the etassleormatttee 11111 terrain WI needed credwittale end ita commcodattona. AL cetrirdtmontaxe banquet will be tendered Wining members on FA. - day night. 1 = tI,Ts/sereth to the Plusbarsh musette.) =oath MIK; Me-tom tenant hansom, at Fourteenth street and Third somas, wars destrOyen by are this montima , Lou 111 =M - eis, *wort Me-Dsold fiery a no's. wholmale Minor slam Ito. Sb Eltele straet. wee asstr ax : are to.M.F. • LOIN estl• tooted at on which trona 15 en no =ranee nth Th e stook. of Tomer . IMMO* it CO, wholesale Mettler dealers, m u 031141 ballnlog was damsatal. by water to the extant ofithmo. West% stOot of • • ta also damaged. Total MO • • T•bbees Illialustaelory NaVzccr,:g.a.r. alciabratoelatg.6.: ao mawallosu7 mika mama twlay for vials. tlasi at Internal Itarreuue law. The am , chants bus ora•nlsed • Board of trade Ileasurve Maireaa• Oaken. ciI:PAMstA to ;ha Pittsenus bThe - anw•Arass, August Lemmas .02Soars bare mama !him% a three raw War n ictatr:r th: • ArilYid Os= 1tt..166a4mh llT'flitErato r rutotwti zartil";r Uutdom; from Part Mkoatcra cm the Mb. ar. rind stens/a&olio, with . Milt • silinlon • • • • . . 1 . • _--- •AiSkill- '‘''''' l';/;',/,'%i/- , .u. an ... , _. . . - ._,_„= - , , :;F , t_t•t_....,,- - : , e.4-"- ,/,---.-_- • Ar;-.e.._,- . . _. ... „_..,...„..„.,.:i.:......._„,,,„..._ , . . , . . , • 14'' .r - , - : ,--7 ;.,.._, ' ...7...j. -,,-:.- .., _.,.. ~.... • 4 , , 7 ~ .... • ... ; ______„-„.„:„"-_-::_--.--- 4.27-= - : ..- - - - . ,_. . . • . ' ''..---_------2----z—./----= 2-'------7/ t 1 s \•• - I' .......-..,, ~.....J VOLUME LXXXIL—NO. too FIRST Elllllll MIPNIGIIT. FROM , WASHINGTON = Wiesisirrox, August CO, 16.1. 111121M1NT..113.011 calreamor, "Bps:dais , ' to Now • Tork impors thus dl Ate upon the rocel4 elesstlork Gan. Grant and President John.= I The Herald's special says ' ( The troth to regard to the Twines ristenre afloat relative reptilre betTetiri Ocutrid Grant and the rreeldent le that no rupture has taken piano, that the tw G e n e ra l Gra n t most friendly terms, and that tute not offered or the President wilted Lim to tkelgn lds oilloe. The Lipner.' did protest against the removal of General Shedd.: nue ground for the protest rot Um it we. unjust to remove Hancock LO /W. Orleans while DIG yellow fever was math g there. Re also suggested that he alone was OM- Powered to ...TM matters in the houtheen Department. The President. In this ton. versatlon, confessed that Congress had to. vested Grant wan the control of the Booth. amt dletriCtil. button tended thathla p 0 were Were necesserlly subitet to the annervistOn of the supreme Dreentle* hoed. The Gen eral, without venthrthg to offer. soy ran- Hag amanita Ls, assented to the Prosliteit's Mews. The Tribune's special Darr Gen. Grant. It to understood, hat tet•ently come to the tonelmion that fretted misapprehended ale powers rmdm .. Ite roconstrucuon act, and that his nth letter to the Prealdent, with reference to the removal of (inn. Eherislell and the relieving of Gen. Hancock, was based viral a mlsenderetendlng Of bats faun. 11011., It 13 stated by thesolrlso are well advised is to tle movements M. tho headquarters of the army, that Gen. Grant, on Tuesday, •ii emend smote To the President withdrawing the letter first above mentioned, arid it Wiwi Immediately surrendered by Yr. debates. The only oerrespOndenee nO w remaining unpublished ,Is the Int. letter of tan , upon the subject 01 the remova C lef Stanton, ond merited "privnte, o .hich e rsideut grill refinters to a/low. Who published. - Gen. Al rent,how ever, by his re i e rring to It in the eorrespondenee on the removal of Sheri dan, already published. removed the prise ey, and' he ban nu objections to Its . pub. Ileetion,but at the same time, he cannot give it cat for such a purpose for the reason that It would be a breach of military I etiquette: When General Grant's views on the anbject were mnronuttleated to the Prominent, he raid that It general Grant thous/it It was no longer private be ought to give it tot publication, but he would not doso. lt now loots as though neither this letter tear that written by Grant on the Styli, on the subject of ' asaignine Elnurork to relieve Bberulan, will be mane nubile until Congress Meets and calls for there. ' I=l ' Seeretery Seward's friends say ho 10 not going oat of the Cabinet. as his presence In trill elate Department la obsoletely re. qtdred—at leaf , for soma Uwe 'co come—for tna completion of the negotiations witn Great Britian concerning Mao settlement of the Alatetese Claims, which are On a tar way OI prOgress, upon the basis of the ces sion of British Columbia Important not Gotham' with other powers, tart:ring the tory cession of terri to the nited Stat.. have so been °penal by.hlr. U 'Seward, and It LI believed that Ito alone mul bring them to a lavetreele eonclustort. The condom.. 1100 of Ills services as Seenstary of Stnto in, ' therefore. deemed as tronseerillost us ',ob it. Importenee all temporarY Oilliical I. 110,C9 growing oat tit the late proceedings of the fresideet. Jerry illack, Coyle dt. Co., dooltthlnk Do however. • . cescanento mamma' maces.ase ears.. The following order was issued today t assounsareae Usrrso gray.. Aster, An.icrasr Ommas.t...e (lynch Wasarsoros, August Id, POI. • General Order No. P.S. • The following order, received from the War Department. Is published for toe In fort:nation and goldance of all concerned: To prevent payments on 01 - 111001.6110 eel diem& disenarge papers, raymesters ars In. Istrutted bY O. Gitief of their Department to reface payment, unless the Identity ol the soldier fa properly establisemL , erscor.lo so. O. • - . , . Zs.ritsseen - Gitneitat's Grime, i August liith. - liil. 'Sobel:ire se far rie practicable thePtmarit payment of each claims, and et the same Dims .atill more care Pally guard against fraud, ail Milner* who sign and deliver die. charge papers Ism instruct the soldier to deliver them to the enter of the pay dis trict in which he is serving at the time ot hie diecbargther, If he prefer. sesame other designated chief of a pty distrlc t, Clad the of. IP:cretin then immediately notify. thPOngn Another channel than the handeof the man oMM:urged, the paymaster , designated of the fact of each discharge. the Ist!, name. ragitnent, win compacts , of the soldier, es set forth in thi papers. Novaya:isms alit be made an a dischasge ay any paymaster ea. ce& on receipt of seen nellGeutlan, unless otherwise noricimilyuly eatisdad of their gmanineness and personal Identity of the claimant. fly command of General Grant. [Signed,] E. D. TOWstle.D. A. A. G. =1 The Revenue . receipts from dlettlied eptrtta and tObaceo at the Bureau of Inter nal net...eontinne to tie lerge , y in en ema, for the fiscal year ending 'nth Jane, over these for any preceeding like period. lloramiseloner 11.olLlne left Waelltagton lent night on bartneso In NOW Tort. • ITALIAI X 17110.2. Mr. Cerruti +se' to-day bbeblYea by Q. President an italizol Alinister. *MI. IS •.,03, The Poilmuter at Prereatif Arltons, In a letter dated July 9151, says : "There err probably ten 'lndnto every on. reported. ' The ia military r .. oma In not lush equal to the demands, and unless norm suitable COMMUldeir la appointed, who car comprehend the true °outdid= of the coon try, it is feared many years will elapse b, fore we will be relieved at 'lndian trouble and personal danger. The reentry ix, how ever, cenatnutlY increnning to white pops Latina." CABIN. YLTSZIIII. A rumor was eirenleting thtt afternoon that General swum,an is to to appointed secretary of War, but on inquiry at tha proper amine the reportls eacerialued to be entaredi devoid of truth. The General cab ed at the Execut Mansion inerelr e visit of MUMMY. ive There are no new dere. gATAlLPrrg t i,Ttf:rrnctto= r tg now appear probable. TESMir.. VIM. eictZED. 0011111 ItifOrlrtato4 received from SlMl ton,.Tstriales, says.fleary Clifton. the see, man who cemtn the Isrn of matt funds on itted ec bosrd the United sorer 8ta.1.4 steamer tiettystairw, last winter, hos but tried, fond gnlity nod sent to the Penile, Wiry. 'WOOL IST'OETZD ' tea quantSty and vain& of raw and fleece wool and neore, waste or annadsi. imparted to the United State., for the year ending June Mtb, was: weol, 25,3‘15,151 p ou nd . , TA M; att.ddy,5400,147 pound', $518,493. • • • roars. marratut._ The restates* Department lam enlarged Its arrangements tor env elo p e s. ruUng or black lined stamped roz clotast• IV ITALT. Oftldol sceOunts from Palortno to Auguitt Coshow it frihtful state of afters in that and nolithuttood, tho cholon. tuvlog become eph:;sqtla and 7d60 sproUL =mos la eau :await - . The amount °tooth In the Treasury to. day to a 111.718,005, of which e 18,800,000 was In cOlu eirtlflcates. The amount of currency Is 07,0:0,000, rusting a total of $1.57,313e00. •LCLLTAIT MILOA1(110. The /secretary of the Interior Is meth ',esker to.daY.ear/ hte, physlctsna bees for. bidden vieltme. FROM NEW YORK -•- tay Tslcossh to Zs rittalrtrrgs Osretta 3 Nsw Yong, August 30080. 1621910011 01 s 0960 .... s. At Now Brunswick, 14. J., to day, Bridget Duran, the New Itarket murderess, exults. stud her clime on the gallows A large , number of people witnessal the execntlon. the =MIAMI onnfinulon of her scolltatair Gam. her supposed accomplices idAr7 nd alleging they she committed ttni murder to the boos Of taking kfrs.-Vor riot's ylaos In the household. COMITOSIONEII arrolsita Gov. 1' eaten bon appointed John Austin Woman, Jr„ Commlwooor to raprPsockt Maher h . oßtatatial Convex In Park,' • • • Munn/Atm .hseurt., Thu Maniere Garavada, tha, itad y,,„ n . orivartin, from EllrOP. armed with aorta two thousand dye, hundred immigrant., to day. • ♦ “tregnien sednot.go. Ge ry =a4l.ot Weehtngton ta, !M -uni% Co tho eve of d•paritos fo M ral L.:taxer, was tWknelled by w COnadelleo man cot of Pm la VIII. • ndezzerger vast Intemeting bankruptoy Mee will 10011 be trial to this olty. George E. Sob nyler, member of the grin of it. G. ft L. gebuder. hes filed eto be d berth. ruPt. that hedition en Adjudgev obtain certllleate of di/Charge of all 013 debt!, which amount to nearly 4µ,000,000. 001FITIT01103 ,CO7ITLECTION. The Convention yeeterday determined to take the office of Attorney General oleo• ire, and shoiteh GAL of MAW liniGneer. 31.1tVIOCII Perin/tn. The MaroneWan itarenne Board/Mee re dlstricuel the city. cot down the list Of In evertors my - nteterlelly; Wd pieced the earps directly under the control of Colonel DlepDlpra. -. • • aiansOtra C•ZS. - • znyttoriOtto m llr ardar and abortion MOD bas occurred in Lassinaburg.. The bc'dY Of r. Totem cal vas thrown from a window or a eantlnall on Monday night, and found dead. Slabt of a recent attempt at &bona= ware discolored, and two mm have been arrested on suspicion Of boing 00nneCten with the mardor. The wortunta name is believed to he Card, Ltubbard, and it Ls supposed she Manion at rittat.olrn. 11110411 •14.411.. • Neil= letter %aye Ptln. helm 51.1 m, who wY expecting shot,hea boon eon wne.d see. your,' tmertsonment. Banta /Stun te ILO L. Wed by court martial. Lduti o. given In selneutou tette GOl - A caret - MIT outlawed Het of vet lees executed since 16 , 35. try UtaxlisUlen's order, &hotel/ it Wad et 0,044. • .s.sirssr, ow RAZ VZIMILLIA - The !Tinsels .wsr steamete Pnelestorten and Bouvet. arrived • lest Melt Itom Yey Cros. Tt3 Steamer Aleppo, from Liwstorsd, arrival:llMA WSW.. • • • , Slier Telegrams. (By Ye)esrapbto We Pittebarak (Wette.) wihuirse le 2 sx s nhs Ixn va = r xtionxry ROB EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. FROM EUROPE Teter.pb tc tGe ntub rih'Gazette.) Fn.; 1 i L. ...Tine erMa VOm xavoLlitoN . - pj,ms, August M —White the Emperor if spoken was temporarily 'delayed at LgUes.'yesterday , be made a short speech. Ile alluded to the Past tefaridi ei 'dark ' spots on the hokum , ants 401iiirtfinted at soma length on the Paden state of atlairsin Harold. Ile spoke encouragingly to the people, and propheided that the certituty of peace would glue great to trade. While no blinnett the directors ottbe public press rersoreading unfeundod rumors, and creating anneral dlstrnet, is hbelielf isould do Attila his power to retell confidence. 1011/10 sate TO 1■ MAIM% Is Is reported that a note from the kreway foreign ofllr t..ptclfe In. Its etterloter, soon tlsnea -..*-- TUILELE T. raoromgo SIMSATtOtq poems, Aaron '..lC.—The Hosolationa of the Clotted gt►tea Congraq• ONOrffailtig aricipathy for the atroggltog Ordeal, which Ir. florae, the Americakilatrileter,reoootly preranted to the Sublime Porto. had crea ted a profoutolummatlon at corotantihople. niArrn enuT nirrte ...scree rAhaar.,. tmamt, A:mr. 10.—Tbe That sMkraer from Itto J =dr°. arrllea to-day, Orme. latolli gene* that the allied army bee craned the Upper ' , areas tato Puegmay, end 11 Groat billtle might le looked far et 7 'moment. GEILT.UI.Ii V. • TIIi 6.1.110 coirmenpgr. , . . Stll2o/itt, Angust3o, , —The 11•zette bf city enntal. an article d.llon th►t toe !ouch Germanband was donna:ell or even broached at the 101000 Contemnce at nalabunr. SilksiTED otrir Gi.r.iiabw. ingest 3. —The steamships lowa, from New Yorkomd Bt. George, from Quebec, arrrroOto.dey. Baum, August SO—Erreinkj.—The steam erap CoUg, 11-om Now York, arrived to4ley. rlsmicls.L.AL7so tomissuccau Lisuarout, August 30—Eseapi:,—cottou doll. and prima, iisouge easetsr, quotably upon. god I sales WO balm of tolsidilisg 0p lands et 13 1 1 4di Orleans Wad. Ilenebaster ma-ket for Gaon, nod Yarns dull and droooll2g. Elsondsintfs dull and 7 p ice de ollaud WOrOC ii, 74 per cc, fgr Calif° miss. rsax CA Corn 33s 04. Onts -1, el. Tallow 4s 13001 137 s CAL Curt 75s f 4. Eason Cs. l Lard 6141 64. Sugar quiet at Us 64. Aserwalsr, August 36—ErmIne.—Teirol si• Amer and admaettl In 4414 Imam. Loans', August. 93—E•nong..—Consols souiewhat larnart, closing nt 94 9.16. The 10,11100 assumed by timers! 6reol lb the &mark.. Cabinet Ism had • narked PY.tik kTitEET. Office nonce from Da. m. nettle _ • rooe'rerm, rmid.4l.lo cioq allittiOlL • The Directors of the Poor, in&wordage° with a recent not of Assembly, and Moho - ma Of Connctle of the city of Allegheny, will nail by stollen, on the premise* on Wednesday, geptepaber Sth, at ID o'clock, Si large portion of said farm, which has hemn . surveyed sod laid oat In convenient build . log and garden Una, varying: from .s feet • front tad lit feet in depth, toe sores each. This delightful Property Is ellgiblysitnAted cm the Buticr.colanitroan and Western Penn. .yl,..i.Railroad, by whicli there are seven R daily, sti of winch atop at thaw prb miles, late die cents. A sPieud id OPportundy Is here presented roust t o inannraCtiirer atpl to secure - lucrative naventments and desirable homes. is Ths ground is the richest in the market, countryite' line, and oombotes Olty • advantages in an ambient degree. Plans of the lota will be furnished tooth Public on Monday. Terms-onodhird cash. oslanoo In triree yews. public atte.nttOn Invltod to this agtrsonlinsry large and attractive sale. A Lcooara, Auctioneer, 119 Yageral street, Attest:l.Y. first premium sod Gold Medal. The only sewing noustane, that received. the Ard Premium (which was a Gold Medal.) at the late Pans Ashibtt.ors. was that man ufactured by the Wheeter it .Wileon man- Is:attiring company of XewTorg. a!Taltorip Poole. claim InglitOltratiVoritios Moir' PW well Mat Wiliam tiothedong toop , of rho fridelaf wows 1.11 - Xerard - to Maas awards mistrktd the bands of the company which prirred2be above statement correct. We cordidiftitly say that there Is no ma chine combining so many simple. useful and rateable Improvements as the Wheeler Wilson. and to show you that such Is the ease this agents DO this city astryou to vis it other agencies to obtain the gluiest roey o samples they can produce. GO par with ton. mole on the Urn Pre mium sewing machine. Gs, Wheeler Wilson. The agency bat No. fifth =I • Prattles/ mad Worthy Meelumstaa— lleaders desirous of procering the MM of skillful and experienced Use and Massa Fitters, eon to no better than by favoring unseen. S. S. Biddle& Bro., Beaverstreet. be. cheater.ran and fl ed u rg e Man- They have large and liberal careful to their business, sipsactice], careful nod finished nimhaaal daVOLO especial attention ur-UMAlroper eXecntlon of all orders entros thent,stur terms votary .tea growanteed to prove d " .tad sattslao wry. We take much pleasure In commend. the them to our readers. knowing them to be isle dealing. honorable. and In every rau pent worthy of a large share of public pat ronage. gate Iron Patronise lowros Stores ender toe impisosien ttutt - yon ant think. cheaper . Tbls is a mistake, as ye a will fine at Sal .2 redmal street, the in arUcles in either eILY. fin Joni cbSafron"gcateauldnnu"Oystors and Orange lia h .04.14 Lowteris• e re gr a c r a s ID settle atera. lit ' llaSO, MusD ; roes ane o Mani. C and atnip, Tees I' in. Mr., Chinese Gin 4t ,_ Tamtr o nntli_sel s. Frezeb faustaoi.kienit rfen oasees,Conde rind Wig, Extract Of Beef, 0 0 1. N. 111r1 line, Cream 80W... CRAWL 1:111dIet 74 4 .4 . a°. So. nit Federal faterAtslfel! 11,4, Ilesalanosso to taa , s Ctenbtuatlon• of non Phi:ll;9ll9M' and Callas o f known ea terro-PhosPh oo., Cod of Calleeys. Tire Iron restores . oolor to the blood; the Phosphorus renewa waste of the he tissue, and the Caltsays eines • natural. healthful toga to the diva. %ITO orgsus. • One oult contains the virtue of me onsets of Calms and one teaspoonful • gran of trop and Phosphorus. Ilannfietured by • I• • CASIFELL, More 00,2 PM Iferrt.. lfor sale by 411 druggists. es Vocrotry licrolsinele.—Your attat, bon is galled to the wholesale rod grocery store of Arthur lark, Nos. 17S and, 174 YOELarld street, Allegheny, Lett the place to boy your grooertea sir. litrk hoe Use roe 0141111 C Wad' ensedos Wel To sell to recall merchants at s lower figure than say. other Donee ha the two cities. -8e keeps at times all lends of groceries, end will b. pleased to have castles call end exandne bis pries Ilst sad pcuillty of goods held 7 - bl.. Iternember his number, 172. and 1 e Federal street, Allegheny Cdy. •• Goods • all Ileumwads Priesla—Zllr." James Robb, Falle Mutat street, ores 'at the Waver. to the boot =ale:0o trade of has easy, hes on IWO a hoes and Isablerow ble stock of boom...bowie:id galtere fblebbe oilers tothe publleat very. reasonable prieoll4 Is will be remembered Chat %be aaaormeat None bare te not hoot Eastern auction amuses but Dee been selectee Alroet - manufsernrara who dog ht snob artlelegi n' a Olt!m e • v . t or tor se yoursehrea. re - Rambla sae ..hirable. lex .. - ; . Cold itparallait escias Water at J. T samplo , t bruit atom hp. U raden.Urtrut AJlmetterry. • . • , • Dlscharew trona 11* far 164mut.-1 have been suffering from boyhood with • nisei:tarifa from my car. which had reacted_ Wmedical ai4 until a month age. lapelle d to Dr. Abort:., Fa. Smittoledd itreifft whose treatment has coxed me. • • • • Afloat IeCT. iniamsbarir. Re sell Dag aeons Una at wholosid• and ratan, and • are.'ns a cowedum *bled to keep • larger and much better as. sorted Mon, to sail cheap.% adduantitice the NOW , In mote accommodating q than exclusive jobb= houses. Retail man chants sgeinviunt to owning our stook... ' JW. axis Co., • • . • ea Idarkat attest. Col. J. D. Egan. tke cetera:Meng and popular book and new. dealer, Sixth meet, be.ow thanticad, advert:Lan a eollecuon or Dance bootie, to-ay. which gill be Bold at can nowhoze elect In tho ell 'can books De purchaned minuet advantage'. Deetrebte 11144.100. e• >o Altegtani citt AC Auction. au Itonday, deptesnoor Id; st throe o'clocar. u.; on tint premlnes,• corner of Hamilton and &nitwit:A smuts. • Bee 114- vart.i.emant,of Insiltasou; Palnals. a Cat AuctiooccrA • . , . • • M. Weimer Druggist . oorster Of 1.1. n. cOln casco, and 'Onto Accent:" Alleghbuy, prepares the Intztoco Mat Z. ?IC U , rn CV toting to the pnbt to ea a intro for the lipoo-' Me for attono drink. ZIA • To Tatelltea.lo 'to Aii.lint , Nitre urn. eery none, ling:l74 . end 171 Yedaral Street. Allegheny. and buy your Sager for putting up frui t flehea inclement, Wet Lon OtlelnT get Meek I{t the guy. Call an . tlgne fairer. . . •a nolntbdon Pura—Tee fesn corms, Saran, Opleen an, sold • at FLlflc'eCoen/ Stem Non 172 and .174 iederel attest. abenr. see warranted to be tee Teri beat In the market..-Call and get pro. net. !re , Allechenlasta.—Arthur tehtde sabs and ects:l(irecar. Nes. 172 and 174 Fed. qtal street: has remised -ono of the best 'stocks of geoperfasaver Ozonabt to the city, that writ be said lower thin at any bOOOO. • ' gzeelslee saltase—rorbothlsode ltle, Serentoemth .sesslos, tULL COMMODOO on MesSs7. September la. "looms No.Trounti street.' War reholooßblns esti tramellstely. Or addreu W. 5. lie4T,PrlnelPs4 • , 41.11,1111110.16 t Salo of Zama. Buirites, Harness and Sandie., on natunit,y. Anon. Stim at 10 A. Race's Rotel, (Mute% F ad) nee ulvertisement, .92 lhattaseaL THE WEEEIY GAZETTE. wzarionem AID SLTDDDLT. ► largo 0a.% coaudadilt TItraTT4IEL OM. Well et taltlrrstUut ntaltata leartm.ladaatala twit= tattotilla llama SaledraDa • ![attar tor sad Nalt• Nasals Bowline ta TsSar. Sad balm% sad meet rat:Side Ili.. gag sad Oasualastat Kukla Upon. own tv. Lay aamart tlt• atty.. BO ~au. Idsagadge rie IdSrealareaoala be withaat It• nazi 1313 IMMICCT SAITMA • Cub. 1415. .51117007::: nOPT ths Man. Laatuca• sham San as SAM at imy um, as dab nark ar".• =EZI 1(040:7 TotiriTScum..-- t* las .1 mwler few . 0.130 a. AP.T. Inas, ea In Wu* Rigtiol.h ZOOM MI sat/. scribes toms traios• s'weeZ Koury try Dr•ft, Xos.Ty Qbassy. •wlLtt W 7 tow% at r Tts) siaxcrtlrr • • fITTIMYHEitt, PciaTA., F; secs MeetlereML—The Lure tek sewed anoe es the Vetted etatei, court for four 're the ks part ware dbettrjed Y.Mte_V•9's Uourt. than ming theme tx "On." exel Gee, Bowler th e Ilasstisl, earn- Peu..tihe thorn base of the Gown meet t o their valuable eerier. Gown Tea is a dastrabla bbl'>rege'hwttbw • stanatne ...toot to 'mien atitAlsratlns SC the article le carded warrants Ar t Z bA r____ In bens cautions ratalni Joe, A. Bebtapen, Ito . %) Vittlt strait.% at no ant otnabilanal Mart . Sao the SAWA* . VCA or ImPtsr irna in the Watt. Carl .1m wane gaming, sad to La we SIMI WIMP.' to recommend to the highest terms, gr. T. W. %wen% practical gat, water and Wawa attar, No. NU Wood street. .1.11 of bit orN of ma th • charm. for as to guarantee attlainetton. • • ---- p.m. Teas, truti and It eratos articles. Imported direct frenzi gm tea OSM et tsa old world, received dolly at lb. old estalw- Ilehed ten e•tAbllehment. of Josolk Sot. I num, ;go. ortrad. • • T.?. Eames. leo. InLifoal street, hes on loan& and for gala az dna moot me— sonable neon, a lama end finely neerro ad 'took of onendallere and 'ornamental glade:lnge .• As tiestreeseell iretameS Is Waseca the esPerlOr tsOrkelanehlp of T. T. ittens es gedets=triel.egrA Re wl eed stela= him with ■ • e.orrimittfol for a laoarara,aldorma Lindsay committed George Orsiisis yenec. May, oath of .7. B. St alinortit, charging May, him tatty obtaining irailec Vods *Mire- ;Ir — e are MAIM' . Eavellipa stlea."%kaa gumnAIDZUOIF OIL.' ERWT • 84 Feral sums. lfrf *Myobareti tisvlsje Lens et.soseci, eaearnished sue reeTete o , 2 will be oyes for Diane morfloes at the an= • Meow @reveries...Jar cbeap Groeilerhis and vomecatlro d t ftat al =figg Itome' , • tlegbany Cm. - we are isoUlag igavolloPoo RS lon Pdee lizoTT, Laolosoir i Co, 81 Path street. 11,741:r. 111... t. egg, Cry"D abontlitruithallgg 7 A 1 " VOt. by mail ea cents. IPS* r. of even degaTlPtiOn T* MlZlartraLited try trawa obeenzakia , Pared - J. K. Ilossla a , No. 63 1 , 11111 Meet:. etl DSO 011601/ tO Toss ernaresetal chandeliers and lareln la at T. T. • Wires% " p m.. ? I,..p4neriers 2110.116 W 064.10444. - • • 64, to ilbs-Baw•Mat 1..X..d401•111SPII• POlnyan'a. O. P. P. and ant Idaa oalr adatina 8a.1.1-,Tn• AU %!a '• . pets Ilpal_rkains WM& Wafer as Eamplosh ltom No.lll .Tedars: We see BellteilgwirWereeat leis I Saidregain Wien. A. 1.031341. i Ce.SL rewleeeee Or Additional Loral Ours os Third , , DLOIBIED. IitILVSBILLe 4 tdata kELI2I--A 1 OatbapY4 Ayivt V*, by it* Bey W. Dratt". N. J. Inn.VPsll,l.., 35 , Ta. MA Ain /LUIZ WAWA:NiI/MN. pf ZAawalo. , . CLOOLTASIS.—Is Christ 'sod to Itlitor - Jsi r ours fassotoat , 000 0f Ws city. sr 4 Irian so& II dorm ••/t with skis hild... The burro] ollt roc SO CI six Val** TOIL 1101fOrStr. from Its. rostiaterr of parrots, ow Crotos istease, to Um Constoop at . itollintoOlis 000rafr LifEW ADTER'I7BEMENTS. wßre a'co., cNDIED R. ** TAISSE asn totemz.mitts. ter, Wood., Ran tad .tauter.Wiz Boa= ei Memenvetier the: y Stable. lePreur atelleld sad Certlers,atreeti. HAWN sae . oserisiti fore A LEM AIKEIMINDENTA RE N . N. UN "Visa molt, rittanozb. mown of an max; MUMS. GILOV 31:14 as 4 AratramWyo i ltozetal rarnishisi Owls t.....4l4.l:'l,:OsiepirosaairsadldEls% Waal aaa c..'711,06 teralsield. • • • , Barznix..,ll.-314v. DaTl4l, W. jara•Das. U•D•111'''.""1".2"44 j G. rcoosnage usroznirs: - • awl Jon, smpauliZa. meant. loos , Lb eusand aoasnes. 91 , owe Btrest. throe doors Qom Sesser.lagtteo7 4=7.. Ms, Laißa. Bolo Mood. llabodso7. Watadf,and 800. .sreod =Amnon o.llos. et this looaso =moo is Pails:vars. 447 WO Veg. 841000 anA Csrldsiss rarsdstod e!. ahori ASSAM ud an moss rrsscniabls UPWARD cziaeutibiu,- CV- Duccuras. offei, .244 uzio . traxgz: alleatmay. Rovrava4 Otaar.9ll4 ana, with a aosabletssiodr.44 4 ass raltaralaldar, Loads as band, aa4 ta144144 al abartaaS sottal Wawa% ince.. ada ,ad Wary Shea. ear, nu et Tratr 17D NLIDIMZIZIIMS. 131111AIMe EarnottS, B a ggle. . 13.0. 1 .1 44.., to ritre. , irEwAlßT:,viaderia444 ret comirof MORTON sad r1:701 tillaix 1$ ant. OM= *I dl tlaels, - Mats , WM Cartisits fbredzbedltortest so1.1"1_ CEMETERY RABBLE WORRY. -A.. J,sisßA.Tra, fl WIL• (*Milan` OW Latrtaacaatila. ORS AIIZISTM..I II . IIII L III Lr, swam W 08111; INII 'Wag. QUM . VriliatAiTZD WiTitt ?BOOK Da - CriraoM : THE .1119111EASIGNET. HILVINO 'wetaltaatatb.l...ischtesthe_.aatam. sf.J•wetery and 01K, igilarolrLarareatt," UM' ' Dllrfis ^llea nek, . MINSB4TII HISLETT, ewelers ' and -Optici*, mu mu tin!Eff.- - , A.Krtabnuceis As penal todrovan ertio...paemay awarded pp IrPhilor ditty co., .aa swan gh,06.4.4k ru.saloazr .3421 Mil SCOW.; • • cavocrsmosgrosoffineuxikscori.)., FINE WATT tIGOOKS JN.WELlt"ir , ' sluThat-ri.AnaD !'' LTC. . . o WTI =lux: • . smiitas o,s toe WAtelso. Viotti sail Jewetry: 2- ~. FOB SAPC. . - riming /IMI sad Box Fader' , Tn. marsupials: Ps/mom VIII. l it* to roma ltsssis and Baths aro, All•stsms V &Us, assrosS,Dl.l.7_o...„ Iss•lf As WI. ther .'` ... :eir.sTEAValhp tsstslusj m i tagi i tt KIP ssl o Wot Cuff ate Erliga: le A lg i rg sli Klass or moss , - two nasals foillaksal itra "irolir•SIOND, ass • Iwo uismaisPs ~pLIhRTI 474 / t.111g4 , 111 17=0 t i l zi a ir rs i s i si, A. mad sal t. afISP , r. 'a s7•lo slash a id Is pedal: l= WM. P TE0111411.11; MUM% Augrill* '•. '&t`as wanis.limn 3,101",* _11#115311, , sa "D ..T.esttaitritrazt 's ii i nni onar • a t....4.a . 1 '' ,1 "11.."1:4re ransoms...Jr rr. -. ; A strati!. ft , • tar Oa WlsalaziktrllroaaaVtir. .1....111, /Mb Wm& Millbaribr .. 3 $ • , FOS . SALE- r l9 ; PMR S 9,. BITILDLIWG uns. cask iisnapalm er . TuaDUM .044.413.10,14%"!•"1.44,4( C°l.g. M. 0.4410, V" , . 48 . 21 4 4 1, , sraelouforearstand" , .. l , torark• t4/71. ~..:1 ptrrar i ; arc.. L~~llO6