El CI E DAILY GAZETTE. PIIBLIIiii EDIBY Penniman, Reed & Co., P , 0401 in rrn Breen. Prressmuan vs:nn PLH PKK W B it.lEßeti It 4 &SEAR-. .114"' ithc 'gitts . burgh 6autte. MONDAY, JULY 30, 1866 Iles. WILLIAM F. JOINI3TON, of this city has been nominated for Collector 01 the Port of Philadelphia. Mr. JOHNSTON personally, Is a gentleman of much worth and ability, but we oan see no good reason why the present incumbent of that office should be sacrificed by the President in or der to make room for a favorite. Col. W. B. Titommi, Collector of the Port of Phil adelphia, is a high toned gentleman and ardent patriot. During the rebellion he placed two regithents in the field, through his personal exertions. lie did even more to sustain his own and family reputation. HS4IIIIIMIg the obligation of a ilefinlting - in-law, who had held a i.litiordinate position in the Custom House, he made good, out of his private resources, the loss sustained by the government. Mr. Jona s riia has already been rejected by the Senate as Collector of Internal Revenue in this district It autos, singular that the Presi• dent should pass the claims of his Phila delphia supporters in order to confer an honor belonging to that District, noon a citizen of Pittsburgh. But Mr. JOHNSTON was among the first here to abandon the Republican party and enroll himself in the Cowan clique, and is fully enti tled to a renegades reward. A. 11 Si unlit/INS and HEIts.•ILEI. V. .I.utusoN have Leen selected us delegates at larwe to represent Georgia in the Philuilel idria Cunt euti,m. They are worthy of front ,saits in the rebel is enclave. If any good result could he anticipated from the mongrel C0111 , 111.10n, see should. in com mon with all loyal Unionists, feel deeply Laminated. since the very men who at tempted to d:stroy our Government err railed In now to dictate a plan of recon• "traction to cult themselves. Charleston should been the spot chosen to hold the Convention, not Philadelphia—the at mosphere would Lave lieenintire congenial to the delegates. Mn Wm. D. KELLEY luc.‘ W ;hdrtwn h pretensions to the United State, Senator- Ritip, and expresnen his pieferenee for Mr . Stever lie will .I,,uhilr,: s he re-elected t!ie House. in Which he has served three refl. yeah unusual n.tge,.! mgAire.t Mr. Steven.. that h . , afze an.l make' Li, e;tti t 4 pit to the Syron,. unadvisable. Indeed, the intim, I.loli I , thrown out that his name is use.i iti thi, ~ L 111.1.A.101.1 only for the purpose of ile fentlll4 ,0111 C con-pieious aspirants. It is nit e-sary to, say that Mr. Stevens ineapal.l. of allotting his name to he honster end•. fur HTLEH , the few unthinking Retil, licans hay,' ns Vol fail•nl the iriii character at tL•e Philadelphia (!an rention. wiii be gnititioil to learn that the notorious Vallan-lighatn, of quo has been elrvn••l II ilelogaie We know of no per- ..n in th, ,auutry wore worthy fa s •1•11: rt I 111111 y of mnaea ler and Cop peritrad , . 8an,11,1 lur irca,ou „clurin reb4•1:1...1, 113, a re,or I 11, a 1 shoild not :14,1 to aia,,,ta I,iw ,a ih r ff,-.• 11..1.s uI Iho e o'llo ovoid again place the he hander of Ira, MOMS lIMIriIIIMIS IZETIE MIL ED,AIt Cll , ‘ AN filially confesses in long. I uhlished lever, that. he is nth:ailed wan the democratic party. lie tells the iiid story. B e rays the Repulthettrt platy lett Lin t , by abandoning tie Baltimore platform, and the Ibmiocrati. pang came over to him. lie makes nu explimation of the that that he 1,111111,12,41 voting steadily with Democrats in Ciineress lull three years I lore tuc 13“iilmore platform wan EITEI lic turther states that President Johnson is it: the same boat with him. Every body knew that some months ago. BY telegraph elsewhere it will be per. f`PiVell that the Committee on Commerce reported unfavorably upon the nomination of Hon Wm. F Johnston, as Collector of the Puiludelphin Port. This is as we ex peeled. The President finds much diS➢cul tp in disposing of his warm Pittsburgh ea• cloister, since others, who have a word to soy In the matter, cannot agree in recogni ring Mr. Johnston's superior claims for . Ma Cowan conies es that he and Presi dent Johnson are acting with the Demo That was quite apparent even whil e laud professions were made that whatever differences existed between them and their former political associates should be fought out inside the Republican party. put no confidence in those statements when they were mails, and thought they were exceedingly verdant who did. ISMIII - THAN h GOD, the Atlantic Cable is ' So says Cyrus W Field anti so say tat• all, if the important announcement proves true. A. Into dispatch sa3 s that Eu rope and America are within a Moment's CMIIITIUDiIIiaIOII with each other. We shall wait for n confirmation of the good tid ings, and in the meanwhile hope that it is "All right—De Emmy.- Tee r A IT.ItS have reason to congratulate then selves on the fact that a number of reckless and extravagant appropriations, u, g, ,I,CII, rliagrat. With great retie Met, were defeated. The aggregate 11.11:10141LL of these sumu would have plira lyzed the Treesury and unsettled the mob- Mar.) attains of the country. If the hills had pretax I. MR. Oft , NI , ON, i Democrat,/ m e mt,, r of Congress from the Lucerne District, MAR eiperieneed a severe hemorrhage of the awl may not Is: a camiltiato for „re thin yrni. TUE Lhantairat te Congressional Con ven teat was held at Franklin last week, and Oeneral A. B. 31c(2.aluiont, of Venting°, wr selected as their candidate for Con- THE nee coalition has developed its pur post.+ by issuing a call for "a National Union Stain Convention" in New York. It in to meet at Saratoga on the int of Au. IT SEEMS France hue made a new treaty by which it has made a pledge to stay in Mexico five years longer, and pay half a million dollars a year for the privilege. Wa need hardly repeat that we do not oonour in Mr. Stevens' amendment to the National Currency Bill against the diminu tion of greenbacks. .s., -11110.1 k; 4ssilvais rather a oval to see masses of ice tu - Snly, but nevertheless they are to be seen at the Devil's Hole, at Niagara Falls, idled up tle shore. 'The immense ice jam of last whiter drove large quanti. • ties of ice higli c T r 4on. the bank, where the pperhanging abut Out the OWL THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 178 siVbFaVkla*'lo= Pure Linen Shirt Fronts At Bates toll Bell's. Pittsburgh. Brand etn concert. Our Gift Concert will positively take place at City flan, thla evening, July 30th. Tickets selling rapidly. The balance will continue for sale at our offlct No. 70 Fifth street, second floor, Chronicle uildtne, until the concert commences. Our ticket agents should call at our °Mee, or send In their reports to-day. We volt receive no payment for tickets after the drawing commences. All our agents, when they have made their returns, should get our reenlist in full, bearing our seal, to show ticket holders, If necessary, that their tickets were paid for. We authorize no general agent to settle with local agents. All must apply to lie In person or by letter, for float settlement. Tickets not pail for neither gain admission to our Concert nor draw gifts. See advertise ment in another column. ki'llos LD, TIAOIIBOi lk Co. 21liam alumni.. ♦t Ant. and Boll'. The North American Life Insurance Company, of New York, presents more favor able inducements for Insurance than any nth er Company in the United States. Ily a recent act of the Legislature of the St ..to of Now York, the Com pan y is authorised le make special deposits with the Superinten dent of the Insurance Department, and re ceive therefor ltegistered Policies, bearing the seal of the Department, and a certtneatai that the policy is secured by pledge of public bonds, stacks and mortgages, under a special trust, created by Act of the Legislature, in favor of the "North American Life IrlaUrlllte - 0 Company Th le makes every policy as se cure to the holder us a National Bank Note or United States Bond. Its pot tuba. are Indisputable immediately id tor Issue. All Its Life and Endoo meet Policies aro non-forfeiting. Nano of the usual restrictions placed upon travel or change Of eruplot moot. Thirty days grace allowed in payment of pro alum, and policy hold good during that time. A credit of ono-third of table rata can lib had, It derdroil, mahout near. No charge for policy or stamp. F. T. Coca, Agent, it 7 Fourth et. Alhavr roduro,l prices, at Bate!. anti Rell.l Furnace Property al Aoclion Wampum Furnace, so well known to this great manufacturing community • f ours, will let offered at piddle sale on Wednesday next, August Ist, on the premises, by our friend T. A. Mc, lellund, who note under the direction of the Receiver or the Company, 6. M. lifer, The advertisement In another column glans a .leduitc deserlption of the Furnace and its surroundings, and appliances for the turning t - 4 a impertor ithality of metal This highly VI,UM •le property lies north- Areal of Int:shun& almnt forty-one miles, and is loent.4l often' ly ou the line of the Pittsburgh tool Erie Radroat I, with an extensive front on the dearer Inver and Hoover and Erie Canal. It (atomics attout troacresot land, more or less, oughout which lion "ie. Coal, Lime Stone. Eire Clay, he., arc found in ample quantities. The 1. .111111ln, who have until a recent pet l ot been I tumuli; the Fernace, bold in addittoti to the above, the lea-see of nearly all the prin. (3111Iti mineral lands in the neighborhood. The iinality of metal produced by this Fur- Tuner hue a well established reputation with the Iron workers in this vounttY. The Furnace a ben built wt. ren.lerea one tth.oft.. ~. thPl et.% atlht, of the lc:h4. introduclug the proper departments ev en'- t:,ing that long, nraglicki experience could euggeet to the parties managing it. trn the premise,. a 111 be tonsil all the nee, , - nary out hei: , ll, maablnery, tramway., die , that are usually fo :s. und at such works The 1:x111.0.1•1 and lwnal afford cheap, lkiwnly cl.zmnel 4 of •niputeut for thx met pro‘lorP.l. tour eamtnin tat".....,:00k nag eel] to their ou n Intern...le. by giving thlo oale their eaten :l,l. lor oelniona hey« they neon, or they err ouch ne opoortunity for an Investment Partner. visiting to attend the Kale can leave Y the train on the morning of the lay of Cane. and van return the name evening. )1.1.:.1,, -U'. ace . Cat.... , Icl c at, le- re 'ea :a ne , e;car> . - 1 t0...1ei ,J•., ft - lc-lance run. 1:1 mile., .•a i de pahl out 11% toile. The hmperor Savoie., recogni 'rag rite '.J..- • O ....eta la .11.1)g l , ill tire 4,..1 .1,01. . e 1 , ,.., ..I , he.« oelowtot., ils. 'r 1.,.• I ,', .:, „:„1 ~ , ,.:;1 7 , „ '.'"'". r". m"" ' 164,0p,v1i It,' r. 5111. n• a '0a....n dr pew, sari ',as- , ..,',":, ~ e , „ e _ ‘_, e , ~e , ~.. , ~ rea1...1v...1 h. remastri 00,11 rni Ili the of tat of theta ~, • • ' : - 'mere r-" ' - -1 0-• belng reln...a r.> .I ^>t rut oc. peel,c 1. 1 A at.ras. The ` Van .wcontradlct. ill- /......ro .ar ,• Frhia), J 4.) - 0 1 stall.. ruzL, Ili mho, ' • " ~ ...le peel dtat, i.. mire. write!, with the .turre .re. , • ,,, u'. , - 1, - , - , ~..... t' ,,, - ~ ..',..., '• ..„.: "it I ...asctia, •Instauerr. '7 tones, cattle paid tittering it . W ., d rnl c s• '" I.' ' .' '', l ' '• 1..• •• at r.. is i•... man , . .1 ..,- .1 sac; lhas to .00111 . 1 1.1•, 1111 al Lll 11, tc.• ... I. perelently. aroi • ' •' • "" " rite ' sr. preperthg to take pa . t , arr armed me.] t oda., 411 / ,•pt I 011: /. 4° 04 lu.t. are i.. 1 at fleart• t oubtrat al eigrit a m., ,rids)', ..1 11, aloe le Food e „It ..e)r. t• et Prance In tcrvenr . d ane d p, t ...r. p10 ‘ briat i a , a1 , 11 , : ,, .. 1.4 11.v . : , ,, 1 .5 e: ,,, c4 „ ; ri ... cf m ir i l a , , , .., , , ,, , : hr. m. ~,,..,r,„,, ~, ~,,, . o,p from IL., ~ m ,. creatral more,o11.1)1, ut ctn... , pc. e • .... reale uhri. we sa• Moo .1 l• Tll. M. , .. ao P a .41 • thl, ITr ans.. na• der 1. .rtt... re.. 1.1•4+ - 1 ri•r rotate - at rude. per hour dr.. , ~ ~,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,...,,,,,,,,,..,, .., rmm,,, arid Me canc. ria.• been paid out •4 an 11V tor 11,10. troop- c • 11. , front... toe 5 . ..- • . •cat .. .ar .' as.° V "' "L".-.." '' ..e " Per leer The I:- F a AN. IC - I ne Part. a-, ••• crcrea I firm on ~.,..,:;.- ..... "••• ':'•”‘•,.''...,,,,“ , 7 ,, ... ,, , , L 1,,,-, ....,, ~., ......., at •O •''''' ''''''' twer.J.•a Arch.en ..tfd et, late I rola. on tn. ever 14,..,011 Ila 11,0 A Iran ire •r. tale as...oh .r• rx• t 111 . .0 bane had kr:create as). of rain I.tn MAI Irtapros tcl • , per • eat ,de an( IoJ 11, .„,,,,,, n ,, „.,, „, ~ ' peace and haroost prropects rt, .11...,neet 1 0 ., ;.,,,,,-;.:,..,, .*; ~.',.,,,, 1., 1 , ,,,,,, , ,,, ,, ~,„e „ ,.. detnead wen •.; nlet. fstedent, Juts s -Thr Pro...aro. hat e se m. rY lit I"s '''•"g"'-''°""*" Tel “"”. .. „...m,.., , ~ ~.,,,,,,, ~.., r, ~, ~, r, ~ ,,, , ram, ~, , pan>, LAP 00[1.1 ,011 .” the nrat opportunit), for Monti • tstroclated Press, twenty-eve coon. of los .11. are, which al' give tee a detailed acoonnt 111 Thu meta:part-I t rue , Itetween the I'r a.- ,„, ~,,,,, i ,i,.. . ..„. ~,,,,...„ laying .tan. idol tiara:l.n% ear. lac,. deflnitel) con. '•,,,, . u p . , • „, ".„:,, i"" ei tare • ~,,,; , cc.ricl Tn. Tedera. 1ra...ie.., betted at lea- „";;Z: j""1„.7 . ,„ , ‘ ", r ,' ' ,"'. 11 ,. e r, n „. .1, " ft:Werra ere far in rig a relicts, • nth. Ms Ha- t ,.,,, „ i, , i ' e, , , ' ,,, ' ,.. 1 , , ." • .,, , ' ,.., : ' „, ~ L 7 1, ,, 11.1, .„,. 1 ha ,t e " 1 41 'an , T head ,urtrt..r. of P.lnta .I,extortler of ' 'sally re'. "..°4 "a."'" L'''' ' ''' ' 0"1"b a" Mersa. In, rt.,' :1•1 1. Ll.' al W.O I.:LIA 0,4100 11e noval•ln t.l the trcegraph °Rice for 1 he 1va!,,,,, n e , I . „,„,,,, ~,., ~, ~,,,,.. ~,,,,, the inform...tem of •/1 on Infant the Urraisl ~,,,, , e „,„ ~,.. ~, , ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,.,„. ~,,,,,,, ~ J.....ter . ..atral raignalred to other ship* after attack on th, I.mrei o • i.too.a 011 1 110 . cant h r L'' " ' "'M ''' ''''." Orr,. aOS Toe 1-011,1, , ,, VT FIRE INlarlt•I , a ' r 114,11 111,11. Al let Costr•sr. • lighting, A.lrta,ai Perri..a. a xr• et..tit ,r on . Irv: ,"„',.",!,," '°•••:,•,",',",” 0 '", ,",": 1° . . , , , ‘ , :c", °• , ' , • . ., 111 „ , r• r e ." ,,7, ‘ , ' W 4. Brass - TX, Ja., Secretary , 1 1 . 411.../•, ,10,1 , .... 11.1• 1 ,, ,1 .'t .• 1 ... i/ 1, 11, ..., . ..' •' . . ' _ . .lan. II Et morrow. Prr•sident 1 .,,,,... t ,,, . n. ,,,,.,,,, 1n 0 ,,, ~,, .... 1 ,,,,,,, , ~, 1 o 411 I alt , i N.. 1011 11.//a(3.1. 41 , 1 then Med woo li•urroan. July It, 1 , 16 , , fur toil th• thgagerne., • 1.. • A.: mire, A.trava• . a ',1":.'..'.••"•,' '.-__d_m,J 11,,' raves talct act . .. the Tr , Mc ruireen• of Me Cloterctscur }lre barer- purr., Or ~.,nadr.,•, •.f %di/air., rt., Q. , H• ',•, '" ...... , . no. „,„ y w arse, to g.vrt a•rder• na• a.l oren car Saluda ' •.• '• '• '.., ' d i - or for Imsle c s. lc ales - re, •11 • 1 a, ~,,,,ectieut take. pleasure 11l Sr. a hen ire 14 ar• aper 1••• lof ar. A .1.1, r lan ...,c, 1. .1' , . , ... ,., • , 1, , • , , , , , , 7 , ....:ra .. .7 ,. . ,, 1 , 7 , nri „. .;2' . ..ur: 1 t t : flouncing' le its patrons that the disnetrous ron appr.do rodg to p• v.., rr I. • de. Igli 1.... i, " . J•:,, rearlag r , roe In Portland, 1111 the YOLI 1 - 1.11 of cio ii....: .101. ati.: the brie... 11••• , 4,. • ~,,, of Il f ., , 1 2 . 0 . . 01.1 11• ,, / 0 ~.1..,1•1.41.1 6. to eoe r'•) J . , . ha. mno way affected Ills *olleti 11 l`nn 05 (era,. I.repar rag for an engagr . ter•ot 1. ith ' , , , , ) ,,, - , , , , 4 5 . , ... , ~ , , , , . .,1. ~,::, ~,,. .11•“ •t' ne e^ strain> bro . -in:city. It hut, Just declared and .aid Its the A esti tan ...,..It•or cal.ocrgirteerl rig and e1ev ....4 h dividend. awl the money to In bank N. pay Twelve thou.:fa.: keel: ran, haf e left 11• et : . • , ' ,, ' ' . l' '''L . . f , e , ....',.. 4 _ 1 . '' . ...._: til eci t i Our r i d •or el 0..11 111 of O. noses, inout of wits! have for Mueet,ti k The IMI ran fan ,are en,. at 1.11 •".•,:, ~7 , 7 ',:n . " , ' , .' „, e , ..: . , ' . 7 ..., w i r, Tra r. t r :t ‘ s i , :ll i r , r i . , l , 1 ,1,1 ndjurned and paid The claims alr,olv I • leart on Werore - d.o ' usedarlj reduce Its a !Miele.. told:Axe whir rr I :,.. At, t ; ~... .., Mc, nt i le - • , , I re, ..1 ,4,,,,,..] . 7 . .. - '..,!. , ' , ‘ , : 1 .. 1 . ....' 1 , 14 .. 1 11 1 11 • tort, un . .l all. tot . srt,cl‘.l I I , I. crpePle.l will farina] re liter recineed le the i 1 11l 141 i 10,',11, 1.1. 1 1104,1 retired front In, ~, ;L . % ~ ~,,...- r,,,,,:,',..rr,1,1,5,,,:1„;;,',...,,,,1 Itch, I ' . 1 dc- t adjustment. now being made After payihg tear oft ar. Pecan az ,Itle., le a 114.1 f, 1 0,0,/,.0,,, 1•111.1 ll.' 4 1.•. 1,11-4 1 lit` 4 Iliti• tn./ V, nr) dollar of it, loess It has a ,neh al des es Th...ar 1.. Federal Araertrid) 1100 is...rived ch ... waves Imo I roamed their neural error, (.1 rgin,ooo: cart reinatire every risk, and Opor a ti, inoneouitc le:opt:1m r•I . .reccia loaders for .111, f,,,,, , ,,, „m 0 , ,,,,, larger per contage or surplus than, With very the -a .00 1.11.11,. . 1 stt .le Fa stn few exceptions, any company now doing hie.- The Yrokek 1.1 ' 1 ont ~g e n t has aeon dt . b . .. I lie tai's 1 4' ..1...T • 41 t I Y n tl i• I /*A . !' I it•t , hes*. ' ed. MIMI.) ,Inc- are • ecreal Ihe • Ity of elf 11th.- . t b. , Lineico ri m, ' ' 4l h ., r• IL mays 1. W. Tartars°, d W., Frankfort tou pant a r.oratrit,•ition of c,ogrrolo .4 Ile telegil r, nigh II r* a areal +tar • a, the 5.,. , Burke's Building. No 50 Fount, "I . of florins toward% tie reetratenanse of to, ~. of Lae ag, g e est rot, e and they who have Agent. for the shove Companies. troop.; achieved it dere' ce , .• are h eel a. trenefae. 'T he fodos ing I. t ••111/ Lan 1 1 of tile trow• tor, of lia,ll . rs taken out by the t it) rd N... V•rrti, frau. I if. A trent% or pra n ce ha. oxen .411011 hots seri erpout on the I-th a 11, 1 In and l'r 0.11 a In the (furor ad r rammer.. Mr Ord gave fp- A pr et loun ielearnin soya that a fire llit)• • ar -sii.- .Ice of a .. 1 on. , i to s het net the govern macron het wren A n , tria arid Prussia trOmmen -20, las Martyrs of Liver Coospititint• ! merit Inte .l nded to 1.1 0V4.4 ~ 1.• 1:0, ,rll.or P., ry, •ed at 1110.% , x. Ili.- 1411. There ass n light On Amen,/ the wouderlttl medical properties of Jamatats. the 2, i the Austrian. riallittng a victory. laird 111.1„x)' .10.111 c Mil rad 11 titan to tlo. re- Earl ausnriao% hod protested ltr tile Moms% which nave rentime•l LiriSl ETTER'S STOM. m,, ~, ~ , , ,, , ,i ~,,,,,,., e,,t ,„,„,,, i.,,, ,. . e , e . ~/ • ~,,,, r. 4,11 11111 1 tie relorm meeting. In ACM lIITTEite pre-eminent am the ~.tr.. lieu., r 1 r.„ ~,,,,,,, 1., t e r ~.„,,, w „„ „ ~,,,, .„.„,,,,, ~,, ,„„ ~ , t , ~, , r jr, , ,,,, ~o rm .r•dr111.1. 1 1 Ilatt 1,...51aha to notitrel other nu , henlth-restoring preparations of the age, its if1i A tc ,, ... 1 „, , , , , -ire.. me) ult I , 44,11, - 1 'O.l. pt 1 0 .4• loci ore „ lee ht 1 . ...4 aati.l,llll.lll Virtues are not the least remarks- on the I'd o . utel ri..• Ad-11nm. a • r.. der...L1...1 A ler roan engager/mot ook place on the "Min trie No urd) , yen do Juid Ice to Its marvel- tel tto ie.. of , ,le. , .:ol 11, / in , i OAI 1 141.11 .ff tire 1 01111.001 01 1.... a I'lle Austrians claim ,m.r effects upor , ~,,, ~,,,,e , ,,,.., li ner. p e rhaps 1 were teak/rag 0 reser retreat om a rd of As la I a %crier, 1 he% sank 'tot Italian Ironclad., Ti,,,, pen,..rara..... ar.d•rd .1 ”.11.1e'll 1 111 1 . , 1 1 /... a 11/.1 11, 1104 o. oto. Nl,l Mara mg up three. the simple. ords n, . conval..e. ' "uff.”.. i;th, , 0i 1.% /,doto m. hat ton het so `hill who dererit., it as trgoing right p_, rho glad," atel Vienna. Toe ett,r. el 1114[1”431 11/Cfa3 Ran . 're. trod Jstaro r., 11 . 18/. 1 11,,1v/i, D. 1...., SLR The .go being concentrated noon I 1. , 11 DX .\1..111 10. ~Aloe 4 IS• roareeseftilly completed t ' "11 t ' h" ""?" too clearly 00 May b. : . IS due The Pr sissran a 01 . 1 :deo Fran ithrrt OD 11, • '.lato 0..191 1 11$, 1 110 pa that O. wlliprove a Mess rlght to tie spot. It Operates ditectiv upon : ~,,,,. lig io kngland awl the I ulOal Stales, 1111.1 the ,theeuimed organ, and whether unduly Tto Austrian ..."- aen , retiring into the et 1 ',W.. the mu:teems° between oto ow. =Urn or In is state of paralysis, ruid.rus Ii td f o r I tei l , :e , ~ • , ,; . i p . 1 b en. , , , t , i , n. , 1 , , , t .,, 5..;r.• in i‘ at lag ,ll ,:crarr ,ell at r> l % ,, , , , ,, 1 , 1 l i es „, lc . a.. ter , n lie l re i bi r, uh ,, isre. rins.,. ' a inept •t . 11 t h e ,, ~,,,, i, t . tf1 . 1 .1„,), ~.._.. 1 ,,,., ,, , , , , w ~,,,,, I Stinnach, pain between the Shoulder. and In i pr,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,„,,,, ,* . p., „, „,,,,,. ...,,,,,, , ~,‘,,,,, . n,..,„,,y ~„g r,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, the Richt rrldri, Yellow huLTUSIOn or the Skin, ..h..,n tr.;,,..,i,,,,,•,:,,, ~ ~ , , , ,F,, , , t , , ,, , %, ;; ..r . ,, i , .. ~ , e ~ ~.. . ' l ' l, l l 1 1 1, .1 1 1,,, yoll i r ;retort °rot May prove a. Po.l I. miens, DrOWS 1 110aa and Langrdrr, blur- • ..• ' ' t ' • ' d ' ." • t • ' ... t ....I .. .a• ~ , ,,a • • ft ,11 0 Imre been pet se v ot• .r.w.. I, its, tie eetue LI litier the 44111 LA:011 10 pro ' ne, of night, Lolls, Palpitation of toe Heusi • cu a ra. 1•1 .11 1 ell MIN., iml.ll‘. 1011 11/011, 1 , 4 . 1 4 ,11 the /L. 111.1 WIC 01 1 ,1 ' irry Cough, I,w Freer, anti other symptom. ' .I.lteri, ~ I, h., ~, ~ - artitrra - Tlia• colt 1 , 01 ., 1 , T , 1 , 1 , , , - ~,,,„ 1,11,1 li,, ~,,,r . .,,.,,,.. ~, trio „,,,..,,, 14 . 1,1 Ch indicate the various phases of acute ~k:;J!!.",',',""1,,',1,',',', ' , 1,1:1, 1,. ,b,.',„:,;l,f.''r wilt ' item I • eil e d •• I `aai. od f .• s oar”; .1 0 11•11011 and Chrome Liver Lomplalu I. are one and all .i e,. m .,. „.i... ,•, ,,,, ~,,,,,, ~,, ~,,,. ~„,, pflr..., I promptly Pei 10 Va a, and a tz..l Is removed, I.y 11 , 111 1 , 1• , .1, 4a: ./ 1:o 1:7:1.4 , 1 11 li'l4 r L 7 ..., t .,,...,.1..... 7 ., ~,,,, 4. 1 ,T . ,, ' ,, ' ,, -r , '.. 7; , ‘ .,, "‘' ,„;,..7 . . i j ,!: lp. , .., ' ,., 1 1 . ; ' , : . the 44 . 1.1011 of this famous Preparation, which 5 1 ~ . , • , 1 .1 , r , ' , .' , . ." ''; fr , ' , ! ",',..;,,,, ,„:!..,. ' , ‘ .„ '" ,, g 1 n 7,, , ,, 1 , ‘ „ . ; The 1 eleerapli Lank . he. 1... sticottasfully LA at 04 Ile the,est of correctives, tile gentlest i,Leffly 4 0 , 1 111 „,,,, r „ e „ ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,i 4 ~,,,, laid tr:rt ,, a r een Irt . ..:ll:el o ln , li vo te r w .,, fo r =l . s • Li , d tho l. road most genial of aperients, an infallible rag- price. a, ;tot ei rto 1,1 57. tat( f,•; hal Pr, ~T,11 , 1 , 1 . 1 0 . f 1? , . " ( 4. oltal l 4 ' l tates, hi the w . inter of ulutor, and a powerft/ I restorative. l'entorm rist' t- l im , ' , ' . ;• T1 ', 1 ::: ,. • , ‘ " , • ; , ' ,„ n :, ' ' ' ‘ ! ,, ': ,. •11 , .;' ,, ' , ', t , ” , ii'',;- ' I iis7, ant, reeoriect wil; plot, the aptree • of a Ul/1011. 414 1,11...h0 toe the linters us a 11'1',X.I'Lt..riel)(M'arintrtrar...1 1,111.011 irregells ' r . t.il - jou t 11111 100110 Its la% or of tile Telegraph 1.111. prolectl% 0 Melte Ilse, viii never suffer the till derd,eleg. Lard dull and nominal 1 . ., ' ,. ' rhat lon may never have reason N, regret w hut )011 have 11 11115 to establish communion , pains and penultit• of Liver diem.° or Bilious low Inactive p ro d ge o_A„he., .1111511 Aides grf pots at sao , lion eel tl eM idle Alia 11 I.lr, 111 lilt' •Incere wish of liemittent Fever. ,,,,,,,.,. ti ne, ~.„gr., 'ill let. Mice t oriel Ned Imo Irlend ~,,,gro,(1) r,,,,,,,,, w, 1.1.,11. ilastetter'•llitter• ~t,,,iy. 1,,,q4.4.41 "II very dull. RM. 111 leaf , are' said wholesale and retail at very low eau,. lil e. ',I Mietup 11.11 al I. nal tor hon. , , I IV an nr k ore v, July 21..-Cyrus W. pied, i -Breadstuff. Inactive had //,,,,, t l saulool-Acknotuledyentents ant CM, at . lerulnit's Lints and Potent Medicine Depot, , /. :'7 d" ' , ... ,, - ,f li r, " , r t . , " '' ' . nu Golree firmer. Tca oillitit Urelothi/ii.pl• -If the Atlantic liable had not to ,„, Market ail bet, earner of the Diamond hot ciewly hi, - sten,' Tallow steady. :ailed in lio. European SLatea WOUIrI net have sal Market, near V onrt h etroet. LAI en 1 111 1.0% I),,loknet.-Lter - rimsal, .h.fp hem; 'err In tee!, into the great error ot sue- Si.--i.,..s ton Inu Biol., t.' l. treater ruporta t Ile posing that civil war In A [notice Mould either sate. •If tn.. w.•••k et 71.,./ hales, Including 11,1101 perpetatte Al r lean timely or dr, itle thin Itre io ~,, 1 1 , ,t0t 5 1111 , 1 Jklodo to exporters. Tlll. public 111111 great ach leer:Meat eOuritltuLee, market circtu r d Irregular, clorrlng after tome I trost, an effective treaty 01 international fluctuallou at • •nri , principally 011 the middling neutrality and tron-InterventiOn. 1 qualities. Bread...lulls are vasty dull. Curt Signed, WY. IL Bzw•lin ear ler. Provision, dell. Meaux's COXTENT, J ulyirM.-To dtriffonortrry London, July .0, --4,0004.10 for tormo), i t S attA Jfentrarrs Of Me Allll7lllO 7 1 11iCOMPA CO gin, t: h. 15-'9ia, day ®7116„ lillnoia Contra / I congratulate yea un the suocessful oomple- Snare., 771117‘,; Ihrle :hares, etel426„. mon of telegraphks communication ketteeen Ireland and Newfoundland, and hope within two weeks from Mlle time, to Inform you that the oable lust lasi year has been recovered, Austria Destines Prussia's O nditiost• and that a second line is la operation sortem I ci the lc. I assure y ou that nil on board far Powvsn - rviv..".... ° ' - ''IP , ""'.- tile telegraph de at will duall they can no aO - oompllah this object. Maw Yon., July es.-The Bond er Moravian (Signed,) Crave W. rtaLD from ft:puce, arrived at Londonderry on the ~ , , ortAnT a ....ONTIMr, July Z7,-Tb Ms plrerfors N th " ' be " cam " CR Y 0f not "' froin Now of MO lino York, .Nonfouridltlna and London York. arrived at Queenstcrwn ou the oth. Yolog/rayk Company .-11' b arrived this day. ' The Yrestort Nanking Compare y had suspend- TM: cable has Geen laid across the Atlantic, ed. Toe ItabILICI. are at present unknown. , It was reported that Austria had decidedly r,„;-1,,t,.,: taken Jl. ..„-147„.,,,,,rdarir,,&,.r0trit: mused to accept th e Prussian °auditions for 1 v ., where ibv .,.." ..i. lost ~,,,,„,:ir" rand peso., when recovered WM splice it With the cable u p er l= w d zi ti a ted; d in e te su a es ti t on tiat oi th b. e lre m n in ch g 1 , otboia b oar d 9l.4o f ththl G ureatea. E ma, tawrnut TrameerALrettniry an armed mediator in the difficult-lea. i the cable across the (full of BL. Isefrouseer The Prussians had occupied Diuizurteelt. New Dr... Uteeda .1t Bate. no.l North A mot-Iran Tretnalt Insarsore tom pony of Philndelphin—Yortland Fire. Ti,..Nortn American Flro Instaranee Com P.m) nolti Ite onset at Portland. and re ce,citi (tom the Insured the following twill mon tai • PORTZ-ant), Jule 9, DOI. The undersigned, haring held pollelmi In the North American Fire Insurance lump/toy, of lied trent. Conn., hear grateful testltnony to :he prompt and I lbcrul manner the same have here adjusted and paul, thereby alley hating the losses unstained by the recent terr , ble sox/a...glutton. Ke cordially reeocomeml the North American, of Hartford. to the rove. dent, cod patronage of the pbbllc . J E Donnell, A. N. Noyes d Son Woodman True A Co., Charles sawyer, Jeremiah h. White, B. M. Brown. • - . • , - . Edwin S. Hovey, tseorke Hay', J. Wright, Y. I) , J. A Mitehell, Thomas H. Parsons, 5. H. Weeks, Nathan J Davis, Charles Morse. M. J C Woodman, 11. S. Haler & W., M. rJ. M.& 1.. A. Hover, ~ W A. Lutk lu A Cu. .•...- • . • . by E. a Hovey, utry, {treed d Co. Duel,. Brother", .Joaeph S. Jewett 1)011 WILDA Mr . I t 1,111. B. W. 'Tx or rem( 3 C0., Burke's Building, 2d floor. No. 56 Fourth •t Merrimack Prints At Haws and Bell's. I=l3] Are opening new goods. Don't By that Tea ren't Get the bast qUallty of English and bcotch Ale, Porter, or Biown Rout—for, by calling at Fleming , s DrugPopot you will find too most complete stock o the finest brands—and get them at the very lowest price. Remember the pines, Ftzwistobi Otto AND Front Moo. Minos DErar, No., 84 Market street. Neer Dry Goode At BMW end Delfts. Travelling Dress Good■ At Bates and BelPe. A nallread Club, CHICAGO. July purpo serailrod club haa been :a=for th of takingone thous- In the Crosby Oe, EtOtlie Mao ciatkia. We the Intention tt. only railroad and ineamboattaen shall be allowed to par. abase *harm SiCOND EDITION THE ATLANTIC CABLE. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY WEST TELEGRAMS. FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Peruvian THE WAR O THE CONTINENT Military Situation Unchanged 03.4.4...NTRAT1NG BE- ront: ENN ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN AUSTRIAN AND ITATIAN FLEETS. Satisfactory News front Great Eastern. Dispatches to President Johnson AUSTRIANS DEFEATED BY ITALIANS. and Secretary Seward,and Their Replies. Fnivriccu Pot sr, J uly ay.—The atosulshlp ruslan, from Live, pool on Thursday. July la, vie. Loudonderry on Frldny, J uly 'Nth, palmed this point it fivo o'clock this afternoon on route to Quotwo. LATENT tlr Tm.xo a a 0 to L,ND051.866, Lwurrynol. Juip 20.—Th to tittort - position to unchanged. ()real forces are ooneen 1 rat lug On lioth solos. 'adore Vienna. flit Menttenr All ills: Prtirn.in has etintionted abstain from 50f0.01‘ n: for tie o ,(laps; pro v idea that .tsist tia l 0 d.. 111.• wine, and give her deelsion en the basis proposed within that per., The nes+. troni II eat Etteterit continuo+ Pet filet w"r"na' :infer ofl.laictor, About nine hundred miles(Tarn W. FILL", Of the All int le +.5 1 .1e hail been pelt! out 01 , I•I6I,TCH Cotton has .leel opal I ‘ e on I lie week The tie , _wa are tap.... sales of t u k have 7 t .010 hate, to. lI.Y • e IFrtilita ' sales a , estlinnteil at 12,00. grnpla collailittliCkt:On 11.11 Irnlantl. The ca bal++, the market closing steady all.1.11•ng bin in In porreet ot der Orleans quoted at 14 , 0. tool uplahLls Cr it Figt.n. at 134,0 Itre+pletutfe very :lull Corn mater. THIRD op, I..rrH Prile ' . ‘"" l ' l "11for it L. 4111.. Goa ser a . Jule —England and Unllod 6 " , 4 ion 4", .(murk's are again untteti 11l telegraph. he RlllllOlO in the iLunk et Eng- cabin la in perfect ondel b ane been 1 n.l ilecrensed .347,mn,tie retying sainie l mewlin rartlt g toessagen thron,rh the la the linage of tviintoonn. Mr Illaraxtoll.. tile optics „. the 1411 , 'announced the ulthdrnwn• of the t off ai „„ ina Chorelt Rule bill for the present The Elective Franchiw bill wise alsottli xi ItitltT . .. 01, TENT, 11:y Z.—The (:rant Pas rti left stosir nags on Sat ctrosy at titooN 'qr. IL Mayne. Chief t.l the Metropolitan I'll- Hitt ...lb. art l+ kal nt Ilearhavon on TlittandnY .‘" f""'"Id'". the P I " - morning, Jul+ . .t 11, ate! revel red the halation I L" "Y d `' 1 l ' h " of het ...Is antd prorsibreut + istries The B arbs steam.. inet...leclertng a Illegal, nod +tilting that The }.ante rat inyin , „ measures sani Ira taken tO prevent the us ,•1111.11.1K tpf 1 Tue.. 111,.. f•nl htt Corry and Perrlole on Friday N% nn —TI,. Pross.nn nerni Faikin- „I s s t. t. I• hag lon " Albany on the 71h, nll.l mid, ay on the Frankfort an.: proclattint 10 • Announe. pig the Itt.“111111t... go•ei natant+ of ton saint - On+ , sue 7th of in.+, at tho end oh =‘"'". III '""‘ a " . • I. she, the nal.le o , is Ignacio front Willhant iphal 1,01 t 10. a itnt ft.H.t 2. neat morning the laing The I. Ana ',nate ni+ •.+•en , sweet...telly aotopleto+l, unti -e y e liti I'n Is" 1. ".•••""` ' ..1142.11.1 nlitet)•fnur t.110t15114 rit Ilshial I, • r head ,nertei ut I un.l+roattg 1„„g„ tn, 1-1 n else AO, miles of Tie 'lt 1, liar) "1 C11..1.• T“ • Liu. !nal II liscoon " r "‘ n ”" I . t e+l 11.1 Rear Pinion to realer all assistance slll flt,t.tlio I pont, ""the tI ' " . '"‘" 7 'n of , teat Eastern. Milyrit+ si at ke I It o t p.aolino'ng p„.:.1 K.,c•"n,ne„ one "" h" I..re tient at ISIS-nth+ Knit prayer+ offered xnn v. an • n'a , - the(. g ,p ..ncrennfit. laying-if the ..ashis .i.tir itlon :tint pr0v , ..1..t0. The 1ta1.,. a- , I ' ante cat., hontat ..teut Eastern, und ut 40 ‘..."11 ue l"' '''"“ ' l ' Thn It '" a " 1 "‘" tt.1,10,110.v•I o.r .a• 'at the 1010,1110 Tele. " I "'"" ' '" !rni Sao t,at. t.,11,,a,n, ruler ',r etelling to have .1111.0 t•e, a, ro-, I „„,„„ iosaii „„ „ n tarn riverto, hare „ n and „„ alarlNa l' pzuse.it +I.: , ` TI, A nal .ar'• It/It am-111100, ,01.• ‘' '4. , t.t.1 *H.. sent through , altedetts the 0 ""'" 11 '' 'll",nett n a „ „,„„ ftiati.t Fast,. to telegraph rt.•. ai f, ..1 .5 5,11., In %Lat n ., " r ••n: Inv, .lu., it .111. tot..e. Pru ssian son.iti tons at. le.l Anetria rOtl, 11 ict . I --I,et6i. I', in e ine t Oar qta...t ton. of ID, ...c.“ u .c =I •• 31,1.11,, 11, .11 .4 . NOrl, 1..1, It-wler.l. ME r w ...~ r. Luw r l ~..~ urn ~u l FROM EUROPE. PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, JULY 30, 1866 England and America Again United. THE CABLE IN PERFECT ORDER. Dispatches from C. W. Field. IN COMMUNICATION WITH IRELAND What the London "Time" of the 27th Says. PIACI DRILARRD BITTRIN AUSTRIA AID PRUSSIA, THE TREATY SIGNED. INTERNATIONAL NEUTRALITY AND NON INTERVENTION F1.X1001.151 IN CONDOMS. !Saw loan, July 2l.—Tho following ilispatob hits Just lines rectilved from Cyrus W. Field. Ile.trt•s Content, July 2A, Pille—We arrived here at nine o'clock It'll, morning all well. Thank tied the mtbie has been lald anti Is to - ,A, , . !- 1 , 4 . ..1,• I :111. T . . - ki•l cant, 1, rriLr.a. F. I tar. .i.) —l,l,ancat run. 117 r .aA... L. J il IP La tan, . un. I:1 A.,/•• make. -D.C....nr• run. 113 Rili,ll nbat• 1.a1.1 "411. I cannot ex - press to you how thankful I feel that you will now receive some return for the money that you have spent, and the Lime that you have devoted doting the last half year to connect ho telegraph our own country with Great Britain. Cvaus W. Fl/LD. The following Is a list of the Direct°rs of the New York, Newfoundland and Lon don Telegraph Company : Peter Cooper, Cyrus W. I'leld, Moses Taylor, Harshall O. Roberts, Wilson G. Hunt. The ,pfli«rs of the Company are Peter Cooper. Pr °indent; Cyrus W. Field, Vice President:Moses Taylor, Treas urer; Robert. W. Lowber, Secretary. Hosar's s....olsrlasT, July OsIO Yield says there have been riots In London on account of the refusal of Government to allow lieform nita•thigs in Hyde Park. Jelly paper ball been plUsllshesl on tl,o (1,555 Eastern. An,. RAY, Ganda), July 'Ai, 'hi. r v.—All dispatches from Europe, no Heal L'e Content no I Vert no Barque, being inninly relative to the successful laying of the "ably, have been forwarded by telegraph from thi• point, and the news yacht *ailed this afternoon on Tier return to Fort au Barque. Another vessel will arrive to-morrow (Monday,) morning, from Pert an Barque, with further adviees from the mible and Europe. The telegraph Ilmm are in good working order FROM NEV ORLEANS. Mayor Plow.. Announces Ells inten tion to Disperse the Convention— Procession or Negroes—Distarbaueos —Three Negroes Hllled-I•olleemen —Wounded. New 0 at.aA sa, July Wells has ar rival from Red river. The Convention meats on the 30th. Mayor Monroe Iffne addressed a letter token. Baird, infortuing ham that ho Into Mai to dis perse the Convonl.loo and arrest Ills members, unless pro! (feted by the mliltary authority. Gen. sayeno protection him ''ffon asked, and rid louleo Monroe', proposition. He nays If a legal convention, it had a right of tubet; if Illegal, It Wan Iptrulles pleasantry. lie con cables by saying that he shall p. event v:o -lentil and preserve order. All tn.. sl1114: 0211 ,,, 1. hit • e formally protested against the Governor's proclamation, awl the Secretary of State refuses Ills neat. After the adjournment 01 the meeting butt night, the negroes turmoil into prirweginon, and armed with clubs, brickbats, Ac., vent 11001- Mg through the street, threatening Violence. At the ineetlnZthe !Tooker.; hail used violent langUngn. Two t tet uttbarces Occur red in the otty, resulting In the 1..1111ng of tares negrom Three pollee °Meer., were badly . Irruined ny the negrmi, All in quiet on, of littenn negirwle hare been 'Wanted 01111 Jaied. ionlernOxxl 11101 elLorls nrn marr ing bow the Ghiet of Pollee to here[Le uyegkere a lin owed vinlent ine , ndlum language ar• routed, and that a niICOM liraof want nu tietional Sherinna tthe elinirta of those exulting the blurt ommlntlon uwratmit the 011, ten. The l'onv•ntion Troubles—Mayor Mon roe Tolographe she PreohienS. He retro., an •nuner, nod Thereupon Is- =2 New OKI-Y..4.'04 dole . L . .—Yenlorday the %I hooey General of Slut, an.l I.lr. ta I;o1 , occur teingreiploal to the l'resnleo informing hitn of Ilie r latent still Incendiary pioneedinge at, npeeetten al a Republican nesfro inerting night before. stating • /lona inn Pee learoa, that the U.,. ernor hn•l reteil MUM calling for an e.em M ion 11. I theeeteeli le OW tlleZlll Ole% i• II if el, and flint he an.. k-ague Init. the liepnl , lte.kos, t hat it a n.jell tualeting I iletetlelbeim ol tho mlll , OOllOll to it grand ptrr, :end 1.0100 the Intended Clint tut, lot. Itary ft t it.' .11 mattes simultl interfere to prevent the execution of t...• I'r ±, which the Vr. , !.itrot pue..l from Waughtn,ton. 7 , 7 Alttert rnurh.ttes. 1...•14t tint sssss tt tollttot ullt t. .1 to and not to nh.trua nr Itat,• , • - •• ..1111 ti , . pr, weetllngL ‘ll•pard Y. n the 01 L 1,.. 1 , 1" , 111.11,1 1 , . .1.111 It. I. NV agar Um , nolrolnil :on N Olt! J.. ••••••S ..41.00 the or4,lrtuut 3111v,rosily ( P• 1 , 1111-1, 'l4, I Kull,Jul!, .11. tur•s, to F.• too of t dr.% ...• , 1 tzep olulltgutsco ....Poo, 'l5l Ito• prim. e o o Itpt god 01(1,r 011:o. tit might 111.1 ortru.l. ..tor... I, Jot.. I Nicol:or s.l,•yat tat. tit. of Now 1,11.• •• trim, lay um, tots, .341.t0g Ptpippt too prop', of tho. tir dare( ti 10Ln/t0...ar0. 0i1...0p...ad l par . ..tost I) ',tipr . the ito.utturtrs 01.1111114111 1 1 10 ILI .ILI. •itoo u , .. .1.4 that la. good nat.,. ..1 1.111 1 l'lly ttiopy to , 'Po and It — 013.111., of tto , ant 11 - 5 'lt Pre.', 11l Jollto.on tpa. Lot allortlod rot opippo.tunity ... • In) ra rroallag t.rtPrich of Oar 41.1 Of 1 / I (Ml , vtlig fuel. to • ill, grout ..! c:ty .and ' , late. I p . P.l..rttler ett ;Pon 1111 , 41 1,11 r 1.. I r.on I.l.erlngutxml Lb, pl.c. .L 1 , r, t ton I art. ..ttilont.l Irma 7,01,3 t fl.3t. n 414 t L -1 !, .1:1 ..•• from toe tn.t t-te, 11114,40,./. rot 1, •t nn.l ..vt• ,1 a. t• t.• the .tsmta....zt elf lb., ..t Jallf • 1 • u:. .1t• • !. IL.•.t.1111. pres,nt •nrr,T 1.1 rt:l "I ri•ti oflac,r, from Interferalg •lib LI, C..- scnt,ort Tll, T , ,!..d.v. , Tito w,111,•11 tx,tl na)out n .1 11 .1.1.:1.• .4 septet], rlr Nun 1. !....-I, t The glut fQll..vving flouted Saw. hry. J. 0, Dril.ter enter,.o.rry F. cuter.. 0.. 1... :le." H. It. Vaovuorhlv enter. ..Joe. the Orphan Bur." The above homes hate all boon entl red, sinil wlil go. Any of t.l -m (wits, to eLii 0.11101 0 t Sirre thu ylelege to compete for a premium •ist Pririt nuke.. prevented he en:l:iv,. u[her tusks:wel eau., which halt to tirel,sl iiv Juoge• uf the day. I sot netertothi .1 hest...nor to enforce tills rule. I alit gettli.x tire.: of melt eooduct the p ainl tn.,. .0.1 hues rieen rioiurstell beet ral lime, ses,l of speteil that wet, oever lutesturii, as..l ies. r telslet 10 .lop It; so pits me, rat,. J.. eiwg oue of le (mutest trots us Wt. attLIS..I/. (ht.. LUC .11,14 0 34 4 0 Il li. V NV , .1.111.1/IS. JOST ARRIVED FROM TUE EMT. BOOTS AND SHOES No. SO Nurket Street, Pittsburgh• Ps. ..._I .. TLldOld entablished house has now In .to r .tltlet r• het thousand dollars worth of Boots and w oesh the styles the latest, Me quality the hest. write , tee ere determined to sell at VF.HY Wt{' rum , • We have resolved not to be undersold ny suite ue hus , Incas tbat keel[od• worth hsvlng. Call and exMe our shoe* or c hat an and WtS feel satisfied that you telt! parch. what :ton ant In the Stout and alma Line. 110 not /street the pls., MV Vaal:J.lB,lr.: ~,, !titan, LLOSE &tai. rracilical t urniture Mammal,: COL PENN AND WAYNE SisRE~ +s Lawn styles of FURNITUBScouswaly - 59 Income Return.., - \ 111111.10, 1...1.11. ELM von; 1.,. la.,h.T•s It I: 2.. IL J . I,Jit• ME =II I=in I= =1 •TALIUMII3 FiC,39133,