ing tn in a punt: trust. cilille abusing it.' • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS__ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ma: , 1, a exi s ts g of couscie ---- - .-..-- ----- --- i .;rykr the existing regime at WltAtingfou, J %HES T. BRADY & CO„ t, .1,„•; not take well with inett of (Sus.,ssors is st I.ties 1 t . ...) Corner 1,001111 1504 Wood 515., ttlititi fietitie, unliacLnied in stilf.docetivils. Mr 1..0.a ti:.: •A petlntl of servitie t . , BANKERS & BROKERS, 47 1,. 4111.A.w.N. i ...-.. ~ , i-se. The elet tiou 1./1 . 1,1 ,11,, ,,, . t• . . iuw , aiNo. 18........ xi... .... ii,,.. Legtetiaturts will be held .iti the ilitr.i 21'4°' P. It _ g ._. 'l - '1,04, a nett Santtary Among Ow GOVerlillli.ei 11. Securities, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1888. \ I.M4 ' m h ' • "'c'mPth' lx e d I 'Y tl " i 'i'l" . "'" l'. Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. - - - 'inf.; electton is ills 1,111 Issitin tii the "ti . '-' of i rivate lift., I.slcas the Presi.him ,i,,,i; ii. 0:„,,ii,,,t':.1,i5,',;,.;,', , :.:,..:...'". •iii it , Pot.) , it) I)l).aseil 10 t i ttntinile Ms Itttitiic t Art` , 'tS " Interest allowed on'l'ine Deposits. aiiii , iintruent in reward of his intiileilty iii 1,•11.1•111E TOVINSIIIP the Republican ;tarty. It II thii ...,,,,!1•1 nlittu whit h makes the arse , tin„ tit tit . liii 13 0 Y Si 1N 13.1 L. TJ El publican Legislative ei.niliilsios a inarct -,,,, „i grave ptilair irrti)Ortati ve. Not is it sitilply I!VSI/A 1 , 1 l • *list \I i ( i,ii. ~, , _. ,ii. should ha, a u,,: i,',• i" 011 ' 1 ii ' i ' P i ''' I ' l NI cl'l.l tit: TOWNSHIP .I.sititutc, It is titi tilt rott.ii,ittriii r I , . list Itis s i ttrre•sor shit i hr A 111511 ..1 teic , l ' .ti .11tproveil iinality, vi lin i,as nil i•titi ts 101 l relintitlity Willinnt intrn ;11'1.2 the gittsburgh 6.nettt rt.lll.lslllCD av I'ENNIMAN, REED (SI GO, - - I 1 lON REPUBLICAN' NOMINATIONS. FOS kiOVEIII2IIOIIO MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, of 01T1IIIERL.AAD OtA6Nflk 1=01! TWOITT.WOND DIEsTRIC, HON. J. H MOORHEAD I= HON. THOMAS NV ILLI A VIS TQLDIVEL P. CLULET, City =I SOHN GI. 13/3AIMOIi, li.mnptona Tp CLL2Z OF OMlllll% tl A LEX A.N DELI 111 LAN rod. en, nscotiovt: /INA HT 1111 WELT. City MEMSRIE 00UXIS13101, t GEORGE IIA lIILTON. t lty Pllir7On of root, JOll/11 F. DRA AO. Mt!11:n joili A' P. (MAAR, City. CORO E Pitt. Ip. GEORGE T. net& EV. NO:th Vnyotte AAR FL 1.711. k Ilt•ll, Cotta , Ip. It ILLIAR PETER. fr• R. A. COLTIILA, alt 7.. ARGUYIENT nN Pl 3 ENTA - A good tuat% )u ,t ills oß. t nt , L. .11 Ntto - s on the nftlwnal One I 111, 1.4 a ilunLIT, nt 70-111, in both for 1‘...•1r • ~tr, s tion con:le.,ortti,,O 1",, tnl,- Ile Vt! w lust s , they Tr' toe 11. e eust•nce i." ottl‘o.loxy. to dork!wl:ere tho,ens stilpi,:nati.43 of nil I.ere.v 114 - I , s 10!1g thrs I,.:leve“ alb War, for 11.411“ ) •',ll I, Ibr y 4 . 6,0,1 ltint lIL ••I 1-tate, tote!. ighty ivLl( :tnic vied itw 41,1 an.l En= ate • ' '''ra aa • • tarli.i,euir, In tic w nate e•tt.iiilinl 1“111.1 'then they clearly d'.; not ta ilur• a r itelo%,llisl, fronitlil s ..ot , no-01:2., ihe . . 1,a., good Measu re n ., ' a n I Went, n acaorlattA 10 'XI Ve so many. i wily - they s i nip.tilur. , _ , iron. y- set L tie Tnc “lelltocorpt Stl) •"a iieus, Yin re Lr!s exulted in wera itn s, mil when Ono 1. ilia t iirrums tliornphe•l. That is %Nl,' Mr Ult.:11.0 CI Yvan, tcs ihe n'emb" of It '` 3 " """, ci. thorn ti n tm , tly voted against rm,a ninwury ,444.4,41 4.1 fur the prn.ticatlal 1,. , it 111 * 01 “ 1 " (.11,1; \70',1. illarney nil that la ale I!"vi, 11. 1, I ‘U . t• I I,OW 1, 1111:1 111111 U, do mm cauiial,tin lot lin, ,1:1“0 ,c.•. naor. II it 11,1 v•aer.l the ...11. %el y. Itir Aebloc Fa! 4. NIII II • t, N 1.1 CI, I tii,t% tit t 4 r• kJII II IL 4// th % ILL I• ,t NI, ia .one COME Hut LI Those 1% '1 oirning six Staten enJ,iur,urd ,iu ted, in their Fetret 1:10010J:A 103 , ‘, an'r;.,. none of Inch old nu ILI :tie\ Olk, 0111., N% \C ardi !Lt • „- Theirntlnchutrut i • liU 11. , 1A; , 1 140 , 1 11.1• the Union of WI .1).,L, it n VAL Ulf in — .41.1,11 years ago. 'li Alt bah Lee; al:Ott:01)4J n I •- ca.; I.l.ciE il.• Ito! I,ll.list• 1110L,OVCr. OM' t..‘ S - au ragal,“ Vu:111.1C, bl,•1,111. =MOM MEE 111 c) , nll, O l he, I lull 011 [IICII n i.AS, .1% 4.1 tin , rebels d l: I kl,:o them to gel up pr4•l.. superiority ¢nll lt ❑ltt¢ they tt , Nor ran it t , t , pn 1;1a! Dctr Stales ies tiation that r. it`,s I= ous;r10.1 (raj' Ili. United rrwlnes , of the t!I; u.• wet me trait tit It: • r r. 7..•.: hundred , ; “; 1:11,11 YUUU❑ Wllh es. T , l:re I.llr, ~if It tin i:n ne ouncluely. rVi !ot , r . done end eutlelvi 1.,1 !'.•'.. She VeleraClS Dow hlnt u, who represer.t in .!.r 'r .11 the thrtnert.l.le ;11:1;e• e.l • •. tion of the Untea, to nAeett tbet A', vOtloo to the flit r.n. tuel:ll,A Cri and 1.1.1 I hey ',rift it tile canoe for r.. 1,1(!. tl:ry 1.4 I T'ee veteran! IVIOW W 1,3 thoy ttitigt.t tU.y kuow what 11.ry ore et,tlt. ,16i. They woo the Tir Wry, and dr, net mo,th Uc eltentell out ttl . it 'lilt tot., it !or section 01 a caste, .01 f r all ,lono all r rotes . ft, this a w . au] t .,, „,, . 0 , 1, . t n . tt , s t.:,....1t vl.,- Thej7 menu that tan I IC, .t stnml ts..t '0• tt..," Simply in name het to, the, it r:Wi n. ." Shall not simply have its represettint. 1 , I the folds of the natlona: ensign, but t 0,,,p . • be found in the common experience of 4:1 • "" " " LA , LAW 3 / 4 flatri F. , Nr, w,,e• the inhabitants of ilia land. , A, AELLV 37 ir .1 , • The veterans of the t .1t• ant .Idll.l alone in this The c., rt TAKE TIME BY THE FOlt E who sustained them %Inc "" —T" ''•" nitutles of the War, RN. - rll , l in fn!; ttympa ° thy ttith them. The loyal n.en of tits re. , loao..nn • anon. acrl , I.l* • s.r. .I•' public - claim the light, con,,uesed tin i i„ .,se ....41111,11 kilita. a.m. as and Yield of battle, to iont,il defliny. f t.. he • laulanLa of nlsrate 1.. they will not forego. II tel al, n 5 11,,y t . ... , •••re noon feel to ba Just and eas.cutliti to 11. e. ptiiseni isviii tars us rt n rir. and permanent welfare of the count ry they ut tn. t:ina.n.r.llo nor', 1. -will exact and emfoFee, and heisiter no". ot. . ....o phistries uor threatening*, will Oyer turn olrlspl4atron la Isurt rayld .01rnrl. Tbarnrwrn Lc rtn nr, A s a: tiler]] from the i r purpc,cs. or. %T'., ors tir•t , ale scan yunr., Muesli FT? •e. ItiT r Nit 4. lin MR. FIIG tilt Itet t t'AN. . who 4a4c• ll rnay 1.,* ,Na to 0t0t... talm.alt In 1.,,,. . ' , 0 ,,,,..11 yval , +.l. 011..1i ci0..1....,.•.5a , l'i our: Soon after this gentleman was loJualett . ~,in....,, .h.,„,“,,,,, am. , .... ,„,,,, ~.. by the Itepuhlieui, a 1',.ct.”);,5 ,, 1u with . cg.ruo. but 't grtat u. '/11.1. lAI I ..1...l .1 .., a neat in the Senate 01 ,lii . 1. 12.1101 bln(t , ., i i. : 7 1 , r , v tn y , :a . , 74,,... . , .1.; , :7 ; : ,..., :::' ,..„ . ,:..:;:: ::: . L , .. 13 ROIL t.,977 la 11. e. denith raft., ''' d 1." ' 1 disLort, tar fouo.loo. of we 8 , ,,..... 1,41.. ....It , steadily rote , : ts Ith them, . u im,,t, If not ln. trr (II tad 1./U 4/11i. il 14.,/,••11,0. ~ 1 ... c 1./:sl 0.4 • . 11 1 W/Tlollll[ll Ili{ 11,i'I'.• ii It'. 111,11,11, bay i 0 : 0, d.. , .... ,, , , 71;'," ) ;1: ^ .', 1 „.1 . 1:::",,,;,', i ~,, • ~,,, -.;,,", his enure& In title lath. ‘II, L. tt . but n Cial• i k d .::::::, k ,„,.. r i a . trolled by conscientio,,- cla, i 4 Lion., Tilt .... _-..--..........0...-...... o ----- 1 ••••-. maybe. Consetence play. btrariee pranks . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. with, some men. Tor , intm...M. the untuidel ll:A1.--tf/.3(T/LA if, Jr., Adam" ifhp , .. 0.9 k., of the ingutsition, w an I , tniuc . .os. In rt I V:kle , at ItVcrt Street. fa an outhonnent strotoi L. ro' ltx life, and claimed he Wu. 11 ,, Mlni.le, ter n A drerM.erter..• for the G AXE?' I K... 1 .11 Who , profound zeal for t nit. 011 e„l lit ~, , ,,i ,i,o p.p..... th,..11A.., the 1/ """ i '9.'l6' trod " welfare of enubirni tlo,dli, .Ida the tomb l 9'"a en. iita ease does not rtAtlll alone Nt„,„ ~, . NIULItS 'WANTED. the public teen n I,:nte mimeo etsnd tai ',,1 l 10 Good Souud Work Mules. to special illfittny. Wrq• in the nalau valego rya Waite id,. c,,,, ~, 1 ,1,...„..„ hi, t ,n.l , : . ezi , , .1 Tletot OM.. or Villst.trrgli, Alto It, Nrorhal•r Railway. Betel:lCC In juslitle.ttioa 01 his de : ...,..., wax. 4l wax. xoow re, one, c ICCtiOn, hid onecien. 0 nioatiti NS Liti- ' ‘ •7o ' - ‘./''. /IL/PUP, V•t.Lif.; Mali 110 e 1,.. 1 per in his cure that I,- owls ~ , ,,,ethiug f eLii "".u...... , 1 , .. :nn, , 4 o. . th e A Pt, genger I. the men who confided power to Ws keep 1" fru,. olli lore the bey ° , ftr A . •r 5. k. li , • I lug, as their repret, ntative, and is hote , l i :'; i r:;,"::'; ‘ ,"` E , T .t. lw i N ox , r, u u, N .,,,,,,,r. ~,„i toandeitce he otitrap s. 11 . 1wra it cams to 61141NIYATAz et . ATt u t7ti ' "." """ 1..1 tt -6.. the point that he t ould not rultlll it, ton-' U,' MITE DONS IN DI. - 14.1 - i t.e. °ruble pleogcs, T T A.l. Leo) County qt.,r k . - - exprobsed or Implies+, his i ..,, k o . o k ..,. ~,. 4 1„ 4 , 4 . 44 , 4 , 4 1, 4 r , " ... 1 . 11t , .• . conscience, if it h.,. i born t o :aid and true, L,,,V,',',.`,.. r r.e , 7 1 1 1 , t,, , A , t .,.' ~f.,`,;',,,t , '„,1 ‘t ‘,.; ,: . : . t , 0th .. 4, 1 ;:r i ' ;.! ` ,1,". ought to have sugrsted to him the duty of - `,1',:,1'.'",,`,,`!°14.1,', 1 2,',. ° , r ,, A ''' ). J'T' ' , ..... ,- .1.,,,,.i resigning his ofliee, and alicnt Lig the par- 41111.04. N 0... Preeinear or A lle,ber• ty from whiz]." he received it, to :select a ...3.k.2 WI.I successor to unison with Its sentiments, CIIIIOICIErNiriIIr 1'" ?...- pad a sharer of Its priaciples. This hula bq writ'Ax"°°49".. •• dtsparft,ze intel!ect, mgt l uridly l , etzer titan to 1.1 tut ruler u:-h at ;hat sylui. - 1) us nosy upon uluu .ICk 1,1;1' ..1.1 115 beneficial n,• ate of puce. 1I r. Mir Luton tlohlivr, ( ran ,Jl-1.1 and najoiuing, eoun'.;c, havv ,11n,:. Itlffkll A stand o.ernons.,,ati,n at M 5.1.1. •a'.Lo'do! (ortohe: - It an nll.,lny affair. The gai‘nt uf.,al ‘'l . a retiots%c ii.,lO,lmAN, or New IlarupALite, itaggage Barrow.. ...limp speaker of New au In,. Vcln. Sugar b, , ther :emiuunt seteranA, roitsvrii, T. 111.0111 ;of ssetll Sind Iti•er.k • rh , .kkinjlk,rnll,.ll .1 , SI ..tch e: !It Illit•Ilpis JUtl/11 l'S I rts, t, • , ..1,0 ,1 ,11g, I I,!ent )IS the 1 an Os 1 , 1 C.krw,i, by o, P.OO, lys , ni ' 1:•• SEEM I WO, 3os who are I,yi,•; ennlo protnpl , y to conTr.: , .•:l•! ;: toatimi lt'll~lli~ ••t trun men 5w01 . .. n',.r 111,1•.1 I URN It F 111 - 1: wit, in 11,0 1,(.0,0, 'lt •,, "~.. an , 1 upparclelleti C1: 1 / 1 1.,0.41S11 1 111.4 IP! , ~It , ' TO THE PUBLIC. I .n.pires anlong loynt people, 1.,. 411 Ce ' , t( , i ,,,,,,, ti0n 1,0. the 11141.1 . iv! ii.r.l ~ u 111 M : W I; * Till . : UN I'i• " 41 " '.'' 1:1) • 0F by tho r,..m,lent and Ilac eu.,.1,1',., , i : to, 1 , : . 11' .. . o f A.:.l : • . • • :...•:..:.:• I", 01 T1,1,.• 14 ,niething unktur tl-1 , . .•, ' 't . .., .: .',' •". •... .. • '7 . l' .. t .1 II I. 1 I , MEM ,••Ii t It la Ind., It'w . 11, 16.1. !a that for \ 4,1 M T al 11% Ina: 1 .1L 1": i • ,01 n I 1)r l'PlotT, Ll' , I k ' A 1 . ,) I)t.koA, • ; n• rtl co* Xi • . !1,.• f I lit =I •• or a moo- Y ,„ PURE 3;0112131 CARMAN& T 411 I=l =I r*ociA 6,11 Af.f, r t0ur . ..•1 00000 .a. A t. f r ,c tialc,r,el mc”.l • arn•r i..• play. =NM A Illsnisitifttl !lend of 11,c I cruaa ••11a.r C rH, • •11•., 1,••1, I.,y of •-tl.l 1 1.••••• • I.• ' • •• • ite Drefial • U w CI 01.$ leot..rr Jr.? tanr I h.. • ri I \ \N I \I IL , g ". A \ All 1 "'"" „' FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. COll 'Win' SEAT FOR SALE, I=;1 EMEINIIIIM IM2IIIIE t.l at- .. r I ne nee A. Ijo 8,1 ra.,. • . Asli ,4 eo-la APE .a 4 r " , ,t:: F • 1%14, ~ ...e7,llti 111. . It tt 11.1'ft I• tt I 1,..1.11“.5•n VIGIL INCE COMMITTEE ouvon I I. -A_ I, SI C> , IN THE BOROUGH OF SEWICKLEY, El Ili MEE IMNIMMIZZI PtI,11:-1 . 1z, , ikun Bucks, ;t ,nrry School Books B"0•( A 143 JOB PRINTING. JOH P. & CO., ilt r•, tqatiuttrr , & Iru.draier• I= 11. if R 111) ,11.01[1.1) ~~~.~~- WHITE., ORCI & CO., 1;•11"th. Btr..t tilt: Il l i l 111\ t.'" 11.1.“1 1 3../4 MI"Elt E N 1'1? A (Yl' LC, /PV3.1 . 11 aP , P I „, 41 )IPPIISINt. SENI Mellor'! , lithir Store, s I Wood SI • OTI ( . E 0 NTH 1111)11%.- - la , t,rov!ll,. o •• g • :4,4 •I • . T. • g , 0 . 0 l •• 1 11, o r MEM OM ME tAItY, r 14. I.EII.G.VTE.N, =MEI= Li. I 11.. II ANSI ! 1 - .uilV Ilin.l.n. 11 , 341F:ell J.o'lll . Ith.llll )11, ,i, A NI , 511,4.4. I • I.lerai Allegl•••••7 la DUO.. Essig/tie Rtilld • OM A NIA. !II • 1,3 rS. inanut,llarru • atetA •••urs• lur Ityr•fla Y. • 'Ai 1 t l•r• ••••1• Mltr•tln• - •‘ . • II ..ort•. 1.1.,.••••iII •,•••• ”•111amit 11.. • floil••••• • led • ••••o, ..11‘131, t-n ~ 1•111nrra. .1, • .411, It II 1.111 CIMMiIiMI I.' I It 1:1103 1 M" lA. 3:31;17" 0 iec t n.t st I I ott , ROWAN I I Tr.; " ii ' rZ I t ' :•: r l ' l t t. 11 In s $l ,L u P i i , , ( 1 , 1;•, 1 ; 7 , 14 •n JAMEM 11A1.1.11, I= ~,• r.\ri.n,r I)UA \l.• SPE( 4'. ltd• tr r• 0,4 r te rine ~, A • 1,1, IN •• 11, hel.weerk ',rock 171 AI I. ...111 , •V , '3,171 ' 1110UND FOR SALE.- ThPr. 111 bs: Cuurt hale, at 1.114 , ( our, MU., ON !4.llfitol l, SEPI. t. 16, iNoi,, tt I or.Lorli, 1. It, Poll If u HOU 4 W. lrul- IT. 1.00 gu,....11r ro,or v, fronting on 1 , 1rE.0 ttruct. .n.l running ba , I. 1.. %I•gi., a 10.7 Yor forth, patticulat ogvoir ,, 01 . 1e,1;L 4 120 Y.rnr lb •1...1.1.. Wilk!. 11.11. SUNDILIEs. S. 7 Snap Er/ v. 0.1 C 11. I. LO r.a.a. Ash; 44.0 plg. don Lent: AO bag, Reline./ 11,ralc, .001• •ad for bale by AL_ t. 43, ittAT SALE THIS WEEK Of . Cooktos Stows.. Tlo Wan, Coal HoOtthis Y. dra t .mlOOl.OO 01401100 utsosll.. at P. C. DUXIZT'B. 11.11. tee Glut :slat. sad. so a. roar guo.i• COO be vest boat bs • toes ales, t;:f -- ,‘IASONIC lIALL, Monday Evening, October Ist, ,litter„_rei to It. It. Uttl‘es ) k • ll\ C F ,, LLOWINe , TIII, ( FL :N 0 . 4r) E-3111itillicia St enkU !! .151111 C., Vocalbts, Harpists and Violinists =I II r duly 1,0,11 -bed N ORDINANCI' authoting the Sewer os art,l •tra'rl. Jo•I , r1 , 14 - (.1 b, Ole M•ry • 3 ' IL 1 Y'W C .2. ..• • . to . art•••11••• nr••••••••.lo for the • on•trootIon • ,wer NI, ntr(.4. .. 1,01. -.t0.: to Tbal n I tinan• anl apenn on:1 S r . r:;•.:r ••• t• i t. ' , ' • ' •• •• •; k : Y et 'r l 2 Tl!.. t .,"t` .`..l°, ti \N - 11.0 IllIi•I'N' bn a ...... cnko •• .. and Ininl!. and the • n.ll •• ..• ).•••.1.• n.oni J 1.•••.• t• •••, Arn non rtret• in, t - z• a 1...•••••••• , • ••••• tto , Jan,. and 'Cl.,,. LI ...,••••••• nlilo tes•Ao ••1•1 I. na. ro Ito 0.. I •na' `.'IL . ` 331.4 1 .• Sa r i ' 101 .. 1.1%2 " 7V . .1Fil 0 M 055 ,‘ 11, I I, 1.0 •••r ••• • •-n,...-.•••,•• ••• thor . ,nno•tte 1.• Corner Liberty and St. Clair SIS•• n•n• • MO.. •—• • •• ther ‘••• t; • tr •• va•ni•nta. i"•%. • or I. nn.•n., . p..! the,.. Colin•o•ty tio. 71 wr,. FINE WOOLENS, I TI a t ato I art f to tl .v. not, t r t.f . ..-ttitn.ll. - o al I Al•••fl 1 r• C1•11FJ:, N 011il)IN ANUE urant fug the s. v., CuhipaoT ME i , N iii A t.u.'. F 1~. (1111)IN 4N( E. 1.41 n t l lye lo`1 o ` the IMMEDIATE s. TH3RG'JCIIINS, , EC,TI7iti • :.• t tt I I .A.fA1f3r.5;19011..'1-, It , '. 011 DIN IN( E to ill ‘4) tutipooollrlt ,4 411,E. p ♦l'Elt' t PERU PITTSBURGH NPR 111\11'1(1'1MM; CO 11 areliott.e, 1 bled Street. DAY, McABOY & SPANtj, HEWS, TACK, MANILLA, HARDWARE, IRON lITI RINE 1101110. 'Roofing. Fclt and WRAPPING PAPERS 1111.1 ,, 11111* •I .11enh•n•III•. Oft, It, , (111..1 New Prightisp, I; SI" HOOK WOMEN OF TtiE WAR ItP00( )1 , .• v „r,, • r The ¢.+•on,ni, Superior Wood and 11011 names, _ . Wrotyytt.l Post Hit., Ring Mt.. :szttyffles, limn loot, 4 thly Y..... W11....!11,1t. %Ito I a . .•••• 0 , • ..r •1.. tr. • erg""u 0•1/.1 (Oil Sa entt.pirit .wsoro a, koo .• / • ::.• r , l• •ii ott. r for t 0..., 11•••• • any •• teroty az are ollorett Is, any n ; or ii • 10...yih . ~.• tttr tro, P.N.,T1.1t IV KS! •••• 11 • ot. , I I R...,.. of - •—.. • .•, AR4I.. n 4,1.1. y i k Ar I. ;If MERCY HOSPITAL, ' . A— c .- , -. 4 4 0 . 1 0 Charge of the Sisters of Mercy, ..r 11/•••l ii..,•1••• .! Mill only ity -‘ Oll TrIE: TREATMEN'I ' Olr Al I. A. 1/I,KAI/V.n rt4nirlo. meolicot: or to., • .1.1 All tlao ,t o• .. or V y •Yin , s ,id o ls In rft:.; 00. no t't t to, •.. to st.). in t for It too. .w. ty.,l to 0,. tot, ild 1t... J w lle.ll. .1, . I 1•25..,1!1.,• ••l ";•11.1/k•A T. 1,1 Augool moot ot.”.otto.r J• I . 1117 11,....1 .1, ‘" A " r:!. ' !:; WANT E In tl arrtu... t Y. I,•ren IS(i6. PALL TIZAADE. 1866. HATS, CAPS AND FURS, I I MI • 41 Prhoirsais and /Rica/. M. 'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STBEET, Itas 4... , 1411 atiL• .1.1 to 111r1I•1ar.• fiats, &c., ere., for Fall Sales, • r, ar•l y • orl , l t) •ta4nil ;•• , 11 11 . Al.o ri IN Or t 11 , ripll•Jo to •tt.; • rITT Silt&U. ll POCKET CUTLERY .r:. l ,Z ‘ ot " 4:t. " (ri:r " • ',l llEtrel „ :•W , Ven ' l 'l'o".. euL, HOLLOW GROI ‘II RAZORS, CIITIAILE b.VH.III STYLI. it PHI( k. 1M7311g. N. C:1431-X.:TFILNT, A vs/ t ler lb./ I . lll.buul. renter, I.:cnrenT, .Mos. 67 and 69 /11119 tared, ..In illtrleaTt II Df'il.Dl\4.l persOnV interested uotle..l lb, the r.laug •lewtre. fur eo and to. op •1au... , • •tid lametl, for lise cpening al r ,10113 itC maetaaa or VI eta toy and alnuaunt •Irrall• mat aboat tra. , fret, and ut •Ire et flow the aactielHo I Pouotaln t 113,1 Irtulny .trr•ta %pout alb ret t. tnan Ine Tlitrtl Wald. Al. lasneu. %nil wool oa pretatee, on I , 111.144 .144 . Stls, ai 10 o'c.t, Y. 0. M.. to falai the 11, dull., t.iel, eV y,.lnuu J thl. Mgt 011.AIIAII 14)11 N II )'till, an. J1,11)4 y JARED 11. BRUSII, Steam Boilers Oil Stills, Tanks, Sheri Iron Works, Le, N , . 1•K\.11 STILLY?, I'ITTSIWIZU I .Ini. W • REGULAR STA -, TRIM KTIN.i of JOURNKYSIVN VAIAT KRA' ANNA, Ii rIOS, ielll Na b. Id .1 Malt hsll ou WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 38. A fu . .l at truienco I. roguasoed, 3.4 bo p, tau,. will L.t I .•ert d. 1 , 1 ardor or•lbe Prestige' , *eV. 11E11 - 11X, Per rrterv. 113E1PALE Int,nufac torer• of Grand and Squaro Pianos. W treruotoo, 1.17 I , LA AK EU uTtiliet, Swo.und ern from Brawl oy NEW Ott K. 71,e Plaeos emanat.olurt ,l 1.7 tete Area ore epos' , po•rrral. Nil Haul atul spays, het/9 •uo, Ith o eelleut *ork,utooslalp Circe:aro and mire Pot e , nt CO +pool oath.. ipolAtlBol4Ort 4)9 01: 111 STIR EIET. AW RV SW M , At s SVA,UTACL ES. 22. SURVIVING t NATIMGAATS, " qtR i I I er.GVEN A T tIVraV4„ UGAISIA ATI,N N UrAIISSI lARIMIT lARS, BA/MAUI t RA EWA r u ttatv i rsirAbl t e cet, 11. Clair emit. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS , - ------------ - - MYERS. HOPPER & . NEW YORK TRIBUNE W ARTED. Fifteen i 131 Trunk _Rake r + NixOL.n. ~ IL, a, Nw. St3le Dre-o 3ffilLT PlLlNTarrir_T- Ettil:te itiu4 Tt inn! , tread Braid Trizaiiiitiz, Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Sets MICE ANO SCHOOL FURNITURE, Pittsburr,h — lvlanufautured Furuiture, FILL IND 11111111 • J Atl Yy )I,AI-I 111 AV E A ('OIPI.I , :TV. h OF fir LIENT Sl FAH ••0.1.,. "'110.21,- .1 . • Cntlti. II 1112==1 EN r a UNION ICEPUI11.1( •"' Are oil A y.essed . ~". ) 1; ; 1.1; ~ Sept. '29th. is the 15v.41 • Da) tot' .4,, , 5ii2;.; olet%. rrk• wa v • WC.. ion V' W 1.. T. 75 ••11. , •t, l'rot • tqlv•ltift• • t %I 1,1" =El= , {ft • 1, MIES ME IRON AND NAIL WOR}(,.S. LEI% IS, B.UIEI, U \ LULL J: • • • BAR, El.)I 3=3 . I .g d ~..1'1'.,1 RIME • • . %, • *ln ir =I =1 I=l B. WOLF, JR., & CO., OE= . B iNS Co .1 - 1. MA. fig . Men thl. 11) r'eaci - til .111r9htliq Ml= . AILS AND NA11.1;u1):-; areltuti , t, 13 it 41,1 s. tm) .t til.U, i'lltlNEß•illt T ur OF JO-Hr I= Kt 1.. I rn, Ili• •,••‘• • OFFICE AND WARERCUSE, Sos. 15 Wood and 102 and 101 Third SI, 121= Saddlery Hardware and .Triwmlug, =I CHINA CU ELI. F. SI 11111411:111AN Ar. RICHARD E. GREED, PRACTICAL LITHEGRAPHERS, . tl I lili.,11“•14:( ESI All X 0 "1" NI, N 1 AIN!, 1‘..*1 No. 100 Wood !.Iruct. • •P . 1 1 4 I 1 ,8 /11. A. .. A T . 11 N A A l\ 1'1111AI:it N v .11. A. SIIINN, on band. C I CI lIIN A I -.4 Mtl.Trt. N 1. 01, (111:6.1 r ' lt r `4 11. 111\AVAti ,, , LIOIIII.IIIIAN II AUK 441.4 CAI 11) .14,b1 . .. I.A VA V LAVA 11 . 11'1“) ,,+ I..Nkto t, F. 11.1114 ...tit ..z • .-n, .• 1 isl it. tail, i.ta.l 6 of Isit libr la tbt 1 rl,lt Ir.. aud tut 1.1',..aik.r %Alio Elie . • rt. itytnA. I 1111:4111F rat ots (ttg, 111 ElltY AND SALE: ?MA 1111.1:s. 110RELINO & 1111111111.14 Nos. 425 & 427 Liberty Street. The van be•t IA ti h.V and 111 1.. it., ..r sprin‘ antl Plato Waxon.t. Wheethar.. VI ILN kept (nr hire at /11: s. p L uil o Lunde of the best IC!. Mb It, In tLe a,.. nit, o 1,•,1 .volt warranted. 10 oh •btatnotlre 10 :be Inar I , utter. 1..11,10 ht Peraona e.1.1/101‘ . rnan, anytlthot In otsr !Inc I ?. 17 upon ing turned out In tl,e best olt.e. 11.100FING µ e • pr ra. , nal attention to the buslocas.Or'entfitt Pitch, Pelt, Parattine • _- BANK EXCHANGE REST.A.T.JRA_N T, Mann fart tired and sold as Cheap as any other house In the country, by PALK BIWA. A CO., Iv7Artran hrolth Wharf. lialdmore. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. .to. 90 Third M., Plitsburgh• DAVE TDIR DAY ASEIOCIATED roe IL al. bAiiIidRASS In the Wholesale Drug Bu d Business. A. 37 Wood street, Plttaburgh. style of the arm to be K A. KELLELLY .Y a, CO. se H. SCUILD, Proprietor tIENTLHIIEN'tI DINING HOUYN All the 'Avarice of the states, Choke Liquor., ' ''.... GYM..., ALIA, St. 11. SNODOILAAL Beasis Ite. Meats Mule.' rweme op otelet. , iIEOINGE A. KELLY & CO. _ll.l'Llt: 4 2_______________ kJ Wilt/Lk:MALE DEININISTE, NO. ET Wood I Iv FAIR[ ir. hawing finished street , ritub.rgu. r... d..ict In tingly Obenil- Er • ibetr.nele building, at their old stand, eels, Essential ti ll s. :Sponges. Perflinseiy. Patent . Medicines, Paints, 011 s, Dye &efts, Witl , lol. Ulm. Mo. 413 and 413 Liberty Street, ; fatty. &O. . sea llle the Valli. IlepOt e .in comics . In the 1 UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRING rUlt., GRAIN AND !MEP NUINNEI at NS se nsuel. ia ElLl—Withmit e exeeptln the most rellaidri , bare to lel to our buildltin Willi IJailiji In nee, for Weal the biota Robber Depot, El and 11/ littirtplif, reliable 1 , 14 WELD, Eine/II ti the above EL Clair Mewl, atttllDOee. Selig eell J. a a. rair.uri. Va. 11 l'irth Silk Cord for a;; it f.:A. Guipure Lace, all sy It-, 1.1114 Thread do do do Fall(' V\V tO , I Bral(IS ...I. it., =Ell V.. 1,. F•in FI • I. ‘s 1!. EA.TON, 17 Firth !4trevil OIE% It Ea k ci E.rr 011 Ire, No. 119 Foul tb ,•I met, Plttblourgb • ~~ in .. wi r - I EN y it . s.t usu. st IMM=I Opro,lty Lt ::;lAL ritAC:TITION ER Xr.CUIJRS 1 , 76. E FARM ANO COAL. I lit t ••.t)1 vttt to t.rt 16 L tv'clock )1()%1 nt.% 1.1L.41 STONLI V c..l:tth, Fokintaiu3, :•-illic war:, Ot,l!Gt4S L; EVERY DESCRIPTION, =3 to\lllEll{llL tOLLEI;E. No. t St (lair Street. 1' ) 11'T1 Eli NS .11.1rTI:1) T. , u • I \I I Ti;l. 1111.1 half , a a pflal ol SA,OOO or $l,OOO MIVIASTER, BAIIAM & BUTTERFIELD, FALL MILLINER! GODS. , . D. 13I.: RN L), ISt UP STAIRS. ; 4 1 ; 4 , • t tErICE.---NiFtic4 . is ••..1 • ,•• • f trel kit:11 1 1 4 •,•• . k rti t•r•r. hero tri4.l at•l c•it ••• p. 41 11.• ••1 • 1 1 tli I,N 411 I 1,1111,t. 1 W. •• 1 •1 , 1.11•ne 11,1, will 1••• re • • 11.11(1 Firt ItEll •rltt .• I 4)41 , 0 , Elf 16 FOlt TIIIE AE- I' t I 1 0,1.11 IN, .4 1.1.1 , irt. I.orr 11 •- I 11 llt 4 r ct I , r t•••t 111 • 1 1 1: • h t ANIAI 1111 11.11 S 4. -10 11 0 t 1 41. 4 1111 . 1 t 41 ...tiri, r t i •1• Pitt 1,1: ti, ••ft prr N.., • ••,,,tly rtso .lt 1• 1 •tlr• t ,l - 1 kt X• , NI,VI OW , / I:I.UL Nn. M RI. Cl•Ir ILI.?.11NIS x COIVAN, PLASTIC SLATE CEMENT ROOFERS. ,r,t. of Ifoorin.r F.•l, .0011, 1,1101. *O.l et • ..t:on RI. en 1.. Ili, 1.1.11ng • .... I, • . N.. 011 1 . . nu !Mr..., ',A .11T LAMP, NO id() ttrilt St.. ovtrottle AS 10.1,, UmII. n.t•nllnn glynn to (Le collet•'.lon t• 1 etc - •••••11 •• ,kt• Itsl.lutetru 11. A..., Kam I tig,. 1..•1 W. V• selz: L:1 alr e.. it ... au. ,7 711:.4 1.1;11 111.41,GpNGS. 1 . .1. , LICS reo:11-1,010,.. Bar 1 , , /lAI 1.4 4.•erk retie in. on Clay Y Olt II \MAL,- I.*, and linasll , l l'*tterna ol,fr dark nr-un.i.. sa, W. I% LIARNIIALIo. Y. Wood wen- t. THE cEILEBRATED STEEL A P UA h "Yr.... ISlnt all -11 rado n. arn oannornclureJ only at the V. hearth.. Penitentiary, Ail, rarnitdi and Black Paint, ENLARGED. CHE LARCiEST AND CHEAPEST," ~ ti ANTED -a GOOD NAN Lli Ei - lEV CVUNT Y. as PARTNER In ocillof a NEW A ItTlel. 6 SF I. RE AT VALUE. N , f 6 f nt•A 10,0 capitai to •a, al.tod maa o ftat, Sluat vt part of t tll 1 ir2 per e. and • Ent argon entof the Daily, Semi-Week- ~,,„ , 0 1) . Can at al ELlth street.. ly and Weekly Tribune 11EN WANTED, IPe Ted- s's TO ACT AS SALESMEN, Eftntr permanently nr tOMPOrsartlY. 'rho ate petistit to engage lu bualoor. relation. Apply In persion or adders. W. D. 11•KILlt, sol3 - Ja'S OR (Front street. Plttiihairr.. re The (rent Fatuity Nemhpal)er., w A NTED—AGENTEI--Slti $lOO rErt 110NTII for Gentlemen, and i 10.35 to $l3 for Laltee. es,,,,sere, In intrmlnee the Codimida - henna Y•raLly orerlng Imps eland oar ' foetal'. wail hen, feil, stitch, quilt , bind, bent EVEII . and embrolder heanttfullyplice only s2o—trisk , fns the elastic lock-o.Pcb. •nd fully wiLerantril Nk IV 1011 K WEEKLY 'I'IIIBUNE made. Addreisit or oall on C. 110 WEKS .11 13 pr, l, •.1 •oh 4 ,1. j• douhle•meillitnielseet. snaking , a •delphl l••. 14 *awls. prottaptly, wilts circular* end uttrit 11,101 1.11 broad edistront each It • ”11(411311 tern., au l.hol lie oiniidrir hdlitorir is robil•hed los Toll Dat• I nine , r, oxerpt those ni misre'y locks! Intarekt. " , ANTED . g'2o PIER DA li„ I,.nry and erlen in , I n•r Net levia,;,,itisZLisch,,,,,..l,,,enr.y.r.inser. „„ ty In w id i ton, nt. I ki tug All.l tans ac. Hoak, wit tisr t •", r!arg < rarpe "t. re.pondrnt .: Lioyd's New Nap of North America, It<•• • . vet •rd he Tel, rats!, r , oln lon • x Tur 5,4 ail other part. or the c0n...), a finisitem- o ry el allslump rteblletelllgence In little "fly ..d alto' U. S. CONTINENT IN 1900. ot the Isroce..l lige offougr.,. mo d rho a•,e 1.001 ,1 Store eider In or on • the For. mosseomprehenalve and in., ekes o“e• 'lon by """d" 1015r1 Lvina',p"a'::.lw;r!‘el'o..:.sua"".f"tr".;.;s r day. het", of ti r i'arnso , ` flub op the American In. „ ',id. Talk, about Fruit, and other }for , iduitural ,;p kerleit.torat Inf.ation reatortlal to country 7L . Z s .:s . •, •. hooch. Vittattata . . Cattle, Llre and : sits res.. °a, „ l . ‘ , t „L s r ; . ‘ Cie . rat Val kiit liepot making it. both I r : --- ty rod n. •tise , al . ngether the meet s a nab., GENTS NTED.' — The bent isti•r..oi• and loidrucil re Wt2tid T N •ra ran oul,didied in it eon 1. rriFt.xiins:A ATT37 r DFL"Ct374 he Y.. 11 Repo s ivul thr Amerlran Inidliate Par- , op , r.„ r.i end the at lo''. Av.:olio,' Report, to ,„ boo., eadli rivaled , eta rietsiy ror b a year • ....MO a tfrr llVtl f. A.A. , „ 7511dr-I ntreot.. PittebtirFla, IS.. k prl+ , vrIl• rt.t..altk 1114, TEL I'IME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MIIMISEI ..1,0 , 1* 11.1111, 1 , vo . „ .t.! Elan= •Jr ,I.r . e~,l ~~1~. ~~i~ fL r bcrO 01tigie .npt, I T( r- 5'2 +I 00 IP 00 -• 00 .. . .. .. .... ...... .. 3.1 ....... - PROFESSIONAL. B. F. BROWN, 1 ••••,1 t . tel. ~:, na irni•... . :Itt ep . MEM :it: NE.,s YoltK mEIII-WELI.L.Y TRIBUNE _Local Claim Agent. err TI K.3I•AY U. S. SAN. COM., • 10.11 Alkd Art req. 1,,t1,1.ak5 1/ , L. Office, N. 67 Fourth Street, 1,../.• • ..rp.of F 0,1,12 and Dooeblic IbF.t IJNU EL .p. • Press Pittsburgh, Pa, le , It .4,1 . .1 PCII33iPTIS, Bountl , s, and Art"( ar of {ln ) .Inlor ,fll 011'o, promptly Colic( • •.1 sw•Jut Y,rot : , .i• .L!Won., k, rin.n• , ; , • f lt I. port, I 111 , . 1,11.1 T4l!iil I lIE ,L!IIIEYLYI I i sts, giv«. in LI., , . :111Et. or F^L It tile MIIMI I I.pit EMMA El • kl,Elhi i r•. it:tot SE. e In lit., • nopro•r ut ..lotru-tcr OE lIP V. ol:1, I till, NL I• " -"""'• ATTORNEYS' &COUNSELLORS:AT LAW, .or 11,s. No. 69 Grant Street, Nt..-V.,11, arra t 11. in• 4),(11 ••• I••)-1 1. mode dd• ou , 1111,1 s 111 E TR 1 , CNi ..1 . Sew Ex-Olticio, Justice of like Peace, ASP K Eixrma TRIBUNE Entire, 11 . 2 i h: i lt r t i la C a tiled ral nurmnt. re. 0, eat, heed, tg Aotno,rlc,lgnlcht•, ,_11.! 11?-144`Fr.:. N'N ILLIAL.II JANCET, NOTAICY c t.m e Ph:ACK, AN!, ILE I. lEnr.4 I , AUK:. r. euruerol POLITICAL C® PAICN, vstall..ll an.l , •••klauw.e.lonmttl a nil T. BROOME, I=l WILLIAti JANCY Juit,c, the sad Aok.ary rny2e:t.e '"”li • "'"" "'""." to "'"r- I STALE S. MORROW, le,"att., bee heu th• " "r "'"L°' e A""' """ a" ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, ore h • oili•tel •elhareetta le the PCLIIIS3IIIIIIIIIIAvenue. pnittollo par! hy veht.6 ll.rf wore I= I= =I • l' f'. TAYLOR. Atterney *t 1... w. Th.- ••• ent ...lee‘le. me ..a.r• et :11.1p1.1• and . T , 1ntu0... 1 utreet tsop,.,ltt the I..eit f1.,...c V.... iI. r•o. we, .f ..ouspltmoo• ro•ultestallues K. 0.-1 . ..0 cherees ere .ed. II 21.5 r.ot ...,. o , e t of • 1 no• ratopent In the ...tooth, ...reef ~, 2 2, ,: , ... I .P if , !!! ,,, `" . ' u iv•tt et 4 tle ...,, tt the prn•Ilo .... t f ',mph la Itent-Ay lea more re- I CHATHAM T. EWING,. •.n. ..5.....t. t• The sokilera of Lee, itreurnea td, .I.r.rton ...Id /too I em sou. ~,n .1...0eht ...or Attorney at Law, Ir. the Volume< . the Ma tiler de: they afore. , ...t. , in nisi, !ssis 4 r!".^."` . ` !! ' . ""'" No. Oil Grata :Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lcon, Rebe:s they 1.••• su pr. •n t.. I neatly elf Pt.*. a .„,,,,,,,,,,,,, of .•0ut. , .. •tft•t. they era ...IWO.” Sir rOotrols..luuer for Ilblo, It entuelty, {l've VI:- A... 1 otheot. o• Mato 1(1.1t:•. sod they ruthlessly ' Ohne, ?1•••:urt .4 oiber ,tstee tnll. ...0 h . . e•e•o.yass,..,trell.... of 1... el Whites or loyel P. STOE. 11, Is. In ...surtlon of tue siquat RIGHTS of ..L• :V ~,,,,,:„. ~I rast ',ICS. TUC vit....tot". o( • g. ....le•kt am ourne.l add 'Lott Whli• teacher, Attorney at Law, •.........! to ........• and outrage Le uschange4 11, ~, ~. ~ 1, , ~,, „,.„, or omod , o „,, „ oon , oyelce., 111 DIAMONI/ STREET, 0pp0e,... I.le ~,.•. . .. Andy Joao.. aid etZ.SILOGIII• Of ' C..r. " ....., rn.,..".•-.• I',. •. . ^ , F , ',rt.... of forcing rep, trotWltter of the MERCHANT TAILORS. th.ort antes Wto t.'otair-orts. tw doilaneeot the loyal ' • • -- oath. ht. l'rest.leollal ttat and 11111nry row. , is HENRY G. HALE et cord with threat a that those who resist It ltail bt ro•trt t as ands 61,11 war thu• Lindrtl tt.t ..c4out the Not th ac I Nest. It Mu thus become Isuyanktlle 'Lot those r.O •1.4 lot LI It Ell I Y and LOT LI TT—tor the rleht of tho t th to vital cod of MAN to be ARISE— t toat the:4,l.los CIVIL itionTs ACT can otter he • pe.;t Ilia r . .M of the humblest ADIXIII - tit:n.4510.114 coaratttved an .1 shielded by the ttNSTITUTLUNI and most Do main tat had age tott.ll gain., on—that the days herein e LAC It r! had oo rights which W HITot3 were booed t tt. rritneet L•re pastted away r. We 1111.1 to-day the power to all the rats. er A rEI DM. to W EST YtRUINIA sod to MID, ' , OUR! We mull hold these to our entwine oleo 1100, and add to thew 11A.ItYt.A.DID and UCLA WARE the thrmar loat toms through treat:het y, Johosoolam. We welt elect to the X loth ' Court c•s nroebelmioy malortty devoted to Loyalty, Da: touchily, end the Istall•anblo Rights of NEI TEM uvt. p • tly 1.11111,6 sut.,6rl 41,11 I ATE , I rOl . l lAN N . 1,1.11 ti,c ENtil.llll MAkiA/INFA. (rota r "' a" • 11 . 1,:/16 , t l. 003{:U “ ' d OWN W. TA ►t.utl. rn ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 I:ra ut Street, 1= 111 VC, 3 00 "*.C'3EI3II FOR THE '‘ • -"Pr , '• ° v°' th° "'"'"` Foot of the Elusion and opposite Chothstm Strem, • 06 under tt • f.a or the “vahlp. 71Ilt 6,44110 , 1 atol h enaldt• the t • en 11,e form,. whom • M ILITARY CLAD'S, B.A. NT IES, 8A,.1( au PENNIOAN d .I.llLary • " of rvvri , 4.011 1,111.,1, 0 1 by th,l•ubscr, . • ~ Ivo. or thtlr darting ••Contado-r• L., Tat., 010. l'uu>loua. •o; lEEE To this out. let Light and Truth be systWouieal lydttfuset to every at Ighhoraowl, avvry fireside. throughout our broad rountn. To tidy ruJ, we propose • sacra tome of Tat N'coal r Triter we Ode - wield In Mae aud soots:Ma w lit, the na• , tar nOtton , l which we will all pply on ihr follouing ter., tt e paper to be mat and sota oi Iptlous to commence on receipt of the money colors fur throe mouths 6 I IY 5 t . t Up YO • • • I (I uf the 1.1154 lo•tted to form Oulu Andy os I . lifi. TRIBUNE, So. ISt Sane St.. BARKER & HASELTINE. No. 12 Fifth Street, Second Story, I=l LOOKING GLASSES, Pictures and Frames of all kinds, MOULDINGS, hc., he. A nlll block coAstaatly on band .BOOK EVERY BODY SHOULD 11.E.A1).-11.• rrady, .1.-11333:11.-•CIOEIT co.xklcriesict. Tile only itandard and official ISOTITLIKIEN irts•ro.. Nobllehed. The pp bite are CAUTIONED Au A I NST A N T KR PIiBLICATIOX perport, wwco be t w his wort. gr ota old no well to send for WU circular. .d lama o f Oat. aid other Itanortgat work. before engaging In the of other works. A.ldress or epply to A. L. TALC ITT. .21. k O:wr:wr 0111 Market , Pittsburgh. J. WHITE, ..Na.ls6 Federal Street, alfleghenit. CARPENTER AND JOBBING, All work entreated t me aka will must wins prompt atianatloa Imashher city. „blistel I C. BUFWVINIA - CO., u • tare.. 01 141 ,pr, llama. liiispar7 ISPC O 3:4 I Wai. e OVOLIMI. Ita t a=ye i lvz tHe zi jiltal2 is au Datum owtse* 11*..1.• IMMI6 WANTS. IN 31 EDI AT EL Y. At GILIYIORE & LIIBLER'S .1. C. TII.T.t.N. rits.llmr.O. =CI a.~ Ui.~ 1", ID "E XA. DLL 13. MS , =I I'll I , i , 1.0.1. r o n. E. DONNELLY, MEI Office, Sixth and Grant Street rzrr. , l; L P.l I= MACKE.ELL & McCOMBS, PITTSIM Cal, 1.. i MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest Corner of Peus Ai St. (Asir I • Deal rt. to return thank* u, his Mende .u• 1 the p”1. lie fur the tritnv past favors, sn•l resr.e , tr,ltY .crl! -- It.s share of 11,1 r P. lure patrooa4e. 1/r would ha Messed to h.,: t hem examlue hie Large and Carefully Selected Stock Woolen GI-oods, =I &ENTIRE'S WEAR FV., PM AN) IAISIER rAtt 006 M. Nov RECEIVING, a large and complete aiwortment or 451 , Co Co 1):* , Iror BUTS, YOUTHS and 01111.111{Vi. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES GRAr LOGal-ir, DEEM OIL CLOT CARPE NEW PATTMLYSI ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, LIU'ORTYD BY McFMMMTD & COLLINS We WIT. now landln¢ in title Toot, p.orgt,gma, litaratUerr, the am anneal of our Importa tion fur Dal of I= CROSBY'S CELEBRATED Tapestry and Body Brussels Carpet.. We have rolreted the ;macros with ` rent ear, eXprottaly for Oar city trade, end eta o ffer oar to. tootes etylry thatare pot to Ur roonn.lienhor , and the LoarIST TnlClB Of the Nee York and honor Marker. Tti - "L or tgl2; g. :IS — FALL OF 1060.—N0 SI Fourth Street, A mean SlSllitillitat of e1...71E16r to Ma CAUPIZT LUIZ, embracing V a'ien vtime-Pir t nue ayraet, he the Market am afford. bIeCALLIThe 8110TII CUB. $9,00 WHO CAN BEATINI3 ; 00. PorW .eetiOnl_ 3r Tirk fiahiLiramsou l Ofmiergra *AU. br 'ima:pt fir/ Doi, TAU. &tire: 3s Mont ItMon. " rmanzs:ssx I .l tar 111. Eli 17 151,... , C1a1r Pit7l.l,t glArg.T AND di ;Datum.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers