corrEti rata. AIM I.dr N ' "VG , 0 if 8 . PARE, M'G'UnDY a CO., :„?..141AIIIIPACTURERS OP SHEATHING, -%1131( itrlCls. owl BOLT COPPER ' , PRE2IIID COP ttotwi .Bottoms, spatirpouur,&.. importers Wolin ioldliTALP,_ TIN PLATB IRON, WIRE, do. .botistontly . haul, Tloonsoll -:,;ksi • saa wou •-•-• • • .- 'daps . WirelOoio No • Fini mial 126, 'Seem! street, Pittsburgh Pena. • Setpeetal orders of 001;Per any decked pNtIYT. nanmeir AEL. ,COLIANB, A Forwarding and Commission tiardhant: WIIOLItaun DEM,E2I . • Clakeese Tp, . 33ntter. Seeds, Friuli, Anl.Pradase Gauenlly, &or?:.. Aro. 25 . kaki fared. E=;UaM=l2l i 1.63 Third Street, Pittibursa, Penna., Utivlag had Oa advantages of Eastern Colleges itaL Eh* .41Pitsotaa astral years' prattles, otters 6L prollsalauul rarrLas LuSTILO7IOAL AND 11112010 AL CABEI3.- • "iitr.'l9. D. Bowan]." ' McCandless. • Ras. D. 11. A.llcLarn. Hon. R. A. Hamar. Hon. T. J. Bighorn. '.l. H. Mantes. John H. Hellos, Esq. Alloter;Esq. mylisdh Juob ileOu EMMA. WIOILIEFS. :AE•I I BANDER BR A OLE Y, Imismincritz MAMA'S' lIIIIVIT Tanen Gs CDORING - PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, Plain and Panay Grate Fronts, &a. • d• - la.Propriator at the celebrated PATZNT OAS Sintrmia and Slum CONSVIZING COOK STOVES. Ofiloe and Bales Room, . sarlB.lydro No, 4 WoollSt.,Pittaborgh.E;en. N. / 3 0L.M.E8