The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 27, 1857, Image 4

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    .1: - :' - - -, -..--::.,:t i., . ', • .
4. , -, - VI - sfifit-ith. .a4Cite.,
44 -"
t'a' A 'Hato Sesser-The Nobilities', OrraMpit,
. . Fla. ' 6 au i t -P, : . i ff h Sm it t au- v,
-..- ...: as a raconteur. Its last comeaMmer the head
• of "accidents," And runs thus : 1 ' ' '''' .3 T-1411
, r,
4 Oil Iddalt r;414,404.4ii6 eep4,* dliadt
. .. -- ,1 , Wail returning *2114... 0 from this prude Ilia
1.. ~4. hors° /7 ~.,, . t,: r _„,..
..steple 1 -the
. . . Tidbit. ,an es „ w e r.
head b the nitrojn i his icaat, struck the kg
IC, _ of Capt. Parkill's horse, breaking - itterhan a
' i i .:. Lthlailtb,_ oett i ond4tstmlie (7 1°,5';
...._ .. e
.._ weLwpsersfig °Stets/An [dr ger
.""',.eeL =l.l7 ' ha , - negro . : was .stoPetled for an in
stant,but,received no injury' --it: is rampaged
that he belongs to the hanisbell persuasion.
.s. 1 -• ' _:,______..----i-7.--..
Hiss is something very good about "fast
, .. driving :"
• Some .safe ago, Spurr kept e stable,. J'.ipurr
had hie vocWaritlez, one of„whiek wary Ws: he
, never let a horse go out of the gable without,
requesting tke imam notte,. tie:pat o . .1, Or
day there 'vitae to , ,Spurr's-ati
to get a horse and cartqa4e . J tpittemd et 1 . 11110X4 A
• ..., . .
. .
I "Certainly," said Sfinirtsr"but, In hdded„lor
getting, tbeseletroi pisrpOiefOr Which' theyoung
man wanted the horse, "don't drive fast!"
"Why, 'Awl. — 101(st hare, old fellow,!! exclehned
the sotheirlate exerted younk,btitt„ "ligantycit
to understand that, I. shall keep lip with tliepre!:
cession, If It kills the, bOrail", ,Spurr instantly
retirtkl to ro, bone Mill; 'arid ditooned nmongst
• theatre*: '. - -- • ' .•• :
-34gisto itottirsbattsiturento.
Bierille, P$P , W1W1!...
' ..
*EMAIL' & Jmitrgit, -
lechtro N cw . P ort,
- e i ----- y
Wrought - Iron Pips; fitting., Tools, and every do
main of apparatus (demented with Manna, Water and.
Oa., for beating 60 lighting fiteallers, efinmites. llotels,,
Privet. Dwelling., 11.rpitels, eteiturns, Mum. Tectmien
and Stalls.
Aim, V. 1.., Cock., Plialel, OallgelOkdletstraltendr
Ewa made to order.
Our &row Cutting ; liachlani are entirely new, and oar
own Patent—warmated to andanble the work it any other
• invention.
Orders solidled from all raddons .rdie Oftntry, sold !
promptly ettesided to. .• ~. -. . . " Javerrlydr ' •
rtioricuttural; Scc.
.• " •
100 000--PudogANG 11**3
, Will bi it Tory low prfcos, by
applying to t JOHJI.MUIIDOOII,
weadtwe V Pittgrargb and OaklAnd NonwrlTT..
FLOWER ROOTETnat received our an'
sod importation of Dutch Bulbous Roots, via; Ilya
cloths. Tulips, Lily. Crocus, Snowdrop., iht-, M gust w.fl
ty, all adapted ta fall planting. Descriptive. catalogue.
for planting at tho Seed fitote,'4lltb Street.
oc2l3tdaltwel , JAMES WARDROP.
For ran - Planting.
380017" F CHERRY,. 2 r'4llll
16,000 SlastierS2 y4are„,26
74,000 Peach, 40
00,000 lihros, of hardtk varieties, 6 . 001 small to S
With a ilt4ta ek es,44r—etiodaul 'awl *wart—
Quince, five varietleg Curraata, t a..a varlet*, WelotYytes. ,
Shrubbery, Gntea House Wants, Itoees, ke.'
Those extra article of choke varieties mlsht,
dad it to their interest to evmhst ray Ideal's". ordering
eteeerbere. -se4ort.l7 • JNO. WPSWOCK,Jr
.l.llttibargtifledi• Pa r = Nursery.
S.) about nue quarter of a mile from tbo wood Toil eget
ao 4 .4bekranwrAmtm.cunkerlank Sunken astett-
aim of Yotirtti streetoual abakt throe Atula quarter miles,
from Pittsburgh.
Int A JAMES 1111511.1XtCK, Proprietors.
Jai; loitf.
bilabelptia abluctiscuunts.
9,000 NOW ON RAND,
Atid Par Ws by the [Weer -does Bobo. by
N 0.445 MUNI STUNT, above Yeartlr,
[JAY oeNe.l3 N. north street.]
• ••• • •• • *.
N. D.—Also, • Largo aasortment of LADYICS . FANCY
FUltB. . aulAilmdm
• 1351 - db`NHISDLI3IS.
No.= 3with Wharres, and 35 Shah atter fib.;
,P-111-LAD3L.PIII4, •
TT ' Candle; atarch, tc. / full niteornrisue on band to
which the attention ol dealer* is roil 1 17 nuked.
37 Echienyt.414. 4 . 3 .... -
ityl_Atraye oahxolfa lArgetoek, which they we...water
the loweifthertet prices. 441" Ya.
T... o of . t.:.c, Crest Pre psaratlfsui of Ow Age.
They are not recom-
but simply for
~:,at ~their name pur-
The VERMIFUGE, ' for
expelling * Worms from
Ile human system, has
also been adnuTiistered
wit-h the most satisfactory
resulti to variousanimals
subject to Worms.
The LIVER Pius, for
the cure of LIVER COM
ACHE, Oce.
'Purchasers will please
be particular to ask for
-McLane's cele
btaied Vaimumcia and
'LIVER PILLS, prepared by
burgh, Pa, and take, no
other, as there are various
other preparations now
before de public,..pur
pori4_io -be -Vermifuge
and Liver Pills. All
others, in comparison
with Dr. IvlcLANes, are
:,The opsuiNE - McLane's
Vermifuge and Liver
Pills can now be bad at
WOOD 8:14 Ptnsstriunt, PA.
- • ffimorrroPrielOnh
WAIM I .,. I4". M b i t ,W II)".' sAYa•
STARoll,(wkrau known
In this marknt) aro nor propsZ tomplkholonalo Dent.
ozseslrete:nre. p . dnm. 111 lartte .turottos 4 thy
16, 6 ) fa . 3 . l4 Wirk ''''T Mr" oAekt 10 , 044111 U A T
, ATIPX/X, 1.11111 ilk (XL, 4
•. . , 34. 11,WONidnie
r Auksvitsogia riniv receiving ii.!
er 4%11 fltylea at 11411 AND OAPB:o=4lxl,4lints -
VioxibiaSlit Draw Matto, andlrilee• - 11ANLIIi, tg Gal
SCO Mayor !Moo thedls—llirnietbiti,MMUr, AMA ke.
yousWirsat indbirelf•luey am Wawa, hrireilt 1.5 4. "
etrAtegarenizoil CAitIINSIUt Int*ll3ms, , ' hex itre , ll,t - 1
Miworainat If% in Wood /Meet; t• -
ideddi-k` ,:- , ,',.' '• •-' - ' ' JAM= MIMIC' -
, 110.!-.11t 10Alaxim, , ,
FISH B. No.l Large - larokerel
100 I a
7 laCr • " Mina /kith
• aid
•.; ;
' - gifTWMMS L
13a1mart 2ibbertismrnts
. _
' 7 ll - ; FELLS.
' '
r x , ..
Z a Z OP •f . e .
' us. Avid': is coispirr,
• - • -p........, c. nth, 1867.
- 'l' • z UvraZ./Lorts are i.e.., =-
wag.... t t z
;;'llst=knittlyDWlDMMlr., Area.
• -,al
- P Allen, Pittsburgh,
1 . II April
• . ,
Ilk. a , 436 s A.. 0.4 i„,.., .../....
.1. . 8 AM. • .
r A/whim/ 0 44c1". ..., •
crag Damitt a mo. • . 41 . 10 510.
~ /
1 . e W i rernagr/n 0 1 10 , p ,„ 1 ..... 41 ,..1,, , .
1 ' b" I =I" . ' . .Predelkinern, P.
1 11 • . Illnalagham, P61121/4
il w ipg• MWArain" . .
' PiiiibUnh s
1 II 11
'1 i u_•. DianioltAlroclcock, . .
../ • ..-J.Banny. Jr, .. . r , •
11101t13, . L:.... -: • - A.!."" L. . .
i . Gnome Dincballim. . . atelirl7, , PN .
. .
1.1 . • 11.146ruten, .-.. . Dant Liberty, PX, . .
1 . Dll Rums, Pittsburgh,
1 0 . D .11MQ, .. ...
.1 " , .Mrit JAteirnir,. , 't
1 .1 A . 8.., . •.. llemallsvillet Pa,
Doyd. Steubenville,
1 " 11re DI Bard, Pittaburgb,
1 " RII Bailey, •
I,trxmlt T Drown, , ..
1 glebes. ,1. Y Doak, 1 % . " ~
.1 trunk. Mr Blackburn.
, 1 parlrama Bauman, illyminaham. Pa.
1:' b1i 2. 11 BIZT- - gr. b7A7. ' ''''
1_ ..« llls 111111ing. --• . .
.1 , ~... no , ,d, - ii.a latent, Pis,
1 . .AS Boyd, Pittsburgh,
1 rfaitua. tilt Black, • . •
1 box James 1310•13, -
1 e " ;D 6 Blunim,
1 i . . •-11 Bien. ; • t Masontomi, Pa, ,
24 .3 g gigehhease, thairtnermilla Pa.
'atal:is 711tatk,. • P ittalzrgb,
1 bbl 1 bn E Maniamti,
1p aw:el Crimean, .. . .
Cron, 6,1
1 " „be J Cowl. • 0
l' . 'ThortisCerbity,
a ettabain, , • Washington, Pa,
lit Ognipbeil,.•. , • Ambit. : . • .
Cuesmina Cherry, , Pittsburgh, .
Campbell A Bra, West Orereville, Pa,
'CatuthelSEPolloch; ?Mahwah,
Ws 11 Coleman, care
• J utler, •.it II Craw, 0
7 Couldock, .
Wll Chapman. •
J A Caught>. •
Pittsb Courier, .•
A. Clark, ' Wager 11111, Pew'.
11 Cbm, . . Temperaareville, P.
- Alf Carr, . Pitablirgb,
Alf eintwell.
.1 11 DC,
• J W Carr. •
W / Cooper, Allegheny, Penn...
I l Cumin's, , Butler. ••
J D 0.., ' ,:: L' •, Pittsburgh.
Idles B Douglass,
,DDrock .It,B•deatt,
• J 11 L Donna), Shakeynai.
J Dirtier? Pittabrals.
IT . u"d't .
Dlicithel , ..
Ws 0:1141, . • "
3 - 11 . 1 0 11 .
, N 0 Dam •
A 11 Dunlap, ~...ador, N-
C Dwurell,
i " 'll B Dodge, tittAfh . •
1 0 box 11 Dorman.
1 boxes 11 11 Davis, "
1 " Mn. E Dandrto, "
1 -box 0 Ihnital, - .
<ben 11 Dwell,
It Brans, -
J Erb... • -
Ellis Carlton, -
BB ..
Evans . "
A 3
A D Eagan, .
M P Data. •
~.........-,,.. J A Pisgah,
N " J heater,
pi Pna.ectj .
41 A Try,
t .. / . 1 T 1=.1 : . landleyville P.
Picber,Cll, Pa.
' it traltiock( . 1 P .7 . 4: ^ : ••
' lbsmont fiesdQuareaa
1 Ism T Pannell. Birmingham,
C boxes A Free., 'Pitt:Ararat..
box A Freund.
4 " .1 11 rano. titnaingbana
pkg.. .11 Ram ' Pittsburgh.
r 9". ' `. P Art ~ til=t.
1 box /Raiser, • Moth% 8..
p package 11 Oaten. Pittsburgh.
1 " 11 Oriffith Bari Bethlehem, P.
1 '' IrGartluer ,
t . J. 13 (IMtnin, ...
I"cesPe if OPrena, .
1 box X Oray, A . =n l t
1 . C C X Occnn.
1 C box .
1 box
1 bete
kft 01113441.. "
lex 7 W bold. -
plc ma's A' OballAm. LlecrlataaNis, Pc
package J. Utaffsan,,./lormag Pk.
box- J Neoax,
package PM 11•11„ hreatuat, PA
Holmes A Collins, Pittsburgh.
P 0 Huber,
J.Rllghtett, Ilataburgh, P..
HueyU.U. Pittabarigh.
A Bra, WEA•cpurt, PAN
" II D Ilosater, • Toledo.
" NI lituderson. PgAsbargb•
" .1 Mamma.
MN flunks. Apollo.
J Mactleaatic, Pittsburgh.
" J Huffman, "
A Hay,
" . C Dm,
" M llackt.
. . ..... Ititlfsittaim - Is
4 I. fluabkeld At flou r
box Al Hardman, FixtMerrllls, Ps.
" llostettas A Ballet, Pittalauskt.
Washington, P..
- ' '''' I' alit'''. Plltsbyrgh.
•- in •
I,E o .ll.ll2lspeper.
1 - .0 110.1 mas
1 D rogerout, 100seers011.
I • •• D 7obtuan, PittOtrargb.
i if • Joktuso,
'• • --
box . W 3 11 Jaws,
1 • WirJeakynn,
I . p.drage W'ff adheikos.
1 bog Johnouo A Maorbord, Kew Comb_
1 A K ater, Pitiabare..
1 0 irknor.
J Et lanclier,
I " Kirk A Allm,
1 J Kam
-" Kepiro,
• 'boa W
pactaga Jll Kell.
1 track W Erma.
1 ifir K•colLs
1 box J Keifer,
packsge Jit Late.
,•ler Lacey,
1 " L Laub:nen
1 box .1 Lamm.
package 0 Ropy
ber. A litrk La.*
box • D Lynch, ,
• J Long,
=l,l La
kg mm
,I Littl r, e, J,
tax Lang Mille
D Lynch,
I,a, I marten, ZII , A 11:sae.
" lidailhaver,Jr,
D Mumma,
• "Moore,
" Dor Keen,
" IdmilEA. May,
" PSlartla,
W Mater,
• Mn? Nene;
" Joelidelstar,
• DrSlum.
Land It More.,
bbox D
W l= 4 .I,U MH Z4
" A !More,
1 W McClelland,
1 package Z arClMleonda,
1 " 1R lralatact,
1 " J WlLluney,
I U Ilea Y M'Connlak,
1 * R Than,
I.r i o 1 McAor i l o g
1 wimp,' i kt h ek
1 roll AD
.7 II WIC*
1 bola C Welatkity,
1 box DWM arty,
1 ' • A Weturo, •
1 roll A WOormick,
1 • J Wedlousb,
1 box W N'Caulay,
1 f P Wllvala, Rider. Pa.
1 come AAWT Welurg, Pttttorst.
1 package W B Reaper.
Joan, ttp n er a Laraly,)
1 4 .-1 4 •& I 4 2 r.
1 • SE ttbrto -
1 keg , Oita a ..
1 mama Rao W A astors,
1 .' - Wm IT Potabarion,
, . J. ...,, ,, r ....1....0
, . - B Pap. J., i ce.,
1- " Jr Poster, ;
I " a Pau1,..4 4
1 • .1 Pat •
1 • W P
1 " Ow arlow%
1 • 11 Pike,
1 • .1 A lawman,
2 " J A Perim
.1 tux B Pam/.,* Co.
1 9 =11 1 = a1*''
1 hag •Paatuntsror,*
.1 truism W Plukartoo,
1 pacloup J.ll Rood.
•1 box WN IMOD.
'1 hiickag•T' Balchmax.,
.1 '0 by 3 Rant,
1. • , T
package l = ".
1 • D Bltchte,
1 ..:'....1_ QWESWIND.
A • Dal Richman, .
1 • lay a B Read,
1" Dr.4ltatahmatt,
1 • , R Rob*,
1 • D shaury, ..
1 la Rattudob
1 ptutultaT Regt.,
f : b le Ta 7 .
4. : twat . " . ..Mil
IMO. bx 0 Road ,
1 bai Id 131ws,
,„ ,
1 oatkllt v. •
1 , .14181. r,
1 " R Bork ' '
1 " Rualbastolltß,
'l. • M 11ftstdaut,
1 • P blelobtr,
1 • It V Poodoar,
!13.4g. liff
i t t= gh'° '
1 1 :
litt b k..
1 trout lib bautim,
1 box A prool,, •
1 wimp Z Nolook. •
1 .1
. 1 7,,7; 11 1 5 /1 1 / 7 or,
7 paecap 0 I.llbocbmao.
I box
1 prior Ilan .7 Thomas,
I k " Oa
• t FANO 1 11xOnaZ ghut.
1 , D Ty_ookx,
7'll ni=4..
bolo 7 Ttioxon l / 4
1 toot .7 °nobly
1 pookogell 11. Walker
'lox .1 , 61711k10017. -,
1 authojlll
1 WSW! • 7.1
117,8"ru1‘,.r .
~ It Milburn, Allegheny.
" .1 A Williams, "
" L West
" P 8 Wearer,
" JT F Wright, r• i= l. , g h ' ..
" }: .7 Wrnisms,
box 1' With • Psombun, Po.
chest it Mach Pltbbygh.
bss us waa,
•• L !wait
1 tr box 7 HIM°. ..
1 box 7 P Wood, ••
1 package earth &Won, •
1 " Haab', •
1 " 111 Yokoy, "
1 0 TV•aborri, Alkeri ,
1 Amax 0 Van Boron,
.1 package Mrs A Hon Waohl . rliton, Po,
1 0 . Jobe Pallay,
1 " 000 nee, Plttoburglx
1 " _Z ir liPlotoah, "
oil*. •
Penn Institute
, will
mapen oullunday the MA inn. A limited I:Mabel.
o( pupil. may ultabision. Terms VIM yr wait* t.
ttentrtwavreelm . [Au27Atf IM. 5ir . 114161, Principal-
Cleveland Medical College.
to fbis , Trunitution will commence flu WEDNESDAY ?
tth November, and continue 10 week.
JOHN DRIAMATRIL U. D., Professor of Mktwifery and'
blames otWomen and Children.
.JARED P. KIRTLAND, 11. la, Professor of the Principles
and Practice*? bladicine. • •
.1. LANG cAsstas, M. D., Pronsmor of Chemistry and
JAOOII J. DE peu LCRA-TER, IL D., Protestor of Malaria Me&
Ica, Theratics, and Medical
PROMOR TELAYICR, M. D., Professor of Jorbtprodento.
Aciatomy and
011BTATE C. E. WEBER, M. D., Profoasurpf the Principle.
end Practice of Barger).
H i . Kt EIISMLNO, M. D., Adjunct Prokssoi ofllldwlfery cad
' Diastase of Women and Children
JOAN A. xwowyrox, M. D, Demonstrated . of Anatomy.
Pee fur the eacirs coarse $B3, ora well secnred Prombw." -
ry note, payable in 12 months, for ITO.
Oradnation, VAC, Private Anatomy, v.%
Ckusi beard, with root* light and foal, to paper week.
Fur further part Indere.° Spring and Bummer Circulars,
which bare been liberally chcalated.
ua2l9wd .1110. DELAILATER, Dena
Rrr. JOS. T. TAYLOR, A. M., Remo.
The Winter Term wilt begin an WILDNRSDAY, Nor. Mb,
Boy. admitted at any time sad tuition charged from date
or entrance.
Sior Circular, &Jamas the &rear, at ida residence, Now
B6 l 4 t h e city podia:to of this School, to what:lnference may to
800. Tito.. M. Row*,
Y Rev. T. IL Lyman
Geo. S. Solara, RP.,
W. IL Williams, Bag.,
base AL Pennock, Rao..
Sewickley Academy.
BOARDING P,OHOOL for Boys, no the P. ?LW. t C.
R. R. awl Ohio Riser, 12 Milt* front Pittsburgh.
REV. J. 9, TRAVEL!.!, A. M., Principal.
The Thirty-first Perim wilt commence on MONDAY, No.
ember 2d, 1937,
For Circulars iod other particulars, enquire of Meows.
JORN iRWIN t SONS, 67 Water greet; Meows. NEVIN,
ACEROWTI itCO.IO7 Liberty stoat, or of the Principal,
lllegheny county, ha. soMt.dAtrits'Y
f'~'t~' , ~x .
Meadrldle Female Seminary.
'FILE NEXT !TERM of this Institution will
commence on MONDAY. Anton alet-
Pupils will In, charged nu) per term. aul
studies they trial to panne from the following RA.
Reading. Ancient Manny, Zoology,
Baanclatioti, Madera ' 4 Agronomy.
Pronunciation. Hap Drawing. Ng. Philoeophy,
Spelling, AncientDeograpby, Physiology,
riting, Modern
Mmpceition, Phyelcal
Rhetoric, Chemistry
for On. 1.•
• . •
ton , tyrenty
.met peelord
• 4, par course of toruly •
• rum lady, no eteelleelt plasilel, nulkekl-r
te" — "...• !mama no Om Pismo and in Genoa..
A ' Ir.. • he scoemmodated tie then
Media, Delaware Count. • a.
Was Matta lOU/Oman. .ipal.
dellahttal and breartlhal village of Media thirteen
mike from Philarkaphis by Railroad, offer. to yea. Ladles
the nues tared combi.tion of admit.. for the ratain
meta of • thorough and accomplished education.
The large s 0 commotion. bobbling lately mated out-
Minna ail the modern cotivenkoc. of bathe, am. tS 1..
with Its .11.00114. greands, • model 10 all that pertains to
the health, tiourfbrt. refinement and Improvement s the
pupae. TI4I sleeping roome are high, end] latailated. and
furnished with comfort and elegance, and hut two pupils
ommpy the lanwrapartment. The attmhey of pupil. ie
'Mimi to forty. 9. whim 'emu lambent are empinym
The molt Minded instroction la given In all the litratichte
taught, whits moral and religious principles are consmatly
incalosted by theory and practioe.
Th. mum of irotructlon comprises a period of four
path sad dirionm Ls awarded to all who pan through It
The Right Dear. A. POOr, D. D. 1.. L. D. Indwai of
Pennsylvania. main *Mlas ft. L. theta.. who prop - mato
open .
Young 'mites' Ifeeilnary In Media Delawareminty,
Penney' vat., in September next, has h.] known to the
subscriber fot several yam . lie tom • eery high
°Onion of her ciumalty, imal devatoloww on an
minuet°, iihe lori er temp.! same.. experience--
The burbling which la to he erected .11 contain entry am
oymnualatlyn. The villarm..d mirroundlng country are
dlmitignithyd for LeattlifuLnees mid beauty: and the sub
scriber has confidence that dare nm who entrual their
&ea... to Miss Eastman will have no came to regret It^
IPrench language Ytaught by Pried. naly
to, the femlly.
The Latin. Germ.. Spararth, and Italian lang.g. re
mine due attention,
The Natoral &Mum ere Might with the old of • lame
The ." tr i sc7l=trnt It under the clone WIT
eminently qn21111.4 Ma die simian. and ail who prefer to
be taught on the pima or singing bye gentlemen. love it.
Mallittatiorther frearYbilialphia.
firserlog atird Painting are 111+41rT the direction oft lady
sccomplisbed In the art..
The Fall Tenn raminfencm September 9th.
Mho Restatanhow Ma liberty M refer to the following goo
Right Rel. A.Pottar i llishop of Penney I vitnia.
Ifon.Franklin Pierce, ex-President of U. R.
Bon. H. P. Chem, Ocorroor of Ohio.
C. tomer, EN, Pottsville, Pa.
Oenrite Wtr.the. Rea. Phllohlphle.
tlltilam Dagaley, Esq. Pittsburgh.
Sylmn. Lathrop, Vol.. Allegheny City.
Jthl7Mistr Moil*. Delaware minty. Pa.
DOTS.—Rev. B. IL SMYBER, Rector.
Tbe Anatol &Won win Main on TIMSDA If, September
The Conroe of Stant yeomen. Ancient mild Modern Lin.
papa, MatheMatice, Batumi Schwa Drawing, Am Taal
Km& taught gratis.
For Circular., Ac, whim. the Rector,
Rev. B. R. BRIBER,
(P. 0.) rall. of Sch. (kill, Phila.
Mercer, Pa.
AtLKh.ny. Pa .
Mars., Pa.
PlPlPimn‘b •
91Ippet7 Roe,
ti l =T.
Batloc, P.
Petenburg. P.
TYT.s.P. -
_,B•kontow • .
• ?Imamltt
T 11L.—nf.wlmortber. au. •
Woo.. Ws lima maw. • A rb.7.7 . _ :::
Ma he moodkus ofol onaloy —.---.
GOO KEW so .11 sr mau•
isOlos 010. TVA oleo o.lp- . 1
r il low= l Too or "I"g foll 11•-• . a° r " , %I t
41i .
a. maw a co, J - d " a " . ' -
‘4, Woo TAINO ob.. Con, .....
11. do loomMolon Irma tar KM Mom of .11
WWm,. toLI4 fig sod moor .soodi Palms Woof
Illoolon fa Soma oil DoOok ass=
Xlll Moo Onotoof of Miry
So. An Oriefol whaosoiol So mt=
b IL 000111 ill a W... as.
Portarsittl. P.
Rlltiw P O.
Ye who Consider • tine Dead of Hair
tort we nn too late
walchnimoree the healthy candltkm of the Walp, mune
hair to crow en the held, and chocks any tendency towards
Inhaler out; and becoming thin
truer sae at the principal Druggists, end by the Pro.
pristor,SlXTll STARLET, two doom below Smithfield et.
CORNER ELY AND ;mar sritasr.7,_
A 7 eves puticaustuation to a/lordara for work lk 41s
sod 01/NAIIIENTS of .11 kin& fortilabod o
abort oottleo. ap2lllyd
X Tenyntozo,
=mo b.
a rO.B33I 2 IiPPLZ OB EITt..
(flummeor to)
delkacke of the memo barred rip at the eborkst no
from 6 o'clock In the rodmlng to 1.2 o'clock at night.
Bradmeirtrien and others will do well to mll In and .
Inc oar am or Tare at my time to mit their appetite. mem
liming arrangements made to recdee choke articled In
our t 0.., from Beittmore, Phlladelphle and Norfolk, we ton
offer a freak 41C of
UT, AIC*. minium,
And from the Went, MI the varlatiei of PRAMS WAIN,
.. . .. ,
Oda yrs 011 Ittrobh to 'oval& or alit., ot Wholcoalo 00
EotalLotttbor st the carper of HAND AND PENN EITS.,,mr
YWes'HALL. Mb One, : on3o, odtly4,
TAISTAEG9) AND FOR Inritoloo- 7 1.7:10
• bl 6. Oran •
IS 50bb gr b.= Dry Tabora;
kaebrire G%
SD bblr. M. I. Saw. •
ihrbstEltroet ooe door Won Mart.t. owl RAU
=cu* ,
STORE.—.lTowaskeeplug article. ikerieoully. '
Table Cutlery,
Plated War.
Japanned awl Proural Tin Wens.. i .
.424 No. 47, Market stroet„eoruer of Third..
Attater&b ,,
*iiiityistoo. Pa.
varawailve PLATFoIys plumse,
IFf2 tinaersignad having t,epti4oftika o x 4
desire Ageots fail& We of Wee folebn&O;
Wham , ' hf the =Wahl loventors, .11. T. PCALES
swum a - co,.!..voettomoribs use etleetbal °Me bit.:l
lbeercoonounittto the sopertfrity of the tic*,oefe
Thar &Gild& Mee been eullieettel ebe SZTLESIT .
TESTS oo all the prlaelpel ifidud au.
end Tremek sod to errri branch of Malawi
the woe* sadthele OK= eocuracyead &IMAM,
pougraeol Illetders Set emeeeer, Peetabhs,,DotA
14..takfahti•1ti1lakf,0011,11sUroed and Moll goatee, AT
f4l."§ 41
:r e -- 4' I FAN` MI
Pl'Abate , .
Ron. Wm. P. Johnston
J. 11. Bhoeohnrg•r, Cq
A. K. Lenrhs,
Stamm Worker,
Walnut Hall Hest aaaaa t
..03C*0 434 V
.4 el. eaNhertott
Mankind base lung been engtalphml lu Markman to re
gard. the myetiTrim of medicine, and of deriving a truddhl
motion onto power Mir diPtiedioload proper Clew Mike
treatment of Width.
Medicine, is practiced lit the regular faculty, iv • dolman,'
—.bundle of IMprobabillties and uncertainties. Thee ,, I.
nothing In Its theOrte. on • which the'phylleine can rely es
certain or Bud; the remits obtelood from Ito • prescript loos
me doubtful, aid In moat emeimmatiefectory.
It le • edam end Mottling Da, that threedburthe of thou'
"who hare departed this lite' died license, not to dimmer,
butte the, bahldicions • liaition of thin subtle and apart ,.
taiv theoryim practiced by the regalia . factalty.•
We hirce.proved the utter tiallacy Ofthe Moder practice
of madtchall;' and the great Undeniable truthltilnem of the
11 4 0 cod over ephg for, Imo tboasatelawarsi, where
the Physician. have given up their pattente as Incur
ahlunnd ad in many cematever, Da the time to only few
short henna that their MIMI. had to live, MularlaY's thud/
Raid, Regulators or flosolient;mi thereat , stay have been,
has reetomil them dying patients ter new life end health.
. In the treatment of the ebb by MGR, IL R. .remediew,
there Is nothing left to clams, or uncertainties, for them
remedies an eo prepared na to pOiraill lied and peellimenr•
Mimi pewee', founded on principled dlmmu le to. their
Power ever nheaste, m the lewd id :rendition over the
earth. ' It II therefine, impeadble tbr theirs remedied' to Mil
ha ramming froM' the human system thedifgeolty for which
they =rt. given, and of metering the whets human eye'
tern With riermal,condition of health.
Tr& Co readily men in the miratalocur agency of DAD
WAVE READY RELIEV—for the moment this remedy is
applied to Limped' or parte of the body tortured with pain,
or crippled with inlinnitles. ell plain and tuaosainom oeuww,•
' anti the crippled, burro and wounded limb become. tritium
abet with renewed ettength. PO also with the Resolvent.—
•The meet repulsive Some, Ulcer.; Humors, and the most ob
tained, of 'chronic diseases quickly become extinct aftbr •
caw deem !stake.
In cues of Dyspepala, Donsdpation of the Bowel., De
rangement or. the Liver, ()envenom, Pidpitetion of the
Iloart,• Radway's Itemdeitor.,ln (ho form of Pill., can be
relied upon us a po.Mre and pertain corrector and maula•
for of these to ruin of tempornay Comtipation
derangement of the iitoniml , or bowels, the Chtharlic end
Purged. PHU given by the - regular enmity, even if they roe
move the temporary difilculty, do no at the expense of
Cramp., Meknes. at Stomach, and Vrailitriere, and after the
affect. of them purgative. nee over, the bowel. are left eme
five awl the MM. debilitated. Itadwayie Regulators will
Instantly relieve the pain and distr.., removethe dUlrotty
and marten a regular action to the liver, etotasch,. bowel.
end other organsthey neither Irritate, inflames sicken or
weaken thepatlent, awl the ermenstiom ore netarial, with.
ont preetnang die galore. or cramping the bowel.
remedlee are the only one Mat bare matured the
hygieela principle to the fixity of a mathematical deplore
rtratioe-idwraciable in slimed, anti proreeding au a ogettlad
outine. ThE:ind they Mont, !Are Imparted Co the in.
congruous a Mears and repngnant practice , of the w
od oreguhir !Mr the preetsion and invarbdillity which
are oosouttd to Ihe requlnitueuth of a 'ciente. Toting the
human body no the problem, and health m its normal cam
ditkor, thorpro..e4 by dotal roles to elimineto all esteem , -
on. and dekterions lortlelee, nod thuvrestore the constitu
tion to its integrity, by the expulsion of them local or organ
ic trregulartka winch vitinicithe soundness of the whole.
1,111.001:13 MM. •
ID Cinders, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, ttmenterey,
dme, Typhus and - Typhoid Peters,' and all malignant and
tualarlotte (evens, Aubrey', heady Retie/and Regulators are
MA only positive Curative* bat certain preventive..
Not only in the milder halted es of the North hove theee
remedied cured the patients It these terrible Mniedies , but
under the horning settee of the trepite,ltheuq in the wildest
and most violent degrees, they socerml the people us o
Monaro. Wins these remedies you need Pet For eapneare to
any contegionsdistom or Infection. unduly.
All diseased that have become csialJtched In the system,
celled chronic or constituttenal, Bellamy's iteouivent, aided
by the Relief and itegutators, trill remove. demfelo, Bron
chitis, Ulcers, Norm, Fever Pomo, Hanlon, liuniont, Belt
Rheum, and all Oda disseeco will quickly yiald to this ell
powerful remedy.
The toe of the Resolvent will, In a: few weeks, entirely
change the whole condition of the body, we ram not-from
how sonny generations you hue derived your title to the
discos.; ostablistred lu riff boa., Itadward Ilestalveut wall
remove It, and give to you what your forefath e r. wen; cm
, Lie to--u pure and healthy body7flue troM &mama
All diseases prevalent et. n of the rer, mused
by derangement of the argent of the system., sodden dowers
of Use 'seethes, beet and cold, disturbed tirculation of tbe
blood—llbesuonUnn, Neuralgia, Tie Dolereue, Bowel Com
plaints, Teter end Agee, tiendnehe. Toothache, Ache* and
Pella of s 4 kinds, Bruises, Barns, kelds, Yell.. inflhantw
tory'Diseeeet, Co tits Dleweet, lionewe la the system—
inneutallood, Boils, fh.tule Pimples, Illotebes, lLi
e. ver
empleinte—byrpopsio, Kidney Complalate,eadell diesweet
whether acute, Intiensowtory, reslattons, neff , itte, eitroelS,
or aonstltetfoneloftwyware Remedies will roost positively
extormhe,,sl motere the intim end enfeebled system to
‘31.10--10 vat DISMI.
- I. now upon the brink of tbe grave, of
L .. • .rt. :my lost—who have teem Oren
.p Locum- ' :e ithysician, we Invite you to make
ore more Alton • t:r.lund life of the *lying Or. A
trial of them NM. ' do may IWory, and ntyl
Sloth to Ufa and he. no hopes are entertain
ed by your physic's.oiouthall such instancy. hare
coma to cue knowledge.... as therefore. feel ourseisealtug
tilled In requesting Nos hod. Smell., after . the phyalcian
mya he wn do no more, his prejudice to your ming a rem,
dy that mud do good, ince/mins&
As en. of the instances we home alluded to in the .Lava `
article, we refer the public to the cthe repaid to as by
RI, lotni Uriffith, Nigh, well 'known in Oath& Wolflike • num
fuhigh Loteipity,siod well approved of by his muntrymso
r his highoalcial capaeLtios. •
Ilthanogggiret, ronteuse Co, C.W,
Jtino 241.1 t, ISM )
In October, my wife giving birth to . attla,ten her
owl too early and . caglit • scrag cold, which promisee! to
terminate Ler life The Lest physicians In this
hood and Knighton were lu attendance on tier—but ail oleo
thrall--the doctor, hod meta Acv op to die. PM sewn Nee
medics was I net at her bedside, momentarily watching
to sou her hrrethe her last. Ihemmed to gee • espy of
your paper called "Fie /Awing Chola." met there reed of
yoarTresoired to test thou] as a last raw.. I
gave his. the Revotoeist with the Itexulatorn—rind Rclisf—wc
oortilng to dirsellom„ and in Mess days otoscroed • sonosto ,
Letpronewertf. }rum thisthe daily recorcrod,thil mw,
thank nod, better than ever she war to,
hot ilk.
The child, when three months old, caught• bad cold, And
theinthed tweak to • wee skethow, nothing but thee oil skits
his eyerprofeadedfrnis bead; as if they would drop ma;
the physician's)! milky! In saying there was no the of ate
tempting to am him. MIMS< WI hirs, INS 100
yearly etee.../ die, nut I thiNght d mut- Your Man
adios gave lite to My wife, while the doctors gate her up to
firth. 1 again had rocouran to tbs.. I gate him who
solvent internally end toed It um wash, exte rn ally to he,
eyes—he I. now leughlug, he w s. yeettling child, enjoy
ing the best of health. Your ore....diens met gfUi
normal, RICHARD nan
The shore, rtmako . , te bet one art thousands of similar
there In the world, ether. tool the Sordid.. of the physicians
, Wen relied epee without farther trial. death weal hare
seised It. victim. Do, to. therefore eery up yonr friends on
the mere report of your physicians wlso my they tare do no
more. Wlien yon aro told thin resort to our Rowdiest
RADWA, 1e.2 INN. street. N. Y.
Poe sate by AUNT Itassulo Nall, Pitt.
Tieslf. IL IL Re[1.11 , •3 are sold by. Droggists, Merchants
and Etoreithepoce. . moth
JUL,en hood mid for sale by
cores. - of tio.l and l'imrth street,
The Cis Medical Dim:every
07 TilE 40E.
distort:rod ill one of oar common putureweeds, •
rota y that cone *very kind a Unman from the wont
Scrofula to • common Pimple.
flo ham tried It in over eleven banal 4 mom and never
Oiled exootst in two caste (both thunder bt.nter.) Lie ho now
In bar posereolon °For two hundred certificates of In t oat.,
all within twenty then of Button.
Two bootee arc antownotO to cure • unroll:1g wrer tooth.
Ono to Llano Welke 1111101 re the want kind of pitnni.o
the face.
Twoto three bet the will mow tbo system of butte.
Twobottles are warranted to wive the wont canker in till
month andsterunch.
Three to Ere bottles are warranted to cure the wont MAO
of nrlpelm.
°troth two bottlenremerrented to time all humors of the
Two bottiee ere warranted to CO.lO running of the ears and
blotches among the hair.
Your to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and entr
ains ulcers.
Ono bottle will cure early eruption of the akin.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most despe
rate cans id rimonthon.
Two to three werrantret Lo cure the wont cues
of ringworm.
Three to tone bottles ere warranted to lore mit rheum.
Piro to eight bottles will curs the yeast ram of sorolhla.
A benefit Is always experienced front the tint bottle end
a perfect cure is warrsotal when the drove quantity Is to
Nothing leas so Improbable to those who bare In rain
tried cell the wooderfol noOkines of the day, as that n com
mon wood growing In the panne" end along old stone walls
should cure every humor to the eystesn; yet Ills now a deed
Ikot. If.yeu have a humor It has to start, There are no Ifs
nor Inds, hunts or W. about the suiting some awes end uot
yours. I poddlod over • thaturand bottles of it in the Tidal
ly of Merton. I know Its effect* In every . It has al:
ready done sawed the meant cur. ever done In Mesa.
. &netts. I gave it to children ring a year old: to old people
•of sixty. I haroseca poor, puny, wormy looking children
.1,., g m ], We. soft en
Wes matured to a pedal Mate
of health by one boat.
Tothom who are midect to n sick headache, one botilo will
always... It. It give neat rope( to mtorth sod
nem. Some who herein. cosUrtvfor years, hero takerrand
beenrendatalby'll. Where the body 4. wend It works
quite easy,but when therein any derangement of the fume
tlone of netn.,lt will mass eery singular feelings, but you
must not be elarmrd_ilwyeiwasWmPrear iu Roca four
days to a weak. Thera Is never ohod.ros it nom it, On the
contrary, all. that Wing ISOM yin will feel yourself like
stompers.. Yheardsenielif the own eatravamott ono.
alums of It that tone nor 'Wend to. No change of Nan
ever ne.emary; cat the best you can get. I hare likewise
an herb; Which, when simmered in sweet ell, dissolves Dead.
Moen * welling of the neck and under the can. Price 60
count Peieq et the Kodiak' Dirtaireey_B l per bottle.
Adult, one table spoonful per dads. Children over eight
years, dessert spoonful; children from flee Weight leers, tea
eventful. As uo direction can bo made eppllcable to all
constitutions, take enough to operate on the bowels twice a
4' fir. KENNEDY give personal attendancelo bed awes of
Sold Wholesale and renal at DR. KETEIEWS, 140 Wood
street, comer of Tinto Alley, and I. T. ELRMINO, Alto.
Amy. " anlo mh27•lntAwlt
grom on hand sod lor sale b
D. IL VA co,
ode of Wood and Pon 'twee,
ramarch of the best medical men that over lived to
find a nupedy that would raditollY owre the ploPolodo,
which ban been recently found oat by
D IL IL T.,3011.D,
OP rzrrspeßGH. PISNIVA, •
flb laborlotte march and rowerch In the Vegetable Wig
dolts for eight or ten yews, Into brought to light a wonderful
lholicine which will rodiodly carnet. DYSPEPSIA, width
la the tint maned all .enwal dhow which the humane).
te....tod b. Ken . t h e 5.,,,,T0tr [Stomach] clean and
WelthY. WO stoat Al have good health and cannot* •
outdate of anygoneral OMR •
Dr. R. T. MORD bee him a intidor. OP. 00(01 abeam
blamer, Rty•Pegabillbr eight re ton WM* and' blue tried
!tundra& of experrignonfemibinmelf, but all in Win, malt
tile prewar dbuovery,Widult todically mud blot and
many °them fn Sir, dgbtio twat* dem Without pap r ,
eickame, et soy lutplowant feelleige in the , bat en
the contrary, It Italgovatoo the orMaru and pima healthy
action toevery gurt. It will act geldlY or copiously on the
bowel., and giro a healthy action to the stentatdr and Row.
You can edit and dank your mud dieting, which wilt not
latonhiro—themodichat ahrtlYo &al
' What hind otaer wiiiimprodk v.duca • sumer
It is tho Coot cum of ail patrol diemem. [Jeer Affoction,
LW* or Dammam?: Moore} Drotichltie, Flick
IleadwbeatilUaaa Marchers, Dla m.en Typhobi Peters,
Fever and Ague. Nerralti Parer, Neuralgia, n ere b t .ipp.a
Costive Bowel., Bolt., teehy or Gummy Skin, Cold., ahem
matlmotdl hind., Apee t e gy, Insanity, ,,.. Weaknewo of the
WED. Palm ()Gumption of blind, Or Wham; Wohtem
olitodumbi Sbnylrhed IM or You rood, Mut aleo Wind.
All of the above feelingo may 0r..111 ho waisted Awn •
, lalittio Womack. Ir i ost . l 4 tbat a Zrit all poor.( dismal
mind ariflVlonyal t ut r eet i te allwbo Weft been tick lua o DS:
etatement to be true Dom elleorhowor elrk no w rugsd
lbw impatant ildat• Pettir,Pothw , trio low been 'suf
fering for maw palm to point DUO to • remedy Met he on .
ralyu•looid radically maws Dui woo that hat mado Ida
'deice It • mariner tossed upon the Maw ete the that '
eirws•r thaw*, kb hmetbetindo=. ,
seed by thg peepreetat, DYAD T. SOIID,
)e . art mut
11 /M ui r. L A . cad lia"tillMabo4oll24
• .. 1 0 , 4
TINOMPOITAN. a co , ausifryt. • lama! arum saCISIT.
"Ittarurgft, Mr. W. A. DAM formerly Umgette u
Jame T Dom* Ogee DorthwelWeerworaf OftllaWrited
I.mA rte An011*". Otty... AAA ADA, Dr. Mord'e
Lkor PIIYC soh*: Ida inninattp
Tor/WOhloNorrolAldOw l4 . l,
Trio fikmwe Ddb Dona msameadatla.. (or - tkah
to, r umirimihig4
4 . = mar opal b IWO". PAPA
a1t100e.....P - Caw Iltolt*k; 4. 9
TIM raw TO
tOolthils Phyatriana, Phaanthrey•Dht,
firekt inertvwc..q.drql umb Igri.ea•
rr. ll,f TOO t4ltate*itts, Flak Ilandschnietat Wont fltarrench.
Perfealranas FA, DAY I,lall.
Ite,./. It Aram...Dirt I. learn been repratally curls( et Dm
stiet4 leoteln , Is. tatty 1..1y can hays by n ,Inau ur two or your
Fills 'lf sosota to ottoo Moo o foul stomach, which they
nt Mo., IT they *lll curs athor. othey do me,
Cr, fast la aereth „hennaing: Yonne with groat rospect,
• ND, - W. Clark of Messmer Marlon.
Dianne Distesierrund i4ecr ClooplatinTs.
DIPAOTWOrt of 1110 (wremol,
Washington, 1 1 . Clo Feb.7oE 4o .
'Mk: I Mono wool your Pllla In tny onnorol owl hOrfhltal
practloa Mot •Inou yon ,tine Mont, and cannot lamitate to
my they are ths hest coll., trla vu autpley• Their regnlot.
log action un tho,Llyer I. Mick aro) deckled, COntonthmtly
they are an tulnilruloM s ynittody fur 11,ratipani•fita of that or
gm. Indeed, I hare ishlont found a cam of Dillow Dimsre
ro obathotto that It did not rondlly yiTid to Thom.
- Fraternally you.. ' ALCM/A/BALL, 11.0,
Chyslrian of the klarino ihamltnL
Doe May. lidos and Slams.
DOM. ()met, iitillltAnn, Lir. Co., Mich„ Nov.lo, 'ft.
Da. Aran Your PIM ewe tbe perfection of medicine. They
Tun dons ray wits more good than I elution you. She hod
Lean sick and pining away for months, Want of to L,1143.
tared at great ex pense, but .gut nu bettor. . She then cont.
moored ,talring bb Which soon cured her, Isy onion.
tug large muntitime of worms (dead) front her body.
aftenormslo cured her and our two childron of bloody dye,
eeatery, One of our neighbant had It had, nod my wife...A
him with two drams of your gills, while other. around 0,1
paid from Are to twenty dollars doctor.' bid,, and lust much
Dino, without. Wing cored entirely even then. Such a turd
Icine as yonmi which is .stonily good and honest, will ha
prism! here. ' OEM J. UltlFFlN.Foattonster.
indigestion and Impurity of 11.• Blood.
From Iles. J. V. IlLuto.,Paator of Adventelturcb, Boston:
Dn. Arcs: I hare used your glils with extraordinary gar
' tint. In myfaraily and among those I on called to suit in
distress To regulate the ortnmsof digestion and porgy thn
Ll...lMay are thu very best remedy I bairo over known, sod
tartmantidentlyrecutraneud Iltrut to my frietida.
Yrs, J. V. RINKS.
Wlassw, Wyoming C.., W. V., Oct. SI, 197.5.
Dear Sim I ant using your Cathartic rills In toy practice,
and find Mein nu excellent pitrgail‘o to cleanse tho system
and purify the fountains of the blood.
• . . •• - -
&stupid.; Sonnfula, King's Evil, Tetter, Tamer, an
Sail Rheum
From a Ibrwanling 51,011:ant of tit. lutils, Neb. 4, 18.141,
Dn. ATM Your /Insane lho parsgowg plbilast la great
In medicine. They h.," cur.] my little ~.,gittor of Weer-
KM. 1111011 her bands nod feet that hod proved bacumble
for ymrs. lilt mother ban Loan long grievonaly afflicted
wish bliachem and pimples no her skin and In her halt. After
our child outs corn,. and she also trod y oor and they
bare eared Isar. AHA MOHO KIWI'S.
. .
lacunalita, and (ooa.
From the tier. Dr. Meeks, •.1 the Metleellet E. rim. to
PutAiiiil novas. Jnn. 0.1060.
Pm: I 'ehmill be ungratefel for the relief your
akin bet Jewell/lit me if f did not report my ours to you. A
coldaettled in toy limbo and brought en excruciating neu
ralgia pains, which ended in chronicrinouriatitun.. Notwitie
stauding thud the be tof Rhysielan" di
, the sease grew moons
ROA worse, until. by the advice of your excellent agent In
Ealtimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects
were slow, nit sure. By persevering In the use of them lam
now entirely well.
Susan Cusassa, BaTON Myna Ls., Dec. it. 6866.
Da. ATE. I ,have been entirely cured by your Pills of
Rheumatic Oont—n painful that had alnicted me for
I+,l/ropey, Plettiorn, or kindred Complaints, requiring
an active purge, they are excellent remedy.
Fur Cistiventwo or Constipotion,Emil as a Dialer Pill,they
are agreeable and ellectnal.
Fits, PUppreetflon, Paralysis.lnflammation, and even Deer
nees, and Partial Blindness, hove been cured by the alters.
also action of these Pills.
Most of the pills in market captain Mercury, which, al
though n valtuble remedy in rklilful bands, is dangerous
apublic pill, from the dreadful consequennw that frequently
follow its Incautious use. Them contain no mercury or
substance svitatever.
Coughs, Was, ffearmness, hillsernsa, Branchiiir, 'Reaping
Gbugh, Crump, Asthma. incipient Cbelnimption,
and for the relief of consuniptlve patients in advanced
stages of the disease.
We wed not speak to the public of its virtue. Through
out every town, and almost every hamlet of the Amerimu
States, Ds wonderful cannot pulminmry complaints tune
made it olreculy known. Bay, few are the familits to any
civilised country on ibis continent witLunt some penional
erporienee of Us °Beetle andibwer yot the cummunitic• any
when which hove not among them come living trophy of
It. victory over thosuldle nod dangerous diseases of the
Ulnae dud lungs. While It Ix the moat powerful antidote
yet known to manioc the formidable and dangerous diseases
of the polonaise:organ/I, It Is also tile pleasantest and sob
at remedy that can be employed for infants and young
persons. Purents should have it in store aiwinst the lasi&
0.4 enemy that WL , o them maprepansi. We have
abundant grounds to be lieve the Cherry Pectoral awes more
lire* by theConinmptions It prevents than these It cana—
-1 Keep It by yen, and care your colds while they use curable,
nor neglect them until no humor skill mu 'baster the lock
onside molter that, instance' on the vifals, mita your life
away. All know the dreadful fatality of long disunion, and
to they knave too the virtnes of this remedy, we aced not do
than to Amore them it If still made the best It can most We spans no mat, nO Mee, no toil to Inl.doCo It the most
perfect possible, and thus alford three you rely milt the best
agent which our akin coo furnish for their Cure.
Prepared by Dn. .1. C. APPAL PnctlcaLand Analytical
Chemist, Lowell. Mom.
AIV-Price 25 cents per box. rive bones for $l. -
Bold by B. A. FA IIDESTUCK A 00., Wholesa/e Agent*
Pittabinwh, and by WI Dnbmists and Midterm Deniers.
PILLS can be had, wholesale or retail, at
It. I. FAUNlSsikvielt A Of
owner of Wood and Fourth sts.
health anti Strength Mau Inevitably
Wallow its lime.
13cerhnvien Iriolland Bitters.
ttly r r DyintcpsiA, Macaw of the Kidney, Liver Com
plaint., Weediuiria of any kind, Surer and Agit, and the me
flout alTectiona cutiteapient upon a diaoriterred Stomach o
Liter. ditch tie Indlgitetion, Acidity of the Stamach,Colicky
Palos, limn - Mum Lora of Appettley brapondenry, Contive
timit, Blind and tileeditig ISMo. In all If errona, Ithennuttic
and Neuralgic Atreettono, it hal fa numerona intrtances
proved highly beneficial, and in other. affected& decided
litolt no now roomy to combot, with this &light.
NI kiitkAti ItM tilttoot. otthroi aro almost mogicol, y.t
tho n , p•rmanoa. It cointoonicaten 330 viiihint shock to
apitem, Lot try oroutioit It. Vital r•tiergy to ont - to. l eo
tkos. othitittia it to ibrOW alt the ammo, setd ththt thoroughly
enolicaltio the
When its medicinal 'lama are to unlimitedly acknowl
edged, arid particularly here, where it bow become so tepee
lar mann:ally medkine, that It le sub% by many of the wrie
refl6l\ 61.1114 i as by all the dritymists. it 'would teem needless
to offer further evidence: yet e. Otero ate deta'aete wne
who tram tried many advertised renunUes, and .till tuff..
from Dyspeptlai n ono .r more of its dreadful forme, we mili•
Pill the follintinn oertilloshw, the authenticity of which
cannot be doubled, sallow do from iwnions to troll
. .
Wm-Mitcham., H.q., the well known Lithnerapher.say4
'1 Iwo (minima) . word Buirtinviis 1101Ltinil Etittersomil find
t lurartMly relierre inillittwthai th-bility."
how. Samuel th.botwk rayw. -I hmud special Mitt from
to nee turn weviwo howiluilw, with wlskti 1 hal lung sof
J. W. Wonlawn. Lig., atty., "I hove went &Mare's 110 l
41.14 Bitten myself. itml recommend It to °there, knowing it
to betuet whiten le repreentell."
Aid. Jonathan Neely. of leower it. Clair, rape ••1 hove dr
rir.el great benefit from Its use fot weakrie.o of the stomach
Jas. M. Murphy, nay,: “After SOTerld phyolcinne had failed
ll.erbarea Bitter* removed the twin from my heart
Mle.arigug Mom indtgontion." •
Tho edit.' of the gittatmiutt Fret , Pros. soya. "After oho
of Ma btett Uhyalelana in tUto place bed fall t. Iherhare'e
Rolland Bitters carol mo of the tercet form of Dyepepala"
Fraacta tells, only manufaoterer of the origitml"Eatraet
of Coffee." soya: “Iktmor that your ffollemd Mittus la ono of
tho.tool medicines to the erothl for o dbonforod Stomach
or 11000.^
Dr. Ludwigoditor of the Fatkel, &Diners. pronounces
zundicloo diverting the roandetwe of the public:.
Dr. Ederlowt, the leading Derma physicists of Penaer. Liss
preersibudlt.frequaelly daritta the past there, pans with
marked metre. in debiliteted metre of the digestive organs,
ur of the system generally,
The manager of Ballon'• Vlneger Factory, says: "1 used
It myself. endues therefore Induced to try its effect upon
my wife, (troubled with the great debility common to all of
• cumumptive babit.,) sod madly It to doing her more good
Man anything she his evor term." •
NOTlCK—Wheover. :eipects to find he this a boverwe
will ho diseppoluted: bet to the sick, weak and low spirited,
It trill prove a gratefet aromatic melte!, putetessed of singu
lar remedialproperties.
cAuTl" ,— Thn. greatPoPhittrity of this dellebtnd fixa
tes, hos induced many Imitations, which the public should
gumd against purchases. Ile not persuaded to buy any
thing else milli you barn given Ileerturrotn Holland Miters&
fair trial. Om bottle will.ovlnce Ton how Infinitely sup.
rim It is to all those Italtatioun
Wdold at $l.OO per bottle., max bottle. for $5.00 by the
sole Proprietors. BENJAMIN PAGE, Ja., A 00,
corner Smithfield and Third Mc, Pittsburgh.
Pb ladelphla, T. W. Byott & Sous, No. 132 North Second
New.lrork, Barnes Park, 301 Broadway, comer
Dunne; BalUroare,Cosbare Brothers, Gay street, iuld Penn
sylvania Areaue; Cluelortall, John I). Park;--Chlcago, BY ,
clay Bmtbana.2l3Bowth Water streeti ;Bt. Lou* Barnatd
Adams L Co.: New Orleans, J. Wright 4 Co.
The Greta Purifier of the Blwd.
The Bat dlitimititscomlid Ilisamorcd/
Pbyeiclrm momilbe it, and mom, live who nem It la • walk
ing adeerthement. No :Idedleino
over yet offered
to the Americium public has gained mach
popohnity in ma short • time as
It will cure arty carte oflihounatiam.
It will cure any MO rd Bali Rheum.
It will cure any OW of Neuralgia.
It will cure any case of Yerer and Ague.
Or any Dlsauat arising ßO front
WIILOUS au Impure state of the Blood
it cored the sleet of the Hoe. JOllll Moor Botta. member
of Cott from Virgin* of Scrofula, after the WWI of the
beat ',bpi° both of New York and Philadelphia, had.
affecbout tried lavaim and It will cure you, reader, If you are to
mime= MADER,
It cured D.Durritt, Rig, of Cincinnati. of Rheumatism of,
four Teen!' Mending, after dl other remedies had &Red.—
We hare hundreds of such cortillcaton. Call on the...agent
and get a Book and Circular; and read foryoureeKthe many
remarkable and satenieldng mama If halLreade.. •
The celebrated Dr. Butcher write, to us that he had two
of the most severe and long stamllng come of a dime,e that
would yield to nano of the meal remedies, but ho cured one
fano with Mr, 'and lbo Otdier bota.• weer.
Spanish Mixture. We have known It need In over a thous
and cum, and have yet to hear of. failure In say cam.
. .
AGUE AND FEVER—Do not take Quinine, Mercury , or
any nett rorslotas Draga,but try at otaleAbla groat
and Purifier of the Blood: Carter's Epardshldfstnre will corn
.yaisd softy oun , Attudomd Fryer: Wo have sorer. yert
known It to fall. '
And for alt dhow. arising from on Impure agate of the
Blood, no undkine has ever yet been Bond to bore so good
fifott. • Lf you aro
' sink try it at one% do not delay; time,
Is pined , and health the greatest of all Limn without ..
47'1' 0;7 4 . S. BEERS A CO, PropriMont,
Richmond, Vlrglula.
FLEMING, Pittsburgh, Rod Drugglant .And Country Men
chants In an tart. of the United Eitatra and Caaadas
-rited-tiet-e,*seta I,,,botti.
Mini* thetarartlirin at diffuse. Cue tb• pain and . yota
check the discs.. • • •
Is truly the wonder of the ape 'lt' Coot, pin to Ws time
than It oink. to get a phyeklael
• it cum. T.Wftwhabx a mina.
Cnicsreraintei, Or Paha in the etomach and Bowel.
Non Stiff Neck and Swelled Pace from • Oold.
Omit itheninatlent and Nenralabu',
Cures Sprains, Rralsce, Scads and Burns.
Cures Oceneuel my r ninla' the Peck
Vurcs Agues and Larefelln fbe luklefdll•
CarkEarschn In si few minute. '
Cerra Pain In the Seim Limb', or Back
Cured Ague and Chill and Perm'
Shin' Is no humbug medicine, and nn fain=ld he
without a bottle in owe of KU den t or =darn It
Is need 4%1.1.115041w irlb°
WONDIMPOLVIL e on id eptek, Owl:nib:I exclaim,—
most Phyeklene taro whole mouthy WAIL
~ I rate my cnrnainl it ainduificr's day." 1
Z .r uk m yer b rreehlettooirittiAnil44,olrins In the MVO t p . of
'Nowa Kitatlfin trayels on the co:dints
e'.tselethis daily With eriy.llte of the Redkal
srelewlen, hatenabled Pr nt' Rl= to present to the enwfil
N Y9 T r it=ige g"h"
Ott.,red ;De: fillOagre
-- -
MIN ' PALLARRANOIIdENT... ...... -....-1&17.
Cleveland and Plidsdiargb,ll3ll"ll Head.
TII E NE IV All 01114iiMINE,
ST. WITIS rte trrEunrsvur,ron nou.r.Ant. Nov,'
OPEN.—Tbe trains oftldsroad now ran ditsetly to =Afton.
Pittsburgh and Allogimnypepols and Cleveland. Stmenne
vale, Wheeling and Bel -sir witliontchang* pf
Tiro Daily Trains to Stenbenville,Wheeling anirnsir.'
Two Daily Tmins to Cleveland. i
Poor Daily Trains from Clareisind to Chicago.
On and after Monday, October INI, ISM, the trains of this
Company will run dally,(Srodaym excepted,) as follows
Leave Pittsburgh and Allegheny Depot. at 1140 A. M..,
and 3.20 P. M. .
Arrive in Stenbourlileat 11,35 P. n., 0.03 r. n.
Do Inliealr, 1.07 r. la., and 7.22. r a..
Do ' Cleveland 3An 0. s., and 9, 3 0 r. 1.
Passenger, taking the 8.%1 0.11 train go through to
inervintol, malting close connections with Ilapresa Trains
for 'fotpdo, Chicago and oil prominent towns in the north.
west. Thi. train also goes through on Steubenville- and
liellealr; Cleveland passenger. changing can at Wellsville.
At Cleveland, this train also makes clove connections with.
the Cleveland and Erie Railroad for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo
and Niagara Palle. .
This routo tin Steubenville to Cincinnati Ls TUIRTY
MILES SNORTER than via &redline.
The :An r. v. train 111111kCIF000110C11000 at Steubenville Jilt&
non RID for Columbas and Cincirmatl, arriving at Newark
.--- v. M.. 1 Columbus A. sr, nod Cincinnati T.dt a. st.t
at Dellealr nt 7.22 r. w., contenting with the night train on'
the Centralohin Halimad for Clarrlbridge, Zanesville, New
ark, Coluinbas, ChiChllliel and St. Lank Also rune direct
through to Cleveland, waking (ipso connections feral! points
west via Cleveland and Toledo It. R. Ali , / Michigan Central
Railroad Ikeda via Detroit.
Pusamgem leaving Pittrtnirgh on the 8.00 A. S. train for
Clitmgo via Cle.velatol and Toledo, will arrive at lOW Point
aeon. hours in advance of those wboirave at the some hair
and go ria Port Wayne.
Pa.gengerA for Well+ville, Steubenville, {{ls.iing and
all, points on the 'iv, line by thy., trulum go through
without detention many hour. in advance of the Mosunboat•
on the river.
• .
Bognor chocked 111 much to9totibencillo,llelleolr.Cohnn
bno.eincinnatl,lsl.. Louls,Chnolarol, Chkago and other points
on the Hun.
Paseengent her Near Philadelphia and Station. no the
Treannovas Brooch moot take the Roo A. M. Train front
Tickote oro sold to Cleveland, Sanduaky, Toledo, Chicago,
Milner&le, St. Louis, Quincy, Porting ton, Fulton Rock lnland,
bland, lowa City, Coolleth, Peoria, to thine, PrevPO4,
Dunkirk, Niagara Fal4, Bughlo, St. obenville, Wheeling,
lielleAlr, Columbus, lndinunpollit,Cincirmatl, Lintel /11e, St.
Louie and to all way, antilop, on the road.
Ticket: to all points are told at the Ticket Office in Allegh
eny City.
Nampo, can got arty Inktrination concerning this line
at the office of the Compuuy, (flononge.bdia libuse,) Mtn.
burgh. R. P. GLASS; Ticket Ac't, Penne- Depot.
nerll--nOS Mononehela lltmen, Plttehurgil
- -
rennviv an I... Railroad,
t .,
Route, courwctimr the AtWilli
eitb, wUh Wemenk. North-Wr4tern, laud BOatb-Wettan
btates by w cootlnonns Itgalwey dirwt. Tble• reed also coo-
noon at Pittnhurali with daily line of B1,91:01.te to all ports
n the Westerultlvent,oni at Cleveland and Sandasky with
Simmers to all nun on the Novilf-Western Lakes; rosktog
thn most direct, cheapest, and reliable route i'Y which
VREICIIT onto be forwarded to and from the aim , BMX
WIEST CLASS—Roots, Shoes, Ilsta and
0.1.1., Danko, Dry Goods, (in Loma, bales 100
and trunks,. Drone, (In Dann acid Lain) pe r
Feattlon, Sara to.
SECOND CLASS Domestic Sheeting;
Shirting and Ticking, (in origin.) balm)
Drugs Ain reeks,) llordware, Leather, 600 per 100 Re.
(In rope or Wore) Wool and Sheep Palls,
TILLED CLAM—Anvils, Steel, Chains (In t •
casks) Com, Bacon and Porkontiell per 100
None or In anski,) Tauten, manufsctur- '""'" •
od, (except Cigars or Cut,) &a. he
PODETllCLASS.—coffeaSieh,Boann,Booe • "
and Pork (in casks or bon, astwrd,)
Lard ond Loud 01, Ness, Sods sh, her , P rIM iba •
man Clay, Tor, Pitch, Rosin, he
FLOCIL-75e per Uhl. until further untke.
GRA IN-3.5c per 100 Ma until further notice. ,
COITON—s2 per bale not arreedLog 500 ibe weight, cmtfl
further notice.
shipping goods from any point' east of
phis., be partiesdar to mark packages "rim. Jhwagdomria
Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of Ms Road
at. PhiLadelphla or Pittsburgh, bo forwarded without'
lissiour Aomns-0. R. Enna, 64 Nino stroot, Einstein J,
F. Clarke. No. 2 Rotor Home, and No. 1 William street, and
John-McDonald, No. 8 Battery Plats, New York; Pier& &
Co., Zanesville, O. Irwin ACo., and Bprtngrmn lk BriArn:
Cincinns4l, 0.; R. C. Ideldrum, lladbanc, Ind.t:Dosnernll, ,
Bell & Co., and Carter A Jewett, lordsville,ll.3.; Cd-
Riley A Co, Reatissille, Ind.; R. P. Saar4St. Loots, 11104 Har
ris, Worroley A Co.. Memphis, Tenn.; Leech & Co.,
1114 .1. P. Chow, Ft. Wayne, Ind; R. J. Sneeder, Pt=
grow k Roans, Iloltiniere; D. /I... Stewart, Pittsburgh.
If. R. 110114TON,Veid1 Freight Agent, Phila.
11. J. LOAIRAERT,Iinpt, Altoona, Pa. isklY
• •
Air Liao Ronne '•
LOUIS via. St. Louis, Alton ,
ad Hsliresd, all the way by Railroad, carrying
the Great American Express Seel Dulled States ALLII, Tin
only direct and reliable Mae to the &nth end Scrothieest
Seventy miles shorter than saypthe,itonte, • •
it ROCK ISLAND It. It., Corner of Pan Saran analltiornsib
• . .
St Louis Day Espnwas, MSG A. M., daily, (amide) , as
es{ ted}—arrive at istst 13L Louis ist 1,30 P. M. .
St_ Goal• Night ):sprees, nu; P. 31, daY.(S.turdaYa al
saptad,)—arrine at East St. Urals att3o P. Itt.
. . . .
Day Exprem, ii:ls A. AL, daily, (Stuulay eaceptedj
at Chicago at RAIS M.
Night Katrrailit,s I'. M. daily, (Sunday eatiepted,)
.1 Chiangoat 7:45 A. 51.
From Chicago to St.. Louie, 13 "lours.
AT JOLlET—with the Rock Tiland ExEratwl tar Ottoww,
Leh alle, Rock Inland *.td Oeiattil lowa.
AT BLOO3IINGTON—with Illinois Central /thßoadie!
Clinton, Wayne/Mlle, and Decatur, and Valk Sagan, for
Peoria, at Peoria Jonallon with Ptorcii and thinalts It. It.
fro Walnut Grow, Wathiltsrloo, Peoria. Path, Brimfield,
Illmond, Knoxville, Oalesioirg, atonthonth and ,Barlins
AT SPRINGFIELD—oath Great Weather, Rallriad br
Jactionavillo, Naples and Minot. River.
AT ALTON—with Daily Line of Packets tor Ilan. hal t
Quincy and Keokuk: the moat expeditions and rellatale
route to all portion. of North • rational Illeartirt
AT ST. LOUlS—with Daily Pleat arms Steamboat. far
Yew Orleans mil Intermediate Points on the Lowet Mlrir
Mattis'. and with Regular Linea or Packets far Ralma. SL
Joseph. and all points on the Missouri, Tennessee, Camber
land aml Arkansas Rivera
Paaseueersdeatiftedfor Blootnington,Springtle/d, Decatur,
Jacksonville, Naples and all points on the illissiseippi, kits.
eouri. Ronan, Cumberland and Tennessee ruler., by taking
the above mete. kill be Punt of making GOllDertiOrlN'aild
archive in St Louis on advertised time, avoiding Sieves*.
tams delay of too eirenitione robin via. Peoria and Illinois
(Urea amine twitity.four boom time, being thirtyeeven
Milt...item olbtant to Illoomington, fifty-eiebt lest to Spring.
Mid, *eventy lei. to St. touts, mid fifteen hasto Peoria than
by any other routs.
Through tkkets can be procured at all to. Tasters
Rake.] 011iceis at. One Company's take, da Dearborn street
oppaeito the Tremont lloneh nodal the Slichigan Southern
and Rock !elandDepot; teener of Can Duren and Mterman
Reri.hribir itAAIMA Merl will be at the Depots of the
V krill. root. coming into the City, to check Baggage
through to any point &aired on the Lino. •
A. 11. AtOORIL Uop't.
Turially IL M. GOODRICH, General Caseenger Agent.
Pit taburgle and Connelsville liallrond
opened for the tram.p.wtatlon of pnemengera and freight to,
and from Pittsburgh Connelsville, connecting with the
Penna. Centml Railroad at Renton's Station., -
Atraugamenta have also been made with the :Amu:
Central, by which through freight to PhCladolphis
and Unltimore wfll be carried] from nt
!. poi, on , the..Pitte
burgh and Connelsville Railroad, hi - MI.I*M farotable
itonallea or Tatra:l—On and alter Monday, sth Ind.,
the Pamenger Trains will be rev daily, except Sundays, as
Train, will Imre the Pamenger Station of the Noma.
nonrated, at Pittentrgh. tlbOo'clocie, A. U., arriving at Con
nelsville at Use
&pre°. Passenger Train willleave Pittsburgh 48;60 o'ck-
P. M., and arrifeat Connelsville at 'l,ho
Rwroasisa—Expreas Train will loam f.kumellsrllle itt
'clock, A. 61., connecting with ie... Blainwills locoman!
1 , dation Train on the Penns Railroad which arrives at Pitts
burg at A. M.
Mail Train will leave Connelsville at LSO P. M., and com,
wets with the Winton Accommodation Train on the perm.
Railroad, which arrive, at Pittsbrirgh at (kid P. M. ". -
Freight to and From Pittsburgh and station, on the pint
burgh and Connelbwille Railroad: will be received mei &-
livered at the outer Depot of the Penns Railroad Mummy.
Bunting A 11,11's Coaches kw 'Mt. -Pleasant, Uniontown,
Frostburg and Cumberlant lam Connelsville regularly on
the arrival of the Mine.
Mail Train comecta also at West Newton with caches,
by the plank road, with Mount Pleasant, Someone, Berlin.
Sandpateh,Cumberland, ' -
Tickets can be hot from the Tkket Agent at the Peoria:
Railroad Passenger Depot.
oob 'II. BLACKMON - R., Perk,
Great Western /nal Route.
G ALENA AND .CazagEgti
OAGO Dnlon
Line for Freeport, Oal=i Dunleith, from CENTRAL
DEPOT, foot of LAKE STREET, connecting at Dnitlelth
with steamers no EL, Peel tad the flimer_AllmiedppL'
MILTON AND Lurr.—{lx im..6p,FultOn, and
Central lowa. Passengers Eh Vora, liebrulm and Hammy
will Awl this tho most 'estaelltioas route, It being an Ale
tall• to the Ilissienippl, and *bodes. by fifty saes Mannar
other line. connecting et Fulton with tbe Oreut lowa
. Stage
CO, for all poi to In lowa and The West.
BELOIT 'AND IfADISON LINE.-4or llclolt,Janearllle,
tiedlacm and Central Wlscontin.
FOX RIM VALLEY .LINS—Por Cridal Lake, Me
!Henry, !Weaved, and Petpth Both.
Two inlet day, Sunday azaapW , ,,for aU. tbecabalFe
leAnte, making dose ceenoctkros - with Diatom pa*,
pukdta lbd tioilh
P. k: uawtth
ti. otme.fmAltileli n; Trira7l4.
Oswego* Starch
frOft Tllll LAVHDRY,j. -
- UAS established - a greater celebrity than
s ism ever been obtained bratty other Starch.
This has been the remit of its marked seperkaity In
ity, and Its furattsble uniformity.
The public may be assured of the continuance a the high .
standard .0•• established.
The production's Over Twenty .Tons Peity;end the dee
mead has extended throughout , flea whole United, flatter.,
and Mutat, count:lea; • • ,
Working ; thee on a sity huge':male,ind itrideistrigla
system, they are abler to secure. a gierritet in tie ,
quality throughout the year.' This tithereat Dessetri
detarchnialiny, and is realised nesifor p rat
The my test Starch.that can be made,' end weather, Is
alwayst• Wanted hi, consumen,and tide win be :atipplied to
theta by the grams, se Men tharreitotisits haye learn.
ed which Is the beet, and ask tar ft.-otherwise they • would
likelj to get that article malehich the haven Profit can
be mad. ,
Mr; ininbrd has teed engaged 1 . .... thdu "'
Starch ,continnously tor the last .7.7 years, sod 4sulaß the
whole. ot the perlo Ike Starch mule tmder htiauperelskas
hue bine, beyond any iinostlon, the bestiln thameskat.../i l7
the tint, 17. years, he had the charity thOworkiof , r 7f
Colgate Co, at which panel be, Invented, the 'Prciehe
the thatinftetore of Coro Stitch. , • • _ •
ekrAsh for Kingsford', Starch, as the same Maxim hat
hem roxisay takers bircusatJacrfactory.
It is soldby ell at the beet grocers in nearly every part of
the country.
- - - .
Dia itturangs, Ws")
Has obtained an egad celebrity with.. their .Starrla
Laundry. This article to writhed, Door and
revert, equal to the beet Ahmed* Armes-Root, WWI*
having additional qualities which render It trimlnalde for
Pond. Starch has been extensively packed and sold ow
Cent Starch. and Us Own Edw. Impressions to many,. to
the real unirite of oar rn Starch.
From Its great dellacy and - parlty,lt Is , therdngedni late
extensive tease • diet forinbutraand Invalids.- -
The sutscribor haring beth appointed ads Anent the
nab of th e above celebrated Landry and oyes South, . will
soppiy rho Md. E 41 .2 rotes, with Wither( AWOL
.'" - JOHN r. PERRY,
• Agent for Owego Starch Factory.
Perry 11014, corner of Frrustock el., and Dups.. WO.-
COidilt34-Horn; India itubber,Bufakr , and
Turtle Pbtll remsthgCnisligins7 Rho TilettWO
Pock*. Cloothilkad Packet. Bair Broths bk. Aulgiontlety
gold ~ 41 , 1: and UWarmi.a.
oorn;d34M , ll
, p MABIT'AND VAMSWBRUAss. alumiliust
Ca& 80 Priarrilladly:
Oriv4N. . Crq:,
- ---...— .. .
%.&lIGIIIIT 3414 , 1531.
. 808 k CINCINNATI IMO . .
pßAlLßOAD;lllffintifwettAL L
' Akita of Trataignard—firtWt to gthanthat *davit',
as ef Osso—Te Meeks/an& ditYligAL ' -
On andalterlMNDAT, - Ang:WiIFWTIIO - PaJakifillk
.Twee 'tie this, route kneel/to ides* StroekrAllegbiely
Ptnnt.dalibtheceptedir ua rdloine
POST TRAIN as lame Allegheny CO
4.00 Steataciefillaganetien 7.ooAbreakften at Vadln
JunethAt at 0 A ILO Columbus at 240 and =Wee at tNo..
clone! at ADO Ir. la. Tide train etor t only at Cadiz Joao
ten, Cadiz, New. Mesta, Match. Onehtattla,
and Newark ort the Btenbenvillnand Mann Itailton4+,, .. •
SECOND THATN-'-Nume Paralardin haveaAlleghen, , , ,
AOO P. ii..Stanbenettla Jai:elan kAlkOolutotate '2,40 . e. • la s ' •
and arrives at Oniinnati at TAO.- le, stopping at Mt elne,i
Watson S. A.I.11:.?It. .• . .
SFS - By lide Matti thirty ingles of trarel ira astetl lei».
ing the most Sired Ilmtrom Pittsburgh , to Wand., ght- •
ethane! uld the anther's and tenth , weatern eine*, amt
appointments end management,, tansurpaseed by, ruly,first
clam mad In the 'Union.
Tye!. connect M Newark. with,the Sandnuky, Namnel4
A Newark FL R.Cor Tarnon,, Sandiaky, and
At 170LUltBUB with Columba, Plow and Indium IL R.
ha Como, Urbana,. Troy, Belletontahre..Vorwit
At XANTA with thW Dayton, Xenia A IteloMital Indiana
Centratilt. B. for Sprtnitteld,Dayton, Richmond, lAllinap.l
- Lonirtlile, Central Indiana, Central Illinois, Litle.yoktlb • i
Tarp Ratite. St. Louie. . • •
At uounow witit the
'Me IL It. for Weahington,Circlerille and
AtLOYELAND with made for 11111aboro,namilemand Porto ..
mouth._ .
AT CINCINNATI with the .Ohio d ratissiiiellroad
Owego It. It.tor kladhbon. laalimtlle, New Albany,' Than*
Sinmance, Wm, Central Illinois, St. limb, Jrlikmenti
city, Kamm, Helmets, and all pplAta on tit, pita/1,,
sone and liflwrimil rivers.
• •'
cIocKED vißotrag:
For through tickets by this routetothe polite/Fel W ;vents
sue Sournotur Ma, plowe ma.* the great lascris
Picket tiflice, directly on tho corner of tho Idonoug.hola
Move, Pittsburgh; oral the lidera! Shed Mali., AIR
All information conceiving tho shore Llno, and ; Its ,fssis
1...A1um. together sr Rh through ftetebt 'rates lust coolet%
. Ile bo furnished on application et their aka:ll4.lElW
street, Pittsburgh. IRA. A. ,IitiTOILINFION r
Ococrel.TickotlAgl.t, C.l , rllbus 9. 1 0i •
W. W. BAOLLT, Supt., Columbus, O.
Ls/Averts DITZMICIT E Stanknerdnii:4 -
Gums{ OnL
QUMNS F. _Xo_arans i dtallgarread. : •.
!MCATr-O¢ end ettreJrakellad
The al Trete leaves the Taverner . latettererry, worn
tat 6 M
r7Sit a did a ttlfiOldelbr i t.; o4
TILL' morrrinciissas ieiva prit4iigt,
Philadelphia st P .
P. IC • •
The Indiana Accommodatkin trattr knew Pittsburgh
daily, except Sunday, at ;0 cfclock, R., stopping at all
Maumee, Mid running as
as Indlani, and Port Petty ,
West Newton and Way
he rot tba
Pittsburgh end .oonnelirrille. ' The PIM AiMint ••
=station Train tor Untie Creek Bridge,leavas dein except
ISunday, at 10.4b•tn. Ilse &coed Acoommodatlon Troth fee
Turtle °reek leaseedslly, Sunday excepted, at 4:20 P. M..—
Tito Third Accommofthon Train for Turtle Creel, leaves
d P.
1 1 1=11 9 dWitiViri folknon—ixpresti
1.16 p. m.; 1ta11,11.30 M.; Past Line, 2a. m.; Intik= As} '
ominitodation,and'Onnsollirrille, 2 a tttr. Ent.TOrtla ettelk-
Accommodation, 460 a. so.; Second Acoemmodathat,l2,4op,
to.; Third Aocommodadm, 610 p. irlthOonnelsville Ao•
commodation. .
The traveling pribUn will And greatlithetr. :Wend, '
In going Boat or .Weat, to travel ,by the pti
read, a the siecommodatio= tseit attendants:A be
ed on any other route. As the road 1, Whited wilth itetle, entirely hue hum dust, ere an %MEIN Idaty, cod
and onnfort Ko all whomay &rot, thlaroad.with Mabry*
' For further perUcibirs see handhilhat thedllibient start.
tog point. • Pusengeta from the. West Will end.
=Wog and mat expolltiona route to Ptillridelplila,Alattl,
more, New Tort Or Beaton. ,
• ..T . STEWART, Agt, Paining= I.or,Plttdrdrsibl
Taos. Nowa, Apat,frumager . um" rhu.a.iodse
ISIST ............ .. ..... '1657
Steamer TelegnLph,,, Capt., ,IWIRARD
BARROW, will make three trips • week betneen.
Port Stanley, Pent Bernell and Port BrUCe: "
lave eland tbr Port Stanley, Port Bomar aim! •
Port Brace every Boodayn Wednaalaya and Pridua •
73 1 1 Sotnnirell at '2 . b . cloilr, uilieOrt
ley at 7 o'clock, P. 11.:, to
Cleveland, Tticadaye, Thiaradayn
iota Wared!. • . •• •
The TELEGRAPH carrta the United Platen hlnil between,
thew Porte, and connect. it Clereland cta
Railroad, Cleveland and Pittaborgh, lake Shore end Tank '
Alio,'lrllta Port ithaaley end tosAlosa-eet
Itairr oi — AM! P . :
Bureell Ihre of Biaggi. • , • . • ..,-rs,
The TEL PH kw hew. thorough:l. tileditir
witted, eml La th es,cellent corelltlon for • strode she'll.' •
iii•YorPreight or • - '
1,.., LA 8 N.5 .: 1 , 111414,. .711101 . IIoKENNON, Port
and EIOLOOILE yr z,totipi a DAylBo#, „
Liverpool, PBLlodelphia and; . Near York
• ,• , Screw liteasialatpeoap.• ' • -
. farming the above line will mil I Nevi r,
Yorke follows - „ .. •,[1,051 ,
KANGAROO. Cap t. JellreyJ Odtobed Neb..; ' ~
CITY OP BALTIMORE. Leitchpfor. . - 12Ih. ••,”' ',
CITY Q 7 WARRINGTON, T . Wylis,,,Nov. ,Tlllia :• ,t 1
And rail alternate Tharaday ! ... , . ', , : ..,
~,,,,,,-• ;
From Literpooirr.ery %Barba. Web , ied4: -
Pare from NoW.Poit,Lubla qO. Third Ciao
. . .
_. IJorpeel, ". -:teases,4klENTldetClWOES ,
Return Tickets available Ler MA_ newdba by say oink I.
of the Rea
Cabin, SI4 Vidal . Cii4A).- ', .-" !
Thaw Steamships an applied- math improved Watertle
amtwirtments, and cony &valecord lullz :
Perna. about: promeding to rope, or VISII/14 t 0.1.11. • ,
for then. frisodalkeei law atiV,-....• *lre "•: •
...I at.* all iniormatioatia ; ;ad 31.1- di-iieleil ,,, .
BrowleaT,Y..T.: Sable A Come. . Broade - ay,IT. P„or, : ...
JOLLY TlltlMPSON,AlOldherty se, rlailign*, •• •
AllrePamare certillottaa by Bret clew !aline Packets le ,
town New Takata Limped- Drafts voldiry the oboe* , ~
i dr29—apil .
Dollar Atimiiiirs Han*,
.ais. as Fbarth Stmt. YiJdle Inamt,' /met Writ 11.441 ,
DAILTFROM:9 Tol2' o'ol.oe.K,
alto en liedoreday and Patordly 'evernagi; trout
first to Noremben..nret, (mm.: to 9 o'clonk ; • an d tromilier
'ember first to 24147 litst., front 6 to 8
Noodle' reetterd orall nuns net leitilltent oat Dolleri
and. a. disidetel of the' watt deelareddtwteelt'lmit,la
Jenne:el Docetntmr. , Internet toe. doctored ,the.nta of
tln per'ertot.'Ott annum, tit Acceinbef, 1886, Ww,
sad Deember, 1856: and mite,lB67.
Interest If sot droomont, lepladed to Inn credit
pantor at painctml,med &months tame interottitointlettmt,
dayentJoneand peeember; compounding twteen,rner,9lll..
I seeped lion the. depotitor to call or even to pram& Ws.
1.686.W0k. - thin rate, money will is ' leiitfiintlf~
yeats, making Inthe mirtmate imaire AND exii nar tmtmerr,
!Boone cootithing the Muter, ty.i.s..;ituisisi“i
lotions &random& then* on application at the fem. '
• ..Prondent-42180.R0A; eiBRAIL:
Ilopetre s fieptinim, ' ' 'Mtn WPl,Sentnfrger.
Meorge.ll.' , Whlte, • Charter Knepit
Junes 131 t, . 21. Otetten3,
Janu 19,. Theoteld Vmantettler.
,Aletta s nder Brad/y, • • • Intintellqenotton,.
John ti.
!Mu Butitritr,' '
AnnrCenlbertson, •
John B. Canfield,
David Abtopbell,
• OntrlenA.Ooltun, -
Wifileni Donglns,
; hand.'
throrgeLE. Onnyorn,
A naltoon 4n.
.wry wit TVeniurer—
• L ,GEOltQlr. IIi,ARHOLD 00i,' , •
Current and ViK , Orrentlf= and ,
EtotkO bought and sold on
Radnor Paper, Bonds and Malmo., aty, Comfy'
.1)..6r00d Don& yultbas94 Dad peirOlgeb. , • . .o oro
o.ll.%llPrrympily.4t.daiuki ei
• •
, &IS .-". - • t:4ioilrol :••
AT/KING •01 ' z I.
MOUND PLltAtlANT,._;4....wsarrimairova,
007.7NBLUIVILLA----..741.11713PN Re"."
Deposits steered; iii6wa. .m.4.,-n t3;;lliest,tetsi
rind t amm.zram )10light
two% mu, and Mims Ossmitter and r ottiontair
mission. Comespmeisfice sad o:dietions mmst.,_
1C" 110LAIES 180.N,D • PO e ,
..LNilllratt.and Dome* BElk tytiaiwa k.
air aiMakPratedue *Pad% iirraLi
Lono9airConecUo* sago's. ill the dilly
titycgiti.o *MC ;:11 1 1 6r.n . nrxd
„• ..,Cainotery-Mrsrbk•s
N0..133a LiberrtY-fß*s9lii.'Sek?.(lWohOr'!l
i**/ -
71ATTIIIIV7.LAWTON, , t 1;""
P R 41.114 , 1,134ev1.3141%L.11,11 . 41t40 IV;
11T Kl an.
plemarali geet
to leaved this Klatt. ise the thotilltßire ?tilt
of every variety et e Wort, ern:Rear _
Montiments; Toniber Tablets end OrtiTiOnte,
. .
Contr. Tads,
PIM, Duran •
, , • • .P!! ,4 .7PP 4 - •
Which he 1. ofkqing suorrotboreafabllgooent RIO
of the mountains. 1114 Mott II( =Unix siorwohlit NNW
oeloftoglliy himself, , expreoaly fa fblo mutat. ,flo-is aft ;
peep to bond Budd 'flder, eidlooif 'Nor t.bts'oridi Mob
Ms or &oak sad tovisonto: any= hildi
su P# th°0".4!,1.1.44441°1 sti
. . .
Wool ,-
11T TilXlll3olll TO ...,;;.,_.,; n..,
i i i
Rtnr.S. - 11. il eum,- • • ' Robert ashektirp7. . .
Hao. Wm. W il kins, . - Jobs'
Sheenbesver, kilet.,l 74:
Clurleallre.rer, 1.1, .
~ Y. 11. ~ T. 0 'ld , `;‘,•..
Tiontlinealyriew , -'.,A. R. . • .'' , i.,
, vr., P. Boma: Espiii , . • : 43..R.,:wddga, . G ~,, •
The Trlele Corelebed 'dab kterie;of YeegeMiiraDeieee ,
11 f. b .„ 4. ' i.1 " , tin!... 11 r4d0 or J!.. !,. "Mt i k. , l#: r+Piwas
. a - .
- 1/7:ise• naahlama
Of Ow beerinleudictor a eceoleat isVPV_ at Ifrtnittlettl.
cunt, Wale' , Ind laefirin• . lbotie.a .nu11et....„ ~,,. ~_ RIR* rigilitii
Ibr Lerui and Memo Wort, a ~ w 'r• . '" . O.
foraliket shod notice, ~,, ," .1 ••r .• AO • L
soots x~
o .im le.ot t P' „-.9 /?.. ,P. - 4... . - - ... 1
jApkt; RE.'-f0.... , ',, - .- - .
NO:I* WARKti Brinat'
ration, Winter atoll, 4 . - „
.Latdifft s n-"Er Alia,
r ea
Aims' CALF, HIP .O.l‘D CO ' - ' ' .
B OCIB, 0R9 1 3, OXFTEDNIiik
• ' f
oAl.l . t . opirmigi*
Dow AND ll 9viuraxrra: ag o !8 -
,( l• .. A' ":
...,..... ,„,..-
. __ ~ .
Dt . ZZOln n' the Etnnu .."'
" TOM ligittlif iitil!tf !Si!:
ram or VACE*da at ?Iv rie......“-ki -r; ,;••• •'.
' this stock onnaglaes one of the %leo nuntanwtste_,
. bind to ...j city, atdtaldi dn. chi and manta utma..... n igt%
Lang am twenty yews experience In Onytalk____... , n ,
that he can now atsll-tanlan•••Thrzeaptettally____,__,,_tatortrx
la."l=4.l4osplagthaa th alami diarb./....." • •
i' '-•• • - • ".:-. A &*RM, WAWASSUffitt , O. fg: 11 , 7 r noii
. , 'ENT ea* Vifej , ef ill '.U . 7 3 "
CL.,4:P 0 ti - '4 - '"
. ,
IL IVI ZPINO II ir rikibihkg A
I H •
• .R.• A•• 16,4 4.1 . tf r
O PlLMallot • ,
Mum Maier,: -
A- Id, .
Van t.
Robert Bail= '
CHARLES A. coLioir.
• • Jeukwlyr-u