THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PI7BLISBLED BT MINA REED & CO, • AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. Oa Nolitla. leltree.t. F. D. / 0 1ENT131:4N, zator .. T. P. TIOVIIT•JIi, VIVA t.:l2i :D, saltness 111.1 TIMM: Otrpla mut.. DO . by carrier, (per mute. Y.all Ikb.ribere. (Per Cs.oo. Liberal rinluellons I= Three Voyles, per year, by midi.-- --it I 50 lire do. do. do. each...... 1:15 Ign Obtoomeoples, to ono adatuse, and one Tree to Clot. cub 1 13 CITY. ITEMS TIM Will Find Establiabment at 216 Fenn sitreet::. Dr. 9. Sill k = That Lonsumption cannot be eared, for re have 410evigence daily teat persons in the last stage are [wing oared and restored health !and vigor by using the Rev. W eon's &treat Consumptive Remedy. Many peten a have been Cured by it. Call and pi: e, or It 0111 be mailed to you, a pain. Ithiet giving a full history of thin remarkn• big irMdicine. . S43.lolugent for Pittsburgh and viclUity—: • Joimiin, Fleming, Druggist, No. tt-I Musket stropt; corner of the Diamond, near Fourth 3 . treist! . Ten • linsuow become so Important au article Jo housekeeping, and there iire so many different • kinds,' that many , persons are troubled to know what kind. to putchase. Thebdat way to meet .the difficulty is to purchase your teas at, A. Kirk's, ISu. 172 anti 174 Federal street, Allegheny city, where, from his large 16,iortment, the most fastids can - be suited both as to price and •oualitY•' . If mere are Any ~ O f, bur reader's who have any doubt as to whi:re to get the host Patent Stedlehtes, we would suggest that they walk around to Fletaine's Drug Store, N 0.51 Market street, an look at Ills well tilled store. Flemlng data a big business,e4anges lilt stock every few 'Weeks, so that 'you always get a fresh 'article, (no *Mott its,s) and Ills privet ore ' lower than at ogler ests:bllshusents. Give Mtn seal. To Whofemale Exyoro Of t)l7 . Gooda we offer bargains in job Tote of Dreaa Goode, rantings, fawn Goode, and ! full !men Of . sbeetlnge, ..nbalinge. Prints, , Tlci:ln,g, Cheeks, Sc., all of winch we will sell at the very lowett . eastern ea-shpt . /eon. J. iV,ltAtenan'S Co. 1 te) Market street, below Third & fpurth eta. • We Nolo Another Arrival • Of extra flu flni.ored /lngllsh breakfast Ton~nt A. tarkl'.4. 170. /72 and 171 Federal , letreetoihlell is selling, at only $1,22 per pound. .Cheap Ponta, at fittetrpabarg: - Thu tots to be sold ou Monday are to the , ry centre of Shurinaturg. Lunt convenient Railroad, Church., ISchoold, Se. Sale about retatrve. See auction : atlvertase . I .IPuro Drugs! liroge!!..l . lure Drugs!!! Pure. Drugs!! In You (:ad • Boy lgn Liquors of all klrals at Jowl la 5. 'd laf. IklJ awl Ilk. • • Tout L Any 01:4. Alcohol at 7ot4eoh 9. Finch's. . . . .... . . • , I:in Can Buy Enta-tODS at Joeelai F. FlnchN. p The metropolis presents a brilliant ap pearance at the present time, dress:at mt all • the gayety of the new spring and summer fashions. The whitlows are bright with beautiful mastics and light summer silks, and the streets arcs • thronged with ladies almond as well us at home., who have come to air their new clothes and pretty Easter bonnets In the sumitline of liroad way. The prettiest costume to tie t , sen as yet upon tile street arc the sllinnter sill‘ Suits, chino, or striped in nurraw line In two col ors. A white sod lilac Stripe, for instance, dress and sack, is trammed ....itch bands of till In the contrasting color, and worn over o white mohair pettleeit, trimmed with three rows ot parole idik braid. Another very pretty sum is composed of mouse -colored chino ell k, dotted with white and trimmed rouleitus or narrow folds of mouse -colored satin, 'dotted with •w site opnone beads. Thls Is wor:i over a Mated skirt. Tnere is a delicate. acne pOtgln, and very silky material, rouge °Cada and linen, bath of which are Introduced for travel in g ilre,s purposes; but though very pretty, they are not eonel for, service to the pure mohair, which will stand all sorts of weath er without shrinking, The now muslitts are veer gay, and In my large patterns ; they are to( tenni!, how ever, by - the delicate and beautiful shading of the deitlgns. Au organ,' ic muslin, mons over, needs a large pattern to he etrective, small figures are übsot bial by the fine trans parent ground•wOrl: at the tisFue, and serve only to give a misty, uncertain tint to the anti re fabric. A neat lawn is much better than an tale rior.organdle. - Robes in organdie have been revived this season; Mae Mad° .wita a sin . gio nennce round tae bottom of the skirt, others with an upper skirt,. with, flowered . Wands. which. descend upon and form sort of fan.thaped tunic. White toilets promise to be very fashion able this season for young ladles; although they certainly 'require great neatness and exquisite attention of detail to tee attrac tive. The finest and nicest Of akirts and Lome, white shoes (unless the trimmings-of the dress are black, and then black slippers may be worn.) spotless glover, and a very careful coiffure, are ell Indispensable to a white dress; IL is not, therefore, an eco nomical toilet. The new Paisley shawls have black centers am! black. fringe; they are egnefdered very distinguished. A great inlay ladles are having their old white centers taken out in.? the black ones pof in . A great b.mems n the way is donoin tile :Literati° of /nom shawls. • A novelty In slimmer black silk cloalmand • saenues In the introduction of color Into the trlmmlog. ••iteins'l are as faahloimble as ever, but they are now worn without loops, end quite frenuently simulated by aniembroidery at the back of thegarment„ the edges of which are flubbed with fringe. j The short dresses are found great for .country wear; and ladies are hdopting them .universally for this purpose. and for travel ing. Nothing so comfortable or convenient has been invented for a long time. it Is deckled now that the. summer bOll. note win be very small; the bonnets for Ares, end reception are really entailer than ever, and- very generally of -the fanchlon shape. They are merely 111010 triangles of Ince, or white crape, laid In fine folds, and trimmed with a mauve or blue velvet bandeau, a Mlle line blonde, a whit, rose-bud, and two or theca email bronze leaves. Drenoes are JAM cut very narrow, and with long trahnd four yards and a halt In considered suffileiently wide round the lot torn fora trained dress, and three and a half fora short die.. Dress°, not frill gored are gathered at the Luck. We have Said several Mau , ' and re peat again, that underskirts must either be gored, or made very narrow at the top, and with a deep nOUZICO • a the bottom: this Is 'essential to thegoodapPenrance of the dress.--Dentoreags Month( y. • , • Platimore it adOhio Railroad. The earnings of the Baltimore and Ohio Itatiroad, notwithstanding the antagonism attempted to be directed ngamst It bylines and independent freight orgetilrations In the West, who cannot heed it to their Pur - Macs, show a large and prosperous Mon. near and a handsome increase upon' those of the Same period last. year. The results ,indicate Its policy Of ntuintain log Ito own ' test freight atom, Instead of perm itting out- Side Organtzndolle to monopolize Its • care nrnl tracks, dictating terms, and making. • large profits out of both the rOncl, and the, sib,lDDer,.2llo earnings, of the road for April Aro 0 :31,70; Xi In excel. Of 1.210:$0 or. April VOI, inn details being follONs . rot. Arid 1,67 : Main stein 'J.II Parkersburg Drench Wasninglou do Ohio Inv. ...... ~.lo ion ,1,7111 10 Winchester tall'otozzino /L 74 Totol • ~ , nlorLatis You 1 , •• • •/ :"....Ij° • .. . Blain. Stern li.elaelb ai Parkersburg Branch U.. , 44 7.3 WashlogtOb do aa.f.l7 7t Central Ohio 111v1elon V.1.'.',17” Wlnebester and Potomac. It. 1i...,. ~,,,, 07 ~-__ Total 0re.....,n13 :I! (70.11 , ,11,71V)::rornr.s. For Aprll; !Se rer April, 15'41 ineicase for April, 1%7 4511,766 Si —The Nne , Nation, u rinilealicturnat of great WA:deign:wed, Vu., griutn the deposing paragraph : "Who can inalisa the (nett anti yet it in a faci. .What's a fact why, the lion. J. 31. Batts and Cornellus liarria,n man no bitten ,Inat, Ida hlaegness glitters, are. neated to gether On the ti rand Jury. and that, too, in . the city of . iiichniond, 1 Irnlufa. liere'a the text—we leave Oar rettnern arid goAtet lky to make thoctunnienL Thu world 1110k . e.glInall South, In Richmond, Vit.. though It monde mid everywhere Cite. Whatdo (:opper• Beads in tno Xorth clunk of TAW 1" • - 1 tcji: ; t. VOLUME LXXXII.---No. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK; FROM WASHINGTON Smuggling from Cunadii. MISSISSIPPI INJUNCTION CASE. Notion to Amend Refused and Ihe • Bill Dismissed, THE INDIAN MASSACRE CANARDS. Proceedings in Bankruptcy r.By Telegraph to the rlttahurgll Gazette. Wt &outoOTOY. May 16, 1,9:7 SW:WOLIN° /DON CANADA. • The Treasury Department having been advised that large' quantities of peas are imported trout, ostensibly Neck,- mottle use as dried pros, but used as seeds, the Collectors of Customs of all lake ports have been instructed to regard all Whole peas as seeds, and charge ou them the 4?ty of thirty per cent., prescribed by statute, unless they have clear proof they are kiln dried and unlit for beetling purposes. .UPILIME RiLES. • The Supreme Court met to , day, and alter delivering yarloug opinions adjourned until the !hat Monday in December. The Court ordered as follows: That cer tain rules and forms of proceedings in bank ruptcy, which have been framed and adopt ed by the Court In pursuance of the Act of CangreSa, approved March be and the same are hereby promulgated; that Bald rules and terms be recorded by the Clerk and that they ba'allowed to be printed. NINSISSITI'I INJUNCTION Case No. 14; Original. State of ?dissislippi complaint vs. Secretary Stanton and Gene. Grant and Gra, was decided by the Court. The motion was (or leave to 1110 an amend. moat to the bill In this . case. Tins was de nied, by a divided court, as announced by Chief Justice Chase, but the names of the Judges on each aide were Sot made public, tubs beingn Secret of the COurt. Upon a motion to diamlea the billfor want or jurildietion, It was entered that the bill be otslAiasea with coats. So the Mississip pi taJunclion case falls with that of Geor gia. lI=MEIM So. le. Original. Ill.livaukee and 11be lie:iota Railroad Company, petitioners. Judges of tho Ctronlt'Cotirt 'of tViscouslu, Ordered that a xuandasouls issue command. ing the edges of said court to proceed with the execution of the;order of the Court of July 1.9141,0. \o. •17. Thompson et al. vs. Riggs S Co., bankers. Salt to recover cola deposits made in ItOt. Jotip:neat of the Supreme Court ot the District of Colombia that the debt could be dlsellarg.l by payment., or odor to pay the same In legal tender notes, adltrund, the _let of Congress of lebruary,lvr.:, making Treasury notes a legal tender to payment of all debts. CONPII.NTIAL MIZSBENWLIS James 11. S. Schurernan, Colored me>_sun• ger of the Comptroller of Currency, wan arcuated, and IT under examination to-day, onn charge of the larceny of alintO in Lido Of the Fleet Nattonea liauk of Jersey City, antlyorglng the siroutures of the onicers of the bank. It m beileved this in but a por tion of the amount of National bank notes abstracted. Sehuremau W. confidential messenger of the Comptroller, and it was ,part of his ditties :0 handle three notes and carry them to the Express Oftloc- Ile to supposed to be only a tool of OUlOr Forties. Who illicit la the forged exams. Eighty.tivo mid.thlptuen will Co gradua ted at the ensuing' examluatioit at the Nasal Academy. Fifty or sixty paced on the stesmoLlp limne.mta for St.etz months cruise for practical instruction. . =I The following dispatch. wan rwelrefl this afternoon at Gen. Grantli headquarters. /....atx May 'I.—To the Adjutant tirnorul Falba( Mat. Army: Wu Mayo a ematnuni- Cotton. Mimed by Col. Rankin, Comtrumd log officer at Fort Zuford, as late us Fehr.. a bfith. All were well then. tin ',pone that on the jot of January the Indian, ap peared in considerable force before the fort, mounted, and after a variety of ovoid.. tlons, (Muddlesas meant to terrify, upon a single shot front a twelvo pounder thvy went nff in a great hnrry and have not since that time attempted any further hos tilities, although encamped on the Ycilow _tone, only a few mile., from the Fort. Gen. Terry telezraphs that tbo recent re port of the capture by the_lnllnus. Of the strainer Miner is fu)se. [signed.] W. A. Nicnots, ArA. Gen. •. Nichols is Chlof Of Stair to Lieutenant General Sherman.' = ha the case of the original. State of Texas . es. White rt of. the Supierr.e Court allowed art injunction to restrain the payment of certain Texas bonds to part los to WhOm it Is alleged they wore Gehl tiering the rex:T hen-by parties In • the'artny In hostility to the United States, who had melzed the e chives, treasury zind property of the State.- The Court grants leave to the defendants to move to disimive the Injunction at the next term of the Court. In the case of the Bridal 'Memorable Fdr William I•eel, captured near the• mouth of the. LClo Grande, during the rebeillon, the Court ordered z eetaution. • /111,110 nOnBDl VOX soi.nistia , on'Ar6ll. The Board of Army 01niters, of Which General Grant is President, recently ap pointed to enquire the hest, most durable nod economical material for bend block* to national cemeteries, held a meeting this morning. Their report will be submitted lathe Secretary of War Inn few days. • 88(3111,P. CIV cUISTONIO. The recelpte of eu.stolou from the the eleventh. were 15,117,772. re,elpis of luteroul Revenue taqlsy were $ar5,751. APPEAL TO REPUBLICANS The National Unieu Committee, (By Ts'. ar row night continue Ida Journey to Canada. nostsorfruic tNaTtTUTg. The twentikh kmallon of the American Institute of ileamopatlty will he nail thin city on the sth of June. Thew/mina Ntldres. will be delivered by Dr. of Chiceite. • • CI:=I At four o'clock Oils afternoon a fire broke out on the second floor of Nu. 46 Sdoth street, net:opted by William A. bale A Co., Commission Alm - Chants, as a storage witru bons, Too .4.c00d, third nod fourth floors were pretty welt burned out. Thu loos of goods is nearly f2lit.Uue. Williams A Guyon. bHilt ping Merchants, NO. 7l Wall street, bad Wow worth of goods on Ulu fourth !loos. Tese goods were badly datnaged; insured. Howland I Aspinwall hail eighty cases of raw silk, cutout! at aIll,otto • ur the Molding, crutch aro almost a total 1068. Said d CO. hail on storage nine hundred chests of tea, Collie la 5,101: ilfty recta or alike, value 410.o0; eighty boleti of straw goods, value 410,1001; XeVenty-livc vases of straw hats, ralUe PPM; and H UtO worth of miscellane ous goods, trelonglm, flo.ton firms; in sured. Sale A. Co's Individual loss Is 110,1 s, utt stock and 11-rturee; Mutts., Thu build ing is own.] by Wm. Whitlock, Jr. , Leal 47,bish The 44imM - al Synod of the 'Reformed Pres byterian Church, welch met last evening. resumed its nes ilr.n to-day. Fifty delegates KVIII present. ltoe. IL. S. Emma, of Colter- Mlle,, was chosen Moderuter. . • Among the pu.ssongers per mtenmer Futon I, Usron Von Grahow,lttisshut Consul 46=10. .. • - FROM: MOBILE, Lame' and Harm Onions Meeting of W t 1t•0ra041.1%/Ack*--ittool u tloua Coo. rulut; the Riot on ib.llth. Iltrr•liNcr•pltntee l':tt•bur t te 4wtte.3 Idoim i c, M/.y ..0.—.% large and very karma nlou. u eettng of whlte, and blscke was hold tills ea ening. npeeehes were made by .t Mon. A et. Mali lustry, Mayor, and others. The fol owing resolutions were unsul moos- I, ado: ted! II J.% • Mooting on the nlelt. of May ato them were dbotnlJunovn nzol ro,un In tuo.t itonontablo coon. qUOncel, Re. , do,d, rind, We deewly deidnrc the trn tortilnale via:arrant:lo *Wel/ Wata Wert at all 410.2011,7, and .l.•ut t otpreae In the , hroagtatierrautu.rdivappto nation Or thera. +Wrwt , E. Wel are , d the , queloti that the dtutartdindew ut Call er tag 'ere wholly auprrineditatr.l and Ltd., t,f adehlte • tat eaeltenteht tw which alt large ILCIC ute •wdml. Vora, In UM' opinion our to not .11.00ied 101100,1 u 100, V 130000,0 the rnli eirrOau 0(oVot CL 10 VW A,/ every Oa. 01 FROM NEW ORLEANS Alainitt a.llllOl by Negro blegre•dorea— nelliary Ordered Ong —lPultrenserk • badly. Injured—Negro: iii•iarbatme. we l7akifosion,ll4lloerlsolnate Mamba -IN. nr Te•em • anh to tie II: titairrh li arr... .t. 9.aii4taire,.lbayio—Con . .I•laral•la die flirt:ranee toga place anion;; negro neve. •toram Ott Is, lore. to-day. aungniting ol ay.!. to a run_ Two policemen were ba.lir luittrvet a rum ....lutiverage a.. - it ra from a troM •oulpramt Of loon of alit oe t. I,ln, :Toe military were an dertni ogt to a. 1.1 the poll,. Tim.folltortng tett rtarsetral4l fool. an or. .1.4 n! th•neral linsevr. bone! to•dayr ../ he .1 ruteti atate• agrerument. If 1at . .....ary, m ant preli% you threuth the tn:!lt try, lot • ,ou a 111 not La pr0f...4_3..4 In wrong guingy Al a ttnotlng to trairreon Ig...ter-My, a or. goo ' , veal.. a hue .free mg au nge t one, : n .tglihrteon tug" ega the rare, ela, inter ple•l 1!7 Ur:L.:el l•tath, bildho a, n hog Itt• .•••r:tulpate • 1, C.. 1111,114,1.). the ma. J !: unty n • the to gruel apnea:gni; to be acme.'' ROM CANADA. .. , . , Cattle:l nalse--11 iiiii b Colanablamad 10Du.sainteri of Canada. fli . i. n,r r al es. MM V ay .—Theta I. [(at -care!. ty of ftt I- er In the •arterticautlitr.r. t. able aro .13 . 1 it ny h a . Lotto:`- et., Mr. A:slog, hegietrar t•rneral of itell4tt , unlumtga. emir that action had !mon torten' he th•• I..egn•!ature In reference to witnimion In the Igor Inloo of Aana•la. The leg:gat:et) regroll pa -rod annnluing4ly reoguilOni 11l favor of inimbenni upon eog.tat•l • tot Mt. Ten ling Illnleh—lleater Ulna. tfe - Titorrla t... the lit...mall ti•rette. • lituto.r. os it. h.... May la—ln the angst trot hetet ,•en rues ter and 11r. onhisrulth•e mai, tt•.in.', lie ',not wort tt.•• that heat. 10 atiltlitt eceurhi. Iti.:. 4. - - - ' - - G .VERAL NEWS. _ . - Chan so firm 111 m Franet+co .I,ld • caVtal o , er f2, —Tim you ot Lilt Mo.:Maw, eonaldered by young WM van of the greatred riz, la sal Loudon matrimonial market, engaged to Tlimrry 1. only Adelaide Talbot. TM; Larl . • layman 1.4 hall 4 mlllton of font. I.A a btod lmr etmAldntately die • slant time All. and left film 1tol• hely to 0014101 ounurtmAted for twat:: y and sointalor. . . . . —1 b•re In the te•l Itattne ofone of the pa. I 14'0 01110:11, at. tho trial 61 the llowdotollam, Maine, bank fobbers,noar In pro/trent...l.lre lu BovetIolnlotto; wan at deimi. between len and elev.n o'clock night of the robbery; no, woom /Omit Cho 4ettot; toOmeed blot nod Put my hand on Mr, shauldnr, and told him 1 owl got lotMltn grail:l,l ton by the thog, hot I hoot pert . ' TOM Motu almuld he Promo tenl a% IMO, —There Ina efehablatt MnOthenn In the re nilent. of Um elod wOn lottmdueml yellow fever tom our onotry during too war. for tmentlinlon 11 t.fIhturn from Cattmla to 010 //nth n land au 1 take hi, trill to linuturky. Ile, of 110.nof, I 1 11,Cted Illie. N anti). end Dea n l'eurnm //I aid mdect the ittry, Mid that from such a I rtimnal ho rroahl tin more likely to receive, moplauto than putostumeut For 1110 block crime. —The hfaliftng Valley Iron ensoPenT 'tiled Iu oertillcitle Of Incorporation at the secretary of Chile's oftlru yester.lay. The company Is organised for the purpose of manufileturlng iron and articles ot Iron useful m commerce end the arts, procuring 0r05,..t0. flute of bustnese Is Nape, Trumbull county. Toe capital stock Is ell..e.uve,_in shares of Col sash. James Yard, Wm. 11. Ilrostn. Henry 11. Perkins, 11. I'. Jaincaue, and Mathew . B. Taylor are the florporators.—elfolessrarn.. —A young widow of WoOdstook. Goon. not having tbefear of the ghost of her dead husband 'before her eyes, yielded to the w ace.]: • Massachusetts husband, who was fogally regardless of the . 11:011n101 of his , wife. 1114 name George Morris. Ito married her. tank baron. a brief wedding tour, rote/nod to lier father's house, anti re. sawed hie plat* by the side of Mx lawful wife.' The big brothers of the Woodstock. lunw haru ISAISOL failed to avenge her great Wrong.. r-ILsosnasimis Fay csnirr.—/in old laity over mstv-two years of ago, yeeterday gave birth to stay-tea lit all thirteen children of which she its the maternal pa rent.. Iler hoapand blows a horn at the Nee Lionel Theata, and when corigratulated, yeptertiny, upon hie triple bleastug. repllW that he didn't know but that there might la another added to the trio,. the medical man had not yet taken hie departure groin the house. We aroploused toenuounee that Mother and callairOrt are as .wall as Might Lin expected.—ttin. (Mesas. --Of Mr. fireely's visit ie Richmond this week, to become ono of the ball for Jefferson haste. a newspaper of that city Says that It le Urn first visit he boo Patel to that vita for thirty-one years, In INM he palmed through Ittchnionol tot his way to Warrenton. N. V., for the purpose of being milted In roatrt. 111011 V In 14 lady, a schoolmistress. bon, In the North, Lint then engulfed to to.ming In that Plata,. lie was utarriteit by a Itionmond clergyman, lend annitity ;last Mr. tired ) heard this 'clergyman preach in Mclnnes:el, and renewed an acquaintance begins so many years ago. To the Friends of the Blind. Tholirincipti &hikers, and 30 pupils ofthe l'ontea. ltisiltution for the Instruction Of Use Wiwi, will visit Pittsburgh Iltlll remain donne the week, communing on alotwinn May wt.h. They will give several Musical it x Maio., and also the method of road. leg the raised letters, and other interesting exercises. ThWobilttet of the visit's to exhibit the ca pacity o tbu blind to rensive Instruction In Ivory branch of knowledge ' nod to ~otirn 'mechanical trade's for thelrholf-ennport. watiy, or the Western counties have hover bent thole 1111dd children to the In. stlLutioo nt Philadelphia, their friends are notlaedthot the Slate provides for Lbws whoaro Indhieet.. AppllcnLloat •i . • ;Itt ' (.!F Ta'.' let; Principnl l'incAnztrnta. May IStbl.l:7 . Tlasoka. iv orrby nail efilelent Corri• moolloner of Agri,.lturo, at Wtottiogrou, fr,.(f.,110a. Iluato Norton,' lino Our Ilatottka for several parkafor, 0!0g , .e Intrutog. AtnYOr gOtal4.. CITY AND SUBURBAN. • FOURTH P.A.G.E.T4e friflext and moat re liable Money, Oil and Produce Market Re -.portaillyen by nny paper in the city, tuili Le • jou na on our Fburth Awe. Miele Agricultural Pio TO IS!) FL C:613 1B 15,' 89 s 9 S 9 Market Street, I s , AND ET YOU )) • BOOTS SIIOES . IS6 S 9 9 9 k •89 s 9 THE etIEAP.GST AND x BEST LUC:LION UUOD KEPT. Isq 'JAS. ROBB, 89 Market SW h 9 leV9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 SO S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 THOSE WHO DESIRE BRI 14A NCI: Or COMYLEXIVN man Dar and ranch blood, 'decal tiIL,IIIOC.D . B C casTalaTED 3.111• ta rll,l, clove. dak Car kiXLlll.lvlara. Take aplS:wir sEPEILIOLt MERITS; Vic WIIEELLII WILHUN HEWING; MACHINE user all others, fur, fatally use 3ad general parpn+ es, are art II ea-1 • Laba,bel and au generally adoatticd, that T . aa eaumuratluil. of taiiveeacel-1 Tenet, Is no IJugur C, al er.,l arceaaa. t ry. are altarle., darabla and lycau.l WES [ERN AGENCY, :No. 21 FIFTH STREET. . i EULER. CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Ilanufacturen CDR. PENN AND WAYNE`STSII 1434. t sty:oo of TITECNITIJSK constaola/' JOSEPH METER & SON, I= W . X:r.FiLTVWX9:73EII-11:11, )11T.IXIXLIJ trifieET. &ad ' , 4,11 PENN STULL?. 4T;CS:•L'. sZIGIN OF EILLNDS.--JOHN A. intowN & 110 arttitrlloio opposite toe Postolnce hand, or !nats p,a-n.l.tig to order. &varlety of elegant Venetian Blinds—price WV and upwards. Neer style or Winelnrr bladrr, g 1.0) and wards. Colored Olt Clo th e. I.llr. 0. in 1 1. Rats. Rags, ()no mana. Bdtid sad Plcture Cords and Timmins. ALS O Oat Qs 'tine store. on band or wade to order, a storb of White and Calico nests, Canary 00, far gentlemen's , wear. , Dila:eon CHAS. A. MILLER, tprilooßakit - ER, • so. S. TOUR7II 144., Apollo HclldlOQ C BC Ks, inurrs, NOTIBI. BILL inn 4 LET- T . M. BLACK. C.A—R...M. O X:II 4 rT r ErEL. • pinta 49.11.03", Tl4ec docel above :AWL , Orld :AM% PITTXBUBtan. P& Even orWovk dm. oe the shortest Doll, and mast rra•onable Lena. rarticular t=a ro•lrt PLACE Li THE CITY tso.o ob. TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is M No. 160 BLUR & NIOSEU; A-lELC,232'T7Pcrrig i r 71111 IT /..ROCIATIOY itrrtarug u r 611 . ad IST. CLAM Plsw•B trag.trtlig t="al. tri Ns a 1 •11,1 irilarnAer amt- & CO.'S =ME P. C. DIITYP,