~ ~>ri Vitisburgt PIT'TSS'URC3•I3o WEDNESDAY HORNING, AUG. 5, 1857 AarOFFRIAL TATER OF ?Az czrr-aa News of thii City and Neighborhood, Rawrrcar Et tcrios.—By the papers received last night, are learn that Marshall, American, is ',elected to Congress from the Lonisvilla district; ewett, democrat, from the Bardstown district;.. °treason, dem., tiom the Newportdistrict; Coo, oilcan, probably, from the Maysville district, nd probably lianSon, American, from the Lev: ingtiitidistriet, bet the run is very close in both tbo,latter districts. Louisville gives 1,200 Anietrican Majority. There was some rioting lisid'Otle man killed. The Americans have very probably tarried the legislature. • A SHOCKING klertustn.—A very unfortunate and lamentable murder occurred at the corner of Market and High streets, Saturday night, about II o'clock. • A party of men, belonging' to the city, one er more of whom it appears, got Into an altercation with an Irishman, by the name of Martin Halloran, and a very ugly fight ensiled, in which Halloran had his skull smutted in by a brick bat, reported to hare been thrown by one of the party by the name of Pratt, in the employ of the Jefferson Rolling •Mill—from the effects of which he, Halloran, without re t urn i ng t o coe scioumess, died in about two hours thereafter.. Whether any ono elan participated in the quarrel or not, we are unable to say. WI the ex amination of witnesses before the Coroner's Jury has been, principally, with closed doors, and as we go to press at .3 o'clock P. X., is still progressing. Pratt, though. In liquor at the time, is not to be found, and thus far hm evaded the search of the officers.: What the preclue nature of the quarrel was which resulted In thenturder of Halloran has not as yet been devel . oped. The deceased bore a good character, lived in in the neighborhood of Burgettstowo, Pa., was en- i - gaged on the Pittsburgh k Steubenville Railroad, and bas beeti, we understand, in the employ of Man ful, Bleck A Co., railroad contractors of this city. • some seven years, by whom he was much respected. He leaves a wife and four children, who, on being notified of the muriltr, came to set the lifeless- re . main:of-their protector—and the scene which trans pired, it is, said, can' only be imagined by those who hive exPerianeed the pangs of a like misfortune. .The saarderis an extremely unfortunate one—in all probability 'without preconeerted malice, or the par tierflmowing or seeing 'each tither, until. the cam * .'enentiefttent of the difficulty -which resulted in the • taking of. Halloran's life. As much excitement pre . rails, and the city is rife with rumors and counter reports, wo defer farther comments, until placed in the possession of the result of the investigation be fore the Coroner's Jury, which wo will be able to • • present to the public in to.morrow's bin-ie.—Sten/ben eille Herald. ; - Tan Boson or I Cowritoriens of the Allegheny City School Distridt held their regular monthly meet ing at their room in the Fourth Ward School House, last crenimp'. Preselit—ldestrit. Bollman, Borelend, Dunlap, Eichbanm, Farley; Graham. Ingham, Mandan, Mac. tenon, W. A. Reed, Rev. Dr. Rodgers, Ross, Scott, .1. Sterritt end Stockton On motion of M. Graham, Rm.. Dr. Rodgers was chosen President,pro tent: ' • . Mr.,O(ah e m:waidnfavor of extending the vaca tion to'lhei firs 4. of October • also, to suspend the 'Behobrfor - triorsieks - at Christmas and two weeks "alirint the grit Be therefore moved to sus „:Pend the School tiro months. Mr. Bollman Inoird to'amend by making it one month: : ' The 'amendment was agreed to. - Mr. Graham then moved that avocation commence ou the 24th day Of December and extend two weeks; and two weeks &tithe first of April. Motion carried. On motion of Mr. Graham. Mr. L. If. Eaton was • appointed Prhicipal of the Third Ward Achool. Tho Second Ward reported that Mr. Dennison was nominated as Principal of the School in that ward. Re was elected:by the following Tote: David Den nison, 8; Thos. Wakeharn. 6. On 'motion of Mr. Bollman, warrants were ordered 'to be drawn lu favor of W. S. Harem, forpriating, for 611 64; and ' .ins favor of Foster A Fleeson for $2 25. - - On motion of Mr. Bollman, Monday week, at two „ o'clock, was fixed as the time to meet with teachers In reference to Mit books. On motion rolleurned. , Tin Collins' Perk Trotting COME% which has tate ,ly opened near East Liberty, it seem, has become quite an institution. .Tho track is half a mile in length and forty Tect la width, and has cost $7,500. The Park is undar the control of en association of some sixty members, with • President, Vico dent; Secretary and Board' or Directors. Tho rules of the association are Y follows , N. minors are admitted to membership; gambling Ls strictly prohibited; members only are permitted access to the groun ds, with the privilege of intro ducing a friend.. but this introduction does not giro the friend the right to ride orer the track unless in ! company df the Member introducing him; drunken- ! :...ness is prohibited on the_ grounds, and any person I guilty of • failing of this char.-ter or of conduct unbecoming a Err:Um:ism isliable to expulsion. with the further degradation of losing the privilege of visiting the grounds afterwards. - They have widens of speed every evening on the Course, besides which the managers purpose. twice year, to bold a horse fair in the Park, at which large purses will bo offered fur animals showing the high - on degree of n;peed, whether as trotters, pacer. or -sackers. Parties from all posts of the country will bo at liberty' tol compete for. these prises. Talemmas ELECTED.—Thu Board of School Di. isetcrozof the ;Fifth' Ward met in the Pike street Mimi Howe" on Monday evening lout, end re-elect ed their old teachers. They are no follow, : Prineipal—Andreir Butt. Assistant—Miss Anna L. Wallace. Grammar Department-31r. J. S. Hawk. Mime E. M'Plicrion, Mi. J. G. Emery. Medium—Miami Darter 3fonn; Lizzie A. Wilkie- LOU. Jells L. Perkins. Primary—Mimes Anna R. Smith, Bella McCoy, .Lisrie Mutt and, .Margaret Frew. , Mary Parker, Teabella,fielly, Sarah Burn‘Mrs. Jena T. Yon. Seventh Ward—Principal, John J., Taggart; Ar. iittanta, Mimes Mary J. Anderson. M. E: Taggart, 1, 11..1. Lytle, Rota IL Stewart and Amelll4lill. Too School Directors of the Eighth Ward un Mun day evening elected the following teachers : Ann ;anal Principal, IL IL Kelly ; Grammar Department, Mary J. Proudfoot; Inommental Der nonrated; Mary Garvin, Anna lltofitt, Emma Wal lace; Primary Department, Iladaerah Means, Mar garet Moore, Anna Rs.binroo. street: Graminar Department, Robert Campbell; Intermediate Department, Anna M. Brat; Pimiry,Department,Mary A. Bratt. Itowterrsti is becoming rampant in Birmingham. On Monday evening lait, two notorious individuals named .Michael Dastoriaand Jacob Bilker, whose ' --,,wommittat tit jail on charge of. assault and bat tery with intent to kill.we noticed yesterday, entered the Went of a man raided George Krogh, in the Diamond, Biriningbam, while to a state of 1121(OXICA tion, and dentsadedlionor; This being refused, they became enraged, broke several of theglaszcs, and throw ono at the head of Mr. Krogh, inflicting a se vere woond,twhich at first was supposed would prove fatal. ' Mts.] Krogh malting her appearance soon after,they.aitscked her and abused her badly. They also. attacked . a young . min who boarded in the boam,hut without injuring him much. They were arrested Wolllcei Livingston, and while being brit to the city 9nt.9f them knocked the °Meer down, trot the littler kept a tight hold, and, by the assistance of another °Meer who haPponed 'to be near, conveyed ''''them to jail, where they are now. confined on the Caserrtirm—lti the' Mayor's Court, yasteniay morning, these were eleven case* for disorderly con doet, sirenkeenturs, &c.—all of 'whom were!. of the Caucasian race—not one colored person Mnongst them, though - Me:Lazy was their grand holiday in oar cap. This eartainly betokens something, and if anything a fact favanible to the capability of colored people to conduct themselves - ea all occasions in inch *manner ei not to transgress the municipal. regale tions of our eity—what can scarcely be said`of any, other class of individuals, considered in •-that,light. 'Comparisons are odious, it is said; but our compar ison is this Instance is renderod noceuary by the nature of things. uncletstend that some, shuhing facto will be developed in the abortion ease which comes up before Mayor Wearer for a farther examination on Saw • day next. It appears that it has been shown by the in restigations already mule that these have been prattle - log in our midst for some time, professioital abortionists, and . taking the fact into consideration tliit this crime, in a moral point of Tien, is next to deliberate murder, It is certainly a deplorable dis closure. Mayor Wearer is determined, if possible, to bring all connected with this ease, as well as others of the same nature, to justice. Gov. parsocw was rec eired, on Monday, at Mnsfield, where he passed the night, at the res ideance of B. M. Kerr, by a delegation acid:ens. Rey.' McPherson addressed his excellency,- on behalf of the delegations, in a brief speech, to which the Oorernor responded. . While in the place the latter appointed Mans field It Besirn;•4.; the' (hardier of the. plotoei‘. &lint hitt aide ,' with the iinleof Lient . Colonel . . Two4poied folks hid grand celebration at 006 of groves near Steubenville on Monday. A procesSion was formed in the town, and pro ceeded., headed •by a• band of mnsio, to 'the B= ll 4 - where &number of Or,o4)rs were , Present; and spoke, after which • banquet vas sewed up i& splendid style. ' _ . . A ''")t-71242eaMilliMill 'Daheir ar rested broffMar If ells and held io bail yeste rday, be fore Alderman Steel,' to answer a 'charge of perjury; brought - in aga it him by lames A. Henderson. The - parties reside in Allegheny 011 . .Broczi.—The rollowing*ei of docks, wo Tut, .. lo,sbaras Troia uitrßsak,4sl,73. Monougshela Bridge of Snowdon , township, par . - cbared tut winter . ; ion. Spanish- Merino area ' ftdm' Roairstall of Vermont, and fond Ibeui be. dipped: sixty-Woo pounds of_ chain snaiiheir This lah• wad average.. - - • • - • - „ /Inslatioishro C tbe Iron 04 Mink bola *in • olootion lwllnootons..l.9-morrciii liaising, at is D.,daait'littheitattlAtitif WILIAM( U. Kim, a theater actor, who appeared on our boards Immo time ago, committed suicide in Cincinnati, on Sands) , night last, by shooting him. self through tho head; lie was twenty -on• years ot age. Intoxicating liquors wax the cause of the sad affair. PAPADEII.—The Firemen of our city will have a parade on the sth of September, and the Protestant Association on the 10th of the same mouth. WE would advise our lady readers to,call et Murphy & Burchfield's and secure sone of those great bargains they are giving in dry goods. Istroirrattet—lf Indies wish to restore the roseate hoe to their laded cheeks, and infuse new life and rigor into their composition, Carter's Spanish Mir tore is the very article they so much need. One bot tlo will do more to produce a healthy, transparent skin. than all the!chalk and lily white this lido the Atlantic Ocean. LATE DIBCOVERIEs IN PATEOLOOT chose that very many of the diseases which afflict mankind arise from impurity of the blood. This has lung been sus. peeled but is only lately known. In consumption, tubercles are found to be a sedimentary deposits from the blood. Dropsy, Gout, Cancer, Ulcers and Erup tions, all arise in disordered deposites from the bleed. Billions diseases and fevers are caused solely by its deranged unhealthy state, and oven the decline of life follows a want of vitality in the blood. In view of these facts Dn. Avert designed his Cathartic Pill specially to purify and invigorate the blood, and hence we believe to arise its anparaletlod success in controlling and curing disease.—Ncrlical Journal. t FOR A• raw ONTs LONGER.-Our 110.1C3 of Gent's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goode &c., will be continued for a short time longer, and feeling confident that the character of the stock and the rates at which it is selling are real inducements to purhasers, all are solicited to make an examination. .1. L. CARNAGRAN, Near the Post Office. Allegheny. A TOUCHING SENTIVENT.—What more precious offering can he laid upon the altar of a man's heart than the first love of a pure. oarribst and affectionate girl, with an undivided intutest in eight corner lota and fourteen three story houses? And how can a sensible man no well gratify a female thus encumber ed, as by wearing becoming garments, procured at the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Reekbill &Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above SiitL. t HOW oppressive is the atmosphere, yet how de lightfully cool is Super's Soda Water. How melan choly appear those who are endeavoring to pass the evening comfortably in confined rooms, or at the doorways, yet how truly happy are those who sensi bly patronise the delicious Soda Water at Chas. Su , per's establishment, corner of Penn and SL Clair streets. Old and young. grave and gay, ell ossem • • blo there and refresh themselves nightly at his silver fountain. Coot. puro and delicious Ls the Soda Water. of Chas. U. Super, Cor. Penn and St. Clair St..t Special flottees. - - - Who. mode of lifehavelearly run out, discovered while In the but Indies. a certain cum for Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis, Cough• Colds, and General Debility. The remedy ernadlwenered by him when hie only eland, • daughter, was given up to die. Ile hal heard much of the wonderful re. torsi ire and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Hemp. and the thought meurred to bun that he might makes remedy for his child. Ile studied hard Andean!. medal in realizing his wishes. chili's - as cured, mil is new alireand Ho bet einee almlulateredthe wonderful rem oiy to Marmalade , f , :g , rors In all parts of the world, and he Ism never tailed I:, notitour them completely healthy. and happy. IV lathing oi /las much good as possible, he will send to such of his taltilmol fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with foil and explicit direction for making itup, and sue oewthilly using it. Ile requires each applicant to ameba. him one Milling—three mom to be returned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment otthla advertisement. Address Dr. IL JAMES. No 19,Grund street, Jersey City, N. J. N.A.—Dr. U. Jame, has neither °thee nit agent an New 'fork. as some hare pretended and ad,