I TIFF n' Y Yri " Pr , II PENNIMAN, REED & CO., bio.s. 'EMI mast'. P127111R11011. FLY Vilt.BlEfAlt; . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. 1866. •rtn& cam. for a "National Union (kn. vention," by DOOILTTLE, COWAN, RAN= DAL; and their associates, marks the point of absolute separation between those Re publicans who mean to abide by their prin. ciples and those who design following the political fortunes of the President. The terms of we call are so definite and remark. i As cheap OA [Mewl cants at t.l able as to leave no doubt an to the inten shoe store. Bore Shoes Lion of the leaders in the movement, or the destination °full who fitil in with il.. The manifest object: is to restore the control of the Government to the set of men who held it when the rebellion was planned and launched upon the country. It will be particularly noticed that "loyalty" is so defined as to invite to full communion all the rebel leaders. Whoever "loyally accepts the national Situation, and cordially endorses the principles set forth in the i call," is taken by the hand as a good man and true. On these conditions JEF FERSON DAVIS, ROBERT E. Lae and that whole set are eligible to membership, and would doubtless be received with greater honor because of their desperate efforts to destroy the Government. Ax office-holder of this county, who im agines a remark we made yesterday, refer red to him, sends us a note to correct our understanding of the case, in which he says: "I have never received any letter from Mr. COWAN, nor any communication, verbal or written, in which it was stated or intimated that the persons in this coun ty holding °dice under the federal govern. meat were expected or desired to vote dem ocratic tickets next fall." This is doubt less true in his case; but whoever lives and watches will see as soon as Congress shall adjourn what are the intentions of the President and Mr. COWAN in that regard. A clean sweep Is certainly intended for all who stand by Congress, unless a law shall be passed, meantime. to prevent it. A Wasn't - Karon telegram to the Cincin . anti Gazette says: "The indications are so strong that many of the Fenian leaders are about to declare for the party of liberty, that the Democrats are really becoming alarmed, especially the New York city clique, who arc so largely dependent upon the naturalized wing of their party." A special to the Philadelphia Press says: "A number of Fenian leaders have visit ed Washington during the past two weeks and have freely announced their purpose never again to co-operate with the Demo cratic. party." REPORTS from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caralino, South Carolina and Texas induce the belief that the cotton crop is be low the avenkg'e. In Texas the crop is good; but taking the average of all the cot. ton producing States, the; accounts are MI favorable. Perhaps some'ilkiwance should be mule for the depressed feeling which Pervades th portion of the country. Tun den* - rots of Armstrong, eounty Have nominated Jacob 7..eigler for Con gress; E. S. Golden for President Judge ; Simon Truhy Mr Assembly; Wm. R. Ral ston- for Prothonotary; Boyd Fleming for Register awl Recorder, Isaac Rill for Assn elate Judge, and Thomas Caldwell for County Commissioner. - - Trrs Democrats of Bedford tmunty have nominated A. 11. Coffroth for Congress, aod•B. F. Myers for State Senate. The Bedford inquirer says no ticket has been nominated for years by that party with so little enthusiasm. Tun Democrats of Juniata county have nominated Dr. S. B. Crawford for Con gress, and Jerome Hetrick for the Assem. • CONNECTWVT leads off. The upper branch of her Legislature has passed the Opastitutlonal Amendment, and the lower branch will do likewise. - . Tam Democracy of Beaver county have nominated Samuel Bigler for the State Benue, and John Edgar for the Assernbl . GESERAL 311EiVN —Steam is to be used es a disinfectant at the quarantine hospital in New York, bay. It is but fi short time since that Dr. Farr, one of the most distinguished men in Europe for his knowledge of sanitary affairs, in a letter addressed to the foreign corresponding secretary of the Health Board, made the statement that in London -and. Liverpool the use of steam as a disin fectant had taken the plane of everything else. It IA now In extensive use on ship-, board, air always with great effect. —Parties in St. Louis are urging a charge of corruption against Governor Fletcher, iu the matter of the sale of the Southwesti3rancb of the Pacific Railroad to,Generalyremont. It. ts stated that D. C. Preemait and Company, a responsible firm in. St. souls, bid $1,13.50,000, and an nounced that they would go aslugh as $2,- 000,000, , ill necessary; ,but the road was awarded to Fremont at only $1,300,000. The Governor has not. yet replied to the charge. ... . • tl —A. pc who has recently visited the Shenandoa Valley says it is wonderful to see the pro on of cattle and poultry iu this `'clenud d"- valley, alley the derasta tion it was id to have suffered. Except the absence f &lifts in - Bonin places, now and then a fi rtitlcation or a burnt barn, no orm - Vould a poScan : army _had been. In ' the valley. lie or two years' crops will replace all t e destruction that has bein made, excep leas of life. '=L.A. - Berth difficulty occurred last weekin Clay county, Georgia. A freedman was ordered to report to the agent of the Freedmen's Bureau. Refusing to do so, the Sheriff attempted to compel , bim, whereupon the negro, incensed by the vio lence of the Sheriff drew a hale, rushed win him, closed with him, and cut him so that be la not expected to 80/VIVO The persons who were with the Sheriff imme diately shot the negro dead. . • —The Leavenworth papers announce a thriving trade with Mexico. Scarcely a . day passes without witnessing the de parture of one or more long trains, each consisting of six to st dozen or fifteen wag ons, and each wagon carrying nearly 0,000 pounds freight, hauled by six or eight yoke of cattle. The goods , embrace every arti cle known in trade, bat - principally dry gnd oods,shoes. groceries, hardware, clothing, boots a —7-Two boys, while -in the- Woods. in Wayne otimty, N. Y., recently, discovered agray eagle's nest in a high tree. They cilmbecithe tree and captured two young ones, which measure nearly_• three and a half ame a feet from tip .to tip. The old` eagle cfter than, whereupon the young sters-Put their.prizes under their coats and took to their heals, pursued by the mother bir —A few days since the yeomanry. of Rockbridge comity, ' , Virginia, were called out for the purpose of reorganizing the militia' service. San* of them not under standing-the purport or the call, and unit. ware that the war NU ended; thought an. other cohlwriPtio l2l VU.lo, be bad,, and ac-. cora:Ay fled to Ma . Mcatiataths and the ,--43ari:tot. il - alnes itothf44l, 4: bawitlibrary telomi thotunind: Volunimiihiclillicludes pauy nue* books and tiduable zwinuacrios. e===, PUULISHEII lIIf IT! open Prom .1 . 011 0. fn., to nine p. m. , t U01:180 Shoo Storo. Good C'oatom Mode Calf Boots Warren toil hand sowed, and a perfect 0 ty gale, at the Opera tiOttee Shoe Store. Labia'w (Meostrint Cream For the hair. It has no equal for promoting the growth of hair. For sale at Fn/ton's Drug t store, corner Fifth and Smithfield streets. Itnc • atremis A full line,'gogl styles, and at low prices, at nor corner Fourth and Market streets. C. Ila.arsos LOVE it CO. Sew Der Goods Of every variety---a splendid stock now open ing, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market wtreets. Prints and Muslims, In good styles and of the very best brands now opening on the northeast corner o Fourth and Market streets. C. IlAssoa Love & Ilao. We Notice That Fleming, Druggist., No. al Market street, in addition to his large stock of drugs and pat ent rn , Nlicine, has added the Roast qualities of ICnglish nnu Scotch ales, porter, anti brown stout. As It has been extremely gliftlealt to procure these articles in this city, we mention this matter for the benefit of our invalid readers. Fleming also keeps a very select stock of pure tumors for medical purposes. The Flea Primmestlon. Persons going to the State Flag Presenta tion at Philadelphia on the 4th, should call in at Jno. D. Ramaley's, MI Liberty street., on the way to the depot, and Provide themseires with one of those handsome Leather French P llseen., or Traveling Sacks. They are very nvenlent for carrying a change of clothing, .r articles needed In traveling. Fifty differ .nt kinds and sizes, from SS to Silt The lam t and best assortment in the city. Get the n Grant's Prize Medal e" Grunt's Prlto Attain! Grant's Prize Medal Morrison (•) Shirts, Morrison 1•1 Shirts, Morrison (•/ Shins, The be, t make ord. Ti. hest make out. The best make out. A large stock on hand; also made to order if mitred, at the Original tine Price Clothing ad Furnishing Store of J. D. Itsustirr,333 Liberty street, Nearly opposite Wayne The Wonder* of Medical leelenee. ••fioetory , sub] a man to me one day, "I feel all over bruised If I had been In a bag all day an,l pounded.My flesh feels sore, in) - ! side, my hack nail bet weer my shoulders ache Kith all sorts of pains. I walk listlessly along; have no energy, and there Is a torpor :Lod sluggishness of my whole system, so that I don't care for anything and have very little care about. anything. "It seems like laziness.," but it isn't, for I used to be m active and en ergetic as any one. It can't be age, for I am comparatively a young @MI. i have tried all sorts of pills and powdeni, and still I don't get well. What ails me what shall 1 r , This Is not the ease of one man, brit that of thou sands. It is not ono organ that is effected.hut many. The system of such a man needs an ulferriner to tune up each of the depenattvw functions and make them act, so that when the current of the blood passes by and through them, no poisonous matter will be al low.' to pass by that organ whose duly It Is to carry it out of the system, as worn out or 050 d up matter no longer nt to nourish and sustain life. The modietne that will do this effectually and completely, one which ma com plete and perfect alterative and blood portlier, is "Dr, geyser's flood &archer." Science and great care have eolith:oust In its preparation, and it stands to-day peerless and without a rival in restoring and rejuvenathig.t he weak ened or wasted energies ef life. Reader If you have any sickness depending on any of tee causes ennpmerated above, write down In your memoranduni that Or. lie year's RM., Searcher will cure it. Sold at 140 Wood street. Private office, woo Penn street. Mostetter's Stomach Hitters. MUSHROOM IMITATIONS. Success Is the ' , Covalent cradle" of innu merable humbugs, No sooner had HOSTET TER'S STOMACH TITTER S made their murk In the world than up sprang a host of unite- Lions, and as the fame of the great restorative M rew and spread, the pestiferous crop of pot anens mockeries thickened Rut the true medicine has lived them down. One by one they have disappeared. When the bellows of puffery, whleh kept, alive the feeble fire of, their borrowed replitation, ceased to Laois, they ocasod to live, and thus they continue to come and go. Meanwhile, HOSTETTER'S RITTEM, the great protective and remedial tonic of tilt age, have progreased in popular! ty with each succeeding year. Their mace. as a means of preventing and curing the dis eases resulting from malaria, unwholesome water, and all unhealthy climatic influence, has been boundlessf.and as a remedy for D3'B - Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, General Weakness and Debility, and all com plaints originating In Indigestion, they aro MILS admitted to be superior to any.other Pre paration ever advertiaell or prescribed. From the home market, to which a few nom ago they were confined, their sale has been eitend ed into every State in the Galen. over the whole of South and Central America, Mexico, the West Indies, the Sandwich Islands, A tut tralla, China and Japan. home and foreign testimony °Malone to show that HOSTET TER'S BITTERS are the most remarkable tonic and invigorant now before the world. litostetter's Bitters Lie sold wholeaale and retail at Very low rates at leming's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, he. Di Market iriveet,,Cortier at the Diamond sal Market, near Fourth street. —Minnesota was admitted to the Union as a State May 11, 1858, with an area of 81,250 square miles. In 18110 it contained 6079 inhabitants; in 1855, 68,812; in 1857, 1 50,0112; in 1860, 176,535. In 1850 the State has eighty sheep and five manufac turing establishments, with an annual pro duct of $67,500. We cite these particulars of so very recent date only In order to -ren der more Impressive the fact that the city of Dfinneapolls, which was scarcely laid out ton years ago, and had the unbroken wilderness of St. Anthony's Palls for its competitor, .is now manufacturing ousel mere cloth, Said to equal the best English manufacture in texture and durability, from wool grawn in the State. —A California paper says a large lake has been discovered in that State, from the waters of which can be obtained a large quantity of4sorax without much trouble, and in a date of absolute purity. Consid ering the fact that the world is now de pendent on the lagoons of Tuscany for its bdraz, and the contingency that this for supply may at any time Went off, this discovery bs of no little importance, , - - —The Government is preparing to pro ceed against delinquent and defaulting Postmasters in the•lately rebellions States. The total amount of this class of indebted ness is about $300,000, of whiCh, $ lOO , OOO has been paid on dem,. I, aid, ' m anly the Berne amount put M process of collecti, the Is no lar legarylarild Ju title todge has decided that re raproperty won in to ramie:. How win that .. mat tri'a elan} WWI& ? 7 ~. . ~-,'fin•-:.'F,........,__. -r~ :..-,.i '~ ~~,.. ~~ _. ...5_ ~~... i-,.,.~~-c ...... ~,~ UME LXXX.-NO. 150 Stylish Goods At the opera liouse'SEteetotore. - Pare Linea Shirt Fronts end OUT& BATIMI tt BMA. io.sut..uga, Extritoniinary, at. Use Opens House Sh Store: Paired and Timken!: Mon Hun. Lace Curtains. Der. a I WasliftiOTON CITY, June Ai, Pete SENATE. Leave of absence for the residue of the so. don was granted to Mr. I.ane, of eausint, on motion of Mr. lane, of Indiana, Me eltemitor, froile the Committee on Com merce, reported u INC t resolution authorizing the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Com pany and the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad Company, either or boll, jointlY, to construct a swinging bridge over the government piers across the Cuyahoga river Mr. Edmonds offered a proviso I,y way of amendment., that Congress may alter or repeal title provision, which was adopted. The Mint resolution, as amended, was then panned. The Senate then took up the 1 InUae 1/111, undulatory of the organic act of Washingtou Territory. It makes d ialeo of the terri torial legislature bienn instead of annual, and ina reuses the compensetion of !numbers from three teals dollars a day. The bill was passed. Mr. Stewart milled up the lionse bill t.s3 create the office of Surveyor General of Idaho Territory. which wail passed. f Mr. Howe moved to take up the House 1,111 to establish a ship channel round the Falls of Niagara. This, was disagreed to by, e... / 7 , and nays 19. A bill to reimburse the Wyandotte Indians I for the amount of two churches and a library I destroyed, (Mr. lkvolittle said, by the border ruffians at hansas,) was pO-0400 The bill to amend and continue In force the bill establishing the Freedmen'. Bureau was taken up end read. Mr. Davis neared to lay the bill on the table. This was disagreed to—yeas, 6; nays, 2 7—after discussion, in which Messrs. Wilson, Hend ricks and Trumbull participated. Mr. Butdralew moved to amend by providing that the bureau shall remain In exietence one year instead of two. Thin was disagrodi to: yea., a; IDLY., W. - Mr. Hendrick. moved to strike out the 14111 section. This was disagreed to, Mr. Hendricks moved to strike oat from the third section the following words "and the Commissioners shall, muter the direction of the President, and as far as the same in his Judgment be necessary for the elficient un.l economical administration of the Berm., ap point snob agents, clerks and assistants as may be required for the proper Conduct of the Bureau.. This was disagreed to. 111 r. Hendricks moved to amend by striking out the provision declaring all pereons in the employ of the [tureen to he under military in riediction and entitled to military protection of the Government while In the discharge of their duties. This was ILlVagreed Ti,,, 1,111 was then passed and go. beet tote. for concurrence In the amendment the hors visions ms , s. lie pro- are as follows: Section 1. flat the act to establish a Bureau for the relief of Freedmen ann Refugees, ap proved March Id, LIZ, shall continue In fort, for the term of two years from and after the passage of tills act. Section 2. That the Kt/pen - 00On and care of said Bureau shall extend to all loyal refugees and freedmen so far as the same may be ne cessary to enable them, as speedily practi cable, to become see - supporting citizens of the United States, and to aid them In making the freedom conferred by the proclamation of the commander-in -chief. by emancipation, un . der the laws of States and 1,, Constitutional amendment, available to them and beneficial to the republic. Section 3. The President shall, ..y antl with the advice and consent of the Semite, appoint two naalinant CiOntrtiltialOnerS, in addition to those authorized by the act to which this is an amendment, and they shall be assigned to districts by the Com inissioner,withehe appro val of the President; and LI), Collitnlaskiner shall also appoint, nutter the Illrection Of 1 lie l`refildent, Stich gent.% and av may lie necessary. Militaary officersclerks Or enlisted 0041 nay be 30 euiployed, but without Increase of employe.. The Commission Is required to give preference to Men who have done rattly. tal service in tile army. and all peeper act pointed to service tinder this act. and Hie act In which the is an amendment, shall be so far deemed In the military service of the Vented States as to be under nobler)" ...trot. And, where., 1,, accordance with ity strlietiOna lavited by President Lin coln on the 10th day of September, iatl, to the United States District Tax Corn missiones for South Carolina, certain lands hid in by the United States In the pared, of St. Helena. In said State, were in part sold by the said Tax Commissioners to Meads of families of the African race, In pareda of not more than twenty acres to each purchaser; er anti, whereas, and the isaitt instruction. the sald Tax Commissioners did also setapart as ,, school farm certain parcels of land in said parish. numbered In their plats from one to of 6 thirty-three inelymlve, making 110 aggregate ,00U further more or leas, therefore Be It further enacted, That the sales ramie to heads of families of the African ace, uner the Instructions of President Lin r coln to it,,. United States 004.1 . 1 ct tax eOuttnissiOner for 'mutt, Caroline , of the date of September Pith, bee are hereby confirmed, and all leases which have been made to such heads of faun lyes by said Tax Com missionemehall be chang ed into oertiticates of sale, In eases wherein the lease provides for such substitution, and all the lands now remaining unsold which come within the same designation, ben eiht thousand acres, more or less, shall be d i s po sede of according to said instructions. Section 7. That all other lands bid In by the li nited States at tax Roles, being thirty-eight thousand acres, more or less, and now In the h , ads of the said Tax Cot:amt.:loners as the property of the United States, in the parishes of St. lie.eita and St. Luke, excepting the echool farms, MY 9 1 0CinOt1 in the preceding section, mid so much as may be necessary for military tel naval imrtwates at 1 ILItOn Head, Bay Point and laud, End, excepting also the city of Port Royal, on St. He lens 'stunt, and the lowa of Beaufort, shall be dieposed of in parcel, of twenty acres. shalt at one dollar and fifty emits 1,01. aivre•, such pervOnn and to slash only as ,have a to quired and are now I/freer/y.IN; 100‘13 noda loo end agreeable to the prey/I/10ns of Loineral sherinaneispeditl field Order, dated et Savan nah, Georg a, January lath, Tres. The re maining lands Many, shall be disposed of 1,, manner to ' such persons as had acquired Lar s agreeably to the wilt' order of Cienetal erman, but who have bean dise. the rtadoration of the same to former ..I byowners provided that the land sold In compitan,,,,, with the provi si ons of Lb Is and the preeeed leg section ideal not be alienated by their pur chaser within els years from the date of the pastrage of this act. Section s. That the school form In the Per of St. Helena shall be atilt L subject to any leas es of the same by the said Commissioners at paella auction, on or before the fret day of January, ha 1057,1 at not less that, MU per acre, , d the lots the city of Port Royal as laid 0•0 by the Laid tax Commissioner, and the houses in the town of Beaufort, which are still held in like manner, shall be sold at see. tin and the proceeds, of said tialo after paying the firpcnses of the Kil - Vityki and salea, shall be invested In United States bonds, the inter mit of which shell be appropriated under the direction of the Cominissioner to the support of schools without distinction of color or (flee on the lelarul and the Parishes of Se. Helena and St, Luke. Section 9. The Assistant Commholoner m Georgia and South Carolina shall examine claim. under General Sherinan's order, and In the came of each valid claim, grant a War rant for twenty acree of land, which land the direct tax commiasionera of South Carolina shall issue to the person preen:ding such war runt; or to his or her heirs, but in no ease to an modelle°. Thu warrant entitles the holder to the land fora term of six years.anci it co mar, at any time, be converted in a certificate of rale cents Fil on er twet he payment of One dollar and fift y Section 111. The direct Lax commissioners of South Carolina are required to yourvey the lands designated and lay them out in suitable tracts of twenty acres. Section 11. After tee completion of the trans fens of said lands In the manner specified, the Preeldent of the United States may ro 'tore to the former owners lands oeoupied by portions under Gen. Sherman's order, except,. nig such lands as have been sold for taxes- but such restoration shall not be made until the crops of the present year /Mali have been gathered, and till fair ceiMniathall have been paid to the °campma fi te e for improve meats. section 12. The Counniseloners shall have pover to seize, hold or sell lands and build ing. formerly owned or claimed by the so. Baled Confederate States, anti not heretofore diaposed of byhal -the be a United States. The pro ppropriate Wed/ thereof shall d ed ucation of the freed people, and to the when the /Moreau shall have been wandrawn, to which have Made provision for the education of their eitixene without dlstinution of oolur shall receive the eons remaining unexpended the distribution to be made for eslueationat purposes an proportion to the population. Section LI. The Commissioner ahall L.-oper ate with private associatiOns for the benefit of the freedmen and protect the schools en tablhshed by Meal. Section It. In all the States lately in rebel lion, and until such States are duly represent ed In Congress, the o th er make and enforce contracts, an/ to all a n righte, shall be enjoyed try all citizens, without distinction ot color, and until the isaustltutional relations of such States are restored, the President of e United States shall, through the th e facers of tile Bureau, Prescribe military jurisdiction concerning the enjoyment of each Immuni ties, and no greater punishment. shall be in flicted upom colored people for violations of the law than that to which white persons are liable. The_ jurisdiction conferred upon 0113- cora of the Bureau by this section shall cease in every State when the administration °hus tle° by the State and United eltatee COurte is undisturbed and the State Is represented in Congress. Section M. All oMeers of the Bureau shall I take the Oath Of office, anti all acts moons's tent with the provisions ef this act are ro yeked. At half-past two, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Bingham, from the CiEtunittee on Mill tarf y Affeors, reported A bill for therFnent 0165 Six th , Elghth and Eleventh ants 01110 yoitTateer Militia of Cineinna , Bandlt eeta el cavalry, awl Mat , . battery, dur.l tho the,r.Wota Mk the service pf the United Stakirrrasaa. • ,• Mr. A.lltita'elated lip • th e motion to ream alderikatki4e,..kaiebrEoules days slime n bill to par tasisr.m! to WA Thirtrioveeth lowa _ . Lace Mantic. Black Silk and White Lama Lace tifatalt BAT.. & I. White Bbowls. shalom.' ' , bowls of all colors. BATES at BULL. C. HANNON Love .t Hai BIM THE PITT S BURGH GAZETTE. _ _ ___ .. DDITIOi ..,...? I . T :, E:::;l,, : i w a -r .. , ,l'ifi.::`"h2rlre'e.t. report t llto j e la f'lli<tl' ll'aG:r:°4::. : Cocowicted of .111orderoobacco flint. _Nr. Price - FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M . 8 .___:„.... ;, , ,.. iie ,, ,, ,,, ,,„ ; , : .„,,,, wg t. , 0 , int ,.....e.„,,,,0rt ti ,d 0et b ,: , u% L1i, ;.;:1 e1 i; t : tilll to LOCIPVIL LIS, June NI -AL N edine, lu the . . I ald in the c onstruetion of a railroad and tele- i criminal court, Gnien ;soil Lynian were con. nri e tfi i i.! ; N:vilCmte,,,lzctil:oetmorttler.Z.ltron, a toll keeper, meet., which was ordered to be prlntml and / Fifty hogitheatin of tlliht.,o Wen' rveel t . , -,I to- redlr'ula'iroti'ulli.ar from the Conference Commit- I dwifrlc,"t rt-',lret,':rreaCt"Melltrltan'a"linsin pre, oils THE LATEST NEWS , ; , .i i i , e ,,,,,, t r n ,.. ttpo,si,A irtet;il s lT o o r lu n t, , Z , ina ro fo r r e, t , fi r e4i i o n l 1 el thoof ap.oonrgae u l . ltl , on mi nt e e l men clerk t o t i l k i l n Lret,ent punto i i i 1.1 awl. BY TEL EGRALPIL I United states mole from Boise City to glaho i peals. Arrangements are Lanng made for an i City, In the territory of Idaho, mode a report I immense ratification meeting Di.morrow. reducing the amount from twenty thousa tO ten thousand dollars, v Welt ...I:flied food ' Rewatablialtiment of Ntaverydlem oriel CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Elliott, from a Committee of Conference, reported back the Senate bill to regulate the I to iro . n&-resot on the Pinbiect. thccatro, .11,13 0 20.-The memorial to I 'OII t rar llll l , orUltioll Of nitro-glycerine, With amend- . mew, emi„,ati,g the pr,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 „ ~010.,,, ! it re., printed hi pamphlet form, of David or blast In g MI, or I, !trate oil, or powder mixed with any such oil or suing nmt changing the I We nt n tnefiro clovers, has Just filincared he . ; QOM.. of this city, advising the re-es Widish taqissity re min fl y ., lion, r0i 1 a ,i,j , ... vo not 100, fore the public. It prmiti Ls the subject under than one I 110.1.1 i tiollais nor more thaw ten ' a v iew in which It i.'"iiii probably not hitherto thousand dollars, and requiring the substance i dud In species and Matte different natures, that ennsiaered• It lini as that man " r e dir i ' to be surrouusiell by plaster of parls, or other the negro finds WS chill liberty lull shivery material that will be non-sixploslve wbeo sets 1 end that Um white men undergoes u Wiling° unwed with such oil or imbalance. Tho amendments were agreed to, and the 1 in A ..irk., miler that the French lu Carla, and the Spaniard! Makes °Lavery mistiming; bill as amended wits pase. Mr. Elliott, also from the game Committee, ln kW/I"' h".e" gi'" " ' l ' d ' 0 " 0 that the h ' reported a bill declaratory of the act Of Feb- i Live people of the Nor hern United States are roan' 111113, ISM, authorizing the Secretary d i ( I now three inches less round the cheat than i. the Tramury to issue regloters to vesaels in the Etiropea Ti,e author brings forward certain cases, which wan read three times and ..thy f his irnithrical and at °Wide n' ' nets in sup passed. Also, a bill making the town of Whithall, N. port o argument. Y., a port of delivery within the collection dm- 1 Illnelsa of Nenator awe' Itecitled. trim of Champloln, which wits rho.] three times Sr. Lours, June fii.-O mt.!' Lane, of Kans., and muised. is quite 111 at the Lindell lintel, in this ulty, Also, a hill constituting Omaha and Ns,- th ri „, tonoit with 1.„„),i„. tiniei„n",,ii, tiraska, in the Territory of Nebraska, and St.. think it possible for him Lo take his meat In Paul, in the State of Minnesota, posts of at:- ' the Innate again this session, and oar Ism , lino livery, which was read three Limes and Passed. t o go i s , si n , 'kid f or d ,iiriii3O as awn is , l ie i 0 tin !notion of Mr. Elliott, the ColurtilLtee On , „ta„ to tr„l. llunituerce wan discharged from the furtinir i The ease of General Muir serous the Judges consideration of the letter of the Secretary of of the election, for refusing to receive his vote the' Treasury, Le reference to the any 01 In- i wlthoot iirsr Lakinn ins oath preeeribed, wits Spector" of Custom,,and the earno wits re - I decided itgainst General Walt, in the gen formal to too Comm it tee of Ways and Means. / eral tern, of the Circuit. court, yesterday. ~,,,Mor,,r.o.kilrieloptot.rfriomhaelkhe ‘Clo,roi.i‘trir), Oil (;one- ri tryhols, ,Isot„ehre.Ll, ,r,ustts4ll..cll;:itoloh,tisiL„voti,v-ing the valid]. meets Ihe Senate bill tofu:liter prevent smug- Trat e . a re n ow ~,, log saron g ], to Lests,,,... cling, and for other purposes. worth, iiitentis from this city via Missouri Mr. Ilomplirey filtered some amendments, p.oige 11.11,,,,L,L. which he was 'dioxin:ming, v - hen the morn lug a....: -ma hour expired, and thin bill went over until to.. • morrow. i Another lialtrotol Accident The Speaker announced the Special Commit- j N a m ara, , J une 2a.-.1 freight train on the Leo appointed In the matter of liorrance At- Miasippi Ceettal road ran Ull'ol4ol 11 trestle water, fis MOW, Rale, Woodbridge, Thornton, I three miles north of II rennin, yesterila), It II l- Faille and Longymo. Whim a negro hrakeanimi, mid injuring neverely, The Speaker presented a memorial from the , Wil/late Shelton and son, of liretimia, and i a o Philadelphia Beard of Trade, to Congress, i i ° th em, and demolishing the tender and two praying for the abolition of legal restriet Wt. cars. on commerce in money, which was mforred to lt 6 reported that the emirs in A rhatisas and the Committee on Commerce. Missiasiiiiii are more e ncouregiog, out it is The lions° proCceded to the business Olt tile I th 011401( the crops will lie tein. Spew Dille, and disposed theroof as fol- / Thu river is stationary. Theriumucter, iii''. iows: Ti,, senate tommilinents, one hundred / ---. and sixty-dee In numbs,, - , to the Internal Rev. I sisa,,,, c,,,,,.....„,„•0,0001 ilO, enne bill. Mr. Morrill mild that If he thought the Rouse I Pourtasta Ma, June -The first district would agree to it s he would morn,, concur. lion.ion Convention at sum, Dada) reoutuluated mince with ells the amendments of the Senate o John Lynch as representative to t on but not supposing that the , mon 00111.1 Illeii 1 blest Tn" r '"" a " i ie"" w ere the san ni '" i " the approval of the illomie he moved to to- I ate eOlll,llll JIM. fur the amendments to tne Committee on ' W 113../ nod Mount, I Conatientional Amendment in tronnee- Mr. Pike , nut that Mn Atorrill would / ties t. mono to non-concur and ask for the Committee . NEW if A enN, (Can n,., : J one . ..r..--TilU I ince , of Lonferouce. limit senate ratifiml tne Gonstitutionio amend- Mr. Stevens said that that would not lie i meet at midnight last fright. The lie will done; that It Was a very important bill, and concur. there ecru a good many parts of it which I --iiwi -01101( to he ditoposed of In the ifutme. fiLialne Lettlalatore to he Content -41. Mr. Morrill IIII:mcil the reference of the . A 1.7001,A. Mit., Juno fii,-Rsie. coney wet Means to the Committee of Wisps and convene the Leglalitt arc In extra 5000 km, to Means, and they wore referred. The Senate bill to amend the art ofJuly Istl net 011 thln COMA lAtittlOnal anloodnient, if a auf. tic-lent number of Governors will do the mime 1512, to aid In the construction of a ruilrcou be Oh ittel llllli telegraph line from the Missouri river so 1 1 0 31.0)'P Ih ' h ' - " tile Pitelfic to wani taken up. A long and , .........-__ excited ,line arose on the bill, parttelpa- i Dal in by Stevens, Wilson, of lowa, Dawes. Iligiveti, uml Ranson. Mr. :Stevens explainml that the object of the firstsection was simply the time. ( thasdro taw !Sae.) the time In which the Union Pacific Itallrinel, Eastern branch, could till it,. map mid de_signato its gunevil route, and the ob ject Of the second a6ction was to correct a fraud comulltted in copying the report A Conference Committee of the last Congress, iiy which the California Company was Druid!. I tad from extending its part "(the work more than two lititoirtal nod Idly miles beyond the Eastern boundary of the MAN". The !louse seconded the preen/. question, •ted the hill was p.oed-Yeas, 96; Sen Earl th etAb l e .16. Tne :text business on the speaker's was ate act to amend the net of March 141, i 4.1, granting lands to henna.ln alternate mmiloom to aid In the construction or railroads. The Mil allows throe sections per toilette ...eh side iii the road, to a Ilt MIT! frartlon engine 1,111 from Atelieson to sante Fe, each tnun ciliates. of moving fifty tons or two hundred ,etseengers six miles au il ,, iir. Mr. Trowbridge tpoke in support of the bill. 3lesairs.•Juilss, Thayer, and Raritan lot Pal ail rocut.l iLM reference to the (Amin/Mee On l'utdie Lamle. Mr. Trost hridgc to'iy /,..ownted, and Lite tlll iv. on reforms, The senate Joint resolution to authorize the itring of a building or buildings for the tem orary urcandualatlon of the Department tate, was taken from the speaker's table of I /II lest ion al Sir. Rade II li Lite appropriation os 'educed from orients to sinn i tou, and tbe nut resolution atiso Imunthul, sae toocieil. The Moose, at 4 o'clock, collocated. --~--~,~„~-4.,~ PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1861 FROM NEW FORK. • • nu Stroke CAses—Doubll About the Es esteneeof A•latie Cholera on our Sthores—Lage P w l sn !!cello.—Tbe President Deoo[loltod—Santa Anna hits 41 0 .000.000 on Deposit In land. and overnm po Proses to Establish E a nSg letab ent in Blestro, with the ciithnrell at the Itend—Tbe New Tariff ii Demand tar Pinola:. tal Assistance Prom France hennaed atutc Toe Deported Fenian Skirmish in ths--tows / 1 1•Cakett for ,blab n . Tone, June 26.--44unn a. number of f sun strolco are report Jed by [be pol y. The thermonetor le ntnety-sle deg. huAle [I, Is seriously doubted by "'airman... If there any such thing as Asiatic filmier.. on these ores. The email heretofore claseed as suck e of the usual character, brought on by Ith lefty or Intemperance. A large Fenian meeting wan held by the mend. or Ragworts and Sweeney, In Fenian Loam, last evening. Itesoluttons were pass ! ilenouncin the President and the neutral. y. Mr. timely could not attend but sent n due letter o nacuee. .lotonline to the Prdienc, tiunera.l Manta ena, has ten 1111,1110 ii diniars on deposit In . hank of England. lie propmms to ..iithitch a new and /Motile Gov. • cot Alex of constitutions and laws .•poinleitil In hire, with the Church for Ile Ono of Its essential eenriltiOrill In, 110 W. .er, com Mete the ion principles . tercets between the Unita! stoics, and l the following basis Ti,,. United states To • , vance to Wm (sante Anna,) "nu Million i. or dlars and three thousand men, Its e nge xcha ...hien he will swear eternal eratittple to lie Anierietto nnl lee and glee It In scsmeity, •ertain Mexican on/income...l territories. The contract slice /matted, lion. Santa Anna sill untemilately start for tic where his resenee, hie men and his wll I create In Ito an en th milasia. According to his own . .ratement/ Lite church will take him by the hand, the 'truly will prostrate Itself at los trot, and the hest part of the Liberal party. I .nouncing Its present leaders, will form an intimate alliance with hint. An to tile lim,. I i Allen. who stock to Maxim illlan, not through love hot through fear and ennipememon, they will lie too happy to place themselves ender the protection of the General and to abandon a cause without dignity or strength In the Present or pros pe ct Is t he tutor°, The Pod says of the new Tariff BIM In many eases, tile method of enntrieration and 01 declaring the duty is no complicated anti ignotniniously altered froln the present tariff that it Is linpossible for any but experts to make the comparison, and even they end it In some canes, we suspect. The tariff, except on a few articles, appears to have been raised from thirty to ono hunt/red and forty per cent. On some of the most ne cessary articles, Its for Instance, On Mari eine. tures of trot., this increase le burden that t will be felt as very heavy upon all he most. important Interests in the country. The rullronds which transport the Western farmer's produce, Lhu ships which In building ui..l sailing ell a Onioloymont to great num. b.•l. of our most intelligent. mechanics, will be made SO touch more costly, that their increase lii he stopped, and freights meet be enor moualy burdensome. The proposed tariff le evidently not for revenue, but simply for pcotection." A Vienna paper publtshee news from Purls, stating that Maximilian has requested Malt vial assistance from France, declaring lila Inc tee Lion to libdicate Unleas oel, aSSilituneti wore offered. The Proneh Qovernment, it Is added, had resolved to refuse this demand, slid instructed Marshal Basaine to Institute a Irma. plebetacitum in mime Maximilian should curry out Me intention of abdication. Special to the 'Pribunc:—Mr. A tease, June M. —The report of a skirmish at Pigeon on 111023 d, Was caused by the volunteer piokot m muung. istaking muse cows for an advance guard of i' FROM NEW ORLEANS. Validity of Confederate Oblhostiono— Cotton Market. Nsw Ontsttti, June tki.—Tllo validity of Con bulerato obligations was acknowledged by the ion hank of Tennuntee, and accepted by the entire mercantile community. The Con fedcrat. debts were paid In enrreney. Tim Jackson railroad mat was postponed with , t view to compromise. The successful work ing of tbe rounl and Its ability to pay ate acknowledged. Cotton unchanged; sales 7101 bales of low middlln_g ut :r4sao. ToKlayls receipts, 71 bales. The rectums of the post weak I,MO bales, against 2,2nti. The were a were count. 5,33 G bales. Block on baud, 113,000 bales. Bank count. 07. New York Exchange dis . Railroad Aweldeist—EmPloWeels I•seaeaty (N,Y.,) J uno 26,—At three o'clock this afternoon the Op gravel train when near this place, was thrown from the track • killing C. B. Wheeler, the conductor, awl throe labor ers, and serions/y injuring Martin Lee, the foreman, and several others. The disaster oc curred from some penmen placing, by . occident Or .lcal.gll, a telegraph pole upon the track. The cars were all thrown Mr the track and badly broken up. There were thirty laborers on the train. Robbed of 830,000—Cluelloniti eseletoln • Minns 9t Lento. Lorna, Juno 25.—A. man named Clark, while going from et. Joseph to Roekpart i Ateheson county, on SittardttY. wan robbod 11 30 AO A portion Of the City Officials and Cotuntoo I Council of Cincinnati, and a larkelittinbee aronni9 liffitesbniXOtt ham thin altesnowa. ~; -- CITY AND SUBURBAN, Additional Local llstter t on Third Page • I , A W ilma P•mpplied. A leant long felt in this city has at length been ant/pled. 1 1 1 . e refer 141 the v.' holemqvie U.- 11101 for the sale 01 m athematical and optical lostrunienta, recently establaslsed at 'at sod! ll flold Krum, by Mese,. 1111.Alel 4 A Co. Ti:,y have opened a ,bao,r aciKOrtglaeal of all des cription. of tint ...attbeinaLlcal instrurnetics, anti baronto to, a, 113 ammeters, thermometers, and all style of minas, (or near or livid use. They have 111wh• a s peCiaPty of this llnc of clutsla, and are jit,prt4l It, Job or retell at pr, era as tow as those of theorlginal ManufaeLar ors. They keep nothing but the titual.itY orgmsfit which will make (or them a repute i lon, und prove all that is guaranteed a hen ,told. They reCI , PIOLi the tielllslVe agency tut the JnoUy erlehn.tOd ".IFlCloney'lo Tline !Login tt•rtue Ilarrnbeter.” da Merits are properly known tool ander •tOod. it le. very ,tenerally tasod by farmer. ;,,:lt.ltt'o"lt'sttt.t.rOr,Wetti.l7 a";:lt‘n't'll"t:rt'u'tio,:n.;:l'e'r: and eau be' epended upon fur latilcatlng the changes of the wentliel. The firm tt/.1/ deal In ••,•••rn gli.v..veat, stercowv,plt. v Pews "lid 1/11111b0I -1..... articles of istral/sr character. They are co t er, fair dealing allll aecintllllodatthe get, Ileamo, and a e I,,p4tlvk for Litton a Largo 'lmre of butilatte. patronage. Their elicit ap pear. el.etch ere. Reheat al the Old Theatre .--The ant °K.- Meal iOVIIII., cd,llllllallity will bear in mind Theatve thid the worthy treasurer Of the l'ilLsburgli takes a betwilt on hattirday night ileaL Tceulghl, Alm —Julia Sylvester takes a pelt at t h e Old liro lied ai there Is an cacellent bill inTereil ae trust she will be gieeted by a large audience. She IA It pleashig god Painstaking actrees, and Is worthy of a ii ii indent Lai beileilt. eentlrrow evening Mr. Wentworth one of tin, best stook actor:, Iti LIR. city, will make a low to blit frlertils it be. lag tile occasion or ht. benaiflL Ile Is a good actor null a elever gentlenine, and wie wsh for hint 111(14 a beaUlit au no other actor Cone re- CUIV.24 fkoll.l the Pittsburgh 'people Death from goo Stroke --About two John o'clock yesterday ' afternoon a man !lamed lu Nun arper W11...un stricken while at work I lotui Ile was , al/ey In the rear of the Id/melon •e taken h incr.,. drinking saloon, here medical ald was procured and e proper relllailied applied, but despite the the of the physician he continued to sink steadily until seven o'clock last evening, When be expired. D 14411 —Joseph Sehanolter, the boy who was an over by a buggy on the Perryeville pitink ad on Simony, sled of hls injuries Inst. night bout eight o'clock. The ge diemen who were 0 the buggy at the time of the .clilent hive 'ulted assiduously on the deceased up to the our of his death, doing everything in their floor to alleviate the pain of the little suffer- There will ho an Inquest held oa the body p-Any. Threw. Ih3ol 111. E.Ww.--.llrw sklunt of Stant.- atroet, In the First ward, us uuml befory Alderman la/nab/son, yuster te, for unruly of tilt. IW-fillol3. ft'llare Atm] that on Is frecluently annoyed by M rs, out/ thlvaing Matt to Ism e 5 ev :out thee:toot ir to burs thrl• II iIIN *ll )011 IN In OA Unity to lira. Lamb',, .. es was Issued for 111., arrest of the accuse ..- d. - • Dimpanterly conduet..—Ellen DoUghert t• r.l ay with ult.,. charged before Alderman Lkutabison yet! it,l,trr.c,tutotrlL vonttlncL leent paraded up fuel dow n wrd, ward, yesterday at emu], and amused herself by culling the passers-by all sorts of hard names. After a Iteartng the case was Nettled, the defendant paying the coats. Early 11111 oaing.—Ernployee s In ilry goods store. Of the city are 10 tating the question of early eh:isms but as yet nu definite step ban Iwinn taken In the matter. Last ytair, at lids limo, dry goods estalilishniettLn closed their theirs at five ceelock p.m. but In there In the nature of the times that requires a dif ferent stall, of things nowt "We can't sue It." Didn't !Steal It.—J oseph Graham YestcrilnY appeared before Justice Lippert and made oath against Adani Puller for the larceny of a butelier-lcolfe, Valued at $l.lO. The itemised Witi arrested anti a hearing had, at which Mrs. Graham testified that she had loaned the knife to Puller. Of course the also . was dia hi lased, the proneeul or paying the costs. IJbel Nnot.—c. 1., lps, En of Gi rard Spectator, line been stied by g., Senatorthe Low., rY (on diet. The mot is based on an extract into the Spectator from the Itarrisburg Itariot, containing a report of Dan Rice's speech at the elate capital, in which Mr. Low ry Is handled rather roughly. Freketneen Iter Shoulder.—A little girl named MOlllO Curtin, while at play on . pair of 14.4310, on the (sensor of !Ser v er ntreet and Whiteside alley, In the ninth scars', esterda afternoon, feH to the ground, a dista y nce of nix y halt, and fractured her shoulder. Pr. Cahill attended to her Plinth.. Larceny of es Piece of Iron.—lVlllistm Kyle made oath before Alderman Taylor yea. tarday against a1t.131014 Kerman for the larceny of a piece of Iron, valued uL two dollars, from Hussey it Wells' Steel Works, In the Ninth wanl. Kerman wag arrested and, after a near mg, Committed for trial. —-- - - Fire on ostorday afternoon between four and five o'clock, the roof of Dr. Grlttenden's residence, No. 131, First street, Was discovered by some of the employees of Anderson Go's foundry to be on Ore. The flames were exilegulabed without doing any serlOus damage. Note Banssager.—LiouL David Campbell denims us to state that the tom of Ms name fle a manager of a p/c-nle, to be held at GlenwoOd on the ilfth of July, La unauthorized and tin. warranted, ho being totally Ignorant of the mutter until publicly announced. Committed.—John Cash and Michael Hall, charged with out raging Amelia Karawig, near Allegheny City, on Sunday night, were 'do ay tombs w during m iii m on it t t l e a d y tut u, d ia t i ° b u y . Mor Mori - Mon for trial. Taken Over.--latrick sentenee4/ for ono year and nine months for laroeny, and James Stewart three years for felonious as. sank, wore taken to tue pennentia l y yo t ,t o , t hy by Sheriff Stewart. b Nettled—The snit between Amelia limn q 01. r /CablY fic and J oohn ed Hymn,oe. noticed elsewhere, With Alderman strobes bttl by the parties last night, at can- , nm. name ire could not learn, died VerVanidenly In Strawberry no t itisvoght;: -.The 'Coroner will - Investi gate inn MaMt today; Bsll'446ns—A woman aimed Jitirgarpt zstnitty 'charged with larceny. WWI lodge[yostordaY 04 1, 041 PIM" fn FROM KENTUCKY. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN I) E RT_A-KERS No. 196 Stu ithfield At. , cor. 7th, tEntrance from tkrventh Street.) i=a- w o r B Blzrza.4ovaEr, ANSI 13:1 SAhDUSKY : 4 TILICET, r ALLEGHENY, PA. ALFA. AIKEN, Vu lea al '4IZbiT,M,Z.% 0, run era! Yurulaufzig itarnmea. I.rcYr KlitNoem an,/,,atecitco.u.s. Thorqas Ewing, Esq.. e •I NoliThr •IMER/CA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .4b. 63 itlitiatri St.. .mow York PRESIDENT -N. D. MORGAN.' sllc.ttET A It Y -J. W. MERRILL. IL M. TINDALL. Medical Examiner COOK, St•E , :IA I. At; T NV ERTERN PA., 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh, ENTI4 W A STEM pETIROLLA 31 ACIILVE 'WORKS Manufacturer of t !Intl/VE.O Manufa cturer TOOLS, A PIXTU it Unfit) IN nIN K !NU OIL AND O ALT trParticular attention Invited to bit Patented . 7.!=l"L o to t ." k °, ... l. " l rot!'it'l,,T:d l :r3 ( 4.°:4*l`.'a numbered, to that parts can be entered by tool. ot telegraph, awl round a perfem. at at all Mars. We film. funitth machine c., to thrice obi, may with It. Encine..ll,ll .1111 machine omit made to; nter. order. by mall proudly attended I. I au pare.l to grout Heensm to tither mattulae titrers or the.e losproi omen tu Ilberti tonna Ito: 7 J wile` etty P. 0, I ,, unNITU . RE CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS Manufser . erre and for .Jr.e Wholesale or Retail. J E W. WOODWE L NUS. W & w Tansy EITUILICT, OPPoelle E. Edmunds., & Co.'s, and NO. I FOURTLI STREW GREAT WIDiTERN GUN WORKS J. H. JOHNSTON, Maker anti healer h. Fine Rifles and Shut Guns, AILMY, NAVY and 1, VOI. V ER.I4, CAR III NI:11 and MUSK EY, All Llml3 or .afkatt-MiXII:ri ‘ T XWX 4 O , I , kr • A 0•I ril'N NI Ais 's Al AT /, 11l A 1.. Military Cattr r;1.1,,.!..n.,,p,f::•1•41,,,1.,11,tg1i. rrar t e e lt abort no , llte. A wf rt : [/ S P. 4( • "n".. fte - llPut•-iii bre the place . , Center Penn and Wayne Street., Jr:.:e7tl PITTSBURGH, PA. CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN i COLORED, COTTON & LINEN A LSO, COTTON YARNS, ASSORTED NUMBERS ALI. OF BEST QUALITY, YOH BALE BY C I IECXX-43313 db 0, At Hope Cotton 111t11, ALUMNI' CJfl, JUST ABOVI lIAILRO ID BRIDG& homilies nisy 1w • and order• left with II 1. 1111.10 at ell., No. 133 Vood •tren', I•lttsburgh. J . 0........................ •NA volt a, • NAM 11 .. ME wirrliUtt ea McINTWILL, ficIIiAUCTEILIR 64. STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, Will attend promptly lit k arnishing and Laying Stone and Brick Parementm, And Repairing the same: Curb Simi.. Yurhtshed and Not. Also. Grading sod COW' th lrg/hIl donee!. shortest nutiCe. de.king anything to our line will have their orders attended by addressing us through the Allegheny Post Ogle., or by calling at No. IMO Sauduaky street. Allegheny. tff 41 PVseNelq'dltri?...r THE A. A. OF CONlißESB,appo .ed June lag, gives additional pension to the following WO. Of persotia: To 01000 who have lost both eyes or hands: To chose who have lost bath feet: :To those who have lost one hand or foot: .P.o.tloze...wlloothititizoir pa, ;larized of their.peo- Pensions are extended to de p en Zaillth re eln and brothers. Apply by mall or In person. to 111c1GASTER, GAZZAIII & CO., Office, 98 Grant Street, PITTPiBUROII . . •Ini. K. 5AC K..,TACK...•.1,11211. C 311.14 TACK ORO. & CO., COMMISSION DIMMIIANTS, AND SHOHAM IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, t llancock St., Pittsburgh. PIIILADVA./111/i Orrtcs 177 Walnut alreet. otyin:a77_ _ _ GRA 111 T . IIOIIISE, X. samtioxelr, Comer of Ink & and federal Weds, Rear the Suspension Bridge, nr1110:a80 ALLEIMEN Y CITY, l'A. 13110BUCE)NOW RECEIVING. 2.60 poundsprlme Lomas Butter; An box. choler elating Cream CLICe.; 7110 bbl.. p.m° l'excb Blow Potatoes; donin Yanoy Brooms, In store; BM pounds clear .11.1. /Simon, So p. 'tore; fan pounds Hard Country Soap. tn .toret leo Imx. Bosh/ Scoop, lo star. 10 barrel. prime lioraiam: 700 bueneln Smell Brans: / barrel pure liountaln BlackirraDWDt4 wine Baru for .10 by •zell No. 110.31LIberty YEUSAL —The taut Wflniter In two. .Cal/ ,Lna iee aro puroholos any other %oak& Yor sal* . & H: PttiLLlEts. and SS tic.,tnair usratt,;', , : for • • nOle Ansans this% owl,. r uunsuallNG OLL-124bbIllAra. 4.4 pater, kusaio urxsxu, , cu zft En ."Lik::~-. u. /net In Time. tine James Kerman was lodged in Jail state day afternoon On a commitment front Alder Taylor, for trial ink a charge of larceny preferred by Wllliatn hyle . lie had been I, the ioarters assigned hlm by Warden Whit but a .short time before the bell rang, and h called Into Court to answer for atisistlug Wrn. ltonifaoe in attempting to steal from the Allegheny Wharf a quantity of rope or cable. !Cereal, bad been committed with liontface on AP"' kuereetleti on the loth of May In gutting ball for his appearance. The case IVII.I, callemid esterday. hernan not age% ering, ills recolsanee was fofeit Boniface ens tune', soon eouvidtml, r and ed. called up for see m", nt'• naked what ho bail to Hal, be k elf Jail n ,, Who,tlue sal,] , hail been Consignal ti t hurtle, aslt fterward rebus on • dl.eront s appeared. Mr. Kers nail was brought from prison, forth and with t o Bn to consider their ti Court desiring time !Lanier, (Ingle et Co. The attention of our readers is , the advertisement In another coil • well known and popular turn lie . _ .- --... Ilaulor, Close A. Co., corner of Penn anti Wayne streets. They are practical workmen, anti deal exclusively In the hest timallty of plain and elegant furniture. At their exten sifve warn ut rooms they have a largeassortent o chairs sofas, tete-tetes, divans, thi n, b,, steads. ci - adles, and In short, every thio g ~.. uallv kept In similar flest• Mass establish ments. 1 heir prices are the most ma...able, and much cheaper than those of Eastern lmuses. The members of the arm are able ;mil accommodating gentlemen, and 1„ y everyc patr respect Worthy of the now lar enjoy.ge shar agree e of publionage which the -...,- Dexerlion.—Willlato Seville wan arraign.' before Alderman Donaldson yesterday, charg ed by hl, wife Jeanne With desertion. Tle parties re.SlllO Olt Penn street, ln the Fourth ward, and have been married about two years. Some two months stilt. Willman de.erted Iris wife, and from that time had failed to contrib.- CILU Illlytiling to her support- Held fora hear ing. Horse Pliteisllssir.—Ablennan rwin, of trial 11 witni , yesterday committed to Jail to trial A l bort Lyston, charged, on until 01 Bur Lou Wallace, with horse I nag. 1311113 - • LEWIS-4in 11Int thy morning. the filth Inst., B UANti All Ltt WIS, in the 7ad year or her agt Funeral from the reslueuce of her son Jr Lewis, In Sharpaburg, on il'anNitahse Itiot.. at 10 o'elt.ck, A. X. Carriages - nee seventh mud Smithfield streets.. 'rlee rel. /Id- Or the family are Inv tied to a. It I, . •”11 June ...tit. Ina Let 1 Itlrd and Harriet Dun, aged 1.- tt: days. Übe funeral M ilk, ;tract Irt.tn No. nr Ileaver et. AI, at thret to•ttlo-4 I t l.. In prozeed to 34..ttnt 11.011 Ceint•le te rl The frien d. d , or the cantity are renpeell'only In, Ited to atn R• $3. X-.3E1C3XF.:3?" dn. a:a Ohio Mtreet, Allongh.n7 U. H. I. tt:klY Oil PR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERI., _ DUNSEATH & CO., , eLoAlisf ('LOW Mnirth. Selloreet.i Flue W.at,clietig. CLOCKS, JEWELS), Silver ald Silver Plated Ware. FIFTH CIIAI OS U'H.S. Call and twee our stock and get prier,. I4ASLETT & CO., Rel. Wholesale awl II Ural. In C : IO . I PTIOAL.X.. A floe and well ~r NIA - HlNEand OPERA . CHOSCiipEs. andTELESCOPE:I, STEILP,irSoPES•MIHAIMNIETER, TH EKAMAIETKIL, al w hnd. PERF.COPIC Iniiert on ed In oid fram e , 93 1-2 SMITE-11.1E1,D STREET. •twivin LADIES' AND GENT'S MEI Led to or the ii" weep YI(Lh sa.ll,lntnowl •Ile) NN 7 . 111 ..PCM33E15i. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER, AT 107 MIV,XX_X3ErTr'EXP J. WII.IF At.. NEAR FIFTH. BILLER, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS Latext slyly. of VUHN !TURF. con,taull e2G:el5 BANKIN44 HOUSE N. ROLES & SONS .. 134 sta:aiKiersi, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh received In Par Yxnnn United tltaten and (_nn,4 P"':inPl'l''"';7l''4 =EMI STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES =ME Bought and Sold on Como/m*4on 1'•rile01. •ILetali3ll paid 1.4, the Svr>R••r •le of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDI ilultetilitates Sties of lASI, N Ito. do 5-.205, Ito. Flees of 1O- 10a, Ito. Seven-Thirties; rertldestes of ndeb Orders ant/ Vouch rs bought or l cullectet..tl.Ases... WE, TUE struscninEns, base tlils day entered Into* LIMITED PA lITNIER eII IP, agreeably to the prot talons of the Act of A - sernidy passed the Ist day of March, hart.Tte partneisislp to Itt• conducted coder the name of HILLER, BARU .1 PARKIN, In the City of Pittsburgh, and for the purpose of manufacturing and selling STEEL sod its products. The general partners are REUISEIN MILI.Er and CHAS. PARKIN, of the City of Pittsburgh, and tiEti. W. BARR, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. The special partners are SAMUEL M. KIER and SAMUEL DUFF. of the Borough of Lawrenceville. Each of the special partners Oat e contributed Twelve Thoosand Five Hundred Dollars lu cash. The said partnership to commence on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1066, and to terminate on the THIRTY-FIRST DA Y OF I/Kt:KAMER, 1.75. REUBEN MILLER. 71. ;Z .4 . " 1'Art01 1 1", SAMUEL M, KIER.. SAMUEL DI:Fr, O 7 pwc l .l jetzi:dbo CO. COLES., . ............. W . ;WA COLHOUN & EDWARDS, up INHERES AM DEALERS 1.. SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS 24 'rood Alreet. MEI In nom and landing In Philadelphia, 200 tons Soda Ash, Humes. Hutchinson's. and Crustlehl'e make ALSO bags Nitrate Soda, Crude and Refined: 730 kegs HI Carb Soda (English) bbls. Yen Man Red. Cookson's. ARSENIC AND MANNANDSL. 01 choice brands, constantly on hand. in : tots to suit purchasers. mrms4 CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. WilAlit)T.AN .i..\AIATAI‘tisIVD.E4fATLAETITTILAKIM Drat, •••• hand. 811112 .fni.l:4l.ll'sgETti, CIIINA TOILE T SETS. :14%0N itlllE IdIAN t W AItE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, LAVA : , CARL S! ' "I' ENOLISLI lILTAOVNARSIVA7R°u;42I.I varieties, to Outcast., and retail Dude. The Largest and most coin Piet ,. stock Or eve , ' thing • this line in the city. Prices and terms the suns an in the eastern cities. inyl7taNi S,ZUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT ENT STEETCIi ED AND ID VETE LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Manufactured at No. ytt bMITIII , II[I.I, KT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & Ageote lor New York bobber Co. (-um 1:1elti g. ItIVETTI hod BURS, flk:I.T 1 1 4 1UKr. vtc. Clone4o J. W. JOHNSTON .......... ......... JOHNSTON & SCOTT', DRALEItS IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. :4174 LLENRTY STREET, . l EThamaxiti.. x.! f . 1:r .iiai m e/v to d,!t .rj r n , tepying t t The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON !tall, rOIT:=t near Smithfield, Is inlin6t,t) Ineg,,,,T=. =te e n= 1;1: luring FLOW- Ice cream, cakes and confectionaries always on nand. setrig,No'nd°s?lll"lnEl.lroßlebAZ:lt IMA"N% the RT 1:11tict`"1117;;! : 11 .: ,72 .192 , Z,7!" . ..1:,%,',!r,t. hand. my=thio ALA ItUllE, Malle4r,ress BUY YOUR NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, 37." - MIS mss, ALT J. G. LAI UERIS Variety and store. No. iat Market etre.. }On P FMtnalikhir.,°.iyarik.,) COMIIII 11/trutgim,' TOII.t : T bOAIN 8 7.IZI.4;SI.II'%UtIitgUYALANKYS MMUS, CONCENThAI !LEASE DIEN, to., de., de., GO TO 131101WN, No, St. Clair Street. y35tb4.11114•1" .1. C. 11111111Cle 11. W. 011191111. JCa BIIFFUJO A. CO., ManniA,c -• wren of dares parilla. 1...m0n and 114alib tr , g3433Z1 1717.A.T.10NLA3, OV:arns • ; V:vg j eroi.TZE , le r e u rf q gt i aT R i jlac . VLsr d ; :kVA klgarr.,,..lll=rt:Z.a,,,, On rib, Pa. ..". Ordara and .alVgaal Pa."l. of the calm- Do shall mule.. • locoal:d&wr LA emitinE mousy, Phaadaphia. ..tritscbeirp,VlZAlMlA favorite Uouse l ar&jrlLitii9rz u ra tu i: 17.12911tiNwg mjArtivm. among and-ciserHUZ Mt2thagifi Pwllttr. f LOTS IN EirrEirra WARJD Zwicort. • E1.At5...33. solvdaN tonii,..i) by feet, frouttng ou Dbr.rl.l- AYUIL I VOT aby Ye fit, earme.of. B.gamra sad ttlfiltd , ; . .strick stream. f or sae On J NO. B. Bny..y.YES. barlitby.e4 t , i4l4 , 2lberilst. 4 Dialaind ay. CENTS I=l ALL STV,ES '‘, r OricE.— The Committee .on ..,.. Common Ground Illiprovrment "r, I toeor AI le.aben • . bare NYC,/ authorlrea 10 procure pl or Lb,. l'ounnun li round la maid elty. The attention of Landarape Ilardeners, and others, who O .Y he "'erected In haring the public ground. imProvtd, I I. hereby Int t ar i ng the plans for the propysea :•'"V•ri'Ail4ft.ortel/Ol'llnil''li!SP, thf.iteeoel.l,llMUZ ' n t her the Regulator's or Controller's °Mee RI ,liaro what Information may be wanted in ....i• in n ....it plArla. Such }donna. Mal' he Approved th , l a . lepted a nt be tiberaily pitil,,l. j...pirhpyi,ift.Tvitiv.• . balm:man of Como:Otto, t'ISHING TACKLE, BLACH,IIITFIS• AND ( A R I E.NI):II.2I' muLy, 'or ease ,t • JAMES BOWN'S, ISt. 01/ NTI[E ET. LEATIIER REII.IIIOG. CHESSMAN Rz CLARK. N„.,, .1110 ST., near the Penni-0.1,y, Ailcifhe ny lily, manufacturers "revery clestrll4l,39 Pal. nt/eat Mretcheol Cemented and Riveted OA it TAT, LEATHER BELTING. BEL ID made to order end n paired at short nottre. Particular attention paid to Bells for Roiling Hills and heavyworks. .% work warranted. Orders respectfully solicited. lealor74 _ . ALLEGHENY CITY FLOUEI AND • .E.JEEX) JEPl`birtio, S. C. Mc ] WASTER & CO., No. INS Ohio St., Allegheny, Wholssalt. and Retail Dealers 111 Flow-, Foaci in" ila-arakilzi.. Caah paid ror Wheat. and Rre. le7:etr4 ARED M. BRUSH, • Steam Boilers, OH Stills, Tanks, SHEET IRON WO/LRN. Jur-, No. 61 Penn Street, Plltcburgh, Pa. :1/.1G7 N MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS ALL 8.1.1:1/6. 1/Y AGRICULTURA-L IMPLEMENTS. To, . S. 3;7mt.. - cr na•ess, „ 30 llhlo ,treet, Allegheny. ONUS ANDBIOLITtiAGES want tilt. following numb: t- 5 009 $l,OOO, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, 0, two sod three years EMI 1 REA , JR., COMMISSION MERCHANT V1.01:1t, BACON LARD BUTTE/f., ac., • Etas xa:koi-e3,- rrs 111A1 JN & P1L1RD12.167 MERCII.ANTS AND MNUFACTURERS. l't rmoas clvalrlaa a SUPER/UR QUALITY UN I.lSla will la. arroultmalatea leaving stres orders tis.t at n L 111,41. Jelaaux GLASS SVORALS FOR SALE, 'MATED 14 SOUTH 1:06TON, MASS res.sat sole. Address U. A. VAN PR.& `k `'r House, or a. BACHE h CU. :00 Park How . _ - -•• tiounEs, BELL a. co., Anchor Cotton Mails, Pittsburgh, 101,1 rUPACYllIOL. OP AN(11011. (A) SIIEETINUK. ANCHOR MEECI/CAM. ANCHOR (U) SHEETIN. A FOR SALE, 141 acres In Farmington Loarnahip, Clarion Co., , haling about 05 ;urea clearmj atm tinder coin „Trl ,ttroTahlendverir.:Laipl cosy enienty lalottogride,. Y ., Mill. Frleew n Stock I BAILEY. au j d%t H e i n s t rate Broker, O. Ett Fourth streoL I'A CKS OF EVERY VARIETY. COPPER, TINNED AND IRON; ,ADDLERS', lIP HOLSTEIGI• AND CARPET JOSEPH WOODWELL & CO., tu Corner Wood and Second sta., Pittsburgh, ENTb FOR FAIRBANKS' !SCALER. yrT UMM - L . B. LINDSAY, 406.zarklEll .126TALAT , Office, 03 Hoyle St ,::11..,4;ha,lrattanitlx:31,...1v.%t,Ittoo drawing Deeds, Lena., t ionno.lectFone Intrued.rd ' to him will receive care+ ~d prompt attention. JetEntl ALICIIITECTUI/AL. BARR kt MOSER, ARCHITECTS, Hare removed to the Fruit AliblXiMioll Minding. Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair Sweet, nmere tlo y will bu gpleaned to meet tholrold Mends EUREKA CLOTHES WRINGER. one of the best Wile/cern ever eol.d Ja the Utilted tu ...Ws, you Will find at No. 221 Wooer ietzreet. 1 , -2J u. 1' ED ENGRAVED AND CET 1311- .T....ELASIRIVOIiTALIgrau In all klrt4o. Also, beau taut PA lIIAN ETTst. A choice lot Just received at STA Zino. SS 'oGroc>cll. EttiNowit. u. 1) . L. PAT'VERSQN CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, el.gween &teener street and Ohio Rim, li tanahester, Itu: building twat •1.114 g. dret I , tlp L, lath rallinae tar. '2%. C Tlinwsunsit's tig • Tc7, June 1 0th, O. M NOTICE IS HEBERT GIVEN TO I.A it"ii,lagrZwilti:LTtiaiWir,7l;ii.l2g; t t "L d i g:P u t g i 'lr !'nf v.-. in the City oflll:llrAba•g2ithrtr.N. PAL Treasurer of A leghenY orique, NO. lux hTILEET, corner of Stith. thborgh. tole. ° Vide ,L YeVelry oo , 111:17 inlntil..llleo;"Wrigheei Cloth . lBg, anti artleleo of e Owl= %It.raTiT . r b .:e d ontr7.l.. bawd. of every deeeription !sap pncee. (10.1:d34 ECUAliflinili 14414 - 1 - I — SAT STEAM FERRY BOAT, AT LA W ItEN CEVLLL Enquiry of ,• • 750 Liberty ateett. V 8. u. MIZE3 'I CELFAIitICrE.D STE:EI,, TT HAY RAKES, ...erairle Bird', and ... Meadow Luir..•• are tuanutattnred cal; o..gier-: . HIIQUESHM. WORK% near th e i eulterdarro...e... ghe.y vlty, . bay Forle,lBprlng and Plain Wig0na.4143.,e- ICM bak:.. tt:' ,. . rows and Truck. of ever/ 7/. , raa 4 o of awNN malarial, at= an notice, an leasiv,...., .• - .- ~~ TM! WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEDNEDIDAND AND Auk& yawl vs. reit edition le forwaided wince will nese the wa! thither. theses& es the mall 113214 G'l.lllißleOVl T rlVit PRR TIMIS : ''''' CLLIts OF EN AND llPW:e_nuO.... Nl-1•INV CJI,C)A_LicS JUST REUXIVED AT TUE CLOJA DOUSE. ELEGANT CLOTH GAMES - • Selling at 452,515-, CM= New Cloak liouse,', 49 Fifth SL, Oppysite Old Theatre. • A N I.: ANll 11A NI BASE HALL,, BATS AND BASFL, lILACKSMITUS• BEI.LoWS. CAST AND WROU4aIT A!iVILS, 11ANI.:PACTVIMIt OF liEO. M. PETTI'. :go. 13 St. Clo.tr +l revs MIMI zurls a.% --•— ta ao .. ..... z M Mg'M. , • ■ ~'~~r :,~;,.-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers