The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 20, 1858, Image 3

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    83a0,t,T2`ICCi. WOFtIIB.,
-- •
- per, . IRCURDY t CO., -
wattlar mks Nom
Pu 1102TOKB, Rabid Bail Bottom, Oppiter . 40.
£l4 Inprters and Dalin to KITASKTIN PLATE
• • 1 0.08,11134 Ake. Cobstaally on hand„ Musses
• salgools.
•7„ • • • 'No. 149 List awl 120 Second street,
/6 't fail to procure . Winelow's &oat-
Lai • • fin Dhlldnin . hr no evasion earth.
It •ly facilitates Du of teethlns by inftenlag the
• ,roducing all Islam tbn— .Dl allay pain, and le
tore • regulate the bowels. Depend upon It, molhare, It
ulll glee net Co Tonrselyes, nollef and health to your
Infanta. Perfectly wife in al crew.
This ealoabla peeparation le tbe presetiption of one of
she nontereparfraciad and e fel female Physicians In Nur
Ingland r aed Wit been b with nerertgllng euceem In
millions of ;sem
We Wien It the beet an meet needy In the world, in
all emu of Dysenteiy and D Dee In Children, whether It
erlaeolroen teething or Dom any other ones
and haaltb can be estimated by dollars and eants,lt
la worth Its weight In toad.
LlUonj o r b o ut. .4. .old aver, year lo the United
eater. It Is swold Mundy.
illiKtotte genuine mule's the fibeizelle of CURTIS A PAD.
Jogj port, IT the outsi tt. etrisir,
DR. 4:0. EL lINIARD,
Jtatistrlyfa Agent for Pittsburgh.
NV EL 0 .t. s JED . ACS E NO le
fur the Celebrated
No. 42 Firm STzm,
Hun In dorsal:4.mAMal ennortolent a
ANcluaiN AID ixausn
mrl 4 l.lydlh ALL c
Bags! Bags,' Bags!
, _ .. 91(111:11k8 and GRAIN DEALiIa can no. to supplied
velreap 'citable to their trades on the shorteet notice at
th. following aissocla mucus
REAIIIR6B-2bush bag. Elli QM aZ It 100.
).‘," E
3 " 31(433
FLOUR RACKS, wally at...darted and printed to order
-06 or !..4 bbl. melts (oubleoched) $10412,60'V1 100,
nu or " (bleached or unbleached) 110 V, 1000.
24 or y. " 150455 VI 1000.
.12 or i-te •• » Eddreito . 0 1000. •
Salt Pockets, Hama. Grocers Specie, Wool and Moping
Bags toads to order at as low ph:x.las any manufactory ha
the country.
PAPER BAGS, flsoolos. to 161ba, for Grocers. Tea Deal.
sea, sec-, at aboot the price of paper.
Parties vdshing can haya their cards printed two them
top satin"' are mad. DAVID C. TIERII.9f,
Pittsburgh Bag Kano 'notary.
No. 207 Libertystacet corms nand.
131 Wood Street. Pittsburgh.
iows. are mar receiving i large dock of fresh made FURS
Main Say &LI%
Wok Sable,
Roue Stettin,
Elbrtien Squirrels,
/Itch, 1.
Capes, MU Mom linorfues,
Muffs end Cuffs, -
Flag Felt Bonner.
Tbeee roods hare been selected with unmet cure, and .111
Seeold u small prorits.
Like viridian to purchase fresh FUSS !tr. Invited to
nil and mensal. our Rode. noli:kre
1111/P LICE. E.
OPP 'sirrom Liss
E•cood eblo---.. 100 ,a_-_--r--$ Iso
The transit of the lothmtue included.
The splendid steemahlp traillilNVON, of MOO tons re.
rider. *pt. Henry Chracidli o baring btell tilted op
, priestly for the California trade by this Nicaragua route, will
leave barpier, North Diem, New Yoht, on hfunley the en
of December, at 2 P. hi, carrying I;aterniors, malls, and
'freight to Ban Juan del Norte, to connect a Bait .1.0 del
for with the well known and commodlooe Meautehip HNC.
MA:tempt - Cgmeody, for Bon Fnuacisco, California. Thew
episselid mettembips offer unsurpaseed nothormodatione for
the WM, and comfort of pamengem. The I.thmo. route
Is thoroughly repaired and In good order, sod the country
Iwr pas+p• and freight, apply only. at the office of tb
Company, to Juni , ' P. YELVYRIYM, /twat,
oattkarodki—golf, No. 3 Bowling New York.
,The Great Engllse Remedy.
tempered from • preacrfpUon of fir lama Clarke, H. D.
Phystriaa Estroanlinary to the Qom.
Ws well known Medicine le oo impoodtkm, but • ear*
mad oak remedy for Female Di/Realties sad - Obetructions,
rook may came whatever; and although • powerful remedy,
they amain uolblug hurtful Mho constitution.
TO MARRULD LADlltil It pocalhoty ernlted. It will:
la a abort time, Lehman the mouth!) period aith mauler/v.
Mee pa• haat user been Moue to fall sobs Lie &rec.
te:rateas thaliwreandpme a/pamphlet rare wall ebMrnret.
fall particalart, get • pamphlet, free, oFtho ape.
N. D—sl and 0 postage, stamp. *Deland to say skatharl
gad agent, will Ware • 6411*cm:tab:log <veer DO pill., by
return mall
D. L. num:mix • 00., Pittsburgh, wholeaale noel,
and mid by all druggists. ao27:dt. fe T
.•: .7. i z
Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish,
Lud Prodecel Omen Dy,
LeP z, lee. 2 Abed irreg. AAA/with.
V. U. CIUMUITAr. 111.,
166 Thad Simi, Pitlstatryl, Penna.,
Alavlng Eadtbe advantages of Naatorn • Cbllegeraall
pit.L., ana rovers/ yam' mak», *Nary-I& prolaasioaal
R.. W. D. Ilamard. Col. Wilson Me
Rov. D. R. A. Mahn. Mon. 11. A. Weaver.
T. LL T.. D.. T. J. Ingtuno.
J. D. Cool.. :John IL Mellor, T..
Jo°. myAlydf
td"roVri: Wogs.
■airunnGlili AND DEA= 111 MET VAILIM OW
Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, &o.
Sole Proprietor of the celebrated PATIN? aiS
Bums° and Slim Consumer a
Office and Bala. Room,
varLtlydk 11% 4 Weal at, Pittsburgh. P.
w. oft n.narillEUlßPr,
MI kinds of Tobacco, Bauffand Cigars, •
Wavoreybotty todcra the butidlog No. 129 Wood dtroot,lis
odatioloto their Mainthetoring 1 1 ;atatiloshatent,No.4.3 Intim
Ibry AM to okra! to mein their hisods.
Di.. W. F. FUNDENIIIIIIN haring rom
tuned Pittsburgh with the Intention of making
It Ms robin reMdmios„ on b . 10.9.11 at hi. 0/111:14, NO.
1011OURNH STRUT. biretta Wood nod Emlthfleld
ISOM. holm from 9A. it. to 4P. N. ad:Sarni.°
Foreign' and Domestic Bilk of Exchange
thgLOollorilodo =As ou oil the prlortgal clil a through
eat the United States. attittlkly
Joseph DELwerta—..—....Da W. C. Bidwell,
I. l l.cocsors to IMa , ..1246 Samite.)
ancylero2lllJ to
nesse, la frill aad Onamasatal Painter*,
White Lead and Zino Paiute.
kw, Oa ilea of Points, Otis, Vorulahm, 14104c0r 0 lam,
Brushes; &O
144 Mod &re Put d, two ty,
doors above .,
Mph. Ailey.
J.i M. 11"Zriar,
LEEFFecmula sT2 ,
%No. 54 Si. Char Street,
(Dr.liides If.. ITITESCROH. PA
8. 8 it C. P . . MAIIILL/34,
R'A' P-PKN GVt. pm ,
S. 117 Ws..
Lip bodychtal matetprica _ znytif fo
lluihol;telogoe Epliits'and /nut Olt; •
eat* . no ammikd stmt. .
bble. rrixed sad halide
I MTIL- 00 4 1 44111
- ,
COMplying with the urgent request of hun
dreds of thole palmate.
Dna O. M. /PITCH en J. W. BY KRA
pzimmrirarrur ld PITTBBOI7OII,
Arid may Ile =mated at their atlas
No. 191 Penn Street,
mos= no T. cunt HOTEL,
Daily, nape Saudaya, far Causausiptt os, Aathm a,
Bronchitis and all other Chronic Complaints
complicated with or eattalng Pulmonary Mame, Including
Cafarri, Heart Disease, Ai/drams of CU Liar, Dy.-
loeYeti at thtereitie,:re;sede Complaints, etc.
DB& PI on • BYER.S would state hat their boo.
of Consumption Is based upon ens find that he thrum o
Ott ie the blood tnad system of lam, both befere t oo
ii.k.elefooent (u V. NV., and they therefor employ
Mechanical. Elygienk and Medicinal remedies to purity the
blood and strengthen the system. WiiN thew, they we
PI&DICINAIt INLIALATIONB,which they rains bighly,bot
only as Pariiatfeet, (har'y so (kindles elk/ when used
a...)1W Invalid. are 011/11Citly cackUalled itgainettoeth4
the predate timeof curability co any treatment hoed upon
the pleusible,bet fable Idea that the Neat of the &woe on
be reached lo a direct manner by ItthalatioN" for as before
UMW, the seed of the titieue is its the blood nod Its dects
only to the lunge.
1113.1 4 10 charge for coneultation.
• lista questions will be wet to those wishing to eon.
snit us by letter. ety=tdetrfetf
Eirt.".l.3an. as.xvr)
Invites public attention to his new and beau
tiful paportment of nn Gonda, =misting • Cloths, Coast
mores, Vottlop and Coatings of e'er, ra ,ty and ayies
adapted to the best city and country trod which will be
made op with nromptneu and despatch, an at rate. all lOW
as at any other elmflatostablishrnent to the Ili. oc2ulfc
soars 1 FUELS I I
New Fur Store from Phil.
kind. of Ladle* and Gentlemen'. Fur.,
Haan Bober, dealer In Bulralo R0b,.,/e.,
retail, at N 0.138 Wood street, above, filth.
Fan repaired, cleaned and altered In Gm
Giode made to order al abort notice.
All Ale& of ghlpplng fun bought.
Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, Va
Window Shatters, Window Goa!
Yrs. 01 &wad Sired mad Se Third
(Between Wood and Market,) PITTSB
He. en kited a variety of assr Patterns,
satiable for all purposes, Particular &nen&
closing Grave Lou. Jobbing done at abort ao
VANEEIVER a rßre •
No. 6, nes Block Duhurpus, I
Alirbillrationa promptly made in any part
lowa, or Montero •
Will attend to Ma parttime and Bak of Rim
talnina !Loney on bmdm and W.
1101111180 N, 1111113 1111 1 ,
Pittsburgh, Penni
OMee. M 0.21 Market street.
Mauttfactnno all kin& of &Nom Engiuf. awl *I ;II Machin
cry; Cantina , Railroad Work, Stearn Doller• and Stox.t Trot
• Jobblog .ml &pairing dame on abort notion.
Ex tracts Teeth without pain, by an Est-t az-
Ir.. Anaaathetle agent applied to the teeth and puke
only. Teeth from one to 11,11 site Inverted on the 'aria.
metallic haat.. no alao Insert. tooth on cards. Ilervelain
Arse with continuous gam, which In beauty, cleaulieure and
oluu.l.lllty cannot toll SY Om.. C.a/I mod orsaatrino aped.
i .
1113.0ttico N 0.61 Fourth_ atrorta below IllarFot, (second
_ ;Jel.lydre
■umacrcaut or
Cooking, .Parlor and Floviting
grate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking Ranges, kc.,
-soo Liberty St., Pittobargh., Pa.
WFIY.SI A. 1 , 7 Or, esON
Ihnuertnn:ra and Dmlen lo all kiwis of
• a of Saidifieki .nrcrt and Dius...ol Alley,
WICJOSb .101.111 L 11.41, .. ...
Pittaburgb Steel Works.
..TCIPi .1301713 dc Co,
Wm.. gams -cut errxra, AA, AV." P 1 0..11,4 SW •
RoGlckes co
/Imagers, Improved Patent SteAl
Cultivator Tooth.
CWT.. You and rod &rats, PIRC-eryk, Pa.
VOICE 10:314 ,ir4xerg...A.N
Akio, 81 1 / a on the principal cidee awl torus of
tielehrm, llolland, Germany, cool. and Other European
States, tonatantly on hand end for *ale by
ePalynie Banker*, Mood atroet. coiner ot Third.
L0(...A.N t ammo/A,
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Amerie
FZ AreD-witnir.
• .
67 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Po.
A fall and complete assortment of all de-,
actiptloos of 11AUDWA th at WholnuLle atol Natal!, cal
Le hod at price. satisfactory to IL. wartime, at the ale
. loola or aver, description lo largo varasty. Mere
Umlaute@ and Farmers are Invited to ..IL,t
OZlKtne—rielrfleipta Dttimkt for At sak of this Unrivalled
Secleval 'story.—ln submitting this machine tan 41n
crlcaluntingpublic, oo expense has been spared to Its monu•
facture to render It perfect in every essential particular, In
order tis keep pace with the wonderful Improvements of Ore
age, nod place it foremost In this branch of American Mere
Retail Peke $lO.
It is adadcably adapted to present and cuss every f.
of dlmease, such as Constnnutlon,Pcrolok, Pandes, Khania
tiara, Dyspspala, all Gassosof Physical and lilsonal Prstr
Lion and Nervous Maims.
One grand batura of Ulla Apparatua le that It I. al. a.)
ready gar as, the power being obtained from a Pennon.
Magnet, no Act&or other Ingrodb.ntsbAng ragulro.l.
Bald, nbalettala and rata, by
oeStndavrT Wham.% Drucatot, 110 Woad .1. DRUG'
The wonderful success which
medicine*, prepared by D. L. ' , abundant i Co. hare no.t
with, may induce others to Ladish, and ronuterielt them.—
Cramine well tire - label. and wrappers, whom purchasing
Other D. A Tahneetoet'• VertuMtge or WlLsrm's Illadanho
plus, sae - receive the medicines prepand by the ebore firm
and Ito other. AL. FAIINDSTOCK t CO., Wholeesio Drag.
gists, Note, amt.= Wcod and Fourth streets,Dittsburgh,
_ _
Ost of the most pleasing. ut the fauna time
effective remsdko Gar Dmpepela, and all other dbitmes
twirling from a morbid rorehtkin of the Stomach and Liver,
M Dr. flostetter's Intleis. It not only removes the 'Demme
from the system, but by &leg tone to the organs or disc.
Don, able than In their ftmetions All who have bled It a,
knowledito It. excellence and euperiorfty and we therefore
commend It to the =darer. Dr. llmitetteee 'Bitters es a
Wehrle too well tavern to need malt.. It is therefore
ones ery at thls time to do more thao direct attention to
this pruparaUco, Lich is certainly' tmevralled by any be
fore the
satisfied es we are that lie srldeeproloi rep
utation must prove setticitint to eattsfy all ot Ito eirellehen
as • relief sad remedy tor all Woollens of tbe otommb.
add by druatets mad dealers generally, everywhere, and
br EIOVITTILK A aurra, notoofecturen and proprietor.
68 Water and 68 frobt sle. delo _l.l
MACZIDIZI, 4.3 r Medical purposes, of every arpetior kind
will Ponta flew of genres@ charge.. wherever an tyre
i.7.21,1m;i: pt..' 140 Wt4r7z_bolgttabortti Pa. :61•1•IF
WIII Uke place on
Mr. PAULSEN will play Ten Blindfold Games at one
time. The playing will be In the hoard of Trade.
The pablic sue Invited to attend.
ikketer of Admission, 50 roots, to to had at the door.
IL P. NEVIY.T. Protldrot,
.7. R. Iltanuot, Secretary.
WU UMW MIL P10P1U170.6.
Duos Dl2lXl9+.• MorA ALAND.
Fourth Night of !be TWINE VAST MEN.
MONDAY EVENING, Doe. 20th, will to overrated W. D,
Eng nnegalled drama; in 'Dreamt., of the
• TIME tea SUCH,
Tenn) Falrtavel:
Jam 1111Piel
vat . , superior article or Coal Oil and Darning Vold
constant!, on hand at Jos. IPLIMILIGI'S
den . cczna of the Dlatoond and Market al.
E XTRA - SYRUP-1 bbl. of this delicious ankle, Imptsior to the beet strabed hooey t, tal•
paANCril, AlleKheby.
lODINE POTASS-50 IN for sal° by
&6. FA lINEBTOCK 600.,
nal) corner Waal and Plrat an.o.
BIITUR-4 kegs and /'Backed. Butter
hrt fib 117..,,, z , dul :7 i ZIA 4mom
Permanent Ornee
or of all
HO mad Can
holmusle and
It Doors
t, ke.,
cy and plain
a paid co en
M. U U 11.14.
Is the District Court, on Friday, the cue of
George It. White & Co. vs. James G. Swisabelm
was on trial. The facts of tho above case are
these: Previous to her leaving for St. Cloud,
Minnesota, Mrs. Jose G. Swieshelm, the wife of
the defendant, purchased a bill of goods at the
dry goods store of Messrs. George 6. White &
Co., and also made purchases of dry goods at
other stores, and of valuable jewelry and. other ouch places as they are sold. Mr.
Swim:thelm, the defendant, alleges that he gave
the merchants due warning, that they might de- '
tats the goods, he 'determining not to pay far
them, as Mrs. S. was not, as she stated, going
away on a visit, but to reside away permanent.
ly. _ This suit, among others of a like character,
was brought to recover payment from the de
fendant as the husband ct the purchaser. The
plaintiff's took . a nen-eult.
Commencing at 2 o'cicrit r. or,
SUPORN DEATH. —A man, by the name of
Adam Baker, who resides in Ohio township, but
who Imo for POMO time worked in Allegheny
city, while being conieyed away from the Penn
sylvania Hospital, on. Saturday, *titre he had
lodged for two weeks, suddenly fell back as if
overcome with sleep, and Instantly expired.
Coroner Bostwick, hearing of rho matter, held
an inquest oeviitaturday, and (kiwi sliaoeidese e
in the case, - .4k0 jury returned a l eerdiet of
death from &ease of the heart.':
111.. Ilden.
Mts. J..V. FoliteririU take* bengt, st the
Nitthaign.o l o 0 • 140 4,t ,
Viiishurti 0:1a0te
PITT 88TIR et'
►►/••I.! PA Pleß ins nirr.
City and NeW; Items
MAR l ' elirtmaArune,--4)bserva4ions takon at
Shaw's Optician Score, No. 59 Fall et, Dee. 19th.
011 33
. 49 36
o. 297-10
9 eclock, A. N.
12 u u.
6 " r.
Dime Usiom Prteren MEETING, at kineoni
Ilan, Fifth street, commencing at 113 o'clock, a. it
All are cordially invited to attend.
The exercises ?O'DAY will be conducted by Rev
Isaac Sawyer.
WARD MZETINGE.—In the lbDowing Wards,
except the Second, nominations were made on
Saturday, by the Republicans, for the municipal
offices of the city. In the Second Ward the
names of candidates out of which nominations
will be made, were suggested.
Aral Ward—Select Council; David Fitzsim
mons; Common Council: Richard Iturkhlmer,
Joseph Ross, James Reese, Abraham Frayer;
School Directors: John Dunlap, Wm. G. War
den, Win. F. Richardson, John Gracey; Consta
ble: James Gracey: Assessor: Jacob Glosses;
Judge: James McKee; Inspector of Election:
Evan Evans.
Second Ward.—The Republicans of this ward
held a meeting on Saturday night, and sug
gested the following gentlemen for Ward Offi
cers. They are to be balloted for on Thursday
evening next; at 7 o'clock, at the Duquesne
Engine House:
Select Council: Win. Phillips, Wm. J. Howard
Common Council: Andrew Fulton, Anron Floyd
Abram Keller, James Black, James II Reed
Wm. Barker. School Directors: Johu Marshall,
3 years, John Wilson, 3 years, John McCurdy,
Richard Parker, E. D. Jones and Sam'l Barnes,
for one year. Judge of Elections: John W.
Riddell. Inspector: Robert Rodgers. Asses
sor: John McKee. Constable: Robt. Vague
Tan Republicans or tho Fourth Ward met at
the School Rouse on Saturday evening and ap
pointed I. W. Chadwick, Esq , Chairman, and C.
L. M. McClelland, Secretary, and made the fol.
lowing nominations:
Select Council: James McAuley. Common
Council: James Robb, E. P. Darlington. School
Directors: Geo. A. Martin, Alex. Speer. As-
Beason Robt. Hope. Judge of Election: John
H. Hare. Inspector: James V. Morrison. Con
stable: Thomas Maxwell. Ward Committee:
W. Chadwick, E. P. Darlington, Charles Hays,
Alex. Speer, R. J. Thomas.
Ward—Scleci Council : Thos. 8 Blair.
Common Council: Richard Thompson, S. S. Da.
via, William Siebert, Dr. I Ward, Gco. Hill
Assessor Daniel Taylor. Constable: Reuben
Smith. Judge: Int precinct, John 11. Jones.
Inipecior: Joseph Irwin. inlaid Director: let
procincl,Joseph Kaye.
Sixth 'Ford—Soled Council: William Ward.
Common Council: Theodore Robbins, Russell
Errett, Henry McCleary, William Barnhill, Sr.
Jtitige: George Lamborn. Inspector: James II
Moore. Assessor: John Phillips Conatable:
Richard Jones. School Directors: Jared M.
Brush, James Graham.
Eryhth Word Select Council: Simi. Morrow;
Common Council: David Joo. A. Ser
geant; School Directors: Wm. Hutchison, John
A. Sergenat; Judge: Christian King; Csnslahle:
Joseph Little; Inspemor: Woe. Muir*: Asses
sor: Thomas Neely.
- -
Democrats or the various wards, boroughs and
townships met on Saturday and chose delegate's
to attend their convention, to beholden in this
city, on Wednesday, the 22d. We hare the
names of the following delegates:
Pittsburgh—First ward: John Itoth,Copt. J
Vandergrift Second word: Jut. Irwin, Jo!!
01:1610V. Third ward: John 11. Bailey, Henry
Sproul. Fourth ward: Geo. II Keyser, Chas.
Wernaberg. Fifth ward: John ilsokin,
Jacob Ahl. Sixth ward: Wm. Bryant, John C.
Harper. Seventh ward: J. 11. Latshaw, John N.
31'Clowry. Eighth ward: Andrew Oyer, Geo -
Deary. Ninth ward; Thos. SI Rowley, Joseph
Al/eghtn—First ward: Chan Porter, Menus
O'Donnell Second : Robert M'Cune, Edward
O'Neal. Third: Jab. , Thomas Farley
Fourth: . Nelson Casuplull, Abram Heys:
South Pittsburgh: it A. Bausrosn, John S.
Ross Township: Andrew Burke, It Morrow
Uurruaar.—ltobert M. Riddle, I:eit., died on
Saturday morning bud: . it 9 n'elotik, at the rest
11.flitberty street. Mr. R.Nraiddattout -4. T yearn o(,
it this any In th.. U... .4 M. • d , aft
nll. 1u1.•••e re or Ittair roveth, ara subsequently we - beleve, eras (monie d
with .s
-banking establishment in Philadelphia. Ile woo
not successful in these lAN+ of Itfc. lit Ira, -
he became editor and propri e t o r of the 1.,,p, s
•anin. Adrenal', and during the succeeding ad
ministration of (ten. liarrmon and of Jahn Ty.
ler, he was postmaster of thin city, having
received the appointment from Gen. Harmsen.
After his term of office expired he purchased the
paper called the Spirit rf tirr Apr, from Cot.
H. Foster, out of which came the Cornmerroz;
Journa/, with which Mr. It wan connected ne
editor and propoprietor - tintil loot March. IS,
should have Mentiohed the fact above that in
In-V. the subjeet of this notice was electtil
Mayor of Pittsburgh by the Whigs, and served
one term, i. e. one year, in that position.
After retiring from the Journa/, as above no
ted, he removed with his family to the country,
at ,ftenmington. Here his health, which had long,
been failing—we might say for yew:it—appeared
to improve a little. Latterly, however, in anti
cipation of the event which has just.occurred,,
be came to this coy to arrange his business:.
matters. He was at the Monongahela Hou se ,
for several weeks., but at length, as he grew,
feebler, ho was removed to Judge Shake's,'
where he died. His disease was inflammatory
rheumatism. Ile suffered severely in his hands
and wrist joints, one of which was dislocated a
few weeks aline by the swelling incident to the
disease. Ile did not expect to live long when
he came here from his country residence. He
said to a friend, who told him about four deye
since of the sudden demise of Mir. Ingram :
Ingram had many things to bind him
to life which I have not; he had a much greater
desire to live, doubtless, than I have,but he
ban bent me a little in winning the goal, after
aIL "
It RIM but a little : only one week.
Mr. Riddle was a man of fine presence before
he became an invalid ; be was tall, well formed,
of graceful manners and, when ho chose to Ire so,
was an exceedingly interesting man In carver
tuition. Ile held a powerful pen, and bin style
was decidedly original and pungent. Ile was a
master of the English vocabulary, and could
marshal a regiment of words at one wave of hie
wnnd. Ile took an interest in matters around
him in the world, to the last, and as we learn
from-the Chronic!, '.has employed his pen in
writing short articles for one of our papers, rind
even so lite as Friday night, his eldest son, who
has most sedulously and tenderly watched him
during his declining health, read aloud to him
the chief features of the news contained iu the
evening papers."
Mr. Riddle numbers seven of this (evilly who
have died within four years—father and mother,
one Meter and four brothers! Ile leaves a wife
and five children to mourn their loan
Tail Bail BOLT CA36.--013 Saturday morning,
at ten o'clock, the Mayor staled in the presence
of all the river men in port together with law
yers and others intereeted in tide affair that,
owing to further intelligence he had juot re
ceived touching the alleged murder, he felt it hie
duty to adjourn the ease until Tuesday, the 4th
day of January. He intimated that what he had
learned 'was favorable to the case of the defen
dants. Perhaps we ought. to express no opinion
at all in tide matter, but we will say, judging
from what we know and have heard of Capt.
Alford,fthat we cannot believe he would in any
way, knowingly or intentionally connive at a
twine. We say, however, that strict justice
ought to be done in this case, strike wheresoever
it may, and we are sure it will be done in the
hands of the Mayor
The defendants renewed their recognisanoes
and here the matter reefs for the present.
.. _ ..
—Some months Attie, Shaw, who run s man off
from this city and sold him in Alabama, wu
, tried for the crime. Ells counsel, Mr. Swartz
; welder, professed his entire willingness to go on
with eleven jurors, as on the second morning
after the trial commenced, one of the twelve was
taken very eiok. The verdict being against the
prisoner, his counsel moved for a new trial and
in arrest of judgment, because there were but
eleven jurors sitting at his trial. Judge Mc-
Clure has had the Matter under advisement for
some time, and rendered hie opinion on Satur
day as follows. We regret that want of room in
our columns obliges us to curtail a little:
The verdict in this rase was the verdict of eleven
Doling the progress of the trial, when the names
of the jurors were called in the morning, one was
absent. It appeared he was seized with a sudden
and violent illness during the night, and it was man
ifest and conceded that his further attendance du
ring the trial was out of tho question. The prison
er's counsel at once said he was willing to go on
with eleven jurors. The District Attorney instantly
replied that the Commonwealth had no objections.
The case went on; the prisoner was convicted.
The momentous question arises in this case,whether
judgment can be pronounced on a verdict rendered by
eleven juror.. This question is of paramount im
portance, and tie other reasons will be noticed which
may hare boon filed in arrest of judgment or for new
To say that the record shows that twelve jurors
were sworn, and that the record imports ahosolute
verity, is to say nothing. A true record not only
imports absolute verity, but O what it imports to be,
absolute verity. Should the record fail to exhibit
the fact "that from the sudden Illness of to juror, the
case seas tried by eleven," -then the record would
suppress the truth, and would cease to be what it
imports, absolute verity. An honest record,
like an honest witness, must tell the whole truth.
The record neither was nor id untrue, orincomplete.
It first exhibits twelve jurors were sworn; that is true.
It afterwards exhibits that the verdict was rendered
by eleven jurors; this was true also. There can be
no record of an ttient until the event transpires.
Nor can the absence of a juror be matter of record
before it was a fan. Nor could there lase record of
a verdict rendeied by eleven jurors, until after it was
rendered. V s. • a s a
The question here is, "con the agreement of coun
sel dispense with a juror In the trial of a criminal
case, that is, can a lawful trial be had with eleven
Thu sixth sontion of the ninth Article of the, Con
titution, is in - these words :.Trial by Jury shall be
horetoforo; and tho right thereof remain invio
This pr. town is in the bill of rights. The word
iulate is a very unusual word occurring In a writ
on constitution. It clearly denotes anxiety and
Jealousy in ire framers Inviolate means unhurt,
uninjured, unprofaried inviolable means unsuseept
ble of hurt.
When the framers of the constitution say "trial
hy4ury shall remain as heretofore
' nothing can he
plainer, fur that was well known; but they add the
solemn that "the right thereof shall remain
inviolate," and however well they must have knoWn
that Courts and Lemolaturea might, through igno
rance, or accident, or inadvertence, or haste, edit,
'heat, or enact uneoristitutionally In other easel,
they seemed determined that here there should be no
mistake. •
Blackstone and other legal writers, call the right
of trial by jury a sacred right. Trial by jury mesas
troll 17 the country. Blackstone and all writers, an
tecedent and nom, define a vomited to be "the ones
ore demsnin of a jury .•'
shall now refer to acithandes •
If a juror lee taken ill during the progress of a
trial, either in felony or misdemeanor, the proceed
ings are at once interrupted. If there be nu rea
sonable probability of the juror's early return to his
duty, the remaining eleren should be discharged
The clerk of the Crown shall make an entry of the
feet, with the reason of it, and the trial must kg,
commenced, either at the same or subsequent as
eine. Roo- .. If ii1.1(11 clad Byas Crown a
l(10! p 22t. 2 Maj. Thy Cre Law.. n
The petit jury must consist precisely of twelve, The prurituastiarkata of hLa tonutry are now in an amain,
and is never to be more nor less, and this feet, it is 13u, rewitvoa se regard• Sriew• At the flame s tweeado,
emsary t„ insert upon the recoil. If , therefom,
the number returned be lose than twelve, any ver to me
eorn.loe exam{ le, re nud mu aM,, either ' it stimulus at ein we
!bet man be ineffectual arid the judgment will ba huatt.ei toms and Ch. M.. wbill it It de<lisme mho..
reiersed fur error. story'. Lutes, p. 502. -et The quota...
• given quality In Me lour roar
' tete nanwd to mum.. as 1311,
Twelve jurors inn.; appear on the record to hare rod , •
reewiered their verdict. utherwim is error by the
whole Coon. /4,., r• Sr lite/oleic 2 li'slitnio. Muck Chleagn . nosing
'f.".. 719
tt Leal. tucks tunic twit
If or ly elerem jurors be sworn by mistake no t 0.. ‘"'it•
',Nut tan he Laken of the cloven, nadir it be, it is m ' a " e"'"" The ton' c"l'''''"bb't
wt • in lireportkia to the ami not usually prduced. than an error. 2 Hale** Pleat ids Cr./A.:96. ttta Wesmts Nudes, an! the latter will not beside to wale
Clyneard war convicted. It did not appear freha any farther e3ettlt,utl,ne eftwnet•stence 0, ids *applying
the recent that the number of jurors was twelve_ the "an.° hide if the Wriiltt on. whlrh ls
The court raid it must appear, ford' the verdict eras P "'" a4 "." '`."‘" ' l7 h r "
th " " "sbl" '" . "
pmsented by a lesser number, It was clearly l ill her ngarw.
therefore judgment LI rerened (1 , 4 r, Elizalwrh p areree et other as re
are to nor,
gardirnfro, who.. was, not ae mar tol t tate.. the aar
It a juror be awl. to that he cannot elritheniiii Pi.. ilt li.V.mtlorett at` et.w that , In the 80...
ehilictanite of woue of thew ern, lee trona of o ak,
nod verdict be taken, st is the terdiet of the other
Ens the ise4 boot. next bor•e•t volt pri hehly nuJi
sleTsn• be ~t frr. r• 1 %. 141 w.w. 2n, qu ,Latiotte to and ow I irk to dui f.r .
i'tet..eytee.9 l s
I fs• t ties,
Moe. we ed,
A Joey mere s I
fops/ of twelve men; no other will be 100,01 ot
rettloila this .man Ls, tion %A.,mention aunt, thc
number io km.wo to the law. Lf.ron r. ki,),nrd,, 2 oat...
if Mood., wd. 461 22 Woo, 296
In 0.0 of a trial by a petit pry,Core, per bushel.
eon he no
mere enr less Ciao twelve, and all assenting to the loom., par morel
e indict arn.r.lingly, it was adjudgc.l that the judg per Liu. -
meat Le rarefied. bassituerbest - Itleta tedious. 111 444 . -"
.ear !"
1 /ha ` soar Judge Men AthitedlS the rune Metes Vett
tiesl , !•I•ll"marspi• roge 11 , 4rts . tr.! mint labstoss r
r. t • aro. taw olio 'er Ile i 1 ''''•'"
IltattrY 424 l• 14 Pease State Ttef,' 41111 risfot - es
—fate The feupreme Conn ~f Penneylrsma has uniform • 1 eaterday was the day 1../..1..tta, at tie S.tete Treasury,
ly river.e.l, ov en rano orb%re appeared me pmr.fece tor Oa oicv of Slo nett It crew reek ,Gre
the ,eruct wee render.. I y en jurors, or where '''" t at that
appeasedit that thirteen jurors weer owcro • • I 000 ' r " ." '"
In,.a recent case in Now lark, a, re,torot n o h. • ~:Crrp' ; :, '
• r•wwwws, a juror wan- at
o, tu withuraw, I-- hi.. 112 73 at
pad the Net, were rearmed to writing and entered on
n-cord. The prisoner was convicted, the rented"•l at l.lw rehrloted th It A, ewe fried by twirr ~„‘
,or wr Ti., ease was Laken up on error, and the
court ~f Appeal revered the judgment. The people
Michael Pent..., not yet reported The juror
wathdtew at the t0v , 5,,,, 10-,•0 of tho-prisoner
91.1 wailtug •
Public interests cannot to waned , private rights
tai. The constitution of Now York permits a
waiver fn civil ea..., for that connina private In
terest, but it suffers no 0001.00 in criminal Caeca.
The r .notitution of Penney 1i.31 does nut permit it
either in civil or criminal rases No consent ran
alter or m o dify the known, certain, uniform, perms
tient pravenheti niles of trial in criminal cases To
try with stein, or thirteen jurors m to create a new
tribunal, nnknown to the ronstitution or law. Thi.
no counsel, ow rumen, or Court, or all three, can do,
Artlele 9, Section 9, of the Constitution, le in these
words No one can ho "deprived of life, liberty or
property, unless by the judgment of hie peers or by
the law of the land."
The foregoing authorities demonstrate th/Pa trial
lercn jurors, although by consort and at the re
quest of it prisoner: is not "by the law of the land,"
bet contrary to the law of the land. • • f
If one juror can ho dispensed with, or one juror
added, then no reason eau be given why any number
rosy not be dispensed with or any number added
The Lew allow. no additions or sulistract ion, nor any
other number than the number twelve .
From the foregoing authorities the folluering pro
positions. among others, are self evidea
I. When a jnror withdraws from the trial, the fart
moot i.e noted of record.
2. The record must slow that twel v e jurors were
sons If it appear that lei. or more than twelve
delivered the ierdiet, it it error.
Wairer by consent of a priioner in a criminal
tense, Is a nullity.
In 0118 case teeth, prom were sworn, and eleven
delivered the verdict.
Judgment arrested and the prisoner remanded for
Br sat COURT.
New NlONTllLY.—Grahent'e Well known Mag
azine appears now with the new year2in fine
Ayle, as "The Ladies' American Magazine." It
was the intention of the publishers, and It was
,announced, to call this magazine, "Graham's
American Monthly," but after the prospectus
Mad been issued the publishers learned that an
other monthly with that name had previously
taken the field and copyrighted the noble.
This fact is of small import to the public); the
!More important fact is that a fine magazine ie
'before no, and we commend it to the ladies every
,I ~
, ~NT TO TIIII HOSPITAL --qbo9. KCIT wan tried
la the Lawrence County Court, last week, for
liurning the house of Jacob Baker, of Scott tp.
4 verdict of not guilty, by reason of Insanity,
l as rendered, and the prisoner was conveyed to
, to Western Hospital, in this counly. , It was
awn at the trial that Kerr had been insane for
-.6 years, and that 17 years previettaly he had
s j li
Darned the house of Mr. Baker, who ho supposed
Was living on hitt land, wrongfully.
- 1 .-- --0-- .
FINN Jon PnitiTlNG.—Mr. James McMillan,
.liff.ti street, near Wood, is now engaged in pre
hring the carriers' addresses and card, for the
ioliday offerings of these indefatigible patios.
Oats. We observe some specimens of printing
y McMillan, recently, which is equal to anything
e hare seen elsewhere, foe neatness and good.
aste. la Card, Bill Head, Posters and fancy
tinting generally, McMillan is prepared to ex
ilic orders in the neatest style, on short notice,
41 moderate prices.
essra. 8. 8. IVaters & Co., Federal street,
I'gheny, near the Diamond, have recently open
. 4 a new establishment, in which'they expose
nd offer to a discriminating public a fresh and
•slect stock of the thousand and one articles en
' ring Into the category of Family Groceries.
e Ire them' call and judge of their prices.
Tan Union PRATIIII Merrinn.—The follow
lig ministers will conduct !he exercises of thla
eeting, at Masonic Nall, on the respective
ays nnmed. Monday, Rev. Isaac Sawyer;
Tuesday, Roy. 11. flinsabaugh; Wednesday,
Env. A. M. Stewart; Thursday, Rev. J. A.
Seraney; Friday, Rev. Dr. Selft. No services
oil Christmas day.
ijTue dwelling house of Joseph Farrel, at West
tberly, near Wellsburg, was entered by thieves
on Thursday night of last week, and robbed of
'n gold watches, money and other valuables
amount 9f come $llOO. An attempt lota
t ,t the store sae frustrated by the vigilance of
t watch-deg.
enjedilor of the
_Wrenn Star, Deaver, Ps.,
Irrt is a solemn I.bouglii•ltitt. there is three
i7sd er nidleg en he c n e yjozn a lg : ta thin prosent
1 1 1 '. 1#00!4184thOisiels , '
Tne trial of the Fort Pitt cannon, on the
proving ground in Negley'e Hollow , near East
Liberty, is still going on. Up to Monday, the
13th init., 2,200 rounds, from each, had been
fired, and both guns still sound. Fifteen pounds
of powder are used at a single charge, making
the aggregate amount consumed in this trial,
66,000 pounds! The object would seem to be
answered already, as no gun in use will ever be
required to stand such a tremendous test.
Comma's VsinlCT. —The coroner' inquest
in the caae of Mary J. Schnyder, who se sudden
death, and the postponement of the investiga
tion we noticed on Saturday, resulted in a ver
dict of "came to her death by apoplexy."
Fon vim llouttav,—ln our advertising col
umns, this morning, may bo found an unusually
attractive display of articles suitable for gifts.
See Kay & Co., J. S. Davison, E. C. Cochrane,
Rant & Miner, John 11. Mellor, 11. Kleber &
Bro., Charlotte Blume, etc.
Eanoa.—We were misinformed in relation to
tho death of Mr. Wadsworth, of the firm of
Cridge, Wadsworth & Co., engine builders. It
was a brother of the engine builder, and not the
partner of that firm, who died last week.
Ta■ ladies furs, at Davis' auction, comprise
all the fine varieties of stono martin, Fitch,
sable, and others, imported and manufactured
this season. The sale will ho continued this
morning and afternoon, at 10 and 2 o'clock, on
the second floor.
Da. Stone commences his Lectures and expe
riments at Lafayette Hall, this evening.' It is
said by those who have attended this Exhibition
of mesmeric power, that the-experiments are
very amusing as well as astonishing.
A Dra.zoarioa of the Young hlen's Christian
Association will leave their rooms, Fifth street,
for East Liberty, on Tuesday evening, at six
o'clock, for the purpose of holding a prayer
meeting in that village.
• -
it rained quite fast again last night, and bids
(air, at the hour of this writing, to continue to
rain. We may expect another hoary rise in die
WASTZD.—Sea advertisements under this head
of interest to those who seek profitable Invest
went of Capital.
[saw. Dwarf, V. I`; B. P. Joxxs,
Cam, J. S. CO./ATI.
j Repertril 4a-dully Ar Vie Pilt W. rv.'r (ALT.! -. j
thrtaMmon, ilonnlT,Drc. Ilifik.
I . l.ol.lll—Selm on wharf and front wagon of GI b I. ati
"rni ion t s4,7kon4,•iik and Al do skim at $:1,07. Vn 111.11, p•
...of 650 tibia. at $ 0 for mitwirllna; $5,41.5 for rot ; $.5.1i
A40f5,59 for ordinary extra family: and $5,00e . e5,1111,f elm'.
ito. Tho market arm deeliledly Grsnrr.
GRAIN-4AL". WO bush oat*, Irma grid limas, of iti; at
100 do foam stare At AN; not so brisk. Corn is II as I.
I from depot of EGO bush ear ot W. Barley, 3w lmet pink,
at (3. 11,4,100 tittsh from wagon at 7/ Mica!, 1 ) bosh
Mediterranean at Ali an adramo.
HAT—Salo 0110 Imam from city wale" at from $1 to $l4
,t. 1,1 ton. /
GUTTEIL—pales of 1,11.19 if, roll at fo r $1 lb.
CLIREAL—poIar of lid boxes Minton" Itoarrve t 11,. 'R
MGM—A We of b 0 too. Noila Ash at .1%. eh and
UL I.—]Lion of 40 Milo Lard Olt No, 1 , at ii..
rilsATOY—A—Mark• I Omar: sales from shire ofiiii Md..
NoMationeks at I:450 per LWO td; lad 140 and bush ioat $1
' per bash.
1 IT lIINK ET—Nal. of 41 Mils nisr al 23 1 .,;. and :1; de re;
tiara at 2.5431.
D0 , 13--Ades of Ist tool Ii". et 1.1..":4,331M, g
4 BEANt , —Salos of lb - , bush at SIS I.M/ per toi.h. ni,"
I . I4C1.11:1 4 --Sales of N. , Push of $1,2:.. front at...rr.
andnarti• .1-w
O.s.s 00 $5 nss 50
CM, , 706$ 1
• 30.$ ;5 0,1 •
- .
whale sto.rtt coGsrp..l. Lt trill I. sn.:j. Wu, f. 241,.
nr: and the neceptP,l Ul _,Ni , /11. , 1 1 , 11 l
.4 the whole *mount of the four tf.ln sloo,tssl,
ptt I.oto+ only so ottsch ,of told No. In taken a. 1. wryolspd
to mate out the lull sous We oro , purp the folloorlog nusto.
tnnot of tha atouttnt. the Isar Otto,, sts..l the price psi.; by
the state for lb* todelopt:oo the <lt .
it 9414 1 .0.,
‘1.40 01.1 at 5/.,
42:2 , 12 70 at
74%34 Ll' at 91
ti nt
Hy this purriotaa, Ntato $3.570; bealtlan tia• an
nual Intern:ton f,loo,oca, (ram tha prrsant litpo till the sto , k
is radretaabla.—Pbila. Hollettu.
Th. print cloth work, generally, am stork iog fall lima,
hailngNnaiderable tavlara tibtaal. Tba Prothlaura
nal of bac. 13, reports • vary 11, nturkat 011 a .light
ah.orl. The fallowing ant rep+riad
5000 plaana GS by G4 , print. 1.11114
11500 • GI
. by 04, 5%; cam..
40a/ • ea by us,y
MOO " CO rby CA, re! . ..;
12500 00 by (.4, 54
9000 01 by GI, h 1, ••
3.60 • 55,1, fit:, 5 , , •
.1.1000 [deceit.
The Moe-reline Journal st.ll. that It is espoct.l that the
vellum hrenctme of the State Bunk or low. will Iregla to
Peoe bill. about the Ist of January. net paper etatee Unit
Mr. Hoyt Sherman ho. written that the Net., etc., are to,.
log cuersont, out that one thmteand slue le of each plate
,$12,600) will to• placed in the hoot. 01 the erptrael trap
ped ou the tfolt Init., and ei ery [lra days the matter two
Ihuttmod rhecte of ono plate and one thousend of the other,
0111 he sent. ha the mcautime Ow notes st 111 be tegleteted,
.0 that by the let of tannery reek brand, will probably
hove ennegh to commence hosinere.
There I. canshlorablo excitement aloug .be tram', In it,.
rid.] ty of flandera,m,lu regard to cern, and holders to emote
iOnlltitYll, MT demanding env In elltnallid 7 , 0 'per 11111111.1 fer
abetted. Pelee of 10,06 D bosltel• of wheat had Peen mule at
prlcre ranging from 00 to tiOconts, tot toquallty.
Import. by River
LOUISVILLE per Clare Dam-15 loon • ph; Iron, 6ba
hothoro, I do wool, Wfloon,Paybe & Co: lot coal boat No
Jones & Cooley; 4 Ithdo sugar, 47 ilco sundries, G bbls, 11 •
frothoro, 11 do wool. I bbl. stool, 10 oko fruit, 1 bbl flo
woad, 51 Nlandlsos,Mrono A co; 21 010 l OWL Ilagole.Y: .19
Gathers, BlTlorkau, Gorton &Co.; 10 do 0010,11. 11. Dicke
66 do do, Graham & Thonvo; 6 bbl. potatoes, O. ph,gba ;
300 bblo flour, Barbour & ,Illiwswn; 1236 do do, 2 oho wool 0
do lostbero, 2bblo, 1 oak, Chu* eo; 36 oho peach., 25 b
grten oppho, 12 hi do. Os wool, owner. Discharged
too* way frolght, and !Anatol 07 way pumetworo.
MONONGAELA NA VIGATION CO - 24 bblo flour. 2 bbl,
4la poultry, 183 101 l ,(co, 10 oho onto Swindler; 4 bbl, 3
oho oundrlso, 6 Wilk, WIloon; 2 boo collet, Lsdllo & Ulan::
14 oho ralo, !louse; /00 la glow, 31111er; 1114 bbl flour, 8111;
02 boo outs, Ch. & Israel; 3 bbl flour, &ellen; 213 ho glom
Berry* co.
Imports by Railroad.
P.O. AO. R. 11-11 cars bogs, Ido cattle, oarsayr, 0 bbl.
Pearls, A /Meal Ido bettor, 2do eggs, 7 Iwo Pea., EMMA.
&ea 200 l 401; corn, Robb t co; 13 fella brown core,
41 Idda bolter, 23 Wes cation, 02S hes stafeh, 4013
lard, 601 do flour I do do whlakey,72 Mae oil, 202 ;lacks
stheat„ 110 bx•caudlea, 22 rolls leather, OOcka brooch Idle
bees, Clarke Ace.
C. & P. IL IL-43 bga beaus, Liggett A co; 12 441 s do, an
' 401 oats, 6 do coro, 3 btoladry applee,B4 river A Dilworth :30
bales bay, Hagan A Co 40 .k. oats. 54 do rye, Glldeor 1310 boa
corn, 70 do paatora, Sneathen; 00 trdle wow. .tot, Leech A
!lair; 70 aka barley, mar; 2 kge lard,o 441 s boner, Il do
00100., It Mdle, Wirt* & eve 65 toile wagon e tuff, 1 1 1eWbIaney;
A 60 44 eta beano, 9 du col tt, 1113de; 50 bbles, J It Daewoo;
40 40 csnAln and pap,llratrana A Tborule, 10 bra calif,
10 1 1 dor. handle, 1,11110 A Trimble; 400 alta fend, Curry; 01
ey e , 20 do am, 11r41 & era 15 bb l e knoba, L/vlngelon A
err, 49 alt•oata, NlcCullougb &NE 7 kge lard, Atwell, Lae 1
c 46 410 ska reed, Dorrlogto% 9 cunt cattle, owner.; 4 rate
pe c p,,,200 eolls tope, 453 pkg. lard, 24 roll. leather, 120 boa
Elww, 43 pcscoppar, 59 bbLe butler, 1537 Idole pork, 543 do
beer, 62 ate ered,l6oo bah wheat, 11168 pen bane 515 44 e
. 4
Mon, Chita 1 ccc Z ats barny, Wood; 06 do, IS etA s th,
IA kaa better, 8 llarbavgb A no 6 bbls.pplas,ll) 4Es eh ,
252ake potatoes, J 11 CAndeld A rv, 353 do, 11/tehroc6, sft
Croat) a co; 70 hop, °wawa: 7 do, 16 aka corn, 60 do on
100 da brooms, Fetzer. .
We teem ou turd the Moe Mittelmanet. Ira No. 3, Cap
Boaz, on Saturday. She le now about complete. GM
Mend, Me. J. 0. Bottle, whose magnificent mocha.e hi
uudor the new Oirard Motel, was Jut putting the lent
Cola of She
in place awl she wee about ready to
lave. She finely Ilnislutti The root of her node cable
le arched and finely touched with white. and gold. She la
strongly hull!, Her bull WY Mob> at Yreedom, and meas.
ureel3o bet length on deck. b oile r 211 feet beam, 4..,‘
feet depth cf bold. She too three rs 36 Mau diame
ter, 7.2 feet long; two Cylinders, 416% Mehra, by 4% feet
stroke, with doctor and uegto engine for holenog freight
and wetting mute. She le fitted out he every respect rto
nettling to the dumbest law.
The tow bold &tinging canto mover the fonlimllle Edition
Thursday, from Babying., with eight bargee in tow, fur
Bushnell 03. haveat nor lane, Mamma linlahed, • fine
new coal to to be called theConestogo She la of the tout
gruhaantial build, and we. made at floornallio Sits is 174
feet long, 31 feet beam and 0 feet deep. She has two IS
Inch cylosiere7 feet stroke; far holism:II feet Mag. Shot.
of sighewheeler,and will be • Loa of Immense power. Ant
oer wait will tither for business. We clip the following
,from theCommerclel of Saturday
re.Telemph brought 400 leslemtf cotton fn. n
med front the Southerner. The Bay City lake* It to
flitebergb. Tho Beira° came to from EL Loolmond the
!Judson cud nellance from Nashville with fate tripe, lye
harsher:4°lnm pubilebegt their mattlfeets. The Atm, from
New. Orliatta quote!. City, from Nashville, EL Lords, from
ile. laule,llarago and Net. fluima. from Pltbdowabgand
Eunke,fiont Whaling, ere due today The unm oo
cirared for Pittsburgh with 300 tone s and then Candor h
o ,
WhoeUnly with a Ught trip. The Miter has 60 toes frau en.
Pled at Pwtmenth. The doe Own departed forNeehollle
"WI 400 tasty ladadlog 600 Ude salt, sad a Ihk trip of pee.
no Mary Genf eacoustered a nag on Jidda maw
thailloplhh haft airayber txdler deck, forward cabin codLanka, root :Ng Ow talent!. • • • . "
100,hg irsenogr :vegtig- %vine sleet Os
prrrsiztuatan, ERN-WA'
:ST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny Conntk Agricultural Society, held
September 1857, "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE."
And the Penna. State Agricultural Sooiety have awarded to Wheeler d Wilson's Sewing
Machine the highest premium, "AS BEST FOR ALL FAMILY PURPOSES."
THESE MACHINES which have gained such an enviable reputation aver all other
Machines on account of
ler 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed.
2. Economy of thread.
3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction.
4. Portability, ease of operation and management.
5. Speed.
6. Quietness of movement.
7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip - or ravel.
S. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials.
9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish.
Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at manufacturers
prices by •
~. cHI.L.os & co„
No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
stocks of
Ever brought to this market, of great variety; adapted to .
.I , A .1... 1.., ..el. iv Er WINTER S.A..i_..E•
Having been purchased mazer from the Manufacturers, chiefly fbr teas, and selected with
They feel assured that they can offer Superior inducements to Western Buyers.
ilirblne our sticerchan kta i kiting Pittsburgh, Wait.. to parch,. Goods, or on their way to Eestern titles, aro Invited to call
It ' and exami. before
cle7:(l3cw3EnT pnrchasin4 ulawir tern. giarPartlcular attention given to 0H....
Cheap and Durable Fire and Water-Proof
;Tun FIRM OF PERRIN & JOHNSON having, by plutual consent, been recently dissolr
d, G. S. RATES and WM. JOU NOON give notice that they have ehtered Into partnership, for the purr.. at
Bsncarinoeeee..,......ll i p ts . b .n rs om nch A es. m a y s . der the name and firm of BATES & JOHNSON , at the OLD
i?T l A n hi o ll o . " T t a h' Vm oy l a trn ' e n' lG 4
We ore HOW prep+ ed to cover with our SUPERIOR ROOFING, steep or Dot roofs, over rough hoards oil ohinglen,
conspeoition •Of 11Iaild roofs, straMboate, railroad ears. As, being telmirably adapted to withstand the serious changes of
'teeth,. or the action of tire, and it le not Injured bylielng tracefeel Ivan. Wo al. attend to Repairing iild (travel
Roofs lit the mien thorough wanner; al., to reeneetlng Tin, fron,Copper or Tine Roofs, making them ovater- tight, and
!overbite thew atuoitiiit the action of the soother, for EL,boper used, (one hundred oquare fort.)
Preserving thew nod rendering them FIRE-FitOOF, for 82.00 pre quarw—rlieconno for large raos i .
rbf. Roofing in Cheaper than any other kind of Roof, end le Insartel et aloe mtes ea rilr , c,l roofs, end
Infest niperimuling all other kinds.
Itisiang niaterLit for tale, with to Inactions ferepplying. References and certificates at our eilllee.
No. 75 Smithfield Street, near Diamond Alley, Pit N taburgh, Pa.
i . N. 13.—Ourestivas lo not render. winolleew In preparing it for the roof. °ell:Pandas P
etaried over the fall. Youth, two pole of which wore 'girths!.
ly wrecked, and two boats snot. Ono lair In charge of
pilet Jn.. lived,. otrock the ...ken coal boat en the taller
that Iwlonged to It.• J. Watson, and one of the binate
thelie badly that It wag found Impoesible to cave It, and
the lashinga sr. re cot, awl the crew) umped on the other
loot, olden was landed ...-rat miles bduvr Now Albany.
One of it pair of heats lvdmigom to Hyatt Jr Co • to charge
of Pavia, xtru,k a barge in hoeing Jeflentotiville, which I
eausiel It to leak so badly that the water gained Cu three !
pumps, and It was landed at Portland."
The at Idols Denver/at way,
"The 11.tIni s m and Silver Wove got in from Pittideargh
take op latter
hnelog 1,00 ton. for the Ultima, which she will
The parties who have bacight the Ctmcktaw, are, too
gentlemen of Memplii, named Williams. Capt. D 11. .Silver
of the J. Lon.. and W. Waling. formerly rtrek of
that bast. They paid 11.5.000 down, mid the balance le to
Le paid In a few months hence.
Ft trod, of on. received ill•pelchet yeetrrday, from Le,
tattoo. Me., which, slammedo revolt evi follows: .lie
roaming to day. cold and ..
fear weather; river gorg
ed and fccavu ale-se hour City p.oevd down,
chauee 1; 1 1 1 fly land and Is ,Lelia peeled up
. .
The 14 poldicao says.
•"flie V... 1, Copt. Coniniere,
caw. Ilendi J W'. Heilman. Cep, Clot.; are all
!emit. tor bound - 111a Cincinnati and l'ltterurgli, and will
, deuce this VT0(1111‘ at 4 o'clock.'
Tllt Ywr..- -no Lon isville Pooch r of 1 1 : Any [aye:
9.1.-re It, row, eapoetaliy ut 1,41 lot, swellp
lug away goods and whatever had been left en thew har f du.
*log the tight, Including is large quantity of hose at the up-
per wharf. At Portland, the crew et Me Fairchild had the
nth.", d r ib,111.44 t" aaon
a whir , h. , he'en I lad a hang time 1 had Uteri. roteplainm w 1111 Ihd fl l llo'ir.
The. mok 11 bnard tic, log ay - toptomik I wan luenuha, rut-1,141...4 nod Irritablt, 1
it o,er aeomod abtrattli in complaints; 11.0 of which I will try to
01.. beer. y totWataur. ea 111. extl a. tealitiy, am if
sew hisiet ea. - ea ten, 1 thing was going to rail a
p a ce utnability to oath much un
;1...z.m&h1...4=...r.y..1,:ar1? tt , U4:ll coo. of a feeling of tu tw..Llng and driaggtog„ era
...••• ub i.dc:r.siees.,..a4lv.r...,tv.v.t. Awl o tbleu Lar
ced th 7
,tin g hear, abonach lhar.anal-by tni:uZta.ani
.bat hal a.m. to I•u - cr.r Th. r•thrr ICar sasie ieaci a o - 7 - • •-•
imatramiily644..";, oce. or
- fewmgagyarg.,
ilit•sicli the rem of Dick rout:, "
not be tho excitement a - dimwit ledr Aa dd iti.-
day; 1 could acarcely morn abont the hone, and did not
, take ply...a In anything. I had goon up holm, haring
trier everything. al, 1 suppaowl, Insets ' but friend milted
atteution to 31 AILSRALL'il IL/1111tLNM IJATEIOLICO.V.
I took) c, hoping attaltalt hope. Moat fortunately It Cared
ine; and there Is not is healthier ur more grat eful woman In
conntry. 1 Inset all with tim It It teals , the Wonituda
friend In need. Mae. FLOBle.1104: LEL4LI,E.
ly cure W7ing of Mc Irotaa, frhik;
or Painftd Ilenttruttlion, itylatalutlione and /4.1.
tof he
ec. /Colo.-yr no f . rioney Organ; er In•
Cr..- Heartburn, Clatirmrs.: Neyrouritiv,
Mindineurrrinng; iSlptlatients Cram,pl, DitturbeteSlerp, anti ad
treublar organic or rymyatarfie, counecled adba the litteits
-- •
All.lll V XI/.
ue, flrcmisdrilb. Imrnria, Brown...llk.
Trl.4:rapt, :1”. eleg
Ehr.a raph, d.
l,eth T
I 1201 . . 'Bayard. Eliza o beth
1,... A./old:, St. Inlls.
Rivra awl falba.
Telegraphic Clarteta.
Ns. y o tr, Is —Cotten J 1111: 16fc lulu /odd. Flour
fli to: altos ;nice 1a.1.1. -- Whout firm; Tab.. pas) boa at $1,17
(001.14, Core non, cif, 11.00 bus, old elite at S 4, mos
Pilo. 7 1 , -1k 1.1:. at $ 1 7,5 ,1 ,'/IS fur old wens, and $l5
for new. Lard he., ant at paean ,piiet; .Wen
dinar. Pia green sides at drensal flogs quoted at 7 ..4@
7?-i. Lard Oil firm at allow firm at 10 1 , i 0110 ; ,.;,. Sugar
steady', Neu 31us.orulo Frelyhh
cotnin to Pr./7 02d.
Stis-k llsrket—rtocks Psis/alai; the market closed sloaly;
Chicago and book Inland Illinois Central H.. IL irr:
filleola Central gm, t ou; Lo finnan and 3111watikle
Miolligan Month,. DC Sow York Central !CV,: Galena and
Chicago 71N: Michigan Central, Erin 17%; Cleveland
mud Tuledo, UPI: Croasa land grants 2.11-,;: . Pacific Mail
S. 8. Co. vOli; 1 , 11 , 111311 11. 11. 111 1 7 1 eimeaskv vixen Yd.
Pilltibiaritli, Ear. lo.—Flair excer,lingly quiet, batpr... are steady; italic of 1500 bids at $5,12% for import ne.
$5,52% fur oath., and si; for extra Wally. There ia
: chimp. In Rye Flour or Corn Mind. Wheat Is doll and kr
lower : 4000 tnia add nt $1,2:11451,28 for red and $1,31001,45
fur white, Including reins Kontitoky which mold at oar - high.
figura. Ilya W. Corn :deaths aothro demand
and Lan again advanced Ye; sates 5/001 tons new yellow at 70
0572 and old at NI 00I4Idull at 44.4.5. (kitten held firmer
INC bags Itio .1.1 at IP,:oulbi!, Cupir In fair request, 200
Mule Molasses sold at 7 1 447:11. Wool active. Whisky
at 25%42a.
Clsclivadri, Ihr. Is—Flour Ram. Whiskey steady; Wen
0010 Ehla atx2.l. llogs held lugher, mid the few sales toads au adiatice; 010 bead were Fold nt $5,25 groan, and
IP. hotel averaging 172 Ilia at $11,..10 not; Leavy hogs wore
bald at $5,85 to $7; the receipts were about 401)0 head. Meta
rook firm, and . In fair demand, at $17,50, it sum ollbred
unite freely at $lB for rotate 4slivery, but only 3 0010 were
sold, to bo delivered any lino. before the let of blarrh, at
$lB. Polk Pork is Fuld at 048 N hist rho demand la limited.
Lard firm and In gaol demand, at 111.%foiiI0I, but held
higher; NW bids wore sold 01 10l , tor beau and gni.
and 103 , 1(411 for prime. Molastia Ls. advanced to 2.1 and la
lu active deMand. Nagar firmer, and lu geed demand nt
full rate.. Coffee steady at 11N03'12!.... Money rustlers
Monongahela Myer 11. S. Mall Packets
Corr. J. O. ! Con. Gookoz Moak.
now mewling regularly. Morning Boats leave Pitt.-
burgh at 8 o'clock A. M., arid Evening Boat. at 0
o'clock P. M. for l• A.
Elizabethtown, flooonga
hems City, nollovernon, Fayette City, Greenfield, Nifornio
and Brownovllle, thorn connecting with newts and Coaches
for Uniontoera, Fayette , Springs, krorgantown,lVnyueolourg.
Cermichaeltown and Jeereevon.
Peunrongrm ticketed Ihnoigh from Pittednergh to Union
town for $2, meek and mutotorwas on boom incluvive.—
boats returning from Brownsville leave, at 8 o'clock in the
"orningami 6ln the evenly-. For further in forneation mi
grant at the Ofllce, Wharf the foot of Grantotreet.
ante O. W. !MINDERE, Annerr.
tpirdtmeit TUESDAY 1 00
now ' 11 NT FOR ZANESVILLE.—The One new
mmemor EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. relineuen ATZ., mere
fur the above and Intermediate port. EVERY TUESDAY,
at t o'clock e. it. For freight or paonago apply on
board, FLACK, !JAIME& &CO., &eerie.
teincinnatt, &c.
FISVILLE—Tbo beautiful passenger
attar:nor IDA M AY, Capt. May, Clerk John Crean/n=47l
hero (or Ma oboro and all lutermadiate port, on TIUS
DAY, 20th lust Fur freight or paraago amply on board or
to_— _ ..-A
data FLACK, BARNaik COgte.
nouisbilfr &r.
FO"1 , 01/ISVILLE—Tho gplen
did new passenger part . REY WEST,
Evan, will tears for ha abora and all Inzermrdiata
latrta, on
MONDAY, :MI Instant, at 10 A. N. For
(Want or towage apply on board, or 11,
.107 SLACK, BARNES h CO.. Abend.
learnteantar ENDEAVOR, Cat. Markel, will•:
tor the above. and nil laterronllate porta on T 8 A
the 20th Inn ,at to otloclr, k. 8. For (might or pasaag.
apply an bolvd, or to FLACK, BARNES A 00., AO..
jltb3 Gritting, &c.
.L• LNANS.—Tho splendid steamer MC.
THOPOLIS, Quaid° enthral°, will kayo
for the above au d all Intarmodints ports on VMS DAY,
Mei inst., at 3 erlock, P. M. Fur freight or pitman* apply
on bawd or to
PLAO%, DAILVES it CO, Agenda,
-20 Bags Applat,
3 do rovebes;
1 bid do Nov lonalug from steamer
Panda, 40. soh b 7 IsBlAll DICKRY & CO,
Po t ap 1n10rk10.4424 pally
For sale by
Geo. w.-.7itarBos.
N 0.12 Fourth street, near Liborty.
Ettfl,-Baston Ina hub* do, just reed .411 fur sale at
IUANOIB Fatally Gloceryand Tea Eltors,
ALeabenr.- no?:
1 00,000 or kIBB BRICK
arrcnows, limn= * co,
the . 1 221S epood skeet and 161 ?mat at.
900 Busit. Battu, warn BEANS
oa hind and far ale by
d 4 MDLIty Wan IW.4B6LikwaY et
D • • M.... 4.11 or e.y
HEALTH OF Antltledli WOMEN.—
• Vor many years 1 hero been troubled with genera
weariness and languor, tooth nwotal twit physic...lf caprice
Ilstlesenexe, dull headache,-pain to the bead and temple+,
whines. and tendency to stigmas, palplttlion of tins heart s
very easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, ntruutsch
and bowels avenged, with pain Any mental or phyalcal
exertion was sure to bring ou all the aympinu,c, and! bad
1.. 1 41110ns Wilag of the womb, and grest pain in that re
glen. Ore physicist, after another extninetnd Ids skill 1111 d
gave ova up. A patient end persevering use of 11011
SRA WS UTERINE CATIIOLICON fortunately nutted we,
and I have on words suLlcieut to etyma toy tbankfulnees
can truly say cunt I have Leon aanffererrnr crony year*
with whit. and &ism:egad toprotroation. Alter a while I
bed other tremblers, such am pole Loco, ludigettlen, oulting
moray, general lacquer rand debility, lulu In the rood' of the
bock, Nora of aching and draggingoeuranon,i o l n Lemeen
Itur ohoulder blorlearstreding rho vionr, lore of an,
tar, troublo in the. stonoril and (nod... • n tort+ and
(et and draeollul rierrou4l3.m. kan...:tolintmLL Would
mote the fool am u I ethould fly &say. I red dirctora and
11141, and everyildnm,vome alter anoth. r, althorn the ben ,
nit. Cure battle of LITMItIN CATIIOLI
CON charred stone of my syrnidorne for the trotter, and tiow
m ni entirely and radkolly rowed. I with ((rot ovary Ivo ,
n conk! hooey what It will do, CIL.M.irI:rSA 0/11:1L.
an pries of .flarehalis Menne Catholic.% is O,s Del/ar
d a riaLrper salute revue. On tae receipt - of .ix dollars
h. , hostler shalt be sesat by expHss, free of champ, to the tad
of the express route.
lieparticular to write the port office address, town, ttoUntp
andoa We Stale. min gUaratatee that Or Ited , ciftssoslibe sew
receipt of the tuuney. address
Da. UR°. IL ILICISKII, 140 Wool et .,
ei.l4-dtwT Sian or el.. Glidden Aloetar.
JOY TO Tll /IQ Alll Al lit Wlit, OF
it. I C 1.1. G. 1, ()SS 'S," 11 A. I. It
Talk of Leanly, It cannot exist without Trine head or hair,
then rend the following, and If you ask more, non cheater
O no D o 'S amAolußb tR.
rn-E.—Wo call the attention of all old and young, b.
Ulla wonderful preparation, which turns back toils original
co lor, gray hair—cover, the hood of the 1.11.1 with w litsuri.
t growth—remove. the dandruff, Itching, and MI cutane
ous ornpflone....sanntes • contisnal Cow of the natural Colds;
and hence, If theml on a regal!ar dressing for the hair. alit
prawn-co Its color, and keep it from falling to extreme old
tga la oil its natural beauty. We eall then Upoll the bald,
the gray, or dimmed in sialp to use ifi and surely the young
will not, an they value [lto flowing locks, or the witching
curl, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of
The Agent for Prof. Wood'. Hair Restorativa In Now If it
era, roceired ale following letter in regard to the Helium.
Urn, • few weeks Wow,:
De ar R (Dona Jl3 23,185 d.
M. LIATI4IIIOIIII,BIrt ham ival,
two tr o ub le d with. dna.
aired er muff on my head for more thane year, my . buff
beg= to oozes out, wort and hair together. r saw to aNew
lame gage. about "Wood's Mar Moe...tire" as cure.—
I trolled at your store tho drat of April toot, and porthae. .
al ono bottle to try lt,and I Mood to my rattegertloo item
the thing:it removed the .0.. arid heir bog,,, to gnorlr.
In now two or throe inches in lougth where it moo at& of. 1
have great faith in It. I wish you to amid ma two With*
more by Mr. Poet, the bearer of thie. I doe% Igtow ea any
of too kind le used In Misplace, you may have • mid - heifer
ta., bottler, after It la totem bore.
Tours, with reepect,
Pernsts‘rius,llepL 0 .3.30 C
PUP. WOor—Deer Gtr . Your Hair Rise torattrel a prating
itself beneficlel to toe. The front. and also the bac I.part of
my bead almost lost its coeering.—iu Loa sus.. 1 hoer
need but two half plot bottles of your Restorable% and*. i r
thstip of my Newt le well skidded with promisime crop of I
,t hair, and the trout Is also receiving 14 benefit I •
11.0 tried otherpreparations without any benefit %Rotor.
er. I (blob from my own personal resommoodotion, Icon Woes manyothers to try it. Yom% resPoolnnY. .
11 . 1. 4031.19.11... D., No. SBA Vine et.
Ymcsetirs, Iwo., June Alin._
PaOr. 0. J. Wootr—de you am about to Mauuthotore
and reod your recently discosemd Nair Itestoratiro;
Mato for whomsoever It ma y ammern. that I hare 1,5,„) .
and known other. to nee It--that. I ham, for o
been he the habit of a/Ingot/lot lfaleftesteratiresounrthat
I Cud room many superior toady other / know. It entde. • j
ly cleanse& the heeded dandruff. and With otiehtoUtles
or Prer.
use will rostoreany person's hair to Moor/gloat yOnthibl
to and texture, giving Wlhealthy, eoft end" glossy ap.
progrance; end di thie, without dhmoloring the hands tha
apply it, or the draw on which it drop.. I would, thoreanro, t
recommend its 'me to every one deelrous of having • Due -
rotor and texture to hair.
Respecthilly.yomv, WILSON RING..
Tor We by 080.1 L It.NYSSIt, HO Wood st., Pittaburgh, , j
O. J. WOOD BO_. Proprietors, S32Broadway, 'it. Y..
(In the great N. Y. Wire Riding Bat:oldish:newt) and 114
Market street, Ele Lod., Ido., and sold by all • good Drtm
gide. .1,20 aw 2 Chlydawist. -
L i
OST.Notrica is luraby girca thiKaiiiiii x cation Wm been made for adu plleetecomillate ormock
le me Mime. Barak of Instebergh, No: /3, ttlited Aug. lJth, -
19.Sy, one sham
Qom le hereby &lauded why mid carus I .
be lamed. EIIILY E. TMIBEY, Me-RemPso-
ju anperlor quality. Entlab manufacture on; •
in Imitation or Romwood, ItabonanY, +.03
MADAN of di defeat kinds, for . ails at Mr Ott Ciotti • Wora-
• 20 and 2813t.elairortraeta
n 02.1) J. a w.Taxialita
-,-ta bassßuckwheatur;
10 do White Bean.%
b. prima loveraned:
• na bpi& packed Batter; •
80 btda ltatra mot Exits Pm:ally
BAwd Grr an dby B. U. XING, No. 211 Liberty at I
- - -
GROOMES-40 hilde. N. 0. SUgai ; •
76 bbli do 11014. 66
odtkrceaßk6 yrupse.cholcoloda6
oph.od and for sale by • lIBIVER Alk
d • ;(• 1 ) 7, O P ° I rl=!j t i et - 't r ' l l ,!
of 1857 and ISA by Er.moel lieneti n D-D ogo
.1.41 J. a. DAVISON, 6
to WO Ara cooabatly ab. iitoriog • b ob t thbf b
Muir. and lbarsdbarg no d csalfribritibb. bbteb;.,44
fan:Man bola. • pe.4l T. YOUNG f CO:
AA No. 1 STOOK ; 0/ 1
. alum]; Slanktbk.Pcimpl,, Stuffs,
" aj lw "Lek : 2! aZNIVIVVI,II Mikkd 44s
--1--,ithuisoo on Piku.—
pas& t 4 order at dyninotice by •
riparlkelerp, 67,4C00i
12;.11 20 sackiJiltroel4e• •
" .•tz- •
00 13 sit- .:NMAXo,llF,Tred.rala-otnteorq•