littsfaugij Gapttt MID , JIILT U. IMW • Pxyrrtoxs Ii 13kmanspycy.—in com mon whhipther :city papers yesterday, the 01;crit made very grave and pro wilting blunders in its poblicntion of petitions in bankruptcy tiled in the Uni ted Sodas District C tort. Ir-reporter published the name of Mr. J 11316.9 CON• 4cia, One of our Most reliable business men, as having applied for the benetltnf the late. He appeared only as petition er against D. D. Fong, of Monongahela city In a cute of involuntary bankrupt. tcy.' 3 ' So also with; Messrs. florets ct litilCAlt, and Jamie TURVET, Esq.. of Greensburg, whoM names were pusibth . ed. Its performing their dvdes• as attorneys they simply filed widens for otbey. parties. We — regret the errors exceedingly, and in juatim to the gentle men who Improperly fig used as bankrupts make thin correction. 1E059 THC iICOL•oN P tveltENT • In the proceedings of the City Coun cil., pu bli s h e d yesterday Moor columns, ws . s R e peat of the Committee on Streets in reference to the Pavement hours as the Simi son. This Report was drawn and subscribed after the Com mittee had visited Chicago and St. Louis; had made inquiries in those cities cov ering the whole subject matter, and had examined many specimens of the Pavement. It is not oar. pitrpose to ani madiert upon that Report; to question any of the facts stated therein ; or to affirm or dissent from any of the conclu sions arrived at. Uar purpose is rather to urge the adopuon of some proper sub stitute for cotsble•stoacs, than which 'nothing Can he 'Gorse .either for hOTSES or for persona.. In the piincipal Euro pean cities various substitutes lump tried ; maimed of them with suoL success as to make a return to the phi ;:lan Im possible. • Whether the Nicolsoi Piverucat is the thing for streete burdened with heavy teaming would admit at least of doubt, If . respect was Lad cxeluciroly to the contradictory statements in regard to it. In Boston, 'New York. Philadelphia, Louisville, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Lou ie, Memphis and various other ;dies the journals have discussed it witt anima tion, some declaring it to he the finest Pavement In the world, while others af firm It is totally worthless. In Memphis it le held to be not only excellent for travel, but a preventiveof cholera; not a (ascot 'that:disease having occurred on a street in which it is laid down. Now, it is prolable that Conch of the discrepancy of ideas respectiog the ntill. ty of thlit Pavement Is explained by the differant decrees of fidelity with which the Jobe' have been respectively execu ted. In Cincinnati loud complaints are made that the contractors bratme sud denly rich, while the Pavement is worth• lei. I. affirmed that much of .. it was . _ laid without gravel, tar or rolls; that men hive setnally taken blocks out of their beds in the carrlage.wai witlitheir angers; that the Povement ruts, rots, and dlselosei all Manner of Inconveni epees and annovancea, This -suggests a precaution. • It this Pavement shall be itled bore by the no thorittes, on coy scale large or smell, let it be well done, fiw the benefit of the community and not of contractor& ' . 1J 12:139 For Arai past France has been mak. ing formidable military preparations, be tokening the speedy commencement of warlike operations. To sueboin extent have these preparations been mashed as to disquiet all neighboring commercial nations, and to compel the gc&ernmenta of several of them to adapt like meas nru, so u not to be caught unready in cue the siathering thunderbolt' should be burled at their heads. Testerddy Cable telegrams announced that the Paris Noniteur, the mouthpiece : ol the EmperOr_ liarommx, bed given 'formal assurance that the relations 01 France with all European powers are eminently peaceful; and had endeavored (to explain some, at least, of the cream. stances that had created general alarm. No body 'doubts but these autumn ces were inspired by the. Emperor him self; and nobody reposes any confident e - la them. This distrust, in the face ot positive averments, indicates thii pope ler judgmentof the personal chat actor of the Emperor, as well as the hollowness 01 what passes in Europe for diplomacy. The Emperor is not believed, because - he has not established a 'reputation for . trutitfalnesa His impulsive . counten ance does not sent* a window through .which his soul may be seen, but as a muk behind-which his motives and in -tendons are concealed. Napoleon I. adopted as one of his fundamental. max ims the sentence that "Lying is a power." The terror inspired by Ins name enabled Lim ofticoes to make a lie staid In place of a regiment, a batalion, a brigade, a division, or a corps. In looking over his letters to his brother Joseph, now published, it Is absolutely manning to_ato with what earmstness be eniolned 'tittplicitY and falsehood; as a roost advantageous policy, upon one whose instincts revolted at the ;degrada tion of proclaiming as truth what he knew to be falsehood. The illosirlons nephew has no scruples of delicacy or con cience In saying whatever seems to be for his immediate interests. Unfor tunately for himielkhe has carried the habit of unveracity no far, and been ex • posed in ft so often, that he stands alto gether discredited. A - 407 is told of Humana. Be was interrogated by the Austrian Ambassa dor touching his purposesla a while matter: It suited his convenience to make a direct answer, which he did; but be gruffly added, "If the fact had been otherwise, I should have made the same response " ' Whether Narommic lit..tll put the warlike plans ho has undoubtedly form ed Into execution will depend not at nit upon the pledges he has made or may make, but large!) upon the condition in which be may fled the Eiropean powers against which he meditated hostilities Hs wilfnot be apt to strike unless upon a calculation of probabilities he shall be satisfied he can make the blow effectual.. Smalling will depend, ten, upon the temper of the FlenehpeoPle: The rt-, cent debates in the Imperial Leguilature, of which we gave some account a day or two ago, are of a description to 'lngrid tbiOnquiry whether the Emperor has not is much to fear from ineurremionary mitiements in his owe capital as from glimmer between other nations- The bridals of French opinion demand a larger measure' of freedom - titan they enjoy. Hampering chafra them. They long forthe' return of the era of true parliamentary . discussion, in which knowledge; ability and genius. can exert their proper. Influence. The Jennutlirts are weary of :arming, not what they and what they feel the masses ought to 1:614.bat what it amuses tbe iptvioluFutt, to bare disseminated. An intense Unrest presides the populace. Patient jinege, burdens ,wben the xis tional glory Is augmented; when the re nown of French valor Is increased; the Yaltalatulars keenly sensitive to natiobal hum:nations, such. u have been expel, lanced both in Mexico and Germany. Is the Emperor arming Franmegalegt itself ? Does be really fear One of those volcanic eruptions by which thrones are broken• and dynasties -overthrown? It Ma often bean 'demonstrated, more fol. queenly in Prance than elsewhere) that a a Tag army Is more " inctiasd . to sympathise . with the nation than with the r monarch, ; when these two •are in opposition'. It minnot be otherwise. When all or wristlet the famillesof a nation are represented in an army, such a Corea erelnet be ex*ted to pet against the common : estimate Of the national well-being. This is particularly "Lnre'vsliere reading 16 an accomplishMtut possessed either by the ihole or a con- Sid e ruble proportion of the people. Bat the fact that. the mitts of Europe have no confidence in each other, oats- Lions serums 'infelicities. Among these in the necesaity for those cast nname',ats Which slim ricr rat:lions of men fromll~ro ducave i n d oa try and entail the burden of , opforl i p i them opoa the residue. Under this Indiction Eurtipe has groaned for ct ni uric s, hoping for deliverunce, but Thep esefel Tragedy in Vermont—Later • and Interco 1.0 Particulars. - (From the Boston Pest.) .. BELLOwS FATAL V-r., July 24 —Tke staid, sober and serious denizens among the green bills of Vermont, where a portfolio of crime or a chapter of murder is seldom opened, were, on Tuesday morning last, startled and surprised at the annniincement, embodied in the brief and harried particulars of one of the most brutal; strerinue and cold blooded murders ever perpetrated In the State. The scene Or this most horrible and unprevokea tragedy was near Weathers. field, one of the most quiet and enter prising little villages in the whole State, and only a few miles—from-Windsor, where the State Prism is located. Up to this writing (Wednesday night) the excitement created by this foul tour. der is most intense, extending not only over the*hole county in which the deed was commuted, but throughout the entire Suite, and all through the immediate counties 01 New Hampshire. So intense is the excitement that it is almost 1011106 slide for your reporter to winnow out of I the confused mass of particulars any. I thing like a full and correct account of horrible deed. Everybody seems to be astounded. Neighbors, citizens and oilleials are entirely nonplussed. ilur. der—a crime almost entirely nnkr own in this sober and exemplary Common- I wealth—nerves ltd bloody perpetrators to deeds most foul, and here, among n Lotions, Christian people; 'writes one of the most tragic chapters to 1,0 found within the whole raugota thiminalstory in ttmerica. On Monday nmlit last, at rather about three o'clocl. Tuesday nosruing, as the evidence indicates, a Frenehtund by the name of Williams ' who had been em ployed La a farm head-by Mr: Gill Gow ing up to the first of June last, and who, on making a settlement with Mr. Cow ing had some dispute in regard to wages, threatening at the time to "get even." called at the residence of Mr. (lowing, and after arousing the household and giving his name as that of a neighbor (Mx.'llitehcocis) inquired for Mr. Gun-- mg, saying that the cattle ware in his corn field, and he, had better get up im mediately: Mr. i:lowing eras; and went directly to the dorir, and on opening it was felled to the doer by a lever in the hand. of his murderer. Tbi done, Williams went to a particular e rune of the house Where Mr. (lowing w s in the habit of keeping his wanking to its, and Cot an axe, with which he recur cd, - and with one blow split open the he d of his victim, driving the are some istonce into the door. The confusion incident to the mutter had aroused Mr. Gowing's w ', who was sleeping in the adjacent room. 'Hearing her screams, the murderer en tered tier apartment and with the axe yet dripping with the blood of his first victim, struck the defenceless woman In the neck, nearly severing her heal from her body. This dune, he espied an su ascent little child, . ppurently asleep in a trundle hod; The fiend oarefully shoved the trundle under the bed where the dead mother was lying.. nod then proceeded to make his search for treas. use, ' . . Ele first split open a bureau in the bed. room, the blows of his-murderous axe leaVieg blood trains and clotted hair wherever it fell. Finding no treasure here, he proceeded to ransack caber to guiltier., of the house, prosecuting his search for nearly half an boor after the last murder. Loring all this time tt e :tale child, a girl of some thirteen sears, instead of *creaming as she heard the dying tip also of her fattier ant be last prayerful pleatkingsof her mother, feign. ed to Ire asteep, and with the sheet drown closely around her head, she was unmo lested by the heartless murderer of her parents.- Besmetred with the blood ol ula two victims, Williams now left the 401150, 410 search for money - being unsuc cessiul, notwithatandieg there was be• tureen five and *ix hundred dollars con mated in the bed where the murdeteel woman was lying. Alter Ithving• the scene of his double murder, he quietly proceeded td the house of a neighbor Poly half a mile distant, and engaged to work through haven. After remaining in the hay field for some two or three hours he asserted that he was quite unwell, and quitting the field, started for Windsor, evidently with the intention of melting his escape by rail: Oa the road to Windsor he was overtaken by a gentleman in carriage, who gave Lima rids. The news of the murder-had preceded him, and the OTi• deuce of the little firs, who recognized Williams' by his voice, led to his arrest Pirectly atter. Lis arrival at Windsor. When taken Into custody he feigned to be surprised, but it the same time was' greatly agitated and nrryous, betraying all the premoititory evidence of a COM& once stricken °Minden _He was taken to prison, and - as minas nossible a hearing was had and he was fully committed. ' The news of the terrible tragedy spread like wildfire, and before steps could be taken to secure an inquest the quiet homestead of the ' murdered wife and husband, father and mother, was visited by thousands of people. The village of Claremont, t. IL, being near ly deserted, business was suspended and every available couveyancii pressed into service to carry the anxious and curious to the bloody scene. Mr. Cowing and his family had resid ed for some six or seven years In that vicinity, and were most highly esteemed by all who knew them. .11r. C. was not only a farmer, but was also an extensive dealer in cattle and horses—always keep. tog large tams of money in his boric for this purpose, which Lis murderer well knew:- Williams, the murderer, Is a French man, had is reported to be a most ugly sad thisperale character, this not being the' first criminal effence laid to his charge. With the evidence now agaluti WED, a conviction will he easily secured. The latest accounts are to the effect 'hat Williams lad an accomplice. Con ductor bow, was let him off at the bridge, testifies that another man got off with him. . = Jodging from the following from the Richmond Whig, of - duly Jlth, some of the papers to the South which were once .upporters of the rebellion have occa sional lucid intervals. The Whig forci• bly says: .Nat going back beyond the origin of Poo war, the South; under the teathinta f unwise leaders, has been the victim of she following delasionst Krnt, That secession would prove a routcl v for wrongs inflicted or tuiselilefe uteneol. Se.rond, That slur would not result roam SeeevPion because the people of the Not lacked the - cot:rune fur such an undertakieg; imennso , ootton wee king; because they weFe too shrewd to quarrel with their uwu tread and butter; and be. °so lu the greet emocratle party of tne North tins pledged to throw heel( serum 'the patleof any army that might attempt to move southward. Third; That it war should result we might miseadently, oalint on the assist once of 4reat &stain, and that with or without arch assistance we could never be subjugated. 'aura The war being begun, that we had only to hold on, dird two things would happen which would aer a te our tnumph: • Post, A reaction against it, led on by the Democratic party; and, second, a financial crash that would deprive the Government of the means to 'carry it on. Fifth. ,The war being 'ended, that the North would open its comsat once, would ran to meet no, kill thelatted cult', Ox. tS'isti. Piloting ourselves numppoint ed in this, that we might Rarely pus our reliance In the President, whose protec tion would be sure defense, and whose power would secure fur use speedy rein vestment with the privilege of self-gov ernment. . Serena.. The President baying failed, that we mug sgein look to the Demo. crude party, of the North, who were sir.% to cony the elec ions and revolu tionize Congress. Ei,714114 The Democratic party having lost rather than gained in the elections, that we must look to the Supreme Court, who would set Lip the Constitution as our - shield and buckler, and, with the awful drown - of Justice, would petrify Congress into silence and submission. This, Ilke the others, has proved a de lusion. Thus, one assurance - aner an other of those who would lead us has proved false; one hope after another has fulled. 'What rebuttal; ? Where next shall we look? Ask the Richmond ja law and It will tell you again, as, in substance It Is telling you dolly, look to the Democratic party; Ihs not that reed broken And: pierced our sides - often . What remains?. Our condition as a people lea mostunhappy one. Wormed rat( reptirse," securlty,-- We Meted tO the Preddent, and be wee non-erten:- NEW ADVERTISENENTS. We looked to the So nemo Court and nvni3edus not. We Lave waited for a ...i.7"TO PLUMBERS AND BAR populur re -action in the North till Wait ing 11 . 1 madnev". There is hut one re- egy ot course left, but it is an a:1 sue.icient one. tr " t le t. ull t ctstea a_IZT en We must 4, rereono, toe h- , ..:tdny of the t..n,t. - s 'h` ° c, cn party that control,- Corzrers. the Pr , i- A. n aT,..'lT. Z .or BARR dent, the Court sod tie countty. Ito: Must eta, to :flake isunavaiiing, re esefiug, and fefi-hurtin.: UrOu it. tVe sins accom if; confirmed aifreuden oy, god consent 'that ibe poacr or the G. f ir,nintint shall ft:Muhl in Its hands. We must seculo its r.raddence ond good sfie no other It by etc,. r it al an Let 1).3. No class of foreigners are more desire. bit or more cordially welcomed in the United States than Scotehraen. H• rdv. enterprising and industrious, they nikke the bsst citizens. A writer in the Lon don ..`iperlotor, after remit:king that time succeed • everywhere, proceeds to tell wary they do so. Though hard in de meanor, and prag,matica: in mind, the Scorchintart is nevertheless one of the most adaptable of mankind. There is a tund of reasonableness in him which enables him to adapt himself to all eir•. cumstances, to '`iulerate the intolerable." , c e Nted writh e the unite „ of ~,„„„„„ Nobody in so independent, and no - body h y' a. sm if bay CITy 'Sea „„ ;iiinit3 - : - M - Ftaq.iial I kes his own way more keenly, but a Pl'''' n sc.tch.,n makes an almost pelf'!” sec- ' GRAND DEMONSTRATION, vent. .lle does not hate his employ, r for employing him, as nine Englishmen to IllEtt•LF OF . iu ,test do, and does tot think service a profession, as Frenchmen and Germans HUMAN LIBERTY AND PROGRESS, are ap to do. He means to be toaster : ta . himself some day soon, and meanwhile there is the employer and there is the : .Tharaday, August Ist, 1861, work, and bulb are natural facts, and he AT obeys the one and does the other with a j reasoning fidelity. Scotch clerk:, and irt.c> AT CIIT - lir 1...491..F1LtC. " • Igentrs," and. agents, and employes i generally arc simply the bast iu the world, ! , ~ , . . unapproachable by Englishmen. old rt. ; I'".. ,rte wiled only by german B. of the Yet)' lieSt I „ r ...... ~,.. . iuntee mote: Op •very to Ulan kind. 'flat single cathwity. Me c neut . ) ! screett , i,....a I.MIIn V. Nest: op W“t to aorta of obedience 'without La:taming obedient, t (~ , ‘ . ,i 'L ., !:,tots: N in F. ue “, F , ..,..,, ~„,r smooths the path of every Scoichinau In • .a., th , wn '', .=7. ',' n Irttelllraig7 .v =a d a; Ilte hrginnitle. of life, null the a eine tent- ! ~'T. 1 ., , ,714, T i n . %!t e rta I , . ; :wr,ete, op ~,,,,.. perament make itself manifest in other I it er'w. Lapel: Jong Logan to Yi t ; ! tre ' .Wer ' ff t?‘ " . I UN you, tIICETH Hs!: .1, al urn,a, tat., tee I and It departments of work. soil .1 An In` he pruee,on ono proceed over the 01 all people they hare always sue- 1 fool...enta ro‘e : ...ea Wane to imn• ecolas resle.] hest iti Frame, became though „T e " ,',",..,,','N,',V,l:„n,":,'"', l ,ys;!,,le e ' w , ttert they do not chtiugo or lose their national Meal I'. Ste Set; Mee; Alert - t ' . a ft': ' e :" .7: eltaractcristies, they du just what the , tiT y n ,l,;;: - ' . =" e 1 e c. ,,! . :,1.";,,.=,:r5rtn wile'gron 1 Eighth will not—ahey accept France. 1 "They consequently," the writer eon. ' ring ..W.rantsloto2-I.lwallezas:a. tient,. "never excite the hatred Willed. To the LINCttI.N OUARDS, be eh, Unite, of attaches to Englishmen abroad, and All,giteny City. It, J. NOL.LIDAY will mete Stetchisnot 33 Much excited as t reW. - fi.lVNltTigiisttr.gaTiaiaatitli by is sort of kboblitnesa of character, ' ths bo.sitsm; Ja nus a detercuination not to fit into nay lain ! I . :Tit=tt{l,l l :l..,l 9 l,l 4 ,4N.l °N. S a* , ' 0' which Ile has Ma made himself." The , 'rhe •hree o-lati +Notated Colored. u'etor. of • /1.11, , te1t. rim, IN tuot,en.t. Him neN ., writer adds - . ' i MIl.111.,,•• tiAttNEYT and se. R. Dar, nave i.t. is the same in India. The - Scotch ' i"L,!ras Insi '' .l ``',',,,, ere s.ussts , t tab. ara s sms push there more vehemently than any ' ir... ' , , t 1 11,, ' ,„ ~ n ~:,11 , ;:ne , ',..V:tee y ;;; 'other race, and are, 'we think, quite as i ..:,:;•." ! h t h ;.l...V; ..r 'hm.rh , e' the tehanh apt as Euglielimeu-lo dislike the hat' ves; s g..,!'eitstm-sr-iinaVrlr the t o but they rarely Contract the English ha. Z, l ;,l ' .,', l ,';',,, '' ;',`t, ' ,L t :C e "i gnAT:.7,1',".4n,', 1 ,:; iced of the country, ...apt the people • la , ...., e. sit alas war .trend- ' !ley do not itk , ., yield to It climatic 1 „A1.;„ . ,,,y„;;;, , ,;:;,21 ,, ,:,.;„ , ,,-,..T„ , z ls ' e Ttv . conditions, and in their grave, Eta way, , u . a oe. og t.wa do. Pere an the C.L ' to ins either reconcile themselves to I sets, or ‘" ;:. ‘ Th ' :! . :! V!Fd'st;l4. of atre to be the facts to them. They change in Inds, ' e.. •••,•I T.. tacils ., vnlttliellt of toe ...I •Cill.e. notch less than the English do--the A, n'," \; ' , "" a ,i; ‘,..,; ' ,0 . ,21 . j, , ,, - ,r, - , , ,, , :p ‘ ::,72, elo Indian is less like an Eisclishmun in , itst , ..-tois• ' ideas then an Australian or American— t .a.statirres. OF AIIitAWORM if NTS. but they fit themselves in, did are often , , ` , v ::;,1:,‘,1i:..4. 1 . ' 1 .. 1 . tnt , r , ,, ,w i serr. extrednigly popular. The Scotch eds.. I , tuenoei J•elwn. I.enmel ileo:gloa . , Y. - SiOilarlea in Bengal, for example, have ', Wso '''' ... L h Zi . r% g li , , , r lls , riien. among all missionaries peraaps the .1 IQ- new. o t Adam/Wan to the Park. 4300. greatest influence beer the pimple, an In. : 1,0.01 tluence the more remarkable because ' .. - "Tks - TIIE NtEmsEnsnir As 11 they of all Missionaries have taken theetiNtittr.G4TioN t•F Illt , .WNli A. feast trouble to acquire the native too use , im„..,,•,, ,, ...P,):; p..,9 , , , 1;..1 , :=1„,r,41,F,; The suutheehers used to saY that &etch- or citrisitabs. In 'he ranee or woe roreremin nutHu „r, i Le r ,. . ‘1,.‘.•• aeon LI Ir ,; • ; ‘ , h , r . r oL : i l I ; r ,r o b r .r h4lp , . ;0 . w e at; men made the best slavedrivers, cruel as the Yankees. more steadily stern . eo-ne of e at:tiov. an the coriwr of lienaltwk titan the English; and they succeed I L'L b „';',',: o :7,v,: . „tr,lng d,t b t,t: equally well is Ash, A. Screctitnan will ! risf.ierts srme ammirretop, oar 'nth Caurch get mare work done in a Itengalve Judi- ' na..r si tiLltisrari. ' ‘..l.l:Vgiars!t i nit ' ilr. .4n factory, with less fuss anti irritation ' ts,s,,en e t l :MTfrris di .wa s dtstr P. , by the among the neon:e, titan any ot tier Mutt= ' We ' ve . ..n.l pre, ; :' Lla.v7Oaceatt of all Carla. being, atm Me same fact fa per ' ‘ l. t' s • whe'... l, teth.teetaite. ' , entrnt, Inlets. , , ma, in ;Mows. 't ewe ere ...oaten ro'ored in the construction of ratlways. , Neel , la tlat .wa el , lea and Ise environs to in ...butanes •tact•lte ..rule , tot,o etlangelleai achingeel them rnumloetione Chums P.,- A. WA6 , III.NGIYIN corresponds:et 01 lac ' e t. r I. tot %wee oar •Itu He labia to !mild • Cincinnati Comaterriol narrates at cons I . !en 7 l: : eTt ' ec .. .= a 'n e r lUot v..grat,e, anierabie length a couversatlon with • r..r. b. 0,...1L5LE, who in no, oar WM. President JOI1N3ON”. After giving his i ',..;;;tejrgen,l. la ran o'r.' views of the Reg mstruction Acts, Negro i i,yr e "„;,:r, r ,;Zr e l := eltblee`,Z, enema augg Suffrage, and various other points— •, . 1 ,,. ;;;;;J . : ,•, ,, -,• ;: - ; , ,,I tz .....,.., '`llr. Johnson asked me if I had any , Cs ts i"r4ows Xit ' ` ,4 °...• ht r ...OM ta oda eau. y. will come Otr at IoNsUN PAM, In the idea what was the nature of General i ....ism van of ',Weever. •UtillnT lat. inc. Grant's testimony before the Judiciary , ndi b et = ll l ,ittatel.:rg=lstias win Comonttee. I told tom I only knew of i nu etletstee, i.l tee molar. of the emeraaton. ‘ VIZ* ; t e lr=lltkhat devoted to Om Dormant ufwar the rumor that had tioen fl wing almut Washington, attributed to Mr. Eldridge, s democratic member of the Jude:lu) - Committee, to the elfect that Grant's tes timony made him a good cioditlatc of ," tie Democracy; but that I lied also heard - that the Radical members of the Com eibteen,serted the 'Very reverse of ibis, and claimed the ttatitnOty as fitting Grant for a Radical nomination. The President rerided that he tad reprded Grant no an endorser of his policy all along:- 'Yon will remernher,l said he, 'that the mesooge for Which I wan first denounced to toe Senaie,na 11;Mo:want ing the condition of all•trs in the South, wee, booed portly up.. Ptfotenation by General Grant in hie report, which accompanied that tnessa;e. 1 hare outer spoken very much to General Grant on the. subject ofi Lwlitic , tut shouldlie surpriecti to find out at this titan that ho has teen Oilphted to what I hare been attempting to, do for the res. Lorrain of the Southern - States.' " CIIOLERA ; CIItiLEFIA , With the a . mhat.Cermla advt.-cat ChoicrA. go ihm•IONI per wilt lit num charm, for lh he tatc elocrlo,re Ism 6,113 atraM4 to b • the most certain .nchtotc—Aml. whet hts cor] otAc wol rare Acron. An' holm. pale. Le m w sad lo tried on, le. west an 50.40 AND 11.h.14, 111 la Alt rteLd tat be Gail. When De chOl. Ara 1 / 1 c1,6 net tee (orate occasions. It we. (0.0 1)' ripml. um that FLI fiG'S COOLER! 11.1XT ÜBE Was the kw,. awl sup ,- "led all inners. thew. fort It stahtls ton atop net. If you trOuld haw aztlele t you can atrpentl Co, you sheold purchase It to the •ielusiou Cf all others. Eold call In rlttsburgh. at JOSEPH . FLEXITNG'S DRtG STORE, Cerra Dlaxontlaa.3 Starlet L.:sett. ItEr.TOIRE4 - (R4li or Fi1)E11 11Ant 0.4 a d-iessida la eropiaile. bvipri n it from (51 Vog. curet IV. ritlrr.ll, Headache and ail Zrapure oi she ac lin. The Cleat Pr , fool flair 'lectern, "London Over Hair t. um, Ildttair rii i•Losuida Introduced.. Harr Cdlor ••Lord.lop Hair Color a-s.'l.yr , "tool. , Enid Heads II *lot - inter Ire,. ore,•• "London Hair Victorßesidue , " ndon Iteelethed I iair lidare, `London Hair Cid . ..if iteardrer• is..onddri with Hair iies• ores , . ow:o. . tot.: .4.;;;i1;;; NesC-11.11, Ir Tionnts — .• air 41°1..14.add,. artier. to or eiNt' rhiladkiphis. Sold by hIeCLA-u-itAN A Molit.:•• , AN. OK' , . 0.. 10ELLIC 1 , 1.1[111N.4, A. V. Li To . h. x4t icE el N . ,14 nt, / • lyll7nrucro • • COXIINCI.6 r 13.7 04, 0., Mr, - 11.. 110 r Tl.lOl • OVITII- , C,lclnt, I bar. tensessrelrafil'eted wilt paralysis of tie st math, au I tyv given up by se, era! riniu•nt OW. i Awl. 1 haat tried. kreral returdlea of a ton:o and atinitilatint natnre. but oilliout any sooite ul.. Rome the, , r Dnr nun Ds alto I anas Induce - I to t.). year ISTtikrisell an vs. d ablbt 'even or tlal.t. bows% with' adeetivd Usti ut. bovltia. Ls grea•lyttoprovy ad: and vr.ur ItiTTY.IIV be on, era. cantons ri-srdy of th•ir kind In tbe market. If used st•dir.cted tiny wit, SIN. fa prove B. saver ro'rely to t , elan dl6fi:psiaor utiles diavaprs of allßy.nature heapi elfully yours. I.V WIN SUILIUX. RAcgtgag, I).lin* Aug.,.1661. idxFsr.g. Fir. TaTgit a. tr.. itgir ttl , TEK3tveratuge th..y vr.r.. n b ought out, au4 eticslthr them t.e gonong thc .rany n , rorg ta. rlw tb, brought ....once the t•• [mg uuh I un,d o skirt.. argue. h. I u.ecrrec,u meo,ltb. MMEMEM - CULO ph Cu.. Mich.. July It, 1113. .1 110,1 1..10.1 it 1 ITO—Nepticalep s .3”1 , 1c. fn ur , r CM s ram, balm f.r sp. th...acil 111.. Y out. tett], U. hi/Lthl, 11. D. CURE OF k INTULA. )0. XarElllt bt watt to thane yen fur tour kb duo,. and .elentalle ......natot my die rue. for which Intik to conanlt ra you some time In January last. Tan "I remember that I had • emnotionfloa of a i which dually cid"' In • tenth. Ilatela, which t had head to .dot elude , . on account of a bar•.aing roogh, which Itwas..leareol pair., fast. n my long.. I knew that the pepotar mule t . eatlnt wit. like mine was by • 0181101 operation, ch, if seeeetetal at all, loot Id naturally tarn.. the disva. Upon the lung. de.eme other nftal. rpm, on [mount of Cl.- naddeonva of the core and the lernidtate 'the it to a eli,C l / 4 ,g0 one conatralued to believe was • Wu- Only Prootelon of "Stu. tote! rid or saute a or. old coadition Ito thc.lTatettb I feel littjoett) eattalled that your method of treatment, purl. fling to the slat.oo, and local aPplica.lone to the ibtaloot part. mutt care. If anything "theta can", which end I 41.1, and lam happy 'o report myt.lp well In o.rir bar.lcular. whit eueoder and better health thin I hs , o bad 'for yea.. f wood atao e.l that ba auditd• tummy.. mode were almost pa..., yid hay left ma • new mon. with ell the chortles an vigor of heal.. • - • grateollT, 4 Dr. - Hey s ''' agog .113 that roolps are no. 1 rtnu st ect, frAn m. orall p. 3,1 NGW .AD vE It E EN TS - - Awe/lAA Jr., damn. tizproo, Aro Strew, to an auaorntod AMIN, to rocooo ActoOritonnonlo far the U4):1777 . 6. aMI other papers Nrou7hout the tinfiza and VCnnodas. ROBINSON BROTELERS I 336.32.25.0. ram, I 110.7 S FOUBTII BTNth7, Pit t abargb,, _convert 7-30's. rm.; of Oarta. upon *M.O. meat terms. .Tner here conacalitly ou haml all kinds srf la. EL. 313C2)1VIDES, And use procared to buy and pall Railroad Inele Of Stocks; Ustkif 0114 and Bll4g. b.ock.t Rare. on Bra, Mama, Land Warrnote. Me. NTELL-114n, anneal or tha anintlra or Bat ler, heaver. Lawranea.. Memo and W.mblualon. intermit allowed on Thno Vet:melt. • . THAT TF , NAWAREE FLOIII* 76 bbl.. *roadway Minn Te arrlYe by rall, L 61661611 , tva.tatt DICALT RC% PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. 'JULY 31, 1867'. k;" . ..e“ILLEII7IOti SOTICE.-The Mere or t&e. PITT EGBGd GE&IS ELEVATOR CO. HI) or MADE 1t51.,1[4 . . ntl SIU:NUAY. 4rote da• or • utast. ISM. ale ' Orot7l7 • VTI rt . rnlil2l7.Vc ' ee r rt Plc!atinrch, JulT Rt. IS,. 311,0r2 D DEMONSTRATION ! 1884. THE _11383 LINCOLN MEMORIAL 1776. 11867. CEMETERY ASSOCIATION ! W KOK V. 46 KJ. twas, 7 , ( WK.,. W. 1311lKY. f;Labviela of Cwrwatee. la BAILEY, FARRELL Ii CO., p PATER LEAD PIPE. li•re ronst.ntly on bacd and mete to order, LEW rIPE &ND BUM LEID, EM=l Warehouse, 167 Smithaeld Street, ti M ARSHAL'S SALE. rawlit(dosi crmar. Is- 7:rx:rf,t t tan th y: a Unl,4 ttnlel tar the. Was tarn 1.14 t,,,, of VaLnii,shia, rt .. :147 ,w tt ., ;T ' ,7•4%.a1. r."h4v4_" ea the 100 11*', OV at orib. t.c w .raa t he Collowlar 4..10441 ;nap., tY, ilt 'Tortt . Coppor KM.; 1 . 1/P Worm. ad Tube: non Henna, got toe ye Beer Tao: one Had aka: oor Mewl: ono Tub or Chopped he, at het WohtT, Ila empty ,Kea, ril.lll(O4 (LW implem.l. behmill. to estd Lothar.. the oultoteg had for DI•ttlooe. ad the lot of n 1 on late], 111141 Moth. P . O 114 *hated.' lo 0.0. of re. :at - erditolt ,tala ,ss Pol Pb, " ‘" l THUS. A: ROWLZT. U.S. Marshlo. .ASSILlx.'s ITW:tx.l PlLutiursu. July MAIISEIAL , B SALE. Ity v.rtoe ors:nit of resditi,af arpoarts Issued rat of U: plotrtrt Court o. toe butted Clatrs f r the slattern Diatrlct of Peetoy.waata, sad W m, directed. I a Iti espuse to putolesMa u the r u i ," ft t it 1000.1 pa Oeseatts. peoperty, to •It: Coxfrrser Whisky: O n Copper tithl an , t Worm: Two Pin YotuseisrTeroTlet fleas uren, able Hops thus Foresee; Tw•etty emote lloy-brans: Noss; Tub, aud otia Plot. erlreu sea teams as the propetty of JOHN C ItsP K. at the suite( the Castel:Stales. TIILOS. A. MUWL(Y, U. B. Aaranal. 4.112',' A L : 6 • 11 +VP , A.7. JrValvd7.23Z The Highest Market Price PAID rot GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. GOLD, SILVER;, COUPONS IND CAIRESD OM ER 1088, J. F. STASH tr. CO., Bankers, COr WOOD AND THUM kITHELTA. 113)11.1191):M/ IRON -CITY CUTLERY CO., No. 3 St. Clair Street. Hiring paretmed of AlittllEW BUMS th entire steak of Hardware, Outlay) and Variety otYds. et the above etand,lt V their naentloa Lobel°. band afire thin aloes of H Ak DW ARE. CUTLERY. 000 e, Ines thereiyera r , Pistols, alahlent Tackle nod epdrtlnn goods of every varlety. They are tilredlWgltgok 11e'1.W.rg".1,141).1=11; Stomp,, <lamp, goo ranking heal and uanes/1121/ at neaten notloa. W. 11. DOWN. IS SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA, AN OPENINsa FOR lIUSINENS le °Bated by the proorletor of a unmake taring ratablls Nava now In eucetatful opera ot, in robot') The proprietor will give tools. won, (or nutting to fell, and will, If de trod, retolo an Intorert In the ppecyyp. Capital/01111ilell .hoot SII,OIO. APPLY TO • al. O. 13.1%"1"..01.1h7. Broker In Clock, Lod Beal gelato. 11:31 Apollo Hallam, , roorth street. S . S. BUMF, 11.6075.T11 BONDS, sTocnics, AND REAL ESTATE, - Apollo Building, Fourth Street, . Back. Ineeraree sad Moe Papal all I. tees of ntocks and sold On .61lniaillOp. Marl meets boos 10..4 sold. NEW BOOK STORE. 141106 Sabbath. School Book Store. DINH Mel Testaiente. Ilabbsth &noel Libre. 3, 1 4 1:k" , 1 , 1`.. ° ,17=74"11 1 `1.4. 4 1:1 Miscellaneous Berge veetenete. led all orders Pr...PLY 1n.d..."..9V4".ffara1114 _ 11,1714 rd et, t 'llttetetrell. nielinZito imam iiiiiiii i lyr ISAIAH THIRST. CO DRY sprit:FA AND . PEACUEII. tll be eole very leer, to clefs them. by - llAte . lf Mao .Co. ROPE OIL-710 bbh. In store tot~geb7. nbeizartivririv NEW ADVERTIREMENTS NOTlCE.—Pertles wishitr — BLACKBERRIES, Can get aL,ea daily by leaving their orders at S. .11. YOUNtryt, Cor. Ro. .ma.l at. FOR RENT, ~.The. Large Store riooni, No. In; 01110 11 1 1 , 11C1 , ... ' lO . K l .O. at . 1 . 0 1.1 01 Y. Count,' ,1tc.v1,./. to, ((It. lagialro at No. lOU 0111 erltEIT, _lll3:olCornry Welt 1:01:1%. CHOICE JAPAN Ir Half eller:eve', choice JAPA'A LYNCOL on?..I. TCA. In ri urnd sud ball roltral rapers, Put' P r,preetly for (Arany ute.'eatt fur male at Fatally ttrocery or JOHN A. 15EU9IIAIr. t.thertr-ver.l Hued er.,..te. FOR SA LE BUILDLIM LOTS SIX iluitnlN4; LOTS. corner or Duncan an t d Bono streets-20.W. Intce low and terms ...T. JUIIN 0. BAILEY ft 8101., 1131083 - So. 10 Fourth street. voTice.—rrrTiinvitGu 'AND CO:SWF:M.B%4IAX RAU st) ertltps... rii r eVg r eA 11 . .745.T. 1 tr0U. Z 711,7 grg Y e%V. * :lo l . s tl. l l.lllZlV;tiiii; pall on and after that date, n pre.enta.lon and &livery at the Flrst Iss , mai Hank of Mts. borgls. Vst/. I. Pdli 6. Jr.. daret rs' ..d resat:re. Plttanrdb• Ju1y2.15. 067. J.Jl,esS ICE FOR , SALE. • PURE SPRING WATER ICE. • From the bad waters Sof the Conemangh Ittrer, by them. load, del eee c d to Plltatearsh. loquiro of H. bWANEY .11(10„ Ott I eaters, Jytt:et, Car. of Peon an 4 Han street.. LOU 4.LE-1101LERCI. FOUlt • tlE' OsslS-rt/SNIS..II [FOILS:ICS. 'oche. In d i ameter. 2, Icrn lona. .eith 1.0 II Ines 0000. Tv 11 /non stools arum, Inches In , allstoo , er: Vrg check atol blow on val. , eotupiste. knoutre of 11 31. Unit 4111t.1., .1% it:s7s tin. al Penn street pEltrIT PUMP MAKE.R. And .no(n^t•r.r r sit kind. or tynUIIRN city. t.l; Vit;;° u .." ' t `" "' the i l t",':l 4 : PROPONiALS Flkii WROUGHT IRON WINUJW 01tATLN78. CONYSLOLLER's OFFICIL. • Allouhrne. July .loth.itd7' SEALED PM , SPO I.J will I, • reet.lved ists IS untla Aug • n eluct Zt7 x u lill i l t %"(1 1, !",',1,,1t00 r 5'",`°`,2 dew. of tn.. elan mita. tor tussl ing and put., up tINIC 4'IIOtIGIL I . IRON IRA , St. In sue ns tiro the Window t, can Log, Le t. up. ern at tbo It. N. PRA CIS, It . r'lt. Controller. pEOPLE , S INSURANCE CO. Uld•OZ. N. IL 0011. WUOD AND YUPTH 11711 A 1102115 COXIYANY, = D:s•VersirP, Pre— I%lns, Jan Watt; Can John L. EttOashh. tlasocel P. Shelter, JoLr. k. Parke, Charles Arbuckle., Cst.t. Jas. Itit;ot. John P. ISlrspstrial Wk.. Van Kirk, 'o Wrenn. Jnah.s tr. Varner, . 0, Hau. Los.. %PM. PUILLIPTS, renhient. W. W. (JA‘IJ ,J NA OHN IL Wtineretsr p ATT. Vico Presidant. JoOl:ly CapL .1 As 11001)(Pn. rienn Ant. WHITE HAHEGE SHAWLS, White Grenadine Wills, = WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fifth Street. 721 DISSOLLTIONI OF PARTAELLSIIIP. NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN %Ott lit. pannersbli, heretofore existing ne tweet, Mill aug, t MR s, this day dl.- sot. ed. Parsons tomitig claims against the slid inn and those &Wandd to the same, will pre. last their aceouota at So. 6 tinsitLiteld stmat. toe the adjustment of the same. & RUBINSON, M. X.'llidnA. do'y ETOTE Notice la herclow elven to all oar.. sot to Damns., any of the nOodo. wawa. Ineretmdloe, or material. bettottaloa to the tat, Arm of O'llota• /n ROlll Nt Oa, wttboat my Indlrodnal alananare to attached to each .4 every . bill of salt tor sold good, wares. otercLandlm or in.• serial. at I eattl . repodlato each and teary sale not made toy... Nance wit, lbto notice. t.”11/01.11. hrT.lrcnrol. Jolt 24. 16 7. . l: bael ALL THE LATEST STILES OF = XL...SIM ANL CHILI/NAN `A BOOTS, -SNOBS, AND GAMRS, • 1. great 'solely, and ttWal as 1 . ...014 taloe., 31 FIFTH STREET. W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO. 1.1:7:111V1, I=l LADIES , ENGLIBII LABTEV6I CONGRESS GAITERS, AND BALMORALS, Worth $5, sellia6 at $1.50, at 31 FIFTH STREET. W. E. BCDDIERTZ & CO, 111.72:hrwr CoMPIRESSED • BUNGS. ARMSTRONG, BRO. ,& CO., Mansfactarces arid Wholesale Dealers lo MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plpgs, Ipps, Irish Moss, Pitch, RUSIN, IdLY V 1122 , &a., &a., No& 174 & 123 Third NI.. PlStablansh. AMERICAN WATCIIO9. • A SPLINT/ID STOCK OF Fine Gold and Sliver Watches, F INE COLD JEWELRY, .11ILVEILWAlt6, CILOOKB, t lbe lowest prices. not Dublin., !welted to cal: and calamine our stock benne puretmality eleewnre. Waters repairing promptly attended to, at • W. WILSOVS, No. 54 YOUttTli , •TBILICT, Two door above Market &tent, ell:{21: tare BUSINESS MEM COMPIIERCIALCOLI.ECE, Nos, 8 and tint. Clair Street. Bu • Pearetaal I:barter. 8 4014 400000. reammahlp and ArnluecUc. time tualtalte4 040 00 Arithmetic aad Panakanl4lo 9004u.,00 of three ..... 00 00 resouseblp, per raohth....— 0 00 Nor 01reelers or Opeeireens, adalreee N. /311AFFEE, or oolueru J. F. IIcCLAYIIONDS. FIIrI3I3OItOII CITY LJUYORY. All %lode of wan:nee dope with promptness a cr a rail re tort 'en O.C/OCIa., oche .01.4,4 to have linos Om pate to same dee. 'ushers Mit althe tangerine places will be promptly attend. ed : Jot. keel, nor. Fifth and time its. 6robieleinis loop kin More. .. vooi Owlet, car. Peden., A Ohio. Allegto7. nrsil .".;.%.x4g... tteai Lame street.. once, Ito. 4 PT. UL/1.114 ST. FEINT GLAS8:100111W GLASS AND PICTURE : FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. EY 0 NS, No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburgh, PAW PiPtlV"Poli rwrAllg ANdari enYI A PHAVIt riltalDe Cornice, Undil and Hatton& Consols, Tripod and 'lntact Tables of as q vlalta design and wdrlttliflND 138 . 0 ILL ING anecatad tha 1 17.14.21 1 1281 MATE . "A".t"." PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDEESI6NED respect. fatly announce that Usti h. , . formed Paitnership for tho transaction , of • genaral 900DS RUSIN tan, at No. 17111118EIT STREET, under the name ana stile or G. SCHLEITER & CO. G. IJACKUTXN. rltlabarxh. JulYZIb. p G4JIBS MANtFACTVBEIIS. NM SALE—AII t h ie. PRIME% MOULIN., sod other ',ods toot. brainy 55.4 br the Inoue...lW C0•0ee1..... Ms, for NU particulars &dere. W &GLACE • WALKER. LIN. Third Lit., St. LOIS. • , 1711:eil FOR SALE, LZ/LNE OF 1101. FACTORY. • Whittltss , Y. Fixture. mu 14.10 GDS fursott_parttealm esquire St No. 933 FENS! UTHELT, Ninth el Pit.sbursh. Fenn. .• LEATHER HELTIRG.—We —•keep Cenetantly on band ttoek of the beat gully ot . eattant manufaettue, made ea t rma, rif sales, utd j s: regtatll s e . eat. • Jell ' and le %Ur strut. aIVO , I IVIal :44 kil-3.5 ILOS4_IIP 4V/Lit qv 0:4 4 $ SELLING OFF AT COST ! $20,000 WORTH OF DRS; GOODS. .11oolog opened l anew DRY DODDS. / 1 4SIEV.Y. Nwlill4 ^Win (IWILWXT 13TOE st 100 In n° Britt e.T, comer of the common, Alle • g 4 ehT ell), I 'Ave nwolved to nett out log whole etoel. of URI' (nn.PDtl at No. 164 Ohio Street, /VI" Cc 'l' ! The lie , . Will Commence on Monday. July 29th, Sad Will keep no for EIGHT DAYS °M.N . . All goods left onpol4 ease Um time Will be nano, ed to the New Sloe.. No. Itts lbsto street. -_ • Great Bargains will be Offered The stock le nearly all new • the store has only bean openea a year ago, and as consist Were can be no old roods. Tiler consist of the lately and best styles of Prints, Dress Goods, Cassimeres, GEMS, and DRY GOODS genthily. - FC/E EIGHT DAVE ONLY-BUN IN MIND, 41,Y°. 16 , 1 Ohio Street KE 4 wlkolevile Bur , . will the GREAT itbr HAM/Ai:NS VIZ S. C. HESS EM=;I 10 PER CENT. OFF , SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALES. IT DENNISON & DETKERT'S, No. 27 Fifth Street. Until Nether of w• nate a di. count of TEN l'Es GEST. an utrelaS cash ealea. Ott stoat or GOSIERV. GLOVES. II NUR ERCIIIEFS. w' UNDERWEAR. CORSETS,• PARASOLS. YIEBONS, : FLOWERS, SONNET TEI3.IIILNUE lc.. .1 a.. Is still ao.ll s.sorta4 * also !11-Al/IAX , DUPLEX lliSsiP SEIRTo . I.tol oar' customer. oli prices •ttpout toe situ. coat. Oa as In so, :other stone In toe citT. 10 PEW CENT: OFF. FOR TEN DAYS. TO CLO ot,;T M bTOCK. Cr • SPRING AND SIMMER 'DRY GOODS ... I OFF & MI FOR 991 DM it 43-reat 313argr ains ! will do wO}.o, CALL StiON. H. 41 . • LYNCH, No. 96 'Market Street, • 1121:eat BeOrers'Flfsh dad Dlusond. KELLEY'S WEEKLY. it 1111142[4 Jotnial for lie People. We 1.111 late on the Milt of Aerial. 16d7 . a pa per or aloteen Dare/. the Ilse or Hammen Weekly. No extr-ree will be apart dla emoting It mina %be best Litman' PaPera PubtObrd la tie vrin..d. Some of the most Maltreats/Led wel ters ot %merle. Ind Europe have beep mimed to rontrlnnle to on commas. The malty and empirdirt et or literature writ resaler Lb e paver a sweet lompaidon ovary ben. UN AtiOldrhT wen. lle.q. • We mill dlairiliata WI a million dollars of the 00001 s. In shares Inerudiur tme ite eared boo med Deglars 00 tirentibabeta, adr patrons. room ase riveriptlen •Mtielitlad ta 01001,(01. 011 1111,110; YllTlSlll e te HUI bUBSCRIBIL One lobate ease te — tt e glue emit to n, o ne *ha. cub 4,M0 One share cash 0,40.1 • ne share each 11.0 M Free Shorn cads. SLAM ugh 5,000 es • shares cub. POO each • 6.1,00 3.M0 shares buh. from VW to al each 0,1 MO= And the balance. magmata Dewing Meal lbells vhos Metageonsost44 and olive? W• ol.ofblamondo; Mama./ Wogs, Photograph Albano, balk D•es. Patterns, bibles, opera blurb. Works of imlnent Authors, tad other utterer, anmentleg b 5100.0.0 Sc. matinee of well known olttstrea, to be cho p. by eneurthees, la a Potdm Hall. 41s tnhate On talents!. AOROSt 10, MT. tne OAire In shares. fled Thstr report alit be pbellshed Xellsre Weekly ane ****** all rommentiers. TERMS 10 IiIISISCMIBIL Ore copy, MI enntbers, Mk Months, with num. bee of shae. 51.60. . . . One espy as numbers, one ye.. with two s nooesira 4.1.. /treaty. for the paper and tomber of share foie everywitere on nicely,. of pries and stamp en nos. ca. seed tbe newts.' mate fn post .0. add... town and mate in lull. money tir dealt, post peat oilier. exorcise, or la registered :Al ters. e sent at oar tisk. ♦ dress all communicatlo. to • A. ♦. KELLEY ec *co., !M ' , THE ma Id TILEIIIHAFEeT." 96TH SErl - ANNUAL EXPOSE. • TOTAL LOSBL9 PAID, 021,271,972 571 /ETNA 4SURANCE CO., HARTFORD; CONN., • • .11.1L7 1, 1867. Ammo. as liburkell Value.) Cash on hand. In Bank. $ MAI :9 Heal Lute 8 . 8.551 el mortgage Rands „... se ,ssa gent Btoede s... k.. ' 1,10846 00 0.1101 nta2Pate and Cltr and otber Public enmities 1,881,13 84 -- Lot. Liabilities, Claims not doe andet 11.16,933 r, V044.111.(11.1 57.688 48 Pet lent. *CM.= 81 Fire and Inland Wasigation Risks. se-Atelteles In all the principal Mire and Tonne In the United States. Appllcatldne for Insurance nil 'be promPll7 attended to and Policies Putted by A. A, CURIES dr, BRO,, Agents, 1130:444 63 101:1323 6TIIZET. THE OLD, ORIGINAE • TEA STORE! FRESH ARRIVAL br Young nylon. • Old Upson, Imperial; Gunpowder, Congos, Eng. Breakfast, Bentham, Oolong, - Old Country Black, - And Japan ALL OP TUX BUT QUALM'. No. 20 Fifth Street. poisoNous AND FILTHY! Adulteration* are need 11 1113UPAC1UKS 01 ADULTUAYID SPICE!. 13140 K LEAD, imam' olLorEns. TIMM!. ALBA, TUYIIRIC4 Are Among the Adulterations tied. THE PURE SPICE MILLS, Illtaauteetsin none bat perfttly MBE HUES $500.00 REWARD Tor anj adaterrallop In^nd Is our Spices. 00. Package of Pets SM.,. will go as far as th rte Packages of adialtaratall Boles. psaalie wad. NOSE GENUINE . UNLESS BIBBED ARBUCKLE& & CO., Indocile Conte ud Freprielere et Pere Spite Hine 222 and 224 Liberty Street; rorrentatou, rA. "NT a Trolled of oarortroa roasted 17/111DIUND 11Trg?1, 1 75; be better tarore~io t a monueo- than and Correa to Um market. Jyll • j HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA• taLy , zlll lmlnos j iy u ntA i r . ling4l . l- JUx.t . Isl, IW. jOlll4 D.BAILITY & BRO., STOCK' ND REAL ESTATE BROKER: AID •lIQTIOIIEEH6 • .• Are prepared Ossetia& Auction. Ptah; Rona% asol_all %Inas at Poaalltlasi. Real Latwa 00.. ...ranaroT—.;,=.... 0. 6 "-- Tartlets's!. attenttan paid... beratstfort, tO tha moot Mal /tßateatErbrate . ' Cake .[heal Snot* al the ma ntro attaothso. Mks. IRO FOURT !STREET. ty4 BOTTLED ALES. . KENNLIV, WINTERTON. And w- but brand. of ,ILLNII AND 30p& WATlattal. bottled by • J.C..BUFFUM £ AA ~xn AE ihusxrr irraarr. • A . IL ENGLISH & CO.. AV. 98 Fourth Sired, Pnntl.ban of otiounirs neL D rne , MVP/ ARITBAUCTIO, IlUarra 0114111.1dAlt AND 1134•W•ilnY , 8 • urk ISJOKM Abe. vannwhnin. regent BLAME POOLS, 1100 n. killilllnd ex. eented In all Its Senn. A tun atOCJI 0474 TILINKAY liengll3ll4 1124 ALLEGHENY GROCERY 1; ii PROIISION COMPANY JOHN A. McCRAW, President J. P. ISRAEL, Secretary PRESENT OFFICE 20 FEDERAL STREET, -ELL; XaZ1113.8:332r5". This CoMoony wall Orfahlted and has for biaot - toe cite fpening of ce'eything relating to. a for open store in • theof location, auto scligeona at the calmest . r of the plods , an • alletht addition for epenses The roma In divided Into share. of het p aid in:, UNE DlifeteAlt A WEEK loin paid until it le all paid up. The shoreholneril wilt ...quire their roods at aisle own doors front 33 to per cent. lest than they can boy at the mentor soles of o retell store. Besides lit% they alll participate in toe pronto which are to helve head from *d lin. et the mattar retail rate, to panics woo aiu not bold .es of the word. The stook to beans rapidly bought up, and it Is COP posed the at ,re eon poor manes up In 30 or On days. This Is the poor manes charm, as he relit hr an;sgoevet+lcea mu Ts ° , It I ' s Y gt::t i e/ P A Y I: Clock will rapiele melted o too per rent. above par. There Is. euir a l amount ir,w for sole. eerie. sod prAluee at ot. even II he has only weld tine ',idler on it. Jolt think of It : yoe 1 VI " ra L eFe r s7 ' l . &ll: r fo 'n ille sp siVenp e e n rl when... by love thin one of them dollars in this Cowpony. sou eon save the other. lir pm , coaslne even one onsre of etei S. InsteAd of be ing a burden It will mutually,e a saving to I u of irons hi to hS per we. h. beslocs pa, leg your weealr ttelm,nt on your riock. The clock con be loin at y time lor it. fall value. That you may need the money. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK Is require , / tech share.. Th is Is a Sayings Hack .n viatica on your Droll. are Immediate and direct. You o ve n[ our l dtv ots ssss slant yons hands, *nu the pronto It% the end a( tha wr Parties wishing to mabserlbe eau do so at 26 Federal St., Allegheny City JOIEN A. McGILAIV, •4 )$•I•* J. P. ISRAEL, In!IME32 I=l NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS LOIN OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEPiTiBIFLYALNU. Due After July 1, 1856, and Before July 2, 1860. Holden of the foliowLog I.oAtin 07 THZ COMMON EALrH 07 PEPTICniILPANIA are requested to prraent them for p•T=Ult (Princi pal and Interest.) at The Fanners' and Mechanics' Na tional Bank of Philadelphia. Loan of Mach MI, lin, doe Marc'a MM .` lobruary It, 1874, due Jell 1, MM. • • March A, lint, due Jul7l. lr.d. •• January PLIMP, doe Julyl, PAL . •• June 7. lin, doe Augur, 1. IMP. •• Much Kt MIL due July-1. IMP.•• Aprllll,ll4, due Jul) 1, 1960. /Jim. al. ELSE CLUSTER LOANS duo prtoz to July 1, lurt AU of the above LOANS will cease to dtm• la forest otter Aoroot JOHN W. GEARY, Cl=l Jolll F. WIRTRANFT, 12=3 WiLLII,2III. KEIBLF, • .arATE,TI!J3U.IIIO,. 1Y1:,472:d•rs NONCE TO THE HOLDERS OVERDUE LOANS Ea= COMEONWEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA. Hatters of the follonlng Loans of the Com mormealtb otreouvrivitnia can receive paymen. (prhielpil mid Interest') by presenting them a the tarmers` and Mechanlea` National Dank. on and atter Mani, Ifel: • • Loan of March =4 lam, dna Lica 1. 15M. Loan of Aprils% , P . '" doe De. L 1634 . Loan Of Aptll IA 1544 doe Ant. 1, Loan of March :it, Mal: dee July I, /01, All of Om above Lomas will team to draw In• tercet on Anott 1, MC. JOHN W. GEM', MiE3E3 JOHN F. ILUITRANF7, A.UDITUIL 11E.ERA.L. WILLIAM IL KEMBLN: itb72:wlrr = HARRISBURG, ,TULY 29, 1887. • .To THE HOLDERS - r Loans of the Commonwealth br • • PENNSYLVANIA ) Due July 1et,...18 68. The Conairdsalosiers ortbe Hinting hind 'Slit reselys Proposaii until beptember id, Mg. for toe Sodsmoilon of One Milton Dollars of the Lama or this Commonwealth, duo July lit, MM . Polders will address then proposals to Um Connotationsru or the Cann& Pond, Hanish borg, Ceonitylvanla, and eadorand “Ctoponalli for lb. Redemption of Loans of 15310 • • FRANCIS JORDAN, BSOBSTAILT or trrxra. JOHN F. JISJITILLNFT '4oorroa otorbs. REMBLE,' ' ' • TRAASITZEU. .h721X., TO GL&SS MAIIIFACTETI6IIB. THE UNDERSIGNED having le *co bratedwed the sole Agency for the sale of the ce COPLEY. POT CLAY, Arena , . prepared to furnish It gar quantity 0 ,, e wigging to procure tins annular artiCe. Dicing Baena year. , ganef ltd. clay 'renal,. gr ained attach vroportions as we believe caw IS a better al.lcin for rota titan way inhe .ital.. we haling neared aaaa age stand Ot sts mantas for each Mt. and nine lasting me lon as sled gad ton mouths. We will tarnish receipts !be the pnaportion °Ma Wince or Ulla Clay to rlit ' atit r tii b uttinfte d r eg 47 DITHILIDOE olt SOL I.lBm Washlng2tWilltrZno. NTO77CF.;—ROBERT 11. LIFICIM .• t.l the City or Allegheny. SUCH 1311.5 C. paving hy deno a t June 34, t i nt : asalreed all 1"L".",`,. Ceti to male leemenlate payment.. and thane Dar en claims will pinata p care No. 71 13e4nt street. In tiv! '" vor,v , l4,„,_ burvi. - et UDL 6. Aatinnta Of B. booty. July =tn. 1647. . not OTIC E.—Parties knowing tbentsePrealadebted to DM JOON li1701111111110N.• • WM Cali 11111 d softie their at:manta before tie dna vilazt4n t ivlall . stf:e4o, all unpaid bill. collection. De."JOntilltraira. killldala Camel try'. July =l, lam - . trUata.dar , C 3. 3:141r.:X•21%.*E1r, • • ao. smuuthiad surd. }text Zitate bactght and tru NOTICES. MrClllOll REPUBLIWI COUNTY CONVENTION. The UNTO:. EZPOIllelf: vorEtts of All, zbeelyConn r are req eett.l ta meet at thelaral Uo[oußos cud Tuwui4l P$ in '"""ra Saturday, August Sirt, And elest r , a it DELEGATES teem earlrelee- Al•trlat. to • Coanta.Cor.arnzloo. to h• held on hErrtattlait Clr at It/o'clock a.ra. for the I:d r o:t r oPlre dn. .. ' l!ftatte n e d" or ? enV l7 : 4l' , and trahthattrg man oft bustheth sa way be P irPrlraVa r gZe l ln the Ti•atahlra vlll t clock heli-Darteeen the houra of three sod let r tfrt'LIPLA,".V;V: , ;I! 'or JACOB 11. 111L1.EE, Chalnflan. N. P. next,. U. C. Mncxact.t.. ME `NOTICE. TO SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM. 11. Allegheny VaUe• Ratlroad Comeang.tdr• Datil further nutlet, transport prompt), from tt Ihr presunt terminus of the mad. at Itmir. Head. to the City of rlttehurgh ,ant .. quantlte ? i r r irtrAVll;•. b t t a r f * e r • ttif: Vie " t?rlrYrig , l het nee Cord the water, tad. at eaady a Rena.atrom all neermary radial. for the conveulent trltlf fer of Int from 5.0.5.• Mears. Mt: an . H. BLitt tar' THE PHYSICIANS TO THE IMAM,. or EIFIALTA Your he stree t F, 2 „3, 11 // " f. B rrlteel%cr i tri:Pr.h% tor , the purpose of Vaccinating i „ srcrt hk"l"4. A. O. INDLESSI. EDUCATIONAL. CIVIL AND MI. ENCINEERINC. Lithe PE NSh E t •AZIITOLYTEhIiNIO %UTE. TROY. N. Y. er> l Nun , ao b o . . Ptf7CtetULV. LurVaVlt;lNEft. Auwis r ' E . VrlVVl , ll"arirPakrlY to Troy, N. T. TEAS S TEAS TERN • Of ALL Pitiora ANL) Cti.LLITT. LT AL. - 3mx3F,.3wtes. GREEN TEIL pH,. good young 1ty!0n.......-.....••912 Pt!..l. Extra tr 4 • • 1.10 1.9 tiood • ELACIL TlLLE—Goloug Best Oolonn $1.1) per pound. (Rood •• LOU •• Extra •• ELLER TEAM—Penro.Uoug, Selauttostir nod tkougoen. • Lx. rine flow fined Ing..ltrostratt. 31.?? . r. 154 141,1044"""' do JAPXI2 TEAM. Uncolored Japan. eery le sent i1aT0r.....:111.20 Japan. Young j lWicz e h • L4O No, i Mined Teas. OcAt 11dwit, do. Y. 11.111.80 No. 2 '• '• NW haat el e c t Prom the above any ono can Jolt 'what kind of Tea they Want. and kayo them 7..15111u any quantity. and forearord by any or the Ex- - 1 I:l=7::" t ral l "'VlT:r.:e'fil,t7;',lg:;eri: pound in 'tun peed, beanies' getting • pore and clean article widen exactly anus their but, . It. 1(11111. tuy9:Ylo 172 11 174 Federal VG. Allegheny. 11010 ER & CO., Clincomors to E. 05111.02.11, iganto . I ALLNIIILiTIIItiItS or - • FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AM) OFFICE FIIRNITURE. No:-45 Smithfield Street, rirrs iniscia. PA. 4A Alll uoortmeat. of PlttotoarAlk Waal. tared Vomits. coostantty on bandit LOWXIIT CASH I'ItICSS. C. A. 5. WILT. m.—ness XDUCXD 1311111. --Tacuus waits. BURKE & BARNES, Fire Proof Salamander Safe, TAIL? I00I:S1111. MED rams 11001 am, IRON WINDOW.StUTTEA MANUFACTURER:. 129 & 131 Third St., • =I =I Zse the Ihtlote addltlonal reco=nendattao Of en proof quallttes of our safes: Ditties ABU aebnC{ Ol 0/11C1, A. J. PACgann. 0b10,4ene17114156. Mum. Burka a Burnes, Pittston*. Pa You. to-day. by ran. road, • seta er yonr make, tor • tow repairs. The . safe went through the disastrous gre that so. tarred here on the ith of Muth Lat. tunlog our store and ward:lease. and we are glad to !a far,* you that the papers taken out or the sate after the gre were net tanned In the least. We did not suppose ani mde. erpoehOly to email • dee. 00014 poutbly stand seen • see, and when we discovered the paters all wile and sound, ore were agreeatity dtsappetrAed. We will Ries You an order for s large Dee We when we get into our new store. Truly yours. 102:570 ' w, /I A. J. PACKARD. L 0171011,113 TOBACCO. JUST RieravED, A Large, Stock . of 'the BANNER BRAND. lot of the celebrated Flue, Cut Navy, •AT'THE LOWEST CASH PRICE, AT W. JERINSOI'B, N 0.6 FEDERAL STREET, , A T.T.:FGHENY• CHINA WAREHOEIT. . . . _ BROOD & CO 3341..4173VT31113L1M; No. .!I.of t i , Wood .Sireet. • B2E R ;ROVAT.PRZR v iIia O UT. la".TiNaivaTlT N . • CHINA. DINN EH are, • MIMS 1 . 0110E2 . 131CT5, • pit ;,'N'Acni.. ItYIMIALId WARE otayin7 desorizatni Mtirie ""ra '' • ' ISTOINIC WAR 7Y9 E at all aarlatto snit whaanala and Mall sande. tg l a r gl: " /Iglrtti t o i ' re W ""k •• °t"Vr7 n.a'sns Na mama an In tba , eastern :on nose . .noun mancx...acaret n. soma. PITTSBURGH LAMP COMPANY. JOHN ; .1403 S Ro. 23 Wood 34. Pittsburgh, Pa., • - • LIMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC • 1 1 1 .04 nun la•...ryttaw perianths to the TWEIBL. TABLE WART, whitlow SILAAS,and vert:Ales to the 01.8 Llne. WALL PAPER: AT REDUCED PRIMA' TO SUIT THE TIMES ! At No: 107 Market Strevt. Jox iztaliEs Is - 11110. id TaE CHEAP DAT AND 8110 E H. Gusansiair. Przetlul Rata L ` 80 . la BOOM DeldSliONl3, Haan and altrll. No. I) I OHIO e a ` • ° w;Br'. ko, ult). No weeta else In the two ages ItgriZu b tXtZ . tPb e A b litlii ° 6 t !ls date hiatus and walsooralk DlD.4lDwummu, •talr desks. COAL<Pt with ret/ottuutprolltu sod daterulnwl to offer VDU Dasiuttot we,. Teter Dim wan th//lr Oh cane. • • uw2wwu GEARING,' Planing Mill, Sash & Door Factory, CoraerßOTLll/ mat ALLISARENT nun% Ninth Ward, sad No. 13 tiltlill/LN/aD gr.. Pittsburg . Tutotag, irinttuell rackets, Moak Latteri aid glisoed 4 Sind& Koodatas dons to order.AN land. or Work roastaatly oa hasid.,Orders from. Abe aoaatrY amount, attended to. ‘; ,taralsaa 'JOSEPH WIGGESD, • • • Collecting. Agent, 012 e• at the lleard Of Trails paellas. riMIJILOII, raw. at all kind; aallaltod TTE sad refetroene prpaptl7 at. Jr. It P.. GETTY, l Wholesae an d Ritall Grocer. _ a .• vtA . nays; vibra Quirt. on. Mgraitr "% E T . at i n..... ll33 elt s e t`h! taaati..a.Unabratuv. ."4."- B A HR .o.‘'mosEn,. . - . • ..aLzacrzrarranamm, wiemi t t i tter i gak i t t lyt redA r= v xu s nl : CI L 14 4 u s 2=14121 WANTS. WAICTEIN A.YOZNI3 MAN WAST 9 A /MK horunrirdl,sh,eud t n tanslabM,- - Irltb vrtlboui Ibo /Mu sine. 411:I 0. A. LL. C.. la iLa omu /1;;INS noire. c.ttle Toone 31•3. setooLletett wlth the Neal aeon roar then. taand &Oho, to join V•e subscritosr Itt • whit es hllshed store in Its'tlaso e. ♦ hest rateoppot. te • for smart aler Chalk to-trort• d re dres• T. to s co h rnes slol fteroll tou st ve V. MlMl:nom 3Y'-The, WANTED. TWO FIRST CLASS COOKS, AT 30 MAIM% C M== 1:2!:1 WAR TE D—CARUISEP, HI. In c , a..1, it i ntlng E gtOe t7pr l A ° 4: — :3lll4l", l g;g11,2110irtIll AVVl,',"af,°: grit= ( 17 . 41.witerr.,71 or 6 10001.11.1 /air reanotrort MOW. Warms arms. [lmams haying .7. of er Wrr , lb. j °_ l . Y.r j ala Wayn.64.. Pittsbarlitt. ANTED, JULY COLD COUPONS. And CompoOnd Interest Notes. I Corner roans.. qt L. WANTED --lien In Salesmen Department of National Art AuetelAtion. Apply : at once. to H. B. CURRAN, President Of Association. ile Diamond Weal. Pittsburgh FOR RENT. • To LET, TWO SMALL'HOUSEI, • ninthr which if er 1.e.,. new. ettnale Lor e n Ward, on Proem...neer. batten. end tattoo streets. orDoolte the tower water basln. Enquire on the PrentOrt. C. lIITZCAIItICK. • Fon BELT, _ • A LARGE ROOll, MA story, in ' BAC KTTE 071 1 10 E. Tar pl.rtletaing Ore IVADAM BZO U. or At UAZILTTX. OOUNT U ROOM. 010:00 • ~ ~~ • BARGAINS IN CARPETS ! JUNE, 1867. WE HAVEI JUST OPENED . i A NE!' STOCK , j z : ter j rc l.on Wes la New York,r o z .a Reduction f 20 Per Cent., Prom prices of 11.3 month. We here redtteid ALL-WOOL INGRAINS ' 23 Cents Per Yard. - BRUSSELS CARPETS, 25 Cents Per Yard. Bed, White and Checked Matthigs, To 35 Cents Per Yard. e s WHITE. BATTINGS, To 235 Cents Per Yard, New and beautiful ;Untrue NOTTINRILADI LACE CURTAINS, At I to 610—oznal price .10 to s36—bettlE A REDUCTION OF FIFTTIER CENT. 11'FBLIO & COLLINS, 71 and 7$ Fifth Street, ' Next buttdotor to. United State. Cortoot SOUP ono Postodice, oecond door, over AtltgerVitoo Store. NEW CARPET STORE, FR EBll ARRIVAL OF 8.3 n. 3 tx. .rw rerixaar IR ,Tapestry Braman, Body. Brussels, ' 3-Ply and 2-Ply. . Tapestry Ingraissa. A Full Line of , Straw klattne, PLAIN, ciarcar-a Ann TANCi.. t. faller 41an at any tomb.. Slam this season moss wishing toads in am us, do wan to ahSa scan BOVARD. ROSE & CO., SI IiST7II:IV.ST, ma !ITM HAVE REMOV:. WCALLUM BROI S, Have now open.:thetr very 41101Mst teE 0C4111. , modlutta 2.1.11 W WI.B.r.I:IOIAUC. No. 51 Fifth 'Street, laaw line at all new •a 0 daarablo patterru NIEDALLIoN 'VELVETS. • Velvets, Brussels, raP.Esriti- Jen itsszir.s, ♦ lame CAA. aulortment ot, Piano and. Table Covers. Eximm coVIBA, RAM - IEGB ID TAM .13abIzse TIME PLY AND r WO PLY IrAgrains' s and,,rer7ynnet7 anew CatINUAI itoCALLITIII BRHEBEg j 131 133 . 117,33-Eirrewet. roan cattir.Fas. , ,111'CLINTOCK„ & COM.PAN'r li,ivz Jli2 °yam= For V:te §pr!mg irradie, `,Thatr evisnata Aearytaat at . . rimar caatiszars Oil Cloths, Shades, ae, Audeatizin ealleel R ‘ ar stook. MDODUn mu coma fir tog Decline Prseee, DONM 13111 DUMMIED BY - rtatriattainaleatmak adrantsesteate tr_tein. rac i ttitieL b .lm i sastats i g :tam d Li ITTI COM "e'zi %AV, " ZXrCble 2.0i3 3Pirlazas tree*. :mynas atom Ingtharld. GUOVEII & 114KFVIR ELASTIC STITCH AND LO CIL STITCH Sewing Mad hates Ate 21iL MOT tor Zaaally ant igimuutm, PCIXPOsea. Call sad ace them at . .111. 10:111 tus steed. GET sOpitE 13171A_ GROVE'S' -&33.ELICER. for Eaktai WA. It Is • allable. naroletlaa . te.reces the boa.. Don't DM kilallsa4 is* ital • "1,273 1T abova 1-7 lu.azaa stultallats 144 new . . MU It 111111 Si 1 811r311. ILONA% W e etumban. It la tbo beat tor t oat. rot We at - NO. IGb nrra errairr' . aune smithid4 ," SEWINC MACHINE ua munt It " alm. Igattuu "I"pumi!op NO 105 rtiTa "rasa? arms eatikaina H II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers