83a0,t,T2`ICCi. WOFtIIB., -- • - per, . IRCURDY t CO., - 111FOYACTIIIIIMS EIECRATIIING, wattlar mks Nom _COPPER, PURIM coP Pu 1102TOKB, Rabid Bail Bottom, Oppiter . 40. £l4 Inprters and Dalin to KITASKTIN PLATE • • 1 0.08,11134 Ake. Cobstaally on hand„ Musses • salgools. •7„ • • • 'No. 149 List awl 120 Second street, =il=l ; . •t MICITIMRIIII /6 't fail to procure . Winelow's &oat- Lai • • fin Dhlldnin . hr no evasion earth. It •ly facilitates Du of teethlns by inftenlag the • ,roducing all Islam tbn— .Dl allay pain, and le tore • regulate the bowels. Depend upon It, molhare, It ulll glee net Co Tonrselyes, nollef and health to your Infanta. Perfectly wife in al crew. This ealoabla peeparation le tbe presetiption of one of she nontereparfraciad and e fel female Physicians In Nur Ingland r aed Wit been b with nerertgllng euceem In millions of ;sem We Wien It the beet an meet needy In the world, in all emu of Dysenteiy and D Dee In Children, whether It erlaeolroen teething or Dom any other ones and haaltb can be estimated by dollars and eants,lt la worth Its weight In toad. LlUonj o r b o ut. .4. .old aver, year lo the United eater. It Is swold Mundy. _, PRICE ONL Y =NW A BOTTLE illiKtotte genuine mule's the fibeizelle of CURTIS A PAD. Jogj port, IT the outsi tt. etrisir, DR. 4:0. EL lINIARD, Jtatistrlyfa Agent for Pittsburgh. NV EL 0 .t. s JED . ACS E NO le fur the Celebrated AUMn=OILN WATCUEIL REINEMAN & MEYRAN, No. 42 Firm STzm, Hun In dorsal:4.mAMal ennortolent a GOLD AND SILVER, ANcluaiN AID ixausn W.A."1"013P413_ RICH GOLD .11IWZLIIY IN SITTS, FANCY GOODS, PORTUOSIAS, W ATCD-M A MDR'S TOOLS AND MATERIAL, mrl 4 l.lydlh ALL c ools EASTERN PRIM. T Bags! Bags,' Bags! , _ .. 91(111:11k8 and GRAIN DEALiIa can no. to supplied velreap 'citable to their trades on the shorteet notice at th. following aissocla mucus REAIIIR6B-2bush bag. Elli QM aZ It 100. ).‘," E 3 " 31(433 FLOUR RACKS, wally at...darted and printed to order -06 or !..4 bbl. melts (oubleoched) $10412,60'V1 100, nu or " (bleached or unbleached) 110 V, 1000. 24 or y. " 150455 VI 1000. .12 or i-te •• » Eddreito . 0 1000. • Salt Pockets, Hama. Grocers Specie, Wool and Moping Bags toads to order at as low ph:x.las any manufactory ha the country. PAPER BAGS, flsoolos. to 161ba, for Grocers. Tea Deal. sea, sec-, at aboot the price of paper. Parties vdshing can haya their cards printed two them top satin"' are mad. DAVID C. TIERII.9f, Pittsburgh Bag Kano 'notary. No. 207 Libertystacet corms nand. FOILS! FURS I! FURS!! Zd'oCIIDP.D 131 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM NEW iows. are mar receiving i large dock of fresh made FURS consprieing Main Say &LI% Wok Sable, Roue Stettin, Elbrtien Squirrels, /Itch, 1. Capes, MU Mom linorfues, Muffs end Cuffs, - Flag Felt Bonner. Tbeee roods hare been selected with unmet cure, and .111 Seeold u small prorits. Like viridian to purchase fresh FUSS !tr. Invited to nil and mensal. our Rode. noli:kre CALIRORNIAIVICEAft 1111/P LICE. E. Via NICARAGUA. - AMERICAN, ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SHIP CANAL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. OPP 'sirrom Liss ENDOCICD rams& E•cood eblo---.. 100 ,a_-_--r--$ Iso The transit of the lothmtue included. The splendid steemahlp traillilNVON, of MOO tons re. rider. *pt. Henry Chracidli o baring btell tilted op , priestly for the California trade by this Nicaragua route, will leave barpier, North Diem, New Yoht, on hfunley the en of December, at 2 P. hi, carrying I;aterniors, malls, and 'freight to Ban Juan del Norte, to connect a Bait .1.0 del for with the well known and commodlooe Meautehip HNC. MA:tempt - Cgmeody, for Bon Fnuacisco, California. Thew episselid mettembips offer unsurpaseed nothormodatione for the WM, and comfort of pamengem. The I.thmo. route Is thoroughly repaired and In good order, sod the country heelthy. Iwr pas+p• and freight, apply only. at the office of tb Company, to Juni , ' P. YELVYRIYM, /twat, oattkarodki—golf, No. 3 Bowling Or..eg New York. ,The Great Engllse Remedy. MIR el LIM ES CLARILIVS CELEBRATED •FEMALE PILLS! tempered from • preacrfpUon of fir lama Clarke, H. D. Phystriaa Estroanlinary to the Qom. Ws well known Medicine le oo impoodtkm, but • ear* mad oak remedy for Female Di/Realties sad - Obetructions, rook may came whatever; and although • powerful remedy, they amain uolblug hurtful Mho constitution. TO MARRULD LADlltil It pocalhoty ernlted. It will: la a abort time, Lehman the mouth!) period aith mauler/v. Mee pa• haat user been Moue to fall sobs Lie &rec. te:rateas thaliwreandpme a/pamphlet rare wall ebMrnret. too fall particalart, get • pamphlet, free, oFtho ape. N. D—sl and 0 postage, stamp. *Deland to say skatharl gad agent, will Ware • 6411*cm:tab:log at Yreedom, and meas. ureel3o bet length on deck. b oile r 211 feet beam, 4..,‘ feet depth cf bold. She too three rs 36 Mau diame ter, 7.2 feet long; two Cylinders, 416% Mehra, by 4% feet stroke, with doctor and uegto engine for holenog freight and wetting mute. She le fitted out he every respect rto nettling to the dumbest law. The tow bold &tinging canto mover the fonlimllle Edition Thursday, from Babying., with eight bargee in tow, fur Pittebursh. Bushnell 03. haveat nor lane, Mamma linlahed, • fine new coal to to be called theConestogo She la of the tout gruhaantial build, and we. made at floornallio Sits is 174 feet long, 31 feet beam and 0 feet deep. She has two IS Inch cylosiere7 feet stroke; far holism:II feet Mag. Shot. of sighewheeler,and will be • Loa of Immense power. Ant oer wait will tither for business. We clip the following ,from theCommerclel of Saturday re.Telemph brought 400 leslemtf cotton fn. n med front the Southerner. The Bay City lake* It to flitebergb. Tho Beira° came to from EL Loolmond the !Judson cud nellance from Nashville with fate tripe, lye harsher:4°lnm pubilebegt their mattlfeets. The Atm, from New. Orliatta quote!. City, from Nashville, EL Lords, from ile. laule,llarago and Net. fluima. from Pltbdowabgand Eunke,fiont Whaling, ere due today The unm oo cirared for Pittsburgh with 300 tone s and then Candor h o , WhoeUnly with a Ught trip. The Miter has 60 toes frau en. Pled at Pwtmenth. The doe Own departed forNeehollle "WI 400 tasty ladadlog 600 Ude salt, sad a Ihk trip of pee. Pia." no Mary Genf eacoustered a nag on Jidda maw thailloplhh haft airayber txdler deck, forward cabin codLanka, root :Ng Ow talent!. • • • . " 100,hg irsenogr :vegtig- %vine sleet Os . WHE - ELER & WILSON'S MIST PIZESEnEId 'PAAIILY SEWING AGENT'S OFFICE, NO. SS FIFTH STREET, prrrsiztuatan, ERN-WA' FIR :ST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny Conntk Agricultural Society, held September 1857, "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE." And the Penna. State Agricultural Sooiety have awarded to Wheeler d Wilson's Sewing Machine the highest premium, "AS BEST FOR ALL FAMILY PURPOSES." THESE MACHINES which have gained such an enviable reputation aver all other Machines on account of ler 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. 2. Economy of thread. 3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 4. Portability, ease of operation and management. 5. Speed. 6. Quietness of movement. 7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip - or ravel. S. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials. 9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at manufacturers prices by • ALEX. R. REED, Agent G 8 FIFTH STREET. A MOST LIBERAL DISEOUNT TO cLEßoramv. almaalrrant. ~. cHI.L.os & co„ WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., HAYE NOW IN STORE ONE OP THE LARGEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES Ever brought to this market, of great variety; adapted to . .I , A .1... 1.., ..el. iv Er WINTER S.A..i_..E• Having been purchased mazer from the Manufacturers, chiefly fbr teas, and selected with GREAT CARE AS TO QUALITY AND SIZES, They feel assured that they can offer Superior inducements to Western Buyers. ilirblne our sticerchan kta i kiting Pittsburgh, Wait.. to parch,. Goods, or on their way to Eestern titles, aro Invited to call It ' and exami. before cle7:(l3cw3EnT pnrchasin4 ulawir tern. giarPartlcular attention given to 0H.... - R4O Cheap and Durable Fire and Water-Proof ELASTIC CEMENT ROOFING. ;Tun FIRM OF PERRIN & JOHNSON having, by plutual consent, been recently dissolr d, G. S. RATES and WM. JOU NOON give notice that they have ehtered Into partnership, for the purr.. at cor. Bsncarinoeeee..,......ll i p ts . b .n rs om nch A es. m a y s . der the name and firm of BATES & JOHNSON , at the OLD i?T l A n hi o ll o . " T t a h' Vm oy l a trn ' e n' lG 4 We ore HOW prep+ ed to cover with our SUPERIOR ROOFING, steep or Dot roofs, over rough hoards oil ohinglen, conspeoition •Of 11Iaild roofs, straMboate, railroad ears. As, being telmirably adapted to withstand the serious changes of 'teeth,. or the action of tire, and it le not Injured bylielng tracefeel Ivan. Wo al. attend to Repairing iild (travel Roofs lit the mien thorough wanner; al., to reeneetlng Tin, fron,Copper or Tine Roofs, making them ovater- tight, and !overbite thew atuoitiiit the action of the soother, for EL,boper used, (one hundred oquare fort.) SZICIPTGLEI ROOFS CElmaavvrmze, Preserving thew nod rendering them FIRE-FitOOF, for 82.00 pre quarw—rlieconno for large raos i . rbf. Roofing in Cheaper than any other kind of Roof, end le Insartel et aloe mtes ea rilr , c,l roofs, end Infest niperimuling all other kinds. Itisiang niaterLit for tale, with to Inactions ferepplying. References and certificates at our eilllee. BATES k - JOLISON, No. 75 Smithfield Street, near Diamond Alley, Pit N taburgh, Pa. i . N. 13.—Ourestivas lo not render. winolleew In preparing it for the roof. °ell:Pandas P etaried over the fall. Youth, two pole of which wore 'girths!. ly wrecked, and two boats snot. Ono lair In charge of pilet Jn.. lived,. otrock the ...ken coal boat en the taller that Iwlonged to It.• J. Watson, and one of the binate thelie badly that It wag found Impoesible to cave It, and the lashinga sr. re cot, awl the crew) umped on the other loot, olden was landed ...-rat miles bduvr Now Albany. One of it pair of heats lvdmigom to Hyatt Jr Co • to charge of Pavia, xtru,k a barge in hoeing Jeflentotiville, which I eausiel It to leak so badly that the water gained Cu three ! pumps, and It was landed at Portland." The at Idols Denver/at way, "The 11.tIni s m and Silver Wove got in from Pittideargh the take op latter hnelog 1,00 ton. for the Ultima, which she will to-day. The parties who have bacight the Ctmcktaw, are, too gentlemen of Memplii, named Williams. Capt. D 11. .Silver of the J. Lon.. and W. Waling. formerly rtrek of that bast. They paid 11.5.000 down, mid the balance le to Le paid In a few months hence. Ft trod, of on. received ill•pelchet yeetrrday, from Le, tattoo. Me., which, slammedo revolt evi follows: .lie roaming to day. cold and .. fear weather; river gorg ed and fccavu ale-se hour City p.oevd down, chauee 1; 1 1 1 fly land and Is ,Lelia peeled up . . The 14 poldicao says. •"flie V... 1, Copt. Coniniere, caw. Ilendi J W'. Heilman. Cep, Clot.; are all !emit. tor bound - 111a Cincinnati and l'ltterurgli, and will , deuce this VT0(1111‘ at 4 o'clock.' Tllt Ywr..- -no Lon isville Pooch r of 1 1 : Any [aye: 9.1.-re It, row, eapoetaliy ut 1,41 lot, swellp lug away goods and whatever had been left en thew har f du. *log the tight, Including is large quantity of hose at the up- per wharf. At Portland, the crew et Me Fairchild had the nth.", d r ib,111.44 t" aaon a whir , h. , he'en I lad a hang time 1 had Uteri. roteplainm w 1111 Ihd fl l llo'ir. The. mok 11 bnard tic, log ay - toptomik I wan luenuha, rut-1,141...4 nod Irritablt, 1 it o,er aeomod abtrattli in complaints; 11.0 of which I will try to 01.. beer. y totWataur. ea 111. extl a. tealitiy, am if sew hisiet ea. - ea ten, 1 thing was going to rail a p a ce utnability to oath much un ;1...z.m&h1...4=...r.y..1,:ar1? tt , U4:ll coo. of a feeling of tu tw..Llng and driaggtog„ era ...••• ub i.dc:r.siees.,..a4lv.r...,tv.v.t. Awl o tbleu Lar ced th 7 ln, ,tin g hear, abonach lhar.anal-by tni:uZta.ani .bat hal a.m. to I•u - cr.r Th. r•thrr ICar sasie ieaci a o - 7 - • •-• imatramiily644..";, oce. or - fewmgagyarg., ilit•sicli the rem of Dick rout:, " not be tho excitement a - dimwit ledr Aa dd iti.- day; 1 could acarcely morn abont the hone, and did not , take ply...a In anything. I had goon up holm, haring trier everything. al, 1 suppaowl, Insets ' but friend milted atteution to 31 AILSRALL'il IL/1111tLNM IJATEIOLICO.V. I took) c, hoping attaltalt hope. Moat fortunately It Cared ine; and there Is not is healthier ur more grat eful woman In conntry. 1 Inset all with tim It It teals , the Wonituda friend In need. Mae. FLOBle.1104: LEL4LI,E. II A RBIIA L'S LTERI.VICA JO L. ICON leincertain ly cure W7ing of Mc Irotaa, frhik; or Painftd Ilenttruttlion, itylatalutlione and /4.1. tof he ec. /Colo.-yr no f . rioney Organ; er In• Cr..- Heartburn, Clatirmrs.: Neyrouritiv, Mindineurrrinng; iSlptlatients Cram,pl, DitturbeteSlerp, anti ad treublar organic or rymyatarfie, counecled adba the litteits organs. MMM -- • Stvamboat All.lll V XI/. Iwvt DEPARTEI, ue, flrcmisdrilb. Imrnria, Brown...llk. Trl.4:rapt, :1”. eleg Ehr.a raph, d. l,eth T I 1201 . . 'Bayard. Eliza o beth 1,... A./old:, St. Inlls. Rivra awl falba. Telegraphic Clarteta. Ns. y o tr, Is —Cotten J 1111: 16fc lulu /odd. Flour fli to: altos ;nice 1a.1.1. -- Whout firm; Tab.. pas) boa at $1,17 (001.14, Core non, cif, 11.00 bus, old elite at S 4, mos Pilo. 7 1 , -1k 1.1:. at $ 1 7,5 ,1 ,'/IS fur old wens, and $l5 for new. Lard he., ant at paean ,piiet; .Wen dinar. Pia green sides at drensal flogs quoted at 7 ..4@ 7?-i. Lard Oil firm at allow firm at 10 1 , i 0110 ; ,.;,. Sugar steady', Neu 31us.orulo Frelyhh cotnin to Llverp.ls Pr./7 02d. Stis-k llsrket—rtocks Psis/alai; the market closed sloaly; Chicago and book Inland Illinois Central H.. IL irr: filleola Central gm, t ou; Lo finnan and 3111watikle Miolligan Month,. DC Sow York Central !CV,: Galena and Chicago 71N: Michigan Central P.li, Erin 17%; Cleveland mud Tuledo, UPI: Croasa land grants 2.11-,;: . Pacific Mail S. 8. Co. vOli; 1 , 11 , 111311 11. 11. 111 1 7 1 eimeaskv vixen Yd. Pilltibiaritli, Ear. lo.—Flair excer,lingly quiet, batpr... are steady; italic of 1500 bids at $5,12% for import ne. $5,52% fur oath., and si; for extra Wally. There ia : chimp. In Rye Flour or Corn Mind. Wheat Is doll and kr lower : 4000 tnia add nt $1,2:11451,28 for red and $1,31001,45 fur white, Including reins Kontitoky which mold at oar - high. figura. Ilya W. Corn :deaths aothro demand and Lan again advanced Ye; sates 5/001 tons new yellow at 70 0572 and old at NI 00I4Idull at 44.4.5. (kitten held firmer INC bags Itio .1.1 at IP,:oulbi!, Cupir In fair request, 200 Mule Molasses sold at 7 1 447:11. Wool active. Whisky at 25%42a. Clsclivadri, Ihr. Is—Flour Ram. Whiskey steady; Wen 0010 Ehla atx2.l. llogs held lugher, mid the few sales toads Als.ve.l au adiatice; 010 bead were Fold nt $5,25 groan, and IP. hotel averaging 172 Ilia at $11,..10 not; Leavy hogs wore bald at $5,85 to $7; the receipts were about 401)0 head. Meta rook firm, and . In fair demand, at $17,50, it sum ollbred unite freely at $lB for rotate 4slivery, but only 3 0010 were sold, to bo delivered any lino. before the let of blarrh, at $lB. Polk Pork is Fuld at 048 N hist rho demand la limited. Lard firm and In gaol demand, at 111.%foiiI0I, but held higher; NW bids wore sold 01 10l , tor beau and gni. and 103 , 1(411 for prime. Molastia Ls. advanced to 2.1 and la lu active deMand. Nagar firmer, and lu geed demand nt full rate.. Coffee steady at 11N03'12!.... Money rustlers unchanged. ticgulat Monongahela Myer 11. S. Mall Packets STEAMER TELEGRAPH, I STEAMER JEFTERSON, Corr. J. O. ! Con. Gookoz Moak. TUE ABOVE NEW STEAMERS ARE now mewling regularly. Morning Boats leave Pitt.- burgh at 8 o'clock A. M., arid Evening Boat. at 0 o'clock P. M. for l• A. Elizabethtown, flooonga hems City, nollovernon, Fayette City, Greenfield, Nifornio and Brownovllle, thorn connecting with newts and Coaches for Uniontoera, Fayette , Springs, krorgantown,lVnyueolourg. Cermichaeltown and Jeereevon. Peunrongrm ticketed Ihnoigh from Pittednergh to Union town for $2, meek and mutotorwas on boom incluvive.— boats returning from Brownsville leave, at 8 o'clock in the "orningami 6ln the evenly-. For further in forneation mi grant at the Ofllce, Wharf grow..at the foot of Grantotreet. ante O. W. !MINDERE, Annerr. tpirdtmeit TUESDAY 1 00 now ' 11 NT FOR ZANESVILLE.—The One new mmemor EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. relineuen ATZ., mere fur the above and Intermediate port. EVERY TUESDAY, at t o'clock e. it. For freight or paonago apply on board, FLACK, !JAIME& &CO., &eerie. teincinnatt, &c. FISVILLE—Tbo beautiful passenger attar:nor IDA M AY, Capt. May, Clerk John Crean/n=47l hero (or Ma oboro and all lutermadiate port, on TIUS DAY, 20th lust Fur freight or paraago amply on board or to_— _ ..-A data FLACK, BARNaik COgte. nouisbilfr &r. FO"1 , 01/ISVILLE—Tho gplen did new passenger part . REY WEST, Evan, will tears for ha abora and all Inzermrdiata latrta, on MONDAY, :MI Instant, at 10 A. N. For (Want or towage apply on board, or 11, .107 SLACK, BARNES h CO.. Abend. FOR LOUISVILLE.—Tho lino , learnteantar ENDEAVOR, Cat. Markel, will•: tor the above. and nil laterronllate porta on T 8 A the 20th Inn ,at to otloclr, k. 8. For (might or pasaag. apply an bolvd, or to FLACK, BARNES A 00., AO.. jltb3 Gritting, &c. ----- VOR MEMPHIS & NEW OR .L• LNANS.—Tho splendid steamer MC. THOPOLIS, Quaid° enthral°, will kayo for the above au d all Intarmodints ports on VMS DAY, Mei inst., at 3 erlock, P. M. Fur freight or pitman* apply on bawd or to Idol] PLAO%, DAILVES it CO, Agenda, DRY APPLES AND PEACHES -20 Bags Applat, 3 do rovebes; 1 bid do Nov lonalug from steamer Panda, 40. soh b 7 IsBlAll DICKRY & CO, XTRA LEAF LARD, Po t ap 1n10rk10.4424 pally FOR FAMILY USE. For sale by doraird Geo. w.-.7itarBos. N 0.12 Fourth street, near Liborty. CREAM CRACKWLS, OYBT.ER CRACK- Ettfl,-Baston Ina hub* do, just reed .411 fur sale at IUANOIB Fatally Gloceryand Tea Eltors, ALeabenr.- no?: 1 00,000 or kIBB BRICK arrcnows, limn= * co, the . 1 221S epood skeet and 161 ?mat at. 900 Busit. Battu, warn BEANS oa hind and far ale by d 4 MDLIty Wan IW.4B6LikwaY et D • • M.... 4.11 or e.y • DaUIAWIZIMMIk CO, HEALTH OF Antltledli WOMEN.— • Vor many years 1 hero been troubled with genera weariness and languor, tooth nwotal twit physic...lf caprice Ilstlesenexe, dull headache,-pain to the bead and temple+, whines. and tendency to stigmas, palplttlion of tins heart s very easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, ntruutsch and bowels avenged, with pain Any mental or phyalcal exertion was sure to bring ou all the aympinu,c, and! bad 1.. 1 41110ns Wilag of the womb, and grest pain in that re glen. Ore physicist, after another extninetnd Ids skill 1111 d gave ova up. A patient end persevering use of 11011 SRA WS UTERINE CATIIOLICON fortunately nutted we, and I have on words suLlcieut to etyma toy tbankfulnees Mho. JULIA ANNE JOUNEDN. can truly say cunt I have Leon aanffererrnr crony year* with whit. and &ism:egad toprotroation. Alter a while I bed other tremblers, such am pole Loco, ludigettlen, oulting moray, general lacquer rand debility, lulu In the rood' of the bock, Nora of aching and draggingoeuranon,i o l n Lemeen Itur ohoulder blorlearstreding rho vionr, lore of an, tar, troublo in the. stonoril and (nod... • n tort+ and (et and draeollul rierrou4l3.m. kan...:tolintmLL Would mote the fool am u I ethould fly &say. I red dirctora and 11141, and everyildnm,vome alter anoth. r, althorn the ben , nit. Cure battle of LITMItIN CATIIOLI CON charred stone of my syrnidorne for the trotter, and tiow m ni entirely and radkolly rowed. I with ((rot ovary Ivo , n conk! hooey what It will do, CIL.M.irI:rSA 0/11:1L. an pries of .flarehalis Menne Catholic.% is O,s Del/ar d a riaLrper salute revue. On tae receipt - of .ix dollars h. , hostler shalt be sesat by expHss, free of champ, to the tad of the express route. lieparticular to write the port office address, town, ttoUntp andoa We Stale. min gUaratatee that Or Ited , ciftssoslibe sew receipt of the tuuney. address Da. UR°. IL ILICISKII, 140 Wool et ., ei.l4-dtwT Sian or el.. Glidden Aloetar. JOY TO Tll /IQ Alll Al lit Wlit, OF it. I C 1.1. G. 1, ()SS 'S," 11 A. I. It Talk of Leanly, It cannot exist without Trine head or hair, then rend the following, and If you ask more, non cheater around PROFESSOR W n O d O no D o 'S amAolußb tR. ESTORA rn-E.—Wo call the attention of all old and young, b. Ulla wonderful preparation, which turns back toils original co lor, gray hair—cover, the hood of the 1.11.1 with w litsuri. t growth—remove. the dandruff, Itching, and MI cutane ous ornpflone....sanntes • contisnal Cow of the natural Colds; and hence, If theml on a regal!ar dressing for the hair. alit prawn-co Its color, and keep it from falling to extreme old tga la oil its natural beauty. We eall then Upoll the bald, the gray, or dimmed in sialp to use ifi and surely the young will not, an they value [lto flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of thoumnds. The Agent for Prof. Wood'. Hair Restorativa In Now If it era, roceired ale following letter in regard to the Helium. Urn, • few weeks Wow,: De ar R (Dona Jl3 23,185 d. M. LIATI4IIIOIIII,BIrt ham ival, two tr o ub le d with. dna. aired er muff on my head for more thane year, my . buff beg= to oozes out, wort and hair together. r saw to aNew lame gage. about "Wood's Mar Moe...tire" as cure.— I trolled at your store tho drat of April toot, and porthae. . al ono bottle to try lt,and I Mood to my rattegertloo item the thing:it removed the .0.. arid heir bog,,, to gnorlr. In now two or throe inches in lougth where it moo at& of. 1 have great faith in It. I wish you to amid ma two With* more by Mr. Poet, the bearer of thie. I doe% Igtow ea any of too kind le used In Misplace, you may have • mid - heifer ta., bottler, after It la totem bore. Tours, with reepect, .tcanters. Pernsts‘rius,llepL 0 .3.30 C PUP. WOor—Deer Gtr . Your Hair Rise torattrel a prating itself beneficlel to toe. The front. and also the bac I.part of my bead almost lost its coeering.—iu Loa sus.. 1 hoer need but two half plot bottles of your Restorable% and*. i r thstip of my Newt le well skidded with promisime crop of I , ,t hair, and the trout Is also receiving 14 benefit I • 11.0 tried otherpreparations without any benefit %Rotor. er. I (blob from my own personal resommoodotion, Icon Woes manyothers to try it. Yom% resPoolnnY. . 11 . 1. 4031.19.11... D., No. SBA Vine et. Ymcsetirs, Iwo., June Alin._ PaOr. 0. J. Wootr—de you am about to Mauuthotore and reod your recently discosemd Nair Itestoratiro; Mato for whomsoever It ma y ammern. that I hare 1,5,„) . I 4DI and known other. to nee It--that. I ham, for o ver years, been he the habit of a/Ingot/lot lfaleftesteratiresounrthat I Cud room many superior toady other / know. It entde. • j ly cleanse& the heeded dandruff. and With otiehtoUtles or Prer. use will rostoreany person's hair to Moor/gloat yOnthibl to and texture, giving Wlhealthy, eoft end" glossy ap. progrance; end di thie, without dhmoloring the hands tha apply it, or the draw on which it drop.. I would, thoreanro, t recommend its 'me to every one deelrous of having • Due - rotor and texture to hair. Respecthilly.yomv, WILSON RING.. Tor We by 080.1 L It.NYSSIt, HO Wood st., Pittaburgh, , j O. J. WOOD BO_. Proprietors, S32Broadway, 'it. Y.. (In the great N. Y. Wire Riding Bat:oldish:newt) and 114 Market street, Ele Lod., Ido., and sold by all • good Drtm gide. .1,20 aw 2 Chlydawist. - L i OST.Notrica is luraby girca thiKaiiiiii x cation Wm been made for adu plleetecomillate ormock le me Mime. Barak of Instebergh, No: /3, ttlited Aug. lJth, - 19.Sy, one sham • Qom le hereby &lauded why mid carus I . csisehonldl be lamed. EIIILY E. TMIBEY, Me-RemPso- not raoCk2a‘Ber - VURNITU ra ju anperlor quality. Entlab manufacture on; • in Imitation or Romwood, ItabonanY, +.03 MADAN of di defeat kinds, for . ails at Mr Ott Ciotti • Wora- TOOM4 • 20 and 2813t.elairortraeta n 02.1) J. a w.Taxialita -,-ta bassßuckwheatur; 10 do White Bean.% b. prima loveraned: • na bpi& packed Batter; • 80 btda ltatra mot Exits Pm:ally BAwd Grr an dby B. U. XING, No. 211 Liberty at I - - - GROOMES-40 hilde. N. 0. SUgai ; • 76 bbli do 11014. 66 odtkrceaßk6 yrupse.cholcoloda6 . oph.od and for sale by • lIBIVER Alk THE o POWERd d • ;(• 1 ) 7, O P ° I rl=!j t i et - 't r ' l l ,! of 1857 and ISA by Er.moel lieneti n D-D ogo .1.41 J. a. DAVISON, 6 to WO Ara cooabatly ab. iitoriog • b ob t thbf b Muir. and lbarsdbarg no d csalfribritibb. bbteb;.,44 fan:Man bola. • pe.4l T. YOUNG f CO: AA No. 1 STOOK ; 0/ 1 . alum]; Slanktbk.Pcimpl,, Stuffs, " aj lw "Lek : 2! aZNIVIVVI,II Mikkd 44s et- --1--,ithuisoo on Piku.— pas& t 4 order at dyninotice by • WU. JOHNSTON riparlkelerp, 67,4C00i 12;.11 20 sackiJiltroel4e• • " .•tz- • 00 13 sit- .:NMAXo,llF,Tred.rala-otnteorq• H. CHILDS & CO. Malign! E FINE FIRED ur RUbUS PRATT.