' • • . __. 1 , • .. . .. ~£' DAILY GAZETTE. .. ruersalfzu EVERT aninsmo. fir . .. Porn Excirrhod . PEIIiTiLIIELN, REED & CO, - • • rvcilliresotc)x- , •; • . ,_ T. IL Tagretwax...,......-.....P0niu wrwri. T. • ri ,,,, u ..., %T0rt ') t BusineselPumgers. . times. e ,. • - .l.r.rri BUILDING. NO. SI AND436J,EIFTLII STREET. - 1 I ---.. It ' irlllllli gepublint Papti or Weston Nlll.lllllll. Ai) ), OFFIOLSL PAPER OF I.IIIBBOHOH AND, •-- -, ALLEGHENY CITY. . : - LARGEST. Ctira.PAST ash BEST RAWLY and CuRAEIICI AL PA rEll in the State. -- 1 Thalea GP TIIIIIPAILT• A - Engle cops. . a ce au. Deßrerea 111 . Carders. ear week lb ••• Mali Sectur.rribers, pet year ....... 1A.., ! ' .. Adeßreas; , " ZElrrr " I, VOIXXI.E LXXXII.---NO. 1 . 41. PITTS nugoii. rt,A. I ''''''.. .... --....... . GENERAL ,NEWS. 1P 1') . , _, IP, A, =. IP' °I lINI. ! Paident are tern-i G Aar - lath. fr n the, om th ~o .,IIIPORTINT.I In tire• ..._ • "t . MORE FENIAN • ~ : .... _ • .. • Police Attack! Ai. - 4 r I .1)1, ATTEMPT TO HES( .01 . __...i. _ Mob Suceessfull .. _ Ne L. IHRISTIAN S IN CANDI. 'Pr,‘ tigni .A.d. 'inancial and 04 -, us, .. _ w flit. r Telegraph to the Crusher in IRELAND. "Nee . aeek a.a,...a. row ',lends, 'a.m. dine 11.-The tel `1 who eh end a number of 1 p has been In prOgrees sot:omission, in cretin • .----.. - . Mast in a cons - lett°. r Conventio ,A5e4.1,1C:r[T,1r.111.11,.1 , r 1611.- 'Vertex a .httroaaca"-arre • • a niversal Pet Uhliew. supposed ' , Wane, it tonal prityiti ., mtured II hbOrt 41111 .1 natitation re- e Subse,nerly.ly tat .0 oltahing the lined In InlP.bere lortant pa.' titan undergoing fi r tee, which a i ition. Too to lows that four of I T on effect... ,i,..- a in the United f bliey of 1 i!tat he rebellion. It I , fork .t , an- a 'l oily t. that Corydon, wl a dosed : -Th. nee... agalnet trailed by • mob. 'tole. ! vontian era were being 0' ous -.NG pers. lonse to the let , and pptitt. r .- iinuanee 0 CO , force, a er friends sail ei n --":10, . city and mad. 9 IP ! pplor, ..Wil 1, with the it girl not four) postoil i t the e. A tight / lv, "All u mops litrty of Abe 0 -"What Is 1. or the att. fI 'fits 01111 a fisld. I are LEM. i gin it up." he fire of II deli is nu tle in .lit defence is on do outst lug their • u. Republic:lt on the tn. last week, 1. n •N pialllV q you ...ion CRET take mot, 01 rot TI 1 ',-, or Carls a 11- F. , 3011 The 4 .ssminus einfore. .. po., sin i p s ...rt. s In CY rui.lvvif. re beer u a, Ily to_ man ... ANI ••1 1 0 nanil hut I. -It I low m s of C 'ld" , • 1 vets t in —a. . • _______ . ~. . _ . __ --- --- -- - - - 1 The Libel Cusina.-The Greed Jury ys it,UtllitliurßlT Cia-Ittte 1 • :-- • , T CONDENSED NEWS. ' . --, 4 Moguls. Aecident. , , t'i'n tent. returned true bills for libel again. . -,,- I ' -'--..---- ' ; o'cioek, cries of °murder," "helP. " '1... O'Neill, on Informations Mule by Daniel • )"..c.th ifi at at. " ' 1.1 . ,- P k•• ; fohn %Y. Patock, of the lefuler, ond .1. It. , Pride CITY -IND SUMIBIN. .... , 1 -dodge ; I'lark, , of litintsylile, Ain., 1 1 lit r i EpirrioN .: By Ttlegrenh to am/hasten gis Casette.: • E CONIII tliffla' '''... IS P 3. E. / killed, &c., were hoard. the ViclultY I F• LT . G -The uLtest and man re- , „ ~---:---,,.-_-___- =-,.. .______ I ling eliminated tuelde. I -Letters from .1 ndge Abell (one of the rt. 1 'e II divorce.. This Is as we predict- NEynapApßil pRoiSIMERITT', ! -.ham :Tyler, Jr.,i, son of President - •gohrth anit Grant. streets!, attraCtltig the is7,-In referring to the sum.. we Moved talkers) from New Orleane io Prest- . We havejust received the following ''' .i• . • Pyler, Or go, mg leetttres, • --- it nt Joh.on and G e neral Sheridan, aie :.__l__ _ - ___ ______ . _ sorts nit. by mt. Poe. ik l ac C "Ei .40 '''' attention of Ponies uving in the neighbor - ' ...treated to ignore the Mil . id the e.e of • O'Nel 11, of the Insestch. growing oid of the -The 'Minnesota I)titnoeratij Cenven- MIDNIGIIT FOUR O'CLOCK, A. m. - - , loom/ on our /berth 'Pas. hoo d , who discovered lying .on thc edb . ; sworn returns Of; casla reec)pts for wirer. ' • , p blished, . which the Judge charges tool Pt in one Cana was disposed of of, would ! lion will Meet fa St. rata, on Jule Pith. -- anon s ow b.... oi Ww : ' ••wW'''' "'t'"' F -- -• 1 -' the others Im. Ail parties' wlll now be Id __ : arty the whole series of glen. sucriasn's , - -•7. - -IL . _ :.,_1 .e.to obtain Justice at think Of thejeading newspdpers of Pitts. t - i, e r • '--"- Mote Medical St •• - so ' wrl y Easorsio o -I tly helpless • forded an equal chant , yOlv. woman, nan apparen against Doniel O'Neill -0W its - the indict ) : -A num r ri, hogs have died from to are unconstitutional an subverelve 01 FROM WASHINGTON. , • mamoot ito:4o,at. , the hands of a fury, . , condition anti Buttering grontiP. nue • re. , , burgh, for the tiro months endg MarCh : tutting iliseasbd potatoes, at Monticello, IMPORT INT FROM EUROPE t sts liberty of Um people. - , Yesterday afternoon, In answer to a very ee „e : , liiroS67, on which day the la s s repeal.l N• ‘l , - ,. . il. . / • I -Tbe New York Herefr. lUD Janette. . ...A --- --- l a Immediate attention. and a. sett. I kind Invlt anon, pretthretl IT Dr. . 10 .! -X. !' . - . Mg the tax went into effnen , -There were three suii•isles and one • - 1 I Outh &merle. eorreependenee of May ' •gY Tele...got. Pittthurah Gaxelle.l ainyor'a ornee. Drs. Eturnock and Staten , a d Canna st, known as Yerro-Phoophora , attempt sit Billehle ill NOW Ofiettli, lest 7 is, says the cholera w. raging In the lira- • lived. Superintendent Physician. of the nii.ASIIINErton, ,Imm It, 1.7. • Western Pennsylvetita Inosine Hospital st , were e „, m o to ,,e , on e „ or , e . et th ee tt e o ti Y , T te ~ 0 LPTTE. t $12;4511 iy, wool ,. . MORE FENIANS - 001VICTED Lod Illigir of Lalisay. no :rota res rt. , Chronicle. - 1 having been procured, Wes conveyed to the ', 1icti0.,,,E1ex501,,,R,,,0n04,7,00,41r00n, le,r-ohnospaheol.l,,l,ltarcolr„, dames Brest, It. I well iirrhsled - - : seven hundred man died In four dose, and In the AMMO Case ..., . 1 edge Wylie 'to the stole Medical Society, which has . leg were broken and Use ankle Pant aisle' ' wo4 "r e or the nerve..., and the Callseyn • - I M • P at a , '• • • /2 i (Ell .79 I inTll 'fll • riler of live men in - , "'OM. t . , 't ... : . 7.1311.1 1 . 71 1 NlissoTiri. "r 'mu Police Attacked in BUM- , Wet two thousand tr... had been die.. on I. ttench, Judge Falter lads. e 1 . ,. the • pint enced Its session In our city, toot c• . te ere..., the wore .. wee eeeee k e d to the KlN:en a miter., healthful tone to th e diges. „, ColalMeretti, . . . .. • . . 1,1 , 72 , G c ! i - 111. , r i n i e li o d 1,0 preyent the P.Ple from ...icy. , names of the talcalnen ordered yestertley ,_ with a large proportion or the metope. of residence ' of her stster, in the 51.1TCCIC "V'Orf.ll7tolllll.BlB 8.10•TIT1U0 01 one on,e mg the hospitals at Corrientes. Thin MUM - -The New York Es-et:ling 11,8, styles . - . ; wervialed. Thirt...efsln offered no ex- , the Aitenhen° cousay Society, proceeded . avard. She lInVo 110 r name n. MniT Grego: of c alway.aea one te.poresna . grain Of yreihel'A Freund (Gerinan •• ry Anti her explanation of the en ) • ,SID ci 'the pin, most In vogue in that. ctrl' "the . • Volk • .hlatt ((lemon), : . . '1,700 00 ' Ilyt:ry Tit ableilcutia. - ATTEMPT TO RESCUE PRISONERS, ~„ „ , gen., h ow ever, le doubted, and believed to i ..a. Melte a nor.. were excisied and • shock-Jobbing canard. It w. further' ..ceml nen ter nen.' or Judge. Fisher. time.. to Pinworm ll.pital on a vlsii, of tonne.. • . umane. under which -' Ow se. . • 'inane was to Use effect that. tat° woo_. rot eeio ~ oi, drags r. , SufidaY Leader (Weekly) . 1,200 - 71 I - - oh for n ❑little nir!" Midnitl a young . _L. ; reported that in Buenos Ayres the tareetil .No new t bry.d . were eels.. and the The party took ins 1223 e t a. trate, on the •on her way house from alga In the. Little ; / • _ • • ' Patsburgh, Fort atty. and Chicago hail- . het hel church; maim pad the build.; iron andcl.„'l,,toosotorAs,:o Itan c tif o. ac , z4 1. 4, 12 ,,, r et y l o b r f ,4 ..! Intl, ° Name it 'en. me, said lie. i were mlul with funerals, and the people I Court attPeirlind till to-morrow. g I ents had been mentloned her ankle, ileililed from rheum. Run.. y[-Tbere [sae qui. an netting Total. .. . . - ..e.54,01S 2 1 :. pa - anon: in sat beside htr. ' Mob Successfully Resisted.. dying on the piers, about door ateps, Accenting. lawmi d 001:Pm.. of •I mho' w „,, ' , ' ,,Yf ft w lV i w rl l , ' ,: e . l io, '' ' ,- ' ,", r d ' , " . " ‘ ' , ' , ors. atisiossm , tism, ff,fllo woy,lind ehe fell; thus eitoolog rune.. sn the Allegheby Diateand Yen - By ihe abdve it will be perceived thut - lteninnan V. Flitiniers, the yowly • and ever - a se • nth" ' "'"'w " 1"1 1. 11." "'"'" " k w ' . '''''' -Cr • • a 1 i hrt tune arrive , ' itt ' the WWI. she received. She Is an . ..Cs ' terday, in which ...el m.o. were - • • • ' 1 "s. l''"" er''''''' wore r''''' ; 1" w """" ' "wm""•""". '"" tr. ' ' '"Wkw• ' • tr '' .I '4 In ' ' '''' s n- l ' e s t o they wsr tlit b • ' roon." Coil quite handsome. Her stary le ; wr.ked anti Use hors. attached to them leg sway, and evert Itule hem.. the 1:1-1 until flelsf.csi, net. lt ha tanning Mterven - . ,:,.' it7, ‘ l, i '‘l :, " ers '' : ' who cseort:st " th ' ela up nototeditiel.......• 1 .: th e G ezT ., t . t h owe ee id eneo of ethatt .- : - . . eftpsinted 1 Inventor of I .duisionst, k' a 1 ; native of lirisha, N, 11. CHRISTIANS IN CANDIA REINFORCID. ' wo learn, she.; badly demornliked. A [wo horn team be tinier was etowded with relngeen. ' '''" nr ' h.' '''''' "'MI. . ".. to ' . u ' i,cll - 11 "' which gourds the ap. ' Was peen entering the building et a Into' longing to a 31r. Bernthal., %hated the tied peosperity, ranking, fine oil the list. i . il,„o im i T . th othe th c i . the . 0 .,,,,,,,,,, , The figures, Lowever, speak for Riel:d7 • • from South vCrirtainit leirore the W., • . ase, and the prospect is not pronasielf that P ~ . . • , -From Sers Luta Potosi:lieu., Jane o ("1 'Y ''''''''''''''''''''''''" ""'" ' ":' ' tine ' I h ' t D o tree ' ilYtatig. , hoar Thursday event...and it is thought hall, and sater Leakier one or two lively • . NI, It Is reported that on the felhowlng day I. 4 fay ill les procured itemerrow. If not , a ' , teems In the neighborhood in motion. No ! - • were most nos etaertitined 1:y.31m. from the etsspi. liar n [Mtn • d the 101 l of the party that In leunng, per Maritally, sibe tell .1. around the Li amend, had all Um 1 selves: .A.dopting the laitguage of 0c00 ..1 dirt recently In Newlicrn. . Financial and Cummercial. , alaximaten, 11 °pa and Castillo might pedal- , the proceadln. Ilk. fait' It k• 1 . 110. 2 , 1. 3 i•,,,qj wi,,,, en. eeme cheuges In their • • , Person =Jared. . , -px ti,vec•uor cox of till. - 1.. re- - temporary, used in Ifiustratlng its pros.' " •• • ' ' '. • ' _ . bly be sentenced In bo shot.. hiaxltn Clan ! r,,,Y"trl'ow,l,,Wowol',".,",',,WllLrtWs:,,'Wltg„•,l',7,,';'="; /ilidi l 's lob , PtCain in.., 1 modetl Inn[ of „i Itl th„ ; goblefge by a Min lieventy Years el • port.. Ls. °pp.. . neg. stills-age. 1 , oilertiti to abdicate aria.. Ills lufluence to , will begin on Monday, Mid the Cant, Wilt ' .......h.g. gods/ ,. th e w et : ' sire. To Wholeuele Boyers of Dry Goode perity, a few tionths sinee,. hut Which 31 r. Cai hi u Republaan. tey Teteirraptt to the Pittsburgh Uarette.l , cause the Inaseedlate surrender of Um Clty ! / 1 . 0 k • ....1.11c.%""1 snow , heed and Me able and gentlemanly usslete • ant: Lir. dray Greyson. . is. now, fifth in the ahore returrn, i -over 100,600 tsotton spindles in ; IRELAND. of Mexico laid Vera Cruz. . returu be 1 rintn. LA, no. i The v tenor , from sac Owl, all a whom_ yes,. a ago , who resided In East Itharatsh - 4 Imo e of sbeettno, blurting.. Prints., Tlc.k -. _I, An old matt named Wooster, near sevent We Say that '' WC don't like .to bid t Prcykle'lcc, It, l•'• and that vicinity i [mak skins. cowvioven, ' • etsked th e lives and safe conduct out of the ; The Conant.ioner ot the General 'Land were !instiller with in,,,,cationo o f b ombuor I ham,. Jumped in .the MonOnsfals els riser, ; Inc , Cheek., ac.. ell of winch we will y . 1 LS:L.,lo.7eir.Liau.rgg.atnAti.no.J.l6.lol:, Do urn.. I !my° cent.. opt:rations within ten days I country tor himself. his German roncers itnd 1 °Mee elet Meter mist, were earth*, an we bave fro- , r ands - own on lasholf ." good - bye to our friends, but must move . i ,,,, , ,. . IDr !.m. Jane 11.-The ' Loaf or the Pent. ! on at all haiards, let who may stay la. I • The proposals were rejected. The gum.. , -ReportS front MI pat. M Wbusinsin I Wlllllk and . k....c ° I hi. . 1 . 9 . 11 I . ll a. ' - • • troops, and Gencrule Retie end costa. , a the h t7e7o r'"' n ' tVtTn ' a • lientosni • ColussenY, 1 yeti, . ~ , . ~ , if, . . s y3 Rork. street, below Third & Fourth et& • . 1,11411 , 1 rt 110..Pdt1.1•1.1.tigl,t.),,fitTirAnb,plon,...1r,,n,"r • j , :st. [La u ° w w. Da [LN . o . . 1,,,dh0 Ty o m , o t z. 1 eel! at tile very . li:swell . wea11e,,r,:t..c.e.2.11 tile.. u der th e reedy It. act of L0n..., a July , t hinner Stetson In he et cry nepartnleu, •, dye ,. fur Mt we store able to obtain I hind. " ' eth eieeothio tit th the ~,p vr „,„.,,,, . which has been . progress before tbe,spe- 1 1 •., , , ... oe , ~„,, , , , ~,, , ~ w , b ethooeo I ld nklly scour . a elther flat never . Maxissalleo and Mal were Pieced In . en. , i t% ; , , , ,,, .... 0 ,,, , , , .. ,, , ,,, .. ;, , i , ;:. ,w, ..! ,,, 7 , ~, ,, , e - ~, 4 th.,, thee' entered these secnstl rel.., or ad. Una • Shoo, as foliose : On Thursday morn• , Colg Pionrklitto Weds. Water at 3. T. --:---........--- i except ns to winter w - heat in Pittld du ; Mal commission, in see Mon at 'Limerick. TrIE Constitutlifical Convenfion of i ar '''"nrY. h. resni.d to . y in see ' Y ' • the acconed. ; ere. coo,. _[once ewd bete ~,,,..00d open ! otnumencitat ot a leant on the he Ma. n„,", willing, ney,..uous bonds, were earnestly mg sneerer end las lat. quarreled. ahea ; Sang:lWe Drug sture, Nu. as Federal stref, IT. . Ito Preside. of the. cat rt.mar Ina, he left the nonc e, eaYlng he would drown , Apegbeny. A white oate n 1111 l ned Illonnt, rind - . ka•shciaskrT......An-Vnt. aolletn.• . 1.1,•,•10 withal Might Illpf11,111•111. arty pewter. himself. Ills wife followed him, .d en- New York is still in. senifin. - Yesterday 'th e. ": - Luce i• • • •• 1 tS • neon... etw arm 11 ..1- that . north of Goa... amt sliagenetly tan- .. th e 'tier hto °leans. the first blismisli ' os. ~,,,, ..) aroaa.ae_a,raye . , so eesoca , Mae /sole d the laristitctlen of the 7 , 7,1' 1 ,1, ‘ l , l :` • ,i'e • "l": l 3 ",,, l , e 'r e 'r n a.T e k. et • t '''l, , • The nerty were linh 11,111 1 1 i by Dr, and deovered to etop blush when he kneeled Ho. oog cogs.-At the exterset. net' • court, an the grounds of International law', 1 I To o ~,,,,,0 , ,,,,,,,.... ~,,„...,,,i,,,,,,,,,t /-„, ~ • WC weal: and sx'atery "Universal Peace vtintinh, • charged wah robitam; an • ' nixes lien . Mrs. Ws it out to luncli. which was lent In our down with his fist and kept on tetr.tl • obd cep house of Wm. Flatainit , NO. 13 * , a a goy nme,n ,he eel, recognised hy ' nat., seventy-tour 11111011. in fevor of t'lt's; pee,. the , spitemos hail. of Um !wilding. the Fixer. lils wife got up and conowed , wt.' street, at lower prices we. at a ay Weans Exp.. totfe in Florida, T. supposed Pentane, who landed and I 1 111 •er I s Society" presented a memorial prayiu I ' . eau 'nal. reservation Issued nai was num ft a till 111ri 110 U 11 re. p. , cle• ; after him to the river bane, Jost : below the , other house , in the clty. Persons withf,lng ; -At the titaLalavery Convention in I were captured a short •dune ago al Dung.- even , rawer In the world Cie.!. the l'itlted I : ; r r wg: i , „ . 10 ,.,..„..,,; . T ..„.,„ 1 . , I . tI bracing cold meats atm Idher delleactel,lce .dasn, where the water Is very deep, and la- s enything In the list or Cams line, will nu for arstendments to UM COnahtution re- 1 it,, b 6,,, , I,„t w„t 0 „,,,,..500th00 [t.,•i5,,,, States, st. eau Only he trieti by a legal con- : 0 f ' ';,,,,,,,,,,,, b . ~,,,, To, : „th0e,,,,,, tract crude, strice.rrles. etc.. • . tared Just In time . eau him plunge Into ' 0,,,, :anything nettng at WM. Flemi u g'. liat , end • nn. were ••eubsetieetltly token to Waterford moving th e causes and tibollshing; the . •ia, ••rh , re aim no mere dstosivr in and ocnll[lexl In Imillbere. Title week they greens of the mans.. w net the moult will j covered by 1. sese .tt .ts s is it .1111 ..01 . 1 i, ~ , • , tII . • After the repast, Ur. siewart;ef Col.. ' the water. She nun:Whitely rale. On , land, 0..1 led t o thechusr, end a meeting • alarm . and vied for help, bet It was too sit ing elsewhere. Cap Douse, No. LT) IN - 1.1 tartan, before puts provimon for war. This important I ' speaking In the south then i n ally part • have neon undergoing a preliminary Ihe no one venter m to predict. i ocres In the ehae 0 heose s , ToPelfa lan e . orgatazol. wi th Di. Golinher,• of this city. tete,. the old man had dinsppeared before Lw' - Coal.. , ----.----- the North -1 tO, ini Want. arrie - pLat iltdirtoreyes. e . mo'l't when Lie Atiernory utovett : anntatanCe arrived, and hi e body has nay.. 1 '/I Inl It Comae'''. Cog Liver OIL ' ( le was referred to Committee, which i w. ' ' examination. The teStimOny Riven • • [ - MATED Vali. n A C.,--Titt 1111.11AnS. t ha} a entaint live be appointed to proper° -been recovered. • ska . . . -It is said that 1111 old Indy, 'smile 'so far thews that four or the . bee .... we e I tore. afternoon, and was to Isere Ea night I Tie Pest ofn , e' IMPertment to - daY re. resedellons'eSpresstVt, Of [he. Sen. , of the • 3Ve minded to a cameo( attempt. d i rOwn- I Thu I • Lae. end t i . lact7L::: L ir vg,o l lL2 ar,tton may now be „ regarded man effect- . tkemysed, GS left a large Writ.° to 3lr. , . °gimps In the United Mahn army dirt , I Ter New York or IN ash Ington, dependant on I ~,,,, Leo' following: ', guts. upon theententanment.prevldml for , ...yesterday morning, which, fromi he Ice ; t.. ...I d " . sa '"m li the seavehore. It hi vat killing_ot tiles übjecL The policy a I I list, - Bergin, President or the New tog the late rebellion. It h. already been a telegism from the latter • cl ty. Ile is ex- I.' thent, end toe. ;pinion mincerning the call. nod r.idenee alb° parties, is prob. ; healthY, ccfc. mr 0.,,„„, ~„„• ~,,,„„ • l'ork . Soeitdy ter the Prevelaion of Cru. oo ,„.„,, tbe , , w „,,,, w , ‘ wee ow of th led . We. Point toolay t1c• ' ••• ‘` ..l !' - ''• F• . ' l° k C . -. ) conduct of the 41111th °tine. aloly the flame us the 1ib..., nO. WMI94IIIEI - I • Kr,!..imat " al La. o 11. • manufactured . a prohibitory law' Ins discussed and a: 1 • t•' 1 • 1----- -‘"..---. - -° - .: 1 ' " -- - -' '''' Wag eDrporrtr. - ‘a North von, ~ , •, lonso•ing g..nuernen . trec n then al" log th e .Cl2l are a little different. -f-• 0 AIY to,..tlistia s. Pour companies of the sixth infantry . , by Chews., Race & Co.. New York. r resolmion on ' s ' - the ..ultmet disposed . chief' attn.. um.. them, rim be. - Nchnittm, intik'. ..7. I ' p.a. 1111 the Cotentin , . Dr. A. Neblneer, : 'Sold by all druggists. Ow• ; • -Tht; Michlmtn l'onstitutlontil (3 - to- !oo - from Cbarl.toan, South Carolina, 01 reef, '..on• b.cite 11 '. 314. - laa , d.' , rand Assaf , . of niciedetph his 1..1. K.,. patenurgh, nolay handled by •rueb. I.tenlay. while i IV lie Mr.% Pro I al Auction. ! . ort.by laying it upon the table. ! vontien has receivcsl petitions ' , eigited le. ' • the , for Pert Smith pa.. througa Ideumthlo • ". 1". ' " " .1": W".'"k'''. end Dr. W. ILlAteismott, of Philadelphia. l l. 7' , prisoners were being codo.. from , , pose stes-I thta tier. la rt ° l ll.. . " 1 ' Th ese.. st sheet thee, presented the fol- ' To.ay,Saturdity,lteaSrei Smithson, Pall. • Trinity Church Yr. Pierelee.-The ' • • ; sot. persons, asklng for a license system, ; no hltnerto SI4 The protection of the halo of spintuous the eourt-hortse to the lea. In charge of a ; YeetcribeT. 1 Wells. Fargo it Co., ferward you one box of .. tug, preatnble end reeoltaton, which ,er & Co. will:eon at auctl., st. twO o'clock , liner for balding tide servl , onil petitions from 1900 asklug for a cow • . a Republican um. mei tin woo J maniacs:l lettula end limn lems Yon will . q to-mor.t. and tor the drink fit Now ' York could not bc abeam^ ; linuance of prolifhltion. ! k`rk.g. pOl 00 ' C.c.. : k row/ °I t 11111" ' lYlw. I --4. ' • ''''' ' li' 1 iineat e a /Vim, of the term , .aresuture-.. ' -" un''''''''''Y """fr''' • I . ofte n n the very d.irable lot of • !," '• w " w "d to - r at In or , I heittat Norfolk lest night. A.Mre.GS were : t c -- , ' , plished any more than could the ochan • - • ".low obildren," said a sehent in- 1 P'Q"l"g a n cant eti fro. 'al . , t fed oars the lambi nren..ment dn. , ...Mel a the woo,. neee.[lvossis I I espitm forth° groped onset.. the corner of Wylie and ' der to elect this errangemo ut • 'h . 1-7.. c . , r pans Of the city and matte a acme att.° i mute by amoral pronalriera sPeekers• I assngr, wlef were murdered h' the In - te e ner t i Illatunt. awl having elatulniel . ii . • fi eervlce et 7 1 ; cdcllkal be dlect.M. be dammed. . • • • st ...or. "Who levee all men .. A littic • - The InternetinnalCtalsuon Coeveation , dins alai. a lilt tts. ecach f rd. Ineattc . thn, onti the, eesel Mon thronghout. and 1.12 streets, in the Third ward, on *lnch s 4.,ee0, 1 4 eeth teethe ,. ettheo. • ' • ; sirs rl nat. hew years old, and .Moony not !on the guard, wall the Intentioh - or effect- •I lt t i . non, Passengers end meal sire ar t t . I tee. the building formerly 01.1.10,1 by , • meets . Montreal On Wedneedsy evening •• • 44 othte • mt., from such extort inetion, Proloon. 1 •Y \ 4 • . ____t_-.0.-------- - •, _ • . , : peon. in the C1111. 1 1•111188,11nswemal quick- ,Mg rescue. . A Edna ensued, during , here to a lurge extent. To- treso. with the te ,h de •ree of elllcient . he' Past Getman Et. elle. Lutheran , lane le ' ' ; '''''''" u ''''''' '" "°'-' Inc"'"1"""Y ."" three • ''''' '• ''• • ' g . Weed Loot alltels Sewing' 11110 -AN ANNOUNCEMET of • no little Un- i 1, , emi „.,,,,, en . , which some thirty orate ponce escort wen : i We"' management Itivin‘ed 111 Um conduct; 01 ceogrogatiom The materials. the .1.1.1- ; 0, best m.elnain the Mated SM.. If -J. uroolie ti:hump , and cheese Incr. : eoacites, 'Alt li toss,ziaer• end tuatl.• se^em . .lls Is losinution. and r,,egnir.ing 1/10 Vast In,. wilt 5.140 b e sold at the same Lind This • not to, rto y machine tonne, yosi is penance •Is matle • to.day by telegraph ' - , Whitt. Is the /piano'' 'Mixt a • .. I.k.d. Uke of tik3 attacking P. 0.5 w. hant at Bel in re t tted such. t ' 1...1•••1 l a .... 1.1 ''' ''` lc c"'14.0°1•• Which • import.. , g baderh , g - it end kindred Itt - let I. Ink C.f.i. location, and is cerhanlY ' i o7ri it • td ha W y n ti your money, end it Is from Beiton. Petroleum oil has been w:ach avid it fislder led, brim r' " brio -' ; ktilcd. and isix are In.. . hove boor, e , tt o . at , emi i les , ~,, ewt,oet wth be „,,,,,,,,,, te n g a; t het.' eta elitn, a a leol it our linty and pleasure ' one of the moot veluable in the c Ity...,_bore , lb 't e Cheapest by tweuty per cent. IL !I. i - lill. It Ith " ..I.lnttu l e tle tiekin 01, , aeon by the fire of the guard. Melva- ; °l,'" ,• Way through!. to eons:mond It and them to the knot con- .111 postman be a Ler.° number of Mr.. , Lou ma No. 112 Linda arrest . (Agent s g • a. 4, t., found un. admirable substitute for coal in '• • •' , • . V • -The 'Steamed Crated e /insular, from I am,. very 0,1..0 tall yo.s! shlesatton end fostering c ire. the aetsßla .en hand And Willett will be ' lively' The . wunted)• • t,tlbe desesteh is on tie inside, and d, m•kin a.. ter tug a a ate. defeo.......ded to • , i . Ur , . M. 0., Ageot• and the Legislature; and now. InAtinuch tus perticulare of the .10.11 be feu. din tbe . steam narigation. This will open ti new Ide lied is on de outside. lasso's' sari st New York yesterday ; . Safely deposittog their. prisoners In the • .-- --- ' . • ism ss ATIT.II " I MST V 1•11 IC Me ho-Niel bar 01,111 13111./0 unction advertlaeMente. On the wail day No Coolpelllloa.-Tho famous COtit.l. I -The Union Hotel et Saratoga Springs , demand for the production ef mitther i -At the Reptiblican 'meting In Tree. - ! eltY prism, when the mob iiiiipereed. 1, . 0i...te1. by the Stlnd nu. Wel generour Mee the vacant I. attested on the south dii of nental Dleing 11.00 ins, next deter 1.0 the Post will ba opened tc,- n Cl . T .,1,,,,,, .1 100 , I • letter trout J. (.. Conger. agent te leo vitality 01 the trinevegurs, the Phy +Minn Ir. Wylie street nearly oupoette the orch °lnce. On Pd. etre.. are I mim. .13 - , mill:if and when universally adopted i• ten, N. 3,, last wo:ok, Itr. Ware. a Phil- I -0- i ' , ".""” Ik'.'•• dated '' •"1. '''‘)'' I u• lls .IeIsILII 11 al ts old •.4 ' r' •et Mph. itegro. pithily wads "Radiesd- : • -The .reamer Colttmbia, from ....111.stiow, •. -There In a great •dewl of :rent., horst with ' e,,hy.”. pr. ' l '''. I"" '-`"'"'" r'' '. ' ' ' '''''. '' ' . •• . ' insortl COMpet Mon, lenti 113(1[1.11W of meals Willi in a Pleasure, prevent the accumu• • • ism is this; ' if von .don . t air , Id wic ‘ t 1 CRETE. ' s tint; ern, therefore he it • arrived . New York yesterday. !! • the httller. raft Ii 11, aPP: • •tte inc r" , w . ", ' q.! ' ti li i robe.. • , ' fur... u pe nd prices charged. Give 801 l ; vottaxiiitte rot Tea CelllSMalta. . .. •I use , we! eh .el.tei )esterday. one , teen • 1 • - • .•01 • Th a t k r I ° . . 1. a. ' a Rogers vis. Ries, . helmer a cell wh.en htlegrY• fatten of petroleum and consequent de- lit neks, it will Pikemore." 1 : sus .10 1 1 end nariy-ei.ves heroes taken la ''Y ww W W".I ., '''' 'SY , ' " o , , r • ,„1,,,,, tt, • , i --...--,----- • I LONDON June 11-Evens. -Dispatches Mc r tic passe. tht e e several 011711 ago Thomas It. lloge"rs. pre- , . . o ono .preseien of the f market It will require -Tetnaldaride of Cerlmn Is the new I . ' 1 - • ' WASHINGTON, PA. ,•, he tr ,,, ,0. , trellinr. ...111 We a late :nth at •- ' Cllll4lllll y separated Into grouns end ai.pos- tutor , . Warated-A. twos inimstnous man , . „ ; ,...th.. • , I, ~ T , T .,,...,,,1.d 1, th o , from AttliMS repOrt nast.many volunteers • --,-- • Illy 11,1•11) tire, osi ginal. We have um std. , . t ~ w . ,, , e. tbe e ,. p pr of the Fort Stitater I.lollse, Porten, ..,no i• not afrazd of WOOL.) to troves . about ore ' hundred barrels to -fuel a ;London .1. , .wr I _ .-_.:_ •/t tio.tosel ,E E Mina+ out the on before egent fot a good relntele rimy . this city. et, te property a im.lm... loft Greece to reinforce : I. ranks of the 1 __ .4 4,‘• ~,,,,... , i.., ~_,. warn mg w ninth, announced the hour of de. Vania aVentle, Made on Wort:nett . , ; nail, ,Men o lilted and who nun commend steamer for a•trip across the Atlantic. ' umna..,l 3 ..iii.yluir pain m told le null. , ciliation pnunots In Condit, and large rob • .1.,`X,4,.... 40wt .,,,,th t0 0 k..., a obis '''' I - nurture. . A Iderninn•cohns, charging Ilene. - 111. with one well sequn ,,,, ~ o cc• , The ram ”stenewalt. •• remmtly perch's..' trade. pr e ferred. Addrene us nyes trilich, at - u reasonable market price, ! II 'fi' v ' ' ''' ll . l" 0. ' 1 4 to midn'i o, Y. ; : , tinies t cannel ft ave been Ca enlist:led Oil the ' was -Illecttog of Ms .1111s1I 11l rled A... Ib e „„ ~,,b „ o ro. th J ot , , ~,, b e e, • • fol. pretente. The .cused: I opp.ns, h. ...sums Orme.. Good refer... Ind awl ' --In Chicago, on Sony sty, a gig fi ve 1 Island. j socintlon, tke. Ike. , no w , ,„,,,•,„k0,„,, ~,,,,,,. „ 00be .,,,,,„,,,,,,.. , • Mew: nog Moroi or , l'ort I.oonord." been binail in I/ at the ° Port Sumter," and Isitti : ery expected. . Will ;prove much cheaper than rue Soil ' --a , vears old was o vlolatt•1 by wan un - : I canto-n.l•nc . at cl•s ctfisnstin osmnT i and it c...timets.l she seta lee. taunt they ,"Fort Leostard." situated In littefe's Court, torte: , eetew i te t e e t ome ., ~,, e,„,, , b pot .. . Dail licadqrs.ters will no* used. • • " known ISM:snit. A yelling nsen °a ' ea- ! DENIIAIIti. AN 0 PGLIISIA, near iteritwroblde. WWI I•4lSitlge.l.on Clur.- moot thelefor. The 5t01.09 were sent to Now, Co...Mr ke. . t .s °omit their detersAs ey ortieriog. their . -- • :maned yesterday on suspicion a Ming 8111. P1`111..C1111•1 1 1 SZOOTIATIONT cost [rm. I A somewbst notable et ent oh...ea hte - t• , sera... of. n' der day etght, and oat, . eatupoign of Cast fe, but were returned,' proteated, an.- , c _ ~.__ _ T „,„ p e, „„„ U.. , ue „,... in •. titiol circumstance Ur. IlOgeeShOnsider. : Cattlemen. non!, t awe InE MOSES MARKET atis mill. and • the perpetritlo . l . Of the crime, but proven ' Leanne, June 14.-14 is reported re. the • yesterday. Alamt etre nags were . tbnown I 3 1 r. A. Me 5. 1 ..... to.- I .Pasented to the severe. motes wit. tinnily carriett by a des- , I .Tt “ .lllat Ile amt been U. Inesed, and tootltu- , lon 0 - P. 1 • 0 . ; Pr....., M.,eleAe.t.len of It, A.,- -------ww•------ ' 1 111,1litlOeeriee. negotiations for a .long now ntwellog hot tO the bro.: . all bPer tak n. - bortly ant, ' ~,,,,,,,,,,, doss, the it,,,,, of .Bf. p r lf of- rate 111 ° ,111 CY 8111 ~P , 1,P 1 -11 110, 1.1,1 I.IIC. sent again. Roe. The ace.. bed easy yesterday In New York at five and , . While Churl. , Mix. of Parre, Mims., . {smell the . Catenate of Copenhagen and Iler. ian extra : train moved at the depot, bring- I bur-. i ' , liendell by • otTleer ,W Poen, le rm. • ti f .f., 1.10111, 10 New C.tle, and yesterauy officer . Maple, Ash. 80. and Pine {Yawl Bats. .kix. per OCht. iICIT it IS 110/ a difflCUit , ~• • 1. t ' • '' , • 1T• • , . e, - s . ,f „, . wooer, armed with a w.rant from the 11.1. prices varying from Me to t Plt . . Was re tION ill:: pehtthee Ire. on unt er ../ lion with 'led to smuts, ig, hewn , sng General Great and (tautly, They cum, • skecct `s 2. we 'l' • - Alderman„vlslted that Plato , arrested I.l.MTled Base Dail 11.rtIqUarters, U. 2. • • 3 Matter to Obtain discounts on good paper ien uppet?bin: in his e.alar, lam. NV,k, ; ~,,e , „ „ „eee , h;le „, , the , Ike re , , ,, 1 , he , yet ; h: , ~,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,,,,,,,, ,A o doesohit.. • TIIIII.IISITCIIIII, II Fict4l es tbe Treasur to• t or 01.. he ' d ...Was. et !tin bons of Wee and brought lam . thin city, when p. .tnF ! of Wm. McKeon. 1, 1 1 111 e Mr. Sue., ot 1 kkr...nt we.. ''''''''''''' ''''''YY by awr y hull. N.. I.connnl,• colonel. and nidised the ite had a Itear,log; and 'ca. " Id Ik kc. kuk* ,treat dollars from W. Lenis. A tight • .I.lddkilar.lor T. appearance at t..° pr.- ' ._ - , at antes varying from seven to nine Per l i i n t ' •. ' s ' s l . ' sru .' l r st r' llTitisl w.. •r. pr n' l e - 'I- made public. - , swots him, and . this place. Tre place. he cerem ' o'ny sr. performed cent. Tiede has brightened tan consid - . b re ntin,„ hi, nark, • rINANCIAL elll. COMM racist- • u ' I ' 1 ""`"'" . "" th ` h°"" , "'''''' , `"'""' cralq diming the past few days, owing I Boma te.Etseitven, of tileinee.ster, and ' - , ' - i p, , ,,,,e,, [ pony '" Mt. In,neral gaol bly farntiy, toot m..,., eland . _ ! ,,-,,,_ 0 ,., 7 , vp,. ... 1 4. 7. Eirmnq„..:0 1 in015,:: . , , their departure by way of the Iteinonern to tiny ) lfnet that -our iron mills are OllO Tay I.r. of Collamsef. • : .... • , 171, s ....X. M . 1 t -t tre l . a.: Er . te• ... . road. tinny of oar citizens avistied Ulna, in sucCes3flil operatin, and am receive - eharged v. tilt sentinel Wife to Dal i , leo mutton in the ban ot begat. has in- 1 salve., ot the opportunity M *baking the V" . serene noise. 'MX , . stobe an eis- ' ,crease d 3313041 monde . liana of the tamerel , and deism tom a-- ing daily heavy drafts from the Western , idetuh. of the em -. cwt immorality in ! Live:moot. June It.-/ reesno.-Cotten . serene. that they hoar , the man w Ito lea : !Doer: eel. 16 . W. dal. eintalleg unleelle . the erne.' army of the lispossine to a ithe eltibs, which are in a great measure N ' in Em - f.II"" I -1..' n ew . , utll%, Cbleata, Ilisc: .1. for the week °lam and oust Menai over tie slavonool thrown Into the hands of workingmen t -This potato bog is destroying Ilse , ending l e t o non-., •inetudlng er. rommen. . finitving potato eron in edote p a r, rt f .MO Male* to tinceltlntoTl ana eyam........ .... semosexeyeeme of . te a ere:. too tan s for dishurseraciM among mtaH de - all:mt. ; 1 e n,ei, ,i,,,i 4. it,„ . .g • pi c ,,,,.. ra „.,,„ ~.i. i t Itremletnn.y- en[ sigeleassoed. and quotal at ` 'bath helmet of the 1. Ina Preani . terlan . 74 -, - - .- • .....61.7 7 e ad for California. Wheat 3d bleher,• (-Lurch, Dr. /Irownecia . a, hebl Ite fiftrafirat 1 linont Th.. pasts ferrna ie. , ' aWarlit 1 ealessa 13.4 ed. Batley advanced I peony: : enntvoreary. The weather seas lovely, the ihM71.1.311.6 have no compassion or pity,' over the potato fields Ilko bosom, and 1 , . Wee at iln 911. Osta I penny blotter: I church nicely deconsted. and the children They cla t tered anti 'robbed of nearly all, I•itwettilY d es t roy the plant.. ; ..1:4 1. eit. r 7.4 7.1. Peas declined Gas pales at ' gay arid happY• a large Itll.ltence .r... , pre.. cachous-beef deellnal les Wee , eat and hardy delighted. The solar. , of ith P uss= saluns She thsrulhhg house °r ri• t „:,, T ,no ° ! b u'o r rit; - :.,7 , „r'sio '' .. ,in "'NL `lll7, . ',.'.-V a ii. r .';', k 4i.'!' ar o .o . "2+ . 2 ° l:3`e ; d."A n .'"t•t t - I:r"Tr' k tTe" ^ : , l= 7 !;:! .l 4 . ;:i 11;.";N:. . D. Clanin, of New Teri:, .on Thursday ...musty, minok, nom hit, entire erop of . troleum, sienna 7d; runnel, ty la. Dos., • ice.. a success TO,, chilmen .. ere moth. night- This merchant prince of the me- . I t ;S ewLerel'"Ml ' ,.,' "" , r". - '''' ' '. 4 nf h'"4• ,‘ . :, ` , ` .V.7.rn'T",:iio;sris'lskria.'ssre'r•"we'inir..""' ': re.r.dt;p°;o“tit'irostr.".7ll7te'VeT:i,',.. '.ln,:,rs?; tropolis rely rettirned an income of , ii,l . ,s ; Loon., June 14- Eamnp.-No. 11 Dutch the ectsool, and to the mitinfactiou ems do s.'"sitL" ..1 3 :1V . re ' . b eit ' ru ' i ' s '' ; ', . ‘ r7;:a r. P r av 1116 . standard Sugar °a. Potatoes J. W. semen light of all Mtn. , twenty-five dollara last year, and could ,:s 4 e4r. -•i - jl•Ig Iron al. I:sic - aim lammed as. hawe d 1 Tee Ministerial aseociation of the W ash, 1 pot 'well afford '.o he made the victim of - --The NI ishican Cilatitutionel Co Cakes a Ina for 15a. 'Linseed 1311 42e per lb. 1 memo distnct convened In the Mlthml.. 1 sperm Oil lass par lb. • , Episcopal Cnurch on Tuesday inornag. and llieVeS Wi1 . ..016t conscience . We pity 1 7111 , 1 amino sattel4 out the provision of the LONDON, Juno 14.-A beetle Ana tdreat closed Its reesion• inns T horettay, aft cream. 'iri ad I'3w...fathom making the , Western I..lonaololated Sharee enamel mood . , Tn. exerclseawere of aft inter...g char him. -- 1 lishts ent ofd sinking fund Pe meet the . Faagaroor,Junel4-Earaleo.-E.S.lmeda ' tater, caseating of sermon...says, discue -----...www--------; . 01.0 ilidebtainem4 mand.itor3 • •, and left ', Vi'l. Mona, crlnclems, ac. :me of toe questions • . Airrwens, Jena II -Petroleum dolt and , discussed was thus •Ought the modetry to • A 4 - 4.5 n. PION finsu 001.1.3 n THIEF was , - tee metier at the diremion of the Legss- ~e it t . ~,,,,,,,,,,,,te i,„ trans'. . ~..., , ,,,,.„,a , ..,,,,,,,,,, i ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„ai.i„. , n nc.• al' 44-- be r .srd from yesterday by those. having 11407". egurchi" Tee allirmative preys:ll.a. an. c h arge or th e ci ni , e l eti ee Fend „ii the -"R y e have simnel...l with poverty , FROM NEW YORK. other question woe. fi v e our testae. bony of learning to aessy soluitaion to long miosmh. Jennie. 1 11111. gOintt ta i students on accotiot of color Tole roe Treasury Departinent, Washington. lie -,- marry a rieh non one Of these day's, for a 0 ni „,,,, , . celvol an emphatic negetlve. bails from • St. Lous. Is it presilmable ' Intik , efesteg.." •- I think It t few i n ,„,b, , (fil Telegraph to the Plustargt , ~ _ , , /At rove. and a half o'closik r. Is. a ehareh ' - wrisild I.° prefentble to small clisinge," I N.. rasa , 1 i4.3- t r . 4 -It• •• sociable was held to which to members of `that no Pittsburgher defrauded the Gov . replicenicume. natl. DT fILItIiI.•ILA. ; the Aesoclatlon ,ere vat invited. It "'taut , ernment during the war, since no con- t • sts,bas lord )wrest a clergyman church was tanet ally and prot.ely decora• The mansion or n0r..., IL tannin, In occasion not eosin to be forgotten, The triliertion has beton made to the fundfrom : • once, et the latent of his table, "Why uronglyn, was pretty nearly cleaned out by , tal with flowery. s:1 Ice-cream end cute. this neighborhood. • -the - goeme, If there %ca. Onnn. WI. ttinnityn not glans yviterdaT .rnilaist eight. there was en attendant tilnlnly. And What. ....-.--..-.......111.11---- .. ' placrel next the parsons: 4- .• Really," roan.. wartua•wg. with thts and kind greeting. and p repaid „ ' mull., and votes of thanks anti ItenTolllllt fig it• but The parties choreal with Bleating Ste 'rep: letter of Gen. Diaz to4linister : 'mid he , "I . mu l M ' ' ' ' "" rem"' • ' . . i f 1, 1 ~ . sae:ma...ad anforn of Pmts.>. ond a Meal ne your question is eo .did that I sltall never , I•ruselautha ors rom tso r oen o Jane, pnwer, the hundreds present retired at al, Lot zero presents the cause of the Lih. • nee n eon,. for the future without think. ' in Germans. w.re befere Lemado. loner eon,. hour. aayleg to tbemstyee eThet wne • • 7 • . • 1 Newton tool . Counsel :statist they hall a web devised, prtMently Cosiductea,:le et•all in Mexico in a rosy light. If he mg of Your l",,I4hIl"; , been loots - net to withdraw the cherge, lightful, anti proilloble eltutravoelatile." slid not overestimate the ittrength of the _den., Can ihturklin lion made ' anstll leaned. They made I ll a n "m 7r• ' isle ' e r a r. t r . a ' ; t a 1... . three sate:nide thiritm the pest week to o e 0 • Army of Operation, Mexico and - Nem ..„,,,,,,i, sni,•ide its chiengs, Twice he' 'mange Latanocaa Tnlnali, ' • .. 1 KITTANNING. Cruz haVe doubtleas ere, this fallen into:: thmiesi in the [leer, and wits escued: John Burns. arrested Davie and William . o "Isltumif, lionnore have been as the Osman. , —o— , the hands; of the victorious army, find , unit note 14 1, " ,,, tt l i r e 't e t f r e ill e tl ' et s . , l ,l,l t nin„. fi„ who rob bed the bonded warehouse in lirece• 1 Organisallion of the Rural Valley and -• the leading Imperialists made prisoners. • wee formerly a Methorlist preacher. 11l " .lerhth'OrfTlrlitsittrvelvera.Mtratt!rntire'ro ' 1 1"3 'MM "e n'rr 0.550 C0".""Y. • Correspondence of the Pliateargis ...eta. leek in business iv the eau. of Itis riao • the stolen property hes been recovered. r ~ • orte•mmeas, June LI, Imo::, Tnit selection of a jury to try the as- , action, , Tones Or AN ATTL , ITTiII .ICAPISITII. . In a Tnelnlt number of your excellent pa. 11 . 1614 in Burrell is attended 'with much dif - : -Fo tir boys frets] Chbnigo, all under : Henry A. Bundy, atm., Henry Elnechner ' rub el onlelde bud night aftervan ml r ace wan taken of the 11,11 trace to ItundY : .per. Zialneen Interests a Pittsburgh. of , oft.:: venni of age,'were :wrested at De -' liculty. So far only three have been II- ! carom ta t kill hit wife by sboiting lected. • .! , served In Mexico,ln the Walker Expalltlot, troit, on a sharge of having committed to. ---m• • IrObbery of si Xt eon hundred dollars In and commanded the 130 New TOM 1 nde-3 of.eateff rat rest communication with Inc - • - --."'..--' - - • grad, from the clothes Of a Californian, : nendent battery In the Virginia and Ten, 1 , great lumber regions at the source, et the IT is annpunced- that the Schleswig ; While in bathing in Devi:aisle" river, , linetioveit:Magntttball d= o d n ti V r t o ts ,: f l i t ! , g reat river. title/I ' IRM has been satisfactOrily . Settled I near Chisymn, last Monday. TWo nand- lento by the admiral de hendling of bye b, :r Is yr i antofeuth °nom unteafion h. long en e tby tat Intlll'Ont as NOII US other of not much Ica gnitude, to by the 'cabinets of Cimenhagma and lier- ' red d e nn fe ' Alm. mlshinn Inett e r , wv f h La b ro t Leg i ..., T . h , e . l r s t f i l e su r o f o r o y . be to h r o e d t rho ... 0 o e, r i oxse i , r 1 re•overese 1 ... . l ' l M at m es:t• M tion of the State. . wait affords . - . lie. • . . pie:mire to state that utilise meathr. ft, .------------- _ , states Ids wife la Ma ruin, else having ' been 1 -In Tem - I - minty, Florldn, a few days ; . 1 . 1 . 0 P. f. 4.14.... hi. ..le.if ..4 • now Wen taken i r — r ,•rallrata through .• • since, Mi. Manley Way killed by a bear. . a "pretty welter girl." and although lie I ' PERSON AL . • • • ith had evident P.F.h ht en d w enuded the I tried t..fr.rr. net, .... I nd '.. ' U. .r . • t t r g g r e m erirge • Vi ' reolTOf i lg. ", :r.l7l '2 % ,", T ,', . . --- • - tothoot, ore opproo,,to.d . to tiol.l. him , proatitute. Ile 0013:Lem:coaled In woeful. •i. .,,,. .3 • -Dr. J. C. Holland will Complete and , With .revolver , when um , . 6. 1 ` .! ° P rm n r 1 , too i lu r iannan rsorit TAZINU AMOS. ' ”NgyttinLargdat%tpl.:lyier, T;;-!,!,;:t publish, early.in the fall, his new poem , elf. host, watelst Itia bend in tIA. mouth The mitred people are arranging for • project welch an aid In 0..4 doveloponstil mass meeting to take memento urging 0r... of all thorn t ha t , and It elforde . pltisi.; liatrina." • ~ ands:rshed tho skull. M hen found, 3r. .: Manley and the beer lily dead able by the Constitutional Convention, the propel- ; earn i3O ~,,i, 1„,,, , ,, ,, it. ...,, 0rg ., i .,,,, ' • -Hiram Powers, che American seuip- aide. . - ety of strikingthe property stunlinentions I under moat favorahio staple.. Wlillask tor, will visit his native land nest au. 1 . ~!* Anold Sentek lady hail an evening . r e m° t hh ahst .Nt e i r en 00 , 45 . t PnIIIIP%Eirt.: President or Om Allenbieni ' ttlMn. Re Itai hVeg. in 'WY some twee - i party. Where a voting men was pressent I Reve(afl Webster, w 11ea.% cum ..n .h 1 P U res e l l aent o r f. 9 tllll ‘ ia.gr ,',' Z.. "," o ' r , .. , lo ' o c . ` r e :4 ty years. ,soh am wee lout to leave for an aproint- lof Otter skins. were fol/1 committed for tel. F. Deckling, late member of the Id•galor • -]llse Betsy Chapin, who died at ' mom In China. Am ho Wan exceedingly , ,t,is,..,..tiyzi.ttuultrivlroi,.b..rvi...Anyt. 1 ~ , ,: : n r e,Le. k i l ef c rotar, 6 , 4 l l .lllAleganat e n r . : taLsn Canandaigua, N - . 1., not long since, bo- i fatrit,i's.',4l`.=,T4 lit!,iseo.n.vl4lnnhteient.:4'l:,..t I arced n was pet sneer re,106 tail. on • Stan. .I 1 crogmunitV l7 PittalefrN, Vreassurer. • *spathes] $l,OOO to the OrpLan Asylum of : i ' i t , et; ok, ' 1 * " , av i ." ' i ., mcd,thit tel goals. , 1 The corporatosa are seen or teteincence, gm s. awe n yr.urae larvae •0/1111 Vnn. , that place. aoterustnatlOn anti' energy, and teens suet. 1 When ve ore fiwn's for, mind ye, they The third trotting match between Dexter 1 fa he ,ii .t i a ,0,0,,, that „,,,,,,,, ..111 -John Williams, son of Rev. Eleazer , cat pulml.e, in Chine.” i and Lady Thorn, 2. mile hosts. In laxness, , proves a decided success. It. Inc onernentlz I was won by Dexter. Tions-4 61 and 1.504. • hot • d sth ru • WiliblillS, the Dauphin or lost Bourbon -4,.The MOH arnOsua. of wig:4k oy reeeiv- , Thu tint heat was the fastest on record , e. - sallic ' h ' wil I b n o t neeM m T t l. " l.o ' I '. VII r trin ' e r l ' a c ti Prince, In Captain Of -a steamboat on I says bond in Cincinnati between Jana- rept Flora,Teteple, 0.30%. 11,511 bo•IN wore nun he ...cured ogre the as., tad we me. Lake Winnebago. . . sir: lei to June let son, 5,344,4(ti gltllltnnt I closely contested. r deretaimY that .surene. are given that • ian unt ghippal baither distriets, z, , ,•11,. 1 - I therm o rporations will materially Id 111 , .....-. --Senator WilsOn, of Massachusetts, , ~., 1 the work. d i alines, on hand June ant, 3,b1e4,121: FROM RICHMOND,. deelines(onaccountof his wife's illness) ~ n .1.4, the government taX On Whie is 1 1 Beanies tlicancalculable advantage to the: the Invitation of a Wealthy friend in ts7,a7C.itio. On the tonne ilnlo Ihere 55er 1 ___.--_. • boe.. of Pittsburgh, Which would Inure . ration of the !Maine of Wash- from this nafi, In tee way of direct rae, iialt, Europe this summer. .• , 20.04. barrels of flour in Cincinnati, or .1: son- ..... for rissrder-laiterent -It would I...without doubt the best route to ,• - • tets Ward" (Charles F. , five barrein of whisskey to One of flour. . Ow be Virginia ?Date Debt. Plinadelpilha soli Now York, not only nor . ' , Browne) sent for a Catholic priest due -The klohlle Trihtlite nays: 4 'We have , toy Telegraige tome Pitteburgh tisseette4 ogre., but also for heavy ,not tron, 1 I . .e r s we are Informal nn portion of that route papers from all ports of the; Iticsimonu, June 14.-Gera. Schofield lias log hie L and received the that 1 Im4h " d m : outa require a smile of more than twee:W. chords and died in its faith. • , South end ditsonver that everywhere, I been ~,,,,,e , l ~, ~e u. ,,,,,a i a g ue, y a ., to h a , eta rapt te, the m yt e; „„ini e n ,„,,,,,,.„„,i,„,,,„,t. I with only a few exeeptioe, the Crops are 1 • . ' ' then of It can be made at a grains of lea nreaent at the loaugmation of the Statue of , ,---The choicest and most valuable pd. , full of protnisc-moreespreially of wheat 4--tc..,i„„.. , than ten lent to Intl MILO. ism .libittrY in ,New York city IS that; Of ; and Corn. There in no very Important 1 .7,.1. Phillips sou 'wrested tosday, charged I JI`..trA b aZTIT:, , ...7L'S ill ro.,Vol":7111. nr. Samuel L. 31. Barlow, melding at I minplairst of the condition of Cotten, nnd i with the umoderof Mary J. Pitta, of taros loonl dtwern the malesck to the Intlllol,ll , the cornered' Twenty-third street and 1 that is something of value, for within ' of • h" r rlt;TlrsliOrTl4l"so"e" monthst"Y.r:ga!Mgird I r the Pennsyl Centred Roma. A Badipon avenue. . I twenty yaws .we. have not heard e rh ._ I Hoar eXeltoment cre m ated oytbe murder. • word to the wise, Om. prospect of it good ootton crop." • you ., truly, Coanet•excu. --h example of George Peabosly, in , ' • nicestrom, June IL-The Auditor gloat Ittlittling condhrtable houses - for the • -The, Rebellion Record, eommenced in *metal notice that the Interdt of rho vie - I t Itirer. - Dil•Vntnr. • 1561 by Frank Mhore, will now noon be lonia state debt, will be payable at the • Logdon poor, excites emulation. The i , ~.„., , omit is es , lasing truSteea basic received a Isoruest of -eo, - 1 pl,g,:, and li . 11 1;..i a IL. 0 I nuy.] r s s r s , i l s:Ls o m f l o st y lkitzt litOoo : The tn.thermaded on the Ist oriJely. : ter Tetesrapa4Lta:TrAt=usliosts,sette per ,na 1 The money meow Intl: Treasury to pay it. t Allan-boo °. ' 3° ' 4l-- llt is estimated there will be n. lewite sand. bitten . , June 14.-Blver nineteen Maws 001 .'-frOM &Worthy gentleman; and A. T . I O. -11 to new giving the Fe •I °Sheila ,in the isaa - etai after the interests's Paid , , and bailee SIOWIY. Weather cloudy Del • Steivatt, Of New .York, hen procured i areountivot tho great MUM. and Other 1 The Auditor WWI smtes thetat fonds have warm. coplealor the pima and photographs of ; events of the war, and altogether Pre - ! been Au d i t or tO London ay the Inter- . linowesrnmas, laae t h4 ,; - „ l o tt i v e g . Zoir vary thsibuildings. •. • •, - I tont. ell the chief snateriain for lbe I- n July Ist. 1 : ' 1 Ittal'g there r i of ..... : and on a stand. Weather .. • • . opt n, m ores , 4-4--------••••••••-----r-I---___ - time historian Of oar gnat WILT. .‘l3 ed n .... lug o , thgroe . th , eeeeietr. warm, c uels full and Tolle- ' ter Telex:lob to nth Pittsburgh Oasette 1 • — , A. bottler was Sent to Riff stahle to I j : ' , l i l ,. °• e r ',''.',.l had ''''',;[,' If, ' • i Lotravame, Juno IC-River falling Ain't • ' bring' ant a trawler's horse, but not : - r' ' ' 'l° b...' FROM BOSTON. : ly, with ea tea four Indies In the coma by knowing vrideb of the two strange horses 1 ---.% number of, the French residents In th m orn. Juno 11.-lllVer twenty Inches in the galls belonged to the traveller, i' 7'4"4" '' ' '' '' •h • huy" "muuthmi a r°-opens I • I and falling. and wishing to avoid the tppearanCe of ; Jive u•ssm4""" which for nevemi weeks; • Idgersia, June 14.-Ileaey retell tills °Vim plabh. a01:1 breed o• its Inenfhers by Ignorance in Lis , business, he addled', ex „,,, noon, et, on, rob , o r ei g ht coot. inc. River atattenary. but Ir animals - and brouglet them to the I per pound for linit iimility, - nnil a pro -dal.. The aoe out his own , porfinnate prism for lower grad.. A Maryland Conntlantional Coerentiten. -?see Usury Question. horse, Baying, " Thai s "'s my neg.!! "Cer- I large number of Member. hove already any Telegraph to tee Pittsburgh tisane.] lately, YeT bonor a i know that very well, I lows enrolled, anti additional eubscrip- •Asaaroto,: Juno u .— To-day woe the bat I didn't know which was the other' Bonn are corningin., The a:lnductor. are I thirtieth of rho Conolituttonal ConventiOrn gentleman's," said the hoiller:' fully assured - of the •Mteetttna tie 1' ..,,, •, no r Ilan. h Means:den, It wan rpoired not I.: I I to menrporate the principle of uoury an a ••• • pr... and &rasa. • • 'll3 Ot:d to constitutional provialon, but to leaves the • , extend thelr tie], of operation by fur- matter as it now stands In tho present. code -The Massachnsetta Leglslistbm in- I Melling means, groneries and all other °IMP, which presertheaslx.pee cenL its atria/MG:el un Spia: ntion,wmaisting of t article a of family consumption. the legal lester.t, aublect to Cavite legato- Sattital Bowles, William Stone, end I UM action. other* Iselin. Springfield Athensieuut i -The•Californinns have not waited for and Galealry of Arts, Spriogneld, for the the hniating of Hie Aftserican nag In nose purpose of astaltrneting a hitt! for publits shin A merles, but hove already di patch , ate and a room to be used as n dramni. of the 'steamship Orillamme from Sail tory Tor pleturetS and other , m ee k of 1 Francisco, with passengers for - Nuw Areh art. The eorporatiets'negono meek in Ili angel and Sitlas. Anoter steamer will , befloo,te)o, In one hundred - shams, end it succeed horde two months, and it In no. may hold, real 'estate to the almond o['l peeled lint by the time of hum arrival our tqii,ooo. • ~ stovernmene will have formally taken ---" `" w w-------- I pm...session of the new terr.itory. 4 rho ploneera will at since begin to "recon struct" all the , Inistitutions, industries and interesta - of the country and its In. , habitants. Before the summer hs.Over they will hove explored the tilintnit of 'Mount t. BIM., navigated the Knitch .pek for-at leant a thousand mlies,..and neratched the whole aortae° of the terri tory in search of gold. g.retary Sew sad will have tO hurry up bin part of the work, sad the Government heal better at once reform definite rules in regard to the proprietnrship or the soil, so that [Mute complication. may be prevented. - --4--- ' Philadelphht Lafgcr, to nothing the fret that the iteomo returns are lie just index to . the wealth of their jaseieo. . - tier, any. -that a great house Mid jam. failed in Now York, will hove to ris . turn alt income- of fvmo,ooo, and Wetly inSti who have net foiled, and Who do not moan to, return Large inmate:l_ ;but are really. poorer Mau they were', before thMr proftuvvrere - made, far they have lost them and mere whlithem. • . • —The number 'ore:Testis for drunken neat in Londonlnet ymr WWI 8,734. In New Torn, with one-third the popule- Wm, the yearly wriest& for intoxication Ili:unbar 16,000. .1n London one-half of the eveste sio of :women; in New 'York bne-f. .urtk. A.D. 178 k) ' k ---___ = - . , :Nur( \ , • .. -- ~ ~.-,-,------ , t , ,_.,.,.........i• .„........., -,-;•:,-,:u- 0.- I v) . n, ' ~...::: . ~ .,- c ~-, , ..: , .c.., , ,,,> j k --. 1 /‘ -,..„ 14.6 - ...4 1 / 4 . w , •4 , s ji ._. _ - 1115 , . 1..---_5.._-#7.____T__,..:„._...„.., ....i._,,_.,„.„.„..,______„„..., ..,..._...,.._ •1 r; i j ) 7 i t ) ..,_______...,:„_,_____„.l,....::..,_, ..... . .., .. , ..__,_._..____.__,_/___...„,_,_,z_:__=....._._„_____,_______ . , __..., --- • —A wen n= editor says Do , wl.ll labor to put down the canto of httemptrazion the muse of Intemperance ts Inwerwily nito. into:lto Ow ilanonlie will no doubt pat II down with Utllo t =obi,. • .. .Petroleum ye. Gaul Teat—tit - Miry leir Success of the lutstulloo. (kr Tslepaph In tee rittsbarie tisrvitul Boston, June 14.—The invention for MI. stituting petroleum For coal In steam nevi- Pstion wan tested to-day on the govern ment steamer Palos, and proved a telecast. Steam was gotnp In twenty live minutes ....I the Palm proceeded down th eta t a t ..ad beak to the navy yard ; ft. ne of twenty-live nautical miles, in one hour and Pity-five minutes. In making th e tel she consumed Out dye betTele of oil. TLC Palm wm built for Um gOvernment as an eight knot boat, and with coal would never be able to make or extend that speed. New York Conettromooost Cossets ow. Car Tries:AM to M. Pittsburg% Guam.) ALIIAPT, June 1.1.—1 n theConetituelonal Convention, todaya memorial was pre minted from the Universal resat hoeieer, pairing for amendments to the - Constitu tion removing the Cause.. of and abolleh In it the provision for war. Referral. Te action of yesterday and b • Committee on Canalso rdered r to be &nonfood. A resolution of funnily it. to the Polley of : a prohibitory liquor law wu laid on the table and ordered to be pi Meal. /1.101140111E0.41.0$ laneasepmeoL Cy Tlteeraae to Pittsburgh tiatuttsl3 'Ober., Jane 14.—The American Protest ant Encampment of New Murk, met in ea nue wagon trill week, and elected °Moors for the emiumg year. The tomb. cl Juee lgth, to Meet in ,Clitethriati On cea s ed T 12051216 3, of Juna,M. Evangelical Latberan Synod. My Tampa tote rittsbursh (Wen., .Yelusnaivals,,JunelL—Thn Weenie/kW, Lutheran Syn.W.ixt Eannsylvants and the adjacent Matsui oonvened .bere . and will remain in session duringyesteleileY the Deli week. • . PITTS,I3URGII, SATURDAY, • JUNE 15, IS(r7! Trolling Match sit 8.11013. the 're'canoe to the gitteberch Ouirttai newton, .Inns U.—ln the trotting match. o¢eterday, leiter.= Emote.. hhapichard, Knapp, and McClelland for MCO elde, mile beats, best flirts ' ln live, Empress won three heats, Bon hard and hot two; time iiMM;2:231412,32; 2,32; 2:41, and 2:11. ==GMiiiii The'hat grand gold prise medal for the• base Pianos at the .EZpOoetloo in Paris, to =repetition with thred hundred Plan= from all parts of the world, hes jest been awarded by the Jury _on =Meal Mstru anta to Messrs. Steinway S Bons, live m Yorkl the amend ono to • Boston house,and the third one to lieurallroadwood, London. Thin is a veritable and 'splendid umph for our country, mad we ens every cause to be proud of having wrested the laurels from Torque= heads, and on tco, where their boasted . superiority has ever been euperelhonely Wetted. Regeeneber that the Free Nzenrslon Trains for the great ale of Lola at Blum► burg, an Monday, the 17th mat., leave both Allegheny era Pituburgh lroad depots at atz o . olqCit on lhat OM% m ßai em au. tune in dthiklug No reel diatting. x -.. hu t t gihhpie t t;,,R: - • .unitueeed at al./ eleven o'clock, and • .._____....________... . to all on ere in tile city or from the cone.), for Pluilehatit. Kee or steam fitting. P.c. eons intied 111 ttvely eltrtulthlng until 1 N. L. All. ..._. - , N t eatne on. i No one of the ; Ice Cho . st i e ..in S. markj i t 1 y i,F o* t . r5 r . ... a ._ , ° : • .... G_"' .....;_ e h'u :n .e eeeo Tbe Vlett of Om lorelko Mtn tttttt ' 110 e r 1 : -.' lle7on ' t::01 ),'',. Xr ' ll - rt " t. g . Tt.,!;':lnero colored In the lryettort-Iltal.l, tut dan...... telt the to. to get u plletar of •ttro ,1 . 11 • 111 " 1 " ;.,113. .° 11111 1 ____ • " •_.'" ' '1 e e 1 ,7u-tualle C.II lloot. for 1 7 Ivo Dollars ra ot . co. A. the, came t....k, e a him uete came , e , 5aere ........- , -...- •-•---- --''.- , per palr-theraie are not old at Me goods-at 1.,.rn;r1;.,.'5-!: T...f7::-/..,"";;Tes..em. 'A ' . , r '' .. „ •. . .'..."....... .....,.. ~74.,t0.....;%Vi11ti t etl 'th 0 manufacturer as fast as wanted. They , tho taFasotta; ~,,,••••• l'w " ;"""•1•1".11" 1111;111 "" f ' S •-s 1 II blow knoek. pre_sorve the Ida well and are provideral withl , Eanstbsou, Palmer .Itax . • 551 and 57 Illth street.. with a toed . loilem pole. es • ." 00 ref.',.' ' ''' '' ' ' . l ' ... ".' "*"“.... ... nlm l oler a 1, ...erd oil I n " s tumor, °1 S t ' a perforated stone butter crock, water Nit , . • rotla.rutte If. A +Ma"... th- . I s , '' 0 which'. speedily Piles lam-elfand,tl.l G"ill i° ll . l stoi °, brut' , " n1;14 a " 1 ' .1.11. Pa' ' ho A - : 'Bt'iirr'l '.. her daugli • Pen combined, aro the latest oft he,tf t ul 1 chass ap.,lit nreah ,„ u shre g a hl at t i h thorra l rak Oh s ssoat h a a t o r aao s s, non e „ t o ; ; thefto tta a,:. a h., .„ .; tee.. n. , ~,,,,, ot , ; = .e 1 .; ,,. s g . r, ,, ,,,,, , ,c --c i f ro b .. I e i r ... , , 2t . , e , . t , a tt n .. .l L a . i t150 .. 1 . 1 d 00: ; . , , y r e t n it e e . y .bw arrive . ilb ; id,,er.itt:itliiitle:ll,,i... it l oi l ;rt.. . i.) %lll .re oir ,,; 4 .. b . .F o l i tin. t ut .o 0 . r id e c K t, : u n . • I I. ng'r.'na ' ' 4' ev " .4 " "". V '- f..f S'arY San, tut It la ' h1W1 e5017;...1 . l ' r v ee k. L ' is :::,r r aLl e (? rlrti:/i, Xda. 'r eice m s t Pad. night - Christ M. E. n nee from .10 nu le ..1 ti lughly Inuaest sur Teonteetlea viitoren. l w .. i tliO i , ; _ A e?to, Fruit jure ;um , Cane Jutt _ ; ~, Gonne, chariot. loot Itto ed et, , b ' e t , at, . ~, Vortivary orders itollcited for the ..- . ad .1f1111; " a 111"111;"• I'llo "sfl of -•••° the reicher or ale at Ma y A , m'e head. 1 ..... at "'S W° "° lll° ra ‘ a '""`" lion of pumps and all Work In the plural. Frlgt. Niel. , ere to 0. te . .l WIII, eencithled heral.ing , her thorn and rereleringl her blare, Sb. il. Federal street, Allegheny, „ Img lane, by T. T. Eweteclbractleal plumber oe the ett of • d true functionaries haq 1,...ib1e. At this thut olllcor WI mot near P. Railroad Depot. sa. . -.. and gas and ateaugalther, No. 105 Wood 1 .. 1 . 1111 " _ _-.....--. .1 retnith;o - leira o . s .l ', /itn . .I. The treatment 0 ' , me io t 1 1" "r"." o f , r , 1.11 , ! 1 , 111 . ,1 1i 1.1 ,•!.. 1 : 1 : 1• „S. .",, t• :mean "'T.'S - 1.11 "`“" 1 " 111 111;11 ' s " 111 ' A -*en. Liveried" Scamp. the toretglo!rs 0 the T,1 , ..n at ....ell le ' Catbarint, and afters - m.l alto erresting ' , The beet meals M the clty are nerited `hem.llooeve ho 1 la , " , bre...". "s Safari . Leon nod, the Able. aOf 11,10 beam.. Anti &alums. cook rit the Tremont lloh•e, at any Your at the copular dining root. of them. fitted wait the erealle,l. European q t „ h roug ht Illelll TO le. MAO LT.C" . foes Diamond. made . Information be- Wen. Iloltatielmer. lath street, next door "r''''''. Un''''' c''''. '''d """" q r . " "i'.' . ".."". .." ..."'"" Into Aldermen PM/este. ye,terday, charm to the Poston., Prices meat re.onable. nervents Were pro. , I , t , •I, WWI, an Uhler. , mal'ln out commitment. , or Loup or the . . wroro e plead vDet. a e.,. to f e e,, e ver, Dee ir prisoners. Mrs. Henry ha Mg made Infer. Mg Charles Nenthra with .Bault and bat. .... 1 they wanted .10 on their eta)` a era tom... ma ma, egatnet Charlotte Mr esmicat and ter'. She mace. that Schrum . a Meader Jewelry of all deecrlptions an hand and 11l .! p ' te .u o=l -, .. : e ' n al. t: • "L t.: I t c' e f. .r,r rm s. ', t e K :i7 t ,: 1 .., ; • f i 1', 1 ,7 1. 7.„ . , 1 L i r,, , ,‘ r t ,!,,,,„, :,,. r,; , ,.:F.,,, , ,nr; . the T rem Ont llouse . . amt yeeler_da .. y e tn .. oz . f k u e r e s e n e le n a e t it th , e. p lo ei le ... ... o p e r i r e s o , f at it t e h ie e o.... weLl: ibrlV afe aur al non and el n ee, nit.n . the i). ,•onwq. Tile IWO were 1.11: all tip mall vem ing come down to Dreantast atter to omtifeethral d a y* t g .fot, th e gnat. TIM. terdny r en t" .. on the Iva et house., Mier. tlme, ana ordered her to ,cook him 154111 e ' MOTT. A Sled./6NO. 1 1" street -,___-... 1 " 110 11111° " . 11 " 1111 "'"" •°11111 11-111 T r e°llll lotte a. rt 1.j11.il TO a colt the roma. of liver, which she refused to do, ...IC that ptheided at the table ill Rill. vo room, abolly lelopeati in g the outfitting, The 1 ; 1 e r e l t i ll ,u s i • r i lr , 7 r el e f h l r th e r i l i t o . e tn e o t i l ~i'itrireY,o,aiee,i,LNeranueelv.. t l e t e w . a .. . i c e ttra tm ry e t .,.. 9 , o h nl eit e m rs f ot ro t m oii th u e e p t ro e r i c e - The Beat rises In the jetro c i l e t y y . i t: a s s ec o i l: dims.. oas llenoughly Free. it it detail. 74 e , ~,.,,,.c1 „ ,.., 0 . e ,,.., , r et . o , lol _ arm, s n ook h and then knocked her Leadquartere of Ileineman, Moyle. A SI. 510011 tea valuable pram., were laid be. Tho ~,,,,,,, 0 t h e girl, . ary Ann 11007. down with taisqlst A warrant was Imolai ! die, No. ill Fifth street. . side each phi.. are of a verr rmrloos oath e. atid slay trap- and Schrum arrested, and tat[ a heart. The Tycoon le a man or 01,11 n nry stature, bar re,eili, in death. She 1 Iry nnh,t hy Dr. aas 1101.1 in three hundred ball for hl. alli" ; T. T. Ewen. 165 Wood etweet, attends to Ii si'l'sr" .ll / 11111•1 /* 111° ' 1 ' ' lOl 14 "' ' ll 'l Arthu. el .try '., ergot. s ev e r e l y l n jured Pearsoe" at Cetim rat u.d. a plumbing work, gas and steam tuo el featur.l ; Ile IA /k.. very rtelo3" dr , .. , ;','" of Mr.. Ilenry'., ens also se --.....----- l lilting, at the She/nest notice .d upon the 1 ."' . 6 M. 11 ';' " 1 " 11. sn ' t r' •11-111 ' d. ••" by a poker throat, from o man. story win-' GM.. 4.l*lniawaril and Cletlery. 1 most retwonablo term.. . th"""nglaY ''''"‘"n" th' "r""" '"..- ` l ` lll. ' salcS ''f rube lalll°ll I° ' °l • •aa ' ; Ti,e attention of our modem, especially I . I 111/111. all drinking mod., mot drank the - ~ 0 ,,, l'Illoc k .• Dane Ball Headquarters, ' twelfth or c.., Yr...dent of the 1. nned elates t those in our sister city, 1. dir"" f " 4 a " '" : U. P. P. U. the only place In the West where with gem"' IiTITOW - Tesupinrit. gram , rati,..,5ar".131111.1"1", Id s° ol / 1 11r " .111 " sa, " If. a complete and varied assortment , of Mute 11 i At the ottlt , .l i vaeltor i ti r et ..i ta . ..i e r e if er i;;; rt r ; The 'nee ., e . e ., - -- -- •-: - - '''' " R"' ' ; " --- - - - the Chi.. Releenstain, dealer in ,gl.s, China. 1 Ball gum. can. forincL • II ware awl table 00110 y , !No. 11 2 FedoriG ' 1 . tr ‘ i t:.. " ,, a ,, • r e . ,, f ,a l u ‘ , l ,, n llll t d,„, s , ',., y e ,, i a, h., t h., elected to nerve for Meet...ling year In e Tyrone ...o,oe. m !enlister 1 an. r /deem ~ s not Lodge of ttoil, U . G. T.: ~. W . C. T . street. No where else 1.,,,,z.%7ev0,,,,...,..n.: veo l t 1 :: Tlllg: l r i ling/ . 11 1 .r . g dellencles of I o ,* hi., sa . s t graudealloi 0 the mull. th ,_ .I. g, ,murract 1... W. C., Bev. Dania .re TO , 1111 , CT . : beljer a Corittnen l, I fenze:: ,, eLt . il i. e;:z .l tti e: c u::::1:1 , 1:1 ,, ,,L, r . , t e a r ::: ,ioi.iir,i,e72: t...,,04 , i. .t .. ,ri,,,,,,.. . 001:7,K. , r;r , lic.. ~ , , ..t a.itt: ; t ae ,, ,.. , ...t cr,,,Ki ti:?...,:...loiiir.ii.u:tt.str..ktettrrai:iwgesilltiir.tt. :V e tt. neat Onus t o the POS tall Ofh on Fifth • II America tool .I.then. . ' . faiths Amer Iran Legation throughout the . Mrs. Math... Is. can; al. W. chaplain, Rev• s eeis acetarbtliesatinmieene.t..eueriteng. t •th e e ee., or i, lee ee s ; 0,,, 115i e, .....1111a 1,0 1 1. 1e 11i f . fg , 4, 16./ i.r . u, Slei iii . , re....a . 1._ . , , „ , , 50 ... ,,,. , v Wt. eubscouently the Tyeoon Met the ... „ ~ ~ _ _,;; ~. ‘,.! „„ ,..1. F. mere! , L .,. , MiniStilr at,ll 1.,t0, eleven miles arr., the 'i t 5 1V 1 a" , , , ! ;,„ •• =„, 1 ,i,,, h at t e r 1 ti, ~ .7.1. amretaketh.i Bpd Mr. Iteltenstein it ai w t ortho. ' Plt () lock's Base Mill Headquarters, Q. / . a Rev, and 1.1 out the foreign settle..., ~• , •,. t., ~ _ , , eit ,U._. U. i;;;., A. tarn° share a c hra mt e hatgahatt e. .t. nand I'. U. 'slime a tr... 11l ground, a in In width, 6.. Nlote .0.1 ... , , , 100 ~ w see for yourseleen. and extending three 11l lour mite. hack from A. elevens: '•- , ___,....-l--- - , elmodeltern pendants, bracket.. globes . anti lames for ;ale at the met, reasonable - silo tsatos; ha ., a5e ,,,,,,,,,, :t5 ,„.1., 5 „,,,, L a o Tho Grand lodge 'met at nine . o•ol . o4lr e ces. Nearly Drowned. ~,,,,,, ,in o ther te ats o f . leolny toortatig, and the ON4 • (CI a ere terms, alt T. T: Ewen.% No. 165 Wood meat. • 0 0.1 with pro, er by the G. W. Chaplain. A boy. aged about fourteen years, rceld. Japan. Thl, anehorime lei/mat. The noltle. . t i ... s u m , ~n g w,,,~ - Dealt In 1 1... a is , allout the centre of ii, I . lie min:Des° , t ,, , , 1 r e ,. /E-t Tho e,.. dg ,„ bn, ,,, e , ,mg In the Eighth ward, while liathlng in , Clock.. ON - stales and Silverware 'at te tt. n. All acre lagoly ! Monet. with the tir0„.‘.,,,,u,....th tau ~,,..., wi,, ~... ;,*,;,:i.:,,,,11:1,2:41,10110%,./t.=::l,set,llo.,,T.Zxg, t,hr.e.sl..,o.nrooring,temla,uly,egB.4..tetbdoayy.,:dpeathis.l.telopte. , 0100.1 Mkt.* et lleinem., Meyrau ft SI. / to I truatted to makra any report. lio, I ~ .,rn.,, ~,,. ~. t w. iii..„.. Ile'., No . IP Fifth street. 111 ' 111. " °lllal. ' 111 111°11111 , 1 / I' l '• The, ; ' itve• '‘ lllo Grand °dicers were inetelltal with Sad et"'" - • - a li 'd r° I 'L.. eat to hit Th Di Morning at three o ' clock. adobe pi /WI lillitiCl , l pr ,, 4 be :tar..., In t „„ ,; :t ,„„ suan ~,„„„„n , .„, oi „„ tia „. tho pan one, noticing as etrugg es, w et n .l the province 111 the knew. Among the will, sileel el ' ''lteD vas a race ten order. In the etteritoo the repot. of muti. e s" o 'l e t u " e ls te • oe ""e nt as uo d n • t r u r hi a ta °° ,,Th a a r se a . s ch, ° _,,, e s gra rt ! ph=tYrtilrle'drarrek'ndedsyse.r t . h 7 n . Y. m.kid s g tlw -..a.--------- a rat ,,,,,, th e 1,,,,,,_0f ,l, a ~,,,,,,,, .1 1 1,,, nape. witetunde the mitetelonier of Moil- ; iiionisibio;aa,, it regain , Kt ., taw , to , 1 13 . ra hish arc ems. That upon MATO nt the order wan ! • panteularlyantereetleg .11 ...laying. • resnettato him. The father - of the lmy . A Sean-ms gof magnificent proportions 1 o',.ifellc",:,‘froj.V.l.'i : 1 1 1 ra 1 t1 0 0 0 / 1 1 , 4111 n t./ 1 4 three thou .- . g .„,.., • came to the river, and exproseed lila grail- le rumored. Wo shall end.vor to obtain An ithie 1 feeling add... on 111 : 1 ""•"• tude to the boys who reecued Ills lion, by authentic particulars. I' -ra h p run e, 0 owori, who ix ell.ool/11 OWICOT 1 Cti... 1. .. 6. %'.. d ."1. W .'.."."% by , 0r ,. ,J. E. fi t t r e g i . ,', 1 ...Arm upou them a sem of urniey. i ll Ulll '''''''''''''"" "k"'""" -O.Y. rl,l7virr,:-...4,‘.-„,:,"„..'11.",",.,,%ir'Pw',7i,h1 Water at J T - ' "Id N r "L"g * V a ss' Entleralst.;.t, 1.,:, has been .111 lutel, Pod udicail strung- the ~ ..e iiiiii, annoot ,,, t , r ho mee t., last i Ignowertion-The Grand Jury yosterday 1 Sample's /rug btore, .o. ~iy agalnet fortagnets. 11 ,, ... reeeirod . , .. o f te.,,rivato character, and ignored no less thou threat Indictments for . Allegheny. , itt, all the honor!. aki In many places all T e t i t i t ie in e %/ i r et ti re no report. 1 "faise Dretunso." lhey were doubll.B of t 40.411..0 waxen spentleds Tn., a henna bark Lanlon,' Captain .rat eked, went ashore on the :kali 111 Aprli, at -Ann t the test , g and Phil. , I. o th ,L o r t re .g u t. lta r l ,, k . la in d ..etourtteurtraii.agedthobi...eoet4uhaotl I ; ... .Ili d sotrvaewrytilme.eteeteettett.ey,leeeeeieefyllaat.t.e... .C.a,,,74, , Is. thak.ra use of the enreinal law it/enforce No. 56 St. Clair streelL I eyrie Takal, tai the hetllesest coast ol mottienot Literary lioeletlea. . ~,..„ onattauts, thin ,, anoot i oa of !toot.; to . ; ---.....-- Nlphoo. It broke eh I n g i,,,, ~.1,,,,,,111,1 The thirittionivemary of the Irving and ; The prosecutor. euller, of cOurse, in being ! ;you cab Bay foreign tAqUere Of MI 1.W.C10110 VI LOtlli 10, Vie cargo bat pr., e , -..... ee w...a 1 i laterary ...me of the obliged to pay the costs, but wo regard It as ;kinds at Joseph 8. flnell's I/bll/anti No. tit, been nillpped for hon., lames lair. ; coo" . unfortunate that the magistrates are thus , m,i, 191, .193 .t 1 195. • Latuke, of Halt...ire, sod lour Latiackere 1 Western llnieersit, ....., held last evOn..ilf allowed to "Disko bueluese" for themeelvcra, ; s ...-...-_-., were drowned on Om Intl, 01 Mel! 'in the First Ilpthif ; (berth, Fourth street. !In the shape! of "c 0...," tO the Injury of the I , s , h s yawl al, .d 1.3 ,5e per pair, at Pit- The United Stlllee nillpti liar ford and Pty. , me ., ~..,'„ we , dean , 0 t h e i. e . g,.,,, ,The eueictles wore called to order by hp. I pardon. hosellguer.eilthey ...gal Dot tO • tee , t w o , t h at w ahhpas ., etra , ~,,.p. the intterbotnewaid I,llllli. Olto :men..' .1. C. Nowtnyer, Chairman oC their.. ! 111. " 111111•111ags 111 ' ,1 ". 11 111 st 111•141111.11 ' a11 " f " 111 " af " 111.411 • 11 1 doelety,, who prodded, and the exercises st .„ 0.- ,, Young" Sullivan, the no- . you Dan Day 95 per cent. 41.100h01 e at ionl. Su ivp , y shlp ale expected. There Is Mottling 0, hepertarme f e m... ! ;' , 1 , 44 11 .. a '‘:"'' .... I' m ' ..4 imPr7-1- I ted pugillst ol thrs city, last night forward. 1 Joseph S. Tin., ; fly Rs ' 'f• S. 1-11 " aess " . I ‘ l. 11r flf ed &challenge to meet Barney Aaron. the Shanghai or 'long linitg. • the /an Baptist Church. alter /*id. 51r. ; siatthshment • Aea i e IllY /IWII I vietur in the recent dia./sting, extubitlont, i i 1 ' sf 1"."H" "glisnd eTe r ' . 1•1 ` 1111 r 11r, 1 " s bri°l 1.11 111111. P fsws 1111111 ' of ought , . at, ACIIIIIS Creek;- ear M.S . t itY' d ui n ern li atc d era nd t- a 1/Tra'.ll'llll A E Glitoanira • / 1 1 1 0 ...lanai Me tell'illaP. 11111• " .• U " s s ma, hits nthleed the Rev. E. P. Crane, Pro - ! mgton. Mellow that lis 1 `...... 5. ' s ''...--- nong 10.1 raltaimital. . ~- ' feseor of Latm and Lttereturo at tho Wes , . he IIIPWILLIPIWIWW his challenge wall Ilfty 1 „ mot . 80, New. appa gL Joseph IL Among the puesetiners no 11 . 0 L. 1...... rn University, who delivered the i 5..." dollars. to Frank Gomm. 1 . 11 st_r °M . °ll. W° ' mem., ' • sr° f' ll° f 1" 11.°1111•11 I° ' f.111 " .1 L".r " .. , ddreos. babied.: l'ltooke Sint their ices." """"' "'"'""r" and """" """. w"" ' 1.. "' " ''... I... " . "" . I 1 .. V• ..d 11•11. , both plimmell e.li other to death too th. I Capin ...... 1, •"" , "- ---1 2 - ---- ' ner. It was not, .Is moistly the ea. with' ; g . ni p aa a l soe hahnu tt ee Mitintly Newell and ! I s f. " 11 1° 1' 11 . 4 °• , 111 w 111 f°1 . 111 ,,f, a /it i a l e ll , l- , 1 ,, 111 ,, landled by Proleesor trone iti nu alaii 111 All, ' : o n :: t 7 :7%77: Y ::::. 7.,.. " :: . "..‘' ,.. "1 0. " M " t " ." °11111 " a "lo . IllldetWille and iltontry ham tem, a dull, mat- . Johan , Ka ti e , hot i tt hethdths tc,,,,,upta the e r e tn a tl . ndeortistug returns In oar firs 1111 111 " 11Sa 110 . 0 " 11 01 ' 11" 1 11111. " 11. a 114 ‘ 11 11 . tot-of-feet a ff air, tita on the contrary, WILY n&00 tort... I eit-Additional Local lifews'on gilllrpols.l.rotainer of prime. Leh... who ' tllled with animation, /tad 111.0.041 lo with . ! Tii ird, raxe- - ~,u „, m ‘y the 1111110. nod ottolng In thillftir .• ' 0 ,,h 0 .1 interest by all pre/tent, hotwtth- ; o esne hragtoethe geonne.-IbirryoVeraig• I tall, and proceed thi . inett to tom ham, where Ailill, mending It wee quite lengthy, m e olV ls g ' tone/ Combhuttion Troupe will give a nun. 1 - lin will buy DI truu thousand of the most las l otos an boat n; Us nrip„,... We s ~,..., drip„ ~•. - nee ; thle afternoon at the Opera 1111 " . " ,wa.11 ' NEW ADVER r IitiENENTI3, proviel rides. „., th at the wont of t huts al.l him., forbid* its 1 the over•popular."Colletin Bairn" Intl be I . Ilium an , art taiangee lo the 1. 1•10 / 11111 f St.. - L publication in full. The enure.. weth ! predionted, anti an entertainment. In the ." - Sterllng Exchange . rlebut. LEX. AIKEN. UNDERTAKER, ,1.,,e. with the bid...cp.. hl r fllf.s.r t 4,10111U1T. when Lotline ..er will appear 111. The noon w. ,oey laveraille• regarding t csa,:e; ',ln "Jack Sheppard." The ploc. are well' e,. UM /earth street, Pittsburgh. 1 110 ernes In 11111 °unfitly. In. the Meet of 1 _____-.....________.-. CUL. Val will be plyed, as Barri YTS, "to COTSINY of all land.: ossArza. OLOVES, and the district* bilk 1, OTIMI were repor t ed In ! Grand h a ving Out Nile. about the third stave of tete perature. which ! 1 perfection: , This Is the last chance th 6 , eye , deamiption of , r tmerst Fariastane Goode u! rept:non tat 0 5,,,,,,.. ty,,,, hoottm, m e b ra ,d, . Ble.is."J. W. Harker A Co., 59 ..ket ...m, as the Overlngton Troupe intend to 1 pra l saeo; Hoots . oueaso „ Fine , own. it.. . and Lehr. wore booted at 8 11 .: 1111 f/ S . a ' /111. nurse G. 11°.°°° " °1 a a SIIIII °11:1111ag fad' note sf 1 itl.n e ti ' lti " lr hrorea'beighthth:ttaWge." nWneednOtnt 1 and L'antages futulebed. picot. Tho elm'[ of tea Iv very much re. ! then tanain i so moult of nry goon . ; co ._ ::..,. itnr...B-11..D. 14 M.P. G. 0.5 U. laced- Tho . next rules ateilio ma p.a., N. W. J.obus, D.D.. Them. Koine. Lieu Jr T tli fi :e j rtiVte n t ' re " n t s l a n l y s I I • t i , . 0 . 111 1 I ' I n I ti rti ' e e in d ric b e; 1 ' ta. ' ! ' en c re. g l u l e '' eto l." Me ' tiTt . ll.l T g U" rea P t rl d ' ... " :l I rt h ri ti e ' N I I I I I 8... Bail flub.-Tim 111111 Sr 01 le. B. maim, All. - Sixth ward have recently oricanlxed n b. are humid for. ' Lao °as', and P°111111"s 1111111sa Ito 111.°1°1°111 bail Club in that district :miler the title of ; . 1 milesthoms dialog the special season Mbar- ; the ...airplay. , The clap starts under the 1 FROM MEXICO. 1 low Prince. The clesranee• cute of th. to ~...n . i ng ...., of thole p 0,... Tan ; trains, aril 11. gf.. at extraordinarily , hiosepilgt.ofttgp.oleeseet,:pdoweeetpdraeeti.leeoeit B I erel ed by the edam. , Lean , ' from Detwrot 51115 to Moister . hoivo ham, long bee. regank ._...... , t h e follow tog oilkers have been elected: J. l =l Ifteniero-If opefile State of !Wales :Vin. couliouoile . Hilo - 7 .. 0 , apt t dent, W. Whalen: Secretary. Joh nlet •I I for the Liberals. wavelts° at lower than moil° Pr ce • , Tre.hrer, Panes McGuire • Captain, James , ' 11. 11 lY of drY g 0... et" , 11.1 " 4.." t °"" i 5..; Directors, IL ideGulre, James i 1.1 1 1 re•ersi • . 111. rn sa111 ` 11 " 1. ' 11. " oder. euperhir induceniallta to sof "ver ' White and IL Kirk. W AIILONOTOII. Juno 14.-The lollaWing Is held. The stock unibraees all st,l. and ; - a letter from Gen. Illiat ' I pierlntleue Of dress amt pie. gem., the ' - 1' 1- ' - wi s h we nt,. I Jointly Pralaed.-Tbo tnithfol photo- 1 ,lr I ,;, • c a e. o . chap E3,.r..11;1 1 : 11‘ 0 , 5 ,.. . 5... , I r : flu, , - ,.;; ;Sfie s ti i, .. Dir i a . ~. : I , F ; Ll:!_ t 1 r 1: :„. ~1 , 1 . , ‘ i ,,, ,, , 1 0 .1 t i. i t r i i,c t r i nt rif t: :,:2 r, v. .4 , :. ,;,.. r0 t 0, 7 . 1,410 ,1 ng1 1 .i ... ti n i r , P ,, ic bn , n e_ ! g - : r a l,re pi th i e t i ...,.. o . I I . si t V i. i . a 1 I e e lushly l' e e 1 , o t , r ... A et : ~,,i V ki _ ? f h b,. t , e yh r ill d t. : m o b tr w t e re l ot l ter te , You the division II rhol•RW. "it.. i 7,"„%„„ j, c ,'„71:„,,„,, ~..-. B y ail I acquainted with their superiority. IMa clo, total a brigade from lamb., attached to the Army of tho o w . h t le d h ur . lrg - out tale, as suet, oh opportunity for pure take, in all kinds of weather, just such pie. ! tneane Inc our readers attend' the pe r . firm stand high In thepablie entlmation,.d the siege of govretaro. have be. incotl l - h h ha ing eama,, and swimmable geed. Is th ree ae Plttsbureh may well feel proud of led in the Army f tharation g a in.. the I . claiming am her production.. The charges ; rarely oder. in l'lttatrairgh. t are moat re.onable. We invite a visit to a n d of u ntr ,,,, l e c e ui B i ro e tl , l , ti , A rm . e y i, til b t w ti o u Pr b eat ' thin gallery of all who are dmirousef Miter. tallens of the army of the North r Ing elear_tind truthfurphOtOgraphs. under 1 that of lieneral Franefseo La ' ]yo 'number lit all thirty-dye thon. rand Men. or el within n few days Ilesleo nhall be Outs. 1 could Mayo taken 0, wlth the foreoe of the Lantern army alone, bet I laul not Mallelent cavalry to COYOT all the ...hag throlllol Wiliell the pritielpal guilty parties would have eaimped. Bat now, with nine thousand caviar", all nye.en aqii its well guarded. The ...Gang will happen . at, Queretaro. No. will escaim. 1 11100 full faith Dud great ceinfittenCe In the mule. Within the City of Mural. the Drees still endeavor* to deceive the peep]o by denylug the fell of fpieretaro and Um nrisolprient of blitramanaut but both the 1.0010 and the arm)' hole heard of it. I .nelder the occupation. Mexico amat ter of hours, and/ an not belle.) Vera Clll. w i l l attempt to hold o ut attar. Ward. In concluelon, when you shall have received lb., th e *olio( Meiricei all bays Wen Cleated of traore fitors. Tone encriend. l'Olisanio Dmz. FROM JAPAN / ineorain BROX DaeLeIOW Gni Telearaph to the Plitebe.gh (wen.. Anocera Oa., Jena lt.—Judge Itecau in the Superior Court, to-day decided that nettberat common law nor: under the coon mazeeorgi, could tbe Tants of :the Rata alkali reminder ot. their , charters, unless accepted by the Leal/dater.. This decision in Da effect annuls all attempted surrenders of Banks of the State, as the Legislature filled• to swept in i every nano* when tho attempt 104 peal . . . El Headquarter,. tor Photograph.. Strangers in lite city 111 quest . of 11th like and natural pletures, taken In the highest j style of the photographic art, two requested to call and examine the Pun epeclines on exhibition at the well known anti favorite gallery of W., It. Whitehead, Chronicle bnUA -Ing Filth street. 31r. Whitehead tinJoYs a$ htgh -reputatiou for the excellence mutt on. posterity Of his pictures. anti take. special care that every photograPh, plain or color. Mind, taken by an t compare with any I rennlll3lgitT 11000. Ills &10,14010ain„ very 1 lir. Whitehead and hie 0171010 rd and polite assistants _ and artists, to the pattonsge of readeht. • Dr. Aborim'aledical and Plors 011100. No. ER bmltbCo6l etroat, will be onened on 3VedneclaY 0001. for 11110 'lion or valiant* allileted alseues or the Eye, Ear. Newt, Throat. Orgabs or 160 Chest, Skin aid ail Surgical 111*uaaaa. Iris • work containing-SO pages. illustrated with ea graving*. *ant tIV mall Off receipt 0(60 cents. Consultation free. .. v. . . .. Ever 7 v ariety of boots and sbOes for ladles, gents, misses, bogs , Yonthh and otuldren • wear, - from a good medium to the very finest quality, at , very reasonable prioes; at the mammoth ratiportarri of emlthson, Palmer ft Co, SS end 67 . fifth stmt. • . . . === PRICE THREE CENTS Ile MA Not Pay sloe Rent.—A warrant was issued for ono duo Ilnon by Alderman IVldasters, on oath di Mary Wmn, charging him with laroenv as halloo. Birk. Winn re sides at No. 9 Liberty street,and so me Moo al:leash° alleges she goon lloceolgh teen dollars to pay hot rent, Wblch, from recent devolopmonts, ft appeal) be did not mot do ,us a taw days ago her property was led upon and sold for the rent- , mays that, the unusual •• • • health of the cit during week may ho attributed to y the root[behest that. the Dootoro 'hal their attention drown to others mat tors, and neglected their lAtiool.• For once -o believe Snooks , right. for the State .11adical Convention woo a good thlitS t he Ito VtirejiLl=n&e:ms=rigt mo . ..lfaKea ts llaels.”—The mart who get the ,••olpan shave , at Groves' barber -shop. for hich he mane an information against .131 . 0.6. charging him with tummy, appear. ma before Alderman Lyme, and retracted, stating that he was la Wri ug under a mis.' 'take at the tame the information was made, And that heronui folly !aliened that Groves had nOthing to do with taking his money. Thanlen—Kr. W. G:ltlffie bee oor thanks for C full report of the doings of the Teln• perenoeCanyeatloa yesterday. We ere also ender o D g l t d i g eo g U oc r io . n DI o U I D e O s I T on OW a li o d f O Ud.m. • • WEDNESDAY AND, N NTDADAT. A Juke skeet, cootalairrk C'lto 'UtINi of lotemtlat neadlor matte, IncleolLoe leadlok Editorial, latest `tea. by Toleatara tVt and Mall. Talusble Stead's , Matter tor slut fullest , arid most reitable noun. OW and Commercial Market Esparta Oren 1M DOW? in tke vtr. No rafater, Meetutala, ! Merchant rbould M .Ithoot It. , C. T. T. Vacua, No. 111.5 Wood stroot,ottends rompcly 1194 ot.coo.b.s JG. DODGERS, UNDERTA • EKE AND INJI/SI.I.USIt. successor to the late Samuel E. nudger,. No. ISO Ohio Street. three doom from Beaver, Allegheny Gill. Yr n*"'"'"` Mahogany. Wainet and.Neee . wood Irritation Vollins. at the lowest refobsd prices, 'tonne open at all hoar,, dm' and Hearse and Carrtanes famished en ernte fao , .e and off most reasonable tent., R T. WHITE & CO" UNDER ' TAXILILS AND ASIOALISVAS. Manche. ter. Wow.. nu, nod Coins Rooms at Algitebetter Livery S.W., forger Atireleld led Cliartlen mese& Matra Mt Carriages for. EBSTEWAIIT, Undertaker, .„ o r *ATOM awl PEI4OI Ninlh Wird. .01. of ill lands. • liar. and Carriages turilihed on Oa Anne, t EWLIN b. BILL. Beat Estate. Dt o t insurance Agents. Butler 1,11.., lam rononnllle, rm. , . rOll SALA—ILAN lIIIACTIIRING SI 1 . X.-1 . 'll./11.ACTCHann : We Winn for sale the in . sad most/ desirable illn for. Rolling rill cod Phut lrunmee, or for Lei large Insoulbeturlug perposes, le the eounty. .Thls property le brows ted on a4O foot s'reet imd the Allegheof Are,. putt and within 100 feet f the A. V. F1:11. The let 11 210 by 540 rem desiring such a lot would do well to examl • before hulas elsewhere. . Terms made putt purchasers. /founts. ,et 1 DILILIEI • 51s. Beal Estate and Initnraline lAsesta.taater . Trot. L.wra.Tino. FOR SAL > That sere yalas. , ble and nestrnble 'prODetly .unite on Ea. beers Mann' end the Allegheny riser, PAL. gfieu utty ; um hT ta test. on which Is enacted 'unary substantial Brick Buddliip dent sties high, Maistee feet. caleigated and yell winged "tor earreing on anima.ens hraneh of ausnidae :gulag. It Is seldom a lot of these ellinewitone. the city, es n be had, and tio would invite the sliplal elution of Mote duteous of segar. in *place Ps meautseturing pu SW. to sail ed the ogee of DINLLII • Mt, Real Pilate and lannotto Agents. BOPS Its-U, Lowtailmaa; . • TEE IN bialY VIMIL I=l "Q ,, n , ata ron Tut Wrant, OAZZTref. ! tnnele übs.criber. .......... .... ;; ... ••••61:13: ell,. of Ctn." t•f Ten \ ......... •• —And one c, ••,.. to 11te per.. getting uP the club. Adlittiona to clubs flu bentada an} club'ralea, Nonce To Si7totentni,an.—ln ordering T e P•Per, be sure sub ne4tre what. wanton ant, font but One mall a,wirk• ail . slooeT ter [fret, Zirre.. Money . u. or in RcellteradLettera, ma, be tant'at our OWL Addre... GA z PITInBUNG 11. l'ufrfe.t., NE..* STYLES ICE •PITCHERS. Fruit and !Wry Dishes, TEA SETS, CASTORS AND COMMUNION AM JUST 11.E.C1V213 B DUNSEATH & CO., .70W0iaarair 5 d Firm ivierrr. 1101)12 jCiareSTON & scary', t. Prriaris is • • Fine Wateheg., Cloeks,, 'Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. AT* LIBILIiTY NTBIAP, 3Pittliikal.ll - fr,kee • Nre Partionlar attention Tan to Steoairtnig W.... Cloaks and Jewelry. £ll weak mar nnt•A • GOODS FOR TUE MILLION! SMITHSON, - PALMER 8/ I 13., AUCTION MART, 55 11-_57 P;vrit Pittsburgh. Hans n ~mmnni. Ff pniwa•Ot. tdb° .otd hOm VI D~cie - tG~ PRIVATE 'SALE. Wholesale and nem% REGARDLESS OF VALa- N.S. WOMEN'S. FECUILDRE•S LETD TORTES, 110018, SHOE. DAME= BArtr M. 'BALM ext DOMESTIC OUT OOuD.S. C MYTHS. CASSIMEREs. JEANS. CorroNADEs, STUMM AND DUMPERS. GLOVEs. Ho.MEUT. DANDEZUCHIEULS, T M !SUSPENMUS .DRS. 'MO HATS, CA/APET MAGUS. • I - Alto, direct frota the minet:t.rert. Lograin, Bag and Linen CARPETS, A-uction Prices I o 1 Flak Nos. 55 AND 57 FIFTH STREET. S.L.—Ynralture acia HOlne hold Goodsltor ILL at Auction on KVEttli TII Q KSULY. earrasoN;PALIIVA ok CO., . 9 89 MARRET STREET. ' 9— :111 6 C) 4 13 9 B9 Market Shwa, • AND GET YOWL 9 9180.0T5, MOBS, 40. THL CIiZAIMST A.Au BEST M '9 XMT pamari rrINAPT. -sr NO'AUCTION 800 JAS. ROBB, 89 Market 'Bl. I m:=. J. LANCE, • .135 and 18.1 Third Birest, DYER AND ECOVREEft Straw Goods 'Cleaned or Dyed. ea or dy FILOVES and IdDLICEP PLUMP:36I4am. ed. lurElllolll MERITS i l oj A tbe nom and Fellers/ Dn.... an.° Itabllsbed and to generally idadli ttN tad. that u e ' s 7.3 100 ig o er ‘ 4 ,1 are ample, &Lennie and Demi, wasrtull AGENCY, Ito. 27 FIFTH !STREET. mY - .111iLER. CLOSE & Practical Furniture Masufectlrerl. •COR. PENN AND WAYNE.STS rate ntyle• of 1113inTWIE 110 • : ES FOB SALE,AT Iklostardhs Liverr.!ftable, 711101 , 5T)1 13T. One lloutg. tenth, todrlvez .111 not gnu% i rj . --- ii ,,,tbought and sold on noma...on. JAMES B. JONES, Scrap Iron. Light Iron, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON. 1 , 1000P313,, elbo. reer Anderson city. aad Dive AD.RA•ar F. MIIISSMANN. ~ I M Strut, batsmen Tustsat an 4 Mathes' Street. Gunsmith and Dealer la Hardware. b=4"«,ln d Urle.:= " =:l3 an* J°llll . l PECK', ORNAMENTAL, HAIR WORKLB AND PSKVOI4I,I4 ronrilt Wee t. oat door from Woo-l. Pattsbur ttenTrotn VVIVU=Vre To A pmt.; ; ;tagityll (Zit t..ll=ll. s ., w ita iir. " ,) ' t . tes , nl neAtleavon'S [WPM!. t :Patt i * ... a wmaa.r. 11OLII1EM, BELL & !CO., &arbor Cotton Mills, Pittsburg% • Yanehetnrei , of TIXALVT, .XY.DIDII At LIG= ANCHON AND icAUNIuLia. RIBII:ET111161PI AND BATTING. 111111ED-FR01T........„ • ....., 90 MO thorn Dalt P . „'",,"! 20 do quarter --• • .' Lt do • mixed DO lersbet9 irood Dry ApyliD; 90 do ortmo do r . Jere neared 011. comadeston 'and for 11.1110er to the rade. .. am:ataxia a aaa, , fts 17 see Wewletme :. Big i llySlVr iel TAß.Cli • lib tome., 40p., taut starolv• • • MI ton. do. • Um " taro • do • "- taro G 1044 stored, • Tar wallow to toss:rod. to tooortt or , ' ' ' BCtlVEttiottwood 00. MALTI BLUM! JEIALT: • Looó sUBLIMOICIS ror , •-•- Sig. 4 2" OLA• ar mourns , sgsl4lo.o7,g6.tesot • SS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers