ghe *ittobitrgk gazette. THURSDAY. NUT 10, 1865 ADVERTISINC RATES Established by t h e Press of 1111Wflourgh STANDING MATTER. v.l. Square of Ten Lines, Eight Words to the line, or 844 inch Spate. EOM! One Lime Tero thee. Three thrice Four Clines ..... rive times •........ Ka time., one Week.. Beim) them, htBI time. Niue elm... Tem times Elcren limes Twelve 111314 . 6, 2 ereelm Three weelm t ene month In <moths 'months CHAMIKABL One Mouth—. ..... Two month. nave months— ... llVar••.-- ...•• Tile Paiiure of 1... P. Rayne. The recent fallUre of L. P. Bayne, of this city, involving in utter ruin the Merman's National Bank of Washington, one of the N a tional Deponitories, in another evident ., 4.r tine loose manner in whtoh the question of loyalty and disloyalty has Issm regarded. Throughout theiwhole w.r Mr. Bayne has lan prominent for disloyalty, and has been the leader of the clique in thin city aho de (lLed nit their energies to tile depr,motion of the National credit and the enhancement of the twits , of gold. His other nits the headquarters of gold gamblers, and the (opinion of Mr. Bayne was regarded its not to be doubted or•gitlnsayetL i'ruc, he led many of them to losses and otter ruin, and notwithstnutling htsantecedentsiu sem-mee t non with the firm of Bayne, Whit been ,t of Washington, and its One of the agents for the sale of the State stock of Virginia before the war, he wan regarded by the sympatinz - ern with the rebellion as a king of liminne. .rho ft that is man of these chanieterintles should have unlimited control of tt bank which nun a. National Depository, and ar. Malty used the money (tithe thwernment during the war to speculate against its .'reedit and financial exlstoiwe, is one or the enignuet which we hope that s Tull inve-sti mann, of the subject will unravel. In the nektetlon of a Niaionatl I oeposiu try, the loy alty of its directors and managers should Inc strictly scrutinized. and we are sure there could not be mueh loyalty lit at hank Clint would loan, without security, to Mr. 1.. I'. Bayne, the. HUM of seyen hundred thousand dollars. The directors did not even take the trouble to require of Mr. Bayne the delivers of what he ealitsi hi i , ollaterals,but sent n committee to Balti more to examine an to their eh-grader. 1 t ow they you'd he regarded nw "rat laterals" whilst they wore in the possession of Mr. Layne is another point 01mm - quires oxide nation, and also sob) what rule of banking that Is which loans money on collateral,. not In posscssi ~,,, and without knowing what wits the character or value of those eollateraLs. IL t4l-4•111,4 to tO, Clint the who], affair anoint be regarded as anything else bid s"grand filV111(11, • "rilero in criminal management;and criminal cleating:evident in every phase of the transaction, a n d it is more than apparent than the Merchant,' National Bank of Washington has come to the mid which iLn chief man/igen( started it to nevamplintt, and that it must be closed with the numerous banksof the same char acter that have had their origin and end In I hat city.-- Ilaltintore American. Ttirai.oW W Eau, in a note upon th. ' , emit bombardment of Valparaiso, tells a good story euneerning II eon versation iu 1 , 43 betwcsai Farragot and the Ituasian Admlnti visiting New York at that time. Admiral F. wnseomplainingof an American ottiet.r who did not capture a Confederate steamer in a neutral port. "Why you would not have done ii 7 ' said the Russian. "Yes, sir," replied the American. "Hut; .said the Russian, ' . Your I; i.vortinp,l hive lirnken you..' "Of C.4llrtit• ii roplied Admiral I. "limit tromblll' , I hair 1.40 lA, r 'l • he Rinksian Admiral laughingly inquired, - Whore did you study y,.nr in ikmiatinlini '• A I Valparaiso. in 1 , 11," repiled ['arra gut, •• woe, •utis•rinr British Inrre 111 mil. 11111 , 111 of neutrality laws, captured Liu I 'lnns! slate- fregate and the Brit isurtinander was right, for we hall nearly destn/ytsl British 1 . 111111 . 111•rg, in the Pavitce 11.4.1111, 111111 it he tel us 1.1.1141 we should have Itilislosl q lust Wilt 11'11. 1 . 111 • 11• me entergenetes when oilleers 1111151 net under it higher law." PLUMBING. &o pLintienc., GIS AND STEIN FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. =I lIIIMMED WATER CLOSETS AND WANDA ANDS. =I WOOD PUMPS; IRON PUMPS, - 331r3:11 Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LiEii.D PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS. dr/Llano name. Brass Wort .of all kinds; Block TID ripe, I rtlou f t otidsdns: 0 4 kinds of flam anid Lostber • Idoite_ Pipe. Oeupangs Plpe end Mier.. 0 , 1141 descriptions' kept oonstintly on hand itt Addy, Williams &, Bartley's I=l PITTSBURGH, PA BEAVER STREET, biABORESTE'R 1,, N. ll.—All kinds of repairing done promptly All orders by mall Mimed Misty attended to. Ntlmodmitcroveni ATENT LEAD PIPE Sheet Lead Works BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street, Have nes baud it'd snake to onlos all sites of LEAD PIPE AAII SHEET LEAD. I MUDDING GAS AND Mire& PI TITTINO, H I ALL ITB BRANDEIS. !lizTAlLAßratif= A p i g v enced sad praclital OAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS. 1 " 1 "" "M‘TRIL CLOSETS HYDRANT% onstantly 011 . 11120 lap mute to order. TATE & SEVILLE, • y• • MP TX, WRAP IMI)MT,./1410;04% 80.1it I=lllW LMMY BT.R inkIMSI4I7 Dnll7. : 5451 3 40 3 75 410 440 4 74 5 00 700 9 03 Is 01 ID 00 am 5404 ONCE • • 600 4 60 1060 7 W 1160 000 tit r 4 1 1 ' A 16 KKK.. 00f8 80 8130 , 1 60 to 12 00 ,j 48W 88W I= I=l ETIPIEJMS t OM, I= QM 110 POLITICAL UNION ILEPUBIJCAN COUN TY COSTENTION.—The Union Republican staineated to meet : "o ral tethrn W e 4.6 ard ra V, le9 Bo ill ro ht tt i rt7 h a o l dtr To g :n k sl t tp7iron "' SlT o UU. DAY. MAY Warn, and elect two deelohetiteLeantionfrotrrio each election district,. to 5 I. r ll , beheid on TUESDAY. 31 A A9ril, at 10 o cinch A. 51.. for the purpose of nominatang & County Tick et, and tranwactims t u a e m b busillelis /5 11117 be proPrel, enters of that portion of Ailee-- 14 The I (Totals.. 17hur In the 22ki Congreasional District, at the saute time and Macon, elect two dele gates ( b election district. to meet In Con uoo,at City WI, Alleheny, on TUEISDA Y. No er, at 10 o'clock A. 24. • for the purpose of fOrCOngresa said district. m a priming, elections In the townships will be held between ltle boors of four and alit o'clock. and In tbe Utica and borou for the hoer, of four anJ seven o'clock r. ye a h the cities and boroughs the elections shall bo by ballot, and in the town ship. by marking or by ballot. By order Of the Committee. WK. ANDERSON,W. J. (ELUDED!, Chairman. > _R. W. TilOssAY tZ/ I TOIIGRIE99, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. - MOORHEAD wring placed himself at the disponi of Ids friends, ID response to their call made on him, ills name la nosepresent.rd try. them o candidate for nomina tion for Con greed. thr the Z2AI District. subject to the action of the Union Republican l'outtly eonac tt, il lion. IarCONDRESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY N A CANDIDATE IN THE EEs DISTRICT. mhlElmd • IW ' CONGRESS.—The triendmi of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will present his name to thr Convention or the t;hlat, party, far nomination aanratatittate Jar t'an tha Ltd Ithotract. tahlYntiwki ligr*lFOß suEntrr, SAMUEL B. CLULEY, r'utklect to the action of the U oi . licl n oV,2 , l : c , a r ll'u , o it IFOR SUEItIFF, CHARLES BARNES, Late Colonel ninth HAT. Pn. Heavy Artillery and Bret. Brig. Urn. U. n. A.. oubJect to the action 01 the Colon Conieullon.:ddwF tar`FOß SIIIIRIFF. JOSEPH ROSS, Of thr non. Ward. Pittsburgh, will hr randi date fur Sheriff, ouSiest to the action of the Usion lispubSeas County Convention. Ishis:te par - FOR SHERIFF. CEN. S. B. M. YOUNG, Late Colonel Fourth Partnertvants Cavalry mtal IW`"FOE SHERIFF. COL. JAMES MIL. SNODGRASS, lacßeefrrt. (We of the 9 th Itererres.) u ill be a eandi to (be Sheriff. sub', tto the deribloa of the ensolux County Convention. liir£oll. ASSEMBLY. REV. F. A. HUTCHINSON, Of North Fayette Townslglu, at thr urreisi ...tic-Ra tion of many of ht• has tiled• be a candidate tor before the Repo Miran County Contention. tarY:tc IlarFOR ASSEMBLY, DAVID SHAFER, • r4rEOll ASSEMBLY. COL. D. L. SMITH, Of Allegheny city, will he 4ranoll.late. for Assrlo- Ny nre , aj •tion.eet to the action of the Uhl°. It..publlrail o . FOR ASSEIIIIIIL W. JOHN A. DANKS, of Etna. robiect to the prllon of the IJo.on !Cr on 11. n County Cant...lnn. FOll ASSEMBLY, JOSIAH W. ELLS, Uf littAuttgli. ou , ,Jet,t to the action of the 1...,11 ItylltallSran t ostut y t otivt.tltion. w`"FOR A SSEM BLY. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Will be motlltlale for / - aultit-t•ltit Its mlluu of the llttputtllttatt ion luu. eat 1011. gae-ron ASSEIVIBL T. SAMUEL CHADWICK, jol IP/ lea. 4.14 , pr...5m. `FOR ASSEMBIN, MM. GEN. J. B. KIDOOO, Formerly of Wee:id and 1371.11 Vs. Vole., and Gth ur RA U. colored troops, and 11FOL11111.1 eeverol) It front of Richmond. will be x randidale for Assent bl) before We liepubllerw County r:onvenlion. 2.1117 . TFOR I=l HON. GEORGE WILSON, or Pitt Township, will present his name as a cans I Amu for Assembly, before the nest Union Itxpobil can County Convention. aplYdo PITI' WCOUNTY COMMISSIONER. SAMUEL NEELY, SR., Of Manchester, (formerly of Sew ickley township., will be &candidate for Countyomtmioner. Jeri to Inc decision of Um Union Hepanlican l'onot y Una renSion. W - COUNTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE HAMILTON, Of Ptttshorgh, subject to the action of the Union Republican County Convention. apmic W - COUNTIN COMMISSIONER. CHARLES PUGH, fif Manchester, will be 2 candidate for County Com missioner, subject to the action of the Unit. i'ounty Contention. mh32:ttl 'FOR CCHEM OF THE OR ILANS• Cf,Uirr. CTATAIN E. M. JOHNSTON, Of Lawrenceville, tette of I'. V.. who lost ILL, candit the 'tattle or the WlMentes.. Va.,' will he a date Fur the above odic., mobjeat to the Oects lon of the itepubliun County Convention. nlyY:tc Vig - FOR CLERK OF THE OR PHANS. COURT. ALEXANDER HILANDS Will he a candidate tot Clerk of the Ortibatia• l'on et, Cubieet to the decision of the Republican fount) onvention. IRr FOR CLERK OF THE OR PHANS' WU RT. JOHN M. LARIMER, Of Chanters township. sultJeet to the action or the ihnlott Itepubilesin County t,oa Tenth., y :lc CLEREL OF THE Olt.. ItltAlent COURT, Es. WILLIAMS, /R., Of Pittsburgh, subject to the action of the Un ion lispublicast County Conrcutiou. ap3Otte W - FOR CLERK OF THE OR PIIAINK` COURT, HORACE S. SNOWDEN, Cittetiorgh, subject Lo the deciyion of the I 'llion Republican County Convention. •p[7:te tr b CLEITii. OF THE COURTS. JOHN O. BROWN Ui fte n tr . i . T v ol ar dilp, late Private Co. ! iit,, l r tr3d , Itai"FOß CLERK OF COURTS. JOSEPH BROWNE, Late of ilnci Pennsylvania Volunteers and sth Peon rylvanla Artillery. riabJect to the decision of the trapubtleau County Convention. of 31:I.• rg"FOR CLERK OF COURTS, DR. WILLIAM J. GILMORE, Of Upper St. Clair Township. Intra-Otr-wteY igy - FOR [MOISTER, DAVID CORNELIUS, Of Allegheny City. (late Capt. 212th Pe. suh- Jeri t nvention. o the decision of the 141100 Republican Conuty Co faI"FOR REGISTER, JOHN SMALL, • Of Pittsburgh, sitNeet to the action or the Uolou Republican Court!, COnTentifin, alfZ:tc Vig — FOß REGISTER, JOSEPH H. GRAY, Of Plum Township. Bite of Co. E. ltath r.. iceg• nl/.cid and disabled at th• battle of Pair Oaks.) P lo the dectelou of the Union Republican Colour Coovebtlon, lar FOR REGISTER, R. D. HUMES, ur Terentem Borough, entlect to the deetalon of the Republican County Convention. aplo:te rSrEOR RECORDER HENRY SHIVELY, Of the Seventh Ward, rttlatiaratt, will bea candi date for the above °Mee, antdect to the aethtn at the Union 'tenni:Mean Conlitty Convention. apVitte FOB RECOADES, •ABDIEL AI'CLURE, Of •MIMIn Township, will be cu:Wale for He corder, ..abject loth* action of the time. Hop pa' tan CoOnty,Conaentlon. ap24tte . . a"FOIL ItECORIDEIL L O. COPELAND, of foosboth TownottpCwill 0a a' es . liiplato for Ur. Bl eardpueer.lri Mla llinoct doWslostOr tfrOork COOMV f 9.31713,13•1- • - - SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 rarAYER'S PILLS—Are you Sick, feeble and eouiplatnlng" Are you out of Order with your seat/out denting, and your feeling' , nneOmfortsMe• th..t. ,In pPaat are 0t.. , n lb. per t-tide to a, .om, Illness. ..tots, lit of .irl.rtess Is pnteplug iti, .., on. and should be averted he Atha,- ' 17 use ut the right rent, dt . Tate At .1' . PIO, and lean.. a out lb , dioodered bun.or..—purlit ;ht. . and let the th,ida mute on erioh“rucied in heal, again. 'the) ...mull. the rutirtious o r ihr body Into slaw,. ar tivlty. purify the sySttan 110ra the obstruction. which make disease. A mod set tins somewhere in the body, sod deranges Its mon, al Othello.. Thee, If not relieved, react nrom then:m.ll,e and Ow surrounding 0,-ton., PrOdinnng 6,neral akerat Noon. ...Tering aml ~ .rtngeinritt• tithe In tills con. 11:1..n. take Ayer•• 1,:!s. mild see how dim rtle the, etoro r. the natural action of the cstem, system, and With It ti.t. Loop ant to. Ong or health again. W hat le true and .0 a ppA re 111 11 , WI/ trlt tal nod rout mats v 0001,141. It alto too , In man) of the ' deep seated and danger.o.• tilatetupv rt. The tatur purgative creel rip, tie tn. , i 111.1.41 I, similar obstructions and •Ivranev.u....t af the naniral fa:te lly. of the Inoty. 1100 are raid.ll, 111.1 many of 111,11.1,0 v cured to the same Illf. ill, %Ml.' rho ./ Ult. know ,' t r io, of Usu.. fills wilt neglect to employ ! them when KO:tering Ilmni the disorders they furs. 1111.11 aa Headachy, Toni tOomach, lit tuntery. Mi le... i'ornplaint, India, t lon, I ierangetnent 01 the I.i . er, l'ostleeness. 4 'onati nation. Heartburn. ' tthetunattarn. Dropsy. Worms and Suppression. why° talon In lama. dimes. thee art. finger l'oated. so that the most aehaltlea can int,. lir In easily. and they are an rt.], the hest 1 uneasi ly , in,dietie trt ollteto reed. • • AYER'S A(4IFE For the speedy cort , of bstertnitteut Feurr, or rover and AVan R.-bittern: g'sver Aron - . Datat• Anne, Periodical HemPsel. or Jithows lirenta..., god Mt- Mug Frecra, fudge,/ for lA, mho!, close of , Itar.t.e....r- Igin.ting In I.llln ry derottgeiniut, ranntal by lie Ma hila Of suitagrematlc counts-h.. Tn remedy h. rarely failed to cure the severest ram, of %tits and Vrier, and It farthis gnat a.l tasc I ter other Agar tio.dl.-Inet, that it ' , Wags the eornidalut blhout lola, In the patient. II ontai. no ,tunine or olio r tertot”.llllb.toner, 1111,101'8 It pro.lll, r ,tut 111,. .y Injurious effect what., cr. Slitting brother,. ol the army 00.1 the mat. try It and ionwill rnlor.e these U.5.,11011R. in, Iv J. I 11' Fit A I D., Lowell, Situ... and bold by 11 , A. f JahIZSE.STUCH•tiSt/N tl t-n., , by all ltrogglsts. nthlll.thnlt.t 114r — RE1'11017VEY'S TURKISH ..laspoi.Es lAN 4A IR TON IC. TRY. lIIIESNNti AND It'TIIN AUE• T1111(1, , 11 NAN ligTunt' v a r t 111101.11 It 4,11•01.LNI Av. What can lw more acceptable than anything Mat will biatatlfy? that will restore nature, decay by slapping lit, hair from faltirg nal. ro •d,ring ID natural colt, Making g b. In lux t.rMure and beauty. sastsi In touting it tip to t I' . pri•, •ty do' fa‘ltiwn an. keep it )11 p, I Ili it , trottorg, Turkish Hal. , 1•lll :}air Totte wit! and for pnorf we mit, It' any l/1.,1111 hi, 111,. Dud It. It act now 10, .1 to be the la of the age , the ouly Ilalr Toole anal Restorer worthy of the nano, In Turkey, In France. In England. In America—everywhere where the "IlarololouLatr • Is known—lt Is pronounced the plus uttruof Dalt . Preparations. liannenther. It Is fry.. rl . Olll sit metallic poisons that sew contained Ittitowl Dalt . Colors and .Ir, deluge. Illy the extract 3 ,K:n . ..T . 11 , 7 , 1, ,,, 5 , :t . :1 1. .1 1. 1ter1t5, beat Dian', pat up, an For sale by all Druir 11. 1.. FA lINENT.a'IC a I'D, Prt helps Depot for United States awl 'tinadas, JAMDS acv.' No. CV ltArkrt arcet., delo, ner PhUsdelpttl... 110" - LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS I=ll PARS, BIeCIIRDY & CO. Mellopleturrrs of .41i K_ATIII BRA ZHOU, ANL. , 11 4 11.1 I'.ll'l }:lt, I•ltt,, , Elt 1.4 , PPEII loirmxs, NA t, ,i1,11,F. Ale. , . itotrro slot dealers to MET li., IN Pl. T ,111.. ET IRON, villa, a,. ~..11.tantly band. TIN N M Al'll IN and Tt oI,S. nr,.- bonny, 111 VII:, sad r.ilsa.rlsp ti - rolf.c - fs, Pitt.- or.lrrs of Copper cut to an] dealrvd PlTl'SBUlttlill MAW WOltilli, HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. ILkS111,11311.1“41 or PATENT GROUND CIRCULARM, arrAntell CAs7 STREI, SAWS, °revery descrip tion. AIM, Muley, eross-Cia, Gang, 6.1.1 WI other Tarl.tit.s. All 1.1n.1n KNIV ES an.) :WI/ N.,N, nm•le itts.lll Shrel Cast-Mo.-I ; Ka tra Kenn. .1 REAPER A 310 W I KNIVES. c. Sar arolool ana Wort •. vrl,.r W A Tall all., 1 . 3111,111 a, 1E14'111,1 I.lld , •log.thlng. Fon., log and ..tralitht , fling , •Irro!ar ~on. cso, •r par of all Mo.!, r awl 1/J - thing dont, at rrays.vahle fits' mai I y Er WM. B.IIII 4 iIIILL & Boller Makers & Shed Iron Workers. No. 20. 22, 21 and 20 Penn n a ,, nga , nn , . , .tarFn Yard. and famished Ii 'with vlta roma approvai! wa art praparrol to tnanit (Aetna. avary /lanai-10 .m lof 114tILKIP., thr Gant naanto.r, awl warnanttal /opts! Lo any mad.. In Ina country. 4 DK I 111 I : M I NFI , , 1112KK C d I 11 14 t V a I . R , E nI, STa:AV 1 . 1 . LIK /MOTi r LII!1 1a A4iINaKILa. lA 1.1 ItANa, TANKa ', }ll., 11E.., rrl.) \ ariNa, Ito.I.ER 11H1.4.a 4/ It I'ATt atolv le.anotart..ors lIAIGNIIII.I.ta I•AITa:NT paolum /lon. 110. , 1..tr0.t to.tlett. dal , If rar"iIOBUNNON, REA A: ( U., (Sue t. to Itonlato/v. Mixt. R Slit-Lass. WASPUNGION KS, Founder* de llacidadta, WOß l'lttabargh. Isanorartnrara of ttoAT AND aTATION rAir STEAM ...MONK!, Itl.oll V 1.1. A. 4 . 11151,1i1,1/KA allA VTINii, A: 4 llM's.. f As A ,iivrr iiia, W4PI:K. SEM=III W — Jl4)ll% 111110„ if snot{. r. 110, \Al.l.l', A t) VA I'l 1' 11.1,,, WI 5,••.,, -111 ..1 . 4,1 till, -1 :.:•••••• ndAtiLO ;1 ttrt.' ,lola t Ita, • •11 thicn t , it LI .1 ;;;:. (I, a. -“,s , au - Vatittl..its, It. rot lotqlig torso, !Apts. .101.,ng •krutt• st •y: IW -- ' NEIII.I 01 S 1•4,11 nrY,h, paving N. rvotalr•-.1 Info-. 44444 Aztete•; 14. , •.lailliltlll,l, 1.41 hi% • • :ca.- ••• the uo ans.( corr. on the reen , l , l or at, ad !rennet l lope. bo ocuA, free, a Color oI tno proscription nnr,l. 1/I,lt bo I,r. N. 1., , tt•N A LI., I. 1 , ,,:t0u street. N. 1 na1,11:1v4A, , ,T SENT FIIEE.--A Pamphlet 11,4 . lutto , rtnurv• to t- and te n t Ton , ularrleol su•l ,outtle of bolt. soles, will toe n fron addlntrnlng. Italy p encloser'. the Agent, A. HEW/RICK et I it., thin 11,,,t0n Post umcc. milatlidAtta ar THE 111111lill. ('11.11,111E11; AT. Et , , , A) WAILSINIi AND IN STRUCTIGN r , MEN. Also. 11“. anti r, liable troattoo ut , •1"111. Urinary and r•ot nal Sr,. A4 , 11 - toss blill,LEN )(ow.. Asnontallon. l'lallatlelnbla. Pa. SEWING MACHINES LOCK-STIT( II SEWING MACHINES, For Families and Manufacturers After I ws-lre.trial. It ha. 1.e..0 41.nt..13..trat,1 that Ott IA PI ,TITI II It ll". nt.l, elltcle onitabic or rt so' tarletf iait• CALL AND IKNAMINK AT THE WHEELER & WILSON SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth Street. `WM. Eit & CO GROVER & BAKER'S Mlt kit111:1 kl*l HAT!, bee. awardc , l the vuter PRIENIIIIIIS at Lb followlng Fairs for tter year II 5: rim Premium) for Moraine work at Poona State Vale. rint prorntorn fur boat Alactilor wort •t New Yor Mate ralr. 1141 Mil NEMM;E==I ••- - • . rlrst prrlttlam It, Pest Manufacturing Machine Miceinan :elate Pair. •. • ).rot frt I.ort Manufactorlng Machine %lacunala State Fair. First i'remitim for best Manufacturing Machine Lawrence County Fair. Pa. Vlrat Premium for beet Machine fur gene , a , par russet, at Lawrenee County pa. First Premium for best F amily Machine at Hoek County Fair, in. First Premium for hest Manufacturing Machine. litick• County Val, Pa. First Premium for beat Manufacturing and h.amil Machine at bpl/1111111e1.1 Fair, Ohio. Fleet Premium for best Manufacturing and Machine at Palm ra Falr. N. Y. First Premium for best Illaimfaeturing and Venally Machineat Suffolk county Vail, N. Y. rind Premium for best Mannfasi..turing and Family Machine al Sehuyier County Fair, N. 1 . First Premium for heat Machine for all puri.ecs. at Allegheny County Falr, M Pa. First premium fur best anufacturing Machine, fliegbrity County Fair, Pa. Ilest 1 . 1,1111111111 for best Machine w rk •t Allnßhno County Fair, Pa •ud wherever exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, =3 351V:eolots Nu. IR Fifth streol. SHAW & CLARK'S 12111P1R.C,Ii;r1E113) SEWING MACHINES. 40 ma..ci1a.t13.066 SOLD IN TWO DAYS. Are manufactured wttloot any ramplleated Machin en, end therefore are eel liable to get out of repair, and are perfeelly avla{ked Cru every dearrualon of Family Sew Ind and Tailoring. We .I:. nut rlass our alschrues with cheap unudi I Rea, As w r have taken e 0 Patentee priers. They II F.M. Foil.. sTrn , lii N 11, MU 111[01D QUILT !Accused V hove . , Wheeler d. 11 , d am, kir°, er d haler. • d flaellelder. All of our hlachto • ere warranted fly. years. AUE:PIII WA N'l It. 11. LONIJ, Agent, 112 Untnt street. near Pilau Ptrrsuuson. ROJO. line.] BARTLETT 826 sE rrx..irds; Licensed under patents of Howe, Wheeler A Wit- Son, tlroetr 3 Baker, and Binger C 0..., end the only Cheap Machine to Me United Mimes, having Lim right t use the Wheeler A Wino, n or four motion Under- o Feed. We wont Agents to sell them. Wilt per CIO or iMeOr month, ur allow large Commlwilans. Tit send Machines, to lw lead tar Wltra kohl. For (jr. cedars, terms., rlte.close stomp, sod aldrens PAUL ,en tirWitns Anitarre, At either of our Offices, l'hilsdelphia, Cs., Toledo, Chick or Ht. Louis, Mo. Sews with double or atngis thread.—licreratilo 4171ellefrn. MirMarad2lllWF i) ~~4Vt71r41 SEPH ADANIS, t ln nelit. c p n., astasigyikr.erAirowirjad so " AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY or music, 31ANAtiERESS...Ma, HENDERSON LA.sT NIGHT OPT TWO. Itr „ ni ,„„,,d request, 'ROSSINI'S UPEILIA. BARBER OF SEVILLE. Young Prim, Penn., !file N A 01 /I, uhu sr 111 appear As IttmlN A. I) k BELIE% 1.IS:ItAl A Sr, FoItAIES, WEIN I.) and ull, r raturdes lo the eon. TIMILNDAT EVEN INTO, will be performed, BARBER OF SEVILLE. Itorina . . ...... . .......... Elaira Naddl. count AiMatira ......... . .Theo. Hal/Oman. • •••• ••• • • 10 , Merman, Ylmtro With. Formes. litlit rtolo nun.,i Jm. W.ein' !cehr.. line Otto Lehman. M•1Ic . MIA NADM ctll Intro l. her e r tele . brated PM., • I A HNI V AI, OF VENICE ) I'EltA HOUSE. NI iN aut. ILA ND lill. TO-NIGHT THURSDAY EVENING, will he present." the great Dram. entitled the CORSICAN BROTHERS. YAW. and Lonlsllel Fratnehle, ....W. 11. Leak. Tip with the Comedy of mi...w.. , rms.szawsxmas. FRIDAY, 11/ANEFIT Or LOUISA SY LV MITES. BATUIWAY, (MANI/ MAT/NEli. SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. I.)ITTSBURAM THEATRE. Las vac AN u WIC 11100. N . Third pled or the Inimitable ,r-reLl'ariErMn MACPCIMEI, Who opl appear as SAM PATCH and NATHAN TUCKER. 1 . 11 ,, (Thors,ln) EVENING, w 111 be presented (ho ..ut.thatilr Drams or /531..9.3%4C n. I•atch Yan kee Lorke. I.y 3 PC•1 = 1...9.3Zi121,.."E" Nlffitan Tucker Yankee Locke. To emieltt,lr rctlli Sarah's Young .an BOOM, SHOES, &co 25,0(H) DOLLARS.__ Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, ...savxo 338x.aiarcam. TO SoLD THIS mosTg A r Prices than they can be bought in this city, ALL NEW ANL/ DE.SIItAIILE GOODS. Call early and procure bargain., at tha old stand of J. IL A. W. C. BORLAND, m No. v. M.rk•lstrevt. 24 d.wrr from fith •t LADIES', GENTS EMI CIELIMaTI7FtZIN•I9 Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, B A T. M gE;lll7laersi, ado., 1111cCLELLANDN AUCTION EMPORIUM Ni,s. 55 and 57 i rt, 11 El; t I'ItIVA ak24 NESS 1:0111111M. A SPLENDID STOCK Lad 44esi VA, Mimes% and Chil- d re us BOOTS, SHIM'S AND GAITERS, oV ALL TI1Y: LATILAT ATI LYS. J - CT IST t=l.l.,lEllg 8T T. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, GI Market Street BOOTS AND NIIOES. a-ALA:Ia-IEIB ROBE. .Vo. X 9 Illarket Street, near 6th large Psrehase or HOOTS AND SIItIES tl.b. 'lmo, W, keep MI baud s full assortment or ; rry varlet) of Boots end Oboe., selected with the utmost rare far thlh market. We Invite special at. t. ',Don to our stock. an we belie, It to I. the best ”k the ell). a I,lre we will aell at the lowest prices. lesao call at No. re Market street. Haring had ~,er thirty years experience In the Imaluess, yov outlet la.l to be soltcd. Remember the place, No. • r• •1. tapßl, JAME. NEW SPRING GOODS. J. W. CARNAHAN g CO., ra . c.. Eta Mesa - ]set latz - sscot, it.... now on ban.? In ex le.n.lre meortmout LA MM'. MISSIS•, SOI"S and CHILDREN'S Hoots. Shoes, Gaiters, Balmoral", 1VI,Ir)1 they can anti .10 sell a 6 ehur as any other 1...11... In the 4.11 y. aid and examine. at No. 81 Market street. sp?l_ CII EA PEH THAN THE CHEAP- VA KM' HOD Y 4.101\t: TO 92 FEDERAL STREET MIMI Roots. Shoes and Gaiters. fl PAT MII+I , I2TITENT IN THE CITY. Lowest Prleeot. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED AT M'CLINTOCK'S rnyt Vederal strect., Allegbe77 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STOKE, .Wo. 24 RI. Clair Street A Iftrgt , 4,,n1 etoet of LADIF.S• • 1• n .11.11•1111.1,RENS• LIAM ERB DJ 11.1 k lal. i. 11. N, rte., which will be egld at the LO 1'1111• Y.C. (ap39.fimeanl) .1011 N NN 01/0 RABB. SHIRTS. CO I z &c _ To GENTLEMEN. At tII Int...t ELATES now In stork at out GREAT SHIRT AND COLLAR DEPOT, No. 12 Fifth Street, A spot/mild lino of. SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR, I,A UZE corron MIRTH A (IZE MERINO NHUITS. LIHI.F. THREAD HYLIILTY, SUMIIER NILE SD MTN. DRAWERS, VINE JEAN DUAWEILB, LINEN DRAW EMI. A LAO. FINE WHITE DREAS SIMMS, VA NIT FRE:it'll LAWN LISLE, NILE AND RID OLDVES, LINEN AND SILK lIDEFS., EN DI.IIIII AND FERMI' DRACIDA, Lute Norellleg In TIEN, ith the soo.l complrle Hue or Gentlemons' Furnishing Goods IN THE WENT. As oor business Is exclusively E YUltßlSllltili, we rarely full to please In that 11110: Remember our number, 78 31M1'Ua. 11111troet, Ncsrly opposite the Post (Mee. y 3:lwwitoWAS SIURDOCK A PUTNAM. DRAITGHTi:kG GENERAL DRAUGHTIAG OFFICE • ALascl X toat .494pcizicar Na u at In. Moir at., nom Nampo:Mon Bridyl 4.. 11.;.%Diigletn" tun tasto.o $25 PIANOS AND ORGANS. PIANOS AND ORGANS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIM, To make room for ao ENTIRE R . EW STOOL m7l CHARLOTTE BLEILE, 0 Pin Meet. I:lllll .s ) C P X l toti l ittabt t tittw rive fram el .110 Uu quarter', For sale by (4024) PAM a 9!,, FOR SALE—FOR RENT. MERCHANT TAILORS. RimovAL IWASALE, A SMALL FARB of g 0 acr , s. sitnatr In Ital•lsrin township, Allegheny county. Fa.. St, wiles fron, the I. On the Brownsville road. The Improem. ut. are a large two-story Frame lions, with lu double parlor. 'stile ball running through the hou.e: water 111,1 at the door: a Bank }Urn. HP hi . 0 Vol.r and other out-ho tidings; a garden of 4 . . xe,llrnl nll. 4,lll lAtillugone •Lialf aere, planted OILS k lod• of dwarf froit and vines; trait of every kind: al.out 7011 or Sto trees of !wet quality of grafted ft - ult. The roil of the whole farm Is good. The eery best of fencing; a beautiful lawn In front, planted with i t hrobbovy and trees. For a country . residence. It la not sur passed. and for a profitable Investment, there Is no question. Also, the best Farm in Elizabeth township. roe ; Mining about 20 acres. lying nn the Mouougsiteln river. Immediatelt below Lock. No. 2. ml whirit 1. erected a large two-story Brick Dwelling 11000, one log andone Frame Bank Barn. corn-crib, wagon briek spring tieing, granary. work shop. dr. About 30 acres of the above IA first quality river bol -1 tam; the balanre being limeskone land, and under laid with coal, and about VI- acres of limestone. There are two orchards of apple tree., In good bear ing condition: peach, pear, plum trees and grape Ines. dc. The land is well adapted for gardening purposes. belng a short dtstanee from the thriving borough of Elleabeth creating a market at home for HI the products. This properly will he sold cheap and on good terms. Also, a Farm of 117 acres, situate Fallowfield township, Washington county, Pa., about 2 miles teem the town or Uestleysville. The improvements are, tint, a two story &Mae house with tive ram.; seconA, a two-and-a-half story hewed log house; third, • No. 1 new barn, by 40 feet; a good spring house, three large orchards of different fruit, apple, peach, pear, plum, genie., cheery. At.; acres cleared; the remainder In good timber. fhe land Is level and of the very best quality, and will be sold at a reduced price. Also. ri Yam of about 120 acres, In Fairfield town ship, Westmoreland Co., Pa. The Improvements are • hewed ( tenants. with kitchen attached, a log barn and a house. a good apple orchard, peaches and cherries; about Hi acres cleared, the re =Ander In the very best while oak timber. The land Is good. The, location Is very healthy. This SWpqty I will sell very cheap. Pusseasion Immo . Also at 'told prices, a Farm'of about 143 acre+ In Fallownelif township, Co. about one tulle west of Lock No. 4, ou the Motion:tabula river. The Improvements Are a two latory .4, and ' (raise home. frame barn, wagon shed s ...I other our -buildlugs, lending generally g 0041; )o.olug or chard or apples ani.l other fruit trees; lid acres of coal of the front gli b l y ity, and a rein of Cie brat lime stone ;convenient 0 ObIIIC/.108, schools, mills, do. This property I amt sutherLtrid to sell very cheap. Also. a farm of • at 201) owes , situated in West WheaUßdd Townah P. Indiana. county, Penna. The Improvements are coo tortable, two-G[6lT Frame Houle. with roonotso large frante.barn, car riage hong., letiod corn cribrorutt house. \note oven and • two-storl stone. apriajt bouts; about 150 acres cleared and In timothai and clover:: orchard of g"eli'lenirlcvrorth, poor I:l4L lu d i tror e good iLualit;,citt I. et limestone, and bet a a short distatice a lllZ; coal. This property wUI be sold !vy cheap. Also, a Farm of about24o acres adldtning the above. The Improvements area large two story Log House and a lILITA Bacon barn: 175 acres cleared and under • good stale of cultivation; a no apple orchard; • wodld tvt * l ' a eeparately. arm, or wIU hgsoW Also, tne best farm In f airtime township, West moreland county, Pa., containing SO acres; about miles south rif the PA Railroad. The internee menu are two large hewed log houses; one of the largest and best frame barns In the tosrnaldp; two apple orchards. The whole farm is under a iota state of cultivation. The feinting I. all No. 1. The land is of the very best limestone; about Yen acres cleared, the A pr i l, n good timber. Pomemlon th• nest day of Po& Tilts pinperty will be sold at a great bargain. The owner wlahm to engage in other basin EIIIIEM Alm, a Yarm of 160 acres, situate In McCandless looneldp, Allegheny county, Pa., about Smiles from the city. The lumnivements are a Log House, a good barn, • young orchard of apple, peach and anpeer. eas will ten.. sell this valuable property very cheap C on Por further paatleulara, inquire of el. IL Tiro, GIL it Astute Agent, apli Ile. 164 Icoortla 'trent. I OTS FOR SALE lE= AT FROM $6O TO $6OO. WE OFFER THE LARGEST Stock in the West of every- ATTORNEYS Al' LAW. ! thing in the line of Carpets, torl tarant street, Pittsburgh. ! Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps-. and A lIANDSOME COUNTIIT HOME A . , FOR VIALS. situate t', miles from the city. and I.,ace Window Curtains. Gold within tew minutes • all. of the Pittsburgh and (""‘••"""i• w ""•••••"•• • ••••••INI Bordered and Plain Window view of the city, rlyer and surrounintug country. It comprleu•almut a the or groonl, highly t1..1 and lald out In the most appneved style mu ; Shades, Table and Piano Coy. ern landscape Is studded with shrub- U.. 7. and are.' t'aneky or at. chnimst trult. ...II ers, of our own importation, at eines In flall hearig. here Is also On It never '*"'" "".1"g "r '"'"b•"1"••••r.. t" the Lowest Prices reached since The improvements consist In part or • neat ItArk In- Cottage with 7 as and wash-I/Inc, • large and handsomely matt aid, an out room for an. the WULL. A of Scotch •Uste large cistern and spiv mini pump aro within a , few lent of the kitchen door, and all Is under e es.l- grain Carpets, of our own Inl lenlfence. Yoe particulars. prin., tons, fie. en quire of ie..) M.."" portation "' just received---yez y FOR KALE. handsome---never offered in this PinitilitSSlON I/IY MN APRIL !AT, , country before---and at prices A Delightful Residence in 1111'nure Tp. ba se d on o the present rate of Gold The Lot I, IA the highest state of outtnatlon. McFAItLAND & COLLINS, good Npi logs ou the 'trend.. For terms, enquire f JA ' MEB T. SAMPLE, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d floor, Real Kstale /trot, r nod Insurance Agent. Nett building to U.S.Honre. o4 .0621 No. sa Federal street, Allegheny, , tat. 24 . 111 AL AND LIME PROPEItTY STEAMSHIP'S. 1 4 / 1 1. HALF..--Itn the litenbehyllle sev utiles from the city. CO en NTAININti ON K HAMMED AN I) EIGHTY. 13A ILTIMIOHE AND HAI ANA SLX ACILFIS, . "Wn'r r""L'g "d "w and ""'" STEAMSHIP COMPANY due nnpr ovetuenta Also, annul Kigiay of ("'AI.. within. the Iffrieraes4 anknira I ant the Men, • Also. turn rartne 111rWart, Stallon, On Central roolatning 140 arms and I'LL art,. "rin"'"er N ILLI A M W Pali NM (Opposite the Cathedral.) No. 110 Grant streot. 1.4`0R SALE. I=ll3 =I VALLYAISLIL OVAL LAND. WM be aold TtaL/AY at reduced prince. ton rue I. .hosts in Wee Moreland county, Penna.. *h. NOrth-Western Pennsylvania Railroad. about twa lameevein.miles cast Of A polio ps*,_ ei via "' f or further paruculars Claim °See of Inquire at the Law and =I del No. 144 Fourth St.. Pittsburgh, Ea. .'ARM FOR SALE—Known its the Clair Farm, containing 176 acres. about 1011ne which are cleared; situate In Indiana...minty. 4 miles from the County Seal qpe Improvements eitn•lst of a LARGE LUG ELLIAR) HOUSE, Double Rank liarp, Spring House, 6c. There Is a 7 foot vein r good Coal on the farm; also, a flue 11111 Seal. Terms catty. Inquire of J. Y. cLIL, No. 3911 LibMertyA U st OlLLlNtsb C reet, Piturgh, Or of WM. SHIELDS, In the vicinity. aii=duist • VAR,' FOR SALE -- Contaln tog tin acres, situate In St. Clair township, West moreland county, two (2) miles from New Florence. 'the impropemonte eonsest of a FRAME DWELL INC/ HOUSE of 114 stories. 02 feet (rent, by 20 deep. eitritalning Ore rooms and a good cellar. Also. a goal Frame Barn and • young Orchard containing 73 choice tires. to; of J. h. lieLAUtiliLIN • CO.. Nu. 393 Liberty street, rlttstiursh, Or of A. MATTH) WS, on the premises. VALUABLE BLOCK OF LOTS T FOR BALE IN THE NINTH WARD-Bound ed and described as follows: itealnlng at the corner of Lumber and Liberty Mreets; thenoe along latter ty street am feet to the corner of Carroll street; thence along said street RO feet to Spring alley. op posite the • Inter Depot Works. The .hove Is well mulled to erect a large manufacturing .tabitslitnent or to stibillvide 11,14 suitable bonding lots, having the advantage of four front.. A ppi yto ap33 Mel. AIN Co ,IM Fourth id. SALE. — SEWICKLET REM IIENt.E.-Tweutysla acres or land In a high state of cultivation, which Is a two-story frame roittain• t welveMOM. built It, mosiern style. Cellar under the whole house. Good stable •nd carriage hou.c. Excellent wetter. Fifteen hundred fruit trees. Including every variety. Three ter.; forest trees near the house. Cold grape ry and abounding lu ahrobbery and flowers. , JOlll4 D. BALLET. Stock and Real Estate Ilroker. tny.:No. Iln Fourth Oiled. 1.4'0R SALE-000 acres of excel lent Timber Land in Jefferson Co., Pa., Is offsr- Beil at the low ricep of St per re; large block of Bonding Lots In the Ninth Wo rd. opposite the Outs er Depot. Jost the point for a large Illantalletnrlng eatabilainnent, surrounded by •treets andalley; a he. Building Lot on Magee street, In the Eighth Ward, near Forbes street, Is offered for 11$50. Ap ply to It. McLAIS 4 CO., 123 Fourth street. nuntur DWELLING HOUSES FOR A LE--431tosto on Elertha street, 111,200: Ingham street. *LNG; Uarpeuter•s *LW; Webster street, $2,71M; Franklin street, $3,000; Scott street. $4.000; orb.. street. 0,100; Union street. sl2,4oo; Booth Common, plow. Others In various lOCALIOng. Apply at the Real Estate trilice and (len oral Agency Otlice of my 7 S. CUTHBERT & ROES. 51 Market st. [ )WELLING HOUSE ON WVLIE OeTItEET FUR BALE . -'Atat large and well fin treet looifth, [Oilseed in modern style, contain elllog on Wyli e Sing 1 om., kite's= range, bath room, hot and cold wa tar an d gas lliMughour the building. TOL is one 0 500 most desirable properties for dwelling or Waal Lt. - Te rm ness Rum.. s re as now onable . Ap offered for ply to sale. Posesilon Ap rl LIOOf B. kieLAIN • CO., 102 Fourth street. TAVERN STAND FOR SALE— . Fronting on Pastore L6IIO, Allegheny City; In asm.lent location for a Tavern or Grocery more. Also, a Frame Dwelling House of four rooms and lot 21 feet front on Rebecca street oy 110 deep to go alley; now rented for OEM par annum. Price $1.505. 8110110 .0 goal neighborhood. Podsession In slaty days if desired. 8 . CUTHBERT & BONO, mill_sl Market Street s4,(XX-) 1 1 111(1f( 1 14 . 1/43!11 1 1 1 /1 4 LMin -l f paAr ler, dining room, kitchen, roar chambers. loath room, cellar. etc.; halt feet front On Knell street, by 120 deep to a street; shade and troll terra grape vines, 050., pleasautly situate In the Third Ward, n et, 050. 4100021, 51 Market st. - - - I)ENN STREET RESIDENCE FOR BALE . -A threestory BRIDE DWELLING, No. Penn street, containing II rumor, with ail the modern appliances for cdrivenlestee and com fort. Early poseeaalon gltru. Apply to S. b. BRYAN, Broker In Melts and Real Estate, apt 67 Fourth street, Iturke2 . lllulidlnis._ VOR SALE—A desirable three .. story Brick Dwelling, having hot and cold wa ter and gm In first andcond stories , on hirer avenue, near Anderson str m eet, AlleghenY Clty. • JOHN 11. BAILRy. Stock and Real Estate Broker, apN) No. 102 Fourth street. NEA R SOHO BRIDGE, between ,Pit. Avenue and Comiel It.—For sale • large and comfortable Dwelling House, 1n lroo. order, with large garden, fruit trees, de., wide all, 15 rooms, high eellinga Iltm porches and beautiful •lew. Yorfull_partl no! to aMI - b. OUTHIEUT itlONY4 . slMarket at. Fos SALE-156 acres or Coal, litstate In Smith tountstlp h Waskinek county, ftV4cUr n y e ga l lgu ll ,libgdit i tud i : A‘ "s o n u T t th e e i c t lM yurdiernuctrcuntri. eoqulro or U. TOWEliral ( E nrifritt l , o. oft ai tl i Zle i tt r er. "MI" ) -PI FOB SALE—A two-story Brick Dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, and vestibule, three yawl bola, with lot CI by ire het, altuate on Ewalt West, Lawrenceville, all to complete order. For further iltielingiloll, tertoll, Le., apply /it the Baal Satate and Insurance °Mee of G. 13. EATBS mita butler street, Lawrenceville. .1 1.1 .1 /OR YALE, con... Mink ors Lola tiround Lav as! a front on !Reymann street of SO feet. and ex bi.ek 20 feet, on Which are erected two Pram wettings, which now rent forsloll per year. 11 • • • ariltlnvenment oflo par Cent. atom 11.1StaLAIN J. CU.. I I Fourth street. Fos SEniT f neat two story Oltalartlap i tthr t ir st i street, ayi • Yo, T. & J. T. M'CAME, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. Ilaee Removed to the hew DoiWitt,. No. 196 Liberty Street Ming to the la tenest or thclr for till OPRI hiI , TRADE (the Al' nlor Partner being now In the Esoti they are prepared to exhibit goods (or Do. CLETOM TRADE at the VERY I.oli EST QUOTA- Na4..hst goods have yet reached. They here, end deellon Co {toll, a SUPERIOR STOCK Ole C Id ITUINU YYlli SALE, OV THEIR OW N NI AN I • VA UTI.; ILK. and XIX A I. In atieeepe.cle to CUSToNI WORK. mh34llte ElIcaFT GEN. GrILA NT EIDE ME2VICIMLMIFLIES C3 0 C312E.33 Ft NEW SPRING STYLES Or 3BC:0 - 3rEi' .611:J.ITIEEI 47 SC Clair Street. GRAY s LOGAN HENRY G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, NOSTRUM 001011 OP PENN & ST. MIR 1181111 I=! Desires to return thanks to his friends and the pub Ile generally for t hell liberal patrousge. and would respeetfully In RIM them that he hat Just return ed from the Eastern markets with • large and. well selected stock of Fine Woolen Goods, PeoullatlT adapted to tiENTLEMEN'S OPIUM; A—Nl) SUMMER WEAK. mitt CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c McCALLUM BROTHERS No. SO FOURTH tiTREET. We have on hands u VI:ly superior stock of CALFIPIEPIB.T d• Of every description and every grade of quality. OIL (IA OTHII. extra well seasoned, from sleet to 24 feet wide. PIANO AND TAR LE COVERS—Every kind to HEARTH the finest quality to the lowest priced. CANTON MATTINCi, COCOA AND MAN ILI A AsArriNut+. an. SIWA L1.11)1 141t()TIIKH3, Fo)o:KTly W. 1). s 11. McCallum. ALEX. BROWN S. SONS, Gen't Agents. FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. t:arrying the Untied States Mail. • Virst-tissehtraloshlN or wi. nor will soli AA fullown: ••CUIiA"-1,111.1 tout, Wrou'itollmo, Command, on SATURDAY. 1.1 B EILT tons. W. J. etAßOrill, 4 '00:1111.044- er, on tI'ED N FJ:11 IA Y, May 'll. From BROW N 415 WHARF, YELL'S POINT, At 1 o'clock 1.. m.. precise)), on the dart announced. For (reignt or postage, oaring untworpoosed ae mmutoodallous. appl) to Ellf..NltY H. M AIIFI ELI) A C. 4.. Agent., 16 Ser.An's ltAnr. N. 11.—No 111114 of Lading Lout tltoto. of Ito ' 'ocupa.. of will be tlgneu. Permlto for the freight mutt be procured front Bile ofllee.• No freight freight n. blip of lad mg signed on day of soiling. apl34lr STEAM TO AND FROM LITER -1:044L AN 44 KUKENSTOWN twice • week. The INMAN L1NE...111.R EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARRYING Ii- B. dIAIIA. Tt •ts •old to and from Ireland. England, Boot land ltermany and France. Ap the Company•s (Mem, JOHN G. DALE Agent, 15 Brattdwai, N. Y _ . ATTORNEYS. C. mschitELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND O. N. Licensed [Soldiers' Claim Agent. Bounties for Wounded Soldiers collected In try ten to tWentl4l/31. 8 ~ 1 a Call ul l Arbl:e a:AV. wlnt b et rg . b. nn 21: McBLISTEIR,GAZZAM & CO., ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAMP Plitasibuargpla., Spacial attention given to the EXECUTION OF DEEDS, LEASES, MORT(IAGES, &e. Titles exaudood and Collections toads in Pennsyl vania. Ohio anti West Virginia. fen MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY, and Military Claims of every description, collected by the subscriber, at the following rates, via Pensions. 1110. all other $3.00. C. C. rkiant, Attorney at Law Diamond street, opposite the Court House. N. B.—No charges are Made tf the claim does not occeed, and all information given gratin ankly L . P. STONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, da i fi,t..uPgl=l l . l )l'rUET. "Mijleml:" HATS, CAPS. ace. 1866. SPRING HATS. 1866. McC01.2..1) & Co)., 131 WOOD STREET, Wish to call .pedal attentiou to their large and splendid stock or Dais, for Spring and Sum mer /rear. NEsa.cilema Nreawlerrjr. kdt DITCH' DX Riad, YACHTS, !AEA 81DE.% 41 ENT'S and 110114' PARATOtrAtt, •`HOW'S THAT'S," 13RIGHTONII, DUMMIES R , MOTUNK, DERBYId, I'ETOd Jt Sc.,&c. iffitrECTOT Of every deseriptluo to suit all tastes. ••r7 MEDICAL. pOIRTT TEARS PRACTICE IN ISICSOAIL LIDOUSE& titres me • tmorlmlge seldom &contrail by Pbystii mans. lily long ramblenee In this city, and the amount of patients treated annually by me, are audletent proof of my a ocean. SPEUMA'fOIIitiIiZA. or get nal Weakness, and all diseases attains therefrom are cared In • much shorter time than heretofore my NEW visoKr. ABLE ItgliattOMlC/3. kledlchies tent to any part ad Milan. All lettera moat contain • stomp to pay return go l a t ta n y c ifies , gici n ita i g .cared. Of o .aarrsa, J. W. inuookrit.l o 4, II L. *MIT goo Mt Pittsburgh. Pa. pilliATE DISEASES. OFFICE 261,4 PENN STIINET, near Hand. For tho earn of all dimmer of a private. nature, to from two to form day 4 o antirMY new and safe treatment. Also, nemiO Weakness, and all other dim.. , of the Vilna' organ, and their prevention Cam warranbed or money reftuidod. Mica bonne-7 trolflA. /1.. Of t 0.% and 6,ton r. Aldrus tatters W.e/SAX Pans fames sour DIM TILE PENNSYLVANIA ' SALT MANUFACITRING COAIPAN9 COMM PrIrPLIT3O•I9, OE. Sulphuret of Iron rigubsrinatataitltiguithetuti‘ Ocos Ore% Comer Pat Street and Datum Wa CO 11 11,1430VIIhiluallj:EVA141 F. OWNS S LOT W. II /) WENS. KENNEDIV 1.4 HARPER, PRODIJi.F. I "51M1 ,4 1 ,, N )IFitt'lf.% N Nu I Wholesale Dealer , to rit %sit; N A Nilo 1,4)31g5 - 11c FRUITS. SALT, IL. 1.1 I KU, FA-10,. TATI,ES,„nd Its r Al t.lll, No. tei FE l-LtDER .1 itt Ititte.4l Depot. A.t 00..nis for the sale 1.1 1 I •., Kit:W.llS nod J. Kaen's • u. 1. . W J. STEEL BIRO, la t e - • Iso S STYI.3.. isitoDurr: 11 E1:(11 A NTS, rent IVe arnlsell Flour, ..r•. lint. and rot, Beans. Itacon,Larvi, Rutin,. in , Eggs. Pork. Green and 'try rratts, and Grant See.l, Foal lo .r, till garrm, Itni I' Lim :Wt. Sr.,e., nartleulan attention raid the se, le or Foreign and I 10me8114.1 Fruits, No. I3s Third strert l'lt Odourglt. fe.A:.3tud CHARLES E. BALSLEV, ['mince nod Comml.4loo M,•01,, Warolottac No. 3 , 1 STILKYT, Pittsburgh. In. Wholesale dealer in Hotter. been,. hard, F.ggs, Pork. itaCtut• Beans, Tallow. Feathers. lf.,,ans. Potatoes, tiot, hay, Dried Veldts, linen Fruit, Onions, Flour, Grain, Clover Seeds, Timothy Flan Broil, (Janne and Poultry. l'articni..r attention given to Produce Consignments. ault ALEX. If•BANF. .......... . 11. A NJ MI M I nALNE & AN-IER, I,OSIMISSION MERCIIANrs n id Jeale re l u 1 , 1.4111 t, URA I. and PRODITC,E. Second strut, Instn . e. , h ‘Vood mud thnithneld. Pit/Inure, nlO, POTTER • A I . ..O 1:1 . 1, 'to POTTER, AIKEN 1%. 4IIEPAR JD Commis/40n Merrhants, id Jt .J.lrr, In V.,: .gri and Domegtle Frvlts, YWur. lintter, Putatocs and prtKluer genrrall, NO. .7tA , LI I: ENT I s !ITREET. oppoelk. Passenger Iloput. InttvlnirkrlL or. rut,. OT. ALLICrAIIO ( !IMP Ar. SIIEPARD, Commission Merelosills end dealers In Flour, Grain and Pr,.- duce. No. Id Liberty street, Plt',burgh. Choice brands of Flour for Balers andand.) nse constantly on hand. Particular altriitlou paid to filling order stor Merchandise general!, cn.;:ly LITTLE, BAIRD A. PATTON, Viholesaletiroccrs. t'oturniesiou Mrrrhant3. and dealers to Produce, Flour. Bacon, Flab, Carbon and Lard Oil. lion. Nails, Wass, I otton Yarns mud all Pittsburgh manor:sc.,' generally IS and 114 necond street. Pittsburgh. WY. P. SZCIL T 1101... IArM. P. BECK & No. V V Llberly street, Pit .burch. M'huledal , Grocers, Corurnlcelou Merehnute awl akt• Coe, tr 7 Traduce, Truvielooe. cher, Fish, &c.. Prattle, tl rat, rf U ce reen I.dried Frulta. eclt cud I,lme. )y le P. RITYII.I‘ J S. lISISIXIL WSJ. D. ItETSIES.. 14 RYMER &. BROS., (Successors to Kepner 8 Anderson.) Wboleaal I' Dealers In For- Yign Fruits. Nuts and Sidcra. onfrrtlonerr. Sugars. Fireworkb, &c.. Nos. 024 and MI Wood Strtel. above rth Pittsburgh. Exiti tNIJII.T.W p KNOX & MYI4 Commission •REECMANTti andilicalera In FLOUR. GRA( . MILL FEED and PRODUCE gi.nni.dly. No, 7.1 Mitunntidi opposite City Hall. /CI eg hen? City. ON 8. CANFIELD, Commission ‘r d Forwarding Merchant and otioleadle deal, InWestern Iteaerve hula, Lard. Purl., Baer.. Flour, Flail, Pot and Pearl Aeltpa. Limo.] and Lard till., Dried Fruit, and Produce general/7 . , Nos. 144 and 146 Front tareet. Ftnehar¢ i D. P.-CITED 1 A. OILArr. UAFF RE D ITER, PRO DUCE, GODrauleslou ml.l rlr..nralulr to rab tn , an,l kovrcitgu , n , cF , ll .. Z. , 3 4 l4, ma Pit,bll,DMAitufactur.le. 1 I.itnrty.trvt I'lltsba2gll. I AMIN I. 11011an••ILDwAYO 110Utt. .1 , 71. 11 , 3,, JOHN I. HOUSE Ag. BH2S-, tterces 60ITS To JOHN I. UM:. a Co., Wholeash ears wad Commission Merchants. corutr of °awl, field and Water st.ets. l'lttstio7ch. f 10 LIMES DALZELL & SON, Mama fauturers of Lard till nil Ctsinlnlsslern Me.relian:s for the parent.° mud sale of t: rude Pe troleum, Nos. SO and 70 Water street, Pluanurgit. Advances made on I 'ousighments. - • SZCHOMAKEtt B LANG,Wholesale dealers In Groceries, Flour. (:ruin. Produre, Pro visions, Fish, Cheese, Salt, I arbon 011, Soc. 172 wnl 174 Wood street, near Liberty ntreet. Pittsburgh, Pa.1017:17 1;, - 11/2•0 1 . 1[01044. I.IIEAD St. BIETZGAIt, I:rocers and Commission Meteliants. snot dvale, in al kiwis of Country Produce So.l:4ll.llwriy Street, oppo.i le Io el (looduirret, Pittsburgh. 1 4 `ETZER do AIRMSI'itONI:, For warding 211.11 I. M 1111,10,1 f.. 1 tio • m Flour, Grsin, INilur. 5... 4, I'll. .I Prod.., gen., N... , ir• • corm r of First, PlttAourpn, I'4. RIDDLE, NO. I 1.i3. Li berl y St., • rut...r f .1..0 NI. "1,41,1, Wholotatle 1/cao.r 111 1 . 0.111 r, e,...••• • sign:ll,las, mud paid for Pr.oiner g••n. r, au . I 11.1.1 HART POLIT. 11)A I.ZE LI. 6. I'o., St little -Lk ealr lirorvrs, vII•1 Ft.p••11.r.11,, r- Chants awl l'n rylt uractUre, 1,. I,, H. JACK., I=l/ LEM =1 W 11,h41N, kole.Lt le T v tirtwers, ~0 111113 /..• 1.1 MC, 11,1“. nia.t ProJnee and 11:SCI rrei, erty ~trept. 1.111-1.1,01. J4/1, ,A.slln.••a. w•I.1 k. I AMBEIIT, SIOII`TON tw. 40., 4 W h01e5.... liiorerb ,all.l 1 • 1 . 4.1,1ce 14.3.1cra :so SIN ill alr.el. 1•11.1„elmreli. I SALIA EY 6L. ( . 0., N holena le Continlnsion M.-rrhant. n. 1.1 .1,,lo•re: Prua tc gie... AU Water str , ri n,.trt .• r l'lthurgla. 1.../1111..1f 11. VOIGHT Ac l'o., ( .1. to t,. tiralf,) Product. an.t t 01L11111,••.i .... '- chants. 2i7 Liberty :ttrt . ..l., rittntirgh. WILKINS LINII.4IIT, (Suce4-snor t.. Mackrowtt , I t I Dealer In Floor and Grain, ['rod uer anal 4,,t Iterclunts No. 111 LIBLICT 1' ST RN KT, I'ltl:nury PIANOS, ORGANS, &c N OW BEING RECEIVED, THAT ELEGANT ATOCK CH ICKERIN G PIANOS, Selected perso c te/ nt ly vi l e us erlic a c c r t tc y ,.. annoy , SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS toe WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARN CHARLES C. MELLOR. woodzst... , THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, /ED Sehonsacker S Co., Philadelphia, E . I AL IV 4 1=1 The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORCAN. Acknowledged by the hest musical talent In the Unite.ll Mates to he superior to to all others in ;towel. part , y and quality of tone, and thorough work manaLip. These Instruments have for years ate, the firm premiums,. over overalll monputitors, at the vartoos pre mium mid Cy Yates. In prices they are lower than any others. Alt warranted for nee years. WAMELINK S BARR, Nu. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa r.ll STEEL WORKS. FITTSHURGII STEEL WORK!. ANDERSON, COOK CO., USUCCESSORB TU J 11 6 ,410., BOY I) A C0..1 Manufacturers of th heat renued OW. Stoll, &in 3,, flat antl Octagon, of an mites, Saw Plates, V.ot and Sheet Cast Stool, Oadt Steel for REAPING AND MOWING msw►NES, STEEL' PLOW wirma Pi. SPRING/41, AX LEN entail LAMM, Ike. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Micei Olboe—Corner of Thai awl Rolm vtreeta, two bluely above We Monoagabeia Rouse. 0e719, BLAIIi. DIAMOND 11117MIICULa VITCIIOFLICiii, PITTBURGH. P A FARM, BRCYTHEU & llannfautorers of BEET QUALITY REPIN EII CANT NTNCL Square, Flat and t ictagon, of all okras. Warrant,' equal to any Imported or manufactured In this rout, "iiirtifflcr, .D a na _utoril' No, It) and 111 First, on and 192Beatraista. Pluaburrh. to ',Fs. OT.O. W. D. Ilblkilitt J. P. HOLUM A n A BELLE STEEL 'WORKS. I = l-11330r3E11.1. C/C3r. Mono lE c it B ; r mvirird . 4 ;am GRIN bill;e, No. SS WATER STREET (op stairs), Pittsburgh. Pa. Ira PAVER& 4. Itlit J tit 8. 111 . N AUGHT= ANTII .' N. MCINTYRE, IRCNAUGRIEII. 84 co., STONE AND BRICK PAVERS, Will attend promptly to Furnishing and Laying Stone and Brick Pavements, And Repairing the ,on Curb Stones lenrnlshed and Set. Also, Grading and Cellar Itlggtng done at shorteat notice. desleing anythlne In .r line rrIlY hare their rera atten%te o nedresving . tbraugh the egheny Port ere, rby at No. 2n6 tleneuety street. Allegheny. e a rinVl P g7lMi t lg: 1111111 8 talfri & SODA ASH. Soria ASH. • CHOICE BRANDS, In quantlttai to suit porehosero, for sale by I=l BANKS AND BANKIM BANKING UOUSE. N. HOLES & SONS MlEtx3.l.eris, N 0.57 lIIIRKET STREET, Pittsburgh. rucelvcd In ll Fands and Currency. • 14 on a,. Mc principal pa/41180f the ..11 , 4 atm.,' and, STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. Part If tt tllt att. n ton pU. I to tht PnrCh"e San sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. i , INt, Vri .ftwle..f.:S:Ce... Do . )o rh.. Fives of zu.,11-Thlrt , ,. 0,1.111ca1e , ..i r. All.l Vouchrrs I )0 LILA R SA VEVA: . S BANK, No. 64 you KT II STREET. M=l l.j.en , tal . v from a to: o'clock. also on Wcdneeday ler. woe* from Mar lot to November trout 1.1. nr to ;00.., awl froth November Lt to M m . May 1,1, fro P epo,lia rce,g`red r or all vuuta of not lens than One Della, ...I a , 11,1.1 , the protita declared twice sY. •I uor nod 1 h other. Interest has been declared sernl-aunual:v In and December slnce Ito: haul not orgaulred. at the rate of Mx Percent. intere,t,n..t drawn .hut, Is ..,eed to the credit, of the t1et...,t1.4 ortoripai. And l, hears the same In terco!. i'roin the first da, of June and December, lor to Ice a pear wlthout troubling the de ~11llah• or et es to prevent hi! paaa book. At rs,.. motley will .I..hble In leas than twelve years. Hooks ....maintop/ the Charter, Ily-Leves. Rules and R. Vlllatillut, furnl.he , l grail., on aphtleatlen at thin orlee. vb. g. rimplorJrrs: J. , hn, Hobert Robb, A.M. Ymbneetock. John H. Shoepberi(er, James Ht.:dm:ln. !lamesHbld in. Jan), Alemsntler Speer, Jana, M. i , Chrbalan Yeager. Lin,: M. ! M. Pollock, 111.0., 11'In. J. Andrl .on Cal‘'u • .101, tro,g.• 111:1 Burs, in, A'on.qA. Carriv• laanr, A. . .. . NN in. le c,flo. Henry 1... Rloge,ll., .1•• en EN en•• NN Hi. E. Schmidt, .1..b1: .1...11 t•••,d.. Alexander Tlndle. Wlt tNe. A. 1,.• n. Wldlarn VanklrlL, 1 1 .-ter It IlanNer. ' Wm. I'. Weym ltlchard 11c,. an, ' ten.. Whitt/Joe. TI,K ,1 . 1(1:11 I 11 N 1.1.1, n. et/I.TI/N. ex. 1 NA. 11. 11. NIEEI,I3. 1,11:4,1w1 , THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pitt As icy 1.A.. ♦ trr., sI,MRxI I'l,lVll.non. ifILST AND WOOD oTII EFT , . kroanltt..l tit - $.14 I the Notional Ranking In. Is tram p.! ',want.. al It. Boot oo: , -rn• r %Von(' nod ilrst Arnett,. .ot 111 noetooltlo point. on the ~ , , b,.l spect Annuin for JAY U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. I=3 tr. 11. ar,N:15,1 I=l • INSURANCE INSURE 1101111 LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Or nail rOrd, 1.01111 =1 Asl A 11,mt n••. mak., 311.1 ite), an Annual I 'A ill I 11l 111 F. 1 ,1 wt 111•1 vu.l eultnequent l`a , In , . •" 1 II- 0311 I• A VITAL, an sr . t1i11111.,00.11 01 t.,1.01. 1,11,414..11n •13,. 411“ ItEAL KSTATK. it la 1..., In It, • trboa paid the ..f 1111.u0wrs hit 11.1131 of • • •!'s P. M 11.11., 1 , 4 , 1.1. A 1111.3 411ar 1101 I sin ..r 151,...k.,, 4,1414 . 01111 li4ll 111 44 t slit v asl.l lair .taling Is epecl•lty with L.. 1, I ler s, thin ..tnvany ar. ,fa forfeited by r......•ks .410.1. 1.1. u.. premium after the sccolut ~•tr rt .rt b. , 1444114 . 14, 4 . 4111111k114 Iltrouph Ille. Kits. .1. 1% .1E1,1,1. Vrt,ident. 1 • .\1.11 1.1.,n1.1%.1%%, . , •'. ‘v II I T S4.ert•tary. ttrxttelt ni, e E. ,r)n )5 4) I an Is, When, 4 4,141., 1114 11,1, A pplis,lll.4 win Ik, furaialted, tin Firth w irerl, Cli A IRT Eli 18.29 . PLIIPETILAIL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Aro.ol•• on Jan. I. 1464. • • 82,437,..419 $ 11111.000 A, rl.r4 I . r. 1,11111,.. Irt,ooo. 1.. , ,...11 . 1, 11.11.111, . .... /.0.1...112. 1'n.,111.•.1 .:altr:- 11,416. 11.. "1,, p.r l -I 3110, MO. 8,01.13,(00. l', ria:tal rtl,l Tr.1111t..(1r5 1 . 41 i irli n Oil 1114.ral terms roil, OA, N. flaw kalr Lea, E.lwar,ll . Dale. roil 6.,orge Kftles, Jacob I A 1rr0.,.1 rltler. W. I:l..hard, W. Lewl., 31.11 r•II A irl.Flr lIA Nr'l( FAL, Prraldent. EDWARDDALE, Vita President. JAS. W. )I,ALLIATE it. rA•r•Y pro tern. J. OFFEN, Agent. tral r . orner and Third eireeta. FIRE AND IILAILLNE INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH A lIIERICA. PHILADELPHIA I=TO Hartford Fire Insurance, Company, .1,685,000. =1 W Protection ran be 'tenured In the about nara,d and nelluhle Conattaniee. W. L. Julkt4. ter, ly 94 Water street. ND stab . ..) IVESTEILN INSURANCE CO., OF l'ITTS111; HO ki t ALEXANItEIt NIIncK, Preddont. WM. P. Secretary. CAPT. GEoItOV.EI.I). lieneral Office, !r WOer >t rue t, Span, .Co. 's Ware H 0.1.1 up stairs. Plttehurttb. Will ure kinds of Ifire and Marine itis Ins kA. A homeagainst Institution all managed by Directors who are well known to the community, sad who are determined by prontytness and liberality, to main tain the eitarseter which they have assumed, as of fering the tarot hnsteetion to those who drains to 40 floured. Ales. Minter, Andrew Ackley, It, Miller. Jr, David M. Long. .1 awes Wert gees ThOrnaa. Nathaniel 11..1n, Chas. J. Clarke., Alexander spry, Johu It. McCune, Cal:opt...ll Ir. Herron, James P. Hanna, C. W. Itlelets,th, rothr) WM. C. Secretary. INSUILINCE COMMA. NY Or glTTOßUlLlsel.—thilee, corner Market nth! Water sCreets, second flour. WM. 11 AU A LEY. rrealdelth. 'A AI, A. Sit KVA 1111, Seer. tory. Insure, Sthanilarats and Carrot.. !seethe 'gainer bore and damage In the nartgatlon 01 the Southern and Western MINN . ., Lat., and Bayou and the navigation of t Innate. against loss and (Intelsat by Ore. W m. Bagalcy . bazaar! Re, Bark, Jr., W. O. Johnalaill R. Y. Jones,' Jonho• Barclay Prealon, licorice Bingham. IJEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. 0111,10 E, N. E, CORNER WOOD ASO /11T11341. 1 . 111111 p., Capt. John I.4ll,boada. John Watts, liatuncl P. Sitelvey, John I. Parke, Cbarlea Arbuckle, . Capt. Jas. antler. I,4 l t ,s t n t k ri . K i l4kPirl . dk• Wu. Van kirk, Love, Tame. V""r lV NI. 1411i..11.11747Prinaident It/lIN WATT, lee erealtlent W. r. UARD N Nat,:ter retary lull I'aitt.t!A ld 0.11(1w0N . c, t o t A L1.1144111E1% It IN RAN CE z - .t.uP vprrsitulttill.—Atl er . No. a 7 Flftb strut% Rank !Ruck. Inaurtslagstnat Idtnin or Irlreattd Marine /IRMA! JWIIN IRWIN, 10.. Preslfent. JOIIN It. ateittllli, Viet l'aealdeOL C. IL . LAIN N SeerrtavT. Capt. IV al. /IVAN, General A/elll. 0.14.,701114 John U. McCord, tII tg CA. Head. Capt.. Win. Itean, (leo. It. afetirow, Robert 11. Uavin. Is.° Jones. . IlersryUde, f. J 0 1105G1w.ern, JOll6 11,1.2..1r.. U. 1.. Valtnentock RE-PLATING. 4 .4 DIES, SAVE YOUR MONET. fly lasylo; your OM Tabte Waft I:IX-PLATED KITH BILVEIL CASTlat i S t TEA 211.1 4 AZAZZ AI MAT irJa "US ' ItAtSKFT.da C.ll ni gNreV d rter/VAMAWY ZAN JoeY.j,:par a irty. 11,1“ri. f. NAGiTESI.A.. T 1 EE BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In ft ot. bottles, lo tho form of 11.1WD12, fot Hlf .• " •-• 1 4 • FEM .lame! D. Kelly. Henry .1. Lyucu, Peter A. Madeira, he Marshall, Matter I'. Marais/01 Jelin H. McFadden, Jahn Orr, $1,750,000 H. M. Kier. John Shit tan. James M. Cooper, B. Illrbeng it, J. Caldwell, Jr., John H. Dilvwc rth, Wm. A. UOlignil• nelDry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers