~. .. -... _. THE DAILY GAZEFIE. PIOIILISHED Br Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING \ Zoa cr. EIS X L lrth. latrpoi. F. D. PF.AII4-121 4N, T. P. HOUSTON , I 4F.Olums. A Eso olllAll r.EEDNG: unsines.mumiers OEM 3 °ors, 2 :4. l ellverea by carrier, (Per week) ... ... cents. • /it " 66 bodbra, (per. yenr;. Llbeeal reductions to Nett : l3lmpg jand Agell.l+l ~G'ITY: : ITEB'LB. • real Soveltles 0 tr at the Opera lions° Shoe store. • Every Deseylpilon Of lloya° Shoes, at the Operp. House Shoo Store An Interestpqrqueotanf Go to the Opera /Loose Shoe Store and learn it : Every Description or ilea's Shoe+ at the Opera 'louse Shoe Store Every Description 1)f children's Shoes, at the Opera House Shoe Store. the next Ansortment Of ums In thdolty, at tho Opera House Shoo :gore. • • ITer7 Description or Woraen'a Shoes, at the Opera House Shoe 'Store. All nu. Ntioes • at ihh Opera Bonne Shoo titorolueivod. We 001 nothing else: . :dents ) • Mr Boots; Neu- York, Cincinnati and Pittsburgh make at the Opera konee Shoo Store. Volt Booto Kola at nearly one-halt the coat ‘oi tuanutad . taring them. Okra House &Leo tore. . .. Arctic Ozersboex, ' I U 1 progiuLLlo against 'water under any circum Lances. Opera Ifouso Shoo Store, English land Scoteti 'ME% and Porter. ' English and Scotch Ales and Porter trout the celebrated breweries of Allsops:Dyaaa a Jeff ries, whleli aro acknowledged to Prot/nee the fittest malt liquors in the world, Is-sold by the single bottle, dozen or cask, by McClarran IticKennun, Drugists, S Ilarket Street, corner of Dianwrl, near Fifth street. ' Bogor. inoclorous Glycerine Bowers Incnlorons Glycerine , Dowers loodorous Glycerine. The aboro stands undoubtedly without-an equal. It 14 perfectly pure; It Is more healing and soothing in Its nature, and has not the slightest odor. Bold - wholesale andietall, by lieClarran is IdeKennan, Druslits, 55 Illariret street, enrnerof Diamond, near Fifth street. Grant Bargains In Ladles' Far., • At the extensive and copular ladivs. Fur 11.0.0 of Wse FLEMING, No. 139 Wood street, At ti..:14 establishment eau be Aeon one of the finest Old largest stoc ' of ladles and mttses furs ever offered .for s ae to this city. ;7*J-unit ing pf full sets of Hu !son Bay Sable, Mink bah:cot ermnn Fttch, „Iberian Squirrel, Boa ton Berth.; also, Gars Patent Excelsior Stuff. The above goods fLie sohd in sets or single arti cles At lower prices than at ally other house in tde city. Cali' anti examine our stock. WM. 1 , 4:xm0, No. IS9 Wood street. 4 r r:lol,lo.GrEt. Aaas. City the alerrhatits , :laud: al Telegraph Co.) 14111de en the Allegheny Talley ltnilreakel. Special Dispatch; to the Pittsburgh Gazette . crar.,) Oct. heavy Slide, or cm, toned by the late heavy. rituun took place .iu the olleglien}t Valley Railroad, above Ma lta:dug, Tuesday;morulog, covering the grad mg for some distance and carrying away the poles of tho ..ilenchants' National Telegraph Line. bat interrupting their communication" tor a lOW 101111% only. A force was Immediate .ly bs,y In removing the slide, and Um worlr.Ori .the railroad will be but little delayed. E. I Hy t lie t Alerchnutl National Tolegiapti Company From Oil City. :Special to the Pit tabarnh Gazette. • " -.- • () II: CITY, Oct. :11,18Ga. • or about aim feet and Weath or told ntnl snowing. 'Oil market dull. FRO3I CANADA. roulou trlado . ftesomed—Elorlous for ronpouement. • "Toneu - rst, C.. W., October 31.—The Fenian .trials were renumtil at noon to•das. 'The Sherlif having called over the jury, John Quinn wan placed in the deck. lt. - A. Harrison, ldr. Alt Nab and J. Patterson, appeared for the Crown, and Bennet. AlcKeugle, queen's Coun sel, for the prisoner. The prisoner's counsel applied for a pestponemented the trial in con sequence of the absence of a material witness. who could not be found, end other ground set forth In an affidavit, and also stated that lie found great difficulty - 1n obtaining the neeetuno IT evidence: Thu affidavits Bet inrtit that the prisoner belongs to Lit:cheerer, New Tort, and that • certain newspapers ;published articles, calculated to prejudice • time public mind . against Olin, and wise the 'minds Oftheitirtirs, and that the prisoner never had any Intima tion of time maitre of the evidence against' . him, and had beat destitute until recently, of the meant; of mititiug inquiry us to the eel . dente. The prisoner tqlither believes, that be will be ready toe trial by January next. Mr. McKeastio urged that delay Should be grante.d. Mr. B. A. Harrill .contended that as today was the day thejwisoner had stated be would be ready for tri , and th at th e crown bad been at great expense/sad Inoonventence f in k -Witnesses here, the grounds set forth the affldayit. would not warrant the application being granted. The Judge upon looking over the nettfipa pars refried to, overruled that section - of . the affidavit referring to theme, hot suggested • certain amendments, which being made, the' application Rll-9 granted, and. the trial Pont. 'posed. till the litb of next Month. -- Tile next prisoner called two court watt Pat silek Magratii, who claims to be an _American Hr. McKenzie made tr.sluular appli cation for postponement as before. 110:111R.AL, C. R., October 31.--At a- public dinner to Hon. 6. - E. Carnes, dust night, Gen. sir John Michael, commander in chief, made a' speech recommending titse-fortineation of Montreal, Niugsten and points west; also that • the volunteer uterediout be extended over entire British America. • • -The Canadian ;papers are discussing Mr. Seward's letter apd the tone of .the American press on the genign trials, and generally say that the Hirtiats! of many American papers, • woo are really Fenian accomplices, will do the prisoners more harm than geed, and (plate* the banging a gent-sin. Beale i‘enisadYi and others bunged by'ilio United States derffigthe 'tiro Xasiznnatitenofiti? IlMtimere t==:=tl jucAroLTS, Oct, 33.--The examination of charges against t.itis l'ollco COMIIIISSIOII/0/3 was continued till six. o'clock last night; and rt. , mimed again this root nine at ten o'clock, The' defence expect to get through their evidence , by noon when there will be; some rebutting ' evidence Introduced by the prosecution. • Commulsioncr Muds an called to the stand - .yesterday by the counsel for the defence, in Ibrdhat tho Governor might queltion bat bedeclined doing go. and said If he desir ed to examine the Commissioners hewould do so at their race in Baltimore.. Some-conver sation took place lost night night rotative to the argument of the case. • At. Alexander far the commie,ioriers, announced.. his intention, to:trgue the case., Air. Latrobe urged the Inc. pOrtn.qe& of dispelling Of the. case without de. lay, and' said they reprwsented 11,000 disfran. peOlzle Of Baltimore, Time pressed, motif the COMmissioners were removed, - as they hoped end believed they wOuld be, there wan much to be done; many charges' were to be made before the next TuesdaY (day 01 elec.- The counsel for the defence said they - did • not. wish to delay nn.necessarily. - _Mr. Alexander said, they ..represenTed the - union men of Baltimore, and the 'Union sen timents of the country:. _ The Governor Said, In order to accommoaars the counsel, he would sit up till 12 e.elock night. If necessary. . , Railroad Inthrogilo.-flobber EllenPad* New Tons, October '3l.—To-day A. J. van._ derpoel. in behalf of Win. R tiriMth and oth er., applied, the Supreme Court, for an in. junction against Thos. A. Sco M i lwa u k ee pros.. ent Board of Directorsof the and Minnesota nallrosd Company,charging them with haying,' In consideration of e 160,000, se. cured from the old Boatel, the management of the road. and that they ant now acting lathe interest of the Milwankeo and Si. Pant Bait. road. The defendants deity both the charges „and theJurisdlction of-the court,- • . John lo.mhert, arrested some time since for robbing an Internal +Revenue officer irbileon his passage from Oregon. to Sten Franedseo; ea. awed from the pollee headonart , ers.whereho was confined. this morning. • Heavy, 17.ehhir7 In New York. ; Maw Yong, tritCes haye been: din smvered of- George,Colvert, _the young ;cum, who stale .10.080 la gold mrtMcstea yesterday. froin Mr. (LC. Parks. The data:liras. bower.. er, are still on 13u6 Omar and hope that some r irtku arks tso4elrgritgeir:,'y yet be found. Mr. losedoes not-or/ak up Ids business. Windelionr - ni Mork. !. - I ktolenot444 , 34 , ...% 'wreaking !cowpony hat rtOeOLLV.Ueosioogpifn4 .Tingaorts of thi mai° izt iteamer Andrew wtalk "Me NOrth twratmazoist4 - t.o3l:lo , ,amount of =rOwn oOtleoted a& Nor roimay ZOT sturm ty,15 . 14510w York. -, _1 _)_ -,- -,_ -,i \ .i 1 ~, \ _, DM VOLUME' LXXX.---NO. 263. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. YERY LATEST TElt i CABLE FOREIGN A CES, THE WAR IN CANDIA. Attempt to Assassinate the Emperor of Amnia. OUR CLAIMS ON ORNAT BRITAIN ifforetnents of Ocean Steamers FLNANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. .04 THE CABLII.I Loser's, Monday, October .%).—The latest ad vice. from Candle state that the lighting be tween the Christians - and Turkish army con tmeed, but the accounts of its progress ore In consequence of the bad condition of the telegraph lines in Newfoundland, leis propos ed by the Anglo-American Telegraph Con. puny to lay . cables from Trinity ba7,br rather Valencia bay, to Halifax and Boston, The tolls upon- dispatches by the cable are to_be reduced ono half on and after .Noram 7 ber Ist. PILLOLIC, October 27.—An attempt was made to shoot the Emperor, Francis Joseph, as he wstelenving the theatre this mrning. 'The culprit aimed D. pistol at the - Kaiser, but be ford the ball was- fired be . was seized 'by an Englishmen and placed under arrest. ' Lonnon, October 30.—Tbe Times to-day again editorially urges' the reference of the claims of the Government of the United St•dett upon that of Great liritain for the prop erty destroyed by the Alabama, to a, joint comtmesiou to •be appointed by the two pow ers. Tim Times thinks this would be an act of policy, if not of j maim; • ' thours, October Pi.—Ring William * has di rected the celebration of a solemn fete in this capital ou the 11th of Zioveruher, ler the.resto ration of peace. Sourusairres, October M.—The steamshl Teutonia, from New York on the 13th, arriv ed to-day, end proceeded for Hamburg. Quccosrosea, October `M.—The Steamship City of Cork, Prom Now York on the 17th, ar rived tosa t t and proceeded for Liverpool. gurrata Vir„Oet. 30.—The steamships City of m - Neir York, and the Cit of Boston, from New York, on October PAU, have arrived here, and proceeded to Liverpool., G Oct'he steamship 'Liberate, from New York on October =IL arrayed la the city to-day. • • SOUTHAMPTON". Oct.-70.—The steamship Ame rica, from New York on October PAIL arrived at Cowes today, and proceeded for Bremen. Dv/aeon, Oct. TA—The Cotton market con tinues Steady. *The Sales 'to-day wore 10.000 bales; iniddlipc upland/05d. Thu Breadstuff market is lima. That bis an active business in Lora, without change however, in prima. Lostriox,Oct. c9.—Thordoney market is un changed. Consist,* esti quoted at 30t.. Too following are the current prises for American securities: U.S. s.Pra, thy(; Erie. 51; llanots Central, Livsuroot, Oct. 110,,The • Cotton Market. le quiet but steady. The sales today .were 7,000 bides; middling uplands, 1.5 d. AiIIICHILATXR, Pet. 30.—G1:V ..s and yarns arc Oat.. ldvxmloot, October 50.—Thirperk market is decilnum. The breadetras market - is OM: mixed western corn Is quoted at Me .90. Bro. rince—dalee of refined petroleum were made to-day at is 9fl per gallon. Lernow, October 30.—The money markets Steady. Consols, VA: for money. The follow ing are,tbe current prices KOr American secu rities; United States 6-20 s, GEN; Erie;lo34; Illi nois Central, 71. - • FROM TILE PACIFIC. 'Sao California.Fentarinl-ficalebillatel- . ligenec—impertalinia Captareit e l-ana - Pitiot—liarrible arenas—Jim - Egizage-, mews Daffy Expected. . SAM Fisk - moo, .octobar I:o.—Tbo Pullen State Convention, hold here last. week. resolv ed to keep the Fen tam argent:Mb= free from _polities, and adopted President Umberto' poli cy, as artloned at - Philadelphia and-Pittsburgh. Xon Francisco, Oef.oberal.—Avery's successor at Secrete en to acknowledges the receipt of orders lrom Washington, to deliver the oftleu to Bigler, but disobeys them. - The following barks have arrived: Hayti. 6SO barrels 014'180:00unds bone; Balsa Mar, Fox.island,73o barrels po otl, 11,000 pounds bone; Massachusetts, 1,000 barrels oil, 15,0e1) pounds bone. TM; last. named vessel reports that Elijah Johnson, of *Martha's Vinyard, was killed by a whale. A Mazatlan letter, dated October kid, says; ktilitary matters are not materially' changed, some say Corroms will soon attack, the filly, and others that he will make a demonstration on Teem, but all say that be will tight the French before evacuating. Mazatlan. Trans ports on the itbine and Talisman were daily expected to remove the horses.utules, atrium taltion and some guns which were taken from the forts, the torte bong destroyed. The Imperial Commissioner has issued a de cree requiring property holders to pay rentto the Imperial government, instead of the own ers.. The goods of those =losing to obey will be seized and sold, !!1Z anii ; Lenora, Aimed* and seven ethers were captured in an open boat, unarmed,' ad made no resistance. Almedia was shot Immediate ly, by Albitz, whose brother Aimed% shot some months before. Lenora and the balance of the party were taken to Guyamas• and shot on dedt. %. The scene of the place of er eeuPori le said to have been horrible. As the " first volley was fired, some were praying . , and others worn ellreinfl their ca tors. Nat half of them being killed by the drat volley, after, which than °S laws rushed in with revolvers and sabre. shooting rind . cutting those who showed sigma of Ufe.. .; Thirteen other prominent Initietiathits bad been captured and shot on theilech of August. The cxecution,lt 10 maid, will end the Imperial cause in Sonora.. - . Tweuty-elglit thousand-dollars to money, Stolen from Paymaster elenn, United States .army, at poise, bits ben recovered. FROM lifER: ORLEINS• Advlem from Mealeor-ibe Empress Carlotta's. Recovery opal er sa.— e Rltuallon la Reales, . . Now Offtsass, (La.,) (ct. 31.—AdvIces from the Cityof Mexico to Oct. Md. have been re- The narks of h a d tmenl illacese of.the Em. Press . Carlotta been received from the Mexican Ministers In. Forage, i3olesin nor. vices bad been ordered by the cclesatical ,authorities the Cathedral . n other chief churches. Invoking the assistance of Heaven In her behalf. Her disease is styled brain fever. tifie Lied. been • conveyed to the Palace of Miramar. Tbelast elimateb respecting her condition, dated the ;Mtn of Pitcher, gave bare hopes of her recovery. _ The Emperor bad been sick of intermittent The condition .of Mexico was no better, though the - Imperials were succeasfal near• ly ell the engagements mentioned. Perth.° Pies cad possession of the city h ands Oa. Jica. but the Minuted places were in the h of the Imperialists who were expecting ram. forcements. reeltin Ball/end floods—Enneral . 4if • . necreeary e/ewarges Demagbter. WssnmovOn. October 31.—The Treturnt7 De partment to•dny issued to the:Genial Pantile liattroad. California' Division. three hundred end twenty bonds of ono thousand- doliarS mob, for the requisite number of miles finish. The funeral of . MISS Fannie Seward took puce this afternoon. The services were per formed et her father's residence Chu rc h Mr. Lewis, of St. John's Episcopal , of widen tbo deceased was a member. l'resulent Jol}nson," Secretary 1100111100 b, nee raw,. Stanton, Secretaxy Welles, Secretary Brown, lug, rostmester .eleneral to e. The Attorney General Stanberry, -and Mon. Thos. Ewnir, illenior;appeared tie eldef mourners. Among other:tinguished Perseus present were Gen. Great, Ids Wally, and the members of his stair; Lieut. Gen. Sherman, all the mem. hers of the Diplomatic/ Cerra and their famit les; and the members - of Congrese now here. The beadier the several Government Moreau. and the clerks of, tbp State pepartuteut were also in attendance. The pall bearers wore Baron Von Gerolt: the rrusslan kiloliter; /WWl's! Davis, Admi re/ Dahlgren, Ma j. Genvirabi Midge and Town send:Judge Olin and charms EnaPP. There. mains we eonveyed• to the ,Misithnere Sta tionoinder thence by special car to Auburn, Hew York. , . . . . liassedaissOs Psaiparposs so Immo arassja • - AOO , 7B*A; (0€16,) °Mat—The. thalami dieat‘. reared trona Savanziah about the ESL The freedmen burn Bedeand liatoook newt. ties are preparing ea lawny tor Liberiaoe the BLIP ' A Ilsoantelealani says tact , gr• anaboiltiaa fanailla tros. suct4t,PNllna aSaytaz colored rartlessam2d Sa. sinking 'atrial liMerae: mere Oath Walker oaaaWAieargia.struck II T 0113,10, wing-oil.- The, tamteou *boat MEM EMI FEIIAI ENVOY FROM ENGLAND. Enthusiasm in New• .York, ROBERTS-JOINS THE STEPHENS PARTY RM. BOTH WINGS CONSOLIDATED. Nvw Yost, October M.—Considerable, enthu_ slam was created at the headquarters of lir. Stephens, to-day. by the arrival of an envoy from England, who reports) that the Feniari organizations in that country, has Increased fifty fold, during the past three month's. In Scotland, It has increased more than twenti live percent; and in Ireland, the boys are dril ling whenever they get a favorable opportu nitf•. The utmost anxiety prevails among the brotherhood, throughout thei three countries, In anticipation of receiving the order to com mence the revolution. - •that• It s stated the 'lair of the Fenian Sis terhood for the benefit of the wives and fami lies of the Irish State prisoners, will not be held. The hall could not De secured for less than $14130 for twelve days. Under the circum stances It is damned more advisable to sell the articles now collected at the headquarters and forward ,the amount realized at once to Ire land rather than run the chance of losing It by engaging the hall. Several circles attached to the organization under the leadership of Presideut Itobezte, have gone over to James Stephens during the week. A rumor was current to-day that nn amalgation between the two parties will take place at an early day. A meeting of several of the officers on both rides have been held with that view. Col. Lichens himself la prob ably nut a party to the transaction, but should the two organizations' become united, alt the arms and ammunition now on hand will be used in-lreland Instead of Canada.' • The Roberti headquarters presented an ani mated scene to-day, a large number of the Centres of various circles in thin city and State having called there to ascertain what, action would be taken in regard to the trial. of the Feulana now incarcerated in Canadian jails, and especially in relation to the sentence of Col. Lynch. Col. Roberts, however, inform. ed the gentlemen that hiaandresS on the sub ject would soon be Issued to the brotherhood, and that prompt action would - be taken In the matter. A number of letters were read toe lay from prominent Fenians, staling that a large .forcelyould be ready, if neeessary to proceed to Canada to rescue Col. Lynch, if necessary, from his - impending fate.. • The National Irish Executive Coil:mit tee and she Prealaent— The Frontier Indtana—NoMonitor. to Do-Fold. WAsiuxorms, Oct. '3l,—The National Irish Executive Committee of Irish' citizens, ut a meeting held last night, passed resolutions tendering thanks ito the President of the United States and Secretary • Seward for their prompt, enlightened4ind anc.act lon lit behalf of those American citizens who have been unjustly convicted and crueUy sentenced by the judicial authorities at Toronto, We al leged complielly iii the Fenian Invasion "(that. Province, nod inviting a public meeting on Saturda3 , of both native and adopted citizens to give expression to their sentiments on the, question involved. Yesterday a drove of one thou Sand sheep passed Mang Boundary -street north to the chain bridge anti crossed into Virginia. They were driven from the west, and .011 be' dis posed of in the State Of Virginia for the pins DOSS of stocking the farms of those who were deprived of their stock during the war of. the rebeilion. • - Commissioner Bose s. of trio Indian Bureau, had a conference this morning wan Gen. Sher. Man at the beagle nartera of Gen. Grant, in le tattoo to the temror and disposition on the great plains 'Ol the west. The new Commts %loner appearti to be anxious to Investigate into the troth Of the various rumors in Mitt don to the Indian troubles. Gen. Sherman will make a written report on -this - brad through Ilissuperior officer; Gen. Grant. On Inquiry at the ..Nrvy . Department, It is ascertained that no monitors. hero been sold to any foreign 'Government, nor bus "any for eign Government Intimated a desire to make investment. llt is true, however, that private parties, all of them American citizens, Intro offered propositions with.iut slating for whom they wished to purchase, but the Government has decided net to sell any 'of that class Of ships, whether they were built In the navy yard by Government contractors, or outside :by private parties. • Arrleal of Nick and Wodaded Soldiers .L.Perit /Election—A 4FUnspirsucy. • , :Taw 'roux, Oct. 31.—We have *the following, additional news by the steamer Arizona. The French war steamer Tallman arrived at Panama:, -from Blexinl, on the Mil, with a large number of etch and wounded soldiers. Some of them were placed in foreign hospitals there, and the T - lisinan again sailed for !dea fen. • Aserious conflagration occurred at Aspln- Heal! on the 19th fast., destroying the Malted Hates Hotel and the adjoining buildings. Tim 'ames wet c arrested at the. Howard House though. the exertions of Commodore Bagg, and the men of the United atates ship of war 110 Sota. Messrs. Held end Alcazar are the principal Buffeters. The rlv9r steamer lndependyncla, bound up the Magdalena, bad exploded with a number of passengers on board. No particulars of the disaster were rezcived. - - The Central American States are all at peace. The Government Of flonahlras has decided to remain neutral in case. the war between Spain and Peru and Chili Is continued. This action Is regarded as important, as it flavors the allies by keeping- open the ports of °num anal Tru- Janie, on the Atlantic, for privateerlng pur poses, thus enabling them to prey on Spanish commerce. Peru is engrossed with the Presidential election, and it was thought the present Die ter, Prato, well be elected. ...Another conspiracy against the Government has been discovered in Lenia. - Dates from Buenos Ayres of the Bth and Ito• solo 11th stao that another desper.ao battle had taken place between the Brazilians and Paraguayans, and though the allies claim a victory no details are given: Grand ,Prog6ranittlo . r_o%lltecrpOon of itkeeiiiisc of Italy - ht Veallee. New Yolk, October ra.—The following news is received by the Moravian's malls: The preparations made at Venike to cele brate the entry of taw King of Italy into the city arc of an extraordinary lint interesting character. An evening mater remarka that the huccutaure, the fhistorie gallervp linen which the Doges of Veil leo married the Adri atic, has be n reaunstrinted and magalllcent ly ornamented. The King will be conducted to the Ducal Palace, on the grand canal travers ing Venice in tie greatest length. Among the patriotic manifestations that will take place is one that is calculated to preilocaxim most profound sensation. Ono of the most beauti ful women' of Venice, entirely clothed in mourning, and covered with chains, will be presented to 1110 Majesty at the moment of lals coining In eight of the city, bat in place, of the Neill of the city, the faxlesta will offer tis • the King a symbolical use, destined to strike off the chains of slavery at the tame lenient the shackles of the captive andlier mournful vestments will disappear to the sounds of ea, loos of artillery and of popular acclamations. Venice, personified, transformed into a god dess of Ilbcity, will then present to the hang the traditional cushion, upon 'watch will be found a golden key. It is said that immedl atelynn the assembling of the orthern Par liament, King William Will 1,0 proolahned Emperor of liernutny under the, title of Se 11- Important Anvils—Freedmen's School turned. Louisyn.bt, Oct. :B.—Theo men were brought to Able city to-night, supposed to be the rob bers'of the pay train on the Lontavitle and Nashville flathead recently. Theyiwill be do, livered to the civil authorities to-morrow. A third man named White escaped. Mr. Prentice is reported convalescent. Nosatitte.—The freedmen's school house at Brentwood woe burned. This iv-the second burning at the same place, and is unquestion ably the work of an incendiary. --.1 From Clearly's'. A vouars,-Os., October 31.—1h0 British bark B. F. Shaw, contioroned at Charleston for via. tattoo of revenue laws; has been relieved by order of the Secretary of the Treasury. Capt. Auld, of the British selleoner Wm. Gregory, which put into Savannah 1n distress. has start offerer, and tho mate is dangerously 111. This .schooner is coudemneu as unsea• worthy. hl re. Dubose, only daughter of Kobt. Toombs, died at Washington, Georgia, • • Presidential Appointments. 'Wssertioros, Oct. 31.—The. President today made the following appointments: Solomon T. Clark, United Status Attorney far tbo East. tern District of Arkansas; John E. ltosetta, United States Attorney for the Sdutherit Ms trial of Illinois; John A. Miller, of Missouri, Itegister of the Land omen at Ironton; Lewis Lowry, of Nebraska, Agent for the Indians of the Omaha Agency John Williams, of Jitubias, - Registrar of the La nd °glee et Junction City. llealeas Affairs—Coal Sold Yaw Your., October .M.—A Wiudilcorton apo 'dal says : The Repubitcan, of that city, makes suttioritolcil denial or the rumors concern. lug the Mexican affairs, and says: 'These re verts were started in interest of Mexican bond holders. Forty thonsand.tons of coal were sold by the Delaware Lackawana and Western It. R. Cow -palsy to-clay, at a slight adtance upon last • BosTo7, Oat. id.—Trie billiard match between Wm cioldthwatte, or Beaton. and Joan llMet. Devitt, of New York, for 411,00. t o poltai caroms, waa played I aat evening In BUSUltega HAM, and romdted:lo the defeat. of Clotettiat' welt* by Cdepothue.: . II ltl • f FROM IVASUINGTON. DOIIwo Rawly MEM PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1866. Case of Um Baltimore p o li ce comm ._ stoners. Bat:mons, October 31.—The investigation of the charges against the Police Commission ers was continued until two o'clock, When the counsel Inc the defense, announced that they were through. A recess s c ri taken till four o'clock, when the counsel c menced arguing the case. About ten o'clock e argument was concluded. Mr. Alexander, in he course of hgu- mat, said that no matter what might is be ar the decision of the Governor, the Commissioners had determined before the coming election to appoinVone Conservative Jadge of Election in cacti nreclact, not because- there had 'been any unfairness on the part of the Judges at the roceitt election, but because they desired to avoid every cause of dissatisfaction that; might exist. Tho Governor said he would re.; serve hieflecislon until tomorrow morning aV tea o'clock. • The Parts Expoeltlon. • Nm l s . Toast, Oct. 31.—N0 farther applications for apace to the Parin Universal Exposition of 1367. can he rece veil, as the room allotted the United States la more than full, and the great catalogue of the accepted prodnota of each na tion is being printed by the Imperial commis. Notice of the time of sbipotept arlii be immintiately Oven tothe accepted applicants, for apace by the United States general agent J. C. Derby. =l= OTTAWA. C. W., Oct. IL—lidos. Mawr& Mc- Dougall, McDonald and Campbell are expect ed today. It to thought probable that a Cabi net Council will be'held here tomorrow, to discuss tlfe - verdict found against - the Fenian prisoners. It to not likely that anything . oe decided upon until the full meeting In Mon• treat next week. ZrOlent Fitorso-21ass YIIIed Lai BELTASt, MC, Oct. 3L—A violent storm has prevailed' tor two days on the coast of Maine, Interrupting the telegraphic commnnication, steamboat and mails. . lioah M. Gould, a prominent eillsen lof LIn •nlovIllr, In this county, was killed last night by a board blown from his barn by:the gale. Nebraska Eleeilan Returns. Dwane,Pcteber 3.3.—Tbe °Metal returns elevt Jeln Terre (Republican) a member of the fourth/ill Congress by coven hundred and fortv•olghl. majority. " The Republican majority in the State Legla• laturo wan nineteen on joint ballot. CITY AND SUBURBAN. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON TEED PAGE./ Convention of Sabbstit !School Superin tendents and Teatimes—A leaeher's Institute Organised! Tuesday evening the Convention of Sabbath School Superintendents, Teachers and friends, I was convened In thri Second Presbyterian church, (Dr. Howard's) Penn Street: The Con. vuntlon was called for the purpose of awaken. mica deeper interest in the Sabbath Scheel movement, soul for the purpose of forming a County siiiifeath School Teachers' Assoolation. The attendance last evening - wan very large, end great Interest manifested In' the proceed. inn, bT the entire congregation. The Convention was opened with devotional exercises. alter which IL G. Pardee; Esq.. of New York, delivered on able addrese on. Iwi h Schools and Sabbath School management. The gentleman, .under whose auspices the Convention was called, has been an ardent and efllclent laborer.. in the Sabbath School cause for upwards of .thirty years, and life ad. dress last evening exhibited a closeness of ob. servatlon and soundness and practicability of suggestiOn to be aouulred only by snot' eaten., dive experience as he has had. On the eoncloslon of the address tic (lon of forming a County Institute, to embrace superintendents and. teachers as well as .friends and scholars of the Sabbath schoel,was token up and fully discussed, resulting In the permanent organ motion of the Association by the election of the following °dicers: President—,R6v. 11: Johnston, I). I). , V ir icr'Pregrkatr—\Y. W. Stair, Esq., and no. Alexander Clark. Sccreturier—Rev.James AJILson, 1). U., .and Rev. James Dickerson. • . Treosursr—DavkLitoidneon.R.sq. Cn motion, a Coininittcxv was appointed to 'prepard a Constitution for the government of the Institute, and Messrs. David Robinson, W. o.llughat 1., and Thomas Bakewill, Jr., were . appointed said Committee. Alter prayer..the Convention adjourned to. meet at ten o'clock yesterday morning. Thu Convention re-assembled at the appoint ed ttmo, President Johnston In the chair. Atter devotional exercises, a discussion was had on the eubject: - The qualification Of a good teacher. What are tbeyt' This ,object was thoroughly discorsed.brlef remarka be ug made. by ministers, school superintendents and teachers: An earnest desire was warn tested by all tons° every effort to render the Sabbath School as effective as possible. Mr. Pardee then reviewed.the discussion in an address occupying over au boor In which he gave his opinions In regard to t bo subjeat under discussion. lie also gave statements of hto methods of teaching, and by way of Ulna. tratimi introduced severalmodel lessons. Ills address was interesting and instructive, and NAM listened to with the closest attention. The Convention then adjourned until half. past two o'clock to the afternoon, and the. one. gregation dismissed with the benediction. The closing session Wag held last night and wa3 largely attended. The subject discussed was: "Now shell we enlist the whole church in the work!" Doslnes. as she negligees 012 lee. During the month of October, lted, the lowing bustnoaa was transacted in the /teal*. ter's Ottice by Wm. J. Itichardsen, deceased, and Joseph 11. li ray, hie successor,: LETTE6B,OI" ADUTAISTRATION OIIMITZD. Decedent. Administrator. km% Of Mond& Francis liarns...Q..Jaa Karns. ' $ .1,000 51 Ilu 1 retor Rucltz („t r n m ua si g r , • t• Conrad Kramer • Anna Kramer 1 500 Nancy h0150n...11 Wallace ,Archtbald llponer..james Dickson... 2O Jeremiah Lcary.l...Alargarot Leary... KO W. J. m 0i . ru ,,,,,A }Leo Robinson Mgt It 11.1chardeen 1, 1 P p° C W Rickemon.:!...Wm Phllllps 100,000 I farmer 11 ScullY—Mary CI Scully 11 ,0000 John ' limas Tlndle ,000 1 JamenA Ilarton... 40.0 ,5„, T 51 f1atten...... 1 .1_1? . .P.! n 1:h"' Elizabeth BroWn:./OniiiiillFc7wn 1,333 llugh Warlock.. —Wm Warnock 2,400 James McMurray—Eliza. McMurray.. 600 /leo C Maks.°ll....Jano Maxwell r 0 C lames Blackmor e hriatian Oyer.. 1 m mina s mcKee...: SS ) /0000 David Jones Elizabeth Jones.... WOO Hannah Tones Mimi. Whitehouse.. Eloi Christi. ltheams.... " .403 Geo f Guepner....Margaret Guepner. 10,000 unthaw lien n in g r s L f u t b ri G u A e o r in g 4,000 Daniel Mcileal....John Mellon 40,0 M John IYalklnslinw.Mati. Walkhishaw. • tke wiLLBADMITTID TO PEOEA.TA. . nt Docetlenl. 1 ; Executor. Aufo Esutateo.l •Ituchael Beatty $ DOll - lieuzletcn—..Eil. lliazioton.... ;003 William Sradar C Warren.... t : . Echols Wall 5 Thomas Finney ' Andrew Finnei.i lam T. Patterson.... Wm. Mellor . H. M. Boyle see Solomon Jonee......llllehand a .Ilovri'd li. Jones "-:r.4000 . --- . c.^. J. G. Steckler Ottman Scheukel. 'EtO Edward W. Wright.. S. Gallagher gilts. Stewart.— pop • John Nathaniel Fife jo b. rif e "" • In,ooo ECMary Mary ..Aw.is; I ,at a . , te n t ji I, : ne s t D t . k r 8 t 1 I t e l 1 r n... . 0. ... O wl, , 00 0 7 r: latChEMl ßrc ' e-- James IlorphY., , ...p.trick Broo,•• _ • - Hannah JOllee Conrad Malkus....Johu Grattge MOD Daniel Melteal, dr. ' 70,003 Eliza 1:111i; Thotl2o9 Klneta.....litoob A. hing••• • '---- Jacob Alter Methodist Protestant Episcopal Chute's. The General Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church will bold Its next semlen in the First ki, .1 , 1, Church (hey. V. Litplue,) Allegheny, nom menclng on the Ifidi of Nevem. ber. This body will probably number ono Imudred members, and will be competed of all equal number of ministerial and lay dole gates. Arrangements aro now whoade for the accommodation of delegates May be In attendance during the session. Thn ap proaching session will probably be one of the moat important ever held by the body, and th e prm.odingt, will be of great interest- One of the leading questions which will be under consideration Is tint proposed union of all tho non-Episcopal bottles. This question ban ex cited considerable attention throughout the country, and the action of the app hung thmeral Conference, representing as it does the largest body embraced In the movement, 'will have great Influence In regard to the mat ter. Charged with Thett.—Patrick liCelansto• ban came to the °glee of Alderman , Taylor, yesterday, and instituted legal proceedinge against Martin Murphy, for the larceny of a saddle and harnese (corn the stable of tho for suer, pn Pike street. In the Fifth want. The amused on being arraigned 'before the times• trate, stated that he had came Into posse* lion of the harness Alleged to' hare itoot s tow, by 11110 In en honest an .. d ... leg . a! way, bat nave nu cinder's* to enbetitnatasa use litigtegient and he svea therefore copspelled iflvotull In tne porn of WO forlds apitesittutelett bowing to. _ Pitman] "Ate 10•011.—& SonneMan named Nrswfdr2.l.naddent et ittitoarcit ward , . eny,tuid Y'nt end orthelndez r lllgursof nandlaken or. 3tooteosai, *ode o• imlt a te siu Vrl ltn i er rbli .. 4.4 B )4l= : 2 ;: : 71r5; °1 - • / • Site at fßa.Chartiores ,Yalley Railroad : • for 1313,100. oaTupsterr morning at noon, by virtue of a decree isergedhs: the Supremo Court of Penn. g yir l igia, John Graham, Req. and J. Edgar Tholapson, Trustees of a mortgage securing bonds bald b Clarence il. Clarke, exposed to littlest the Repine of the Boni* of Trade, all and aingnlarthopntire railroad constructed, sod 10 be ccistructed, extending from the point . of inaction of the Chartlers Valley p.auroed with the Pittsburgh and Steu benville Railroad, to the borough of Mash- Mateo, la Fashington county, - with.all Its Pri'DeSelli appendages and appurtenance?, lnd ill LW, estate, real and personal, rights iberties and franchises, whatsoever rind wheresoever situated, and belonging to the said Chartiers Valley Railroad Company or which may hereafter be acquired by them, to gether Withal( the rights and bcnents or the egreentent, of said' company with the Pitts burgh and p ifto e ubentille Railroad Company. The prorty was knoesod done to Wliam J. Howard, Zoi.. Solicitor of the Pennsyl v ania genital Railroad Company, for the im m or 545. 10f1. According to the terms of the sale, 4121,600 o r iltq pu o rchlae money is to be paid in moth at IWd t et T s e eci f tr% a l iit and mortgage Laughs, go . . the sale wag erected, the t6 ti the of ' toe) amount may be liquidated by the transfer of bonds, interest warrants or coupons. The Chartiers Valley Ltailmad has been graded Its entire length, about, twent3.fh miles, and is In Finch condition that a few weeks , labor would prepare it , for the reeep lion of the mils. it is cetimeted that lore than halts million of dollars would place the road in first Class running order. rit truser-t a a rich agrlealt mai and mineral region, inhabit ad by an In cos trines, Orin) , and proare..eive people, and when thitahed and In complete 1 running ord e r would do a large and lucrativ e passenger and freight tragic. The opening up or new Coal mines along its line is mild doubt less alone furnish Legumes enough to pay a good per centage on its cost of construction. Another Light. In our coluumn neveral day. ago, we gave au account of the drowning from the ateam boat.Colitabla, In thu Ohio river, below Free dom, of an Irishman named Brady, and an we had clipped front an exchange. the Item re flecting upon Captain George IV. Reed for not mina any eirOrt-, to Save the unfortunate man. Teaterday we learned the true account of the affair, and lenient of being-held in any responsible , for the sadambient, Captain Reed Is deserving of credit for using every nf fort to rencno the drowning man. The de ceased who had been drinking, was a:roping on the Dollar deck; and roiling over fell to the first deck and from thence noted lute the riv er, tanking immediately. In the full, mu.st bite received serious injuries, and hence hie own InabLltty to do •nytning to earn Lis life when In the aver. The capoiln v.hen notified that 'toady-had fallen ffverigmril. immediate. I ly backed Ids boat, and as a skilTfrom n raft above where tho men fell lute the river. had already reached furs ipot where he went down, and could not bee any sight of the deceased, there was no nonentity of ieltering a life boat or ystri. "Captain Keel than wham there in Cana inure worthy and humane onleer In the . trade, (eels deeply aggrieved at the vensare east upon: him utalesel vedly, and ate lia,leu tomato the beeesinary limeade. until Ste Itra dybeena brother of _the tappm'e, he wont have perished under similar sflictonsfances, as human aid could not have wired him.' Great Bargains In For. are (10111 Goods. 111 another column 1,111 rt)tll.d the adv.,• tiseMeut of Gunsenhanser tile popular dealers In ladles' cloth cfsahs, SatC , ;lle3 and fan. This !souse is about tow Ind up be ;loess 11:1 older to consonant. with 'rho presout *tette in Philndelphiil, and lu order to rapidly e 'sales for the large stock of made up ar(l. - lex of ladles dress, the prices have been snarken con siderably below COST.. Every style of Imile• cloaks, coatr, basunca and circulars bony. be found here at rates whselt will astonish the purchaser. We halted thrutmli tee well ...sorted goods tuanufacturtsl yesterday, and fount the stock or. victors peu,-pupeu.col lars, cuffs sad an mink, sable, Sibe rian squirrel. liteh, and other eholeu and fasts iorallin varieties of furs, unusually large and the entire coil:kids of theorem , mrstu /torn, et/it - to ihrnittrre, meet bu dty dtsposudof inside of a few weeks, our remlers 31 ould nt. once cnthra.pp Illt)111,e1Vee of the grand opportunity for 'heresies offered. 'Re member Lilo place, No. us Alarkel street. A FaFortte to en !Wow Piaci. • Wo know our lady readers will be delighted, to learn that that princess among. salcwwo men, Ems Alice Mowry, has again "gone be hind the counter," to watt upon, trade at_the extensive rebid !trimming and notzou estab lishment of D. Dennison, No. 2: Fifth street. She will speclallY attend to the wants of her numerous friends, and we trust the large share of patronage she has hcretoioro md impollzed, wilt follow her to this favorite stopping placsup&tr.. Dennison- has Just re mired an eleganr, and Judiciously-selected stock of Unit:ulnas, embroideries, laced, Mi ens, buttons, bugles, sets, handkerchiefs, rib bons &0., almost to Infinity, whisk i l l ho' d isposed of at prices as low as thuds held by Eastern tiottses. to addition to IftstSlowrv, a large force of attentive and aceouitnodattug lady and gentlemen olerka will be !Eland ready to wait upon all who may call to examine the stock, whether deslroweof purchasing or not. Gaslight for Central Park.—Arfunge meats are being made fore grand opening of the skating season Pi soon as the weather fov. ore. Ventral Park Is to be lighted by three large central seven-foot burners, each burner havirtir six lights. with eighteen inch reflect ors. The house - la also to be well lighted. Darkness will thus be no Impediment to the sport, and we may expect some brilliant night scenes during the winter. Committed on - a Champ of illtirder.— Thornits Stflith, the negro wlao allot and killed Henry fledriuk the German 11:1U310413, a few nights ago, oh F , ifth attest, had a formal bear. tog before the Mayor bat night. Which reault• ed la his being committed wild' for trial on a charge of heartier. t FATTERZON —DAWSON—At Friendship 1111, by the vine. C E. Swope, 1.) U. , ennt. HENRI' K . PATTEPSON. Fourth Utiltnid !Unto. hasntry, to LOUISA C., daughter of lion.. J. L. Lin. son. MILLICR-41n &nth Inst., .t o'clock IiEftHIETTA it., youngest daughter or J. W. and E. A. Miller. The funeral will take place op TV. 01.5 OAT .0 0 X 11s0, at 10 o'clock. from the rcildenCe ot her pa rents, No. 1711ay *tram. lquk4s__Nawv:l • 11 . 1.161LDALE CEME'T'ERY.—The beautiful ..(lod••-acre," the largest suburban place of sepokbre. except one, In this county, it. nated on hew arighton road, humedletely north of Allegheny. 'goy burial loth, permits Of tales, call -at uentral Drug Mora of OWL it f.ILANEY, Alle gheny City. • FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN DERTAK-ERS riff. 196 Smithfield St, ear. "lib, ' (entromoe tronlviaTestb 50011,1 N'XICT 31E11:1, (WEL. X.. 116... • ND 193 SANDUSKY STRF.ET, • A ..11.15PAIPIIIIV. PA. ALEX. AIKEN, 11:71%77:).1111IVV.AILMISL, !6i Fourth street,. Pittsburgh, Ps. (X)TFINP of all SHIM!, C.llA.Pially WASP ibil,sod h•erviit.orAPtion of Yemeni' Punitsslog tiooos lUIVIIKkett. °Vs y okht, crAt i tul it ti „ s i rr . is st . taut:4 . n%. W. Jacobus, LLD., Thomas Ewing, JSCOb PO4, B . T. MUTE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Itlanaheatar, Wdara Una and vielzdt.y. COFFIN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER UVERY STABLE. uome:oa HUElaid and Caaviers atrwata. li*araa and Carrtares turalabed. • gooses: uousENI: • • •• Ono eseellent Hiding and Driving Horse, Two Horses suitable fer Dorton or Tamil,' use. will be sold low, as the owners ban no use for them. at 110WAltD•8 LIVEH.I RRM.RUTAIILR, 'OOlll Vint street, near Monongahela Hon.. WEST - COSIBION MACHINE BTONE 'Northive.t. Corner of Wes: Common, ALLIA.V+Y. YKKO'a A.LlWkrien • Co. • . tarter, facilities fur ewe , ' and economy than any est-bltehroent ta either city, hire Con..nnoy oa bsodot prepsted on .hu,t auger, Heat, and rugs for curets Mannikin:. Baer Vaults. Se; and fat ail ban 4 lnn purl:three.- Orders promptly and carefully executed. (~}FOIEIGE MAVEN, CANDY; MANUFACTURER' And dude,. In FOUZION AND AMEBIC'Abi rtoKoso, sot., N0..112 f f ederal 91reet, , ca ms tun Ylnt National Bann. NEOVIIRAWES FOR TETE WIIV TKtL—For • goo.' CoOKINti S OVE•and °Utz, Jilteben g. to O. 14 u.at P 11. 1 ,.. ., 01A1.11(,WritLS i IJI It ELS- flalo seta Panel; Utrwil.r.,c on ti l .. E „ 7 .,, and caber hoer loaner;Mender.. t.tore pit ntherloll4l..., r‘ , l- At . P. V ,141 . • ei chem, Toittbrr wlth • toll assortment or Pittaburgh Manufactured F.urniture, W. 1 ,1 IV. 11/.NC["; GNo. N. GNAT, BARCUS S 4RA I r, 96 Liberty Street, DEALERS Eli 616cERIEs & PRODUCE, Fresh and clgoiceArtatles, AT LOWEST (:AS EC rgivElt. • vur aim Ia to keep a First-Class Family Grocery, And flake I%a DATIarACTIOIr to ALL wain rooky fart, in with then. patrolmen In QUALITY. • . and U.EALI 8. OwI:ICUS 41 GRvIEr, 1.10 Liberty nine, corner of pelt:kV:Tr, NEW STYLES WATS. M'COED & CO,, 131 wooll STREET,. Are receiving an 1111 2 / 1 ease :lock of • HATS, CAPS 'AND FURS, ifrobrauleg an endlcas variety. • HATS Frill TILE I.A DIEO , RENTS AND DOY 6; CAPS OF EVERY 211`1' FUIIo Fult LADIEZ AND CHILDREN: et.% OLE. MINK. bQlfttttEl.. In any chspc or price, to which they Itellts the at tett tlon of all. .: Derr MARRIED BUT TIIE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, FO. OIL REFINER*, 11.nufnceureil only and for oak by T. IL E tt Co., Plcuo.c,o3r J , ..4.2:rt'VETc•rTs.ni, N. W. Cor.3d and Market Sts., ocl9 • PITTSII WWII. PA. 1111111 t .CLO SE & CO. , Practical Furniture Manufacturers - ) CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. .nstantlyon band; I= lIITTSBUOGII AND OAKLAND tinxisNu..usKs. JOAN It. & A. ItU111:14/C11. (Suez.tqlors to:John Murdoch, J r., ) NUIDISRYMN'iI AND FLORISTS, rittanornii.lis., solicit attention to Tien. eatxneire stock of - TRUTT AND DUN AMENTAL Te RES, EVE .NU, U RATS TINRS AND (MEAN kIDUrE TLAN'Td. Call fora Fall Circular. Tittsburatt and Oakland rasseniter Cars n n t • the Greenhouse eery It mluntaa. irto: •F. MUSSMANN, Filth Strut. bet Otters Tu nisei an et Ch (rill am streets, • GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE First etirs goods of all asoerlpllons always on band ana itad at the ;owes% orlnss. icsTalrlog don • ..•1••••1 U"'. ILLI 4.118 0, W. COWAN. WIL LI 4,18 COWAN, • PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT R OFERS. Thee ,plana hand a large sapplyll Hoofing Ma , terlalo, Cement, Yell, 11 , 0tILIA Paints aail Varalsnes. Pr..nyt.atoenlloll given to the hiOnlur l p Met.: No. 231 Peun atteet..Art A v. Onta. 89 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT THIBTB9 S OO . For Two Weeks' Only. I am • wiling a guaIiRENCII CAL' , bKIN 800 I 01 . 4 y 0411 make, for strm of N 1,7 k i,A,tl. at t•,- .--••••• • 0 . 1 104,11, 04 ••• SPICED MINCE IA 1111EAT—iliet V Cd Bopp!) , new dpleod Minced Meat, pre 'lsnot lowly (Ur bukrr put up In Ave pound tar., or for ;Wu by the It .und. at the FetnilY liture .11" .11.11X A Ite. 4-41 A W oar - orwnor I..thortr end Hand atreete._ WALL PAL.* ii—Of all grades, rOf rsrinys, .f•lls, Dlnlttg• Ramos and Ktts&- ells. In &Mt Viricty Nu. Market. nev AOS & HIM 5011 . 13L5. ENGLINII VENETIAN ,ecetred •pel f sale bY rep It' K ELL Y 001 Whnio.we rogicl•r ri .35 41,!,1A,(1),X.E5, 7.1 t OTTLEI6.,C..`,II:S2r.iLE oil. •14 , I'V ‘V • 1( CASKSPOT4I. I .IUI. • - re -1..1 .nd for a- lw err ear. , , , tair A. 10:iL1.Y • CD you. Whylesala Dr.SEUMII 37 Wood stmt. (1.: , Ir. Otte H • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pIfTSBURGU!BAiiii FOR SAVINGS, No: 67 tmcwazi-tl3. atreat. Depo.itta In de oil or brCoru NOVEMBER 10 will draw 81X PER CENT. I.OTEHEaT (free o Ova,) ratm :•,OVEMBEII IST. 111; on dblly (role 11 1. M.. 10 4 1•. V., and on Wed neoday and Sala:ll37 ereninr. rum oto B o'clock no1:010 FENIAN 11110TIIEBUOOD. There will tor a SPECIAL Si EETINti of the FEN lAN BII,OIIICI3.IIO'JIILor Pittsburgh and victutty at tlae hALL(eplarte's Building), YIFTI,I6TItEET on FRIDAY EVENIS(7, Norember 2.1. All mein 8.C.: are earnestly requested tolbe present, as bust 1 , 2_9s of linport lace lllbe transacted. OPE G A GLASSES FOR. 84LE 011 IURE, AT DUNSEATH & CO.'S, ea wArtia. Ifellts-ebet. 0‘,9 LADIES' AND GENT'S N747.4L r iNEILMIE3. ALL LES, AT GREATLY lIEOCCIED PEICI I}, AT !VIM LAMA I.•T WYLIE ST., NEAR rirru. FOIL CHEAP SPECTACLES. ca-ico Tb BEASLETT & CO'S, 931 Smithnind Street; 4:)5.7E 3 E.1%T . EDIT Ai its. M. HITCIIIY hwi Just re turned front the East. zed wilt noon T 111.7 W5O IY, the trYLWEnT k LES OY TVIXT Ell olmt..t.rEra-r, Ant &Weeil I assortment of LADIES' Sts. 100 Y11:0814d,.. ST.. ALLEtitlErlY LAITY 0c.7.1074 NOTICE. THE ANNUAL !MEETING of the Stockholders of khe YISNA.NY LVA NIA INMUR- A N..S. A MVA N Tor Iho vat rysise of flecking . Di reecors for the ensuing year, will be held at their otk 3. . No, 3 Fifth ...vet. ou MUM DAY.-NOvkiki hot 51.6, ISOM. heir sea toe hosts of SO A.n. and r. II VIM licEl.ll ICNY. ' pEopL i :.s 5.4 f NHS BANK or JPi f ledburgh. X3i.c , c.rp.o , x-ctvoci. is 31134343 OFFICE. H 0.77 FOO4TH OTREET. PRL , II , P.ST-H emn - 1.1. t lYl>. • • c ENS - WILLIAM ILEA lienty 1.1t0.1,1 NVidillarn Rca,•S - • ~ darn I. lieu belt, i J snips Lippinetilt. It. P. Jou., Bon. Thomas Melon s William al. Clomp'. V. 1 'John is, ticitil Wllll.ll A. licrron • T. . . tiK7iti•lsier ANL. Tee s • ell/it. ICY r. VON 110%110R.11' t -I s rot 04 nt. titters:l .hoard ou Oran deposits 1.e.:t0-a'. °tide lu tiovernmeui stittAtaal Es late e•eurities. • • lank 0pt...L.11T tnirrnt 440.1440 frort. ff A. K. to -4 r. at.. and on Wrttne4.lays and Saturdays fro 0 Wr.oik tu!l.r`CtOcl P. Y. 0r5:m711 W./. V. .t. MYERS, HOPPER & Co., (Sueoessors to 11. EL Bulger.) No. 45 Smithfield St.. nlsonfneictrert sad Pt"ltrn In all kinds et pricr3aavxer - cm.w. Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room..Seta, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE,. Constantly on band and fur sale at Itte, Saowo®L' <7 eioAmab_. • PRICE TEMEE . , CFNTS. Luizinu,i .4 Ai 1:1 L 47, •43 4:4 URE CALLEFORNEL WINES. GURNER & CO., No. 80 Cedar St., New York, Offer (or role these valuable Wiries, which are gain lee public favor with satoniithing raplutiy. and %hose unpnree.tented and unrivalled pe.pularity Is WA withal. merit. They have only to be foirlY t•sted to glee them the preference over all other.. n an d the purifier of blond they creel all ether Wizen, and the nuttlerolle Certain CO. sr hien have 'MUM& 1 . 1:71 been tendered from the most eminent physi. clam.. well as gvntlemen to every position In life, are proof conclusive that toes, Wines a.si tuella In all eases for which they are recommendd. The following brands are now offered byus. Th comprise MI the varieties! now grown in the blo t sultab'e for sales WHITE, or klueli: WlRE—tif a light straw color, It delle.te and line Oseored. CLARET—A eapeilor wine for table use. ANbEELICA—A. rich and naleraiiir smelt wino, much admired mete . s, w hy . luable In toe sick chamber. fine and Jell*. It Is • One dessert w.ne, and well adapted for COVIIIIIMioti P IT= TEL—A light colore. highly aromatic wine. Very Medlar to the celebrated Tokay. ri/ILT—iseep red color, fine favor, and la mane respects; similar to the old whose of Lisbon. (SRAM BLIAJWY—The pare diatillasiolt of our k. WINE BITTERS—A very 'agregabl e tonle and a "sere remedy for the diarrhea. This I. o.e of the_man valuable ea nblnallone of a useful and an, egmeable beverage that has ever been offered to the public. 111111 one of bottleeylare sold th , onghoos the north during the button rimers, a el wherever littmluerd It the proved a Welcome theiditlata to the invalid table, the ;madly circle, and the b •che toes ableboard. Ladles who have lost at:engin arse atria% and suffer faun nausea, vomiting and Tart at gontle seen who “donn feet very well , * Just-be oreeek ' fast or diaper ' who.. ve ry are oat of enter and wnose my tame are generally deraned: mothers weaning children cad suffering Crone grnend debit , It,; children ofelekly nature and sour,dyspeytle repentant:lns; travel...who hereon:Extol:lto ch.ge their water; and all wbe rive in ntatarlowsdilstrleis and are t elnect to calash= a Influenrev, will And It one of toe some rattable Invigorator* that can be taken. It was used eery extensively. in IMI, with such go am al satisfaction that .n offering It to the public now we deem it unnecessary to publish any of the many certigemes that wa have rerefred.- testifying In the very strongest 'term. in Its favor. All that seises say Is to snare/nee runga will pledge our to furnish an articleLan CrraDoLTalt arm • it has been siren to little children suffering from weakness and west leads with most ham...effect. O. little girl In grsrtleu Ise. with pains La her bead. lo.s of Appetite and d wasting cousin/sr whom all medie.l skill has Deena:budded. has been entirely restored. eke began with huts teaspoonful • day. lies appetite and strength rapidly Increased and she is now well.. MISMM Mock Wine Bitten Claret . rort ..... Muscatel ..... Brandy GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. L MURDOCK & PUTNAM 712 Ilantrant, • Nearly opposite Post Mike. Undershirts & Drawers, For Dien and Boys; °Lovas -allo. HALF HOSE. TIES, SCARFS .AND HANDKERCHIEFS, Fin 4. Shirts and Collars, Flannel and Candour. Shirts REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. • MURDOCK & POTFUL 0cW:14.5:rr5 G'a J. D. RAMILLEY, 336 Liberty Street, FINE CLOTHING, NEWi TOUR .111Ai4orAc197ay. AND GENTLEMEN'SIPRNISHINO 1100011. Wbolesal• tend liatall lt=i4largllM. ll 7 `l"4l _ ""a" ~,}2: 4l lo lb ert .t he NNW DION. ENATi d aposnit • J. D. RAMAILEY, _384 Liberty Street, . FASHIONABLE HATTER - Aod Dealer la all kinds et SBTOS I&Ma3:1 (MAX . " In ILI, BOUM CCM. The Fewest stres always on band and alike Lowest Prices. Look out for the TOUR LASOZ I WLNDOWB. op- j Dortte Warm Meet. • tar:aims J. D. RAM A' LEY, 834 Liberty Street,' Dealer in oil kinds of Booty - and Shoes; band torte Bird ruled rosortrionrOf - Ladles', Misses' and lidldren's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, . Of this Mat New York Msaufketuro, And at Lower Prices thanDownTcren Oi lite, Tv eaer .l bci I t :OUR LIMON WELDON & • KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas an Steam Fitteis, AND BUSS FOUNDERS, •, large auartmeat of Chandelieis and Brackets, Lead Pipe. Pumps, Sheet Lead, &LP_ LLW47s O FBIPD• tea {Besot Streetpiva gilUk . rixiLsapf FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, gaxzegrlozl. 11717.01.TiLN0, AND - French Clocks, &c. rtr ,, olvviat to the avAnuam or • 22 Pinis Neva. woriv - ROOF 1•431 MATER' as A. Cainen!, Pitch, Fe/ r, "train - J. xrEvy p4pER HARR4N444, mOd ." 112.4 rn !" g. Ilusrip.oes—nan;l7ll..t.n.. Manntattni . .eo and ..old - ao eta-sns. n , ••••• • Ow any. pt., nin ••• I, tr.% n irm • ,n 1•0130,1 .H n • I.l..—rlay. -t SH A D Eri A new lot 0 . Mad • 'att.- on !than. a _ a atAlltireptsada t thad ups -rslatcd :larders, oat. lov wCausTlTaanda. IdiXtiztEstrest. 0c32 • . • - JOB. At , FILVEZIII • DSO. _ $lB THIVEKLY GAZETTE. coarrim - use THEIRTT-TWO COLUMNS or TRIM! AND LYTERESTLNO =ADM@ MATTER, roorravt wrni Amu- SZT REVIEWS AND CUR - ' RENT LOCAL NEWS. ' TWO EDITIONS ISSUED ON WEDNESDAYS AND SAWED ( The Edition is forwarded which will stasorther soonest. 'ABMS: Slagle Copy (per annum) I= =I PlaimliZVV:44v=l $25 , 000 WORTH OF - 01ACY111.1EIIM.r .3 1 1 e GritAfrgrir'eg Cheap Clothing House, Corner of Ohio Street and Diamond, 'Ylne Beetett Toad Suite Tina Fancy Car.lmire Salts /Ina Fumy Heavy Cass!mere Salts line Black Bang Up Overcoat. Heavy Logitsh Beaver Overcoats, Castor Beaver Overcoats I=l=ll9 Film Black Cloth Broca Coats Fine Black Fronk Frock Coats....— All Wool rant/ and Te■u All Wool french Cap, Pant. and Vest►.... 11 00 Owlmere Vests from...: 2 BO to 6 00 Also, A' LA.20.11 iiSOCK. OP Beady-Made Boy's Clothir• . . CUSTOM. WORK MAD& TO OIIDIU BIIOUTEST NOT/CS. C. KLETT. Jr., Cutie:i n11:1 • . . OFFICE OF THE • • . ..... . CCULMISZIONKY.S Or TER OINKING FOND, i. •r. • TELIWURT DriAIITYMST, -ft Ann osuubo, October 21„ LW Notke Is hereby siren them keeled g , ropeasla Lbr the ewe or One Million Dollars of the 5 per cent. rer Bottle -.41 CO ..... I Is I 2s as Per Doren $ CO 12 CO 9 OD 2 03 22 CO 12. CO 20 CO ONE MILLION DOLLARS • OF TUE . • Six Per Cent. Loan's, Of the Commouvrealth of Pertodylvatth. will be re ddest! at the Treasury Department, le the City of H.Te.harg. until a o'clock F. Y.. of The 16ih day of Noiember, •A.D.1866. Ridden will state amount Mitered, price asked. and stilett, Registered or Coupon Lmas To be addressed. ••Comasissioners of Sinking Fond. liar, risburg, ra.,•• endorsed "Proposals to .ell Ittate The barnialusioners reserve the right toreiect any bids not, In their opinion, advantageous to the Commonwealth.. • . JOHN P. HAETRANPT, Auditor General . . . ELI SUPER. • _ W. H. Erttalge "-T E er at"' _ .- - State +rummer 0e11:m67 Commlastoners of the Melting Tune. • • Joni( CROFT.. - . • • REWL .EST4TE'eta.IIO.,,TZ • Mice, No. 131) Fourth Street, rittaburgti, - "lila for sale the following Real =state: 130 Xers. of 1.11.1 for $2.00., :Rust* to Slaking V. ll .r. l3 Uarcoq_ery, Pa.. lire relies front Altoona by OV w Slaking alley Road. The advenumes of thin Proper are numerous, and by calling onus we will give full particulars 00 Acres, 50 sere. of which 1. underlaid with real, situate In North Fayette_ Towit.hlP, on the StentwarUte Road; improventenu, good gram. M.... sir lautos, sotto Bank ahoutllll7rolf Tree. lust In their prune. de - 36 sere. Int./6ton Township. on the Washington Puce, three miles Dom the city. . old 37 Acres In &bid Township, sic nilleeout on the 15 Viaahington Ate.. Acres lu , Winirnorn 9 h l 9. three utiles cut fro.. ' Alierl eny Mutat. 8 Dwelling Houses In Allegheny one la Willun•burg. one in Freeport. our at Edgewcon Station, on the Central Fenerylvanla haDioad. Also Intreedis rely siolninglis rtation a few more ACRE LOT.. 1 lan can seen at this office, tor particular.. t o o Mice hours from to A. Y.. Ito/I y. le. , and 7 to 9ln the evening. aril . PIENNINTI.v..XLASTATS A GX.I . C7. tt lITII bream WASULNOTON CITY, Tms AGENCY COLLECTS FAOSI the %jutted btritea.n Arrears or PAY, BOUNTY AND 'PENSIONS, Dee Pennsylvania Soldiers, or their Widows an Orphans, lochs:line the additional bounty nada? the recent Let of Congress, All business can be trumacathrough am mails, And all oarrmponocnce will lan prompt estee m. n •the Agency carinc r :l for—Mshns to the hands of other Agents andAt meys, and It 10 not proper for Agents or Attu übo co ll ect Cherw, o Aspect. Abu Agency to do their work. 'rel;,,,astA , lplitary Agent . tar .etwi,s. 1866. FALL 1866. cmtr).Eirti4. We are now exbibltteur for TALL TBADN the most extensive stock of goods we ham aver bad she . Air-trouts of offering to our patrons. . English Brussels and 'Tapestries, . Of oar own Importation. eompititng any new tholee patterns before in Able matt RICA Iwo! AID HMV -CARPETS LID lti IMRE:011)1=D SWISS LICE ellacgo . New uA Ilegut Pollens ar Gruen Side & Centre Tassels, Loops 6. Bands, • Choke ewe. Notting euttalai.' • WFAILIAID & OOLLtil& - Noe. 71. and Tall Next posse to N. lt. tr*ustow House and Nat tallse. • ad Moor. JOST ABRIVED,FRON WS =Mb -BOOTS ARID 1116004. • JAMES - AOBB;; • _ . . , re, sto Market strut mot . Pie Thlinid eaten!! tined boom too now Moto Mister live them/and dollare worth or Boot. 0ndr.0.41::, Myles the litteet,,tbdali.LVP....Vgice& determined to tell tt. filen.* hive resofoed not to oe landsold Of nee . , mem that kaerm 60. 4 * w."" dr Itt , lie. 0 . 4 " ' vet Call mid <mamma etork Sedated M any. hue wom _ r'.th r0: , 7 44 ta0t t ad riettler 11p 04°. 16. prrrauvaGn. CUTLERY COM- / hem on h.d the Caen stock of In DIM city. Alan.. • EtollowGroidßitzors - :to Zinia, Var VG•Mitro craaaauxr, AgeniPlttsbargb aitiert Company. Xos. 67 and 89 Alai' (DISPATCH BITILDIND.) GE.O. F. SCHUCHMAN CO.; PRACTICAJ—LITHOgRAPHERS. The ONLT 13TE OF LlTect*Haputb JraTals. LLSHEIT.NT WEST OF THE MOUNTAIN& Hau lms' Cards. Letter Heads. Bands, Lases, Ch ea - 1127.- ..how Cl., t•taleass. Pertenty. V ewe eargleatei er Deposits. esetteu Cards, Noe.lll .04 14 Third Plusellib. se ) . list pAPE.III -PAP !-PITTABOIFIQU _ _ • • PAPER NA 6111110Ttral BO COP .11T. Warcbutase.olA ?bird ntrret, beau eon* an baud, and for sans..t in..a toutet tate* EVE ' TACK, MANI LA, HARCIMAKE, dl OFlltt FELT and MAO ertmi PAY AIM • ltht 00 NM; •aa.ortud nor to Watebonata • . •• - t,lltttes 15 . 5enbetavIlli. bia, .•!-^ • NEW P4P171. 11 lIDEURIM NUM 12:312113 ALLEGHENY CITY, At-Wholesale and Retail. I= =IE3 BEI wix•o•pusaa..ta_lr. Free of Charge. . F a JORDAN, POCKET CUTLERY WP.' QQ Ivh ~I 4L3O i • 1.5 M 5113 =I -.. 90 00 25 00 9 90 QM =I IS OD AS 50 CM 1!!31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers