The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 14, 1857, Image 4

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    '11'17.-13tJttall GAZETTE
rtillt,PlUS • • • - •,
• . S. L 11; DIE: 6 i• GO•12
banns On nets unre.l4 Ssore rd00D. 7 . 0 sip
' •
ms. s do nee ya sang= Ditylitde MAT triad
" w . lll - g - Lyrsto dOilare9C steams, in adlninee.
e - intoned t. roirool.4 tonittio= ,
- , -c rer annum-- $3 03
Ten enieso • —.lO 01'
gdr Adrenals - varsumte - aro 'etriatlY - rATllleal: and th , .
paper tesWer'e;d opt. unieSaltis talarY.o4.
„j ai gasaMl (1011ned of ..Ytittleall or iota)"
Do, • oat la on 0 03 •
- Do - each -addition 093
De arm wept 1 76
Do two
.Do three week. -----........ 000 00
Do . one /6 1:10
Do/two 7 00
per three rsonthe_____.... 900
Do , month. 10 03
1 3 . • twelve 10 00'
yiding Pards;(6 lines or leas per annum) 0 Od
it .6 dollar for eath additional lins.•
"mare. changeable at pleasareaper
' num.) ..teliseive of notett—.---* .
1* each ad lltlonal
el inserted over one
ror erdsh adttinoualenuarelmorted ander tha•yearly rate!
Adv.-ammonia azoeedlnlit &nine e, end not Our Mesh
nu ATZ4Vrifotrla r s ° -!' t gi L 4. ; iittenions
beyond the • a trout charged for their.publlnition.
know:man: candidates fainted-to h4ohatgedithe malt
aa other oda, tllanneiste. ...', • .
ddret. Iseovnta - net inertia on the copy fr a onetitled
uum , ..,a., ineertiousv, will be .0533U-dila til l far Old„ and
Dartnintexaetel stoordthey. • . •
Ta privilege of. araisueltivertieeti is etrietly Malted to
their wulignedi- tee
arid all•adridtiseMents
the benefit of other ais vrall• Le all advertisement
not immediately connected with their own buelmga, sad
alto' of advetisements . , in length at °Merv.%
veal the
encentategill he chirped et the usual rat..
)'.or all snob tr.-want advertisinst, bills will be .
o•inred, and proolut payment la dminat
01 Ali advertieemeole for tharltable Wait - alone. oom
w7 i toonaship. and other 'subtle meetings, and al
omme.,l one and notice.; tr. be thiltited tr
able atriot I in lames •
Marriage.notlasede be charged DO - aeons.. •
Death notioes ted wlthudt therm raises smOmta
Died by faniral Invitations Or °hisser - T . aotinn'sAnd Lietsole
so amompanied,to be paid fix. • -
Itemllar itivertissna, and all others sending 1 0
thine, or requiring notices designed to call aetentiou io
• rm., Fclreea tloncerte, Dutati enteletM o ..Y.'
- where th ird", are made for adnittatme—all notices of ark.
Tam sesocia;lons—erstry Isaias designed. to attention
to private oritermiancaaloulated or intended to promote
lateseet. cm only be inserted with the Wader.
otamihin that 1.1. same Is to banal!! ite.
be tim ;mai eolruma. the alma will tre obairg4
at the•rate of 10 cents an' line.
Ashen et rIZ - • nett,' to be sharmsd triple odor.
Tar-rd tal seen
nest &sues. Agente and Anctiments' advertisements 06
to bee...L.4. Jaded rawly rater. but allowed a dlemmat o
taaae and ,useltLnil per Om: from the onseurd •
Vhl.3 . m oanz rollout.
Do. Ault. • I.llllocal in.rt.l.Gt
a..D7.47 , 70(1Cril lft
On• ripasn,
tin I Izo.) one 1n•arti0n......-.50 mato:
Do. es , th Deus! esatz.
all tror_tior be salt in advame.
LANDS.—We will locate
iuil.c.gia I'olRO:dim emus Std. SloilX OLtY d1222151a
lowirt follOwlrtit inter.
6. ti . Writ"
A 63 Ando .111 itusranTee to the nurohnsor 1.4 null 0 thin
from U. 'if.. but we will hod onrseltre to Mr him 25
prr cent ads`anso on Me Mrsstment in 12 =nibs from
the Ism'
of the potent. if to Is not satleeoi with the to
cation m ode. teltoitorT Itt.MlhLY • Itl
To Capitalists aed 13 . peoolotors.
$, T: are triaging preparations on the open
. m e
g the Lind °Meru ha Imes. Pisy oth) to
este ode Ine hattlee atitlog totnvon—.ltbor with man.
or or Ir..rucer—,ed alto by time eLtrION or 40 per eent.
prior4r . l4. "Iteotoree Intror yer Plntlkg , ta the
extres. ture4tment eavitelizts eta =Me.. Linda,indha
tr....1rh.-4h51 tat 10 , s - rut olnsi.lerod worth doab l e the
hr o ho 71 , 0 or them T4,,er Tor firm nal give their 11n•
.11, 0.1 2.:trat4t... ttqi.ozalus.3 lands
~,h-0-nnreosool9. One ore. dna hubeen =stems of
tr.:lr.:h. , the ant titIrtIMEI laws, the vest winter, and
to for =siting I,:dia'oreseteer.tens. •-
-• pr;o, we'd for Lind Warrants, • -
We al .Lit OlpeSser , I nfaMiatlMlrto ►parotaivlstr
Icc to Invert. A, 1.110.1101i.d 00
comer of Woo-I end Sixth street., Pittaborits.
ffISSO LUTIO Co partnership hero
!. ;Ara (ire :41;; I :ti " Artig el.b;
by motile 0111.11,- Tbo — buslness the Iste
Ina be Wt.:ea up by John Irwin.
"N. • —.
I OTIOE—Tho pranufocture of Adaman-
Moe estates wlll, bo earrlwl on, V. heretofor, at
Ito Peon Pawite Pee!te‘er, or the .tteleralguel nodes. the
louse SI. furl, of .101:1:i 'ELWIN as CO MI the busUseas
of Ohs meow , .111 two tesnesoosi at the warehouse of
John Irwin '.t. .9.3, 7. , 170. fa Water wrest.
del+ JOU!: IRWIN.
.7009 4 ),( -3, 6.l n A . E in S - -
€o, V i rn , c , d 4
t<.. of AU iTIN • 0.3
11:. 7)11 Of)
Wmatcd a Mortega
61 - trkf
fiZ-ITESt;is is CO, 91 .
ik/ A WITED-,50 'abates IS. J. Cupp er Stoc It A.tPALIN 10 7 *Ni- , A 111.. 93 *o • rtb
has removed h.- Wholesale Tobseso sal Claw Wake
hwwee to No. Lisertr et, where will ba Awed a large
Poet el' :Oak "CO ael 0111.1119 of 'melees brwelte it eed, at
low.. peleee.. • '
, r
D ISC 0 1 V F. II YI!!
W - t. r n S BEEN TIIE
SZUDY . ,Atlp
9.3.1 aIL ~a w I Had: al Lents tbaD76.7sia.
• Ithka hos ea a r cently tvaud ant by- • •
DR. it, T. FORD;
.b 4.0 a. r•-rfr and r rear , In the Wants/de
Kingdom r r E.Tale I' OS TAN MARS Pcu brouthc t
I •Irt• cad. r u 71,116 aa= ah ~ 1 1E.31 .W 7 curs th.
Drs. P3IA, .11!cla Ic sts• Etat raw, ( 11 eartatdisa
ease w ich c aaa rys,anc t - . Haeaa he'
. 'lt , e VCR 16 , 66.61 era. sad heal .7- w • must all lava
6.7ael swan: MOOD. if a., Wraerci Ora
fir. FO'O.D to. bona aso tjazt of 111 waft:Val:44*w°
11 , tooltsi(Ellys so ittl ;Ter lettro les f enrA. sod Ilts rt.' ad
haulmss fesodiy . s ou httos-lf. bat al at tau. until
his riNterra dloters , itch Its.. tali - al y led sod
y others - 10'14 enbt to 11,1se day , wlthror Pith rr
alerass, or any u -.ptedunt f rdun • to•ths syrtsu,..•Out
lb. en:Lawry, hair Armco ars eyao.u! An atese;te.ithy
aottloa ei•Cf 1.-=‘, no AIT or :laud' 7
01th, bs eta. ar.d, 11 vas t.,atthr tall
,to the stomach
sad to eve at .rlar pod , usual ./Idtleff.
_cciwsi'l a t lot flert— ht riattiriste always &r ear It.
Dr. B. T. row, Py6pepsia Cordial.
'Yihst Itl-.4 of &rases, ol t tiyaraptls . ffrodtlete 1 an
swer. it is th teat e•rop al al canard dlto.ass. Meet
ALl•totlen. Line A.Cestgoo, PUlPoo.litr - Vrinti/4/. ',hero
. tics Ilasdarels. .1111 hos 01 rawer.. ittloto col
Ty amid Ease,. VATte ant lafo-. Nee...eater, ti•ursif
sfla. ktorala .(Pites,r .o..the - Murat, Bolls. llosly CS
aucurty €.ld,tX3dl/../Illeue.atlta of all rinds, Ae Iy.e
Intratolty. the arstairt. (ales Om:motion or U p
alto& tio.rtLarti,Sollneasorthe.tossat.h.
o: your /Wel, col ales wind. Ad of the abase (falloffs
t lilt lb ra.3%.011,... a Dtspsttlo•ttortash: From
• that °rasa all general oral be rtOlaiaa. tilt. tarsatest, It Leas, which tosses elltel tad Iffettya -rause
01l aho tura trot al lap/ tavateeto4a Ur.
from sips:terms WY. Cr ffetatffel stemado latest.
it w Ic..tor.oat Is It t prof -•ratiaat"lthe Ca. bean
molten... ra 1311 , 17 yeas. to Pad t blot to -remedy
he .sly 00. an miles ly no:maths CAUSE that
hes rim sta. Its aka • wafter towed
r...r.ra. at vhe asst ffilisiffst of allghthoua his tutart.D Uoun ooods
k'riub Three Dollrap per.Bottla.
aq.l 6; the I'vrge.tor, te, r .11.1, , irrst era - or
Parma Aeratts lath rte, roll) sal UVrr.
jrA zal strfot, oeintr of Jtee
ij 0,. 1...wr0y Claire:PM.
barrh. ]lra W.. Ithff Gt. fort=l7 the drat of Jas.
&nail no , Wed. earner rf VedrfAr ear* And
lb* nAndlud , A ,,, nra.l Cr, An 'A so Ur. YOrd's Anti.
ninon , anti. ralw, hlalosaleable Indian v.-
S b n haoh.atit , uahu Tar tnOTtli.
odd* S. Our any
_sod area.; sr Wilt/ te (halt Laaahre•
hie hualiries. Theft mall Es not to tar found.
. tortatlawlyff ' •
• ' .IAb.ES - WDODWELL, r aoaalTaca 31Afill/ACITI7SREI,
••• • y dko. 97 in 99 tan=
informs Lie
W. W. reskjetrally mforzru3 hie friends
w.n mrt...r.a.,,tbit he turejtut completed his stock
o fur . tare, .-alpha's I=o4 and tort MI
• caved for ere &nada city. As be ie delerminel to uphold
• hisato*,.. ...Waste:me& =aerials. bat wurtmambip, and
• arrest dodgier. and hop the extant of hie orders and
Warty la manufacturing. he la enable& to ro.llucti war
runad. PUUNITIINS at theta arat
Ile keeps always on hand the krean r4 ealety of 4
deuription at furniture, fro m the cheapest and .pl
to the moat elegant and C01e.17. that !boss*, or may , pt.
of cue, may be f ardshed Inc La no*, or manufactured
er.„ in older. The tailoring artiata comsat In part .
;'el his cooott3eat, *.hith, far donne...Jet ctrl: sad 901L8.1
eanneabe' any of the' katern dela&
f•noit.XlT.tata-adato e.- ILO Plalailtiretak: •
to 111.1:Land Dining and urestfart
12 derratary Boot 6.3.4
Walant 4.0;. 23 D•le , n Cane teat CbslM ,
141 Wan'," Kati.: Gbare, ;it Lane Peat set i har
Wauct d. 12 LudiertWntling Vert&
'..1.,!;eme.e7 Mee. fist cad Tavel eandla .
ri) CLikutrato
01 ... es. , ^ C-ntte . 4Bl)l. seaniSaLlon
sing "Uremic Ealsobstben 9 d 4r=
a.) Winehdh ameoMon
t 9 loclored .. do ' Par/Wald dm'
19dUommat do
Dreaded; lairtrans 20a-band EfeUthairre
ele lishogany DeteaeLF Whaphose,
-, • 20 Walnut - •;11 Papier Macho Tame
• IV., Dottade •do ire:elects
.0 Sherry and Poplar Hod. Hall aid Plar
. ladle.'
2a Mahogany Wardrobec Xrtanclon. Mabel, Tabelii
10 Walnut . do Ottessann
19 Chem • no - •
.Aim ' s large mosrudentor amount rozigtozossiglillnll
rjawdot melees 'applied lath wada in their line.
Stamboate and Mule Panlated at the &eater& ado*
Alt orders apnoea" . attended to shlo
:PapOr And :Stationery. at Wholesale L.
VaIANTSt* ao r invited to
exttalat the i ttonele of Wrist.* g. Print
Ind nal Wrapping Parole. and trationar , of ail &scrip.
tient, which offer for tole at prim triab. Oft astir.
faction ‘ and on the most rearonstdo terms. Th. stock lir
eind.c •
pine sad Wtdre CA* Pipet, trilkl and Piain;
DO do bettor do no 401
Do • do Note do do dr;
All BIM! 01 lYtitl2fl Papers mad In tbo inanuladturoo - 1 1
A great etaortotertct, Plato and Ornsmontal WON.
ll:o0liir1LTZ:go Pittre-rlerl.44rt,g
lint and t arter Wr.ovira Pavers .
Wnito. . Amber. 'ln Alto,
Smborro,5121111:.(1.1. DaentAK, 00 . e.
,}l.7o,ygd a Hop... Alla n. o.o.lllbberPir.OrfAll.
• Butler'' , totd Cmneer 112144 Int; I
tintrneent's. liabet.t.Proolunno A, Anadon't and other .
colebratotrend*, - •
tiliint,Pe Prom au_ Nod:. Baron ' s Oommereist Aibotrrla
11110.10. 1 CsAt. tasetbor with MI *Olen vatlety of 01401
Pe. Of 04.0.1,StalattUtilfrrr, •
Pen Bolded., e.sta, Inkttoadr. POrtrollos. tan
every attiolo in the 4 tatMnetlr Wt. '•
W. B_, LIVEN. •
. Nos. 31..13;andA5 Mutat str.rit.
• err••••• .4" O. •
/8 5 7- ;" ST I VES: tiTOV.E.S:I 1107 e
tfilliEt most coraptoto-aiortracrit of Cook
jag, Parlor •lad fleeting BTOMS to b. (baud In ,1116
leanetly City, nt the lowed prim. catortirdng la cart
the cglebrated
-Van 41r.rtat
Iron CRT.
'ery•tal PalaeaChoYJEC. ,
Together rAth every vartety article/ 1.
'fellow Ware. Ithow Paraithrmg. natter lead µmating
ea ,
111,14401rrel axed r,root Cain. • C" &Pe o.rtftr.ia
Wort ed. twined street
, le.ritert ' .
11 .,,V QUO. Wt. VINO exeuutod with dee:
v saa, IN AGL 11141311ANCEM;la tta tan style
at the wasatOAHU
•• ~ • • J. 13. 8110it, Uzi= Dui
• •
Orr roarer to,lBs . oaFtunsit&leincint. ,l • 4.'
ff.ll.—flrstituhr Mien no paid to largo poiltets•r
Ele.l4.fitep ttootio..! : IT •
gaud! Salmi! Danafir - •
it afat
rl~aCapp gt,4',',..=:pg
.or /mu= or p h i,
e•to 01,27,104041.153.
- 4. ` Us:" Magna'. Oman of iron and
r t s t.a•.fors 8 -""d• .
Aalra4o "S• " C " :Vi Zt
Manisfaiiiri Ili flint Glass Amidst= tn ran
ven with MU liand. pwkvaill ustgto sawn t
..,rad to east* cony - mg tz t ez i lware i gt eot o
µSide. nen
e name 4 mstaxlel. o;ar
it Wantrooak.
Lane, Nei: , York'
MaralfrAttreil from the abar
Pato at the
No. 63 Mnidon
.74 the -
[ • eritErors
pocaw OsicEciezws;
gummy Aliabialef
111Asotaid irAPELI
of ocary . klal I:100M Ibt Dto or Prof.tiond bur
p o .• pronautAwl by Phyla
chatbe =cat perfect article
ever Emir; " • •
vme iccKara.
Irma:Aid to keep me
der din
te: WttO;lidnted
by the Areerhia Telegraph
001111AlrYr —
Pen and POeket
Jar Phobwranble and Wu
.- NAPlira RUMS Ode oaevaw. ao
• Thle Wenderital later(aleddeAisaellred, as MKTAL
11tEnt as INEN—lleidlant me ;ref—. neae conductor of
HEAT—non-eneductor of EL CUTIVCITY—Itod on which
ott4Aotos and AlXAMT,Sproduee ,ffeet is tLetl3y
.yever to any other far the above nantel and St irr.“
varlets of other pureoeee. to welch lt le *yelled. _
Desteras In all paste of the wants-cars supplying tbendt
settee tlace goods, and CuestemenS who - sant the
bee article! of sue' d. buy no other: jat klyr.n.s.
• ri...-110 veatrii lie.. '
iIIFFEI3, the annexed a:llmm= and eplen
1, - , a l4 B t o eX.Of Waboirenr. hanswood. an,
Maas% th at toe 'yolyantadas we pawn In bating fine
.Ibaslan.wocds. selected by oar own szenta. and Imported
direct:as' ales In otanafsetorlon Veneers. de.. at on , 0 . 1,
1341fldllti, atblrd ustentllties to offer► large and .trcunts
taZne B r tr, at the reaf i rwaet say •
OW t a n! BasearoW extra Ins. ;
21.000 l't2:77tra dblottlai'V
tnSA~a a
eluded v an !metre
thede . Battu Velum.
lea.tdd Waln . ulVimeres.
hided • Blisterand Rattled figure. EL Mee. Veneer&
While hally - Veneers.
Web " " " Boards.
000 Mahogany Bawds and Plank.
Patterns sweated shed Wind and Plano Ports
Ilabosean7, Bad and by . s , el , Ms' seder
binds. y ''''' is .B :ln '-'' o7;2 P :fligars .
ed •
142 Contra Stroot, Now York,
in Wrought Iron Plres, Ming% Toole , ,n 1 aster
zytion of organs:as eennectail alto itnam,Watent and
Oa& lbs buena and flatting susr.Cri. ttr. amine. 1101 , 4.
Private Ihsellinsss' nosplisgs dialtinis. Tillages. Facto.
alas and Fialla. r - • •".,
Alms, co,..ka. Peons. GanCe , 0 01150* scd boiler
Ewa made to misc.
Our &mg Carting Dior-nines are entirely new. avt oo
ovn Pateut—orarrantrq to do doable the Work of any alt.
sr ineentica.
CON". solkite , ail assilens or the 000Utr7, boa
vsomstag attended
Hough's Patent Slattie Skirts..
EIRTES & Barclay oxen,
New York.
OTION—Vo. except ttrtr here tae
tainp of the potent . .,,trort , asi.l sellArs to.
rinIZIPZ trymuted ocorilrnt to
- - •
D. Ilar Savings Batik
I No. 65 Fourth Bitssi,
OPEN DAILY from 9 to '2 o'oluck, also
oz Vieituselay and Satardsy rrentems, atom. Ida
atet to ber May
from to II o'clock. en 3 room Nt•
ember Ent May ant nom a to 9 o' lock
.Deboalts meelve4 or all soma not less then One Dollet.
sure curtdend 61 the prolts declared twice re.. I
Jemmied licemben. interns was declared at the rate of
eX per mot. per anotmt, 10 Pl:comber. Aaat. eteo Ia
Jur" and Deeembez,l96o.
Bet twonotattomet the Ltaster. lirtrers. Rubes end lty
eklatlone forMete4 ',retie, on sppnestioo at the *Mee
limpemen deponent; .e john U. Unnenbeener.
Beane K. - White, Wee« E.
Ilinne p. lonnetect. Orattan Hum.) ,
James W. lielltnen„ Theoball Umber.satter,
Alsksenler Etre.:Vey. Tense. Pennock,
John e...l3nagesee. • WU,lna J. ndersen.
_ .
• --- •
• • • - . - • - _ .
, ra=ms
John.O.Boetnron. Jame. D. trolley.
EMI 8111086. . William 11., Levee/.
Albert llJlbertntat. John tl. atoll .1.
John 8, Cached, Walter P. Inatehall
J. GerilnartioBl., Witten 11111 Ar.
Alonro i. Wren, Withal= ?PilliplC
Cheer* A. Cotton. A. hi Polibel, 511 a
Winlent Dounlaer. • Henry L. Ittruorrit
Jeannie;ell. nnt.ert robb.
•Georgo r.iitlau.s. Janus lad*
„Weep & I ono. Jobe, M. towl e%
CiTileve S. Unvon. Greece 8. &Mtn,
Jun.. German, AlelladOr TIGI:e.
atonreuh .4r.n retertgenr—GllAßL.E.3 , AL CVLT;3II
v 3 41 te - 0,10
A N 01iDINA10E!Supplernenuu7 to the
lerthooraee Ile/alai:4W. Asseeleant on/ Ca..
tto. of Wato; Gent..
W0w..., byau at, of the Cm Annular approve]
the".. la .157 of F•broery. A. I) ,retain An A. Si
authoring the fnloot and Mammon a'oncola , f th• en, of
Pita enema to anon water rent.. the Month. storemtl
L re poe et tea nom • ethedaWe to whwittes of rates be
chl-h all wear nat. • nail baedseneed.
Tam. or-. one d ostentod. ear :
artmost I , :aa from taa &Stettin enrage of this Ordl•
Mn, the Ann.. wad h•giatar of Water Rants • hall
mean sit wain r • ot a by be ecrompanying •atensal• of
rater, to thecae - 11W cr Dunn* of the pram en.
&mann 2. After notion of the amount greened Wm Nan
nano upon the 4.Wati or owner* of the remain., in Cot
Woo • or Water Renti shall tee all tenoosele diligence
to securt.rontet relmelth sit
Fuld p. the mat day ut alvtgaat. to •07 year, tbs.*
rhea ta• charged the rum of.ftan ee• entant and wawa all
yaw rents anent* ontbe tent Maw of Sotarnien to any
leer, than eball at chimer! OM than o. al - wco of tm per
Der 4,5.',5eg .T.ll '471,7.1.01A T.',:e . g, t 41.1
•tk war" lt. way year. then Winton naps*] awn rota
chest be annexed ea allie d by th• •ct of 31 Febroary.
A D., 021. Pear:den: 'Chet Moe Water Cosatuttntany
alto d.t , h the feral. or all math delhotttlete 0 0 0 . the
meth cr tweech'tapes. and after man *setts eh. a hare
tern detached, the entan that. total n eoPgin. ar
yoramhes to the madpremlne erniat
Dormant I
illatreus of cater nor.. sea lb* man of taw doter* (or
•xpethae su ed
In d 4 mimed toothy. ea ..tainlet anti
wer e shall In ..infothn the premien at lent three
dare nefore enth km datactel
Eames U. Tint ala portent who may alas to make sup
sheet met h tea inaglear ornate Wm. fnr eadiannal tlx•
than r the the of water, shall pa• to ass • wenn nth
Refasten of Wader to advance. dal fr.:clonal not
fur the remainder of the then current .ate[ Yee. a.
.an - a]dnlrett extort.* Melton. or 'rater, Ark all
.I=l traothamt mate rani be paid in .all to the City
..Treemaretat leap army '
ascalOw.44fany:Planthar Cg • other perece.b.l.lrltb•
Gat nit/eats Withal pat.:Rth the Water Othonalt•
, tn. introdgf a facie e teem public anta , . t• D.
firer soy netton or commenSottann testesr
geld rape, or treat gronnti for that cr so, ethaft tinnier
taithtnan. In. the pqblo,strio•es cralleyr, at nor Duo
cm vaned eirsilfothnicela nth* a fore • ef a Usage damm.
*tee then la entity:lln We to tbeir Pethnitn he.thw 00
ably otoranWeg,sts4 foists Lad pay for math and *nary
tuth olenn. the cum cf Too fa, Galan. awatfar net 7
dea l s contact:meth arthe On of 43:. rpayktion.
hattor am Chas Dxter.
vr.rnta ItiT.A3 or TELE cIZZ Or PITTEBUIIaII.
{HALL • viirtt.too3 •
prorates on mull.. allora or mall tenement bourn cm
poblio otrosto4 ucco plat earldololl7 as d.olllntl. for cp.
of not/i brdrant of oenvomatt aaa4 nr. , :lb•T
roIEVA.IN Pat. - tir
no o , m orow:okl roe wow cbaesod-11, 1 4
Tsl to 3 Four "
Saes additional atom 70 maim Extra woof orator or
additional fitturco 8141 er•rording to ^d li'n auras.
rrlnairso oritboat vats', not on lb, Mtn of main
papaa, atiedaledratna
•. ' 1011111.1.1505
Ifiont.ia on "'IWO *tart., ocoptel oselmirsly
dwellings, for nob tom , If ceerpriaahhe entmaleee, with
hydrant ha ;hrd and laikban. ts Attar: •
Tao rooms obontod---$3 40riabt mom/ named $3 00
Fora " • " • :605 alnoor ton • I 1060
, ' Each sdlltionol trail 100
Bette aup6ll6l onlyirithhoid emery', 00
lath bet end arid
Bathe eappled by amaze faidi fro= them , ln •
Ons 00
For each addittoest 3 00
Water ototmentri. 900
each W
Ws& Indite 11 chamber . , sod arlosa, same ratni.
W r hPlT l meWa" lg i gt7lNgt%Mo ll 7l "--3W
poach ]O3
P.traet and gardoh ,0 to 1 00 3
uldltionsl Elliott!, or eats attachments ihr the we
of Inder.extra zeta%
-none" 01/11Cia MID 110111 C. 7110111
Wholosibr sr:l - retail stares sad thane. -21 to Itt.o
02Laes of pros/emu! amp
_maraniew, de...- 210 Cf. 03
Drozzlite. barbers. ant batariso.olawv SUN.*. Each
tenant In bodloing obargo; fue . .10114 10 ratan of bort,
Wit. son fam•deador-Itloo.
Weer tiotw,,,, , oouldo aettr.g, eel( ctorilt areb-......52 r 0
single or • ° ..... Ot
rellalchlmt, IL O
• of caber osaniption• 4 CO
OOTLL9 t ILCITAVEII7T3 AID 4.1121110 11081183.
For family koortr.g tbo lama, dwelling rate. •
Boarderar tea persons or 3503
Oyer ton and, otter twenty 004 prewar 1000
to each 35 Dermas addltteou.7-..-...-- 600
Danr .1111 hater fliturra -$ 5 to 15 IA
01tboat water tar to 10 DO
.81op steV. - • , 3O
sehlos.reob..--..-.—... iOO
of other d.enrlpUaa
Orhater, sat cLrelog. Matt— 8 ,4
of abet dercriptloro. ..... 690
- 11.040 6 -, r meet ersi ...... 0 00
.Virath lobo loararblog room, 0•0 b... - --.... 1 t:0
I{ltoben, according to <smelt., and ranbet• of . drow
Ootado badrant; tor vaunt,. nom.. no traushe
14 to 10 00
P. 011.10
Itach Wan ..... 3 00
lamer alnystrjavnisla artily, mkt A.B. rarte..-2\-- yOO
Urlna'a lett --...----.. 3 I
near ckaltsana Urinals rr oth r qtrearlptiona..4.
flora Ara rraih. va . rastainta, extra rater.
Any a 4 mat dm.* or arra:men:wets for too or,
DT modal 'grew:tent:
1.78010 DATUIBEI 11TA111.1511311£173.
EaAhoup hundrod intlarea....... ....... ........ ....„ 11C0
Mad tb. aentarattts tor. uo 4.4 vs.teru " in .5.0.)311.,
truilellnese •
BUILDING ',tiaras's
Rites now Ohargett . oy ordaum. of Otti Up. /161.
'livery 'Habit*, SLOO
thin., not la Every vlablea, 100
- _
Cub W•rie inter-10 bouts [or Alsr—per sr num... It 00
YAW W...Adios to eareetty end tbs. of Wrote grantad, by
spatial annual etfreeinent.
naming ten Fenn ger, day far all :months of the seat
ton • bat , loeb ferule .
For the first jot to lalOth of au SO 00
ova adetlanel fat of 1 00
The Oratjatcrjith onto 160
neon addnlonot)et 01 gto--_ 60
fha art let of of an lash.. 14 CO
Mich gloat nas jot of .. . 000
Each half Inch 02 CO
SsOrion b. Teat in toto7.6"litlTgo b ode
upon et , en eosin...than he fount: to work cynneatronTt
the Wear to feat. shall te end the/ a.. /*no , Intth"T •
tied to do/Ify the tape endronsuse.artch rharie arlth
• toe other. troyesad. by this Ora:omen and the_ Woof
corondttaa ab.lrbava 001000 00 to/ net and
eaonate seoeuments. when anima/ad iffoto arlthln , fOut
.mnaltWnftarntto:ls salmi upon -thenarners of the
prinolaes. and to • azonalatloo ord. , . which .0.11 be
euottla settlement. for the current or;surce.dlud,lasra .
water mote and shall d Iraot a regular aecount of such
orders tote Preaerrad.. • •
aroma 0. That WI ordloshme Mout/ of ordutaneel
hoollt tton Waren/4 to , eriO the sante arahateby refordlad.
Ord'. ned.and matted loto a {ay. this 1.0 Aar 07 AND,
A, D. 1007.
-•- "- • .7AMES• 'WADLEY.
.• • • 27 . 614ent ot Deka Counell.
lomstfjarnar n.,
6. •Presideaso(CommonOoanclL
Atte, Cl t; it'Stittro.
erk at Gom= 03=11
fiZOODS - FOR. BOYS- :WELeti7—Algrphy
P Butebtield nweival their 15mi.61121. or
GozAr far boV. wfrar,lootiottuf of C.1 .14`
P.reedgithianniota. Mawr .Uat)g, 2e. tkttod
Lve., atoms anAlwlllF.
_OitarinkliF MAD':
iittO.teehortltg IRMO ac t i th . dbm i cti iii i - 44a,„1
MI/0 pn toast mullein. to
leo rs. Lugar assartmen6 tbsit
W. tolt. the attaatioa of trayue Locusaoalr. isa,ctkwy
;To Let.
Atr desirable two starlet brick )'•is-elbiThg
with toad i.Flor.llialtltedstrttti garden. icon
&a, 01.1 modem& Urns nese Wylia Aoolf to
. , JAttilta IS. DHUWY
mitt/ Eut '" g " B"L
To tot ' 't
T.IIRRE brick horses, 4 ZOOM AttCh
In the 7th Warl.en Centre Avenue, Minn,
UntO. Rent Vor WILSON, g entait. Encittlyo 01
16'7 WATI . A el e. 2 , 8 Liberty Meet.
y'VoR RENT—The three story Dwelling on-
No. 161 P Auth P 0.00.011 EiVe • Lmme /04.
ILA:" %%NU/ 6rF.ItItY:FT.I4 .t.
VOtt ItENT—An ele,gont two `. eturiedglEl
o • DELIOE. MUSE on Dll,Bl . street. Eolith eldeofilUi
gterly filly. oroneiethy Jan Graf
ham. Jr. The hon. ha , . Innen ronne, iltiohsi attic. fine •
Sitar blab r.ois., sae arid al the other alitttlancee gf a
fret hones So ?• t.rna. engthe ot the
boor'.. Pneroaalon citation the drat of April.
TO LEASE -A degirablo Lot ft,. tho Fifth
card, stove Ilarrieon , fronting Fifty fait on
LitertY et. and extending back one tionited feet to
Boring alley, imitable for aural or Lime Yard. N A
impure liEtlaCIE WEI
Jiat, nor. Diamond at. and timitaisehi
bFFICE TO LET on• room st., ottween
Pmp.hUld and Wood sta.—N , . 26. A oplr to
mrl2 • AU BTIN L 03. 1 ,4 Arm'
- VOA RENT—A Bri nt of ck lio* en
1.• near Ilarka, tbre*.torlem clitg. th Rent flbo.
LET—The Hatt fortnerky occayied by
the Rats of toloperacca. on the owner of Wood and
rd otreets. Znoutr. of J M'OLMA HON,
No. 261 teborty otroot.
DOLL qts—rive thoumod dui
g6,o, 11
t ar u. t 1Za r gi.4 ...i., 9 I Run SI, B.
Cil7. rala Ttio)ds%l7llb°
Ohio" Lau& Sole.
SE subscriber offers or sale sraion ten,
lownetiß s i c krsige 10. Stir U.., Ohio,
, lortston•
is e r ifrfered three wes U r of hi '' glNu ' iso C4 the etsi — Lt te
[load trading Ce Wald sad within about two naive of
the Ohio a Penneyiveva Rail Road. The couch, cut and
ELMO user Quarters are partly cleated and kmprored—the
reminder le corned 'litho:wester timber—esti the Whole
Is welt watered by eprings oral running streams. Phi,
sestina earoddersol the Swot boor of lout lb the oonn•
Cr. It wilt be •dd undivided or inonertere to mit puts
ohs... To those who desire to to - met reel estate a
-trotter oprostunity brandy o¢sre.
turl2:3=dawJ. O. BWISITTZEII,
110 10i 4th et.: Pittsburgh.
Coal Eataillit Bale.
MITE undersigned offers for sale ONE
uuNaaia end - FIFTY AtlllEB of
eltusat4t en the &et fleck one of the moot de/treble
lone on the tdoooe ahela slyer.
The nitration of ltonotenUoal mon had ueoltallsta is
dlnsetaa to this gnoperty as It Is ballered the ophorsurd
ty Rn• prcesable investment la each se hoot often prrseut .
ed. The terve Kremer. Full pertlecors nay be obtalnet
by letter or otherests% by estoolrlng of
eta Allan( LOOMS a CO., BLcols a Not. troa.r.,
" No 9/ Fourth street.
ki tiro slaty Molt With lot, elm:tato!! on Robin
am street, nosy um:Web. Alloatreny city. Store are 5
roOto•oflooroll Ilabhad In am b o oset, la Lot 50
It (Tont b 7 93 ft dap, Yront of the lo coto.t , d•
and wadi. to Indtata taton• worn. br Bold at • bar.
Cain. nboo a gool - Frame flows ani Lot on OD I•oe,
A 0,,,01.,any My, Lot 43 ft, front h 7331 ft. On ,p; [cocoa
In boom. Also, • coal boos• and enfo,
rntor chop an rem
of IoL for terna aoply at • aY.LSOY's
/14•1 "Mate and I ntalllcasonatlfitro,
No. :05. l iol otroat,
Zannfactaring Bites I
IN LOTS of ono or two acres, tutnated
mean the liar's newt al sIsS the honor Kh or Me.
croner. bee p wa ve rdmira locat
ed. a rte.
thefront with for • l e e
rding uld boduJed on
the tear Dr the depot of the Tlttiburett and Ulaveland
Ilan Mood and. trans to to. esCIS land...witch. will
readily eonnent the T. a C. road on with the Tor , Walesa
etaSsith new/. &WILLS si J. EIIMOONtIAURN..
mat No, 24 14 , 4,1 d street
Hotel To Let. •
tb tts.k of U. on.its the : t wo tbd Oicw
nongabeLa and lougalosbeny *winters and
ham Ferry sad nest the orosined depots of the Ste &bow
'he and tar Onicodente lialtresd, sad the Monongahela
Unible ettablielitnent oortalelo 48. chambers.
thug. h:lansonati public Tomas, [Won! an, arid eta-,
thug. te to
. tnte moue, and will hr tented to to
0 , / tenant Pose
stole tw on the Wet
et /twit thistire LIT It. lISUNOT. at Lb* eel. sidles.,
lisrmen •03 teeter etreet. Pittelonzb. sod of N.
11(504. srd. Her[. to. 0.1:41AwlIT
VOR SALE—The hone° in which 1 now to_
awl L ro on South Oottunon. between tiandutif
!OILS (Ylinitn.
Vi OR SA LE—A theca story Brick Dttel-tel
ass Wire. trYth . bazt O. 411.411 . t Ala
b-tenth .and. ' ittrlir.du J atiCA (1 . 11•11.4
ou. SAL 6 7 :: a.: dray Moro, IstrrAnt
-4 woody. :natty aaart t, ov.
tter, an) vary ot a—
moods. Moally a 2 latlarrac'a ttbalr.
11,Z0 SALIS:-Thero are now arortd for safe
12 tab of , 4rour4 eraltaloMo from U. be 12 actor
T l ll ronvtr Wage.. Oa tar •Ita
ebony and .
r4rryav r
iita Para Kcal. 4 mil•• tram Allegta
ay °sty and 1441 a Lola from lb. lamina. of ab• maw
0111Va11.7 Road. T. Lb ye alai., at wawa.;
14,10 r want" r eltatce.O. ILL mean. an 42oaera on
Mltaulty." a amp ar Mel, •a• On aro Wyatt O. 1•
lot.. ant Ito p[verro. Ant inirrmatio&da .aatroor
tba prviarty mut em bad by cal'an• ask A. /WA N 01 1 . at
tea Ober IIT•• • ar9,11.2ar
vAttli INJ' uILL rilurrat
l e bate rut salt • rarer of 113 eras.. alga.. arse Goat
Conaelleaaa, it riot Lat le beaver Cr to. fro. 90
teat ;Ines &eared nail soder • spoil slate of etal.
v•tion. Tan laaprtraterata ars • rater... sad mar
t •rtebt• derailing Mote ant and ud v arranged at
tnitliitara. Sloe, a Mill PTO:0,11, LL
antruct Lair to am, alta ea PPL7CI ..tOr toe
pear at .11 ansa,int, sad ea Omen La erected • Itiou,laZ
teadiar Min, a goat :mantra noon, ruble 4.1 ottineaur
Lougee TO. nall• lea .arte anti anb-ha tier trsai• hear.
rne,3 aurae* Dial. watt • cattily. Clam la aeldittern, 3 run
of norteni 4e gear., • 4 raseituaars ail new 441 In brit
rite Tble property le esierouoant by • }n . 4 wriest
Ittnniaa eattatry.e44 veer Wart lln Vt the itarsoint
Parte ot eh* rant. •44011
_ •
IjOR SALE--,llcuaes and Lou in Pitts
t and Alechony ate; L., In Mt bsrunetem ail
beredln4bsen. lend .ernere.stane ta-Toral
. trande.nele natant., emu. (erne of dllle.vent 111.1 it{ ....err
direction. st r.sfun. rnerll--.... vv.), rr i e•sen.. psr•
iriretta•• .soli as sell to _I
• t bae
eiCeitetu ^ad thew .:mina
thdrlpinollnese{dat • 0.W. ••
iealtYszne"l e„ tesceel+of
F.lonel 4C....0 , 4101
nein, A11e.8.171y Ott.
_ . _..._
BUiLDING WT—lino Building Lot i ,
rb. bel .ard. fronting on >Air. 1.. i. II•t• by
Ytalii iCLIS Jk bIIttU•EL
LOCH--Thrco Building Lots on corner of
Malmetrawl Dunvid,ll, st.e.ty. n by Co 3. vyl•vetbo
L.p......V• butbs.itb ward, fti .• • . 1.0, ...ty ter.. 01
.1 . 19 . lICIN A bigitUY.A.
_ .- ---.
xe,TE4-1 , ...t7 &mop ty)t •o. ¢,n gr • alai Charm.
t 44 1 , 4 <UT' 4 4n1.24 c, 4•44 ttr. th Want at
ear k tt.P. , itth will be .44 taw Ix a] 4.44,43 4.1
41144bargb xnanuts.stare3 110.4.6va1t5•
rs'l7 or rstleval nee's by tad .k1,4/141...
I.ID ePrcorr IhaltDl.4 4
For Gale.—Fine House anL _
LARGE lot in tho
it borough
orbla zebus
cod fl ntr. tetami
arlpu.a.t cf tti• bsactUrniatisaa kelmna as
am ild.foinl4l2 Ll• JOiLve 'Jam 8.. P
r"1. 1'r.011.1 . . of J.N30 , 1:43111.4a1L.
cultl No l.l
04 IV nal wito•L
Dwelling Hone For
II( TWO story prick derailing, sitratea in
Abp.h., ow, IsabC/a otter, stoat Ural SU
0........510tur se ld om,
cm.t bowtor I.ft
Mt .loolroto. o fThe hour , Is rarrotso
irrfooly loorto.l for a 'seldom,. If orn sold Orfor* tLa
1414.. of Um,. It will be for rant. Apply to
JOLLY 011.1. s EON,
37 'brrtf
al &air. *Dusted. la lb* Luau 4 f Pals/141; 10 mlle4
natty of boa U . A1...0 Ms tale ratentila Vonal ..h.l
Fhestatura Wry,. ...Th• lila Is aby al P 44, 4 storlm h:
has them you of Darts armpit lied hy &WA Crab 1160 4 z
14am:A put Mma la 1416; a Waruloatab Calmtaas an
thlllatll to the mama • mad Cava: NI:" D .14 .b..t 4/
wooer bottom WA.: The c. 11.. Ito g,wortotatos - .
aal ban dirt/. NO: Al 61=11 Oullsols to could he Mali=
Tama to so. • Ilteaas east. la Um mill hi ahlats Is
be rum Want
sms,r ] PLAIN y CT fromm Fat bather .p4P
-110111111 Do t to IL t tION. lAN; toulth t. •
VOICSALE--The brick throo-storiodthrol ,
.R: ilsig;l36Pentir .grodniro of
“Oomtureial Bank,"
Jootttar , a or. tro.Os Fourth . . L. It itlnuf.F,
it SALE—A First tdcrtgago amount
oftWX/ to 3 lima payments un Icorrovrovief
wavily truth CIA 4, Warms intoirst.( • o.nna off lien.) )
Amor at ono* to U. ..teLAili 0010, 4th rt.
picadintly h.notod and notion:dog thri`eltr Ilea.
too Eerriatit Ward. •I. rat. from L.. nopn balm, tr ., l
sultodjor itomtlf(xr rsiddri.o. or would n a t. wolf for fro
dividing it= oity iota. Th. attention of trick matte.. is
&meted to Ohio proptrty, an tha non is of tha 1•00) duality
fr Was insonibetoring .1 trick. norly
oI.A IN 0 inPi.
—Me hate two my; Lou for
mn. In (leo • Brood% Ay, plan. Lath 211'm (Nut
••o b 24 to an atm Wlba a• 1,1 at •
Pargsan. Apply to ,til iW Y t ILIOIJAY.
4: • A valuable BOA Mot% trlth tart Maid.
1:no. enectod on •.lot los:lnns front on Pitt o ot-; Y,3 Peet
incbty.sod .10..01114 boat itt4 fot to radtuttoto
r• Vol.. POOP. , s,po) to bond, Wino. In annual VS, •
.4•15011. a poly to (n0r..21 . 311,11 N
v 1 ltd to rent •we rods from liarir.lle
akani36 Kr re of rldt garden lend, •Ith • double Kerne
novella,' tome il roAna. Tale le prrnarw ttie meet
dorm. Wars to rent now offerel to the poblia. Igor
5160 pet yew. Jipplz to 13. Id'LLIN a puri,
WIACRES OE LAND, near Ilaatinge,
~ t e ltlutuippl ilea. end in the Territory
.dlouerni Title it choke landoe•11 timbered. 104
be toll low.lf applied for woos. Toe owner:Will re 1121,16.111
the mt. • • ask or ton dare. A.Ply
apt PLAIILLT 11103 INT.
V &via id
—no talderelgned uffaa fot on favorabls
toreall,• large cumber of buil/Wag lots !nabs Kilt Ward
of the oft;. Tne tot: trout uu rontsytrutta avautte,
Watom, burber. Loeuit. &Carla. 0100007 and Muff s;•nt.,
are but ••Is• atioutwo trozn tate Court 1100 .,
tlt sold tors otelp.
Yagoda 1011totta of securing a thureulant and bes.loo)
lotatiou fora boo., ur *OlllllO to Rurtbaso for speenla•
01011, In alturtof the roll width most tatutloue stealth
Improwt. Will find it to thslr advantarelo can ums
=a fa/Wl:tribe?. 11. 111/1011E., 11.01:rat. Lair, •
; Jas2SLit •
No. 144 flab at.
' tielf ebepts
ID cb..tlToti cllywn ' T..
10 ilbas b1z"1”103.101.4 , ... j
• ,Ic2 Log. ILloearty,
I . 6orott ' frj;2l:7ltll; F".
le [Kit Tsar. t, (ta•
bu) Wr•vplng P&P.:
RI - alai Liam &Imperil*. SaLasoof..
Oa r..asu a for ails by , *LEYLAND Ell ICING.
%401,31$ Mohamed Tobacco.... and 8., dlff.cant brand.,
Wldwarf ban JI Jump,
la k•a• Va. tail{ Benclin4
15 caddrDia N L Windom% IWlst Tobacco,
10d W. cat anq 107 (Doan CD) Ihratlan t 8p mVd.
7.75.080 data.. and.DiD4an.gdain. In atm* tr. Sala at
Ey* T. hitORAIV'D
Whbleiala Tr.j..edo Waren...we. 241 Lloanf .8..
a 8 onbottta the head oa Wood.
DEAD! AEADlN—lmpOrtant to
IA the Pub3l—Analyalior ay Ws Catavta Brandy.
• Orraii On.loalt
•• • • ' Uloctanati. Ohio. leti.T. 100. J
[busby wadi ty that I this day inaptioiad • larks
lot at and Otitaarb• oremdffinat Mr. ti Mow, and aria
•earated int•mrsallan hadla PUBW;or blab thai.leal
standard 1112 , 101 . 1.110 W alt larelen reLronoue inbataw
F-t iWs barest7lll:l.
lg 1111130
e ythtor
gale agent, at • tattle r with • dia
: IMO corner Martat at. and the liiaranaa. •
IGU,OO German ,
•'2Ol l "goo. ,11.itraztIlxvi. To• •
Ihp largcst 71.4r.,11. - ant 01 Ciastn and Toburo eyst,ol
emalto bald ab. and. DisroW •
BUION-2M) lbs!oholoa Wintry BILOOTh,
astes, 5b0t51.64112 and Bldts. antli eit torlifih.t.„
°Malta Kum s PO. splo tL xiDp.wa.
• , . ~ .. . .
Health r k ild Strength ircootanoVitablY to 1.. Fruit aid Orxiameatal , Trees,
. • ! - low its :tee .
- Ail& 11. IV. • B.M.NES, Trivaling
, iv a Aroma for the srsll %novo MOUNT Heara
130ERHAVE'S . 211113.9111119 2 / 3 0ELLWANGER t SLIMY, 17 .-er••
! ter N. r., t, u. , , , 1 n th is rleittltrs trosfrthil n'• ...As%
II 6 L L XI% .110 '•
BITT E RS .--i.ivoor,:zriprtvP...-;14 , 1°,:d5. , g...m0t1tp., - 7.4 , .
StOrus. R aw. Ilvsrstrests, Paolo Plurts, as.. would' do
I slell t O esti laths Sfonoorsbels flottso, rims Its le tam
0pp102.2213 Insults/a ontstrsrurs sod loses nett. culla,
1 floors of reesyttou fr..-1 12 IL to 1 Y. H., sod' from b to 9
ololtek P. Si.
Slr. JAMES wionnaV 1 , ed. sa•horissd to rorolso
orders on our semortotesod et blob be sill 'lett let et his
Wtveltottor, frt. 41 Fifth street. Itmtrttar2h. V.
is9l.dlerett 2 •
T#P. crimanwrEp uopum /P11.2Y1 roa
• DYBRE.PStit,
ND, the various affections consequent
oeticeneaa Bund.d Weedlnd
ilattlfßrogof dyyettte . Ilinnunatio and 2 , teat!ala dffet ,
dial. add In otheri effectad derided owe . n?'"""
Naha* Ends ,no hew scum y to combat. With tills de
lUhtful tonic ht the system. es effects are shunt magi.
eel. Yet the cenprrescosent. It conunualcatee ua , talent
stook to the erstem, but by =Mime Its oft", "00007
horned eotlOn, ellsblVe It to throw.offathe rouse, and tutu
hotoughlY encitostee the dins" -
When Ile inahoinal yirtnes ares to nsdrirreallY Rognowl•
i t= celrtnclaorger ttargre U s t erd Melly o? tre
ou to 0 mei the druggist'. It wotSd , en. nntl .
WPortn; furthee evidence: yet as there ere doubtleas
"one who Wire teled adyerthwd remedies._ and "till
suffer from *preemie In one Oman of he dreadful
we enbioln Um following ontllleaLni, the authenticity o
which cannot be doubted. oomlng u the) de frren
w/ well kletwo. -
What it to doing for tho Sfgk
Wm. Beenchnterhigen,4 writ kcterit lithocraph .
"a yr. "I hare fretmentlr DrrhaviVeiliolland Hit
lidd Malt hersrlably railer nate. se d debility."
Rev. Smell Babcock earn "I Found mental relief fro
rag: for • sone. headathe, with which I bad long •
.1, VP, 'Nora:hied, Lan:, earn "I hare end &ethyl
Elciland hitters innelf.tand noomcended q to others,
b' fb r d i lortha k a . Prel7Lttletattelr7llltr. tsyn "1 hive
delved great benett trot.' Ite Vet Cot weakness 01 the
chimaera and InellM .
“ Ift,r )
ee physician had
Jame n IA P , 16,iseeli Bitten lnuotored Delo frout
cay_heart and side, initiate frogs Indiuntion.
Tito editor of the Beta yen
onto( the lent letneteldne In this .plete_hed Bar •
hoes endued Bitten cured me ol the word for= of dye.
Made Foils, only manunotneer of aleEs!
tract of °ONO way= "I toot th at your Holland Bitten
to out of the beat medklues in the world ler a dirordered.
toreach miner,"
Dr. Leuven, editor of the•Fsekel, t Baltlpore, itocount.
es it • rordichas dawning the conlldenos of the public.
Dr. Itherhart, the leading derro . ef , Plinitesn ti Peones.
bee prouelhed It **meetly durl g the Lot 8 rail, whit
ruined Inman. In debilitated este. of the 01,ertutlee
or poke el el the entent generale%
The manserrof helicon N'inettar Yee,ry earn' I need
It my 1.04 was there. , irelyed to try lo ettr-t open •
irlY wife, (tronblel with the great debility oeteneon toall
of a consurentin babILJ sal miry It le doing her more
yodeler, anything the hut erar taken."
will be
expette bed We • beimt.
will be digest:witted: but to btu earl. west and low ar lett.
ed. It yore • crateful *rennet cordial, reentste•d
ginentarr-nedial 'inertial; ,
CAUTION- Th e sorrel poonleet 7of this delittint Ara
toe haaindseed newsy Maw lons. is tdc It the pu elsocdd
' &1111 'th lt !Tde ' n Vareli7alVell'ol VAS.
to tuna a
0 0L1 Tut lows will convince rut bow lade
lettreittrit le peat then whetters.
iga'Bold at 7 1A0 per bottle, or bottleil iO.OO. 01
the bolegrayiston.
• • DINJAILIN 41,00-
ilsanfarturleg Phaneseentisteand Memlita.
• ear. hinlghteld and r47W...,,Plt,F.stvargh
Gimp= 0.11.115. -
PIIII•4I.IphLL.T. W. 1, , y50/ • Ealz.Vlls 3 N. 11 tweet. New
York. harem It So *roadway. ontere DU*ll. New
timers. Cuspateheat hen. Gay et. and Peena.'grenret-
OletchenatL John 0. hen,Chicago. Bartley Brothers. 'ad
8 .
W Waiter
right De. st.. ea. Louts. liareard Adams& f.kt O
4. . R . K •
At ,
, ,
,- „... %
.... .1.11
MTN/ 1.1.1%-70., ulss it: it will 4iter
IN Do fZipstlsat As town as Kalso,Va MT.
.n. and an •{4,4l.ntlotrot It mods to Ms brolind and
14 4 0 todT — ad Mid and intssalnew apnoea., and n maw Itts
was totomol wllOl4 terra "—T. D. 11,7rina'lLsitter
lowye of
llu Pa.
nassundoso or tbankfolnoso coming Duos 4 , 414. ' 0 ,, oh
Mare whom our Itersedn • nate restored td 11%. • Worn ,
of fklbrarr la a., bey aid all awaits , blawlal , th r
swept of •surs tse tstter 01 thanks, fr. • stessossal in.
tali& who. throosh to. atfra , lailartWay . r Itt , saf MAW.
[t. cLKn sad nawSsant bat hews Wool Onto • bod st
tansty totor atd loteternt tO lb•• 11101.
ant orITL.I.I, I , ot that oar rifors bast. tot
best, trunk... • 4 the atoll or thlth • RD taad•st On Ito
wlnau Ott low; ths saws of Pars4l... In van:l,
2. Mao lntl.
V• ,alt": .U , '. IQ NWOWtIIO.... tan Co.
lib° On.. :sous thootht hs tun 4 ll•s)—lnst not Mr,
to than WY, other cOrsout us coralttortottst`nd V. , bout
Itatteoion vim* bow had:what lb. patistt. thrtr
C. Lase roittrst Lb* Lai., ihrttlan n.d b Mt, lire.
SAUIRAT'S ReAur 'sum
net* b no tt , ta •• n
torrent o direr eeate, no betel
ttleneo on terrible end Ent...t us thattr. , Hoene MW A will
et ant prone'. Shit remelt , hs• been proved
,to be
help g geilL eon .4. v-4110.1v. prerrotetire of Sol
int re tome tverrohl p berm Dorm , 4.7, Ir.kavr 54 , 1
beerlot raw. etli. end ell taslognent enl4.r.
11 Ster.
omdlosnes. Its 4.:*oeur, ot.VPi.•
1efiarnizatt.41% , .....1.16 ..4
so .tell tree: r+r
us sad Itil.mcasiney disenses. r‘ldtty nlth
erblen It arc. MN. 1114 TiTILOPT etteeles. end nettles
the wh nut.'. eal [yen= to t o eine, ciont Cl ease an! axaVs .
It • b`eselne to ell who lire In Otte, shtre 0 *4t
. n eed y oteUt!ti. Vogel ftealir ennuld
Iteelsern needy s Wt. , ' heir
I( tee night
pug ere an Idenly leered slab vele. note.. CT ekineee
k !O. elitier 13 'be et Ir. tr4marn, nerve*
or rr
ear other f art • i jaw b 047. s am. ncs
itellei win In •lo• wxarsts..rexscva W rein. end an..
. .
112a1f111.--DIO9- - cAr B .
If ycn ars trlitrn by • rcrattiml by ..Fite'
ful est, stag try r Humus cz ryyttle. Bad.
•••,.• 1ia..13 golly" kunni Into kba V 1.11111 1 .1
LS* and rriqe.% i.ELIMMILSIO , I or bautylanatton
taking;lsm In Loa regal Ina tans of many bunter, atm
knos W t . rlnlag by snake a .ad otter 'Egt•nuntrn
All, WU, alai turrets, will dad , . taattAq
b'ee.lnf.ltvn vaa vom of Ma Ready Salter. rtila
k•haw-3.) :o.v , velok, and raavalastle• mrlll evente , stVlA ,
tivatle,atteart sad vita.a.m ervrAtilmb .nl tolat of the
trod) try it. no.
• •
• If yeuerill fastat $4114 ear
dree sr* taken elot,atth (Motu.. ideesirs. Who•Plna Cough
&rent lever or bower diens*. or Oho complaints. foe
Silt gee U. lives of yew children. .Radwafe Barely
neon Imparts sew till, ill ItflMteell Into the seek, and diwased body limy Ude La mind ...a de not
let year child: Illdware Settedlee•lll pee thee..
ki It is In the power ef Unman agency to do eo.
if a SlO Am
rt rma u am eß wsw e BrylS'Selcenslesell7,ll3
4. mai ersette,A Am:3V ttlesSon—S cored soli. Of
the houtt 1.314 eDMACII-4 yirromed ropily
Matt:Lev Irma Me boncla-4 yore ant
excel Urea Vs.
It reared to all who will tate ene or two of Badersee
trewalatmn. or.= or taloa • weak. The weak km* grans.
Sag the lean tst—ilee nervous fretful end 10em 1 l1.
Sansei to a Mcrae ormaltbro of body. and • n•PPT
Or Mulls. All who into them are delltatteiretta their
operation. All lb. Good derived from the use of other
pa* arearcunat by the cued WO were Re ira t ir3o. whil •
out entailing the evil effects of cosossop 1 , 11. CP*n
the eream.
The Dlsp l ery althea. Wonderful abirPeetabllibee sties
era le per ea,afaci • pew ertbasige aolmbee of
tardiclo• , la tallow these pills no ottani' Pad. Orel:a
rmee at eldetaqi Is imostrieno•M they Ironic
leaving the weals. liver and o th er orgies ill a natant
.1 bellie.trs.elMo.
Each pill Om. Ls talon s.bresor• life to the blood. that
arity lt,„ealle Irem It =fur. a.;...,rita elusax.
tuffAcuistan. • •
auerrtwo dorm of neareatore mstlre:l
remoreel4l diem...log • l a,ptome os jaoetic...
nee eau
11.1•4•Meur. atA w ilt es• tore tenet. t. met' rev
either i.llO or roma, Ladles ttootied .liblrrewolikr•
Mee or polatlit 0f ,1 1.7 , ..*r u r • ' • • •`•''''
epre ae atu penal. Is llacteray • Renniateta are tie
•ricrruar Of IiCALTII 000 ZNADTC. -4 •
o. • few doers of Peieey'e hettdatarn Fllt Irma. • ern,
p t. 1.0 torDn• rein and rree onntlexiAn. TA. y
100.0,,,, 1, 4•44, dal , . yohner •Trei 4 bril
•llreetsca, lianwee'h lid. Cite c•DOte4 twat? to
Cm, eLea an 1 h-n and , ho Of Do. the
e ••sh .roth eel en v. ,- rhea!: for the Tresth,
a 111 chstre the moll Alet'ort't't ACIA & oath to werethese
cud the
Doe to Don Cl Ifael IttgandDre 14 Use; (boy nerar
do dot 41. %I An cord. -
Bortpnone - i s rarnenjulg Er rhor fbr Pio r:ttre., Chronic
-.creda l or Andtv.t.. 11, 4-'4: 4 ^ 4 .,
GI 0. trAVA mice lung: oe .each, t.tin or Bow,
or Norte., c7rnspfsto fir Mott rt , s , lng J,r Jig ob.
Curt I,lll.4,aotutr-Iditvonie-rAga. Noma, 11e.
rnel jrE ,d AU. In , fo A It .mot a...
pl tIA d'a 1.2,4 40 conAtufsenst sect throhtscser,
Who deiterits4 in•rdifarc trituruiuriou
hr. - Pen:re or tfArronts.
• d Ibex. bean tetolt i la the frond that will wort inch
11 1 .V.V: ' ,F. • tieat :it Ift&T l -LlrpgAVr= l e T :ttn — d
health,' blond.
gElli,,,cumilugdw J Ilentor
Komi (tit *DI ht,• few ialtotetrbeolt Ilecoorrhage
• the lo •• Or {Wont. Incases her. the patio...coaxal
up dote ar Wood of pia atraskoll with bloof. Idedenbei
' Rowlett:a win idottnevaDie the
.04/13anh lismniaad. of big Btu 321 st had a but
cough , or two p 1.,. Oh' toughed ap auroothroa , half •
pinto( blood &MI the night. Ohs ?as could to 7 days
by the Relief and Roaolveut.
;.e.P.11.4 lig._'lTegtaxsta3c7"tinkbeilasill::lll
.Tabtottegae aay•—"Trist • gentleroan. who fir %I
if WWI hat luta binir....a with • gore I.e. that resided
•eery *sod oftresmnt. 110ildata•11/
in 3 w.witil
iby Kai wafolleaxy Welts;oirent and liosolaton .
' Tb• act wtt Orate read nut Tabalar Intasao P , r IaUT.
•nd oar newroapor callou `Tree tiror , d'' for later ,
[lug owes dative, and • more thorough explanation of
• orromedita., It•DWAY 100.
ii•away'a Leuriadios are void by Druggiota u 1 , 1•
obante orierywhoollkwllT
nty•d CElF. ote Ell LIKE BIAGIO— '
ries tveoe per
ICI le tbi Poreonnor tottla '
Onto the pain and
Yotthtath for diner.,
Is Wear the ronder,of the egg It:aorta Wan lets time
then it roestoo ;apt • phi staid
cures TUAndwrin 4 164111...
CALTtI Oremo,yr-.1 airs in the &math and &WU.
lurufilQYrtkand dweird Ibrl tram a Cold.
thro .1/AfOrilliAlto •
ani.Bothire, Scolth ana Darn.
(Nina was ofal VW 3`lllll NA 1r.14
Clow dgee tend Cvn.pttn ihs ihVaig inthinßP
Gam dorscao in a filCibinuf..
Chou Pas sA the Mau; Limbs, or Both
Our. dor and Chat and /bon
Tide. DC tingutto ineolthe, and no family aboooct be
IrWont • loth. In cane orathoent or oudden
It le awl ettroraltaloraye stylva Inathollate
the WON tatftill LiOI L could sprat[.
"Willis noel pb ridden@ tate 'atoll, months to wen
1- woke ny, three. tailt • summer's der."
Ton rem seeldeneo with the Red boinebythe forest,
t0...r oath sobtleanent octentlae travels on the moth
seas of Bonn*, sesoolattng. 4.111 with the roi.7 elite cd
theldeO protwictik, the enabled Prof. IthltVi to present
to the Tooth the MOBOILUt. OWN 8110 UNA _
to we by ill reepaotable.DrUggiek• nod at Prot. Beata
Zio. 'la Third Argot.
A. PALCMETOWS 00.: wad Dr,Siltil. Lt. RiVREB,
W WNW. Aim tn •.1 .2P:ATA
fremitun Vinetgara.
EGAII made axprwly for family use
• in< now mold In mornthan non half or till
Lb= irbertikarelineont;
MM. a% ,„,
that Ilan been ;seed in Infor "
7 `17, •Th34,....d. Vim._
• 4 *,ti Ohio (Ingo, equal to tbetost
• O. inneortea. _
dr4..7dir va 6 . 6 .
'lnfer thrudilinewykn,gat.• '
Tbe attatlom of ate larnthee.notal keepers' itad the
=Wry norttu Pnotkna" , U. 144 1' 1444° Pill VW ,
The lane yineitte nronnuted to to M rites ,
sated ad to ablch wore awarded the lira Poesolnio
• Wirer la.; and Diploma ot the Mato a tinittuod
robibitleiorlßA •
Eau oda . lie Water* bin Ist,
,0 11 11,14:gr tra i li nk r tMVPAP*E
AEA Er able st the lo t i o n amafatire.raiima
Shade'Trees for Bale.
L1A14T11139. Elm. Linden, Mountain
@Vas tar, , l.T o Tl N Plreg on, -3..
• N.B. .11,11m.a• iiitfor, t tb• Oakland Norterr.
.111 stfrpd to ph...sting !bade tram fz peraorm rifiztt , loi
his rervo.- tor3;daytrr
Kirtland's Pine Cherries.
QTRONO PLANTS 4 too feet on MihalAb
Etoqu I Ie•r: gArtlstil's Black Hawk. Dateite, Cast.
Clerria.nd. lardodt, stock oort. Oov. Wood ond , t),:onto,
40 rte pi11•..04 frr dos. leadlnic erlrtl.. Tear Mc.
hale , rtxks DTZ hundred, 1230 per 100.
r Jtht , i1111.1)0LIK, Jr.
-- . •
ltittsbaxgn itinage
t etter of a fmra the N r n em rso
_on 'Wilkins Avonue,
oll:gatWeunO n h o ' r me& and
Hecht n.t Pla nd
toad. an aztanelon of rocoob greet. and stone
tbree tots cuts toffee hem Mttehnrg.
=ley odor Sr eel.eery Is collection of +nu neor
•trees and pLante suitable fur trane flan, Inc this tall end
!smarm ePring.
The Diu:eery row toilers tralne haunt and
tern:aloe overtnat.(-00 surcbs and plant., and cats
10,000 treee, sod 20,G00 Seararetes and Sisrubtc ars
e eine else foe rrincrviki to orchards and pleasure araunds.
Plante carer:lll7 pecked and sent aranttne to Wrestlers.
to .1 pert of the United. Easton
We be leave to all thaattetlem of the Insole o , • r.,4.
Derr and vertices In the teede to cur unrivaled no- • tine
for the Poring of thisherobradisg nearly ail the ■• 'easels
,tlaally: bag:come sod tantir, t h at le amtll7 avers
caltivation in this cestltm Of oonntrf. Plante • te.sro'
eared of M.) things cult! large to give hors -lota effect
Me. moderato as Arara. from !drawer, ...on enti I
actory refs:rents. In th_ritenrilttdborob rnuinvi at
Order. addreeaelab threot ' mit
eleteburalt, cc loft at Our sta ,l nd nn •I er t pe r
Oh. IlhammA SIT wer.0.0.1, 0.*,.t.
Fruit Tree:, BveTgTeenn,
oubporibcr would mogt rcl;peut
rally eali toe et ter.itoe of frieraia an.l the '
D. seri largo stook el fruit Teo% aver.
ffTyrli_re, b ge b = 1 1 t
. law? f:/ " ..:•T find " 1 1.); " ( t L.r h i ' ... one
.lects WOO Dwarf and Ntandard et . Aar ea. miring, of
'chafes varieties. Pes.h, pererat Po, with Chrr
, Pima, Arieert,Panybarrie4Gooesi,erlas, Cannata, AG
Oar ETC7 . 171..1.% from 1 Pi 6 feet, of whirl vs her. many
o.o.oinda areenne, Perenos vosetir.. hag trantigles vrill
be liberany &Pit ult.P. 11011 atel oar 4600 li. ai.
woo giverstit ocrion. (hoists !eft at the Illiabeirett 1 1 , O.
sir. Wl:adult Libor!, et...MO rialtUrel t.i.r.ery. 1 e. *llrs
Penna. Aver.r.r u Pg the Pittsburgh orrery. 1 ntler
;rain Oalilan.3. rill be proninly attar/gel tu
..—Plantia. dabs neatie to cram
0e1.114.4.8 0.1 1114 Ja. •
re,. m< E,put can f
Coughs, Colds and hoarseness.
D,lll/I[l.P. Mae , , lymb pc, lyny.
/V. J, If -Ayer: / do not neeltsle t• any
Ile belt remedy I
Duerrev found for
Oottrv, Lurmyrocer, It 6, and tbl
concomltant rulnytoniS Or. Cold, If your
pMerry PettoraL Ile conatant um In toy
proetlonand my ' tonally I r ISIS len
an nno 'ho n. It to Inv.. eoyerlerle.r.
tum fort VestmlDentnl IbCrevalrl %Int".
A. II AIf)ftTLY.Y. Yvu , of 13Ites, N. Y ,
'rt . ., - I bete rtol your Pvtarsl my•
calf nod In f,u
mlly evr RV , . too tO•
vela./ ttotod tielleralt ambler medicine
IV rumors •ret pot f nt. With l• bad
cold leboald fennel' tor VS nu barfly
than do Yelthout It, 'or uoto soy ollmr
recocrif. " -
brantanzut SHas, Pba 7.104
D ee m,. 4, 7 : I .111 eh e ereudr certify tour Pecteeal le
th• lest rem , y ere tepee. far the cart Iltre-pytarAraph,
tre,a 9 . arra the Ir:6e6 Ottawa of <Whirr.. VieYl )810' tree
terroltr to the youth eDtreciate your 1410, and C.. trunend
Year rteeletnete °attempt.. IIIBAII CON ELLIN. M.. D.
A 1108 LYZIL IL.I. Mon , nomere la ...M.. 3I Jan.. '4B
'I. hat a tedtatte 11611 nit. which eat fined toe to doors 6
week.. tabr many medal... without rallet fins , T tried
tur lerelaral by the sari.* or car a...Yalu:lan. The tr t
drys relieved the a: renew In tatY threat .04 lane , - l.e.
Mae (metal( the but tie male to. ermarletale YV4l.'
reedlenet are thn the-prat as wed se the breve tan Our,
sal wee.teern you. ;sin=ter. nod rout rernedlte. no t.ha
pbar macea Mend: . -
.SL/MA OR 141171R.1C AND RRO`
Warm )tarrenz.vaa; Fa Pelt A 16,8;
34, lear✓
Ch•rr7 Yeet• rad la prr a.raninit
caret al ttuatec.ion. has rr e•ea: el from atarm v 4 t rnagnmenun an! le new earl clan
eh , hae 1.14.03 under an afle-ttyl el the ictuut ty thr
Iso 4U y fare. 1.11.14 KY L, r A 1:53, Merchant
AL ELA.SPDT, M. D- 3111.. n. tiro**. Cu . . 1. w
et, Parhaa cur tra . litte nf litany 7
I C•*e (x.“..11...tbir, qua.ylur Ct . ..e•r, wet...all,
al•log. , ,ess and re.led , o rouesonrdiva tall•ide, or .. , due
each re are ezrahlf."
miahl add eol , M•ae. e•..lene . .e. , .ut the mot
ethelae pr.. 401 taa tirtm-a. .4 tide eaw....11 Is Leutid trk
•Ilrerta uKo
4.1...131•UM`T14. '
PrObably no or, bet te.ert ve bleb
cured •P et,. .1)d )oh /s o 'lke., is tbLe Eor•
hemw cli ion Brach, 1;t ";;;r1 Ito to se the Cherry
ecn-r.l tie irlud .0,1 ormt.rt.
A.Tot 'Curt eq. 01. th o,lkt.
Coder Ayer, Love I fa" It duty and • to
Wh o •Imt moos enemy l'occceal h.. done for to
will, *ha Yak 1....10.0 months 'sled log Undo( tin doo•
Sofo,....7.Ortaaaa of Cosimnottansfmra, able. no Ali W.. 1
could grestme mare ha' much mciicf d'h• 'stead'
flon s ustil Ltr. Moroi% of city. •Inat• we Imo
We e
Mr girl:, rmumandal 6 teal ed- your toallcdoe,—
We. Woe his klolc..a so ...du yottrelill. for atel..• cos
coveted ftt-tn that 1.1. dime to not yet aflame( to she
;Vol to hs, but be Welton her cc ugh, sad calls halals
melt yunry, .sth rude:Ands 004 award.
Okl e tlil.o EIIILkY. of Bh.lbywilles not Ilssrealr till dem bar. trial dyer'.
"terry P.m yal I to mad* by vas el tL. teem meckr.l
chemist 6 In the wor .I, and Its r... 'mound us Leers,.
the blob COVIU uf Mettles cu
—fluis .Isd"or.
dyer's. Cathartic, Pills.
mil 6 stienr. el Chstatry stst-tag
• bate bee. taxed
rp,strastat La brolu, this bast, ranat taatta ,- t par
sob sh ssown wt.. 'shun ersiga sus fa Ls
Plumb 'hat iteval'itht. e;Sta•irtusa • t.l-11 ears.. fer
tba std,vasy ma-hew, d tuat tier •I.'
...our w tae ...dorm of .4 mw niy 16re safe
ad p'esuat aue, tu few oft', La. rum Their ets.
natl. would." ...ow.- !ha utivihea
bola. unwire tee ototrooti-o , cra. r,rite the
Mood, sad • :nu leeam Toe! mu. ' , at the tool humors
tral treed sod Grow dinecued, at'urista Cog yob a,
dtrocter. cue,. Into taut oetural wdroo, and Impart
healthy tope withere.. le toe w role cream. Not
only Co they core thewoiry day camp stir • of •ireMbodr.
tot sire fonnka.' sal eat:nth - v. Wages. that hue
Wiled the 1.7 of ',Oman aka. Kblis ta., rrodoe pow
rtfal eters they are at the Emu time, In 41mholebed
dous. ths urea: an 4 teet ;lam. that ea bemployed
Mr children. twin, • enuareeietad. th eir me Plum.. to
tsar; .t t bloc porky w gat... ato free from soy risk
of hunt,' Curer ha, Neu rude . wart wow n be...
wire toot not matetant.U l hy . men of scutd 'ablated poe
•Ition riudunt. as to orr. the aserlahm o' untruth.
'Joey calorot COtt mio an DriPeou. n lout their
.mar to entity to erase h'le r2:11:'=:1,1,1ga;
molt.. that my Prepararieur tantreboa immer-eeli to
the rWlataf toy of 111:11701134( .
Arent.balow mast 'lnquiet t • furobli STUN MY
arataioan Almanarreontalunw dimotPna fur Metro.
and oartillootes of their cur., or ths FM. log vomplainim
tkediesorie, tkimpla:nta, Abourastirn, Muter.
flouttnuo, Resierhe wrinifirfiom • fool etoodeett, P sue
rea, itoliseation., Morbid. Inaction of lb., iturela and Psir.
arising Phitaileney, Loa.? Appetit*, thear
nos andlNiten.s• Diu.. which Moire ao w•
klarilotnu norafals or Sit.'S They W. by port [f
log tha blood sod etimulati the lust.. mow moo
oorajteint• 1.1. it wruht net be aormwed Char MOW
toot{ Mutt e l a . tatouw, Partial it s nen. Nal:meth sod
NM.. ity, Pruangements of the Liver and NA
re Ma Gout, and other'' , lade. complaints attain; from s
Wert:ate of the bodfOr °intro.. of I ra function',
D 3 not be pat on by utuirlealpied dealers with Rama
ray roues mare profit on, Art for SY aWa Pr .%
and take nothing el., No other tbsy a. dies you arm.
mr. with this to its lotrloalo 'aloe or mu - stirs puha..
rick weal 411 brat int that. is for them. and ear
eh old havnit. '
' • •
Prepared by Dr.-J. C. AYER, Prictical
kind Analytical Cheiniat,
Lowell, Maas.
byl 141 . 37
Phltbury.b. sad by all Del:meets amd , Bleditics Dealer.
miattAyditel—am _
New Treatment,
Confidential Medical ,Advice
.AL—sesblubm lop the our. of Seminal Winks.**
oft 4 the Scrat la.r.ntlee of Youth and Maturity, by Dr`
Atifth • 50:J015/alb N. Y. Clare. Dunn of Melo and
ttossy else, aorta..
•dit Instrument for lb. career Aocital 1011.1117.0? Nor,
[areal Cr more rraperly known ae est:dust
Weeltneer. de. an be perathently cored In from Intern
to twenty days, by the are of thle tostrumont..whas
mud et) , folstty with median-e.
Y1517.1'0 /JCR t I X PARTICI. , LAR Nt,TICE.
Dr. Atm I to. sr, the only Minimum. the Witte
who are maralereof the Any al Mlle,' of
t on-
C., graduates al ooe of the wet eminent tithe,' the'
United ander, mo o tes In announcing that they,
10•401.<1 Impettant Instrument for the tore.
lf the thou:diseases. It nu been cOsoctecl o coot by
he mostemineut plareinthe la Loodou. Yale. rtill•Clni•
ells and New bulb It' has burn declared to
be the only
Awful hunt:mat. ever let du...erect 5. the more of
'two:dual Weathers, cr thy dluate of the genttakorgths.
canted by the red/. te habits of youth. •
Dr. Aloe it bog. In order to uttsfy the most nuptial
an to the merits of then instruments. timbre theatuelres
that In soy torten.e when they may pro.. unratlefaatoe
ty alter fan trial the money will be tecuadol br return•
log the Instrument In goo! order.
Persons Ended the aborts .thelut Instrument wit. ob.
MITTO that the.. pulse, with the scoompantlng dlrerttarte,
securely Turkel and not try s p rees. nllll.
For at priest* cotortalate,:sl.otc. yule:aro., seminal
aulanes,. oata.lotne loins, mentions of lb. kidallo4 of ate heed, throat. noes and alto, sod ell these
finosclfai affenbuto srleing than • reared LAM& of youth,
+Firth proda.-d othetitutlonn &Olin). ender. raurlartt
Innorrible.and In the end destroys both body end mtbd.
Youths In sr y tut of the world mar be eureeoetuDY
trained by fr marling •correet derail of Mete *rte. if Ittl
• rocattAncen lop Medians,. Ac.
irota!rt Ircut Pals!, Sgt.
N. D.-Mauled tattler mutt not uth teem If they ere
to often. eituatrtny.
Adis...a Dr. &NUM A PON, oorner Math arLA Qua ale.
Roast.. N. u
Y. mrl7 dethutetig
I! pp Of.PfOROBIIIEN can bo conouttm at I,r,
SMITIVS,rar Fifth snd Eitaltbarldo6 4 . NON
A WEDNEt3 AYR end BApIIWAIS. tnm / 0 t.
dlta3. • - -
Sirlterldenee pi to. Orownas~lle Burl.
WALNUTBALL RE sraußetr,_
SICK o (10.,
Mas.nio Halt, PIRA Street,
CO , the DEC Onoll3 OY THE DEABODL •
cur MI no at • anottest notl D 0 o` It %,.)
In tne =arcing ln o'clock at 0 1 000.
Intelnete me. and other. wlll dk well Mull to and et.
%aloe our 3111 Moos at any Marto talc their apron..
littelmr arm . gum ot• made (armoire 011010 E ANTI.
tILEB in our li., from Baltimore. FUllwlelrbloaand Dort
foll. o rie w e r azg to froth tripail urr
Ti lIIT, batik lIIIRRINO,
and Dom the eat all the varlet'. of FRAME omit,
eocti se
Yltmt 111 . OBEN& REED BIRDS. to
anion we can • 0 (=Mph to I avallda or Mbar. at'wholc..
aaie or tend, tiller at corner timid and Nutt etc., or at
Walnut tall, fth mact
o llayd
, 11fiiyer it stout,
• Wad* Workora Ft Wood Carrarn,
222 „Penn at., near /twin,
of all kinds; also Ornaments to
Insid Weed g a d ou aril Marble. dte. for Its.rar et.
Deli e et.
enssyllaserlttlee lrld style tarnished at the
Plater o
Stmt.?, tintl•,
rrlttE attentibnCarriego Makers Sad-
ErA'air& sod Degas lidlnotsk to tbe force dock or
toolad fri! D's Tops awl 'r g,
Dklttlost in .Aplict, Dad
.tea ' ltertkPAP. Dr
Stash , st.,llet.orD Platarp's
incl3Artai • Dittmharatt,
1011 AB.l', W 11111 E
1000 Ifomiler anti litigrandglei
• - .1003 (*du Grove and tkial Ridge;
20 tibia ity. flour
' 10 do
llsag iAitiratiritiriit h el gst ttrdel.
oj!. ALL exaterßeat - at
th• tatter pf Penn put at. CD& .tr.. there pa bee
ttoritttrOTOttettl 111 promo. DON Of It4O.IOAID
.oju,,uum uppput, N tttuu no bit a t itsWgilloutta.
uumrtuPutitatC.l7l SUI 11 abate putulacout of
Deans OW": al Wad* likki,2l6ll{l,o l'obsecoWt
tAt taste. •
1857. it,4r. LINE 11131017?.. 1E57.
Sr. Louis, Alton, and Chicago Railroad,
CA0:11171:0 TIM GREAT
Paonie to the 80.16 a'Ed Smth Wait Einar ty miles
inter thaa any other Route.
Tram. !wawa the !.140IIIGAN zovrastts mllolllo*.
& RUCK 131.0110 it 11. Vilna: lan Bann and dher.
man Btra.w.
61. L o u., Day Rama. 11 7-3 t 1 (ian ‘ day av•
cepted)-07lwa at L'as: Bt. Laval w a, I 30 P.
420aPlAP-17RrgwhaItl E e s .
LociaMl2 d
e y(Sauas
ywas szarz EAT: wr. LGmL
Day Exp.% 913 0. At.. daily (dunday excaatwo ar.
rl7e sit:Wow at 9 45 P. IL
I Night Expresmi&. IL. daily (Sundays eweertal) arriva
stable:as - oat 7 414. m.
From Obitgo to S. Lotus, 13 Hours.
AT JOLTY:T-I.lth astook lalani Kal•toidfir OttOwa.
1.. Valle. neck 'eland and Central low*
AT IL O° illinslaVentral far
Pllatoo. Wayntewliw. awl Recall:Maud with Etaresier
Peoria,at /earl+ J nurvon with Peoria...and nonswka
PM Walnut On., Pratt. PrIEIO, 141.0 o
field. Etratrocl. KaoxeDlo. Cattelmegb. monmoom wad
1:hrlla 4,0.
ATSPRINriFIELD—bith Great IV extern RaltrOad for
JaeVereel Nap es Arad Illin 111 re,
AI ALTOS—with !: ally Linen! Vaeteta fordlanull 4l .
Qnlary 1.14 Heetwit. thl wwwo env-11lb. and ridable
~..• to all t.rtione 01 North Eastern Hisecuri.
. AT FT. I:Mir—with Day gnat OW et , .1...b.t. r 4 T
Noe Orleans, and Intermediate Points nn the Lo•er Mks
leelyph and a ith ileaotar tines or reckete 1 , a
at, Joeeph, and ell 1•0.(.1 on Lae Atiesourh Tennant,
Comtetiend and Artiness Rivers.
passengere destined for gloomlnuton. Entine... l, k Me .
eater, Jaatanorilte, Naples win .11 palate. on tna allude•
e , rlr blit.ottri, 11.0 w, Cumberland and Tannage. sir. '
pee, he tatting the above roamwill he etre el making
sunnestions, and arriving 111 Et. Louis on anviutined Inca
avoiding the renstlone delays eV, demaido/. route
r e
Ida gamin and Illinois Elm., esslng Occute lone hott. ,
tlm... bale.- Mktg
1 0 t o =II sees dietant to hinotnince
ton. fifty eighth,/ to Eptin Id. eseventy tree to Bt.Lostie.
and interning* 10 Earls th n hi soy Mt.. root..
Through tickets Can ha Presume at all the Eastern
Itaiircad linear; at inn Ocntpany's odic, aDearborn at.
opposite the 'Dumont IhnlTe. sad at The Michigan wet n•
coat Sad Rock Island Dolga: c suer of Vaallortu end Stier
1.13 5 , 2001 t,
Reepoeeibte Bagmgo Mon vitt beat the Deuo4 of the
various roode coming Inoo Cho City, to obsclt. liggggso
through to our point glesiml on the Une.
E. U 060ERICI1. Geoorgl PWougor Anna.
9'llE PASSIINUER NS of this how!
. cw
! rata d4.rtlr to and Coin relent ht. he...time
eglaeny. and else. lard. SI herilog end Belleae,GGAsis
Menge VEITY,S Or tiorirtre.
Two Pall: Tralns to Wheeling ..d •
Twb Duly Trains so Chivriano
. loon Dally Trains fro Cleveland to -
The 010 established entlthoet reliable route to Chicago
.4 the Northwest !eels Cleveland.
The trams toner Allegheny Depot 9.44 r. to. and 3 p. Gt.
Attlee in Cleveltuil 4 52p. tn., and OA p. m.
1 , 0 Wheeling 3.557 rt. and 7.40 t 4 01.
paashngere los Olsvaland, Toledo, elaistgo.and other
roclnts to tn. Northwest irm Cite -Mend. if they Isiah to go
. t.ward without delay. ronet t h etistr CAA,' eta Itool,re.•
ter.. there la oo eertenty of I Menorah, rt. Irsyne
and Chieu-o trains connectlog at Alliance with the trains
ior Cierrland—the Cleveland train dee% not wait far the
ordeal of the other train Li that polut-
Pestenoers for Wellevil e. titsotenvLle, Wheeling and
other inlets on the fist, Line by these trains go through
without detention granny LOOM In adv.. of the !team
boats ors the river.
Baggage checked through t healing. Cleveland.
Chimer , shd other nolats on the 1 :0 ..
paemetgen for le.. Plitlefslobla and Stations on the
Tete.. se Prartth most tete the 9,65 A. 51. Trtin from
Allegheny City
are told to Cleveland. Plandnekr. Triode,
go. s.lllwaukia. to. Louts. Quincy, Bortingthn.
lowa City. Monteith, Ceia. Lseall
port. Brie 'hashish. bleM7ll Falls and Brlato.
an IWar M . Slone on the mad.
Prottesmas dearth:id to go to Cierelandor to Toledo.
Chicago and ether rdnie in the northers,: will be rare So
ask for their tickets era trethlowl. orterwlys Cloy will be
sent by ether rosin.
to all luinte ere s , id IA the 11.kst °elm la
llsibant WY.
Pas nbirers tin net soy Iniorsatica CM /111131 i this
Ilea at. fnca f the tiomp.n3. 131 . cn - rgabela nom,'
Ltburgh. J.-01.;asif—ttalo J. A_ Act.. Pittatuor.h.
FcnnBylYafl Eaftroal
gi fF i ßlNtl .ARRANQBALENT.
On and after MQuan.y, February 4,..?ed..
MITE MAIL, TRAIN :eases the Passenger
D rtstl n :loin'', except bonder. at? ebooh.
Tilt FLIT LINE I:nese Plottbnnin. okh . Pt buds/, at
3 P. NI
Tilt , EXPIIS2b T 11.11:: lessee Piston:crab Ain
Philadelmhls 9.d0
The t balsas burronsnlation train leaves Pittakendh
As 7, except ncpda A. st 3-33 o'clock. P. 31 o.topplnct et
el. station.. and vunnlcor 00 far as Tedious. Too First
ichohndellon Oral, 0.0 Creek grids,, hard dell , , Emdar sr it, A li. The:4,ol3i A,Z=ITIMILLIOU
Lou,i t e e .earse roll/. 120 Th. Third Arnonact. , Train for Turls Creek kerns
dilly, extent nd• y. of et'o P. IL
Thbebove line. connen. et Plroburgh etch
medsto andfront Lon!r, Mo. Altan, Uslen.s sad Chi..
GGa 111. rrsokher.,lastb.. - tna dLotricellie, T.,
lion MsdLsoc., Learetto and Indlarapollo, hod.;Cincla
ceU, Darter..., v,rtzialiell.llelkontstne, estelu !k7 Tel .la
Clevslend.. rbrlcrobbv, Zanesville. Pledvalob and Wcerter.
Ohio:Wets with Mertens Pliant Poole horn and to Nee
Onkasrve, re. LOCIs. I.CTISVILLZ ebd(h.dcavesn.
Through Tiohcts can be hod to or Ire= either of the
Foeturtbor rertien, !dre. en. Mond-Mlle st the . nt
paints. Pittenger, rrotn the West witl find Mlle
the eberteurt and inert exp./Woos mate Co Philv. - olphl•
Bedtl.w.ore,lNne York, or Boston.
Tllil. 0100)115 In :t. 1C.41011 Itrl. I h3l.ret;al..
Art - led
rittsburgh and , ville f 'Road.
9111.6'1 , 1t , sbu.rgb an a ConniZ;illo
row la now enact far the traoahrtratiot, or rasa..•
ten and feeler: to And iron Pittsburgh and Oorutteli B .
etnaneetinstwith the genus. at
Arrangement. hare*, Wm made with the Penh.
Cratedl intiread. by which throciatt freight to Philedel
phis sat ll.ittnat. vin.t,
i - rr= " th°
far ratio tenni.
irMitien co Tkant—irhere will be two dell. train; lir.
Isprete Ponerw. Tralhw.ll lean. Contiellrehle at 520
V's taTaTZt
a t. eat Pittaturge • CLIO tr&P3 was
elan cimo en at Winton'. entroa Mid'? Praia:Whigs
gall Trani knot Coed .4 ill A. ti
Toe:to . ..grunter aranwoodation to the traveling trabge
a Pawing-or. tat will =Aden with the Freight Train
leaving Ciain-Ihnilla at o'clock, A. M., pasties •Inyton
Wagon at 90tA. II and iikintwet
at Armitinne
dation. Penns. halms raViting at riltobtaatie..l.2.6o
ReTcnann.--Pusencara sjll terra the Ponta, Ilac .1
Depot. by Britton arala.m:4ation Train ar.4.10
ttnlva at L47to2lStation atkft 13, P. IL. and. Conne.leville
ar.7..30. P. 11.
Pramla to and from Pittablush end 'Winne nu the
Pl tobargt and ernnellevilla 11.11 read. mid be randred
and o•ltrared at ttar cute; depot of Ina Penna. Railroad
Thrup.rtalion C, kl. e. d R. B. Co.. 1
.T.nnduritte, /an. It. ISO. 1
P. 8-112 s,i.v clays art.ngamenta aid 1. I.lade to Al
.brough tartan , to Plnilvlelphis ilarrisbar,b and Bait!.
• Scomantandant.
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne aua Chicago
;.‘ , . 1 51 Q
Passenger Trains will run daily, except
susasis, u fellow= Isere Pittsburgh for Greetiln at
9 A. U. and 3 P. U. These trains will masa clwe
conaestkare as Umtata. Cain roe Gelinabue
Dayton, _ Gititinnini. Bede ne. Indianapolis Tame
Haute. Boothe, and all late op roads Indianapo lis
West end booth tweet throng Ohio. Indium Illinois and
Item may, corneedso at FiltVW/Irpe with Late lithe. Wa Bt.f.urde, lialirmi for Ingen•pert. later este
Du:mills, Decatur, Eprins,bdld. blwatingten. Alton and
Bt. Lonle,
These trains ooroesiot at Idenstahl trith Train. on the
Manatedd,nandusir,and Newer*. read. me Eendneltr Git 7
and Toledoaltufor Alt Tanen, Newark and Wm:angle..
Oonneettone era modest Alllanes for Glateland. Dd."
kirk and Utiffelo. '
Tridos east Zoom .Chteago Inaba clue cconectlone
*lin trete. on the Pstousybranta Genital tined for
larriebtirgh. Philadelphia, Baithurree Pew Toll , And
Thronsth mimes:o add to Celnesbas, Dorton. Cleoln
MM. Lunierille.' ht. Loins, laddanwils. Delleibistaine
Mileage, Hoeg Wand. lotra Mtn Danilettu Billwantle,
0.100. Springfield, (Minolta Deter= Bloomlngtris. Pea
rls. La belle.
and, Darlington. 1 terre.l aifes Prtt
Way , tneveland. Toledo. Dun Uric. Buffalo and all the
prinelpel cities in the West. '
Through Tidbits over toll Itoe may be had at en of
the ales places Ibr Pittlborgb, Phliadelptda, Diatom.
and New Tort.
leaves Newilrighton ole ?Main:Lush at I a. le.. and 12.45
P a.; returning leaves. Pittsburgh at 9M a, a. and 6
, For tt , tets and father . infbrznetion apply to 5:. T.
i JOUNSTON. Agent, etthe Great
1 dlretly on the mener at the Plupo4SpLelin IlcupP. Pitts•
burgh. or to 0009.06 Pa RECI. , / geserer street station.
Allege... , OM rt F. PATRICE. N 0.50 Dearborn Wen,
oppadte Tree:dint Hones, (thitago, or to the A avnts at the
heathen on the line. - J. 11. gIOOKA.9u
JOIIN ISPILY. Peeasoger A guits.
• lel Gen. Wan Agent. Chided%
rennzylviuna Fagroce4l.
b 9 :2:er g th in:
Fluthaastar. &Abu. by • couthauousi Railway dlract.
This road cunnegu Pittebergh dab daily H. el
Stemma to t al ports od ;ha Warw. fillers, and at that.
laud and Banduaky Itl Stew - ,u to all Parts the
Northwestern Let er, mating the - nest direc2...- , 7.t..4
rahkable rade by ahSob cash!. foriardelt o and
Item Oa drOW L. -
HAM RAVI LYlfllll.L4l+dil'HlA OPM - PEZ:B0 11
Nita CLAM—Balta. Ebner, lints. a7dl.
ca. Pook.,:Dry "leCit FacritcP , ..
and ;rutile,) Druit(in baser) a tales)
nicZiran..-ii.;;;:ii; - ;;;;74;;
Phial rie and ing (in original te,s),
rig att .' ra . PElde p
Eartgarea-... .. , .
TtilitD CLAPd.—Anrus., tesel:Cheine .. (ll:o,
limp,Meets and Port. ...lied
1•: coot Cigars. eut,) Ad.
lt/ORTII (HA Leh. Sae. Bee
and Pork cuts or beg,. eartgard.)
Ur and Lardloll.Nalle, eadat et. Nee.
mad Clay Tar..titch. Ratan. de,
nt—t tar bbi tanner metre.
ORA IN— par I cotsd. gaigli Ihrther hide..
c further engoN—
c alm. 1.2 roar hale not exceeding 000 its welaat,
*Nan elairghle cords from ADZ point [sit of Philadol.
EPlt.ndt. r¢ ' t .r Tif i Xo ar - ' Mr.& trtr
Itos2l at I.blind.;pniso,. Plttsbttritb, WILL
without detention.
/moue asse.-O.S. Era.. 53 llilby Doeten; iu
Clotk, No. 2 /um, Doom taut WiLltant
nod Joon SlrDon+l , l, No Battery . Near York;
Pierce Co._ Za gurgle, Oslo; Irvin ' 07.., and Soria*
M.l A ilecar, Cideausti, Mei P.. 51.11.t0n.
Inlownil Bell sad carter d Jewett, laulea
Villa, ir.; P. (1. Wille . , Ca.lleueslle, lad ; data.
Mt. Loos, no: Harris, Wormier & Memphis, Ten.:
tdeeh Chicago. laid. P. OW.; Port way... /1. 41
J.Sr.eadar, PLlta; .i.h.T.eaat hams, -11alguicra 14 A.
Steuart. Pittsburgh. " •
H. .000M , Pi.4'.s . nrrol Freir.7.4o4nt, ,
J eta -feels
Galena and ChimltdiNe, Union Gal,lroti .1
From UnealtAl. DEPOT, eget gelAllllBlSEST,connait•
Ina 4ADD 5151110 oiganeers for Pa, Penland tau Upper
TULTON AND AIWA LINZ—Tea Ligon, Fa llon and
Centel Imes. Pa...engem for lona, Nebel:As and Itan•
gas. ..11 Nand this el. mega expadlcloni roues, It Wag an
Abs Ida* In tin AlLe4l4.lred, and abet tar byltdes
than any.utbez rental. Vog et Fulton with Ilia Greet
lona Nowa Go, ter an plats In lowa and the 11rnet,.
liELOlt and Id tklilf4/11i 'IN E—ger 4a:edging,
aladiem and Central Viltelonelno •
BAYNE. VALLIA -LINE.-For Ola7a.allsko; 3lea
new" , Idenencad. and Manta North; •
Two Isla. dot Iv. vandals texeoud, alio/the annee
Donate making th 44 eons...glow , with the leattern Road..
and with packets= tOs klledgelnld. north sod-wad,
P. A II AIL. Sam. (Inc*Apd)
O umber cud Oue
v v te. No.lo jratallt sine; mar Übsp.r, COO VS
Mon. loral door to ALL Parktuarill..o, ord7oS
Ja ltu larard n E SPfir Iti olMoi
4:goudn. n m o. aa
ime.. ..
RAIEB T . e or pISCOI77II: a _
N. HOLISES /r. SONS, Brokers.
00. V ltarleet N. betimes l'Afrd mid Fool-Ver. reheGssi
PRNNSELYANIA. ranoh at Wonaten....... la .
Bank. of Pittsburel..--Oar Branchat Eon 15............ fit
lebaskre Bank of do-• Yaw Branch sf , Erin vottoon- d a •
lien, and Al•ant's of do-Dar City Itu" Otarlannati-. in
Bank of .Cow=w;•aa...--EntiCaz.Erss4 UNk.ClrulteL. 110
Blechantee Bank- • , •-iParkiltonlakt Bank -.......... do
Bark of North Lararlotayetto -8ank...,...‘,.... do
11ank of llortWn Cehßylliilnr. do
Rank of Pau= „ Waptern Referee Back.. do
Bonk of Peon TannaWalft-Par.Snaill Net.— -hi
Conunorciat Bank of Ers.:-par NW - E.vola - ND,
Farsocre &Mr • , GY.Bk...nor 1.1 octant 8anka......•... NI
Girard • 8ank....... , .........-drar . . NEW 'IMES. .
Kensington Bank.--..--surlNoar York C1ty....-......EW
fdaanfao. d Mach. Bant--par a ~, h ,_,.......,„.......... s
r j
tdooltanlca' 8ank........-.-Tar - ‘lll -y lrailib. •
ktoyameastrat inky -•• 8aNtme5a.:....•••••.........ra
Phaeletobta Bank.••••••••••••••Por Cbccolarr-...-,.........-„„A
Boottmark 8ank.......---Par N..131t35X a DYLAWARL
Eradmaccan'sßank.:........... ATlnatanot 8ank5........... hi
Westernßank-,.........,par, VIBGLNIL.
Hawk ofOGnsaborabargh-, Vrank of tho Vasty..._.. 14 ...
Baulk ofCbsartar ConotY7lßank ofV B -eth.wo
Bankof DuartY10—,.........var Ity,:' , Bank a. •Norfolk
Bank of Dot Co.,Clitcater».nor Fleatandr Lk of Etakols.
Bank off G annantown. .B. tiatehants'E3l o. ___,_ ,, .
Ettnk. Gattraktrtugh...... rg Booth w•ateu 0 3 0 3 --
Bank of Leolotoun..-.-- - 1kranc1w0.......-..-..hi
Hook 0f ,, 1 331 "a0un-. • .ai NflaTil OAROLINA.
Idß:saw:inert Co. han k.... -Dar &mit ol Caro Fear..--
Bank. or Norlhoralachand-rar Bank of St one. Carotft
Ognirdala Bk V BridcoGo-Gas Con. Elha e Witmlngtion.. 1
Borlostown Bank-- . .......Dar kLerchnoWßk,lfooluam . V
Esst , n 8ank........-.;-•yar BOLIIII- GAVOLRfAr - -
Lao 8ank........'..........}6 MtofthoStoffiesiodna
karnama' Bk of Backs Co...par Bank of Booth Ogeo ll on.. . ~1 .
If =ere' Bk of Lantana r-Rar Bank of Charkehm-... ..l.'
fame& Bank of 11.41na. nutters'& llschan'if Mk
W. Bk o . Caw . GEORGIA. • . ',,,,
tor.* Dom Waroeatoda.v, Autumn., a. =lax
F.,,,8, Ilk Washiog.% [tank of Asotasts.---
Earriah=t Bank- '54 . DI of Bruntroick. AO.;
Elentedsloßant....... 1 EZENESSEIL
I,,aciatne Bank-......---Par Alloolrant 8ank5_....... a
Lancaster Coaroty Dank-idi _ 1 NENTOCIty„
Lebanon 8ank.......--....:15k of Rontucky.Loalsfa la
alnare Bank of Sottavilittuat Mt of leralera,Threadon do
Nonon cabala Bank.. ...,.... Northaroßkofltantocky do
Watt Branch Bardr........RataintlarrnßkafEtantacky do
Wyoming Bk,'Wllkeobarrono. 1 • 4 N C. '
York Bank..-............ - ii State Bak. A elm
n'44.3°t‘irrafer---." - oritts s t• ° 611....21.- 1".... ft
d,s la
Ohio • BUG* f1ank............ S . WISCONSIN.: -
Branch at Akroo.-••••• ••••• do Miens A Erna Co..ohka a
Branch at Athaus .-. do .
Branch at Brldaroyert:..... l' •anowlf Ileobarda'Buak 3
ar....t , at Chlllkaitho-••• do rfo 3 / 13 .thit 311A14--,.. r ID
Branch atCavoland-...... do Immo. OGrarattY- , -
Branch at • TaGedo-......- do Mato Bank-......-......-
Branch at Dayton ............ do CANADA. • •
Branch at Dohnuro--- do Bk of N. Atonsios,Toronto 3
' Branch at Cehoabos ...... do Bk of the PeoiGNEwOoto 3
Branch at AA:dab:Gs ..... do Bank of klontraal-...-.. 3
araaoh atSalato:..... „;...... do B Mord. Toronto 3
Branch at fdsoo-aw -. dm EA ST ER N EXONANGE.
Branch at. Ripley -...•...—. do On Nov Yak....-..-.. %
BranGlo at Clntionatt-- do On Madelphla---.. do
- Branch at Washington-.. do On Balttmore-... ....... do
Branch at eadla do. Wtarliddli EXCIIVON.
Branch at Landastar-....... 60%ftein1natt................ ..
Brands at Btoubsovilbo... , d01L00dartr.0............... -
Branch at Mt. Vernon--, do 84 Lardo-.-.--
Broach at Nr0urk..........- do GOLD AND BPECIE tAI GIL
Broach at 80dna..e1d........ do DaraddOCOnagenoah...f.W o
Ih - sneh at alarletto•-•-••• do do ratriot-.....16,63
Branch at Troy -----.. do Etatha.OLL•••••••••••••••••-•-1 „.„ 0 • 30
ttranah at'Att. Slnaaant..... do ri11.....-•••••••*" ... A .
Branch at 7anGer111......- to Itroderickeors...--....: 7.3
Branch at Ncroalt--.... do Eau Tha10t0.........-..:... 7.5
Brand, at rtGua.......-..... doArdnesa. • ••• kg
Broach at Poemoodb-- dolga...Ague
Branch at ralon-...........-. dOrrall 0u11den.......i........; 1,9
Branch at .lasenna--.. do 11•141.................... 2.3
B 1 ac s. at Cuyahoga ..- d0ahaata,.........: , ... it
--5... Ef0tgi1k0...«..... do - . -._ , 6
Dr. C. M. JACKSON; -Phila., Pa.
Will alltetuatlr care • -
Glar 4 or!eq..= .oiMatta&K.adrail, sse
isli etraiso
or ir cr. a
this. Inward Nee.
Volutes of Illsalt to the
Heed, Acidity cf thetdciacti.
treusint. licistburri.Dthrust bar fwd. '
Fulness or %restate the Etoroach. Sour
Ihruttatlece,l3lalr.leur ot Mathias at U. At -
of the etelaseh Beie , e , ng.or the Bead. liarrisil
and Militias Breathing, Yilittering at the aorta
Chmakiag m
disarms or iiilidos. ti lAg of web, oeftteVeVr mn
end Dull Pain ln the Used . Deficient: of ,
ation. YeUogrusis of the Sala anal 'gym ' - •
-a- Pain la the dide,Bect, Oiltard,Ligiba.
Co.. liiudire. Flurries of mat,
Burning to the Flash.
result. r
The prowler :1n cation the - attention or the mibUite
meoi nrmaratkot. noes eo with • feeling of the eitaime com
nakcce in Its Manes and sdapt•Uon he the dinsees c
which It la
it la D. Zeir Old natrisd' article but mu Met hes Rad
the teat of •tesi Teem' trial helms the American =ted .
and It. retatatton see le onsivelled by any
prepanatham extant. testimony in its hirer given by
the moat' rominentand mill Ithown phial:lsm sad h.
dlyainals all parte of the obructry L t ot c. mat •
parent' parietal cf the Altomma Pub/Mi •=allll7
the proprietor. and to to had ;yetis of of hie Aitilatt.
cahoot but atisfy the moan skeptloM that this rainedy is
really domming the great celebrity It boa obtained,
PrincioM Odloe end blannfactory. Ito 90 Arch et. Pbll.
Pennsylvtinis Testimony- •
Calikate cT liaaward. Zsd.„ the oral known traidLer
fcr Durecrronm iron Wake. /bew CE J.
.Ijuo=dow, dan..1.1.1846.
Dr. C. M. Jarason-D".r Elr-"I woo for bre MT. es
.rltb Chronic Intiore Avereme.
yes attended by sertralet the bud 11A CONaril•
but all of no aeon. I also used micros remedloft but
could CoA nett:duo to benett me Intl I was lodtmod so '
lad yoat.Oarrion DIV.% cud. after tan:a SSW WWI" 01
obkb leser.itrdy coed. and ere now au Olin t4ol but
C.t haat." .
More ejecta of -the German Betters •in Dyeixintia
• - • -
and Liver Complfii
ct , 'sfien;:F . 0451n7./.BiZa°')ft
witinT=l:. iltt=tttinsriatkTire fa.
.rar mom nooks net my info been =lox roar Oar
van !Aunt with aha pi ed.t. She hu bens affiktad
awn ar for ram witir tilstme of tha 'Leer and Drinerdse and until an osalatesead the Sittara
=Wan had riven her Innett rend Bar health
rapidly inrrarinr. Saran's gaol, and. ens have *rot raw.
nes to Leila re eh a vill:he pertrenr
U the Inn wentawle she has ever need?*rennet. - Shansi- It
J. la. Humana, Daylorebsero,tuna 213,4bahea,—
.1 . .1y wM pea been aglmted with • oerroue daidllty slum
Papua:ll,3r. 1151. duel, c Watt Cum I am been unable to
fad say c.byaklen or inetfudue that vould tenth ha to
the Ir.; outflow, day I. calledat ISt atm* of Dr./Is:Tay,
helms town. tor some thmture ot
mud deecribed to
tbe alnlettous of Any en* lte then banded toe a lot
of pet... to real, amens. I Mont one dearribloa
your Orman Bittern 1 tomoadlazely prom:red few bob.
Cos frmu 'nut, wad as pleased to state that toe towof the
Bitt•rahos bone her more good than all the lnedloloo she
bee h•.reto.fore Latta 1 Leh you to mod toe • but domai
;Liver Complaint.- -,--
3 P. De.etiosbura. sem—
"With tatmb Dtearose I Motif/ to the virtue of your (hr.
walk Mum. tantalum Morel woe meanly affileted with
a dterare of the.l.lter , for width I wed =dolts remedlre.
butay•th no beneficial Enid. =till wee Indured au try
your Blttere.l,lll.7.b 1 as new harpy to state harem:Ural,
cured e."
• Therare entirely regetable.frat tram at *kebab stbn
Wants. and pleasant to theta sad rouill. Price U. mute
per bottle.
!Sold by Dr:mutate and Storekerpre
_tummy tovn and - i
Allege In the Dotted btatevand
Lod by 1 , 1;.M11.1c.1 0 IDIIII. sad Dr. GllO., 81111fftll
rltutmtab, •ultasda-rft
CMIEnnLY , By AR :IR wonss,
No. 838 Liberty &rut, Woo Wayne.
%V ISHES respectfully to inform his friends
T V and t h e grplUln genera. that he hea leased the
atone premLace, fir the manufacture an& •le of nary
variety of MAME W&JR snob fa
Monuments. Timis. and 13, - ns Zona.
every meaty and for= -
ItAhro u kzess.
Centre Table, Pier,,,Bereau and
Which be Is tin e . tan air ay other Notagehmen
West of ea, ilou His at wt is ar.thay czar, an
has been bactol by bimorlLodopearaly Mr thls mortar '
Lb le aim pectoral to bald gala Vaults. Endue Bar
Lots, with /amble or Stone. and to aerate my other e o
In babas. lb nay cattle /Demands. adadang Pittsburg
Ozdattb, mall attended to with diepsith.- -
nom T lainnan. own Ualsrayt
eon. Wm Witting, J no Chlgrat. ,
John n attabolger. PAL W L EtlngsralL .
Chu Brener, gem J n
WYon, Car
P Dam Peat, .
gen A lt Wats, .
n. brio. ranb;bas with all ands of Teragn and Dm
mane Marble either eadabod or in the maim. at wham ,
ems, peplos.
lie has also rade arrangements with the toannhular
Ere ^•tbe ben brandy, Tor a content =Par of /1742111 1 1
Casa, Water and Loolselga nem, and Punta Paz%
both no head and aurra Work. sit of width he Is aura
rat to tartish at short attn.,. sohlinilhrlasMall
Many Years of Suffering!
Carter's Spanish
, •
Alterative Eve r ; yet Discovered!
Phnfarant prnarthe it, and nay. one toim 'will 4
ritakmaada. N r seise nervet offer.
"" g w =nty en,io :Urn tme 08 ." h.
It will Cure any case of Scrofala.
It will Care any case of Rheumatism.
It will Care any case of Salt Rheum,
It will Cure any case of Nturcdgia. -
It will Cure any cane of Fever and -Agee,
Or .7 Dier...1.4 itOtll as Imparestats of MB 1110041.
It mond the nlere fromthe' Mit. dohn Meer
.the member of =sum, Then* of Scroful, after. e
Ali rt the beat Myth:Asa& bother New tear sad Phth•
delphls had been tried In eel= milt erlll care yon.irearl..
er. u roll roe re affected. -
Rmunezna READER!
It eviettri. BurrLtt, Bet..of Cloannati. et Miamians=
oil years al...tinge after all otbar remedies had Wed:
lien hundrala of math tertlfleatat WI en the agent
am get • Doak and Clandar. ao4 read fa.
ay remaikahlt sad aatardothia cam It haa taut,
To Wombat Th. hatcher • tlua to to that ht bad two
of the most were and long standing tans eta disease
that =old yield to nap, of lanai remedial. hot ha
Outer, raee alto At, and the Other wlUt Ditatbtalea
'lipaniso tams*, We hare knolm It wed to
one a Montana cam, and baro3et to taw of a /alum
In any tut.
P.... ore ItatA
AOl.l a AHD PITED.—Do oat tats Qoirdor, Shantz cr
oar ouch aorlono Da tin. bar trr A a
Z core ds vat W
att. sad Portgar of tta Blood; Cotton Elmoi•D Anstor•
ullt run our and every ewe of scree' olr., -Inn,
Davy co roc rot koc.-or, it to foll. . -
And Or all dlaesserarlang from an law= rtata ottbw •
Wood. no:maid:to to ewer yet been fount to ben SO
rood an odret. It 709 teapot. try it Si Caen do not do.
lay, Una ayeelour, and health e ‘ trL ., aratost. at all Ueda.
toga without radon all site Ivry!
WM. 8...138ERS 86 CO., Proprietor; • ;
ut...d.vh.e u u,
For !Oa by It. A. WAIINRITOCK t 00, and JOSUE( •
FLEIdIIIO. Parra:ars a. and DralrStrtl and Cloatarr /duo ,
ltaants in all MU of the Walled Mater and Paradia. -
N 43 libds, vase N. O.:EUar;
ENE Crtobed wad LOW
lib do N. Q. ltlotanaa. (oalccooproodao)
' 41 do Et. Jam.. ban Edgar Novae )4 ,4
'4l tetra Y.ll. and Matt-TEM
!„. .E.E.13, attd,Wat. 11.0rait la It Es Sabato%
Quote Mae N. a. Ilk,.
44 U* Hoar. sad Caadkra
10 dl Pawl Storm,. •
16 dram Painted BOttatal
Id do Modal:La Extra Bed be .
With an anal tate_EtEl
_tera o 4o.,&e.
nr do Er WU- 6 U I VESUEEE. E NUL
son betty att.
The College of St. Jaen, m a w and .
SELXINI.) mi of the present Att. _
T es ung auolca. speas YID. York . Nab Iteserstory,
seerand Catteglate mama of studs ors scorned.
atteloote }eta shouter class their essalastlooshows
shwa h sk.A, :Asa to eaten sad the Collage ebotale.
to, sena; from, the date of retrises, drove arreasor
auras ere mete. nahlabos. every tubas. Solent% saa
swank. netsiztotanOueg the toes of auto/ pay er are.
Wien came tst the =USD UMW Issas% orrerbea
oisinary espertee.S2so.
app hake. haistszsaatt: Sean tLe idadrston
arms assUst n r o kasas to the Basta, I=L
hem r.v.,