The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 30, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
P , 0401 in rrn Breen. Prressmuan
it.lEßeti It 4 &SEAR-. .114"'
ithc 'gitts . burgh 6autte.
MONDAY, JULY 30, 1866
Iles. WILLIAM F. JOINI3TON, of this
city has been nominated for Collector 01
the Port of Philadelphia. Mr. JOHNSTON
personally, Is a gentleman of much worth
and ability, but we oan see no good reason
why the present incumbent of that office
should be sacrificed by the President in or
der to make room for a favorite. Col. W.
B. Titommi, Collector of the Port of Phil
adelphia, is a high toned gentleman and
ardent patriot. During the rebellion he
placed two regithents in the field, through
his personal exertions. lie did even more
to sustain his own and family reputation.
HS4IIIIIMIg the obligation of a ilefinlting
- in-law, who had held a i.litiordinate
position in the Custom House, he made
good, out of his private resources, the loss
sustained by the government. Mr. Jona
s riia has already been rejected by the Senate
as Collector of Internal Revenue in this
district It autos, singular that the Presi•
dent should pass the claims of his Phila
delphia supporters in order to confer an
honor belonging to that District, noon a
citizen of Pittsburgh. But Mr. JOHNSTON
was among the first here to abandon the
Republican party and enroll himself in the
Cowan clique, and is fully enti
tled to a renegades reward.
A. 11 Si unlit/INS and HEIts.•ILEI. V.
.I.utusoN have Leen selected us delegates at
larwe to represent Georgia in the Philuilel
idria Cunt euti,m. They are worthy of
front ,saits in the rebel is enclave. If any
good result could he anticipated from the
mongrel C0111 , 111.10n, see should. in com
mon with all loyal Unionists, feel deeply
Laminated. since the very men who at
tempted to d:stroy our Government err
railed In now to dictate a plan of recon•
"traction to cult themselves. Charleston
should been the spot chosen to hold
the Convention, not Philadelphia—the at
mosphere would Lave lieenintire congenial
to the delegates.
Mn Wm. D. KELLEY luc.‘ W ;hdrtwn h
pretensions to the United State, Senator-
Ritip, and expresnen his pieferenee for Mr .
Stever lie will .I,,uhilr,: s he re-elected
t!ie House. in Which he has served three
refl. yeah unusual
n.tge,.! mgAire.t Mr. Steven.. that h . ,
afze an.l make' Li, e;tti t 4 pit to the
Syron,. unadvisable. Indeed, the intim,
I.loli I , thrown out that his name is use.i iti
thi, ~ L 111.1.A.101.1 only for the purpose of ile
fentlll4 ,0111 C con-pieious aspirants. It is
nit e-sary to, say that Mr. Stevens
ineapal.l. of allotting his name to he
honster end•.
fur HTLEH , the few unthinking Retil,
licans hay,' ns Vol fail•nl
the iriii character at tL•e Philadelphia (!an
rention. wiii be gnititioil to learn that the
notorious Vallan-lighatn, of quo has been
elrvn••l II ilelogaie We know of no per-
..n in th, ,auutry wore worthy fa s •1•11:
rt I 111111 y of mnaea ler and Cop
peritrad , . 8an,11,1 lur irca,ou „clurin
reb4•1:1...1, 113, a re,or I 11, a 1
shoild not :14,1 to aia,,,ta I,iw ,a ih r ff,-.•
11..1.s uI Iho e o'llo ovoid again place the
he hander of Ira,
MIL ED,AIt Cll , ‘ AN filially confesses in
long. I uhlished lever, that. he is nth:ailed
wan the democratic party. lie tells the
iiid story. B e rays the Repulthettrt platy
lett Lin t , by abandoning tie Baltimore
platform, and the Ibmiocrati. pang came
over to him. lie makes nu explimation of
the that that he 1,111111,12,41 voting steadily
with Democrats in Ciineress lull three
years I lore tuc 13“iilmore platform wan
lic turther states that President Johnson
is it: the same boat with him. Every body
knew that some months ago.
BY telegraph elsewhere it will be per.
f`PiVell that the Committee on Commerce
reported unfavorably upon the nomination
of Hon Wm. F Johnston, as Collector of
the Puiludelphin Port. This is as we ex
peeled. The President finds much
tp in disposing of his warm Pittsburgh ea•
cloister, since others, who have a word to
soy In the matter, cannot agree in recogni
ring Mr. Johnston's superior claims for
Ma Cowan conies es that he and Presi
dent Johnson are acting with the Demo
That was quite apparent even
whil e laud professions were made that
whatever differences existed between them
and their former political associates should
be fought out inside the Republican party.
put no confidence in those statements
when they were mails, and thought they
were exceedingly verdant who did.
- THAN h GOD, the Atlantic Cable is
' So says Cyrus W Field anti so say
tat• all, if the important announcement
proves true. A. Into dispatch sa3 s that Eu
rope and America are within a Moment's
CMIIITIUDiIIiaIOII with each other. We shall
wait for n confirmation of the good tid
ings, and in the meanwhile hope that it is
"All right—De Emmy.-
Tee r A IT.ItS have reason to congratulate
then selves on the fact that a number of
reckless and extravagant appropriations,
u, g, ,I,CII, rliagrat. With great retie
Met, were defeated. The aggregate
11.11:10141LL of these sumu would have plira
lyzed the Treesury and unsettled the mob-
Mar.) attains of the country. If the hills had
pretax I.
MR. Oft , NI , ON, i Democrat,/ m e mt,, r of
Congress from the Lucerne District, MAR
eiperieneed a severe hemorrhage of the
awl may not Is: a camiltiato for „re
thin yrni.
TUE Lhantairat te Congressional Con ven
teat was held at Franklin last week, and
Oeneral A. B. 31c(2.aluiont, of Venting°,
wr selected as their candidate for Con-
THE nee coalition has developed its pur
post.+ by issuing a call for "a National
Union Stain Convention" in New York.
It in to meet at Saratoga on the int of Au.
IT SEEMS France hue made a new treaty
by which it has made a pledge to stay in
Mexico five years longer, and pay half a
million dollars a year for the privilege.
Wa need hardly repeat that we do not
oonour in Mr. Stevens' amendment to the
National Currency Bill against the diminu
tion of greenbacks.
.s., -11110.1 k;
4ssilvais rather a oval to see masses
of ice tu - Snly, but nevertheless they are to
be seen at the Devil's Hole, at Niagara
Falls, idled up tle shore. 'The immense
ice jam of last whiter drove large quanti.
• ties of ice higli c T r 4on. the bank, where the
pperhanging abut Out the OWL
Pure Linen Shirt Fronts
At Bates toll Bell's.
Pittsburgh. Brand etn concert.
Our Gift Concert will positively take place
at City flan, thla evening, July 30th. Tickets
selling rapidly. The balance will continue for
sale at our offlct No. 70 Fifth street, second
floor, Chronicle uildtne, until the concert
commences. Our ticket agents should call at
our °Mee, or send In their reports to-day. We
volt receive no payment for tickets after the
drawing commences. All our agents, when
they have made their returns, should get our
reenlist in full, bearing our seal, to show ticket
holders, If necessary, that their tickets were
paid for. We authorize no general agent to
settle with local agents. All must apply to lie
In person or by letter, for float settlement.
Tickets not pail for neither gain admission to
our Concert nor draw gifts. See advertise
ment in another column.
ki'llos LD, TIAOIIBOi lk Co.
21liam alumni..
♦t Ant. and Boll'.
The North American Life Insurance
Company, of New York, presents more favor
able inducements for Insurance than any nth
er Company in the United States.
Ily a recent act of the Legislature of the
St of Now York, the Com pan y is authorised
le make special deposits with the Superinten
dent of the Insurance Department, and re
ceive therefor ltegistered Policies, bearing the
seal of the Department, and a certtneatai that
the policy is secured by pledge of public bonds,
stacks and mortgages, under a special trust,
created by Act of the Legislature, in favor of
the "North American Life IrlaUrlllte - 0 Company
Th le makes every policy as se
cure to the holder us a National Bank Note or
United States Bond.
Its pot tuba. are Indisputable immediately id
tor Issue.
All Its Life and Endoo meet Policies aro
non-forfeiting. Nano of the usual restrictions
placed upon travel or change Of eruplot moot.
Thirty days grace allowed in payment of pro
alum, and policy hold good during that time.
A credit of ono-third of table rata can lib had,
It derdroil, mahout near. No charge for policy
or stamp. F. T. Coca, Agent, it 7 Fourth et.
roduro,l prices, at Bate!. anti Rell.l
Furnace Property al Aoclion
Wampum Furnace, so well known to this
great manufacturing community • f ours, will
let offered at piddle sale on Wednesday next,
August Ist, on the premises, by our friend T.
A. Mc, lellund, who note under the direction
of the Receiver or the Company, 6. M. lifer,
The advertisement In another column glans
a .leduitc deserlption of the Furnace and its
surroundings, and appliances for the turning
t - 4 a impertor ithality of metal
This highly VI,UM •le property lies north-
Areal of Int:shun& almnt forty-one miles, and
is loent.4l often' ly ou the line of the Pittsburgh
tool Erie Radroat I, with an extensive front on
the dearer Inver and Hoover and Erie Canal.
It (atomics attout troacresot land, more or less,
oughout which lion "ie. Coal, Lime Stone.
Eire Clay, he., arc found in ample quantities.
The 1. .111111ln, who have until a recent pet l
ot been I tumuli; the Fernace, bold in addittoti
to the above, the lea-see of nearly all the prin.
(3111Iti mineral lands in the neighborhood.
The iinality of metal produced by this Fur-
Tuner hue a well established reputation with
the Iron workers in this vounttY.
The Furnace a ben built wt. ren.lerea one
tth.oft.. ~. thPl et.% atlht, of the lc:h4.
introduclug the proper departments ev
t:,ing that long, nraglicki experience could
euggeet to the parties managing it.
trn the premise,. a 111 be tonsil all the nee, , -
nary out hei: , ll, maablnery, tramway., die ,
that are usually fo :s.
und at such works
The 1:x111.0.1•1 and lwnal afford cheap, lkiwnly
cl.zmnel 4 of •niputeut for thx met
tour eamtnin tat".....,:00k nag eel] to their
ou n Intern...le. by giving thlo oale their eaten
:l,l. lor oelniona hey« they neon, or they
err ouch ne opoortunity for an Investment
Partner. visiting to attend the Kale can leave
Y the train on the morning of the lay
of Cane. and van return the name evening.
)1.1.:.1,, -U'. ace .
Cat.... , Icl c at, le- re 'ea
ne , e;car> . - 1 t0...1ei ,J•., ft - lc-lance run. 1:1 mile.,
.•a i de pahl out 11% toile.
The hmperor Savoie., recogni 'rag rite '.J..- •
O ....eta la .11.1)g l , ill
tire 4,..1 .1,01. . e 1 , ,.., ..I , he.« oelowtot., ils. 'r 1.,.• I ,',
.:, „:„1 ~ , ,.:;1 7 , „ '.'"'". r". m"" '
164,0p,v1i It,' r. 5111. n• a '0a....n dr pew, sari ',as- , ..,',":,
~ e , „ e _ ‘_, e , ~e , ~.. , ~
rea1...1v...1 h. remastri 00,11 rni Ili the of tat of theta ~, • • ' : - 'mere
r-" '
- -1
belng reln...a r.> .I ^>t rut oc. peel,c 1. 1 A at.ras.
The ` Van .wcontradlct. ill- / .ar ,• Frhia), J 4.) - 0 1 stall.. ruzL, Ili mho,
' • " ~ ...le peel dtat, i.. mire. write!, with the .turre
.re. , • ,,, u'. , - 1, - , - , ~..... t' ,,, - ~ ..',..., '• ..„.: "it I ...asctia, •Instauerr. '7 tones, cattle paid
tittering it . W ., d rnl c s• '" I.' ' .' '', l ' '• 1..• •• at r.. is i•... man , . .1 ..,- .1 sac; lhas
to .00111 . 1 1.1•, 1111 al Lll 11, tc.• ... I. perelently. aroi • ' •' • ""
" rite
sr. preperthg to take pa . t , arr armed me.] t oda., 411 / ,•pt I 011: /. 4° 04 lu.t. are i.. 1 at
fleart• t oubtrat al eigrit a m., ,rids)', ..1 11,
aloe le Food e „It ..e)r. t• et Prance In tcrvenr . d ane
d p, t ...r. p10 ‘ briat i a , a1 , 11 , : ,, .. 1.4 11.v . : , ,, 1 .5 e: ,,, c4 „ ; ri ... cf m ir i l a , , , .., , , ,, , : hr. m.
. o,p from
~ m ,.
creatral more,o11.1)1, ut ctn... , pc. e • .... reale uhri. we sa• Moo .1 l•
Tll. M. , .. ao P a .41 • thl, ITr ans.. na• der 1. .rtt... re.. 1.1•4+ - 1 ri•r rotate - at rude. per hour
dr.. , ~
rmm,,, arid Me canc. ria.• been paid out •4 an 11V tor 11,10.
troop- c • 11. , front... toe 5 . ..- • . •cat .. .ar .'
V "' "L".-.." '' ..e " Per leer The I:-
F a AN. IC - I ne Part. a-, ••• crcrea I firm on
~.,..,:;.- ..... "••• ':'•”‘•,.''...,,,,“ , 7 ,, ... ,, ,
, L 1,,,-,
....,, ~., ......., at •O •''''' '''''''
twer.J.•a Arch.en ..tfd et, late I rola. on tn. ever 14,..,011 Ila 11,0 A Iran ire •r. tale as...oh .r•
rx• t 111 . .0 bane had kr:create as). of rain MAI Irtapros tcl • , per • eat ,de an( IoJ 11, .„,,,,,, n ,, „.,, „, ~ '
peace and haroost prropects rt, .11...,neet 1 0 ., ;.,,,,,-;.:,..,, .*;
~.',.,,,, 1., 1 , ,,,,,, , ,,, ,, ~,„e „ ,..
detnead wen •.; nlet.
fstedent, Juts s -Thr Pro...aro. hat e se m. rY
'''•"g"'-''°""*" Tel
.. „...m,.., ,
~.., r,
~, ~, r, ~ ,,, , ram,
~, , pan>, LAP 00[1.1 ,011 .” the nrat opportunit), for
Monti • tstroclated Press, twenty-eve coon. of los .11.
are, which al' give tee a detailed acoonnt 111
Thu meta:part-I t rue , Itetween the I'r a.- ,„,
~,,,,, i
,i,.. . ..„. ~,,,,...„ laying
.tan. idol tiara:l.n% ear. lac,. deflnitel) con. '•,,,, . u p . , • „, ".„:,, i"" ei tare • ~,,,; ,
cc.ricl Tn. Tedera., betted at lea- „";;Z: j""1„.7 . ,„ , ‘ ", r ,' ' ,"'. 11 ,. e r, n „. .1, "
ft:Werra ere far in rig a relicts, • nth. Ms Ha- t ,.,,, „ i, , i ' e, , , ' ,,, ' ,.. 1 , , ." • .,, , ' ,.., : ' „,
L 7 1, ,, 11.1,
.„,. 1 ha ,t e "
1 41 'an ,
T head ,urtrt..r. of P.lnta .I,extortler of ' 'sally
re'. "..°4
L'''' ' ''' ' 0"1"b
Mersa. In, rt.,' :1•1 1. Ll.' al W.O I.:LIA 0,4100 11e noval•ln t.l the trcegraph °Rice for
1 he 1va!,,,,, n e , I . „,„,,,, ~,., ~,
~,,,,.. ~,,,,, the inform...tem of •/1 on Infant the Urraisl
~,,,, , e „,„ ~,.. ~, , ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,.,„.
~,,,,,,, ~ J.....ter . ..atral raignalred to other ship* after
attack on th, I.mrei o • i.too.a 011 1 110 . cant h r L'' " ' "'M ''' ''''."
Orr,. aOS Toe 1-011,1, , ,, VT FIRE INlarlt•I , a ' r 114,11 111,11. Al let
Costr•sr. • lighting, A.lrta,ai Perri..a. a xr• et..tit ,r on . Irv: ,"„',.",!,," '°•••:,•,",',",” 0 '", ,",": 1° . . , , , ‘ , :c", °• , ' , • . ., 111 „ , r• r e ." ,,7, ‘ , '
W 4. Brass - TX, Ja., Secretary , 1 1 . 411.../•, ,10,1 , .... 11.1• 1 ,, ,1 .'t .• 1 ... i/ 1, 11, ..., . ..' •' . . ' _ .
.lan. II Et morrow. Prr•sident 1 .,,,,... t ,,, . n. ,,,,.,,,, 1n 0 ,,, ~,, .... 1 ,,,,,,, ,
~, 1 o 411 I alt , i N.. 1011 11.//a(3.1. 41 , 1 then Med woo
li•urroan. July It, 1 , 16 , , fur toil th• thgagerne., • 1.. • A.: mire, A.trava• . a ',1":.'..'.••"•,' '.-__d_m,J 11,,' raves talct act . .. the
Tr , Mc ruireen• of Me Cloterctscur }lre barer- purr., Or ~.,nadr.,•, •.f %di/air., rt., Q. , H• ',•, '" ...... , . no.
„,„ y w arse, to g.vrt a•rder• na• a.l oren car Saluda ' •.• '• '• '.., ' d i - or for Imsle c s. lc ales
- re, •11 • 1 a, ~,,,,ectieut take. pleasure 11l Sr. a hen ire 14 ar• aper 1••• lof ar. A .1.1, r lan ...,c, 1.
.1' , . , ... ,., • , 1, , • , , , , , , 7 , ....:ra .. .7 ,. . ,, 1 , 7 , nri „. .;2' . ..ur: 1 t t :
flouncing' le its patrons that the disnetrous ron rodg to p• v.., rr I. • de. Igli 1.... i, " .
rearlag r , roe In Portland, 1111 the YOLI 1 - 1.11 of cio ii....: .101. ati.: the brie... 11••• , 4,. • ~,,, of Il f .,
, 1 2 . 0 . . 01.1 11• ,, / 0 ~.1..,1•1.41.1 6. to eoe r'•)
J . , . ha. mno way affected Ills *olleti 11 l`nn 05 (era,. I.repar rag for an engagr . ter•ot 1. ith ' , , , , ) ,,, - , , , , 4 5 . , ... ,
~ , , , , . .,1.
~,,. .11•“ •t' ne e^ strain>
bro . -in:city. It hut, Just declared and .aid Its the A esti tan ...,..It•or cal.ocrgirteerl rig and e1ev
....4 h dividend. awl the money to In bank N. pay Twelve thou.:fa.: keel: ran, haf e left 11• et : . • , ' ,, ' ' . l' '''L . . f , e , ....',.. 4 _ 1 . '' . ...._: til eci t i Our r i d •or
el 0..11 111 of O. noses, inout of wits! have for Mueet,ti k The IMI ran fan ,are en,. at 1.11 •".•,:,
~7 , 7 ',:n
. " , ' , .' „, e , ..: . , ' . 7 ..., w i r, Tra r. t r :t ‘ s i , :ll i r , r i . , l ,
1 ,1,1 ndjurned and paid The claims alr,olv I • leart on Werore - d.o
' usedarlj reduce Its a !Miele.. told:Axe whir rr I :,.. At, t ; ~... .., Mc, nt i le - • , , I re, ..1 ,4,,,,,..]
. 7 . .. - '..,!.
, ' , ‘ , : 1 .. 1 . ....' 1 , 14
.. 1 11 1 11 • tort, un . .l all. tot . srt,cl‘.l I
I , I. crpePle.l will farina] re liter recineed le the i 1 11l 141 i 10,',11, 1.1. 1 1104,1 retired front In, ~, ;L . %
~ ~,,...-
r,,,,,:,',..rr,1,1,5,,,:1„;;,',...,,,,1 Itch, I ' . 1 dc- t
adjustment. now being made After payihg tear oft ar. Pecan az ,Itle., le a 114.1 f, 1
0,0,/,.0,,, 1•111.1 ll.' 4 1.•. 1,11-4 1 lit` 4 Iliti• tn./
V, nr) dollar of it, loess It has a ,neh al des es 1.. Federal Araertrid) 1100 is...rived ch
... waves Imo I roamed their neural error,
(.1 rgin,ooo: cart reinatire every risk, and Opor a ti, inoneouitc le:opt:1m r•I . .reccia loaders for
.111, f,,,,, , ,,,
„m 0 , ,,,,,
larger per contage or surplus than, With very the -a .00 1.11.11,. . 1 stt .le Fa stn
few exceptions, any company now doing hie.- The Yrokek 1.1 ' 1 ont ~g e n t has aeon dt . b . .. I lie tai's 1 4' ..1...T • 41 t I Y n tl i• I /*A . !' I it•t ,
hes*. ' ed. MIMI.) ,Inc- are • ecreal Ihe • Ity of elf 11th.- . t b. , Lineico ri m, ' ' 4l h ., r• IL mays
1. W. Tartars°, d W., Frankfort tou pant a r.oratrit,•ition of c,ogrrolo .4 Ile telegil r, nigh II r* a areal +tar •
a, the 5.,. ,
Burke's Building. No 50 Fount, "I . of florins toward% tie reetratenanse of to, ~. of Lae ag, g e est rot, e and they who have
Agent. for the shove Companies. troop.; achieved it dere' ce , .• are h eel a. trenefae.
he fodos ing I. t ••111/ Lan 1 1 of tile trow• tor, of lia,ll . rs
taken out by the t it) rd N... V•rrti, frau. I if. A trent% or pra n ce ha. oxen .411011 hots seri
erpout on the I-th a 11, 1 In and l'r 0.11 a
In the (furor ad r rammer.. Mr Ord gave fp- A pr et loun ielearnin soya that a fire llit)• • ar
.Ice of a .. 1 on. , i to s het net the govern macron het wren A n , tria arid Prussia trOmmen
-20, las Martyrs of Liver Coospititint• ! merit Inte .l nded to 1.1 0V4.4 ~ 1.• 1:0, ,rll.or P., ry, •ed at 1110.% , x. Ili.- 1411. There ass n light On
Amen,/ the wouderlttl medical properties of Jamatats. the 2, i the Austrian. riallittng a victory.
laird 111.1„x)' .10.111 c Mil rad 11 titan to tlo. re- Earl ausnriao% hod protested ltr tile Moms%
which nave rentime•l LiriSl ETTER'S STOM.
m,, ~, ~ , , ,, , ,i ~,,,,,,., e,,t
,„,„,,, i.,,, ,. . e , e . ~/ • ~,,,, r. 4,11 11111 1 tie relorm meeting. In
ACM lIITTEite pre-eminent am the lieu., r 1 r.„ ~,,,,,,, 1., t e r ~.„,,, w „„ „ ~,,,, .„.„,,,,, ~,, ,„„ ~ , t , ~, , r jr, , ,,,, ~o rm
.r•dr111.1. 1 1 Ilatt 1,...51aha
notitrel other nu ,
henlth-restoring preparations of the age, its if1i A tc ,, ... 1 „, , , , , -ire.. me) ult I ,
44,11, - 1 'O.l. pt 1 0 .4• loci ore „ lee ht 1 . ...4
aati.l,llll.lll Virtues are not the least remarks-
on the I'd o . utel ri..• Ad-11nm. a • r.. der...L1...1 A ler roan engager/mot ook place on the "Min
trie No urd) , yen do Juid Ice to Its marvel- tel tto ie.. of , ,le. , .:ol 11, / in , i OAI 1 141.11 .ff tire 1 01111.001 01 1.... a I'lle Austrians claim
upor , ~,,, ~,,,,e , ,,,.., li ner. p e rhaps 1 were teak/rag 0 reser retreat om a
rd of As la I a %crier, 1 he% sank 'tot Italian Ironclad.,
Ti,,,, pen,..rara..... ar.d•rd .1 ”.11.1e'll 1 111 1 . , 1 1 /... a 11/.1 11, 1104 o. oto. Nl,l Mara
mg up three.
the simple. ords n, . conval..e. ' "uff.”.. i;th, , 0i 1.% /,doto m. hat ton het so `hill
who dererit., it as trgoing right p_, rho glad," atel Vienna. Toe ett,r. el 1114[1”431 11/Cfa3 Ran . 're. trod Jstaro r., 11 . 18/. 1 11,,1v/i, D. 1...., SLR The
.go being concentrated noon I 1. , 11 DX .\1..111 10. ~Aloe 4 IS• roareeseftilly completed
t ' "11 t ' h" ""?" too clearly
b. :
. IS
The Pr sissran a 01 . 1 :deo Fran ithrrt OD 11, • '.lato 0..191 1 11$, 1 110 pa that O. wlliprove a Mess
rlght to tie spot. It Operates ditectiv upon : ~,,,,. lig io kngland awl the I ulOal Stales, 1111.1
the ,theeuimed organ, and whether unduly Tto Austrian ..."- aen , retiring into the et 1 ',W.. the mu:teems° between oto ow.
=Urn or In is state of paralysis, ruid.rus Ii td f o r I tei l , :e , ~ • , ,; . i p . 1 b en. , , , t , i , n. , 1 , , , t .,, 5..;r.• in i‘ at lag ,ll ,:crarr ,ell at r> l % ,, , , , ,, 1 , 1 l i es „, lc . a.. ter , n lie l re i bi r, uh ,, isre.
' a inept
•t . 11 t h e ,,
i, t . tf1 . 1 .1„,),
~.._.. 1 ,,,., ,, , , , , w
I Stinnach, pain between the Shoulder. and In i pr,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,
~,,, ~,,,,„,,,,
. p., „,
...,,,,,, ,
~,‘,,,,, .
~„g r,,,,,,,,,,,
the Richt rrldri, Yellow huLTUSIOn or the Skin, ..h..,n tr.;,,..,i,,,,,•,:,,, ~ ~ , , , ,F,, , , t , , ,, , %, ;; ..r . ,, i ,
~ , e
. ' l ' l, l l 1 1 1, .1 1 1,,, yoll i r ;retort °rot May prove a.
Po.l I. miens, DrOWS 1 110aa and Langrdrr, blur- • ..• ' ' t ' • ' d ' ." • t • ' ... t ....I .. .a•
~ , ,,a • • ft ,11 0 Imre been pet se v ot•
.r.w.. I, its, tie eetue LI litier the 44111 LA:011 10 pro
' ne, of night, Lolls, Palpitation of toe Heusi • cu a ra. 1•1 .11 1 ell MIN., iml.ll‘. 1011 11/011, 1 , 4 . 1 4 ,11 the /L. 111.1 WIC 01 1 ,1
' irry Cough, I,w Freer, anti other symptom. ' .I.lteri, ~ I, h., ~, ~ - artitrra - Tlia• colt 1 , 01 ., 1 , T , 1 , 1 , , , - ~,,,„ 1,11,1 li,, ~,,,r . .,,.,,,.. ~, trio
14 . 1,1 Ch indicate the various phases of acute
~k:;J!!.",',',""1,,',1,',',', ' , 1,1:1, 1,.
,b,.',„:,;l,f.''r wilt ' item I • eil e d ••
I `aai. od f .• s oar”; .1 0 11•11011
and Chrome Liver Lomplalu I. are one and all .i e,. m .,. „.i... ,•, ,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,, ~,,,.
I promptly Pei 10 Va a, and a tz..l Is removed, I.y 11 , 111 1 , 1• , .1, 4a: ./ 1:o 1:7:1.4 , 1 11 li'l4 r L 7 ...,
t .,,...,.1..... 7 ., ~,,,, 4. 1 ,T . ,, ' ,, ' ,, -r , '.. 7; , ‘ .,, "‘' ,„;,..7 . . i j ,!: lp. , .., ' ,., 1 1 . ; ' , : .
the 44 . 1.1011 of this famous Preparation, which 5 1 ~ . , • , 1 .1 , r , ' , .' , . ." ''; fr , ' , ! ",',..;,,,, ,„:!..,. ' , ‘ .„ '" ,, g 1 n 7,, , ,, 1 , ‘ „ . ; The 1 eleerapli Lank . he. 1... sticottasfully
LA at 04 Ile the,est of correctives, tile gentlest i,Leffly 4
0 , 1 111
„,,,, r „ e „ ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,i 4
~,,,, laid tr:rt ,, a r een Irt . ..:ll:el o ln , li vo te r w .,, fo r =l . s • Li , d tho l.
road most genial of aperients, an infallible rag- price. a, ;tot ei rto 1,1 57. tat( f,•; hal Pr,
~T,11 , 1 , 1 . 1 0 . f 1? , . " ( 4. oltal l 4 ' l tates, hi the w . inter of
ulutor, and a powerft/ I restorative. l'entorm rist' t- l im , ' , ' . ;• T1 ', 1 ::: ,. • , ‘ " , • ; , ' ,„ n :, ' ' ' ‘ ! ,, ': ,. •11 , .;' ,, ' , ', t , ” , ii'',;- ' I
iis7, ant, reeoriect wil;
the aptree •
of a Ul/1011. 414 1,11...h0 toe the linters us a
11'1',X.I'Lt..riel)(M'arintrtrar...1 1,111.011 irregells ' r . - jou t 11111 100110 Its la% or of tile Telegraph 1.111.
prolectl% 0 Melte Ilse, viii never suffer the till derd,eleg. Lard dull and nominal 1 . ., ' ,. ' rhat lon may never have reason N, regret
w hut )011 have 11 11115 to establish communion
, pains and penultit• of Liver diem.° or Bilious low Inactive
p ro d ge o_A„he., .1111511 Aides grf pots at sao ,
lion eel tl eM idle Alia 11, 111 lilt'
•Incere wish of
liemittent Fever. ,,,,,,,.,. ti ne, ~.„gr., 'ill let. Mice t oriel Ned Imo Irlend
r,,,,,,,,, w,
ilastetter'•llitter• ~t,,,iy. 1,,,q4.4.41 "II very dull. RM. 111 leaf ,
are' said wholesale and retail at very low eau,. lil e. ',I Mietup 11.11 al I. nal tor hon. , , I IV an nr k ore v, July 21..-Cyrus W. pied,
i -Breadstuff. Inactive had //,,,,, t l saulool-Acknotuledyentents ant CM,
at . lerulnit's Lints and Potent Medicine Depot,
, /. :'7 d" ' , ... ,, - ,f li r, " , r t . , " '' ' .
nu Golree firmer. Tca oillitit Urelothi/• -If the Atlantic liable had not
to ,„, Market ail bet, earner of the Diamond hot ciewly hi, - sten,' Tallow steady. :ailed in lio. European SLatea WOUIrI net have
sal Market, near V onrt h etroet. LAI en 1 111 1.0% I),,loknet.-Lter - rimsal, .h.fp hem; 'err In tee!, into the great error ot sue-
Si.--i.,..s ton Inu Biol., t.' l. treater ruporta t Ile posing that civil war In A [notice Mould either
sate. •If tn.. w.•••k et 71.,./ hales, Including 11,1101 perpetatte Al r lean timely or dr, itle thin Itre
io ~,, 1 1 , ,t0t 5 1111 , 1 Jklodo to exporters. Tlll. public 111111 great ach leer:Meat eOuritltuLee,
market circtu r d Irregular, clorrlng after tome I trost, an effective treaty 01 international
fluctuallou at • •nri , principally 011 the middling neutrality and tron-InterventiOn. 1
qualities. Bread...lulls are vasty dull. Curt Signed, WY. IL Bzw•lin
ear ler. Provision, dell. Meaux's COXTENT, J ulyirM.-To dtriffonortrry
London, July .0, --4,0004.10 for tormo), i t S attA Jfentrarrs Of Me Allll7lllO 7 1 11iCOMPA CO
gin, t: h. 15-'9ia, day ®7116„ lillnoia Contra / I congratulate yea un the suocessful oomple-
Snare., 771117‘,; Ihrle :hares, etel426„.
mon of telegraphks communication ketteeen
Ireland and Newfoundland, and hope within
two weeks from Mlle time, to Inform you that
the oable lust lasi year has been recovered,
Austria Destines Prussia's O nditiost• and that a second line is la operation sortem I
ci the lc. I assure y ou that nil on board
far Powvsn - rviv..".... ° ' - ''IP , ""'.- tile telegraph de at will duall they can no aO
- oompllah this object.
Maw Yon., July es.-The
Bond er Moravian (Signed,) Crave W. rtaLD
from ft:puce, arrived at Londonderry on the ~ , ,
ortAnT a ....ONTIMr, July Z7,-Tb Ms plrerfors
N th " ' be " cam " CR Y 0f not "' froin Now
of MO lino York, .Nonfouridltlna and London
York. arrived at Queenstcrwn ou the oth. Yolog/rayk Company .-11' b arrived this day.
' The Yrestort Nanking Compare y had suspend- TM: cable has Geen laid across the Atlantic,
ed. Toe ItabILICI. are at present unknown. ,
It was reported that Austria had decidedly r,„;-1,,t,.,: taken Jl. ..„-147„.,,,,,rdarir,,&,.r0trit:
mused to accept th e Prussian °auditions for 1 v ., where ibv .,.." ..i. lost ~,,,,„,:ir"
peso., when recovered WM splice it With the cable
u p er l= w d zi ti a ted; d in e te su a es ti t on tiat oi th b. e lre m n in ch g 1 , otboia b oar d 9l.4o f
ththl G ureatea. E ma, tawrnut
an armed mediator in the difficult-lea. i the cable across the (full of BL. Isefrouseer
The Prussians had occupied Diuizurteelt.
New Dr... Uteeda
.1t Bate. no.l
North A mot-Iran Tretnalt Insarsore tom
pony of Philndelphin—Yortland Fire.
Ti,..Nortn American Flro Instaranee Com
P.m) nolti Ite onset at Portland. and re
ce,citi (tom the Insured the following twill
mon tai
PORTZ-ant), Jule 9, DOI.
The undersigned, haring held pollelmi In
the North American Fire Insurance lump/toy,
of lied trent. Conn., hear grateful testltnony to
:he prompt and I lbcrul manner the same have
here adjusted and paul, thereby alley hating
the losses unstained by the recent terr , ble
sox/a...glutton. Ke cordially reeocomeml the
North American, of Hartford. to the rove.
dent, cod patronage of the pbbllc .
J E Donnell, A. N. Noyes d Son
Woodman True A Co., Charles sawyer,
Jeremiah h. White, B. M. Brown.
• - . • , - .
Edwin S. Hovey,
tseorke Hay', J.
Wright, Y. I) ,
J. A Mitehell,
Thomas H. Parsons, 5. H. Weeks,
Nathan J Davis, Charles Morse. M.
J C Woodman, 11. S. Haler & W.,
M. rJ. M.& 1.. A. Hover, ~ W A. Lutk lu A Cu.
.•...- • . • .
by E. a Hovey, utry, {treed d Co.
Duel,. Brother", .Joaeph S. Jewett
1)011 WILDA Mr . I t 1,111.
B. W. 'Tx or rem( 3 C0.,
Burke's Building, 2d floor. No. 56 Fourth •t
Merrimack Prints
At Haws and Bell's.
Are opening new goods.
Don't By that Tea ren't
Get the bast qUallty of English and bcotch
Ale, Porter, or Biown Rout—for, by calling at
Fleming , s DrugPopot you will find too most
complete stock o the finest brands—and get
them at the very lowest price. Remember
the pines, Ftzwistobi Otto AND Front Moo.
Minos DErar, No., 84 Market street.
Neer Dry Goode
At BMW end Delfts.
Travelling Dress Good■
At Bates and BelPe.
A nallread Club,
CHICAGO. July purpo serailrod club haa been
:a=for th of takingone thous-
In the Crosby Oe, EtOtlie Mao
ciatkia. We the Intention tt. only railroad
and ineamboattaen shall be allowed to par.
abase *harm
Arrival of the Peruvian
Military Situation Unchanged
03.4.4...NTRAT1NG BE-
ront: ENN
Satisfactory News front Great Eastern.
Dispatches to President Johnson
Their Replies.
Fnivriccu Pot sr, J uly ay.—The atosulshlp
ruslan, from Live, pool on Thursday. July la,
vie. Loudonderry on Frldny, J uly 'Nth, palmed
this point it fivo o'clock this afternoon on
route to Quotwo.
LATENT tlr Tm.xo a a 0 to L,ND051.866,
Lwurrynol. Juip 20.—Th to tittort - position to
unchanged. ()real forces are ooneen 1 rat lug
On lioth solos. 'adore Vienna.
flit Menttenr All ills: has etintionted
abstain from 50f0.01‘ n: for tie o ,(laps; pro
v idea that .tsist tia l 0 d.. 111.• wine, and
give her deelsion en the basis proposed
within that per.,
The nes+. troni II eat Etteterit continuo+ Pet filet w"r"na' :infer
ofl.laictor, About nine hundred miles(Tarn W. FILL",
Of the All int le +.5 1 .1e hail been pelt! out
01 , I•I6I,TCH
Cotton has .leel opal I ‘ e on I lie week The tie ,
_wa are tap....
sales of t u k have 7 t .010 hate, to.
lI.Y • e IFrtilita ' sales a , estlinnteil at 12,00. grnpla collailittliCkt:On 11.11 Irnlantl. The ca
bal++, the market closing steady all.1.11•ng bin in In porreet ot der
Orleans quoted at 14 , 0. tool uplahLls Cr it Figt.n.
at 134,0 Itre+pletutfe very :lull Corn mater. THIRD op, I..rrH
Prile ' . ‘"" l ' l "11for it L. 4111.. Goa ser a . Jule —England and
Unllod 6 " , 4 ion
.(murk's are again untteti 11l telegraph. he
RlllllOlO in the iLunk et Eng- cabin la in perfect ondel b ane been
n.l ilecrensed .347,mn,tie
retying sainie l mewlin
rartlt g toessagen thron,rh the
la the linage of tviintoonn. Mr Illaraxtoll..
tile optics „. the 1411 ,
'announced the ulthdrnwn• of the t
off ai „„ ina
Chorelt Rule bill for the present
The Elective Franchiw bill wise alsottli
xi ItitltT . .. 01, TENT, 11:y Z.—The (:rant Pas
rti left stosir nags on Sat ctrosy at titooN
'qr. IL Mayne. Chief t.l the Metropolitan I'll-
Hitt art l+ kal nt Ilearhavon on TlittandnY
.‘" f""'"Id'". the P I " - morning, Jul+ . .t 11, ate! revel red the halation
I L" "Y d `' 1 l ' h " of het ...Is antd prorsibreut + istries The B arbs steam..
inet...leclertng a Illegal, nod +tilting that The }.ante rat inyin , „
measures sani Ira taken tO prevent the us
,•1111.11.1K tpf 1 Tue.. 111,..
f•nl htt Corry and Perrlole on Friday
N% nn —TI,. Pross.nn nerni Faikin- „I s s t. t.
I• hag lon " Albany on the 71h, nll.l mid, ay on the
Frankfort an.: proclattint 10 • Announe.
pig the Itt.“111111t... go•ei natant+ of ton saint - On+ , sue 7th of in.+, at tho end oh
=‘"'". III '""‘ a " . • I. she, the nal.le o , is Ignacio front Willhant
iphal 1,01 t 10. a itnt
ft.H.t 2. neat morning the laing
The I. Ana ',nate ni+ •.+•en , sweet...telly aotopleto+l, unti -e y e liti
I'n Is" 1. ".•••""` ' ..1142.11.1 nlitet)•fnur t.110t15114 rit
Ilshial I, • r head ,nertei ut I un.l+roattg 1„„g„
tn, 1-1 n
else AO, miles of
Tie 'lt 1, liar) "1 C11..1.•
T“ • Liu. !nal II liscoon
" r "‘ n ”" I . t e+l 11.1 Rear Pinion to realer all assistance
slll flt,t.tlio
I pont,
""the tI ' " . '"‘" 7 'n of , teat Eastern. Milyrit+ si
at ke I It o t p.aolino'ng p„.:.1 K.,c•"n,ne„ one
"" h" tient at ISIS-nth+ Knit prayer+ offered
xnn v. an • n'a , - the(. g ,p ..ncrennfit. laying-if the ..ashis
.i.tir itlon :tint pr0v , ..1..t0. The 1ta1.,. a- ,
I ' ante cat., hontat ..teut Eastern, und ut 40
‘..."11 ue l"' '''"“ ' l ' Thn It '" a " 1 "‘" tt.1,10,110.v•I o.r
'at the 1010,1110 Tele.
" I "'"" ' '" !rni Sao t,at. t.,11,,a,n, ruler ',r
etelling to have .1111.0 t•e, a, ro-, I
„„,„„ iosaii „„ „ n
tarn riverto, hare
„ n and „„
alarlNa l' +I.: , ` TI, A nal .ar'• It/It am-111100,
‘' '4. , t.t.1 *H.. sent through
, altedetts the
0 ""'" 11 '' 'll",nett n a „ „,„„ ftiati.t Fast,. to telegraph
ai f,
..1 .5 5,11., In %Lat n .,
" r ••n: Inv, .lu., it .111. tot..e.
Pru ssian son.iti tons at. le.l Anetria rOtl,
11 ict . I --I,et6i. I', in e
ine t
Oar qta...t ton. of ID, ...c.“ u .c
•• 31,1.11,, 11, .11
.4 . NOrl, 1..1, It-wler.l.
w ...~ r. Luw r l
~..~ urn ~u l
England and America Again United.
Dispatches from C. W. Field.
What the London "Time" of the
27th Says.
F1.X1001.151 IN CONDOMS.
!Saw loan, July 2l.—Tho following ilispatob
hits Just lines rectilved from Cyrus W. Field.
Ile.trt•s Content, July 2A, Pille—We arrived
here at nine o'clock It'll, morning all well.
Thank tied the mtbie has been lald anti Is to
- ,A, , . !- 1 , 4 . ..1,• I :111.
T . . -
ki•l cant, 1, rriLr.a.
F. I tar. .i.) —l,l,ancat run. 117
r .aA... L.
J il IP La tan, . un. I:1
A.,/•• make.• run. 113 Rili,ll
nbat• 1.a1.1 "411.
I cannot ex - press to you how thankful I feel
that you will now receive some return for the
money that you have spent, and the Lime that
you have devoted doting the last half year to
connect ho telegraph our own country with
Great Britain. Cvaus W. Fl/LD.
The following Is a list of the Direct°rs of
the New York, Newfoundland and Lon
don Telegraph Company : Peter Cooper,
Cyrus W. I'leld, Moses Taylor, Harshall O.
Roberts, Wilson G. Hunt. The ,pfli«rs of the
Company are Peter Cooper. Pr °indent; Cyrus
W. Field, Vice President:Moses Taylor, Treas
urer; Robert. W. Lowber, Secretary.
Hosar's s....olsrlasT, July OsIO
Yield says there have been riots In London on
account of the refusal of Government to allow
lieform nita•thigs in Hyde Park.
Jelly paper ball been plUsllshesl on tl,o
(1,555 Eastern.
An,. RAY, Ganda), July 'Ai, 'hi. r v.—All
dispatches from Europe, no Heal L'e Content
no I Vert no Barque, being inninly relative to
the successful laying of the "ably, have been
forwarded by telegraph from thi• point, and
the news yacht *ailed this afternoon on Tier
return to Fort au Barque. Another vessel
will arrive to-morrow (Monday,) morning,
from Pert an Barque, with further adviees
from the mible and Europe. The telegraph
Ilmm are in good working order
Mayor Plow.. Announces Ells inten
tion to Disperse the Convention—
Procession or Negroes—Distarbaueos
—Three Negroes Hllled-I•olleemen
New 0 at.aA sa, July Wells has ar
rival from Red river.
The Convention meats on the 30th.
Mayor Monroe Iffne addressed a letter token.
Baird, infortuing ham that ho Into Mai to dis
perse the Convonl.loo and arrest Ills members,
unless pro! (feted by the mliltary authority.
Gen. sayeno protection him ''ffon asked,
and rid louleo Monroe', proposition. He nays
If a legal convention, it had a right of tubet; if
Illegal, It Wan Iptrulles pleasantry. lie con
cables by saying that he shall p. event v:o
-lentil and preserve order.
All tn.. sl1114: 0211 ,,, 1. hit • e formally protested
against the Governor's proclamation, awl the
Secretary of State refuses Ills neat.
After the adjournment 01 the meeting butt
night, the negroes turmoil into prirweginon, and
armed with clubs, brickbats, Ac., vent 11001-
Mg through the street, threatening Violence.
At the ineetlnZthe !Tooker.; hail used violent
langUngn. Two t tet uttbarces Occur
red in the otty, resulting In the 1..1111ng of tares
negrom Three pollee °Meer., were badly .
Irruined ny the negrmi, All in quiet on,
of littenn negirwle hare been 'Wanted 01111
Jaied. ionlernOxxl 11101 elLorls nrn marr
ing bow the Ghiet of Pollee to here[Le uyegkere
a lin owed vinlent ine , ndlum language ar•
routed, and that a niICOM liraof
want nu tietional Sherinna
tthe elinirta of those exulting the blurt
ommlntlon uwratmit the 011, ten.
The l'onv•ntion Troubles—Mayor Mon
roe Tolographe she PreohienS. He
retro., an •nuner, nod Thereupon Is-
New OKI-Y..4.'04 dole . L . .—Yenlorday the %I
hooey General of Slut, an.l ta I;o1 ,
occur teingreiploal to the l'resnleo informing
hitn of Ilie r latent still Incendiary pioneedinge
at, npeeetten al a Republican nesfro inerting
night before. stating • /lona inn
Pee learoa, that the U.,. ernor hn•l
reteil MUM calling for an e.em M
ion 11. I
theeeteeli le OW tlleZlll Ole% i• II if el,
and flint he an.. k-ague Init. the
liepnl , lte.kos, t hat it a n.jell tualeting
I iletetlelbeim ol tho mlll , OOllOll to it grand
ptrr, :end 1.0100 the Intended
Clint tut, lot. Itary ft t it.' .11 mattes
simultl interfere to prevent the execution of
I'r ±, which the Vr. , !.itrot
pue..l from Waughtn,ton.
7 , 7 Alttert rnurh.ttes. 1...•14t tint
sssss tt tollttot ullt t. .1 to
and not to nh.trua nr Itat,• , • - •• ..1111
ti , . pr, weetllngL ‘ll•pard Y.
n the 01 L 1,..
1 , 1" , 111.11,1 1 , . .1.111 It.
I. NV agar Um , nolrolnil
N Olt! J.. ••••••S
..41.00 the or4,lrtuut
3111v,rosily ( P• 1 , 1111-1,
'l4, I Kull,Jul!, .11.
tur•s, to F.• too of
t dr.% ...• , 1 tzep
olulltgutsco ....Poo, 'l5l Ito• prim. e
o o
Itpt god 01(1,r 011:o. tit might 111.1 ortru.l.
..tor... I, Jot.. I Nicol:or s.l,•yat
tat. tit. of Now 1,11.• •• trim, lay
um, tots, .341.t0g Ptpippt too prop', of
tho. tir dare( ti 10Ln/t0...ar0. l par . ..tost I) ',tipr . the
ito.utturtrs 01.1111114111 1 1 10
ILI .ILI. •itoo u , ..
.1.4 that la. good nat.,. ..1 1.111 1 l'lly
ttiopy to , 'Po and It — 013.111.,
of tto , ant 11 - 5 'lt Pre.', 11l
Jollto.on tpa. Lot allortlod rot opippo.tunity
... • In) ra rroallag t.rtPrich of
Oar 41.1 Of 1 / I (Ml , vtlig fuel. to • ill, grout
..! c:ty .and ' , late. I p . P.l..rttler ett
;Pon 1111 , 41 1,11 r 1.. I r.on
I.l.erlngutxml Lb, pl.c. .L 1
, r, t ton I art. ..ttilont.l
Irma 7,01,3 t fl.3t. n 414 t L
-1 !, .1:1
..•• from toe
tn.t t-te, 11114,40,./. rot
1, •t
..vt• ,1 a. t• t.• the .tsmta....zt elf lb.,
..t Jallf • 1
• u:. .1t• • !.
pres,nt •nrr,T 1.1 rt:l "I
ri•ti oflac,r, from Interferalg •lib LI, C..-
Tll, T , ,!..d.v. , Tito
w,111,•11 tx,tl na)out n
11 .1.1.:1.• .4 septet], rlr
Nun 1. !....-I<n cam , f oboirrn
•r... 1 11,...,1.. itn AMa in tills Ail) &Tr
...lay, awl nu lin.oklyn •11 cs-ua wu.,r
Jixly '2+ --Th<in vs.., fly< <amt•
of olit.ler•---Iwo or stir..< fatal —al Its lag the
•<.<4,1.1 - mtyhr . •y 1111.1.11t1 t(-.p• 02,1
N e•V .rnita Ant.ther Livto. , hmoi.t 01.-
11,1.0 1,.-.l•y n.l hair° twen toolat".1. c•IIy
Is s<ry b<1411.h,.
./,1) —Fly.:.<
14.1erb nri.l Shire< .1.-AI h. nry 0
tc Ili<
144mr-I ..5,
ofrn...” lue tntn.
number of for tno arvii wstros four hurt
tire<l and ninety, met.l,<lng • .I<crer,,. tor.
htsu.lrml .11.1 werenty-t.... hit us.,l
urn.•m. , n .molt pro•vm• 1., the
a nt •p<ll, (rm. A slat A'
twon..y....un from Qtaolor• r.n..l“k•R Yr,l
risn•lrt<l awl on< from
Few 'Ton, July mutt the
ett-mtiltel rhoirt• were reportml t'a Roar,'
a Ilea,la ye.terd.c In thin ray. ant right In
400..1 ii;UU pr.,. u,l t.tal Iteshort•
irtna nett'. and Dar ot• lolanda err worm tet -
~rnble. The mortality nets Lot C. col 0110.
ormoldereler int:realm lu the entrilar of
The Charleston Priwonera itemove ,, J.
l'aaatc,,, , , Is. 1.., Jul,. 11,—The toe, pr
era aentencael by military comtula•lon, but eub
teequently reprieved by the Pre...dent, who..
atterntrled liberation uu a arit 4.1 eer.
f...,cw-rambetrel the recent onutt let of authurit,
e,t ..• vo ere! ' , Wk . ., ...I the I nit e4l ` , ln,tn.
elghtto. r. eat , ! from t net le
I . lockn , , Ihe unntary, refu,o
infermar Pon c•ee•le burg then pteNent here
ft.e.ut• Tbei. ree.lon Ilia: they ert•
of n.ate C 1,,, prri•ellotteen ef the
t out,
4.44141ng role. Itolorn• or 141.4111 rd P , pir
la.. '1.14 to .11istomoth 4 ose
of , 11x11.1.•.1 xl~is :lx
/.4.,••11n. left . k.• Mao..
..1111r.• 10-idyll I. 1. , Ilse /11. yucival
grainl coo,•• 11411.
A on.] ivort,ri t 11.• •e. - . 1 ”rk
1,1., It 11.1, .I.le. thy The
lovl.ltio 1..11 for 1,,0nv tilk. afternoon All Inct
.oclotles Iv; 1 1/. , rel,,oento•tl
w..tb 01 Sr.. w 11 . lir, 00 1 --t . 1 1 for..
I. I Y.. Inn !Meeting I 11.1,41•11111.4
an lona, July -Thu alto 01 13 !Mum
4111.01 Bryant .111..1 at bur resionuee, u I 1.4311 g
4.11111 i, u-lay, In lust ,u,..ntlet It 3or
A Fenian call, natlru,siol a.I u
In. city *nil vletnlty, I•aned 1,-ttiorrow
ln , lnyl alturn oo n, un nu.411..aR nalil I,' lA, ~r
total number 1,1 allot, ~tnlgrant. nt rlrl4i
11.11 yea, Iw 1.1:,K-1, or 50,1‘..1 nun.. ,uuo
'Eno Illsteuricrtc•t Excursion to the Mom
mo , h, Case.
LA.VII , I I Jllly —Tee,uong,tre.l. wtnind
nli 1"-tlay ...Ha n grand eseurnion loi Maui
one thotiantal xere graaret.
F., eryt lung pa,...0ul oIT quietly. ()nit 4 to the
orprogramme :.y131,10 In
I.llglgtn of (lit t•oneert .11d . J 1 wane
..If, but 1110i0 a an an lil/111111Allee 01 ext OIJ I• , Cle
,„t i aud ,ustrlitiltUtt at mutin.
I buret Is to I•At V 5.04.110111 111 *llO nlill,llllVo-
11/.11. of (malign 1110, 4 through tho
tic^Orgin lloleltote• tII Pllttlttletpt: 'la Con-
veil low.
ACOVIIT A, July 71.—The follow iog
I l h 11
Nationall,l Con, chllol. to ....01/11t1 0
1111,0 hOott 0i1131.1 1 ti 01 6 11 MO
ro4l, fourth awl el it h harlot... /../p... 1 . 1,1 5.
(Autiural .1. It. tiorllslo, IV 11. I 10111111 K, Thoultui iinriluntatt, P. W. Itt/titlittOr tool. A.
It. IV right moll Linton A. blovens. Alca.n.thlor
Stevon• awl Herschel N . JOll,Oll w Co
two of Illo•delegulAw tor Ulu mato ll LH I.,argo,
Another Flu 11C11601111006.
16W Y kmx , J V.—A .111,1Ai til•pntun 110 in
(root Moo tro•i, intown Torynlo, itty• to
tem.. o 111,14511 t prey oils convent ink otentlter
report tol FtS1116:1l111,01211,11l. Thorn to • ru
mor that :Mot' ettofiontratiton oftottt,,y,
5A1,00,0 00 will no nputst to fortifying • lot trout.
t ter—halt t.t tutu paid by too Unbolt but turn-
The tirrot Trot
evaacrax, July 21.—The time math, at the
t rot yesterday First heat ' , ext.or at
half tidies In I:l2 , ,,—heat in Butler so,
oral lengths behind. Second heat, Dexter
half tulle Si I:l4X—heat In 2:30A; Butler too
length,. behind. There wore four thousand
people on the ground. tireat diaappoluttnent
Steamer *shore
Sr. Joe., Si. 8., .3 my 26.—The steamer Zotib
hence this moramg tor Boston, we. ashore
.1130, ut. Yomt Leprueuk.. Part of nor bot
tom is off. A portion of her puzseagers were
brought to tele port by the steamer
nous, N. Y., July V.—There was an exten
sive tire at items to-day. Tile lees la one non
dry' and fifty thousand dollars.
River at Louisa Me.
LOtrisyn.ra, July gB.-4iiver stationary with
eight feet in 1.128 canal. ?denary Ou at noon,
HAW this afternoon. Now dear.
Brevets for Gallant Services
Minority Report on Jeff. Davis' Com
plicity with the Assassination.
WAMIIISI,TON, July 'Lt.—Tile following 10 a
copy of So'retaly llarlan's !alter of relignit
tlon .
Der nrr or tux INTLHICoIt,
W 4001,1 aTt., ttly . 27, INCA. $
in the Prestdrral • —Raving heretofore In
formed you of my readiness to withdraw from
the Cabinet whim It might accord with your
pleasure amm gounimlenee to name my sue
censor, and Its puma/Inge of en understanding
arrl‘tel el In a recent Interview, I I • e-
my reemnif • "nit, uI the Secre
tary of the Interior, to lake effect upon the
flint day of septeinher next. Inthus
severing my "Inci..l connection
your Illinlinistratios. 1 would do In.
do Injustice to my own were t not LO
present my thanks for the .11;01ni courtesy
and kindness shown me during my term In
service. Praying that the ,1111// 0010 ruler of
nations may bless you
with health end vigor
to endure toe arduous lattors Incident tot our
high position, and wi. , loolli to carry into etreet
such wise msures of policy as Congress
may devise to secure the dolomitic peace and
national unity, I have the honor to be, with
pent respect, your obedient servant,
Set - retort of the interior.
'rho :senate ha.. been very liberal In connec
tion WWI the Executlve Department In Ile
sloe ing breve , . for gallant and meritorious
conduct In the field, the honors having been
eo tl nfurred for servtees fur Durk us the irt
b ate Of Mill lien. In nom, Cain, no OMR
thee three In eDel. bar e been ;oven to no
person, and voluntere eel' an regular odi
um, thorn In these conitillmellmry Mo .
motions. ehlen do not carry oily extra
lin) wall hem Nor are Lbw; altogether
congned to tlghtlng itecruiong, Lona-
Inlss ary aml Qom lermuster officers, and three
Who have petite need duty In Itrlolun mher
branches, and sonic possessing military title.,
but afro never a ern myr uniform,
it %Ye bees xt re lint :;. breveted. On the last day
of the sesslouof Langres., the Minute eon
firmed .n groan over two h undredhreveLy
front Major Generals town to First Lieuten
ant., In add. ern to the teens/mil heretofore
sanctioned try that .
b 4
Tho v. S. G o naul at Port Mahon again wr es
that tile cholern haa broken out aluutig t t
artlet. at M. , CeM, nik , , violently than eve tt
taint the French aml Spaniell nutborltt re
enforcing a aerr strict quarantine over all
',st.!. note the Itilectral pf if te,
ylr Rogers luta noel.. a isitnortly report on
tar conipllelty of I itiv in in the arteasetnation.
Ile complains of obstacles taro., in hie way
by the tither unimbers it the Committee. lie
was only perranted io ice the witoletnatirnorty
on oily
noon. Ilese,* (lin main port lone
...ere a'r pont, and linnle alt Inall OpportanJt,
''l 1,1.9 otent Mall., The i celeeee of Soil.
1 , 11 , 1, I.onnvel. NI.: ritl , . An , : other,. in atylral
worthirese at. a lit , rylialite 1.1, tvincl ,inn with
Ka argent a plural for terettia !anvil over In the
elvll uothorli tes (or trial.
in It cortt joint rarm , nton
t..t Are.u..ll hii.vv been appoint
...l In their e :.:Anch, 41( Congrllsa
o,11f) custom:. ihwl. A thi: - 11 pereon to LO
he oliolooolltoll toy tho ~cret.a.ry Of the Trona
'Ll I,
The 'secretary of the Trettonry tlenlitivii tak
ing 0.1.11,e to remove the ottionuctloct• from the
Jame. tilt et .
Mt llointtrit, the Slit rt. on Slinkier, recelvoti
new , . fi out the vicinity of Chi
ittiahum, the preeeni koottenec of the Mexican
kik erntio t, up Lin theh OIL
l'iettelent ec anti tot. (atitnet and
a/ at t 1:111t1 na on the 17th,
met with ASu, ent hi/elastic reception
pet.;•,it ttt tit Chihnehea antl
inn ^tate throegli which
• )
tit, Salto - gay at all err ly hour a gal:lenity no
corrati het wet, the workmen lit Moore'. brick
mg, In the neveath Ward. which, however,
terilalUnt..l aoy lalhelge helot; deli.
the rias lager o'er was UrOUght
on the to/1111,, Th. party procuring It Mae
pa) trig a wag., told on thcr utult of toe I ate,
~ C lllllllg thatch The efroct of the
tiver ctittact! a r 0,1% al ot themorning' , kila
,,htr. eithh in a tcant.,
tte• .lituronning of the platoo.
ea.. niwwl with a ;Miter. did consitlerable oi•
ai..., a Mill u111t11,” rat,.
and • :rieLlists and etubs (ten about proMMOU-
0•1•1), .:it e.. Seanl or to , oneine:erring s••ri
p.Jr.!. A ad of the Mover., pollen.
• . 1 mef •,,ll Mugu, entreated upon tile
I,lit I :1.• combat hadceased, stud
ti•e ' ul combauti.o. sem teem] The'mho,. w
it ore
t•ont departing ar itkont making oily arrest,
hno oftteet attention 065 attract...l
1.4 a Mail named Manama, who was talking In
u manner eel:. to 'nail to another row.
Ile we. ro.tu.otent to .lesiiit, and became Ingo
-1.11 A ithe, M.em throntened to arreet Sim.
51.411 Manning offered tl.4leuce, seizing Moon
i• 3 the coat aiel armonl tearing it off his back.
A well tdow (row hloou'eltat brought
the Ninon to term,. nod he Sas taken to the
Mayor . . office The Mayor, after hearing the
aer, impowed the 111041 fine of flee dollars,
hien was paid At the 4)011, Manning and •
:• 1..04 who hail nel . ollll.tille.l him there,
4 . 40.1 very invultlng language to otncer
au.l we 10.1.111 fur a few mo
ment. that thet 0 would be blot"
exchanged .I.ut the otheer,a Ito was mnoh out of
humor, reit - toned Irwin doing 5.1 the time and
piece witat he [night have Brett to • degree 50-
4insatile for .14nIng under other ctreumetanoes.
to thle haatanee ..1 ku officer •ufforlng and re
ome Ing nhuitti for doing stint Wt. requinni of
can't[ v•iell. the Inclination to expres.
um op In We tilt. Mat 01 should bare
p 020•11 a henV ler nil, 514.1 1h at the irmolonce
tired should ham, (won properly rebuked.
Railroad Accident.
Bet ireell two and threat o'clock Friday morn
ing the fast freight train on the Pennsylvania
Railroad, going west, meta 11l a frightful ao
rittoill at the tIIWILLAra t reek Mon bridge, near
Lancaster. A. the traits was nearing the
Midge, an Axle of One
at the ears broke and
was dragged to the bridge, where it was
thrown over, carry log with It some six or
eight ears, Ali of arm h were mouthed tip and
the contemn of the t - urn. embracing sugar, dry
weals, Ar ,were Jumbled together In pro
heap, A colored man whose name
we hare not learned, and alai WWI stealing a
ble oser the Instantly, and
three olttrr eftlerenl Men were heelLy injured.
A Mali eszoon ou Ime of the cars made a nar
row ciaciape of helm; carried t. 1 0 ,6,1 with the
wreck, ;untying arc Just a. the ear On
Ile v. w e,tt on er the Itrulge. The seene Of
lee meet/lent I. den , .11nel al being a frightful
oe, :not, of t tLern letlng eoruplete/Y ^mesh
//I • up, we, the others so tinily In) ered that
111 , 3 carmen let o. 0•1
Coroner's Inquest Concluded.
The I 00,110 s's irry summoned to bold an In
quest upon It...0(1 . 0'01 . 1 Caroline Ford, who
was so Crurlly ravtatiest and murdered at de
w odity, on lie lilt I.AL, concluded their la Saturday afternoon. As there was no
oculence wheteret 1,, 10re the Jury, they ten
-61. verdict that the doeeasitti came to liar
death from violence at the hands of tome per
son or peraonr unknown Thus, tiny of the
darkest crimes en. comnittted In tills county
. shrouded la the depest vinery, anti
la all probaldlit tho per., te rutors will escape
the conger. , of . It has been estab
lished beyond the 1550011 of a doubt, that there
were two tttt inirtions Nil e
lu the deed,
end 11 se, me hardly probable that lily
have been strange. I nn
the nelgliborbOtal or
to the girl. e xertionhi of sewleklOy
should use sorry e to unravel the mya
tory and tiring to light the perpetrator. ll an
exerienced iletocllve were employed to work
t i the mule, we doubt not that at least a clue
lo the murderers would soon he Manioc.
A Llttle Girl Poorlonsly Injured
A 1151 Is girl of John Murray, of Baldwin
township, met woo a severe accident on Sat
urday afternoon, that may be attended with
serious results. Al the request of her mother
she went to a draw well, some distance Cron,
;rem the house, for the purpose etensuring
some drinking 0 *ter. After tilling the bucket
half-tell, she stprted to draw It up, but when
It had almost reached the top her strength
fatted, and she was feresal to let go her hold
on the windlass, the handle of which Struck
her with terrible terse on the right able of the
!tend, Infliin scalp 00011 , 1 of three or four
inches In e ct xten g
t. a
and knooking her down a de
el Ivlty some ten feet, here she laid insensible
molt found by her tr,ther si row moments
after_ Dr. Dustily who was sent for, examined
the wound. and found that till, skull had been
fractured, and the right arm broken by the
fall. When the phystelan left her she was
doing as well MI could be expectesl.
Au Attempt to Iliste.kMall
Ono of our moat prominent public magis
traten won charged before Alderman Donald
son, on Saturday with adultery. At the hear
ing it was discovered that the lady who made
the charge was forced to do so by her husband
who threatened to take her life if she did nut
do as he directed. Ills object in prosecuting
the ease was to obtain "hush money" bu in
this he signally failed, as the accused was dis
charged on the testimony of the prosecution.
It is but a short time since the same parties
received COD from a prominent citizen for
withdrawing a suit of a teimilar character,
preferring to do this rather than figure in
such a case. The names of the "blackmailers"
are Mr. and Mrs. John Clark.
Dlsebaamed.—Thomas Morgan, the propri
etor of the Western Hotel, on .Penn street.ap
peered before has nouns. the Mayor yesterday,
and charged a boarder at his establishment,
named John C. Davis, with the larceny of a
watch chain valued at fifteen dollars. Davis
was arrestee, and tatter a hearing, was a...-
charged, the evidence being insuillelesit to
warrant the prosecution.
Bather Fined.—Benjamin Holtnea waa
tined VS far bathing in the Allegheny river
yesterday eyeing berm dark, by the Mayor.
Homicide In Collin. Township —Tie
Perpetrator In custody—lie Confess.:
A homicide of a peculiarly clistresslng na
ture occurred yesterday morning at the real.
dent,' of lir. Darn, linlines, a short distance
east of the village of Hatfield, on,the Sharoi
burg plank road, in Collins township. The
circumstances surrounding the nielanclud
affair are about as follows: About ton o'cl , ck
on Saturday night two young mon named
Henry Bray and Henry Helllgen, living neigh
bors In Hatfield, started, while under the in
fluence of liquor, to visit two girls . .employed
in Mr. Holmes' family as domestics. On ration
ing the hernia they were met by one of the
girls named Louisa Taylor, who told thorn
they might sleep on the kitchen floor it they
did not wish to return home until morning.
After some further conversation the girls re
tired to their room. and Bray and Helligen
laid down upon the kitchen floor and slept un
til morning,when they wore awakened by the
nook, Mary Horning, who advised ts go home
as something might be said about their
nil night In the absence 01 Mr. Holmes
, Present arc In Atla n' lr
...iv, New Jersey.
l'hov signified their intention of doing .
the girl requested, but when she went to the
sterile to milk the cows, they started op
through the house on a tour of inspection.
After 1000 g t g In the parlors and thumping
on the plano, they ascended to the attic, where
the servants slept. and threw themselves upon
one of the girls' ' , oils, after which thoy went
Into an Inner, where they remind art Old
springnehl . standing in a vortmr. Bras
picked the s , re up and asked lielllgen to give
him a Cap from a box that ',tool oil a tit, It in
the fur [her end of the apartment. The latter
comphed, handing Bray two and putting the
reasainder in ills poCket. Bray then prouosed
tiring the gun out of the window, Out h s com
panion objected on tile ground that it sould
frighten the girls. lielligen then started to en
down stirs, MO just as he reached the dame.
ing Bray sald.. 'Wool go down stairs; if sou
do, I'll shoo you."
Unheeding the warning, doubtless believing
it to hale been spoken Injear, ineiverl
Moser to the Nairn, when Bray leveled the
weapon Ilireetly at hint, and tired. Without
uttering a word lhalligen fell to the floor, tee
Moral oozing out of a wound on the left xi le
of the bead, a little above the ear Bray gave
the alarm immediately, and Dr. Robinson was
suMmoned, who; on eittluilling the wound,
found It consioerahle number of large •hor
had entered the brain, which wan sufficient to
cam. death. Bray expreasud the greatest re
gent at the occurrence, and stated that he
es entirely unaware of the o gun being charg
ed. He aceornpanied thew unded man to Idle
residence, where the latter died at half past
eleven o'clock, two hours after the
shooting had taken place, never having spo
ken a word from the time he was taken up.
About noon Bray surrendered Umbel( at the
Mayor's Office and wag looked up. lila ver
sion of tilt, affair Is embodied in the allele
During the afternoon Coroner Clawson pro
ceeded to hold an inquest on the remains, tut
utter ettlhanneiing a Jury the Inquest adjourn
ed until eight o'clock this morn tug.
Mrs. Moil igen, tile mower of the deceanesl, is
Very xnxions that nothing ahall in done to
Bray, she toeing fully eunv tticed tint the
log atm arcidental. n the other nand, one of
the boys emplojed b y Mr. Holm. States that
lie loaded the gun for the purpose of protect
ing the orchard, and that he Ix poultice be only
put of shot. In the weapon, while too
discharge shows that there was a very large
load in it, the ceiling and weals containing
quite a qu antity.
Mille e believe the Stilling to be the re
sult of accident, we cannot refrain from ex
pressing our censure of Bray's conduct on
tills occasion. In the first place, it was almost
criminal In him and the deceased vbilling Mr.
13011nrus , residence, while that gentleman isas
absent with Into invalid wife, and contenting
themselves In the manner in which they del:
and In the next place, the girls are not alto
Rather Memel.. In permitting the house,
wile under their care, to Ire converted Into
stn asylum Apr Inebriates, while Bray, In his
reckless Lountllng of a deadly ',reopen, Shown
a criminal carelessness for human life that
ehottid not go unpunished.
The docensal was about twenty-one years of
age, and was employed as a atone-cutter in
Charles Miller's marble works, In the borough
of Lawrenceville linty bas not yet reached
hie nineteenth year. and prior to this Donut
ranee has borne a good character.
The ilemeepachie
Diators wasite..—The writer from the Sec
ond ward, complaining Of the remark. of
Judge McCandless, and particularly of the
location of the hospital, exhibits in strong
terms the spirit which c :arectortoes the gen
eral opporlition WC. progress of IlOmeoPaillY•
The reckless and exaggerate.% statement. re-
FPOCtillg the location end surrounding. of the
buildings betray a spirit ill et ease and prob
ably much triortille'l at the results of the ac
tion of certain members of council, and the
exposure which followed. lied the gentle
man reflect.] colic ly before writing he miaLt
have COM., to percett e that the Drortors
of this school have a way revolter to
themselves in then - general I .
arid do nut consult with person,
of the temper and manner of "Second Ward"
concerning their bc.pital buildings, nor the
treatment of patlenta therein. From the tem
per betrayed in his article, I cannot but think
that his statements were liatemieu, cot so
much for intelltgent readers as to mislead
and disquiet the Ignorant, of whom I am hot"
Ns to think there are tew in the Second ward.
"Second Ward" ought to have been informed
that, by the regulations of the hospital. pa
tients with Infectious diseases are not ml
milted. And, further, that well regulated
hospitals have never tssen known to he centres
from which diseases of any disci - int-ion have
been protutgateed.
Roooptlon of Hamill
Preparations for the reception of James
Hamill upon his return from England, are
nearly completed. Au adjourned meeting of
his friends was held on Saturday evening, at
which Mr. Henry Kane presided. The nom
ealttoo having the matter In hand, reported
.ellettirtorY Prawn... In the way of procuring
fund. Mr J.,hn Paisley awe chosen to o®-
elate as Chief Marshal on the occasion of the
reception, and Menem John J. Torley and
William McClure to act m Aids. Mr. H. Beau
mont is now i t Sew York, And will there
await the arrival of the American champion
and accompany him home. Another meeting
will be held this evening.
Worthy of Protronotre.—We had a call
yesterday from Miss at. Buckley, of Freeport.
who to at pendent canvassing Oils city for the
hale of Littleton's famous photograph of the
death bed of Abraham Lincoln. Alms Buckley
Is eminently worthy of the pat-rearms of the
patriotic community, having an aged widow
ed mother depending on her exertions, since
her brothers wore both killed in the service
of their country during the war. Orders for
the really beautiful specimen of photographic
art may be left for Miss Buckley at the Gazette
oilicii. The young lady will personally call
!Wen stir Citizen, and we trust see will receive
liberal encouragement in the We of the pic
tures, a. she is in every respect worthy of it.
Child Nemaided. AI title daughter of Hugh
tdagill, residing in the Seventh ward, wan se
verely statlood on Saturday morning, under
the tolloarimt: circumstances: Ler mother hail
been washing, and had placed on the Clove
kettle full of clothes and gone out to a eel b
bora to borrow sonar starch. In her absence
the little girl, in endeavoring to get n oup lull
of hot water out of the kettle, upset it, the
contests pouring over her person from the
shoulders down, scalding her to a cot:udders
ble extent Medical assistance was at once
summoned, and at last accounts the little suf
ferer was doing well.
Elewitlon of Teaehere.—The School Bowl
of tlie litat Ward, Alleghony, at their meet
ing on tho 21111 Mot., elected the following
Teachers for toe ensuing year: Principal H.
W. Bancroft. Asslatan ts—blina Borah bi,Laugh
lin. Principal of Grammar Department--111.
Mary E. Carpenter. Mary
May, hies Atm. Lamont, Miss Jeanette h.
Leek, luteruiodatto Dopartment—lkqe—blre.
M. B. Burt, Meal Marc B. Boyd. tilris--mth
-01. J. McDonald, Mica Si. Dorms - Lou. Primary
—Buys—Miss Jennie AI, Fruber, Mine Mary .1.
McLain, G Ds S. A. bl cQulg, Miss Sarah
Birmingham Public M..h00l
WWI., on Is visit to liirmingnam y.terda3,
we noticed among other improvements those
that are being added to the puldie school
bulling. The entire Interior of the building
sae been renovated, the ceilings handsomely
frescoed, and the wood-work repainted, th;•
prislominsting colors being brown and white.
The is Let IS ire also receiving attention,
Moro vamtion expires, It will be one of the
neatest and handsomest edueational edifices
In the county.
Want to be Divorced.—in the Court or
Common Vices, on Saturday. seven net-111mm
for divorce from utatrtmonlsl bond. were pre
tented. Following are the names or the par•
Isabella P. Gregg vs. Alezarnler Gregg.
George C. Lang Va. Elizabeth Lang.
Charlet. Cook ve. Mary Cook.
:saran Graham ye. Wm. Graham.
Hannah M. lake ye. Peter .1. Lake.
Samuel 131gley ye. Jane
David Lewis ye. Abitha Lew..
Arrest no Nuspietion.—Two men named
John and David Anderson were arrested in
New Castle last work on suspicion of being
the parties who robbed Mr. Eli Wykoir, in
South Pittsburgh, a little more than a week
since. Uprn a hearing, however, they were
discharged, nothing appearing to warrant
their being bold. The arrests were made by
°Meer John Coyle.
Diaappwared Dy sterlously.—lt is report
ed that Mr. John Berwick, a citizen of Man
chester. left his residenco au Tuesday, 17th
instant. to make tome collections in the vicin
ity of Butcher's ltun, since which time his
family have had no tidings of him.
Intim* Fouad.—On Thurecay night last
some workmen in removing an outbuilding
near the corner Federal and Wylie streets, in
the Sixth ward, discovered the remains of an
Infant in a box. They were almost decom
Firemen's Parade.—ln accordance with
the corudltutton of the Aasoclattou, the tone
for the annual . parade of the flee deperttuent
b on the first hob:inlay of Septerneer, end
DrePaVattone for tie event ere in active pro
• .
Sunday B•lll.Np—t.h. Saturday a clear
MU was made out against Patrick kl=
tavern Per in the First warn, tor
liquor Ull Sunday, and Mayor mcCarthy re
drUrixt him to pay the usual tine, o.l!ty likno•do
The 041t100 Is forwarded wines trill resat tdx •Itta.
...there soonest as the mail rna.
The income return. of the r.tzens this
be publieheoNow,. of
our enterprbmtg contein purer o (10 bold
Ruch publieelool hl the privKle le•entne.r) - :af
fairs of our . I tlresol le a
nOOO, but the -woe.. oti• ot .horn none, LP
injury to the inert ...not 41.... ILIAD
t tire, The iJeople st ...... I too boo! "on speverr
Only rab.pobeitor to, loop eti ..eolin tor" r. "
tort,. t. the not 1.1. It or nee , lull
their ten .ern. I.ault epleoo • to •e,
t 11e As.,,e”or 111 ill
114 44A I:evot
or perhaps Still both of ,erynni.n.
By they ere intele
t•; the
Secret busntees figure. p. !It
iabl clerk to the hewn .1 ,„„ t
ron tnentilnettiret. In givity the e
e , Lai.AB le
the urorrourers they Lora trust, a n d
the people hold n.ene
ble for their yublicuzion.
Grand, Trot at Oakland nark To-Day.
Major Vnit Voorklef Las pr..rot nnotoo r
treat for the kJ% urs 011.1/0 turf to toe wa:, of ft
grand trot, tot.e slum tots afternoon nt
ball-pnotfur 4l t.f tttroo
Ituntlretl dollars. for I ,, if.ter t .rortiplrliOu aka
urell-kocortf nags trust, Wasstune.' tt) 6nutttel het.. • .Le • ft. 1.) 3...
- Joe, We klepeilll 1,1,11
A Spatted ruee ruttyaetwipete•l,
the grit 11.114 mettle of the toth• entere..l tee
may safely grit/rattly and 1.4% be the - ggo of the
et E. ery Arrnhgethent for •ttriall.
man or hArtt" bar. Oath tutuir e ..r th et; or. the
proprietor of Part- al,tiMt' 1. 12,E.
Wen, 11/ Inv 111.1.11 ewe, r 1.1 t•teu,r,
11..1 the hiaaj•r'r
More KMlrood Arr.drut. n Jr. 1.3.
loot st watt Imam.' /Ililti 1.~ . 1.6u1
.1110 plait"! to of n pot.on,:er cnr oi
Ara.. unto Weal, nou. 5.14,4,00, .1.51•5
% or und kllll , l.
James .114x•ru, 01151.14 , )oe ,if .tic. l's:
.11• ritlir..o, *an 011
sunt nigh, yr) "..1 111. )
ati I• 5 (1,1111,1 111,t
116 Itmel
pew ttcl helot., A itICI
ternttil itild !Mt let
I .
tLrratll. tt tld Ismtled It,. 1., a. 3
fore Altlerlou.n 1t1,5:
enorge ut .-urely 5.,--
Ltgmlnet her try Aneon
leaned on giving b.,../_ L., Lt..-
not to do 4001111 any .0.011) two
Dl•Orderly nrn T Itt m .40r1
WWI bolure Alderman llullllnrl., on sate: Oa ,
charged witit disorderly molder: tot L.LIk t•f
Marton Spray. Alin+ . a heat lag the act
was sag allthd, Martha !talus unable to mar,-
tam thu enarge.
Maltrestod,— 'Ulcer wetly 1V ;1,11 , 4
rougbiy handie.l fel I,..nef* efae. 11V l • ur 2'l a-
Lenlay efterneon L) 111 1111.1{2 et rougha, ..11Le
enfle.vot leg ft, 1/111.1“ . 411 1111,4_ if eu of lLe
rewafeA anent, eefal rtrrunteil uncl iodg
od In the tw ee
Larceo3 of Copper.-- air.) g ht l n
Roulauun Wailaer, was before the. s.l.m.yer ca
Saturday charged s lln ine in,..ny of Cart.o
hundred pounds of cuppur (row thu pre:stows
of James Snuff- He gave Imp So nos ser at
Pllettleal.--Jameo Thom pito. tra, Imfore. Al
derman Lynch natuttlay, rhat a ttt too , f
of the police on on( h ..1 154, /11, tl e u IXII.I. Toe
matter WWI st.tittitted by attn./ratting
Cho charge anti Thom p. ,u papist Iltr,
Sas/Lull sod issat4Ary.—Haul lee Morph,
appeared before Alderman La urn. oa
day, and made oath aaaleat .lads ISOU
Cur assault am! (flattery T set:used was -
rested, and gave ball fez n Mara ng
Lareeoy.—Mary Intonleonu:LHelJerge•l bo-•
lore Alderman Taylor, on ,Jatortley , with the
larceny of a tto bucket roan the .1 ng or
Sarah Crawford, in the NJot war, A 0
rant woo woo issucel (or the co - rent acouseJ.
Abandonmenl.—Maar Ann MatuvrisPl' , . ,
tr.:lll..ore Mayor Met a - I.IQ. en "...tenter) and
a eealge n , •an , loutu , nt. ItgatuPt.
nor kmabanti, J ec..h Mai ht.!. 111 e aeoneed wee end held L. 111111
Ftned.—The prqprietor of IL Orin:tang tot
loon on Or ater .trout nauoal ralro-k ?dor:My
nned ou and COlOtti by Mayor bloCartatY,O.
naturally, for Ilgoor on ,toittny.
False Alarm.—The elccc 111 , i 1 Ilre leiit even
falseng hetweeu eight and nine tp.ehe'lt wee
Special 4 mull Mrs. fl el sin .4 S. - Ith
Ina 6yrep U-, ta.e. eat; ee that vs
partwe have eat out I ng teem lira,
%V malosv'e. Plea. , take notice shut the Mrs.
tY Inalow of - the ataall Lag .55 rot, In Het.
aids 1 ok 0t114.4..1rL1C1....
r‘atnlsla .
rvnistenna. zsewn-.1e3
TAIL. of ntuo.t
Him funeral Ware Lon . rlo‘
beLawol .4:oat's-ger, • the :argent Lorogn
Piave of Depolchr.r. cepi one, ,h t , Ogoty
uatt.4l on Sem, tirigh ton road, Kurth of
Allegheny. kor burial i,L . pertult. , r I itles.
St t entrt. Drug `tour of l 11V L 1 CLA \ Li, Ape
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor.lttt,
Sscowo Wan NO. 2.
(Ylta aocx from beventit Street.)
.E . X2 . 9E . • 17* la. Mi. PAS...
,A77Z) 3111.11.T.49-11EK31114..
..e.1615 Fount street, ElLtsburxi., I. tfP F -of
sl. aka As, CHAPLS, kiLIJC
,?a aural Vurtusulag kr00•1* luray.w ,
pea . •ad alibi., Hearse and t artist "
rtmunts.scut--ttev. Lassa &err.
A .1•coous, 0.0.. 'Mom. Ewing. h.
Miller, L u
R . T. NV HITE & co.,
alanetwater. Woof• Hun and vicumy.
Haarlem" and Caardure BVCOUI.
H.arae and Carrlaaes rurnhalot.
DUNSEATH tr. 4'0.,
Watch Repairing Establishment,
CO Wittb. Wiltreotst,
Time Registering .
3EL.LII/26.1..309C.X . de c; c 2)
Dealers In Optical Goods,
03 1,2 Srsott.ll,l4
TOla Instrunwnl 1s eery generally um,
and Merchant, aa well a• ewe= .•(1 It , 31:111-
bl to.. • Cluck. llavosuelKr au.l TherlnnineUer tod
Cu he be depended li,wu for tudicatin4 1.1. change
weather. 11-3
IVII7 - 11-sia
tr h. •rtir
One Hundred t•oilap, a side,
' , toe!. or entn..r.....fe,.. tirlY 414 . 11 >, t The
glut fQll..vving flouted
Saw. hry.
J. 0, Dril.ter enter,.o.rry
F. cuter.. 0.. 1... :le."
H. It. Vaovuorhlv enter. ..Joe. the Orphan Bur."
The above homes hate all boon entl red, sinil wlil
go. Any of t.l -m (wits, to eLii 0.11101 0 t Sirre thu
ylelege to compete for a premium •ist Pririt
nuke.. prevented he en:l:iv,.
u[her tusks:wel eau., which halt to tirel,sl iiv
Juoge• uf the day. I sot netertothi .1 hest...nor to
enforce tills rule. I alit gettli.x tire.: of
melt eooduct the p ainl tn.,. .0.1 hues
rieen rioiurstell beet ral lime, ses,l of
speteil that wet, oever lutesturii, as..l ies. r
telslet 10 .lop It; so pits me, rat,. J.. eiwg oue of
le (mutest trots us Wt. attLIS..I/. (ht.. LUC .11,14
0 34 4 0 Il li. V NV , .1.111.1/IS.
No. SO Nurket Street, Pittsburgh• Ps.
..._I ..
TLldOld entablished house has now In .to r .tltlet r•
het thousand dollars worth of Boots and w oesh the
styles the latest, Me quality the hest. write , tee ere
determined to sell at VF.HY Wt{' rum , • We
have resolved not to be undersold ny suite ue hus ,
Incas tbat keel[od• worth hsvlng.
Call and exMe our shoe* or c hat an and WtS feel
satisfied that you telt! parch. what :ton ant In
the Stout and alma Line.
110 not /street the pls., MV Vaal:J.lB,lr.:
!titan, LLOSE &tai.
rracilical t urniture Mammal,:
Lawn styles of FURNITUBScouswaly
- 59
Income Return..,
- \ 111111.10,
von; 1.,. la.,h.T•s
It I: 2.. IL J . I,Jit•
•TALIUMII3 FiC,39133,