lEEE ..,' E,T°"..a ,•;:'.:1":-.B.,i'lr•IrMliTAN•• ? - ••:..-. 'ltelibra4. - .7tItIRITt ( ! • ViI. , e()STADIA4N.I4, Ilmsiszse Itmelocn. ..IVlillei7lEDET TIT Z'S TM" 49.50,,!.4 Tin X, N. ea lam, . rILERT, ritPanirgit. TLIt3I4: . . . ~. 0 4 0RICING: P.MTIOX. by all. per year' 33 Oil EVXxors; EprrloN. 'au. db. •... • .. .. c• 00 • 'Served by Carricrer, Mort:mar Krrinir., per li II El r; • cite Tittobittgit CITY ITEMS.. c - - . 11 97. OF , !1.. Et your 9,:in fyte• Tr= liaritrities and iterirpre 9w *lug sawyer's *arN•t's , SWAP. thirty eake.l .. - Neutral NislObite of Llone. For pre9eiring elder. For Hater by Chapel SUACAPnitirliM, (%) er °t rent' oad cr. Glair strce, PiltAbrtrzli. 1 . . ,-.--.--,,,,,,, ' lO /rin , ". ll f, .9. 044 : Mn tittrACtracrilidt,-11.1, s!zellabY .. 6 R.rO.Y." - litatileeta White 31131 i colored, ire 't cheap, at .Sbollstry & ranr dug,tl and :03 M &et street. - At leSi t • Eastern prleam t Frin 4711cek..; NM 23 Cents' a Tara 0n1y,__14.1.11 buy Print r a, GlNTY:mini, Muslin, Cheekii-utut Ticklnge, Bh - dlshy kilarciar.l 24 unit %Musket s treet . • . . • Regular 04o0ard 11. N plard,ftttichcail; at shp?.y!by and B,relay'a l 20 Maiket istreeL, pairiftlattir • I talia FlLltitidos lTducell . 664, - ; Sttellitt>y and 8a.111647'.4. - - • Tor preaor, Saper,,Drum streeVl' t., , "Aud Olcm>co c'f4imorlibt,i7 Senienlbir. .. • rttrs; Ft#s„ . Furs, i f • ' • Acdttee4 tirentpflrep , cent. at rintap, Luker r.i.t.:Co,ht: rthey it assortmen intietand have •,. . reduced their ontire it nt lonst ttionty-five • per cent: to close out he stack.: 13;etnatnbot the ..Vnee, 130 1 - eileraintlteet, .illecheni. - ' ':Blankets aslii r/sinnmelai, Itlanicetaat. $7 toiworth per"4:6s:' Stattad annual • Ait 50 eenta, former prleei6s cents, gra)? 'Manuel 1 at &tents, the 841210 . tbas bra been frill:mat , AV./ cent% and all ether itgoada In proportion -at Dunlap Laker JE`Coed, 136 Federal street,. i • .alleglitaly. 1 , i ° - - - • tial) )n hit lalnde of Wlnterli*ls 'at Ilhellaby and Burnley's. ,lllnnlcetl,Flonnets. aluthr4. 0101161 i Dress Goods end .13almOtds at a grail retitle .tion In former pilots. Gall and see; the DOA" .11N 1 113 Pait - cal)"ba haditt. ht and Market, • Vocuata7 Inerebanto IttVeni.4hinfratneleshatdd, Insiore purc Isla% `thi; ;establlehtt. ofjiarkee Co., .53 aeth - haie fall lines of Rileaohed aisdrnfown Bh. Maga and Shirtings, ,Trini.4 - 01.0 Ober staple roods, which ibey are .isltiiigAtthip3lL ieaashan aotcrn prices. r. •. .:. . Pat the 4heetiott 1 • -. 4ititeilklly, to your crterid4 as to wits breimia: bone thetmse for thei 1 teeth, and.Ythe io• gnome, ntnetimes out of en,irlabeglzodoot. ..,., ,471finolorgii aeor•issy • tmpresi it, moils! ~ T tlic..ft tlieqi . ubbto iiiii4, iifriit Mime hat taught: _ilo'roroild_that,kjiiztean'allocbe•antifiing ewt .vrenerviug the seth.isi t :T i rgorattag the Bums, and gtilog a pleasant a ma to the iii•eath, tt ' 41M tiOrival 14 elther 13 eolisphoro. -.Went ward the Star , f Etaptre :Maitre Its VireOr." - _Thet Chnine lorlental remedy to long known in eastern conntrie.ond Which a few years apo 'Caused each commotion ,moat the old fogies .. .:,-,,ep.heindirat • piefeseloo ~. by the celebrated reattio on - tko"irtiele- bY , ',. the ~ ..isaistant Sur. .- - ..., , ge h ttand,-Profteage. of Chemistry in the Cal . -'.. .'. catty tedirittrallegie;' is now for the drat , . - ,.thttg.hehrOceed Into this (country by the Syl 7 wan ilorientAtetipany ci: l ;fostett; • ti t ...l.t rabneapok It Co., illitd-Akcchr.4 . en, are ..!;:, ibemliolesVivigtnta for lila Diabe;irliere rite itinnUirlisAtotribsll4oiirbe had. r‘rieg,roe . 4 ~....,....„xt_bo,..:..e. undue without' the , -- ' imprint ot,theSyleatt. Mtal Company, t.l n 4 ''TS,htuliWieiFee44,!sl kci,titelf Do*. ,r , ~ ~." ' ... -, ... tr'''. - ,-.., ``-- • - To Gault! Far we. aro credibly lnionaml r...r , ",thatiteiktiatlOtte are on tot bY aomoiof oar . 7 leardingnaPitallets for - eeehring: titelmnienie' .• '' ' tudlding•obeirpicd try !''rtin4 Walton, it Co., aratiniaeurrera,ol Robl e Stornaddlittits;= -. i , L . Ktie..6o, any 63 Vahard ; i3triiet, for the ,- ',... W e er,irttrig ti &Sint class 21.0. Pi 14:4 . get 4 ' 14Li4 there - mean to, -:, 4 , .' I>di wiinaratriatiiitnif.., . At present, `' rarielt -li:higli4itingthalpar_ citiumealmnid beetling alive to the tict that Cine-innatitifer behind -- all largo, cities in hotels: Tint only-- I objection wermi Bee to the building referred ~.. ;..r, to, is that it Ca too farfrom therculintheromap. ~. f-ihre; DisiStia, - T - we uneapm'o that .1 - i: INl , ii Cs., -wortlS not dlaptm: of it wilhont. great telticc• ' uttnte. Their. huffiness! becoming one ,of great magnitude, and thmud not well ee --.. fierea. house elsewhere' efficiently large for :, - theiihattliettsefinitrieas.'.' ' -..r Certaln imAyiat of ettolesa lamongit vt.itnth . . totali!g . spring, are say :again to our seaderri ''" dn . not be unprepared Kaye what you ~ I ttioWand What erneriencehaa detionstrated nittdcal reihableime4licine.to .the bud npod the Met prom:Lin:Atari eyrnOtoms, Down trust to now and untried Medicines: ~.what :s - onknow to buryo curo will cure again. - c•rinauti, drugg4t,24-W,Bt Market -aucei, Pre pares a medicine that wasused with Infallible enemas during the laEt_vislt of the cholera to ate cilland . unhesitatihigly Raj tliAt ue suedicino In the world Is se viler to it. ':Don't e without • a bottle of It, hat is oar advice, aind when the.dread ecourg does make h.+ ap pearance, yon are oompailt .sceure.. E;010 ' unly*PlitaitiFirty 31 Oyv, Cori Market etreet. Tl:cll . lrp-Dity,'l!!lck -; ith Isthe:Oesieriertceo enpr A = • ecrntlnuoui Learns. avensiovul,, lntalld nLtribti .condltiotti Nuttoltlmself,ll Ybe trymie nrethe climate, . . hot, or teo Old, too damp, .r too dry, or too - ^variable-.But does he take4the Droner Conroe , to or!" fy ids Constitution id bodily organs against the extremes and chttages of which' he e i 'reinplates 1 No. Ile says, erhaps, that, only - . as iron man could bear su th groat heat,- or adult violent cola or such su .lota vielsaltudos. . , Whythen dor/ hi not resort to the great TOO : Ze and-Preventive, which,lf ilt will not inake him an Iron Ina% - will at I t quadruple the '.. j ,rapacdty of Itie SYStent, to. one' ail external acenclei that tend to produ '4) 'disease lies- , letters' Celebrated , Storage i Bitters, taken 'faith fullyriecsnilhaz, 'to the Irectiona, will so : - . - '-iitreLetkrzi' the, stomach & 'ace the nerves, ' ..., tone. theeliver and regale 1 and inviaOrate '- eo4 si, - 0 wholeunirnitt machinery [thatthe system, Instra'l ctf . hoblis at the met Of the weather, 'and liable to bo prostrated b ',every ihan#o of fen.initnre,:will benotne cos 4 .hardencd,jas It_ wCre.lun- 1 stinteitin?Perylous to climatic radii ' _ CCCS: It 1s 14 .IhisproventiVe prinelpiellutt ......liostelfeila/littera owe their treat popotirity in Pie Y6t:Talliti;.atitisit. giterters and :tins, ..i.ral Id: ..- .::. ''' 's- -- I ITosletteem 111 1. A'l 50141' lybolestqe, anti retail 11 istrizu6g7.l - ortig,apitritet 1c0.04 Markep e!..rt:et;iorner. izttt , rtrO.ot,-„ and iftuter "It. )1 with great litenonsre sq s]an of nar readers to tilo anbp Thaici,Coods just:reeetv I Waler,3teretiniit. Tailor, No. .allelveny. 111, stock Umbra !utast iyeautSfui cloths, Coss lagsiltd lies - tinge erer brongt tnacket. 13 assortment of g Shirts; brayreti, C l3Einndlxi:thlerot ite; CautiOt ire , Went.' A iiiigistmk.r rew - CoatN, Vesta nnei Oreneoata, itt W, c.-4atalshtnVnt. - Verson 11,Ing in the clothing line ell 4 dye 31 ; -. Wpier Thornita„W. Parr' I It;irrtit - serd Slate Roofers, and it -Van auto of rarions colors. derplagbikoa near the Wu 7onrgh, Va. ISC2IACIICe. N 0.73 sierspromptly attended to. '-eti water proof. Repairing d, • eat wore." Kv chance forrep. .* -- xf.of h. not abnsed after It p II;T Goods at Wb "rbollif,t place toile? Omni, el • lar 11 - 0141,4 at l'arker.t-t,:e. , a tan tai toned tie, aSSC;Z: hi it 141.!,, ;H GAZETTE :1t 3Joir 3lerr utile College. Pit Pa D. Sinsabaugh, Es.t Liberty, P. Thaw.. pan tord, Barnesville. Ohio. iiinb. 31,4:0wn, Freeport, pa. T. C. Gilson, Loudon, Pa. ' A. R. Ph Blips, AD/rlle, Ohio. D.. 1. Cypher, Butler, Pa. E. IL Couch. Mercer alottom, W. v. IL 11. nankin, Grapevine., Pa. W. W. Alcorn, Tideoute, Ps. • Boone, West Liberty, W. t - ,,. m. mains, MefieestiOrt, Pa, 3. C. Kergiedy,Surrell, Pa. " John P. Bartley; WeSt. littinehester, I.dirtird.lfetzgar; Pltbitncrglr, Pe. v Edwazd Pitt* Deirsrille, Ohtn. - Daniel Gant e, 8.0. RingolehnatOisii, .(ieergelllcFarlatl, St.Slairarille, Ohio. Jatnes 20111ilder,-TVAt Manchester, Pa. ;J. A. Btoolti,Dnytotti r. ; Ma. S. Errett, 31t, Vernon';Oide. whom phksed. the iMual searching ex aminations of the College satbesetnrily, and liho 'ISM, 110 doubt,' ereafter distinguish thetriselres- by en - honorable proficiency Im hasiaose. Enek graduate was awarded the I diplOitta 'or titerPollege as a creden tial Of his DrOtieleney and his industry; and of hit - eieniiilary department during his course of &Indy., :an Presene. Ginghatni, ,and Vgniatt PrOcestainai—Thetlirenteist Day "tor - Illierrietient or litie'll'ear — Laughing Why do you Suffer with the! toothache when Dr. Sill can relieve you without the slightest. pain, and no extra charge for giving the gas Call and examine those ten dollar sets of • teeth. One hundred - and- fifty - persons were ..applied'. with teeth in: Pennsylvania MIS Ivrek.LOne hundred persons were relieved of their bad teeth yesterday. without the slight est pate, in this ..arne establishment. Call early in the morning before the cars are "eroWded. emore vacant chairs theirthint" at any other time of the de?. Ten first Class' assistantslaattendance. tie 240 genii street, is the largest denial establishment in the ..ivorld, where a large family Ilya by the profits dflatgbing"gaid • Dr. SIG has made arrangements with all the railroads leading to the city, so that persons wishing to come from a' distance will be fur nishetYwith exeursiontlekets at tall lure, Alingilleghonyllelegatfon will form ,iti line on Peilerai street, keeping on the right hand 'shin Ming• oy,or_- ; the - bridge, Their chief marshal will ho an aching tooth. They will join the Pittsburgh delegittlen at the office of Dr. Sill, where they be headed by Dr. General D. Ralph Ley, of the regular service, who has `been ehosiit Chief marshal at the . day. The city Patine will be on a sharp lookout for pick - pockets while the procession are having th . Cir teeth pinked:, Charle • nd St. Clai Childrork Zare rAidilerd 1 'Abodt l o'Cloc!:, byoupggirl deCp black, rra'iCeen - Ciosglnif Smithfield . Cf reel. •Ac well a 4 the obQeorlty permitted, she 11114 u woman of rare Lenutf. Beinr, 'notlebd very pareten lorly she , mode,tly alarmed, fled on and ppe44 - ed from view into Pittoeh's.to ser ldy lava and varied Mock - of Albtithe, (hid Pane, 3Mokii ICevrflookv Ste. to. Cnrpe 4 er JeltiliketF Mop. returned after Jut ttbeence of three ism In the mop. I bitio iii7oponert my ehop tar ill Rine of jobliMar tribe carpenter line, rattle 0/ 1 1-I.thatilqi TlTZtti alley, between Smith. 404 O t re e t °Mere soticitea Ana prpidpiti iAtesi44.ol.7 - • ' WILLIAM Fonevr. It ctleankthe' tibia from all t Urltiea, pre serves it front ehL.l,l,lllg, and gires a clean:awl healthy appearanCe to the Complexion. SesTer'a Barbee,. Soap, only thirty Ceuta e PhotArropho of 31.1 m Cio , rte Moore. ltha s katinoldeV2), Lfra. Lander, leid ether,. Pittaelc , iyelipostte the Post-odlen. • 7 1 /e,OnlrAntblitie Report of MO itfa,"Triali"EzeouttOn and Coci of Urn. Grinder, ta So ttle •r. 4.• loot at. Plttock's. ' , 1 , ~- . • :" „ Greiq BiIIeZAISSIN In Drei.e ,code of c;vrq desrxliotou, ... ..:t her ytlaplefa , lv or rrt,a1),.......1n:pe tiort4tatt cocner . ..... _ INlArttrptit.l3ll4:kel alzet.l4l.. ... ' - 'o.l3in - ,zo:c Loci; .t Pot*. Bl.J.M riad ket. 4 A r 4Ari'Maeis , White wad calo, At reducad'prlcea; ,ost,thsaory..4lLs2 poyaer lolrth and slar.af.t _--- ‘r , "V awhorrirwificirti. An woos anima, for two (101141.424 upward on the northeast vomit - Ftnutti sad VrrG Timings ,MeWuoe .A 2 Skit:eat bagali, - Osithe nutttteaat roraer of Fourth watt Market street,. C. Bassos Lova .t Ba• 7 '.... At ntlocky All the.linlles., Weektleimad lloflttJte At Pittoclrm. Still they Sell— The Flery Serpents, et Mite°Joe. Ai Plt toeloe, radio Monday 4itallpliite of Urge. For preserilng cider. For sale by Marie% :a per, Druggißt, corner of Penn and nt. CluJr 4 treete, Pitteborgb. Creeper , .11 you would trnverse tho toy 1)1 r , Men ithirCUrity; got aDair of Creepor, at Bow No. 1301Tood street. ' eers. Ir you would traveCrrse pe the ley payee - test with serurlty, get a pair of Creeper. at Bowe'., cruo street. Fleming's Dr r iorrow; thottm , Pew ads... o what does the ite Ida ancrtala dtcourse. Hp lays irerhaps. It is too If you would trtiverre the Icy p remer.t with •reurtty t get a pair Of Creeperl at Elowe'4, No . 134 Wto.d street. Creeper.. If yell OVolltit traverie the icy puvrilleat with .eettray, Set a pair or Creepor at It 4 - Wa •., l; trixhit siren. ; • Creepers. wonltlArlayorao the toy Irt•omrnt with beeurity, getii, lolly of Creepeos at Down', No. 17: Wood street. . Carrlo•Aoore Comlasa-- ..SicateA at all lignreg, at llwn's, • Carrie Moore tlakitiltig. Skates at all Ilgrire.,at No. ix; tt . .,,d street: Carrie Moore Constar,. figure,, ut Itownto, No. I'4lW Vtl eet. leitinit keeling. ist lirry.tio;lat. lat - ge Fenian ma, meet log wita , b_eld .at Janina Unit thin everting. Zan. A. N. Clapp, Gen. weeney, Col. Itoherta, W.to.llr.nnutti and lion. in°, W. Murphy were ,peakera? ,A.M.Cleirip presided- Gem fiweencj pledged himnett, leallppurtu4,- that Wore next May. he would conquer a nor tofu territory, upon which the frich nag *hall planted, and, which *hall be-made the baco of operatlonn against 'Englund for the fiber*.; lion of Ireland. • t very lox r,atc.4 ktedielnit Thipot; the Diamond,- Roberts proinhied, within !tingly days. to have the ',mewl flag supported he the great- eSt number of Irishmen upon vrtaell the sun ever shone. =MI tall the at.ten. rbatock ae n til ~ , rl by Mr. joho Voilerot MI fte.l., i f r 3 some of the cms, OyerOoot !t to t 1 wiNt ern rnisfllngtleods, Alan Neck peg, ieopt y Marie • Prtnis, glno be f4aull !`ln want of 'Any I jnid oot I'4[l, tst, The Senate wee enthu4lartleally endorsed. Alr. Brennan denounced the drag-chaln policy at-O' Mahoney/ and begged his Itettrerq ID nape port Gen. Sweeney. All Selliaerent remarks were greatly applauded. Secretary Seekord'ot Arrltml Zit [mess*. I•nu.snr.z.rtna, J anuary steamer Stara and Stripes, Capt. Hull - 11PS, six days trom Havana, arrived here tostuy with u crarga of laan hoses of sugar and la'S.tien altrarti. • ThoCratas: States steamer Or SOLO nrri , ..4 'at ILtvnan urettun :Nth 'With 'ton. W. 11. ,sward and oil board. On the :Al,' °treats° Ha: tents, i10.1,ri114 , N. N. W. VI inUrs, signalled the at outadilp Virgiatu, shay:4llg a :Viral.° algnal, bins white Alavntatd , crlth a black starthe runts. I& Co.. iptUars to Amer! I,lllce at, Atozan a Work., i'ltts. Iraustreatt Or. 11work .:coat UN qltort- Irq, providad t Ito ra on.. Inwros.• Jnit. schooner Iran !t,rt from Philadelphia to l'Ort,lnionth, put In -0 Wouunter, witn her dunk swopt. :Om re ,origs I hat on the :V 'toll., iu litiltudu t. 7., long .ude Alto fell In with tiortott Nu vita, of 'St.. /Ow; Malmo:7,od, out tfw crow \tithing o nt:{Enitnt her. Roth v.!..,11,1r. in:lVil; inn thour Kmt., khe 0.9111 riot lake. MOM nit ntit buy by lit,t - 111 nlgin, when Ale W. Inn »Inlit ut. 711clierumn?Stir,derrrs Sinmr.egl •-• • .her in the , Ewa Maiket, *lore 911illect- Aalfb aaa oalrx • .N.LitIVILL.I, Jan. % . .—iltrrrV, Knight. (nub Ltati - Llfia.uglf :ell ...filer I woof,: vonn: of ago, the tour uterderorf. of II r. iff.frermuu, were Ilanget' sTsr ItOntr . , ith I x t•ltl% (.•••I itt• 3i•• cf/ttOrrIDC. • ";" • .•ii ‘ 4.l . 4- • TnE PIT TURL4- ,1 11 CA 7 VT / 1 E. 4 VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 23 - - - CITY ITEMS I= Yesterday DO Tell V. Ilmseos Lava & er.ei C. EAMON Lovs & 13-En Dtwe/ee end 4111Lcoaniaes, f.eeperm Diarists Disasters. VERY L WEST : TELEGRIIIS. an SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON THE SEA; ISLAND PROPERT Opinions of Gov. Orr WHY THE LANDS SHOULD BE RESTORED A Sound Radical, from. Kentucky SMUGGLERS CHANCE THEIR BASE. Orders for Protection of Freedmen i rm's EnsiL StriIFRAGE ;BILL Sinecm* 01Hee* Abolishet late. Etco.. Eta. • Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.: WARRINGTON, J anuary • GOV. ORR ON RSA ISLAND PRONERTY.. Gov. Orr, of South citrollea, under - date di nit lath, 150, has addressed 0, lengthy letter to the President relative to the Sea laland lands, from which the following extracts are • made: In the lower part of the State scarcely con -tract- been-or cache made: The delay In ~earrytareut poneinsticiustions Of last October, which hair Obiiiintied from General lioit; aril's visit to. Captain :Retchntes return, in the last few days, rendera 1. he freedmen is a body • increduloas, of any restoration They have in many plates "citifity hut firmly refused to accept any terms. But I regret to ally that within the last few days they hare, in some instances, resorted to violence, burning doirxidtrelllngs, deatrOiiiiihrldge.s, entretior ing themselves In their quarters, and refus ing either to contract or give way to those who will. dud in These eases it Is proper to sow that the emitriets *Toted them have bees approved by the United States authoritiea RA liberal and just. This Is not unaturol, for as long as the freedman boa, reason to believe that Cesvernment will give him homestead. of forty sores, he will not voluntarily work for wages. - - - It cannot, I think, be denied that thee/M.lOn of the Preednien.a 'Barna In this State, has largely eontrftnited to this inifortnnate result. Without entering Into minute details of its administration, I am constrained to say .that there is, tome mind, sufficient es - bleat...vef it, unwillingness to co-operate cordially W,lth.the,.. polt6i of the Gevernment:' Cert.hleatev of it- Len hove been, to some imses, granted toper. 50110 NINON nono of the eeldithms„ even Of General Alterman's order,atia have iADDA given to chance visitor! . bathe - lidandi for lands, not odly for themselves, but fottbtrtrlibUutt who had never been away from':their Tom as in the Interior. . Great drlay DSO. been int erposed In the eve ration of the forms necessary to iestoration, and the Bureau hze, Indeed, gone Air to defoti‘ the very object of your order., theft. has deol ded that where a freedman retests to eciltintitt on any terms, however Jutti :that In auoh there can be no contently sallefactory arranige meet, and ids refusal ucts as a tear to restora tion. le addition to this; the whole , of the parish Of St: Helena, and a great portion of si. Luke*, comprising the body of tho estates to the intrrasic Milne of the formoi Attnrannt- ot larcdact,...wero, the I)erfeetion of - et:inure ; •entl cermet. be enulaseal by .1 atnnl extent of countryla any State of the Unton, bitve been approrer•tert by the Goren,. ;sent 11nCler the provision• Or direct tor met,. The Yet Lcutdtare.oompled by freedmen, some ender pretense of allotment; some tuoint tense et pinthase,aome an der p rote an of 1.;.4a Otertrnitt'etnAtTi, and. Want mute?" one :Ann, The tat contalittlanere charol Lett 0.. et:IIICM ottneen seta have mahlfeitskthis:4Me: leyntipattle, as azenie of the, Frltiaieei., teatkalad whole Arniitizeo t country la matmnot,only home of eetogeOl 111 • land orirrolnalgethr every indolent froblatto 'la th' fileie.... , :rltls l l"..nP4l*.?! bein rale:Mei to Coagrees sieCl.J.e now ander 11 raaltan, Ltehttis titlea4tratttett. ander Oen, blierinin'e geld order ere . tn be tendrmel for tree year, I do not think, therefore, that I am tasking either an extreme , ordotabtOil opinion when I say that the Ole MUM of all our difficulty in finding the sedation of this questioa of/arbor, Proceeds Lie action.. Of the coarerttnient, in encouraging the belief that .the sea erY.ltt resiclrcl tgothalted statue 1410 be txratbemteg for the purpose Of establishing a system of in. dependent colonisation for the Freedmen. if this Is not so, then the Interests of, tbki State require that this impression, so generally pro. veiling, should be authoritatively ikerrected, and that those who,for purpose of personal interesrand polities! agitation, arcleadeaver. log to piolorig and to esaAt . erste our prevent embarassments, should he depri veil of SO ego,,. tire a means of mischief. Can any reason be found why a planter on the coast who was driven from his home In P , CI or ISM, should now have hie land* appro. priated for distribution, attic his fellow-oM tens of the middle Or upper districts, whole estates, bare been nianuotied, 'whose Industry has been undisturbed. bat who have partici. rated as fully and heartily la the war. Rita bi coo armed In the pnseeS.inn trf their prOP'" The policy of able!, as a represmatittlee of the State I complain is the partial and unjust cfmliscallen of property of a small parks of citizens, Including a large ',timber of snorter'•. dinar widows and orphans, to tie glren In the eptrlt of ininstlee ha which It 13 taken, to per. :'ens haring no claim for special agp slderntlot, at your hands. the more intresinction of the bill or conferring tlifini titles, has bad an Im mediate and interim.. effect it has ,clinked the' energy which sea. , bogioomg to manifest lloclf , suspended contracts which a ere in progress, arrested fthe tiptrit with s bit It planters were prep:triad to .to to work bopelnliy and heartily, and still - Mel et once the embezzlement of Northern capitol which was beginning to gild profitable einployine ' Southern gelds Now it tbr, occupation of theme lands In the bands In which Gen. Sher man's enter placed them Is Condrmyal, this disastrous condition Is confirmed tilva, and er cry day will Make It worse. One of two things will follow; either this section of the mate will really be abandoue I to ils fate, and its miserable popolatton dwin dling away front ili4V.e and want and erten., 111, after a few years of innteltleyous a axt - bondage, disappear from the land, or by fraud or f0rt.0t.1.7 will be expelled, But If these lands are restored, their eapabllitic• Innuro the certain remuneration of silccessful Caltl rntlen. Although the freedmen are needs- . tooted ton slevetily mode of Culture, the 11. th-, tin .4'3lw employer wlll.secure to , meli freed men us will make contracts the most libend rages. .?lie planters wbo Can return...and the roratant Capital wlitnlt will oceupy tbn pltinna Of tipAr•who cannot, will by oner 47, noon re. trt - rs the,' Waite J01LV. , .., find both rite frv.ett- Wiircn nu 4 tho Country will map tho benorit4 Tilt& lotto, of (toy. 0rr .. .4 wt, 'brought horn by ule,enger, who wag to. 11i... bo ever, to thektetiet t. 114, action of the ` , Maate nn th9 , %Ctnionof-the Frectluleia Bureau. flit relatiu¢ to the seit. Iblamt, The 1,111 wt.ut to 11141 iltill-1 . nt nn early 'war t....day, and a, mo th/a afterward.. mode to rneali It, nn coullt e.f url. letter, yv 111.01 Will dcre tun tpy. uhqut three to Wbar. It. effret upon the; I.e retr/113 , 1,N to Ae kvetl. xticnint rnole non. r,cluluM MoKcq nr 1.11.1 Albunt x, 3 , 3tariet, il..llrered t,a inal,lon ..prv•th km the limplo to-.l.ty upon the 1111,“4:51,11 of rf•pri44nitnt lon. The effort wasumoetcrnJ ltahh• one. 10 vioW of the net lon of the rf•tml Legisl3sOl I: of If col atty. thi• 'Tench won like MiE=MIM fur Lltnyel f tilt, I,,,,,ter•hip of the liersineky deleJrtLtnn • IL.. Ito!: tin, mo,t tleularrag that by big vote on on.• ed.n had ever aided the rebellion .imind tier be admitted 10 a e , Ot to Conf.:roi l . AL the t•le-e all the prominent nolobte, of lilt, UliteOt_ party tJVnrdt•d 11."11.11 it, otro-r their coetirritlllottlene. = • 111+40r Frank Ws Irott , Judge, Alt qf the i)opartintnt Of Noelli Cft , •lltht; ba very Intgy ut Ithicth•ll 7 hi gill:the Ow,1„0„ r the liceper of OA . firatibbnr: . eL,4,3llter . fke'n. =UM PITIS.BUIt6II =BEM expel:ll.J t 1, 1 lfygiu I.lle try( oil: in July. CO![I`LLTL UICISL TURA!. REPORT: Commissioner Newton, of tbe • Depart men of Agriculture, has taken measures to st.,ure full returns from the States lately In rebellion In older to make the next reports fai:Se , / Cote the wholo,Un lon. • OrRER AL M. s - EIL. The 3fissonr/ radicals are emceed in gly jnbi , ha:mover tbp confirmation by the Senate, of General John lt'Selt, over the persistent, me lignant and UIII3CrirpUIOU9 opposition Of 'the ttrOCepperhead Itepreaentattres; John Rogan and Thomas E. Noel, but especially of therat ter, a emiegaderadleal. axsournons let ri-roe orttroirlocrrr. Senator Eantsay presented to the Senate to. day, resolutions of the citizens of St. Pauli and members Of the Minnesota Legtaletaer, that the internptlon of the free navigation of tliolVelland 'Canal by Ameilcan vessels ;and the exclusion of Canatilim vaiela from the' fret navigation of Lake Michigan would ma terially reduce the facilities of 'transportation from North-western Statesl}o such marketit :Ana tifei - urge that by , • negotlatieh or concurrent legislation the arrangements of the reciprocity treaty. may be con t Muck anti if possible, enlarged, until the States bitrdei ingom theitreat lakes shall be secured in the enjoyment Of Channels to tht ocean sufficient to palui• vb9Sats of ono thousand tons. The resolitiMas sietereferred to the Committee on yornign *Taira. , ' ciietitiZkatotfti„ Senator Trona bull. did not press act ion on his billguarantOeing civil rights without dill Int , lion of color, to-day, because Mr, liowc wanted .:19141-10er . 1 0 reply to th 1 4 : speech tuadelest week by Mr. Doolfit le.. It will be called up on !don day, however. The discussion upon It prat' ises to be able, lengthy apdinteresting. The Senate will not be In session to-morrow: The House will meet for specell-tualtittz. in Coininittee of the Whole, on' the I'residitao: message. ITEXKTWcOLTAX Ham none north toteeture to-morrow' v....nm% and Mr. Weinhhorne N .peaker pro tern. WALL !Cu W.. *IIITTi rls. v. . . • Grandeon of the late Treasurer oC the Veiled States, who tins bertitn jail here for the last FIX mouths fol• the lemony of te'orernfoent leandsiT to dangeronetYlll, and ht,. bootie were yesterdaymclneed from one hundred thoeteaud dollars to lice thonvand dpllara, :rilk,h ,td 7 . day gave. Ile hit., been I . ol3loved in private rraiklenon. I=l Arrived be thin morning an.l held quire a levet. On the tiourof tin. Scant.: Ulf , niter- TII7. IfT4l. leR. Oh TT/I' rAvA rx.a •Tir • Who were wont to transport eon tr.abaudhoodA across the SI. law ranee and hike Into the United States, hove trunalem•dtheir oper ntions to points on the boundary lino wed on Minnesota. The Commissioner of Customs to-day, received thin intelligence, and ha 4 ta ken the necessary steps tollank the .olingZers in that direction. It is stated that the whites and Indians in the Northern part of Daeotala territory fora long lime past ha, r be., al- Slit/rely ikupplled alth goo•I% by the inngglerm, , ../thilta COO Tilt: PROT.:7ION or ritEKtntr, The Genonits comminuting. th.. *t•reral milt -141x dopartmontO In the Booth moo coutho"..t byyif heen illneottcl to bi..tab eitrlusent ertlere' for the protcotion of froodtuen oratnst the oiLzTO pained by RlGat of the. honing:at I:eittfilittntri. 9on. ciculet, Mghtling tb. Department of South CaruLtua, has Lonitann order tlnttlar to that enceody itintoulgated by Qen.Terry to Vlrglum. =I The reeelpty from Internal Iterenus tuclay itlitOunt to e l ghthondred and tiny-four than sand; semen hand red and fifty-nye dollar, boveral Itovennti Cilliten bare been dia.: patched to the Rio Grande to put a stop to the smoothy/ operatt9a. now going on there. 'lt lip repti.tientre that thu manuttatoro of of thatpbeslorthe newt year. ilibe channel.. of busincsit arc tairlr owned, Pill munatutabo 1P,000,1100, more than one which reins will be paid to the Govurruntint la taael. ratanitcy's prfst.tioance In the South and Soutalaefa Mite proveata: oomph. to *neon in. Grgeral spapac....A.ApairC Conardsatutser for Alabama, reports to Gel/teal &Ward tint thwartands of negrOe, hay..l;datt" Tarnished with Employment trout;-ti Ibeir .upebey. ant, TOA atereatnaL nrrato-r -ltleehho.nyliceee Of the hostile trlrtntatlon ui morelofthe , SOutlacre State Lovnlatures v . to . tl Hoe Freedman, it In probable that the ,ledlelars Committee of the Goitre wit wee to report a bill granting the rtght of mulragri to every negro ln oho land. Mort of the mem bers of the Gonalantat ore of the opinion Iliad, ecingreer CaPirdit`faS under the absolve . ..union of thuansenament slavery, , eys Congress shall have the tort., to enforce t his article abolis g ela very, by appropriate I= A Dill it'll ritortly bointrotoee,i etollabingihe pool:lone of Nara! atllitrr red SorTryor of Custom,' at the cetera) potto of entry, In the I:tiltoti States. neon °Mee% e.,* pecially the Tomer, a. Lo w cikknown w every hod, familiar with Rovemze matter, art noth ing more or lees than eineeures. The salary tattneme4 to the po.it ion of 11.14,1 Ollefts at the principal ports nn the At/antla and Pacific coasts Iv live thousand dottae• per :manor, the duties of which are akokalt la eve ry rasf . porfortneil 41eputig... le h., are paid by the Govcrornont The abolkhruent of tto,e ninecurts, It I.belle% rd. a 111 result In the sae. lox to the liovensment of from one hundred and Lfty to t•o hundred thou.-and dollars an. llt1,11) 310.41 of the IN rateru ruelohmrs. II Li tintli.r , too.l, favor thy pr0p......1 inr3surn =I There hr., only three star,- oanw. o England, a htchlharc .Ott,' thrlr direct tat t account% w Ith the Troa‘urr, now iy Maryland unit ltir•a.l%. PENNSYLVIMI LEGISL ITURE. I , l*lniatCh to 0., rrt tr II a cnt•ra Jan glory ~.. PG: The o. hote. Htift out In oetoli.ri Ili ir Pet Itlnus —Mr. Sloe'. pre.entril flo. Wien, of the ( etitiells of Alloahen i'ity >l , l/%1 la. er no aef t nen tin.; Mr. Mc( •nnot• AL of Monty: to Ihr o of I. (pt.". air. haw.. 0,...,101.1 a 1 1 /1 , 11103 I !ram i.e l'lllyburgh he 61 . Trtole to.k Mg torn getter• railroad law. and Err ItnnOre , l row°, It rre trtlezed tobe printwel for tho ol the floor,. Report, of Immo Mee, —Mr .ehenek. rtw torted from the Comnalttot on J0..11,-lat •..11 'rat an act relative to priwta, olutlItoo•w , n the C'rnomouvrealth. goay, from Ihr +amt. f•• pre,Mlrtu orryltit: Of rontwahal deadly I. ...Imo, dlr. Metiltley, from the .holotlory lar.al. 1 -11, ,Werit to an art to allow the tornvoiw stoner., or Lawrooec county to borrow ar.ruir;,.. TU.. 6111 wau finally In Y,lucc.--Irr. Slack, o •rstrplcor out to an act rolikire to ..trcurcurrrr In ailettilurriy City. Ott, Rcben• k , tiered n rCootut,ton last ruattnif one Conakara and tutinbero of Congre.c. to note for nu alt lice railroad Trot* Set, Ire r. to Wardrlngton. Adjourned mall Viol froaday vrt core.: In sew York—New Canute, fell Twr.ty nollsr . rs. Port/t. Jatf. %.—Mr. Jame. itreginen, tale rMahoney', general vrgnilner, ne ,e1,1,,1 u cninint..i.lon (rem tilt rtutlnn. Senate, Inn nentrul urniininer. In hi, letter of mcnein• tn be Nino ry o . Mth , iitry, will of bin late ro,lrg it ion. irlvery thing in elg ,tllicnntlg nult.t itt 0' It ntinn ey.ii heed ti tiartArtl, Volort It °post gni.] .‘tithror 11y, Mitt Statialt , ll 111 neon he Which wilt d einem/dint, that the trAft litiony ratAloll II low stronger than On ortra/I. /Lath., lift,, ever hove Ztild (hut It 1. 11,401 V 0 , 1 10 00 rnest nark. A Dew' vouu ter/Pit ha, lima.. rn in thin (qty. ti on tin. Vino tnneil 1..0( of !slain Imp.)11, Ind Irina i•rigni ring Ir vrly )..r, and thon puner ha./ mini .1.11.1.., than the genuine. The , lrri , ,tar, LI. , bnrl: , or tint of and eincuitni ire lettering to ver3 fair, i `11:114 , . 1. , t31 . 1111 t eotely 4.l.lnini. The kill) Id rt 1,41/t1 Tle‘entte IV n .:11,1oToN, Jon. .1.3 —The n • •.1 it ma I Itevento• lid. denid.l•l that intuit I anti hieratic hills Of lading. are in•c -.09•4•L to :001, dull,. too uort. Mail of I bell, agroomant root moot: a la, .uall tit, cow they requite a t xlllll.lll far 01 wheel of pain, Oa lathhart u ritterl. to la they contain no ,SigloaMaat. lia.) art , .11,1.l'OrViptrl lan doll anyy ul Oroport , a 1,0 lit ntaillp IS Mandela. iota 111-0 burn decided Iliat manor tnrerq Ind In held Ibtbin to an ad malOreni tax on l• i•ntira Value or ~ r itimita whiob I tiny make riairpra.but ti ill bc.nllnured, an heretofore, 0214.nu1t voloa Ia ..11 4 :10 iu usa•au d I. F:-ATUEDA V, JAN la Y LATEST FAR El ROPE The reliloll Trials Progressi ng NE11(11 Qt 131161 11 fill v k i c fDCICIL TIIE SPAINISIF INSITIMECTION. Ns3c. Tent, Jan. Ol —The Mtratrighlp Java from Lite/11001 13th. via Queenht'"ru 14th, ar rived this evening. Tio/ettt mow storms prostrated the wires, and telegraphic oartantinicatton. with London was sustsanded two devn, and continued inter. rnpted Londonhe Java loft Liverpool. The Ton& editorial pronounces the Arlie= slave trade practically extinct. Therenlan trials were still progressing. The 11 1 / 1 4 3 nortld net - agrees on a verdt in case of e, the prison warden, charged with aiding the escapee( Stephens, and were din. clicugod. Dyrne rmains in cuatody. It is re ported Stephens In not allowed to stay In Pads. lloias gone to Geneva to confer with Mr-Au:mon and members of his International liovOlutionary Club Selltn men were arrested In Dublin on the 11th, where they wore engaged in casting bal. lets at the time . The TeriS eArresperfdept of the Mines say. the Mexican difficulty was before the last min isterial council. All, or nearly all of the man. icier, were for a speedy recall of the Freneh ..troOP.S. The Einperor,it la said, doen sot th ak the Moment has arrived yet to dO so safely, at least 'not until the Emperor of . Austria shad -limo completed the necessary Pireign cantle. gent to keep his brother on the throne. • Airaira in 'Spain nhow no change. Liverpol, Jon. 131 h, evening... The following are the latest telegrams from Madrid, Jarma n-11th t An Oelielill dispatch announces that lilit aj g v O i n i i i% St gr cer't VntitsermtthaTefrrnoomr OfDludau Real hi wit analog by the valley of the Guadiana, Simultaneously with the force :udder Gen. Eeheitue. tater °Metal Intelligence says Prim Is re treating precipitatelyro t held by owards the Portußoygal. Tee principal Jossees aal troops. The dispersion of the insurgents Is ebtoplete. The Government have demanded the authority of the Senate to arraign Gen. Prim, isherpool, Jan. 13, Rirtung.—Cotton salon to. day anionntto 7,000 babes, including 3,000 bales to speoulaters and exporters. The market I. racier, and quotations barely maintained. breadstuff, firmer, with more enquiry. Pro visions quiet end steady . London, Jon. .17—American stnek., United States Vivo-lfweetles, We; Erie 30 4 5 frit Mi. MAO Central, MOM ex. dir. Pace of Console len received. —... /lour fllitrntrial, at 271111 a, Wheat a shade Artuer,_hut bindneas small; Spring as, %Maas. Copt ca dearer, Its;. Id. a. r.PC 9,1 Provisions; Amer - in better demand at fell wet ' Pork fret at 97@r0.: ; Near American flacon, hints carer. Lard declining and Seined at G 7 6 , D. Idler firmer. Cbeete ?tif3d dearer. Sugar easier. Coffee dull. Petroleum inartire, YAW I II drooping, , •fined tn 4 NICi. mod. London a hest I...tolling low, r. Flour nearer, at 31:41.1., FROM WASHINGTON ILERffll. MKT OF THE THRASURY DEPARTMENT. Case of Mrs. Cobb and Gen. Baker THE MILITARY SITUATION F'resident's inticipaled Prockamatioa. sit:CHF:TAM IlicCOLIAM:1141, El- !VANUA!. HMV- Ness Vona, Jan 71.—Tbe ton special says the attempt to inanee tho clerical force or %Lc Treasury Department is uut practising. At the Second A thittor's °Moe there are elle hundred thousand olalms of deceased soldiers *smiting iettlement. The numbet% raPllly, all last month n ee hundred more ea., were settled than were broeght tn. //a /he Third Auditor Office &lithe accounts cf cuarte/minstent Will tale tem years to set tle- /n Iset-the Quallennltitere IneCoUnti of the Mexican war had be , 1,4 %ern olo,d then - the ivbelltots bean, nod the /hall) Auditor's Odle* the growth of the money der system and the .p 1,1 1 ,1 of po.tui pee . ..- SDNlNlOnstaanonm the , outhery e Lately" to , teld an inereaße than n 41m/ nu! .4.1 of Mark •. The ea, of air:. Cobb azalnet es-SScro cd flakes to still Abeorb!ng attention. The Pb!,,.a .tildeposed that Fho-stAte.l to \Cr. n0...u, (or schoto • she...promised • periloni,z Unlit maasty Isculd &troop:mishit ter Alegi nail that theoinst4 Howell gave her • petition - eight...l h., General Mount, 'abase life be had ease/ daring the ans. No testlmony of unusual interest was elicited on the trial to-lay. The World'. Washington special eays.: The Peet/drat has appointed Captain NM:poss. balith, Of KIPI3IIII, Mtnutor.fielittent to Grs-o.se. to reelde nt Athens. TAM La the ttret appoint- Went Of a blinlater tO that toiletry. • The, 'tribunes special my,: CxXiorornot Parsonsand General lionsten, avoids:lry ebset Of the State Or Alabama, Are reported en route for Washington, and will probably ;strive to /ay. They eome for the purpose or taking theieleets la the Senate. The 77reetes special tars Major 'General. Plierman, blisirldtua Thomit. and "Jlerlic are to Waiihlngton dories neat week, for considtatiOn With the GOs•ernmentoltcple concerning the military 3121111110 A In thrlr rem:teethe.% department,. Artisan was in etronlattoo tee week, alp that the President would. speedily Issue a proclamation declaring tho rebellion at an sad, and deli law restorol throat:boat the tato insurrectionary state.. lila delay In op doing to now attributed to the noneler I sal of expected othetal corresponden ce from ► Proi. riga al tinTertur Hamilton, of !eral. e Warier's Washington ap...cial any, It la now known that the WaYs and Mutt, Co.'s. mittee hare in/chattels postponed heeretary IfeCulloch4 financial 1,111, after striking mtt the foreign loan clause. It is probable that 1 In; I bait - man, 'Air Morrill, will intrOtiurr ratite now bill slam the Autauet I, preached Ia thi , Cnutnaittee again. ADVICES FROM CINCINNATI. The Tenne..%er Legi.riature IFI tOoRS 'TORE 'tEE Room, Lees of I ifi.; by Murder and Accident. 1;141 I Pl\lo. 01 ill! ftl 114.151111111- I ^'l—Th. 'l'..nn•-r.1.. 1.11 111 1 1,r1 . 11 111 Iba II •:w._ •110111111 emt to 14. Etegto tc•Umorti 4111 The +tan aft .try !cant. .fttfre chott,llle t r.flftfetl. rfl.tv a fl.n tlftttp,fftti SiNviiti 1. , in Ilp. w00...4 gePor.l raProur of lif.. t,y St1:1 n Friday 1a..1 a taro ::rue.. war *het and Inplantly 4111..1 al t)y rotor , unknown r...rpn. Tap I..gbi lag loan natu...l 1.11 ...a. A' thy Paltso A man na mrJ Flooh a nc tn I Illtlblnapoth. yt,atenlny .t tilthehlly lAstWoon too k oq rr In tlr.. In innnpolinlolllo.ot night lir' Inithh,g/s1 • ..... rrf tho part. A hut boat uont Wiling limo raltilile4. whilt low...wilt/h. White It Ivor rotnlly. •trt:o‘. nog an-il sunk. Nine porsono 0 err I°o4. A honteoittaleing Mr. Pratt and ntifht no roe., while cro4ql.l3:r the 111...1.411,p1 at Fart `lckertng, nalwitzeet. Mr. Pratt .aad .1 Jr of tho rm., vr ore drown/NI A Irvin of intr. Wll3 nre.l Into at Nnl.lore, Slims., tot tho.7t/1 Inst. Meat liunting sso.. so Tho ne-rt night Um car, n ere agnin tin.l Into 0 , the sato° phi., tot, th Kontoeky Legislature yesteriny, the senate used resolutions postponing the nine: nnun of 004:4 Stot., Vett :It 01 . 1(11,1 sato:mann; tLn prg...ent st,ssion. The noose pgs•eol u ro.o -ofl,. C. — P ,,, •tfog Ito. umendmont to the Fed •rnt ConstitetlOo and oteeinelng bl• nellon at r tattoo by the Legislature, as final Ramo' nol voroory. --lonloonory or oi hodlans. Neu. ) ono, lon. --the nue 111111 , 1,0 !toil Anithier.ory of the Meth Itf hert. non. %cc enletienteit la,t. nigh!, nt Wee'. Hotel, by the Ilium! of New - Yoe t, door, Nieholnen After Marine an nddrrna ,rl, the veldt.. of Itiole. n ux 'outdo liy Air. apse,. 11. I'm kin,. A oil rubel. wenn ern:pi - noted to by !Mier eon,. Thu 111 . -, Of II seri°. or nieeting. to eelebrato" the eentenioey of )11-ttni4•tl, In A ini•eiea,•% on held 1 , 1 , 4 evening to POW'. Atellio.l,l !meet!, krone! h tome iton. Mimeo! it lon, secretory of 110 but~rrw t l rite 1,1,r _ 0 , 14 0 lie, h., tihtoeh Tbin Cnl Ile Tit.l., 1 .ohlbl t lota. PI V. J:to. l'ortzo••••, litsti•. , tto• iy :Nitpnk• 0, pus 1,111041111, wli,l cowit!lotit Itill 4111,11 ill• Mt/ 11.111. looetl revelr,l from IVantringtou Una Ills 'trot/11111.4ml to ta, NW to :1.,:g• wan to Ix H. 11100.1 1111104,14.11..! Marla Decided , Yee protein:toil encoun ter hrl ellen the I Vre recognized elintnnionn or chessournny, ban boon decided in fuyur of co chain 11 1nekungle, who suceuedod in winning I bird grime over We Pobano ispponunt lit•L Finnl statement of Ilto game: Moe krit Mu, 3; 8111,111,y, 1; drawn guine.4. 2. Deatruetlve Flre In DI:TanIT, Mum., Jan. W.—The greater par t..., Of ( La Loa n of Parma, Michigan, Wl9 111,1. 1 . 0,4111. fire yariterilnl Tit , . BM OE PROM WESTERN MEXICO. Liberal Revolution in Lower California. NAPOLEON ON THE MEXICAN QUESTION. New Lena, January Di„—A letter from San , Franch.co, detect December ni, says one of Itiaximlllaws c ommanders, hacked by an arm ed force, recently arrived at Lapar., in Lower California, and compelled the submission of the Governor and L e gislature of that StiNe to Imperial authority, tint a revolution was soon raised which placed in power a new Governor and Other oeicers aditetiag to the rams, of Presidentittarez, and impriso ea the 'lmperial commander and the old Go nsor, bet the, subsequently made their esea . In the Sindoe,llSonoraland errero the Im perialist!, are confined exelu ively to the re. pmtire pOrte of Mazatlan, claye:etas and B Acapuleo, and dO not dare to dilute outside • these town, the republicans h ving them eon, wonteLlm intmedintZlY pletely hemmed int and even these pined they Lilt for ,proteotion given them by the French • war vesseisin the harbor. compelled to glve up, The Nimbi:Road inquirer says While Mosby J 1 the gtterille, Colonel was under arrest, a dis patch was received directing his release, pro vided he' witanot, worth twenty thousand4lol lars, and he was asked to state Übe was worth that amount. He denied having that sum, and was therefore released. A dispatch from Washington says large numbers 'Of Union men •froto Alabama will soon arrive in Washington, to protest against the organization of State militia, A Washington special to the Neres says:. A private letter from a gentleman at Ports, of January till, hue been received here, describ ing the recent interview between Napoleon and the American Minister. Napoleon spoke frankly on the Mexican question, and l o gs express determination to preserve friendly' feel. gs with the United States, and a wish to withdraw the french troop. as soon as he (-mid be assured that our policy of neutrality toward Mexico would be continued. He intimates very plainly, however, that he would never abandon MONICA eo long as there is danger that the Limited States would pull 1101•13 what be built rip et much expense. Ail he would elk was that we would not Interfere with the present government of Mexico, the permanency and stability of which, if left to The p he was convinced, would be secured. Tim correspondent PAU: "I hove reason to I believe that . Cif/witches irons Mr. Bigelow eon. II tattling, full report of this Interview have been received by the State Department by the A teamer." FROM NEW -ORLEANS Small Pox Spreading Among Negroes PLANTERS AND THE rftEmma. Looi.lana Ler,i4lalure Proceed-kw.. STE.4III:IIS .IN U ['Alit:OEN 1.0.1 - Oal /AN. /WI •relulT•pnc , preuillng anion; the hhgeo e . :a i.et inte r ,,,- Account:l from pariah. mintinue to (name la. In the effect that the phiutery hod the at ce.t,t difficulty In eontrnetlng for labor with th freedmen, deNpite the high lemzel oifer...l to the pariah of Terre Ronne, up to (be 'kith teat , all the freedmen were leaving for New Some Of the finest plantations are desertod. The loeal paper expeete that all Cr toe (rem,- Men will loot, the pariah before the end of the month. _ . Tho Vatted Statea Martino Ilo,pltal this city was turned over by Collector hellhaa to General Baird for a temporary ho.pltat and hon . ., of refuge for freedmen. In the Lonl.sinna LealslAturo the llon,c adopted • resolution to appoint a hpcolal com mittee to protease amending the constitution of ISII4, and not call a ems - tuition. in the Sen ate htepii are tal. - ing• to provide for parish and district officers and also for the election of ollicers In the city of New Orleanc The Military anthorlt las are about to ,t am the Opolowta.4 Railroad to lts owners. The schooner Mary Jane, daring a hr., gale, on the loth Inst., went ashore at Ilaudt.i 90 lives wen. Inst. A part of the freight was cared. The vessel was a total toss. The steamer Dora Martin, front Shreveport To New Orleari, correct and sunk In Red Cr, with •Ix hundred bales of cotton on tinury, The boat 1, a total i 001... The prineipal port •i l f the cargo will be raved. address by Seeeetae7 W ...An:lra-n.3, January number of friends of herrotary Harlan re paired to his eraistsace and compiLmented hint with a sexectde. Km. Duane Wilson inform. ed the Seerttal7 that thist aias done in slow of tzt b ,.l Mr.-Harlan in !reponse. said t to eaprcis• gmy gratitude far this Can, It may not he inappropriate to respond to the kind more by one of your dumber to my publt^ scr %ices heretofore. I have not done anything. e rr orally to entitle me la Mit filAtinetton Tin t,. it ICls^ to endeavor faithfully stud persh4- ontly to dlitherge the duty of a rep eannta tire of your Mate, and stone that to 4-vote toysalf to public antics a• a member of the L;ttiOltipirty. I prestr.e I aril Indebted for fhb. romplimant to the twent Action of the legiviaturo of low, In giving me the legal right to anticipate the aereptance of a sent in the trotted %totes son. ate a year hence. This le personally gratify- Ing to me as an endorsement of my onlelat .11 :or, and Itnpores additional obligatlon• of fidelity and vigilance in the performiuten of tny piddle Maio,. .11r. listrian ;alluded to the question of reenn. struetlon. and said It could not be expected that the people who had been In rebellion GI: ld at 011 C, acquiesce in theg the tight‘ or citizenship, buteafety of the 14 , Utatry I.lllk of more Importance than the terhum. of the lute rebels. lie or. ,oed that It would be dangerous to glee pun er Into the hands of Southern letutort, and eaclude the loyal portion of the Suuthorn pro- pie , from any voice In public af airs. lie thought It safer to tru..t Ignorant loyal men that, trtwirtlitdo, and .enure theloyal minority by uniting with them those hitherto to lie did not elahn to liptnlk for the Pr. , ldent, but thought he rtitcrt [dried oluitlar o has. .\ prowgratmaglitln Onallarsonewit—Stnee.nair,..e. lillpewebea—ftelle Mocker,. al Itse White Howse. Jag. AL—T/10 Stoge, In clean. the .1.1.111 roogrruod the. following , moth:ail... Horace I L.:1.0t, of IttAtto, to Iw Secretary of Idaho. Mr. Pratt, of Itlatqrellum , tts. to be ilarshall for th, territory of New Mexico. Alexontier Crinvn'n.re • of race i.yirniga, to beof ~n iorado Terri tory. 'vire John Vl•rone, reettrne.l. Thom Prando. Meat.riter,of Clocogo,to be Secretary of Itontonn Territory Coo II fit ndongh of the ' , lngrid or Colotrg , ia. to he ,n 1 Nt,t , Me,12,, John M ~ ' S, Ii 1. , itrwry-or Iyr enstoune for el Louie, rice II .1. iloward, reiggne.l. A Ilia/JIM, re. 11.1, 0 iipeccht, nn Itoienti riletli in 0,1 1.104 rxiil Jell•. There lit gr , at an x iei y ih•liv i ir tioh illtx twr Ihi, pitritiwo will iittered tawlinOrt.iw, thixt horn for •peiwilt t I , lkiuu. with Ih.imiltiti.t.tnilint: that un ht.111 , •1, f . • I roil-041.01 1.-4 a 1 res,ortahly et(' de . - trt..l at . I.he M NI tp,..,14 int+ca, from the oormls, of 110. Ronm a. j They we, 1,110, 1V th« homOs. Such thof, Imon ',ea, that an WM,' tvik.t.ualt al I t•lt ,l3nre From follfornin and Northern Mexico s„,s Frtasetsco, .luouory 2 , , —Th.. Cn of the legislature in ex.,. voi In In , or of the realstry Inn. from Mesh., "( the sth .tale that 10 , I.ll,end fienursl holds pu.ll lon 11 it but forty halloo of Mazatlan. altloolzh 'lrony lure« of Frnneh tit tho latter Unronn a undkturhod, nor doe., ha uk I aqk, knowing ho could not hold tbo olflC4. It be took IL Stool, distress ellsti In the eouto try under the presulenee of I . :mho/ prices tor food. Clithunhein ait h well. The I.llietal Gov ernment. Us age In entelsilished 14t the city of the .ntnr nettle, a/1.1 need leer otherUge-steilon (runt the Frenoh. m i ll i s th e 'm at t. of the Freueh tout t reltor, tint the Lltietal force , . err encircling the eity in cos:gilder:lW uninbree. J tight IN !lushest fer .soon. The Nosing Share market nevem tetlgielel, Ill; Yellow .Ineket. tine tittle si :gas Alplila, Tonl; /.04,11 Te odors, 70l; CO: )'lre In New Voik—The Lnkr Erie, PI smite Cam, s IMO:, .111 ii. 1:1;.• -The i11...11110t, of Ebling lire.., in :15111 sirens, tod wren Loth and llth untivs, It AS i.lCP4lroycd by lit,. y y„t er d, 3 . Morning, eutnliing on thr .tors, and building Ito, of ' , AVM, half of tel,lob enrerod by In.urnfteo. Henry .derter, the ~ ~ inovr, Wtrlly burned. A Yrllint toad, I, Urn Prod, vr to the writ of huhiut. o•rt,:n. In tho ea., of the.. li. Colt, o It b bring inin or the rebel nt t.. 1. The rotor,, eel. forth the fuel. that (lir Idtuottoe ou. out ur„1„, the ount 1,1 of Urn Itnol.er, Ind In eltufi.d. of Col. Burke, comma nil big ;it fa) cll. After touts allot/tem in the Oa,. by . VlttliAlet it WAS IlOstpinied e , the ;:,1 off riduary, In order to di lir conti.ol itn op portunit) to VD vet,. the retort]. )116111an Offer for lite Rana Du ofterbars— Itnllrond Aerldent—lte.enue Return a of New York. • EN, Yoko, Jan L ti,-11.• N.../ 1.5 Mr report 0.1 the Clittian coyernment hit made M. 'e t ore. , 3 u W. 11. IVebb, for the parobaso of the hum Dent 't it here. It Is salt] Ile Li 110 will Lipase of her, If our orernment Consent. Hy the terms of the earl . et the vessel belongs toltha until it holly paf for by the government. • The Erie allway.Express train, due ut ono o'clock tom y, run off. the track at Port Jer vis. thes reported thut person was s kill &WWII embankment. ODu was kill ed and four Inituvd. The official returns show that thirty-seven nalltons of dollars of Internal net 011 till lirt,l4, collected in this car In 16R1. This dm, dk,: In clude the coins received from ,o, -... I stump;, nod probably ten mth r ''' , . rvtlyns4 r.. 11. II"., ,x On It.rk sticks, PRICE 'THREE C.EN XXXIXIO CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION, •op re, a: ,41,,•i member.; Of hie party. Re hi.. iaeihnordthat t ❑ be fropubl Iran Ike ty seemed •er this,- 1...1t ono "tea. vies to legislate in favor of the tlegro • S.EN AT F: hr. Melie.• held that as eleven . heti been m timil nut, the t ••natttatiOn needed. amend- Mr. Wade, of Ohio, Introduced a sett I. pi o , meet, bin Otis ea, denied by thoile Cello were tide for the Improvement of cert.,. ha rher•opposed to let s - ing war, and who said we had I right In the State of Obdo, which wa, referred to the Jotght to cull out troops to erlaih trees, on. Combaltteeen Cconnferce. it appropriates. 1., Tliose who were in favor of anuendinfe the round numbers, $281,000 (or the purpose. I ni•ln. : I op-lit Litton were met by those gentlemen ding 09,00 S for the Cleveland harbor , reet..... • • m ith the ery of "usurpation,° !because the for Grezid river, 1.3.1,0e0 (Or Athttbdta, sei,nto ; representatives from the rebellions State/. COnneatit, ,onci for Sandusky, and SCsoO fie , .. ere not admitted to the door. He did not VerinilliOn. t desire to see the day when a traitor could ask Mr. PoLiad, Of Vermont, stahmtthei the h..- tto Come back and hare the - me rights as lOwintresolOtion, which WA.. adapted . ; th ose who upheld our banner in the debt Rem/el That the Committee nn flu:owe be The pending amendment did not go as far directlid 0 inquire us to toe expediency ot us he desired. He would like one seyt e p that providing by law that Director, of, Banks. or- noman who bad raised hie hand against the anized under the authority of the laws of the flag ehould participate in one legtslat ion but Vetted :Yates , shall give boitd• for the tait tarn it woe not probably he would he gratified.' a performance of their duties as such Directors, 1, sated to legislate for the whole and not:, and report by bill or otherwise. part of the country. It did not appear to ht • Mr,. Stewart, of iseveda, Introduced 0 me- mind that the Southern people were in a eon: morlal from : the citizens or (*Wrath, now la anion to be represented in large number,. New TOrk, asking that Cole mdu be admitted Ile favored the amendment reported by the as a state under its present coositstntioo• cemmlttre on reconetraction beefless he whleh was ordered to be laid on tit: ta ',IL I hOttget it was the best We could ObttUrh Mr. Lane, of Indiana; introduced u r.sole-.'. colloquy took place between kiessrs.Gnd,t, tion,whieh war agreed to, instructing the And :McKee. The termer was tlnderstood ii on Pensions to log otre into and , ask. fielpeace had returned, why-the Senthetrt. , Pert upon the expedieney of prohibiting, by j mormeatattres were not admitted I • law, the payment,. of pensions to .• Liinwa of Air , , McKee replied, that if 'peace did erdst, afir enlisted men employed 114 artificer, his eolleigelet had said, he (fleWee) could see fin motion of Mr. Foote, of Vermont. it seat I no reason why there should be objection to we ordered that when the SellMe adjourned, itConntlttitional. amendment, as the party with atljourn to moot I lon Monday next. which his colleague acted, had during the war, Mr. Morgan, of New l'iwk, railed up the so Id lbw.. was not the time to amend that In. !louse Bill for theeateneien of the time tor •truzuent. the withdrawal of good, for consomptiOn sere McKee did net believe that pea ro re from public Idorehouses, ;ac.. which was turned except by means of armed powo: , but pnesed. • while he thought thus he held it was no leaf whMicri,LlM.iise., r i o f i l i t ne ,, i ii : l l % .,, , ! , n, , t . rn ,u. , l , ; , , ,l ed ,, M. ,,, re c li o o r. lu m t.l i O t ri .. the right then the duty of Congress tontake al laws ;necessary to protect the entire people, tee on Commerce to Inquire Into the expedl- and Iteetire them In the possessloa of peace ency of appropriating one hundred t h....sand t atreasonjy.s wa s the dollars fps the erecting of u postern,: „ 0 ,1 ~,.,,,- i so 'n t d itb *m wo u ro r" ziera th llow e t r e u d tare' repre ll een e tom house at Topeka, Kenya, I ttiailhe people had not shown eloyal spirit Mr. Grime% of lowa, called up a hill!. „ n end ouch .as would Josthy. their adallselon. Let an -act, entitled an act 1',..- the . - -,- --- ---- -- ' "”•-, r 4 eete ti einsend men here who , during the war, hare loon awl others, borne ott the book -of vessels. -l oud by the eountry-elect men who never wreak der lost la the naval service, providing went Into treason, and reject odious traitors that In ease any otileers of the Nary or Marine Corps, on board a veivel In the em m ploy of the 51r. Crider asked whether he would not ad it Mr. Maynard and other loyal Repo . ..Olean. 'United States, which by any ...Amity or in '.rem Tennessee. action With the enemy, hos been or may be II r..MeKee said be did net . Want to separate sunk or htherwiee destrOjed, khan have lost I' . a st Tennessee from the other parts of. the his persinal efforts, the primer accounting .rate- end in return asked his collet:1m officers lire hereby authorized, with the e Metier/10 would voto to admit the re uhPfeeel Of the Secretary of the Navy, tativee from Sotitb Carolina,prosen • • to allele to such officer, a heal not Ox- MreGr/der replied that he would vote toad. reeding the amount of hie lea pay for one cult the Representatives of those States wbieh mouth fib 00p1pcnsatIon for emit loss, pro. had been reorganized under the plane suggest vldail that raid loss ton not occurred oil by .the P r e s id ent, provider! [bey - prsented through the negligence or want of els ill or fore- credentials showing that thee Were regular/7 Sight Of the OateerS taking 4 comperivattou tor h em, if re; are had no Autho r ity t o oeciudo much loss provided that the accounting o ffi cer th e m, If they werelinWOrthy members; if. an shall in all cases req etre it schedule and certi ifs Ids colleague bald, they were rebels and trai tutu from the officer making the shim ror ef- tore. 14 . 2;10, they rot into the ball the Llenteil (rote so lord:provided, further, that eu allow- ,e, Wit operate On them. tutees [ball be merle, try virtoe of 1 his : t ist for , l i r. 0 r j,,,,,j . or l o diaria, topuod to th e to . line loss Incurred Prior to the lota of April. mark lof Mr. Reny, delivered onthe pre - Violas lent . , d a y, and denied that Congeess had the right r: CPIIM'as• of 1 . :A1f...U. o'VeCled that mid power to g° intetuty State and there reg. the Ltteetlni Liam 4,1 fee t'erepou..ttbm ens not Mate auffrage - 0004 tOSeettre then.' ght to vote munleiont. to eye citizen of the age of twenty-one The hate a, os-,ed es report e d by the Veva! year, , , • Who had liras d in nay Stare of the Conon lice. ' sir 11°W I oho, lie opposed the adoption of any con o f to t" - '"'.°• ' -''t' 1 ''' t't" I '''s. -Mut itoisl atnentlment. This Well 110 t the "le!' r ° hr '„ls'e. 'et t;,,. '' h ot-t • 1. , it , t!me. nor was there hoy reason for IL The 4 Ornontmenl o f roo • .• 1 •'. , ; ' ••••• -1 oof. ' a ler Antelidn.cmc will not equalize representotion, soul hero States. Li , 11 , 11:10,,t. The power to regelat,• ~ ,:rrage mr 11. , .• r , -ipi i-J ~. , !... ,, , , -0 , ,, , of tl••• , - ..., .11 etists in the atetes,• and was never stirs "I'ol'ut° and • t° ,1,1 -' , ' ' , VW's , lb.' r- ' ..., n l l. I tendened to Congresx. NO advantage to the Ile thought it time tor lb.- senate to stop „. nn u, eat to be derived Troth the goading talking It. the unman, am! rs-.,,•,., tog: they mendment; no class or rare weal° be beaolit es to shat we, '..rat to ~.• ton: t r,i by It. The adritrilage would dunce only for lbe leXtl..ll. I hr. re a- , nliliions ~, Ih e Orpublican party 'etionhithey succeed ir , th e inure who to i•-• - . eft..fed te 01,1ntning tb , , negre Tote. • : bv a t ea deeree from •-hat 0,- to ow,• n•ci there are oth, .. per ., ~,, „ho I , „i„ hr ,' , ~_ Sir Masson. of town, said , that an ter pro fit:mei from men almost t ad the coedit, ~,, of v no • day he declared that this Congress had chattels because of their elity to th• ALI, no right eit h., by the conatitut ien or declare and constitution of the count:, 'These oc• a I tioi, of • Jaime, .Madieou on the okh of August, had to demand some care and prot•solon, '''.• t ' t yg° Int o Vt... .) banjo or to".el, .arta ay w .0 hat mentors shoUld control the Legialature, which they had not hitherto teee i . .to I it was for them he spoke. . of those and other States. The gentlemen He had thought it belong...l to litho' them a !rum Pen ipsyl venial . ..l r. Kelley, having contro ,itttottooft to carry out aro , „,,,,,,,,, t„,. do .. et rtrillti, posit/tent - .Lit front the deflator, to trin. of the Deriaratiott of independence In support hi. Ninaits . , make men , oqunl. That then were not eit wyls M, f: Kli a !'`.. ~.i ia i va , tfn e e„ eried to r 4 iltY . , to him. In social estimation, that they were not •••11,t1, .. i ' to '`'...- " a ' '`.“....."‘'''''°n, lithe ii i! "iy ht in mental. culture or physoml statloas. he the Convention. wam far from maintaining, knew very welt Inn he Mel thme.iht that to • "b"t 11.. genljerna4 from 1.".'Z1Y...ia weaker they were the more ito • . t .,-. ,w,,,, o y.•„ , c, mmr'h. lie ,motioned as against tae clan- Was booed to protect then. Ile znew tha t a ger, .1 - encroachment upon the Constitution. fermi. mans of those in whole betait he sp,ge ilv pointed out the distinction made l.y l'itr. Were eleettleMettl, het tie f.l.l)ltel.ed it k, A . Nlaroson bets, :Oa ••1 he right of , suffrage and within the province', _of the Republiesn partr ' oo ' l ' of aotillige, and ehowed that Mr. MecU- In give culture and education to '.rem e,12 teal,:rellutoe, in touching the right of Iteplyingto the Argument of Mr ioitneer. •utfruire its<qc- that the United States ()oak! :tot make war Mr. Wright. of New Jersey, mid if he under against a elate, he ml.l that while the people stood the pending propeeition, it dantempia of a State mai/dale obedience to the In w-, tiny led a radical change In them-gabby law, ;mein were not amenable to the war power, of the the ohmincter and quality of the voting popes Government, but when a State arrayed Itself !alien. ' - s' continual tinkering with the against the bovcrumeut, it wa• amenable to Constitution, was pregnant with danger In the those POlorTe• lie never held that the rebel last degree., It. tendeuey Was to thwart the Mates were destroeed by the war They were President In 'hie- plan of treteceistractlon, so destroyed before thew ar. When the tear w as force lin, bOut burn tettsteetC, a collision on WY Inaugurated, the p...0p1e of the rebel State, gl 0 suffruFe, or temality of the races, In order tr lore down the Stater perm ied by the Lorca,- t hat Pratt Peal Pa.& waY be kepi in the hands tenon and erected othereas unlike those whirl, of the rseisnis• the Constitution permits, as the arrnor a state, lie represented a eonsenntircr coaatltuency or the Mealczna States, who were not prepared to sanction unlversai 31r. Sunnier hoped that no .cylotl , a - oultt br. re.drrages, lie apprehended that If a deme,ient taken on the mono,, of Mr. Comte., exe,pt to le union:party were in pewerlin half the itates, vote it down the leaders would not be so maxima,. to preen Mr. Johnson eaid that but for the Limier- the rr solution toe vote as now ; they were, in ~,,.,,, ~,,,,,,i0 . ,,a 10 , NI , ..,„.,,,,., t 0 .,., a order that they might Ire' presented for - reconsiderntlon would he ,mused, the rots ' "'ln t 0 tar I M l "hatoirtat'olaW •tal SE • th -0,...thi not Imrts boon ore ~c ,l et y•-sterd,,,e. Th e stead °Chasing a speedy, ellifectewrY d perfect ant's, ton or trending to the Hem-. to recall the , restoratlon tattle nalOth r Mian setterttere cum. roll was put to the .. .nat.. and •Iyalded le the ' god in PreverttinZvreeoflltrllol4ol2 which patri negall•e. Ott so Meth desire. . . . , Mr.John.on driminded the yen, a n d na y e. tehlledgivingbiseleweagainetnegrosuffra,z.., reas-lies:es. lit; hales', Conces•, Devil. -: h a s-a l t of tidOnted , r. lir Abliged to EOM" Guthrie, II drlclre, - Johnson, McGee: . Underlie Probation, boy! much greater. neees. :gad ' , 3feettlialle W • Riddle, SautShure ~ :sour waif there for therniegeoesto be educated,. wPraget•ett ...,.. t zt. •••• • ---w..-WhtsaiMWedl.WrteAtgalrategite! imam and Vf right. Sy. • • NaYSI-Meite"M. an, Chindl , ,r, Clark, Ere. f Th e lionse mibt. x. gin. Dixon,' Deo ttle, mime", Ifirtrite - Tlout.:.P.- - • - anl, f10w..., Kirloirood, t.atte, of Kansas, Mon- t atm, Nye, immtmori-laberumn, Stewart, Sue,' next, Trumbull, Wade, le - aeon and Yates,-`. . Mr. /lame resumed the floor. Mr. Stewart Inquired of 31r. Ilona. Mr v. 631 length of time he would hold Southern States se tet ritnriee. Mr. [torte jeptied that ha wnald keep thew LI a territorial Vollintiol2 unlit Coneme4s, compohesedreap?, °Pella men, chest. to admit theta into t Mr. Johnscal said that Mr. /1117. math ',tow red in hie.petch [bat ha waa a long Lima in latter of admitting Representative% and Sen ators Itont A15M.0.13.11. lie mould itstt mop posina these SenatOrt and Iteprewntat had then been received. • • Mr. TiOW li C brerreal Ceolrre, 114.4 now power to Irrislat.. them out of Uonxrc and reduce the. rttat• or '.:trkanaa3 to at turd tortl.l condi tion. Mr. Stewart said he helathot tho condition of the southern freedmen and loyathas was no reason- for keeping the South out of the t. moa t because Conoroas Mel full power to P.M eet three people, and thou 'was a bill now lending (or this pnrposo. fie ww In favor of the measure, and he was In favor of the freed men's bill pmaed ver.derday. lie would iny to Democrats that il, op were retariliag recto, •truction by 'opposition To such 11:1COiltrt, os were passed, yonterday. Saulabety understood Mr. Rte wart to y that he did -not know a Dewtorut th e length and breadth Of the land who hollered In the term 4 eteeitiltilletiOa.". Me. Trumbull called op the 1,111 to toted all perums In their eiril right. ami furnish means of their vindication. Mr. Pomeroy obJeett.d to , tlett un ‘,tended debate as had taken place on a mere question of reference on Sir. flown, ro..olutton. Toe proposition torefer was nut to adopt the rein lotion but to refer it to a •Iyealal committee of ntleen. Sir. 31ePougul oloalnerl the hat once ea) to 311, Trumbull, who tilOre.t .att "ctt.. it e ieilon The se 'senate...ooQ adj.,utn.q. ii t'itton. :rout the Conlin/Its, on 11e. Lions, retooled that Mr. tiolfroth bin on his er rtiti eat!, prima facie right to a-seat from the si s• teenth ILl , drirt of Ponntirlyanla. Mr. Polite insole a minor.ity report that Wm. H. Koontz h. prinnt facie right to a tatst. ihdli moot. prorided for taking testimo ds by each, thou log aiaty do. for that purpose. le Donlon of Hr. Pike, the Cornallasioner nt P 1 n311.3. itiAr.rt,l 0 IQ I•, the ft.lllo,ll.leV or owls lac the act of ITtri which pros ldhs that Liu ars% backe shall la. al lorreol on articles c sported into any foreign . tta I e immtalintely adjoining the rnited State, mg. % largultur, of Indiana. presented the petition of oar thOliSallti ritire,tn or Ow tint. toil Nat., tor the equatizatiott of Wont Le., 0, Ito toddlers of Po' Ithpultile. Leto, sere.? in Rupprettaing the rebellion arid for au Inerease tt of peSlOll. mpldier, 3114 Eli. I r wia onn .11.10 2tilialbo fen - Iwatt agi ongress of the sentiment. of the Iteput,lie l lacer ot colitis - eating eclat' lands, and :hell t out tioo to soldiers. Mr. Donnelly. i• 1 Minnesota. latrodueed /1 re,clillt /CM, n h /MI /4paved, di rei•t tag the Commit t et• on ?f01..y Itirt/r1 to report ar to the esretlieney 01 dir.•el tn..; the tseoretory of War twaeonstrnet n military toad from the hoonstnry of Minnesota, to the ,road fields of Idaho 11111 i l ' ontunsi, and to eqohlish milltur) poste along the Itne of ,1,1 road (or the protection of emigrant. • On the Constitutional Amendment ' ,ine.rlort. Mr lianting Of Kentucky, wild the , nttatrt had labored Valor tile. nichhilon that ours slavery was aboll , hect all caum, of drib and dissension would he retnet cd, for si ,rue that slavery tent the C.. 1..• of the rehellion • but although slavery wit- atmlished the negro enute hark with redbutfied tore, The Itepuh licun party had trienufaetured n large 1.7:1011lit of capital out of the negro ,due glue, and ices were still drum lug .spot it The fact that tine agitations lend continued so long Shane-1 with gloat -are the . 1 2:pninItetit party had managed it. W - tht., arm, timepoll t leal partyluni undertaken to engraft up the coestitution their.wts polltinal dog mas. l eel tent log negro sure:me ,Irertlr IlicOlN tool ZA•011 offered, nib er•.ti; the eats part,, or more than three Cr. evert print ed nage of the tenstitut sun. Tho tiny that amendments to the ton-ditto ion a, being in trodneed by the tdia.r +l,)e would make them legion tmy soon lie then ro.lorreti to the Ito. 1. 141 . , n1..rty t shot) that their whole move ment - us entirely partizan. rho II.:::f01,1tra• fin to he eons ertud Into voter.-, under the. 10..3 that they will bo of the Ifepublicati p.trty and vote their teket. They %ranted to force political negro equali ty. lint they ' , multi never do It In Kentucky, and if the elates would net consent to llta po litical negro equality. they Wen: to be :ebbe,' of their represen tut tosi lie spoke the UN- Litt of CM:holing ,utlo.ru, reprr-entatires whose:Wet Inn% nf ',m o atey 15:15 nn 1114101.1 n tercet in the sini4cet, and w 11111. 41E1111i/1T that the white La the superior 111., opium theugb,.t, to give the black a .hare in the govertnueuL Mr. Kelley, Of PeOnt.) - 11 - 11.1a. •It th e Ueman ehar,;ed, that leovro whoa, le c.,lte I negroce bud twain .e•duced from the 1 , 111,11•1 Xtsot-e. lie 111,1111,1 to whether their ro ll rte were not Ain there. in rryt Dihriht:r4 rt lug every negro out al wet tueLy. Mt Harding replied Met the gen tlenrine., ehon WS sympathies it err not - . :1!I ho-Jlin negro. Mr. 'turtling Infinitely preferred pit g -.11- I nor to white wntnen than to the nettee. lee, ortilottneky, "Ott. 1..- I, . i ieyvtt 'lnt,gttei w.,:.; 1 I. ~ 0.1 lor ham. t e o. METE WAMSGT(IN. Jant“.% I.:, Valwo Wf . Vest tPAE iffixo - roS, Jp613.,..N.-1116 reCerctli of the 'Trealtry.lvetuirtuteat Wow; Alit from March}._ to Aogust, - /SQ, - atandoned Luna can. tured cotton valued Al . 115,70,5t0 was ausize. by the Govern rnente In Its4VW/at of thc , p " M i ttO O the ly Tt i ru n t Oit . ear =lt; Laving been trastat'orosel.to,ortganat owneri, .of cotton,..wkdeb tO•that fittonpob had been tot. properly lel Zed.' • For theAlSear year . ..mama June 10th, la«, the Mot. and branch ,! !Safe of the United Statiw coined $.19,810,14Et 64 la gold, direr anc. Correapontlemete eftheiltteint - gh Gazette. : 1 1altstitiara.tie January Mr. Quay, of Reavßeeper,this morning present rd an intpoltant 'general:bill, - which It is wa der:4ood Meet's the wiewtiorlho State Tree.. rarer. 742,. drst sertlon makes , It the duty of the Cashiiiref every bank, In this Mote, Na. tional or otherwise, to collect, annually from every stockholder a tax of one per cent. upon the par vulne Of the clock, held by the said Stockholder and to pay the tiorne into the State Treasury eu or before the. first of July, and the stock Is to be exempt front? all other taxa tion. The second section that 1., addition to the present taxes each railroad,. canal and transpOrtation company lueorporateo under timpani. Of this Matt: and not liable to the in. come I.as Under existhighlrs, shall nay a tar of Direr fourths Of °miter Cent upon the gross rereipt, the tax ttihe,lmi.ll,eurt-annually; and, for the pnrpose of ascertaining the amount of. I the . same, the Treasurer or other proper of firers of the company to transmit to the Audi tor t:eneritle statement of the grow receipts. The third, section Provides that real estate shall be eterntit from taxation-fur State pug menu, except the half toW tag imposed by Act. of .Mlay 15, lash A 101 l tarred by Mr. B 1 ham propose, to ineorlutrate the Pittsburgh Life Inen rotten and Trust telopmer. The capital stock is to be amt among the...incorporators arc Sle,ce Cleo. Stdras..l.ll.Sewell, It. W. Mackey, N /Miley, •194111p5, J. S. Craft, Wan. on.l W. C. McCarthy. A bill bat• also been read In the Senate which "Sus forth:that as Joseph Dilworth and others punch:merit nf the Pitt nail ssintrait Fanners' na MMechanics , Turnpike Company, tiestn. to ire mote their mad they shall have power to hi cren-e their mmitat SO u Huai not CXooedillg Ildto,tio. When it is ascertained that the profits win not produce a dividend •on the sm per cent. it shall be MAIM for the compa ny to Increase the tolls, but If that limonle should he thus Increased to dant...ling, ten per cent. they be rednotni so that the Income shall not exceed six per cent. - This morning the ileitate. lehtdrs were tlllpl tip with - Millen and gentlemen, Mt leans of 11,1r rtsburg and etrungerS, i‘l.lo bad gather:Al for the porta:tot of Retelling to the debate which it was riortennerd maid take place on the re, Mations offered by Mr. Landon, cadocine the net Me of the Itepubl icon rnenalier. of CO la voting in favor of negro stain:re In Inv Dis trict of Crthwubia. A motion t(ISIOStpOiIy 110- [ll liiultietelay next, boaster, prevailni. the visitors who hail collected Volume Off elo quence of totr senate left the halt. The people of desire to hare e titer rourpany. and g their ref receltialitt, appears to be inciihodd to,, , lttli) them. A enmpauy is to beTorated, with Jos. Nosgrave, , .l., A. Colaealt, .1.. Templeton, I`. kitiltht,a, Jo,. nuflington, A, Lee, J. itohrer. 'and !others, intorrolidor, , :•PWl. II 0h aratPltlll 01 vo,oot, thee are It, Introdnee iv,st.er into !rem :thy itteant er.u.Sis I n , M r.Negl hill offered th Is tont..r.ing enael that all v1,•,1 Rohm . ..ugh porno... it. the .borough of llntler,,thell r„ , money of Mi t er as heretof ore Ir. ~Ic7CCNs bill what tee to vehicle hero sys, merely eXtends to ToolperanCevlllo hit, pros • Lollllol Of )11e. law TE•IIttiVO tOlAttllloool,,lllo, .openttion In rittaburiji to other WWI, in .tltrchetty.eottUty. The um ~ Telatiee its the kaw rent. It:dlr.:ail I.AttlaanY,h corporation feinted by the tut-ol idol ton or the Lawrence nailrOaa and Trans portation rtmlpany, of Pedusylennla s toli Ito l'omitarrbf the lame .name of Ohio, estab lishes the' principal naleu ratriled. the:holden. to' I west of tie, Awl: steel %%soot thereto. . IBM : tbar...ly evening - .4. 4 5.. 4 4. Clock, MAR1.A.Er4.1...„ Lica, 71, .;e.ar "t 1 .176 n^r.: fro. 44.41. •st $Zl`,. ri matm t kno, fAtnity nr.. In. fro! 4.. at t• It(' 1.. V. .t. *44. II ' 'I 414 4.u,ry., n IF ...Li .1 1 1.1% 11.1r.intr,4 n , oy . 1-1!. .n. 4 In them'. „ AtH l,, . TII .1 1'14. 4 4, Frilly. ~.• ..4 ,get4Z, FEE I THE WEEKLY GAZETT TNU EDITIONS AEI PRIVrr, 04( 40, R In4dnp r.s.l Va• .11(1..a•te. for . ..anted ntalra 4,11 ad , . es savnts: a• On' mall ra • rn =I talumlnw 'umß. DASD. AO i 2 = ~4
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