.1: - :' - - -, -..--::.,:t i., . ', • . ...,, 4. , -, - VI - sfifit-ith. .a4Cite., 44 -" t'a' A 'Hato Sesser-The Nobilities', OrraMpit, . . Fla. ' 6 au i t -P, : . i ff h Sm it t au- v, -..- ...: as a raconteur. Its last comeaMmer the head • of "accidents," And runs thus : 1 ' ' '''' .3 T-1411 , r, 4 Oil Iddalt r;414,404.4ii6 eep4,* dliadt . .. -- ,1 , Wail returning *2114... 0 from this prude Ilia Ilie. 1.. ~4. hors° /7 ~.,, . t,: r _„,.. ..steple 1 -the . . . Tidbit. ,an es „ w e r. head b the nitrojn i his icaat, struck the kg IC, _ of Capt. Parkill's horse, breaking - itterhan a ' i i .:. Lthlailtb,_ oett i ond4tstmlie (7 1°,5'; ...._ .. e .._ weLwpsersfig °Stets/An [dr ger .""',.eeL =l.l7 ' ha , - negro . : was .stoPetled for an in stant,but,received no injury' --it: is rampaged that he belongs to the hanisbell persuasion. .s. 1 -• ' _:,______..----i-7.--.. Hiss is something very good about "fast , .. driving :" • Some .safe ago, Spurr kept e stable,. J'.ipurr had hie vocWaritlez, one of„whiek wary Ws: he , never let a horse go out of the gable without, requesting tke imam notte,. tie:pat o . .1, Or day there 'vitae to , ,Spurr's-ati to get a horse and cartqa4e . J tpittemd et 1 . 11110X4 A • ..., . . . . I "Certainly," said Sfinirtsr"but, In hdded„lor getting, tbeseletroi pisrpOiefOr Which' theyoung man wanted the horse, "don't drive fast!" "Why, 'Awl. — 101(st hare, old fellow,!! exclehned the sotheirlate exerted younk,btitt„ "ligantycit to understand that, I. shall keep lip with tliepre!: cession, If It kills the, bOrail", ,Spurr instantly retirtkl to ro, bone Mill; 'arid ditooned nmongst • theatre*: '. - -- • ' .•• : -34gisto itottirsbattsiturento. Bierille, ii.lc P$P , W1W1!... ' .. *EMAIL' & Jmitrgit, - lechtro N cw . P ort, - e i ----- y Alli-FACTUARRS AND DALERS IN Wrought - Iron Pips; fitting., Tools, and every do main of apparatus (demented with Manna, Water and. Oa., for beating 60 lighting fiteallers, efinmites. llotels,, Privet. Dwelling., 11.rpitels, eteiturns, Mum. Tectmien and Stalls. Aim, V. 1.., Cock., Plialel, OallgelOkdletstraltendr Ewa made to order. Our &row Cutting ; liachlani are entirely new, and oar own Patent—warmated to andanble the work it any other • invention. Orders solidled from all raddons .rdie Oftntry, sold ! promptly ettesided to. .• ~. -. . . " Javerrlydr ' • l rtioricuttural; Scc. .• " • 100 000--PudogANG 11**3 , Will bi it Tory low prfcos, by applying to t JOHJI.MUIIDOOII, weadtwe V Pittgrargb and OaklAnd NonwrlTT.. FLOWER ROOTETnat received our an' sod importation of Dutch Bulbous Roots, via; Ilya cloths. Tulips, Lily. Crocus, Snowdrop., iht-, M gust w.fl ty, all adapted ta fall planting. Descriptive. catalogue. for planting at tho Seed fitote,'4lltb Street. oc2l3tdaltwel , JAMES WARDROP. For ran - Planting. 380017" F CHERRY,. 2 r'4llll 16,000 SlastierS2 y4are„,26 74,000 Peach, 40 00,000 lihros, of hardtk varieties, 6 . 001 small to S pet. With a ilt4ta ek es,44r—etiodaul 'awl *wart— Quince, five varietleg Curraata, t a..a varlet*, WelotYytes. , Shrubbery, Gntea House Wants, Itoees, ke.' Those extra article of choke varieties mlsht, dad it to their interest to evmhst ray Ideal's". ordering eteeerbere. -se4ort.l7 • JNO. WPSWOCK,Jr .l.llttibargtifledi• Pa r = Nursery. ,OITUATED ON WILKINSAVENUEOIIII S.) about nue quarter of a mile from tbo wood Toil eget ao 4 .4bekranwrAmtm.cunkerlank Sunken astett- aim of Yotirtti streetoual abakt throe Atula quarter miles, from Pittsburgh. Int A JAMES 1111511.1XtCK, Proprietors. Jai; loitf. bilabelptia abluctiscuunts. B UFFALO ROBES! 9,000 NOW ON RAND, Atid Par Ws by the [Weer -does Bobo. by GEONON'Y. WOIIRATH. N 0.445 MUNI STUNT, above Yeartlr, [JAY oeNe.l3 N. north street.] • ••• • •• • *. N. D.—Also, • Largo aasortment of LADYICS . FANCY FUltB. . aulAilmdm • 1351 - db`NHISDLI3IS. No.= 3with Wharres, and 35 Shah atter fib.; ,P-111-LAD3L.PIII4, • MITIOLEALW. DEALERS IN OILS, TT ' Candle; atarch, tc. / full niteornrisue on band to which the attention ol dealer* is roil 1 17 nuked. orir3.dly C. MOM AILZOTY.....- fL T. YAM ARMISTEAD. RIGGS s CO., AGENTS VOA THE SALE OF VIRGINIA. BANC FACTURBD TOBACCO, 37 Echienyt.414. 4 . 3 .... - ityl_Atraye oahxolfa lArgetoek, which they we...water the loweifthertet prices. 441" Ya. T... o of . t.:.c, Crest Pre psaratlfsui of Ow Age. They are not recom- Vvivetsal. but simply for ~:,at ~their name pur- The VERMIFUGE, ' for expelling * Worms from Ile human system, has also been adnuTiistered wit-h the most satisfactory resulti to variousanimals subject to Worms. The LIVER Pius, for the cure of LIVER COM PLAINT, all BLLIOUS, DE RANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ACHE, Oce. 'Purchasers will please be particular to ask for -McLane's cele btaied Vaimumcia and 'LIVER PILLS, prepared by "SOLE PROPRIETORS ) PMS burgh, Pa, and take, no other, as there are various other preparations now before de public,..pur pori4_io -be -Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. IvlcLANes, are worthless. :,The opsuiNE - McLane's Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be bad at all-c-j.,4ispecMiiO'i • rLEUSCENCr WOOD 8:14 Ptnsstriunt, PA. - • ffimorrroPrielOnh ttiItOEI' , A(iENCY..-HAVING BEEN WAIM I .,. I4". M b i t ,W II)".' sAYa• STARoll,(wkrau known In this marknt) aro nor propsZ tomplkholonalo Dent. ozseslrete:nre. p . dnm. 111 lartte .turottos 4 thy 16, 6 ) fa . 3 . l4 Wirk ''''T Mr" oAekt nlnl.lol%Va 10 , 044111 U A T , ATIPX/X, 1.11111 ilk (XL, 4 •. . , 34. 11,WONidnie r Auksvitsogia riniv receiving ii.! er 4%11 fltylea at 11411 AND OAPB:o=4lxl,4lints - VioxibiaSlit Draw Matto, andlrilee• - 11ANLIIi, tg Gal SCO Mayor !Moo thedls—llirnietbiti,MMUr, AMA ke. yousWirsat indbirelf•luey am Wawa, hrireilt 1.5 4. " etrAtegarenizoil CAitIINSIUt Int*ll3ms, , ' hex itre , ll,t - 1 Miworainat If% in Wood /Meet; t• - .1 ideddi-k` ,:- , ,',.' '• •-' - ' ' JAM= MIMIC' - , 110.!-.11t 10Alaxim, , , IN-CARMS, UPI. MOMS,: FISH B. No.l Large - larokerel 100 I a 7 laCr • " Mina /kith • aid •.; ; ' - gifTWMMS L 13a1mart 2ibbertismrnts IF U E . _ • ' 7 ll - ; FELLS. ' ' r x , .. -, Z a Z OP •f . e . ' us. Avid': is coispirr, • - • -p........, c. nth, 1867. 's - 'l' • z UvraZ./Lorts are i.e.., =- wag.... t t z ;;'llst=knittlyDWlDMMlr., Area. • -,al - P Allen, Pittsburgh, 1 . II April • . , Ilk. a , 436 s A.. 0.4 i„,.., .../.... .1. . 8 AM. • . r A/whim/ 0 44c1". ..., • crag Damitt a mo. • . 41 . 10 510. ~ / 1 . e W i rernagr/n 0 1 10 , p ,„ 1 ..... 41 ,..1,, , . 1 ' b" I =I" . ' . .Predelkinern, P. 1 11 • . Illnalagham, P61121/4 il w ipg• MWArain" . . ' PiiiibUnh s 1 II 11 ,Boyd, '1 i u_•. DianioltAlroclcock, . . ../ • ..-J.Banny. Jr, .. . r , • .. 11101t13, . L:.... -: • - A.!."" L. . . cad, i . Gnome Dincballim. . . atelirl7, , PN . . . 1.1 . • 11.146ruten, .-.. . Dant Liberty, PX, . . 1 . Dll Rums, Pittsburgh, 1 0 . D .11MQ, .. ... .1 " , .Mrit JAteirnir,. , 't 1 .1 A . 8.., . •.. llemallsvillet Pa, Doyd. Steubenville, 1 " 11re DI Bard, Pittaburgb, 1 " RII Bailey, • I,trxmlt T Drown, , .. 1 glebes. ,1. Y Doak, 1 % . " ~ .1 trunk. Mr Blackburn. , 1 parlrama Bauman, illyminaham. Pa. 1:' b1i 2. 11 BIZT- - gr. b7A7. ' '''' 1_ ..« llls 111111ing. --• . . .1 , ~... no , ,d, - ii.a latent, Pis, 1 . .AS Boyd, Pittsburgh, 1 rfaitua. tilt Black, • . • 1 box James 1310•13, - 1 e " ;D 6 Blunim, 1 i . . •-11 Bien. ; • t Masontomi, Pa, , 24 .3 g gigehhease, thairtnermilla Pa. 'atal:is 711tatk,. • P ittalzrgb, 1 bbl 1 bn E Maniamti, 1p aw:el Crimean, .. . . Cron, 6,1 1 " „be J Cowl. • 0 l' . 'ThortisCerbity, a ettabain, , • Washington, Pa, lit Ognipbeil,.•. , • Ambit. : . • . Cuesmina Cherry, , Pittsburgh, . Campbell A Bra, West Orereville, Pa, 'CatuthelSEPolloch; ?Mahwah, Ws 11 Coleman, care • J utler, •.it II Craw, 0 7 Couldock, . Wll Chapman. • J A Caught>. • Pittsb Courier, .• A. Clark, ' Wager 11111, Pew'. 11 Cbm, . . Temperaareville, P. - Alf Carr, . Pitablirgb, Alf eintwell. .1 11 DC, • J W Carr. • W / Cooper, Allegheny, Penn... I l Cumin's, , Butler. •• J D 0.., ' ,:: L' •, Pittsburgh. Idles B Douglass, ,DDrock .It,B•deatt, • J 11 L Donna), Shakeynai. J Dirtier? Pittabrals. IT . u"d't . Dlicithel , .. Ws 0:1141, . • " 3 - 11 . 1 0 11 . , N 0 Dam • A 11 Dunlap, ~...ador, N- C Dwurell, i " 'll B Dodge, tittAfh . • 1 0 box 11 Dorman. 1 boxes 11 11 Davis, " 1 " Mn. E Dandrto, " 1 -box 0 Ihnital, - .