I t ill°. • 4 - .-,•,4 4 vi - ' incl'ittsbutolt6grtir TncnaD7►Y; lizicAul 31, 1967 • Taz• York .p.cpublitan proposes J on: 1: MASON, o f Dauphin county, as the Republican candidate for Supreme Judge, to take the place of Kr. WOOD WARD. lite..cmg2i . it, in. Boston, Mr. Simon S. Barry, , Was sued for Sabbath breaking,! in keeping his segar store open - . for baldric's On that day. The Court that ais be Lad kept the Jewish Sab bath he was not amenable for trading on the Chrisiian one. This goes a step fur - that' tban any i deeision previously made, but will be sustained. by most men who have eonisidered the full import of relig ious liberty. TnE.PrtorLs of Philadelphia are re solved to delude railroad trains, moved by steam power, from the paved streets of the city. The matter has been brought beforo the pegislature, and a committee appointed to examine and report. This committee is mid to be in favor of the exclusion. 'Meantime the newspa- Perri ire reviving an old scheme for se curing the terrpinus of the Pennsylvania Railroad on the Delaware river, by means of a tunnel extending from some distance west of the right bank of the Schuylkill, all the way through the city. AA 'ABANDONMENT Last summer, after many months spent in preliminary negotiations, - the Demo crate and Conservatives entered into a mutual engagement thenceforward to act in : conccr!,. To celebrate and give effect to this conjunction, a grand Na tional Convention Was held at Philadal phis, at which vows were interchanged, plans matured, and purposes of un. changing fellow - Ship and co-operation solemnly put on record. High expecta tions were formed, by bbth the contract ing parties, of - advantages to be de rived from the arrangement. Indeed, to superftcialobscivation, the prospect, for a time, was flattering. If politicians, as a body, had'proved to be as mercena ry and corrupt as some good people sup pose them to be, nothing could have prevented as signal an accomplishment as can be found in the whole • history of political' combinations. The President 'tied an almost innumerable list of ap pointments and contracts at his disposal, suited to all tastes, eapacitiet, and as pirations, and he made no concealment as to the conditions on which he would dispense them. lint, alas! "Tb.o . boot laid place of mice and men Oct gang agape?' ' This coalition, that scorned unprece dentedly lusty and formidable, Withered before it blossomed. When the time for fruit arrived, itwas dead as as L'eyinian mummy three thousand years At a recent meeting of the Democratic National Committee, called to consider .:.the.prpsent condition and future proba bilities of that branch of the coalition,. the Obrantnin eapiessed . liinmPlf with 'commendable plainness of speech on a single poin; at least.. He said: "For reasons which it is not difficult to tuadendarid, the- Philadelphia move , an,ent failed to achieve that ruccbss which Arat.proMlsed, and which promises ' seemed sufficient to justify the expert- Mint then Made. -We do not believe it ~expedient to repeat that effort unda eio biting eirctimstances; fp' the next great battle,, This fail the Demacratie party OiuitMarelVuncici its owniolors." 'Froth thig it is fair 1o: infer the.Denio crata am resolved noon' sbantionini the Conservativ'es, hoping' to do better *lilt- out such auxiliaries than with them. It is diffteultrtovee how verse results can movement than the coilltban ,ezterieribCd: at tho last : elections. :The Democrats, on their part, have the con, polatiop of knowing they; are just about as wear OM bottom as ;they : Can get: TerhipS they :derive a lint of dismal. Cc:mfort from the Pict, tkiat “Wheri inicuis evict at tits: waist ; • „,: 'i,•::72uptsaractimeirsend.rt,t, , - they woe calleavireti, both alone and in coalition; to - counteract the patri otic impulses and determination! of the nation. -lbw can they expect to do bet ter Single-handed, next year, than in pad. , conflicts, !when they -were easily overpoweredt Are they inspired by . "Immortal bato .And couritge irever to oubralt or yodel" , if SO,' we do not object; tliolfgh we etinnot kelp :thinking - they will be put - clog Much. excellent pluck 'to profitless glutei 'H&J abandonment, what do the Conservatives mean. to do? How they can . redress any grievances they may feel -in consequence of this forcible tlivorcentent we do Mot perceive. Nor yet do we - . tee whit Veal cane they have ot com plaint. Upon an =prejudiced review cfto-1,14J9.15c"...Ne. are: constrained to adopt the conclusion- that they -fulfilled none cktheicrms . = which the coalltlon WaifOrmed; They hrotight ono appreci , -able'atcession either Of influence or dip mitYkscarcoly attar:sabers. P. erhsps, by Vot idi*attached to theta, they drove rbany.meri oat of the Opitosition as ' . .,YheY,tookrotaiit.. Certainly they me ,ztopolizad the larger share of the gifts of 'ttin President had it in his heart and to. distribute. On siren; ground thevefore,w9 heheve the Decimate are. . - repiidiating an arrange , the y entered, upon de '. celifurPininises — , - Which have notoriously public abandonment happens snmultaneously. with another develop. AWhOhOWifig.hoW. - the - Conservatives tanaltiptated4Altilegent quarters. The - B . 43 *??fifirn .. tM oocinutny °Ellie Dem , c'exatßoolaluy itie President; very reeling 7iNeiniagfolie growing all roundthat there "..211noofitamtiatlon ip.l.tiotTl4l - 'Of . or 414.ig'i are lit danger of:being thrust fortit titfin all Pardee as unclean mausitTrvia;novoitm: , : - The TOrls Itcpublrean. nuantains that "since,lBol, whoa the Stateietis deprived oFanscteal dePtithon_4sezt to herpf three of it million, apd of an annual „.••-ay• r• mut under "UM name of Commutation of Tonnage, • sardeeisof imnsOutation has pro ••];ceSded •in the dissipation of revenues, until prodigality and extrayaganee•have thrOwil Off all lindtation . and restraint." M; B it fSils to discover remedy for the previiiiing corruptionin.the enlargement . •of tlio'reiresentative It looks "'Po - ..orgamising Inilelent associations to elect only such men to the Legislature • as shill not only be pledged spec/A(*lly to ttaa removal or all these evils, but 'wbeee own established characters shall bo the safestguaratiteesef their fidelity." Alluding: to •the• accession of the eci itor of the Clatabersburg Repository to the advocates of ieform, It expresses ,great ."gratiflcatloa at finding of Saul among the prophets." DEATH OF t1111)GE ELDRED. The Boa., s lel, li. E !MUM" died at his residence in Bethany, Wayne county, Pa., on the 27111 instent, nearly :0 years of age. Born in New York, be came into this Slate in early life, and has ever since resided here. Not a man of uncommon abilities nor elf unusual in dustry, he bad a large shale of readiness and tact, and so great a measure of ge niality and kindness as to render hint highly popular. - Many Years ago, he was a member of the Legislature; if we mistake not, of both 'branches thereof. Alletwards served as a member of the Canal Board. Something Inter he was appointed Presi dent Judge of the Clearfield district, and served with decided acceptance for a number of years. Afterwards Le - was transferred to the Dauphin district, and presided over the Courts of that impor tant district for a very considerable space. The Wayne district becoming vacant, during . the administration. of Governor JpIINSTON, an arrangement was made ender which Mr. Ettmnrm was transferred to it, and Judge PrEnson made his successor at Harrisburg. The last public place he occupied- was that of Naval Officer at Philadelphia. In all these trusts his conduct was uniformly characterized by intelligence and probity. Always a Democrat, of the strailest sect, he never allowed political considerations to mar his social relations. Libor II to a fault and thoroughly honest, Lc Las left to his son and daughters the legacy of a fragrant memory. OUR RBPRUSENTATIVES ABROAD, tinder a call from the Senate the State Department has transmitted to that body a correspondence between the Secretary of State and Mr. Mortar, American Minister to Austria, Prom 'these dada meats the cause for the withdrawal of Mr:Moti.r.x and the nomination of Mr. COWAN as his successor, is manifest. ' It appears certain gentlemen, citirexts of this country, but journeying in Eu rope, were offended by the freedom with which Mr. liforLax expressed his oppo sition to the reconstruction policy of the President, and dislike , of the official character and conduct of Mr ./ Brwmin. These gentlemen lost no time kn sanding a report !,o Washington, detailing con versations, and setting forth aggrava tions. Mr. SEWARD . was equally precept In demanding an explanation. Mr. 3(OT LEY acknowledged that he did not ap prove the Prcsidept's scheme, and had freely expressed himself to that effect; but dented ever having made uncour teous allusions to the President - or the Chief of the State Department.. The cor respondtrirevvas so sharp that Mr. MOT LEY tendered his resignation, thus ma- Ling a vacancy, into which the President would be glad to put Mr. COWAIT. But More than this is developed in the correspondence thus submitted. Mr; Mortar does not stand alone, among the foreign Ministers, as unfriendly to the President's Reconstruction Policy. The same impeachment is . brought against all the Ministers at European Courts. It is made a complaint against the whole of them that they stand with Congress and the loyal masses of the Ameriam people in thinking that such guarantees ought to be exacted from the revolted States as will give assurance of safety for time to come. This "explaipa why a general change is to be made,_ THE GeltuKss, as a class, have never been credited. with very high or strict ideas upon the religious observance of the Sabbath. Why they have been looked upon as those willing - that the day should be desecrated we know not, except that the great masses were judged by the trilling minority. Even here, the Germans suffer in the estimation of their religious *neighbors upon this very question. All are judged from the few who; in summer time, while away their Sundays in tho beer mirdens adjacent to the city. it is unjust to condemn all be cause a put offend, and we are prepared to grant. to the Germans as fair a pia lion upon the Sunday quernion as any correspondingly large portion of the pop ulation. But the Teutons of New York have removed effectually the imputation of Sabbath desecration which ,has been Made against their race. In mass meet ing at Cooper Institute, held recently, they openly and bravely spoke. out in opposition to . the desecration of the Lord's day, and in favor of the rigid en forcement of the Excise law. They de clared that,. Inasmuch as they were en joying all the rights and privilegei, of freemen, it was their sacred duty to up hold and sustain the law which Prevents the profanation of a day which has been so sacredly. observed since the earliest settlement of oar country. Bealdes,.hey argae that the "national custom of a Christian observance of Sunday Las ex erted a powerful influence in framing the political, moral and religious char ades of the nation, and without which our political and religious freedom would loon degenerate into licentiousness and anarchy.".. They declare that they reeog. nine Sunday "as one of the most limier- Mut and beneficent institutions of a Christian country, which lies at the-base ofa public worship, domestic happiness, private virtue, and national freedoth and prosperity. 7 'Ftre'current number of the Army and Xavriournat pays a Just tribute to the memorynf Lieut.= Col. William .1. Fet. temaut; who was among the victims Of the late hp/Tilde Indian Mll3/4Cres4 Fort Phillip Ktainey, Dakotah. Capt. Fet terman was well and favorably known here, where many of his relatives now resitti4 and his loss is deepli felt thronghPut the - entire country. He en tered jiWy the Ilegular Army . in ISM, and'rapidly rose front the ranks; his courage, valor and intrepidity of. char acter. gaining t for' him reputation and distinction. He was in all the . ImPer• taut battles, sieges and skirmishes which Moltplace - daring tho rebellion In which the gallant army of the Teunemee Egan al so D.:Atty.. The poiseamro . f . a brave heart, sound Judgment and ninny kind anti noble impulses, he:was beloved as a man; ailndrettanduherishal as a friend, anti distingttished as a.sokiler and :coot mander. , Tim 17nited Strata Siipratca Ce*rehas Just decided that i/either. litepic: under ilia ict Of 'Be , t l; 'sPecliflai - uuder the act of 1806, anafets upon ;he hecnsed, or who pays the tax, authority t o cony on the liquor tragic contrary to the laws of a State. The mono rule ap plies to the sale of 10tt0 . ..) , tickets. The Federal tax imposed upon such dealers does not do away with the law Which forbids their sale,,-in certain States. 3111.14iititcw bf Mich ,Reformed Church of New Yeah, hesjuse paid $50,000 aedt dcraatlon to >the: Bonn] of Foreign. KilB7o/I£l. Such liberality, is worth of record. Warr.F. the thermometer was among the 'twenties berg, the oilier thty, it raeorded 67 degree above zero at Nashville. line total wool supply of We our ycalri of war, cuiliim .luir :aim, 17!,0, about 900,000,000 poulidg, of which 200,- 000,000 were, produced in this country, 279,000,000 imported, and an equivalent of 9 20,000,000 introduced as manufactur ed woolens. These figures, furnished by Mr, Done, Statistician to the Agri— cultural Department , differs With. the es timate made in the .reconf oftlaal reve nue report. The actual eimsumption of the loyal States during the war was 7 pounds pee capita, Instead of V, pounds prior toile war, showing an increase of 02 per cent. from the waste of war and -scarcity- of cotton. A DELEGATION of Indians numbering sixty-eight, and representing seventeen different tribes, are in Washington to have a conference with tho President. Their objectia to make a treaty for the disposal of their reservations in lihntus and Nebraska.- IT is thought the President will not veto the'bilarnra Ship Canal bill, et he has never expressed himself against thit proposed measure. = —The Round Table considers flirt& lion a necessary evil. —A Chicago thief was captured in Germany. A. long race. —There is some talk of .Tenny Lind coming again to this country. —The ➢layor of LynChburg was fined for riding upon the sidewalk... -ii—The crop of English novels was un- usually large during the past year. —General Grant doubts the report that he and Mrs. Grant are going to Europe. -Dead crinoline is being shipped from England to the South American Mission aries. —Publishers flay the book market is duller nor• than it has been several —The young Mormon girls lire said to Ve very ready to elopo with Young Gentiles. —ln one of the wards of New York there is a grog shop to every fifty.seveu persons. —The haverldsing receipts of the St. Louis papers last year unwonted to itZtOO,l4S. . -' —The gentleman who recently had the leg rattle ties been attached—on private account. —The Duke of Hamilton has broken up his model farm iu Scotland. Impe cuniosity. —Louis Napoleon's last move may well set all the World astir to know /what it means. - —The Federal dead at Lagrange, Ten nessee, are being removed to Memphis by contract. —ln England there arc five people to one porker. In the United States'it is the reverse. —l3eecher, , in a recent sermon, stop ped to talk about "through tickets fur salvation." —A yOuth in .Tersey City is in limbo for sending threatening letters with a view to black-n:11lb —Some of the French newspapers speak of the Amerkan Minister in Paris as "Cientral • - womattin Michigan asked for a divorce from her husband because he re fused to Near a mustache. —The New York and .Massaelimetts Legislatures have before them a bill Id. lowing husband and wife to testify ap,ninst each other. —A:suerilegious wretch to Buffalo has been detected In robbing the contribu• Lions of a church. Ile was let oft by giving his cheek for $1.50. Major \VlWarns, thitnerly the beautiM Sfrs. Stephen A. Douglas, pre seated her liege with en heir on tle an• niversary tiny of their unrriage. , —One of the curio.iities of the Univer sal E.shibition will be a gallery devoted to the history of labor, classed in tea rectiona, and arranged in chronological order. • . —A weeping father who testified in a Louisville Court, last week againft hie son, for forgery, confessed that he had previously paid between C 5,000 anti *17,000 of hit forgeries. —There wry to have been a brilliant wedding in New Orleans the other night. The bride came but after welting nn hour it wee found that the bridegroom had decamped..with. a diamond ernes worth $'2,500, which he had borrowed of hie bride. - Being afterwards arrested, confronted, with his victim, convicted upon her evidence and put In rrrison, he tried Pi hang,himeelf with his haniMer.. chief, declaring that he did not wish to live any longer. COEDS DYSPEPSIA CORE. I.l . ,,palatcamui4 tones Om Stow.b. Con, Llyipepola tiara Is a rirrerefiret rnlrierly, for all .11sra.o. o( th e 'Stomach ^col Moral.. 7 • (Ice's Diimpll> Cure . Cares Try.. snd Arue. Let L4n.a irlicl.ll.ltla umlair trt It. Cot's l'yebepsla Corr Cure. Ihllnutuhrohlllt Sod yO4 do not hereto Walt. Week to see Is the Coe's Dyspepals Cure greatest ever known—lt not only crestenthe soappetiz er prllte, hot etabbrs )do to easily digest your food. de's Ilysprest. Core Is mean:tumbled by ill the leading 0114e:en& . . Coer 11f315111. wbs le ao toralorble t Mena to all are wear:. dr btlitotect and In • low loot. or 00fittai hole aueor tor l'lttilorriO; 400: Plato/NU X 0.114, MorLeS £1,531. Norio Carollor-rtir on Nana 14 1 , . 1+4,44. lan :XTW liwayne4 oinizueut Will n.. . . • ,-It wIII <un it<thin from r! to 43 hour.. .. . 1" bate calma of Tet a—ft oribl etre Chtoblt :En'. Ibe lam et the Übe. 4—lt trill tate Salt ktote, ).411/1 b•lt wt.t cure facto. thee /31 Xrapllony. S--Itlent oaaltlyely cure Minato illaeneyy, ' 7—Lae CIWATI/3 . 8 Of t/T81.1.1 . aad no:ratan DO ••1 - rcii.. , •.n, Mani/nee Ointment, ••TXTI EU' .*V7CIr 7/I: fitenswie Ointaunt, •-retTrat , ••rrc • • , rcrlrit , lOTCII.. EISVER KNOW , 41•rrrriz , • , 17.011.• • • tITATI fat , TO FAIL . • • , TY7.I - .7zrrraft , VreParell ooly by 1)r. *WAYNE W.ll, nal adelphLs. Syhrby 1143.,A1i11Aal SOJihti '7 4 / 1 .3.,..5 Hazlet etryel, ilYtt. A. h 3ChI.T • Wood a1.J0.7. - 77,1P7Wi11Y13_, Fla Maraca el., A. ToltUglit7 0., var. Itts sad Hart at .atret ts, VON. banrin•PLANIC a //SUITT. Allegheny.' • . • FIFTEEN TEARS AGO, UOS. TlCTfEltln ISTOSIAI.II inrrrul was strut sling into, notles against lb. prtJuillsYs which everylislug now,. however aletileitt, It doomed to eneonater. TO.DATII stands at the Dead of all the tonic fled alterallte preparations In .Is toner. 'TES" tAleurny !Yard many 'mita . 1110ba bat WO Itt - VALS. the only girt that has" svrr been introdured Into *lie sick' rhatnicer. In die Hus s pltala or the Army and Navy, Zhu sporrans pad tt the very best login for convalescents, Sad port as It invaluable fur austainieg the •Igcr.of .reops on the/saran. as a remedy for se.tre y and aII scorbutic affections laud as the only opeclac iva Oct nese, and A petrsit a Irtro emphatically endorsed it as the Pilhxh". 1410 t, Clog par excellence, and In Spanish Alerts and all Ma tropical ellmatty. It,s considered the only reliable antidote to epidemic fryer. liter. Is nw mystery ahoy,. the of.. or 113 lilt only.sonnaehle and alteralito In which are e usable!. ate grand requisites et a mild, pure and onvitlated vegetable stimniant, with the lineal vviscllaw ot It ale, anti-halt/as ga"r ` w.t 4 : V:l "V ' AT* ao. tPTtf7s rep hale .* te lt ot o o o p Sued4ipslpwatton. per to state that. the told exclusively in glass...ad nevf-r, l ander any CirvcMstances, hy t ors toa or the barrel." n.• pestont and "Imitat arr abroad, so 4 the. arnly safes-card the pande,ltas against them ft to son that the of theybuy tsprthenegmred fat :and ante of bawl of band eflteors, Hostetter s Pasith, and the' tioverument stamp Weer thp cork of the twat.. Joe.. NEW AD l ,arg VE}l, 113 NTS wm.. SINUILet Al, Jr., Adam. Rrklas Of. -, AVth &rest, is an authorised Agent to rosetee.Atkorliammla forth. GAZZTTlii,cind kiltitaer ptri+tri ifiroupAoYt'tht. Chitfld Skein MPTICE., — ALL. CA REENTERS 4avetableL to laming a -, ,c.iarNryrzos . AND 40/NEIL. trig/UN. (or pittaboall,w 111 110000 mart at, J. MOWS tJAZIPEIZEJ.f. CUM!. ',No. rearoilTanla ave. 0.0 ppp.ii. ;11Igb P,ATIJULA): 1. ,7 b 7 "72d' ". ! 4 (rft E EN TER., 51110 r/ ft SMILLOIS, lallikary 30, 1347. SCALED V6OPOVALl4,addtesio.. dto the i'l"BNsr VIII ; I ta a 0 .1it11471oel• f.r in VaATIln Ka and BLANK ):001(8 durgOa 7000 7911. 1. ,uki ft. McCAII6O, -J.It . L. -4 city conirmer. EXTRA ritir 1193 , x ; i11•P' • !v.t taaeaa a freh muppiy rEtzat‘s r r aity4Altgaac or battel !t cg o hi JulIN mcNorkw, JAC) .co rner LRAM and Hand istretth NEW ADVERTISEMEWE§. JAMES T. BMD it CO., (Iluccumts to B. Joni.. t C 0.,) For uer Fourth & Wood Sta., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIALS3I6 IX ALL MODS Or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, I Gold, Silver and Codms. OULLECTIONIi made on all amenable Point/ la she Unlti,d lit.ates and CAn.las. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, ! I PITTSBURGH. P (SUCOMORS TO HANNA, HART A. Cl,) • DRAGE/chi& FATli ‘ ange, Coin, Couponw, AO4 particular atttutlon pall to the par cll.+c awl salt at GOVERNMENT BONDS Sir.11(111T 11,tArrsoN il )ON, Ja DISSOI, IiTION 1:0-1111T NE'll! 1111' TIIE CO-PARTNERSHIP here- w• Wore eslatlng between the undundaned, nn.br thd namnrr 11A ht.. A, HAUT t utr., wna dlosolyyd bymutual. consent on the set of Jnu- I miry, Iret. the Interest at Joybna Hanna Itaelna been purehawel.by %Vtl. K. HAM' and CAl'orllll' who will continue la thy !tanking 1413112eas at he some stand, cornet or MIMI.. I Wet d tlreeti, under the name Nun style or HART, CAUCHEY & CU. J. 91I1'A HANNA W. K. AMT. C. csuuttEr. retlrlns from the firm of Hone, Hart it fin (owing to person.' and tom. 0 encrgewtetiti op los whole PLlt`ll{l. In the Sast,' I tisk pitiwurn In recommend ng the new Icm of Ilan aug Co. to {net 'Alcor...e herein fora tininyed by the late Arno. A 31..1%tiA. ' FOR. SALT, CUL IP. Oag SECOND HAND . 12 STOP ilAr:el!..t . HAMLIN WIGAN, Double Book kept, price when new fel 00. will soil for rl intl. Also ono recond hand ti slop AWN •14- r ellcliniti, Bonk /ivy's. when new tetso. , ell for 442 e. Wok - he st.ovo are In irood ureter, awl bare. Loth Weer, been need In the Pqrooollt Clow; le of these:2er. owl Pr...1t0 - err!. Church of %Man- Wag. bow of which arc now ...Ins lho rta" °HU AN INOTE.re./.. M=Miii;il=l3ll 1101,t1111. ILNAIiE t istivrrLEß. General Areal. fur the celebrated ESTES!' lYgg TAlit bid. to et. elalr blreot. burgh, Pa. SKATES! SKATES! SLATE I HAVE RECEIVED MOST' OF M ti "'TUCK, awl or., lo the Trade a 641 ectiol Cr°. 5,000 Pairs of Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere, ca and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPF.OIAL IN DERTHENT2 JADIES BOWN, N 0.136 Wood Street 1f0L1.14 THE PIELNNSI ISANIA State AgrieWtural Society 11..1,,rallurd to b,1.1 X 11l uNurta oxt 11,4 210, and ill( Three Succeeding • Days of September Next. The ca4tralpaed are of red to rued propoalttot. for Me lo.ratlon of the Vropi• katataltton. sett* tbe - loth or ..174RCH When-Wei Will be 1.14 bereft ihe rbectllee I.,:xmlitee. ForUwe linformathon of Sr.. rr tplretbeuts of 1.14 r Society bill he xitru upon Ip lebtlon to = A. H. L./NUMMI, lionlatovro J0..1.1a1 CIIINA ITAIIEUOUtIE. RICHARD E. BREED, xxier.c.sizuriart. No. 'lOO Wood Slave! NItIT"TANA I • AND NILVIEN PL. ATEDTA ELY: W AEA. TEA TILAYD al3 I TA ELIA e LIT LEIII. ottyritya rA haw,. N AT EA FCIN. 4:1-11A A DIN CHINA •VULLET CIILNA VAVV. - +. A LEITEUCIEn, Bloltlell IA N WARY. ..revery desselpt's LAVA l/AILD Ranh aTa. LANA YASUO% LAVA delTliidlna. ER111,1511 fetish L WARE nt all au - Wiles. t suit Wtaultsalo and retail Wino. • _ The Inngst: ltd meat complete stock of every "gr.llll.'d"fat V i llans ;sem In the eastern elite, • la Janney, it% Mg. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN 121..—The attention of Vie Psetsvol7 Own er* and eitisene of Plttabergli ft eel led to 00001 , lowing rer•lutlOn .nt the eactut Committee. ulisptel at the last reecting, Jan. Vt. Incl. Lenient. 'that Um Otte.. and Proi, ty Owner., 1 ritulhergis, dee,. or 000104 am In flout or their respective property traded, paved and vet smith teen stoat are In cited to prewoni Weir petttlanetb tioun.llll.l,ltere Oa Ist 41411 ey April.. 1.1.. all Petition , Pr. - vented after that dale 5111 ...wily to mid over 11 . 11 the following year. *IMES utionsprAnts. p.v.t., cf.,* ur SU M., Coen mitt... NOTICE.—A rare chance :e .t . a now veered to 1.401, who with to acquire perfert atturrivdde of too art of Pill/NOW/As rill% or PLIOUT LAND itiktaiNti. A Owls le now being (willed by a practruisi .leporter !tom L;ondon. upland. Address . (I • Oryp,. , 1847. D . P. CIIAIMIAti, Agent SENA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, • • I hereby nen neerledge lbo receipt of 0.00/.-be.. log' amount In full la payment of ruiley No. a...M0, on life or elltll.lTlAre OVER. 1094:010 MAKI' ('TEL " • D. P. CHAPMAN, Agent! 1/con Ms. — Plea.°accept niy lbank. fur the ulampll honorable manner • inch hull 0,11 na. 10.1M0 claim for 4:4' Wu, on the Ilta of nit boa baud, 'WM. 4.• Antal ARDSoIf. Yorare truly, Bc., • perkert • IJRN. tG ILIfIllAlit)YON. 825,000 T el' o 4N. ON *Opp/AIM 1p t.tio , of MO and upw*rd• Heal Estate bought and sold .. • 412.01t01C EISTTY. Joao Ws! Instate Airbot. No 11BL Clair nt T . M, BLACK, CLE16. V r irairk. Tbree doonabovabalitb r a i A rra id litr i a , t, Rl Ryer,. kind of Wort 4oue oa the sbortest notice and moat reilionablo terms. rekillettlir attellit,ol.l paid to p .i i tb E hl t ir• • Ar. BEAM; ABIR U. W. irs.pua. 04.1c...1,4,1115tr0t I ied And for gala LI IlltNlVl'lltrA, JILL ,I12;178 266 111.—qt.112,CTP..-1“ NEW PANEL PAPE RS, .., PLAIN TIMIS ANp 'ROOD P11TA.770101, St No.IO7IIAJIKETgricgILT, 40ti. U.,lllltiaßJAlt E:110 PA L. — TILE ••• '• UNDER til(illfDlnvo removed . the . ofilee of • the U • Un,irolitit3 from. 33 Market street,. fits r04.i0 u.o.:Worls011 • 17.11•03 [Wet, lireienotorre.WerettoOreit *wowed. I. liet!idi F liVi: l4 ° A44"' ..All4/4141 "* VISEM.—Coach U= P . aer; V4sea. lull revalue.* a full Aka.; iortmatiajloa. 1.!j1il .3... Toe letel Vlaa In the ClVAratic l ittlee.i "7",1 altuhuai,la Oust varletv. at DI. 107 al ataet73. - . 41111.01101 &Wm, 20 BBLS. lil PERIIIC' received sad (r sale by 1.110. A. KILLS" CO. 4031 Wto'ss.llo Dramryt., Sl Weal sigett, NEW fi DWI itri ISE MEN TS NIVELLSALIIT _ • F f tlß AND FESTIVAL, OPENts AT CarICI-5e MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, And Will Continue Two Weeks. A valuable aileelltib of articles milli lre dl, Pored of. _ • Morita Inetruintntal nod vuon'. Intursperved with Iltictta and Chorit tn•, wilt malt: thy ei ening par, I , lr.cdntlr and anr,abiy. Bleet, and Iterret toin.nts pr0n1.1.,1 In the !tall. closing each night. ravel[ ',Ward:ld, .1111 a Proinenadv. .lamisldotz, 2 C'enfs TO CAPITALISTS Lnceative lin , iness iu Pittr3lbmargb. N'or THE UNDEUSIGNED OPEL:VT.B . 0 - for sal. Itn4 tottno.llote ttatoofer the Ir.hte. Irl rt tiood Mock of one Cl tlar trot:log boltorn ng two Art.- rat,. brarchettof low,lor, 11.11., of ,e ean be rattled nu 16.1V1/1.1:e!I'D C 1111. ilt yrry htrgoo‘.ll retail 101 l t 0004 .111‘ , ... arlthnol 110111; Ito. tatol a •prt I lily, with con, titor. nod crtp:tbloolltrittr y lar,e:yrxt -n -tleLl. and In whit n v•pltal Is I•lntr‘ . .l• The rrolits of the hut:lilt n, v.• ano-111 la•romparstlrPly In Its I Iranry, 1,11114 tbutnngbly leglilmatc. And rrqultlng but on•rgy led attention. It to. Inc tn.o of expltal at twett nro and Apertnl Oman, 01100elott notrottt glvt It for tllepoon,,,t the sax r. end (1111 part I. It arg girt. In .1,1.11. 411,04 4 Itor 1140'. I.1;e. N. HOLMES & SONS, 13d&N1053MEt..S1, No. 57 Inrket Street, IteMislla reeelvo , l In Par Vona. +„1 , tirsunt.y. Inolorclonn mad, on all tho prOlol I al I„1/1c8 Int Unltt, so.to. and Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities DOUGH': AND SOLD ON COM tISZION Partleolar al Le !Moll psl.l to lb. I.urCl.sw enu ealu or U.S. Seeuritio2,4, lurlnAlng U.B. NIXES OF I}ei(; U. o. n. 41.• a. FP: 11,40.. e U. t. er-nTIFirkTE , .. INIIFirTEDNE:S °Hen sad Yoncbtr.No.g ,, or rul It r,.41. JaVlst, SUDS ! SEEDS ! We aro Now Prepared will? Our SPRING STOOK uF ~ar4 n. Flf4tl, FLOWER SEEDS, 11.1EIRNTED Fafsll IND Gill 1;1:. e oaer ept,:all:adtwe tutu, to Market Gardeners and Country Merchants, ALL OUR SEEDS ARE TESTED Before 01Wring - for Sale . HAY PRESSES. Ingersoll's Hand and llorse rower lEOx/tilts eaeix3 A Full Stock of all Sizes J - . - Er.avom., 131.1 137 Liberty Hive!. LADIES' FURS, CIO S'r VT: IC EZ.S, ESIZITI HAT, CAP AM) FUR STORE McC ORD &.; CO. 131 11•00 D 14 TICERT. SKATESI.SKATESI prize Skates', Club Slf/t te?4., SKATES FOR THE MILLION, M N' 8 Irtimpatch 81.11dlotr. rifth Ail real a,. W ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW I XLEY SILVER HATED WARE FdNOY C* C) DB. S. M. CD0E1.L. 7 ., Ohio fitreel, Allegheny, rine Watch awl palrl tui Pr' 1. , .t -t.it,1,1 to. CAUSTIC SODA, Both American and English, I =1 For Oil Refining Purposes, ennttantly.nn bond and for ante In nninLlLlr In tun purthaner.,i,y JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, • 246 Pearl Street, N. Y SAMUEL M. lIVICILEMSILAM, iron 'l3rolier, 124 First Street, I =1=323 Agent for the Nth, of Cornwall, Itonsghtnore, Joirohtun, Iluneanoon. afht vttler brand• ofttnthrnette, log bon, Coke .41 011phnot.•1„7. It. Chatt.al I lIIUh tohaldntnehte and order+ re , nt.elfhtlf sone- I n14:11:3 c'. as.i...(Grmic;•; ➢;ALFIt IN Vine Watches; Jewelry, Diamonds French,Clocks, &c. rt r i t tli t re t , o lk o... I.I..IIE.P.AIItINOUP Jib. 22 11114 Street W3115'1%77 lan* BELTING . AND 110S1; brAnufbc4lYed,4% lA% 411841.TtLY/CLU by HARTLEY,' PHELPS & CO. Also, AFrnl for p!f Tort Rubber Uo ;Belting. L VE Alwayn' °Wham. tp uur. iallattl4 tall? 6 11,11)1[4.NT . ric i lf„,/4 ., , , V,1r.rd. /s BISLT m00r...! WErrAcu 6 MEAKON. bUCCEShOIth ro v k OAfi LEATmEn. DELTING. • I I (Ph, nisei, Attest:Alf Citf. Alpo Nil assort'st at of ileitlnu et( IL AN- AilbOlitb. litb 1,1 Mora'Pittsburgh. 1.4 ' OEO. U. CLAIM, Supt. of Wort• 03 41111. ..s.ml.cps.arr=sc:rAes, 11{41 . 2',1 . 3 11V , MINP v 1.141,Vati: 4 1PA ° nMr. tn1gg":7, 1 , 1 ,41 al;r1 EW kiVE RTIS EXENTS. :11TAIILAND COLLINS Offer at Wholesale and Retail, CARPETS rhate.. natters, Which cannot be ea celled In extent and variety. Window Shades, in Orocn, T.n color. I.aventlrr, fancy rant, ricat mr..l rich Gilt IL V. !vet 0ker . ..t,1111 . -rcnt 14, FLOOR•OIL CLOTHS, All the best patterns In market In sheet: 3. 0 17. .18 mud Al- Seel. wide. SCOTCH WINDOW HOLLANDS, =l=! English Woolen Druggets, In Ilright Color, I 1 1, and 3 1 nr.l3 WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS tNCLISII WILTON AND lELVIT SwiA Lace it AAfilcallou Curtains, in natl. - re') that are nat to be found alsewbere. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, English and French UE.3T"7'Ct%ItT.tL GOOD S, New Patterns Cornices, Cna - l?ot raaacll. Curtula .I'IIOLSITERY. I= praorn,...iy atilt ratonilir W r e cat..llll and vaperiencell upbulaterPra an, ,Jart. or the (....untry 10 bay Carpets p shade, „t, 3ITIRLIND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Nryt toithltoe to United Slate.Co.torn lion 14!,1•1 I:'I:T9C`W.,6I-M FIRE IMURINCE compih HARTFORD, CONN. .T rthuary Ist, 1807. CASH CAPITAL, - - $500,000 .A.SSE'TS: XV[a.rls.43t Tr.caluo. Cash on hand, in Ednios and with . Agents . I:nitea States Bonds itesi EstaO. ...tale Holed. liartfoollmd Sew linven Nrul, 14.645 Oft N•! . .r York 11:401; ,tucks 96,1400 00 llArlturtlll3lLk Atoek4 32.242 00 1.0:1111.1.14:4.11utoral Irlty.. 179,612 00 1,4 n. kqt L0n.14 and lloituaie.. 417,:412 043 IL.•nte. accrued interest to ,1 other Itenl4. EZE! ll=lll3 =I = A A. CARRIER kt-BRO., General Agents mrri 11N Oxr ON•FSO E Q 3 Fourth Street. THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURER CO3IIINV, Of New York, , Only Company In the liorld Stat.: I ii.v,ton,ta In wl.lll , •rt to tee ee-urity tweet , fore offered, s , l particular attention to the fol lorries : Itr a rem act of the Lesiriature of the :Rata or new “rk. the Calmnany atithoriatel to make Plw dal poWta with anperinteadent or the Indere., Department, eccelvethere for Registered Ppileins. 100 , 10FR:in healof the I nt law! • Certificate that the entity Is sc.-sired 11. pi. dee of 1,1 1.44.1 E. ue./er • Spe. vial Trutt eleatt hy the Ant of It 'MAI are In fat or of tee NORTH All Y.NICA. I hntlit.eßCE 01)151'A SI re riu•hely. This inakeeavery her. late red as a,core I , the holder as a ti tipna. Rank sear 1.1 . • Culled St ates'llond. RI hI Nit , fa .' ON', In 'travel, Residence Cr Me Or :Uwe Employnienta In toy part of the l/ II 1.. date. or huropr, et toy `part of the EMM=Z== wi.I.I . OI.InIES ate uon-forfiltlng luta Inun dlatcly tn,arnuurle. - • totem. of :Nan, OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARD. All la,ilrersorolorlool W1,2131101' awl coal parollrfr poPetes those tho, of the • North Atnerle)k,•• Inepita•. Pre•ldeot. J. W. LIKIIII.II L. e.crat - E. T. TOOK. General Agent, PUTSlitftlin MUNCH. N 0.67 Fourth street. A kw more rAlcleAL men CAA ha. Agebrlo.n. Jall:pll:dAva LADIES' AND GENT'S SUMMER PRICES, HILL ERIVIAWS No. 75 Wood Street. fl so. • Lars , : Misortmera of HATS & CAPS Or VIE LATEST STIMES. (4.IEAT WATCH HALE ON THE a-a opular one price pion, gialtfe ever? I ron n hanlignine mud Itellati•e Watch for the low price of Ten Dollars, without n card to value, nd not to be paid for uniesaperfoctly antlers., Ora. • loill.l Gold it tinting Walehe.... r.5 11 ' 0 770 }lackC.ed EitatilVAleiles . 110 to 500 100 Ladle, Watches. linaloelled.... 100 to 1.0 sro MAO Hooting Illtron•r Wa'ellee, art to sto 1 7 01101.111111111111 r roallah Levers... an to =I 7 01 DOl.l Dopler. Watches 110 to mo. N 0 o ti.,1.1 Amertran Witteflea 200 to 250 Lai Pierer 'tontine I.reere....' 50 to DO 5 :Ole, 50 llnsea 75 to 25,1 1 I i old La , 11,9. Wateltes 50 to 1,000 11010 Hunting Lepines 00 to • 75 1.1111 IlliVer Watches... L. NO . 1,101 Hunting .liver Watcher . to 00 4,00 'A uortetl Watoh s, all ... 10 10 75 ' 8.0 - I:very patron olnalns a.Wtaell tltla ranarment, royttror Int 510. 00110 It mar bc worth 0710. rip pletlatlty Will 1 0 rehown. - fatl The sllVuttleure 01,11 10 lintoodtately Jlapotie Of the shore rraocllle.Dat .loch. Certlatatol, artic44ls arc phlrod ocalett envel oiwn and ell 1011114. ioldor• aro entitled to tile tirt!clea named on .. hole cortIllont“ upOnpay. meta 0 , Ten Dollar whetberjt bo • 'Natal north $750, one rrOrth lest. Tht ratorn Of any or our rnftldfatell .011110• you to' lb. article name 4 thereon, upon payment Irrospoottre of Ita worth. and aa nn article vat tted Um than CO la maned on any certificate 110111 at onto be tern that thla la 1161111 0.7.. NO 0 •iwatsbt tbrward irci;:tituatelireasaction, which t ha participated to *Tea by the moat raatidion• A elngle cerdllcatc eent by mu{Lids'. Dahl. ut.on .ecelpt of cents , five toe 41. emu% fdr thick , three and an elegant premium far 41, elsty-rlx and more womb!e premium Cra *lO, uue bundled and must euocrb Watch for Ch. To Ascots or those sclahlng employment kik 1.. cure ohoortunlty. It Is a legklecutell conduct ed business dolt untherked by the liecernment. and open to the roost caref u l serutlnr• art us Aadre,i, •• J. RICICILIZIG tt Julia3l 14 Ilroadoey. New. JaLk, 3Zirta. $3Mg.193[1 : 1. • • HA S :lOWA EMIGE sdLSTOCK Or ruitz PINE 40241 , ECTIO.NAHIPI. TOPIC sed gooYs Wide Item YOH THE W/I.IITAYS, shectai et- CoutlOu to his superior 1111sEuemuky, et SIC and 91 Federal ha, Allegheny. del7;ploJ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ONE NEK GREAT SALE DRY GOODS, Wholesale and Retail, 3. W. BARKER COIVIP O ILD•T "2', MARKET STREET. Emma THE 10TJETON BELL IND BRASS FOUNDRY, $191,211 91 . 1%009 00 . :1%000 00 20.000 00 Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, 9,0 lb be = ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Pounds. GLOSS. ANGLE, Cilia LAD SAFETY VALVES. Stop Cocks o f Braes or Iron. Or ALL sags : GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCK& Agents fora the aitrerent STEAM PUMPS. Celebrated Steatn•Syphon: Dexter. to GAS PIPE, STEAM and GAS FIT TINGS. PLUMS/RS' WORN, ete., eta. Particular 414112c10n patd to STEAK and GAS FITTING to all Hi brattetea . • • • • Tbeonly menotecturere of A. TITLTONni METALLIC rACKIEII EOM STEAM (ALIN. DEES. Ac. Ha 1381D5 CELItaItaTtNTI-ATTILI TI.iN METAL constantly on and lilt alto. UUN and ItY.L.L. CASTINGS made to order and finished with ...ninon and dispatch. Particular attention paid to /Inas ibittining in all tla benches. We also trap constantly On hand all Ilse. of eke... bquare and Wound tad Cotton Hemp tacking, Ekon Hun of all silent up to unite. A. FULTON'S SON & CO, j,ll•rsa January 14, 1867, GRAND OPENING OP PRICKER'S SALOON, FOR LAMES AND GENTLEMEN, ssisit.Clisaimfilltroooot o Between Penn et. and !inept.lon Bridge, PITTSBILTRGII. PA. ald would neral reetwetrullg an at nounce loop Mend e First-Class Restaurant, gitT4Ph r :gl'r e =g3l,7,llll:l=rpeg i Omni notlee. JOS. PRICKER, No. 23151. Clair Otroot. LPP DINLN linellND rms.ADI O ROOMS ON 1n1d.47. STATEMEINT OF THE People's Insurance Company, OF rrrrsuumm, PA.. FROM JANUARY let TO DE OEM 11614 let, Ilan. Inclusive. Publlelled In AetOrdanee 0101 the requilneutents of ail Act of Lettoldr. pt. Oapltal 0100,000 00 trek De am. VA:O CO 7.0/ Bonds old Flits rrelret nb r i ttos r2:0 1. 4 I m o Book Acyount ......... 6,30 Cash 6.9n1 Amount of Prerulame —143 420 77 retelved CAA* 'lt 41n. Amount or Owen revelved 6,80.: O. Balance Jan. let, lege . ISAV et ALT • 1130,421 3/ h. Disbursements: Los A.. 930493 O 3 'rues 39 Nalsrtes, feat ;Y9 Atire Meet t d 7:11 1 3 0 1 : . V ! 1,3:4 Premiums re- • xy Cornet 4,807 1) 11.-113snoinee.2M9 Diridenos. . . 00 - 14.0E4 ti-443. 490 77 tgr: 1.773 103 0303 Accrued /federal 73900 I=EHE = Total ula Jan. lot. 1 . 96 7.„"1114011.023 77 Ettf. AMOVIOL of outstanding mat 2, 1.-'scol4ll. 1bt4.1)4,11266130. 711. Amon= or Intnadyevy the ti0.,325 00. • • ISM: M. GARDNeit.-r«...tarr. rnmintrualz;Jauoary 41h. BC. . 1 / 2 4 , 4410iTs - HOLIDAY: GOODS ALL mioNzE,GILT, Oarbon Oil Lapps and Chandelier% Lamp Trusi m m as, & C . Arog „A XlMß.infilrwsi" "1- JOHN ROSS & CO., ur.m. eksjaerawyg..et ajtrec'lN ZrJaH H, BELTING! BELTLNG!—Leather 0 n. ,9 4.VV1MM11.V.1 ° ,11:t r. 4Y.; 2CASIK.S BIADDEJI, Dutch, rect L .,. 4% .1.1...GwY5l on hand and ' . mink -0 ...Iles sale by GEt). A. ESL T,l . 7 . .t _ Ft ., mu.. oT 4. 4H. c ~,. /NG 'Wholesale GrblEbo. a M..Q •,. I"! /I bad amt. 9mr. .1 'I'II; I=l 10E1 MEI ~ k 59 I=l PITTSBURCH. PA =I Ll. 11=1 C=l •I 0, 0.4.3 17 003 00 NOT ICES 01 . 1.1;.:1 COrner I?TOmkttnL atot Water Stroots. J. wall SC 11 , 37.1 TEIE ANNUAL rusiCTION FOR tigVENTKEN DIRWTOKS of thli orlcbt carp neat. Cebeen the coon or nA. x. and r. 10. JA-1 . ..1C. W.V. B. NEEPER, Secretrxr. )11FIDMNIP. Or P.M OP PEort.ts - 1 st - rkNcs PlTYnbt: 1:01f, January 7, D'. The B y oard of Directors of this Cumpany have LLD da dec;ared al/ rt f ILARn PER :MARE out of the (video prodts of the Wl-A last In months payable on and after the 14th Ins t. ja,r7l W.M. F. GARDNER. :,,eenuoT. OFFICE Or FIJI rtmeuproti tiAS , 4:OIOPANIf, t January 14th. 1.5 C. 5 DIVIDEND NOTICE—The Trus ter. or TEI6 PITTAIIII3I6IIIPAS cOMPANY hare this day derlared a • letdend on'the Capital etoelt of TY. t , Awl, FIFTY CZNTS per mar, out of the profits of the lett Fla months, psystde forthwith, at the (tee or the Company. W. It. Jal:dr:U Tnasur:r. IVIDEND NOTICE.—The Di rectors P aCIFIC AND ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH COMPA NY UV THE UNITED STATYS, lase Car oar demored a dividend out et the earning• of the i_ononealiela Valley Di gialtri of Dm tine. for tl a tour months front A n. gest Ito Oteentherl„at therate of '1 PER CriNT. per £OOOOl, Lee of Government and :Mate Tan. payable torthwith to the holders of the St At 04 the ilanonglitela Veiny Telegraph. Company. rla ' EDWARD JAY ALLEN. Ittlat • Treasurer. NOTICE TO ROND HOLDERS Lk' VIE PUBLIC CATHOLIC LIBRARY . AND READINU ROOM ASUOCIATION.•7The holders of these Bends are herrn,. nollt!rd.thst the Interest due of them Jandary Ist. foli the year Ib4, Is payable . demand at the oMee of the Treasurer. - • JAMMU r:tr.LAN. lahusi No. 2-ICYlfth street. NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS. Pittsburgh d: ConnelluvilleDread Co. First Mortgage Turtle Creek Division Construction Bonds. , Holders are hereby notified that the Interest Coupons on Ow &hero Bonds due IKItIII.IA- Jil YiILST peon., will be paid on and after that date Lit r rt. 2t• ntation and delivery, at the FIRST NATIO., AL 11.A.N.K OY I'IITSBUILOII. Jl.O. H. t , Atir, Eccret,ry EMI UNION VACIPIC KAILwAT COMPANY. E. 0. 0111ee, No 424 Walnut bt[te.. nIILADILI.IIA, January Rist., I Sai. THE INTEREST L 9 GOLD EEMEM FIRST SIMITG AC P. BON MS OF TIM.: UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN Y. .r.ASTERN LIVlb lON. Doe NEIIntJAP.Y wlll be Ink! or DreePcta lion of the Conpono at the Banking House of Shuns. JAY COOKE 8 CO.. hew Y oak, on and mac, thkt date. t..:avent:ind WM. J. PALMER, Trens.r. ON TROLI,LICS OFFICE f Ctrr, cc At C aounutiv, January lgtb ~ f SEALED PROPOSAI.B will be resoled at Ulla oMce until . I . IIIDAT. Tett Bth, for the axle of sao.ooo WHARF IMPILUVY. ld ENT BON I/8, tialiflionde to be of tb, dentin luatlon or 8500, payable :0 years after dote with COYFOna attached for the palm; nt of Mini. cat, at the rate of 7 per cent. par annum, pays • ble semi-annually on the let days of July and Janualy: The faith, propel ty .and credit of the elty are pledged for their redemption. IL B. lIIANCIB, City Controller. EN= To BUILDERS.-PROPOSALS 1,111 be received at the Shoe Etore of JAMES HOBE, No. AD Market street, for the erection of a BANK BUILDING) for the KEYSTONK SAY. iNGS DANK, until TUESDAY, rehroary 121 h. Plans and epecincattorio now ready for exam ination at th e since ofilAtta & ADMEN.. Archl teas, 110. 2 DI. Clairstreet. .1114. are "Belted for each of the branches of work aeparately, and for the whole complete In one contract. SAMUEL BARKLEY,- JAMES GILLEBPIE., W2l. YIBEEMULLL. ItW JA/LEr. ROBB, ),t7:15.3 riTign'oll IT. WATISS a CUM.:OIL W, Co U Iles of the Surrefarv. riTTannigGil. Pa., Dee. .1711, lesid. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day declared a renglar dividend of ee of Government tax, on their Capital S lo s h and serni.arinual dividend tf3S ra ft CENT.. less Government tax. on he 'I hoed Mort gaffe Bonds payable on and after the 1000 of January - . 1.47,t the ogle. W n. slow, Lanier .t Co.. an d ' 9 flue street. to these registered at N. ork, and at the office of the Treaanrer, to thnse re late red at Vitt sbnrg h. The Transfer Boots WIN close on the 40th day of December. at lio - elock. r. Y. and will re-open on the 1.74. day of JOOO 1057. 100 , 001 P. M. HUTLDINUON s Beeretary. Orroar or • LLSGIUNT VALLEY IL It. Co., PirresuraDA January let, ISO. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF YIEST MORTUA OE BONDS OY TIIE AL LY-011EN Y VALLEY ItAILIMIED CONYAN Y. —The by glee Al not leg ice that heny Val they te ley Eat rn red tread C eem tompmhey dere- The First Mortrnge Bond. of the INI Within two year. from thts date. la ....Marc. with provhdorm of the montage given to ce care thepa , meat of ealat hood.. .Msrg er`4ll . l .ta n' PlLY.l " .lM ' l4 . ..me.t. STATEMENT OF TIM CONDI, Dll lON OF TES rriTSIIITIL(M BANK FOIL ILIAVI.titiS, December Met, lb t LqatILITLES, Capital Stock ............. ...—..111 MOO: OD Contingent Fund.. =MALI 15 9.E. AB TS. ort Dlne!tratreg ra $1.51,131 24.= 53S CltEle• rlxtztree 4 , 0 CO 111059 05—=.5.612 L 5 .11c11124LYY. Treasurer. The underaigned, Auditing committee respect &lll' report that they hare examined the Books and Asset. of the Bank and find the above state ment to be correct. JOHN htnl27.. . O. FOLLANSBEE. =BEST C. SCHMERTZ. E12:3 kftii ‘tejtenzli rio V4l4c 11 ADDY, WILLIADIS dt BARTLEI, .PMeCriId..I33ELVUES. GAS AND STEAM 'FITTERS, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., PITTABUREAU. PA. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut IBEIIENTER. All kinds of Water. tiaissol seam rlstares constantly on band. les.c.nt ADDY, WILLIAMS 8 BARTLEY, Keep on hand • superior Snide of WOOD PAIMPS, of 100, iNusipa. HyOrnnts, Silent Lead. Sheet Zlne. Lead NM. Bot? Thin., auks. WM.' closets; Wain: Basins. Ruh BlAnmisi We Warerourn, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All lands of Ilepslnng 40. e prcnruall, All order, by mall Immediately to.. Woe.: WK. ...... ..... L JOMINBON lIEHLETIY & JOHNSON, Plumbers, Gaa and Steam Fitters Yuma EITIIILLT EXTENSION'. mr•itt a57)31134-6.1b. All orders by Till ezeouled sallataelorili an Prriniltrrlirtik Pultbes, Water rMsets, Sinks, Chandeliers, pendanis, and Um shades for sal. at the most reasonable prices. . Orden from 470.11t1y pair°ns by mall prompt ly attended to. Gum Hote ut every de. CO,,AILIFF BROWN , ',T.. CIS Neacierail .s.ELEGnE.ri• Pa„ PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM a. PIPS PITIEItS, keep alms,* on band • litres assortment of ItYDRAXTEI, BURET LEAD. LELUPIPS, PATH TUBS, WASII AND 8RA153 COCKM arm all male 'tale for Biting nr.pablie or private buildings mitt leAt , WATllftor t11:111. Jahn'bq FLUMBEVG, _ GIS AND STRIMITHING, My - dratato, 'lron Pumps, Waal? MUD, aadb PZPZIA Water Closets and Wash Stands. TOM T. lEWENB, thecemor to Zwezut a C 0..) 165 Wood St.PLttsburclif rireviwarE le4co. rnUt.. , Ell. P7 l .7lgarAnt zae.:oll'; affor this Convolute. an ilrentaber Ir published I .....ronnitsvAthi..' • • BL4 lefd. Capital . . - • 14 room Who privitese incremolar to••••••• C "' Yremilama received, fro= MOT 17. to . Dere met, 34 lard 7.77.1 20 interne n r " s a4 .I . ea .. ' " '' ' 0 , X ee xper s, stem, 72 z" . 44 o Lifts. Nom /ryst, OA. Ulm.- Atin Cub ld Xerloinles Haat a sla. nd 10 office.* 10.754 01 !loner one llortCuite. 98et 11,:31 0 . Loan. on ronatorat• - 04=4 90 Ground re nt on effect on Plan 1.000 03 Hook amount roe Peenall 1800 lance furniture. 2 titres an 4 rare-- I..Tri 72 Mort ogees Oo • WM. H. SMITH, Pr s est - (41 J. G. COFFIN, Meoy. igbrot ~i WANTS W ANTED, Pail TWO*R. Wt:11 fro= - la,; oto p,son, win Pttablistied Butane.. Apply at No• 104 CENTRE AVENUE. - wAATED, A LARGE STABLE, WlTlit.ll ED EOlfl MU. WAGONS Ert pain at ja22- _) moo. NniD EISRIZT WASTED. ss mciir Fifteen yetal of age, a alfouloll In a loot or Stationer) Store. At ili " ]al9 ST lint. ard, .17 22 1 L. •. WANTED, !918,000. Wanted to borrow, on Ittortcoar on good city property, for one year. Addreaa ht.IX "S" o.l.asft Oancr., Statlna Wherr /tr. Into:flew can be had. j lataf WALNTED-40 Stove and lloi- LoIM 'WARE MOULDERS, to whom good w.gra wad ue.Wy employment will Devito.. No ono belonging to the MonldOn' Eralon Also rlatluu ncetlapply. BRIDUE/ORD a CO,. .1..161111e s Ky ME IVANTED.—Gradinales of Lit v erary and Commercial Colleges to IMICago permit. idly in Maine.. requiring Salesman ship and tu,lueas eurruapoutience. ppl y with reference. to It. II: CIIIIILAN, I IG Griot street. opposite Court House. de21:,41 WANTED.-100. leoo, 10,000 T Igen to sell AN OISEWS• which can be •ttsched Cu Any hmsn. makes la best gas light In..xistenee Isom common convenient ...candle; will tot blowout.- Moot Aselling mtlele out. Teton's, ts shim Ammt lit coining money, selling It with sight to use it. • J. U. TILION, Jul O. s,j St. Clair sttret. (Room No. 2.) T- ANT D-AGENTA-BY THE E U hEA Ahi: W I N E 01•MPAN Y to Sell their NEW 192,141AUr. Will saw fro, tPsue paper to bear, Beavercloth or leather'altitont change of feed.needle or ten thor-adJu.ting proosure foot and newly desieued Addrela, eurioslog stamp. S. H. (.3.)., 117th street. (Second irloor,) dell Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED — AGENTS—TOBELL • • the CIIILIJNEN'S ALPE:Jr, or PO:TIMES AND STOWE", written and complied by Ser. ASA bUL LASED. The nook mentame a Ste, Portals or the author.more than ore hoodred Neter., alls nicely printed and bound, aad meet please thenhlldree. Address,' W.. 1. HoLLAPiII A CO.. Ho. n_Third curet, Plttabardll; pa. IMMEEMI A it lE re. ll 4 r iti . 7l. Weste l ! Prtitriyirthin. (bribe floe ' neir eferl Engravings, 1 .1•11AY hit A r VALLEY FOItUE,I! 11/EVA VI:AY/W' . 1.11%.01.1i'S /1111: ATSI ltif: YIELD" Either by tlirrnonth,or by tonnnl.lo., rnb. 11. hero• ratrs nllunrd. For (nil partleulnr•ap ply In perron, or addrenl, • IrAnlllll 00., 002 cl Fifth aim et, Pttii.burgh. IVANTED--AGENTM—The , best v T Chan. yet. A Workof historic. Value and 'National Import...e x 7 . lie only Nyort oy ou Navy . yet In tun arid. 1 AltittAiii.ll AYU 011 r 0 NAN AI.N MEIN, Or lion.. If RAI/Le:Y. the Illatltguishell Author and LE, union. to one handsome yulsone, Illustrated hood at onto fur tetuir and territory. Addre. A. L. TALCVry, tall:rsouLtiirr Mack. ritttburga,PA WASTED, A Partner, - with $lO,OOO. IN SAYE AND • 'IDYLL/INT 131181Ma88 Yielding czar Lacs rrOntil. Ml= STEEL 6 WILSON. 11.r.02r2813 AXD JILL ESTATs Aaiun% Po. 06 tlMlthfitld Owzaz)o,t+4 TO LET, MiCZPCIIMICESSi. Two or the. e Young Ilan can obtain Gargl and cf winnable Cl. e l b. arltaft LIFO Willute a walk or tbe Postottice, by , adcicasa lcg Inonctilately, MEI TO LET, 4A! (►FFII'E, OD trlt roar of No. G 9 and 70 Water street. USE 3 JIIILti DALZELL, & OK TO ILET.—Eight DOOI7III of a well finished 1i0n..., on resit Weed., Yo is th Ward, Suitable fora private lazuli,. Rest refer etenures and iieeurity required. Possession giv lit old prli. A Leo, TO LET—Two whet Dieellinge ow re " .5 t Market direst. Fort =ENT, 4 ,L4RGE ROO.lll, la back ballillna or iLIAZF+TE. For partratta tam Inquiry at Jal7:rlF/ GAZETTE COUNTING -1100V. FOIL SENT, STORE ItOOM NO, CO MARKET STREETL ROOMS FAJITA RIX Yolt SING LEO &NTS; SALES PLOW!. thor !GREET STREET; OFFICES ON I HIED AND MARKE,TSTS. .1. M. 6d2,41.11, Att . ". It Law, OS Grant sheet. ISM O LET, The IVarehouse, LI Wood St., Now occupied by T. A. EVA2OI A CO. Far further 'woman.. uPPIT te. • • No. #I . I. A L r 1; t • lals:rn Nu. :11 Wood street. stoma. ~ ~~:i 14`011. BALE.—We, offer. for 'sale , that - MANUFACTURING SITE, Occupied by Tirana Barrel /error,. Mogan the foot Or Taylor 'Beet. rut townalp.'...d op_ Mmite the Cornier MILL of Park. YeCn - Nya Co This property bar a trout of 140 tett rrn the iinenY Meer; containing tie. TWO ACIIttS, pri 'liege of filling up to mare g , p d, mar • .Iror Iron. 15teel or oincr larY'r Manufacturing % purposes, has no impeller. Terms =Adel* snit purchaser. larrant • & BILL. • FOB SALE. DESIfIABLE RESIDENCE. Tb,r ;arge' TWO, PTOUT TICI7JIILL ER/Ott, .r.o. rww. trees. DDMtta ...ea We e. how 4.ettirled by W. it. WWI- U...octan Veg. T he boson is thirty-410w feet (root uT (eel u r' ,? :Yit° l l".[Zt.Vr i :4l . lllg 2 g,` rt. o .2 i " Tt y r loot gley. 'instill:le Is snost.lestrabre'ad plesasst contalnlng POUsTgltni /:04111.8. be. sides n lib neat front Toed and large aPare in rear,.tasklng toeryttling ebeerild nod. pleasant. For to and further Inform nPillY N. COTIIBERT et 50.311. EID'~! JII SALE.- , -One, Three Story Dwelling Dna se,nontaiiiin Client 'reams. ONE TWO tSTORT DW ELLIN6IP.OIInit containing eight moues efig finished 'aide. ON EB3IALL IrefiAME 11 . 0 CUE eonielning ATe rooms and ',entry: inquire of WO. 11 :51.11WHIL El Sowssid Street. MEI "ROB SALE. O n RENT. • . A COFFEE STOIC In the Market Douse Dimond, Na M. /or' farther particulass enquire at the Stand s 2 is- - it la the Bartel Louse DlitesainCirUt.bOrrh." lalass p Oit BALES , , . TILE 11010 BE AXDLOT • " Ito. 40 tTals street, hint Ward. ALLkgla.rz The house las substantial marls's, 7ram9 In auasissepstr. -, ,T he lot is nt pet mans o 0 Cralg strestand DO feet Ilse& a:tenni:as Se Tellasstar van la Canal. Inquire. at •• JaairalkWa N tnst.SODlTrs:PlLtstrlsrgib. irOlt SALE—One Lor.grooting tO feet, 9 tad... on West Ode of ellindosim street, so untnn backlit feeta !SOUS lo Whig 91"... lel. on wblnn snore is etrelad lessetuory bd.* . L aux ° r7o * llNlt ' en " . "7 l. ISUrrnii ALekterrens'"o7l4'lnns site silo noon!. Ward Sonoot. HouseLsellt be Kg& at bag.u. br K iLlr LIA Jail: No.S O Net yes atroct:ltlfitgety.., _ FOB SALE—The Church Build: Jur...tided be the TUTU O. Y. (:oingityt. I.lll2lo.S..eurner of Mat and East • Ueel4, ena. tin la oncred tar Hu. rrogon.ltun. a t , will be received. and MU Intetneetlon. ;me sly either 0/ the undriMtell . 40..118 Obto 1.4 e.i.F.x Altura ItAirhx. l % , 111.har.frad, FOR deairabilk-ippop., . u,:f7ol:7l;gl:4l A Ti 4rlttlaitallgt "l .j a IVWV. ) ;:e " ati:f. d e,rd lhankond. The Interovenientent":ll=r ter.n nteuta, end a Sradne ahem an the haat end of the tot. Yet (vibe[ thfortuattan lawns on the OrcllageS s 'I4A BILNDITSICY MUST. -1411 R T1P143111,4) -3tOnt,RlsititaaAsAgarD":.l4)pouwi.4""*M. dej7i Mktg"' a Wm.. I. Loopbelly t:t: • sr oot i "" iiTi3.l " «TV . rc l e " r 3 ti392?:74 1 and tins Pltllng one. satintr..4 rafaratta b ua,.. tvr, 1110 Moll 6 stre lla et; or BAILIFF, Hlttrieli & LW.. number., team end tRa Pipe 7111 en. Dio r. in/el/Fat ntielt,4l2l7,:rao FOIL SALE—Scendlisrugl CM STEAM ENGINE ANO RORER. Enquire of W. B. LYTLE, 01 tint mut«. GEESE! 'o F :r . s . h l 7 41.azit,irrrt MAIIKET STIISF y
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