'11'17.-13tJttall GAZETTE D an - p VTIVIDILY rtillt,PlUS • • • - •, • . S. L 11; DIE: 6 i• GO•12 banns On nets unre.l4 Ssore rd00D. 7 . 0 sip ' • THRDIS: ms. s do nee ya sang= Ditylitde MAT triad . " w . lll - g - Lyrsto dOilare9C steams, in adlninee. e - intoned t. roirool.4 tonittio= , - , -c rer annum-- $3 03 Ten enieso • —.lO 01' gdr Adrenals - varsumte - aro 'etriatlY - rATllleal: and th , . paper tesWer'e;d yr.r.is opt. unieSaltis talarY.o4. ;e• 'ADVERTISINtit ' „j ai gasaMl (1011ned of ..Ytittleall or iota)" Do, • oat la on 0 03 • - Do - each -addition 093 De arm wept 1 76 Do two .Do three week. -----........ 000 00 Do . one /6 1:10 Do/two 7 00 per three rsonthe_____.... 900 Do , month. 10 03 1 3 . • twelve 10 00' yiding Pards;(6 lines or leas per annum) 0 Od it .6 dollar for eath additional lins.• "mare. changeable at pleasareaper ' num.) ..teliseive of notett—.---* . 1* each ad lltlonal el inserted over one montb.no ror erdsh adttinoualenuarelmorted ander tha•yearly rate! Adv.-ammonia azoeedlnlit &nine e, end not Our Mesh nu ATZ4Vrifotrla r s ° -!'lV.ls t gi L 4. ; iittenions beyond the • a trout charged for their.publlnition. know:man: candidates fainted-to h4ohatgedithe malt aa other oda, tllanneiste. ...', • . ddret. Iseovnta - net inertia on the copy fr a onetitled uum , ..,a., ineertiousv, will be .0533U-dila til l far Old„ and Dartnintexaetel stoordthey. • . • Ta privilege of. araisueltivertieeti is etrietly Malted to their wulignedi- tee buss us. arid all•adridtiseMents the benefit of other ais vrall• Le all advertisement not immediately connected with their own buelmga, sad alto's...es of advetisements . , in length at °Merv.% veal the encentategill he chirped et the usual rat.. )'.or all snob tr.-want advertisinst, bills will be . o•inred, and proolut payment la dminat 01 Ali advertieemeole for tharltable Wait - alone. oom w7 i toonaship. and other 'subtle meetings, and al omme.,l one and notice.; tr. be thiltited tr able atriot I in lames • Marriage.notlasede be charged DO - aeons.. • Death notioes ted wlthudt therm raises smOmta Died by faniral Invitations Or °hisser - T . aotinn'sAnd Lietsole so amompanied,to be paid fix. • - Itemllar itivertissna, and all others sending 1 0 thine, or requiring notices designed to call aetentiou io • rm., Fclreea tloncerte, Dutati enteletM o ..Y.' - where th ird", are made for adnittatme—all notices of ark. Tam sesocia;lons—erstry Isaias designed. to attention to private oritermiancaaloulated or intended to promote lateseet. cm only be inserted with the Wader. otamihin that 1.1. same Is to banal!! ite. be tim ;mai eolruma. the alma will tre obairg4 at the•rate of 10 cents an' line. Ashen et rIZ - • nett,' to be sharmsd triple odor. Tar-rd tal seen nest &sues. Agente and Anctiments' advertisements 06 to bee...L.4. Jaded rawly rater. but allowed a dlemmat o taaae and ,useltLnil per Om: from the onseurd • Vhl.3 . m oanz rollout. Ode Do. Ault. • I.llllocal in.rt.l.Gt a..D7.47 , 70(1Cril lft On• ripasn, tin I Izo.) one 1n•arti0n......-.50 mato: Do. es , th Deus! esatz. all tror_tior be salt in advame. NillOllCF.:i LANDS.—We will locate iuil.c.gia I'olRO:dim emus Std. SloilX OLtY d1222151a lowirt follOwlrtit inter. 6. ti . Writ" • A 63 Ando .111 itusranTee to the nurohnsor 1.4 null 0 thin from U. 'if.. but we will hod onrseltre to Mr him 25 prr cent ads`anso on Me Mrsstment in 12 =nibs from the Ism' of the potent. if to Is not satleeoi with the to cation m ode. teltoitorT Itt.MlhLY • Itl • To Capitalists aed 13 . peoolotors. $, T: are triaging preparations on the open . m e g the Lind °Meru ha Imes. Pisy oth) to este ode Ine hattlee atitlog totnvon—.ltbor with man. or or Ir..rucer—,ed alto by time eLtrION or 40 per eent. prior4r . l4. "Iteotoree Intror yer Plntlkg , ta the extres. ture4tment eavitelizts eta =Me.. Linda,indha tr....1rh.-4h51 tat 10 , s - rut olnsi.lerod worth doab l e the hr o ho 71 , 0 or them T4,,er Tor firm nal give their 11n• .11, 0.1 2.:trat4t... ttqi.ozalus.3 lands ~,h-0-nnreosool9. One ore. dna hubeen =stems of tr.:lr.:h. , the ant titIrtIMEI laws, the vest winter, and to for =siting I,:dia'oreseteer.tens. •- -• pr;o, we'd for Lind Warrants, • - We al .Lit OlpeSser , I nfaMiatlMlrto ►parotaivlstr Icc to Invert. A, 1.110.1101i.d 00 comer of Woo-I end Sixth street., Pittaborits. Or, HEREON BELOTTLEit MS= ffISSO LUTIO Co partnership hero !. ;Ara (ire :41;; I :ti " Artig el.b; VIII by motile 0111.11,- Tbo — buslness the Iste Ina be Wt.:ea up by John Irwin. JOIIN )USE.PII 0. DAVIS. "N. • —. I OTIOE—Tho pranufocture of Adaman- Moe estates wlll, bo earrlwl on, V. heretofor, at Ito Peon Pawite Pee!te‘er, or the .tteleralguel nodes. the louse SI. furl, of .101:1:i 'ELWIN as CO MI the busUseas of Ohs meow , .111 two tesnesoosi at the warehouse of John Irwin '.t. .9.3, 7. , 170. fa Water wrest. del+ JOU!: IRWIN. .7009 4 ),( -3, 6.l n A . E in S - - €o, V i rn , c , d 4 Noeotisble t<.. of AU iTIN • 0.3 11:. 7)11 Of) Wmatcd a Mortega 61 - trkf fiZ-ITESt;is is CO, 91 tou.tn . ik/ A WITED-,50 'abates IS. J. Cupp er Stoc VY.in It A.tPALIN 10 7 *Ni- , A 111.. 93 *o • rtb 21F44UVAL.:' :EDWARD T. MKGRAW has removed h.- Wholesale Tobseso sal Claw Wake hwwee to No. Lisertr et, where will ba Awed a large Poet el' :Oak "CO ael 0111.1119 of 'melees brwelte it eed, at low.. peleee.. • ' , r * A WONDERFUL D ISC 0 1 V F. II YI!! W - t. r n S BEEN TIIE SZUDY . ,Atlp • ta 9.3.1 aIL ~a w I Had: al Lents tbaD76.7sia. • Ithka hos ea a r cently tvaud ant by- • • DR. it, T. FORD; 1' SRURGII, PENNA. .b 4.0 a. r•-rfr and r rear , In the Wants/de Kingdom r r E.Tale I' OS TAN MARS Pcu brouthc t I •Irt• cad. r u 71,116 aa= ah ~ 1 1E.31 .W 7 curs th. E Drs. P3IA, .11!cla Ic sts• Etat raw, ( 11 eartatdisa ease w ich c aaa rys,anc t - . Haeaa he' . 'lt , e VCR 16 , 66.61 era. sad heal .7- w • must all lava 6.7ael swan: MOOD. if a., Wraerci Ora fir. FO'O.D to. bona aso tjazt of 111 waft:Val:44*w° 11 , tooltsi(Ellys so ittl ;Ter lettro les f enrA. sod Ilts rt.' ad haulmss fesodiy . s ou httos-lf. bat al at tau. until his riNterra dloters , itch Its.. tali - al y led sod y others - 10'14 enbt to 11,1se day , wlthror Pith rr alerass, or any u -.ptedunt f rdun • to•ths syrtsu,..•Out lb. en:Lawry, hair Armco ars eyao.u! An atese;te.ithy aottloa ei•Cf 1.-=‘, no AIT or :laud' 7 01th, bs eta. ar.d, 11 vas t.,atthr tall ,to the stomach sad to eve at .rlar pod , usual ./Idtleff. _cciwsi'l a t lot flert— ht riattiriste always &r ear It. doty—vh:led Dr. B. T. row, Py6pepsia Cordial. 'Yihst Itl-.4 of &rases, ol t tiyaraptls . ffrodtlete 1 an swer. it is th teat e•rop al al canard dlto.ass. Meet ALl•totlen. Line A.Cestgoo, PUlPoo.litr - Vrinti/4/. ',hero . tics Ilasdarels. .1111 hos 01 rawer.. ittloto col Ty amid Ease,. VATte ant lafo-. Nee...eater, ti•ursif sfla. ktorala .(Pites,r .o..the - Murat, Bolls. llosly CS aucurty €.ld,tX3dl/../Illeue.atlta of all rinds, Ae Iy.e Intratolty. %Yastrow...et the arstairt. (ales Om:motion or U p alto& tio.rtLarti,Sollneasorthe.tossat.h. xlerow.nr o: your /Wel, col ales wind. Ad of the abase (falloffs t lilt lb ra.3%.011,... a Dtspsttlo•ttortash: From • that °rasa all general titres...es oral be rtOlaiaa. tilt. tarsatest, It Leas, which tosses elltel tad Iffettya -rause 01l aho tura trot al lap/ tavateeto4a Ur. from sips:terms WY. Cr ffetatffel stemado latest. it w Ic..tor.oat Is It t prof -•ratiaat"lthe Ca. bean molten... ra 1311 , 17 yeas. to Pad t blot to -remedy that he .sly 00. an miles ly no:maths CAUSE that hes ...la rim sta. Its aka • wafter towed r...r.ra. at vhe asst ffilisiffst of allghthoua his tutart.D Uoun ooods withjoy. k'riub Three Dollrap per.Bottla. aq.l 6; the I'vrge.tor, te, r .11.1, , irrst era - or Parma Aeratts lath rte, roll) sal UVrr. jrA zal strfot, oeintr of Jtee ij 0,. 1...wr0y Claire:PM. barrh. ]lra W.. Ithff Gt. fort=l7 the drat of Jas. &nail no , Wed. earner rf VedrfAr ear* And lb* nAndlud , A ,,, nra.l Cr, An 'A so Ur. YOrd's Anti. ninon , anti. ralw, hlalosaleable Indian v.- S b n haoh.atit , uahu Tar tnOTtli. odd* S. Our any _sod area.; sr Wilt/ te (halt Laaahre• hie hualiries. Theft mall Es not to tar found. . tortatlawlyff ' • • • ' .IAb.ES - WDODWELL, A.B.ru r aoaalTaca 31Afill/ACITI7SREI, px ••• • y dko. 97 in 99 tan= informs Lie • W. W. reskjetrally mforzru3 hie friends w.n mrt...r.a.,,tbit he turejtut completed his stock o fur . tare, .-alpha's e.de.nr I=o4 and tort MI • caved for ere &nada city. As be ie delerminel to uphold • hisato*,.. ...Waste:me& =aerials. bat wurtmambip, and • arrest dodgier. and hop the extant of hie orders and Warty la manufacturing. he la enable& to ro.llucti war runad. PUUNITIINS at theta arat Ile keeps always on hand the krean r4 ealety of 4 deuription at furniture, fro m the cheapest and .pl to the moat elegant and C01e.17. that !boss*, or may , pt. of cue, may be f ardshed Inc La no*, or manufactured er.„ in older. The tailoring artiata comsat In part . ;'el his cooott3eat, *.hith, far donne...Jet ctrl: sad 901L8.1 eanneabe'arPase.dm any of the' katern dela& f•noit.XlT.tata-adato e.- ILO Plalailtiretak: • to 111.1:Land Dining and urestfart L 12 derratary Boot 6.3.4 Walant 4.0;. 23 D•le , n Cane teat CbslM , 141 Wan'," Kati.: Gbare, ;it Lane Peat set i har Wauct d. 12 LudiertWntling Vert& '..1.,!;eme.e7 Mee. fist cad Tavel eandla . ri) CLikutrato 01 ... es. , ^ C-ntte . 4Bl)l. seaniSaLlon sing "Uremic Ealsobstben 9 d 4r= m a.) Winehdh ameoMon t 9 loclored .. do ' Par/Wald dm' t 19dUommat do Dreaded; lairtrans 20a-band EfeUthairre ele lishogany DeteaeLF Whaphose, -, • 20 Walnut - •;11 Papier Macho Tame • IV., Dottade •do ire:elects .0 Sherry and Poplar Hod. Hall aid Plar Ea . ladle.' 2a Mahogany Wardrobec Xrtanclon. Mabel, Tabelii 10 Walnut . do Ottessann 19 Chem • no - • .Aim ' s large mosrudentor amount rozigtozossiglillnll • rjawdot melees 'applied lath wada in their line. Stamboate and Mule Panlated at the &eater& ado* Alt orders apnoea" . attended to shlo :PapOr And :Stationery. at Wholesale L. lark STERN. MESCL e VaIANTSt* ao r invited to exttalat the i ttonele of Wrist.* g. Print Ind nal Wrapping Parole. and trationar , of ail &scrip. tient, which offer for tole at prim triab. Oft astir. faction ‘ and on the most rearonstdo terms. Th. stock lir eind.c • pine sad Wtdre CA* Pipet, trilkl and Piain; DO do bettor do no 401 .• Do • do Note do do dr; All BIM! 01 lYtitl2fl Papers mad In tbo inanuladturoo - 1 1 A great etaortotertct, Plato and Ornsmontal WON. ll:o0liir1LTZ:go Pittre-rlerl.44rt,g lint and t arter Wr.ovira Pavers . Wnito. . Amber. 'ln Alto, Smborro,5121111:.(1.1. DaentAK, 00 . e. ,}l.7o,ygd a Hop... Alla n. o.o.lllbberPir.OrfAll. • Butler'' , totd Cmneer 112144 Int; I tintrneent's. liabet.t.Proolunno A, Anadon't and other . colebratotrend*, - • tiliint,Pe Prom au_ Nod:. Baron ' s Oommereist Aibotrrla 11110.10. 1 CsAt. tasetbor with MI *Olen vatlety of 01401 Pe. Of 04.0.1,StalattUtilfrrr, • Pen Bolded., e.sta, Inkttoadr. POrtrollos. tan every attiolo in the 4 tatMnetlr Wt. '• W. B_, LIVEN. • . Nos. 31..13;andA5 Mutat str.rit. • err••••• .4" O. • /8 5 7- ;" ST I VES: tiTOV.E.S:I 1107 e tfilliEt most coraptoto-aiortracrit of Cook jag, Parlor •lad fleeting BTOMS to b. (baud In ,1116 leanetly City, nt the lowed prim. catortirdng la cart the cglebrated -Van 41r.rtat Trtn,W Iron CRT. Dlasoctad. 'ery•tal PalaeaChoYJEC. , *Beary W Together rAth every vartety article/ 1. 'fellow Ware. Ithow Paraithrmg. natter lead µmating ea , 111,14401rrel axed r,root Cain. • C" &Pe o.rtftr.ia Wort ed. twined street , le.ritert ' . eeSPA ItaZa 0 WVW: HUTILAY. 11 .,,V QUO. Wt. VINO exeuutod with dee: v saa, IN AGL 11141311ANCEM;la tta tan style at the wasatOAHU •• ~ • • J. 13. 8110it,..art Uzi= Dui • • Orr roarer to,lBs . oaFtunsit&leincint. ,l • 4.' ff.ll.—flrstituhr Mien no paid to largo poiltets•r Ele.l4.fitep ttootio..! : IT • . gaud! Salmi! Danafir - • d -DAUS DITNTINCIDON CO. SAND, it afat rl~aCapp gt,4',',..=:pg .or /mu= or p h i, e•to 01,27,104041.153. - 4. ` Us:" Magna'. Oman of iron and r t s t.a•.fors 8 -""d• . Aalra4o "S• " C " :Vi Zt Manisfaiiiri Ili flint Glass Amidst= tn ran wh ven with MU liand. pwkvaill ustgto sawn t ..,rad to east* cony - mg tz t ez i lware i gt eot o µSide. nen Gootartkivs PATENT VIILCANITEI ItA.RD INDIA ,RUBBER L IN DAM Co.. 1 PA TEIM. e name 4 mstaxlel. o;ar it Wantrooak. Lane, Nei: , York' TIDE BEA() • OWNERS 0 MaralfrAttreil from the abar Pato at the No. 63 Mnidon .74 the - [ • eritErors pocaw OsicEciezws; gummy Aliabialef 111Asotaid irAPELI IdACILINIBTS' OILEILS, of ocary . klal I:100M Ibt Dto ime.t.to or Prof.tiond bur p o .• pronautAwl by Phyla chatbe =cat perfect article ever Emir; " • • atcat. kwar,a. vme iccKara. POWDER /LAM. Irma:Aid to keep me der din te: WttO;lidnted by the Areerhia Telegraph 001111AlrYr — SILANING PANS, LAi7le, FUNNILY AND DIPPERS 11JENITUI . LE CASTOR& TUSIBLICII3 130AP'fIlAt Pen and POeket CIITLEMY, Jar Phobwranble and Wu .- NAPlira RUMS Ode oaevaw. ao • Thle Wenderital later(aleddeAisaellred, as MKTAL 11tEnt as INEN—lleidlant me ;ref—. neae conductor of HEAT—non-eneductor of EL CUTIVCITY—Itod on which ott4Aotos and AlXAMT,Sproduee ,ffeet is tLetl3y .yever to any other far the above nantel and St irr.“ varlets of other pureoeee. to welch lt le *yelled. _ Desteras In all paste of the wants-cars supplying tbendt settee tlace goods, and CuestemenS who - sant the bee article! of sue' d. buy no other: jat klyr.n.s. HAWES, GILLIIIII. it CO , • MAHOGANY -- -4: - I•ROSEWOOD, • ri...-110 veatrii lie.. ' iIIFFEI3, the annexed a:llmm= and eplen 1, - , a l4 B t o eX.Of Waboirenr. hanswood. an, Maas% th at toe 'yolyantadas we pawn In bating fine .Ibaslan.wocds. selected by oar own szenta. and Imported direct:as' ales In otanafsetorlon Veneers. de.. at on , 0 . 1, 1341fldllti, atblrd ustentllties to offer► large and .trcunts taZne B r tr, at the reaf i rwaet say • OW t a n! BasearoW extra Ins. ; 21.000 l't2:77tra dblottlai'V tnSA~a a eluded v an !metre thede . Battu Velum. lea.tdd Waln . ulVimeres. hided • Blisterand Rattled figure. Ih.ooo EL Mee. Veneer& 00.000 While hally - Veneers. Web " " " Boards. 000 Mahogany Bawds and Plank. Patterns sweated shed Wind and Plano Ports Ilabosean7, Bad and by . s , el , Ms' seder binds. y ''''' is .B :ln '-'' o7;2 P :fligars . ed • ICEMELLO MON EV W • - MUM JAQ E UE9,ORICS 142 Contra Stroot, Now York, earMANUFACTURITS AND DEALERS in Wrought Iron Plres, Ming% Toole , ,n 1 aster zytion of organs:as eennectail alto itnam,Watent and Oa& lbs buena and flatting susr.Cri. ttr. amine. 1101 , 4. Private Ihsellinsss' nosplisgs dialtinis. Tillages. Facto. alas and Fialla. r - • •"., Alms, co,..ka. Peons. GanCe , 0 01150* scd boiler Ewa made to misc. Our &mg Carting Dior-nines are entirely new. avt oo ovn Pateut—orarrantrq to do doable the Work of any alt. sr ineentica. CON". solkite , ail assilens or the 000Utr7, boa vsomstag attended Hough's Patent Slattie Skirts.. EIRTES & Barclay oxen, New York. OTION—Vo. except ttrtr here tae tainp of the potent . .,..Th.co,trort , asi.l sellArs to. rinIZIPZ trymuted ocorilrnt to - - • D. Ilar Savings Batik I No. 65 Fourth Bitssi, IitDDLI 80011, JON& UW IiVTLDINO, OPEN DAILY from 9 to '2 o'oluck, also oz Vieituselay and Satardsy rrentems, atom. Ida atet to ber May from to II o'clock. en 3 room Nt• ember Ent May ant nom a to 9 o' lock .Deboalts meelve4 or all soma not less then One Dollet. sure curtdend 61 the prolts declared twice re.. I Jemmied licemben. interns was declared at the rate of eX per mot. per anotmt, 10 Pl:comber. Aaat. eteo Ia Jur" and Deeembez,l96o. Bet twonotattomet the Ltaster. lirtrers. Rubes end lty eklatlone forMete4 ',retie, on sppnestioo at the *Mee Pro..-411CORGZ ALLIII Zit limpemen deponent; .e john U. Unnenbeener. Beane K. - White, Wee« E. Ilinne p. lonnetect. Orattan Hum.) , James W. lielltnen„ Theoball Umber.satter, Alsksenler Etre.:Vey. Tense. Pennock, John e...l3nagesee. • WU,lna J. ndersen. _ . • --- • • • • - . - • - _ . , ra=ms John.O.Boetnron. Jame. D. trolley. EMI 8111086. . William 11., Levee/. Albert llJlbertntat. John tl. atoll .1. John 8, Cached, Walter P. Inatehall J. GerilnartioBl., Witten 11111 Ar. Alonro i. Wren, Withal= ?PilliplC Cheer* A. Cotton. A. hi Polibel, 511 a Winlent Dounlaer. • Henry L. Ittruorrit Jeannie;ell. nnt.ert robb. •Georgo r.iitlau.s. Janus lad* „Weep & I ono. Jobe, M. towl e% CiTileve S. Unvon. Greece 8. &Mtn, Jun.. German, AlelladOr TIGI:e. atonreuh .4r.n retertgenr—GllAßL.E.3 , AL CVLT;3II v 3 41 te - 0,10 A N 01iDINA10E!Supplernenuu7 to the lerthooraee Ile/alai:4W. Asseeleant on/ Ca.. tto. of Wato; Gent.. W0w..., byau at, of the Cm Annular approve] the".. la .157 of F•broery. A. I) ,retain An A. Si authoring the fnloot and Mammon a'oncola , f th• en, of Pita enema to anon water rent.. the Month. storemtl L re poe et tea nom • ethedaWe to whwittes of rates be chl-h all wear nat. • nail baedseneed. Tam. or-. one d ostentod. ear : artmost I , :aa from taa &Stettin enrage of this Ordl• Mn, the Ann.. wad h•giatar of Water Rants • hall mean sit wain r • ot a by be ecrompanying •atensal• of rater, to thecae - 11W cr Dunn* of the pram en. &mann 2. After notion of the amount greened Wm Nan nano upon the 4.Wati or owner* of the remain., in Cot Woo • or Water Renti shall tee all tenoosele diligence to securt.rontet relmelth sit Fuld p. the mat day ut alvtgaat. to •07 year, tbs.* rhea ta• charged the rum of.ftan ee• entant and wawa all yaw rents anent* ontbe tent Maw of Sotarnien to any leer, than eball at chimer! OM than o. al - wco of tm per zrzr' Der 4,5.',5eg .T.ll '471,7.1.01A T.',:e . g, t 41.1 •tk war" lt. way year. then Winton naps*] awn rota chest be annexed ea allie d by th• •ct of 31 Febroary. A D., 021. Pear:den: 'Chet Moe Water Cosatuttntany alto d.t , h the feral. or all math delhotttlete 0 0 0 . the meth cr tweech'tapes. and after man *setts eh. a hare tern detached, the entan that. total n eoPgin. ar yoramhes to the madpremlne erniat up Dormant I illatreus of cater nor.. sea lb* man of taw doter* (or •xpethae su ed In d 4 mimed toothy. ea ..tainlet anti wer e shall In ..infothn the premien at lent three dare nefore enth km datactel Eames U. Tint ala portent who may alas to make sup sheet met h tea inaglear ornate Wm. fnr eadiannal tlx• than r the the of water, shall pa• to ass • wenn nth Refasten of Wader to advance. dal fr.:clonal not fur the remainder of the then current .ate[ Yee. a. .an - a]dnlrett extort.* Melton. or 'rater, Ark all .I=l traothamt mate rani be paid in .all to the City ..Treemaretat leap army ' ascalOw.44fany:Planthar Cg • other perece.b.l.lrltb• Gat nit/eats Withal pat.:Rth the Water Othonalt• , tn. introdgf a facie e teem public anta , . t• D. 505 firer soy netton or commenSottann testesr geld rape, or treat gronnti for that cr so, ethaft tinnier taithtnan. In. the pqblo,strio•es cralleyr, at nor Duo cm vaned eirsilfothnicela nth* a fore • ef a Usage damm. *tee then la entity:lln We to tbeir Pethnitn he.thw 00 ably otoranWeg,sts4 foists Lad pay for math and *nary tuth olenn. the cum cf Too fa, Galan. awatfar net 7 dea l s contact:meth arthe On of 43:. rpayktion. hattor am Chas Dxter. vr.rnta ItiT.A3 or TELE cIZZ Or PITTEBUIIaII. {HALL • viirtt.too3 • prorates on mull.. allora or mall tenement bourn cm poblio otrosto4 ucco plat earldololl7 as d.olllntl. for cp. of not/i brdrant of oenvomatt aaa4 nr. , :lb•T roIEVA.IN Pat. - tir no o , m orow:okl roe wow cbaesod-11, 1 4 Tsl to 3 Four " Saes additional atom 70 maim Extra woof orator or additional fitturco 8141 er•rording to ^d li'n auras. rrlnairso oritboat vats', not on lb, Mtn of main papaa, atiedaledratna •. ' 1011111.1.1505 Ifiont.ia on "'IWO *tart., ocoptel oselmirsly dwellings, for nob tom , If ceerpriaahhe entmaleee, with hydrant ha ;hrd and laikban. ts Attar: • Tao rooms obontod---$3 40riabt mom/ named $3 00 Fora " • " • :605 alnoor ton • I 1060 , ' Each sdlltionol trail 100 Bette aup6ll6l onlyirithhoid emery', 00 lath bet end arid Bathe eappled by amaze faidi fro= them , ln • Ons 00 For each addittoest 3 00 Water ototmentri. 900 each W Ws& Indite 11 chamber . , sod arlosa, same ratni. W r hPlT l meWa" lg i gt7lNgt%Mo ll 7l "--3W poach ]O3 P.traet and gardoh ,0 to 1 00 3 uldltionsl Elliott!, or eats attachments ihr the we of Inder.extra zeta% -none" 01/11Cia MID 110111 C. 7110111 Wholosibr sr:l - retail stares sad thane. -21 to Itt.o 02Laes of pros/emu! amp _maraniew, de...- 210 Cf. 03 Drozzlite. barbers. ant batariso.olawv SUN.*. Each tenant In bodloing obargo; fue . .10114 10 ratan of bort, Wit. son fam•deador-Itloo. Weer tiotw,,,, , oouldo aettr.g, eel( ctorilt areb-......52 r 0 single oxf.ing. or • ° ..... Ot rellalchlmt, IL O • of caber osaniption• 4 CO OOTLL9 t ILCITAVEII7T3 AID 4.1121110 11081183. For family koortr.g tbo lama, dwelling rate. • Boarderar tea persons or 3503 Oyer ton and, otter twenty 004 prewar 1000 to each 35 Dermas addltteou.7-..-...-- 600 Danr .1111 hater fliturra - irnd..la--.---$ 5 to 15 IA 01tboat water tar to 10 DO .81op steV. - • , 3O sehlos.reob..--..-.—... iOO of other d.enrlpUaa Orhater, sat cLrelog. Matt— 8 ,4 of abet dercriptloro. ..... 690 - 11.040 6 -, r meet ersi ...... 0 00 .Virath lobo loararblog room, 0•0 b... - --.... 1 t:0 I{ltoben, according to Air. 1.. i. II•t• by Ytalii iCLIS Jk bIIttU•EL LOCH--Thrco Building Lots on corner of Malmetrawl Dunvid,ll, st.e.ty. n by Co 3. vyl•vetbo L.p......V• butbs.itb ward, fti .• • . 1.0, ...ty ter.. 01 .1 . 19 . lICIN A bigitUY.A. _ .- ---. IIEAL ESTATE EUti BALE Ult BAR. xe,TE4-1 , ...t7 &mop ty)t •o. ¢,n gr • alai Charm. t 44 1 , 4