1"7738M1GH GAZETTE. 1 , t. H. rzs,sl3l p la ItrthiSP.T.l. • • '2ll. COnTra(Ari.. ItCrir2irB9 BlAyrrrym j *C r EratfrEDEr TIM GAZE T.TX .ISSOCIAnox , :tic, En Itrta Srmrscr, neoprma romox. byrnkl.l. y.r. ...... 02 £V2arx Lbilsori. 40. a... •. • . •-•••• 800 per ted by Carrier, Atoxist.vG nr ZI - SNING, per :1. 3 itt.., -, bitroit &mitt. CITY ITENI3. fallecroot, Masi cheap, at Shellaby & Fiarrtn MI Ibe Beni PADIa, 354 , At Ito Ater h Co't, G& Markret stroet. foots and Shoes, • )1i vo.t, tat CC reneral street. tadlee' Pelinb Boot►. T.Ol tiollarli and dhatt, at P 1 federal rest 610.000 Worgb of SOst• sad /Moo, Al Coo., ut 92 Federal ereet. Gnrat iistrisathas 4111+ fr: Fel oral street. COst: Cost! Coat! • nnJ 1.11.3 al mO., at. McClintock'.., reaeral et reel. Ho to ~trvot, tbl day. A 3anl—ene bole of Cuisian ci aeh, Ju..t. open _ 'ea at Shr/!a),y & 'Bartley's, 71 aid 'X Market ref.!. hantu xm ti ail a full stcal; of Prlntu, ncn.3un &c., at uVarlzak.t Cy's, at Me lOireut Pustern prices. "Plue Fbtrl tux Muslin;At 31c extra quality; 4-1 debt .17,y, double width tibectlng, at Barker A Co'e, V - 4]Turkel Farad. Sputral Suigibite of Limo, s for prestcrtug cider. For sale by Charles tikuper, Druggist, carrier of Form and. St. Clair Irects, Pittsburgh. Prin/■ and Gingham. 4 ; The Only frost. stook to the city. Remember thy am on tho northenat corner of . .and Market New Dry Good• -Von opening., the only Fresh stock of Domestic 'Knit Stopie-Dry Goods - inthe city, non- opening cm the northeast corner of Fourth and filar. Lei streets. C. Musson Love ft iao Judie* . Sidtiries fire to be mere/kW:4:l7th Is right, as all the *_.no,ccssarics of !Ste have.ativanoed with the ex - "IcCptton of sawyer's Balboni Soap, which can ` l oBlba bid- for thirty cents a cake, ikdoetlen., Ko wouhi colt the aftenili — ni ot.hayers, to the tulrettfoitnent ikwland, T. 44 Market •t,etreet, who is closing oot hte stock of Root, :wad Shoe.t , ut greatly redeeedpricea. . , . cattrorarla Wives, 4ra & moat complete stook of Medicinal Lt gttonr all einds, at the lowe.it rates, sold at Drag Store, tic. s 1 Market street '''Jteractribtl• the p1a,50. none; of C. Hanson Love S Bro., north least eorrieir'rourth9.94l Msrket streets, has Just returned (nm the esstihastig pscrehesed , r4;l l 7Prk..9filk.jilg!, before the late advance . . . AS well retail Duren§ of Dry 000,19, Win Ifed our l-tecdc rnos opening, the cheapest and 'Moat :desirable In the city. Remember, we Are now on filiF north cast corner or Fourth and tNarket htrectEC The TieralA•s hpeelal hays Geo. SpLoner has decided, to order to be in harmony with the ruling of the Commission. •er of Internal Revenue, that Pittock, nifo the Post °Aloe, keens the fittest assortment 1:d . Valentines. Albume, Pocket Books, Gold rens,-ete. I:enpentBkattng . Park . Onlyturi - utore days Of the engagement with 311 es Carrie d. Moore, the Bkatorial Creen. , Those wishing to witness the performances of .thiadruly' weildortial akater should embrace IsiAhkrlns:Csspissipplity. as Mlsa Moore in. At Lids eisiting , Atiropc nest Beason, and will probably- bet: appear. akain In this country. idathietesifietniXrd. arid livening of Satill4ll4 , ~_4s.ll4l.ll4riaa*i, February 10th and 12th, If trio IreittherkiriOkiore iiritirrorable than to-day, - - Friday. See the Utual bulletins posted In the ~f i_• ;~ 1,- t-, U ~ g Goal,' Mks ea a Itolaler o y g tnedn . from Temperanceville came to ...The city on business, and-siaciong other things I:equirreig attention was an aching tooth, and ao repotted to the otdoe of Dr. 8111, and with nillitMerditkePtiniSM thii trouble. Pins member could be taken out, without pain of Injurious, effects to himself. Haring zweived eaatiaatary Krieger, the laughing • .30.4 0 Wah administered, and the tooth extract " 4od. Ii a Moment or two after, be raised up in the Chair andarid Said t'ult r ull,,Doctor, that gss has tire:et on n i e; Yam son - y , '—and threw him. - aelfbieir fiqhb Otiali, to show what a man , whobad Bain aerileo mad do, and, with do tersatnatibir, said int bac It oat anyhow. soldior certainly I can bear infortited him he could do _ - )to more with the tooth. :At' this the young 'Kann 'C'onchiried, al' !lore was blood in pis that there had been a trial made, and :thrustfits-tongue into the cavity to see what ' tad been done, and to his delight and U.Mtolli4b • strut tt.e troth was gone. M Paint ou Which all Playa'elan.. Agree. Out of ten thousand regular physicians you -cannot. dad•.one who will not say that stiller, . • Innis anairivieoranta aro absolutely necessary in medical practice., And yet in bygone years aulaane practitioners have hesitated to at. minister them, because the fiendish ingenuity of wretches who make . merchandise of laurtau truirrnities- Pad so polluted and deteriorated Mud& that the remedy was deemed as danger cue as .(ho disease. This perplexity 19 into ' pity done away with. Physicians know, he. rase the that aualytical chemists of the age • kdodiSdernmistrated the feet, that Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach hitters are übs4ll3Wly and entirely free from all pernicious ele ment.. Hence they have been Introduced into the Vatted Mates Army, and are stec,,,pt - ed.wheres or the testimony of the wise, the in telltgent and the philanthropic is rated at Its just lathe, as the bt9t protective against and OUke tOr LI diseases arising from linearity In 'She air or other unhealthy climate Influences, - that has ever been tested by expertenee. In - . rasa!, of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, we • tate without enslifkation or eservation, hat the Di tlers are as nearlyinfalllble 43 any. • .l'iig prelarrd by human skill can ho. lloatettee•a Bitters ' rc sold ithelesaldand retail at very low rates hen:Ling.:9 Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, No.C4 Market Street, °tinier of the Dlamo_ot pod Fourth street. . 'lFientyal legaphite of Liam • !HertelTicrg Cidor, For sales by Charle3 lup, D:T Pri o gAst,. corner of l'exin and Et. Clair itreatrrittaborgit. Good, A , 5 (11 great, plesenie we'call the erten- Ob= reetd,erson the sebrrerb.stoek of Fall :ad:Win:Cr GOods ABS' rewired by Mr. John - Wridnr, Merchant Tallor,4o. Ite Federal street, .',41/41eirbiroy. Itts stock embraces some of the Seed beautiful- Cloths, esssoneres, Overcoat lbassn.ud Vest= zs ever brought to the western Iltiailimrtmont of Ft:amiably* Goods, tamprtstag Skirts, Drawers, Collars Neck TieS, Ilindkerebtersiac., cannot be stuTass4.4 east Ajarge stock of ready matt Pants, VOA% fasts and OrerOoats, will also be/bond bbs establishment. Peron to want of uny Wog la the clothing line shonid not tail to . aloe Mr. Wcldtt Thomas W. Yarn.* Co.. V'rottical &into B . oofors, and Doslorsin Amer! 9in Slate oriarlOns colors. °Moo at Aloxan 1110214kglakVineir, the - Water Works l'ltts kink, I's: Realdonco, No. 78 Piko street. Or. 'Okra protoptly attended to. AU work warrant :ad Water pr?ot. liepalrtng Joao at the abort *et7%ollCC; eilargo rco - n 3 Palr., provided the TkOtla int ibuliod gator It 13 pot on. - lisrpettter Jobbing Mbop, llarlutr returned after MS absence - et three gears In the army, / bare re-OPonod my shop Tor all sorts et/ebbing ln the carpenter line St the - old stand, Virgin Buoy, between Bmlth: 'geld street and Cherry Alley. Orders noitc Irma Orld PrOMptlYtittendeli to. Netttint Sulphite of Lime. or Pr.Aerrog Oder. rtb - tale by tunes be Cr „ t b6r,.l.tru gg l r's,i 3 Oratlr Petan And St. CIAIr Cr, cit. eittllbr. MEI 12 , 5 Cent.. At MAN C. 131.2“105 . Lowy & Elmo, cropping from out of ridges of ruby, a breath epic). as the aim from Araby the Bleed. Wicracan reAit such fascloaticnal To realize them, to perpetuate them, to maize the mouth a ca...ket of pearls and rabid., and ever . ) xtgt, a gush of fragrance, all ton have o do, Lair ladle., is to une that matohlrms vege taLde production, Fran:int Sozodont. C: llaxeos /Aril 4 El It o. Carrie Maore, Joan Elo.nner, Moo. Lander, So phia Gimbcr Kahn. Photographs of them and others at Pi ttocia Lout. Large. sun Of mono) b) not taus at. Ptitutck ha+ Vaunt. L. A. 0. V.I. 7. C. A. P. o. P. O. Largest OS‘OrinafOt of Valentine, In the oite at Pittoch% opposite Post (Moe. Fait I.lMew, Wives and Daughters. 110.11 a mu Don of Money, and other new book• at rh tank's. Aerpcnts, Dlerles , Ac At Plttoc3.•N. Post 01Zie. Opposite rittock.s. See N 0.39 ClaLeame7 Corn., Beady at Pittaaloe, Peb.l3. Valentines, Dlnrk• Kt Pittock'K. Call At Pittoc4 '0 for Stationery For the following ltemnwe are tuaia:y debted to the Reno Tirne4, of Thur.day The total Production nt this farm sr gee Ovref,"..o harrele daily. The specific prepay of the ell fa about 42 degrees. and the pi!, com manded fitly coat. per barrel higher Limn that paid rut - oil at Petroleum Centre, owing to it. Imi - eased gravity. Well No. 1, on the Co tenet. formerly donut 00 imr. red, and upwards, but has gradually ed until the present average product doe, not n.i.ch minced 10 barrel. No. adjoining P OW XP , W7. OwstAt to barrel.. No. 35, struek Fula. 'JUL, 1025, end for a time pumped and Rotted together tails The tubing sun,- neatly burst. and bad to be repaired a n tun her Of time, After Aerie./ rf illdmk, the well Only comMenced pumping again shoat one month ago. It Know doing 25 birrel. &alb-, arse] flews and pumps alternated; Wbile Roping it daily prnducs nearly fel and hen It requires to be pumved, only 2.". 711 e Petty hell has-long been pouring nut a -0 iii,. (Plc of ecnith. It 1,1.0 w pLllll,lWix -. No. 30, nefit cal, 1,.it0w., sou, ti,v, thICIfIg 1.1101 as, Sixty. Sail even .0 t eel!, barrels; on otler days not lanre than tiltrtv No 25, morn generally Inow n es the Ron I s 1.1,4 Poe ed 300 hide; It lors IL rim Inn, r. s'2 o , and piarnp, Thr 1.1“1 . 7 ,elf, at a lof dirlarce, 1..11,wp.. 25; No in holt., an 1 t euo Gueper ell•, are her vine...tug tone CO to 14,/ lon.. There net int ec Well, on the lease, a n.l sr nee, ‘1,1113. prrkluel in about :0 ' , ld , ,4 11.5.5. the sverag., i.'.'ed ~I Led, Erssratt, lasso col Oil Creek, 0.55c..1 tiro It; rut farm Oil Croupttny, on. rather th( ruys. v Ir the lovteo for u long , period • eat,. r. Ito!! Is the General traporin ierolent of Ibis Comps°, . The tract compel set lour hundred &reef, ertrotebtutt from th t alley of Cherry Run wectu ant peer the bluff d 4,11 1 -13 and LLCM. the Alit, or and op e,torn tiratit, ' , u th, F t,tern •ble "1 Sit Ureett, No. 54, or IL.- LS.; tt,,a Well. being out. of the two 't b Inch struck oli tomr two w eh • en b. , now poforlitz nbotit burrek, Ito or the Alt,tent Weil; In the other recent •t rtkr, 04 now product, n• hurt els. kil/PAILNIII 1tv:31.1. ]hr. Enno Bhippfng Company nuri, tee piek end leg Weltetatlay erof,in g. rc'n'uary ;th, dinpraentli 1,..U0 bbty yf ----- /lorribleMir—Wife 1/Inrder and Nutolde. 01.10 oral.e. mold. terrible' orcureneem norm I .7 cord ins plying the murder of a Wife by aa oid xuan or ;Set ty, find ids muichle afterward— rollerac In the on of Abettor a few from Cleveland, on Wedmoday 0 !trio. Frederick Ogden, a German who lollow ed the boaineas of gurderning. having become Palma, or II!" wtro, murdered her ln their bedeham ber, by repeated Mow aof nn ace , after a vlo• lent strugate on her part. lee wnuan',. rittht -arm was broken by a Wok- from tan 1111. and open her lower .llmto wire various - wounds, She ball teen literally 'disemboweled, also by blown frona_tho savage weapon in the hand, of her husband, Tito unarderer Immediately earrying with him th e bloody ore, with n ire fear ft hale In the I, upon a pond, rid there In the darktima of the 11,att, ended his railer by dr.,. nip}. , . lII', lost). wets .111- covia . ell neat morning by tenon In the tra'ws of bltool. - A CO . NreoT:O3l Of do, prior.; and f Variottl, ralglCßlti or Won reeentiy held In lteme, for the purpone of ilet'imlog Moon , of preventing. the conflnentlon of their roony of whiCh err mltnattml In Itaty— clergy In Victor Emanuel': are el, Itching Nnpolenn'm Intervention to the totem cheer. anti the Pni!te (luttoti3O pUt.ll.be+ op wend of eeVenfy OMOOSLIn from 14,11g0 000 Toritiocwientablistiment, an d riddrcitiett to the French Emperor. In the meanwhile, the Itollan Government co:triunes to eoutl.ente one monasterial e..tate an- Witty. --- • Tut Neu Yuri,. unklorlalie to be prourl of the eruvdt.d condition of lower ftruadway. Hut London after all stir peto•Ou tlloot In the pe nd rils Of street l'or lad. year t ho 04 red a to pern.m, were killed 10 the +tree?, of that yreatt to o In The t h ou , loty• “theelty l• not to he I Ira% er-ed • Ithoul on much delay and risk a, W. 11.1 I n, toted in aava4co country."' The , Intigvr. of rail oSoway tr 111 a 4vel,4ing arc not . It Ite rmslivar...l ID 11/ Df 11 , ', In Loodou '11:•• .nt,t - oughfure In the t-It 3 t ttt t tit ti WILLIAM Fa': aC9T, VOLUME .LX X X .---NO. 35 CITY ITEMS =I I am the 00041 1 1 / 1 1.TITAIll man in the world . I ,ru the Only Decti‘t to thin noel , ;. I never iii , Vo/(1,. I am known by everybody. I can do anything better than anybody el it, I run do aii things ell; 'everybody don't say so.; I never brag about myself, owing to my extreme modesty. I would not dare to speak In meows! pralar, ';ecanne person, of not very zing Rands would decide me a vain pretender; I and so I would be. Ido everyttuog that Is done, tan any mon•der would,) I make artificial I n} en, none, ears, heads, hands, hearts, legs, , tots, feet, teen. I frequently make a root of or net r. flat that ! keep quiet, Co ct, ant to hi found out, (a very)ud (clout part of my meet', ism.; I insert teeth for Ten Dollars pct the best are's% bilker price. I would sell much cheaper it they grew like blackbo / extract teeth without putn, and would no.o. charge, If not for the cost of gas. I frit/TM to buy out ail pretenders of dentistry and run a qt. entablish=.ent. In this way I can make a -pecialty, and a little Money, and in so doing 1 would feel sanguine of a large patronage Rut with the present shopping trade it Is a lit tle ductuatlng. I am sometimes at a ion, ben a ahoppnr comes in, to tell whether I .ball Dc 111011 t Plleeesaftil in .tiering Ova dol lar, to take my teeth, or the teeth for flee dol lars, for there aro so many en In which eith er would Mill. secure their custom. I don't know why it In I never suxended to business, I herr eqn 'ln p, make rt !wing. A great many Pitt.burgh dentists consider me a ,et humbug; and that should he , mffielent ft•r come men to make a fortune on. flat a tool for dollars and a phlteaupher for common „/,,, I ..oruetime, ran too much, nod other times not enough, but la eitherlca se I full, It doesn't matter how my hair in combed. My gas is r, great commodity. };very body ITili Inane it. lac old people tisk fur it. and child ten cry for It. I was act to introduce It ii littstittrgh,af ter having learned it of Dr. Col ton and Dr. V . l , ll.{.`nipl, C11.t11181.9 at the eoper Institute. of boo - Yort, and other gen tlemen Of shill In the east; and of course there is no person in this Section of country no well ski led - In thin agent called gas as my. self. All oho want bi- employ a good Dentist will Mad Me equal toe. Sill, 'WI peon street . But some of my competitors think me silly, bet , nnie I do — Windt% 111141.111,3, and liqpire money and fame: They should be pleased if DOialfamc. 11.'11)4 no offense will be given Yours tnuehly Spr rnLi Stan •nAni_m, Drnt 2t6 Prnn -t reenbeek a are Seed A "dov n east" debating, club am, been • re rcntly arguing the question • "Which Ic the mord effective agent hi the reduction of the population of rivAted countries—War, a, Switchmen or Milieus Complaints I" After a warm and animated debate, it WWI decided that that the latter bad proven by far the moat ilhtusixOtta. 46t1.1 the CI hicovery Of the noireel -o:rated eternach Bitter. and S.undinartan Wood Puritlrr an.l lad I'd Is 'II. dab, - - there:ore, artutled by a ~ptrit py, buy, deternt.oed to ' , commend them t the public as a prereatlre of rimier.. and cortitn cure for all dile-as., re...tatting Cron Etilluax adlettma, and to Inform them thin they and prepared by Prince, Walton At Co. Nor. b, SF, CO . and ed Ea,t. Third -Arc-et, Chinch oath, and are folsale by ell re , penta`.le drug gina. T , earis nod Robles Aaa Monk, =EZ/ 'LATE OIL ISTELLIULNCE =M THE , PITTS t.U_ i'",C l fl-1 GAZETTE. ILEI LATEST TEL OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. =I 11.47Fncto, rebroary 9,1946. Hr. Ingham presented two petitions of the e:t !son. of If Min township, Allegheny col.loty steking for authority to elect additional Saipan ➢lr Shoemaker, from the Oommittes on Cor. porationA report« 4 m committed, a impple meet to the act incorporating the ttionongate. It, Water Company. them Mr. Lowry read in plane an set authorizing the Erie and Alleghen y7tatlroad Company to extend their road to the Allegheny River. Mr. abeemaker read an net regulating the .ale of seated and unseated lands for the non payment of taxes; also an wet authorizing Rail road Companies to procure land for right of Air. Hall read an act to rev6e and amend the penal latra of the Commonwealth to punish rrn nth, upon the national curtency. HILL. Comaincamo.—An ant authorizing ap p. al.. from Interlocutory orders granting •prol:.t tnjunctlona. Passed finally An act to encourage the manufacture of Iron a, it h coke and mluaral coal and for other. Par pawed to third rending and I,lkl An Oct soy:tinting the granting of licent., and puniehtng unltcensed sale of liquors in the County of Allegheny. Pasae4 finally. An act to increase the liCtothlarlos of Fol,ei county. Tensed finally. An act punishing the purchase of scrap iron or other metals from minors in Allogheny I, ottilt), Arai ealleo up by Mr. Ural:tarn and pa,..ed ACJourned until rueedny at 11 o'cloc , ‘ 1101761,.. :11e,Arr. f.lrFa, Deake, SlasiSer, nisek, tiegley ! , d presented petitions of citizen, of enth western Pea rants. to repent the set rpruling the Pittiburgh and Connell...llle :silrond charter. Mr. Danks offered n resolution directmot the ommittee on JUl:lielarj" GOnerad to report a sin to make a day's labor end at four o'clock +n election days. • Mr. Glar.s, from Committee on Corporations, protect a bill to Incorporate the Central Park kraing Aasociation ; Moo, a blll to inoorporate he MOnongaheln Railroad. Mr. Stnrtevant, to chartgo the name of Colo-1 Lund and Mineral Company to the Erie and Allegheny Railroad Company, and to author. Ire the same to mortal - int. Clete stock; also