The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 05, 1857, Image 3

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    ~ ~>ri
News of thii City and Neighborhood,
Rawrrcar Et tcrios.—By the papers received
last night, are learn that Marshall, American, is
',elected to Congress from the Lonisvilla district;
ewett, democrat, from the Bardstown district;..
°treason, dem., tiom the Newportdistrict; Coo,
oilcan, probably, from the Maysville district,
nd probably lianSon, American, from the Lev:
ingtiitidistriet, bet the run is very close in both
tbo,latter districts. Louisville gives 1,200
Anietrican Majority. There was some rioting
lisid'Otle man killed. The Americans have very
probably tarried the legislature.
• A SHOCKING klertustn.—A very unfortunate and
lamentable murder occurred at the corner of Market
and High streets, Saturday night, about II o'clock.
• A party of men, belonging' to the city, one er more
of whom it appears, got Into an altercation with an
Irishman, by the name of Martin Halloran, and a
very ugly fight ensiled, in which Halloran had his
skull smutted in by a brick bat, reported to hare
been thrown by one of the party by the name of
Pratt, in the employ of the Jefferson Rolling
•Mill—from the effects of which he, Halloran, without
re t urn i ng t o coe scioumess, died in about two hours
thereafter.. Whether any ono elan participated in
the quarrel or not, we are unable to say. WI the ex
amination of witnesses before the Coroner's Jury has
been, principally, with closed doors, and as we go to
press at .3 o'clock P. X., is still progressing. Pratt,
though. In liquor at the time, is not to be found, and
thus far hm evaded the search of the officers.: What
the preclue nature of the quarrel was which resulted
In thenturder of Halloran has not as yet been devel
. oped. The deceased bore a good character, lived in
in the neighborhood of Burgettstowo, Pa., was en- i
- gaged on the Pittsburgh k Steubenville Railroad,
and bas beeti, we understand, in the employ of Man
ful, Bleck A Co., railroad contractors of this city.
• some seven years, by whom he was much respected.
He leaves a wife and four children, who, on being
notified of the muriltr, came to set the lifeless- re
. main:of-their protector—and the scene which trans
pired, it is, said, can' only be imagined by those who
hive exPerianeed the pangs of a like misfortune.
.The saarderis an extremely unfortunate one—in all
probability 'without preconeerted malice, or the par
tierflmowing or seeing 'each tither, until. the cam
* .'enentiefttent of the difficulty -which resulted in the
• taking of. Halloran's life. As much excitement pre
. rails, and the city is rife with rumors and counter
reports, wo defer farther comments, until placed in
the possession of the result of the investigation be
fore the Coroner's Jury, which wo will be able to
• • present to the public in to.morrow's bin-ie.—Sten/ben
eille Herald. ; -
Tan Boson or I Cowritoriens of the Allegheny
City School Distridt held their regular monthly meet
ing at their room in the Fourth Ward School House,
last crenimp'.
Preselit—ldestrit. Bollman, Borelend, Dunlap,
Eichbanm, Farley; Graham. Ingham, Mandan, Mac.
tenon, W. A. Reed, Rev. Dr. Rodgers, Ross, Scott,
.1. Sterritt end Stockton
On motion of M. Graham, Rm.. Dr. Rodgers was
chosen President,pro tent: ' •
Mr.,O(ah e m:waidnfavor of extending the vaca
tion to'lhei firs 4. of October • also, to suspend the
'Behobrfor - triorsieks - at Christmas and two weeks
"alirint the grit Be therefore moved to sus
„:Pend the School tiro months.
Mr. Bollman Inoird to'amend by making it one
month: :
' The 'amendment was agreed to.
- Mr. Graham then moved that avocation commence
ou the 24th day Of December and extend two weeks;
and two weeks &tithe first of April. Motion carried.
On motion of Mr. Graham. Mr. L. If. Eaton was
• appointed Prhicipal of the Third Ward Achool.
Tho Second Ward reported that Mr. Dennison was
nominated as Principal of the School in that ward.
Re was elected:by the following Tote: David Den
nison, 8; Thos. Wakeharn. 6.
On 'motion of Mr. Bollman, warrants were ordered
'to be drawn lu favor of W. S. Harem, forpriating,
for 611 64; and '
.ins favor of Foster A Fleeson for
$2 25. -
- On motion of Mr. Bollman, Monday week, at two
„ o'clock, was fixed as the time to meet with teachers
In reference to Mit books.
On motion rolleurned.
Tin Collins' Perk Trotting COME% which has tate
,ly opened near East Liberty, it seem, has become
quite an institution. .Tho track is half a mile in
length and forty Tect la width, and has cost $7,500.
The Park is undar the control of en association of
some sixty members, with • President, Vico
dent; Secretary and Board' or Directors. Tho rules
of the association are Y follows
N. minors are admitted to membership; gambling
Ls strictly prohibited; members only are permitted
access to the groun ds, with the privilege of intro
ducing a friend.. but this introduction does not giro
the friend the right to ride orer the track unless in !
company df the Member introducing him; drunken- !
:...ness is prohibited on the_ grounds, and any person I
guilty of • failing of this char.-ter or of conduct
unbecoming a Err:Um:ism isliable to expulsion. with
the further degradation of losing the privilege of
visiting the grounds afterwards. -
They have widens of speed every evening on the
Course, besides which the managers purpose. twice
year, to bold a horse fair in the Park, at which large
purses will bo offered fur animals showing the high
- on degree of n;peed, whether as trotters, pacer. or
-sackers. Parties from all posts of the country will
bo at liberty' tol compete for. these prises.
Talemmas ELECTED.—Thu Board of School Di.
isetcrozof the ;Fifth' Ward met in the Pike street
Mimi Howe" on Monday evening lout, end re-elect
ed their old teachers. They are no follow, :
Prineipal—Andreir Butt. Assistant—Miss Anna
L. Wallace.
Grammar Department-31r. J. S. Hawk. Mime E.
M'Plicrion, Mi. J. G. Emery.
Medium—Miami Darter 3fonn; Lizzie A. Wilkie-
LOU. Jells L. Perkins.
Primary—Mimes Anna R. Smith, Bella McCoy,
.Lisrie Mutt and,
.Margaret Frew. , Mary Parker,
Teabella,fielly, Sarah Burn‘Mrs. Jena T. Yon.
Seventh Ward—Principal, John J., Taggart; Ar.
iittanta, Mimes Mary J. Anderson. M. E: Taggart, 1,
11..1. Lytle, Rota IL Stewart and Amelll4lill.
Too School Directors of the Eighth Ward un Mun
day evening elected the following teachers :
Ann ;anal Principal, IL IL Kelly ; Grammar
Department, Mary J. Proudfoot; Inommental Der
nonrated; Mary Garvin, Anna lltofitt, Emma Wal
lace; Primary Department, Iladaerah Means, Mar
garet Moore, Anna Rs.binroo.
street: Graminar Department, Robert
Campbell; Intermediate Department, Anna M.
Brat; Pimiry,Department,Mary A. Bratt.
Itowterrsti is becoming rampant in Birmingham.
On Monday evening lait, two notorious individuals
named .Michael Dastoriaand Jacob Bilker, whose '
--,,wommittat tit jail on charge of. assault and bat
tery with intent to kill.we noticed yesterday, entered
the Went of a man raided George Krogh, in the
Diamond, Biriningbam, while to a state of 1121(OXICA
tion, and dentsadedlionor; This being refused, they
became enraged, broke several of theglaszcs, and
throw ono at the head of Mr. Krogh, inflicting a se
vere woond,twhich at first was supposed would prove
fatal. ' Mts.] Krogh malting her appearance soon
after,they.aitscked her and abused her badly. They
also. attacked . a young
. min who boarded in the
boam,hut without injuring him much. They were
arrested Wolllcei Livingston, and while being brit
to the city 9nt.9f them knocked the °Meer down, trot
the littler kept a tight hold, and, by the assistance of
another °Meer who haPponed 'to be near, conveyed
''''them to jail, where they are now. confined on the
Caserrtirm—lti the' Mayor's Court, yasteniay
morning, these were eleven case* for disorderly con
doet, sirenkeenturs, &c.—all of 'whom were!. of the
Caucasian race—not one colored person Mnongst
them, though - Me:Lazy was their grand holiday in
oar cap. This eartainly betokens something, and if
anything a fact favanible to the capability of colored
people to conduct themselves - ea all occasions in inch
*manner ei not to transgress the municipal. regale
tions of our eity—what can scarcely be said`of any,
other class of individuals, considered in •-that,light.
'Comparisons are odious, it is said; but our compar
ison is this Instance is renderod noceuary by the
nature of things.
uncletstend that some, shuhing facto will be
developed in the abortion ease which comes up before
Mayor Wearer for a farther examination on Saw •
day next. It appears that it has been shown by the in
restigations already mule that these have been
prattle - log in our midst for some time, professioital
abortionists, and . taking the fact into consideration
tliit this crime, in a moral point of Tien, is next to
deliberate murder, It is certainly a deplorable dis
closure. Mayor Wearer is determined, if possible,
to bring all connected with this ease, as well as
others of the same nature, to justice.
Gov. parsocw was rec eired, on Monday, at
Mnsfield, where he passed the night, at the res
ideance of B. M. Kerr, by a delegation acid:ens.
Rey.' McPherson addressed his excellency,- on
behalf of the delegations, in a brief speech, to
which the Oorernor responded. .
While in the place the latter appointed Mans
field It Besirn;•4.; the' (hardier of the. plotoei‘.
&lint hitt aide ,' with the iinleof Lient . Colonel
. .
Two4poied folks hid grand celebration at
006 of groves near Steubenville on Monday.
A procesSion was formed in the town, and pro
ceeded., headed •by a• band of mnsio, to 'the
B= ll 4 - where &number of Or,o4)rs were , Present;
and spoke, after which • banquet vas sewed up
i& splendid style. '
_ .
A ''")t-71242eaMilliMill 'Daheir ar rested
broffMar If ells and held io bail yeste rday, be
fore Alderman Steel,' to answer a 'charge of
perjury; brought - in
aga it him by lames A.
Henderson. The - parties reside in Allegheny
011 . .Broczi.—The rollowing*ei of docks,
wo Tut, ..
lo,sbaras Troia uitrßsak,4sl,73.
Monougshela Bridge
of Snowdon , township, par . -
cbared tut winter . ; ion. Spanish- Merino area ' ftdm'
Roairstall of Vermont, and fond Ibeui be.
dipped: sixty-Woo pounds of_ chain snaiiheir
This lah• wad average.. - - • • - •
- „
/Inslatioishro C tbe Iron 04 Mink bola *in
• olootion lwllnootons..l.9-morrciii liaising, at is
WILIAM( U. Kim, a theater actor, who appeared
on our boards Immo time ago, committed suicide in
Cincinnati, on Sands) , night last, by shooting him.
self through tho head; lie was twenty -on• years ot
age. Intoxicating liquors wax the cause of the sad
PAPADEII.—The Firemen of our city will have a
parade on the sth of September, and the Protestant
Association on the 10th of the same mouth.
WE would advise our lady readers to,call et
Murphy & Burchfield's and secure sone of those
great bargains they are giving in dry goods.
Istroirrattet—lf Indies wish to restore the roseate
hoe to their laded cheeks, and infuse new life and
rigor into their composition, Carter's Spanish Mir
tore is the very article they so much need. One bot
tlo will do more to produce a healthy, transparent
skin. than all the!chalk and lily white this lido the
Atlantic Ocean.
many of the diseases which afflict mankind arise
from impurity of the blood. This has lung been sus.
peeled but is only lately known. In consumption,
tubercles are found to be a sedimentary deposits from
the blood. Dropsy, Gout, Cancer, Ulcers and Erup
tions, all arise in disordered deposites from the bleed.
Billions diseases and fevers are caused solely by its
deranged unhealthy state, and oven the decline of
life follows a want of vitality in the blood. In view
of these facts Dn. Avert designed his Cathartic Pill
specially to purify and invigorate the blood, and
hence we believe to arise its anparaletlod success in
controlling and curing disease.—Ncrlical Journal. t
FOR A• raw ONTs LONGER.-Our 110.1C3 of
Gent's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goode
&c., will be continued for a short time longer,
and feeling confident that the character of the
stock and the rates at which it is selling are
real inducements to purhasers, all are solicited
to make an examination. .1. L. CARNAGRAN,
Near the Post Office. Allegheny.
A TOUCHING SENTIVENT.—What more precious
offering can he laid upon the altar of a man's heart
than the first love of a pure. oarribst and affectionate
girl, with an undivided intutest in eight corner lota
and fourteen three story houses? And how can a
sensible man no well gratify a female thus encumber
ed, as by wearing becoming garments, procured at
the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Reekbill &Wilson,
Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above SiitL. t
HOW oppressive is the atmosphere, yet how de
lightfully cool is Super's Soda Water. How melan
choly appear those who are endeavoring to pass the
evening comfortably in confined rooms, or at the
doorways, yet how truly happy are those who sensi
bly patronise the delicious Soda Water at Chas. Su
, per's establishment, corner of Penn and SL Clair
streets. Old and young. grave and gay, ell ossem •
• blo there and refresh themselves nightly at his silver
Coot. puro and delicious
Ls the Soda Water.
of Chas. U. Super,
Cor. Penn and St. Clair St..t
Special flottees.
- - -
Who. mode of lifehavelearly run out, discovered while In
the but Indies. a certain cum for Consumption. Asthma.
Bronchitis, Cough• Colds, and General Debility. The remedy
ernadlwenered by him when hie only eland, • daughter, was
given up to die. Ile hal heard much of the wonderful re.
torsi ire and healing qualities of preparations made from the
East India Hemp. and the thought meurred to bun that he
might makes remedy for his child. Ile studied hard Andean!.
medal in realizing his wishes. chili's - as cured, mil is new
alireand Ho bet einee almlulateredthe wonderful rem
oiy to Marmalade , f , :g , rors In all parts of the world, and he
Ism never tailed I:, notitour them completely healthy. and
happy. IV lathing oi /las much good as possible, he will send
to such of his taltilmol fellow-beings as request it, this recipe,
with foil and explicit direction for making itup, and sue
oewthilly using it. Ile requires each applicant to ameba.
him one Milling—three mom to be returned as postage on
the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment
otthla advertisement. Address
Dr. IL JAMES. No 19,Grund street, Jersey City, N. J.
N.A.—Dr. U. Jame, has neither °thee nit agent an New
'fork. as some hare pretended and ad, <instal. Tim recipe
L setatfrom tee rites bet No 19. timed street, Jersey city,
New. Jersey. le=filhiellmferT
Tooiusrun is instantly cured by aleir drops
of Dr Renee. Tooth Ache Remedy. Prepared and sold
the drug More of DLL. KEYSER, 140 Weal 0,
JeZaLtol wKV Shut of the Golden Mortar.
1r you value,your teeth and a pure breath
healthy geaaort, end ettmetble mouth. no to HEYSIJI'd
140 Wood erect, and buy a bottle of Won't Tonto
and TOOTH Pownu .•reF
To Nervous Elsafferers.—A retired Clem:room
restored to health in a feat days. after tunny years of greet
nervous ettiferinzis anxious to make lumina the means of
cure. Will rood (tree) the prescription med. Direct to the
JOllli 31. DM/NALL, :ie. 69 Fulton .tree[. BrtoklTui
Neer Fork. _ _ _ mylinrodl.3m
ri:AW itt i ge tf ; F.
House, Sign and Ornamental Paints
D. 1.1011 1 S
White Lead and Zinc Paints.
Also, w kinds of Penh, Oils, Vsralsbos, Window OWN
Petty. Bruck., kr,
141 Wood 3red, Imo dours oboe< Diamond AC.I7.
J. M. 1.11:1`1_.P..
No. 54 St. Clair Street ;
(Dr.D.dis New DrlLdfng.t DITTSDUIVIII, PA.
rmstr,erdert or
kletihol, Cologne Spirits ant Fuel Oil
deiNdlyte Non. ler, and 170 Sy-and Strni.
tor3l.lmll V 64 Mod Stmt. near f,trrlA.
TEAMSTERS ATTENTION.—,Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Done Liniment. In plot haute, price 50 cents. is warranted
cheaper and better than any other article eerroffern4 to the
piddle to the clue of Cunt Gall. Sprains. Lameness, Over
heating. te_ Keep a honk , in the stable, it her saved mar'
• valuable horse. None dennlne unless slued S. I. ' , Oil
Depot, SG Corthindt street, New York.
Sold by Dr, ICETRER. Iyt Ni - nod at
Rare Inducements.
A s it intendo4 to enlarge and improve our
tooth Donn LATE IN .1171,Y, the whole stork of
Le., now nu head. will De offered AT PRICES MUCH BE
LOW Till Rthlt/LAR RATES with the view of CLOSING
VDT the whole before commencing the improvements.--
This it will be oh...reed is not a mere pretext to get rid of
old matzoth overythingwill pond NEW AND FAALI
IONAIII.E. Doubt rontemplared alteration* would necew
unity deface the stock, soul to uhriato tido it is proposed to
clear out the whole at eery let rate. and open the Fat
Trade with OM assortment oltogether sew.
A fine earlety of piece goods for custom work ...Slit..
tied, will be nowt. r , at A large diecoont.
thEEdtfl Patrol ot, near the prat office, Allegheny city.
D --
Prase J. D. Weetaitt,Oomrnor of and United
maim Senator fmm
For nparankoforenty-flve years I have boon adlicted
with M Piles, hem enbmitted to several surgical 14.
at.ons for their removal. and ham tried more then fifty
reined/it Dr. Libbre Pile Ointment Is the drat that
has given tn. relief. Fran theedSetealremds a:Whited,
the cove must be rapid and ciriostl.b.wrstom.
From George W. Meteell, Chief or Cake, New York
ty ,
haw, long been in:ruble.] with the Piles. and the nee
of Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment ipsysr \ toe immediate ns
Bet It gives tee farther pliossitrO to told that in many
instances among my iscomincres it NY been need
with lito remits.
02- From the late Adjutant General of Connecticut
. I have ham afflicted with Piles In their moat dile
tmasing anditeetntreging form for a period of twenty
' year., end lad recourse to the bed medical Nkfli with.
Arot benefit pertnessd the ems Incurable, etsi those , '
mei that It would destroy my Mt. tinder the circumstare
ej cm I commend the use of Dr. Libby'. Pile Ointment;
•—• and the result Is a perfect cure. I hare no language at
my command mffkient to erprest my gratitude.
WM. ItATPEIS, Itatfoni,Conn.,
late Adjutant General of Bonn.
4 I vu enld,Wholemale and retail, by Dr. GEORGE II
1:11 KEYSER. No. 140 Wcael em, Pittsburgh, Sign of the
Golden Mortar, and by J. m
P. FLEMING, Alle&ny.
Jup t aat ro t:f h =b: r n e ch .:i by ttls MA I TSON
MEM, (which Is warrustod e q ual In 424 ro any ko A oL L
111 OIL market) are wow prepared to supply a t
ray atinantactorene prices. We Invite the attention of the
Trade la thew[tlelto and InaHotiof our prearot mak,
and which will b. kept eq tho demand.
No. tl Wood sire?
BY Tilt REV'. JOSEPH B flTtt. D. D..•
_I_ tidied and hos for wile, Wholesole and Wo the
"litineste or Jerrtasoir Couto.," from the pedal i tarse
founded up to the present time.
,Thie work oleo contains giuoinoir of the late
m_Aa-rmr.w - DROWN, D.D.
Foemony yours distiuguislied toot euocessful President of
theColk.o. Biographies of the lion. Dr. R. Ralston, the
Res. Matthew Henderson, the Rev. Meson. it 11.41.
AndCllloo, D. D. and Rev. Prof. Kennedy. Intervened In
the body of the work will i.e found itiograpliicel tiketchee
of VW Ken. Mown. Mosso and 111.14 nod Meows Judge
Milton and Craig llitehle. Esq., sod Judge SPDowell, who
wore early friends of the teetitutba
The work numbers 4TI litino. pages. nestle boned in
cloth. Address the Publisher, JOHE T. 8111010014
JYrindaEtarT Gazette Building. Pittsburgh, p..
STRAY COW.—Strayed from the subscrib .
el, an the Ztl, If May last, from the fans of Robert
Ramer, Jackeon tamable, Stale Cos
Pra., freth a p t.
COW. aboutllve ',or. old, with hi g h arta,
haring loft her oalf about 6 weeks d. t
wow ' :
Any ettemlatton regmding her m.y loft •
In am Mr. Mork's in Zellenople, adds.. by
"ite7 p . ELOBERT SMALL, Alleithem7
to pomade the sale of s truly National Work. se.
titiect'llonoment to Me Metoorybf IleUt7 CIO." A ban.
tWol volume, hmuleautely bound. Prim only Ill,* octave
526 Ww".'
mea. Forforther yes
ff.vtra todueemente offered to good
titular; Wm. J.D. CURIE, Genelul drag.
.101.11 B.
41"tr6eC Pftt.bu'rgh Pa.
, Al;5 1 1,6 \YILL TAKE NOTICE 11,42
PORT FERRY MILLS aro now In fatropnelkii, and
:pared to do °dot work at the akar:eat Whoa "Parma
so a diet:obi, earl bat. their Oriels home with Om*,
Ailati;Pittabairsh prices paid In cob, far Whoa sad Hp.
alf We& lumber 'awed to - order.
akikairimbr MILLER: NICICCh a CO
ALc, : xiKDs ox
GB Filth greet.
'V---LOUICBARRELS-3 ming pan I
coopiorage In store sad for pale by
iy2S JOS. S. LI ,
MOII 10 9.
diIUnNS-s,doz. Manottai-just
rot by jy2S. -
"P .Tosen.h 00.
][.7 '
Olf.t-*- 7 25.,bbbi. No.l Winter &ran
- • oa %store izoi for iota by... . WITIX 439.
13ArE'FIAKFt;— stewle: FlO l
13k, in stare and for •Id• T. LIMN A 01
Three Days . Later from Europe.
QtrBEC, Aug. 4.—The steamer Clyde, from
Glasgow on the 22d OIL, has arrived at this
port. Her idvices from London and Liverpool,
by telegraph, are to the 21st ult., three doye
later than by the Europa.
The steamer City of Baltimore arrived out on
Mr. Cardwell has been eleeted to the House
of Commons over Thaekery.
London Money Market, Tuesday, July 210 t.—
Consols art quoted at 91 j0:`,112,
LIVEIIPOOL, 2lst —Cotton to-day I; liras ; the
sales are estimated at 10,000 bales.
The latest Liverpool circulars report Wheat
as having declined ad. Flour had declined
6d iOls.
The Clyde brings only Glasgow papers to the
22. ti which contain Liverpool and London mes
sages of Tuesday.
Consols on account are quoted at 112.
The sales of cotton on Tuesday included 1550
bales on •spectilation and export; of the sales
5900 were American at
The Liverpool corn market was quiet. In the
London corn market if any large sal s bad
been pressed the prices would have fallen more
than 5 shillings.
Messrs. Newell A Co.'s operations for storing
their portion of the cable on board the Niagara
were drawing rapidly to a clo.r, and it was ex
pected she would leave Liverpool on or before
the- 25t h.
Liverpool letters state the suspension of
Henry Schwaber & Co. Their liabilities amount
to about E 60,500.
l'aris Morey Market.—The funds closed at
f frsc.
One of the Italians, now in custody, made n
full confession of the details of the conspiracy
to assassinate the French Emperor.
. etegraphical advices • from Spain announce
an extraordinary decline from the recent high
prices of wheat.
Sr. Louis, Aug. 4.—Scattering returns from
the city and county indicate that Rollin's major
ity will reach from twelve to fifteen hundred.
Mayor Wymer's majority last spring was seven
teen hundred. The vote is very much reduced.
Rollin's vote falls behind Fillmore's vote. The
complexion of the vote in this county indicates
that Stewart has carried the State by five thous
and. Stewart's majority in Gasconade county
will probably reach three hundred.
Sr. LOINS, Aug. 4.—Cooper county gives
Rollins i 77 maj. The town of Lexington gives
Rollins 4.19 msj. Hannibal gives Rollins a ma
jority I I C.
Di auQum, Aug. 4.—The election passed off
quietly yesterday. The vote in the city stands
about 1200 Democratic to 400 Republican.
The democratic majority in Dubuque county
is about 1500. The majority against the new
constitution is 2000.
New YORE., Aug. 4.—Mrs. Cunningham's
Counsel hinted on her trial that she was rnciente
by Dr. Burden. Shortly after her acquittal she
sent for Dr. Uhl, her medical adviser, and con
sulted him on her expected accouchnient. In
the course of the conversation the Doctor's sus
picious were aroused; he consulted District
Attorney Hall, but declined to make an affidavit,
urging motives of professional delicacy. Mr.
Hall pointed out the law in the Revised Statues,
declaring Mrs. Cunningham's contemplated act
a felony. The doctor finially agreed to submit
to Mr. Hall's advice, and measures were immedi
ately taken to frustrate the meditated fraud.
A story was invented of a California widow
being about to become a mother and wishing to
dispose of her child. Mrs. Cunningham liked
the plan and became impatient to have it car
ried out. A child was harrowed from the Belle
bue Hospital and the denoeument took place
yesterday at noon. District Attorney hall
made affidavit at midnight and Mrs. Cunning
ham was arrested this morning. The child was
sent to Bond Street, where Dr. Catlin, who was
Mrs. Cunningham's family physician, was in
attendance with a nurse. In the midst of these.
. _
the police marched, and arrested all the parties,
Dr. Catlin and the nurse were taken to the Sta
tion Rouse. Mrs. Cunningham, still Nips to
be ill from her accouchment, was allowed to re
main in her chamber under the surreilance of
the police.
SENT' Sons, Aug. 4.—James Shepard was or
rested on Sunday last on suspicion of murdering
his wife, and subsequently firing kin
The building' was destroyed, and the charred
remains of the poor woman found in the ruins.
The occurrence took place on the Nib of Jen..
- The steamships Vanderbilt and Atlantic wore
poken at N o'clock on Saturday evening, going
ide by aide at a rapid speed.
Richard and Yaterick 'Rourke, two brother, ,
...mime engaged in a Gild yesterday, in which
Eicher,' was stabbed—lris supposed, fatally.
Edward l'itcher, late of the firm of Smith 't
Pitcher, was drowned yesterday. by felling
overboard from the steamer Long Branch.
The U. S. steam frigate Roanoke arrived here
from Aapinwall this morning, with upwards of
200 of Walker's men. Twenty,leven were sent
to the hospital immediately on arrival. tine of
of them, named li. IV. Turner, died on the pas-
?Ire. Cunningham WWI arrested to-day on the
large of felony. in being connected with the
etitious birth of an heir to the estate et Dr.
ariey unroll. .
Sr. Loma, Aug. 4.--A dispatch received from
Lawrence. dated yesterday, states that a most
iniquitous apportionment for the October terri
toltial election has been made, 19 counties hav
ing only :1 representatives, while 14 counties
have 36. Troops are to he detained biguard the
bogus officers of the election. The emigrants
of this year are not to vote. Governor Walker
hut turned over the Job of making appointments
to the President and Speaker of the first bogus
The Kansas City Enterprise of the let announ
ces the reception of letters at Lecompton tenting
that fire orCapt. Caldsiell's. four of Captain
Berry's and the whole of the commander.; of
the surveying party have-been murdered by the
Cheyenees or Pawnee Indians.
J , C.tii - dtwxV
emcsuo, Aug. 4.—There is nothing definite
of the lowa election. In Scott county the dem
ocrats elect their candidates fur Sheriff and
Judge, and the Republicans the balance of the
officers. In Des Moines county the democrats
have a email majority. There in nothing heard
from respecting the role on the new constitu-
CADIDICIP, N. J., Aug 4.--Chas. D. Hineline,
formerly editor of the Democrat, assaulted D.
W. Belisle, editor of the Journal on accoumt of
publication in the Philadelphia Sunday Dis
patch. The latter fired • pistol.. inflicting a
severe wound on his opponent, but not danger-
Nair OILLZASII, Aug. 4.—Adrices from Texas
stew that Senator Rush committed suicide st
his residence on the 29th by shooting himself
through the head with s rifle. No cause is
mai; tied.
PIINSVILLZ, Aug. 4.—A large part of the
business portion of this village was burnt to
day. Loss $75,000.
New Yong, Aug. 4.—Cotton closed firm; 1200
bales were sold. Floor is buoyant; 9500 bbls. sold;
prices are generally unchanged. Wheat I. unsettled;
2200 bush. sold. Provisions generally closed buoy-
Linseed Beef 10a better. Bacon is quiet.—
011 8 2 e tosser; sales at 79c. Iron closed
steady. Load quiet Tobacco firm at 14(0100.-
6one) , cloth is quoted at lli• Whiskey closed firm.
Rice quiet. Sugar buoyant and active, Muscovado
selling at 9c® I Oc. Freight. firm. Stocks are dull
and lower; La Crosse and Milwaukto 94; Michigan
Southern 481; N. Y. Central 824; Reading 70; ti•
lena Chicago 951; Michigan Central 844; Erie 314
Cleveland Toledo 66; Milwankie nod Missiesipp
50; Canton Co. 19. •
Pnusocr..ll4, Aug. 4.—The demand for cotton
bas fallen off. but bolder. are firm in their demands.
Pork has advanced 25c per lAA; sal. of western
mess at $24.75; it is now held higher. Beef is doll
their being no inquiry for the article, except AA .
ships or stores. Bacon has again improved le; ha h ms
are selling at 14@15; sides at 14.1 and 141; soul
ders at 121; green hams scarce. Lard firm at 151 In
libls and 16 in kegs. Butter dull at 14. Flour mar
ket very quiet; 1,200 bbls fresh ground made from
new wheal, at 17,50; 500 bbls old at $6,50. 'Rye
flour has declined to $4,621. 500 ale Pennsylvania
corn meal soil at $4. Wheat dull; small sales of red
at $1,60@1,65; white at $1,70€111,75. Rye' b
mands 95c. Corn in in good demand; 500
yellow sold at 900 afloat, and 08c in 'tom Oat.
dell. Whisky is selling at 30 (Plc.
CINCTFICATt, Aug. 4.—Flour to unchanged and firm;
sales 640 bbls superfine brands at $6,26@i 0 , 80 for
extra; the receipts are more liberal. There is an mo
tive demand for white wheat at $1,35, delivered at
the railways, and $1,.42 in Covington. Whisky
steady at 215 e. Bacon 11 and 131 and very firm.—
The moneyl and exchange markets are unaltered.—
The west* is showery and sultry. Thermometer
13'1, degrees. '
BALTINORE, Aug. 4.-Flour steady. Wheat un
changed. Conn sales white at 88@l92; yellow at
84@88. Whisky 29@1101.
crriznew BANK- •
DITT SW:IEG 11, JULY 28, 1857.—Subscrib
• ere to the stook of this Itaak will pie,. take.
actiOe that their loetalletente op. the aune will bed. ail
inetalmeat, of $lO pa mare, payable en or before
Toorth the Mb of Austud
Fifth and lad, of MP per iharo, plyable on or before the
Mot Emptorrileir ex, .
jrzotdll 'Oak
• ' • 19 hatable No. 1 Ifeeitie
SSW: do No. 1 Set
Elseonri Election■
1.01(Itts No. . •15
25 do . .2.10.1 Moo ekes:
patdtr F 0.95 Wirea-SroWt..
AA, ------
1011OLLAIrro I WS-100 doz. on hum
zed tarok Ur H. L. ILEMSIWIL
Iteportal tiperittigg for the Pittsburgh Gsug,,.2
Inissamtan.WantronAT, Aram 6. 1557.
FLOtllt --a very quiet marked sale. of 21.4 25 bigot en
par sod art. on wharf •I 6 , 5.5 4 45 4 .73-17 of the hater be.
from 1.19 u Wheat. Prom store, So, tKo, 20 50 , 44, 50, 00,
and 15to loldssotat and cat. at so,s•7•nd 47,12; an do eat.
at 41,00, cod 70 do totally do. altlto shear, at $7,25. The
wallops for the month of July were as follows:-super,
14, 5 1301.0b1er, now, 71; t001441 1 017.a. 31 ; mndemnoit 1 41; bye, Kt
holt Ltote, se; hotal, 14,321. s ,
()RAlN—tale. from store of Onto b. 0. at LG.
ItAtnei—eosh.e of 4900 Ms at 11.011% for Shoulders, 12%
kr Slob* and 131,. llama 7.014 me Shouldeno at
tit 1000 Ma tlonorassed llama at 13N, cod 5 ire 0.g..
Nord do at 14 , ..,t.414h;
th•ITIC ALKALI—a solo of 25 blots at 7.
tl MIMS, SI CLAY—Wm of 6 tons at .r.ragz.
11.8 I—anles at seolee of 14 loads at 411(014 'ft ton.
EKSE—salea of 30 bas at 9!..4(410.
tWoet.. —The roloulal Wool sal. °pelted on the 17th ull•
at 1...ce10n, au I there was men,. attendance both of
tonne and foreign buyera. Mu ru ch .itnation erne exhibited.
111 Sydney Wml an TIAIMICP may be q a,..1,,f•1d *0
24.1 from the ...winding malt. of the last eerie. The rime
on Port Philip Wool "00 Id. audfully ld en most m od* of
Wool; :tooth Alietralion also realized an Improvement.
About 77.0tal bates An o* rod. The males trill continue on
t let ii2d of Anvel.
It Is now semi that the OnLarlo Bank of Utica will not
grob.shly lase over $,15,000. Th Albany Journal says:
"S', Itlirn from ottetuestlouable authority that lb; article
copied Into thlsJournol yesterday, from the E. Y. Evening
Poet Is l.mentJally an exa=emtlon, and dotes cruel lob.-
tire to the „tlethier or the Clutatid Bank of Utica, who 1,0
mother ernho.bel its funds, faloified Its hoots, nor sup ,
peeeel its cormfipowlence. We lawn al.o thou the Black
Illeer Pon/lroad debt is well secured—that the liabilities re
leered leered to are ant as largo as rep 'seated. and thatthera was
molly no necessity for the notOrl ty and alarm which gra-
Inflow, publltity toffs° ofTalr I omotslonetL"
Litoomo.—Thr following , have on the export. of LirmoKl
front Colcutte to the. enttoi Rat for AI month, ending the
tint Juno, lgtit—
Doo.tober, ISi.9, I.t.M.ltitt '
CAW. packets.
Jannory. 1837, 11,350
Fehrunry, 1n2,50 . 2 43,351.
Morels. " 4.3,821 4 11,190
Annexed I• n comparalltr statement of the Imports of
Foreign Mercbandire at Nun• Yuri for the week and etneo
January I :
155.5. 1851 . • 1657.
._$I,021J•81 $3.168.415 $3,96x,:16
1,595,453 2,092,279 4,152.108
Dry Cloodn
General Nerd=dim
Total for W.. ,tad[ V.,127.014 t8.19!1,424
rrevionds repotted— .... T0;:.78.775 P. 3,068,602 13:4557,...1/9
einco .7eln. 1 q1.595,7K9 1W.X4941 147,676,7=
Compumst a re rAstrumtit °Ulm ErporThroxchtsive of rpecie)
from New York r. Foreign ports fur tho week and sitme
Jmunry 1:
Total for lho week .$1.436,038 $2.233,113 13.078.:01
Preciously reign.F.l ..... —34.607,572 41.106,606 40,518,573
.-36,t66,270 45.41.13,=
—N. Y. Trib.
Moat ban aAvanrrd de..k., and the market remains
bnoyaut. A anis of Fax) bushels of new whits rtad at
The market supply of nal wh,a Ls atuall. The corn
market isdull, with more .21i,nf than buyers at prevailing
prices. Rye ranges horn $l,lOl/n1,15, with a limited sup•
ply. The preeent rates mould nut In sustained In saw of
any lits.ral racelpta.—Cineinnati Oat.
New Vans W./Leman-Me Aug.l.—During the month of
July, the denten , ' for our Native Fleece Wool has been a
moat and brisk one. The manufacturers who were short of
hock. and hod not riveived their empply front the interior,
hare been the principal buyer.,
The Settlers disposed of their Wool , shoat as fast as they
could get it ready for the market. The stock has now, how
ever. eomes het accumulated. while the demand Is not ss
et the holder. ere quite Arm nn advalma of from
two to three rents 30 lb above the opening rat..
The law important arrivtds of Cup. Wools at Boston were
readily sold at satisfactory prices. Mew have likewifie
been made aline unwashed Mestizo, hero and in Bodo°, at
rates within the range of our quotations.
Price. for Wool Raw. end before the duty wae taken nib
or upon Wool admitted frots,.,llifer but very sibabily In molt
The .o.natits of all the exteneive Wool Fein on the Eu
ropean Continent nuke mention of a rise, more or leas upon
lest year's priers. At the Wool nil in Berlin (Pravda)
amen iISW , Wen sold in one day ehoot 15,500,000 pounds--
to C. , . nil the Wooloffereet brought an edvance..,pf .5 to 10 IA
cent above the rates of lasayear at the name per-1011.
linport• by Railroad
Pittsburgh Ft. W. & C. 11.11.-5 cars Irouote. J Reeler, 01
eke rags, J L Stick 400 bus oat., J 8 Liggett k co: 51 bartels
dons, 8 bgs easts, P Peterson: 4 do syn. W WCutcheon k csa
15 MI. goal oil, W Bingham:3 do eggs, L Peterson: 2i do do.
Rea; 15 cars stock, 4 bids egzs, la do butter, :40 baskets
marketing. osrnersk 103 bgs plaster, OP 0 Prick: 100 bbl. flour
01,00 banns, 53 bales noel, 21 btda tabbies, 35 kegs
butter, Clarke k on.
There am; a heavy run yeaternlay morning, which may
bring the river up again. It was falling ateipllly yesterday
aria Or stage of water last night Irsa 4 feat I Mall..
The arrtrale were the noire! Dell, Danner end Erol:loLny
the departure, 110.1. n. Glenwood audCono. Perry.
Iltoune. on the wharf wan doll, although there to .0111
ennalderable height gtnng nwornid.
Steamboat Register
ARDITT:II)-I.nzerne, Drownrsill, Jon nom. do CAA.
Itayant, Flmsbeth: Fortsitte, Wheeling; 1111.1 Dell, Orly
mat; FRocessny., Gr. Marrow.
DEPARTICD—Lazirrne, effersoi.
Bayard. Elizabeth; Wt. Ming; Louisville;
Cmcititiztt; Fizrr7..l. Lout.
Monongahela. River Packets.
. . 4au z'
nos ronnltts, rroduly. flornMit boa. I. FRY. -
tolcah . ruck for W Iteettport, ILlttaUrthnosn. Monong.-
1....ta bell.ornest. env. Ilreenital.l, Valltornsa
Rod Itrown,•lo Woo, ronnortineralth
lot l'ut , ..ntoon. Psrett aprltoc. , ,
dortatchoaltown and dofterron
thcitatol throoc.:, fosn Pittelear.h to Volon•
town for V. meats and gratrcruom. on taw. tracht.i..—
Darn retorntew Rum Itrownesille loarn o'cloel, lit.
morning 112214 •• 2111,2 10r ~2 1. 2 21, int %rm. im on
4 .0,c0 at the Mira no the nirrr, at Ma foot of tined street.
W. Km - mini:lL. Aomt.
VOR ST. LOU IS.—The fine new
tamer C rriri. Capt. Thom. Pon.kaja
alit lenva Car tin shore end .h antormodlata ports. no
1-SDAT. Sth Id A. X. for freleht ra patanso sp.
ply 40 24041'4 or to an 4 FLACK A DARN Adts.
VOR ST. LOOTS—The Antonin! 1. 4 . ,Cy, cr1 i
ac,nter MARINER, CapL Drarm n - 111
loam . • for tha above and all intermediate port
a, ntd ,4 -
RAY. Ith Ins. Fur intic,ht or pule,. YAP. on hoard or to/
FLACK. RARNA.:44k CO.. Atlanta.r Olt Sr. LOU IS.—The ele4ant
,4•11.,1 , , SIZTF..POLIS., Cap, R Calhoon.
I Cl.trit [raid. leo. for 11.., aho. RS • • inter
.pooltate port: on THIS DAM,
sth at 12 M. For
or apply, on board an.
Volt KE4 A plena k i A 34
steamer FANN Rlck, Ms.ter.
odl leave fct 110 ahota and all iniertswchato ,yr 11 2 ,
, DAY, 501 1n.., Ti 14 800 fralcht ap.
board. or to j I . PLACE. DAY-sr-S. A Arr.
Mount Union Cemetery.
moild iislaerfolly inform Cos public that about on,-
heir of asiel rll.llllilArendilo to ho dliqweed of. In lota ranst
iu.- in price from 1,12.5. aml a portion of which le eli
gible sad well adopted tart oinitlng purloins. The ground..
under the ma...Ant/aut. , . A lemister Henry. are now in
Inc condition, and timl.ltsitatl lip arranged and decor
ated with Sowers and ,117
cenmy pooesios ad, ants.* over any other in
this it lieisbut otnefentrth of a mile from the
north line of Allegherly llty. II la easy of sieeees by the
Allegheny end bow Brighten Turnpike ;Load to the north
east corner. awl by ?mistrial* stmet, rem. the lormigh of
Manchester. to the muth meL It is • beautifully elevated
sal yet a riettred rellini place for the dead.
Any who mop desire to obtain lots or single burial* in
*tad. n con...limn and appropriate Spot. csn ho supplhel by
esithig on Mr. JAMES LOW SWIM. Loather 'Merchant, ea
lb* moth side of the Dtomoi..i. Allegheny Cl..
It ma w be nee.key. for the information of the. who are
or nmy
interned in said Cemetery. to istate bone that
the Trostem have now • sinking tool of three to four thous
and dollars... it 14 the intention of the premnt board to
have this sum increased tow unnunt, of whleh the interest
will be amply mMelerit to keep the-gronnele forayer In tool
repels m that lot holden will he Forever trent from any ra
isins. for that purpose. .lyZidtf
A Prise to Every Purehasert—
wi-rmusv? -crr.x - EaviEv? . x-zczo - w - 9
WILY AT ALL TlMES—nt the Book
otorr of EVANS too,late 401armalway. who have
taken a four years' lease, and opened the laintenao, now And
elegant Store, No. 017 Breadway, Lafarge Hotel Bolldlng
New York. By buying • book for one dollar or upwards"
...once porsonted with• prim vrorth from 23 <mi k e°
$lOO sonsistlug of tins Gold Jewelry,Watches, kn.—
If the order le .rot by mall, the Book and Pilo. Is lend by
velure Mall or Lamer Co. Tb, Ilook• coMpriao almost
every popular wort pnlil l ehed upon all lahlecta. NomM,
Mande*. tr., ars aold atlas. than the usual trade prices.
Send or bring your dollar or dollars l st o nd they will hand °T.(
oneo whatever you are .nlbtlsM. Club. or Agents
a ttended to promptly, and agents lowed a fair colembe
Catalogvift with tall explanations wet(really applying •
Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Works.
Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter,
JOBBING ccrLtß, GRINDER, ke,—.
Karen. 86190f101 R. 2.0111 Oround. lc.; Knife Blade.
Insert.: Table linlveirßeptdred, and Depend Jobbing at
13H Smithfield Street , neer Sixth,
irrssunctr, PA.
'Gene nboTo firm Is prepared to maim anything to the
shape of an edge tool, or do Any kind of smith work vrbitt
ever, on short nulls., 1725t1ycl •
Fresh Groundiranaily Flour
WE aro ready to deliver to families our
very superior
Orders tney IA left at
LOGAN - ORFARTS, Hardware Store, 52, Wood street
BRAUN REITER'S Drag BLOM corner Liberty and St
Clair streets;
and Diamond
In Allegheny nt •
A. P. SCUWARTZ'S, Dtnicgist
W. A. REED'S, Draghrt, Diamond.
Pearl MN= Mill, Allegheny City.
19a7, Inagla will be received as above at the following rate.:
To G ray's .......... Per 100 Poottd&
To Oray's Eddy
To Real Dan......-- at 29e. " • "
To Deady'. Bend—. ......... ...... .at 01e. " " a
Fiver—Orerflee barrels maunder . fifty.
To Maboning— ................... -.—...- .....Alc. per barrel.
ToOnty's Eddy
To Br ady' sn • ... -- 460 ^
To Br Bond ....... "
Flour—PM bare& &vaguer.
To 3fahanlng ............. .... .... Ede. "
0 "
To arse; Eddy
To Red Rank ... , .......... ... ~. "
To Brady'S Rend ....... ... .... " •
/./E:ntl IL B. LOOMlS,lleneral Ticket Agent.
F --.----------------------T----i kaeiT.Sll.-00-bblanevr No 3 Large tic ,
..,. . 100 hir , do _. do , . ; .
'"' 50 bit • do . Nedlom do.
' 25111 N 0.2 " do,
~. 126 bble .. 210.2., . • do, - • ,
'2O bblo No 1
60 btde Balßaltimorelterldo& (64
100 bbla White Ilek,'
' MO hit dodo. _
" ' 60 bble Inol4,
. . .- .. .
. .
SO bbla Like Shad, • ".
40 Id( do- do.
for ads by U,271 .2, B. CIANITELD,
auituiri Zairsi
P. DE P..l..Vll3,.Aatotioneer .
Commorcial Woo Boom, No. 54 Fifth Street
VArtif —On Thursday, :nth August, A. D., MT, will be
sold by order of the Trustee, at 3 o'clock, r. upon the
premises, the remaining one hundred and fifty-one 'acres
and thirty-seven (waist of Scotch Bottom !and. in Lots to
suit purchasers. The property is situate 234 miles from the
city bus. lying on both sides of the Braddock's Field Plank
Road, to olr. Seventeen acres between theroad and the
slocongaliele River, sod one hundred and thirty.threw
Sara above the road.
For building or gardening purposes it cannot be surpass.
ed in the county. The plank road leading to it is now being
repaired and improved to thnt the property *ill to as read
ily aecessible In the winter is to t h e summer. The title is
indisputable and the terms of sale (to wit: One-fifth cash to
band, the balm:ire in 1,'2, 3,4, and 5 years, merited by bond
and mortgage on the premises, with interest payable semi.
annually.) are such as to bring it within resell of the moat
ordinary means. It will be sold accosting to droll made by
It. E. Ntellowin, Esq., and regularly recorded, copies of
which may be seen at the office of M. SIVAIVIZIN ELDER,
Ns 143 Fourth et., or upon the ground on the day of sale.
N. B.—Omnibuses will start from the corner of Groot
mid Fourth sta.. at 2 o'clock r. 0., by which purchasers wUI
ho conveyed to the ground P. M. DAVIS, kuct'c.
—Will be sold lose at Private Sale, lad at corner of
1-,ke nod Factory sla„ baring a front of I'o feet on Pike et,
mtanding back along Factory street 100 feet.
Thrro ntlier Lot. adjoining the above, baring each a front
0120 feet on Pike EtlVet. extending back 100 feet.
Two Lotson Adams street, near PPM elm; haring each
a front of Olt feet. extending back- 160 font.
One other lad in mar of last mentioned, haling a front of
.03 foal on Pike street.extending back 100 feet.
The above are situated near the runts of the Messrs.
Fhoenbergers. ant DAVIS, 54 Firth et.
, A d
iz E e„, S A LE
k &I wad 10.1 Naar;
100 ot,w
bundler Straw Paper.
AT AUCTION.--Commencing on Monday peening,
August 3d, at 5 o'clock, and continuing ouch evening during
the week, will be sold. at tho Commercial Nalco Rooms, No
54, Filth street, Gold Hooting and Opert'Faga Watches of
lis.t make, Silver llunting and Open Fare Watches, Gold
Chains, Jewelry in great variety, superior Fotmonnales,
lino etc., etc., to which WO invite the attention of persons
wishing to purchase as this stock must he closed out thin
week. fatal Pf3l. DAVIN. Atirtyr.
Lv EAST_ LIBERTY At Auction—On Wedneedny af
ternoon, log. IL at 4 o'clock, on tho premises, will be bold,
that handsomely situated and desirable Lot of 6rinind, hav
ing a front of (B feet on Broad et. and extending back 150
font to Plumb Ft.. adjoining proporty of Joaeph ilraliam and
!lies Joiro on which in erected a two story Mick Dwelling
110 use, with fruit trues, shrubbery, lc. Terms at male.
jy:to P. 51. DAVIS. And.
Railroad and Steamboat Sketches
Containing some account of the will climate. Rivera,
tomb, ferries, brldgeN Indlnets and their roam,.
thre, comities, limns end town-making, labor,
laws, lands, schools and colleges. mounds,
timber, minertds agriculture, menu
factures, rattle, masses, etc., etc.
J. 11. D. CLAIM 13 S. Clair Etreet,
Wholesale Agent.
For sale at HUNT & MINERS, CASE & CO.'S, A. H.
Vile Health ot American Women
In this country success Is the molt of merit, for the keen
discernment of our countrymen la proverbial, and pun an
effectnal stop to Ignorant preteralms.
• We conceive that the nonqualed success' of the Onefen
burg lledicitm is more owing to their undoubted superiorl
y, than to any other cause, earl we 'desire to call especbtl
attention to one of the bee cog them.
This remedy will certainly owe Falling of the Womb,
Whites, Dirordered Menstruation. Disown of Pregnancy.
All troubira at the change offife, both wandoung and old,
and all the various kind,. oweaknem anriercymi ence
phalon caused by filsordered uterine organ.
indicating Raceme for which the Catholiron is offered no a
on cure, are we:Mums in the back, tingling and pain
between the shoulder blades. extending all along flown the
spine, pureness in the cud of the spine, tanning down Penes
In the itterine organ, shooting pains in the bowels awl info
the bit. omnpathetic pelm In the breast. burning in the
Pit or the emend , itmitelmity or the bowels, onetime*
with Mara. . and again with obutione constlpatou. cold
feet, continues appetite, headaches of a hammering or Mat-
iip character with naming Sr whimlleg in the car. doll
no In the bead, with great nervous excitement, succeeded
y complete prwuration. languor and dl
scouragement. die
tirratigmnent of the menstrael perhals. with en acrid Ma
charge betwen them. winch are ilearTibeel in the publica
tions of the Onefenburg Company.
In all cam. of Palpitation of the Heart It artsat ones.
Many uterine complaiete are summed to be heart disease,
from the symysstbetic disturbances corimothd with that or
gan, but the Mthnlierin should Gerard be taken, and to nine
cases out of ten, It will be found that nothing in the mann
' with the heart, and that a mire will won follow - in sm. It
I will also relieve that feeling known as the heart rising In
the mwith and tltrOlng ..",
aro not present et my one time. but any of them indliate
the presence of dismae, end the noceseity for
The, remedy Is propane! by one of the oldest and meet
akflful physicians of the dm. and <eery ma may tie assured
that they are taking • acientlikand well compounded wedi.
Experiece has prnred that the remelt' will et:reelable , .
eat a se er! twenty.msee. and that most of the Incurable.
num were o,
because of came which trod deettoyed the re
ruperaCte pwetra of the mom. or of serer, mechanical
Nati. chick had ruptunad mine delicate trimultranes, and
thereby mnderfal artier linpownhk.
Too price of the mricla Ming but One Dollar. and • Half
per bottle. it le withili the mach of veer, person, and should
hare a fair trial at boa_
The mailable le acomparthel by full dirwalena, enabling
every one to ureiceseted tin nom cam, thus re renting the
neceeolty of medical ronmintion. awl what IN p
mom Immo.
entirely .1 ea..; away with medical examine/ion. which
ace Justly lked moo by women as a v' dative of than
fat accesi feeling. and to anal which, will suffer everucb
ethig pone. and amehmeo lose ire itself. In tide, Slew, one
of the mom bighlymiticami phyociaus of the prenrnt fia,
and me who has a world-mi. renown,. staled that the ef.
lota of the Grofenberg croniagy ..,,..I 1,,, gp ,,,,,,,,d b y
etery female of any delieacv. awl Mat the ekittol Mom..
thin of thy remedy which of,vimed the necessity of personal
exploit, wolf entol, them to the eppreciallen of every
11.11 . tit/ veinal female modesty as lire safivmed of her pm
my awl the moat precions and brill ::t Jewel belonging, to
her charm:or.
Particular littoralon le remolded in the following certill
mt.— _ , .
Oranwein,4 have been • peaks.' norm for twelve
years, and of enure, have wen a grant many very send*
a tailing -flee womb, derangcl teenaruation. whites,
he trace marquees Kan preg.ncy, from the time of cod
oopute, to the hour of delivery. My attention ham am Mier
frequently armatal by severe ateptona connected with IDs
heart-emit a palpitation. Coking, flattering..nd other
itoarrarammarta. which are frequently suppeal to Ind..
organic weakness of the heart. I have always Caund Mar
dears Uterine Catholic.. a moat thimble and macceestul
mmealy, In them and In ill complaints of the uterine oroaos
to eiveh w. many females are liable—far more efficacious
ipso any, em all the mat schtotitic preecrlptions of the mg
ular phyriciand and I have seom the practice of the bat Ica
the etuntry. Pall packed., of nay case will becheterfully
fornimal en; one by addrearing a line to me, Box 1.218, N.
Ohre. York Poet O, CAROLINEINOS,
Public Nurse, New York City.
Omiteenret-1 oboe,* . important ombeion in your
lett of sympend.r. Iteration's Uterine Catholic on will MPH.
hilt rune Seurat°a. Thin symptom more frequently actunt.
pant. mandroal derangement than people may
al pole.. and all
annalre are so .bJect to it that they should ways bare a
bottle of Catholicrolt on band. They may rely upon It that
it Mill work wonders, as I know from tern. maperienoe.
The antidotes, when connected with the tare, are to. well
known to neat description. When the stomach Is affected.
there are contractions and shading Pelee. sometimes ease.
ding to the cheek .d back, and frequently accompanied
with nature, faintness, coldness of the extrendtkx and acid
ity. Theft symptoms will soon be completely controlled by
the Catholic..llEßNiAN , York.
I have not In my whole a medicine which
thirteenp with Marshall s Uterine Catholic°. Out of
females in this pl.* now under me treatment for
disease. of the Mena a majority are abort well, and all
the met are rapidly convalescing.
S. H. PROSCIAE. LroMborg• T.
A MO of falling ef the womb of nano year.. standing.
b y
cur. by Slarehalre Uterine Catholleon.• and the 1
lady la now able to walk out and attend to her dotted tier
hers long been looked up. no Incurable, and the once he
coneldered little less those a entracte.
One of the armrest cc. of Uterine diem. that I lean
mot with In thirty yenta' active experience non practitioner 1
of medicine wita the =alo lira calling my attention to the
virtue of ?Luther. n e t
t.Uteri tlaolicou. Thepatient was n
macieled wows., and mother of two thildreu. Bite had been i
onottsktually troubled with a discharge similar to the whites; I
and had some trouble with her monthly perlodw, but masa.
eredherself l in good heath. She was then token with 1
shooting pains ender the right shoulder blade, which after
wards .tended along the spine. She was then 'troubled I
with Icati.ite and great nervous debility, cold, shuddering
pales sad Mahe* of hat would shoot over the whole body.
The organic &Acuity of the womb finally emerged Into
complete prolapses, so that she conld not sit down, without
pan. There're& wearinesa.d aching In the tack, and en un
controllable dears to lie on the sofa all day. Shelled nemee,
with hot and dry skin, and altogether ens in a &boa me
dit ion. Condor mmpela me to my that moray of these eymp
tom appesged alter I undertook the ma, and the best skill
I could command. failed tenvert them. I felt as if the re.
sponsibilify wan almost too heavy. and a conseltation with
an eminent medical Profemor in New York City, led me to
the um of narahall'a Caholicort. The champ ey
of mptoms
to milder one. and then again to a perfect state of health,
was gradual, bat the whole process eta OR beantiful . the
gradual dethlopmea of • phmt from the seed to the ripe
fruit. A °ensued um of it for six months was attended by
complete Become end though thveral yams hate armed,
nut the slightest s toptom of ill health lots Mew °speci
fic:med. Blom then Weaned It constantly, and do uo more
then an net of amp e Asti., when I say that it Is eminent.
Ii worthy of publie nfidence.
J.W. naNOOll, M. IL, Indiana.
lb the Orieferanov }) repent'. ,
Ourniassart—l look upon it u an act of gratification as
well en of duty, to inform you of my experience with regard
to Marshal's Uterine Catholic.. I here been • practising
physician for some twentptive years, and have always theta
It almost imposeible to cure thole diseases known as Uterine.
My brethren of the malked protection have always looked
upon these complaint.. incurable, and they have much b•
manta their inability lodincover a remedy. Having head
of your preparation. Marshall's Uterine Cabello:du - and
knowing that many had been benefited by ill use, I thought
it my duty to aired my moat thorough Investigation. The
following in the moult of four' coda trial. I have
always found it successful in 01.11 , 0 s eletrecteitsed by any of
In wymptomc Great head, pressers and bearing
d own I n tn. omite organs, setae of weight on the hhulder,,
accommoded by ergent.o frequent desire to pane water,
greet nervous eV:Demencut the time of the monthly pe
riod, with irreguladieentrga,it beingeometimes aburutant,
and at other times scenty and difficult. 'Weakness end sore.
eess,. nervous headache, irritability of temper, Willem.
fmtuleece, vomiting, Irregularity of the towel& burning In
the stomach, weight In the groins and small of the back,
cainwling Calling in varus parts of the body, and a general
sense of modal.. Three are many
(h a ve oter eymptorne eon
nected with these complain., and a observed them
well dcwribedin the thaorlsoertiticatee and imblkations of
your Company. laughs to say that in the eampWotemused
by the "turn of life" IA elderly flu, vrell as in the care
o k 7 ,, girll, in just coming te Uterine Catholic
con Le inbAlibl. Yam. truly,
A young female friend of mine has been afflicted for fear
or Ave years with uterine dialcultiee, which produced via
lent spanundle fits, and detected bar general heath.' Two.
bottles of Marshall' Utenineildholloonenred her enthely.
HARVEY PERRY, Proshienos, It: I.
• A tensile 'friend of mine, what. been sunning fee rawly
tee yawl with Melina difilcultke. (irregular, supprewed and'
manful monsarnallkalL) Is already ;by dm months' me e
11..hari twine. Catholloon, letter: then she win' "expect
ed to bwin her life, susdgoafldently_expeets perfect ewe.
' ,' , •T. lIICHOK, New Yorkelty.
Iffarshall'erterlne COO the dimes:of seery•
thing seer known In this eo .;•• It hes been , need with
complete raoreak . ... • . JOB. iMg Sterling,' Ala. ,
Shomandsof other vertideates are'. on file at the dike of i i
the Pamperm where ell interested &limited to call.
• ' MA IISUALL'B unauNz wartolacoN 1
Is said Wholamie and Retail at the Drug . Shire at Dr. OM 1
H. ' EZYSZIL, .21m; 140 .Wood - etreet, sign of the Golden .1
41.0.11 NA get a espy ..,if the Graternharr Manual of .
Ileath,lloo page., Priee2s cents. ;Copia. emit town/ Pert
of the musts" free of chancre the. receipt -of twenty lee
Theilirmfenbing Alliimnall ate Of the test publications
orits kind, and may be had withent: charge of any of the
Company's Agonises at their emcee; • - ihrtamuwaa
-• • i. - r'" - - .
- .. , -
PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors.
the chore Elamle Yu,' and Welly-Proof Cement Realm, It being the only article yet lineutedthst
mist the salon of the atmosphere In every climate.
IT Is - pßartßacc - rr , w FIRM AND WATiER-PROOF.
. -
And In point of durability, we believe it le equal fluor mperlor, to my Metallic Roofing. We can pet It on over Old Tht
Tar, Iron or Shingle roofs, it making no dfferance how flat or eteep the roof may be. • This:. •
Roofing is warranted to prove as above represented. We an put tt on for
. We will apyti it npnn Tin and Iron Roofs Ihr TWO DOLLAIL3 PER SQUARE, being on account of Its durabißli th
cheapest paint that OW be root.
;OrWo Incite all who are bonding, and alto those who wish their Roofs Repaired, to call at our 0fi1m,133 Thiid Wed,
and examine samplm and satisfyotho thentselyet In regard to the durability and practicability of this RoAng.
J. No. 333 Third st -... re - ,e between Wood and Smithfield.
S. O. J P 0 E 11 1 4 1N 50 . • Pittabargh, Penna.
I have made a chemical maialoatlon oleo:too apt:elmeris of W. E. CHILDS & CO'S ROOFING, leR at my . " h a ra
sults of which ars as follows
let. The material Ls so compounded as to remain pliable for a great length of time. .
..2‘l. The consistency isnot readily Innuen , el.l by the temperatorn conscqm ally it would not &liable; to melt and run
off from a roof In Sommer, or crack in Winter, i.e. extremes of natural hunt and cold would Dot Minty it.
M. The composition is not lucid bet slightly Llkaline. It ?“cold not retool the canvass, hot on the contrary. pro.
test It from the action of the weather.
4th. It is WaterDrooL and to a large exteqt Fire-Proof; that be. spurts out firebrands faWng upon it could not Inflausa
it. In my opinion such a roof will last for years if put on carefully and receiving proper intetaiou.
Respectfully, JOSEPH M. LOCKE, Chemist,
Lebratory No. LH Welout court. Ciodunall, Ohio.
Curerrren Aamrcr Rout In. I
do., Feb. Gth,
I have examined W. E. Caws Co's Eleatic Etre atteicater.Proof Cemeat Itoudatt, and aa as can Judge, ermehlrl
it a good inveotioo sad en lolling to Maur, banding. that protected open the mme terms eel home dime earned With
metal. 1411;10.4ra [Signed] 3NO. 5. LAW, Agt. Royal It, Co., London and Llve , rpool.
Flexible,_ Fire and Water-Proof Roofing. . .
ADAIR & GMA-NT,, Proprietors,
No. 57 Water Street, Pittaburgh, and P. Peterson's, Allegheny.
used extensively in New York and Philadelphia, and Is well approved. it is applicable to coming
Foundries, Dwellings, Warehouses, Bridges, Steamboats and Railroad Cori.
it will last longer than •Idetallic Reefing or Shingles, and resist. the earl°. changes of clinute—mither sfisSid
cold, heat or damp. Its principal ingredient is of an extreerdinary darn's natant, and It starer tons this ta.ssetty•
eau be readily applied to all kinds of roofs, fiat or steep, old or new, on iron. tin or wood. It will not melt In son
weather, or crack In cold, and it is not injured by booing tramped upon. • "
, •
It is Both Fire anti Water-Froof.
11.7F0r farther Information, apply to the proprietor.
1857. TRANSPORTATION. 1857. 4 ,
gliga L LOYD & CO., sithEas
to dos leery bastnees by .
P£INTIsTS - 47-:CratINI-11- CAISTAI. 11.1.17 D FLA-17-.12011.3:), . •
Through to and from the Eastern Cities. We an mama onr friends =doll those dleposed to patronize the Penna. Canal
and Railroad, that no palm will be uttered to render general utisfaction to SURFERS OF EASTERN AM) WESTERN
The Avoidance of the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad
Win give increased despatch to the transmisalon of telght. Office Penn street, at the Canal Basin.
feZklyd • LLOYD t CO
1857. CANAL NAVIGATION. " 1857:
1.011:1'.4.331.3E7 BOAT
Via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad.
Capacity Two Thonaand Tons Per Month . I:ltch Way.
oil during the past Whiter and we can now ofTer to SHIPPERS the superior advantage of WALE DAILY LINE
to and from Pittsbarkett. Philadelphia and BILItiMOINI. Our line being composed entirely of T'ol% LE WATS, but one
transhipment to required. Merchants sending freight to oar Line can rely upon Its being put through with all possibl
speed and deepen:lt. WAREHOUSE, CANAL BASIN, corner of Liberty and Wayne dreeels, Pittsburg/wilt.
redtblyd ATER dt MITCHELL, Proprietors.
ISTow Spring Stock
.la a splendid new stock of PIANO
YIStTFig from the mnunfactory of Chicken
& Sons, Bontonxelected exprevaly for thirSpling
and comprising all tbe varieties and new styles, DIM manu
factured at the renowned eetzblislinnent of Chickening S
Sons, Boosted:
' Mew. Chickening 5 Bons have been awarded at the Mr.
freest Exhibitions and State Fairs In Boston, New York, end
other plecce.
Eleven Sold Modals,
Seventeen Silver Medals,
Three Bronze Medal...and the
Prize Medal at the World's
Fair In iximannas
ALM, ffirrlLAL
o . •ee 3 l i esnt a]i s c t. ltering „ plitm o v , r i r r, y I ittle
i si:il ,..
" "
ii " old fashionoh....- ..... 75
Alms • full mpply of . 50
J 01174 H. .MELLA)R,
81 Wood et., between Diamond Alley and Fourth at.
Sole Akeut for Chickering k &MS, for Western Pmnsyl
mule. iloalern Ohio and Northweammt FROM. =Marl ,
FJ7S--One iII4OCLITO, beautifully rare. .‘
ed•Rosessood cam, Iron Frame Plano, Inane- 17:
dlicielrolby Flickering, Doeton.lnexcelleta order. Price • .5
Ily-117 , u One 7 Octave. Rosewood case, Iron Frame Plano. mare
factured by Gilbert, Boston. Been in me but 9 mouths.
Price $275.
$lOO-..-Our A Oman, Rosewood mac, Iron Frame Plano,
mule bz l ßrecirn k Allen. Moe $l9O.—One Octave, Rosewood ram, flondoir Piano, mann
factored' y Gilbert. Price 512 A).
2:s7o—Orse 6 Octave. manufactarol by 'Meyer. Price $7O.
6 s6o—One 6 •• • " .
s7o—One 6 " .. Albert:hi " $O.
The shore Plume areal! in excellent order, and ready for
sale at the Piano Warm:ems of JOHN H. mr.Lunii,
91 Wood street.
A Damaged New etdekerfing 7 Oct. Plage.
GtiNS ilret-elawi 7 octaia. elegantly
sward ilofiewoal FLAMM. derimagal in the
furniture only where the blemiehes ere not expewod, will be
sold eta great Largain.
above Piano la ono of the lug. lot or 7 near. , Flenal
rereirad today front Chickering Italton,ond will he
warranted mbar/mg receiral no JO H Interna
11. l inju
81,ELL011re. For mate by
N ,
Agent for Metering & Sons, iloeton,
elO .o. 81 W. 4 street, PittaburgL.
KLEBER 8: BRO. kaye
H. hod received Om followirg new Mc
W ..
meal Work.. fi. mown I k
TIP.TOP GLEE AND CIIORES DOOR.—rt new and choice
colleen, of copy.righte weer kfore harmoolmet. and many
of the gem, of German ma Italian cornrow...T.lPd l• •
familiar etyle for film Clubs, Singing Chimes and the family
circle. by C. Jerrie and Grim.
Mining one hundred Glees. Quartette, Trim F.oanda, rte.,
etc., erlectrol end barnionired by George Loder.
MEIDDIES-FOR CIIILDILEN, prepared for me in Reboots
and famlllm. by Th. Rohr.
The ears works MIS 11.10 g the bent of their kind. They
nrejmt from the pre...nod contain meetly new end origi
nal compoeitione wad Arrangements. For sale by
/Yr: 11. K LEIIER k 1100.. N 0.11.3 Fifth ettwet.
Now Stock of Pianos, '
1100 11(1 FACTORY Or
N'TTN - ISTS S. CLARK. New York.
fully informed that onr asremoms
venial had been completely drained by the
heavy Spring sales, are again MINI with a choice and cam
piste astorteuent of NtINNS k CLARK'S celebrated PLANOS,
f every style and prim. Penang wishing n arst class and
durubte htstrument 00111 plena, bear In mind that tie great
Pianist, TUAtlltillti. prowl:arced N anus a Clnrk's Pinner
ruperior Instruments In every respect. The public le inelbut
to call taut emordne for themselves 11. 0 IMO.
Sole Agency Am Nunus t Matt'. Pianos for Western Penn.,
EavtertiOhlo and North-Western Virginia, No. As Fifth
street. neat door to Masonic Natl. Icl
hoes Juat receleed the new American Violin &boa. with new
and complete rules and exercises and all necessary (untrue.
Ron. to perfect the playeeln the art of ;daring the
Together with a largo colleetion of pep MASTER,
of Polkas, Schottiuhcs. Matubee. Quicketepe. Songs. Horn
pipe, Contra Dances, Cotillion., Ac-. no., hy Ell.
Price, SO co.
complete inetruction. for the Mute without a master, to
, gother with a largo collection of the popular Moak of the
day. by Elias Rowe, Mice 50 eta. Sent by mail to, any
add...e, free of poatage. .
No.llB, Wood Street, doorabove Fifth street.
Media, Delaviare County, Penna.
Mine Marla L. Eastman; Prbtalpal.
delightful and beautifel via me of aledla, thirteen
mtis from Philadelphia by Railroad, offers to young Wiwi
the most perfect combination of advantagm for the attain
ment of a thorough end accomplished education.
The lorge end commodious building lately erected, cow
tatting all the modern conveniences of bath., .It Is,
with it. extensive ground., • • model in all lingper tai ns to
the health, comfort, refinement and Improvement ot the
pupils. The sleeping rooms are high. well ventilated, and
furnished with comfort and elegem*, and but two pupils
occupy the sum apartment. The number of pupil. it
'imited to forty, for whom seven teachers are employed.—
The most fidthltd 'Detraction is given in all the branch.
taught, while moral and religious ptinciple. are constantly
inculcated by theory and practice.
The course of instruction compriee. • period of four
years, and a diploma is awarded to all'who pm through It
The Right Rev. A. Potter,D.D., Maher, of
Pennsylvania. wept: 'lliss M. L. Rudman, who proposes to
open a Tonna ladle.' ne
x t,n Me Delaware county,
Pertmylvanie, in September net, has been known to tho
Mbecriber for emend year. prod. Ile hen a very high
opinion of Ilse capacity, efficiency and devotedness. as an
educator. She h o ha d,
a largo and succeeeful experience.;--
The building which is to be erected will. contain every so
commodetion. The village and stirommding country am
distingniehed for breltbfulnem and
and the rub
ecriber has confidence that parents who entrust their
&aught...rat° Miss Rudman will balm no came to regret it."
The French lingeagel s taught by a Parisian lady meld.
log in the Nally.
The Laths. German. Spanish, and Italian langnegm, re
ceive due attention,
The Natural Sciences are taught withtb• aid of a large
and expensive apparatus.
The Musical Department is under the charge of • lady.
• eminently qualified Seethe taxation, and all who prefer to
be tanght on the piano or singing by • gentleman, have n
!flatting temberfrom Philadelphia
Drawing and Painting an under the direction of . lad!
Accomplished in the arts.
The Fall Term commences September 9th.
Min Madman hoe the liberty to refer to the following pin.
Remelt: • '
Right Rev. A.Potter,Rtsbop of Penoveivants.
Mon. Franklin Pierce, ex.Preeldent of U. S.
on. S. P. Chem, Clovernor of Ohio.
e. Loeser. 1.q., Potteville, pa. .
George M. Wharton, Esq.. Philadelphia. .
W il - thwu liNmier , Fmi., Pletebergit.
Sylvania Gahm, Esq., AllebCity.
SU eey SS 11. L. SAMAR.
Media, Delaware county, Pa.
• _"
-1 Tin of flea from Rain and oleaginous mutate:n.6
hare always made thornsfavorite, material for the . Ittalllie
facture of Uluzuloaring Oas. Many GM Companies urn liar
in with coidilir order to' supply,their customers with.* lia
peeler Qualityof Our.
ROSIN 01f 15 entirely free front all drool and mime ens
stanclie, and yieldagt. once, lu Brilliant Illuminating Gam
The greater original met of t eh'apparatus Ihe the nano.
facture of coal pa together 'with the ettention and expense
conical:4y roquired,ami the dilikulty, if not imposaitdlity,
of critical, eepatat . Ing the einwhillernme, deloterlom and
offenstai germ, generated In coal. render the ROSIN,011:
APPARATUS cheaper and =ea desirable in are',
13.CCATBS, of DO Broadway, New York, has devoted hie
entire attention to the manufacture andsale of Portatd• Gas
Apperataul; and ;he roapectftilly, calls Otteullon of . the
public told,' preload conipleta and:atticiant .machbae.
per feel vaiXaction to the parchmer guaranteed in semi
cue. For farther inibrmation adirms:
• ' •S. COLTS% we BroakirVi SSW Yank;
jr3b2awdii or - DAVID IL IVILLTARR Pituburgh,Pra ,
VOUNDRY . METAL-45 tons No. j, foe
vile" by • Wel TUDIRY If. CO INS.
I WIIIE-4 tons n.saurtedin store and for sale
by jyta JOS. S. LUAU k
PnuAloslia, Pktorial, WarerbTa MS: O '"
rate. Novelette, Wants,. Evening Prot, bow Pilot, Tab"
let, Life Illannsted, Sorter's Spirit, Yankee Privateer, Truo
PUS, Home Journal, Nick Nen, Ymkee Notions for Aagoat,
Harper, Graham, Putnam and all the megazine. for August
at CLARK'S Nom Repot,
33 13 St. Gale street.
sale by .1. L. READ. 78 Fourth mreen
V trginia Illustrated, containing a Visit to lb. irginia
Canaan," mid the Adventures of .Porta Crayon" and
Cousins. Illustrated by drawing*. by Porta Crayon, 1 voL,
Oro., cloth...Aram 138 Illustrations on wood. - -
Adventurea and Explorationa in Bondi:war, 1 von, Soo,
maps and Illustrations, by Wm. V. Wella.
Marriall or Single, by C. 1L Sedgwiek. 2 Toll,l2toM
The People and the Bible, by Ma Bracher.
Tbe Professor. by Curter Bell.
Grotto's History of Greene, 12 tobi.
Eororo io 1864 by Edward..
Army Regulations, 1857
With all tho lato publications of Kamera. lot Ws by
/Y3O .1. L. READ.
_ _
nsieivecl every
Taeoty-Four Hours in Advance
of all other Dealers, by
Gemeral Agents,
Rate T. B. Callender.)
MASONIC HATA, Fifth street.
OTHING TO WEAR, 1 vol, EluntraWl;
Th. RICe Ranged Thels".. Trail, c.0.5./I'cm.
New Publication& Avgnat Nt/Uraaine& I4PI* I1 . 6 '
rid and 13ew S. S. Ifni.
A. C. -4:10011136NWS,
21 6 Federal street, Al berty. -
Federal street, Allegbeny:
The City—lts Sins and Sorrows, Theo. Guthrie, S.D.;
Expositive noughts on the:Gospels RA..
Lessons Imes th e Greet Bioterapby,ll.o.l;eur,
The Song of Solomon conspired with Scripture, by A. L.
TbeoChri.:lso Philosopher. Thos. Dick, misled ed.; •
Dad Lire utm Cs Prime;
Toot Lire in the Duly Laud, dq
'the Student? Giblx,n, Dr. Smith; Reeding without Teem.
Pulpit Eloquence 01 Lbo 19th-Century, Diecaurses of Emi
nent liviez Ministered Europetind Amorkle, with Sketelow,
Biographical and Descriptive, by Stem Henry C. Ebilt,l
octavo, 819 pp.;
Now and Sterol
Publicatl•ns for nit, as aboms.
TILE BItONTE NOVELS, uniform edition;
The Proferior, by Currer Ilell,l vat 125t0,—......11 eta.
Jane Eyre, " " " " 75 ea
• Shirley, " ' " — 75 Ma.
Valetta, ii a " a . 75 ets
Wutherbin Ilelabta by Ellie Bell i
Tenant of %Tildfell Hall, by Acton Dell,"
Memoir of Charlotte Urania 2 *ob.,
Nothing New, by author ofJohn flfHO...
John flallfne, Lo., r;
Fresh "nerdy of the above, and a choice aaeortteent ot
DNA, for &annum reading. E. C. OSCIIIIANE,
Jjlfi No, It. Federal Street, Allegheny.
Sidney Stuart or, tom Seeketh not her Own, by audio
of Hope Conipbell, Horace and Mary, etc.. etc.
Bev. Dr. Ilamlltan's pew work. Immum from the Aura
l s
Le Pionor Pictures and Wow to Make Them, salmi
Inquire Within, or 3,700 Facts for the Peoplc;
The Reason Why:a condi' collection of nousl hundreds o
roman for. things whkb, thougAtenendly balks.% ar
uorrfectly todastood. 10,000[4 London,
Gurneke's Church Ifistory;
Ryle's IMpository Thoughta on the Giispelr,
Outhrie's Darnel In Ezekiel;
Martyr Lamb. Fatally of Bethany; • •
Work, or PlentyTo Do and nowt° do lt, by Miss Brevets
Ticknor A Melds' Household Waverly Novellg
Black's beautihd Edinburgh Edition of Waverly -Novel .
The 'Professor. by Charlotte Brontm
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ahem meablahmeohaad am prepared to •
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rota amount. of V. P. Streit sad Oecs
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Clarice: older the mole S.l CLPLIKO a C 4 *-
Thbouriosrement noc k i Z
a termsalts fit <.
mong this parnors ter Mar ° thecre
Ow knit dliityrb relattose. er *C.r uc ,
• 3, Cock street,
jylmlma c. Wsterk Liberty sts.,Plosbargh„
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