The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 17, 1867, Image 1

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No. Oa Nolitla. leltree.t.
F. D. / 0 1ENT131:4N, zator ..
VIVA t.:l2i :D, saltness 111.1
Otrpla mut..
DO . by carrier, (per mute.
Y.all Ikb.ribere. (Per Cs.oo.
Liberal rinluellons
Three Voyles, per year, by midi.-- --it I 50
lire do. do. do. each...... 1:15
Ign Obtoomeoples, to ono adatuse, and
one Tree to Clot. cub 1 13
TIM Will
Find Establiabment at 216 Fenn
sitreet::. Dr. 9. Sill k
That Lonsumption cannot be eared, for re
have 410evigence daily teat persons in the
last stage are [wing oared and restored
health !and vigor by using the Rev. W
eon's &treat Consumptive Remedy. Many
peten a have been Cured by it. Call and
pi: e, or It 0111 be mailed to you, a pain.
Ithiet giving a full history of thin remarkn•
big irMdicine.
. S43.lolugent for Pittsburgh and viclUity—:
• Joimiin, Fleming, Druggist, No. tt-I Musket
stropt; corner of the Diamond, near Fourth
3 . treist! .
Ten •
linsuow become so Important au article
Jo housekeeping, and there iire so many
different • kinds,' that many , persons are
troubled to know what kind. to putchase.
Thebdat way to meet .the difficulty is to
purchase your teas at, A. Kirk's, ISu. 172 anti
174 Federal street, Allegheny city, where,
from his large 16,iortment, the most fastids
can - be suited both as to price and
. If mere are Any
~ O f, bur reader's who have any doubt as to
whi:re to get the host Patent Stedlehtes, we
would suggest that they walk around to
Fletaine's Drug Store, N 0.51 Market street,
an look at Ills well tilled store. Flemlng
data a big business,e4anges lilt stock every
few 'Weeks, so that 'you always get a fresh
'article, (no *Mott its,s) and Ills privet ore
' lower than at ogler ests:bllshusents. Give
Mtn seal.
To Whofemale Exyoro
Of t)l7 . Gooda we offer bargains in job Tote
of Dreaa Goode, rantings, fawn Goode, and
! full !men Of . sbeetlnge, ..nbalinge. Prints,
, Tlci:ln,g, Cheeks, Sc., all of winch we will
sell at the very lowett . eastern ea-shpt . /eon.
J. iV,ltAtenan'S Co.
1 te) Market street, below Third & fpurth eta.
We Nolo Another Arrival
Of extra flu flni.ored /lngllsh breakfast
Ton~nt A. tarkl'.4. 170. /72 and 171 Federal ,
letreetoihlell is selling, at only $1,22 per
.Cheap Ponta, at fittetrpabarg: -
Thu tots to be sold ou Monday are to the
, ry centre of Shurinaturg. Lunt convenient
Railroad, Church., ISchoold, Se. Sale
about retatrve. See auction : atlvertase
I .IPuro Drugs!
liroge!!..l . lure Drugs!!! Pure. Drugs!!
You (:ad • Boy
lgn Liquors of all klrals at Jowl la 5.
'd laf. IklJ awl Ilk.
• Tout L Any
01:4. Alcohol at 7ot4eoh 9. Finch's.
. . . .... . .
• ,
I:in Can Buy
Enta-tODS at Joeelai F. FlnchN.
The metropolis presents a brilliant ap
pearance at the present time, dress:at mt all
the gayety of the new spring and summer
fashions. The whitlows are bright with
beautiful mastics and light summer silks,
and the streets arcs • thronged with ladies
almond as well us at home., who have come
to air their new clothes and pretty Easter
bonnets In the sumitline of liroad way.
The prettiest costume to tie t , sen as yet
upon tile street arc the sllinnter sill‘ Suits,
chino, or striped in nurraw line In two col
ors. A white sod lilac Stripe, for instance,
dress and sack, is trammed ....itch bands of
till In the contrasting color, and worn over
o white mohair pettleeit, trimmed with
three rows ot parole idik braid.
Another very pretty sum is composed of
mouse -colored chino ell k, dotted with white
and trimmed rouleitus or narrow folds of
mouse -colored satin, 'dotted with •w site
opnone beads. Thls Is wor:i over a Mated
Tnere is a delicate. acne pOtgln, and
very silky material, rouge °Cada and linen,
bath of which are Introduced for travel in g
ilre,s purposes; but though very pretty,
they are not eonel for, service to the pure
mohair, which will stand all sorts of weath
er without shrinking,
The now muslitts are veer gay, and In
my large patterns ; they are to( tenni!, how
ever, by - the delicate and beautiful shading
of the deitlgns. Au organ,' ic muslin, mons
over, needs a large pattern to he etrective,
small figures are übsot bial by the fine trans
parent ground•wOrl: at the tisFue, and
serve only to give a misty, uncertain tint to
the anti re fabric.
A neat lawn is much better than an tale
rior.organdle. -
Robes in organdie have been revived this
season; Mae Mad° .wita a sin . gio nennce
round tae bottom of the skirt, others with
an upper skirt,. with, flowered . Wands.
which. descend upon and form sort of
fan.thaped tunic.
White toilets promise to be very fashion
able this season for young ladles; although
they certainly 'require great neatness and
exquisite attention of detail to tee attrac
tive. The finest and nicest Of akirts and
Lome, white shoes (unless the trimmings-of
the dress are black, and then black slippers
may be worn.) spotless glover, and a very
careful coiffure, are ell Indispensable to a
white dress; IL is not, therefore, an eco
nomical toilet.
The new Paisley shawls have black centers
am! black. fringe; they are egnefdered very
distinguished. A great inlay ladles are
having their old white centers taken out
in.? the black ones pof in . A great b.mems
n the way is donoin tile :Literati° of /nom
shawls. •
A novelty In slimmer black silk cloalmand
• saenues In the introduction of color Into the
••iteins'l are as faahloimble as ever, but
they are now worn without loops, end quite
frenuently simulated by aniembroidery at
the back of thegarment„ the edges of which
are flubbed with fringe. j
The short dresses are found great for
.country wear; and ladies are hdopting them
.universally for this purpose. and for travel
ing. Nothing so comfortable or convenient
has been invented for a long time.
it Is deckled now that the. summer bOll.
note win be very small; the bonnets for
Ares, end reception are really
entailer than ever, and- very generally of
-the fanchlon shape. They are merely 111010
triangles of Ince, or white crape, laid In fine
folds, and trimmed with a mauve or blue
velvet bandeau, a Mlle line blonde, a whit,
rose-bud, and two or theca email bronze
Drenoes are JAM cut very narrow, and
with long trahnd four yards and a halt In
considered suffileiently wide round the lot
torn fora trained dress, and three and a
half fora short die..
Dress°, not frill gored are gathered at the
Luck. We have Said several Mau , ' and re
peat again, that underskirts must either
be gored, or made very narrow at the top,
and with a deep nOUZICO • a the bottom: this
Is 'essential to thegoodapPenrance of the
dress.--Dentoreags Month( y. •
, • Platimore it adOhio Railroad.
The earnings of the Baltimore and Ohio
Itatiroad, notwithstanding the antagonism
attempted to be directed ngamst It bylines
and independent freight orgetilrations In
the West, who cannot heed it to their Pur -
Macs, show a large and prosperous Mon.
near and a handsome increase upon' those
of the Same period last. year. The results
,indicate Its policy Of ntuintain log Ito own '
test freight atom, Instead of perm itting out-
Side Organtzndolle to monopolize Its • care
nrnl tracks, dictating terms, and making.
• large profits out of both the rOncl, and the,
sib,lDDer,.2llo earnings, of the road for
April Aro 0 :31,70; Xi In excel. Of 1.210:$0 or.
April VOI, inn details being follONs
. rot. Arid 1,67 :
Main stein 'J.II
Parkersburg Drench
Wasninglou do
Ohio Inv. ......
~.lo ion
,1,7111 10
Winchester tall'otozzino /L 74
• ~ , nlorLatis You 1 , •• • •/ :"....Ij°
Blain. Stern li.elaelb ai
Parkersburg Branch U.. , 44 7.3
WashlogtOb do aa.f.l7 7t
Central Ohio 111v1elon V.1.'.',17”
Wlnebester and Potomac. It. 1i...,. ~,,,, 07
Total 0re.....,n13 :I!
(70.11 ,
For Aprll; !Se
rer April, 15'41
ineicase for April, 1%7 4511,766 Si
—The Nne , Nation, u rinilealicturnat of great
WA:deign:wed, Vu., griutn
the deposing paragraph :
"Who can inalisa the (nett anti yet it in
a faci. .What's a fact why, the lion. J. 31.
Batts and Cornellus liarria,n man no bitten
,Inat, Ida hlaegness glitters, are. neated to
gether On the ti rand Jury. and that, too, in
. the city of
. iiichniond, 1 Irnlufa. liere'a the
text—we leave Oar rettnern arid goAtet lky to
make thoctunnienL Thu world 1110k . e.glInall
South, In Richmond, Vit.. though It monde
mid everywhere Cite. Whatdo (:opper•
Beads in tno Xorth clunk of TAW 1" •
- 1 tcji:
Smuggling from Cunadii.
Notion to Amend Refused and Ihe
• Bill Dismissed,
Proceedings in Bankruptcy
r.By Telegraph to the rlttahurgll Gazette.
Wt &outoOTOY. May 16, 1,9:7
The Treasury Department having been
advised that large' quantities of peas are
imported trout, ostensibly Neck,-
mottle use as dried pros, but used as seeds,
the Collectors of Customs of all lake ports
have been instructed to regard all Whole
peas as seeds, and charge ou them the 4?ty
of thirty per cent., prescribed by statute,
unless they have clear proof they are kiln
dried and unlit for beetling purposes.
The Supreme Court met to , day, and alter
delivering yarloug opinions adjourned until
the !hat Monday in December.
The Court ordered as follows: That cer
tain rules and forms of proceedings in bank
ruptcy, which have been framed and adopt
ed by the Court In pursuance of the Act of
CangreSa, approved March be and
the same are hereby promulgated; that Bald
rules and terms be recorded by the Clerk
and that they ba'allowed to be printed.
Case No. 14; Original. State of ?dissislippi
complaint vs. Secretary Stanton and Gene.
Grant and Gra, was decided by the Court.
The motion was (or leave to 1110 an amend.
moat to the bill In this . case. Tins was de
nied, by a divided court, as announced by
Chief Justice Chase, but the names of the
Judges on each aide were Sot made public,
tubs beingn Secret of the COurt.
Upon a motion to diamlea the billfor want
or jurildietion, It was entered that the bill
be otslAiasea with coats. So the Mississip
pi taJunclion case falls with that of Geor
So. le. Original. Ill.livaukee and 11be
lie:iota Railroad Company, petitioners.
Judges of tho Ctronlt'Cotirt 'of tViscouslu,
Ordered that a xuandasouls issue command.
ing the edges of said court to proceed
with the execution of the;order of the Court
of July 1.9141,0.
\o. •17. Thompson et al. vs. Riggs S Co.,
bankers. Salt to recover cola deposits made
in ItOt. Jotip:neat of the Supreme Court ot
the District of Colombia that the debt could
be dlsellarg.l by payment., or odor to pay
the same In legal tender notes, adltrund, the
_let of Congress of lebruary,lvr.:, making
Treasury notes a legal tender to payment
of all debts.
James 11. S. Schurernan, Colored me>_sun•
ger of the Comptroller of Currency, wan
arcuated, and IT under examination to-day,
onn charge of the larceny of alintO in Lido
Of the Fleet Nattonea liauk of Jersey City,
antlyorglng the siroutures of the onicers of
the bank. It m beileved this in but a por
tion of the amount of National bank notes
abstracted. Sehuremau W. confidential
messenger of the Comptroller, and it was
,part of his ditties :0 handle three notes and
carry them to the Express Oftloc- Ile to
supposed to be only a tool of OUlOr Forties.
Who illicit la the forged exams.
Eighty.tivo mid.thlptuen will Co gradua
ted at the ensuing' examluatioit at the Nasal
Academy. Fifty or sixty paced on
the stesmoLlp limne.mta for St.etz months
cruise for practical instruction. .
The following dispatch. wan rwelrefl this
afternoon at Gen. Grantli headquarters.
/....atx May 'I.—To the Adjutant tirnorul
Falba( Mat. Army: Wu Mayo a ematnuni-
Cotton. Mimed by Col. Rankin, Comtrumd
log officer at Fort Zuford, as late us Fehr..
a bfith. All were well then. tin ',pone
that on the jot of January the Indian, ap
peared in considerable force before the
fort, mounted, and after a variety of ovoid..
tlons, (Muddlesas meant to terrify, upon a
single shot front a twelvo pounder thvy
went nff in a great hnrry and have not
since that time attempted any further hos
tilities, although encamped on the Ycilow
_tone, only a few mile., from the Fort.
Gen. Terry telezraphs that tbo recent re
port of the capture by the_lnllnus. Of the
strainer Miner is fu)se.
[signed.] W. A. Nicnots, ArA. Gen. •.
Nichols is Chlof Of Stair to Lieutenant
General Sherman.'
ha the case of the original. State of Texas .
es. White rt of. the Supierr.e Court allowed
art injunction to restrain the payment of
certain Texas bonds to part los to WhOm it
Is alleged they wore Gehl tiering the rex:T
hen-by parties In • the'artny In hostility to
the United States, who had melzed the e
chives, treasury zind property of the State.-
The Court grants leave to the defendants
to move to disimive the Injunction at the
next term of the Court.
In the case of the Bridal 'Memorable Fdr
William I•eel, captured near the• mouth of
the. LClo Grande, during the rebeillon, the
Court ordered z eetaution.
• /111,110 nOnBDl VOX soi.nistia , on'Ar6ll.
The Board of Army 01niters, of Which
General Grant is President, recently ap
pointed to enquire the hest, most durable
nod economical material for bend block* to
national cemeteries, held a meeting this
morning. Their report will be submitted
lathe Secretary of War Inn few days.
• 88(3111,P. CIV cUISTONIO.
The recelpte of eu.stolou from the
the eleventh. were 15,117,772.
re,elpis of luteroul Revenue taqlsy
were $ar5,751.
The National Unieu Committee,
(By Ts'<graph to Pittsburgh tissette.) •
New YORK. May hi,
The National Union Committee truonv is.
sued us appeal to the „ in
country for tiesistases se • . LLLLLL
thin auspicious eri• •ot Lao country. it Is
deemed of the highest Inn,, :tau. that
Republicans In every Elate should imme
diately reorganize (or the roan...ming 1,104-
S/eon of .1.567, preparatory to the c ISO
Pleallleiltlal COO teat, ttpeelany in the State.
width have never before rectogulted as
the only Juan basis Government the
canal end Inalienable rights of . man.
They say they desire to prosecute In Rya°.
matte and thorough canvas Of Southern
states by the most efficient speakers of
both races, and to account their efforts by
the distribution of documents, enforcing
Intl principles, policy and aisle of the Be.
alit, pnbll
th - o ean ttly a party.nd por They
som therdly, to th eefore appeal
unman the rich to glee an .‘. l t "
poor to give what they tall tinfOltl • let
tern end contributnale to be fiddly.' 40
idov. Marcus L. Ward, Chairman an Treat.
nrot,Newark, Now der..e.Y.'l
1 1,410 1.
. GI3 3
Plre.bYteorinas Asoombli CI ilociamter.
:111TetettMO: to Pot Pitt!buret Gazette. t
Ittemtgarau, N. V.. May 1 0 . — The General
Asmra.;ly or he New Mehl.' Preabylttrlall
Churelt or the United Staten nottorubi.l for
ha annual seostou tnootay. There Is a large
attendance. Ti,., tutrwluet ery service,
were conducted by Rev. hr. 11. A. Nelson,
or hi. leoels. 11ev. :tr. Ilopktna,of AelbUra.
rrenchod the animal onrtton, in whlob Ito
tangly urged nil posilhltt otop. be taken
for the advancement et the gin:mt. work
of re Utlil3l/. j '
Itawitravalt. N. 1., 11/tY Itreelty.
terlan Azectuttly elected floe. l len ry A. Net.
n, of et. blederuter. The remnleil
euettion will he con/laered truly:pow,
r. ~,:~
[By Telegraph to the illtabarsh tiuctte.
—Attorney General Stanberry's opinion
on the registratlOM queStiOn will shortly be
—ThomaS , Loos, charged-with the murder
of George Ellett, la the Criminal Court
room in Philadelphia, last December, has
been found “net 'mien Indictment
for murder. killers was accused of seducing
&slaughterer Lee's, and, was about to be
tried on the charge when he was shot, bay.
Sag Just been breeglit In from prison.
—Thu New Yoricf/cratcl learns that Mug
land designs to same Cube in the event of
any difficulty with Spain, and endeavor to
retain the island as a base In the Gulf Of
• =-A Dublin (xiireenOndent alleges that in
15 the Fenian Executive to New York to.
milted largo grime or money to Ireland, in
the shape of drafts, drawn by the Belmont+,
on theAlothschilde. The British Govern
ment embargoed the tulle and directed the
tiothechllds not to pay them, which wee
not dope. A bill drawn for two thouaand
polinde, to be raised for the defence of the
prisoners, with °then., when refuted pay
ment In London, was returned to Eel,
Bork, hut tholentans In Ireland allege that
the brethren there bare never been able to
recover • the gold from the llelmonts. The
Fenian organization in Ireland le mud to
be In good working order, and unimpaired
In force.
—Uoneerning the riot in Mobile a "spe
cial" s,..(ys, The leader, David Ylles,wbollred
the drst shot at the Chief of Pollee, Car -
penter,lo the only em, arrested. It is said
ho aimed directly at Judge Kelley. He sras
held to ball In II re thousand dollars, by
Mayor IVithers. It Is certain that the at
tack ou the negroes wtu continued for a
considerable distance froth the Beene of ao•
Lion, es many were rhoillve or sir squares
oft Shots were fired from the root of a
store directly opposite the stand, ant from
the windows of a house. It le also believed
here that shots were fired from the side of
the window of the house of the editor of the
R.biatte, which overlooked the ob.& The
excitement is so great that the investiga
tion is postpned. ..I Lire Mayor nod Col.
Sheehan! will make a rigid Inquiry into
the matter. The tolled States troops are
posted - through the city, a e . ina , loeeitnYlOg
the trout of the Battle It MO,
-10obdon t ltalner's wholneato liquor
warellOUse, at Norfolk, Va.., was burned yogi
terdny morning. Insured for IfIlmro; lops
not stated.
—Henry T. Crawford, of Cleveland. Ohio,
cOmplalneit to the Brwvtintendent of Pollee
of New York, on Wednesday, that be had
Joel 41A,00J at faro In a gambling hell on
-....- ---,-
newt/tons en the Pan illendle—irrielt
and Gratis Crepe—SlintsterLal Auto
etatfon—Plpring (trove Cemetery. •
epeotal Correspondence Puma/nit liaxette•
. Chit, eirwrt, May 15, lon.
Lorroait C./Starr.. We left your city on
the dal r. id. train of the Pau Handle Road,
on day before yeutertiliy. Ali went nicely
unt ll we were some ten wile. this side of
ataufamellie. when, suddenly, the loonisto
tern being thrown from the town, we found
ourselves in the mid stor a fetuf air look.
lug amanta-up. .ProvitleutialiY hot a 'Ohl
on board was leltinet. There we • were,
however, not knowing what was to be done
with as: -Some of the lessiwngers aid we
would be returned to Steutianytile: Otliefer,
affirmed that some means would be Ort4ll
- to send um on word Wien/Lis ourdes/lase
tom. Tee latter wore right, for artbe end
of Com. nee hours a tram ern red from the
evert. To that we were transferred. and In,
a very shorttinte were on our way again.
Without farther accident or delay this city
was reached at tun o'clock yesteritax morn.
Ail along the entire runt/tithe proud se of
an abuntitutt crop. of both fruit and grain
If certattnly•.yery cheerio,. Ttio. wheal
t holds, with .scareely an czeeptton, look
1 splinuildly. it dOeS.0110 . • tyre W/44 to al,
them. If ail goes well until harvest time.,
flour wlifbe lroo than twenty dullard ft Dar
rel. Let the poor take heart.
Cincinnati is certainly a floe:city. Wheth
er allele entitled lobe called _t lie ••tinwin of
the West" is a u uesttun Pm Others totitaeuits_
We do know this, that, having put on her
beautiful spring apparel, she looks stoma
. what queenly. ;
We nod In this eitYlwhat we think ought
to ha in sorry other, a Min I•tertal A•usecia
lion coml./a' of Emu/tones' ministers
without respnit to destominatkin. It meets
once a month 'for relliniOng iIeVOLIOn nut
true desiussion—friendly dltettadt,se--sn(
Ant/Jett* pertaining totnornltty and religion.
it Woo taken bold of the temperance ad
eabbuth uesticirts with a strong band. To
show bow truly Catholic the Spirit that per
vades the Associatton In, we mention a sin
gle instance at Its lain netting. The fact
having born communicated that Iles.' Mr.
McCarthy, 'Lector of Christ's Episcopal
Chunk, had deceased, It resolved to attend
inn timely Ills funeral. Truly the a atchunin
upon Zlon's walla are beginning to sea ale
to eye.
To day we paid a visit to spring lirove
Cemetery, which Iles some flee miles North.
west of the city. The drive thither is ex
quisite. The road is perfeotty level and as
smooth ha everwheohl, rolled over. It Iles
Cu the foot Of Whet are Palled the ...Clifton
'WM ". Mt the en It snit of Which are some
mewebeenttful Imitate tesidencee. As you
enter the cemetery, toe Slew ll:sc./chanting.
A little in the nlstance lit:fore yoe to an Cr
tlfinfallege, end no elf her side °rpm are
aml unequal eleyaltons of ground,
coverall' with a iarardof the softness and
delicacy of the richest 'green Velvet. lie-
Yood this first view, there is nothing PM,
ibtry attn.:Av. : . loti °hearse The abstinee
Of two thing's; leciosnrins and costly monu
ments. It is sand Abut both are being dis.
colaraged. limey of the monuments though
not. costly flee noverthaltea unique; and not
fl few.of.theto display touch good auto. The
whoh) eensetry Is rept in nice order. Addi
tions have ramntly been male to It, en that
It new contains some fop, hundred acre..
Naturally Teem "Allegheny Unmoor) , " has
the at vantage of epttngUtovc;'uctldcfal
ly,Jtlwnot.ot. id Wren,
A Homicide Di..o.4.43—Alterhpted
- ' .: ' Vetter luadAlaalclde. ~
i By Telegraph to the Plush° Rh Omens.]
Wertenstritra, May le. Tliontits Lola,
who was yesterday aceultt dot the moiler
of Ueorge Eller Ist the Crl Malt:Mut room
la Febronry last, on the ground Oglenanit.V,
was brought Jeforn the Court this morning,
on an applicatiou for his discharge, being
now perfectly mane, awl attar en examina
tion of witness°. he was discharged.
Jartitentier ant the Montt of Ms main,
Mine !Micron, and then big own. Both re..
sided . in •.thd - Itoose ...f - .lolin Schaller. oar
driver. Winer was an Inn:Timely° yon•g
man, and bad always been oh the beet of
terms. with allgir .11a/croft, Both piartles
ore still alive. -
. .
The water of the Northumberland will be
let Into the linactisahanna 1.11,1210 u of the
west branch Of Ste nuiquehanna Canal On
the 11th 04 !day. , .
Michigan ConeiMulleani Convention.
BY Telegraph lo th 9 riciouixh
Drranyr, May the t.:onstittitional
eiriiivehtion to-doy 430baldnrablo program
was towlo In the appointment of commit
toes. The Tenipenueas delogatea eapoot to
eoeuro a elaueoio Oho Gontaituttoo prohibit
log the manufactures or wile of splrituoue
• • -
1,//w/sTon. pip , M.; ./. Varrel
end /.11.1tten Ilerles, colored, were arraigned
eltergel 1/11.11 murder/rig the two
aged women nt WeeL Auburn, January /M.
Harlots pleade guilty. Verret not gullt.V.
Tho Lrlal wIU exits plata. Juno •44tti:
!Ship tieing 8i1;,,4
.• • •
Talcirrtrn to the klittbnigh Otretted
Kew ytotz, Xs, IC.—The cargo or , ff hest
and coppor ore or the elllp Darlatntr were.
front enn Francine°, recently sunk need
Bandy Hook, I. beteg brought to ti o. arty,
The venvel RUA) thitangetl` null 'eta cotne
to theeity In good 0011.1410 R.
roll of flouro—Loo. of Life.
!By Telograph wt. Pittsbursl2
Ofay 16.—A two nCo ry'' (roma
buthllog. No. Al Polk otrott, to ormolus of
holn g raised to tholootto, 101 l I. his wort; Ink.
killing !dm Vf otklns, wafo of tho owner,
and ouvoroly WJortngfuorotuoro. • • •
LB, Tt•lean 00 to the PI litbu ra h Uuelle.]
• B . r. Jonarit. Mo.. May 16.—Tho 1103/11130 •
Denver, 01 Llko It. Jo.loph and Omaha pock
et 1100. WWI 1a11 . 00.1 at, lkor fitful lag thl
tnoralnif, elzty"l.tiouland tlWlety
partly wear/al.
• ' Wllllttartaporf, rta.. /lee1100:L7-,
!fly Tatritaoh to L b , l'itodamtlt , 1 j.
WILL, I'ORT, PA., May Is.—Logan. a •
Drioncratio cantthlato for Mayor. Iros elm
ttit yt:O:rdny by h InNorityylp,
• • --
, u3 . 1,1%,-- i ______ . i '''' :I
41 li 17 6
-.,Y - —•-.. -5 44 ~...r......
.. i. ..; . , c - , 4,, ,, f .
i- ~--, - . ..3 ? "— : : : ::t. • ' $ . , '' - I ~„,' -, i : -,_ . - . a .
- " - I, • - e. , - s al,
___.,- x - ~,V, 1 :-.... ,
.; - ,•_-.77.1;" ~....9 f .e.tha --
- 3 .-. '-:: ' " '''''' . l ' 6 V '"
- f 1 „..5.,.., -- ', - .1, -1 1., -•,,- x -- ::,,, A ;
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_..=.1 ' , ,, 7 . - , -,, , ,. i t i.,.--- - 4 . ~- - • ..--( - ---- , -;,-o ‘,--, )
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-- 1 ., -...4.:. - 5 - - - -..-- - ibig..ll - - i - viiit - ,-sivorn‘ ~,;,,!;', .-,--,,t
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_,,........„k;.---.-.---,-,--.. _
Prussia and the London Treaty
The Insurrection in Spain
Financial and Commercial
- LOlll/01, TREATY. •
Beaux, May 16.-6,i , ning.—Tho North
Uerman Uozeita, organ of Prime MlnUter
Illemare)r, say. the goal ex.:Moan 'of the
treaty signed at London, and Ute evacua
tion of Yartrouo of Luxemburg by l'ruesia.,
wilt be =colt within one month, as pre•
scribed by the - London Conference, nod
that Prussia wilfluxcl more time. •
Leann', May 14.-.lteports =calved renal
Madrid statu that a iurgo number of pet.
aorta engssod to tbn recant disturbaner In
Calatont:Land either places bare herd raptur•
ad and arrests Irmo mutat:illy being wade
by the pollee and aoldlary.
ram sairetroxaa. OIL TRIAL.
Dracia, Mat pr.oners Fli;oil,
Duffy and Cady are now on trial Lefotei the
oClcisl commiision. .
I.lVatonini.O.lay ,town,lllpr Iln
cla, lianaa.ron and City of Wanninginn, frorn
New lurk, llama arrived.
consratiAL AND n /11 UM', L.
Loaoos, May —Cor•ola sr:
Fire-trreuriea i 'Mount Central
pea. —Afte-no- , n—otat
Amer , 113. 41 , :
ican SecurgAua urichangtal.
1.1 t„ May I.:—A - 0,•,--r:etton n t
kat mailet arida Millirn easier; middling up•
110- ms.—Artrnoo.—CnUnik
more active and
sate. linti bvt:lg
only 15,are
La. zurool, May 16— A'ss,n.
lee quiet and unclzanirr,L. Coro .u.ntir, It
12s. Provisions unellango I. llr(slads quirt
and lit,emly. Common Ittslin. , s Vet,.
!rum rulitt.l, at Is 3.1. Hover 1,,1, at :WC
Tallow .1.1 Limner; imeri can, at LI.
Los./s. Alay le. I. sr.-144,45t of.
sistasty. Weosstss szt4s4l Corn, St ;It. 00 s
arsd.Sugar unchanged;
LOMPON, Slay 15 —Ers , lol9.—Consalsk
es! Ist J.ta, far. money; I , l's, :111: Minot*
Cebtrsl s/.35; rsrls. 11's.
ril.sxrosr,lNlay /4.—l•nitesl Etxtt*a bonds
c 105.1
Asrsrgar, May 16—E , rninw-I . rtrolsstrl
dal and slorlInes1; trf
Li v 'seri,km , , tie,
berg Wove.tuit prleim Aug in g dee wren
irregular mod *Ur:Mating, cueing
nrl n+
tations were, middling upland.,
/wane, 11NO: 1,001 bake. Wendel:a!,
eagle, torn denilimit
LVSLON. Dl ly ert.ny.— Sußax ,ttaaly.
Ina% lcu nootch at 6.1,
Etber•oll MAYS-age farceliqrA at aeati
poi. by Procometra—Ysir., e.
t. ondletonsed by 111•bep ttallaurd—
, IlAnnbortasill hobby tartan A... Ably
—A itadleot ggggg oldobal Cobirro
llso—A Spilt—Tan domlnAllosta.
!items, nay n.—Em.r.llll , :cbretge •r
-tiyed this evening. =et it the dot
pet by a target pet:tot:MUM of oaf rent and
to hie hotel: the toot rotating
"Tramp, Tramp. the Hoy, art ..Itatotang. -
Ito .grit. here,. to-morrow.
BothOP titturtattl, m. hl. tet to t
lAttoeopel IJoneentloo, Ou.tetttri tt. the erect
lice at ralalie,t money for ch erotica lqilatre,
Intletteto etc., watt urges on the church
duty to negro., soli 01 1.1110t11.:1.1intyt, L ennltlate for orellestluti, soil reeely to go
to work. •
Abost Sed trundtad aelentfts b. , " in at
ten:U.:me at the Cumin:rimed Presbyterian
NAAS," PC—Tbe Rad PIO Con ven -
non, to nominate a candidate for rongres•
In this District, met In this wty to-day, at
the Capitol. A dialloalani Occurred le rearmed
to the adicalaslon of delegates from W abed:
county, whereupon the supporters of Job I.
Lawrence seceded.. They held a meetbag at
the Market 'Hoven and nominated li!uu al a
candidate. The , lolnicallon that rena
nominated John Trautde. The great leNne
Of the ainlrrytatars were neativigs• laaWrgrana
Is rrom Whin, ann his been into In the tin
ploy of the Freedmen's Bureau for some
time. Trimble 10 a native Callon man. The
. COntegt betWesen Went will Iry !lotermlned
by the negro rote.
lint little progress has been made In tke
lioneauhtnent Court. Two Wit,, on the
part of the preset:llWD were exraialucd to.
Defrauding Dry . 1....4U Plan—Conele•
Ilan ear • Wile Tklef—The Impeach
mews of /wave • • •
tilt Telegraph to the Pittsburgh thse tie.)
be. Louis. Slay la.—Charges Of fraud asd
swindling bar. been made against %V' begin
.t Crowther, dry goods dealers In this clty,
and one of the members of the trot arrest
ed. It somas they bought a largo stock of
goods In Now Tort and Itoston oil three
and four months time. These west. mourn
sent to Philadelphia and Cincinnati and '
geld Under the • hammer for cash. I.argo
stnOuittgesre else soul at auction titre.
They borrowed tenord thousand dollars on
call, and a short time since mode a/tauten
inents M h uid closed Melt doers. I In was
arrested and Croirther lied the city. Wig..
gin was released on ball, Lilt at once re-
al - rested by eastern creditors.
•og. Row, woo 12010 the wife of Charles
Iteerauch, of Cleveland, and broUght line to
thin filty.ll.lllOrt time since, Was tried }'es.
terday (Or adultery.,and sentenced to six
months' Imprisonment In the minas full
and topic a fine of three bemired dollars.
The impeanninent trial of Judge King be.
gas Inthetllt• *mete yesterday, but loth. lag Important transpired. There Was bare
ly a qtiOrula Of banner. preaent.
!Ward • of Dlreetora• aleellolgw.Viabatl•
elate to the Hoard Filled.
f gy Tang:son to the Plitaboran
HOPTON. MIT 18.—At a meeting of the DI.
motors of the • Northern Pacific Railroad
Outitpatiy, LCHlay r to till rambarlos °analog
la 110 Board, the TOHOwing geatlemon wore
cleated/ William Ogden, of Chicago,
President of Chicago & Nor thweatern Rail
rOed ;J. Edgar Tbonipsoa, of Philadelphia,
President. of Pennaybranla Central 11011.
tooth Robert 11. Board!, of Now Tort, Preal.
dent of. Erie :Railroad; GeOrgo W. Coy., of
Pittaborgh; Preablent of Plitaborgh, Fort
Wayne A et:lll3.o° Railroad; Won. ti. largo,
of Buffalo, Vice Prealannt of New York Cen
tral Railroad, and ThotrinS A. Canfield, of
Buenas/ton, Vt. Thosegentleman with
llon. John Gragory Smith. Pramlilent of
Vermont Control Railroad; Con. It. B.' Moe,
orealdant of Portlamd A Kennebec Rall•
il•.a. tremon Stearns. l'reallient of
Railroad, and Benjamin P. Cheeny.
Or Walla, Fargo Co.. constitute. tha Board
of Managers.
(By Tologreph pith. Pittoeirgh u exotto.
Men Faeneineo, May war Oen..
maao aa today egeJuet the lictttela hark
Slain; to recover. ,SlO.OOO ter broach of tho
California nlenentrer set.
Souse will DO made to tuicertetn" the fate
of the , ooltoOttOr. rrldo of th e rat. whieb
,sited De a netlipirroyaire lathe tiorthauot
oo ka a. Dee year sea aim never .116 ant from.
Tile Whales end oaw numbered eight per.
none. It le Nana they were captoimf by
Liquor PrOblbltloo.
:BY Tele.rapls to the Pittnbergh lasette.l
IW. T°.• 1 4.9 111.—Tho aolillere' oftuullra
ttott bounty bill wax kllltxl lR the Letrieh.
tutu to-day by 75 majority.
Motet anus aro tot ab). Liquor animal
sun all other publut h ere ill Ulll.l City are to
thaw atter Satutuay. next or be eubJeut to
Ricer Telegram•.
.18, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tinselled
Maira., !day 11;,--hiroi tolling ruplaly.
Weather cloudy. -
ov May In.-1111'er faLluag; aorta
ee l % 1;7 Ctlalaltatatk. .•
ik - v;
116:. ,:.::,:‘,..•,‘:'i'/,',::';-.',.'
111/ Telt•Nratal to thr. ritub.rgu.4.;lzette:;
NEW To no, Slay 1 , ,
.111 or. DATIS ON norre TO CA N.l ----
.7 11'. Darla remained quietly at the New
York liotel all day, and but few people
called os, him. It Is believed ho wil to.
night go to the reeldence of Charles 0;o11-
nor, nt Waeldngton Heights, and tr>. ar
row night continue Ida Journey to Canada.
nostsorfruic tNaTtTUTg.
The twentikh kmallon of the American
Institute of ileamopatlty will he nail
thin city on the sth of June. Thew/mina
Ntldres. will be delivered by Dr. of
Chiceite. • •
At four o'clock Oils afternoon a fire broke
out on the second floor of Nu. 46 Sdoth
street, net:opted by William A. bale A Co.,
Commission Alm - Chants, as a storage witru
bons, Too .4.c00d, third nod fourth floors
were pretty welt burned out. Thu loos of
goods is nearly f2lit.Uue. Williams A Guyon.
bHilt ping Merchants, NO. 7l Wall street, bad
Wow worth of goods on Ulu fourth !loos.
Tese goods were badly datnaged; insured.
Howland I Aspinwall hail eighty cases of
raw silk, cutout! at aIll,otto • ur the Molding,
crutch aro almost a total 1068. Said d CO.
hail on storage nine hundred chests of tea,
Collie la 5,101: ilfty recta or alike, value
410.o0; eighty boleti of straw goods, value
410,1001; XeVenty-livc vases of straw hats,
ralUe PPM; and H UtO worth of miscellane
ous goods, trelonglm, flo.ton firms; in
sured. Sale A. Co's Individual loss Is 110,1 s,
utt stock and 11-rturee; Mutts., Thu build
ing is own.] by Wm. Whitlock, Jr. , Leal
The 44imM - al Synod of the 'Reformed Pres
byterian Church, welch met last evening.
resumed its nes ilr.n to-day. Fifty delegates
KVIII present. ltoe. IL. S. Emma, of Colter-
Mlle,, was chosen Moderuter.
. •
Among the pu.ssongers per mtenmer
Futon I, Usron Von Grahow,lttisshut Consul
46=10. .. • -
Lame' and Harm Onions Meeting of
W t 1t•0ra041.1%/Ack*--ittool u tloua Coo.
rulut; the Riot on ib.llth.
Iltrr•liNcr•pltntee l':tt•bur t te 4wtte.3
Idoim i c, M/.y ..0.—.% large and very karma
nlou. u eettng of whlte, and blscke was
hold tills ea ening. npeeehes were made by
Mon. A et. Mali lustry, Mayor, and others.
The fol owing resolutions were unsul moos-
I, ado: ted!
II J.% • Mooting on the nlelt. of
May ato them were dbotnlJunovn nzol
ro,un In tuo.t itonontablo coon.
Re. , do,d, rind, We deewly deidnrc the trn
tortilnale via:arrant:lo *Wel/ Wata Wert at
all 410.2011,7, and .l.•ut t otpreae In the
, hroagtatierrautu.rdivappto nation Or thera.
+Wrwt , E. Wel are , d the , queloti that the
dtutartdindew ut Call er tag 'ere wholly
auprrineditatr.l and Ltd., t,f adehlte •
tat eaeltenteht tw which alt large ILCIC
ute •wdml.
Vora, In UM' opinion our to not
.11.00ied 101100,1 u 100, V 130000,0 the rnli
eirrOau 0(oVot CL 10 VW A,/ every Oa. 01
Alainitt a.llllOl by Negro blegre•dorea—
nelliary Ordered Ong —lPultrenserk
• badly. Injured—Negro: iii•iarbatme.
we l7akifosion,ll4lloerlsolnate Mamba
nr Te•em • anh to tie II: titairrh li arr...
.t. 9.aii4taire,.lbayio—Con . .I•laral•la die
flirt:ranee toga place anion;; negro neve.
•toram Ott Is, lore. to-day. aungniting ol
ay.!. to a run_ Two policemen were ba.lir
luittrvet a rum ....lutiverage a.. -
it ra from a troM •oulpramt Of loon of alit
oe t. I,ln, :Toe military were an dertni ogt
to a. 1.1 the poll,.
Tim.folltortng tett rtarsetral4l fool. an or.
.1.4 n! th•neral linsevr. bone! to•dayr ../ he
.1 ruteti atate• agrerument. If 1at . .....ary,
ant preli% you threuth the tn:!lt try, lot
• ,ou a 111 not La pr0f...4_3..4 In wrong guingy
Al a ttnotlng to trairreon Ig...ter-My, a or.
goo ' , veal.. a hue .free mg au nge t one,
: n .tglihrteon tug" ega the rare, ela, inter
ple•l 1!7 Ur:L.:el l•tath, bildho a, n hog Itt•
.•••r:tulpate • 1, C.. 1111,114,1.). the ma.
J !: unty n • the to gruel apnea:gni; to be
. ,
Cattle:l nalse--11 iiiii b Colanablamad
10Du.sainteri of Canada.
. i.
n,r r al es. MM V
ay .—Theta I. [(at -care!.
ty of ftt I- er In the •arterticautlitr.r. t. able
aro .13 . 1 it ny h a .
Lotto:`- et., Mr. A:slog, hegietrar t•rneral
of itell4tt , unlumtga. emir that action had
!mon torten' he th•• I..egn•!ature In reference
to witnimion In the Igor Inloo of Aana•la.
The leg:gat:et) regroll pa -rod annnluing4ly
reoguilOni 11l favor of inimbenni upon
eog.tat•l • tot Mt.
Ten ling Illnleh—lleater Ulna.
tfe - Titorrla t... the lit...mall ti•rette. •
lituto.r. os it. h.... May la—ln the angst
trot hetet ,•en rues ter and 11r. onhisrulth•e
mai, tt•.in.', lie ',not wort tt.•• that heat. 10
atiltlitt eceurhi. Iti.:. 4.
- - - ' - -
_ .
- Chan so firm 111 m Franet+co .I,ld •
caVtal o , er f2,
—Tim you ot Lilt Mo.:Maw, eonaldered
by young WM van of the greatred
riz, la sal Loudon matrimonial market,
engaged to Tlimrry 1. only Adelaide Talbot.
TM; Larl . • layman 1.4 hall 4 mlllton of font.
I.A a btod lmr etmAldntately die • slant
time All. and left film 1tol• hely to 0014101
ounurtmAted for twat:: y and sointalor.
. .
. .
—1 b•re In the te•l Itattne ofone of the pa.
I 14'0 01110:11, at. tho trial 61 the llowdotollam,
Maine, bank fobbers,noar In pro/trent...l.lre
lu BovetIolnlotto; wan at deimi. between len
and elev.n o'clock night of the robbery; no,
woom /Omit Cho 4ettot; toOmeed blot nod
Put my hand on Mr, shauldnr, and told him
1 owl got lotMltn grail:l,l ton by the thog,
hot I hoot pert . ' TOM Motu almuld he Promo
tenl a% IMO,
—There Ina efehablatt MnOthenn In the re
nilent. of Um elod wOn lottmdueml yellow
fever tom our onotry during too war. for
tmentlinlon 11 t.fIhturn from Cattmla to 010
//nth n land au 1 take hi, trill to linuturky.
Ile, of 110.nof, I 1 11,Cted Illie. N anti). end Dea
n l'eurnm //I aid mdect the ittry, Mid that
from such a I rtimnal ho rroahl tin more
likely to receive, moplauto than putostumeut
For 1110 block crime.
—The hfaliftng Valley Iron ensoPenT
'tiled Iu oertillcitle Of Incorporation at the
secretary of Chile's oftlru yester.lay. The
company Is organised for the purpose of
manufileturlng iron and articles ot Iron
useful m commerce end the arts, procuring
0r05,..t0. flute of bustnese Is Nape,
Trumbull county. Toe capital stock Is
ell..e.uve,_in shares of Col sash. James
Yard, Wm. 11. Ilrostn. Henry 11. Perkins,
11. I'. Jaincaue, and Mathew . B. Taylor are
the florporators.—elfolessrarn..
—A young widow of WoOdstook. Goon.
not having tbefear of the ghost of her dead
husband 'before her eyes, yielded to the
w ace.]: • Massachusetts husband, who was
fogally regardless of the
. 11:011n101 of his ,
wife. 1114 name George Morris. Ito
married her. tank baron. a brief wedding
tour, rote/nod to lier father's house, anti re.
sawed hie plat* by the side of Mx lawful
wife.' The big brothers of the Woodstock.
lunw haru ISAISOL failed to avenge her great
r-ILsosnasimis Fay csnirr.—/in old laity
over mstv-two years of ago, yeeterday gave
birth to stay-tea
lit all thirteen
children of which she its the maternal pa
rent.. Iler hoapand blows a horn at the Nee
Lionel Theata, and when corigratulated,
yeptertiny, upon hie triple bleastug. repllW
that he didn't know but that there might la
another added to the trio,. the medical
man had not yet taken hie departure groin
the house. We aroploused toenuounee that
Mother and callairOrt are as .wall as Might
Lin expected.—ttin. (Mesas.
--Of Mr. fireely's visit ie Richmond this
week, to become ono of the ball for Jefferson
haste. a newspaper of that city Says that It
le Urn first visit he boo Patel to that vita for
thirty-one years, In INM he palmed through
Ittchnionol tot his way to Warrenton. N. V.,
for the purpose of being milted In roatrt.
111011 V In 14 lady, a schoolmistress. bon, In
the North, Lint then engulfed to to.ming In
that Plata,. lie was utarriteit by a Itionmond
clergyman, lend annitity ;last Mr. tired ) heard this 'clergyman preach in Mclnnes:el,
and renewed an acquaintance begins so
many years ago.
To the Friends of the Blind.
Tholirincipti &hikers, and 30 pupils ofthe
l'ontea. ltisiltution for the Instruction Of
Use Wiwi, will visit Pittsburgh Iltlll remain
donne the week, communing on alotwinn
May wt.h. They will give several Musical
it x Maio., and also the method of road.
leg the raised letters, and other interesting
ThWobilttet of the visit's to exhibit the ca
pacity o tbu blind to rensive Instruction In
Ivory branch of knowledge ' nod to ~otirn
'mechanical trade's for thelrholf-ennport.
watiy, or the Western counties have
hover bent thole 1111dd children to the In.
stlLutioo nt Philadelphia, their friends are
notlaedthot the Slate provides for Lbws
whoaro Indhieet..
AppllcnLloat •i
. •
;Itt ' (.!F Ta'.' let;
l'incAnztrnta. May IStbl.l:7
Tlasoka. iv orrby nail efilelent Corri•
moolloner of Agri,.lturo, at Wtottiogrou,
fr,.(f.,110a. Iluato Norton,' lino Our Ilatottka
for several parkafor, 0!0g , .e Intrutog.
AtnYOr gOtal4..
FOURTH P.A.G.E.T4e friflext and moat re
liable Money, Oil and Produce Market Re
-.portaillyen by nny paper in the city, tuili Le
• jou na on our Fburth Awe.
Miele Agricultural Pio<lety.
Coniidernble eciutoeSalon hitszarlsou sev
eral times as to the likatlon of the next An
nual Fair of this Society. It Is not strange
Curls rivalry should tie ilevelonefl, because
for those who desire to exhibit articles onto
. .speetatons there is a positive conve
nience in close ntoitnnity to the place of
exhibition. Resides, there is an incidental
advantage to many branches of trade, no
well as to places of recreation And arouse.
m;3nt, In attny;tlng un urtu,:uall number of
visitors to any city.
Pittsburgh is fairly entitled tribe ' , elected
as the piece for holding the next Fair, on
both tbeso:llocOunts. Light years Ave
elapsed ainee the last State Fair was held
here. hence, we are glad to learn (us we do.
from 00.1 authoritt that the Committee
alilminhal by the Mate ,Roaril in consider
and determine the tine+tom of locality coin
cide In this view. 80, as the bolding of
Fair Involves an exoentliture of money by
tin Society. and as other eitleteare making
efforts - present Milne M1C111.24, it would
see that contributtona from Our.citizens
are needful to this cud. •
The Allegheny County Agricultural SOCI.
My has enlisted warmly In the design of
haying the State lair held here ' and have
appointed a Consulate, to collcit and res
calve Auliscriptlons to the amottut of sheet
fuer' thousand dollars. Tuns Committee
consists of Messrs. Aolin E. Parke, .tehn X.
Jenalaw., Jared M. Ilruih, J. F. Iteciur and
Jatuen Verner. who 1k either In per-
Km or be tome. known authorized
agent, upon our chlrent, $.1,1 we llegiulul ,
hearty co.operallon in the matter.
/Midterm' Monument—Meettng of the
Atlxoelnittur Ye•tanley.
. important meeting of the bolthera
Monumental AssocMtkm IVILS behl In Ulty
Mall, yesterday afterneen. General . James
a. egley leas called to the lhalr , and thee
Mettle tenter olndated ns Imeretury.
After the readmit ot:S'arlous eomMunles-
Hons. the following rettolutlon was utrerud
and unanimously hdollteal:
•eivea, 'liu the .1”,lat11111 hereby
nutherlue tee Pre.O.lent to extend • cordial
DIV nal 100 Of at the turtentepen•
tog of the nth% to Hoe. .1 h, Moorhead,
Ilan. 'rheum, IYtlllutue, eoel the Mayere sod
eettnetl• of the two ctn., uteitt.lee to the
teuteher• of tee pre., •
A communlcothut (rent the Grand Army
of the Republic, ex prestmg the, op:to:ally
with the object of the Actochitton, and ten.
&Into: . the, cuptunt, tens read and Ordered
to ttop/....e0l uu tied re4rtli of the SacoCt.,
tutu. . •
On motion, lienoraLs Nag ley Ott PearrOn
and W. W. War.% LOU]., 'were 0.1.10,1 to the
Cot4/311(1.of oci nvllotc, and tall con,
millet In:Alt:tett to nge a pmounmue
for the opening even. of the Fal,
W. W. Ward, E.m., from the Cotnnaltten
Can, on COnert,repurtml that It,. Tel, dou h anal
CO. pupal. hot Plgta/ticol WOO' ntilognocoi to
aloe a co,ert for the beacht of the .1.6.10e1,
t inn.
I, n motion, M ore w.o.appomle.llO
atteml at City 11 tll, on tat, _lto mmt.,,to rem
rice sionce,, return of Ueketn und makes
final coettkoccrot of 11110.V•rli ISX:cctim out 01
Vali:olton. the folloeire4 rules of orier
ere, lulantell for the gulantivii of all coo
(erne.% the Fair.
14q. ruck toroth , ;r tai uppoulton,
of Vr r. rn..tner and ro
•Mtnelblo (or nll 1:110001111 rectlt•ctl nt !It Li
+to, nd. filo c.o.nte of the Fair on
oent t anent, each cattnor. wll.l Intent to the
vrtltlen statement orthe antonnt and the
been ioloatil[ter tia.l tattle .tt retnettlog It.
1 1 - 'Mr. ho [tette+ collootor nlll eettle
enCL night and hand trror tett., ehlof treat,.
entire rootolpto at :it, otatentent.
Fourth. rletot tic u-crcr wlll hoer the
ot , lrtnnt oatthier sed tlekot Cal trend - Stl,l
- ills all trtn.tut y ettanett and tnettcy,
sad eettlo the tansn tie t. out.
.tail:. I+7 Ito ntatve -I •;, the dally ro
tto I [do taitm tater n:111 I.e the
-arootot of [he t at; a.. tuntoottotnil“ It
11,1 100. un.. clueble.l In yir..nt the
then 41(e.,10r 1.3"
the ladle, to Me Inuit pufx,r f-., In
Allegheny ruunly—Lie pubui.selte to le•
utenauf al. by the nuynber of rules ha Kota
.luring tn., Vale.
. .
Ittaarai Jena.. Watt aral , trab Wray arra
to the Eireuttvecou.tnltteeau.l \I at
Wray to the tareonttint; Contraltte,
Ml. i rark• and . 11. at Itir.:w Watt, am:
Capin:a 14aortra I:. Allan, were a.3.1e.1 to the
lour Ltt•u tra Lelits and tar 1.0. M..
ttr. Urea., pa. itopiautaa to [unlit ro:1“.:-
tot.a In 0.0 lirat 'Cara, .11 lit.. /CUM ',i
lia.' Neraertnt In tat, tla
• .
Thu Corumitravo au Vvenenwlns : eva,lstalc
of 111.1tery crave, A:A.IWe. Knox,
J tan In Itintt. -.teal: Wray, uuneeal Negley,
Genervl Veara.:::, 1 vp111:1 1.:1:ot1, Alex.
k. lAplatn 10. 11. Cook,
to'lll Meet. 4% 31, Vern.: 110 Venn
pl,e,q, on Menday even 1111: nt —*Ova 0'01:..k.
111 11::: nat. uthers Are ie. , ne.le.l to be vrev
-71.n :melon. lie .10•00.1 4 n1 Intl : .IJourne4 to
Weal at Ma mune plOOO an T . ...i.tur next nt
r. v..
Turkey and Turkey Iluzlard
• 1 ,0100 of the mere:len:4 to the upper part
or Liberty Onset hare, by joint is:aid:mi.
Lions, provided means to pay the hove Com:
panic, for thoroughly wisalong the street
tippoilte their Plaeui or liteitne-es —this ar
rangement. extend. over r simiro or t oo.
Tile result to that th.t portion or the street
star clean and Illy.•.. To the sta. PA end
shops along too tevoreil section this is
— Turkey'' lint the washing proeess above
has Sent the dirt 410.1 ,Imes, to the section
below, reett'ina in the waters of 1110 1/111 , c11.
ling good where the 000111114IntliAl le Loth
tillAightly. Ti tho NE101.4 unit
store. fronting tin this Meer see: unbend to
al! passers, :tits Ls bTorkey burz•ril.' •
Surely Mlll , ll - 00401011r Cjilutlivnt %/10111(11,0
.l eviseil, whereby. at politic , or private ex•
pens e, every pies of every steel would ,e
kept thorotighly Olewoaed ituntig the hot
months at least. •
The members of the Vatsburgh press who
stlentleil the exec:eaten of 1:n1n:a Fouler
feel speclallt . obligated to Sheriff Smith,
•Dlstrlet Attorney Cruntritie, Major W. It,
Steep, editor of the Antretism qtsurlerly Res
rietr, Adam H. Ecker,l:mq.,' of the ElOril
tier. Messrs. Moore and Armstrong, of the
Tribune, 'Esq. Dougan. Items. Ile, Suit
Watkins, Mr. tteorge ii. NW:. proprietor of
the 2dansinn flouts, 4011 f others, for kind
ness, enur testes and attentions during their
brief sojourn hi tint town. We do not de
sire tt hanging In Allegheny county for an
',leanedp tau kindness.
lot mil be eto POW ...W.W.1. , of
nor gratlindu for it, hospitality
extended And atten tutu paid us during uur
SOU in that borough. --.
Merlons Anstan . q . n . 0 . 1 ,. !lottery by
• """
James Gourley, on 'Wednesday, m i .'o
formation bolero Justice :loath. of Mister
township, charging 3lary lilrkwoal with
sasault and battery. Thu pnisecntor alleges
ho was In charge of a raft and had made
font a lino (robs it to a tree on the hank of
the Allegheny three at Fittrvlew; that while
engaged in tying the rope, the defteolant.
began tin owing stolles Li m, one striking
him on the forehead, frautering the skull
and causing hint fall into the liver. Thu
defendant, who' , 11. relative of the tato
Colonel litrk woo. , aml residua at Fairview,
entered bail for her appeillrarree at UM June
term of the Criminal coml..
On Wednesday au n. 11014,110,1 meeting Of
114 board of ..Idammers of • the Allegheny
County Agrleuttural Society was held, to
hear the report of the Committee on Con
ference end Collection of funds for the State
Fete. alessrs. heeler and brush, on behalf
.of the Contrultwe, reported that they had
called noon /I number of the b.lnoss men
of the two cities, awl the appearance of
raiding the renulhlte amount of aulaserip
tiono .0 alone. for securing the holding
of the State Fair bore, was very favorable,
and the Committee of the °Anion that
the amount (above three thousand dollars)
e w n t , n i tt sa be raised. .Tg . rgo u r o t a was accepted,
Roallentn, 11o.II1• CHU Street
Attention 11 Invited to . dlellwatne's
tlent adverttAnuent of the . above beautiful
ilremlnen, to be sold at hln Salm, goomn nett
Tuondayeverilniz. No Property 110 w for male
le more doelmblo than. Win elegant red
den.. The house in a roomy and well
thilebed double mansion, Huh all modern
Iropnarrements. The situation la unnerves.
8 . 0 by any to the ally. and will continue
anythe most beautiful. So en y luv It.
Inn mud valuablo In thin property. it In only
nmarmaary to be examined by tlio, denirlug
an umoually choice alttlatiou and lunno for
their owe enjoyment,
Drs. Dr. Lonervm, long recognized as
ima Of ttto moot, talented and accomplished
lady pby ale hies of the country, announces
elsewhere that she will resume practice on
ths.Ulth. instant, *Alan ~.6 1 o: 24 tiny street,
11011 r Penn. :4111 has recently attended .
Inadlcal leettiren"lo the Last, and cense..
quendy Is thormighly acquainted with the
latest systems and sulopttons Of Medical
science. IVO cheerfull y commend the lady
to our readers who , ay need ntteudvlCe
:rep. rbieicir,2„
c „,
r I ett
Fetal Aeeltlent nt the Vltt•hnrrh.Fort
W.Yne end Yhteeyo Railroad Yard.
A horrible accident occurred In the yard
Of the Pitisburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicano
nallwar, about ten o'clock yesterday morn
ing, by which a switch tender, named
John Conner, lost. his life. The deceased
was signaling to a train coining up from
the bridge at the time, and there being
a curve in the track at thatiplacc, hod stop.
Ind on to another trackiln order to Imo the
whole length of the train, when attncck
train of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh road
time down upon lam unobserved, three
cars of the train passing.over I:19 body.
When taken up ho was found to ho horri
bly mangled, his head crushed. and tulles.
broken and mutilated In IWO 1,318,9. Ile
Was removed to his mild.. In Spring.
Alley, between O'Hara and Walnut str.ot.
and , Itr. Franklin Irish, Surgeon of the
road, summoned to attend him. Thu phys
ician found him in a dying conilittOn and
saw at once that all efforts to save Gls life
would ho useless. The unfortunate Luau
died about eleven o'clock. Deceased was
Aged forty-six years, and leaves a wife and
ilve children to mourn his loss.
[ ilii the afternoon Coroner Clawson Inman.
nelbd a Jury, who proceeded to inquire Into
the cause of the (Math. Several witnesses
were examined, the substance of whose tes
timony we give. .
Mr. A. U. Warner testified, that he is yard
master and Taw the accident; that tin was
on the train of the Pittsburgh and Cleve
land road, which run OL'er Cannon' that the
train was backing in from the bridge at the
time; that. ho was on the third car froth the
rear, and noticed Connor on another track
signalling to a train; that when the train on
which he was came op to within about fif
teen feet Of were Connor was, ho stepped
over on the track on which the train of the
Cleveland road was moving; that he called
at him several times to warn him of his'
danger, and also signalled to the engineer
to stop the train; that Connor appeared to
take no notice of the train, and before it
could be stopped three trucks had passed
over him. Ile further testified that ho was
the only man on the train acting as a brakes
man, and that Le put down the brakes after
calling to him; that It was not customary to
have brakestrien On the trains .w hen shifting
them la the yard, nor to liar a man on the
rear COX. except when that r, oy itself or
with others, is to be forced off nto another ,
track and to be stopptal with tan engine.
Michael Enright testified to having seen
Connor after the accident a il to h trlng
goon for clergy to attend hi and also to
LOM( present at his death; hat the last
words of deceased were that e was in the
line of his dray when lie w e killed, uud
that there was no man on the I st car, when
backing lu, to glee him a s gust of his
Edwin Malone to-Aided that
adios an Lour, when he TOCI,IV ,
danger and inatue.ltately. rove
stun mud stopi;oa ihu tisfu se s
John Trete. testified that h
neer of No. and Ma engine w
on anotner track parallel to wn•
rot at the limo of the occblO,
Lama oncd To Connor to get off,
think lie noticed him; that ho in
.blrale of 1114 I,llzlne,
and afro to tIOL
have the engineer or 50.51 noti
hls train. Connor was abotits
,rom Mu approaching train aril
Licui him.nd. Lc thought, a
roar ear mi a ght. Lave preyentecti
dent by muting . to Mm, altho
wouldnepend on the - none anl
to thoyard at the time.
Mr..J• U. LtYng, auPerlntonde
ern I/Melon, P. Ft. W. d C, IL. It
to bating I.t.enlConnor alter tin
snit to hating tam sent home; Lb
bad beena "Intitt man," that
and Itahl by both the Fort IV
t 0.14, MILL 110 had Si
41 14 , 12a.r aul cararalztan_
nu lu.l. alter • -
.1...rekl verdict as follows: Teat
John Connor cams to his death 0.
day. of Slay, P 167, by being luu o
rain of thin rittAborgla ex.! eltv
row% In toe rfttnburgla. Fort Wayne and
Ulten/40 Ilunu ay yard; and that, In the
vinnlon of thin Jury , the ftechlent would
not hut, occurred tool full pn4li:uu lien
ueed. The Jury wouldrot:ammo. , for the
eatery of employee. anti °there, ut all thrive
octufaloar, that the oolnllutllee
keep a man ou the 010.1 car when backing.
Who !than Decide When Doctors
In the Common Pleas Coln yesterday, In
' the trial (reported elsewhere) of an action
for malpractice, Dr. X. A. Aruholt, of Bir
mingham, being the defendant,* number
tit our most prominent sad skilful phi :d
-eter., were called to testify. The plaintiff.
Ilts. Jane E. Day Is, had •u.tairied an injury
to her ankle, and failed to obtain any relief
at the hands of the defendant, eho our
dr'a called to attend her. Dr. A. U. Walter
undertook the Aria, and, RS was claimed,
eitertml a cure, so the action was to obtain
damages from Dr. Arnholt for unskilful
tut+ in his prolvorims. Ur. Walter. was
called 11 leanest fur the plainti ff , ex
plained t h e a
nature or the Injury, now he
had repaired It, and gave It as his opinion
that the plaintiff's suffering had been pro
longed, It not Ineresseri. by Improper treat
ment. Dr. W. also stated that nis promi
nence es a surgeon wee In a mete
., due to • hisnuccess In treating
roses In widen other sargeons bed
fulled; that patients (as in this ease) had
brought suit against pliyaretauir. and he
(Dr. Jr.) called as a witness. In the course
of thin manner of adrertining himself, he
referred to the venerable Dr. McCook, who
we. present, remarking that tie [trot become
Involved in such kind ot dollculty. Dr.
McCook, naturally enough, became excited
at this rude professional thrust, and ex
pressed himself In hie tumid emphatic man-
Her, using language the meaning of whmli
cannot he mistaken, and which generally
provokes Instant resentment. It was
Court," sod tar this reason, loubileas, u
lively scene If as prevented. Usher physi
cians were called, among them lit. McCook
hlmeelf. Dr. John Dlckroln, la the course of
his examination, gave an rutelligihie do
ecrlption of ankle injuries, the difficulties
attending their treatment and the uncer
tainty as to their precise nature, concur
r g entirely with [no views o 1 Dr. 31cCook,
whom he designated es the "patriarch of
the profearnon.' ,
Thu obnoxious utterance of Dr. Walter.
was entirely irrelevant In Ilia ease. wan vol.
llaletteti bY31.1111, and we Call safely say has
eight by way of disparagement of the
professional abilities of Dr. kicCookor hoss
half century's experience as &physician en.
title hltri to the very high esteem in which
ho is herd to this community.-
The Missislen pease, Washington, Pis.
The tielenatlon of the Pittsburgh preys,
which attended the execution of logier, at
Washington, Pa-, on Wednesday last, se=
cured quarters at that best managed and
ilret.class hotel, the Mansion Mare, corner
of Main am/Chestnut streets. They enjoyed
all the luxuries and conveniences to be on
tallied erne Ire metropolitan hotels, and col.
lectively resolved to inform their readers
or the auperlor attractions altered by that
home. It is conducted npon the most lib
eral and systematic plan, the rooms are
light, airy and well furnished, and the
tables mu supplied with all the substantial
viands and delicacies of the iwason. Any at
our friends who way visit Washington are
knowingly advises/ to put up at none other
then this tirstmlass and favortte hrinse,
where they will receive the very best of
earn and attention. The affable, enterable
tied accommodating proprietors, lieerls.l3.
Kiri., Esq., am/ -Colocel James T. Kirk,
"know how to koepa hotel,” and have Wade
tile Mansion Bons* the ttrat-chws headquar
ters for strangers in that town. and placed
It upon en equality with any city hotel we
Dare ever patronized. The inducements
offered are are;
and we treat that Our re
commendation in honest, carmen terms of
too 1101160 will secure it all the patronage
front tide quarter which its goOd qunllyeS
An Experienced Sharper Cone to
We not lend meat!) . thn arrest of a Yennit
man named WlULAniNaliatittry ANA. hlylnat,
nt New Albany, Indian." charged with (erg•
leg A drat t on the Meehanles National Bank
of thin city, which was presented.,and
cashed by a Loot's!.lie, Kentucky, Bank.
ily soma moans or other ho elleoted
eels es
cape from the tolls of the law and had not
been heard of until day before yesterdnY,
whim ho was arrested by Chief of !Police
Scott, ou an old charge of scums a forged
check castled at the Meehan:lMO Nattooal
Mink In this city, for 044.20, In bum March.
The check purport.] to he payable to U. T.
Ewing, Es, and was signed by J. W. Tay
lor, Eel, Ile . confessed to Um Chief of to.
Ileo that he was the man, and readily no.
rmnant.' him to the Mayor's Mace, whore
he e remains locked up: Tho prisoner is
young Men of not ructothab twenty yents
er age and represents himself to be the sou
of a Fifth Avenue merchant, in New Tore,
who hes been pot to considerable yrief by
the Misdeeds of his wayward eon. Ile tells
flan.° a number of etude; abort hie alter°
doings Ia various ettles, het is downhearted
and expresses a confident expectation of
Robing to the penitentiary.
• •
Whltshey ROTOI2OO fee the Work.
lloorie.—Under the operation of the rusiell.
cense lair, the ailment eo If paid' Into the
Counts: Treasury, hi there reireivinelleenee
to sell liquor, to be appropriated talk. 4 ..
tablisbruent of evrork•house,loo.ll up about
thirteen thousand fordo. , hundred d0n..., of
ellich ulna thousand tbretthnitired tspaiati'l
In during the present month, aat —•
malnder during. the 'month: of April. A
dotty oUrz, L.
Aroomenisat• . or Mcstr.—A large and brilliant
asSumblago of ludlei amt gentlemen were 10
attendance, at the prodnetlen of the 'School
for Snandali. at the Academy of Slush:, Islet
nfghti 341211201 p. Iturdcwlt, the patriotic
actor, never appeared to better advantage,
arid was supported by a stock Company im
measurably superior, taken an a whole, to
any that has ever .76CP4 the l'lttilburgli
stage. The Aeademv has been opened imdcr
the moat favorable auspices, and sin
cerely hope that the enternr:ne of Itlinen
agement will be fully rewarded Or an !Sp
lit-et:tally° community. it di deserving of
Susanne and eucouragement, and if we rats.
take not Sadly' tire tone Of the runnel:meat
lovlar people here, it will be auatalned lib
erally. the scenery is all new and heautb
(al, the ward robe.s excellent, and the stuns
appellate:Limbs generally on the nrst :lass
order. bless,. Iturke and Hall !save tar
ouldOne !tanager Ile,' beet exertions and
have established the a cadelny in sushi a
mariner a., to ,win the warramt enconituths
of maim.
lILACO Clrms.—Another crowded audi
ence asSemtilml last night bo witness the
' , Black Crook" at toe Opera House. it Inds
fair to run much lodger tll was at II ratan.
tleipated, as it IS so cleverly slut on 111•5
stage that nobody can the teeing it.
YAM Wrt EATlLE.—Thoelev4x, nontWOl-
Bleat burlesque, the Cook," will De
1,0100 the Stage with OeCItOO/ effect at this
popular place of amusement to-night. It
is not kilted the "Black Crook," which It
an admirably lakes MT in scenery, rut:chant.
Cal etretts,slevils,Enalms, and these
who attowl will be ronvulmea with laugh•
ter. The bill tonight is a very large one.
commencing with ',such to a Name," fol
lowed by the "Man with a Carpetstmg,"
"The Operatio Aspirant," and "Black
Cook." A renting, Louse will be In attend
P/TTSOL - Mill ILIZATIIY.—TIIO talented fa
Torhe, Charley White, takes a hunt ilt at tilt
house tonight, upon which'ocea,loll
splendid 1,111 is offered. Mites matrave
holythe has assumed the control of the -oh
Drury' . it had met with much shrew's, and
ranks 111 gh as a popular and ereditableplaec
of pulilic entortalumunt. • •
Cine cr.—Next Monday the grelM.NoW Or
leans Colossal Circus and Me.mgerse spremds
Its taut upon the Ited Lion lot, anti a e may
anticipate a grand gala week. Title is pre
eminently the most attraetivtixlithition of
the character now trues:hag, al we advise
all to avail themlelves of the importludi y
of attending during Its stay In Pit:shirrs!,
John Campbell made Information pester
Qty, before Alderman Mcnesterachargtog
Jobe Miller with making threats. Itoth
pirtles are teamsters, lb° former driving u
flour wagon, and the latter a wagon belong
ing to a brick manufacturer. They met On
tie street yesteramy Bald .00 1, anis piss
ed lettween t hem, und at temente, as Camp
bell alleges, Miller followed tutu away up
oil We toll with the Intention of whlpping
lon, Campbell Is bet a boy and fears that
thlt the defendant might carry nut in
tention, mid hence m•de the information
against him. A warrant was batted for the
arrested the accieled.
aa totokin
act: that
oar or a
• a signal of
Hod 111 e
~a na pogo'.
was engb
. state altar
re Connor
t; that he
blew the
g clan
artier to
e to xtap
r' 100 •lh
en he no.
• then the
I Oh meet
Riindorn Nhouttas4 /141 , ewheny.-4 f.
cot But.t4r ycbterdny arrested 011 01110
Gc rmAn, nnme nnknowzi, who 11..1
Leon indulging in too much bear, and get-
Dun Lin noir.a up. hal come out on the
purnic It Mb way to try his hand at elmottng
otT as old pistol. The num Wan uit , t lull of
both leer and Mail, and when tho officer at
tempted to take him to charge. 4c reaisted
with al his power. In the neuillit that en
immt, the noon fell on the emit atone, indict
lag o beam. gas Mayesls html, lie was
conyeet,l to the 's When - and Me
wooed dressed by Dr. Marcus, atter which
he w“.., COUVOytti to his rt.:aid...3 lu the
Third ward,
'tot Hut-
L ht
t leer
)111, and
l ays been
tin 7.1 T
n the leth
vrr IA It
CA L AMA 13 . 171FirSS ifetTralt
I:title:t/DU. find an elocutlordst and ( rater
of rare abilities, alll deliver a Will/not
Oration noon areutattaaaa.r 31 t , aaat
Tuesday evening next: Prof. Gray
la lags high recant mentlat lorotlfrom London,
England, or which My he ig a native, 1111,1
14 here he repeated frequently and lleeLP4.
i 1111 y Listeri y elTort to oehall of the goo.l
CAW', Those alto attend amp °nullifid ly
antietpate a rare leteneetaa treat. Tick
ets Are for sale at the book and tousle stores.
There a 11l be no reserved seats.
A.m:tit and Entiery.—Ellen auras
made lofermatlon yesterday morning ho
fort Alderman Taylor, charging Richard
Croker, trith and buttery - . She al
leged that Croker, %chola a colored gentle
man, struck her to the fare alta los - list,
and otherwise essed tier. Tau i.sault
took place at the Un hu
ion Depot. warraa
for hu arrest was hatted.
Mtn lienter.—Danld Lyslt was arrested
and trough/ before. Mayor . ..11or_rwou yester.
day, charged with heading his wife. When
the time for a hearing came, hts wifo ap
reared wral cetumeneed to ;dead for htm.
I nd thu metn'a promises to do better in the
future, the Mayor was Induced to let hit:toff
with merely a nominal floe.
neat Inn Beer lialL—Two men named
John C 0111.100: and William Harrison,
got atto Is tight la a beer hall on tAtestn at
yesterday, but before
they had time to Match IL the Pollee came
In and took them In charge. Tno parties
were brought before Mayor 31turtson and
lined two dollars each, wkieh they paid and
were discharged.
The attention of our readers IS ilirectaul
to tile advertisement of 51r.Jaines
dealer In nerrup Iron, light Iron, wrought
and east Iron, rope, Se.. corner of Antler-
- .
eon street and Ittvor 1 ~ 1111110, dilegtomy
Sir. Jon.on to a fair dealing. honorable gun
Unman, and we commend him to utanutae
- •• • •
t UPerlll elnil deWern , H. in crazy way worthy
their coal:Lit:llea.
Pronoonted for Llbel.—Beery I:aver
man, resterdaY, prol , :cated, before Alt!or
mau Herron, of the Sloth ward, Wlllia
%Varner, for libel, allogto g that Warner, to
eently, In Writing letter to Gergutny
uHed thorn lo exprt,stona derogatory to ht
(Kovermon'n) ellaraeter. %Varner was ar
anbten and hell to intoner.
Delegate. In liontresl.—lleisre..f. A.
Emery, Vine Preettlent, end A. E. Magri,
oecretary, at the Young' ,dtertislettan
Assn.:lotion, hitt, been appointed (It:lei:mu,
to the Convoutlon Of the Yount: lien's
Chritittan Aseoctationi of America, to lo
hell et Montreal on the loth, Mth end 21e/
of Jane.
Larceny of ■ kiesotle.—Yesterday morn.
Mg 1)r. .llbert Crumritie appeared before
iAldertnan Taylor, and mute information
;charging oteplive tOaci.liaLue with the tar
0011%' of a kettle. The neeueed'was arrented
dcorraulttoct for trial to default of ball
The Educational ANkoclellon of Alle
cherry county, will hold a atatol taunting
ht thu Third ward School !tool , ' tu•morrow,
comment:ins:at Lon o'clock a. u.
Mr aro Indebted to Ur. W. A. trlldenfnn•
ny. 45 Ft (444 street, for the Weattulitister ttn
vlow lor April.
'a Additional Local Neste on
Third Page.
Ke)(l.l.l.lN—rt." Thur ‘l.l mar--
Int. May lOIh, 1.% at the residence or tot Ilex.
H. C. Mr. WILLIAM 3t , 5tu.4.12 , . or
Robin*. Mteir fieny coanty, any Sass
311/LLIE J. remit Nd. of L'lttsboxgh.
111WI'S -On the . 1 , 411 N0.t.., at Hares
Wotel, by the Key. T. Novi, X. fONN.PII fB 7
WIN, Jr.. of Malta Norbrbly. owd Min YUSAN
MAU!, of rrostoo county, . _
tAnitiNJ-41e . Vivlnes4av vorn , ot, ai.y
tth. 1...LX Mr4t. LA.C.GIII4-`4, alma y /am
nd 6 month..
Fulton.' 'Mtn kls We Middling No. .19l rtt,
al+ cvt. 0 17th lout.. at 10 o'clock a. lit
(mead of the farally ore Inrlte.T to attend
No. 1041 roorth str6S, PUtamiroi.
COY min .of alt lands; CSAPES, I] GOV Ea, and
pt.crippoo of ltiumfal Parafabtog tioods
Corn Ish di. Booms ooeno4 day and nista. }Rano
• DlFFZafx3(.7.e—figv. David Kerr, •D. D., rev.
Altfl:l'441:1!" TDmnu twlps, ten., Jr
J •
G." n01110E101; 11:11DERTA7
• SLR A Pip tit, •seeneror to the
Lot! BMW 8. Stodge.* No. 29 ,Ulll2 2 1 / 2 .1:
three door. from Heaeer, Allegheny , tit. Ole-
Wile; ltotewodl. Mahogany. Walvot and Bore-
wood /natation Colin. at nta tow.. owl..wied
p010wt.../kinus open ma all boo.. d. 7 and tannt.
Utaiie and !nrrii../..olibeit un abort litalcel
Ltd oh watt oraoonsble tenon
.T. W EC7T6 as. CO., CICEIMU
pt VW AND IMO aLmcw , ,
ca,voon'a alrri VICO:My. CorlAStoims as
m.. 0.41. 147 etAble t cornet Sterniald
(31Ariters•sait% jlealta Lad 'CArrAiii nu
ts stleh
kyr rEsr oribe worst
1\ del. Qat ellet 131646112.1 arlettroo
tioo Or OW mood. nie.616,11r6
6.6611L.L. , le 6 SIMKO, T.( Ma -
stale.,_' •
Another Lot Just Recelvedi
Etel‘ruZlng scare of the beat &tries of cagth, ever
brought to thl..
ultA V 1.1; FOP ANI/ lloTTOlt,
• 111t 1 t•Th1D AND ENAXELED
ttoseaic atalrou, 01 PU , :
Cho, int thla i litle LC/call at v., and
aec stwa
• Socvollora,
WATeIIES, lei/AINS sau
6 Wylie St., 3d doortrom sth.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
X .0 1.1:21E557a , 5arG7 . 2.,
- •
rartlculsr atturnian Cron itorontnnik
Watent.3, Clvok. and All Work Ir.
raw, 1
55 /1:57
Pittsburgh. '{
Rom pxr" of thy lltattd litates, Ns
Wholesale and Retail,
. 1:A/, A.Nl:ls'll . l . Ettr?.
.130.111.,ri1.: 1,1:Y
CLOTHS, CAL5,1311 , 3[1•:,,
HATS. CA-lirk-T
Ingrain, Rag and Linen
iG.a , .7a3P.M I UDIE3,
At A uctioli Prices !
31'. t MAWS 'rD HIND,
ralture and Houeellold Goods for .ale
Ailetfon on t.
S3ll rust's, PALMER A co.,
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 59 .- 49 S 9 49 89,
... I') S 9 MARKET STILEI 1891
19. 189
bt> TO
IS!) FL C:613 1B 15,' 89
s 9 S 9 Market Street, I s ,
S 9 9 9 k •89
'JAS. ROBB, 89 Market SW
h 9 leV9
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 SO S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
and ranch blood, 'decal tiIL,IIIOC.D . B C
casTalaTED 3.111• ta
rll,l, clove. dak Car kiXLlll.lvlara. Take
MACHINE user all others, fur, fatally
use 3ad general parpn+ es, are art II ea-1
• Laba,bel and au generally adoatticd, that
. aa eaumuratluil. of taiiveeacel-1
Tenet, Is no IJugur C, al er.,l arceaaa. t
ry. are altarle., darabla and lycau.l
Practical Furniture Ilanufacturen
1434. t sty:oo of TITECNITIJSK constaola/'
W . X:r.FiLTVWX9:73EII-11:11,
)11T.IXIXLIJ trifieET. &ad
' , 4,11 PENN STULL?.
intowN & 110 arttitrlloio
opposite toe Postolnce hand, or !nats
p,a-n.l.tig to order. &varlety of elegant Venetian
Blinds—price WV and upwards. Neer style or
Winelnrr bladrr, g 1.0) and wards. Colored
Olt Clo th e. I.llr. 0. in
1. Rats. Rags, ()no
mana. Bdtid sad Plcture Cords and Timmins. ALS O
Oat Qs 'tine store. on band or wade to order, a
storb of White and Calico nests, Canary
00, far gentlemen's , wear. , Dila:eon
tprilooßakit - ER, •
so. S. TOUR7II 144., Apollo HclldlOQ
C BC Ks, inurrs, NOTIBI. BILL inn 4 LET-
C.A—R...M. O X:II 4 rT r ErEL.
pinta 49.11.03",
Tl4ec docel above :AWL , Orld :AM%
Even orWovk dm. oe the shortest Doll,
and mast rra•onable Lena. rarticular t=a
CITY tso.o ob.
Is M No. 160
A-lELC,232'T7Pcrrig i r
71111 IT /..ROCIATIOY itrrtarug u r 611 . ad
trag.trtlig t="al. tri Ns a 1
irilarnAer amt-
& CO.'S