- I ' Wilbitvojt 6ittitt:; FRWAY. OCTOBER 12, 1866 VTR, ATTITU LiE OF TIIE P ESt OWN T.. "Though thou bray a fool in a mortar with a liestle, yet will not his folly depart `f ro m i k tm,9 says the wise man, Althorn& _the veiltyßs f this tiphciiiim lia3 been attest ed ten.thousand timesainceSolomon'aday, it remained for ANunsw Jouiso.N to fur, ntsh the itrongesl: yerthcAtion of it?: c,Or reetneis_that the annals, of the world ar- - ford. _ ' In thereto of the thundering verdict of att indignant - coluatry against himself; and -in vindication of -'the -action of Congress, upon.the gravest question that ever claimed their decislOn,he:puts a series of questions ' to the 4.ttorhey Ciefieral touching the legal. 'Ay of the Very Congtess which the votes of a vast niajOiity of the American people— t - Btate after State without any exceptions— lave just sustained; or will, as 56011 as the time to speak - arrives. -• ; We were at first Inclined to - regard the report ofthis last and crowning act. of mad mead on his part ns sensational; but subse quentrreflection induces us to regardh as ' authentic; and for the'prfse&, at least, we shall so treat it. .It is not necessary to re hearse the questions he Puts to his attor ney, for our readers have all seen them.. '1 • We 'shall only lcite the fifth and last, ; 1. Which Is In t4e3d words: ' ... Fiftin , What 'steps 010 the Constitution and his oath of office require the President to take, in order to secure the !assemblage :of a constitutional' Congress? , Ho - wants to know what As shall do, "In Ordero. to secure the assemblage of. a Con .. atitutional Congress." This Inquiry is • -plainly predicated 'Leon the assumption ' that the existing Coneress is not : . ;7on,ti, tutional body:- This is is accord,ince with his:former declarations, in which I.e spoke - of it as'a beidy "claiming" to 'be the Out :- gress of the. united Stites', sod :!=''iSlS4. Jag upon the verge of the govvm!..ont." •.. As the Atforney Gentral is a ,-r.:.; fly.. o' • his own, and holds his positio,i,v;lll 411 U ' same terms that 'hundred:4'of ,',i hcr, Imo: creatures throughout the e;M:it:y hold office at ids hands = a- servile a,' umiee . '.. tioninasupport of his "policY - - --,,,, may safely. assumq 'that the same mind taut . ' . dictated the questions . will dictate the an .--' swers; and that.whateVer Ameitt - ..tv 3 once. , aox wishes 'to do, the Attorney General will tell him it is his duty to do. But what frt2/•he do.'Congress, as now constituted, embraces the representatives ' - of about fotir-fiftlis of dig totted States, and more : than two-thirds of these have said (and the people have ratified thh de .• - cree) that the reprepntatives of the States lately iii - rebellion can only come in on . Certain specified-conditions: What then can thesPresidait do 1 :or what businqs 'hisi hel to interfere in the matter at all ? Ile Cannot make s- constitutional Congress out • ' - of the representatives of. the rebel Stales, even Were all the'copperheatls now in , g i on: ' . gress to jolu them, for' combined, they them, for . - would: still fall- tar ghort of a . numerical quorum ; -Toes he suppose that, although Congress may recognize him as copstitn ' tionall , y.invested . with the ofilce Of Prc. , ,i,. • dent of the United States, that it will alloy: - . him to play the part of a dictator, and usurp its prerogatives? Or is 'it his purpose to . fall hick upon his power as commander-in chief of the al my and navy; and compel obedience i ko his Aerial behests ? If he. , knowakanßitig, be knows that this is 4113 only expedient, if he intends -to intevfere . . ' in the matter at all; and if he does not so intentl,, why ash such questions 1 Ile knows that Congress would laugh to sewn - any other effort lie could - Make .to threat , rebel representatives into the halls of COS ••••'' . ). • • gress. -. •!, i . S. Well, let him tu, it; but if lie 'does -the country will coon be rid of -trim; and • wileater be stall ,bc sent to the scaffold or to a nand-house will be a question to lie de termined. Saw warns. Such„ .an attempt .. ; might lead to war, but it would be a very . short one.' "Bayonets .think," was the - !•• sententious but pregnant remark:of sonic . body in Europe. lii America it is pectin,' &rip true; and if ANDREW ,Toltnson should 1 -, attempt to. usurp- authority-that does not I belong if° him, and ride -rough ; shod over the pc - ople and their representatives, lie ' - will di Lover to Lis dismay that "bayonets think," and that our soldiers,will shoot as - • they voted. -' ' . • 1= • The Philadelphia Nexs, n leading Cop- - Perhead journal, more noted for its venons and-violence than for its strength,lnis, in - its issue of the 10th, the day after the elec. 'don, 'along:and carefully written article as to the propriety. of President JoassoN setting Congress aside, and taking; the povier.of the Government entirety. into his own hands.-'We should have passed the • article by as the ravings of a heated and disappointed partisan journal, had it not 1 appeared almost simultaneously with the Presiddit's questions to, his Attorney Geri ' end, plainly indicating that he is metlijat ,Rl some such movement. The article is • headed, "Can the President Proroigue Con - gmlis?" and, in order to show the drifts of the argument, we make a few extracts : ' If we were simply asked what the Con. , • ittration expressly authorizes the President to do, we !Mould have-.no difficulty in an swering the question, and it it were asked what latitude of nation might he allowed in a thrienf extreme danger to the very exist. . once Of the Republic, we should say that if it heright to take the arts of the present Ccingressas precedents, the l'retidera Would •.- jtatified is Bantling a body of troops to the capitol and arristhig all the membersi ;'• Congress, placing thiam in prison, and car ' swing on the government without (14i,. anti t7r interference. If he should do so, they, at least, would have, no right to comptasn - for it would merely-be doing what they are now doing, acting: without regard for the COnstitution; That the. Majority of the present,C9o - gresi hive acted without respect fOrthe an preme law no -candid loan will deny; and. Mat - they have already in a measure over tutmed - ,the .governuieut and alS:itllnell des. . ,potic power is patent to every intelligent person in the country, The question, there fore, which nntnrally arises is this:' Would tha.President be fustylaye in temporarily assuming pawn , not expreselifgeonted by the Contlitutgon, f in order to present the con ; summation of the 'designs of 11; - ‘: revolution ists, an..l,gfre the people an opportunity to • - - --' , fii-establish the Co . natitation. , - - The italics in the first paragrapharc ours, those la the second are its Ova. Here) the I.l3reat is _openly. made to ;wrath roiv the . gottrament by military force, 'and estab. • - Bah a dictatorship in its Alice. This in -' aeed.'is pi - colic:ly what the President ask' the -.law °Meer of the udtninis tration to , advise him to 'do; far IS_' preposterous to suppose that: _ he would put such questions to a man who Ixa4 thenaoral - cOurago to return him a prop er- answer, or, Indeed, any answer other than each as the questioncer hhaself dictate. All usurpers aro anxious to galls .. er around then:l.ot letot a shadow of legali ty with which. to cover their Most atrocious ac • It is very probable that this article 'was • not written Withott .:f oil - 114i . enters into an elaborate argutaen t'to prove .that: the precedents..set ttq Presideat 002.14 :during• the war—ln ordering out seventy-live ; thouiand men, in 'ordering conscriptions, in - suspending the writ of Eil OEN MEE .. . . habeas": corput, in- sumacs:sin' g- dialcil'al --Thidrelop, a Bliielzfe4A Indian, has been!' e, newspapers, and in issuing. a proclamatichi. , rewarded "hr Government with a nude' t.) emancipate .the slaves—would justify 11; i, and a hundreil silver dollars for re , ::itilig I white woman front ,aptivity. - :1 1 President JOUNSOIi 11; arresting and ini- i _ ,:, •.t• • t. -1. ,1. ' 1414' I —l.n I , doc lation has aths a. td.i.t ,o , , priSouing the members of Congress. The ! ii,,mq„ aid p o wdperfont about. to by ej‘ i el 0 I following 'is the clositng paragraph, the i from their homes to Make way for ratify. '; italics and capitals ,being lust eMe : an we dud.' for metropolitan nruprovnts. 4ll , • . them: -. —Thad 'things are said about Kiwi' Il& - "When political Borgias are )°II6T „ 1 f or Emanuel—some even demandiun ' ttbd/ 'cation.lie is held res tonsible for all th;ei j veiled - through a thousauchnereenary Jour- 1 Italian bi utters in the latecri.t.T. • -ll I ' --The nal% into the . mindsof. the people, a'-yast I portion or whom are kept in the dark as ti Piatsune, an t inliuuntial llC7'lll l the real design; of the'patricides, does not t !iittper in Ne.,wOrleans, lass au article ',leans{ justice and the public welfare dent and rapt i tug towaril_ the acceptance or the Oui'll,i - their pernicious course should be checked l tutioull Amendment . by the Fouts;,:„ ! And when by audacious measures tidy aint I —it Is estuna t eJ lust it will take sOdiclo6 - , at the destruction of all the cherbiled rights 010 feet d; Itunte_e to rebuild the hum tltlp. and franclifses dr the peoPle, is it gist to lirkt at Portla all, Zr: the; moil& protitietl l t on sit still until their nefarious work has deeifi of the Sou,. for the 111 ltro years. l • l.' , accomplished?. - We kuow that President 1 —The 'l , O Cniphell, who used a p(4.l' Johnson would lie exceedingly . m reluc t an t It! ' razor, :aid that a ma .11,, silly who lived:o ' adopt any unconstitutional easures, autt I h a d suf f ere d u „,„ ~,i„, I t , s ij„,j pg . '1,,,,i, a, ' see 110 not believe that t h e re (' lists an int- 1 - wbanin with it large (mei ly ever en( i in 4 , i1. - nerative necessity for any more inirtlctions 1 _ A. wohhin hwhe d chutch It wt , „ el] ; of the "supreme law." By legitimate : t•ealded in ihaloit, on Friday, TA. the tlx• means the l.,oustatution may be leellonil ~ i ~,,iois of , ~,,, of twiiati ,,, whiA , lie anti in another article we will Show how ii 1 carelessly paced ht,,,ii the store wh il e sdul. may be done. /I.'present we will ouly re- . ic ed. . :, . , mark that Thaddeus Stevens and a Il:711J4r 1 ..._ During the rebellion the Unitedtitates of other persons violently ezetuding vu:nibers i 1 e vrtenth:l ql.llllll.lily worellloney b r the of Congress front ilia?. seats, .and aeting v. ' 1 11,pon of artoles tiMil all UM nail lusl,of violation of the Constitution, cannot be legit- Europe expended in SUirpOl' till 2; rho InlOr• imately regarded as THE CQNGR of n ESS o ooni armies time' maim. ~in. - THE UNITED STAT " ES. • , , "—Aareti Jo•is has ehallenitai Mike Mc - it is plain that the President i and his Cool, the T . , victor t 1 .-.., bd.! t, - , t eCellt 01. t le 11.1...1. , I .1 , Copperhead supluirters )rould like to trout tot. ij u t s, to figh ,, ,TT , T . The 1,,d, amid , 1 „,,,,, the elections now taking place jUst risthe sum of money, tu-case .10e. Coburn d{ies,Mit rebels did tine tint ele.etionolMr.p.scous. . idler• to enter the tlrella for the Cllnliapipli i • ,11..i1. But let there beware, for the country is i _The e . p :,; , Company „.. i...,`,:,,th 1 __ ... .11ITIL ~l.c I.- better prepared in every way to ileall with traitors now than it was in IS6li and they will tare worse than the rebels did if they undertake to _introduce 31oxieriu polities atnongst us. 5. tiENEII.II , EIVS" —The State 'debt of olii , Virgiuia. la 000 00r0 .There . aro fourteen dethrou':d Prince's iu 4'urope. —Vermont sheep are emierating to Vir, ginin in flocks. -.aledieal men LIVIFp Mr. 6ewarti to re. tire from pubtie life. --111;nd Tom's ma: - .teal talent in:ikes ti a Londoners 6pen their eyes: —lu some parts of the west tlte .tsdly frosts were a "hard .freeze.' _Th - cre are 1:;7,010 Itrot,l t lyn who, do taine4 itt. New Yurtt:, .•. - .•. —The bears are very hungry and pleiny In Maine this sensor. • I —M,any Ohio ministers ret:n-e to pr. a, for les's than f,51,000 salary. • —The building of u Bible House eint: templated at Constantinople. the.LAte storm Yermonten , rot see the sun for sei•en days. —Two Murderers and nVe robbers have ' dug out of an Indiana Jrt I. Arkansas editor and postinattt.r have had a duel. Both will. —One hundred thousand dollars are r.. 4.- ed for'the hprse "Ketit.tacky." is . rife in England, and voters are paid as high as £l5O. '—A base ball struck and killed a ne,r,to boy in Annapolis.. —lt is btdieved t h at Mour,.tvieti Was poisoned,' —Government allows Jeff, Davis r'..-29 per week for the phrellase of rations. —Lord l'imsonlly, a British in his yacht. at Matleria. —The Locomotive btotherhood nteLta in Boston in November neat. • . —There are 205 insurancuipanic, , ot all kludS in-New York eityl. • .--Turkey is arming, to the teeth a„;.,1 the poor Crete•urc in Camila. =An insaue.latly is Bpaitisn here;( with her garter lust weeit% • 6 ‘, p—The Marquis de Galitet 1,,!e a a farley iiil sioa t i MeXico --Tv:oFrench Lishops oral seven p:iL , ti have been inay.acreu in Chine. • Ilrouzhatii is' et the W.,lont Strtet Thentre, --:Lady Don un,l Kate Dettin arepe _lll at kaguire's, an Francisco, The tre: —Five thousand Coolies were sent to ti:c 'Vrest lathes last year to die like sheep. • —Horgan Sthith, the negro tutor, has been very.succesalul in London. —Tbe.Prinee de Cow le's body v. - as se,:t to England ice from Sydney, N. S. W. —Victor Emanuel Is now of us little tic count politicdlly ne the Queen of Englan.d —The Linked State, have'two Limes the atuouutpfsoal that Grcat I.hhaiu —The ocgroc3 of ,now- Ing nothing but cotton. If it 11;11;„ what?' --Ladies in Pati will wear Turl.,!-"i trou.iers this w Inter instead of—welt, un nieutlonables. . --Dawison, the tra.zedian, is a Polo. klc iq Daitl by the GerlOatt thuaire York $6,000. ' --A New York paper bdast9 of its pbin ter -posed reporters.. it probably Ilas •'set tei`! Compositors. —The Illinois . giri who- lately lost her speech [save whispering] has had forty of fers of marriage.. —The debt of Great Britain is )4,041, - 4-19,490,-and that of the United states i' ,-2 ; - ‘1 61-1,367,780. --The vfqes of California are Inni Clown with fruit of unusual size And sweet ness. - ' —Louis Napoleon Is showing the •world. what a :mall hole he can crawl thrtaigli gracefully, —Speaking of uniform, Mr, Punch says militia men will be always raw till they are' prOperly dressed. : - ---The annual consumption of tohactv by the human family is .4,460,00 pounds—so ii ounces per head. —The difference between the number 0111 people whotat and those who sleep in New Yolk is 1t17,000. Pousard, the poet, and Count de Mon telembert, eminent litteratev rs or Frank . -e, are at the point or death. . —A Mortnon BishoP recently deceased leaves eleven wives and forty-seven (Mil: thee to mourn lds loss. —Nei : plena Is taking measures to enable hint to muster an army of 1,1,00,000 men, should he requirelt. --The cablewon les Well street. Com binations in Loudon, Puris - aud Berlin con-• trol their markets. , '• —A Georgia sheriff has been arrested by military authority for executing a proce+i of the County Court.. ' —There, are 9,000 New York merchants _among the btockhohlere of the new Net-. cluint•s I;xpretri --Upon the beautiful Is hind there 13 not vacant vac° ienougli` lor pie• ni e. It is all cultivated. —Guldficinnidt., the aStronower, just de , Ceased, 4 4 iscoveted ..fouriutat is 4:Scupie plaueta Wini an Opera —lt is itroposed in England to sgtalilihh an asylum for disabled- horses ; nlier a the , may he judiciously coddled. • __lced pencils w•efe first introanci,d i n Italy three catturies azo. NO , S Odd are consumed annually. --A. Galveston (Texas) merchant tile other day, on a bet, consumed eizlaty dozen 'oysters, and Jae survived. . =Louis Napoleon 'invited Bistmarel: to conic over id Font:11111,1min anti tilit iot *situ Itirn-r--net with the needle guns. , lady in England in custody forinirr , der:is the daughter of IL m•,u wiiu cut Al 3 wile's throat and then shot himself:: —At a meeting of Gm French Agatlemy of Selene!, a+ young .German girl - von the' title of ''ollicer of thel Imperial Acus.letny." —Fashion 4rritera tell us that; tr great change Is to' he"-makle.ln the tire3s of gen tlemen.- Perhaps It Vs,the Georgia cpntuute. . —.& French theatrical mansiper has Tirought out a piece front which lie raku lates to realize In three bunked 14,ght profit- . of 465,000 f. - - . . —An "Infant" in .IVnierrord, ,Ivelgaro alone. lie n.easnres .37 inches pfound the calf of Iris leg, unq ,oue yard around the Inter.; Brlarikeld Iroia Werke, .11.1tibatnn, under the: euperintenclnoce of Eletrund. Gar4 , na,, ot-de-wEing &kr_ or ounce or the Conrettettite, ..Sta !tp• iiroaching comPlution. • I.l.adley F 1111.9, )1.a..i5., have de...lured:tip:tidy dividend 01 leld per rout., be . biiles reieursln;; .3. fund sufficient to build an addition i l l9 n their mitt. Labryear the. dividend Was -'l,er cent. - J i kl _A new llKileliCe iii ill Vilgllll anting.the . •.,:o.le. brill, ' ..:. in Paris: } Tbey. fl,shlanal.le; (4' bnult .... ~ .se. . 1. - nit,: 'l2p, 11 1 . le.rol (rum four to a U v 2 10 , ::. 3 in the ~wlitjr of•'Latil e, : t....1 , 111,,nuent , . singing, ' , layling r tante3 of doutinot.i, clter., etc, anti la lit ill .riirtati.ai.. . q . . . —Alter the. YllFroilut 'l'a-Inn 1,1.1 tt,ittil: the 4,:epie.el,t,• at 11.1.1un I.3iden—ag ,Illiit a, I.'ru..,,ian 1.......--'lle 1 , ..lii e:111":',10.:t1 tlyl.ull 'Heron, l a ci,L3, Site ,r.,lv'etc.l ai.,!111 hil;,.oiftl , l hire Inn, in, tin :r 1•:.11', 0 " , :: Olil ,' 1,.:;Ille --,lr.•toln, ',L. th,..ttlical loara. , or '' , a , ~,.. •'S'' -Seritl l n'. . Pa 4:!, I.la Cl y 11, IA It , 11•.1:1!IL: '. hi" , " . i.'"il,`"."- ,'.l, 1:"i:I!.1, IVIIIi 11,,,1111{11 17, .I, 1!,.r I : 2/ 1,..P: A Ii::- Ittl:;l:Wit.i a nd' i11i1,11,1ki... , A 3 ...‘,3!. , . M. :ILI u. , ..at to I,:i}'„, LC ti:III.I.SIT :n n ,11,t . , it it i'ill't ii. z"111:1.' ' !!!!!lt :Ftty.f,y ,nt:tu 0: it. 'I lie I....21:111 t 0 I tVQ. ; Iv! 1,1.0 -' CI:, ttto of tL With the . .`ll.o.'orl the 1711,:e — V•rhat. yeti 1;:y "1 [IA. PI lice. VOllll, Te•til3l O 1 he I:..utter,:tt - 01' the', e.ielainica the ] l..ytir, •,.;re,!t 1.4 ly . • . . Trane my fricu Traw.er—S : . , my kloc;or toll:: lyv:tv '.. MEE MEE :":!. cora IMEEDIEES Pau: , tlyf.Co*uni 1•,•• cr ,)•:11 I )1 . I:2rt•ti r,v.. ~!• t A Tic.:llll;:ftti neoui •. • 1,, i n I 1., .i::',:i.i . ,:::•• . • r. ,0:-. • • .11.1.,',.•..V. 1 C:7, I - , 'Cii,..1.,,, 1 . it r• , lih' , '"• , •• .. ,, , , •'1 , ..: ,. .1:..... , (.. ,. ..! c.5..11. 1 .:'. I`, „, r, L ,`,.::' ...7..,....,'.' , J11,:' it wlit r, tz,. - ....1., e,,t0i , .!: a.1.:1, , ,...., h II v.• 11. 1h....4.• 1i.., 1,1 4 ..9, i.. ,, , •:i J. , a . l . ' l, • k. I ' t . ...I ' , 1 1:t. '. . ! .. , ..t ' i . .. " • ' :•:•! . t1. ' , ' • ' . ' :. ', .:•11 r 11 ' Zp '. .1 4 • '. :, .. I'd. • it..• '..• .I; . 1•• •••0. 1...t..,:s p. ', • •pi.r. 1...1...1..1.71 . 1 , ...i.h , ....• ...1..1 kl. '4,1, - 1,... ,11i. t ..r. . ; . It - lEEE , . s • fi.t. 1\ itly taunt: of Ft :an I .111 11+11.1:11t !r.t.trat;to. - . .I.tetn , :teritt.io! 'luu>sr.L . nl; Lot t tilo . v Lau!, t - Nti. NA:C.I to tutitiniii4 1;1.1:ett 1,t,0r twit:, In Cc,otl re,ill 0.611/1, ni! , l hstr c . von ndi 11 c t ....1.1“1116 1:i il/IIUII , I" eLI lit L., Lot, tic, lA , 3 rt: kiott t o oln,tt f t'l tent ;no tintvi r.at :at th:ki nntl Inllll6l. onCo. . . 4 :.; (41111' WI: pre , ...lltivi:ol I 0 loui.c, i11 , .21 I'. ; 'il.:,', 0"1'.1 \ 1 lull , 11l 1'111.:11.. n: to ; 10 . 0;.... p , L0ta.`..w.0.11,,,.1:0 e.Jporf... 0:40110r,, 0 ~,r.. I •.1..,, ::n 1 a .4.lolulailt. 10101:0.1,0; II tn t,t., ... ~:;....n e.; - , ,.11i 11) 0,11.1 and Sd0:11e all. 1,14i-1111 , ...,0 c,nl.••• -, ,..11,..,,,...W1:1 1 tl. con 1 'c1.1t.00,. Lllll,l-110111 1 . :1 lx , i2.l,o7llol,l:4'rnieu, o.l,rnt Ir 0v..01,110,t11.0..n.0 1.1111.100, 11,0 Icl.,11n! ortni till!! 1.3 0111 , 1,.... inolirla 1,11111 I . , t req-11,1 11..7 FL 0,14, 'II 1..0 1 . .1 31e 0 - 1.1!li 0 103.,'-rolirrni tllO, LI I( 1" , ori, ,• ...I 1... .1, lln t,,,,. 0111,-I.:, 1., 1 n..i oi.r• tln l t:ol,,.d r01fai1 , .....t , 41 et nrrat , l% 0 , 1 0001 1 , of 1,0 :.1.,,0 - 01.3 , , , , 1,1 tl.d tuturtita nito , f.13.111,r,00. , 1,00 nom' t•uA II .o . oy 111,..33. rad: 1.01140 I.. 11.1 1 ,3: .1 . 1 . 4 'lll.4Np e ylcenl vultk i , 11 1 ) , TEITEI:',. IliTVZI:ri 1 I ' 1 Yor 2 000, - .101100,13 1 . 0 1/11 11, uscrtath.'_ , nt :,..V . Or l 11. r, rt Iltl.ll 1t6•• 11.,.. AII t , mt. ,44 , 1 . 1101'1 ' NEW AD VERTISEAEN' cy.m. 111NU11,1,11, Jr., Ado,. Hipe,< - 11 , - Q.67lrq 5.3 Fifth .Vtrc , i, 4.. i,rl upar,rizeul rlfirnt ur paq.e-ra throughout the tZlfia l riot the . Crtritickie. I TO-31611110W EIENI:01 :0,...,1.. I:• v. AM.O4-. 1 1: RA M. A. M . „ . Zlll ir 41; 14.4.4.•.. op! lie Aa • u tat....t 114,1.'4,4.1, 'll4 - • - SCIIOOL, .111...V.A. 11. SLACK I As;i' 'for 1:oysp , oillt.110.1• 00 tiATIII:9AN ttelot , t, 1nt1 , .. at lial pact WtOock., nt HA LI.. Waster e.rout. Alleglicoy Tom, E MILLAR I,o7i':'n of tint , month. :In .Ir.o 0 1 4 " 7 . I .COST- - 011 ovednesday trtren-Ftlth Want otol Di.onnovi It xlr..xs,T. With it.OH /Ott of it, arid grtht j:triintl t or o i - ;..g to 1.014 It ot. I!,3lnfer er. nt ft,oi on the I," I up It ott Ole (i.J4i. cTIL Illy! L. , .. . . ,_.... ..._. . ~. - ‘7,AdirAtil,i; ALLE:Gtur.cr;iprriv 1 . Y.t41 . F.11TY FDIC 4..11.1•:. .k lar, , J• ‘44441 1,1111 1 J, , 11-4•14 k 1,40 n 1141 g /tau , . of 11411 111 ..t 1 . 4 , , 1„ , n 4 10s hiith room, 1 tt., I. rousi, 11l :111, liul. .1, .1 144111.44 , L ).1)1).. will, nil 1,3.1.111 Improv, ho•uti 14 r . Ice{ 1r.,40, nu Ultzu tar, ut, ht ..,•4 ilecir uu 11 0 11 . 4. 14(0 .. b 11): lb an e‘,4,11'..44. :4,m.. .ur 1.1.41141,4,k„ r ...rttsoll 4,1 a r , ..,L•14•ne, ,A 1• 441, to •• , , ',' ,• • I u,:12 • 0 rill 14111 . . i: I' 4.. ..,t , :.:. , , A Dral)lai. 01. , ntluG sTi)icE r 5 , t;11. SAILE.—..% ....-:, 1..., mil 1't,,,,i. , :t'1,,,14, - , 1 1• 411 /. , ^ t:'••• 1 . • , t , ,' stn.,. ‘4l/. r li 4. , :••••••11 F'4.4•0:.11., ttntrur.E. 414,0.4.1 or V. 4.: pr 11,11.41 4.(144., of 10,0 t 0 . ,: v, .10 4 , ,....t. uor.. frat.l.r r, ~ : y • 1](,,i1 vitotilq.l.l Tht• .1 4 .. k, I...tut,' .111.1 0 lat. cal 1.0 ,, ..• Inr 0 1 1 1 • hr t s, '? ••••‘, cat, 1,1444. 1 , ..1 tuut.i...ll4o.eu.tulre of ',11 1 11:4 . 11111, 1111,1.....nr4.0 - ut L.l.4th ,t 44.1 1.0 . 1))1.1 1)1.5 j ur ak ..-"VN,.111..,g ~,..... ors,ur ul 4, - 4 litnl ••• :• •±2111 , ..,..11 ~..1;.14).. . " u.'lU,lulwe 1. TWO raitieii IkNI"ELLINGSZ 1 — I Crnitainin•.;.-s; ur 40 iioOlil3 1 7 ,111, v. it..;., :., ~.."....: • ' • . : 1 . , u 14.4,4 a 104, r,F,1 . , ' ,,, - ; ' ,,',' . ; - " r th , v...t0i4c. , for not •14 )11.), by ~.• , ; ~,._, ... . I 11. A-, 3TP,II t 2.:_,• ,, L , f21f . i . 44-4,1,,r. G.1..,,111,•,.1.1,. noisoLvTioN ,fIE, 1.111.T..11,Eftr ;; I A,. Mum. 4.11 e, ;ht.: - Aunt J.AY.oi A- ir• tirto ,111,1`, L I , vas. s., sTo.l3l).ift.l"Avot> id in J."- farm her 'cuthnerre that rriea the r a leant:4qm. etsortohe4 o , l* - rarlit NER7ir (1001)9,. eertt.OVC d 10 the hi:CO.S Xi,. 44t ALLIiUIIIi ottl4 • ••.1 , t t I - IEII2 r.vr —2uo broil , . fres ti r.ctlvo Y ucsrtr n. T -1-1 15 peZ t . IU . 1L K.12/ iSGNRY •13. utsLN-145 bias. for bale by iIt•SET Et. CUL NEW FADVERTISENEENTL JAUFS T.' BIIADY' & CO; ' CO S. Junes d CAn Earner Fourth and Woo BANKERS -86 BRO I DYJSEIISIS ALL lELVD9 Or Foverinnenti Securitien. oreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Conpons. COLLECTiONS eon an accessible points M the , Untt,l State! Jana Canada', - in ((TOM allowed on Tillie Deposits.' . Cp-PARTNERSIiiP.. lE il UNI:Yr.RSiGNED .11.41i1NG Ti .- ‘ , .11.- I 10..1 ther 0.600 01111 nisettinerf of the too ritEl , F. ICE A V M:ill.t1I sN N, have on Leo' drat "7 "I 0 'lobe ..' 04: i, r II i etc.! Into m pfteLller hblp Uri •lt..t ill, lIA le of II A HPEIC. Ai IITSIAN .1. CO, for tae ltiau 1 prture of W a ttiilNS: to.. at tee Old:f: I V-1.1 .hi. . el..stala of Fr-derma Aiseblemano na Flamm., II ..erer. en Bearer. atree , , alanchaster, eee `e". il re•la et It .. hly .H m ell a coateauea Of ills patloda e Illilitrloo , I I.erally I.rbtOwett. • . r , ':i ' Tfitl.llAr , II AIL VER. ONY Or IVAN ADADIANTIi AnaeIiEL.ILMIN•, . -------- INBEII IST frill STILES HATS. • • Iti'CORD • • zie CO., • , • 11 1,31 11'000 OTII.L'E*, .: Are rfotilvtutt an i.T.uctato . st.oot of, I FIATS CAPS AND . .F.URS I (Vat Embr.,.th ~ ,g„ TiCll , •sltlety. : i . 11.t.Ti t "lt THE L 4111E14, (LENTS AO ItOtSt it. of Vs tty Ev t oot ,T11.E.; tUlta FOR LA DIV . A %at o,llll,Dttk.N t On 111. k., MIN is. agli RUM. .tt e.,..4 , 1.;. In in .t.tapc 'or pd.,. to 011ich ttMl tattle ,Ite!:ttatittost of-all : 1 .. ,' non T• B f . WIND-GUARD AND AIR-HEATER FOR COAL OIL ,LAMPS: • rATENT!..tt Ocroucl2l7n, too.' lir rite t a I neon llart cowls, 112 It! pro , la tamp elitteurys. %Melt aim continually • g botatitr. .d the otdluary italic •- tlldea, traltatutot Cr to brat Jar - natal r.n trot' , three rtit.lx3..ta; ttm mmpa tan.. earrird irt,,r mutt willtret .pprehruslon. In the most I tuucee sod the Matc.l, retuter th a Mait p1u5t11..4131 . 40:Oft-L. O. pri . 4. •ct,l Cu a ay part S. oneaiirlpt uf cent a. lout .1. (I. CAP Nat. a r t a liart• :treat, cried Call'aity Vti LA LITEIL , IIIII-UNLOS 1 :11 Thnry tOett.at b ettl• r hrrsY ILI. Ls] k-rr tmlt 3-03 CPIYICT.FLE*3; , I CE.H. 0. 0. HOWARD, MEI roe Hero of Gelly+lturg, lot, Soldier :mud • )4 1 11 Il c r II I' II ail tilt ctu ri 1 . 11 tba W . 1 1(7.0161V OF MUSIC. t Orobor 10.6, 1566, tat A 3 , 2 7 1.1 , ..11/Vii, istiatt Duty to the 44otith." ISE . I•tt 1 . 111?..tit t t .'r,itt : ni ha . [no a t.t.. A 0)•• ••0,11, to 0,, at I,AV J. -1,1, • C.- .2, “1" - I, 1......tark. aa : l at ttrioorcp , of 11: k: • .1. A. 10 , ' , IF • • IL. W••• 00, . 1, A . , T.'1.1".:0N. I.LA 0-0 .0..0, ^ • 1...F.0..0e Co.mt,e•y• !'); ..... A. GARTIAIIt; INT 3IALT HOUSES. - • ~.. .. PH W. 11. GARRALD ez C 0.,. • isters, Grain S.: Hop Dealers, i , NO. re . V. nt , r Stre It and Nne. 5 ;n1.1: Peun .Ireet, 1 r.•; sou I, „. t:4 , bt 's •PITTSEILIROPI. PA. rll,l fair W 44 EAT r Y. I. Yr:. 4"14W4; .444.; 4.,41.+. 4,044 ,1: 11,1' • ~ 11t. ?..tro I..trLtr st,(o.? l' s ti rant' tlr'rit. i. , rtZt 1111 FIN i. Nu. il. T tb Hoard .1( tt.l.Coutto“, ~ I t 1,1.1 fll A:I. ti G t:•,to• tittrttrr rMier , At hint, rflt,: rtt at , : ot . t:0.•t0trt..... , •1.1..r0 r r i In - that tote, ttra ft. surer to rrt . :trtattt >t rlttti. .., . Tr.r.tit.r +lll rOo ° , o+. •1 uo•I r. t,io. V.LOUtItaIL, there . RE I. •1, • EMI at ri It It strect,iSecond Story, . INS ir: : " 1 ‘ 'l, I, r r LA Mt: 11. . 1:1 , 11Alt1101., 1 CU.'S. I;E,LT‘I, OKIN G GLASSES, ictares and, Ij,ramet, of all Muds, MOULDINGS, 161. c Fax cCotnant . l7on h‘h4 litlotc. EvEnv 11;ODY SIIOULD rr,lr. ' 74 1 -EX-123• 7011.1 P .A J9ILCr i 19131:2' 'l'l , t. Only t:auo, and ulLlcsc 1-01301E111 , 1 p 01.11.01,1. 1 - ...14 , c r, C.teTll,l,l) 0,,c1:, 0T n Wl', LIZ t . I.;III.II.ATIUN purport 1 10, wort:: a V411:5 . - It1,1:t1 ot, tr, Fl ti for our: Circular-S -aud toruri LW, ottar important 'work. io/o r.. 0uµ..0; nor 10 tint .o.r of ttor wolor. ; ,.„..... - r.lvl.‘ s , lSart,lZret.t. FFact; CITY MILLS. , ~1 1 ROGERS & BltxteE'FiEtpi , II is,tata . c.turuts of c I . 7,1:11.,;Etr, Cli.Vl 'UAL, .1 1 1.1111A.TA dPOLISHED H mr...*m.x. xmc.co 'ma . urrICE .88 W51,101 - SV., '5.. '2B M.lllli LT ST, ..... IC 1 t ~.11 perTsnuitirm. ei.51..... .. trItEKNHOLIS,S. •,...,, JOIIN IL do A: :III7IIDOCII. , C•l'accei , or , to Jol,ta 3 tard...lo. Jr.,/' III:1 1 ,111'ME , AND FIA/11.111,1',, VlDbargb,l'A., 11At attentl , n t,,tuelr ox t7a ,, lrc 4tock of VICUII ::,) int sO,3la;tiTAL, .1 , 11,5, EV rlalilta,ENtl, 11*F, VLSI:, AND 01:E}... 111JUGE;r00ANr111. ' II 1 , /i . .. Fa'l Cirlllar: , • turoth sad Oakland l'issaoger :Cars ran to 11;,, , ,,i,,..a ' , ery 10 to ea. : tralwa R AS , ... . rpioTAL.—TIII.I UNDEDSIGN-;!! 1 -- 1. - It hore reutored the o tee of the HOPE OW ily 5.11. J from 35 Otirke t (In, ,PI tt( bOrgh, to ,helf 1 W 71 , on CA ttollN Sittkllkr urownstown, where 21:11' , :i1.12 nereof it r he Ca . .nt% ' • 1 , /(telliee AMU.. 1.1311. I'Molkurgh. ' tr. ItUNC/tN /I WILLIAMS. '.Art oTICE.--Letterm of Administra. . ~.., ii,,, , 1i 00 the eitate nf WM; ItICSNE fT, late of I the (II ty of PlCeloura h, Limon' Merchant, deeek.ed. i,....el been grouted to the eatocriber, . All persons I 0.h.bte..1 to , tot eald cottnte are roineeted to Make loorie.tlate pay f tut. taod tort coat,) and those bar . . Cloooe o r ,oloat the wAsle of the sold. decedent ! 'w ill leeke known the .6u. w1(1/uot d..1.y!, to , Tlttyl. it. !lAA! 1..T1./N. Adto'r 1 • I I!;:g.'r . No. ht. Fifth St.. tillstionth. ^. -• • 1101 AIES, BELL Ei.CO., I I! , , Anchor Coilqn 1111111, Pltls;lurgb, I' 1 , klannlneturefe of I ' NCIIOttIAtsIIPISTIN,A, ' ' I • rklkelltilt ((It ..311 Er:Ill:Gs, I 1• • A N Gantt (CO oklEhl.[NO , Aloft lIAT TlNti. 1. ' I . . IN t • i 1 F.SCIICCIIMAN CO., • • I . PRACTICALIITHCORAPHERS, Thoi (IN! NY STEC it Lll'll , l ' l3 ESTAII- I.I.AII.IILNT ty TU E3T OF E NIL mod. net,: (...od, Letter ntwii, • N. hi 7...,:.,2/,1-.1,1:111,104., • OARED 31.plauslat ) • • bt,o , ,L•FAC , renku or . - 'Steam Boilers. Oil 'Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iyorlo, Ea; .0. CI VENN STItEIiCT, , O.TTMIUII,OI4,PA. J 4.:410-Wr I 1 --,-- lOILINTRV ~ , ItEsIRENCE FOR ,i,toill i c lojf wows, on whtdit'diti•re dr' erected 1 ' 1")';;44.;:11.717:1"''14'"":1'ill; I DE Ni. : e.t01.: . i_tt.torn donee. :itualed on the tine of it new:tory Vntlay itallroot. ost/Itl to . . 1 , 10:13 At. Cletr etteg terfr. i. ed ' II .T. ' Vviait.a. i . E l , ' ,:i.;i6 Federal Sirletialiegheny. i . • -• CPRPEriTER AND'JOBBINO it work entrupted to hiei care Will Inert wltit oint at trntlon In clUittr el Y. • : .: ) tided 11!, tt(i . o . l. 4 Aj r . e f , (III.: I ( I [4IPATE I! 4. Norfolk o • Tl i"e; Proarlo •• • on • do ratakir t:l Jig J0N01000.411 t o o (s.<4llovelfktl.forDsti:loNlo7lll •.• ' ItrY Yo. MI nil lIISYvo.t .trpvt OILERS .t'OR SALE. SIX SECINC.HAND BOILER'S ; L4l , bI 3O Zmetr for .aleat • , rig," (I' T VOIMUR Y L . VW: flit Ari FOIL/ Ili.,Colllllll.lliSlo/1 lartu isLentaiNfiltot4 , v.e.t . Al,' YARN- nil - WIC. no/gtstpents 4 r, ;net t\s.l fli .l a. AMID U76,-2u bin past ran elegized . 0" NEW ADITERTESEDIENT,,. i NEW ADVB4TISEX.ENTS. ,1_ NEW ADVERTISEDIENtS. - 1 SyLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENTS. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS.' H CHILD ' - •, , _ T HE MOST COMPLETE LINE dr ' , • LIZA ti MK. HCkI . YT AN 11(PL SIIAKFI: 1 - V LP tLED FIANN ' LL, MIA/ail KNLT . I 1 -", A.P.D ItIBBED ,Flit.ThA , D . ' ' & I? ; co , a Bo still Undershirts &Drawers,' '.. 1 ,• . L .4 1 • • , ilay be f.Aand it "• i ' XIIRDOCII a PUT.T.VILVS • 1 WHOLESALE DEALEIIi IN , . -- • . pleut's Furnishing •Emporium, ; ....,...: . 1 ~ .... w . c.p .' A „, , ,,,,, 3 al .1 Financial Crisis 1 7473 N'LLII3. sßetr,o,ots ksivOTS anuzib' -Compel na to :.ell . ri.Sielr opposite Post 011iee. • , , Also the Tate,t London {Da Vorli XP, ll 6tn . - , - In the courseorSls Months SCAILIq4,IIES. BOWL". AND HAN Dls Eltt MEP: \ . I ,Ar eleg tot a - _ rll nt. of . 1 1 . 5.-1q.):: 11 • , ;,: 91.0VES AND 'HALF HOSE. I ' I ...A. I r 4,`..)2A0 000 - - - - S9)O 000 9 Ti.e lArgest an , l :Mt et ..-ort'neot . I Flanna and Cassis:zero Starts , - il LiA.THER 'I • 'r.:JILTH I , f , , , 'Ever brolivbt to Ibl. City 1 • I Waliellre, Clocks,' Chains, Dia. 13.11Ellpilltat '1111: NA)! r. AND I L L.I j p. _.,, ' mond Dings, -Pianos, Melode- NURBOCK & PUTNAM. I - Nt 1 0 3 -w oo d . •4t t ' om, NOWillg' Machines. SW t0e12:115.1.T$ .. I -L. 0. 0. St ree t ,I. ver Ware, ice., Six., sr. J. Ditiill9..l.lV. c. itorrtat....c. A. i . trl WI,. 1 ' i ' __ L A1.1.T0 Mt D!1131 . 05ED OF AI . ~ MYERS. HOPPER Si; c 0.,/ 1 IriTTSBYT Rau, PA. ' , corn to A. It. Ilnlcer.) '1 . ' • . ' Liocilirtr Ea.Cli, (5.,,,,.....,_ No: 45 SraitlillelaLS€.l,. 1 . SHORT TIME anti • C - ASII liarehire offer s •'' T perk, Inatern• ut 4, 'xi onr lerlltele's for boTlng areli Mnu afactrareta and Drolora la all . l.lattr of • I 1 otoOrpaljed by Aar Ilona,: Eaat or ,W,. rt.. l'artlas vrET3R.:Nr irjuirj3FL .,-,,. I lag 11111.0.1 y tdon r 1 n' , .r IyANDS !fit t•ely 's, .7,/, , ,11. •1V.21 1 wr are. enntled to •All 1, ID .• at.aur Ead. ern Jobbat& . Parlor, Chanabei, - I 1 1.10 1 ". . 11raItVIIANTti are In eltrd [o'er!! and eau:dna I ottrlittxt: and ii,,10 our prices farforu iturthailog • ~ a nd . Dining Room Sots, 1 0. , , ,,, h , r , , `OFFICE AND 'SCHOOL FURNITURE, . , Togather'alLft a full...art/nem. of •, I ' ' 1C1T7C.1.02:. Car .. I , . PittsbUrgh MAnufactured -Furniture H ti , p E - ti S ). IVI lila 7... Conalantly on band and for rile :tato. ', I ' 1 I I ' ' • • , s.c..cwromit . cua,soi. P.1 . 1.0c3.91. r.. • z, • , THE GREATEST INVENTION OF l' 1 • TILE ALOE. , ' S IifiIILESS t RAIN Illtild, Web.ster's Patent ' , Ordinary Wrench," L t i . 'FOR COTTrNtI OFF ' BOJO:011'14 atodq, Steam, cas, bras. and . , . win bold ~toms End or Flo•tin,t.7ll.E.W IN Oln , i - ' .A. hus i . y a• tl. • 't.,, .I C AND LINEN CARPET 1111 IN Tbr AaPtt•tor•ta paled Ili I,ts • WIIINC IL rvr I . ntlii.. , i • • tilfillid :1. - I...wink tip I•lpe...lte, r,.,•1,•.. ,r• ~,j 1 1 , e‘ 1 f r" 1t71 7 g1P6 . 1 10 ,g1 . ‘ ,. .c , .., ! .; ' ;1: ',`` V3;1; '"?'. ' [ Will be Promptly Filled at ,„.. :::::: . : ::.: : : : p ,,t , , ,:,..: :::::, ::: : : , ::.. , ::: ,..„) . PI ri I:0, OLOillta IL. 1..5ti.1 IN , It, %lA. - MP:I , I. • 111.• At-1, 1 -111.1. 11/ii. no I CAiLItIA , .I.. !MILD I . 1...c.., , rd on tO I Oft-01 , 111p, I'd • Al:, Id. 1,01 I/ tqii141..';',....:011'il In 1.?- '" at l ii il."II.t a " r• I I II I ‘ •••. " .1' 11 , ni...t NV tlEttr. WA I Eit ..: , ..11('IA , A 111. ‘ 1,,,ED. ' , Thew` Witt.!• , l4}- , n0t..m.1.h. In 111 , . 11 , I , L . ,- . „,.,,„,,.„.,.. r, ~,,, ~. „,.,... „ ~..., Lorry '. „, 7 „ ~„,,, i ti - ALL or , l'ri loy iI,AI N 111 reta r it 2 Itatuedldie and •-than Sul itl tt. r t0.1.u...11•• ..., fn' In 1,ho• .000.-• w.. 01.. ' feral' Alley:Ion. • 1 4i. LI In. 11,1whnill rut 411 and ...r, nno 14.•, in , j ' 13 In. Allautelt, • A .6 In. %V r , .. 01 n'l mums & CO. I ct. ...i ..ano 11 . • • ~..,,or Llp4. ,lo IL, Inch 'o,lineter. An , s a, r ' . i,p ~ • .Wro 011 wi11...1 oil. I •,••• n n' , 111, O 314 MceITEE•N . & C'O3 1 . .. , 'l,' ' I• .ovs I - , .1 T n . l' dtatnit.t 1 7o••Wrcl,llte tofmt,,t I .... ; 1 11 . l uppipehl;lel„.a Ifm rr. 1,„ !IL SOINE 110 N 011iS. ....31'4 b.... 34 %Vat, L 1 1 ,1.:. 0.'17 {..5.... , :I'. ' ....... /866 s F AL!. is66 . - _ _ ; P' E r r si. • ~..5:.„,„•:„,,,,, ,f ,:w•iffr r ren.,— of , pl W. , xrt , n,;. ~1.,,1.1ng -for FAI I. II:NI/I' th• , Round, square., Flatland ,•"^`"'"" ''' 14v''''''''W.' "'",:r*.''''''' — `"!'"' ir r 0 .1 to Gar Iron, ~ . ~ 11 NC. - EtigliSh Brussels' and Tapestries, ir Hoop and Band Iron, . ‘""""'"'"`"` I "'' ""' l4 '""`''''' "'"'4' ilollcr-Plate. Tank And elmtre ji."l - 11, ta.yr.L. , ,.....1":11.1:11...., LC:. ' I . .Elfli lULTDI AND litkii t'll . ,PiF , \D 1 ,1 f ,5.,- 'l;alt-Pan Iron, • • minitotnrimo q15'.1,.. I, ..(IF ( yIITAIN ., ,. , lilitot Iron. &G, SC., SC. . _ .. - ' Nna and lima Paavad d' Grevr4. Side & Centre Tasets, loop:, & Bani!.%. ~,,,..-..: v. ,r, ;....... . ~ 1v,...... PIT i • .1% , - i I 1 . , a.O M0:.•!,, , - , ..!• rn .i' -.- Cl.l.,Stfres .• , ,,II:nr 01:11 , .,1•. . ' co., 14 : f, . - w, i t p r 'tie Nns..7l e. 11,1 13 VI I.TII ^. llr. , [.. . ..... ..• ~.. Nest It.alek 1,. U. :,. cu-unit 11 , , , ,ii• na. : 1',.... I /Ir., . j tha • ''. C =6 , n• 4 4 v; 25, ,, ,,1 1•%1......r.• DC. , A. R F...1f.: 1 N'T.IT F.. 16 EA -- ~,t. . -- - • . 441:11 11..14 MK r:r, uor%:. oth•br!. I ri:Pre, NJ. <2O Four;lt Strect., Pltt 1 ~ ALLEGIIENY BllEWEltli,! • ."-----':-•‘------ El -- /1 •. , , ,- ,It hnautliel e••••• 7 n• •bn nyrril:;dr. 1.',11 1r PrOnhol. tetnlti, porcha.nd the pia ..r,p1 , ,,,d' urt , 0..,, I z ,,,, 1:4 t,,, ,, Perd: , - .P: 11.11. I' rlo. 10 oy rt • }:riout , :: the A 1.1.1..t1 It Kt. 1" tilt 1-: %V hi, l'• f,!,',- , ' .' ,• ''..," ,!'' :' •,'"'• ~, ”:.•' .. .:! ,5 • Lott coutra I.y r'antpnali ..n. Prato, o r :out./ ".IL r.,”L : AL ' ''''''''',',..• i'-.,,.•',,, ~ .../1 " , P .1 c ,hro tion u-Itt, It VALI4“I4t %eq... oll,ootluainp thu ~.64,,, .t. 16 of , ..h ., -- ,•',/,; • •., nroho* 1 ,,,, en;11••••Ylo th,` notlrn!. 1 ' 0.. t• :.. ,d, • 1 ~.. 11.1,, IL t 4 Lae' .. SPRING WATER ALT.S, , .-:....._.• 1.•,...,_ ::•1. , •: , ./. , 011••1 d o ter, hulnon e ~ n •••••,•• ••••• h:ro lc.- ohl.,trot II:or:re:ye. :btu: Irade !hop, Pore ntprton Water,•,:bl f',I.L L , fr:,.• L a 1.., L...:, - -0•, ,,, :1,1,,., 710 1 , :tad ort the ?noon- . on: and h , r a na.perb hte In tor r. 1•:h• ••. nth 1 ni : 11:•!••• ••• 1 ... •• p, /1:r, to -4 t 11 . , : ,, -,:ht- ,-, ..-than * l et nd that rr... 0.11 be no ,u , • , •1 to r 11 , ~ .1.17j, .7• , r7e, t., Fr ••`:' •• ~ ,-. bb Id •3 thtor• - .: 1. ht. I', Wanton to those who roar fns, at 4 It 1, ••...1 1-.., : / •••••!•••• 10,, '.:-,• Iy. / 00-o!!, t A:L.J, IL Lo.. ILIL ... ~ 'ft F. ! , /1"4. nt , 11,00•/` ••uolt: one-, ' . ' • t htrd , a •1:. the 1,1,n, In hie, Olt, ..,[l.l4le•t 11, , . .61:14t1103EL - ea C . Q., • • :,...,..-, - •,,,.,,... 1 - •,,•,.., oi th•i... h „,, yn ,,b,,,,,,,, ; n• r•-• , :h1 1.•••., ..I,OOC 1.:, btlot etl c.ll P. 'ten at 1.1.1 r 465 Rebecca .Strut ; , :vr,-,,,,. ;, , L,:: • - ! . . ~,.,.., . , ~,,,. too:1,d rarer and A LLEGPIENY . CUP V-• • , • , ..1 ~• ~.,..:;.,,...•,) ,:; i„,,; ....:1.• iv ,td icitcruou ,1.. ,A:1, 7, 4:.• _ . • : : .4r - Att order: kri nt Iir:OWN •1.: bp :IL\ •-.1. u . , • ; ~ , n ': t•-•1.bu•:" . of 1 : , ..,utr...... , - 1 - : h . •ldu e b p4l , l: ‘ , 4 I . l'. 0!, li . r cat, nt ou tooded :0. • • - .._ •• • .•••••• a •ur,no ap.oruet o Utlihr city property (Or A, lONV.IIENMS, col I 1 , . s 1•0 Ls ! .t.i.L , —.4 ; ..'2 - N__, ; `'•;•:1•,!:,,,,,•., fr..,,, , .t0 • .....ml, I to ~ 0. st. •t,tl7 _ i t:t, itt Ittl.f - t tog. . , i .. ... :. ' EL..- .. i • • • Vaults, Fauutainss L ' pAt.Eit.: PAL. , ttll • . .- , • 2., - • . PIT . • , •. ISBURCH Sauttiai ' v ,-.- - "fp 7 1 - i s cft:, I ' - 7 . . . t . PIPEq iIIpFICTEIIING CO., AND , i.. a t I . I .. • • , , . • • DESIGNS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - i -tYareho t,:.c;', 52 Third Street, . - t - . . - T.' unoom "a,' , : i:rttcuestar.ll . retml, ult.! fc,ooo/0, Inlcere.sl • • fen: , NI. 00 l'enra 1•11,t. • -• .•. • - - FlE'd3, 1 1 1,x, IgAhILIA, lIHDViARE, COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! . . • . :Niting, rat and • IMPRTANT TEI.CONSLIM'CRS„' - : • • - ' .'1 WR t • MI, aarorteti DOW la \Coach.... PPING PAPERS. 8r... HUMMEL R ABER... . • , C. In•lte ittelkt.fentl. of th• Ptailif, to their lit, stock ; . 10 •i , 0/ • • ; , , . of COAL ;oat tut:elec.!, luctudltlK.ll.ol.llo!Ww.,....- Cll7 on 7.11114 ot It tenlienvlll 01s1 elem. ~.. . e, o. art- Moo Min,. m NeAratel-las.on. ra, ,I.nmp, N0..1, 2,•atand Chestnut; , . ~ 'it, 1 • " I.,yltlno,Telley, N05t...2.; 3,mnltt'nott l nut, ! " Al/ ef ' , title? , the/ Ste Prepared to 110110? I t the i.• lW Ell 0 nATEti, by the alugto too. oar 1004, boat 1000 or thousaud run:. All orders pro/aptly nOervici to. , . (Meer .102 Chestnut ntrcew,tsear th. 0ry,,,;• • oetilkie' • - . i.lnnitltilljltc., 1 . /. J. w. .10111010000 • 1 .1.A.4 JOHNSTON ai. SCOTT, 't ,<1 BIM pEA.T..r.as IN Me' Watches, Clocks, Je‘relry SILVER-PLATED VIA , RE, ETC., No. 271 LIBERTY STILIZET, "o.t'aLAxio Pit 'Ars. Particular attention' (liven WIL/Puell, elinlll Sad JVINUtT.• .I•L'• wort watraltt.,: lei:o4 1 11...'' LANCE, ANL. WOOLEN DYtR AND SCOURER, , • Chintz Window Curtalfifi and Chair Covers Cleaned cUltegl2zel without unpacking. N08.3* and 37 Third . treet, ' Between Wood and 15mltidield,._ maiank72 ter. p . SOLDIERS" ..• .CLAIMS FOIL BO U NTY, e. The anderilgned will collect all honntle-. back pay aria :pensions doe soldiers undue ttl Dens of Congress orlitata JARS. Congress baaJnst passed an act nquellzlng pout lea. under Which veteran soldiers Are entitled to bounty or from 1100 to 11'10 0 . Ji/IIN 0. 1.A.511411C; A. M. low %V - Attorncys TAW, Ollncti. No. 111:4'10h Iv2l-trbl4ll.tv.T. • fit 1:1111=1 3134r-4:72E1X-okiNZI , X4.: OMNIBUS AND UTERI" STABLE, - 1'u. 310 Poi? M r re.el? JAMES .rrtaxes I' •IrligAi 1 a:t tralus. Also, Corsloges or Yoots4 .4 n, It'•:.l,llnts sod rattlils, et al ort..lotico sod ro,sont l, ll , not; . • Stable Open Day antlNi o lit. r: .1,11;ti0.45.1.11. J . SCHOONXIAILER ft. 506151 , , Piltsburiti White Lead 11'(;i1.,i 'PURE .WHITE LEAD, 1 ISLE!. LEAD II ICt iIJNII uti . (2!1,. , FOIL i " M. " IVCO; UU • Vircscicai. ne,tr.uut. VAIr ROOFiNti , RIAT , EI24ALS. ' Cement, Pileh, Fell, Formal-1e Irarnish and lilack Pttlie flan, factored and sold SA ell;nt, at any miler house On country, b 7 • rAGIC Psultl, t bid-4 Ilaiomoni. broml s al g o o r OIL t..KOitliE A. I( ELIA' CO, 0 (.6 • Wtiolesale Drug, Ws. 3T W rect. N111 ; 1 1 41 DIIVER reCeired Ind 411011:44410Ftitt5t.,161'0;4,...i,1CRii,t. An CANS CEL.:.t,tATED CUL.; {toles sat Drupsio., isr Wood idrtet.'• C. NU.1.11:14 It. W. 11111ItC1I. 7e. tItIFIVU7II.BI, CO" Bllnnufac. l iv • vamp. (4'U:saps:PlA. Lemon and Mayberry - g o VASES . HAMILTON I'LHE E C:P3 : ) ' II6 "WAVIV/Earlirel* ~.• fGyf ~ , ftaf; Y ai l A d -iirriltx,7 Ac' ' -,'' gttli t je fT eeni b r=ittli,tilerilgniiit u allt' NtetA zAMbettsater-Druiritbrtit,.zr wooosaet: - var i allej a t4=M, e tt e v r =kritz, burial. P. - • - Ot4crs Med WI sblpinkl to el . lpurag sz tdeecy try,ort illoilltinbit. s•lies; (3110 nA vitza t a i., ms maim'? eterpc, IILIWIr01 , 11) ceasetle be a • member oft A Isin et DAY, 0 H fiw 011 pon she ash ' DAT. onalrictae• • MO Batting, Twine, dC ci., mod„ FACTORY. PRICES. , LIESICY HOSPITAL, I Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, 170 H THE TREATMENT OF ALL 11,1d.A•En requiring medical or aneolcal All dares or patient* admitted. Irrespective of rrord c• or. e lerzynaan or all derioininatlona • r:11,0 , ! to Matt pail, ate of their own creed. Pa• /tents poor to pay are Admitted tree of coadge. on sdpildraton to any of the sitemlin gplii Celan. or aurecdn.s. All rib:hitt pbyell tans trading Pay,,Dit• shut, to prim., rdonst limy Lava Lill charge 01 the ruin et, tit' nnmes, combined with the pommel Attention of the tinter.. 1,11.0,10,1 s inetliution au tiara cp. nay In the Otate for those agile ed with diteitia•pbt•lcla , rl And sulocon In OM? at it - - • ttall'and orn•Ily attendance: 11, tlO 11 FAI., Jo.. 14 it., SAO t/ rant street, 110- , p. err. :Novenaln , cod Ifecem her. l ri-tus. J. la P. I.LA El EL, M. L. 142 , h9lthtield Mar And June. , il All. N. U., lrei Third street, July. Anon, and hepteinber. 1 , . J. 0., 107 Moss Mo street, Jan uary, lenruary nut Oh. E. Id 0E is corner eirlb. and OrAnt elm eon. In .Istor attendance. •unixtin PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY Jos. srJ.Nors JAS. X . r-LT • brElliCiat . & 3/ChAY, 11.11JSTERS AND lIIEWERS • Alo, - -Porter and BroNin Stout,. • PlT'6[ll: litill,l PA. • 11.013ERT WAT"tcI.N. 111Arinetr. teigialGS P ItiEl;1011 OA 14, TANNED, PAT. kyr srtt9iF7Ell AND luvvrEu L I.:A.111E11 EEL T AND TOSE, _ 58'4...151T1W1C1-Us t *T.. _lv HARTLEY. PHELPS & ...1A.., gnoror ;it,' York Rubber Co ( iina: t]3eltip g. • I.r' l .,l';', Y L an 1:1:871:1, ti ISI.:11,,11.1:1.1 1111115.... 1131 IVAN,• Etrolier in Slocke, !lON I), ' ANL, 1 4 .F.AL . F3TA'rE ‘ .57 FOURTH (3urke . ... Lilzliatng I 1 y and 'en; on iNsur.ANoit. 1' 11:1. 1.C;31 1:i end GOVF-111;31ENT, 1::N 1C I e 6.1., .1.t.1,11,R0A1) AND OTUE/t = =I IM=!IIIMI=M! OViirtTIES TO of-ISGI And 1862, who Al l fie.r, ,11 three yenta are enEttled to 6100 1,;,1.41ty; 211014 oervi o,rl.,Vtk Tears, $5O; at who watt (I . l,hrtrgt.,l Lp tenon or RelltliS, Or tLcir held, 4 fire Olonfp3, Extra Pay. ln due Volantrer rtllle, , rt In the aervice Maralf we, pod dtbeearged..eoe.tere.l out, or restßaed 01:Ice/SKIM • l'voleaf4ad are entitled foil ff. 3Z41 Or asiff, aei,ordlug to degree of disabil ity. NV. J. & 1110.4 .VATTLItSON. AttOrtills, Clraht Stgert. Pllttburgu, r, ,0. 10. COWAN J: W ILLY AIMS 41. C0W41.7.:$ PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT ROOFERS. •tbel tarp un h., a baga•aurplVintoallaz terl,ll9, Nate Ctinaut, Felt. 1 . 1k1111.5 sad Varialalms. l'rurno.at , tativa tilventolliialtooang 3bl kann street, and ha ll, Pattabar,n. One . • 'Without regard to value: end not . Lobe paid for until you know "'bat .you are to retch cc .pin-After_ reeelvlnir the article, If It does not rluaae yon, you causetarn It and your, money will no r,f-nded. • • . • Tflß 51,Cli.(10:11PIUSE4.-AtneniTniber nri Splendid Clocks. Uollt and litiver Watches. Mugs net v. lth Gl.mande, Itublen. Peoria. liarriet and tale rezones (solitoire awl In Oyster%) Ladles' nt.?... of .1 ...Tel,. rotnprtung Pine and For Mugs of ;the most fn...1 enable styles: let In rreyews Stones (every Torten . , [Amite+ . with large ansoratent of 00l I and Enansell , dand Perri Sets, Li old ottitln anti He..., Venues of Ilse 10pst .beeetlful pattern", llorene an bearfl • ins.And an Outlet. sari et y et Bracelets, Wades, Musical litiAos. , Head Drve.cs, , Combo :Ch ll4.r ar ms, of e. eou ti.nto o silo great stagoailon or lead., In the districts of 17.010 and a ia f :M1.114 of velvet/le' Jeirelry, originally in truderis in d Pail". European market, Ire col sent nit fro . snte In the country. and ionic etold at say ono rill., Under UtenectreuniAanceo the "WATCH & OOLO,JEWELRY COMPANY." Have resolved epee . , ,APPORTIONMENT, . Subleet to the follJwlng rtgulationg: Certlfestuof the yarlou, sultigt, wltnoet Jegard to choice or rand ordered nto enveloreq, 'wait dup and mixedola:. o, are taken out y a blind tolpoi, and scot by mall, bus giving all • WI . Ch the receipt of the Cent:teat r, poll' will set al at y .0 are to hare, and then it Is at your opttoil , to it n d Use dollar and take the article or net. l'ur ehn.ers Islay thias ....tate a Pram, Meotdeon. Sow ing Mecham, cc Id Watch. Diamond Ring, er any ort Lt Jewelry on our Lilt for WIT Dolar.. NO 333r.aA.IVIMEO. • SEND 2.1 CENTS.FOI7. A CEitT/gICAT In 01 00.0.00 n. by mall, we shall charge for 7'0,m1 - dine the centenaries paying postage and do , toy the tot.luess,lii cents each, viretch •sorat be en , • doted wittit thy core illC•te is sent ior. rive certi• fleeter wilt he aria or $l. eleven for Eft. [laity for 4„ n at.) e far 1110. And ICO for VA A GZ,NTe—We want agents in every town 3515% county the Con atty. and those acting goal Kill be allowed i ten cent. on every eertlneate ordered by them, provided their rot Mance ate....nos to S. A goats oillcollect ents fore,eryeertitleate; and veto ['Scuds to ne, chin/in cash or po loge slat:ups Agents resolute./ at once WO, will oe enuned to a tontallitti main, Watch. and Ala., 20) certifcate.. Please write your Safer, Town, County and State peal uly, anti address an orders to 111I(1 IND GuLD JEWELRY COMPANY, Llbery Street, New York. MEM BOOTS, SHOES, GIITERS, DRY . GOODS,- • Blan i kets, Woolen Hoods. ' FLANNELS, eassimeres, cloths, :El 'SHAWL?, SHIRTS AM DRAWERS, lALILIAiSIiici.6I, 110[SE-FURNISIIING GOODS, ina *ce,LELLAND'.S .6,110:1ION EMPORIUM, No's. 55 and 57. FIFTH: STREET. pirrsnunn BANK FOR SAVINCS. Formerly the IiIIf.I.II3AVINGS IN6TITVILON, 61 Fourth-Street, , Sends Opposite the Baus otPtttsburgh.) CHARTERED It, 19V... • " OPEN DAILY from 0 to 4.o'clock, _and on WEI). Er:DAY and Sal:W[l39.Y EVE.liLiilie from May ht. to c oVeinbCT Ist, 7 to 9 o'clock; and from Nov. Ist to May Ist, 6 to 8 o'clock. Boosa of Ely-Laws, de., furnished at' tints office grat.N. tints Institution espetielly offs to than whose tending are limited, the cpportunity to accumulate. by small deposits, easily saved. • sum which will be a resource wiimi needed, and bearing interest lll stead of remaining unproductive. • BOARD OF MANAGERS. PRESIDENT an - Mnr.jnrg..C3 - M AL. VICE e/MIDENTS. -- HART,MAN, JAMES PARK, Jr ECILETAILY AND TREASURER. 17 1 . F 7. 112033-11M1 - 7-8331r. A . B.ADL Ey,. W3l. K. N - LUIRR, _ BAHY .I A , O:I B III B AIit . N L ti RtR E T/Ij JAS. L. ULLA r R. C. SCILUR.,,TZ, CtlaimTo MR ZUG. BOLICITOIig-IL W. & S. DELL. mylArbiOr MoAI3OY &SP.ANG, PEOPMETOII9 OF - • CITY `lllllli WORKS. - OFFICE ANTI WAREHOUSE, N 05.45 Wood and 102 and 104 Thid St, 111FOILTEIIS OF .A.ND //W= IN Saddlery Hardware and :Trimming, And Mint acturan of all varieties of • Superior Wood and Iron 'lames, Wrought Post 8115, Bing Blt,s, Bnallle. BriadoOrts. Wtecl Bit,, Mato u Blit• it. .11c. Key also oa pd ln their tlrfe a , n a Irol 4rg 11.2%FL:trill% o f 1 an tli,• try lc f?,agfif.l‘ , 6B7: 030'4 " • n honesy Dtt. J. S. rILING Mat retuta'adtba praattee of, Eteattstry at zorco. 3.64. 31 , x3mrzz Err., Oipotite the Cathedral, W w ho e re Trlshee to redeyele r Mead. and patrons e of the aerviteof astexpenenced DENTAL PRAUrriIONER. • • . Fspdatal stien , lon will be given to {ye bre sons non of the natural teeth by skillfully Llano Vim .rvito tbe most select marerld, and • by giving emu other I..tvocr %reams et, th us pre.erylog Ilona IFr future use. and eomtbrt in stripe old age. ' 'moo torlty of the 1...ettl 'of young persons &nal• fairy sttemtvki to amt corns-ten. • • Thu. besotlful &nada teeth, rcudoreg so comfortable find u: ul by tbo ntogio of tee_ Loa ior's toe..hoolsm, ill be rmlit ready for all who •.r,icr thrm. - MuloTelief or -,,ine• to: tiring-I.llot extractizo o!-tenth. 1 , 111-be atu t. rul lei. to Wow WIIO may don/miner:. claw ••; cry= OA.. a to ft t. , stgAS3 Cilia WAUEUMESE• • RICHARD E . BREED . xuar.commmtrit. No. 100 Wood Sircet.. , ragri;Miirt2s%lPlEClP}Ferazav . Tpt. 1511.75,_ ' • l H ll igt li t t kVAlt tiVIVEIANEI3O Ski MIR VI:WE WARE of silliziettis, tofu! Ibulcaalc and rttall trade. •• W T I= rg ;Inte rn : "' M t "' Price' and t„ . e..rats the isms Ulnae ex:stint altlau ' EIMEEBE BUSINESS MAN'S 0111111EIN LILL COL ROL , No. 4 fit: Clair Street: Ni r t a. 44 , esSIA itailas cd.aariziali , teacher onscs43 farAbsiasialitot hwr ehi gWit, BjUSilati?la:Tryiall : T y V==3lo4_ .- , - • ,Eiji "'U . Ccallgraiowas. o &darn* Nt. MAST= and feeicti4Oft J. V. XOPAPanirl, WA.NTED, A SITILITION A 3 110TISEEISS, BY Pao. It4lc zaralaly. Be..[ orYCYta tad required.. .V.d.rcsr oe.11:1117 • WANTEA..GOOLia WIN IN Ev , XRY COUNTY, PA.RTN EN in aelllLa • NEW ArT/t3.6 (LLMAT L.l: Will far; tilah $4.0'0 capital to an good.= A , of tact. ' Rao. travel part at the time Will payil per •• l ar dl e ....Oslo* bold.. New ter to rwreate All Kt 3Ll,lll.llw.vet. J. C.. TIL ur TuN, rlit.bg. Pa. OEM WANTED—AGEN T.S . —S73I , to s2oo' I`E Mild:Tit forlientlemen. and 1.35 to $73 for Ladles, everywhere. to tntreehow the tiormicen Sense r &sally 44-.1 og Mxehtn, Improvel andnwir leCted. It Tidll b eau tell. bitten, uilt, blod, braid, ..nd ernbrobler tifially—prlvo elf *de teeth ing the elastic ;rerkeettich, and mite warranted for toree.years. We pay Um above waged. or. C-0111- fi 2 1.0 0 ., from which twice thotitoonin C o., con to made. Ad dress or call en V. di...WEIS" a il dte N0• • •255 S. Vifili street. k • All Itllers answered prompt I'. th , will, il.delnht s, AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW rivux, NOW IthADT. • WoM EN OF TH E WAR: By FRANK )1001:1T, egtbor of .."T11,.. Reeo.rtf,.. ac. The object or tbla work Is to collect arlot;•ccot eamatlves or tbeeerelcex or the to, Tte r" Vo r ltt h n ' o. " c%"A ' a d i?t ' a gh . ' att i tll l' E. l ll:l t ''': t i nV;," pap* 000 Is tlluivated with steel Plate portratts, engraved !natl.:most lutproietl style. Cool out) by Bobscrlpttou. . for t.trelt/..tri, adttresi or apply to : -• 1:311.11Y k 114)ii-E. Oen. No:Gfi Filth S UV . A. rit Vibargh• . A GENTS WANTED.—TI2e best Nook for igenta—ntale and female — ; , wrcrrm, . By Mn..• 'SELLA [4I . E.NCEIL On.. agent reporti twenty cops to Inoura, tae.tv two coot.. In ore day. .NV.• 'bay< gooil Oho rrry left that will be sahignea to r.t-oils'. agent.. • \\Y earl IfOO a few agents a nue eh .ure with our new EngraelUX . ,110.11 E AtIAIN. Apply to or addreta , NOLL. NT a - CO:. ae_I2NWP . 5 Third street rittstnirgh. ito.. AGENTS WANTED DY THE UM). SEWISIi MACHINE CoMP.AN to Dell their NEW bxSI!ACLLtn Et. 1%11 seer iron. Lisbon paper to 110107 Beaver cloth or leather oot ettange of feed, needle or ten,lon; letf-alnat lo' preseure foot. arid newly cleelgn<O, four muttoutot LINDC.ILTI.T.D. Add : rear., ertelasum stamp. ...IL HALL .t (Pi Falk Street. - { Secot .o Floor.) ocO3 rttLataareh. a. FE.Y IVAN'rEEP, . TO ACT AS SACESMEN,. , Either perlanontly or totoporarllY,:who aro onro, potent to engage In 117•31.-claas bnaluesi• rot ati ons. Apply In peroon or adder. , • .01485 ..OS Grant street. t. PLV&BING, GAS _ r ADDY &BARTLEY xx_.. , ornessmm.ire.ts. * GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, - for. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., • . PI'TTSBURGII; PA., - For. Bearer and Chestnut Streetg, • MANCHE:3M R. Al! kinds of NVat..r, Gas and nteam Flat'ares stantly on hand. , jealnag. pEupilmniG, GAS AND STEI3IFITTIIG 9 Hydrants, Iron Pumps, &MET LEAD.' 6IIEL,'T ZINC, LEAV tires s BASINI ITATER CLOSETS AND WASII STANDS. TON T. EWENS, (Suceots,r.to C 0.,) 165 Flood Plitsburgli,;ra BAILIFF, BROWN & CO., PLUMBERS;GAS &. St Vag PIPE FITTERS Ao;ss_Federal St., :1110ghe*, ESE 612 Penn street, Pittsburgh. • W/LTSR An) GAI constantly on land. Horses Riau up with Gar. Water or SC.= at short notice. . CM nunneries fitted up at short notice Aladin this most approved style. wititators, Ta.ns, .40.. lined 'with Khoo , toothy iiear process, with IFlssiro.-Atmospir•rir We Seep minas/sway on nand large ,finpol . y. of SHEET LEAD, lir.tal) PIPE, 111.aiM COCEM FraiNus oF ALL lilN DS. li HO-ki and In tact ail material taapt by ,• :ust-clnsa establishment. . - - We establishment. Invite the attention of all erhohave any work to do in oar line of /main.a. as we (eel rmin we . can give thr.best of satisfaction M. reg. , . 'Material, workmanship 50. price. . 174:t3 Private Families and hotels =II ErIZDRANT HOSE AND PIIES • shorteet notice;.4ikticat . tt tins, ty calling on JOHN MAFFET, Nos, 227 and 229 First Street, MI =a mylnalo WELDON & KELLY PLUMBERS, Gas and Stearn Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A large assortment of Chandeliers and Brackets; Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c., ALWAYS CIA , HANe. 161 Wood street, near Sixth. - my b 7 • 4 WY. EIGEMSLIT Ft. :i02124,1 . 01 ELERLEHY - S ,JOHNSON, Plumbers, Gas and, Steam Fitters I= • . ..• -.. 1/4. . . • - W'lttailalskala.. 3L''n . • An orders by mill exeented lallsractortle: - . promptly atten.ted to ~- A. fall llns of oath Tubs, Pumps, Basins; 4 V i, ..,. Closets, Mots , Crtandelters, Vend,. ts , and 1,. lettadm for nle at the most renounde Orin'. ' .Order. from country patron. by mall pros ptif at tended to., , edam bloat of every descrlytton., ABBY, MUM & BETLEV Beep oo hand • superior iirdele of _ WOOD E V ETZVE.PSe .k,ll 'kinds of Iroo. ramps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, , Sheet Zinn, Lead Pltx, Bath Teas Sinks Water' Warerouto Closets, Wask.Bulas. Wash Stanc h , .tet..at their Corner Sixth' and Smithfield Streets,, All &Inds or liepalrlLg dome promptly. All ordert by mall Imme4lately attended to: ate*. PLI'IIiBING, GAS AND - STEAn FITTING, 1$ ALL ITE) Carefully actended.,tO by experienced and practical workmen. A fine assortment of , • CIAr . FIXTURES, SINKS, ,BATH TUBS SHOWER BATEt9. • • • • MSTY-B ctusrrs, Cojigstitri an band rnsrldro 01:11i:j51?•A 4:112 *333I7XLIAM:I, SO Federal Street. Allegheny. and 31d1 Liberty . nereet, fltesburgh. tolalltbArdly STEM itElii Itt OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver. !MOM An STUL LEITH arm, SUPERIOR Cancelling Stamps and' Visiting Cards, eIpea , LATES umuttNa 93 Wood St., Car. Diamond Alley, .(4-ILaYz.viviii . .00Z sTonz,) ••• rrrrHiuittim ~ei3iei ADnEVISTILILTOWS 'INOTIC ' ' Wnereati.ettertot Adatinlaltetion on th e es tateof JUR:. es'ext:Selk!‘ Detected. have been gynntlsl * to , the undersign:leg,: tit „onions neelog claims m . _ n ti lU ntala=it::.:ren " rall 4 zes "%gr te=toleld ensues. requested to - nee•lnL7:: Mont. i L. AnitCEA, Ana's. . eusztte...". : . - litavor,eoOlcs.,lqu.ttros b. es. .... _ , . •A DEUNISTRATOIO4 -. Tha atadarrAilt et - baring liken 3 711 J.Vte k r . s o e 1 CViaelaiTratit.llliesally, wld Captata of Ammar all now Indebrad n ur and baring elatami agalturs rald estate will pre. I . the= 721"."""7: 'JAS. OrKauffill el --.I.O.TERLWeir. '8117G4.115:77,--Just. re- - eoarip_" .*l '''"W ic reg ew tg r a itrilitist Cir. rori2o=4o =BLPTlVPOirrtbatag lal *rat . br. • I.4lgraisHAW oo~ , parzurrUborty aa tisasi asrespi tvl ~.., . grly . ~ . .. . ~_ ~. • -- ~ . EGEFECI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers