The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 16, 1859, Image 3

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    corrEti rata.
AIM I.dr N ' "VG , 0 if 8 .
-%1131( itrlCls. owl BOLT COPPER ' , PRE2IIID COP
ttotwi .Bottoms, spatirpouur,&..
importers Wolin ioldliTALP,_ TIN PLATB
IRON, WIRE, do. .botistontly . haul, Tloonsoll
-:,;ksi • saa wou •-•-• • •
'daps .
WirelOoio No • Fini mial 126, 'Seem! street,
Pittsburgh Pena.
• Setpeetal orders of 001;Per any decked pNtIYT.
nanmeir AEL. ,COLIANB, A
Forwarding and Commission tiardhant:
. • Clakeese Tp, .
33ntter. Seeds, Friuli,
Anl.Pradase Gauenlly,
&or?:.. Aro. 25 . kaki fared.
i 1.63 Third Street, Pittibursa, Penna.,
Utivlag had Oa advantages of Eastern Colleges itaL Eh*
.41Pitsotaa astral years' prattles, otters 6L prollsalauul
rarrLas LuSTILO7IOAL AND 11112010 AL CABEI3.-
"iitr.'l9. D. Bowan]." ' McCandless.
• Ras. D. 11. A.llcLarn. Hon. R. A. Hamar.
Hon. T. J. Bighorn.
'.l. H. Mantes. John H. Hellos, Esq.
Alloter;Esq. mylisdh
Juob ileOu
Imismincritz MAMA'S' lIIIIVIT Tanen Gs
Plain and Panay Grate Fronts, &a. •
d• - la.Propriator at the celebrated PATZNT OAS
Sintrmia and Slum CONSVIZING
Ofiloe and Bales Room, .
sarlB.lydro No, 4 WoollSt.,Pittaborgh.E;en.
N. / 3 0L.M.E8 <sr. SONS ,
Foreign and Domestic Billi of Exchange,
lOollAUltult made on all Oho pgiutlyal cities thntagti
' nit tt tfattatl &atm ap22.6cly
• .EL Et PC FL 'l' usu,
Nil.* 1M
S. C. P. .5141.1111L.13,
i =l&lyato
WX pplx G. E. P/0 R.
SPTatralialaia, No., Al 'Wood
Roo boaata at maskst mpartt
Railing, Iron Vaults, Vault Dooro
':,Window Shatters, Window Quads, &e.,
Sezond &red and 86 Thiniarcri,
-'ißetneea Wood
'''Haw to hind a6:11011i7":16,,,,*.• PrrißUßGri, PO,
Panama, Doc, mad plata
imitable tar ill purpereo Particular attantdoupaki to eai•
claatugGraraLon. Jobbingdano at thartnallco. nog
TTORNRY t . 3 V.
6, Shines .61.1., Dutnique, Anna.
441 - 0611actIona protuptly made In any part st No. - Mayo
lowa, or Western wt.omi.k.
Will Wanda" Oa putchaseand Sala 01 anal Manta ob.
CalAlsal Illanoy on linndatand 61c L
11.41/UNIX4I U \ULM.
• arrearoar WO:3am .... antra
Pittsbnigh, Penna.
thltee, No. 11 Illarket street.
I.l.onftotata all kinda of dtaato IFk3 alto.: and Machin
art; °marine, Raft road Work, 8101111 k boiler. mat lib rot I rar
.-,raJobblog and Pspairlag donooo abort notice. 00-aklag.ll4
klarkubrotonara asol Doalore la all kinds oh
TOBACCO, ervarr AND moans,
ear,er S. iblffebfrrettatut Diam.andALtei ,
ON 411111rNILIN DANE, LONDON, IN El3llB UY otal
Ala.?, Bala ou ths principal Mica and town. at Fr •
Prlgluni. Ilollnvd, ILorroany.Llnsain and calm troop.
4tatea constantly an hand and Lxanlo
LL - 51. 11. WlLLiellia , t CO.,
• .orqii.lysta • • Bankora, nreasJotrag, canasta ol Third.
114 . ..1111 letc 7 A A:l4 A. 1 OFt
NI.. 55 illarbst St., Pittsburgh.
A good assortment of Ocono, C.13 - 1111/3et,
i'uttms, 6.rums, and .11 gad. otatablo tar g.tlacnane
weirjait rushed.
ISPrOrleti proupll? , 1111.1,1. U. West .131 u cc O. art.
7. - SCOTT, Dentist,
H 11AS removed to the house lately occupied
ty Dr. tem.& Ward, N. 2'70 Penn meat, (
tlard door &burn Raid street.
.0001 Mars Irr.m a a. re. int 6 P. u.
uu la glop.-- =ID w W . COLL.MIa
lntraterrgh Steel Worka
" •JONAH , .130 - I — D ar CO.,
11..inisctorsse al inn RPM.; S.PRINO, PLOW .c.l
- A. D. Erna.; EPITLVGB.ii AELFA,
a:rner Aou Arti J'irst &reds, l',
.T.), B. /1013.1Eiiiii-W-aZi., 2"'31
Rogers , Improved Patent Steel
• Cultivator Teeth,
Ckeenr Ron vs , ' And &reds, INttgang, r.
.Josal W. C. 1111T:well
(kTurx=rra to Etrter, Rolfe 4 Ewen
Corner of Water Street and Cherry alley,
.atenrete PITraIfURGIL Pee: 'a
J. la. 1.17•17.,11
za - nztops..s...ism
No. 64 St. (flair Street,
( Draridea thw tathlhig,. ' pirrffeurwa, I' ♦
MEM} Are
The (hay 11 , feeryt, V NAole RIT/I/Surs to Ellerminate
8.18,1dIC!, abeltlOlCEMlNNiarailtra, MoeINNIOss, PLEIS,
01 . 17. Man; (km Wuxi, Ain 43 wan Inucts, -
/7. 1 9,0001101125:110I.D in one UONTH
. .
Timm; 6filiaisiBeoutes, hen boa extenalvely and
IbutWaLfyilio 'surto all wt. of Lampe, and thtir mina
mlopiporfor itteatad Owns of Ruda,
Enf*l, utrti, - Pnlnta; Ronda, Baxpai:Dalgf•
cm, Efoiliind., qv*, Ay. ..; ifietr CtieNlat properlits
sum*, and ipproTad by.O. law' 4414 -
. kirol_44,l
ratalttst all 014 th e .cold: ' '
Their daethectiveneato ell kinds of vermin and Insect,
hat been certified tette toduta7 by the Directirs of the
mitiate'PlibUo fistittatora,2linteri, /annul, Propreetare
'of *gel, Wereftioomo, ifanufestertee, sled by vaebesta dee
„ ,
„ . .
flocoseninisToiti soot Cirtlfizatos of !bisfloacy .
• :OLOP•itissidlso out boson at nos Depot.
foisottiWbolettboindßotall, by the Inventor awl P.
pd.tor, : 7081PII MlTST4Practical Chemist,
- dt: Broadway (cot. Ilmottou et..,) Now Tot b.
°tiara Agent for the 14. and Canad,e, ia!DHlt•
lON V. tOßETol.l',Driinist.l44.lo Astor 144.443, en 4 417
. 1444521111h2 . 4414.701k. - • .
- for:skis Wesley, istitassis sad mei by X. EEL.
LIU CO., Wain Wood auditionsd mist ros.r..gunto,
Corms Diastaid Stql *fast st. IlkElttUlt
NAN. Allegheny. de...Ztamdts
• Endo, °Wand Leather Store.
CD ,
& Sims, No. 31 S. Third
•a 4, brinier, Auks!: and Onra.ratoul Os, PPllsdralplilra, bars
foi Soh DRY AND . !SALTED tee:Nun. JADES, Dry and
. China Deng Drains NIA Tamen'. 01.1, Tappers' and Car.
:tier t *iaf Um Inwood priati...d °P.: lO .k 1 :.° 1 :4 ! /°L
kio . de ;WU:alba, In 'bra roasit wantpd, for which
tho Walt market pike irlo risD, or tratran In
tsrabicass tri Mara Lead...U.6d frrasof H.q. and mold.
Cu comndalraa. nullydro
_ .001111011 SZIfTe rules the mass of the people,
whatarant ealanamatandrahonthrope . hea ronY
nay to the urinary. Stiownhem • good log. Pt Its arry
la be clearly danonstreted, and they rill - not Monate to
ere It than faatarttiel patronage- TOo roma bare al
radyrandsd the nalmat of • physician concerning the
straws ors:ere/Tim diITTYkS, u may be mean In the
Ammer= ountitles attar monnma Unit Sr. annually told
r.Ari awry WatiOn Of the land. It le now recopy Put.
Ist=uto an other rentolloa yet derind for mama, of
to , mina , loch u. dlarhota, diwatatT. &PPP
"Wand for the TIITIMS. form that aim ram &magnum t
• • dikes Minna of the pram. Matettnen ma* to fat
Palming • household word from helm tante*, from the
shawl of the Atlintlo to the Parifln. Try the at Usti and Le
Bold bj &magi and deans pationtlynnywhen• aud
;- 10STITITint mananictoronandpropri n t...
' , ',7,..4B.Waterand Often strata. iatdavr
.:s HoPtdan ' bs Ilsort.i.-;;Ds. :KEr
of 1.10190iel West, PlftthorgN Poe tow both in the
- ..,31.10thin - cilia-for Ili pub its 'reale, and Ws rocurnel the
winstaPprond kW of Trucial for the core of flank or
JUintsne,..lfblrA tlettl 011111#04 to fit to any dor of Inptare
the - 4eranuom dui sethfactfon will be - glren. N.
iddlee our radon to cell on Dr. Ilepari'wben any•
of , tble to Liftded, uwe fool persusdod Met he le
;:ioeisef fo Wei the needful advice loscith roam
v. gt, viTcli.& J. W. svglas,
4tAsittgaiiiterrnseassa calha_Thiakt.ind
4312.04;4401berChrotaa 411naci&j&qatc&rifr7ch
• aiil4o,!monoii Coimipttm. rim; ati&t,
•„_;lviudiktyla: VONat/LTATION W 1& E:
~Iknompiatatfici" =
11ER7 T 11403411, of• our
ir 4 dtretWileirldhltad,Mglirotty,
k• haltillazirraLaTatiora, rid.
Goods&Aventami VW '
14:1 000 011/AattaillillefiSltaile tiy
VA.& , ' ,-:- .:;;. , ' - ;-:4c5.i.-:.A - ig.:•." - ,:, , ,: r 4 . ',A,1 - it
Forwarding and Committion Morthonis,
- And Agents for the sale of Pittsburgh Mann
factures. Consignments and orders far 1.D.5.D,111DR9,
WISP, PRODUCT, to. , solicited. Prompt ellen.
lion to 'receiving and furwerdlos,
No. 49 Commercial stimet. Si. Louie
- _IIILNILY GE13.1,11112 & CO,
noPics AND Tr V'T iCS
Of ell elzee and descriptions.
Vivereheuee, 489, cor. Penn and Walnut Sta.,
two squires above the P. P, W. £ 0 H.. D.
height Depot,
• Pall losolu
McOORD as- ao-,
..0 ■ or
MATS, OAPS, ptras, BONNILTS, &c.,
Are now opening for the FALL TRADE a
magalficfint *Wet of VRESIA GOODS, which oDi IA eol.l
low view No, 131 WOOD STREET,
.1,27 nee doon•bors riftb,'Plttsburet.
) 8
a N
E o
R 0
/ 4 1 c
fa..ll5ll7FACTeftif.EPB PRICICS.
ot9ltc No. ON Fifth btrcet
ntaTirEELSI MOT 1111011511 RIOTEUE.iiIIII
Don't fail to procure hire. Winslow's Booth
tug Syrup for ClhildrenTeethLag. It t 0... uotgturoo earth.
It greatly fatilltate• the proctse of teething by eslteules the
gums, redurlug all Inflammation—will allay paha, .ad Is
tot. to regulate the towels. Dapead opilo It, mothers, It
will glee rent to yourealrea, and relief end health to your
Ideate. Pcrfectly ade m all anode
Dhabi. preparation I. lb. presztiptlatt at tel. te
Abe matitexperteckted see affirel female PbydU.o. 111 Wart
linglAtatl, awl has t.e s eu east RIM a/AAA (Attlee tut 44. la
utilltota of [1.411.
We believe II the beet 1112 J surest retoeje lu the wocl3, 1
all twee of Dyßutery am, Olerhoes lu Children, whether'
*rheas trout teetblog of (runt stay other cause
1(114 and health can I. waimete3 by ,1.41• re nil eau te, It
le worth Ile weight In golJ
ol bold. at. tutlal real 1 1h• 11011 1
Vaal*. It la au old awl wall trial rottoottly,
Ea - Noua genuine mile. the liceitulle ulolllll'le I Still
SINS, New York, ta on the outside wrapper,
tlot,l by Druggists thnotghout the aro Id.
Litt.Okl). 11. KEYSER, Semi for elitsburstk
- VV"4"L'i`elll4.t.
We would most respectfully ,nlll the utten
lian of the public to the American Wahlea now bola, er•
lei:nivel) Introduced, the umufacturent •Islit. ban ber.Jtur
aq, firmly telahlielatel atm. entire retifilaurs tan be piece./
upon Iltem v .are and e s .rrect line kerpots, betb by the
wearer and seller.
ilaring here appelete.t Kholaa 1, A,pute ter the tale et
thee. the ruse be aseure.l t bet we :au till
them at the Very lowest rest, prtrre
We L3•••he • ..ry large et..[.,,1 11..teJ
W•te, Flue tieht te ,•. hes 1,,e , tte e•
rtems Jet •L.J Petettei,
tltir aa,rlittakti at ClAti.X..l N. nen...lly ler - ,e at ie....
c..,aprialog Mantifol patterns ef heel I stel Li
Pardo. and 0217301e:hi at relurfel pat,set.
It'n Live ala. a foil ate,: ,A English 004 Striae .4 tI se
;Weer tr•tche• ae hat‘ all e 1 eur eon Impartallun
A 1. . ,, Wahlt !Aster.. Teat., tlatert•Leand Watch bilset,s
re.VrAi r 10,42 inn atm.:.
Lost perawa bate so Ws. ttat lbs et aralan tlyrao a •
praparatlon of Contra. traria. Tata ta ma the nsa.. It
U. ramble preparation of Cr:1.331.13 of Iron, whirl, a ,a 34
sly becarall into ha constitution, and Stilt,. a n LA& lo
• •my that that metal taxa not usually act, rhea vireo to
the Cara a culratrate, or evan has Iron by bythoara
preparattot, popular with rhyalclane Wboarar Jaw.
to giro Iron In • baba that will ha acceptable t 3 tbe human
stomach, and that rat be rashly lake. Into Oa Wont, will
glee thin Verna. Syrup, which is alto,bal by nip. of high
character tbrocabrat th, <velar, hr. ll•yeeLth• State
delayer or ilhasschnoetta, trallflos to It. extraordi Gary sa•
turn, awl Ira tiara Gravy confldenra in tb• ability of It..
spot here to convince any ram of ttaaan• The Penal.
Syrup la mad* In Boston, and ban ywrlonnal rural et. odor
al rare, In all drata os rcialring a tools and allaranco
preparntitra. oircrthennot Ir, sontbor pat
to-dayw GaiE6l.
"3:DEL QV/i. U. LthltnElt, 110 IV ...a aro., is lb. Agabi
t-21./..L AN 1J /71:X4\1111N ki
Sewing Alachines.
pais IS THE MACHINE , :rhoso oa - nara
mts prtadam ct
Et. il•Jelptin tn any other on vzhlblth:n at the Tranal
Thattto, that tooll 4n the same range nt wort 41 weIL
Their offrr oat bertha Lan arraty/tai Its eopertaritt 115111 t
wna& / Irnt eat, at
M.A.R.81-1.A1..1, & C0..6
No. IGG Penn Street, Pittsburgh.;
PATENTEES of the celebrated First Pre•
Also ouumfactura Patent Lure,. Oscura Layer, Daprortd
Noma, Wrought Aroldi:oar4;.Craole,
apd ovary other diactiplioo of
03_They alp cantlat.• W wry tat tha old Phantlx roan.
dry trirorr of Porn rtraet arid 04[11 alley, th• Castings of
h havolaran Lulg cslabratad lot 'bait arcallauca. All
Ord= promptly fUlarl and rathilaclloo Oran to automata
Ia orary particular
Concert Piano forlSale.
jlOl. of the Amour manoteetory or 81111711 APT t BA&
Onto Leipzig, Germany, which * without of
the flout Meta:cm* us reggae follotes and ...vetoed"(
tor* eto;rfar offered In Weeny, and the owner only parts
with It on acc:nht of removal to • Western city.
for further partlcnlert, ripply at the diked the Evening
Cbrotkl. antedikte
oritoE, &
Por W.. 3 . cow, chest,. tb. Iroo City Awn acof Ti
W. W. BRI.DBILtW, No. 171 Wood •trest,
ltnt dual below Use &lg. of the Gold. Ono
• • • •
Nos. 49 and 51 Ferry Street; -
80BCHT a. W 1 (.1 , 14113, Prom/Mar.
Ilia.mmar to Wardrop, along Will/BMW
Mowers, Reapers, Horse Powers, Threshers,
Cider Mills, Hay, Straw and Fodder Cut
ters &other Agricultural Machinery.
FOIT' Stec
IlAiLli, PAKTIRS, WRDDINI7B, 4c., FUIttile111:0,
Brnithfield Stied,
°Ppulite lbsOiutom nom.
Lusson. will be &Ivan to filoglog, PJ.OO, 00l tar and VI,
Ho. • seTimd • ALUERT HUffreit, Prof. of How.
HOT PRLBAXD 14161'S of all ere!. hand and
Marittracturid. Alto, BOMB fur Bridges, Aladlutry, Ay
ticultoral Laylemeats;&o,tutaltbod at elute uotles.
111..Wartbuuae,Afo.114 Water groat
aaCerudfx SNAP, MOULLY a Cu.
IL7 —A Oratelan Graver & Bakar'• Quilting at Tailoring
aacood.hand. warranted la Brat.rate or er. Coal
$130: hl ackl4 for Ism than hall price. Ma 1...440 al
407 1.1010481 . 134441:10/3, car. Liberty aml Liam/ WI.
SEAMLESS BAGS.-10,000 Manchester
Dap, 3,000 Stark A do, on band and wolfing dolly
from factory, for wale at lowest net pima by
ao3o] 11113lB8T A BARKFtIt; mr. Liberty add Band eta
1 600 BUSIIELS Prime Yellow Corn in
atm for Ws -
Q,PELINO B ED S—of several different kinds
A7—muratzeturlag 11 al and for We id GEM minima.
T. B. YOUNG 00.,
VI and 40 emithfield Stmt.
ILAVE root received a large mock boat
SLAM HilA,lloll and Tooth Ihnibsa. Also, • postal
assortoteot of toilet ankles and Potfooss7,
—of b!..sutlful deity Malated and to wanhotio.
• T. ft YOUNG t CO,
13WACILIES=512 - btis:choice - Orafted Fruit
JL - forrisprsta&fit'd!imitor nig by .
B TBIOT ' 4 'And no'
tniVed tils by - my go,
$2O 0 0
Ida DAITS a dvertiseea.. the 29 remain
log alternate lots la - Pennatadt, at his auction
rooms, No-64_11ft ittriat.thbe aintalng„.l-Thi
pnrehenva of lota seam to maul httußdlng
op the town. ' of,
bought ortiOndity lad era
now betas Improved. Now to the time to pr
elim.. •
Vittshurgt 6aptte.
T" E 3 LT It Fax
°PPR"! AI. P• I• if . Et UP Pll k °ITT.
City and News Items..
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday an d Friday.
AlareottoLoolcat. Obearrationa for tha Goa.toc, by
O. E. Shaw, Optician, 54 Fifth St.—corm:tad dally:
84 58
o'clock A. u
12 .
" P.
BAFES Pint Bare.-1n our counting room we
have two fire-proof Bares, both new, either of
which we will sell on reasonable terms. Ooe Is
a large Burke & Barnes Salamander; the other
Copal' Reliance, made by A. & W. T. fireltirg.
Either would be a safe investment for those to
need of each au article.
PaOrhahatt GARDNVE carried everything by
storm on the Fair Grounds yeaterday. He waa
eurrounded from the moment of his appearance
by a mnititude that no man could number—all
of whom were perfectly electrified by the do.
quenc, and continuous stream of good (hinge
that flowed from his lips The Profeaeor io
grief on 'capital hits" and "brings down" the
crowd on all °melons. The Professor continues
to run a career of uninterrupted popularity in
the city
Tex Annual Conference of the Methodist Prot.
taut Church met in Slierpeburg on Wednesday, Sept.
14th, and organized by the President, Rev. John
Soolt, taking the ohmr end reading I pool, , f
ecripture and prayer.
The opening sermon woe tleferre I
,until a. ening,
awing to a mistake In the announcement. Credeu i
tints were received, and a lint of members made out. I
The hours of mission adopted wire from B a. u• till ;
ilk, and lk P. at. till 43. MWI S Haven continues to Improve in hie
Moe order of the day for 1
to-morrow determined upon Tres the election of Pre. 1 e ' ,
egene display e"b day .
"t of
idiot and Stationing Committee. Massagers wov e edition, of the best authors, bound In unique
received—Dm, Clark and Cox from the Mathodlnt I styles. Ins Bibles are, as to binding, Gulch and
Episcopal Church, end Rev. Bruidley, of Muskingum letter preen, unsurpassed, Ills display of veri-
Conference. Several committees wereappointed, but one artiolee of use and beauty for the centre
no business of special Internet transacted, the cam- table, the toilet, the writing can and the count
mittees not haying met to prepare Ministerial Bud- leg hon. is snob as to attract nni t ee e inye
rsala r t a ten of .
nem. The examination of character was taken up ( i on iv „atamand hie display to
&rapeseed, there being no official objections against
any of the ministers, good books, worthily done up In a style to befit
The President read an edam. relative to the con the heet authors
ditto," of the District, which mprasents It In a pros- LADD, IMAMS I. CO
perms state. Several brethren were iatroduced to This Sewing Machine is sold by A. 111 Mar-
Convention and invited to honorary seats. etiall fc Co , Federal street, Allegheny. Its ma-
Resolerd, That we receive joyfully the Twit of our I ohinery is of the most elegant and substantial
esteemed brethren, Drs. H..l.Clerk and Win. Coe, f workmanship , its range of work is wonderful ;
fraternal messenger' from the Pittsburgh Couterence li rem, the finent mullet with a fleetness cad
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and that we hail
the event as tending in the providence of tied to larltir wi th which
not surpassed by the strength and
which it fastens pieces of cregu
drew more closely together end to facilitate the tint n . '
of the great Nethodut lirotherhot7d. tem her, heavy oessinels, and even Orem; of lead
Re •ohhol, That as evidence of our high apprecta- and leather. We saw the. Iwo materials fee.
lion of the respect than shown to this Conference and , Jetted to each other with roarer black thread,
to the Methodist Protestant Chureh, we will appoint 1 the stitches being made with se mock apparent
two remanent to attend the next eeeelon or the Sage ae if the material were common cambric.
Pittsburgh Conference of the M. E. Church, to bear This machine stitch., Lem, fells, quilts, binds
to that body assurances of our fraternal chrtenen and, gathers, makes a lock eliteh, sews from a
regards d y . . Co!..tate, common spool, works without noise, wears well,
_ c0 . r . n . c ....
, :q..1
. it ',.b • r, : h ll i n , eno , ie simple in its construction and not of great
tet by Herd. Williams ‘ "" P i cost We commend the Ladd S. Webster patent
Or Omen areort.l that tee pates or th.• J. lima.. . 0 j to the attention of those who are looking about
ir u Bolton be dropped, they haying vlthdrairn tram tit. them fur m ishitm to bey The agents ore
li P Chinch. stet.,. Brevet coal °roll . pule tu toter 4 ' '
the motion deslero no dry good, to Allegheny - City, at the
Th. entdoet , I ttaselin g Pr esi dent was rolled no amo place mentioned in the beginning of this nritnltt
lion try made that we have a trarallug President. ii, r
Drawn e.oLr In tame .4 the motion. IL ts Palmer and ilialgt..L L 110.
p,i,,, e ly ~,i,,,,w,,, ~,, ,_„„thth,theee,,, (t e r hi,. Coot„ , We had not the space yesterday to say all we
advocated the motion dreireil concerning the display of et.. by this ,
Hew blr thaaaett, edit, of the Wtmro elieto.onet Po. fiee, Th,,,,, Laundr y Stoveit,' 1 .
tweet, was ietn , deccd is the ttin•rence ace eddiee•ed
"me wg
the tlenfaru h e e t o a err , ~,,,,,,,„„,. „.....,...,,, a , • ,, , tlfid It ta. ea constructed that, the irons point
his former tabus to this Owe downward whet, they are beating, thus faking
Th• ad. , a the des . .r.' , .. 1 a. , Si . b• • ing rn the in fl uence of the fire in atict, a sway as the
spectltilly decltned re oteTtlun, the I ..10 at toy ',et:darnel, were
~,,,,,,,.,,,,i. p LOnen, j ii,,, 1 ,„ ~a , ~,, „.,,,,,,,, , a mote readily to ditrueu it quickly and rytelly all
the Math. of It, V. Unite over the iron. The parlor eIOTo of ibis tam, the
The Stationing Ouramittoo woe lb. -1
° " 4 ' . 4 - ” " 41.1 ... elegant cooLiog (levee et carious patents, tie
v , Re. Se.," and C...icti,ood bleuare Rinehart a...11i th.
Her lituyelr was el.. red Mut...tele., ST•sgard . ranges, both f•Capitol" and "Eagle." are of the
-ss f moat elegant finish, end lank all of them upon
Tire bell. , owing astiou .J the 11,...1 id Manegere •d I honor We lake pleasure lac referring to Mr
the Route of Lange t o rent to as Inc publiestion ; 1.411, e , 'eh:, h a d th e el , 'h ere or, ,xhilom oe
fl, '''• r Rr "' 'r W .' .''' P. ' 1 end who is foremen to the niuttufacittriny de '
70* ''' l ,.V. Y ' r r'': 1 .•".',. P'''''). , , 1 part:until Ile is 5 man who knowe his fAlainese
1( • 1 , i,...• 1 u.5...i,r., .1 t h e B oard ~I al•n•gass ~ ,
the fi„•,,, of g,,,,,,, 1,,11 ti.i, d„ at 2 ,
~!, , .,t. , a t well and can explain • ii• .1 hanlageß of his work
convened by the Preei lent 01 the r,,ne..1 •.1 Ilia Ey eto good "Tentoec
t entire Consmolle• 1. , hoar their report , th a it,. trot , libretti, if °Peon Al• he l oleo bout sui IIS
moor relelsv• to the, 4... pi rsa.l.xgslool dm ~,, ..: "•“. d. "Yle,Ye'l ,-.. ~. I • d 'oLleSte, •^. l U'e ..' •
perintendent, the I,,ll.lrine ,ietel ere being ptcatent togs of their *ova town. • t Let eurpaated l' 4tkitig,
Me”ta Duties Dilworth t eti,,,,,,,,,,, Hanna, her, parlor, dining ro,•,ri, t ill, *lli bell ut ,ves. ranger.
roe, Ilulcm.,, Loon, kilorea 1 il. , Candlear, pro-In all I Td.' , ....° uu l ell thhig. . 1 .• , c , e , g ,, ,k ,
hock, Philips, ositopece ~ ,•11 , nenaler, Slagle, jt. Invniatitn.l hone.. in the arts , . .d "...,.,.... ,••
w a ik ar, iv"... wthk,„,,, I A , J eree ,,. N e m,, Le Seen el their !lure in Litorrr street, and era made
The fulloviiog prism:obis an .1 tiallSi , :la were vs • •
.1 4 , ' " o h. I ... 1...70
titoorty adopted, ale I Now lone. --Adams, Mee... .1,E., exhituied on
II" . T.: uperlem ism of dm Imilintlon 1 the V . ..". a Rte. , ...ti board, r.v.ritiY P.n." , l•
has de:eat:de / from tn. Peewit an Inesattgatton of i The y di... for it, that It sorrow.. all other Micl.
, the o e th erge ,, mfor ,.." ovoo,, him ~ ~,a , „ , , ha of the Sort In the feet that It is always entirely free
inmates ; and ; from ecids that are calculated as they say to lame
w eeeeee, ithrths the peeve ..
,1 , bet i a .„ 4 .. 1 cloth when washed upon the eslmmou nine corer& I
lion the Superintendent has been erreet e t by t h e I "aria This nrin al. showed One glass fent, 4ers.
civil authorities of Plttahurgh and heel to answer I Dryr'e Ccutrirti ILL. CoLLEGT. - The display from
said ehargee and elmilar onse , and ; ktr, Duff s Cdllege,tn Artiste' 11•11,en the fair grounds,
Willalltee. In view of an approaching trial. 0.., ; was really benutifel and at (meted the attention it
judgment of this Board might here • i rededinal th..usand. Mr bore reputalion a • a testator, has
effect, Therefore j no geogrephical !Mails [hest °I the: ucucriference of
Resotr•d, That we ...nailer It Improper at this i tto• whole l'ition. From Mt euttege, young men
mine to proceed with the lorestsgell,4,l ilensaa,ll•l by hone g.m• forth to every Rare, sod are a.,, am
the Superintendent. , ployed, amt profitably eusi , loyesi, having ge•1111.11
A'....,!,, I, That fending the ludictal in•astigiatt a ' themsalras here, under lib asmiditeus care, for die
of the d,,,,,•,,,,, referral bi, the, Mr. Roihirfor I lie vhsr3ibe C.* t.s'i ' o .l' l °. dot.. , f , t , .. c ooo tmit
impended from hie donee and position no ',apart° house, or in any other paition requiring azcout.
tandem_ ;dished at. I thoroughly Iran. 1 Hort. that II Is
Revd". I, That the Secretary furnish a copy of the, needless for as to dilate upon the merits of an Welt
above to Mr lintherford, and to the prime for pobll. I bistion the relebrity ..I which to ~ .Iten ,, lVO n ilh
cation. Ily ...rder of the Soul, the boundaries of our 1 mom It hes et at beau o
Joe. T. Loose, He-nary matter of pride with ace to find en large a 01
emirs youth of flu. bootless capacities goihg
Mentirlell'lNT I LIittITIIHC —We wish the Mb, our intact i d ,. ~,;,.. , d i m i... i. this ~,,y to ,I, he etracgern who will be in the city to-day, and all of tract and high responsibility in all pares of the
our citisene also, who hare an eye for the beau- country. Among sha
y spenil spec teems of Art in
UM, would just step in at Mr -- .1 IV. Wood- hts deportment, we ma mention to terms. the roost
well's, Nos ' l 7 ..k ' , 4 Thlr I street, and look at the unqualilled commendation. the following as of rare
farniture he his there ft, sate. Some of his and exceeding excellence in design and weecotion
I And Grin in tee magnitude of 11, proportions and the
eels, made to order for gentlemen who have cub.
urban reeidencee, are probably the moat oblate exquleite beauty of It s finish, we note I •The Angel
and elope specimen!' of cabinet work ever made
ilhodiog Satan," .t. tf
end Seerge and Um Dragon,"
in this city One set of rosewood chamber Pori which latter is 3 feet by 33, executed by J. 3 bun
can, !Assisted by the motor Mr. Duff. Thalia works
niters which ho has on band are, for finish and rf art are truly wonderful, arid evidence • genius
design, superior to any thing of the kind we have aad e at „ n th ~g,,,,ethu ,thieth b ase e n„. 1 ,,,„ 1 l b,,
ever mu A eel of dud., covered with crimson highest encomiums from connoisseurs in art. Two
brooatelle, an etagere of great beauty, a side piecep, one by a boy and the other by a lady, both
board, rich with earrings in clusters of fruit and pupils of the Commercial College, called forth the
baguette of dowers, a iamb stand in rosewood, highect laudations from the admirers of excellence
and a bedetead of French style—all of which I° art, kir. Doff has an imposing display of other
may be seen in his rooms, are an batter to the samples, all of unquestioned merit and rare excel
mechanics who made them, ae they will it• en
i. elr..D. a h r es m a . mos . t r gr r, lnfy t. in t g o .
3 and
ornament to any rooms they may grace. •
W are County h e irs all OTOT the Y eonsitry, evidencing a just
eurprised that any one should ever go abroad opproo l o , loo of bi a ikie, qua lly eat i aaa a , . la .._
for their furniture when snob an usortment of tor and his proficiency as • Professor in ell the de.
the choicest and moot elaborately finished work partments whiten he profess. to teach. e cannot
may he procured at their doors. Mn. IV has a forego the pleasure of specially alluding I n• word to
Moak of about $1,3,090 worth of artlelea In hie the consummate shill and proficiency of Mr. J. 5. 1
line, now in hie rooms. We have only alluded Duncan lila penman. As In the curio( Mr. Duff,
to • few of the richest articles which may be dean however, it would be a work of oupererogation in
thorn. He has, however, a full eupply,of fund- on, in thin community, to specially enter into an
lure at all prices, sod calculated to gratify every elaborate disquisition epee Ms merits a. 1 .4 teacher of
oteanehlp. flats without a imparter in the Wee,
taste. WA commend him to buyers of furniture
Indeed era might laYany where in the country. His
everywhere. lie can furnish the palace or the beiodiwork, as exhibited at the Fair, amply speaks
"'I'M. cottage, each in k eeping , and in accord- for itself and wort/ prane from all be acme with the length of the puree. J. IV. Wood- well the eiltie as the 1.5 skilled as Judges in the
well, Furniture and Chair Illanufacturer, 97 and cno its. Success to the Commercial College we
OD Wood street 1.110“ heartily say.
loon City Cou.soit.—The display of elegant pen.
mthehip, from the hand of Mr. Cowley, has been
worthy of note during the Fair, both this and last
•year. All the pikesaf writing exhibited are placed
In elegant and costly frame; everything 15 In per
feat keeping; Bowe el the flourishing and °ream.
tattoo ill to • style that it would be hard to match,
The speedy departure of Mr. Cowley from the place
in the Institution which ho hen so long and ably
filled, would make a bad break in the corps of teach:
Cr. were It not that Mr. Lusk, a matt well known as
a ehirogrephlst of great merit, will take his place at
onoo. The Iron City College is et the corner of
Fifth and Smithfield streets, and many youths are
under losteuction there.
We examined on the grounds what e ruck us
se a valuable invention, though to a goo degree
unskilled In machinery ourself. It w exam
ined with great interest by a largo n mbar of
practical engineers, tam opinions fa ly coin
tided with our own in regard to th e lin orlon.
of the invention. Like moat valuable di coverlet
In mechanics, it is eiaspleand easily u crowd
We allude to Bell's Potent. Piston Head, for steam
engines, adapted to all kinds of metalle packing.
The advantegee claimed for it, and admitted on
all bands ' eye—
let, It is simple, cheap add not likely to get
out of order,
2 , J, Peeking can be pat oat _ slithont removing
the cylinder heed or follower, thereby oaring
front two to sit hour,' lint.
ill, Bale out puffin more equally and uni
formly, which prevents Ilia wear or abrasion of
either packing or cylinder.
4th, As the paillang is kept iu place by epriugs,
there to no possibility of tho piston bead binding
in the cylinder.
Gth, The ewe and certainty with wide the
peeking can he accomplished, with or w out
any mechardost knoltledga on the part of theawn
From the above it followe that both oylindur
and platen head will last much longer than with
the plan now In utie,•and perform their reepeet
ire duties with more certainty land precision.
We understand that soule.of the largest ethoss in
this and other allies of the United States, as well
as some of the moot important railroads, are
I about adopting thin Improvement) and for CIUe.
Se , Yeas we regard It ail another Important advance
towards perfeetion in the gleam engine.
U. F. liohuolunan ft Co., practical Lithograph
ers, No. 74 Third etreet, In Siglierini ' n Build-
Inge, had en exhibition some magnificent spool.
WIN of lithography, which al/meted universal
notice and called forth unqualified praise. i This
r arm have executed with rare felicity& largo nth.
, ogroPhlo vial! of ita 'mimic%
for which they onticipito ai Pisa/to/tilt tbio co.
MAO, ltirantlis, In point of anorsoy 'oaf ala
puce of amulloo, nobly outlets them to*
muk of lotilo (rm. The dripn imli qx4:
Trim Chronicle is pleseed to be very
upon a correspondent, of the Gazette, who, over
the signature of "e," said a word relative to
the case of kir. Rutherford, yesterday. In the
course of a general onslaught upon Rutherford,
and a charge of all the crimes in the catalogue,
It remarks:
"lf ho be intument, let those who can prove 11,
establieb It before the world."
To the whole article we have only to say that
in the courts it is for the, proemiar tomato the
guilt appear. Every OM ie presumed to be in
nocent till be Is proved guilty.
We believe we have rte wholesome a dislike to
men, guilty of crime like that charged upon
Rutherford, as is necessary. We do not feel
called upon to exhibit a ' , zeal" against this man
that is "without knowledge." Therefore we are
happy to feel that we on abide our time and
welt till we God his guilt established. Theo we
will epeok what ars think.
Tut National Bank Note Reporter for Septem
ber is before ne. We obeem with pleasure that
Joseph B. Lam for a long time peel a clerk in
the DiTutch aisle, has aesoolated himself in the
Unions of publishing the Reporter with hfr. F.
W. C. Fold, Isto-nole publishes. Mr. Lore le au
upright and enterprising young man, and will
deserve ettoomm.
. .
The arm here mode the Improvement to their
book of adding the New vork rites of dieoonat.
They contemplete other haprefdlltWalff which
will from time to time appear. Their Repetier
hoe already establiebed e good r! ale fur cot ,
realties' and felrutee, awl we wish thetas succeed.
Muses. Itmeranan is amen, 42 Fifth aline,
are just opening the largest and post elegant
cloak of Watches, Silver Ware, °to., that hos ever
been brought to Pitteburgh Persona inirant of
s good and substantial clock or welch, 'should
call on the firm and see their goods end prices
before going tiny further. They steals° whole
mile agents for the vo - much-talked-of American
Watches. -
PITT.qIUOI7II,-Mr. Palmataryte view of our
cities attracted still greater attention at the Fan
yesterday than it had before. The ratarks
which appeared In our 0111141711111 brought It Into
notion as Ws work; everybody knew who had
made to fiat a picture. (IP own merits are euoh
as to commend it anywhere and anywhere to
Pitieburghere. See it In Artists' Hall.
The best friend and the most eager well-wish.
er of the success of the Co o ly Fair could not
have selected, bad the chce been in hie own
Lunde, a more splendid dafor the fair then
Thursday. The eua shone from an Mutest un
clouded heaven; the air was soft, sweet and
pleasapt tobrealts. Above the grounds, swell
' flume tree-clad and verdant hills that form so
Ivied an ornament to the landscape about this
city, and make our reentry celebrated far cud
wide ; to the west Ilona the clear blue waters of
the Allegheny. Tho eituation of the grounds is
30 beautiful, so picturesque, that a fone day nets
them off to great perfection and renders it a
pleasure only to visit the place, even if these
were nothing but the natural aspect, of ilia
grounds to consider.
The horse ring wan foil of animale They
were of is many colors and of as many degrees
of spied ae so 10113 y horses could well be
Around the whole ring, a dense mans of men, 1
women and children crowded to see the running. 1
racing and trotting. This proves that mankind
(under which word we of course include women)
are naturally Inclined to enjoy what by so many
is considered the sinful amusement of horse rar
ing, and which usually ie sinful when taken in
connection with the thousand and one concomi
tants that go to the turf and etay there. The
ring attraoted more attention than all the real.
Gardner's seep, the benr and the fox, the "man
born without arms, who welted with his toes,
Gres a pistol with the acme, and can Lotion or
unbutton hie clothes," etc.— were all second to
the trial of speed, in friendly competition among
80018 of our bent citizens who contritetted with
their fast and eleek nags to give eclat to the day.
We are unable to specify n lithe of the, horses
that dew about the ring yesterday afternoon.
Tor PeOPLIL—Now one of the great points to he
observed at the grounds was the crowd. It was im
mense yesterday. At 3 o'clock there mart have been,
from eight to ten thorium] people on the Gehl. The
sight was a charming one. The tents nod booths
uocorated with flags, the constant movement of a
host of horses about the outer circle of the Geld, the
Cations colored dresses, the strains of choice music i
from Young's unrivaled band and the general sir of
happiness and comfort that diffused itself over all
the vast crowd, was vary pleuant. To-dam again,
which is the lest day of the fair, there will be an
immense crowd. The final tipsiness will be con
cluded, and we commend a visit to every one of oar
readers that the day maybe wound up with 'good or
der end a good time.
enters of this splendid view claim for it an ex-
elusive Pittsburgh paternity, while they . at- !
lege that its competitor, a smeller lithographic I N,,,,
view, is the workmanship of New York mechan- this moruins „
ice—Daring been lithographed, colored and pries on the doings .
led in that city. As to the facts of the case, we . acid at SYrocese 3.
ere unable to decide, and give them as we re- : lint.!, °T n. , relies,
ceived them from Mr. S. cad his associate. Of , ,'.'f th e Albany Re7e DcY to
one thing, however, we are well persuaded, from * , ° ,, r LV:i r a P i r g.';::!:"V;.; ; c,
our own personal examination, which is that the to the ch at i,,,,,, coe eeet t e , I-
workmanship of thin view is eminently credit,- this State haro thus
treated e e l
Meth them and reflects the highest honor upon instead of being permitted to st the
them as skillful mechanics. ' boron hl quelitGd , wished to represent them in the Natiooal Con.
to enter the field of competition with the best in to nominate a candidate for the Presidency, tb,
the country. Look at their elegant specimens i buy Regency, consisting of Cassidy , Cnggerra
in Artiste' Hail. stock, Corning, Richmond d Co., have taken the
Davis Si Co. Booksellers, Stationers and Auc- 1 election out of their hands, and arranged it them.
tioneere, No. G), Fifth street, Odd Fellow! Hall, selves. Certain it is that the dissatisfaction among
he Democracy of this . State •t forestalling them in
had on the grounds some epleudid samples of 1
t he appointment of delegates to Charleston will be
bookbinding, and superbly bound books, which the
hat it will demoralise the party and cam thou
certainly can not be exceeded for excellence of I s a
ndsas to remain away from the polls in the coming
style and workmanship in thin city. This house Nu e lecti on ,.
is one of the most popular in the city, and does Thus will the proverb be realised in ties an
an immense bueiness. We greatly admired the well as other things that "honesty is the beatof pol
exhibition of Davie & Co., and forted hundreds icy," and a henry retribution will be visited upon
to join as in our admiration of the: epecimens the heads of the Albany clique; they hare sown the
which mica , their .7,,,,,,c,,e. Persons T wa ng wind and will yet reap the whirlwind. The Times
the cite, would do well to visit the snore of the concludes that this is merely the first step towards a
split in the party, but it hu been so very badl y
firm in sth street, where they will .find ail tied
imaged that the split is likely to b Gitlin !
ales of stationary of a very euperior quality, and 68 1 air. Mr. Wood's impetuosity seem a s ‘ jhave over!
idly as cheap as elsewhere. This house gives borne his ehreiwithess. It is generally understood
!pedal attention to the male of private Libraries. that he had rosolved upon running for Mayor this
McKee d BrnbLicel had on exhibition at the Pair, fall, with or without the regular nomination. ThiS
rem their new neral Cooperage Factory, Fayette last movement has not increesed his chances of one- -
treat, between h and and Wayne streets, in this can, either in getting that nomination or fa doing
icy, some samples of barrels, air and water tight, without it.' It may be seriously doubted now whatb.
thich We have never seen excelled in perfection of er he can dra w e a vote, enough from th e me t e ,
0.501106 ml ot finish. Their machinery, propelled tick e t t o gi ve th e Republi can , an y c h ance o f e k et i n t
by Steam, is adequate to the turning out daily of their candidate,
Dom 50 to 100 barrels, The stares and chimes are
New Trine, Sept. 15..—The New York Herald's
. made by machinery, and when hooped present an
Washington correspondent says: "Gen. Scott'. ad- '
appearance which throw entirely into the shade all v i ce te tilted relative to the sett Joe *. dt „. eott ,, ,
Similar work done by hand alone. Their establish- v a ' nd will be uked for at a meetingof the Cabinet;
Meat is the pioneer in its line in Western Peanut
which will be held Thursday, for th e purpose of read.
sale, and we take es aria! leasure in directing the leg over the late dispatches from Gen. Barney, and
attention of basin ' s, men to il as every way Sesser- debating on the general bearing of the affair. In
log the patronage of those in this community who
this light, Hen. Scott's opinion Is considered abso.'
regninll elect! made m " ° ""eh r" "Y P ur P ° "' lately necessary by the Pruid nt The administra-
Brewers and distillate will find It to their interest, tie tio - .-• . . ..°. • to the pre_
n are a good cleat exere . tuta in regar d.
are assured, to give this firm a call. The fact of
sent aspect of affairs growing out of the immure of
turning out lee barrels a day by machinery in to es
a matter of wonder, and speaks volumes in favor of the Island of San Juan. They are fearful that a
c !listen will take place before the dispatcties which
the marvelous powers of steam. We trust this now °
° -
factory will be generously patronized by those need-
were recently tranawitted can reach Gen. Harney.
Mg articles in their lino in this community. Ind°a-- - bell, wh
err o
anging the houudary. has been engaged for upward, of Nothing has been received from Commissioner Cam
we have not a doubt that they will be, from the fart
that it is the Interest of all to gat their work cheap years
and in the greatest perfection. All such will go to Hew Vona, Slept. 15.—There is much irregularity
McKee & Phillips' Factory. in Hoek, to-day. The ehare list generally show. a
ly sustaitril market, though the two leading
We were much gratified in witnessing the b un
speculatives, New I ork Central and i•alsnatt, opened
working of Rimers Balance Valve Oscillating
~_e gt
. t, 803, s ___ „ . •
trout wake there to no abatement,
Engine, manufactured by Mr. Geo. Rleseck, at °u°
sales having been made since the board at SO4; tie.
No. 146, Liberty street, in thin city, and for lane commenced at 751 s lost a strong demand appear-
Which he secured a patent in August, 1858. This mg for the stock a rise of full I per cent. Wad estah
engine has reverse motion, which strikes us as tubed, 764 haring been paid since the adjournment
an admirable improvement. Mr. R . is a man of of the board; a decline of }per cent toskplace in 11-
genius and a 'Wilful mechanic. He exhibited Hoots Central and Harlem preferred; Pacific Mail
at last years' fair, a small specimen of his new wee eery quiet at 031; Panama firm at IIS; Toledo
improvement which met with great favor. We was the weakest on the list, setting down to 244;
Rork Island was aLso dull at eitt., and Mich. Central
commend to the notice of our citizens this fine
exhibition of Pittsburgh skill in engine building. at
. 47: li 7c;
. 5 1 1 ;h @ ig i an e ti r o: o t t I a b:th y. : ouu d z%
p a r n i d_
Gip and eve it working en the grounds to-day.
e g i7s. A re; moderate g bailinees was done in mi.'s!.
We wish Mr. R. all success in the building and laueous securities. Bank cheeks and State bomisare
sle of hie valuable improvement. fi rmly held. Illinois Central construction rose t;
a t : F t ‘ w beetn . R t mowers
h.iler pronounced
l e
n' r e o r b l e i ' i n r , g i " t h i Iron
o n td :e o b n y t P e i
h.rill'i{ Slower, Patented
e . e w
d o , n . o ry o novel lf
:a a tl n h t 7 d .. 4 ,
n t i. 6 . :e r . bid, ..
Centrali are w :r rather t ha: bonds
e o e d r il s o h i bf r i l glichBoe transactions 7 r 6 p
e f i o r ; r c M t o i tu i i r ti n is s e! i n i
i e r s e
d f Londe;
n t o h ff e i
go. fdfloglulyalildi:P.fedw:llhnl7:annloro,,the
a lm e lc , n
u p ,,,,, 1 f :
. fo . a y r , th p e ri a rn re e held at a: a :7, ,
i w . i with
o i n iii h iid p . n T er li b er o e i, :i g s ra . th il e y r
I t ry Cochran is the agent for this popular machine, mo te capital seeki ng temporary employment and de
la ctorily explained its merits and extraordinary • transactions at 5. The discount market in also very
Le of eartitieum from loading and intelligent far- placed' at 7 per cent. In the of
the market there
mra to WeAington and adjoining counties, and are is little doing, the nun.urrittal of the Persia
co strained to say that we ham securely ere , Met to rastriet lauslactS somewhat. The rates on London
wi h o stronger array of testimony than is here ag. and Paris aro very firm; Southern hank bills sell et
gr gate.) In attestation of the superior qualities of r a il ra t e , „ 0 ', so u se Ito, an p at e, 11.'.;.
Fi her'. Mower. We recognise among the names of The State Comptroller has revoked the authority
01' =ldeal. , e.t.a"' farmers, shire' of Mune Moll- a the Safeguard Immense Co. ts, do tun:Mess io this
ran,', Mr. Quail, the Messrs. Stevenson, and a hest Stste.•.This does net surprise anyone at ell familiar
of there, all thtelligent, practical fanners, whose with tosurance matter, The shares of the concern
op ions are of on,soestionable value. In short, we ml,l a abort timo sicco at public auction at lOS per
lin etitstingly pronounce th is machine ees ries of- ,t,,,,...
'vimt. Its line. fl ran be seen ee the grounds to-day. The tall trade does not meet the sanguine expects.
To Exist etrons.—Notice is hereby given that lions formed early io the season and from almost all
lu consequence of ettedry mei:slims in the En. of the departments which receive animation and
try Bootie, thy Board of Manages will set daily al support
the:wents of the ezultz . a i l a tte . ,.w d e
their busloces office at the Fair Grounds, and at
however, ' is lY eLoe ''ll te..rt ' e t t d r7sTales up to fair aggre
their roome, No. CS Fifth etreet , for the come. .. . . t h e
gate. 1) tin respect to dry goods market, bade- ,
lion of such mietakca as may have occurred. pendent of today's reports, it has been active, bat
Exhiltstore interested will furnish properly au- mostly at auction. The importers are forced to the
theuticated etalentents with full particulars to auction rooms to sell choir goods, and some heavy
said Rotted.
sacrifice's have been made on silk goods, some Par-.
eels netting not above GO per cent. of their invoice
. pries'. Tho prises have declinal during the week;
few are the goods that have been sold at private
t sale, either British, French or IlerVion fabrics. licit.
' kit do no
goods 'find ll
abf their way to the aeth , rl roam
in any large 9 , lantitiox. French shtuls, tucrinorts,
and riLbem me mid exclusively at :Melton and none
but the very host styles are limn in price: the auc
tioneers are dotog A very profitable tattiness and most
of them diccuunt their own paper, inducing the im
porters to sell, in this way, as they con thamedietely
rallies, and remit home the proceeds.
New Yens, Sept. IS.—The Rochester Democrat
rap that on Tuesday, Messrs. Terry SI Erick 4.,
wool dealers. sold to a Massachusetts Manufacturing
Company, fintl,ooo the- of New York State deem
wool, and ill a firm in Boston, 40,000 l's of pulled
wool : the-thrills of those two sales aro private, but
the traosactions amount to nearly $125,000.
As yesterday's four o'clock afternoon train from
Jersey City to Middletown, on the Erie Railroad,
was tinning the curve between Niter's and Paterson,
two men were discovered emitting on the track. They
did not heed the ringing of the bell, but their indif
ferenee indicated that they supposed themselves to
be on the right track. Before the train could be
stopped (hey were run over. floe of them, }vim =
Smith, an umbrella vender, was instantaneously
crushed to death ; the other, James Jenkins, of Pat
' erson, sithired only about an hour. Whiten., blame
14 attached to any one, it would teem that trains
should not run around curves Co rapidly as to pre
vent them being stopped before reaching any object' ..
that might happen to be upon the track.
The Herald's Syracuse currespontlent says that
Wood and hi, men completed their ticket and re
turned home this evening. The Benicia Boy and
other short boy, accompany UM. Wood is very bit
ter in Lid dentinciatmus of Diekitts.n, Schell and
:others, and rays that ho will elsughter them in the
News. He Made a strong Douglas speerh to-night
at the Voorhees House, and is now bound to dowel
ope the Little Giant's interests in the Stale. Lick
itlEuti says he has understood the measures of Wood
are to draw him into his south and has therefore
avoided him.
Witexass S WuLaos',
Mr. Alex Reed, the active and socoesaftil agent
of this machine, assures his patrons that he is
ready at any and all reasonable hours ha the day
and night, if need be, to supply them with the
far fantod Wheeler S Wilson Sewing Machine,
wills all the latest improvements, Leib is gnat
it), and few, Ile hat Nola a rase number of
theta is his bailiwick, but has a few more left
all the time Ile considers toe character of the
insehtelitne he well established thst be did not
loom ii neeessar) to appear on the (sir ground,
The eloluetioa of pen and pencil has sebum.
in praise at this grey Sewer. Beecher
himself 'hetet weeds a mere readable article than
that in which he describes • gentle and mild
young woman who, with a ••W teeter& Wilson's,"
came to his house one day to help Mrs. Beecher
"do" her Bowing. In one continuous stream,
yard after yard of snowy cambric, of cotton
1 fabrie„of shoot-sand shirts came pouring out of
the machine. Mrs Beecher, in despair, sends
far another cutter Wheeler S Wilson gain on
the pair send for a third cutter; hour after
hour it was a battle to life and death, and at
evennug the little mil woman took her little
sewlrg machine under to arm, and humming a
quiet little tune, wen home, leaving all the
shirt, Sheets, nes, night dresses, eta.,
etc , or a whole year, ' done" in a day, and the
exilic stilted out at that Mr. Reed, at No. Gtr
Ewa, street, has some p- [terns of this wonderful
Sewer 015 hand, which p cane call and examine,
or semi for a circular.
• .
' .•vas —Permit. visit •g the l'air will do with
t.• still at No. 4 Woods/ ..r, and •asintine the large
rariety of Staves/ manufar tired by A. Bradley,ameng
which may be found EOM it the tuner celebrated in
the , Oubtry, and which h ve won for Mr. Bradley on
eevlabie reputation in . moat every State in the
Union. The Patent Gas and Smoke Consumers, for
which he has the exch.' •e right In this place, are
said to be the most parte t cperating Store. in our
city. The great silvan .of these stoves is the top
Wog ell made double. •is impossible for We plates
to warp and twist, as In alt other stoies not having
the improvement. Resides consuming one-half loss
fuel and heating the oven in much less time, it also
has the feedjng doors in front, which obviates the
necessity of lifting the lid in putting in coal.
We regret that Mr. Bradley does not 0:1104 Lis
stoves at our annual Fain, as all such improvements
as those ha ban sn , ruccerrfully adopted should be
there; but, we suppose, he thinks the reputation or
hie stores wonld not be increased by first premiums.
Bermes Ilaavu.—lter. Mr. Kramer, ?stator of
the M. K. Church at Bridgewater, Beaver co.,
died at the residence of his father•in-law, Mr.
John Perchmenl, on Wednesday evening. He
was taken alok on Friday last. Ho wan a useful
and godly Min, and was much endeared to all
his people
CALL et Dnvis ti Co.'is book atom this evening
and purehnse some gond book, while you CUD
purciolso thew low.
TUOSE whose wardrobe neekis replenishing will
Gild a handsome ,ariety of first elate clothing, white
etilrls, under-wear, glut es. hosiery, do., for both men
and buys, at .1. L. Carnaghan d Cu.'s, Federal street,
Tat Ers.—ti. A. Ft. 77 0 .74 M. D., derotes special
attention to all dLseeses 01 the eye. Cataract re
moved by a now operation, causing Let alight pain
or risk to the eye. Residence. 277 Penn Street.
Nonce to Llaliders and Contractors.
rIIIE UNDERSIGNED (formerly foremen
fur Howland Parry) would rospectfully inform those
ha whom lin Ims doom wort, not the public geoerully that
he In mar prepared to lorutth Islsta, or put late Poufs
lu moot lokplirulrloci tuantier. Orders for [
hoofing or he!
pelrlog of Plate Ilunpfs (If left or the al. of Ales Laugh-
ILO 000000 of MIA idrepl ILO the Cum], 11Ith stud.) trlll
he promptly encode.] to. THOMAS PAllftli.
N" FA LL ' Gimps
11(01 - 9 DELA 1117 ES,
Plaids, Freneli Merinos,
Printed Morning Cloirna,
nawla, in great satiety.
Embroiderilm, Laren,
1. dies Keats and Drawers,
Gents' UnderAltirta and Drawers,
wrimpit, It
iv ortb-raat oorucr fourth sn4 Alark.t .r..
IS wishing u. first class
Latent., of tbanarrlvaa or Wanda, lola do wall by calllsig
0116 . LANE, Room. owner Eatt and Otani au.
Cedar P —lmo on: bran bouod;
Cedar Couro,-- do do do all slats;
(War Wator Con. do Jo
Codar Heels do do
Coder Pluto d, do
Cocoa DIIT •
Willowl.ll,sk to—all cues null char.;
lions Pail... - -' bum I mo two;
Oodar sad Plea Blookoarv.-211 Oro., 0.,..1.4 or . ousoldra.
U.rp.t Orououi—foar .lo*
Painted Bockats, Tube end Keeton,: • .
.opUt Bukots—splidu and primal;
%Waxier& soda:AO* Pia%
'Ws everything dm Intim Me, ou baud and An We by
$.19:4/Iw2 SALMI% FUDDLE, 21. , Dlarsuod.
d Pesidente if. ST UHINT 13TREET,
le °oust Howe, beThsres he can wit lb. wards
July favor Wm with their wavelet.. An 01
Vote or Teeth trawled II Ind.!. twit:l4l4
(lit ' T VARIETY OF SIIJiS, A1E.411-
NoE a, Poade-Obarroa, Delalnr, Ctutunerm s n4414:444 011411roesas, Oamlnettsalannels,
.: 1 Natal . Cloakk Garabaldlm, Dnst• ra, Hoop Sklrtm,
Stitt /runt, E s ,% n is , Uk.ves, Halm, in./to, now ready
tar fralittelon. ' , O. II ANBON LOS%
- N0..71 Illarlut at.
BUOKOTS. ' ----..• , .
'Ain! tesritidnE s IT and Willow Tor Pk r. :',. -
, - , llll.4stivE.,- . r f , : .) - . ILIDDLI4 41 Dinged: ..,'
(Wall-5000 bu for oalo and to arrive,
V. a* • ' ' ","
New 'Your., Sept. 15.—The etearetbip Juan
ml thi,r ernotog for Galway, with 510,000 in =pea.,
ao.I the ttelmthip Darwin; for Sonihempton, 'with
Ito.'neurr.w, apt. 15.—The l'oioa furnishes the
following particulars of the drowning of Patrick S.
O'Connor, who was 0, ha,e made a leap of 90 feet
at Niagara on the 15th oast. :—lfe left this city on
Saturday evening for the Falls, to make arrange
ments for Lis leap. There was little or nothing
known of the Mll,l there, and some thought that he
would not make his appearance. Ile went there,
however, and aunounced his purpose to jump fromla
scaffold to Lo erected 14 the river side at White's
plc/mare grounds, near where Blondin'e rope was
suspended. Yesterday morning he went down to the
water for the purpose of ascertaining its depth and
to determine where he would erect his ccaffgld • Ile
was accompanied by men who had skiff, there to
assist him. O'Connor swan out into the river and
dove once or twice; lie then went down in a small
whirlpool, and ruse, but could not escape from the
current which drew him down, and Le sank ho rise
no more. The men in the boats could not reach him,
and nothing could be done. Ilk body, no doubt,
immediately drifted into the groat whirlpool, and
may some time be found over the month of the ricer
or on Lake Ontario. This is all that relates to his
adventure at the Falls. Be left his clothes and a
few effects to be delivered to his friends when they
W etntncroo Ctrr, Saps. Is.—The recent conven
tion between (]rest Brlteio nod tirtatamala, defining
tho boundaries of Bathe, does not threaten a distur
bance of our peaceful relations with England, nor
embaraass the settlement of our Central American
Lieut. Bert:Scott arrival hare this looming, and
In the course 'of the day called upon the President
and other officers of the government lie mane on
Mildness relative to the San du. Island dispute.
The Resent indications are that he will bo ordered
thither, the condition of affairs in that quarter being
considered each as to require the service. of a man
of his well known character for prndimce in all his
official movements, to' prevent a possible collision
between the United States and British forces, pend
ing the Battlement of the question by the two gov
ernments as ia the North-Eastern boundary.
51ANCLOaTte, N. If., Beet. 15.—At the Firemen'. tduster
held hero belay, specious riot occurred bemoan the Ma'am
and gamblers. lteveral buildings were earthily demolish
ed and ether property destroyed. The gambler, erect theft
pl.lOlll, bet were dually driven oft Two houses on the
street,, exupiel by 11301t1 were gutted. The mob mut at
tacked the A 1110,1.10 110113,11111t11111311111113 building,breaking
the wltidors.
The riot tied Ins origin in . member of the firemen being
Insulted bribe gamblers. The gambler, be Usable.= were
that attacked by the mob, who were 113 the act of attacking
other bonne not occupied by the gamblers. when a epeoch
from al/emu, in which he represented that theywerede
stroying tie property of those who were guiltless of any of-
lanciagssuer4 them to desist. •
There were 75 fire companies here to inks part in the eon
et fur prize, and they are attended by 30 bands or maid:.
&AMA; Eept.l6.—The Slate bemoaatloCOnrellWO met
again Ibis wombats, and notaioalad the eamo ticket as chat
nominated by the itldelor Wood party,. whit the &sal,-
tioa of the Clerk of the Court otAppeals. The reeolotione
reported foellit.considerallon of il. Oonveotion, snorel/
eihrin the riihts of Amerloan althea; native m3d adopted.
ell Over the *arid, and the duty of the government to pro
tect them, end declare that Oongease has net power to
ittelato slavery foto the torritite or to enact a *.no cede' for
the terriberteek or to prohibit tha South from aJost Om* lo
the benefits ore territory; they also endorse moderately the
nitre of the Nettanal Administration.
Woomera& Mee., Pept.l6,--The Deane Democratic Cot,
volition fa In nmaion, and the attendance is annasully Lap.
Much feeling La exhibitod betwsen the Datuteaala wad tilde
opponents. - Thelbroar want the Connntion to makp an
ii ,l l7mosion favorable to Mr. Douglas. /lands packet, •
Donglaalte, LOCIe tiftiporary chairman. Baeolntions ph:4g.
lug too Convention to Dentstaa and tho popular neat latity
doctrlus, were lad urwrine table we Mug out of Oder.,
O. D. Loring. the Douglas condhlata. *a+ optic, wont.
neat President, receiving POO ram, out of b;0:02. ' •
ITsatuau,,-,/aare• Etawlat, of the Atm Of Wand
• tit.w4ll, Of 111 city, was fmau.l ilead la lira marked luau*
near hi. owa awe, sts.ut 7 deka Ws rirsaJagAsites been
stabl,d la am heart.. There Is no ciao to the roardares.
r, flight among some roadie's meths Ws gonad, ltd.
Major ilablvrlts stabbed Wm Donovan so eerondy
la the
that hit lice Sawahrod ot.- Baldwin it to
ff./ an.--Tbo run (into Vale i greater ,
(bulk arm Our th• different roods carsrttred, inbr
tog oat hue tbutt AMC vieffonn tralosiblsormtvg
Voluoid7 tnilutUa many mote.. tneedpta up to bat M
ulct an 111,P4. ; •
. _ ... .
Clan Avz 4l 4ollit.:Xt—l9e ova a lot risht doak
.Its wqktitial hulas eiday. Matzo. Gallia ito
Tian . statist talks poturd.l9•4lsirroi of cald view gnat
as to 11:as s hard fp* op the igrantl. Itaolr MO killtl 41110
Pt,' dilingPitgitqt '
_ i,~ ~, +.
at 11..
1 .4 g. as it.
ktat:ol:— .
toys ftm. .
7,0r.00 tit at VA. t
Sides at 7% atiar9-Y...
LARD—a aal. of Mt.. •
FRATITXIU—aaIa. at o+l
CLIEESE—attle• or TMs, trs. t'o •
of 1 , ) DLLs at
r t i g)3 e.s of 6 bbls Lard Oil ha. I at
atoxicyAnif Aso cuninvir.Rl
Tembir,Sept. L 7, e. reftatil the 414 CO.
hereJnet bees, rendered in tabnlar form b 77 the Fe.
Shipping List, (which is mule the
by the nage of the tra,lc,) and no era indebted to tim %Ski
for a proof copy in adritnes'of their earn reenter ism on'
Wed.:ably. The comparative receipts et the pottby ran
and water, which mete the total crop 3 , 8 54451 Wien WV s.
trcxw dl fOBT9. -
Bal. at • /559. .855.. ISYt.
Now'Orleack 1;57474 1,576459 .1,455' 003
...... ... 701,405 5?...4 , 151 .. zoaar:
Tex.,..._.......... 14062, 145,285 890.1.
Docket, 173,451 1 . 22,351: . /30,34.
475,475 =5,11.1
Booth Carolina 00,63 400,Z1 337,541
North Carolkut ........ 177,45.7 :ABP..) 27447,
Virkkrta 81,011 34,74 S 4773
N. York B. overtatad... 47,17 S 3.2 2C=
Philadelphia, onrlaral 89,4 M By7p •
0, G 4 '.4005 1,494
Total rrop V... -5,5L1,4L1 3,413,95.4 5,4,V,512
Jerre.. orer crop of ISM; ba1e..737,519
Do do do 1517................... 91190
Do do do 1059
Total crop of the Llaited Stain; u fs.ikst tkalo.l, -
to on hand at the couttunorement of
:be year letl PI .. /SSS:
to the Southern port.
Ie the Northern porte
Ifekes • supply or.
The export to foreign purteA62l,4o
Leto,on hand l [amiget 10010ded...--.. 654-3.0•101 g
Sept, 1559.
In th e Southern ports...—.
In the Northern para.--
Burnt at Neer Orleans Now
York nod Phtledelpldst. ... 11,02
Banat and ltt
at Mobile, Chtuleston and
Oalrestob.... ............. .• 1.211
Illsoofactored to Virginia.. 11/.0- 21.433—ati04182
Taken for home use North of Virginia.._........ 7Cfdifi
Taken for bomo ono to Virginia and Bonin and
Watt of Virginia 1dr,4.33
Tutal consumed In the bruited Steles (Including----
burnt at the porteL)IS.SS P..- —.— tall:Al
The fellona of Wile. & Studebaker, largo drovers and
operator,. cattle. bog. arid prestalons, in the Eastern part
or India., islllloolllll.l. An itopreasion bed pmts that
thelr rperatio. in their 11. of bailee. has been
nate. atet this is erroneous, sie we acrialormed by dlr. WM
Lou that the firm
become embers.. b,y hie operationa
In the While Sulphur Spin., end that the
tulafortnue la chargeable to Me individual operations, with
the gem o. backer. The tinprovided lislellt. are about
$lOO,OOO, as devolving directly on Mr. Wiliam, near S 7S .DCD
of which Is participated in by the firm Carney but atill for
ht. ova. The main 1.11.3 orate Me:lpm. property, which
Mr. Wilson salueeatdl4o,teD, and Lopes to comsat In some
way forever the liabilitle, The firin of Andrew Wiltant &
C., we are asnirod, L. inno way connected with these open a .
lien; nor affertioi by thout.—loirt. Coto.
Collection.arej mule very abowly. trey little money le
coining In from We countsy. Thisal, tooth to make MOD.]
nom,. elute bete. nee of oil r henry commercial houses to
tvlVcral wane 25 latent hunt the country today, end blithe
thee. lettere came We rnagoiltani num of We. If other
hon.m hove the atone brilliantatircen in inekingcollerlione.
1 ,..
who cue wonder at there isamarolty of Moneyed. which ',
I.e greue the wli le et Cosine.; and teak. them roll along.
with their torontN ernoothurs•Z
There was •im erste demand for Eastern change to.
day, and there • firmness at 1.4 premium f bankable
Imola. Currenc y Is bought at ;iag,..l?.nt ermine for
Letikable fonda, t a ruling role I:clog di,atid bn a euttange
at I!,i it cunt prom. There are no time tele m , na, mid we
dispense with quotationa—lSt. Louis Dem.
The fallowing M • coneuretire atatement of the Exports
(eXannire of specie) from Now York to foreign pelts for the
'erode and since Jon. I:
/.19. 1E49.
...$ 699,1P5 5T1,2).1 1„634,514
40,V7,753 44549 4413 44„ 414, -6,
Per the weak
PreTionely reverted
' EincoJaettery 1...—...-417,156,P1u $13.419,213 $1.5,97P;P1t
There is hot bale activity to the market this tooroing,ond
.alas are few. The receipts of floor by railroad this morning
.tre IZSO tibia, of which only 110 WI wore for this market.
Tito rocsfpis of wisest were ii,tstO huitt title morning, el which
;NO bush were riot Ibli city. Toliwo hirni.hcci Caro of the
receipts; el which 4.100 Loeb were tot Plttlittorgh. 1,360
bovh Kentucky wheat in be, wont throng), for how Took,
Bonao and llochlaut r. Thera were no receipts of CAIn or
corn to-day,—lCieveland Persia.
The Cliwkswile Tobacco Plant, of the bth itcL, yr--Tito
se so for cutting hat arrived, and so Ursa our / anon
extrude, wo believe , there I. every indication of a ery ab oc
dont crop, of which there will be s groat protutrt of fi ne
tobacco. Such, at any rate , ie our View of the or pin tide
Immediate section of country. About OxftirJ, in tun able
co, N. C, we have hoard it said that the crop inferior,
owing to the drought in Ilwestrly part of the anal ev. .Bot
wo are Indian/ to think that this condiliru t f Ilt crop op.
piles to only • mold! dietrict of country.
Telegraph, Brow , tint;
.I.oers.o. Brow.
El' both;
llflra • 1 feet 0
Telegraph, Brownarllia
.70M- ram, groin:l.lU
•S' •
illJgrapizio Starke Ca.
Non You. 15.—Cottnn lam advanced r 4; balm 1600
Lab. at 11 . 'ig11,:li for middling trplmads. ..Floar hoary;
talon 10.000 a/ bls no $4,23@4.03 fur Frata, V(44,20 for Uhl.
and $1,90'4.5,10 for HontOrrn. Wheat hao declined; 113164
33.000 burl at • decline/ of 3r; white $1,2301,23; rnd $1,14
Unp,ls. Coro Brim bales 42,00 d bush at 43. PrOll3/005
stendy. S Lard heavy at IP-74RIP ;. lalliaky doll of_2sc.
&m ug arom ntoody. but actin.. Cone. firm at 110)12. Froighln
Prost Slssarr..--Storks draft Chicago.k Kock Tabu! C9!--,i;
Oimusl booth SS; New York Central 803 i; Ylrnlrea
Wass Mlwourl sixes .;6; Cala= & Chkaago -Cau
sal& It. it.
.;; Cucitic Mat! B. k. Co. 8s1;;;; Tonnes/es
alzea 89.
P 1111.11116.11, Sept. n.—ou Mock. Fluor neglected:sale+
to the trade of s4,Loaff4,ltz for old Mock and fresh ground
superfine and 61,7ftgy0,50 for old extrue and fancy, acoord.
ing to quillty. nide regantly ground Rye Planreold at
5:3,81% u Corn Ideal held el $.3,60.- Wheat
dull sod prices lc lower; 2000 hush sold et.Sl.,du Gm red and
$1,Z41.r.: for fair and prime whit. Rye is wanted 76for
new Southern, and SD for old Pemwyltanla. Corn in good
demand; 8004 bull yellow sold at Win Mora and St afloat.
vats In Limited demand; e .OOO trash new Delaware *dialer
nsacic, The demand for Whisky II litultod at .1174=734.
CINCINNATI, Sept. 16.—Floor Inactive, at 81,50 for super.
fine; Mare reported at 5 1 . 1 0at.35, but aro not an index of
the market- Wheat le in lair request, especially for red.
which I. very firm 01 SI. C., and otter gmdee ant n 4.
changed. Whboky nein at Z!...;. Prctisione are Mead::
the transactions are light, hot holder, are firm; the 9fisla•
tinware unchanged.
BALT/iORI. Sept. 15.—Flour dull, et V, far IlaWardatreet.
Wheat dull hot unchanged; salty of /5,500 beak 011.4-al@
81,45 for addle, and 11,10.41,10 for red. Corn 6noyann
white S!@B3: yellow S3C.a3l. Protiiime aired y and no.
changed. Whisky doll at Z.
POILLDELPHII t &pi 15.—A stranger Trio found
dead at the White Boar Ilotal, aged about 00
Ceara. From papers found on his pereon he is rap
posed to he A. Pier, of Ohio.
Lowevata, Sept. I+.—Hirer Wallowers, wltb 4 ft,6 lathes
water la the calm%
Assurance Company, .
CAPITAL ~ -.. . -. ... $6,2911,900 OD
ANNUAL BLISVENUE, for the year erol
' log January 31,1833 923,924 12.
Loa or Damage by Fire, alma every dam/Non of
Property. The Ran of Armin:ow ore raodanfr, And, in
all meal, based upon toe character of the owner or occu
pant, and the meats of the OA.
Loam promptly adjusted and weld w/thont referents to
London. 4 qvcia.7pon. fond provided in IltilaJzi
',hid for payment of Coma in thnent
is country.
sentssama rrrotanantt
Mears. James McCully k Co. 114 Wood Elsner; •
John Floyd a 00., 1;3 o
o Brown k ILirkpatriclts, ILA Liberty street;
D. Greggk Co, 69 Wood street.
o Moon; APElroy Co., f 4 Wood street; .
Jana hlcCandleas A Clo., 103 a - -•
Nlmlck C0L.,15 Water asea; J •
° ILA. Yahoo stook A Co, First and Wood stsaehi;
oJae Woodwen A 0 , , B .atad and Wood Meets;
o Alwoll.i.eek Co., 8 Wood etJlek
Borchneldk Co„ Antall and 31arkat area;
o oCandleen, Mama & Co, Wood ind Water sin
tr.,722:Np11121 rIIII.II/17.2111.u. •
George IL Swart rq,l3 Rank street:'
Mamas Myer& Claghom kCo Market etrat
Wm. WlLea C 0.,"" Booth Front stran
o firCu Eamon k Colllirs, Front and New etc
brulth,WlllLsms A 00,613 Market itteen
Samoa Graham k Co., Wald =Salta area:
Joseph IL =obeli, lab: President taechlaice TISZU
James Dunlap, Boq Preadent Union
noo. W. A. Porter,Jate lodge Supreme Ocart..
JAMES ;W. AII.ROTT. Agent, -
Jettlydim Tamporarythars.loll Woodit
1110 N
r- - .,erty Striae:
Capital 150,000
Capital It•prea eniad — , over—.... 1 ,000.000
4411- itOczeouazu LU nun lalanaau.LY Luzawlai
Gad, sihrer,par and CtreillEgreadlred degj.
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