^ la. R. - Al. - JEJEt r rZ• I Baltimore Cattle Berke.. - liAtrimonr... October 4.-Reef Cattle-The of. Banker and Broker, 1 funt"o",f,',u..". i tbilut.,‘%* .d.°.rgs, i.l:',.e.T,Tts'e":l( l. TII ` I II " r " uIrIIIIII "o'' ' '' I' ''' "i") ill ''' ' 118 Wood. St.. near corner of HMI, .prices Malay ranged ILO follows, Ohl mows and point Fs Ith about Imo. lei 1. Iti li tti: , c . tais v ii: culawaso , fritl4,9o, stage and Ismail heifers 4-0 nel by the martin led t %coo: 1 ' II .. ie arrlF .01 on S. W THOMPSON & CO ~ common steers In to 6,25 stock "WI , kr, ~,, ~,,,, „,... ~,,,i3 to I atom •Ph I ''' l ' l-9- fair beef cattle Ith 'Atli, good g•,9b, and pram. All deacriptions or Government ponds !7 . 7, ~,, 31 pen inn pis s w ith n h 3,,, „,„ n a l.„de d u ns",e lam bought end sold on liberal terms i•• tier price. The market cll. oed N ery 41011 1110 .1,11• kat, e Ln•l ‘ , 1 , •/ t. 6 • 'tit London and ennun n utni K,.thange sold at t heep-There was a large aoPply of lb. nliet P F If.ley,llr 111, Iht I rm , • rI, tun t kneitintill atonal New York rate.. nn nubs in i r . r0 ,.., tide. stook, which otil'lLLl 11 lll.•t 1,,,1,, Patio , rant,rg, , TlF l L ,,t itu ,,g a h t n , 001 d, Shyer and Coupons bought at highest 4.2,;*, to as per head, sale , w , •tu made at s'. to f ton I ,tl6. ml.O Or• ~" r 'masa. and Gold Droop luouo , i on hoo , l or lc- A 4,. pa lb cr....., tor ~,p p, good fat sheep and the lutes, 1 , "di / • , itoncith. ma) be •se FINANCE AND TRADE. ""R"-- Tl," ''''"'' '''' ''''''" '''' "''' pi Ic. * P';-I'.'e'lLL''' ' t o+..:l ' l " .: l tt '' far Ar I. att4rs river, Itril, ..,,_.... arm tilt week, slilee ot $11,61. per I , X, Ilts lo It ~ , /1101 1./11111 kstut, fir 1 I nem nutl ijallbol4 3F l ll:2lollartja Sit. In , . ten•tilt p 1.2 tit,' Mt For led th eny a I t, t Illnfthilo Werke. ,„,, ,e , a 01 th. ttteN Logic, its water - astreosy, October 6, 1415 • li, ',AM , . (,e(tO.or •,.-t ener , ' ,1 , 1 , :: ~, , , , 1 ! ', .. 1 , L., .. .„ I.• 1 11 , s 1 tsr 1,,,11 11,, -114 411, r lat)artl 11 id 1101 err, e , l ut t The New York !noel. notattOna lost.), ; 1 , " . ,,',,,71: r ‘:,;7, ,,,, , ,, r,, ,, , - 1 ,- ~, , , , , ; , ; ,.,-“0n.,,- . .,,,,.. ~,,",,,,_ ~,,,,,, 1 1 , 18..01) he Imm.l ut ' Un ' e Flu, ilie. MARINA AND ACCIDE\T 11SLIANC1 were as follow. (Sold, 1 11.1 1 •, last's, lit ~, ,0 4 ,„., i• , 0 . 7 . , ' ,,,,, e7,„,h, , ~,, pr.. ,oat ter .11. „,,, , I':1, , o ,„ „, , feaga, old, 11 , ,,%; do i.e.u. la I • s , 10-40+, ' , 1 1 .,.7-t , ~ 1, ' l,ll , 10.'0'1 dud nt -I to , ~,, ,0 ., ,e , ,,. ..0 : , . .;. M . , ,, : '''" - lit I , .1 It. o 1.• 1 'I Alio 11-/ ro forte r 1 , use, , 11 1 1.111 101 A, .4 ',,, N• u ~r ltittlt. * oil ' '9l lune, 100, liMbigun southern it IL., ed , 41, 1 r 1 1 , 1 , 11 , 1- i ,', 1 , 1 ., " 1 ! 1 1 , 1 , 1 ', , 1 ::,, ' ,,:,,,1 , 1 1. '..,,,,, 1 . ,",',., a 1 1, 1,111, 11 , -111,11 et, ' elevate:id d Pittsburgh R. It . g.. 1 4, Pittsburgh I. , ~...m. , „,,,I I. ,P , 11 ,, ', .. i . S. i ” ' ~ ~, I lin tt ••.01,, 1 I,euton 11.., , 011111,1111111 lOW/- Fort Wayne .t, Chicago Railroad 10 , tc„ S. to' N' , 1 "'"". ' h "' .l. ' ""i 11. '1 " I"- ) - ' "1". 1 1' '1 1 11' '1 I'l'l' 111 111'1'1" ' " 11111.111 ' ' ' lin , h u n t In '1.,. 1 Itcrtha 1, .t. .• Mug for t Railroad, 915(, Vreatern Union Telegraph Oswego hurts{. Cain , tool "Ll I tolls LlOll tom, her de partlire al 1 t.ostipany, 64%; Chicago .t Rock lslnnd, I try. ~ ~ _}. ~,,,, , le DI, • I 1 tor an e 111, mt) l ticago ..9, North Werdac n, CI ~ do PI O' ' s 0 % 7 ' 4 ', ..,•'...'"'4".1.1r.1 for it ••I , 0 , 1. , 411 " t. 1 „ , , i , ~,1 , , ; , .2 1, 0 1, ~ , LI • IL pm la It roll lAnoo to ,1,, a red, 71% „I, u OiN 0.1. • • l . ' n' '. ' , ,',‘ - ;OM .Ll, 0.1 on, .1 pot I prompt ' • no, ‘lO 1 1 Imola 1.,•1d ) ,111 11mc or , ~ -While gold Is op to IVO, Mt,. on 1 tO. to ,i l t '".',.! ';,„ o•• 1011 1111111 It t 111. in t Imo,•• ,I. 1 1 0 ' %tutu , ' ' h st. Rob 11. W,, 111,1 hate I tit- Twenties. at London are quoted et 9o 1 „ a 11101 1111111,11 , lle intlat I 1111 I . lllslolrgli to, 11111 •- 1 oi,en Stork. ,1„ ii,,, t 1 1 ,11, 1 ” 1 11, f • lel., elni, Of I'lll 0 111 one or two per teat lOW.. lhtio prt. N 1,, ,•• ~,,N rates, lt. ls a circems taro •• Oftrth) t.I 11010 11. LI 1,,e epo ~, t ' -1' 1 , 1:1 1 , 1•T , : „ ~, 11 , .1 11 , ..101 • in our own markets these acenrit 11, ale ml an , 11 ,r: g, , 1 , ~ , ,a 1:•.., ,! ~.., ,, , 91. , i1 , 1. , ,. , tet ,, al yancing With the proftetamt ronellen,.. rut , ,, , ~ ti . i , t ,", i, ,,„ lit 13 1..,,h,. ' ~, ~ i., ‘, 0 1 1 Luropearts in the ',totality of ten I 11,. : ',CAI.. P ,„, „,,,i,u,,,, j 4..oTernMent, It 1a rather ongular that Its a,- -+.- cnritses Wyet not et hipher lo (nit, c slim i St Louis Marker tLon The actual current revenue of the 1111 F. ,, 1,, , ,,..,5, ,, , , ; ,, 1 . , , , .-. , - , F , ' ,1 , 0 ir 1,110,1,111 .0,1 oli-lUt , led Stated. Treasury is over 1. ". 6 -"ll'' Per I" ' s ' otr, and ant. nrm a n;1 " 1 . 1 1 1 \ l'11',“,: cr 11‘21'ilit"I's num, and Its eXinandltures. including the tn. ~,., ~ 1 „ 31,.. „ ,, 11,11 i,,,,,,"i terest, of the public debt and the V4)1110111. 01 ......._ 11100,000,000 of the principal thereof n year,ire inrouTpt 81 LtAILII.O tn. I It.. t h,,,, ego oaken. The Tr" 9 " llev II "' 1 PITTSILVT.II, rt., S 1 ."1.11 It Cole a.° It I: nearly $90,000,000 of„coln. and the bmka par.- ti, Leber 11.-I cur „ ~.„,,, mu................ , , [ably ten or twelve millions mole. The pre. tat is.lllfeed, A Taylor:I: liel. t, tar. 11 , ..•I 1 en% rednotol rats a Interes . of the 111111 k 1117.,:,‘,.,.. ,II?, r , 1 .,.. ,%,,,,. k. zu ,... 2 , L , ,, , ,,,,, , : , ,, , , , ,L . En g land to 4% per cunt, and tile advance of 1.11.1,1 s 11011 r, I 1 •1, A at.. lie... 1.1 ts V. .1 L• mo ney, would favor l i 1 11,401 %tales stock. ~ trdmer, I• Fr Inule). teen,. , .t Fi• hit • abroad. But their stead) spot eclat ion • tt 1 , 1 1 1 , r , 1 , 7 . 1,';. , ,, ,,, „..r . ,1 , ,.,.. t. : ,, . 1 , 14 e . .. ,. .. 4. ',,,,,,,, 'l , .r ., 1 , ' , . 1• 1 1 t .I , . borne deniOnstrutes one thing, that Ilte, are. e . 4 a en , l ,-„, ~,,,.,3 „ ,, i ,... 1 ,,,. u. ,,,,, , ~.„ I 10 to some extent, independent of foreign in- do, a tsi Heating, = la g• 111111. i 1•':,I 111, 1, Beene°, and also that the bonds had better he , 1 , - a , 4 , 1, t .S. ,„, ltriter, ri sus 1:y:.,l PNI , 1. 0 .I. it 4 Item., .101 i \ono. t 1 s ml, ~l held here, and their usufruct • 0f.15.01 In our i s , ~,,. , curi e ,„„, • ,. ~,., „ . 1,„„. own °Risen, instead of t :porting them to la ' , del , euh• or er .t lira in ... t - aF ' • , %. a drug upon foreign market., or sell for lea. 1: k ° , , 1 ."' ‘ ,. R . 1 1 :„, 111.4. ::,. 1 , L r i " .. , 1 .,.. :, •,', F , ~,' , •,,,s 1 :, , • than UMW. in Ille dOliar oboe Lt.) o‘oni.i 11,,,i,,, ic it,,t,,,,,,, a . r , ,, .21 .1 ,, d•• 1 1, lit it • - be worth par at leant. . 1,1,1, -moles 1.1 • egg.., 1 l It. Vitt. 1 ol -no -A compariwon of the statement of the pub. 'inlet, ' J5l Murtl ‘ll.l, Imo t • 1 , 1.1 1 \ 1 ~ • I. with that of August rerolei al Ist F. pt.•enbe /IC debt for September. ren,lrrent It t mat oit I ""' II '' I". " h " " " I " . 1 ' I ° I- ' ` - • I/ Os, 1 „I lo .1,.. IL it i 1.1. 2 . t aI. i , lii , t. show .. r0 . thc5. ,.,.., 1 . 4,,2.34., :.ti ror ii ,. • ,,,,„,,,. ,L.a, ~ 21 1,111, ~p, ,-, lon p NI ~A. co t The total debt Is now $2,W3 -Ca sil 1 - 111 111 11111 ltt 1. :tilde-,1 1.1,1. haul, 11,1,. a)X M. amount of coin in the Tt east. )• It vs ,1 .., LA., itt,•lto .0 I•llreisreolt R•lt. ROAD - and Currency, 5t1.99305.1. The •'ln the ' ....ter .. - 1. cars MI- 11 00, '' , l nu' , a 19., -• • • Treasury has nierea4ml nesri, t .. 1 , m. rises..ll, Hiroo. A ,•• .... do 11 -1 a 11 , ' A and the current., has fuller, arc ell, .-'Lon let t lauds r, 011,11dd, i i I. ,o .11 .., ~ -The Tee fork Chamber of ms 0 e , Ire , " 111 I . Altlrri..ry .1. c 1, ;' , I ear ' l. . iii ii '- adopted a m 901,11.1.0, tonemormlli .., ..,.. 0 M. , - A ,•o ' .1. 1 , tt oilman, 1.1 am .0.• ! s , ~ .10 111 . > in .1., 1 "mho) ,1•01.,.. 1., • o,•• • 40 zepel the export diet, on rot , argued that toe Out, nowt, ete..l t . 1 a I ` I ' Li ''' . '. ' 4l ' ' lor I. ' I. ' ' 3. ""'' tor the prM/uetlon t , l colt". Ilk MI 4.• ''''" Cl ''''''' r 4"" 6 '''''''''' I ' """ . 11 ' - the world, KIM It. ten. nt L on. I - . I •'' A 11 , ',', ll ' 1- : 1 ".; .'"" 1- 1 ' - a ' ' Mt...U..41 Its growth, .0 Ills,. ` l4l 1 ' . `....'''''• •'''''' S ` l .. •• 1 '' ..9.. market. to tile exclusion o r „,,,- „, of the depressed r"114111 :orl of Or , 1. •-. 1 •,,10. n • ot noon ,t, South, where material pr..-pertt, to • 1.11 , 1ds At , mph ,I Pt 1 1 1 , •1.Os , ~ • I nearly destroyed. it ~ , ,L. the •10 policy to maks, tut al aa. i mime, e. I greet Staple mop of Ilmt to ' ot I , . 0 0 , It h.' , t -..., '' •••• 1•• , t s country. ..., ha •ix IM.LI 1, , ‘l , m6. 0 I • -The Chicago Pnb vne Of S 'Al+ V.''' . I " . M. '''. 1° ..,.. ' '''.' I ' The money market presented tic ,r, t 1 haste .t co, - pkg.. i• ,,, .0 1• , , • -, , F to•dav I r is COMO ry 14.1. cols ,e , 1.. I ' ''''‘ l ' l " 6 ' 61 I I. ' r ‘ I 11. T I "'""' 0 ''' I I freely, though h tr.ll) to Innsu ,••1. a- • P, r - r , at 1.11. tel. , Vl.l 4Ai 1., t. . 1. I they tibt during the pre, lona 1, ~,, • 1 1 , 0 se, • -t tots ots 1- 1. 1 1 i days. The demand Olt pi 0.1 lee 1 . .. I 1. Fat L int 1 x Ira , . .•, , . , • anything, increasing au Itig in I • up 0...1 •e, -A co Fpi at etrt• Fl n 1 1* , k receipt, of grain, atel liar Inunino L.," 1 , .-, I It. p On' , A•. 1% 11 'L 1101 1 , of mercantile loans is full) . Until 10 ,no tt .1 1 `. g ... 71k.. hard aura, ii 00 , A k ity of the discount ions. to ono • lt. Fle -t- „.............. clues customers ilinNoctoolOtol ttoLl 111 11 m I rent, list Ini.lneSS pain r IS a ILI., I)' •Ilooritol noted, and none Malolll. ,s to<llnlonl l . le- UO.llll Les! at.l3'l/1.-v.', Is MC4•1111,1 , 1, 1,1 the Open market ...loam,' s. it al lu i it. t rent per month, and I,•ts .le, ruble si,,notti., at lid per cent. I :I=== Orrice or errs PITTal,llOli 141.14,1,, / I r S. ,10/./Or l' • The ermine° mark,. , r tote.. I:••••n • :1!1•I active tiering the 11t..r.• plenty of room for : 1,11 , , , . nl. T Llone are rent,rlcl,l i rome t.ales, ow le., I. light -.Looks, klmug all /. are very ranchra I accil, antiin c of the UnCertal Fa ef,tl.l, which prevail to rern•n ,- rrl.ti it t policy of our ale 1,11 an , be to keep eupplt•:, WO=4%=l lIM AI O -.' l - 00 " 1 . ) 4 0 e' lt t . sale 01 I ear rh0.... Mlehlt,n# t Barley to In dentwhi, hut I i1.•.41. 11'.• 1- none In market. Coro 1119, IN' 1. In, On track; and 9510 it for .onal I Into Ht• Ell ptom olell•lv til hi Lo 1,110 N' , movement In nye. FLOC It In a rozolar for Flour, und r lulu the uhcelL et remain unc-hnnve.l .t 4i: t• 1,. • for Spring "'. • . for tit is FYl at PILUVI•ION:s—Ihtron t- .1,01 littl ctil., though to le. 11 /11 1 1 1 1,11 11111 . 11101111.41. WI• •,11.. 1 1 1 111 17, 1 11 tor .itouhlor. , . I , to 14 • to, 11114..-.1 -..• iSto St 14/1 . 1 .11. •1 II .us-. I •,:•I 120112=1 excatann BU CTEIC-18 r‘inattz In al the .101 . k 14 ItaLLA tel In 1.. thing, am It Sint le c 0..., I' no- to t Roll cannot lie q noted e a".% 111 14 . ." 1 late ad e. vanc lei a ell .11.lu1k/a . •:: 1,•1 selliturrl-1.41,1y l: tIEE9E—Iv repf,rll-1,..n1y n , to I- I Western Ite. , rv , : I , to Iv I .r CISMT=II Ir2ME=SE =ZE=E=I 300011 , 11 S are in lair 4 t:tin 1.1 the former, and g1,11ol$1.!• . / In. the t I r POTATOES—Firm, -111.1. /I higher; ortum Jerat.•.. imidg i,mited at ,". t ;ier I/1/1. APPLES—Deinund rattler 1,.1 lee, stn I u hll. the market more ;ono, ;eh; :ikt • 1.. Changed ut to td pa, 1111'11 1 —Qiiilied at 11 and A) for Peaelimi—iii I.a• YEATUElLa—gdoted ut 'llll . IM3= Ortlell ON Ti! P: rr. a r :I I ENT, Sari" It DAT A UellAwr ( MI market Wll9 1,111111 kaLly i r let en.: a I Lt. tle dull to-day. rasa we wtrc I,la It.o t•, record, lOW blils at 11. lilt 100 '• al I li's F r al 1314, and quot ations fur good tnerCeen 1- able all may Le fairly given ai It, turned and In built; and 19, packwies Included. During the curly part of lie week ll•re wu puttea spirited newton', but suListv,ucatly. owing to adverse reports IrtilD lire east, as well all the fact that the great majority of our refiners have purchased sufficiently to cover all thor contracts of ltellond , iho market ha, ruled a little weals, and the trun,tetlonti hut,. bean clemparutively light. The ie.:elms hay.. also fallen oil considerably, and it. the stock of crude In drat hands Is pretty well reduced. there la no ilLspOsltiOn on the putt 01 holders to force eaten. HEY], rm. There web Stn improved d4tnand for bonded on daring the early Dart Of the week, tne that, too, at a slightutivarv, but since then, the market hes been dull ansl weak, awl thu advance was lost. Then sales 1. ere mod.. at apA tom, free on board cars here, and 0.1 tu 11.34, delivered tit Phlladelplals., uud of oral. asked afitt twiny, there Is itttio or oo loomry, sod .re quota numluallx at 35., here, said t 2 to 424, dellveredit Putiodolpo Yeaterday, there w. a sale of staffeurd welt, as an. slid aO-dar, a eh° lint off, to er II se.de, wf thovt meeting Ernay ryspcase. Free oil Is doll sad asseilangeand; taauulard brands may be quoted lit 5 , S to 57. Ws have but a single arrival to report to day, MT bble for Fisher a lira. But twenty lnohas reported In the channel at 011 City day, and falling, and navigation is again eon fined to small boats, the river being ent, e o 3 KO low loran bulk boats. Receipts for the week Balcelpts last week.. RacelNA since Jan. I Mint York Stock and. Money Market. Kim Told, Oct- 6.--Stocks henry. The fttl. lowing W.tare-tbeelOsing prices at 4:.;N r. It AL Uert.t, WhiftW , 4; %L. Ir y 51%; N. . C.. ;grin, tat?,ii.f‘9o%; Hudson, I 156, thee. Con ,II I Malt. soot S - 7.,,057..„, Con., ill. Q1'..2 , ; C. I . ?firift,Elsli; C. ~ 1210 12Si It. 1., 115..14610G4; N. , 42 3 ,, , ,,451; Mt. Itrt n er }i s ea nr '. l. 7 ltrei ' i : : The Loan Marker Is easy, bat slmws a little more are vi• tr,llgrrittas remaining M. 445 for Inatm, mid 507 for d1et. The ~t.nek tnaract 1., , Frognlar an I Icons. Governments an. firm with - out roach Inquiry. ltallnaol are lower, and the mare eldevt with many hl the holders seems now to he to realize. 111,. anise Central and Fort Wurne are s troll K. eft on the llst. Afittr the the /hoot A llows were: Now York t entral, hhtt, Eric, g a l a /bullion direr , lilt lie:Wing, Ft, DI iritt aa li - mi11ern,67 , ;,; tt 4 ; North IV eel. ..1. 4 3; Chicly - so and Berk WO, 0100 Sad latoesbadeni Curtillv • ' 4 ' , F I eilango dull MU Meal on Whiny; , 111. el firolloo.tiamsomeuintl....natt,iittitotrarezioted tit at short slant, 1e5", , ,v5n5.,';1 44 for hut " ''" Tllde-Thin.r Receipt% t Protittee. Thoullet/tY ~orn ley left at I.ltitcontter , lutleq . the aril wee% I% september. i% the /44.” tv%% __follows : Fiver. 916. t. itarkv t7.f/J0 4,7uu 1,1,v0u Dee Sz,the Der. Ite,OoO In. Im,tlrilm.l The oggrrgato trutottity qr tow t ig:ittn 'ea ut LidOtruttr from um ,COlll Of 111/IVlgat.JOu to Liao Sato of SOptertMer, os during the years tles3 and LAcu, !lour. Wheat., Coto. hurley. 190,600,700 ' , lo,efLive u73,10u VW.... MOOD 2,z1,3* 412,1 WU Deed,172,40.111tAM7.01d rednelng the wheat th drruicl I fifty Of the Latter left at tiflowater I ootopareLl "Ina the enr^reporepau year. altOws adefleleney c 4 pal to t,utu Chicago 31a. ' Itet. Celc•oo, October G.—Fictor quint. ellned 14)115c. W edit 11.0 , 11.1 11.4.3, I 112116123,10 for No. 1, anti sl,7lllllll,ltAi l Coro quirt Rod doeltntol ftO, nn s r... .trot 61 , ...,40 - 2 ror N 0. 1 .7. Oddt 37 for No. L tool T.; to 351 Yen P ort, Ifir,oo to 3435. 'Pripet. )4i cent. ~' i.'h...lr .:~ ~ i 4}}~:+. MISCELLANEO s -Attq- 2 L'' Atig; „1 ar.::' . 4 v PENN A. SALT 111ANUFACTUR'G CO f`ITILTirI. ~!~~~;~ ith s '.::,-,;; r 4-341 .;-. 6 •Mt -1,. .1`, ........:11 • :f.V.lie iNy: GWIY latit*latiii i'f ;i N A SAI.I MithltlFACl lii.'G (; I.ri , : , ;ritr: GI , . l'A. 'X" 3E3L 7EI " d.. lEEE On this Continent. is so pooNouN( Et, ny nAlytlrsi It nee(ores Cray Hale: It Presentee hair Pulling . lot: it Ultangem the Ito. to then - Origin tlegaialc Artlon; It Erodleatew hatnlrtill ant; 11111D.P., II kerim tne !lrallt health,: It Contain. no InJorlona Inerethent : Ind ~ots,rsaLllt 1.-c0rd...4 to .3.e •11,1.1 , .1 11- t A.rtiettf. •„,ton r'• r\l'al NS Nr , KE 1.114.:11)1.:+an rprrpnr•Ll.,.. I. 5!... I, It 1:1“ .21, / / It // \ / L. rt fu , -t t• • Iltal our tivaloraLlvin 141,.1L0.10 . . . J. EL.BAELILF:rT & CO., Pr cy, prleLor, No FL E. SELLEIgA & Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, rittntotrgh, PA 1866 . FALL TRADE. 1:,;( HATS, CAPS AND FURS; II M'CORD & CO., 131 {6^o 0 0 STREET, Invite averlal atten:lnn stryv r , f Hats, &c., &c., for Fall Sales, sn,l Co llpirte -- evvey varlty C.. 1 4 I .s ten At.° Mt of arr..ry rtytl.na ..t I.k llirti PITI'tiIIUII4: II C uTLE it I'ANY.—If 3,.1.1t, In •. ail KNIMC., ply 12%711LE. N. 0 G.- xamra, .Vos. 67 and G 9 Fifth Fired (4 741 11 ..1•re m•uctsr . turvd from t,l..bi eneL. II you stet lu rinbt vl AD e.irs nue HOLLOW GROUND It MRS, Os, WIC tt Is nt NCI tn. • t.,1, m ,„, • for the Ittmttutryt t • uttrr%4 . .7 an, (on FIFTH tilltEET.ll)l,l•A're tt MI 11.10 St. ttt GREAT Uilsi•lAt... PLANING MILL, COM' Of Lubory Str,rt lcd Uuyn..nr Ihy. P TTS UV II 11. PA . Sash Doors, nods-and Rlouldingi Aitr..l , l itititit:lt. HIRE WHINE LEAD, , how.. ;owl w hen twLysi wtt , „, W...thwt ittt•itt , t , n ithw I.LAU MOW". It IN till. INTIN ennstittnt y wit haul. t• the art rli ltt. litti-t ltig thin.. with thht , ,, , , it• • ,arrrrJ•r. 11,.%3114. .L.I:ST.L.III It AN 9 H. NCH ILI), Proprielor. .Yo. 90 Third Si., Pillxburgh. 11=I I=l A•• • l'rlyaie Illulay ruuroa up al •I , e. Iva. ,r - r; FOUTti 'WEARS ok 11; illuP arrri UM.. Yaw • Irtioarledge ag ...qui, claw.. My huta ruaulytu... Its thin .. 4 ..... patlettly aty•alty I. ••4 l' Z 'r haVAWllll . t7l .. . A. ,ra all Mara.. aria1aythpry,r.....!'..4...4.... • ter 11 we thy... he rruslore ALM& ILKMEMII,I. 11. Motu, Al! ...meryw. .al Yr r..Mosl y to• tslll f SI tr.r.o :I I I V... „ „ „ A.4.lrvas. W hu ~$. latiar pal FATE ,N.v.2.Xl,stru be quail bis %oar, triud Itt4l. LW. 1.11 , 1 , 10 E Zw. rY, N'nr LIT RIC n. • ,„,, and de -lee a 1 I Yu? (be Cure ft •.: 'a (men i.e n. .1 en lraatte,,AL. 1111,10.' • •" ." .1 tior a. ,t ..r Cur.....•rrault4l Of • Vgles io 1 a.44seee lutlere W (USN. RIVER _NEWS J. I. I tow, ttt the Untltt.4e Ntt. 2 Igh,l; 1,111 , . 1111 u-ell. 011••••1 tile fall bent , ft; t..t.11,•e1 , .. , et e —tt , i1.1..13 , 1;011r, ( I (11,L1 hi. I. No. .. et tor I•ltls.hurxi, LW , colog, po.ll, el% Joloi . . t r"uti. till 11. • kt,i 4111 dati• ~I thr4m n t I, I , el , y I to .7,1. 1.0111, ittlV Ink KI I ll.' I,llelul .1% I 111:"11..11 I 11, clan.l. Th , 1 110 1 5.0( 1 10.50 15 1 liown Mr. ht.! pa/ M 510 10\ re 10491 1L.0.5.55/51.5 11 1".11,..1 (.9 1 he 1,101,551 . 15,1111 11 lON 15 1 1, 1111,1.0 . rovltt rt. I Mr is 11 11.111,1. 1.,.• Ul h. 111 1.5111,S 111... (Sis 1115 %% ;111 nl T•Pl:ak IVO 111. 5 51111.1 115, 11f.. 5 . 011:111g 10 Ml. 15 -.1.51,10011 5 1 11 1,0..0 1.1.• I 1:11..ti: too, -,oat. I:to tt SI l• ,to ~,,, • 1..“• c N.•,, =REM =I 'PI BOATS. tte: , 1) wurii.. Vl4 611: l'- I i f.:l • NN , I • • I.ELs. 110 I .trarr saw.hlitld and hirti street!, :~' i' i 'a' .~-1 :. S U 3 2 G 7CZ ( .I) 1 . 64 (MITE HOTEL IC` Lior 01 4 Pruprielor. A I.II.ILHE HOUSE Ph (hid. Iphia G DC% Ai T M 1M rat "Sr , • 1- ( ruer artt Near the MlLpilltdllll OT 1,11,11.11,1. Me Sinker, Seal aud Medal Engrai er, STMCIL. 8R.15U.15U STIR LETTER Clllll, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamp. and Visiting fart., NIARKINO. 93 Wood St.. ('oz. Diamond Alley, 1. I. 11.111:Nt I 11 FLOI'D AND F.10303D HTOFt 23, S. C. Mc - MASTER & CO No. Ohio Allegheny. =I .11.•nalr I, t.ll 11. rl CYLI.I . • Food db J K11 , 1100%.11A it Eit k SON, Pittsburgh 14 hitt Load Worhe, fl E 1 113111x...e.t P.M 111 1 . 11:111.411 h IV, PRACTICAL. LITHOGRAPHERS, • II kNI I . •1 11.11 , I.llbl EMS U.lll 4'l I'll 1 . 4. 111., Manulac -1I • Al Arti 14. I • iff4C l .l- 1 it,lnirtn cry. :Mt - m.4 Irerry :.1,1 ..... of • L. Ir., Ur.,A , 11 I . r • .Jr• r rlyl , x•r Ir t.. r., ti. nr nevo wt. Ill"- rvh, krJaq• P.rtn nl tne i.lrort n.. 110.. t 0( ) . WHO CAN BEALTHISTBS.(x For Two Weeks Only. an, n-111,, a pn..l I. NI II r'AI.YYhIN 114.411 of .y own 4141,.. fur IL. row.. ot.ur NU, K . 1..1. (S. /11, No. 311 Arkel 114 NIKI . flir.•..l‘. . rYo..SG Federal Slreel,allegheny. CARPENTER AND JOBBING, will m 7,1,,,VP' W t r. u. Ilrao ;VA IVA Second Floor. Burk.'s Building VFFILL , TEIL LS FIRST CLASS l'0.111 . )1'.1L-'4, at tait equllabiy adluote4l lOU promptly pal Lt. al AL:pal-11, Incu rnuoe 'oir rani'. or Hanford. Ct. !North nusvticau Flre lu•nrutc. loin ',any, of Hanford. I t. ounectico: Vlro Inform:l, Compauf, or Hart ford. ct. llnglan.l Fire Ip.uraur, Curnpitny. or ii.rt fr24,g4A-mwr INSURE TOUIt LIFE IN THE C.I A ICI'Elt OAK. LI IN6UICA.NI: FL COMP A NY OF H A ItTlrotilt. CoN N. THK oN 1.1 Llre. INsU ILA NCR compA.Ny IN AMeGGIcA MAL no, ihnle• ••.1 Annual WI; nod e/arlt subeenuent payment of pni einlu. ..o CA:3/I CAPITAL An ae- CUMUlullun $7,a).1,01X1, sueurrly In•ested In imh tie st&eks ••L.d neolerApies of ICEAL E.STATE. Is now In its 161 h year of busmen., •lel lea.s paid to lbe Wloowe ANL/ Mir/lAN/4 uf Ito tuetnber• sum 1 1,1.111 N To thla date not • sin gle ea,. of 111.1gullvn hum occurred, nu e% ItintiCe 11111 Illu•r•Illy Ltid fair death, Is • specialty with Ibis l ompany. tills Comp.', Iry 11.. n forfeited by relstru 01 ttuu-,,a) fuer.. or ill, on all, the eceond ye•r. Lee ots requ:t.ul eltnf ten years, blit pollcies continue gout' tiarouen 01,“ .us, J. C. IV A LK 1,1. N. 8. l'A 1.34 Frasil.lent. II M, 1'i•:, N•cre Lan.. Brant)) ItLesr 1,0 1 . 11 relatlVlvanla, yrbr.re Irrularl!ne . .22,nt Applle . e.tts! wI . II be lyrullthetl, G. Fitt h n trevt, Arent , l., Apply to A. I'III 111 . Area, I,IILE AAD 211.4,1i1N1; INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA =9 =MI2II!=M:113!I Ilartford Fire Insurance. Company, tt • ..” ht tn.. r. L , O 1.. n rIII es. t.. secure., It ant 6.1,5, named 14.1 LO:NNNI LVANIA INsILIC4NCI: CO = • '"'"' I " ' E‘T ‘ r. , ll...N u iV l lll. E 0., Or A• 01' K SIN: I , N. rrt..ltteol. itt l• . I, . K.. It !i Et Ayen u t. • KJ: •1., •I:rvt.,vcuria Ve I u. • Sr . Ito IN ~. A Ilk:lilt Eiel LIFE INSURANGE COMPAN V. It iduu . and Orphan,' Fund. .I'o. 63 111"tillara 91., .Arew Vork 1.,0 • T t) :114PRGAN. • I 1.1 J. N. IIKILLItILL. 11. TIND , I•clic..lle.s•ual.• / I ]. T. (() )K. , Cl', i". . Utlllllll vl., I•ithattargt. ‘ it.i%l 1 It =I II :,. 10:01•1.1: . % INN( JIAM IE (0 11E9 =I , att, Ja,”•., I , .r.ner. N l• , 11 . , 'A A I Vl.• l•rr.11.1. at V. I , Alt, k. ,• r • ;rt.. • I,A III, 1 Act BANKS AND BANKERS 1/.1%111Ni: HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, letzt,l No. 57 M AlthET STREET, Pittsburgh. IMIM t mad STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Don* and Sold On Commission. rtleu'er Ott, ellen paid to the purcheee god Fr, "I p .6. • 1 , 1 1- UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1..1Alt•o1.1•Ito , Yl ate •.f Plod. or rt Illeate• of , 1n050. I ..11.1 osell,r• hoothlot 4A1,1-.1). N 1 nom TRUST COMPINY, FIFTH WARD.PITTSBURCH MMMEINIZE Ina•le on all the principal points of thr GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Mg ougla.t 4E4 Incl. /Scald:l. 1116 CURIUM INIIIIIDIALLY RsiroxsaLL Wll wr I S , Ib, l'reMtlenl. JOHN 11. RAI...II'ON, Vres It , 111 FAIT J. I.NI KA, l'anhler. 1~l SO I. I 11,. AIt.iIRIL I loICK 1:11 ... RI% 11Y F , M. ,11111 .I I ILA , J ,, SII•fi LA NO vII. i n V ',III WILLIAM ELL ii IL A It NI:11[1./t141 4 . •1, j.. 1 All lid ITTELL, PA VI. I oil. .1. J.lt L, J•.IIK. LOH.. 1.% II DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No, 65 Fouttb Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 .2.4,1;', 1 ,7,ft.T.,"„!.`,7. 2 ,`=.°141!';'.1"L,wN'0t1ttT from 7 to 9 e•elock. and from November lat M 1 9 Ir., fron, io a o•elock. De lord le received of all sun. of not lesa than Me I miler, tad • dividend of the profits declared twice year. In .1 one •nd December. interest baa been do.cl.ded eccul-annuallV drape and Demi:do...dice lo loath was organlicsl, at the rate of slit per cent. • frkt:re•t, If not drawn Oct. Is placed to the credit of the de father as principal, and bean, the same 111. ti.re at from the Oral days 01.1une and INeeember, r0mp...111.g twice an ear without MOMS. the dr ol tor to cal'., or eve to preavel lab pass book. At Dd. rata money will double In lees than (waive yenta. Hooka eontaininer tile Charter. By-1...we, nut.; and nth r !ai.lons, furnished gratis. on appileation al lha often. NORGE ALantif.S. John U. Ilackaten, It.n). 1.. Valneatuct., J..ines Heralmftu. •• Jainv M A• WrSir. J xut., H. ed, b... H. VeLkaur.k. W m..,. A mle.mou TIM; • I.WM Jobn C. Nilonog, livat, Mock, A'onso27(trior, Charles A. Coitus, IA it. Innpa% John LCvous John J. lidemplO. Walloon S. w U. Hunks, Itim_AMl Hain, bin usTARY—J ps. b. P. _Evelalte)l I=ll PIIILA I~t :I I-'IIA EB=l I= I=l WxrcIAAI st, N.. A -,1 RANGES, STDVES_ AND GRATES. t 1 4 .1 7 :1PiONS 14110 N N1;111V Al - 0,1.1. 'N.,. =1 OF PITTSBURGH, PA MiI=EME •.. ••r Irew I. t 0... =I lEl=l ISIBEEIE 4'23 Penn Street, PRICSIDINT-41 ICY PIC MM= J.,tHl H. SlVocllberf.r. riblanc, A It AmAtict Apeer. 13,1411 a 'Nader LEA, .lalue. D. Kelly. Pe Juno lidurobatt, Waller P. tiousball. Juno H. McFadden. Jahn Orr, tlol lot, Atfiaz,.dv;fll.l".. W •P. Wytraan. Isaac Whit A. COLT() i',1.11,Z1101 - 4.Aei :4 34 :44 DIRRILIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGIILINS, ('opyin„ Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Baggage BarroTCS siugar FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO.. F.4,6•kM M ARK ET t.TILEF 1. PI7L"I`F376URG7rI3, ylrrUrAerCrtrllB Or AMERICAN AND Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; , T RaiW,l6 and 20Ibs. to the y ard I I:1 I'd N.V:t Train Rails, punched and coun- * „.„, ter sunk r. r- Boiler, Bridge aid Tank Rivets EASTERN .1PX4.24:=7.E180 Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish liars and Bolts; ' I U Railroad Car N oeels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and A SACS: Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; IRON AND NAIL WORKS. Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; LEII Is, BAILEY, I) 11. Z LL tt CO. Mower and Reaper Bat's. W A HEW , CSIC A , ,k - Fll 120 Water and ISS Front Ms., BAR, BOILER, SHEET /MANCH HOLId IC, Nos, 42,24 and Millie!' St.,LI.- 1 : 7 11a i rs ALW3EK. MIEl_ 4061;Q KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK , NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Best Common, /It /I It ref Charcoal Juniata Bloom I ron. .11 SRC!! ANT BA IL. Itr.l,'\U Ind ,i4l' A Br. 11, BAND, T a:ad A N. 1.1, Ht.,. BOILER i•LATE und lIIE hi 110/N. .11OVA Elf. ° An.l REA VEIL II A lE . , CELINI , SIL end i•CARI,IFIC - nit Al.l. T A./ unol 10 11.4 1, L . I NV IV .1_ 1,111 FIA I 11 , Au./ El . ll. Vs fror SLAT As.l COAL SI'ILEKN I N AILS and Es. enDAII6STOII.;, Pti-'40": 5 IItATIN6 V. IL •la Hut,, , ru uu I •kJ• Iv. lry I 0., £11=1:1113 =I 12 O.ti'FD ILI STO2'l: :9 'O n it L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Cooking and Beating Stoics, HOLLOW WA 'a cry I.A 1 A, rA I I t 1.. t, Ilartkoue, 197 I.lbert) htrerl, reTTNIR VI Q 1 ESNE IRON iSU N'ITEI. II 01:n, HA IL MAN, RAIIM it CU., Iron, Nails, Spril4:- I= =I MI =al II s 44. 4:11.4001 W01:10i 11) 1 ) MACK I\ll LHEEN 4.!.1%,•{1 1u1 //rut:o.W St DEMIJOHNS, GAItHOYS, /ize I=l .TILITI N (nth,. McLEAN & SLATOR, No, Libfrly oppo•iie Foilrat, IS • 51.,•• 111, "'- CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE - - - wakr • 11.1 .re • LIPPINCOI7 & 6.IItEItELL, No. 118 Water :Street, = I=l =9 I= e, _A. N.N7 .to . lailltltOW IL 4•10,111:.I. O ' HARA BOILER WOIMS. MORROW & RARIIIIII, Steam Ito Hers, 1/11 Stills, Agitators, Tanks Salt Pans. Gasometers, tl rouglit trim lirkiges„ Sheet Iron V ork, Air., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITT4LIUItWIa, sa-tetcr I) DONE Pl. 011 . 11.1'. 111{14 tvix W. r r~11,11,4t A rt..... P. iilkA II • A3IEILICAN AIACIIINI. 1110111iS FISHER, GRAHAM & Engine Builders and Machinists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, Andcrerylltlng necpeaary for Florin, 111 l Wells. ou. , ntton fold lo rituog up Winning. Pullry, Hangers, AA:. 111.•nlon • near Ft. W. dr. C. R. R. .06.3.1eba13.033. - sr, KEl.A.lltliitipoNlC PROM rm. 1. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. even 11. 80LE...J.11. NELSON... HO MTIZR Olin. MUCH M. BOLE & CO ! . IrOlna alta r SNUIN6 BUILOKII..I A al. MA CHINISTS; alautifaetarers of LTEA.IIIIII . A r - OIN ES. OIL WELL ENUINES. LUCI,)1OTI0 00 for Coal Works, all tlada of L....laud Marine Kti tilEES.,atade to order. • . emu the well earned reputation or the Maihiiir,r, Mr. JAM F-15 NELSON. we hope lo sevore 111wral share of patronage from Steactilioat builders sod others wanting 'moil rnarldnery. Out aim will in . to do MI work In the best manner for a rale cutnpen..a. Mon, mud to do It In the Flute we say. All hinds of CASTINGS :wide to order. 11-rpalrina Machluer, promptly attended to. We ran torn a BkiAll uo (..ei lona,and bore or torn • Polley fret dlatne4w. ilkeriShopWay, near the Pilot. Third foundry on Third Street, near 1iA1,01., rs Lt.111:11alia SD. 1133T3,11. I'N•3•L PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. WE ARE PREPARE:II to make .• klucla of Huila, Crow 4 lo 3 1nc1... la eter. JOINT ROI:17, CAR !KILTS, 1 . 1.11 W BuLTS, CAUIII Al, 141111.111 NO 111/I.TR, FOUNDATION uoi..rti, 111'1.1(1( BOLTS. SEA • Ith NUT W ARHERM, A.., A., Porn, Mortonmut Duller tus., Ninth der. lett at Fero hit Youmlry. ...arra! Rim, smlthlog promptly attroda , llo. _Jr ,1111 J 05.... 11,0 u WY. 1411.1.1.1. D u QUESNE AND WEST POIN*I' IRON Fill:oKM, 1'ITTollr111;11, Peunn., uraelort all elasseto et Forging+, 111 ,Lra a 1 1 ,4,/ 51.1.1na1, Crank, Piston Rods, Len e rs, Pitman .1 • Fnd Wrists, also, Railroad A I,orame. lie rame., and all shape worm. The t.11 , 1..r01e nA halo' I.ren Mr male) years engaged In tat are prepared to furnl..l. all orders antral...A I, theta 1.1111 Promptness and dispatett. 1)11:1A1 r. RAII,II W. P. noLLITZO . LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. EL.MMEIMIL Ott pp, • Maonroctanal olr OMIT Wrir.RL; BralNti, ,PLOW sod BUITIIII STBE-L. AXLES, eltuW BrANZPltiaborta. , No. 96 11(•T6II STREST 1.-21 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., ' P EXM'S ValtAla MON . WCCEDEZS. w.reboumlitts IGS nod First street, opposite Olosoagsbela tioLise, Pittsburgh. Ps. .1111d,.110 SEVERANCE, No. 68 WATER trIILYLVrt rttttiversit„roelotfeoturerdripCH tIPULNod. amount ed " P ' ertflufar 11111Or ' shsped Bolles ‘nd Rivets, large Oorrt s eoliti mall, ani made atautO 01 to order et awn notlee. A good we. MANUFACTURERS. FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. ALT_.I9 0 , CLAILt 11,1_1? I )NVA._I I lE. B. WOLF, JR., & CO., Corner Lib.rts and Si. Clair Sls., F.,: I_D.vtrg,/3., 161. arehou , e. 73 $1 flier a. 90 Front st„ i•ITT'.nI iti.to. FORT PITT' BOILER, STILL NJ Ti\h Wf)ll' CARROLL& SNYDER, 1, : 1 \ 111.1 - -i - 1 , 11 , , 11 111 1 un Li s A : 1,11.1.1' , Jll, -111.1 1:111 . ,1 1•, ma, 1 ;Intl 11 ork.; •;. ! , 11.1 m1;1 ; 1'1117;1 I.4kers; -;;a ulier %Irett.. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NII4ICK & CO lIEST REFINED C.IST STEEL 16w, 1;i UL SAW PLATES. RAILWAY CgiNi ...prang .\f..l, ttd Gurmaii Non Merl A - ;1 ,1•111\ \ 1 4 00 sl 'FM:, V% arelioli•e, au r sl., Pithbargii 1. itLYV CR S Et ' ,{ Woft KS & i'ttlE 15, (11 tLITI (ANT STLEI I• I I ,•/ , • , 1., ~....i,, utitee, :01 uo.t Street, , 11 - / It It ()UK I=11! =I tNI, itiOli SCHINES, I 1 ear I LIL I N /*11 . 211,1t.1i, A ILE.% I 11111 LA #o‘, ant cnd t ratan,a rlollgi. nnA spring Steel BM FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CIIAILLES liN A4' NEPHEWS REA IS V OItIitNANCE, = •••1 N, 1111.1, N tail( NI -1 l'A 11. E J . al tr, .1i pntl,n•, we aro pr..• '•nk , fl I . lit, ka• )1311111/1.11 tiIINE WORKS. SAID 4:733:17'. 32 Ohio Ntreet,Allcghany, 1,,,,(17, AU 11.01.1 , 11 AND FINTI.Dtht ANI,IALT •:1$ olluu I 1,14 1 I I t•t• 1 , , I. /11.•ral , i.,•••[o) H. N. 1.t4 ote.dettlf.ll VALLEY 1411/1 E (MKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., °MC al] %%a rr house .3111 Liberty ' opposite Smithfield, .1 1 .116nuferInf. eaKr , "arlrte of K. r KRIM{ no." 11KA I I,li v amoug tret.l - AIl. en.l No:1110r Crtike,....rWol.,Dff . the A atovrat ne..1,..eut1e0.1 for oonl or Awl 11.....t1y,.•.1 mAr of the Kritylre. fol A felt. emefer lirtllnt. Dog 1r.., awl 11.11 ”4. er Kirke 1..... ...W. V 4.N11.11.1. ..... .J. I-IRA DLIT "ETNA STO E DIRKS* A. BRADLEY & CO. Y tau facntire every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES , Atm.° wfilro nre the F.O lOth A, TROPIU 1,1 'I A 'ASS:\ N , •al I,ltl NA, V KT- Y.ItAN •tol 110 .NSI h., 1{1'0...11100Y Write.) Alec cr.anurneti.re GR.% TF.S. GRATE. FIRINTII, Intlry and WOO •Ircmln. 04. IL ',1 . ., oa t•oroutl eLreet. BLA 'Ft 4 lO\D ESIC . S7. - 1331, 1M70:7>3E1.37C.83, PlTTsaluicoH, PA PANEL HitIYTIIBIt L No. • •/ I•llfutagoio,if all al., a. ;;;110 12.,t1A1 w any Imported or ninnufaetured In this ern. t r 7. •41 - 4. fa, awl warehouse, No. 149 and Ifil Pleat, so •n. , IN ...1 at recta. l'iltsthitrph PrITSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. NAV, YACTUIIIMP nr Iron Buck et, Tu and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, PITTAISURCI/11. PA. .1)1i1 V ATE DIsEASIES. _ DIE. lete.of Ph ph No. 7 Third e OUN reel. treat.% all 1.-0,, ladel le. ) Yale with eoparll, Ittl l'artleular attetillott pa ll to Spet orstorrhuent at I ollgea,e, of the I:riflery tr•get, 1.03 treat•nent for th e some h.log the MO.( .itereee'lll ever elitplOyed e le.. Lope. of weedy rote to the tillhetetl grill dud his U risizenagogue anperlor to an other preparatlonlor removing obstme6l7*.• to the healthy turti•trual ao.I. No I. One Deale r p er b ott l e , N o . whieh te four drum,. wort •er, deriguett for obetluste races, Vire Dollar, per' bat lc. IlelcutioliretS A. X. to 6 P. IL 6 P. X. 10 gp, X. Addreee, with %tater), Dg. YOUNCI. No. 75 Thlrd street. Plitehervh. plolP644dlr/Ir , 011101 : CE RI I Di, LINGS--3 coins to sod for U. )( NOX a i•UN, glad 71 Diamond, Allesbeity iiiidOMAK.imeN , O,424:W:l-Vlol= Produce and Commission EVERY VARIETY OF PRODUCE. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Quick s ILES s PROMPT RETURNS, II arehouse 9 201 Liberty Street, %, \I. ‘i MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, turner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, IRON NAILS, COTTON YARNS, 4C. AGENTM FU,THK Parinc, Globe and Liberty Oil Wotks, Ml= =MERE Amt. ,Attratrat For Crud,. nod Idennett Oil. Litte a!, ad , ot.t., tale on ronatentnents of Crude or It. tr , t, , nnt. Yard fur at ornme and rt, tt.. at Ladatttare•ttle. .tdd a, Warrtitottr... Corner of Datroestre 4V and nab( •trrtt. Itttrat.ttratt. utyll.a4.• IL" I. halt J• 11. If. I= I=ll IIIIIMEMMI! KIEII, N, ItII'CIIART, KIMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND D1C1...18 IY Fluar, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &c. nucree.or to ALEX. (1011. DON ( ONFOISSION AND FORWARDING No. pl 2 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Fa. Mei" ,t , nt Loule•• Lead l'lpe •nd Lead ‘1 to as. 12,aler In NU and BA H. LEA 11, tin'', FIRE CLA,Y, Sc. Conalgomenta go , it, d 11,1er. pr"m nth. Eked. my]) 1)4 J rce,,asit ...... HARI EA 2i, EN di. HARPER, • , 011a11.1 - 01/N lIVItCIIANTh„ and L.,..,•r0 In Yolt.r.lt-iN A,Nord Di , 111411 hA LT. VIAJOk, E.1 , 41r1, lU. I •and In Provision...ld Vrodur.eirrn• • v 0. 7,: F' I it it AL talittET, opposite the E. ,1 ot, ht.aullir.,T, .0J• th, of I'. 1. Hlte's, Donnell a • J. Kara'. ,•,30t. apla:lld SPRINGS, T. errai.EL it. - J. s'I'EEL & 111/0., late Ftent.• T •.t 1,113.1Mi10N MI , !,N In recrivt awl eril , or . ll•rur ev tat, r.ra 4,a lry , NnAvt. IJai eathers. "Il It•rrrei Hoop 1..1et, ! articular st.LPhlion paid 1.0 Igo auu D. , :utatlc Frullt, No. /311 i..,l.lVert. 1 . 11.E.0ur,11, Po. S. %E»JIVER AI. CO, \flu E ANJIEIt, COM/1118910N II and dealers In FLOUR URA ”trond %op.! and .. 1: I,l.hurvh. r. ,1..• .n and dvalere In Yoreren I ..•- o. e B u. ttp,No. Cheese, l'aareu r r n Deot. l M lt L bu i rgh. ry MITCLI LILL IN - NI. P. BECK 61. CO. ? No. 1.55 v I a., V/ nolesale •..:. I, , stpr. and lirAlern In Coun t t•• .rltlona, li.zon.l.sn..Buttur, Kota, Prod }lour, Grain, Sena., •nd I Prt..,l &Ina and jyld OTIS SllSraleD ('11"& SIIEPARD, Commission ,lonlrro In Flour, Orals and ME t •••• . • • 1.1, :I' aLf et.... Pittsburgh. I - - .una of Ivor for Rakers and Family use C•.:••• / n hand. rarilintlar attention paidto Nit rrhantil&•• generally. .f.:17 I ITTLE, HAIKU & PATTON, I is n. , I, vole liners. I iinarntaelOn Merchants and In Pion, ilanon. Cheese. Pleb. ; , •11. Iron, hall% GU.% 1 , 4.1.1...t1 nII Pitirborgb nianurutaree gnnurally Pithilturgh. ls Li a 1 N 4 I . HIS Mt IL / ..(.1111511 Y. lIMSII2II. I) 1;1 :it 11110 g, (Successort to LH.r u. r A A I.dereon, I Wbuleasle 'Neater. ha rot- Frei . eta and 3p . lcca, Confectionery, Sugar.. t k AC.. Noe. 17.. and 19V1 Wood Street. above YI (It. 1,1 I ate rah. tr22.lv . . • I 011.11 H. C NFIELEI, Commission and F. , r vrardtne Merchant and wholesale dealer in a.. stern liaaerve Cheese. Butter. Lard, Ptak, Macon, Yhaar, Fish. rot and Pearl Althea. Saleratna I.lueerd and Lard Ulla, Dried Fruit, and ?not.. genrraliy. NO, 114 and 165 Front street. Pittsburg h RAVI' & ILEIPER, PRODUCE, , ..tionisdon L 1.11.1 Forwarding liarelseta . zd upN I. ROCS C • • • • P.Z.W•UD UOUSI...11•111, t. HOUAI. A oIIN I. ROUSE & BROS., Succesw no. TO Joh 0 L. ROCKS & CO., Wbelswale ..Moulcslort Remnants, corner of health !Rid 1111.1 V. Ater streets. Pittsburgh. .10 I AMES DALZELL & SON, nano t• (seta r• of Lard Oil, and Commission Merchants for thy purchase and sale of Crude and Refines! Pe trolrum, Nos. 68 and 70 Witer street, Pittsburgh. .1. slices Made on Consignments. . s.„:41'110311Alli. & LAlSG,Wholesale dealer, In Ur/uteri.. Flour, U rain, Prduce, Pro ,_I ilour. Ylnn. Cher., Bali. Carbon Ull, Nos. 172 and llt yt ood htrect, near Liberty litreet, Pittsburgh, seilily ocu ROE e, ILIAD I.OIOOIL WXTZO&R. I EAR & METZGAII, Grocers and Commission Merchants, and denten in all Units of C. 0.. Produce and Pittaburgh Manufactures, Not 200 I-111 , rrtY btrrele opposite toad of Wood West. rl ttaburgh. aptly L'ETzu.it & ARMSTRONG, For .- ...ding and Commission Merchants, for the gala of Flour. Grain Bacon, Lard, Britter,Beeds, Dried Fruits, and Produce gener e lly, No.lo Market threat, corner of Flrst, Pitts - burgh, Pia 11010211 T 1.1 LAMA. .II. P. D.III.ZILL. 400 1 111 T. DALZELL CO., Whole .ate tinteers, Commission and Forwarding Mare chants and dealer. in Produce and Pittsbiligh Man uractures. No. MI Liberty street, Pittsburgh. JOON WATT 2011 N WILSON. W ; 111'T. WILSON, Wholesale Prlnlnce anal Plttsburgb. ' his " n ' u c factir'rer 1 1 4. g. lar.lr erty 011101. rliteburgb. 11125 MIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St" +-A. • rlttootrgh, Pa., Commission Merchant, and wtkui,gw Dealer In Country Produce, (ironerless./ rittscurah manufactures. Cush advanced on Con signments, and paid fur Produce generally. au2l • SAIAII DICKEY hi CO., Wholesale tirocers, Cummlsslun Merchants. and dealers In N Produce. u. se Water street and 15 Praia street, i•t/ I t 91(41IT tr. Co., (Successor ) Produce and Conan Union M. street, ?Menlath. WI i LINIIART, ,neeennor to Sintkeowli k I.loshart) Denier la Fl..nr and Undo, Produce awl Comml_ssios Slerch.ntA No. 231 LIBERTY STRZET, rittsbus fal:ph. L /O,IN YLULU Wit. null) JOHN FLOYD & CO.. Wholesale IN ICR RN, No. 171 Wool and YU Liberty W.Va. toittotou rall. It. 4101 W tilltrros.... WALLICL czee A & WALLACE, Whole unoND P ,SALEDB. No. 6 :sly tha,rert, Pittsburgh. 11 CUICCUI=! 1 ZALTINIORE & lIAVANA STEAM -221111.' AI. kX. tilt‘lWN 8 220NE4 Demme Agents. YUN NkW Ott.LKA mit DIIIELV. 13AltanNti F. UNITY.") &TATES NAIL. The &tcamshlos °rads 1100 will ullita follows: "t.' ,I3A • • & 20) tons, T. A. Ban. Corammad. on "LIIIFAITY . -1 tSO took, Wm. HOWALCot&ttAndar., nAT UIC AT, Novamoer3d. Tram 11120 W N.& WHARF, FELLS mita. At o'clock P. M. oroobolY, oo._ _Modals onsOonood, For frcliiht or passage. ...Log umturporked so. "" ti d t.;ArIZVAYIP ' IZLD a cci. 16 Nellft W$ = It 3.--N o Pala of Lading bat tbOite Dribsl:=lts. o, trllkbo alirocd. Penaltatoritatrelght =Mb& t ol from MIS *lnce. No led 134: bill. or 11 2 / 2 11.1 011 &mot Inz, +012 , 17 - - uIT lr UP ALLEUBIONT TILL/Um:VS Unrialt.' 262,.114, - .ZEALLED PHOPOSAURetiI be re. celved at-this ogles lorisre.WO..g2TWISN'TY SIX PIM CUM. MaratOfflLL'Zt)fflotl of said Cal', of these malaria; in. 103, ;. - 11172 and. IA& Bids to be Muted leordelsad Bonds." By order of the sasottttee no nominee. D. 114131rXIIIWN. suLISIOI Trerenror HIKES C, BILSLEI. 3 I lia-t CI-I A_IN'T, Wholesale dealer In Made on Conp4ignments, Reit., to H H ir.) MEN. & Ultti L.Wohl H co W.l. LW. h Vlltoburgh I=l Nos. 221 and 223, PITTSBURCH,; PA Comnantly on baud BREWER, BURKE & CO., 031MISSIO5 111E111'1M] 8, I= PITTS HeIIH H. l'A WILLIAM C. LEE, MIMI 13.5EEIRCDHAtILN.1". COMMISSION ISEItCIIASTS, it i.k ri In Flonr. Strain, Fuel Proiluee. t r•- , ..:i• ••• nis•ie cosignment , •.. %0 n bTILFET, opposite jpift•S Hirruit, AIKEN 6i. SJIEPAItD . . . . 'L St !I . : 1 4 1 1 A. X N rsto y 9=u tz, ia li g 11° N. n .Ii IS Eli and ClLliti Cei. seratiy . (1 11 aj 16 uppoeltx City Hall. Alle;iksisyCliy. _ . •ziv*if3.` , iz):rl;/;$1 MEDIC AL DR. hEitiEli'S- Pectoral Syrtp CURES CONSUMPT lON Cures Eironehiti CURES COLS, Ciar'oss.A.sitlalnan CURES Al! Diseases of the Lungs. A case of tivryear. , lltaudthg cured 7,110. It KY I'InJTORALSICRUP etTkalitrion. Janne', 11, Into. De. KEYSER :-11v wife has or.a athlete.) with b) caugh and difficulty of breathing for fine or sit 'ears, which. for several years back, had gran nialt increased In violeace. The complaint has boon lien • d Pary. and she had been treated by several oh, • clans without any pellet. In this state Of Iher ease procured some of your PECTURA I-CA/U(1 It [o'lll , l' 1 bought. the drst time, a fifty cent bottle, will, re le% ed bee very much; 1 then railed and got a •liii la *glide, which mired her entire/a , . and sue um. oca 0.1 trace of the former disease, except woolllll would Liao stale that I used the ineillinue In, ./ • cAd and cough. The medicine cured Me lay t.a o doe, I expre s s my entire satl•ifaetinu v.ll ihe .nediclue, and von are at pberty in. II you desire to do NVId. \t 11., Alderman. (111. ti H •rd PtT - rsaln - t(ltt, Aprlll4. 1,7. READ THE TYLFTH.—Lt. hx,lfet.- 1 hn.re daughter 'mho has taken several tuedlel11••• uglt rlthuat by left. among thew A ,r', 11Ix1 ry Pectoral. I purchased from you y. ur Pectoral. Sr rut) • i•I before...he hadue•l lid:1 a hoL , tie .ha rvl The met:owl n...tt, 1,, eotlrrly orhrr cu gb. JMIN DA Rohl oaun street, A rrrnmunuu, Dee..mtwr .11,• A OKILATUIJAKIII DK. li_Er...tc's PE, T. 01 A L. SfitUe. t Ara In Peebles tow ...nil, Aliolt!loLy county. t is au • cough sn.l• , Lln, rnoncetl avar.tt Lac 4tli of 1,1,r0a. 1,14 L, r.sniln • tied IKht tat.alas. 1 emplvyt. , l tho , b , 717,,1 1 ins in the country, •ud eungti contlnno.A tuna until tarty In llotolwr. AL that time I w r. v lu try your Pectoral l on,ll I,yruc.. 1.111011 sftrr I 14.2 taken nne bottle I wa. 11,1. Ire.. 11,n the courara and ha•l Lilt s log we.l. and think It •bould •nrlw Lt tont this v• sob, rrevelly will tit , for • u lint IL 1.• dove In my ca..e. JOHN . r WlLLaeae It. KLIIII. rev Ides Los , u.. 1111.. =I A trlfl.11)7.111.1;1. 1.7'1214 I?.—bows. tuee ao ,od neighbor of mine eras very All with a ha.l rouge, «retch every oupwuJeed to be <012.11311.110n. 1:s relatives told m uur e that he boil Llllirll ever, r.•r.ly they beard ut Without hellcat; Ids brdther , trw ltO tea tausall were condi - toed to thelkst he could swoteve, live. I bed about the third ot t.o tie of your Pectoral syrup, which l gave him, a:..1 It ttrel, cured Wul. to the asdoulehteent of alt. Y. t.at makes the cyst more remarkable. Is toe e e :is r•.. of the mu, Isola( about eltly years old. be.e two doubt the rectosal eased hlife. Jtalfi llcti DU. KZ YtilLß'S PECTOILAI.I3Y Ulf P RI. A I • 1.6 VILLE.—PIt.e read rocanothertuppy or r Eat Pectoral Cynic. Altrcort everrll., I, bat the cold, and are crop:trial, ror r Ptetoral Syron... We hare +old tlzttre 1.0,1 0.1 . . • an weer. and are now en,lrelv out. Mr. A. A. L.. aud M. P. At ,her. they 14,116 t nut L.. •11166. It In tit-1, to lAM., all with uae 1t since ayalu. "99tU1 El=l Nov,nber ih, • DR. - !dealt:l[l,s, In gent•rxl. It mfltttrl• are 1,1.. n• •11.1t scribal:4u thr••••••ulwel•I ytur 1 , L.: As a mediclou. II tz vrortnS person tusy In any tn toner . t h coughs, cul•l-, may !or IteCulla.r quall•thatlout htt rpm 1:1 a.I • • greettl.o.o •••.U.ttl•••• ritleEhlaa, sy • .I.i. huge t.uen. Thor,: or kegs In Lay lit', Rlth the 3e,r,at •,1•••.1.1. an.l ourecrtesa. At t , woul•I or,Plllr cited Lt. to utu.v. In recumuLruding I • •••.,..• .: • • tingly say that IL L. the beta reLou , ty I • s. , p/rportlng Leval, the sUove, nor eh °old 5-,y 1., Ire without thle remedy fog •Ileektiel 'l, nt. tours, most respeutgully, LILY:A 111 , Cashier Citizen,' I..LL . ;Lee. Mr h 1. IW>. I hart used Dr. KeY ,, 'S Cour% , Yr•O. , •r soogh of several years standlng. 4011,4.1 say Is the best :nedleine for the two.. 11. ,va COL. PRATT AND Ult. C.IILA u aYskot —I , l'. tens.. to.. of my acknowledging rAT your Cough nyrup 000 nor . tmte grout ph .•ury lug that It is all you eay II is It no,e out of my COII,II, and the ed with. I have :tot tined wort. it•-to t .0 bottle. and can and do wish tit. nil wik are atnit, ed would glee It a. . I rlst a. I 1.a..r n u.I they will tw. proud to eay, *lt tio moult not via', anotuer an All 5, 101. soy Ooal.leratton, or at any cost. I Lill 4 trea.tbe more fre,lv than I ewer I ...tall acknowledge a dold ul gramu•le lor excellent a remedy. You are at (lien) to uue Lb? name In thia regard as you think voper. Messenger Common Council. I . lC . sburgn, l's.. N. o.—t am no mrauger W wy Alt all who entertain doubts ,an conealtwa ANcrufzu NEW CERTIFICATE.—Lin. ag SER`ti PECTORAL STILUP.-a hsA Iwtn Lrt.trtne , with a cough and cold tor severalweita—go toul I It that l could not tietp. I had the advuto an I I. Berlptiong from three of the nent nt.r.li iftn , is th city, whole / could borne, 4111., not , Ic uo. I an.. pictured • bottle of Boot Pectoral nu cup, • oc. , cared ale entirely. • "-- (SWneeli J. W. SIMONTws, ,o. 2N Liberty l'a Jannarl gth. WOO. .43TOPTHATCOUli1llati."—••How eau I do blo to lioyser'N, uu Wood street, mud got • hull, .2 his Cough Pectoral, and If that dou't cure you, 3 •.0 mow must ho desperate lodue•P ` This is a so. efts,. moth e colloquy one bears every das lu cold-catots,ti periods of the year. And we can, limp ttetuAl expo rhnent, cheerfully concur lu the adviser's aduepol lion as above, for we have tried the I•Pectormi,•• a crust stubborn ease, will, eu tire success. Nes two weeiwi alter we went to I . ..taboret, with, one o the most dtalressing, contrary, oust luluaal • coghs wr ever experieuce•l slut, Oc.r wive. 4.1,1. hi, mundane sphere. e' W coughed steadily an Ila burlously for one whole week. In none,. of, eltic I out, Isolllt was tau g p ra ct ic e , h It 114!../1111,4 ratio, have Improved by apt•l havt waluire strength, potency mut dlatressll,lllty by the "pet a lion. In Ws stage of the . steceugllt•l vr o v to lieyserbt, No. 140 W•wel eat, pr-wurt d dtt cent bottle of the • • too IL •ct......11..5 1. distelluna, and lu forty-elght Loon we were mosso of the held, the euettly Lesion •tt randersd, after brief. but etteaual syttelet formldable ad adve“ary as ey r•s famous :oug • PbctOral. —broseisevtlis 11 1 1, par, Use, li. 1110. DR. KEYSER'S PECTOR IL SYRL? =I DR. GEORGE H. KEYS. TA, No. 140 WOOD STDEIrI 3Pl.4tost:bwrigli. .76 - . co 2,L,,,,•4 THE Great Nervous Remedy, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will relieve, without fall, had often cure all Nervous Irrltabdll3, Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Ureter' Dr. Keyser's Nerqous Antidote W ino,. Twitching or the N vree . Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote %Vint:are Nervous !leads •b Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WO= Will Care Narrow Cramp of the Bowels Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote will Curt Neu mats Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Wit Cure Neuralgia of the Pate. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Core Neuralgia of the Stothaet Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote CrW HI .e Neanklgla of the Hczkr Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote win Cote Neandsisof the Llverand Right Sid Dr. Keyser's Nervous puidote Will Cure hiutrulgis Htadacht Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cur:; Perptablon of the Hesse. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Palette. a skeu:s of Stessufa Dr. Keyser's here II Antidote Will Cure peppy' ter.: elle* Hew, Dr. Keyser's:Nervons Waco excessive Drta Dr. Keyser's Neevous &Wale ith...hrp.a...012. Dr. Keyser's. Nervous tirldete WW Cure Lsrams of . PripS.Ted aid solilly GR. GEORGE a imam -140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,stausswx 11 11 BEM
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