The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 02, 1867, Image 1
. . . . '-'"- . • .. THE PITISBEIGH . 01fEil. . . . rirsuautia By • L.,---, ~. 'FE WEN RED &. CO. , . 9 :" . . ' . . AVGAZETTE BUILDING, zac, es wirua. =treat. P. 1 3.PENNLIL831, t n,”....., T. IN HOUSTON, 1 ----- "'"^ • - • J 0131411 ILI No. . .. Nzusua a.. HEED. i nil ' in " lnana r i • . . , ilinele copies ...........................—... S ends. • . Delivered by carrier, (per weeki........ US Gents . . Mail subeeribere. (perm") ..... .......... 58,00. . . • 1 Liberal reductions to Newsbeqrs and 4gerds. • ' ;-• - TIMMS FOS . Three CoPws. Peryear, by ........-..5 INo .giee do. • do. - do. each...... Iss • Ten orlone coptee, to one address, and one free lo ehibi each 1 15 MIIIIIIIIIMINEM.III.IIIIIIII . • . : . CITY ITEMS. , , ... . . . 1..._, Ton win • • ' - ricd a Dente' Establishment styli Penn . ' • 'Street. Drs. 8111.8 Giltexple. ' - . - .. ' . Persona Wanting anything lathe Mat or • Cap line, will find it-to-their interest to call , a t-' at Ernt,Tlettllihrs, No. ID Wood street, whore - Soots aro now being 5041 at lower . • . . prices than at any other Gaud la the city. . , . Also, a fine assortment of ladlas and misses •- . '' - 14 4; Lrinkollet and untrimmed.- Those who - - . Graft anything. in the ober tine Will do well to Call and exatelnii on ,stock before I • ~ . •., 'lordlier:dog elsowhero. , -' I , ~.; I ' .To Wholesale Boyers 'r 1 Of - Dry Goods we offer bargains In .Natt lots ' ' • ' .of Gress Goods, Panting!, Linen Goods r and . . init lines of Sticetinge,. Shullcrga. Prints, ' Ticking, Checks, Ac., all of which we will .. : ' sell at the very lowest eastern cash prices., . . • [ '• - ' J. W. tertian * Co. . . , . 130 Market street; telow Third* Sonithsts. / . ' . I. - Jost neeelved. 6 .- /. . flresh supply of Crosse aod. lackwell4 ~_foiscreii, . Pickles and 'lltistard. I Also very / 'chola@ insertledieria, imperial and Turkey • ~ Prunes, Smyrna Figs, &0., de., will bo sold , . / • ' at 'the. lorcat' market"prtess, it 110. 11l Fed , , / Oral street, Atlegliony city. ". , I. - .3 t _ I ' CUeD, red: Mills Sacquea.. . \ Gaidner'& Atewart aro showitg Warden 1,. -`- • did assortment of thoee goods at very low I, • t prices, at their new store, on the *Cat con. i... A • , '.-nor of Market and FoUrth streets 2w...c0d . -. attiotO, - Sheen, Carpets and Day Goods For the million, at Sthithso - n,, Calmer A. •, Co.'s emporium, :Land 57\rifth stieet. New • and fresh daily aixlvals. ' , I —. ' . L. ., •, . • Pare Praha!: ' I . 'Pure Dress!! Pure Drava:l - Parc; prose!!! 'at Ealn A Droll',, Allegheny'. ' , . . • . . r- , . - Veer „P Owl ay' . . ' r . . .. . ,l/brelgn Liquors of all r.indi• at Joseph 5. . . "81nclis• Distillery, No. 110, El. 19 4 and Ed . ' I ip You !Alen Buy .' be pus . nt. Aloohal la Joseph e: Pinch's. . .......0..."-- ' • Tea 4.. n Buy r ' ' . ' ' :low HON at j oomph S. Pinch*, \' FROM NEW YORK. lily Tineirsph to the,Plitlibursh ilare4e.l aiiiw Tonic, MaYL— ho . tend number of . cattle airivcd at they Hudson city drove vards this morning is 1.7.76, with eight car Walloon the way; totiti number; of sheep ' • since Monday, Las. • ' J-... !. , ' rAsSrsanns POtt xvisori. • • The .ficetliD • for Europe todliv, took a Weal ( 1 1 11' , o l fni U nTtr i Vro v n l a ° , r io s b tc4 J: b a re, 6. t -.. Lester Wall ck Jowl j family, M anager '• Wheatley, of this city, andValni W. Forney, of Phllosielphia,• . tiro tl3e fallow g t hits Donlan. Kentucky il.A.i.Pomnro. ;and site, • Mrs. Potter and two •ettildreu r Inclunati; W. 4. McKee acidli . e,.St. Lord , iir. and Mrs; J. W. Wood we ittsbureb; r. Wesat J and: lady, CinoTnnati.Day and wife, St.i.Louls; Wm. May: an 'wife, Ch ago; Mr. Dunlap, Mr. Usher, I. ni.. in dS. D. . Weilkosi Louisville; 311 ...Kell , Pitts. - burgh. f balled per Ilecla—A. Tat, 0. Raley, E. P. •Trenchkrd and son. °hien P. G. Los eopp,Dtinolsi,C. W. Sanford and •yrife, C. F. Guntlibr, Chleago. . i • t cOONTARIFICiT PLATZGLIEIT.OO.. , . , . .. • A quanity of lithographic plates, intend ' ed for striking off one dollar and live dollar notes'on • the PeoplQii National Bank of Jackson. Michigan, and A number ofeottn ,: ~ rtertetenotos Prietsfia from tin , same ere ei szeiDet Port Jervis. - Clement an Ida i.• • Herrn* were, arrested on suspicion of uOing,the plates =dealing bogus Money. . • . , _ . .. .--' i a l ony s Olta OVOTIOTOND Dna. ' , , . TllO kwte of Ortay,r•Taft A Co., of root .dence,'Rliatto.lslan•., who failed ently, are gala to amend to hinetry . .threo C nt9 on ~,.,' , [WOO/IEIX af all liaties, and^a s roc '', .I.ory. settlement with their credl rs will (probably be soon be made. Work n their rotten mill, at Tafflaville, Corm., w short. ly bo resumed. .. , , .: • OUTZLAOL. AT 41 lIOSPITAL. ' Some pailents at the Charity II spital. Illackoellip Island. made a davit that an old man mimed John Thom , pronoune ell dying, bad his eyes gouged. *as lit• r e a ll y choked to death by a band Oratind his neck by an orderly named lienderson. Ile has beetiatrested and denies the charge. TAME= OBIT oTrnlso. The Liverpool packet ship. Ilibernia, ly. r .Ing et the foatof . Beekman street,. under , going - repair*, ' was= billTled to the water's . :edge thisevening. j ! The fire is supposed to ' have been milted trylight left In the hold by one of the workmen. There was nocar • toaboard except two hundred tons of pig en. DoATH Or • VOTltakfr. I Alexander L. Schultz,. a veteran steam= V 0: dont onMalander and 'politician, died yes . terilayent..e . biladelptils, after. a protracted illness. ' i • • manor, COVIVECIIATED. - Visbop Tattle, of Mcmtauss, vas coasocrat Donn uy a apr.e. roR The i P . took *low° In gold Conneettent. Legislature—Re sssss of • • s tog Hats 't Er Telegraph to the Mahwah Uarettc.i Szer.Yonir, Ray I.—The COeneCileut. Leg , I r lalfdare•Jorganized tesaa7. Gov.. English, in his message, says the Mtuation of public affairs Is in every aspect Impertims tie urges that as citizens of she common coun try wo should strive to extinguish the vie stietivOrerseatteents.engendered by the late • stab war, wagedto melntain the arthlminasY of the federal Constitution and the *meg. orthe Union. lie atides that the great object was reneyet.obtained.- The Unloo was nbtrestoted.',Ten States are dented neetititpattifil In Me. mthonul government by the action of Congress. Should present measure, be persisted in they would trans . term • She republic into a despotism. •Re deercosth Murree of leglilation pursued by Congress' -wholly unwarranted and sas .fatal to the Union and Constitution as the doctrine of secession. The legislation of the Thirty-ninth Congress to a olurge ex t.:Mt.:Was aeerim of uourylgtlecn laud thine • turns of the Constitution. Ile argues that Cougreas has no more power tinder the Con- MlttitiOn to establish a military govern . • Meat tittha Southern State s, than to Mail , ; '.l.otdah that of nobility In England. and claims that Congress med that power , only for the „purpose of more thoroughly emomplishing the subviirsion of State an thority. It Cougress cats legislate for those . States, it was •not_difilcult to foresee like Interference other States, and the right of Suttee to regulate (eternal affairs -in theft own way henceforth will be subject to the caprice of Constreas. Ile clothe of the Senate as arrogating power to select as well .64 confirm; as dictating to the President fa regard to big aProllittesents. It was In ..purpose [9th/tort, tbirfunetions whdeti mgpimately.M.pperiain to other branehaa ofthe Coceromsnipin Ulm imposed to . Legation pardoning . power from the Pres, .aient; where the Constitution had Planed it, Anil confer it by m ex post fasts proceeding • on'Congress. Ile does not doubt the tacit ; eutunlasion of the Southern people to the rule provided for them, but serious guar s. mons arisie• from the precedent established by Congrebe. The fended debt of the State ••-• has been reduced in the past year 1371.83. Ile recommends the adoption of a la* ma king eight hours a legal day's work. In catielmiton, be •Invelrealndnite power for wisdom and'gnidanco tapeztOrte theduttaa confided to him. . . . • T - - illiailiiii dr iiy - erienipti OperstOt—R. ward Oliered for the Murderer, I*, •••: .lir Tele/twos to the itut,nargh Gazette.) • ":. Isoinuarotis, May L—Thc following are Tpartidhlarff to regard to Elio murder at pint last night.- John S. Johns, railroad . .t and telegraph operator, was (Quad at bta ~®co at bait past six o'clock this morn. e' . . sr. .Ifis heed - was corrrad wini horrible ashes, made by. some :blunt lostrutnent; Is brains knocked out and lying in a Pool ChlooeL '‘About3WO tuntilrod dollars of money. belonging to the railroad and tele raatt companies wero mlaaling. Thant It muo to tho max.:Sarnia. The LoalaTlllo Naar Annoy, and clikaito •itallroad Conbemies Offar • reward of lire hundred . flobstra for the arrest of the murderers. . . Eight Ilea. , law Ya cbteace. Bi•hrterrirait.therttubmwthmu..) 47nic.ta 0, MEW L—Tbol.elight4lOstr UV' goes le to C . InICI ta•dan, atm . WorltiniCmen ere out In full a'.' force inrisocesslon, with snail; bonnets. slogs, emblems of marls - Aides, Le., J.._TirttlVirtfe ' ggtfy - .Z:::l7,d i . n Eta ' Ek*-I,,t,it'.% ...v.:40,9[ 4 11e iegol...e!gOt boon. . . Rtclansond Street Cam Arrangement. Zy Telegraptt to the PI ttfibur:ll liasett e. • RICIIXOND, VA, Bay I.—The new street car arrangement Went:lato oporation to. day. Very few negnwa avenue thareaclrra o r it. though minis. "Mies . refralnal [rola a 1 Senato r Wil , laala . la .'t Wilmlorta. 745Vatia tolibe o..ltta. I Waiati a °Ton; N.' C.; May I:—Stail.or.S9ll - 0,1[424 rusil-swalstoranco toot piaci:. ' [M ~~ IG~~ ,VOLUME LXXIII T EDITION. FIl RI EUROPE, Br Telegraph ; to . th rittaburph tiszette.l 1• TLIE PEACE CONFERENCE. 41t - bott,. May I—Peening.—ln the Peace Conference,whieli will meet In this city on' the 12th of May, It 10 understood 'that Lord SMniey, Secretary of State tor Poreiin wiMropresent Great Britain, and will - preside ever Its deliberations. King George, of Greece, arrived In Lon. don. 1 \ Poem 1 do - - 7 ,.1cail : I "-- 3 ..1vgit.' 00 1., Mail — . rho ..eteuanship Great \ 3, Eattarn, i'rom New York VIII Itreat, arrived in Ulla port to7day. - • 1.1161 UD OUT. /3 lIZST. illif L.:The t. Laui•ent. from New .., l'ortr, arrived yesteray evening. FLNANCIAIL AND CDMMERCIAL. • k TaX - sarooL; May I.—Noon--Cotton heavy and/ dechnod LL'aL4c. since noon; mlddllug uplands. 113;1114., • / AnTwanr, May I.—Petroleum 131; francs bar 100 Kilogrammes. • Losnon, slay L—Foots—Stock board bored. VAANETOIIT. May L-11.S. bonds`7ol;.._ May centim e states bonds SO; rem. tn . francs CO I , tranrnot. May I.—Noon—Cotton opens Sealer; prices decimal, uplands 770 9d. Banned Petro leum, is 31.41.1. Other articles unchanged. LeVEUPOOL, Slay I—Eerllifig.—Cotton dull and quiet; sales of IS,UeL bales of uplands, at 11L1Q111.?1• Orleans. at 11 d. Ilaricy, at 4. 4,1. Bacon is (paned at au. Beef, at 270 al. Lard, at Zis 3d. roue:num; relined, at Is al. Tallow, at 41s. All abhor articles unchangetL tosmos ' May I.—Tha Stock hoard was closed all oar. Pants, Matl—in.eLling.-I.l.S.bonds Su X. FROM CHICAGO. (Arena Deconnateatlon by Working enets—lbe Eight Hoar taw—iteeola- Mona:-Coneeraleg• the Impendler • Iterate, at) , Telegraph to the rittsburse Gazette.) entesoo, Mayl.—The workingmen of this city bad a grand demonstrealon to-day in favor of the eight. hour law. About 'six thousand men, representing nearly all the trades, wereM ,the procession, with flags, 'banners, devices, mottoes, Waste. de. After marching through the principal, streets of the eity,the procession baited in Douglas Placa where a meeting was organized, which V. addressed by Ron. Jelin Hogan, J. J. Mcßride, a lawyer, and several mechanics, all of whom strongly advocated tne eight hour system, and urged their hearers to stand firmly by the law. Itesolutions were adopted .pledging the maintenance of the tight hour system against all opposition, rebuking mmeter mechanics and contractors- . who say they will not submit to It as defiers of law; but to contractors who do not or.. pose the law, but who made contracts before its passage, they recommend a complemise by dividing the loss, giving eight hours' la bor per day and accepting ten per cent. re auction of wages.' If they are compelled to strike for this system, they recommend Abe following measures: nrst, a com promise with those employers whet will make) an • honorable one as before mentibned; second, that as far as practi cable we will contract for work in the vari ous branches directly with those who have It to do, end unite on the co-Operative prin. .Ciple Jn its execution; that we open Job shops of our own and invite orders for work, and execute them on the same prin ciple; fourth, we respectfully Invite all those who are able to, do so, and have any intentlen of leaving mechanical occupa tions far agricultural or any other pursuit, to take this time to do so. when'ln the con flict eon Impending between the laborer anti the capitalist such conduct will so strongly aid the former; arch, should we have a have along continued strike, we advl te single men, and all those who can convenlentlsr do so, to leave temporarily for other, places, where no such conflict Is lurpending, , and we kindly suggest to mechanics °Pother places, woo may WWIIe coming here, that our common _interests will be best promoted by their de erring to dose till thismatter Is frilly decided and settled; and lastly, we weasel every roan to stand firm and unyielding In this course till our most lust. necessary and legal de .. Mead Is complied with. FROM JAPAN Bo Telegraph to tbcplttaba rob().zeta. ) Sax Faascisco„ Sprit M—Th 0 Japan Timer of March 24 says: The Tycoon issued an order directing .that the military proceed logs on the part of the troops employed In the chastisement of Cholsle, he tempora rily left M. abeyance, and that the troops be disbanded, on account of the national mourning tor the Mikado. The order sr. Issued at Enna, February :7th, and there Is no doubt of the authenticity of the dOen ment. • Sir Harry and Lady Parker, ind a party of - guests. caused through Kag.awn. on the lid, on their way to natant Lake, and pro ceeded thence to Attami, where the Argus, tumble on Wuxi another party, will bring thorn imek. ' The chief cause of the present scarcity in the rice districts immediately surrounding Tedo is not so much the of the crop . the closing to the people of thn source of supply. Custom taqght them to chiefly depend on the surplus. The. offici als of the troops at Shagoon had disposal of the rice from pay depots, the grain hith erto reserved for extraordinary wants. The troops called out in Shagoon are expec ted to return to the Capital, reopening this source of supply. The common people ex pect of„coursaa cessation of the existing 11.51 re. and consequent discontent. FROM ROSTON. Indictments' for 1111r11 Diu 1111 l no— rho Eqoallzatiota of Bountlos to . Soldiers. =1 Boaros, May I.—The Gracil Jury of the United States District Court bare indicted Ambrose Lewis end Jobes Yroderick for Illicit distilling of spirits, carried on in Roxbury and Boston. The House of Representatives this after noon discussed the bill to equalise the bounties of soldiers. An nuneutimeat pro. Tiding for licenses to he Issued for the sale of liquors the revenue therefrom to be used as a sinking fend for .the purpose of the payment of bounties, was rejected almost unanimously. The bill was then ordered to a third reading by 121 yeas to SS says. FROM HAVANA. Telarrat h to the ritisburrh Ossettul • New Yost, May I.—The steamer Moro Castle, from ilaysna on the 211 h, has ar- rived. Tho Captain tletteral is very !IL The bark ticean Homo has been ran doEcned by the Spanish Court to Pays dna 0re124,10, • Fun protests Were mead and the affair has beempe an internatior al one. The Captain's position is a verystrong ono, and that or the Spanish government is week. .A.n.eriergetic demand by the United States government would donlitiese eauee her to ue delivered up and the tine remit ted, and pecuniary emaPensstiim mad° fo' damages. Silver Telegrams. rash to the Pittaheralt (;azette.) Ati t.:rrr, May I.—River atz feet, apd ris ing rapidly; heavy mine Mere land dvd°244.• Weather now clear. Kamesa City, Mu.. May L—The Meaner/ river bas receded froth the - bottom /41 , 00 shove.herd NO people can re.oceopy their houses. The Union Placid° gstirreul track to Wyandotte, and the Missouri yaeide to Leavenworth, era outlet water and hoftnr repaired. Trains ran through to Leaven. worth, and wilt Continue regularly .Loryantte, May L-3 Liver rising with Buren req. and nine Inches water in the , - • . 14er/fon In Baltimore,. ;Br Toleirrtoh to the Pane drib Onsette.l 11.1.1.imoas, Boy 1.-Tbe election indny for Judge Ind Clerk of the new city en ri peeped pg quietly. The ageregatn vetole , 1 „. smeller then anticipated. The follow la is lb. result: etott, and (Mance, eousoreet e democrats, lidl7; delleY and - lea! repubilzani, 4,857; Johnnou and. Lynnn, conservative republicans, 1,9[0. TretutureUild Flour. 0, - ' 1 . :11, Totertheil to th e inintorri, Onolita.l .r 1 SAN,Fnoncaleo. Ida)! r.-.-Tho CoUstitutio , f or vimung, , sailed t04141F 'wall C/M . ,44.V to treasure;: 6:45,T4 tor , ..Baw York, an : over eleven thousand borrele dour; the , blot Charles, for :'New York, with thirty-three thousand sacks Or Wheat, cleared. Tbe fleet Captain Paul Shirley, loft lor . Now York hy the Constitution. -----v-ho • renlazi sentenced to be Unused—The 12i==2 Teleirrapb to the Enttelloreh tletitid. 1 Tononzo. I.—Patrick DI - Wrath, tbo• loot of tho convicted Fenian; was eenten "Xl; to be bong on tbo eleventh Of A lone. Thu Judge odd be woo obliged to poke thin sentence. but dld not outmode it wOold to chrried out. • • Colored FAncallocust Convention. X6v Telettanti to the ilitsbnoth tlasette-1 Idaeort; tixonet•. May Colored El. 13C01400111 tlonitentlon wet to-day. There was a tall attendance. The allernoon Was occupied in explanations as to the peculiar sinew of adnfattou in the ,stele: _ ' 4G • .c.sTLIS - 14 A 8,,, . • . . - 1 . --. , . v ~., .I‘ .- . -' ' '' ' 'I-0 I7Bb '''' • . • -•- r i : . i., , ..-z , • V!... = -.:,..---- 1. x-- ~.. ''. r y,, • ,: N ..c. ; , ~..„.. , ) ,:• .., , •-•,-,.....:- .. , 1 - :. d i , ' t '' , '-' ) '''';•- _,- ) A , ',. - 412 '' • '' . `::• 11 =;;. ‘ af fi,t,..... ,.. - N ~,,, :- -- ‘.. ,-: 7 I , ! 111 1 -1-T, 11, 1 _ I — I _ I ."-----=-;_ ,_ ::/ ' ,,:,:, '% : .. ,2 .--- _ ~: _ -__ti _ 6).41°4'144 '34 N V. ,,, c ‘U 9 . ',, ~cia• '" i ( I , • __--. • ... , ,- . . s. -- \ '\ , ) ) , ,----- _-_ - :t_; - tr__--- --, 7- -- .74:___.- - / , --• - '1,!:47, - -..../__,..... , •_•. , ..„,,, --"--__..-------,___ , _ ______, ,_-___-_:_:_, ---;,„,,,,,,,,,=_._,—..-....„______ _—_-_,•___-,-. ~.., Al. ____________-7„ __—_-_, _. __ , •__ _ -- • . _ - • , „ ______________/ . ____,, __-_- __ ___ _ ______ __ ---NO. 102. SECOND EDITION. O'CLOCK. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM WASHINGTON. * Stier:di Trial---Time Fixed CARD FROM EX-COMMISSIONER BODY Jeff. Davis Reconsiders Ills Declara tion Not to Apply for Pardon. RECEPTION OF JAPANESE EMBASSI Public Debt Statement Deferred [UT Telegraph to tho Plttsborgh Garette,.l WAIMINCITON, May 1; WI The Criminal Court yesterday adjourned until the '2lth inst.:when, lt is underAtood. John 11. Surratt uUI be tried, the Court and counsel :or the pttsiocutthn, and prisoner having so airreed. • Jefferson Davis has determined W * 11343011. eider his declaration that ho could not ap ply for a ',anion, and if ho is not area/good at the Hay trrm of tho Court at Rich mond, will file his papers for pardon, Mao. cordon., with the CollintlollB of President Johnsmea proclamation. to say LL friend* hero., ATI - JAN . I4:V 063r11.8,L d» 11.iI5TIIATION . . . Attokn9Y_Gimeral Stanberry's opinion, on tho Togletratiou clause of tbe military bill, na very liberal, told will enable nearly all thoel . prohibited from logletering by Gen- Ora .Shorldnn, to become enter.. lseaC Nowton, Corraniaaxoner of Agrienl; ture,l quito tn. 0,10 PAOLI YR. 2100 T. boor. Into Commissioner of Indian Alper* In a publisned card, denies that be purchased two million dollars' worth of goods when in New York, hot, on the contrary, did not, purchase. one dollar's worth in open market. He states s.that he went to New York In company with two othor panic., °Mailed from the India:3.lM. roan. as special agent to receivo and see to packing and forwarding the geode bought from Contractor.; and story dollar's worth received by them *na obtained ,from the three persons haring contracts, and the whole will amount to leas than INCA% about one-half of which 3sin blankets and dlotha. utdermost or rut r•riame. The Japanese Commissioners were re. celyed at the State Department to-day, and expressed the beat wishes of the Tycoon for the health of the President and Secre tory of State, and the welfare of the Amer- Icon nation. Ills Majesty farther desires . - that the relations of lrlendaadfl _ aTS Slay ex isting between the two countries .nail tn. crease in cordiality. Secretary Seward re-' piled that It always had beau out endeavor to make the relations between the two countries mutually beneficial, and express ed the hope that our Minister to Jwpar, Uppreclated as being a good Interpreter of 'the friendly sentiments of the nation.. It wastlieurarranged that thiaCingStilekitet r. should be presented - to the President on Friday. Their credentials were read, and. after considerable pleasant conversation, theinterview ended. The public debt statement will be delay ed by . tba nou.rooetpt or curtain accounts, and will not appear barons Friday or Satur day. tßy Ttlegrspb to the Pittsburgh umetie.) The controversy between the contact al autborltlps and the Police Sommlsal n• ors of . New York city will 1 , be brought • ' fore the Supreme Daring last week there 1.¢70 four hundred and eighty-five deaths 10 'New Yore ity and the public institutions. and one b o. dredand live 1n Brooklyn. ,The Percentnee In both Mlles, according to Dr. Itatria el linen to show the merltortoua eifect of the present tenement house system. The pres ence of choices is not reported lit mayor the large cities of Europe, and It Is now expeet ed that the commercial' towns bathe shislppl valley will be the only sources where the pestilence can reach us this year. Jones J. ilartwell, late's clerk In the SuhL Treasury °Dice, Tiosion, , haaheen hold to ball In ten thousand !dollars for being lm plleated in the recent !rands of Ward, Mel lon .t. Co. • -•—•mhip Moravian, from Liverpool on the Di. I..oridenderry on the 19th; arrived olr Farther Point T uesday night, and remained at Paver DU . 'lstop awaiting orders.. • The lee in the St. Lawrence river broke up on Tuesday night:,The river will proba bly be clear tomorrow. Messrs. Poqulguat'a ti etch case manufac tory, in Philadelphia, Iriki entered by burg. fare Tuesday night, the ante blown open, and 45,0(e) worth of property curled off IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. !taperJul Pelest—shames Dead -31 rquez'e• Fortes Disbanded—Quer etaro Taken—ll•xl.olltsblddoo— . Ittstassorss Besieged by esoaller— Ordeals 01111 Ambitious,- - WieuzseTter, May I.—Senor Coos ero v ldex• lean ktinlster, received to-day.the following telegram from the Mexican Consul at Sow Orlemon NriV Olltaaat, Aprti3D.-41 - . 40114070. Wash invert t—Miramon In dead; the Imperial forces are disbanded; Marques In COLLlplota ly defrared; Queretaro is taken; Maximil. lan is Whitten. tOigned). II•xon B. Itteir.. Ilmy Outguns, April la.—Parties from the Mexican border report that Yammering was besieged for a few days by (tansies, who was en route to TompleO. It in bettered also that Cortinas bring his army from trio North and aid in expelling General herrn,- cabal from the gubernatorial of Tamauli pas. Tide indtmte, that Ortega le anti alive and ambitions to become President of Mexico, and that be will proclklm labs first proclamation from the /Imola City. _ _ A. National news fa aaaaa lid Soldlers, Measures are now In hand which are eel -maiden, after the lapse of a few mouths, to estsbilth, on a, grand scale, the deeldereo • tarn—a National Romp for Invalid Soldiers. Tl,o design Is an admirable one, and Is as follows;It Is well known that all efforts to obtahrsolontary subscriptions sufficient to creels Soldiers , Nome have been without avail. In furtherance of the object, bow. ever, the Legisials re of Pennsylvania have passed en act, dated Marl:Wes jog, oyeating a corporation, of which Major General George U. Meade is President., end ,General Berge ti. fithiceLs is Treasurer, with en ealcient rusal4 t Supervisors; who have the ndwer W distribete•ld ttu hoiden( of certlticates a large Dumber of ImMentaly valuable gifts. consisting Of dlaUlOndej Pearls, emeralds, rabies, de.. purpharmq from citizens of the 4outhern States during the rebellion, and which articles will soon be exhibited in this city. klythis SChebab i lt is coundendy anticipated* large fond w be' mewed towards ,ereoftion of the Home. A. great feature of - the affair con. clot ' 10 the !fret that wiry purchaser of the certificates becomes a ,thetrituto; to thin National home fund, and at the same thee bus a direct Interest in the distribution of the rare genie mentioned above. The de tails of alto entire steheine•wth nandlint^' ,ed in a perfectly fair, and honorableknan• or. The site for the limo hue eltittelY been purchasod.and consists of thirty LOW Thehatt 14 , 01 all . t b. tYLb U . r p a p A r t a a y ht' huh of laud, used by General Meade daring tine Curtin. General Mende, liov'ernor Beery, sad s largo number of pinditnent military. heroes , lied estycktklemegt, in another colun. - - - • ' death of ft 'Phaeremnp;,D,.. m. trawls, formerly ot thls eity..die t St. Paul, Minn" .on the raw 4 4 . 41 1 4 n , males will be brought. bore for Interment , 110 served as a surgeon dent:lathe war, go, 1134.1nt0 with the na Pa, VOIS., atter haring labored at lifilltary fleapits/a et Itarrleburg and St. Lenin. and 'resat. Vtehuti to the staff of General Sully In the expedition against the nOrthwestern In diana In 16 6 1. • CIMIZZECIES LASE CONDENSED NEWS. CITY AND SUBURBAN, FOURTH PAGE.—The fullest and most r liable Mousey, CHI and Produce Market Re found even n Ou r F by busth P any pay in the city, win b o County Temperanee Convent lon Meeting lo• Hest ' netbodiet church —Organisation or a County Temper ance Ammelation, and Election or tineero—Temperanee Addreotaeo. Pursuant to published call, a Convene Mon of delegates from the various temper once organizations In Allegheny county, convened Tuesday evening In the First Methodist Church, (Roy. Alex. Clark's) Fifth street. this city. The Convention was called for the purpose of organizing RCost, ty Temperance Association, and transact ing other imnortant business. The atten dance last evening was quite large, a good ly number of ladles being present. After singing by the choir, nee. 0. D. Chenowith, State agent for the Pennsylva nia State Temperance Union, called the Convention to order by nominating Hey. John /1. Ebbert for temporary chairman. On motion, Mr. Ebben was elected tem porary chairman. 'rho reporters of the pressries' were designated as temporary Secre ta. Item. Alex. (lark, pastor of the First Methodist Church, opened , LIM Convention with prayer. Mr. tthenowith moved that u committee of three he appointed on credentials Of cloth. gates. The motion was adopted end - Wm. Little, Chas. A, Cottons n t , , Them. Steel, lisqrs., appointed as said L. • While the delegates' eredeiltia.l,l were being receirtni, a resolution urns adopted requesting nil the friends of - tcropernece present to boot In their num., which would entitle them to u voles in the pro ceedings. • TLIO[I3II.II Steel, hag., tuevea - thuLatommit. tee of thirteen ho appointed, to uominate permanent curd t the Co .ILY Temper nce Association. The motion was adopt ed. and the lollowint: uppoirlted as sold committee: John D. Bailey, Roo. a. It. }atter. David Shaw, Rev. A. Prof. L. U. Eaton. Rev, E. I:. Squire. John len. Rev. S. F. Seorli, John A. litany, lier. 111lIer, Ur. Robert Wray; Rev. Ales. Clark. Edward Reinhart. The Collll.24ittluo then to. tired. MOT. Mr. ChenOw/U1 was then introduced by the chairman, and dellvorcdan excellent address on the rise alid prowess Or temper ance In Pennsylvania. lie Wahl that the largest tams:animas Convention ever hell In Penns w ylvania w. that which us...einbleil a few eeks ago at ilarresimi f, lob! which OrganiZed the e Pounsylvarilabliste Tenmr stricikUnlon," of which he was e , c-tte,l Corre spoodleg Secretary. lie gave a brief an. countof the proceedlega of the temperance (kinventiom recently held in Philadelphia, Carlisle and other places. lie Raid unit this Convention had assembled at the call of the pastors of this district and the ofllcers of the State Union. Ile cordially welcomed the assemblage to the temperance ranks, and mono an earnest appeal for trip to the State Union in advanclug the cause. .. on motion a 'testae. Committer of nine, to whom all resolutions most he ref:•rred, was appointed, mmslatlng of the following gentlemen: Bev. G. D. Chellowalt, John Bennett, Dr. D. O. N. Johnston,' Bev. W. It. Locke, Dr. totem Wray. Prof. L. ll.. Eaton, Rev. A. X. Bell, Thomas Steel, Julia D. Bailey. Tee following: resolution, offered * Mr. Chenowith, end reported from the !lust- mss Committee, was unanimous y adopted by the Convention: . Resulted. That as • Conventi • en ac knowledge our entire dependence upon the Divine Spirit to guide our eon ells, and direct our efforts to remove the r-e sad occur., of Intempereuee trot his COW toonwealth, with its tr. of evils, alit that we grateful ackitow edge the good ness of God in t e Inter of the temper ' ante reformation e istory of the past. Thomas Steel. ' as called upon and made.* brief add -sm. lie stated that the main object of lb vention was to or- Imsalge County AS.oohttlol.l, to ell-Operate With the State Temperance. Union, and he hoped to are Allegheny county at the head of the grand tempt:lmam movement ut Perinwylvania. Caot. Charles W. McHenry was negNiii trodneed. Ito said that to did not come to tne Convention for the purpme of mating a epeech, but simply ass member or Pitts • • .b DivlstiouNu.4.2.Sona Teniperszee. 'mod hope. thesy would excuse Men from making a lenetby address. Babel./ that all the (+lmola of temperance would diligent in the goal cause, and they would be nomad Ratty rewarded 111 on end. Betel addresses were also delivered by M. L. Weekley and G. D. Glow s * , „ John D. Bailey, E tansirtuan 01 the Committee appoleted - to nominate perina tient' mincer. of the organization, presented the following report: President—Rev. Derrick Jdlinson. Vim ideal—liar. Prnillcrat•—nev. A. IL. Buil. Thomas Steel, Der. J.ll. Clark, Do A. Ifichin an. John D. McCord, Bev. E. B. Snyder. Jaines I. Bennett. Bev. S. F. Score], W. G. ll . Warren George Irwin, A. N. Met:or:nig Dr. . Wray. Rev. V. Lucas, Bev. Judie 'IL Lboort, Wm. ithineliart, J. 11. L. lbripnlau, Bev. J. K. Coulter, Dr. J. W. Taylor Geo. D. Clowes, W. 11. Cluley. It, tfeerJeibledsok, C . S. B. Deed, Dr. M. Tee cur C. Yeager, C. W. Jenkins, Rev. 1.. Ilsolutre, C. W. McHenry. Joseph Meatilght. &I-nun-ma—J.2es U. Milne, George Mc- Lain. J.jt. Oxley, David Dennison. Corresponding liceertery—llev. W. 11. litn• cast. Tree:rimer—C. A. Cotten. _ - Extentile eenonalre—John Bailey, Taos. Steel, 1i... A. H. Bull, Brut. 1.. 11, Raton, John IL Bennett. folnanct Chnonotte—E. Itinthart, 1. B. Holmes, Benj. Heckert, Uen. S. Schwartz, Anthony Tains. On motion, the report witA reeelve,l, the committee ditollarged and the ceutlemtm named elected as onloers of the Lounty Aw soclation. Johnrmanent President elect, MO:. Her rickon, being absent, on motion of !tee. A. E. 11,11, Iles. Me. Ebbort was retiun• ed as Chairman of the Convention. Dr. cmnpbell. Warden or the Western Pen itentiary, leas then intralticed anddeltver ed •powerfol temperance address. On motion n cammttfee of thri.e, con,tst ing of lint . John 11. F.bbert. attattinder Clark and Nev. 11. O. N. Johnson. were an. POlnted to wait an hey. Herrick Joltn,on, to inform him of his election as President of the Astutclation, and to rattiest, hi attend. .Inca at the Convention to-day. • . After pinging the doxology, the beneoie. Mon was pronounced by line. V. tacos, and the Convention adjourned until yesterday morning at ten o'cock. WIDSZSDAV4 . . . The 000Ve.etIOn met at ten o'clock, end Was opened with prayer by /toy. Ale:wader Clark, - The chairman elect, lie, IF. Johneten, •was then introduesal, nit noon entering upon the duties of the °lnce made a few re marks, during which ho announced himself as a friend of the temperance movement, and expressed some surprise at the small number of persons present on so Important an occasion. Ile thought such a day, when Lied was quenching the'ildrst of the earth with copious showers of Truro water, was pecultarly appropriate one for temPeraeco men, and on which they should - Meet to. nether to takemeasures for the advance ent of the cause, Bey. G. D. Cbenowith, from the Business Comtaittee, submitted a constitution for the .goverg ment of the permanent organisation, which upon teepee was received. ' Dr. Wray remarked that the eonetitutlon, as read, provided only for the election of two V.loo - Presidents, whereas the nomina ting committee, at the session last evening; had reported a large number of Vice Presi dents, and the °recurs so reported had been elected ender the iMeression that they were to be ofileers of the county organlaation. Item. Mr. Chsnowith thought the Impres- Lion was erronedus. Theetticenswere permanent ofecers of the Convention, and the organise -Doi - rot the county aszocia.. tion bad not yet, in Ills opinion, been of Detest. John D. Ballay, Esq.. bold thejsame viowe of the question as entertained by pr. Wray. De thought the Constitution was ton com pupated. A single Constitution, easily on. opposed to' . to " elinie b elf 4 t d brp 'e r 4 oVis n in o n w s, ns a a sris o thought own' persons favorable to the temperance calm, although note[ the total neetinonce elute, would be prevented from co-operating with the priority organizatiop In the Mmtast open whieh they would Inc Compelled to enter during the ceasing fall. Mr. Blair, of Allegheny, Mr. Dill. and Col. Bayne, also tools part In the discussion; th e spok la Dieerfef making, Changes in the Constitution °hared, , Wm. K. Ogden moved WI rotor the Counts. lotion back to the enemas tkitutalttee, with Instructions to a ' t ono which g,m1,4 meet the views o the Convention Mr. gaol was In favor Of the reference, and he-Imped that MA! Yulea o$ govern ment would be reported as would enetblii the Itlendiof the enacts 10 carry out the ob ject of the organisation. i • • WM. ;Attie s:sr, , was favor of the in otrOduation e r a pledge into the gantgThitigii as •Conditlon of membersh and thug ght that those who declined to so filedge them. acmes, have no right to be called temper ance melt. Mr. Bailey thneght the mane nbjeqt In View . was the repeat of the present. liquor lays, TO secure tide end the Innueliee of every Man woman and child hi thizoonuty, as far as man, should be obtained. I t 'entire reliance was to be ; pieced upon the temperance men of the County that object been aeceted• But the tem. persons men do not have anntlerity In the coptity, Ploy simply hold the balance of eirL r h . c , lit t Fttim fi r44% r nni i / * Z6 Was aceortiplislied,ln6 county organ!, slakes should-not be tratumeled by trowel!. 'sated rules orjaws. 4 Tete Wee then taken On Mr. (holen t a ;nation of reference. and It was so Mitered. Tbc . Penvontlon then adjourned to meet pit t o'clock P. Y. AIMCIIEDON steatOsr. At' two o'clock tho epoventlon met. e nd proceeded to the constdorattoe of the Lon, siltation, which was load section by section. The Committee hod left out the pied UN which had boon objected to at the aternteg i i smalon,inil .ho Constitution in this shape was adopted Ithout much debate. ir. Clienowith then proceeded to add the , section requiring all persons who may be come mem Mere to sign the total abstinence pledge. 110 thought the organisation would not he perfect or effective without it. • After considerable debate," which 'wan taken part In by Messrs. Steel, Dailey, Cam eron, Dr. McCandless, McHenry, Bayne, and others, a section was added providing that the accredited delegates to this convention ' shall become members of this now organ!. ration. on signing the roll, and that new members may be admitted on signing the Constitution Anil pledge. The Convention then adjourned until half , past seven o'clock. , TIM CullantEleri 10‘.71,1t0. - The mass meeting of habbatti School chil dren at City Hall, called In connection with the Temperance Convention ' assembled at I three O'clock, but owing to the lack of prop-I er arrangements half an hour elapsed be fore an sp were resent. Hr. Hr. Bell ente y rtai eakern ned the Audience for a e time, and when Mr. Chenowith arrived be took charge of the little folks, who bad become quite impatient. An approprlate song, led tiv a portiou of the choir of the Pittsburgh Pittston was then sung, the children Join ing Its tile chorus, after which Mr. Chet.- w Itlisind others made short addresses.. The meeting was, hot well attended, suit hen seemed to be a total lack of Inch arrange ments as were required to make the alTair either pleasant or prolitable, no faros we nun learn, the nicotine was engineered by Mr. Clictiondth blinrelf. erns Eno x 1.33.011. The Convention met at half-past seven o'clock, and alter some excellent innifle by the choir, wag' opened with prayer by Use. Mr, Chenowith. The minutes of the pre vious meeting Were read end approved. I Mr. Chenowitn, on behalf of the Business Cooimlttee, 0 urea the following: Resolved. T b t the Executlye Committee of this county rgatilaatior. Is eernastly re quested to pro •Ide for the holding of public 1 Wonting. avor herein the connty, through I ' the pus I Ord, c relics, Sabbath schools, etc.; to Milt out eye Cr. for each occaalona, and recommend th t the total abstinence pledge be presented r signatures; and that each I pastoral cha report quarterly to the' chairman of 0 convention , the number of meetings bel I, and the number of names enrolled on tl e pledge. Rcaohxd, T 1 at one of the habit formida ble barriers I i the way of the Gospel of -Christ, prope education and true regligion, 1, 1 Is found in oh present drinking,c.torris of ' yoclety,•ontt t at It is the solemn duty of the religious community to Trr th eir etroogest InCluenco and beet As orte to aid the temperance reform of tang total abstinence from al intogleat g drinke as the telly sale mode of seeurldg national , Pr Zii ' gr a !l,.Thlit the licensing of acknowl edged evils ls wrong la morals And ruinous In leglblatlon; that the whole history of the i n for the sale of Intoxicattng drinks in this country, Pea proved Itedttnelent to restrain th trunk, or diminish the evils of intenira e; tent we tan never give one cons vita , ~s ystem which' shall give the legal nettin'of the Stat e . to a business no t Omit-rut it s to the best Interest of the pee pie; pie; HMI nalkprOUltatirt Is the , sly r... .- , ..1 t Can . is the oni. ' N e'"'O s sreru 1 nod Adel, The resolutita. red. Tnotuns Stecl,LEwl., Stated' for the infer. motion 0( . 105 meeting, that the crodentlig, of ona hundred. and sixty delegates had been banded la.tothe Ignitention, repre senting thirteen tete perauoe galgos, three leagues an , twenty churches. Prof. S. .1. W..ll>on, pastor of the Sixth PreAbyterlan Church, de/tram-I • abort but telling biooeb, eras followed by Mr. Steel In few appropriate remarks. !.f stirring tempt...alee hymn wstS. then talog by tbo choir: liter Whiclll the doxolo= wilt. bung and limo dlerslAsed with the benediction by Prof. %erten. Arell lle Mats, and ililds Jared. Thu Philadelphia express passenger trait on the - Pennsylvania italirsuad, which left tho city at C..) Tuesday afternoon, root with a Very eel toes ageldent at rl point One tulle cult 01 tell more station, ninety-three miles east of Pitotiu ik h. tbe Particulars of which are given by .1. M. Creigiqw,. 101., General Agent of the Company, a follows': Thu train octrodsted of two Innapin9 nese..tiarce. . pa.enger eon, tei, !On r sleeping cars, and the biro:dors' e cr of the MPhil:ea Souihern Mull reed. and as. noder. .the care Of .Con- AlUCtOr F. 41.10411 Pitcairn. As la ushal when aendlog Inc t ,ounktin,two englneseNos. [Land In, were attacked to the train and when reaeliing the . pools named 1 heavy La n d slide was •neminterod, by whatth 'the train 00." badly wreeked. Ou one vole et Mu-track. at 11, s locality, theta Is a high., batik, mot on the ether to the Conionaugli over. lieu eft a engines wee thrown over the embenkrat L the other Jurnicrl _the track and fell 1 to a ditch, hod taut/ Were ma daged to a conaiderublo extent. The baggage ears an thoAlrlit pamienger enac t, were w fee 41. not the other coach/. Mire uoinj are Thu enginlern, Samuel A wig ht and lintiote lolLourke , eat:aped with slight Inja tee, ea Old also the firemen. Mr. oar / eau, the oxgriet4 Utetelegller. Mgt a re.nient OfllarrNbnrg, sustain/N.l structure of the leg, end kr. Thomas Alcutegor, - of Plaladelphia,‘N s ti bruised severely. ;strange to say, the pa , . , iigera escaped wdbout tile sla.rhted. Injury,.{--. Thu sects ,11. tterArreA about ' , At o'clock Tuesday erening, and its awn nal In forma nee was received, squads or taborer, Were Ordere.l to the ace re Of the wreck from Coneutangh, siallttatn and Altoona, and by half l.t. two Wisinrislay morning the road • ..irk:area of °heti - Malone and the wreck removed. The matrand fast line were de tained some hour:4l4'AM, accident, but the trains lets vesterattY morning 01 time. Woes( ('oweert la Illgtalingtl.lo—)te ehrso lea Lyceum. to the Town Hall of the korocigh of liar. minglium, Oita evening, there will no given a Vocal Concert for Ili° buten of the lio•• chank-s Lyccuni. Judging from the pre. gramme, and flora as knowledge of the ability of a number-of the persons who will sing on the meas/on, wu can conndontly promise a drllghtful evening's entertain ment to r theso who attend. Ashby from the Immediate attraction, the - object of the Concert should ,tray together a large ati dlenca It la intosolud to at:prop:late too 1./weeds toward tho establishment of a Free Librery - , to which end the Mechanics LyeeUlli bon been Ini.rlng tor eorne time. 'tits organization, under the Mitering earn of a. kW - nrlUntillOnt. ClUiollll, has been pro. duCtivo of Itgeat gOod, and the existence of a Library In connectihn therewith would remit, In advantages which cannot i.e too highly estimated, particularly by Chu laboring crass of young moil In the bor ough. We earnestly hope, therefore, the Concert niuy yield it handeolno born. anti thus a ff ord materna encouragement In the aceninplodintent of the - object. Mr. John A. Jones. who will conduct tlao entertain tarot, sustain , a high 101•4 reputation as a vocallit t, al *lOO fltX:d his brother,Mr.'lteefY A. Jones, who will sadist. Ainong the other II erformers will be Allures hello Kroweon, Witte 11•031.12ett, Emma J. Pitillacit moil Maggie Harr, and glessre. J. 1./.- Ilugbes,J. Price anti Wm. A. ['rice, Prof. 11. T. Reinke will tarnish a piano. and predict° at the tn- strament tinting the itycnlng. • RI. E. Conference Boundaries. The Cordmittee appointed by the Pitts. burgh M. I. Confervice, faits last session. Met In Smltialel4l2.l. E. Cluiren.' On Tura do.Y. to take steps toward Instertainlng the witthed of the people In regard to changing the boundaries of Um Pittsburgh Confer ence. After considerable dinette/don the click - man, licv..l, Coil, weed:raged tossers teeflOtol with tl.O Presiding Ciders, who were requested to ascertain the view, of the ministry and membership, and report the recoil. A autscommittee was also at. Is:anted to preonro an address to the Church on ilia tinkles:it, 111/0111kirSequently preheated the draft of one, which was adopted .as the' es the mind Of the comit. Ad journed to mee tat thewhole m Cali of thote e. Oars. man, • _ Wont on the Penns:lvo ol—Trola WirottoO oy o—bevornl Perin" In Thursday'. ?trial mat, - marmot 001.18 T. R. Alexanderlllenle vs Alex, 'Torrey. 78. John It and DISIiCY L,Arg.V. Jenu e.nni Slnhert gobh. •- r• r. 6. - Wdra vs. g. If. Issne Co. itS. E. Y. Want vs. Geo. IS. Jones• sulm . r. en. Itlaisessl Armstrong Wilgem lien. 07 . J • F-Pegics vs. Stesrutsist "41m Wet- Teig l. s: " . Wester wo. steal:sheet .. .Its• Seel..; • 1/0. Wes. Volght ye. Wm. 'II. Barker, gar. rashes. Vqlll3to,l The Argumsmt Lllt will bti Ohnllnned. The Whlnkey 4.:ourg, , . The County Commissioners' prosid log, cow 0111 , 41,1 their 'abets yeitertleY l miter as the hearing of the present list of applications for licence Pi concerned, and will within few 'lays docile upon them. Thu rule which, we understand, will govern the Com .miesionere will be to grant license to those ho ere nt Orme. , :is (ate rz kkoping 11.,eseed mvelusibqc.tq Why c V Alessi 'all allidimitione for new .tub wools, awl to refuse soon where the needs say le not clearly shown. Tula will ho en cal:waging to temperance folks, Who he.TO been led to believe that 1.4 - .4an the opera-. Mon Cf the new low lid number Of liven,. Would be largely increased. Istr(el CP.9r;• lisrore Ho❑.III. W. Williams. Ilatrom,Kohow F. Don ny a❑d Patrick Peados. . Bator° reported. This oltso we❑t to tho J❑rr. attar which the Court Ad)oer❑od tlll Thorsility at 10 A. K. 1867. .Plitablumb MeitiOdist Episcopal In silicate—First Day , * Proceedings. The Methodist Institute for the two clUes amitylcluity, amt. - according to announce. merit, In Christ. Xi E. Church, yesterday (Wednesday) morning, May Ist, at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. U. yincent,`of iew York, COnductor, who opened the exercises by rending a portion of the nineteenth Psalm, sinking and pray; After singing another Lymn, the Institn formally organism' by She appointment f Rec. W. 11. Locke. pas tor of Liberty Bisect. M. E.. Church, Secrm The programme prepared and printed in pamphlet term, frx the meet those who at- tend the institute services, was taken up in the order of arra_mement; namely, Intro. ductory Address by /tee. .1. 11. Vincent. air. Vincent discoursed the Ideal chuenh— the ,unday School, as a depiutinent of the Church, and the Sunday School Institute. The elements of the ideal Church were de fied,/ to be;!, alrituality;'. Personal Effort; 3, Intellectual Activity; 4.111b1e Study. The preparatory exercises consisted In The presentation of the following topics: I. the video of one flowerer Divine Truth; A. The iniportainm of the pereonal study and application of the Divine Word; A. The duty of tlio• Church to teach. These topic, were considered In a manlier strikingly Intere.t. -log, and chara at thecter. saute time m Mop:cost In • structire - - Teat questlous, Snell en cumber of sedulous., character .of lessons. study of cm... Liam, time devoted to each lesson, and other , had tars rehab:it to cooductirig schools, mo n . tal. w l;itt ic fe s„ lo ri ll t n e g a l n lizs e t rs lon w s er w e ere tattled, yl/.: 1. What are our princirdd cattle, In the Sanday ,cLool work[.. What dull suggestions have you to make In regard to Teachers' weetiats, reply by Bey. B. Waren; a. Khakis the relational the Pastr to the schoolt reply by Bev. sAlart; 4.- /1 o wl shall we retain the young people connected with our school? reply by hey. lllth. team. These replies to be In welting, to be resat at the last session of the Institute. Benediction by Bev. Lie. 1 ...1.310rtan, Pea tor of Christ Ctitue h. . ' •trannoon‘l , 4,tstor. • Mot - at balf.past two—Bev J. U. N incent, Conductor, in the chair. Opening religious services by Bev. W. Long, City Missionary linsr.odlatety altar the opening sarvines, the topics aesigned to spankera were taken .up, Bobo following order. 'and discussed by the ministers muncd: "The Teacher , . qualidentions." by Bev. E. IL Snowden, pas tor of North avenue It. IL Church, Alleghe ny; "The Trocher't Motives and Spiritual Dernsusils,” by Ilev. J. W. /taker. pastor of Beaver street li. E. Church, -The Teethes - 1 Unlolal Itelation 'to' the Church," by Bev. B. L. littler, pastor of Birmingham AL E. Church .- The Tuaohers Duties to the Church," by Rev. W. H: Locke, pastor of Liberty Street M. E. Church; ?The Teacher rropared-for Work , ' and "The Sunday School Boum Normal Clasar by Bev. J. /I. Vincent, condimtor. to the illecussion of the above topic*, for thirty miniates, many Interesting facts were brought out by the epwiltere, which doubt less will prove of great value to' those Im mediately engaged in this wore. The dui= cuislion was participated In by /Mrs. S. Burt, W. Long, J. W. Baker, W. IL Tibblee, IL L. &littered. M. Carr, C. Wunderlich. and J. IL Vincent—Oolong the dacumion. • • Jomph Borne, Superintendent of Christ M. E. Sunday &noel; Thomas Bake well, jr., Superintendent of North Avenue School; Eder. Ileaseiton. Soporintendent of Liberty street Sohool; D. E. Howell, of Bridgeport. 0., rim appointed to illustrate, at the evening cession of the Institute, tan method of opening and closing the several echoole Ito,. S. 11. Vincent pram/Ica • eery cla borsta efimailled report to reply to the quesuon, What rre our prin.:ma aitticulT rtes to the bonday School work 1. 4.4.,0 4n wltb lanaedialon by 11.0V.5. H. \psblt, D. D. Institute convened at quarter before S. o'clock, Rev. J. 11. Vipeeet. Conductor. in the chair. The spacious room, soon after the evening, was crowiteil with em interest. 0.1 auditory. Atr. Vthemit Opened the exercises with se. lemmas from Exodus and Um Psalms, the audience rending tile alternate Terse. at. ter singing ".went flour of Prayer," with musical accompaniment, prayer sins offer. area my Lien. U. 1.. Millar,: of filrmingnam, at the 003143 of which Thu 'large ccium,irse sang, ..W e are aiming, Masse.) Saviour." , . Muir the nur.11.4 . of tbe afirgruaros . . pro- Ituye toy tee expahler nrcrotary, 1l r. VII,. ut ptesruted . 4 The Suutlay' ..44:11oul Coo. I..tut ton." Her. S. 11. K.tat, minor of the Pltleharah Carte....• .44/ enae, deist . ..ftd an athlrege of much latet..nt, a. might ex pected front one so competent. oh "Sunday school Archltetture alas Arwaratue," At the close of the, aUdreas the nett Item In the 1 , 114: amnia Wlla reaeltesl. natizeiY, -The ,cY4.I Lam of Sunday Schml Order." By appointment. Meuse. Tlnaxelton, Horne, Howell are:. Datewell tilustrattnl It.4•l=Ttn":l4et'''gtV E miug ta t - be ll r tfr= instructive feature of the Institute, Luc an. thence song, end the cheerful lead of Conductor Vl:heel:i, "Cllntblng up ZiocOn Hid" The "Seven Omit, s" were explained with great clearness act perspicuity, and corn. prise tbe following elurnents : /System, Si lence. Vigilance, t'ariuty, Concerax•tion, Charity, Christ Deueatctiou by Ibtv. Dr. Pershing. We group together tome things which are noteworthy in tile first day's proceedings. Notwithstanding the unplos,ant weather in the forenoon unite a good audienee was present at then pening session. It is esti. mate.rforty di ff erent Sunday Schools were runresouted through their pastors, super intendent. and teachers. The genial countenance of Mr. Vincent, the Conductor, viwilior r n attracts attention immediately on e tering the room, and ' hie admirable too. ducting with rigid system tb k La hand, thaws at onto his power In a department of Church labor. The Interest is steadily increasing so that at last evening's ...lon the audience was larger, relined, and cult!. rated. Among the Interesting features is thu welidirued selections of hymn., and the charming style they are sung, with musical acoompaniuteriL - To-nay Is the second and last day of the Institute. etfunkol• .will be, held morning, ail... A-noon and night: A vast concourse will likely bo in atiendawre. . • )ire Mammary. .From SupeTinterolent Paisley's record at the itro Alarm Teleitraph omec we td4tabled a iammary of the tires durlug the eth of toilets.: /luring .the month there were eleven alarms. The blew streak on the groat hell numbered three hundred and twenty.thrce. The total Mali Was MIX. Tian total insurance wan 4191=, The largest fire of the month wag the steamboat connagrat lon. on the 11th ult. The lose on that occasion was 631,000, and the moil - tamp wets 810,001. During the past ala months seventy alaries or Ore have been strung over the , Fire Alarm Teicgraph, and ILS many advantages overlise old tystem or alarm are generally 'appreciated and recognised. The total amount of loss ts 11?2,005; lestirance Quito a small amount, as tampered with other • cities of the same population. and coo:locoed of as much combustible material. showing that our Volunteer Fire Depart ment is not only very prompt. hot la as „ clout as prompt in operating at &es• liar. lug the same time there ware street at the central bell two thousand ate hundred and thirty.five tdoww. • Conetart 47 • Ilr."getede . Ire a conoert next Thom] the Acade my argil:ne. t ,Imperleas family duty, trod by the promise of , hie of the Conservator. . thought a low weak ago Intik. Lila , friends then in a farewell concert, end /15 pupils clustered around him, ready to lend him for 'the /oat time. the assktanee of the voices ho bad trained and of the talents he had lie 'sloped with eo much ewe and love.- tier good Ironies hedge/lowed him wherever ho had amok bet all the mitaletl part of this community Who baye long ago appreciated the thor. ough knowledge Widen Mr. noesessea of Lir urt, and Ma skill In Imparting it, will re. lame will ns oyer the edrcumatancee whisk keep him here. We beaptuik for him a fed bowie. Wociad Dead. Un Tuesday morning, April 30Lti, the bOdy of as) unknown man was dhcoyered In 1110 Allegheny rlyer,, TlFeLitlllai A/10010. 1.1 130.41 Y. W. V. 'grans, En, wail bottled of the fact, summoned a Jury and held as inquest, hot failed to turte at any facts by which te deceased coul dbe tdentlded et canoe of Dl ei death ascertained. Yearn appearance the body had been In the water conskteruble Um. The unknown noun was abbiit dye fret' six techea la height, black halr and dark eyes, a cut or 6(jyr on the left ciao of the upper lip, and SPParOlll-, ly auold IWenty.tlve yearn of ago—had on when Mona a white shire, gray knit tinder •hlrt and drawers, blue drilling pants, (far worn), black cloth roundabout, (also much worn), a leather belt buckled arcsaka the body. a spatted rotted liandkutldel ) with red, Igmh,r, utuent th 9 heck, and coarse stcgalllnte. The 4eGessed was Interred in Prcdpeckeime tarp, near TAM:IMM. , . .., , I dread CO". wxIMXO..We acknowl edge an inottutio to be present at the wand lair and Ins mil to be bold this and to-morrow eronin , at City /lull, unacr the ausoices of Um Ire City Lemma {emoted), the proceeds of w ill tirtftc_f he gitt , otoo to 't u lertn . trgillo P y=f o o r t tre n 1'1 = 1 1 ' 11: Members. These .occasimis will hit of an attractive character, and finny the well known execution abliltim of the gentlemen, haring claims of the affairs, we can safely promise a rare good time to all who may attend. Dlsastrops Fire-4o 011 Tank lelrhek by , Llghtolor —Sixty Thoosand Dol lars Worth ot Oil Destroyed. On Tuesday evening, about eleven o'clock, during the seem e thunderstorm which vis ited this region, an oil tank, belonging to the Fall-slim Oil Company, was struck by lightning. The works of this Company. were situated at Fairview, about nine miles up the Allegheny, and were all new, having but a short_ time since commenced opera tions. At pitmen o'clock, as stated, the lightnin g Stye etc the main tank of the Cem ploy. and about the same time the house Of Dr. llorz. adjoining the oil works, was no ticed to be on fire. The flames were kept down pretty well, until about tour o'clock in the morning, when the main tank burst, ...Account of th e intense heat, and nothing could be ' mine to save the oil or property adjoining.. When the main tank bursted the flames were communicated to an adjoining tank that had just .Wen built. A bulk boat, belonging to Fisher Brothers, stud lying up there stn the time, was Mks/ with oil from tae main tank alter the tiro had commenced, but atter. wards dash 117 It elf. Thejscat was cut loose from th I. ding ancriloated down the river SOUyu disarms. when a tow boat tied to It and took It into the landing at Squaw", llmi.. This War contained about one thousand barrels of oil. and ...still on tire when our Informant left- The capacity of the main tank was shout twenty thous. and barrels red had In It, when the fire broke out. eighteen thousand barrels of erode oil. This was all loot with the ex ception 01 the one thousand barrels taken off In the Ludt boat, which Is, 10 all probs. Unity, lost also.. The capacity of the second tank was gamin thousand barrels; but it was) est now and had no od in It. . . During the progress of tho games rester -day-morning, the steamboat Wm. Bartddil went up the river with some empty boat. in tow. The Captain of the boat tendered the use Of the empty bulkloats to draw OR the oil Into, but afterward. %nought It not pro. dent to venture In with his boat, as the heat at that time was Intense, the flames cover. log the space of about an acre on the river bank. Toe steamer Dick Fulton also cams dD with 'some empty boats, but too late to o any good. The Fairview Oil Works, as .total, wits It new establishment, and petit In luiprovcaltyle. The owners were Messrs. Emil Schalk' and Dr. Arnold Hers, of Pitts burgh, and Ch.. Llinig, of Philadelphia.. The total loss of -the company , 1n - oil will amount to. $(4.000,1 on which there Is no insurance. The new dwelling of. , Dr. I Arnold Dees, situate near the retisV7. was also otessumed. The building as valued at three thousand dollars, on which there was ncelasuranee. The furniture In the house was Valued at twenty-ilve buns drag dollars, on whkti he had an Insurance. but was not certain but that the policy had already run out. The agitating house and pomp house of the Company wore also de stroyed. The cost or oomitructing Um two tank. mentioned wus eighteen thousand dollars, but the Company think they can be replaced for about six thousand, as they were made of iron, mad borate damaged only by the explosion. ' TlieLV_ompany Intend commg opera tlona as soon as the ruined and s damaged l i property GM-1M replaced. • Mr. Charles /M. Barrel, the distinguished author and actor, paid us a call yesterday and sated that he intended lb Mania In. nor city in order to superintend the producl; thin of his master-plece, the "Black Crook,'l et the Now Opera House. This greaespeo ..teenier drama will be placed own the stage bore In such magnificence and scenic splen dor as has never before been witnessed In Mils city. The drama abounds in magical and marvellous menei, and It Is desired by Manager Henderson to portray It here in oven better style than that which his Insur ed It such unbounded sneezes at l'ilblo's Gar den, New York. The grand ballet action will Introduce the premier dansense Jovette, •Marta Theresa. Alexandria. Josephine Elm Cheri and a full corp de ballet, under the direction of the celebrated maitre de ballet Mons. ht. thly. The scene used through out will be entirely new hile mos and sle. glint coetomes will be Introduced. Every body Is anxious to is. the Black Crook, and doubtless the Opera House will be crowded to repletion during Its continuance upon the stage. The box book Is now open. and seats can be secured Mx days In advance tther by mail Or telegraph. in PM.. Ira- :1n for this magnificent spectacle It has .en found necessary to canna the Opera , mom on Monday night. ===l • In the Conit. of Common Pleas, yesterday, the motion for a now trial in the ease of N. 3. Higley vs. D. A;McDonal.l.lVosl before lodge Steriett,wea argued by A. Si. Watson, Esq..'counsol for defendant and for the me- Lion, and M. W. Acheson, contra., This was an action to recover damages for the loss of coal boats, which defendant had tuitional, en to tow to Louisville, but which were sunk en the env, through negligence: as alleged. Tho Jery found a verdict for six thousand des hundred dollars damages. some two thousand dollars lima than plain tlf.Ps claim. The point. relied upon In or gulag for a now trial were that the Jury tallod l io give due consideration to the tes— Damn going to show that the disaster coo. curled through the plaintiff not providing In his coal boat* check posts of sullieltht h7agth, the giving way of which caused th striking of theboats, and that the Jury apportioned the negligence, evidence of which was shown In the verdict, by its being fora less amount than the plaintiff claimed, sad to which tie would have been entitled if the. disaster occurred through negligence to which the plait:did had in no reap contributed. A decision was pot an not need. Do aka at half Pelts at J. D. Egan's, 41 flYtb Street. la another column Mr. J. •D. Egan, the well-knotin book and news dealer, annourt. Me a large collection of law and medical books, classical works, works of fiction, and Sabbath School books at half price. Mr. Egan!e establishment has 'long controlled the market here for rare standard works, and no where elest can the antiquarian And each a valuable stock of publications which have long Mace gone out of print. Ile has also the back numbers of all the popular magnaines, which, with tits collection of standard Mender*, he offers at half price. Mr. Egan keeps a general assortment of eta -1144.1Y, toy books,sterecevapes and stereo scoot views, and full lines of articles In his lice of business. tie le the only practical and eXperie i mal binder In the book trade, in this localty, and persons needing any , work Of that descriptlon can mama It to no better bands..Wo cheerfully commend I Mr. Ecus to the patronage of our readers, know g him to be an a fair dealing d honor : able b Mess gentleman. See Ma card In • az:lir column. attention by a Livery Keeper. Data% keeper of a livery stable on Seventh street, yesterday prosecuted. before Alderman McMaster*, William and George Sampson for violating:the actor As sembly of 1114 relative to livery keepers. The prosecutor alleged that on Sunday bat rpos William Sampson huedtas a saddle horse lot .at p the ue, as be ted, of ridin to his at Wilkins - burg; that George in. stead of Wiliam Sampson rode the horse to Wilkinnburg, and thence, having hitched slim le • buggy, drove him to Texas, twee• tyoour miles up the Allegheny river. At that place the horse, being unused to har ness, became unman ageable,aran off, threw oat his driver, and tlemolleal the tingllV. Too horse was returned to Mr, Idaneor, on Tuesday evening. The defendants give ball to answer for misdemeanor under the act referred to. George Sampson, In cons. quernm of InJul received. was unable to appear at the Ai nuan'soffice. Obitslulus Blaney Ceder /False wre teeteve-.ltrulget Shea atmeared bete:aid. Strain yestenlay and made tutor =lithe% against - IL Loefstroem, proprietor of a second hld store at 11Y Smithfield street, cbargin him, with obtaining money under labia ppeteriees. She &num that ete w&j jto detendaet.a .tore a Monde] , andlit • bedsisma from him, paying him t sum of six dollars \ ter thnsame; that ho raprtisentat the bedstead to be Keyed and in good condition, whereas he glum, as proarcutor alleges, that it was not so.' More the suit. Defendant was arrow. ted by ollbser Wilmot, brought before 140 Alderman and entered half for a, further Leartrig, of Arrested tor Blwarny.Ogicer Brown, snece=an t d o tru n t r uZ =l a ce fa°, Le i s c tfraY charge! : on onto of William Camptadi, McClea ry, bliremY McCleary was arrested at Whites- Tide, I Washington connts, about slatT wife& from the city, brought head cif OTOI! to the Sheriff to await, trial. Tots is the sante Individual who was arrested by odicer harbor some Mx months ago, but sueekesled in malting his escape from the Whew, at SteKeesport, and had not been licard\ or unttl Alderman thralls, with his te i ticLitegot trace cabins and [ousted anleitle by Useshar.—Johnston Wil liams: restated at Glade Mills, Maier conn• y,comnilthed smoldo en Tuesday, the Wilt by hanging himself to a tree In the vi cinity ot his residence. Mr. Williatos,ztl to thotime of committing the man dec or haft always hired a sober and sndristrioes We, being a moaner of the church in good sts‘ashiog, and natal' among- Ma neighbors tor his exemplary habils. tie fall also a Wan of considerable masse --to'- that no cases eeo b.... , 8 1 .4 by lirs friends for the commission cs the Seed. iie leaves a WWI and Glee children. Argument Lle4.—lle Oorateeit Pieta Court rise 'tunes yesterday la 01, peeing or the argument list. Tea Quarter esstous lUt Witt Probably be reare4e4 • ~C, PRICE THREE CENTS: Eleetion of Ogneern—At a meeting. last. evening, of the members of the Mervin& Star Temple of Honor, No. 25, the following gentlemen were elected racers for the en aning ' , an Wm. crate, W. C. T., Wm. Ram sey, IN. V. I.•. John Ambler, W. IL; William Taggart, I. A. IL, D. Il.eampbell, W.F. IL.; Andrew Dalzel, W. I.; Wen. McMurray, iv. V.l Peter Goat, V.; Edw. McFarland, W. (.;.•, Jos. A. Ross. W. S. The Templet, In a flourishing condition, each week enroll. MSMa=Mil The Lightning Played some freaks during the storm on Tuesday evening on Penn street, knocking bricks off the chit.. bey of a house at the corner of Pitt street, exututuishlog some forty street gas lamps, badly frightening the audience at Trimble•s Varieties, also soma persons who were In the Eagle fire engine house, on Fourth street, and breaking some windows In the Fire Alarm Telegraph tower on the Court House grounds. We heard, however, of no particular damage, save that noticed else. whore. Change of Tenne.—ln the District Court, before Judge Williams, yesterday, on too- Mon of B. P. Lucas, Esq., a roll was granted to show cause why the rue in equity of W. W. Corbett vs: Lewis G. Wilson should not ba certified from the Distrtet. Court to the Court or Common Pleas of Jeffe , son county, on accordance with the provisions of the sputa! act primped at the late session or the Legislature, changing the venue of the ease from this county to the county named. Cruelty to Atalmal.—sarat, Clark ap peared before Alderman Taylor yeaterday afternoon and made information against James Kennedy.enarglng him with cruelty to animals. Mrs. Clark alleges that defen dant cruelly eat the Salim!' a kitten, the property of deponent, and'. that, too, when the kitten was doing no harm In anyway to t. defendan Defendant was arrested by Ma der Ben, and entered ball fora farther bear ing before the Alderman to-morrow. Larceny as ltailev.—indrOw Jackson made information yesterday, before Alder man Strain, against John 'Taylor, charging him with larceny as bailee- Deponent al leges that on the ha of May no gave the de fendant timber valued at dye hundred dol lars to sell for him, end that since that time Imbed refused to band over the money. On a hearing before the Alderman, the de fendant was dlacharged and the - prosecutor ordered to pay the costa.. Surety of the Peree.-11. Waters made Information. yesterday before Alderman Taylor against John L4' xttran, fora breach of the peace. The prosecutor alleges that on the thth of April defendant had tbreat eried to kill the Little daughter of deponent, - and fearing loot he might do to, prays that be be held in bonds to prewerre the peace. The parties are residents of F truttaln Street. A warrant Cu lamed for the arrest of defendant. ler tbe Warp Is thesubject selected by the Rev. (Col.)Clark, for his lecture, befOre the "rhilomathean M. and L. Asses elation.. at Excelsior Rad, Allegheny, this evening. The Reverend gentleman made a good record at the head orhisreatment dur ing the war, and we doubt not be, will dis courseeloquently this evening on the re. suiting duties and consequences of the war. Let the hall be crowded to-night, Another Libel Ntsit.-11.r. D. O'Neill yesterday made information before Alder man Strain against John W. Plttock and James B. O'Neill for libel. The information sets forth that an article appeared in the Leader of the 2Sth ell., over the algnature of James B. O'Neill, calculated to injure the reputation of deponent. Defendants valved a hearing and entered ball for their appear ance. • To Onr Dolly Iteadere.—ln to-day's Insr you 11 , 1'1 see that 31r. Ll.J..l.yuch. on Market street. No. M. has just oPenod a Dew style of cloth and stlk auxins, and. a fall stock of all Mods, of Dry Wads, also men and boys' wear, of easslmeres, M usllns. Shirt Bosoms, &c Tnletouso !ming noted for Me *clang good goods, and at low rates; for then notice is unne cessary. • Hoy Drowned.—Edward flutter, s youth of seven years, whose parents reside on Fayette sil e eat,near G arrison allay, acelden tally Cell ff- a raft yesterday afternorm about are 'efock,j.t below the railroad brlitge,•and was drowned. The body bad not been recovered up. to seven oWoelt• but evening. Finally Cato miltted.—Edward the man charged with rifling-the pockets of some of the passengers to the confusion resulting from tte accident on the Pitts burgh and Steubenville Railroad at Rennin Station, a few weeka ago, has been finally 'committed for trial iu Washington county. . 11Iturlog Plx.ewl.—The two prisoners, Bird and Whittaker, taken from Allegheny county, and 10asired in the Washington county Jail, on a charge pr having been con. corned In the murder of David Sproul, are to have a hearing before his Honor, Judge Anheson,on Monday next. 'Released ea Bart.—John Brown, cam mated by Alderman Thomas im Monday, to answer a charge of assahlt and battery, preferred against him by Margaret &nays, was yesterday released from jell. the re. entred scummy for bla appearance being famished. • Wooden Pomp., iron pumps, 'Yankee wimps, lout pumps of all deseriptions, tar ttleued and put np to any platte in the COXtri• try, at very reasonable pricer, by T. T. hens, No. 165 Wood street. Orders friar, the cotintry by wall promptly attended to. Enlish and Ameriaan watches, war ranted to keep good time, of gold and 'E ver, rladle. mt,l gentlemen, at greatly reduced prices at the well known 'Jewelry at ore of gelneman, Megrim A Bindle, No. Filth street. Assault and Etattery.—Tobo Bender was yesterday cosaintited o Jail by Mayor Etc, Canby ln default of three hundd ball. co , answer a chargeof assault re enddollars bat tery preferred against hint by Albert War.' lick. Ena-airemoot 1114 a. diamond ring* regard rine, and every other style for diet and gentlemen's wear at most reasonn. Ole priests, at the jewelry store of Belem:tufa, Stevan d Media, No.:SYMb Street. • Ga. Fitting properly and promptly at tended to by-T. T. Evens, No. Ids Wood street. • full assortment of ebandellans and general - gas fittings on hand and for sale at the cheaueat prises Alplate of iron, weighing two thousand four hundred pounds. on Tuesday fell lawn Christian Ilingwald, at Zug d Co.'. foiling mill, terribly intending his loft foot and crushing oa r bis loft forefbiger it the Joint. Tor Trial.—Ernegt Zimmerman, alleged to be the person rho borglarlously entered the gad thou Hotel and robbed the her ofa gum of money and a revolver, has been committed for trial by Mayor McCarthy. Ras Orer.--Joreph Vogel. of Reserve townstas, white daring • wagon, on Tues day, fell to the ground and waa run over by one wheel of the vehicle, by which Ids left elbow Joint was cradled. Vacillates Therare.—A treat bill Is offer ea tonight. .hl' ll e Laments' encasement la rapidly drawls* to a close, add every body should embrace the opportaanyof seems her. G. 5 rieti.g. steam 11111lIR And water Miloa attended to to the moat adz/greet-Pry manner, at reasonable coat, by T. T. Errens practical plumber and fitter, rio.IGS Wood • The cam s of the boy drowned ln•t week cur the steamboat Elector, boned to Browns ville, wu James Illus. 111, widowed mother /Ives new Broworrille. - Silver ratted Nine., solid elm ware, trOldjot , alrY. aatthes, clocks, =ea, ac., at r teal prima. at Bateman, hfoyran bledle's, No. Filth street. Admitted to the Itar.—to the Court Common Pleas, yesterday. Geo. J. B. Bid. , doo was admitted to procure law, on MO. tIOII of Gen. r. Collor::.: elpeolieel Lichtlow—the bolt which ,w. ed Omagh the .:)11 tank on Tn dy night- 14 - 44,1 , /_3l:9Ati .IrN HT TAN rarg r s 07 - . • MR. CLEMENT TEMDOI:I2C, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, - On Thursday, Hay 9,1807: Doors mill •Ali - o'clock, sad Contort commence preeintr• vag ileriFo•lna t i vrgz — r -""" ffie, " 127 Woods rest. * a 1. • ." JOSEIM KEYES a& SON, InknatactiVerss4 11. 17XXZarrtrX1.313. 1.315 SMIEIII . 7.iLD DiILLS; aaa 411* PE NH . ' • incamtz • BARGAETS Li SEWINC WIACHINEB. Six spatbh& .torttlme. for axle redowed prkva. WII. SUMNER & Oth. AP - 27 MD Weft. i 1211=1:1 BRob KS—TOWXB.—On Tuuday ereztne. 'AVM tee 7, by the Be, T. J. Wiesen; DAP.. Mr. A. F. B WOWS. Tie, wet Win Tan TO WT.E. deeebter of S. W. Tower, In.. both of Pittsburgh, • • • . : DIED. OAMBT., - E.:eaeeedaysnorn..l.4 , .lof. .13Ete.B108 nW l BB l .= 7 Funeral-r/41.1ake _Dtoeielcoluer. o r 14. ai vele.* p. Ea, -fpost-thei rouldese Mr. I. Desna; - 181.M184 ?me VlPS"Peluitvivilkti Ave nue. lb. !Made albs fteeB7 are veuPontibl4 so • 1 . . . AS.' —,je lare. MART 0 D NAN. ranstmerot Jobb =4 =lzabella. Lacoa. Tho anletal Wilktaticalsoo lee iLe taatolea residence. =h. Suaelztoa =calm Tnl* at IC o'clock. W(XlllB—Lin lb* iftlior April, boar 81. Ron. bliao..ol.a. WM- B. Wt h/1).7. a/.. Law au'' loon In We trete este Aney. lila retnatot .el/1 be brought to Pitta l:ash for inter:aunt, and Jae notion • ;the buseral will be ----- -- A I.EX.".IIIiLEN. lINDEIRTAxiat, um; Yourtb stmts. rimenMesti:'l%. COFTL.bib of all kinds; caArra.licovinklamd eery deacrlotlon of humeral Irunalahlus Goods taralsbouL Rooms opeuad day and stied. Hun* sad Caralaid.ranatabst Itursaa.ucza—ateu. pauld Harr. P. D.. Ram. X. W. Jacobus" P.R., Thos.. Lariat, Z.Zo, Ja eaaH. miner. Nee. JG. RODGERS. ENDERTA— • Mat •ND iIIBALINCE. oweeelmor to the Late Bahrnet JL, Rodgers. O. 29 Ohio &Mt. three doors from Bearer, Allesho•Y.CDY. Igo. :„ 1.411 e, Easetrooet, Itabogasy, {Pains a ,.. ! ill . r 14. m weal iml.tlos Cat.. at as N. , _lced: price.. ROAMS 0p.1.1111 hours, dal lslght. Hearse and rarxtiitel 11MII.Ited ita .llclft notlee alma on most n-44..b1e tends. 1 • ' • lj T. MUTE i CO.: 11,NDEll.• TAMALESeD I.IIIIAWITBS. msaair- . ter, Wood's En !and Tleinttf. Cogan /Loom at ll.cbester Livery distils, comer r&taleld sad Cbartlers strata: /Maui and Carrlvrn fur, ward. 11ILLOAL 'i.,4l.lrdavrEaw.--ibie beautiful 'We d's-aere.`• the iarrest Nib.- bast irdiee of wale/ire:Is:I:COS oall. lairds eolos.. In situated on Near Ittliblos road, Immediate. 17 north of Alkali ur r i tl lfof burial late. "malls W all or es. at t Arm Blom of COOL M ..j.,, d . 131..L.NEY. dile or rk. GO TO ..\ _ DUNSEATH & CO.'S, •ND OILR OTli2 of TU.Z/U Venetia-ix *aloe -lag, Duly trod to ybof lamas; free of charge Guaranteed for One rear. ATCIIEB, CHAINS AND AT A VERY HIIALL VIO7IT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wy11681., &I &what Nu JOELNSTON & SCOTT, u . raiszl!ar Fine Watches, Clocks,. Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., ! • No. 11170 LL137.272 F o ittaikaitax-igia0p4,3222.". Cr. Parttealar asteuttos 8•11s1thi Warm.., Cl zatl la Nark sus nw SMITH SON, NIMII & CO. ARE RECEING DAILY Immense 'Spring Stock -of = BOOTS, ,/list/El3, t Gaiters & Slippers, LADIES, GENTS, NTSSES ANTO OHILDBEI CARPETS, DOMESTIC DAY GOODS, HOSIERY, Hoop EilXlrl2,ta. GENT'S FURNISHING SODS,- - AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINK. M'CLEMYSENPOWI,, 55 & 57 WriF'..r34 apr=34 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 /118RILET STREET. GO TO co 33 33 sh $9 Market tared, AHD Si? YOUR 7 , 800T5, SROBS, . . . THE CHICAZZB2 AND. RAM. fo 1 IN . wax= rw-sr. 9 NU ATICTIW.F . GOODS IMP?. 9 /IS. ROB% 89 Market' St. . \ 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 96 NUB. CUSH & CO:. Practical n Fundtare COL PENN AND. WAYNE tyii lawn.or 111:71Pania3 ametstmaY JOHN .IMMliecal ENT L r.AIB. WONIEwit AND PlIalitIMAL fauna street. owe floor Jam Waal. PlUsloargn. • Always =Ansa afeaeral wort of La- Taw 11. I. L. Beads, Car ls• tiestlealea`s Wigs, s. Bellew le wdCaayae , Bracelets. Be. A 'coal pnce la ca.k ba ;trap for Bay I .adleS • .1 sunlit:aim', bi4r.laaililligaa• la the neaten u.s.rr. • • free HE CHEAPEST. 114 stasaest. 14 Rest' •• SEWING MACHINE._ W HIM= 19109 WAsnasrazo Tassia 11_ shit.. miSalsopoi 1 nn 27 virtu r oi rr4 of • . A ROUSE •AND LOT, ; on coven meet. Eastmeminginin. s'socg incsuon. : ; aptl-xn . BOX 214 BIICIpLBOX 41PI