The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 10, 1866, Image 1

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    1"7738M1GH GAZETTE. 1 ,
t. H. rzs,sl3l p la
ItrthiSP.T.l. • •
'2ll. COnTra(Ari.. ItCrir2irB9 BlAyrrrym j
:tic, En Itrta Srmrscr,
neoprma romox. byrnkl.l. y.r. ...... 02
£V2arx Lbilsori. 40. a... •. • . •-•••• 800
per ted by Carrier, Atoxist.vG nr ZI - SNING, per
:1. 3 itt.., -, bitroit &mitt.
fallecroot, Masi
cheap, at Shellaby & Fiarrtn
MI Ibe Beni PADIa, 354 ,
At Ito Ater h Co't, G& Markret stroet.
foots and Shoes,
)1i vo.t, tat CC reneral street.
tadlee' Pelinb Boot►.
T.Ol tiollarli and dhatt, at P 1 federal rest
610.000 Worgb of SOst• sad /Moo,
Al Coo., ut 92 Federal ereet.
Gnrat iistrisathas
4111+ fr: Fel oral street.
COst: Cost! Coat!
nnJ 1.11.3 al mO., at. McClintock'..,
reaeral et reel.
Ho to
~trvot, tbl day.
A 3anl—ene bole of Cuisian ci aeh, Ju..t. open _
'ea at Shr/!a),y & 'Bartley's, 71 aid 'X Market
xm ti ail a full stcal; of Prlntu, ncn.3un &c., at
uVarlzak.t Cy's, at Me lOireut Pustern prices.
"Plue Fbtrl tux Muslin;At 31c extra quality; 4-1
debt .17,y, double width tibectlng, at Barker
A Co'e, V - 4]Turkel Farad.
Sputral Suigibite of Limo,
s for prestcrtug cider. For sale by Charles
tikuper, Druggist, carrier of Form and. St. Clair
Irects, Pittsburgh.
Prin/■ and Gingham.
4 ; The Only frost. stook to the city. Remember
thy am on tho northenat corner of
. .and Market
New Dry Good•
-Von opening., the only Fresh stock of Domestic
'Knit Stopie-Dry Goods - inthe city, non- opening
cm the northeast corner of Fourth and filar.
Lei streets. C. Musson Love ft iao
Judie* . Sidtiries
fire to be mere/kW:4:l7th Is right, as all the
*,ccssarics of !Ste have.ativanoed with the ex
- "IcCptton of sawyer's Balboni Soap, which can
` l oBlba bid- for thirty cents a cake,
Ko wouhi colt the aftenili — ni ot.hayers, to the
tulrettfoitnent ikwland, T. 44 Market
•t,etreet, who is closing oot hte stock of Root,
:wad Shoe.t , ut greatly redeeedpricea.
. , . cattrorarla Wives,
4ra & moat complete stook of Medicinal Lt
gttonr all einds, at the rates, sold at
Drag Store, tic. s 1 Market street
'''Jteractribtl• the p1a,50.
of C. Hanson Love S Bro., north
least eorrieir'rourth9.94l Msrket streets, has
Just returned (nm the esstihastig pscrehesed
, r4;l l 7Prk..9filk.jilg!, before the late advance
. . .
AS well retail Duren§ of Dry 000,19, Win
Ifed our l-tecdc rnos opening, the cheapest and
'Moat :desirable In the city. Remember, we Are
now on filiF north cast corner or Fourth and
tNarket htrectEC
The TieralA•s hpeelal hays
Geo. SpLoner has decided, to order to be in
harmony with the ruling of the Commission.
•er of Internal Revenue, that Pittock,
nifo the Post °Aloe, keens the fittest assortment
1:d . Valentines. Albume, Pocket Books, Gold
I:enpentBkattng . Park
Onlyturi - utore days Of the engagement with
311 es Carrie d. Moore, the Bkatorial Creen.
, Those wishing to witness the performances of
.thiadruly' weildortial akater should embrace
IsiAhkrlns:Csspissipplity. as Mlsa Moore in. At Lids eisiting , Atiropc nest Beason, and will
probably- bet: appear. akain In this country.
idathietesifietniXrd. arid livening of Satill4ll4 ,
~_4s.ll4l.ll4riaa*i, February 10th and 12th, If trio
IreittherkiriOkiore iiritirrorable than to-day,
- - Friday. See the Utual bulletins posted In the
~f i_• ;~
U ~
g Goal,' Mks ea a Itolaler
o y g tnedn . from Temperanceville came to
...The city on business, and-siaciong other things
I:equirreig attention was an aching tooth, and
ao repotted to the otdoe of Dr. 8111, and with
nillitMerditkePtiniSM thii trouble.
Pins member could be taken out, without
pain of Injurious, effects to himself. Haring
zweived eaatiaatary Krieger, the laughing
• .30.4 0 Wah administered, and the tooth extract
" 4od. Ii a Moment or two after, be raised up in
the Chair andarid Said t'ult r ull,,Doctor, that gss has
tire:et on n i e; Yam son - y , '—and threw him.
- aelfbieir fiqhb Otiali, to show what a man
, whobad Bain aerileo mad do, and, with do
tersatnatibir, said int bac It oat anyhow.
soldior certainly I can bear
infortited him he could do
_ - )to more with the tooth. :At' this the young
'Kann 'C'onchiried, al' !lore was blood in pis
that there had been a trial made, and
:thrustfits-tongue into the cavity to see what
' tad been done, and to his delight and U.Mtolli4b
• strut tt.e troth was gone.
Paint ou Which all Playa'elan.. Agree.
Out of ten thousand regular physicians you
-cannot. dad•.one who will not say that stiller,
. • Innis anairivieoranta aro absolutely necessary
in medical practice., And yet in bygone years
aulaane practitioners have hesitated to at.
minister them, because the fiendish ingenuity
of wretches who make . merchandise of laurtau
truirrnities- Pad so polluted and deteriorated
Mud& that the remedy was deemed as danger
cue as .(ho disease. This perplexity 19 into
' pity done away with. Physicians know, he.
rase the that aualytical chemists of the age •
kdodiSdernmistrated the feet, that Hostetter's
Celebrated Stomach hitters are übs4ll3Wly
and entirely free from all pernicious ele
ment.. Hence they have been Introduced
into the Vatted Mates Army, and are stec,,,pt
- ed.wheres or the testimony of the wise, the in
telltgent and the philanthropic is rated at Its
just lathe, as the bt9t protective against and
OUke tOr LI diseases arising from linearity In
'She air or other unhealthy climate Influences,
- that has ever been tested by expertenee. In
- . rasa!, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, we
• tate without enslifkation or eservation,
hat the Di tlers are as nearlyinfalllble 43 any.
• .l'iig prelarrd by human skill can ho.
lloatettee•a Bitters
' rc sold ithelesaldand retail at very low rates
hen:Ling.:9 Drug and Patent Medicine Depot,
No.C4 Market Street, °tinier of the Dlamo_ot
pod Fourth street.
. 'lFientyal legaphite of Liam •
!HertelTicrg Cidor, For sales by Charle3
lup, D:T
Pri o gAst,. corner of l'exin and Et. Clair
A , 5 (11 great, plesenie we'call the erten-
Ob= reetd,erson the sebrrerb.stoek of Fall
:ad:Win:Cr GOods ABS' rewired by Mr. John
- Wridnr, Merchant Tallor,4o. Ite Federal street,
.',41/41eirbiroy. Itts stock embraces some of the
Seed beautiful- Cloths, esssoneres, Overcoat
lbassn.ud Vest= zs ever brought to the western
Iltiailimrtmont of Ft:amiably* Goods,
tamprtstag Skirts, Drawers, Collars Neck TieS,
Ilindkerebtersiac., cannot be stuTass4.4 east
Ajarge stock of ready matt Pants,
VOA% fasts and OrerOoats, will also be/bond
bbs establishment. Peron to want of uny
Wog la the clothing line shonid not tail to
. aloe Mr. Wcldtt
Thomas W. Yarn.* Co..
V'rottical &into B . oofors, and Doslorsin Amer!
9in Slate oriarlOns colors. °Moo at Aloxan
1110214kglakVineir, the - Water Works l'ltts
kink, I's: Realdonco, No. 78 Piko street. Or.
'Okra protoptly attended to. AU work warrant
:ad Water pr?ot. liepalrtng Joao at the abort
*et7%ollCC; eilargo rco - n 3 Palr., provided the
TkOtla int ibuliod gator It 13 pot on.
- lisrpettter Jobbing Mbop,
llarlutr returned after MS absence - et three
gears In the army, / bare re-OPonod my shop
Tor all sorts et/ebbing ln the carpenter line
St the - old stand, Virgin Buoy, between Bmlth:
'geld street and Cherry Alley. Orders noitc Irma
Orld PrOMptlYtittendeli to.
Netttint Sulphite of Lime.
or Pr.Aerrog Oder. rtb - tale by tunes be
„ t b6r,.l.tru gg l r's,i 3 Oratlr Petan And St. CIAIr
Cr, cit. eittllbr.
12 , 5 Cent..
C. 131.2“105 . Lowy & Elmo,
cropping from out of ridges of
ruby, a breath epic). as the aim from Araby
the Bleed. Wicracan reAit such fascloaticnal
To realize them, to perpetuate them, to maize
the mouth a ca...ket of pearls and rabid., and
ever . ) xtgt, a gush of fragrance, all ton have
o do, Lair ladle., is to une that matohlrms vege
taLde production, Fran:int Sozodont.
C: llaxeos /Aril 4 El It o.
Carrie Maore, Joan Elo.nner, Moo. Lander, So
phia Gimbcr Kahn. Photographs of them and
others at Pi ttocia
Large. sun Of mono) b) not taus
at. Ptitutck ha+ Vaunt.
L. A. 0. V.I. 7. C. A. P. o. P. O.
Largest OS‘OrinafOt of Valentine, In the oite
at Pittoch% opposite Post (Moe.
Fait I.lMew, Wives and Daughters. 110.11 a mu
Don of Money, and other new book• at rh
Aerpcnts, Dlerles , Ac
At Plttoc3.•N.
Post 01Zie.
Opposite rittock.s.
See N 0.39 ClaLeame7 Corn.,
Beady at Pittaaloe, Peb.l3.
Dlnrk• Kt Pittock'K.
At Pittoc4 '0 for Stationery
For the following ltemnwe are tuaia:y
debted to the Reno Tirne4, of
The total Production nt this farm sr gee
Ovref,"..o harrele daily. The specific prepay of
the ell fa about 42 degrees. and the pi!, com
manded fitly coat. per barrel higher Limn that
paid rut - oil at Petroleum Centre, owing to it.
Imi - eased gravity. Well No. 1, on the Co
tenet. formerly donut 00 imr.
red, and upwards, but has gradually
ed until the present average product doe, not minced 10 barrel. No. adjoining
P OW XP , W7. OwstAt to barrel.. No. 35, struek
Fula. 'JUL, 1025, end for a time pumped and
Rotted together tails The tubing sun,-
neatly burst. and bad to be repaired a n tun
her Of time, After Aerie./ rf illdmk, the
well Only comMenced pumping again shoat
one month ago. It Know doing 25 birrel.
&alb-, arse] flews and pumps alternated; Wbile
Roping it daily prnducs nearly fel and
hen It requires to be pumved, only 2.".
711 e Petty hell has-long been pouring nut a
-0 iii,. (Plc of ecnith. It 1,1.0 w pLllll,lWix
-. No. 30, nefit cal, 1,.it0w., sou, ti,v,
thICIfIg 1.1101 as, Sixty. Sail even .0 t eel!,
barrels; on otler days not lanre than tiltrtv
No 25, morn generally Inow n es the Ron
I s 1.1,4 Poe ed 300 hide; It lors IL rim Inn, r.
s'2 o , and piarnp, Thr 1.1“1 . 7 ,elf, at a
lof dirlarce, 1..11,wp.. 25; No in holt., an 1
t euo Gueper ell•, are her
vine...tug tone CO to 14,/ lon.. There net int ec
Well, on the lease, a n.l sr
nee, ‘1,1113. prrkluel in about :0 ' , ld ,
,4 11.5.5. the sverag., i.'.'ed ~I
lasso col Oil Creek, 0.55c..1
tiro It; rut farm Oil Croupttny, on. rather th(
ruys. v Ir the lovteo for u long , period
• eat,. r. Ito!! Is the General traporin
ierolent of Ibis Comps°, . The tract compel
set lour hundred &reef, ertrotebtutt from th
t alley of Cherry Run wectu ant peer the bluff
d 4,11 1 -13 and LLCM. the Alit, or and
e,torn tiratit,
' , u th, F t,tern •ble "1 Sit Ureett, No. 54, or
IL.- LS.; tt,,a Well. being out. of the two 't
b Inch struck oli tomr two w eh •
b. , now poforlitz nbotit burrek, Ito or
the Alt,tent Weil; In the other recent •t rtkr,
04 now product, n• hurt els.
kil/PAILNIII 1tv:31.1.
]hr. Enno Bhippfng Company nuri, tee
piek end leg Weltetatlay erof,in g. rc'n'uary
;th, dinpraentli 1,..U0 bbty yf
/lorribleMir—Wife 1/Inrder and
01.10 oral.e. mold. terrible' orcureneem norm
I .7 cord ins plying the murder of a Wife by aa
oid xuan or ;Set ty, find ids muichle afterward—
rollerac In the
of Abettor a few
from Cleveland, on Wedmoday 0 !trio.
Frederick Ogden, a German who lollow ed the
boaineas of gurderning. having become Palma,
or II!" wtro, murdered her ln their bedeham
ber, by repeated Mow aof nn ace , after a vlo•
lent strugate on her part. lee wnuan',. rittht
-arm was broken by a Wok- from tan 1111. and
open her lower .llmto wire various - wounds,
She ball teen literally 'disemboweled, also by
blown frona_tho savage weapon in the hand, of
her husband, Tito unarderer Immediately
earrying with him th e bloody ore, with
n ire fear ft hale In the I, upon a pond,
rid there In the darktima of the 11,att, ended
his railer by dr.,. nip}. , . lII', lost). wets .111-
covia . ell neat morning by tenon In the tra'ws
of bltool.
A CO . NreoT:O3l Of do, prior.; and f
Variottl, ralglCßlti or Won reeentiy held In
lteme, for the purpone of ilet'imlog Moon , of
preventing. the conflnentlon of their
roony of whiCh err mltnattml In Itaty—
clergy In Victor Emanuel': are el,
Itching Nnpolenn'm Intervention to the totem
cheer. anti the Pni!te (luttoti3O op
wend of eeVenfy OMOOSLIn
from 14,11g0 000 Toritiocwientablistiment, an d
riddrcitiett to the French Emperor. In the
meanwhile, the Itollan Government co:triunes
to eoutl.ente one monasterial e..tate an-
--- •
Tut Neu Yuri,. unklorlalie to be prourl of
the eruvdt.d condition of lower ftruadway.
Hut London after all stir peto•Ou tlloot In the
pe nd rils Of street l'or lad. year t ho 04 red
a to pern.m, were killed 10 the
+tree?, of that yreatt to o In
t h ou ,
loty• “theelty l• not to he I Ira% er-ed • Ithoul
on much delay and risk a, W. 11.1 I
toted in aava4co country."' The , Intigvr. of
oSoway tr
111 a 4vel,4ing arc not . It Ite rmslivar...l ID
11/ Df 11 , ', In Loodou '11:•• .nt,t -
oughfure In the t-It 3 t ttt t tit
VOLUME .LX X X .---NO. 35
I am the 00041 1 1 / 1 1.TITAIll man in the world .
I ,ru the Only Decti‘t to thin noel , ;. I never
iii , Vo/(1,. I am known by everybody. I can do
anything better than anybody el it, I run do
aii things ell; 'everybody don't say so.; I
never brag about myself, owing to my extreme
modesty. I would not dare to speak In meows!
pralar, ';ecanne person, of not very
zing Rands would decide me a vain pretender;
I and so I would be. Ido everyttuog that Is
done, tan any mon•der would,) I make artificial
I n} en, none, ears, heads, hands, hearts, legs,
, tots, feet, teen. I frequently make a root of
or net r. flat that ! keep quiet, Co ct, ant to hi
found out, (a very)ud (clout part of my meet',
ism.; I insert teeth for Ten Dollars pct
the best are's% bilker price. I would sell
much cheaper it they grew like blackbo
/ extract teeth without putn, and would no.o.
charge, If not for the cost of gas. I frit/TM to
buy out ail pretenders of dentistry and run a
qt. entablish=.ent. In this way I can make a
-pecialty, and a little Money, and in so doing
1 would feel sanguine of a large patronage
Rut with the present shopping trade it Is a lit
tle ductuatlng. I am sometimes at a ion,
ben a ahoppnr comes in, to tell whether I
.ball Dc 111011 t Plleeesaftil in .tiering Ova dol
lar, to take my teeth, or the teeth for flee dol
lars, for there aro so many en In which eith
er would Mill. secure their custom. I don't
know why it In I never suxended to business,
I herr eqn 'ln p, make rt !wing. A great
many Pitt.burgh dentists consider me a
,et humbug; and that should he , mffielent
ft•r come men to make a fortune on. flat a
tool for dollars and a phlteaupher for common
„/,,, I ..oruetime, ran too much, nod other
times not enough, but la eitherlca se I full, It
doesn't matter how my hair in combed. My
gas is r, great commodity. };very body ITili
Inane it. lac old people tisk fur it. and child
ten cry for It. I was act to introduce It ii
littstittrgh,af ter having learned it of Dr. Col
ton and Dr. V . l , ll.{.`nipl, C11.t11181.9 at the
eoper Institute. of boo - Yort, and other gen
tlemen Of shill In the east; and of course
there is no person in this Section of country
no well ski led - In thin agent called gas as my.
self. All oho want bi- employ a good Dentist
will Mad Me equal toe. Sill, 'WI peon street .
But some of my competitors think me silly,
bet , nnie I do — Windt% 111141.111,3, and liqpire
money and fame: They should be pleased
if DOialfamc.
11.'11)4 no offense will be given
Yours tnuehly
Spr rnLi Stan •nAni_m, Drnt
2t6 Prnn -t
reenbeek a are Seed
A "dov n east" debating, club am, been • re
rcntly arguing the question • "Which Ic the
mord effective agent hi the reduction of the
population of rivAted countries—War,
a, Switchmen or Milieus Complaints I" After
a warm and animated debate, it WWI decided
that that the latter bad proven by far the moat
ilhtusixOtta. 46t1.1 the CI hicovery Of the noireel
-o:rated eternach Bitter. and S.undinartan
Wood Puritlrr an.l lad I'd Is 'II. dab,
- -
there:ore, artutled by a ~ptrit
py, buy, deternt.oed to ' , commend them t
the public as a prereatlre of rimier.. and
cortitn cure for all dile-as., re...tatting Cron
Etilluax adlettma, and to Inform them thin
they and prepared by Prince, Walton At Co.
Nor. b, SF, CO . and ed Ea,t. Third -Arc-et, Chinch
oath, and are folsale by ell re , penta`.le drug
T , earis nod Robles
Aaa Monk,
THE , PITTS t.U_ i'",C l fl-1 GAZETTE.
11.47Fncto, rebroary 9,1946.
Hr. Ingham presented two petitions of the
e:t !son. of If Min township, Allegheny col.loty
steking for authority to elect additional Saipan
➢lr Shoemaker, from the Oommittes on Cor.
porationA report« 4 m committed, a impple
meet to the act incorporating the ttionongate.
It, Water Company.
Mr. Lowry read in plane an set authorizing
the Erie and Alleghen y7tatlroad Company to
extend their road to the Allegheny River.
Mr. abeemaker read an net regulating the
.ale of seated and unseated lands for the non
payment of taxes; also an wet authorizing Rail
road Companies to procure land for right of
Air. Hall read an act to rev6e and amend the
penal latra of the Commonwealth to punish
rrn nth, upon the national curtency.
HILL. Comaincamo.—An ant authorizing ap
p. al.. from Interlocutory orders granting
•prol:.t tnjunctlona. Passed finally
An act to encourage the manufacture of Iron
a, it h coke and mluaral coal and for other. Par
pawed to third rending and I,lkl
An Oct soy:tinting the granting of licent.,
and puniehtng unltcensed sale of liquors in
the County of Allegheny. Pasae4 finally.
An act to increase the liCtothlarlos of Fol,ei
county. Tensed finally.
act punishing the purchase of scrap iron
or other metals from minors in Allogheny
I, ottilt), Arai ealleo up by Mr. Ural:tarn and
ACJourned until rueedny at 11 o'cloc , ‘
:11e,Arr. f.lrFa, Deake, SlasiSer, nisek, tiegley
! , d presented petitions of citizen, of
enth western Pea rants. to repent the set
rpruling the Pittiburgh and Connell...llle
:silrond charter.
Mr. Danks offered n resolution directmot the
ommittee on JUl:lielarj" GOnerad to report a
sin to make a day's labor end at four o'clock
+n election days.
Mr. Glar.s, from Committee on Corporations,
protect a bill to Incorporate the Central Park
kraing Aasociation ; Moo, a blll to inoorporate
he MOnongaheln Railroad.
Mr. Stnrtevant, to chartgo the name of Colo-1
Lund and Mineral Company to the Erie and
Allegheny Railroad Company, and to author.
Ire the same to mortal - int. Clete stock; also
<lmplement to an net regulating 11011 . 0.14,
adopted 1849.
An act to allow the Phllade/tibia and Erin
allroad to bull/ nranchet., was pomp med
nel orticretl to bo printed.
Start rant, etteud
the Lrie And the Allegheny % alley Railroad to
cor nts , t sw:to the Illtehurgb end Lrb• by trey
0: "I itners tile.
Mr quay, to tnereuse the f..,4 of 111,5 t,,
Attorne:4 and other officers In Wash:o4:o3
corn ty. laid of er.
Mr. pre: anted tte pa - of t a u
:tat urgh uaking 1.0 pans a law to
low ratlrgsd conneatinna with r,v119 1.1
.1 ritt,hareb; alio to grant a 1.1 . .r.A., rat/ro I
d!ouraeti until Ilonday at 7 , i tvclack
Canadian Governor Arrived.
Ru4biap Negotiations with the Popo
• • w yeaa, Pen i —The Cunard afeautstap
.‘toatulastaa, from Liverpool at four oclock
on the afternoon of the trth, and Qoaen.down
on the hdth, Lint Seemed here.
lard ILcuaok, the Canadian tierrerttnr. JA a
The Parts Oeniffterf ono( In an artiste on the
Mexican question. Dronfo art
could not glee an eaplanatleen with regard to
the int.:mat euteniniatretirm of Mettle., for
n hid' the Mexican government 14 responalnte.
It adds that the rnitod Staten cannot call re.-
sietaiceby plundering adventurers war, after
refusing the title of t:tettgarenta to the couLul.
The Patric sacte official Yellow Itedit alit
tOt 001ttala d tuba: Franco and
Atatitica on the %ilem question, et that quna
The cattle atue. oontionAtt On the tnerrns.
On Monday, the return s shot:, r.Or the CI,
title, over tea tboorand cum
The Fenian tructs continue daily The D
I trt pollee had &cleat a number of swords ern•ii
hayonete in a Fenian loAge. Areal had loon
a..:rud at Bedfast.
A c reset to the Tagnt, on the point of malting
furwas detained lot the lustanen of the
!-rnoieh Consul, who alleged ette designed t..
...ale wax on the Spanish comunerec under (LI,
"Ptin, flag
n flock of Franeu has gained nearl y t e
there quarter teillions franc, butlio
during the week.
The Queen of gnats. ware birth to A aO.i oa
the itth ult.
An ofnciat tilsp•tch. nays: General
ala hundred cavalry, WO arrive,/ at Da:-
tao.ll, to l'Ortn,,,entl, and retall,l,4
0 Dotter r op bid horn, and cocoa' rent tut, to
:he tionni.l. orrnimatOcr.
The Dpatzialt F .iona t tl'•rynn- o 1.1
h. Qnoett, atte.r.b, o rezret at tho
Lilies alit Chili, nut I ^O,O the I..teemontott
sill can.. the honor 'lad of attain to 'J.,
..tated that Fr:.n.iese,lgest,l
~d tr. h.4,1 n run In the achleaa ot
!to /oration. hut tl• ell oe I
fru nod ozinefin,, of Pzit.l..ton the
Itetaani ol:.i not take plane till tn..
I I 411
~) te
TI,, to /1 11 11 0 , 1 , 111,
'44111 ow-w-niro, d an r...ra la 1.1,40 It
dea_d. • olt the fmnehlne will not de.r%e
nom.. of a reform hill
1, Bari
enal& , o,rnderer, of Vlesna, Bey, . We
bura on r nothmity.
', that Rnrala has
nulled the friendly 4dlloce of I , IA Pro.lan
uldnef to bring about a renewal of I/tplo.
roan , . inlntlow4 'between It:voila nod Homo.
I'to• , :o doelured ilert,adion•o. to entoply with
requesd, nod fu•levoLed hor renomoutt a .
/,, At tim Holy Soo to open negotiation., at
mu, • Ith ard teal A . ltonelfl, With a
I Ir, lo t a In II
liv I , 4:loPtllnec of Pro.-
•of 1 .1.0 NM,
ll—, none ral oul.l ho rooolvad Pel,
gulhpaaiard who has attemptml,
unsltretyinfa.,l 3 , to 11',erate hl. , rountry
f ron, ‘l.,apot eta.
II I 4 Ifqx,rt.e4 I hAt prl va , .eera have
aured off Wei ene . a, and Cll/0•. , 1 ROT , C041,6t
.110 V. The ,yon•ilgh pr”sa Aetrl.l4,7fts
th. In a, plra•el.
.fort 27 r x --The anti„ Cotton
t:.01.1 ickelu•l iv I ',SA
md, ,p,mhdlott, artlt for eXp'”.. Hr.?,
.. up) tl I.ret) 4,411 y I , wer. I a bre id -
r t, re Is n0t,710 1 , 0,14 to-day. 'ad
Ithbur. ate
•,alet acid
u!rhout !ermine.
Jun. 21{.-7-ht Roars.. claim"
terda at L1.1:13e for "closedn.,
7.7.—C0n5n14 to-dsy!el
roTittB7. American Socuritlea, rattier eacor,
(inefria. at rZfar(sl( for U. 8. 5-53'd, and U. 1.14
aVer, for sham's. Sugar sold today at foil
reline. tither article., unchanged.
L.:iv/item:, 27.—AfornIng—Reef steady,
and at Into late.. Pork edicti new American
with a re malO, at a
furthor ad Vanro of is per hundred, y
on act:mutt
of the retaprt from New Yorli of short
I.nro ci th little tlernand, at 6.5,1tal on the. .pot.
and fit ti , arrive. Wheat 1p moderato demand,
ith roll realirmi; Winter Rod lea 180
Jo, (1,1,', 0 mad sill autikee as 10..1410s fo.
1..01ah t ln fair reeneat,mu • :dfir
1..61 Amer I , •an. Clmeen roUlt. tit Li,
ti ex :met .miling nominal.
room Ran Frau/limo, Montana, Mowd•
%lett hllislattaand Amtrak.llia
Venwrown, - Tn.. Vi Iy.
Montana Pun (god of Jawetry
-fates that a large quantity of ;I) , ln:ban 1:441
^.n. been anized ay the He roiSuo voileeter, for
t hn
Thtog the Inapeeter. inarls 111 , 01:1 It to
.I,t.t. ai the duty h0..1 been paid thereon.
The merehante will auffera Aevere foes. Cream..
et note.. are ttl 'Vt.', gol•t tittttt ettr
!stir) 1111tftx 1.-. rent premlum.
ytlydj liar per itarve, • per pop
StOttlr* are ...dive and advancing.
me; hawagn. 9hl; Imperial, 114; Candle,
:min Yellow Jae/cwt. 1 fE.; Mlle and Nor
e Qi 10,40; Pottit, e. 50; Legal Toadore,
tens from 11..ehlele to ihe 21th .rf .Jo,,u
ary etttettiflt great hero
done b
a lierriran there.
The financial aRAI ra of the lfincdnm
ere:ding con•ldei able uxent,,,,, e o . 1.1,„
ohdti Chamber 01 ( 'oznthenr form", the plan .4
hem Intl treneury notem to rai s e
Auetrallau dates of 171 h NorefUl.or slut,, that
oil has been struck near Hartley Neu booth
airs, 3 lidding one I. told rod and forty galioar.
/if ei wit or one !maitre/1 gallon.. of relined oil
per day. The vornpatty illOg the property
ealculato when they get heron; lily to work
to refine twenty thott+and gallons of oil per
a reit, anti supply conmninorn of It at for )t
flit., tent. per gallon.
SIMI 130W/wry nt
Fe?.. 9.—The runll Ihnt.
..bouhi hits 4. Ittrt I,t•rr litto looming 91 2 0• , : 1 0 , 1,
, reol r44ItI N el Hat 4 1 ,1 11 . 4, - 4.0 at the rtttl
rt.3tl t 4.1101 Tltt '' tt
Carbines and Breech-Loading
Bank Reaerred Profila and De-
TUE Ili (limn tRN pacz ri LROA D.
N rw Toni, Feb. a. , —The 'Tribune's Wa:hing
len special say, The board of officer*, Will as
semble at Washington, D. C., March lath,
or as soon thereafter as •praelleable, to Guam.
0o upon the following questions and make
recommendation, thereon First, What farm
and calibre of a breceti loading arm should be
adopted as amodot for future construotiOn of
muskets for infantry. tireen;i, What toritrand
calibre should be adopted as a model for
rnture construction of carbines tor cavali7..
Third, What form breech loading arm. ,
should be adopted as a model for change of
muskets already ronstnacted to breech loading :
muskets. Whoever submits an arm to the
above board will be required to state in writ
ing the ... least price at which it will be turn.
ished in the event of its being adopted by the
government. The Chief ef - Ordnance WIU
furnish the board all the information ill 619
power, and will also pros .de it with 001.10
room, stationery, and it place for extihritnett
tat tiring targets, arumnattlon Le. The re
port a ill be made through the ( bier of 0 nlll.
stmer. Major General Hancock Is the senior
°nicer of the board.
- - . •
The Tribunes Washington special gives the
foilow ing an the true note tint was returned
t 3 R. Y. Butler Esq., to the Lieutenant Gen
ernt's carte de Invite to his reception:
“Geir. Butler lans the honor to dec 1.641
int nation of Lieut. lien. °rant. lion.line
has now no desire for future acquaintance."
The Herold , / special says: General bob:mot
has decided that in order to be in harmony
with the ruling of the Commissioner of Inter
nal Revenue, and with the opinion of tht
nocretary of the Treasnry, to classify rraersed
profits on capital instead of deposits it 3 000,
As the duty on - nth is the saute, this will nal
affect any hanks that hold of Walt blot
stocks an amount ba n ks, howeverhe amount
of mph...lL Such tkat hoist
United States stocks in excess of their eapttal
would he able to Induct the amount of Such
racysa from the item of res.., ed profits no
elaselfled as capital.
Col. Rowland,on behalf of the Northern Ps...
mile Railroad, notified the gevernmeotitwe.
de)," ago that the company Moo prepared anu
ahem. to construct the line. Su'ascriptions
w soon appear throughout the countr y, and
a strong eUort made to path the work •igor
et,/ y
Mysterious Circumstamee Explained•
lllot IL CY.REMI CO(11EF111111 CO‘VKTEJi.
10 Tee., Yob. P —loam Slacken...l pub.
li.bee a letter in the 11e.4d, thin mornmg, at
tempting to explain the Clreanwlaneei 00'.
nrot..l a Lib the recent proceed/n.4 areal , it
T the authorities, on .Iwptiden of his
piteatli.n In s. scheme to fit ont nn crpeditron
1 thi• miy, to assist Chill In her war a Ith
lie say that all the myrterlotre ae
t,..s. and novel incidental of Lie arrestl and the
inventionx of all sorts putillslied by the prose,
are each and nil of them lictioun, gotten up to
excite corlessity. or perhapn, have been <Hata,
led by Ira, 'wide north ea. He le aesto-ml Haag
J.{1.011'412 agent, were found in the net •tittor
hOott of hls house at the time when the afietard
to take Watt t 7 prl,On toot place and t hat them
name agent, tn,lated teat the public fuaollO4-
ar'y e.1.01.1t1 rxeeeto.
He bay. that at thla time he 0111 trot say a
sinate word with regard to Id. allegoat pror
altion to 01 out an expedithyn against the
uthilone of the Qincen of Spain, neither will he
explain the error, made by telegra
of ph 111 the
trunturthttituu of Mn Mt.
ra the Inn NI inltter at Washington
aSt nil at:. in 11, 1 ,1, 1,1 - UM.• nut count before
the trthunu/ of putttee anal before the =and
pHe at it) of t public opluttut
ds. - it will c.a.. foramina slonc tn
Wm I/windier. and legality of my protood.
Inge, and thin the people o f the t • nitod
arid the cle !Heed world in pre-nerat shall know
of the grand prinelpfes which were the i s rt;
rho power nod the preaftga of pd, coal
ttse.oldete - thrte are (.4147 ottrrattaltf.ot 0 the
ast, or, If they may e till like a rah.
bo. of hope by freemen autt :ma ptttpla,
mos be subj.:testi to the ngirromitral of cro.u.
tr , l tient - pen. from the Rio Grande to this d,f's
ehlpelago of
The execut lon of Jno. Hackett fur m ardor,
v /Heti oat to have taken pLive at tee Tombs,
today, Lan been postponed, a stay of proceed
=h3Tll;:utre tV:"ls'ut.'itire(mocr the
A verdict of get4ty wit red..F.::::7 * ern lent . ;
by tit. Jar? f, tLe ry e of hterard,
(rind In the I S. Dtstrirt 1 ceirt Broody, on
lArze of counteritng Notional cnre
11,. svutencedfe i Wed:le-env nextiiney ..
report peentll. 1n the clty to the liffeet
that Arelly Hugh..., the well-Lumen thln•trel,
shot by a SOUL!, Amorteeu rt•het ref title.' in
Montreal, ( L , oh H mineedisy night.
Precipitate Beirut of the Para-
h ) „_,\ lloon y re, not rea
i.ocolent -. to-. In.. or all the l'aretztia).
on troop., that tool in, rot. cry",
9it the Uruguay Near lea, followed try pre
. ictioe retroat thelr torritor) Of all
. for,.. !bat ',or occop) ( orient...
or /1111,11. than a week tho (irk of cone...ltal.
In; 1/, allual land and nacnt force. co,(• pro
tbni on the -.ln of January (h.)
0•,..1 a onto two, rittiV elttr, 43.030
• t ocp. port thin) oar nt. on,orn On tic , Vara,
o n, an llntria/ta. o, the Nr,-
,111, TI.I• n plate of Irritnenac
• reogth, no - muting 0) or one lotanrrel (telly
nod dlflleult of approach 17
exten,kng act,. the channel, owl ft I.
oi-i , -oppnann by (ottouergett I orlonlors, non
la, .s.g to Intel. It Pacogitaytin artily of Nona
• oto In nhirlir mon, knit con•lnornhle nect.
lin too rrl, nlll., In purloin or the re-
I, i.or. tarn,,,.,) cos aorno, the I , ro, lore 1,1
.••rirntrs tho l'arocnynn rip er. fur throe
litir d tulle, L et athroug n alrucest tifllnhabl
t, I eo,ntry, Ocarrflanl as rose of the great,.
cat , 11171coltLy non buffering, hundred( of the
' , Artier), haVlng rerlithed on the , ipt and itl.ttly
other,. dr4crtegrf
STar Declared Agahtil Spain
Nxy.. k ktvatnor Nog York
f r , ktn A Non.tall 14:u nt inool o In] 11:1!1,44
From P-ru are that Dictator Prarde
u n ..ffensive sod defensive alliance with
t hill, and , leclercd ear against Noahn. It war
hoped at Lima that oilier South American re.
Implies, and especially COWL. W.,Re.
cede to the treaty. Two Peruvian frigaten
and tuo teamcorvettes left to street a JUre,
WOO ith the Chilian fleet.
• Ail bpantards residing In the province of
Lim. received orders not to leave the calm.
Iry and Lollar(' their names reglatfred (or our
'rho Peruvian Government bar also taken
other measures to have reprisal. at hand in
emu. the hpaoLth fleet should take ponaosrlon
of any Part el the Could, or Inflict any other
heavy duninee. Mail* from Valparaiso, not
rerefverl by the bailing cruel ut l'alluo from
the PULIIIn reported the entire Span-
tali fleet roncentrated at Yatparn ISO, That
city IN probably thoroughly bloekaded and
I , erhison has been attacked by the Spaniards
'the attempted ri volutiou lu Puuam . s was
.Sailing Important from t entrnl %mere,
All muter at prase .
hicrien• Mallen/Id Accident
\ro. Toner, Fel,. 1.1,—A ear Itlomotlebl. Sex
Jerar,t , train broke tbroligh a rotten b ridge.
SOlll,O of the rare tall Into tho ereek, and arm.;
completely eliattered against the atone foots
`tot inn t tic brbitto. Al Mon Molt, of Mont
lair van killed, Thiney
nor In : lured vr.•rt- Jon.
DANIA, VI ni,.l/Ifitahl, Verioutlel Jos.
G V c
ram..., of Montclair, oventi to-liosi. t i at)iit raham, toiler of n the N v b
oon': flank O
his brat; into. prodmion, or limitelior,
brained bead anti body; S. Arbuthnot, co:calm:-
tor, severely bruiseda news boy annual a Wean
as considerably inJuied again atLet, hurt,
but not seriously.
Notorahke Lehlshsluror
C 1 I 1
'attire formed the htttle Clookl It,. !non lo to.
Ptlbmitlett to the ' , Copia on Ilm C.I or Jut..
Tho election of State °Meer, ukr
at the same *lmo.
Agent Absconded.
Va, C. W., Fob. 9.—rhelin, nu agent
of the American Exprox.4 Co., Ilan AngMorMed,
taking wi th him Si.,. Llo has golly to Eu
Dr.; lilughes
( 1..-John W. !high
ap , tl,orot An." , Tn tyi •rt
Mr Cowan preacnail a petition la favor Of
protective tariff, and Mr. Sherman presented
one for • redlictlon of the tax on agricultural
implements, which was referred to the It,
nanee Committee . .
Guthrie. of 'Kentucky, presented the
eredentlals of George Houston, Senator elect
from Alabama for the short term. Mr tinthrie
Stated that Mr Houston, doring the war, was
is consistent Union man. The credentials
wean ortlexed to Ile span the table.
Mr. Sheraton presented a resolution which
was agreed to, calling upon the Secretory of
War for u conipentiluat of the mettle:Ll 'tails.
tics cooecteat during the war
Mr. Imwts, Of Kentucky, offered a reset talon
declaring that charms of speculation and
fraud hail been made againet the cotton moats
Of the Treasury Department, therefore.
Retesterd, That a Committee l.r oppointed to
lIIVCIMgette onch charges
Mr Dui In btu] been informed, from various
sources, of the truth of thew charge, lie had
Loin told by a friend of his, "rho had means of
knowing, that ~,t hin his own experience ha
the heath there was not n mom conneeted with
the 'I rouser,' bertirtment, • ithla a &weep of
thOUSarld ran,* who bad not been cnrruptod.
Ito would agree tts subdautlnte the charges If
the committee Woe formed.
Mr aherinan hair/ that the charge of Sir fia
tis toa very sweeping in Its chnrneter I hr.
SeCretor) oT the Treasury tad toI,l hint that
the most vlol•lit Chatermagenerally
brr naht against tb• most tat [brut cancers Ii•
celled Lyon Mr, 1.11 In to Make a •pccitic
° ebayge,,,,,,i he 50014 poorest., tt fall . •ean
Pr ' . 'Mein coiled for Ibe appointment of a
committer, the suabortty of whom would be
favorable to tale tr. reNtitration. lie had ben,
told that Gen Dana, while in eel:unhand on the
Mleril.alppl, had seised end appropriated Cot
ton, domniplog a forte:An eltlaell , cad unnal the
procettis for him own benefit. Ile did not think
it fair to place ouch In 'not:cotton in the hands
of men sho whaled t 0 Stint, It. Ito ask
heire thal
!Cr Sher Man said that hlie be an, a morta
ls"' 91 the Tido.. he never san.•tittotta an In
I. stir:Won Of charges ado.. at a Iteato , ra tic
arruialst rts Linn, until they were properly ears
tided to. He had no w.d ',Lion to tilt proposi
tion of Mr Its I. if there wan reason•hie
ground 'or it
Mr. listan h• otot 1 sirree. to prove other
fraud. then ro• Lott troudn. If the tromodttoe
wns radon!. lie would tiViiii' to prove
frAss,i, in it name of the lotamitnient, cum
' willed Fairest t o
Me. Feasentien. of Maine, was afraid that Mr .
Deed , looked upon every one connected with
.EVioaerctunut, %Mk sues • Miondienst eye,
Jawanesel4sf cLutricrel With tbe Luveetten
tit n proposd unintentionally do them In us
Mow Ile tumid not, therfore, ngree • Ith r
Sherman th at Mr. De) might. Olth propriety
eutrlisted the ortaduct of each a in.
II Idle he (W. reaaerolen I bad charge at thewe
cotton arencir• he had beard of a great many
aweertinris a duel men, tint they ware: 11 un
founded / Ipi toady he adopted a Nis to compel
•1; charges to bet rent end to writing, art.! after
r.loal :mt. tad urvi uirao u^
....I had no man is Ultrtu td IWCe the rAspea.
alblitty of making chargee agrunSt theme
Ile believed the present Sorretary of the
rrasury to be competent and faithful In the
.list.dtarre of his lotion. lie repelled the
elm re that Mr McCulloCh had retuned to do
luntlec to nay mart, nod he won oppebned to
'Mae committ.or• being tmlsed on gon
er,' charges. He would favor an Inv estigso
tier, on apeman or a Apteltlechwrge Ile hoped
the ton:emitter would not he appointed until
cows-thing drtlna, was given to the k unst', ea
the nutleet
( mince. rrovn l , l r h a e t p , o;lpo e neMttitt or the
of taking up Ihe time for
Ito. • I/MU - meal of gooae
MO!Ougal offered all 101. lafteZZ' " Mr
Ala re , lot tor., tun. It !netts:: as
Iv astlgatern Into all the agalast
eruznant olTh ers at e s
Ilepartmen,. t Mann
Mr lohness moved to lay Mr tartv rasolo
llon on the itiCh a an :te,ent. Ogi
AI, Mayo said 13, kneor of se. era' who tout
tote Into the army eery tarot an I hart beevlnto
rI. on .ory mslerate salartev Ilc eortfessod
he ho pre)nOtrea on ILI- '0,1.0.'001, and I hat
110 V•l'tlid oomnarnee the est.gatlon wlth a
con vlellon that there any a great 'haw of
swindling done. Ile would not l.'s t.e apon
C oll .ollltve. If kt'd in would flak
W., a fult 1 •4 . .13111t1.r and a fair lirrestigat lon,
in such ootaroltter ttal] at Investigation
souhl hrlog r ,
los In the 7 -ear ~r) ,
Prndlng this dlsus.tou the n. 1,1114 hoo
"01,...,1... o 1
the Jena rn•Oltil 1 . 41..,1 the r
I olivt it nitnn of the I ulcer! . -t.tte. ea, taken
Me J.llllhos tool Ibli .e.r In tho retnark.
he v. Ile whom to mob,., I,'e o 001.1 pcltlrea, h Itn
cell n rot th the twnpi.lornth n at the eowthrti on
In order to towertain 115 eAaot me/minx, et.
..... ily, to I lir eappootwl nee.w-oty ~. bleb ra1111.41
1.1101 an antentittowl, alt.) th led Iv to Ili etfia-y.
n. r , the eotedit ton of tw o et bunter
I.;:leLtti.l:lL4 f7r1p17:11I'II,401:), b'it•'%.A.'-e.r' ;•Lis,::•IIP:ITI:,'.;:.'ob•
tenportt.tit that he el 14 I or; , tinetl:, nn_ del - Maud what the name art ,tt ler c-..nettlera
' tient In. TI, extrontl sertnot of tho lonrt ti me
th-le of the Om... Motion etgiltlle, Ihe to- elo
in 0 hich eeit , eentutton and taxation pro to
be aneerlalned It make.. both dopond on Iho
sante Net lb:tree...lotion le to be
appot I hPII,II nee-or-ding to num het, att.! , I Ire -t
InAntion to to In, Airo.rtinb (41 In tile jam" wny
Ah the reoolot lon aII
1 fleet reported from the
I onanitten, It sto.el In that way upon the et,-
etnarolttnent. The reoalaion vt Idyll It on eonthinowl In relatlQn to .Itre , t taxaCtou
annulled, end
t it now rtxtelx tx. a prote.l..
to attlentl the 1..11.11E10t, so us LO Illtreet
211. , 111` the I. oorol h4v Iton ot th, next arilein of
the t °until ution, tt It relate-. to the motto In
w hieh the nornher of eerreeentat t y .... ly I, ho
Tin. Senate 0111 remember that rorenenta
I non I,.end .1 op,. numb r ~ 30Ith tp 0 C.X.CI).
The exreu not
taxed; the other wan that on
portion of the VII Indians
pie In the voothern , 'totes Willett wan hold In
slavery Wen not to be taloto late the account
to Ito entire. extent, but only to w
extent of three dft the holethe
population sleep it. the Constitution now
stands shivery no lonnvi exists. The Southern
Stales Would Ie entitled to representatives
for the whole number of people, then the carnet
of the prqponed amendment, with the &scup
lion of the proviso, 1., t 6 make no chnnno la
tin efurespotUlle j requitement, of the von stl-
Int lon except that It omit* the provision that
1410 - fifths only Cl a eerlem ciosn shall he
AL the tNineloolort of 114 J rotnark.
ho Senate LLiljourood.
Mr. Donnell) I ntruilure h l a inonturial 01 the
t•tnl.• Slionexota, for The Ihiprovement of
nnvigation the Aftv‘hirii,iii river to th u rally
of ht. Anthony
Eli loft, Of Ilittel.lohotiet 1 110V01 111
Motto, prove:eft to Um toodlotoot on the
311. I.e 11101e1, of Ohl., t.nottltetl what tow
est. Ono gentlEl3llLll (MI% clonir,,,l
ge !It
Mr.-I:WWI replied 11101 tlie (110
e would know, when the Hoot,
tlttreell to Me lantln..
311. 1,1.1101/d ale, et. Wanted to knot, e hoth
rt. 'tle tt• turn In It 0..1.
Ito, 1
Tl.e Mot, t
ag reed t. , the snottoo of Alr
II i.e.. Genet -el rhatt• wo , r",o.ity
1., on. Iltott• Tltt• 111 , 14 , .
1.1.10 nr.terh I ' , tut hall. In
01.101 , 1.1..1 rind 0:I..", Ith •the
mower, here tlolt to, -tend!) lotrottott,tl
t•enerzt tettol. and o• rt. stl,o er
nll) int to•Incell to th• lino., ton 1 opoholn•
tic,i•etilter !Mont nee•l them to etoptoprl.tte
turottl, tt• which t.itontle.l
The hp tt.her null! %Viten the ' , torn) Colols
of ear I, ornt over the land • toe hearts or nil
ma of
I , oode net r not toed ton ant thom• I.••ot t• ht , 00.: hi lb. imperilled flag. An
tiny ftott heart! I enter the tent lent= front
hentneGy, Mt. Nttitt 1111• 11 ,1 110111./11 141 101.
141r1e, (1011 art' .... •of !hoot men to
whom r. nottT not, lott, Hu hod, there
tore. t he gretilt•rl 1 11 1 1• 1.1 Introduring, him
to lie Ronne. Applunse..l
6 °.• WnrO eorOtally Omni:ea the Hong, tot
'honor reeult it totntht. When Itint
r•nuturol anti 1 cr.,
Spantits Threats afgalast ChM
hew 'I oxa, February o—Horace Greyly sac
e/ected President of the American Inc%'tut.,
The Paris correspondent of the I kru.'d ...3 . !.1
'Of the opening of the French Legislature. The
ceremony was remarkable from the foot that
for the that time, the l'rinee Imperial. instead
Of coming In with the Empress as a child and
remaining with her In the Trthnne, occopid a
place at the right of the Fanner°, an heir to
the throne of !ranee, the Prince Napoleon cc
eßgei the' if. er ' o ' r a ' w o me n evidently hi-1. very anxious to
know what Impression bin 'Teich created
Thisthe American eennuicualty La Paris.
'able Morning, In conversation with as Ameri
can professions] gentleman who Is greatly In
his confidence he asked him what was the
feelingarnong ' the Americana relative to that
his speech relating. to the United
Kates and Mexico, aid upon
li being e-
that It wan highly favorable, his ajesty r
ped he was very glad of it, as It M Was hm In
tention and desire In the preparation of his
discourse, to ensure the United States Govern
ment that his feelings toward It were of the
mint amicable nature.
The Post's Waehington special e-ays the Com-
mittet: on Piny, nod Mann, will take up the
subject of general tax•tion on Tuoi,day next
Tho Dodge To election rase, will occupy at
least tea days longer in the hearing. The
emumel of Mr. Dodge will elose the present
n T ti h o e n o e f c e h ip e
t a f s r e o m x in t
nne from Ju
ly Ist, IRAs, to rebritary lot, POI, reached psi,-
1't19,1t:0.09, bring g...31,104.f0 per day, and It ill C.
Linemen that under the present system the re
ceipt. to .Only Ist, lege, will amount to WO;
The Madrid K) ore of January 2.2 d says of Um
Chilton war : The whole country will tilde with
th, Government, urging It to spare no sacrifice
1.2. which it may give to understand to that
wrah. no lose than proud rep:Attic, by which
e e are insulted, that the Muse( dear:mho are
plot, and we have the Menne, will sad energy
to force her to glee ea the fullest satisfaction,
after busing wreaked upon her the most terri
ble vengeance.
WAIIII)111T07%, February 9, 099(1.
du.. hhs arms, but kept lent
Ile hod now re:l,l,e.+ to civil life, and n+ mg
the evidences of friendship extended to him
he should ever highly eherlsh In grateful r,
inuneranee the kind'eeloi and friendship ex-
Or , ssed Jor him here today, (Applause-1
The house concurred In the ocriate'samond
in• at% to the Freedmen's Bureau tdli.
The lion,: proeeetled to net on the amend
reported from the Committee of the
t e;e le the Navy approiation bill.
The /lease concurred Inthe report of the
C catudttec of the Whole by. 73 Dart
striking out the appropriation of IM I ,-
Cos for a elmiltne shop and main Madding at
the Brow.lya Lary yard; akessl9/A0 for ma
id, xte she and so meltem off:=7::%. " oir,L'uT°2; - -
Joining the Portsmouth yard ins retained.
All Itenia for the Boston navy yard rare retain
ed cacept 115,00) for the purchase of the right
of drainage through the yard,nosr held by the
city of Charleston; 1111;:lei for on!, building,
and 0135,M0 for the ouretueos of Oahu:lan and
Eldridge's wharf, $201,0d0 ekoli for the protec
tion of public property at Norfolk and Pensa
cola •ards were retained, all others for those
yard; being Expunged.
An additional section seas added, making
appropriations as botuaties for the destruction
of the enemy'. vessel. during the rebellion ap
plicable to all cases; also, a new section that
no part of the amount appropriated shall he
paid in violation of the act prescribing the
Oath of office.
to this form the bill passed.
The Bankrupt Bill Irks taken up, and esrh
owl sections discussed.
. .
A bill was introduced giving threo ntoothr
pay to oftleera ►oooralay thacharged kn. the
19th of April, lUS. Referred to the Military
Virginia Delegation toCaU on the Pre
Ident—Papers Deleting to Jell. Davi
t ase—The Freedmen's Barran Dill.
.4111MOTOn, Feb. 9.—The committee ap
pelnted by the irginia LegiaLatore bare ar
rived here lo commtwicate to the President
the reaolutionn of that body, approving hie
policy with reference to restoration, and cc.
prctodng a detormination to co•opcnite with
him in (heartec, firm and Joel policy adopted
by him, with all the energy and power they
can devote to the aubJeot, Owing to the pro-
longed setalon or the cabinet the Interview is
12Vod for to-morrows
- .
Tbe Preeident, t o.dny, transmitted to the
House of Repnreentatures, communications
from the Secretary of War and the Attorney
General, In reply ton resolution requesting
him, If not Incompatible Pith the public in
terests to furnish any report or reports made
by the Judge Advocate General, or any other
cancer of the Govornlnent., as to the grottndS,
facto, or accusations upon which Jet Darts,
Clement C. Clay, Jr., Stephen 11. Mallory and
David L. l'idee, or either of them, are held to
The Yreedtnente Bureau bill, haring pawn!
both !louses, will soon be presented to the
President (or his signature. The bill. it. It
now stand.",
tonot restrict th opratio
of the Barone does
the States to wh i ch t he
ch the priv
ileges ef the writ of habeas corpus was sus
pended on the let loot, as amended by the
Ilouee butdlsajreed to by the Berulte.
Hale ofOrdstanee Stores at Parties. Nos
FonT toeao; Feb. 11.—A large sale of Ordl-
MLA., 'totes took plata, Isere to-day. Good mi
ca; were obtained, but a large number of arid.
rice bad to be withdrawn on atoms= of the
bide =nth, not reaching the minimum rates es
tabl !shed by the Government.
About five hundred old cannon rebel and
other's tee, were told at from one to two and
one-b al f cents per pounal. Throe (letting guns
brought ISM each; twelve steel guns 21 1-16 e perr
voomi Burnside carbines ado each. The/01MS
also cold a miscellaneous collection of Old mins
acts, smooth bore and rifled, blacleemith•s todlf
etc., etc.
The .toroly weather still continues The
wind is north-easterly
A fleet of some forty septets Ls to tho harbor
awniting o clanneo to sail, among which are the
barks Delaware, for RIO Janeiro, al.* Ray
mond, for New 1 ork,insanJane,for Now York,
and the brig, Clara, Ellen, and Nuvarino, for
New York.
8*01311.17 Itarnel--LocomeUse
=== "t!
lima You. k s.—The Kluzsland Oil Com
pany's works. on SuiriOlrn creek, were burned night. Lois 111.1.*Xo) Osout One-third lo
st red.
There was an accident on the Flemington
railroad, New Jersey on Wednesday. A train
ran off the truck owing to tic breaking of •
roll. The locomotive was demolished by the
explonion of the boner, and the engineer kill
ed and flretnan severely scalded, The cars did
not gn oner the embankment. R o passengers
were hurt.
Murderers Ezoouted to log—Now
capitol of West Tinted* Clawson.
WILT_LII,O, WU, Va., lob. e.--dirozan and
hopes, sentenced for t 111 , 124er Of Adam
ems, were tweeted In Parkeriberg to-day.
The rope. broke In the first attempt. Both
Men. ...sda mouated the scaffold, strnager
ropes were obtained, when they were hanged
The WV nrowl•Ilog Cot the permanent
th.n of the Capital at Itnakhannoe. was pawed
b 1.. e Meese yeatterday.
n..eilmr of tbealatlazusl Democratic Ex
eeatlrs Vinsismittee.
. . .
W Feb 9.—The National Lorna
cratlc Executive Cotatalttos hays had • meet_
tog lqr senora! consultation, but did not come
to any detennhiation aa to rooomuseadiatt sou
partlettlar or rppodal course of- policy to be
hereafter purled by the //autocratic party.
A mass Meeting Illectrertleed to sustain the
reef:null= policy of the Fraaldent, to tars
Piave On the nd of Esbmary•
Chanilmersbarg IteMet MU Pstssod.
FII hund r edno, rob. 9.—The nitl appropriating
rthou/mad for th e roller of
0:. r h•rotxrstrarg sufferers, parsed the Et 00,.;
22,4, 7Wid - Meiriatratioa Lw
- • noose, Feb. 9.—The ElaryLeal
tun. ed}ourned hurt night. It refe‘e4 teent e r.
tul. the pr.:l.o4lllcm to amend or repeal the
I:e;rietratlon Lem.
Jr 41 think or prosaic Connecticut ctigt.,t.
tag In car day each a rOlillatitee ai Inc (oat, w.
corn sib Is exercised shout body-snatehers,
t• ht, on i•utlet eight last. due up the bolt of
I , .oung lady %Lolled born burial that after
and auoCermitti beyond their AU tit!ipti.
Mons. Nu, had ling burial while la it eata
lert!, dt,,,,d ur ,.. ~...,_ , orposed to the night
...4 . ~,,,,,i,n as . r „,,,T orm. The reeurree.
ii on Anil. And shewalked hones if'rl lf;
tut. refused to Adrult her, hollering ha. ._
a ,hoat.. Site then treat to the hon.ii If •
~ ime. man to a :tm to was engaged. Ito
iimk hey in, and on Monday morning they
a, re married.
A utm. has been panted by the liouse, which
looks to the prevention of pante,renaming
teir incomes on a "gold bawls." It would
berm that this practicehasbeen ter;nd) In
dulged In, sod the Tratanryhas been • seem - e
sufferer thereby. The bit/ alsOcompole pax
tire on ohm foleign stocks or railroad hoods
abroad to return the talus of the same uu e
currency bast,
The Ohio Parer, say. the dairymen Oho
harebeen prota•p ort speetme for oosra for sic LC 11011.
•a! a
tatbar° market l high
Klee+ Any little acir nf aw
holier coming In
to the •prlng, ,ocutamud ftrlale fair
coos figure up to ieg and 170 caeh. Fanuera
hal c plenty of feed oat great faith to the ro
tate of the dairy Whaineaa.
Prrnnarn WlNDrall —A di.patell from
t„,„ A rumor 0a afloat on the 01, oet, ae
pa ently Writ antbentleatcet, that 101 11
%Vreal, prnprodor of Itood's aluaeum, [tar
been made Om lucky belr to prop. , rty
nt toter 1000104 atorLlng by tho rceepl
cra•c of an uncle residing in England Moat
pr"rertJ la understood to be loeatet i n
h. a lurk
LA r111,,ZT., I, V ,, rvntn Het r IN A , :e.IG••
1 I -Au.trui ouper, mut.. nientlua of sud
den and taut IC heat In 11., ualtbil, of
her nifftting 11,Lltil vilt) nl.toy
Thu ilelbourno .igr SP, that tit floonh worth
set el./
cat. and doga,4l
of romstroke.
The Medina 044.-...,te. Pfl• • a son of Mr. Lan, of
1,041, fall nhllo on ht. wn.l home froni.hhool .
on the :MI old The Milo follow had an um
-I,,,,n._hrneo In his hand). when he fell, end
somehow It el - at:rod ills mouth, panntrating
llironq I he loot loin the brain, a hinia cauvod
his dr.% h.
Jt Lui Hranst.t 1t Nuw lark, got is repots
tom a few 1 eat, ago for act:am:too/a a garroter
to rorty yearatimprixonmunt. It has recently
Come out that Owl:keit week sitar the Judge
sIIT ht. Mend,Gov. hty toour, anti got the man
parduhed out. Ile jrOO,IDOMOCSRUC
J o n' C. ewct. 1., of canbornton, N. 11., drown.
rd himself In sight of his father', hut., a few
lima ago. tie was a young nun t weney-one
years Old, of unblenalehed eharactOr and prom.
ulnit intellect, bnt had get discouraged to try.
fug tO gain an education by hie own etTorts.
Tug English Lutheran congregation a t
toona havo contributed the sum of fou eent r ieffo thou-
sand nine hund dollar,. i n the re
to Increase the ondowment fund of the Towrt
logical Seminary at ticttysburg.
Toe Chicago aleople are Intent oa having ti
cotton factory. The entire annltal stock pro
toacfl is $309,00S of which eisk,,oo) have already
een eutercrloctl.
(As Cson Is said to tie seri ously hi.
hon. to Detroit, /AIN advanee,l age leavins but
ICI tic hope of rec., Co , " I , mac In
M. , non Jiro° k suffering •tver r"
lOU.' of thr Ca be k erfol,le rfe,,,Cor-
Itlll'lrr Mondn3, Febnvar.
f th.. I.:Art, at thr rvoldeucc .1
11 . 11. 311, M (RI E. 41.111},a .
1 ran. 3 trwnth. n u.l day,
l'tt.• 14.n.l•o( too family are rem., t ruu,
. _ .
tl:n.„ A l
t o
v. !tone.' l'e,trunt tri;ltttt
rt 11,1A1 Lute v. 111 apply et the Sept stlett.n.l
utlitte, et tee e-in-tory. Title Iterdt. l'ttrmlte
Atl tat., ItuAlntatt tte 3 ttcnAcd In el ;h.. Ittut t
iluttu t , ol the untfinntgoett, corner of 4101.
Leart.AL atrects. Allegleut7t
USU. A. lieLL T.
- - .
• '
II doh. allr.rlon.ll.l It rivlt•
A !!
:Q‘ .
ID4'.:OI%I2E 2 AtLN'4.
Ml4'bt.TfoNT, ksLe l ; - .., T•ma•
fink!, .NI). 2 Duquesne Way,
(N ,, ar Nus peni.loa B Flag° )
IlrririNia r N
Tbl• VU crurenot be excelled for anrr2rryiprop...rtlr4
COW.' •r Are teal, and lo oot_ep ...LI .....t.ood
•In mailable for DOM: UNE. or EXPORT.
i ' 12 .4 1•0 .1P --- Jobolt. Robert Leo, Goo. Sirek.
C. ft, lierron, C. 1.. Caldwell. R.
Porter. Bobt. War Lore, D. W. C. Carroll
Wort. and Ortierl. Col Las Teirnshli.
0171C7.17, I'lrranretou-24 WOOD STREET.
These work. have the largest capacity la the bona
Ley. The brand timid* tbe hm to Oita tOttaLrff
ZILd In Europe_ for quality anti fire te
for p e t In well vce.,
.:d tbe mR
uaeouoil turret., prepare emaapeeteltly
Bianufacturera of BOILERS, STILLR, Ta V M 9 .44
Improved Horlog Toot. for Oil Wells. detbiiy
_ .
We are comiltruellag, and wt.' keep on hand
perlor et73e of
4111312=La 311Z74131-3:ZWIMS
1111 Elfin 1 C4:110N 01 11110141 min
We Invite parties needing res for th
Id and car thena.s.proer r/K:g. and tf MARA
ingETd, nea - r a w& Arta nm.a.. A
CO3MntCIAI. GU. 111/0111i9
Coaxal:4)7 ea Gaud oad for on!, .
EL C. a a. 11. NA PrEll.
N. 47 WOOD tiTErri.
NSW. lock. Duquesne Way, Pittsburg*
4115 P Spuds, attentlataolvem le th e sole and rk{p
moat of Petroleum awl prodltem. Waaismasopy
mapectp.lly mlittteo. osteaft SRI la. naaa
Pio: 1 BT. CLAIR ST. , Pittsburga. •
Forwarding and Conuntoolon Northam
La 0.14. pluZolaztlsyr, Lu
for r l ' atra e ' r " Pge t e.T. 00.
r. J. .Aaivra NANNY m. =NG
♦aC Dealers la Degla/as
!e. 33 31AFIZET.ST. Pirtab• k.
- -
Foot of Bolus and "garrison Strata*
Brooklyn, N. V.,
Storage tar Relined Petroleum,
bra./Erlifer4. non
Rave 'Toted, from the most ample e ay:erten. eh
re tome., ample, ethetent and reliable. They are
the only mediae. perfectly adapted to popular t
-ita simple Mat mistakes Ca.lll2OZ tol• made in using
*been so hartate.s se lo Ere, frOM dallghfslailLler i
ericlent as to be alwaye
N• I cures FEVERS, Congestions, 111,11.1mus c s.
te. j
WOIIILS, Worm F eyes,
•• CItTLEO COLIC, or Teething of In
e •• DYSENTERY, Cellpista and Bum.
1 ' CHOLERA MrORlllll9, Naurea.....••
0r1.119, Colds, Broad:LW.. gi
s • • NEL - P.A.LOLA. Toothach e, Face
s • • HX.ADACITE, Sick headache.......,
•• 1 1 1iSPEP9IA,131111ous Stet:sub
•• htiPPILESSID, scanty and runsi
.• LEP,7&, - ,r6,1z.a., or White 5......... tit
14 • • CROL 7 P_boarae
tions ....... ...... ... ... y.
, • • gyigyacgi - LSIL all rtietunstle pat. —
•• Ya•VElt &bp AGUE, Chills and
17 " r11.11 7 A, Internal or r rtern a 1......... f r. u7
•• OPTHALM Y. aort, Inflamed yon. . e 59
m • I. .1 TA/IEII. .ente or claroak. MO
, • • W 711.5/4...P1NG COI.IG El,
s e_o_tigt• ....... . .........
s' •
j D ty Z _ _
".f.. i .. rt ................ 50
is •• LENLPfiAiir
• • DROPSY and Scanty Sel-11110.
•. SEA RICKEE.SS, or •frtne-31 from •
• ..
• Si.
_ I PEAsk.. to - te:l. . .
_CO seminal •
di•eharges 51
atour4....r C a nk er_. GD
r AIN'T L rtinuas. ceea witt,
4: • • h'IVERINCitt at •O I
• • EPlLLl • ST•hpaidtm, et.. Una
Di V4 itgrtjA, rilecr.ted ton throat
Cases of Metal. 111 notroce...e and book COM.
. } f
ease pl of M large rale, la ueosoccd and ....CO
eau. or :n hare. rya. , pion ease and 5 I,
Cass 01 A b.. au (Nu.l to 15) sod b00k....... • a(o
Wholese A. Tem
e /grant, Pltfabargh.
F1..Z13114. b Z Market attxt , car o m? ‘ O a f the Nlato , Ved
Pittsburgh, and . 4. J. c.aST, tee" Me Federal alerts.
eatteny • Me l LA 1•• & 1C IN, corner of
Illaniood and Market stivet. Phut/. rgh.
.I) I iSPEPSLi. Dr. Strickland's
natrTONIC s a cone°.
ut w lottof Roots
earmatl.e a
g;Tu a n
111. seer- /--
a l : Li r Mgt fer .
IP:e l'. C:3
atom, Loss of
4i Illy of e 1.01.1
)1s wiener end 11.
1 7 0 her. ova and dyspeptic per
so.. For sale by all -
gists 'every. bete at hlperlbottle.
/I SELLEIia ;di CO.,
oryd W EtoLesaLs Adt.vrts.
Vit. STRICKLAN elllllzion
D'S M a
.arranted to bealie only pre- "1":. • •
paration known to are 'O 1 1 ' •
t'bro lc Coughs,"tn ,
llon, ' Dronehltis nod Clomp. 1y-
troll nd axpec loratina, end
particularly suitable for nil
tifections of the Throat and Luta. or elle by
Druggists tleetywherje.
W. EJFELLEHIi & 00.,
Akilyd W.110,-OsALL AGENT
D iE h truiLLIVIK,E ck- enadn o 1 „ • . 7 77-7
PZ " 171!)27.171:71
it ov..
rolle r and roz, t, otat cute. 'F Ver.'''. F R
t, It nect/y. .
It ls trartantpd to Cure.
Fur sale by all Druggists, at PI LES'
Co eclat. per'bottle.
E. E. 34.,3.__.,
Wl.theeSALe. A
Fount' mails PRACTICE
Glees me a kriewle9,-ro neldorn Uinta - MI by rbr,t
clans. My long renlilonne In thla city, and O tam..nnt
of patltnta troeted annually by me. ars . auZcleall
. of my anceels.
FL IOIREOEIMIIZA, be Etzual Wea Iron°. ...I
all Mann.' arlaing therefrom. are mow] In n mmh
bonne time than herntorore b 3 my X Ely 1:3:0331 , .
ABLE trtattnixa. Medicines M.L foam,' part.[
On Unki. All In trona meat nonfatal a stroll , to tai
. I,V . r'KS P g3TIVITY MT % '' 1 7 143:7 l'
' 1 d 11.
a cd
Addreaa, a. W. ial.A...WriliN:. }Li).
JalMly Boa ae. Inetanitrob, -Pa.
vrricp MIS PENN OTIIEET, nrat II ~.1.1
For the ten or all 411,,,, or npetrol.
two to four limy, nn ealattli now anti Lair atratot. ficsalnsf Weakness, tad all other
41.11.its,rn of tho onitsl orraas and their PreVnattull
lum warms led or agency retannad.
orn, 4ottre-7 to a. tits to 3, and nits,at.Address haters W.. tabs Venn str‘vz.
'A TEN TE OCTOBER 9, 11461
nttractere4 of X X Fttnt Mats. Tbeae Chin:inert
• ...mind be bentlns an pars '
0 ,[1,0.11 u , 1,1•••••••tIr . nm i llicat i rttt
, nn t t•ttn„. Rurl. IY,ltlnknon
On. es, Wearet..7 •-•
terra odhluzi Is forwarded - .Thiel wUI twit (As cal.
Mx ri 6001161 as ac nisi& ran.
LA u of AVG
la Mtlas of k 6 a n d .p.ratd•
3 4 :67.8 AND SECOEa -
15.040 ANTED!
Same II umber of Ladies!
Mrs. McClellan told ber that she heard bun Greb'e
wife say that John Harrls'orlrotold hernial Graeae'
g=lit. beard that /I Ins ...doubt the widow ;Sakai
sabd that Capt. Wood's iv y' . thonghl that Colossi
Lake's wife betlecidtbak old Lazo roc.koned
positively that Peter Dinlisbra Wife had told Nell
CI .cadger that her asuit had deals.' to the
that ft was generally bettered that Metter Parkar
bad said In plain terms that the ..el bets? Gook
say that her sister Polly - had said teat 11 was welt
known la PIT/Patrftgllohst
No. 60 rift: Street,
Cheapest, Best and most Reliable
latei VTTor/421
rim the.Opi4a Howe.
0,000 ' fl it'v B . lwxcuP
mom Tabtrigirn Dor-Liu.
20. 7 101719A2M-1
• • _
g_ri4 urt .
IrEk t . :"" L'J I
AT: It f ftl.:
kfl latsi 611.
Eby : i ,
AT 711 rs •
mss P
Oppostife (hi Opera ileum&
:fit- --- .ia:
rpicik LA E,
.. .._ .
-- - "'" U:I P e k., rarniliSiL
Lett•ring of sii alimimaniedipewiptiyailkli
¢rttarprsced eleracte. - - e
. - ,
Beautiful StaersvweiedzweiL
cedars. a.a GNI* On jaa.4o l'W
. mei&
,LA • tam!. rum
tioca•.rLutiag doss wit* • nog*. to tlpitattir .
berinorref color, sad seataealrof =4.,
/E/ - AY•flut at reasonable fatal,: , ••••.11._
wz . L1,14/k BROWN,
•, (Liam ay. taw anblnt ammo.,
• turitk
Nartn Es.t corm 0f:2144:
1.x9:4 Kp t o : %
1 rx.—At nioellogAtc the rep2rvani. Rum
iV x " 8 " 6 71"4".7442A-aiglta
Ezltittltiotitar_t_ottitte cgM
zrmurbrzrms.csim/ilwa ,s 4 IPPNAteI SON%
watt. to Weetlll , proocooftWooo term or
sae' elltreMeaLme- celteettitoes -1414114-l ettl -
extVgar. fald.......seensittee ate Amen; Alsee....lE.
Jonmit. near riA,T4..,%V.4 "``. az!
&telt. Beech tie_rest.lolli -.u1t...1... Um.
Ittbmltt a...13.-LOYOura, Benretat7. He
sad Me ontierelltneil. Flesitalmeg. ./.11emrlieta
melon. Merged will be Isla term Moe Uwe,
Mire Committee. an ttlik.ptit daf of ifseeit
tetull alma Limo o o mpeetttettiMr ....Moe M itt
t 3, - - - IL: Baro HA.. 1.?
t FritSt Frits t
.7 1 1:71Rjes,
tie tad lot Cape tclutm
Alter Of to this Market
MCCORD it toiit3j
Nck..1.88 Wood. Eltreat.
Tim ..,.„j7AnrEs.
WELL it el
P YR=`='Ei9,
Ott plan ye t of Iron
rermrytTaras bait ltaascrattartat Co's clue.
Corner Mt Street and Duquesne Way.
tot Eral
oxz maw, A.
tele I Idat EACH ttrjamEttstemv
- .
. .
M ;...3.11 ' kTREE'rs (appostle4weatc Vali ler
t.<4l a • • •
• (told Matting Casa Watley, • •
&aver /Utak/ Cam Wasik •
. Vcita of Ladanatioeas7
. ,
- . 1.. I 1 r i
a a13 , ; ,_,. ‘ttm i. ,1 . 1 ., ,
02:7t 110% - riStICD istsa A3rD
umn:i,iffigif*" " viaI.Pn "" IIIM
WO Dina
J. 11. aoszomoy n,,
Pleptree..(llM6mots bei•W.EZztreig
j )) dlr.nES.iAnBDilie_
aed &Ob.. urtheM Dtnei
et.u.ag4l to :I: fret,
8 lreottriB 118ervi.00,
Are ~.1,1141, :Lo wen dltettoritua Gum la tOg
..mice without teablutolg Goat' Go •E•
dUotruilt, otr ma tter to mil or tetol
regs 10 T. wavrta DAr.. ,
Sot ras limaits, Pelletal:am
.%4. ICI nit Tit s•nuarr, laird doer beim W . &
risLsrAVn2iloy. .
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