The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1856, Image 4

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• • '
VA/LT—MX 40.11u9jm a=n¢ ai, Dayaleas 11411"•744.17
SVEZKLY—Tvodtollaurmr arrazmati adrs.uor. 0 I %ZIA
It 125 supplied on OA To1lowb2; eondlthlnc
fen t c 0 .,, ;. 03
9sm ezrtt,n JoSA trJ
Are :matted, cola t
rAPlrr Sto - g,ecd..reeit qv, Tc.F.r lisle:3l[l. rot
9ne moans, (10 Ilnle of licrpe.rell or Agar...)
S. Do one 6..
Do OM month. .... e
Do orr. ... .
Do : -twelve
Cank%(.o.llnts or le. P.t
• Vat dollar tor moo additional Hoe.
Up] EqU3Se•changeeole at per an•
nurn,) exclumrsor •
loresch litireml w2.3,e,larsetslorer one meet
• cr each saaawmal reerly es t•
Adrartlnements 0rr....y.110ar eguio awl co: orer 11 ft , .r
711.16 to tlargml .5 equere
D r a halt
P un i c not, aceonotable legal
t..7ond then:op.:lnt ebarged for
• Annotaclo, candle:taro:7.M. to be chorine.
the ...01
ea other elii'rtiesmente. • •
.- •
-- • , Adverebyelnata not marked on the copy!, a ;,p,.:1014
nticor t of. ir.4.l i tions,llll i te continual 1.,1• w t.
t* M t rtillne atiL.Zaaafr . o . ,lse-s ft errlttly
thalrerrnimmedia..• atirert'eetriont.
the benefit of °LW,. croon. te well Sc a11.a3.4--tlit•m•TlL
not immolle.tely c..nuected . with their emu baainsF„
ell ettl.33 sdrati=tntx. to laecth or °there's., be
Toni th. le enrazed. 1.....0he....re110t [hansom) mt..
Por all nth transient edrertielnc. Mlle trill Iv:separate?
rendered. an prompt pay - swot in destrol.
Alt odrertlaomenta Mr charitable trtlLthltintS; in=
~ .I . .....M,tosrwthiPi and other public r.ttloce,
Political itar...,es awl notices, to he oSarged heir mice, ter
adnuet • _ *- •
!terrace notices to be oberred 00 oent, •• -
Death notlme !ranted without charge, noises e.,x , mre,
fontralloritarionsor obituary notlivo, suet whee.
• 90 be paid for.
'lt4golsr adrettleerr, col all Other, 'tending a:miter:lola.
tions, or retiolriusr notice, derigned to call .•tentlon to
Palm C.Pomrts, coy patio enter:AV-len:A charnel. are made for admittance.-ell of.noi ,
rale r reciationi—everT nate. , leelgose. to ca.i attantir°
• to t.toeutot - Prlres, calculat.,l or introdol the3,l
In 'elluel interest, can oar be Intertedoolth on l-r.
atanding that the sane Is to be paid for. If intealeS tr
ineerial in thelom.l solemn. ice same rill Lo'ohara e
thsraietot•lo cents per line. •
1 3 1 , h0P tr, far. notlerO to be charred 411111 , 1 , 1c._
'PM= License Mina. VI tech
. - -
re be dimmed nnaer arty rates. bus all.ri a diuvnl;
.thirtlittres and cavetbfil k 'pee cent tram tb, •
- no. Iral•nricast in may rirtas.
Oat 80utga,..14 - aetnnartionn..
. Do. .c..-.butattbsar4l,7
Ons'Snnue. (10 lince)One l.l tetertlan.....-..51) cent-, ';
' Do, esat raidittorml insert-10, .. mt. ,
Slltroadattsdrertinentran Dald lersclvancr
~Eitatoot Geo. -, lliltenberger. dee'rt
j ETTERS of Administration of the Estate
OtdecCde Mast:bem deed; have hoes; granted to
reia.h ding sad Unsold dursuir, Rseentore. de, all
PirBo.ll 10 cleated to the estate are requested to make Tiers
ineatsann ell • persons haeltis Oedema anon the sante to
present theirtlaltae, dilly attested. to the undeiSisttied.
.No id Third street, Pittsburgh.
JOsidEl KING, .„.
. • . tidditLY, ex o ntore....
Tim Tzecators of the Will?of Goorgo
tanbtrgor, late et .4.l.leidssnr City. deed, offer tor isle
a. reasonable term., the Stenalou s Out Houses. end
eir oosubled by the dm-tassel,' ter Ming on the
booth Oonsurans. in Allegheny. City. end
gong }Sandusky etre.; to Water &cast'. Thle well known'
property le on • of the most els gible, codittryllous and Its
tractive resliermes in th o:ty.
Atd.3. for sate valus,b , , nodding Lots handsomer saw
ate between Poursy tennis Aye.= sad the MO./m.114S
riem.. la thetth Warl thesis,. of Pittsburgh. •
8.1611, 001tMLY, }Rueutors,
Rest Ora. oopy.J
TOTIOE IS HEREBY given -that appliea-
Ilea inn Gs rgala to
_the nest I.eztela tare or Ye an= I
slib." the Cairene Deparit Yank of Eettaloare :or an
erattrn In their charter. allowing the. the nrielleZa of
inareaslnz their capaht stook to S 500.000. velth all Ite
lawers and. prlriirela en jay ad be mbar ban k anthr the
ws of this i FL 9. J0N11..,
e • •
f a
partnership heretc
fore exlatlaz t—tweell the no h,-ribere under the
of dleStfd4 t, der be Matuel
cement. lialv. - ef , he'lne Kell his entire lntereni to
Jam W.ZoSill sal Jel u. 4[1t , .. who will use the wane of
the 110 dem In set 'nog the bnclr.ole. et the old stead, ho
2:7 Ltesrtr st.• • JOIIX efeld/W-4
• WeLIZEIL eatoE
kittOord'i. Issa. r • Jd.H. V. CIe4ILL.,
pug l+lcatEL AND JAS. D. MeGILL
iiii7. tittle.; veratite.l theeatire of. Walter C.
line la air lite Lima or Megille k. Roe, trill caution. M.
IS'lrtlittelarlemery'crl ttamralirlart Ilarloete.. =err Ilia
ettloef7OLltlaterllLl. 4 SIN, I.: Waraltentre Na iit7 Lit.
env etreee. . .101 IN ESKVILL. '
Pitteacirzti.ltapt, 2%1455. • ' , Jn.a. U. ItriGILL
- .
.1177. t:mmtylr°Y.lrmi.atteprear7 in
r i :J t ot
3to. ill and D.Ele.llll. wttro pas• will und,
ttnt etyts ofJOLIN littitt.G.. SON'. and will
MminAta at tha old etand. coritally tbtm to
my friends .dttt, p n'alle nonentity.
Itt.nt/CM. Sent 4', 4'.5d P7ALTEII U. ROE
. _
_ Of mum. nivinerion
• • b • C0., 1
Litn / o.__
W 3lOl-'9l Frtgkfilr&Vu ' TlT:lE f re... an uli
Meot.oget the Etockhol4e,i lIWYOZWAYE LA
NAPICMTION COMPA-Vr wl!I is hold Lt. the Oillee of
the Comprirry. No: Cirsot ATI.% in'the City of Pitt..
,• bargh.oti the Bch Q.). of January. 15i7,
' U..) at 2o'elockl.. - 11., far the efeetion
0M....8 for the riosol.lg year. 1711. IIdiffEIVELL,
iiie/3.trr.ehri ' Secretery.
Winter. , Goods.
Isere now openlog a very large assort
int of ITT.3Stor tiairtaliir dad rria Ydar's Pre.
entc. 71etad a largo ea:. of Vilna. Long .3 Suter?,
Broth Elikw:49,llbr Itthre. Guth. rn.t, C, . at greatly
redrieed =lie% on erzo - anthiswitoa Wad so Ter ad valued,
Arid belcx rao'wf the varthewne, ws are cow a b'w to offer
fiEr4)l7/x. CIA)A2,s. d.A 4 7 ~Ortisi,ed•u ether d,eleealt.
able. for , theaws4a at ?OW Prk heladt" , egh eaeh
erb Fe% we wili I.r. JOHN DEAN • Co.,
d! , City.
' JOHN DEAN 1-; CO.,
YederalStroct, abovo South C•oramohe,
dooda, Bhat9le. F urs,
de.511.7 DOXPS2A7 GOODS' .9.61M1.2.41.LF.
WEol.l.l.tier DZSIIVS u LED P1L5C1A.C742133 or
•Nct. 96 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh:
etr at, Parlor and Chamber Thialture and Chaise,
eoroweing, come or the most beauttful deeigne Of ware
exhibited nertoiths Alleghenies.
erring to the 0,4.4 atone orders. and improved 10.11.
!flea for insoonfaetrairm we are prtoLvol to sappjg.,..ere
article-in our line at the losry loweet rektedyte. — ,,sten nD
tri's style to giro entire est.4„, , tttetra, arerr taste.
P,X , V , ,,=X. , SOnlitatilli rut or the iblicaing. made in
ttosentext...Yidicgnny or Walnut;
Wardrobes.,, adeTables,
Tete-s•Teter. SlaTsbies, •
Elotsa, • Pant •Extonsion Inning
Ottomoir!. ' I,. Tables, -
Parlor Chaim, I genetssire and Idoehrsers,
/heath flooldog Chaim. ' , Chevaliers. •
Thnseing Hamar, .Jectty Lind Beisteate.
Cots Lounge. Ae,„ As.
tlentreTst,:es, •
Tflth • vast noloty at Cowman Pceniture anti •cthir
artlebos Ricilootosto metitlOD. We etp:Clally invite
attentlen cf those So tereetal to 000 now otyle of
-• • •CJI7IGE 1141)2TEADA.
Wrdastor heeard.etryte and are dapalor to 007
thintrnhello nee. • -
o•Knet Makers Oa dpilod with everiartiela in their l'es
of hamoned at tweet ntaistele nem. aria attention
giren co
riuntehinig Steamboats and.
mogewnnica to ottradaro are Inef:ed to call atime
Exhibtdcal R00.6..1a Fourth [:net. neer Wont 'rim.*
Emh*DPf to tlrrr onr sto:Y.
A T CO,ST.' . .' " .
6..‘50 , 10
" ' 7 ' r iti= d , rifr:j l :ll. l . trlbiri;
o.,,,iijllzeilinfr.Dl=lS7.l.o,4, rii2loo.
(..i0r , 010g... Infant's RoDerc
~,,E oole.Po igla Was.c.s.Csabsin .ni
_ ARISV brollo teats, T.0.N.. cad
0, coi, 41179 D illiVslllv.,l:oed h , to a.
. Luo ..1.31.15t.c BI.Ic Lces Veil/. -
' 7 c"t i l iforlt; * P . mt r ctZig, ''. l. "' '
• 1312 .., J0..11.012 . N8 Ini.i! No. :7
'VILE Most complelo assortment of Cook.
Ma r Parlat,witl4.l.l.- 310VES to to .
at ;:1!, rap i9141% ." /3 4 1 . 164 1 o i
4 1
mum Alr-tie.s. ; ?a. , 7 No. r
Muni*, •
Coral do,
.4, 114rt0,'• Parlor.
Ertuatlr Tr oth c, ecttag• do.
• I...cmatjit ete . " 4"e • I fron'City.
_ o Urr.:lPlLlAll4o , ,kinc. DI. tp....1;
L4 , 71. 1. 7 10 11nr2 ryz , lirtna.o ,.. e t n E rA o :elrl lice. no
retl.T.l;ll.o.t. &(1; h,:n
era:llly • , • ttpB' Gro. W, nunci,
• th, Pagols
1.F.0 b•. ale r. prioll CAILIe;
7$ 'sonnet s ol,v
103 kone l..ll*rss,
sturifllac limn Jo • do;
60II:mforarine,orol],..1. sod 4 , ,,T.1et5.1
103 bow. 0,10:0 1
tf,', MIN rxtts d,;
10 czar No.l daltron;
2.Y.) Intel, IL It ILf r ltstmo:;
4 7mIron rigi; •
• 103esp,r bytAik eh;
IWO IW FronnS Pintas k Prazer;
tal 104 ZS. to (I , lrrnott
• I kegs Ensitlikt tio4tztl; • •
rq gz2lnts Frown nranly; ' •
104.dors4oIl.n , VIrtth
• .41... s srou,ll Splen3 warts-nevi vats tar,Rther wltt s
na.yrel smortra.ent ron.l, wht.% wo son vb.olgiesls
enc.olim Any otbsr boom In the two title.,
hOWerver cf.; 104 p‘o.tooeonn of 5000 other extabllsh
10101.4 C• 3! Gz 111 ISORTd. 1100.6 BROWNLEE.
Iv= e , f.07 Oh , uj,o nd k /111.mowl AllOn 0111.2.0;
Q.ELLEtti• 01/130 II SYRUP—
• trl.J.:ol.l4'Lle`slwr Pm.
..Ohio, 1 •
'3ln.elt 100. .18.5(t.
Ida, 0. i. thala —ll,r B/r: - Ixtrerlal Covet
daoidad " Vo * ri g h '. t'eVri..glVgir nn of
0181801 with ' eou:ta and ttl , lo. s l b.,e aaa./ ft aead la a
attltltude of cukrr. m.l • rera 00,,. Phyale!ave prrecrip-
Untie meaeuranry don nn 080 C- s *.tb EYY*P 11 4*
vary pomp: cleat, rAltoriza tbe paVeate Salo had 0..
aro , * alsemsd tbalr .ale..r) to health. (non Incredibly
‘.l b.Aerfully ray to thole having. oar..
Mac to a..., 000th tembly, try R.-0.
Onab Xrrap. Tray RV, o,Ctfull. -, . n,
Pie4arct a . d. aobl 2.MieCIItS rilk. corner or
Weal asrlir.,ad
.• d""
114, ITCKWIIBA'r FLOUR--400slo, fay lbs
• .11•LP*Ab; . i= 4 . , / sir.:ltr, sbrre a.:4 for rale by •
: -• ' - , P; LrYtIA:
ARP 011.-20 bbla 1161, Tilinter'Strain
joljtta'reci.l .al br
Qet- LltrLP.. 03. 1i0.1.12 2tlet..
111UFFEE-- - -ICO Lgx prima new crop Rio
00e4.tze..trrea'.1 end .fe . .c.".1.> •
• .11 -ck-s radand for sae by
ff INSEED 011-1.0 Big puroto arm° for
br .inlP LICIEFETT.-
. UCKW_LIL AT-50 eacto for sal oby
.a_p . ! IF:NT:YD. ontirm.
intrltll4lNLS—sll'. per. 100 lbs. 2,6101,-
IL/ 4,1 , A11 - 0:7•:.4. 6/16
•b s. • or ea o
d~tb. • • . HOMES couiris:'
BLACIC-25 bbla in rtora and for
a:A gate ' ..: 64115 - FLIMING 8803.
BIuetC3VII.EA'X '-;-21.* aka roCIAnd and for
A.R•44 • SELL, at mount.
FLaZtlt,;--1,5 , auks extra, now landi-
Inz•n"a tt!ait4i r'"41 311 1 3 . 11;41; CO:
baia; eacits b .. sttin,g
; tou -Agsr wennsnafor isrs
1w4445+75 ,. sw ! •:(sl, l 3ii;App.los:fas.- - -1 ,
- •--7 , •: . :=• :,40 / 4 " , '• . :'7, ::, :'4.,5UX , c01 , 'P?ti )
11 . • - •i>,•.••: . .:.. •
'arms ya,irEntertrzszi,.tzmi isrthrstrrarctar
.51,1110GA_NY & .ROSEIA 00 D i
N. 176'3 17S Centre rit., tier ye:L, i
tho annexed r.s:lortrziont and /31,:t.n.
did Stock or Slahosiny, Er owned, .Se„ and would
remark alit the advantages we tomes In basin: toe
Pre/an wont., Imlseted by crar own a:cents. and IntDorted
dime. Li .1.0 In anasmfacturin z Veneers, Be, s our own
Pawlillia afford us fulatirs toolrrra lame and extreme.'
1,4 ant Stoat, at the very lonal prices, rls:
3.000 frot . ,ot Rosswo,d Vermeer. Fart extra ne,
223,0 an tdahoganY•Croteh Selmer,
'235.00 artesebedsd and tlnttled Vearent
5.000 a shaded Veneer%
'11,030 " Eat: Veneers ,
64.tar1 Gne.Wainut Veneer,. -
Sl*o 3111-ter and Accede 1 Elan,. '
12iy.nte Marls Veneers.
r; - 000,' • Melly Veneers.
15e00 • -Vit ae
Imo° tiox , smAY &ants Plank-
Ino Patterns ez-vorcr.d Os= C , st.lnet and Phan 'forte.
Aieo,.3l.2loenn)!;" Red and Vpanlsh Cedar
Ltvs„. Wee, Band Paper de. - Etared Veneers, of all
kends. for Prams !daunt:Mu:mt. anlo:lydeeP
:Refined Sheet and Shred • LainOlass.
de, A prime artiste OP: CouleetionPre hotel are
allr UM. To be obtained. with directions using. of
the Detected Gioeere end Ilzoeci,te thtoughout the
Unitetll3tates. hole;arcul • P.BTra COJPEEt. Tow rork.
142 Contra StTet, New York,
in Wrong - ht /non Plprz,Fittillm Toole, and Avery
eta Dtlon of emarato , conneotad Vl'eter Bon
Our heeling and llghtinc L1155n,./". Cr. Archer, or.-:.
o4 teDzollinge,
nee pall%
Alto,Velvalt, Cooke. Potos - 4, 0.43 :
Rues toad, to order.
Our derow I:rutting Ylattdatortre .letty new,
own Potent—oroniated 0 do doable tho Iro-k of cur ...11.
er Invention.
Orders mitotic"
rttamptly attood+o
$12.1413,111 et' !h• arit.V.Ark
• .; tarELE .TE'
Cotton and Woolen Machinery.
.acit4l and Briers. AtarAtnige That. biting, do,
- I ta p.-tm-s And Dealers In Blnnnlncturere Arthien,
No. 67 Pino St., • NOW York,
i. 11. , =agurits Er the
WOODJAUFk AM:AI - RI DION 170}:tite,"
• Sled* Enema and Boiler*, '
Ezell:Wee Arent) In Nom 'talc fox
LOW 1:141. IIF.ACIIIILE SIMI.' aahluist or , Tool,.
- Hough's Patent Rlastio Skirts.
!IMES Fc•PRANCE, No.- LBhrcJay strottt,
p Nevlrotk.
.WT/ON—rieue Lt. genuine except they Imre the
~.ttal. o ltizrt, . .:t4. Aplneautv r tll7, 0 1 ., : . 1221 7.371ae1r.•
Shot and Lead.
TAROP SHOT & BIOULD - .S110T; all eiza
yAlro, Bin LAD, at tho town: ftoh miner,
re: Foto nts_ - • • Tlll/51aB
• Mat and Bar Lead Ltenafootmer,
No. 33 ITalnutteenftt,
Free of etujigellt •
• VNTITLED "Bolton Abbey in the 'Olden
R.A Zama,. a splendid steel exieratitut. from the U.
braced painting bp Landserm., and *be -Teparturnot th,
/mantes from Atipt, large and beautihll engraving
from a Pedal= hp lit ". .
Roberta. The rt•tall price of the
store engravings In $.3 prr ropp. Fut will Le mr.t free a.,
cb rare as foliom.
;'rbt etam,lbera barn ...bathed a BOOK AORIVOY
Phlbse.alghla, and will faralth nay- boot or public*.
tiMiat 'the rata. Prioe fres of footage. Any means
a:Zdagwarding the ral , miptlon prim , of ant of the
esines, eneh as Harper!'.Oc der a. Patn a / 3 4e. Ora.
Frank Lathe Fl4tocra; do., the Meg
salons one TM. or tbs-abaa .o.santzfn
raelnaNfopo /urge, cr. if Elltits•lbitig to aOl and a
(I:llYAtjg Indies'
• noPT [lcahn of Mentor , ' ear:tering,
Emvelopee of every. de.mlptlon and rise In large or mall
quantities Icanbtrd. Peal Pre
Die*, coent toorder.
Srorr desetiptloo or,t <taring on or.dervonted with
watnem ant dirp,...toh 'Nitta of pail:Bog& NewsJeaPer
lieading+l7. ofllechlornp, Boo: Loin*
Osrsikral,e, Tin 0.11,1; Oarde. dc. ardros feat
prompLly ationded to. Corsi,e wishimr views
• oultd.nle era rit.TedVoi nLagcerroailpsnr Pktilth
the bv Ming by manor !soma,
al dietanae haring rateable artlaloe would find
tiro their ales.ntam. to ad trete the sta.r,lbe-rr. 4 -
Would sot %gm:, the not, of the MM.,
- -
tg 2,l,4 "rtlii I CDIDI r.n x.mth BYRAYS r
Leather! .I,eathert! Leather!!!
No. 6 Soath Tflitd St., Phila.
.eara celwro.l ass-rtrzent e 1 eal klnart LEA.Tara.
Asz) 04W SOLE Le...7.aa4R.
Market Street, West of Twentieth,
8. F. J I A.BOBY a .30., •
11 - 3120hTERS of and doatera in %Ls various
rzrelgti st.,l Domeetlo ast.t..tfe. Etttuary, hm . e.
ment et ' JA}.
.IFlp.tioa. not rx"...11,1 by . to, 1. tte. at.? b,stely„
....POTATO ft.e.h.
.1.13NL1! 31.411):11.4.PLI;a:0 - ral] pad, CC'S.
Max, st tb.3 ebrivrt nab .11astl..,
awry .detcripLlon ancl Wtetber Lilt/ nine
11,, +liner buithed Lt. tte. zlab ta.tlack. tql raz.,q.
trashle terse.
We. rrxreltrully i ttentioa too.. no.= cutaaa.
COMIRESS Bobr :ireartzr
. Y.A.- M a: LEVi t, 9 b:4 l° .ti 4 :tfe t
,A81 , ,N1 thy el T T State of Prnee Ira.
cis *Ad adjatent. Thar ant natharinel to salt the f.X,na•
mak , ' Cantracis •nd tabs Orden, AI lb.
C,.re..a watt :atm Ilt/ft IEII
Seir Pant. ATtil lb. is74: "'. ; a tio d ozi . .. 1 '4.14;7n- Y.
Tb, undaratz,del bareal P u 7 hand en a4../..,rt.0r.r.
aala Go a a ann. Et•at at Wobble
Ina&ret nhat.n Ca:Toler Irbala•
nd 1,1e.11, abs
Virn. 11. ! . ...T454 0. 4 t. _
%Caliovhda) 1 . 341. a.
FRi Z, ifk.. ER ND H , RX I= CO.
Ho. T 3 NcreA TILTED Sto.noi., PR 12;4' 1)4
11 IEIO. end Laptr:*, Pllf . ...sicst cA.I.?.
•n.t 'ore in LED a.: nutd -- ; 14-1,1:111,9.
;II We. 01:0 rpr
Hemp Heap If.r.-zr-tactory.
LL STONE, Quarry stnmi, abovo
Of MO 1.301.1kPit4
exthrter.DwOlinica. a,. it n it hcza.
if tan: e : 1 L _ tt - ts.o 1,1111 e: 1.10... r.
1. ti of .1411-14
cr.pon., Cr,. Clain ay.( / tin
Al*. /tat tore. unto,. CA.Vatos. inn.l24, Ce.ari . lg, I tants
Oa. 1;4,11 &Ara. Sc.
8 Long Wharf and 2 tfonatnercdal at
ilvrar rseion. " Wat. 11. Iliscuzr,
Boston, J I yllith, 1660.—tuA5=d
F/I,IOILA - CO., .
IMPECTFULLY inforni DraggLets and
Iva in Varaletow gravally that they hare for
moose time been Gamed to thepraparettaa alt dew-rig
s:ow Of Copal w e nd Mbar 17AiiiiiSIUS, and UV non or..
pared to rutpir their Wend , . salethe publia tot. rally
with anklets Of the way best I:moat:Lott... clad, of the
beat uosterla, aud WaVed with the ¢r-,tee: ogre end on
the toast tamable term&
FIBOII a W. Intend to doreto - t h emeeir..rb, oultira
nog a first clan trada, bare ma doubt that their el ,
fttajon willarera estletartary. Their!UMW' prim
wl.l be fouod euoally low with any of the muc h
beta, and 6 being dotormickl that.. artioit than loavo
heir wa ke labor eforored sod tested totall.Y. %bar only
salt for • trial sad a *ham of publie year:maga.
To morgue Itoly th".1.0111/A.EN1b11 we would mil par.
tbettlar attvitten. Thle artle.e II equal to LO7 Lagileh
Ooneh Varalah Of the very beet brand 4 hem made wane,
y after the proem oaths ftet eines .t.entlizti hoUres. ht
Thvo-ae/louglawo. 'who for =any yea, wile engaged
In acme or btu nun sytaurtre eerabliahmentl in togland
sad boetlaud. -
_ _ _
VAIINIVIt sr, %foal A. tlettlarly Proomeoend to iound,rl. Itmt•bdidm..
kienalhotmee.e of Iron geoemily. premixquelltMa
Prevent event
entirely. which tact eelder tam to Mae oelog Tarnish for trop, nul prthrske to
eftplaJttort and other armoonede.
All onlen. lop at Edeerra,..lolllllllWlN AW/Nt3. Tout tren. will be pa... 1.1117 attended tin Cr witrt J. rnicit.
To Conzumero of Pick
WELIEVING that the Publie have boeomo
Undoing Claire Poc/a.emv, bolding, In
=nor...a e ar ho: rant. lee" than repro:voted. We hove
Dorn eve..ced peculat:6ln addition to our yrertnt wane oriole whteh, we are lat.llnir "WM. IfYILVER.
Wet/D trrica,PICKIAV and aro filling Soto
fall sized jets. which can legibly star:tree in the alai..
whin their exact cent:oaf, to einem—into «eating the
corececer to 'tear their truth.
-naval :Ira MALrs ore put no with every sears to
ay!". queers' an 1 llornr. nod Will be mid at foal, rowan ,
troth, e
We tem moan no change In ova manner of Groaning
Pletlee, never having rreatod to any aeleteriono =sane
to attain Ulla end. The olaer Mager - ahl.ol ce ore le
made fronv want (MU, one le entirely it,, froin Vitriol
or say other Interpol add, welch le not the =no each
thostated to most broods of Enellth Poli. faint' In this
07 lima /111, , • Wove). Mom
V 76'43 WO& pearl. N. O. Eagan
.1 bb:r.. Cru•be.l and Lea engar;
do N. O. Molseser...(mk coo:4rige;)
41 do tit. Jams best liorget flours Aloluoer;
rkdbarre prime Rio (Air.:
1S heir chests Tr4oh Tear;
boxvslt.ll..l Inttok Vaal
22 do 13.A:14 zna Wm. LI. Orin 'a Le ASo Tobalo%
3 tierces rrime N. C./11er: . .
42 boxes Eon, Oebtlko;
10 do Pc:4413141Tb;
16 doom Palptadltut.26lr, '
10 do •Loitg nun Jr.z.tra P.ea Oordic
With an lu.oltm en tof tplem, 0... ka
For esie by 19)1. 1111'.00111:LTILE6. IOW:.
att22 209 latitY
. .. .
IBF.OLUTION—Tho Into firm- of Forsyth
- ena No. 7 5 Water rt.. Ira, dissolved nu the
tft dark reotem ter Imt by lan teal consent. 'ibis kp
h:ol4llr, the /iii.inila Win 1 , 11 Itilinall IT Alexander For.
Alin.. FOnhllTll.
• 0 Itober 10, 2.,:, - - JOllli kt:OIT. Jr.
'Meanie...lke alit NUI continua-the ForanardLeg, Clem tniesion and 17;4 era EnCnese at the old stand, where no
will be bopoto ate the frlendrof the lets One.
oef2lltf Ho., 74 Water et., Pittsburgh:
Sttive4, Fenders :p.m' Fire Irong,
134 Wood etrcet. the seven has • entred ohleb
Ors Into 13.. :L. ',taco natan4 srticles, We Waal In.
rite the attentlen nr awes needing_ scrthhing In cue
tOStlezmninitlt.ll crony dock, width la nos, fntl sect cos ,
We; We ere on,tetnalredle sell se leg no the (wen is
theetien•mt.r th.:cuoo, No. IC4 Wont street:
• T. J. .
Jun,Reoeivod and for tialo,
no Doerr,.Doerr,. Alley, a freall etatt of Omen and BlaeU
. and a IoC of ailx• Coen Bloom% And tf7rn tinter
Lion. and 03=n= 3.1.01e.c.te5, and Dmoentrate,lLye.
UNDR bbls Gras: & D0t•71,...1rr
t•71 , ...Irr No I .WirlorEtraino.lLattl OH: •
9bletio Lard VII: • • •
bole Leaf Lard: •
bwn Ciresoj '
bozos 010100 flaky.. • Y::reilrMlY
• dellAcllla tits,l39EY WELLS .121, I.lorty
UST.REID ' •• •
4 - 700,000 Germen eign-nq •
Y.001:14 Virgials 111131r.,tur-fd tOtiseciu'
t,rges; U tE^_etlto7 Cfaa a and Trade. e ver Ord!'
fillcitybnta ores lar ezamtceUonanilV" •
:Citmer ofEmtt4futdd at. aral D.axgrnd • •
Dl JIBBED SLOE:--sqo The. in store and
rot tab I 7 dtl3
_l/11ENZil DUOS
A Desirable Country Seat for Sale.
1.13:£ undersigned offers his very pleas
ant and desirable CetosnLY Reit. eltuotedln Ca-1~3
YIOT on the. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicane
BAliroad. for sale. The location for: converieue to the
Otation„to Churchee gni Schools, la no eligible a can be
dealred. The honest; large, unveutent and musing all
the modem tmurovements, being heated by one of CU!-
eon's Runge's, and haring pure sofa water distributed to
the Icitchm wash room, tathLog roots. dressing• room.
eta The 'rounds contain about •t. se num handsomely
undulating, and sae:drably catechised tor ertlatt: hnr.rue
manta About halter' tha snows t is In lawn, and Etcn
tansacres are covered with a nne growth of forest tr...
much. White Oak. /tad Oak, nick blab, ChettuUt. lllth.
Coy, Sassafras, Locust, eta. lane of tbceo Ltenfr are of
magnificent unrcrtions, and all are in e healthy enodb
non. The lawn 11 *is etockad with a large number
ofhlrorgreeng_ench Norway Vrrnee, Hemlock ,_
Rine, klootels Fir. Sudden Hoe, emerloan and Enrou•
an hitter Fir. AraerLtan and Siberian Aborvltee, Ye*,
Juniper, Cedar, Holly, ete. and ales with nearfety oi the
fluent derldttotte trees. All hen trees are well /farad. and
00,10 good crunlltiou. The grounds are also well doe:.
ed with Apples, Rear.. Reaches. Fiume. and Cherries, both
dwarfs and standards,, and also with Groper. Currants,
llooseherries. Raspberries and titrawoerrica Pains Lave
been taken to Wort the chnieut varieties of fruit. About
forty Peach Trete , are Ina tearing cor.dition. :Of (Ina.
mental Shrubs and Rues, there are a great ear ty, giv•
yn. tai•etTernal enuesilon of bloom the whole nuoner.—
The ritnttan , for. easy aui frequent act. re to the, el. r.
the One schoula.lies ice 21dgerrorth Vemare so= nary and
Mr. Travellre Seadamy for boys within courenient
cannot be serves! ed. The prolenY will to cord
cheap.and On easy. terms. Any person *IP tilngt rea rue
on tho =Went. can Iwo word at the Osestre Cake or
visitnit on the prentl,el L . v, witrrti
B, vlw.r. Sept 25,105G.--saVt;:
v SALor--Thevuderelgned oEms for ,a 1.13 cu favorable
terms, a Alit. numbs!• of build.lag Loan to tbn IFt4 Ward
of Me oft,. Tb to (toot a Vonuarl,..l
Watfon, Forbt.s.L3tunt. Marta. Vir.kroy Ind 81...T..t.tottff
are but a sciuuto.. cal§ from
trill, be era 1 - 7 a - -heap.
teal our or r.,..-or:os s,vout r. 4
Inr_lVon for a h.cas... or.violtiocr to purebarn
tint.. In a orator. T:bkb von.!
fizirrors. WM Doi
to •
nFtt ,
4 0.1 o
- -
Valuable Lund for sale.
rwlrrgsubseriber odors for vale 80 acres of
llOttom Land. a-Rutted within mlla of iho town of
lovermOre, Waatmoreland county. a.ijolaing the Ps-
Canal wad Ninth Western Rahman. The fowl is wall
Manton to tho growth of all lands of grain and venom.
idea, tad. o s Perot wishing to entage to gardening,
rem rare fimiltica. The alma. wlll. Or sold on reasonable
Per farther partionlarw, address or atty to the ant.
&Tiber ill
at lllairare.holluntr
inniar aria co unt/ ,
til7f NOON.
_ _
. .
gi f AST LIBERTY—Forsale FIVE At
of Mud adjainiou Etat LI hnrt, (one of vitt finest
. of the Lazio:Ler rrorerty ) 4Ve vrth 561 the above.
lot 'MY chten and It would make the Mllext country
se%ts about :beats: M within Si of or Chit. ,
-Liberty stAllon and slthln lire ruluntes of the city. Ay
ply to dell DIA /1.1: I.Y
FOR SALE—IOWA LANDS AND AL. • LEGHENY LOTS 7 , )/l lIALE-40 Acres of lead In
angel@ counti.loAA.2.lo PD Weal, A Dna piece o
land. good raging Angle. Chem,
Your lots In Reserve togrionlp, In Untee pl.. each lot
PI feet front by a good depth. will be rota Vet) lowa
lta acres In • valuable county lora; at 17.00 •c. ac
cash. A greAt lArgeln. apply to re
k 0 1 7? SALE---5 acres of Land situatr,• in
Ohio township. adjoining lands otialnes Oliver end
ni A War. and treating on the Ohio and Penney's., el s
iteltnea. hoist on the Erizitgicavre.",
PubHo Home for - amt. •
AS O MR. FULTON, the present ocen•ar4
puit oftha American Uotal, or Fulton Tfouse.4.
nnton.Pa.. tits dentinal notion for another ters
la in a good state of repair—agords a vest, amount of
accommodations than any inland noose In the State .04
Is at present Jana . a goat business. These wishing to
rent are requestol to apply soon.
.• .
ko nl2cene Con ' , Seat for rola or exchanne fcr Pity
brorarrr. rift. - ofluld oltnated on illouirrol
thi 1111/dhanl Lbecit Peebles Tp.;llno Inanorrenents,
baring a neat and cc °noble frame tone and other
out buildings; lad env:Jeerers Ed' beet orafred varlet'.
IneMdZa Um.; serer.' god suet excellent curie o
of ester. Apply to BLARELYa RICHEY, •
nol:4 Baal Eareite rrolzers, oar. 7th di nal infield et
0 • goo , ami y brae
atrarvEßß DILWORTII,
Na Porand
'OI SALE.—Our second hand steam en
:up:le g i '„7° .. ..t, err 121.;rgier i 11 11 e a I ' rs i Z ot
run. hour, of T. L 1 1 1224146 1.2):No 112 Eczond .t.
To Let.
A TWO story brink building .3 , ontain-
Log 6 rooms end finished garret, ottunts onia
Vkihingten street. Alleghomr city, -
ALSO, one conforming 6 rooms, sittmte as obors.
.6.140, s new two .f.m.y brink dwoillna with goo owl
wateracerammodotions. new finishing. wiu be hrody in •
few 6070 Ertl:are of P..
del H o 111 LitArtystreet_
17[10 LET—A
m i me and Brick Dwalling,
cantolning 6 rt... and fituShed sreurst. nittiote.un
...Minton of .6.l2.rgheny City. Iniairsof
no 2: 11.11. KIND, No2ll. I.lhftrir Ft
. .
WANTED TO RENT—A comfortable
v v Dre nod 11re cr of co.I Land
ernrectent to thl car. Add.rue M. U., Box 1'.:43 Pat
To Lat. ----
V1TA ,.. 1:17.11 }„ 0 , 1F .4 ,.. t: ce o. d
e lp ru ilec . onti f street,
J. 3 , 3111103MCK1N A CO.
fel No 13 Wood l•trte. t..
Carter's Spanish Mixture,
TILE altat T tV.G. FIER OP rra BLOOD.
The Best Alterottse Known.
rare:etc of ...trirc:o3 , L's ill
An Infallible remo•ty for Serefu'en Nines 1.41.. Itherma.
Wm, ebetittatt Cuttnernot Eruptione. sr
Pn..tMs or, the a.e. 'Motets*. OMR. o Rne .01
Chnnie Erre ',yet, Snot - worm crt*
toe, raid Nevi. linstrzement and Palo or
the Bowl cod Joints, Fall
Ytuberm Watt,, P 7 1111 , Dl,.
ent-rs. and ail ct..-essenatle
tushnon an lahrdloirns
ens of heronry. Im.
orates.. la ill's,
'pat S GRE A T 0
acd Purittor or the 'Dail. CA ,hr =et hy thontands
tw,ul 'patents frog oil pee. of the Ur It'd alas.,,
who teetlfy daily to the emerak.'s r torionard by
tax nr.kte,of nil rs-dielnet taTtlt d bras)
MINIM:ft' O.
enr.dufe. 111:earthlbsta,S.-rtICI.,
111 • on QM lhaet-o. Ihnall. l / 1 11 00010,
0.10 , 1(00, 0.1 t Lim 111,Z076 lit 10.0...0, reanah
* qlsll Jeints.
af*7yesd .. ot to flight by %moth's, lute horthie rectal!
F4ralldle...ates of t , * Wood. nolhto¢ Ittsa yolbera found
to ram. ate with 11. It cleanses the elttem of an imrarh
ties, acts nosily a..d ant:hotly on the Lim and Midst. r,
nrengthena the Diuthion. Ott. , Lou. to thn thtnath.
coat* the i lin des and healthy. 1114 restorer the Um`lol by a1...r00t blotto down by the as.
of youth. to Ito 14.14t.m, 91= .00 rtrentth.
Fsr thed n^J Jnals It La rly kyr, earth, and
wheterer It Ltd bosom* Ronan IA reinalarir presonbed
with the hapriset WIWI*. It Invite' the treat and
detldistt.l. and Imparts olastitity to the wont out frame,
oleo.. the oho, end wares the Patient teeth tad health!:
a tingle Irt tan of this Inenimatda remedy it worth ail the
Fre allei rareathtlia in alittants.
fr... r ot s t!l r eltit u rF th Lr " f ortrlPO!ll7 h tftirs ""el ;e l
heat •stroorrth m at ;h.q.. la no Lomous abnut the
?ha-. lint*lkesperconanistsatae. Mytleime. and publ.s
moo, well luatArn to tb.c , ift.iltity. all add their tettitoo•
ny to the vendor:tit .I.!e-,..• of this, Gnat /110x1 Yu:rifler
CIO on the fluent and L tan Almanac, sod read the
dot lois Of as tOol shirts moos .o,oo=ool by Darter's tiganbh
MU-WM (ID 111001 tae.. when artrythim the ban sig./.
Ir fade,.) 711. OM <lto airrrtir-Mont will Dot admit
'tote foil Insertion.
WM. S. BEERS & CO., Proprietors,
tin, NM nros , lway. New Tort.
To whom all riots mutt be addreesed.
For tale by Dranwhie and Coustry ...Instants In all
pert. of Ma linit•l Ethel nail Canada,. deld:dawl T a
ztay Limiter to Saturday, January 10th
`~' :';
14VEUTACs.rd, groond the 'else: triocipter et
Spherical Acs.nracy. by U. El)40.110110. the adebratal
OPlelan, , reln the lammed Ness:wit. Macinfactstry tad
I Laiden inlay lterabilebineut. ho.lod, Om Bond start,
14n:en. eytabilthed more than a century agh.
Bch:MOWS the eels Inventor or the improved Ppecta•
eke, aria lertotir lincroyed Glaeees, to tole en aVets,
efflntenat 1 . 151 t tale Coro, and =ay he =vagina at Mc
Mena v• /Red and Paw IA eta: entrance on filxid st
lie has had the honer of attending the Above naanri
principal bairns in the United Kingdom, whore ha huess
perbraced the meet tiattettnnenoeuracremcnt—snd haring
bon earnestly solicited tO mats a Tina for a short time, '
be has the honor of sanonnelon his am yal. tram Lauda%
with • meet eplendhl eintrtinent or Ha newly insent—i
sod thiniarra Opectaclee. • Oath le the superimi eyedthe.
Olasese. that Darien, baying inflamed CO weak
%natant)) be relieved by tieing them, tad they ftnem
His property of Dreamt an the prreods ornan n. eight to
the Went rhyrne.nt period ef ' Ilre, while they enable , { bate.
the old and the s. na toPar.e most minute e•
meat for any /Ninth of time s Ott er a
by . day or can dlenikish y
As several Indreldnals In the United States ha, proved
their eglasey, be with eonfidence solicits the layers of the
publis which he will ever relnratin to acknowiedne, ern.-
tug thorn ten entrat him with task commands, that no
eserUan eball wont ing on his cart. to merit theirs.,
Illence end approbation. Added to the edreowecs pa?
'Wren by him of long erectly, In the Bee Indraiarh,
au a underone of me snort eminent Oculists, by which tie
bar ebudickr a therotigh knowledge of the d Items et via.
Mo. be has In lila ponsecsion, docusionte Twos indirldar
ea af rank, conveying the kighoet tentnianlels of appro.
Ifs nth ales references to yco . tons In the Uni hot Etats,.
who have Leonel the greaten beocat and cataract Aeon the
erect all newly lorented and iniprorad Bpee7.cleh
The f Ouzel o:zioent nine le an extraordinary, powcrini.
inrentad sonall Inetruntsnt, for the nom of extreme
ease. ol &Worst, entfrely einare nt In make and ctiestrue•
lion (rem all others, surameing everything Of the kind
that tan ban or ever can ho produced. They are modeled
.to the lATIty ct the tar, end may rest within altbont
artiecitno. and twonoti to zamp etlitnt tt. Ste cot
reroolloit, The powers of this Val ebb. invention At.
grer.t sa, to restore defantive
g enable standing
to Its peda l; land natural estate, and to deal per-
Irunt IC JrAxt In general ea overration, to heir moll dittAtet.
f at tt pplate oi trouble, et the barer an, DUNI° itssamUn
thelltinlatitalet sentattert of ringing note. in thevar I.
lemon.!vattelr , •n4 6 the concentration.; all'orded to
divltnale afilLettd wit h [hie dreadful 'malady, 'all the le.
rlstance that an yesalbly bedeelred.
Pirrsonaort Jut. bth, 1611.
lam horny In /wring my feeble toot1=013) In favor of
btr.lomone Igo ()levee. I think them enperler to any
that/ hare trlea, The eyes seem to net pleasantlytmder
ir nre,. . . IainCOOS. AL .
Late Preto., In WtollnEtoa Univerelty. Dalttmere.
PrITIMILa a. June tilth,
lam Wing • pair of 2.11 . .. Malwanne Ulu., end yod
them very isomfortelde. clzewfallr add my name to the
zumner of thsna who renvlnclrnd ttum.
From Iv t ake here olderred in the nee or 'Lir, LioloMne ,
thactte, r niesepre Cdding 197 te2:lllkoD7 to the
fcreontrict recommendations of the faculty.
Pltteburgh.J one 8014833. JAIIIE3 KINU, M. D,
Wunerrno, Oct fah, ISLE,
I lik4e tried abott li=e, a role of eyeetoclee fore
Maned Cy Mr. 11. batman.% &rot take nleasure La testify+
'hog to their eeel qunlicr. 1 hare aleo procrtned a aalt of
=nears giarree for Flea Bouototl, which In theft elifeeta
are en noly ;4.10 eg end '
• hi—lL lIONETON,S.I.D.
Ivarr Vona, Janet4th.
' Ifaringsnada n trial of eoloool2le kreettzles, end exam.
toad the pi 1.3e/plo on which they are cortatroded,l bare
0014111E1.0m in pronouncing theta inimerler to roy with
which Lan asonainted, end acoordlop4 eau wont <brine
folly recommend thrro w El 101,12004 artittelal old
'lmproving tJtir Cli az. 01. MCO,II. D.,
Protensor of ratholory and SI Medico, Uenore. Ref
tale wod.f.tiwdon VoUccr. . • • • '
•- ; finclnitPit, lone 4:11 ,
r.,7,1gi1y onnenr. WS ter ae mr AlthaneritgOSE, in the
opinion of h r Wend and collescle. Dr. 1r0ur..,....
.to the rerfecth. yr Me. NOIC11:161a ariTrX a m oral I.lleefte
Z? far..le.tvedneu. The . grlnd!ne appe‘ra to bs gOod
antLetear, and the generel workmaneElp rupericr.
. JAM/Sai h1.11(1124, 24. IL
_ twrov.,r or &marry, tienevneollexe.
I Eoreby coati). that the eye filusfes thorn mo by U.
lolmono 6:St Superior to Cobb sad iroaf.b,f.nottna to fay
roffe.Tt vintura Mau s°, I Care trot examined. ..a an:,
1007 reeomageed tttm to ell to rofid of girt,.
l t ,e rm . r r. S. "f , .-rr. rout - Mau/ 0 . .f0+t00f0.1. ,
Ctoolonati. cot,. 16__13 6 . - uciUamdf.o
44, UNl)it LES"
6 ) C') CLI, and half bbls ne• Itetkeral: • •
•• • •
•.t 6 bids and belt Liss Mk/ f utonn: Fritubb;
bill. No, 1 Lisill'sx • • . '
'4llib I
101 6611 SM. $3 slap . ,
• ::11sirs V. 11., sod Urinal." kugassi
• bit bbl" fin l Itoslin' •
11/ti Ebb Y. O. Rat; • . , •
• Tosbthsb with hash rtAck 'GUI:36O.4es aria' P/ ttl b arab
Llurorattuiedertit4F.• 1 , ;61i /motors sod SY •• •
• . din • WAIT d
Irrialth and Strength mast Inevitably
low ita 'Ciao
II 0 L - LA N . O it !Tn. RS
f-t -d -- 1--4----, ,4%.
i k_mi.t.),, : ,. : 4,
ka ) ...
(. 1 ,--... t f -t. : _ k z . 2 .4.
04. - -...,;;;-::.,.• 1-4 4 39
Li,...,,, , ,,..-,... , 01 , „c. : 5/
""T`i.,....-.7.3.1 , 3
- ‘t...4. -',1% - -.4 , 1.,' .
W-'....-- , .." 4 tr - 3.;--
1......... .. - -..,-- fr iv - ,,,, -1 .
,_ ,t ,. ...
• , 4 •
ND. the union s arm tlong consequent
Wu a (thardeir.l Btelant her Litsr. Burl e,
u.dc1(11;)- of thpBtcmae3 NI Heartburn,
of APPME.,I%.*NIdt ,, r, 1111nd ss
rem b .rall sad Naurslgi err..
mut. it hr., In =mous Instenrem proirol Melly ,
dAsS•iin othilerst.tad s c•z r e.
Hottai Linden woe .tIfT.3 . , to combat, with tale de
IMhtful tools ha the system. ItsnLer . e are almnat mead.
yet the curenoreicomt. It communicstee elo , out
atMek to the mister, het by arousinu its tdrar eterdy to
melatalomloo, enables It to throw od 04/47e, sal Um .
tlenroughle , eredierLee tlm dui ~e.
no:kite medicinal virtues ors eo unt•ermdly o:kuewl•
edged, sadportlonlexty hors, where it ht. treome yen
ulot'• &emit/ arairdno that It Is a , ILI by moor of the
grocer., as sr.II melt the ..Immtibltl. It would Oren
Ws. to oiler further evidouro yet so theta ors droibtlees
mum oho hare tried /=l4lll adeertleed remedies, and stll/
coffee from Dyspepsia In one or more erne dreadful foetus.
Va nobmito the felimelog certihretes. the sutbrotiolti of
which tonna tm doubted. torologao they rib frtie. persons
el mil lamoinh
What it is doicg for the Siel.
Sa l ., the well ked pew Iltbegrepiter,
etyle_"l.tiwee reequentlr need Eireltevele liolten4
nrd Dada Inesetably relines inithiestted edul debility."
Rem derdeel liebark es= '.l reewhillh led reeelal teller lerti
ita reefer t aerere tietdriebe. i tab b. l MDR , -" a'
d d W. redwel.l. Ern.. ears . 1 Neve cowl liorrheve.e
Rollandrd tient myself, cod raonmmor.deellt to other,
Inoowlnd It to he See: ...hat It le rerrroentol "
Ald.Jenzthart Neely, of Lower 'dt. (Nair, -1 love
derived great benefit firdes He ton ho weak.," of the
Jame ht bdarphy tore: "After re reral phielonou had
tatted. Bodlaran's Flodlond Bitten! removed the pale from
cy_besrt and ride. ertelne from Indlgeotion."
The edit.. of the ICl:taunter Free Prave nor "Auer
one of the beetrhyrieldoS thin otern bed failed. Ecor
hares Rolland Blttcre cored me ol the world form or dyne
M " ole retie, only menu.actuner et the - oriel.' Eve
tract of , k , Com." says: "1 know that soar I/inland Bitter..
A one of the boot medletnee In the world or disordered
rromern or
Dr. Imoselk. editor of the'roo.hel; Baltimore. promnic•
or It a meoklue deserving the confidence of the yebllc,
Cr, hherhark the lor.d.los tterme.n Thfsiden P....
hew proecrlbed I t . fredwntly daring the lost.7.l.yrave, with
marked ow:cc, m cetilltated etate, of the etigrAls• cr.
gene. orof the e - yeteni orerady.
The .anagor of Bellaire rinser Ittenry car: I card
It =Teel, and wee therefore Indoced to try lb, pivot upon
my wtre. (troubled with the greet debility . tveman to all
of a ovessuentiva habit.) and really le to &MO:Lev COT!
good than anothlng eh. bes,ever taken,"
ItOTICK-Whorrear eoyeent to End In thts e beverage
wfil be dlrePtenntr4; bet so the plot, weak and 101 V splrtte
wt. It v 1111,1,4 gretemlocood. ornltal:
fflUPOlstr,emollel prorertLin
1../AUTIOhI-Tb:, great rreLerns Mt; draghtfel
ca hO.l induced tunny I ns .r:lone. hich the nubile should
Lt: v=sry r ‘f t ' ir.s Iv ß ,:a 'o jat r f7: - ;. ' N ' toqurd any
tern • fair tdaL tine holt. will mouvlocv yca how Icse
euperier it In tout (beds lodtattona
11.1.4nr.f.ar1r0.1 Yitarr.v,e et iqta Cbra
ll.llaittrals.l4 W. I(ett atx..1.2.. ctreet tie+
Vora. Vetere a Psta. att Ptcalaar, tattler
timcre, Casper. Bra:herr, and Ceuta. Avenue.—
Clacionatl. Jaan D. Fara, Chicaso,Darc:sr Etat:be...AM,
It Watery St Lod IlartatteLactsme Ut.. ti.trtleaaa.
.1. Wright &Co. (aria dalgardilw
Helmbad's Gennute Praparation,
Par /Kassa a 014 Madder. Kidneys, Ceara .
llMArtrsice. Marsiatens and ad Lisauies
Miring:had Ex0.61q., and Improdeum In IS, Wrath
existing In
hem aliaLrrer emendbey may have originated.
And no dintter of Flow Gong Siteutdlnc.
Girinp liN4Ol and Fsgm. In Ile hams, and Maass to tne
it cares tierraue and Debilitated Punter& era roue,
all tits leyntategg, among which will to hnind
to 'Exertion, Lose of
rover. Inf er
Dialoulty of Breathing. General
. Weal:m.le% homer of thatane,.
tient", Trembling, Dreadful Horror of
Destle.N telt tiwrera, Cold Feet. Witkefunteiar,
. litctoese of Pile; Languor. unitertlll4lo,ltnde
of the Ilteettler biatem OLoas Ibtortuona Appetite,
lALT=Pri r' l=4o2l4l,PilltMh g
tenant:* inid trap:Joon on the F..', Pain
lit the (tent, ot the Eyelid.
Frequently inlet lap ''to hiring
War, the Ayes, with rem.
rancor EulTosiou sad
Loge of Sled;
' Want of attention, Great litoricity. Heallostinerr. with
• Horror of Ocelots. Nothing la racer, derirabie
eery Patience Mau OnhtUtio. and nothing
Meg Wore dread for tear of Moro.
rate.; DO rorreeof trian•
nor, no eterttextural.
no ggeoulatlon.
Dot /lonic] Tranielion Vona one guerlion to
t,molt .m
Theta emdtorac Un ioned to go on—width te .
eine ineariabir renvevis—tottt tillowe Isua pf P erm, Fe.
tugg• tgelegGefttr—ln one of whkh the rat.entmey
earth, Who can may that the-re ertiearem are ma trounce EL
lr allterwed by there SLlntuit 4nromece-.-intnotty. non. .111,resardr , et the !m.0., Aegfuse. and the
tnetanaheir treaths by rvarteratetteee, bear staple henna
the tooth oLtDene nenortiona. In Lunotioneylcone the
noon no:ntOtl , arrears Tne oeunteeene n
fe ?rtintlir etel4en col quite destltute—neither Mirth er
Grief ever It• iitgeal.l a raced of the 'On, Omar, It
:la rarely arGrulate. 1
• •
Nastfol ausurea •an dispel,
Low ulles yronds hie grief beinlled."
• Debility to most taxable, and has brought thOuaands
up en thousan.r to untimely arose& thug bloating the
...Litton of may noble It ran he ours.l by the
me of this INPALI.LBLE
If you ate sufreana with any of the es:mei: l ast:ea-dog
aliments, the PLUM EXTRACT BLICIIVw cuss yo.
Il lrAl d g ' ggP Y 9 th r l CA :R l P O Cl A r ..t/ rAel-
D0C20.8.3. wt... 0 (steely bona: of ablll:Aes sod rtalus.,—
(litherm Snow and avoid then, and rare Long Suffering
stoney, and Nansens% by sentilliA-cr calling to a bottl,
of that. Popular and opecteo Item 1.
Statists. all pain end latarseration, ht perfectly pleasant
In Mateyo and owl, but Immedlate In Its action.
reprenereddlroctlyacoording to the Rules of
Pllaltalatllf AND
Wlth the gee et and Chemical knowledge and
care dented ita combination. Oen Professor Drags,'
Vainabie Weeks on the Practbsa of amts. and Moat of
the late Standard Work., of hiectielms.
One handled dollar. esti be gala to any Ph yak; an who
ran prove that the !Indict. tree led mad Patient; and
Sher teethoony ofthoneande eau Do Drodsued to espy, that
It does great good. (4am of from Coe wet L, thirteen
years' atutdinst hare been efftwtod. The ol Yolon
tory Testimony in noneemlon of the Proprietor, vomiting
Its virtue. and ctlY, powers, it Immenee, embracing
mom well kIIOVI2 t
100,000 Bottles novo Been Sold,
An &not • single lastance of fallas• boa horn reported!
Mi l • ll r•OPearei baba.. roe, an Aldo:manor Min t
of Philadelphia 11. T. 11SL,51E.OLD, Chloral., oho
duly error° tices Hy. trod. ISe prlparenca =tains
Narcotic, Olrrorry or itholoas Drag , . bat are purely e
irarAbie. U. T. Hitt blE()L1), bola blacaLactorsr.,
ri necrn and etabr=lberl heron aro tblealdry arNoycro.
Dm 1551. ' Wll. P. 1110114 P.h, Alderman.
Price SI pot Hattie, oral: for S 3, llalicored to
wry Addrocc,
Aro .. .panted by relLsola cal r-coasib!all.r l lOccteafrarri
333fre• re of Nallcal bravo, •
(llrrgnaca. sad atm.
Prepared. sad acl.l be T, II aLtIeOLD.
Pr•crtlnieod Aaa.ytical Chemist
I.C:rO.outh Trarh below c:heeaul, Angela
_ 1,4 lio'llitio rh
mr T.. too 3. It, 1%A...1...tit. end of all Drug..
yin 3.11.1 ttlrr.t3,333mat Creed Hair*. Caos.ass
and 1:3133rth 1.32,333
Mao. T. Lt. 4:111./WLIILLL.
4.1 IL'A/Cr. V
IfAtu t.
to) No Other
twe:d.t*lsT Ct. , 1,1 , .. OLI Aa N.ri,r.D.
T.t.a tiro:Ile"! olibiiiscovory
' E AGE.
R. I. Er; e.DY . a Rot t.ury, hap dillcoP
vaofourenEarttou /Ancor woods a remedy
that," •A rerryiersi,f/turr,rjr,etro . 4,-4, 1 , 0.4M •
It fires intern
It It. or, rr , rer • AIM never
Idled crept Mr" ctuor Ile her
now two , • 0.1 14
.1 , 1..611 within en •' .4
TWO bottlb wirir,/-1 catc uors/u; rot.. mreth .
One to three bAt!re will tare the worst kind clientele.
ofthe tau-
Tat to throe rains rfll ,one the mete of boll,
^ RD LOW , . ars w.. - motr4 to care Lbe Womt rent, Iu
the moutharen stomech•
.Three to Pre hottt. arc teat moor fa •ux.• the iromt
oam of eryeiselem.
the e
Me to two bottler ere warranted to cure .11 ltwirtv
Two bottles any wan anted comet Ine er the ,
Ind bkhrhes among the hale..
Your to elk bottle: arc vrian.r.(4ll to ante =mot
running alma.
One bottle wilt earn away err.rtion of the skin.
Two to three bottles are warren rodlo rocs the =3 dee
Panto twee Of rtieumitLml,
Two to three bottles, we wananted t nor, the rtol•lst
axe erring . ..tom.
TM•es to tour bottles are ivarrantel to "Oro reit ;heath.
Five to Mat bottles the worst etta. et ecafttle.
A heneat Is
rsgtented frOM ab o veet bottle.
and a nellect cum warraterel when the Quantity
le taken.
/Nothing looks en Improbable to three - libellant In yen
Mind all the wonderful meildues of the daY....that a
00200204 Weal crowing in ttrtPOMorm...4.o‘ . .g o+4 sum
walla, ;hada mare every humor in the erstecu rat It le noir
.• axed reek .Liyou have • htunor it Ns to elan. There
are Itel/Cfr ante, hums or hi s about tuition lams met
inot your.. I reldlott avers thousand bottles or it :
thencitalty et - Boston. I know effects In erecy nunt-lt
hest already done some of the greatest came ever doneha
hisnd•chcretVo I It to shires
year oltk . to .1 , 3
sharpie snuly. I have Ott , El year. pony, wormy !coking
childr.n.. yap., Bern wan soft and (labor. Tor 4 Ted to •
perfect ointe oflmalth hr et c
To thews who are euldect to a idelt heedathe, one bottle
whl always curs IL it
re great roller to catarrh and
Homeward are been restive kw True,
ken and heart regulated by it. Where the body is sound
worke quite WY. but where there is any derengemen t
of OA ftrorslonam nature, It ell' cause very elzmular reel.,
loge, hot you meet not he alarmed—they always illesp•
Peer In frm kat der. to a week. There I. never a tad
remit nom It. Oath. contrary. when that feeling leaver
you e 111 feel yourself nke a new peer., • I heard ems cd
atm more erter.vegunt encomiums cf it that man ever Ile.
tense,to. No change of dietto aver neeeeearyt—ett the
best you mn get t have likewise en teeth., width, orb.'
slammed In direoiresterofttlons ...thine of tha
neck end talkies the war.. thine to cents. Pries of the
Mencal hisoovery St Doe bottle.'-L
D 12 1 ,7711134 roe Ns—Adult, cane - tab les;oated Der day.
gt ry.eeia g r h s t , y tewe d e e n r f e u e I r . t tnoooc t ildn a n M
made heel/cab/a to alt whet:M.lcm% take ecor.gin tooter- •
ate on the bowels take a day. - •
fdr. IL.glingUT gives ver.aa rtttedanc• In bad came
of ilmntuls,
Bold, Wholesale and Itstallat 11):YAOR'13.140 Weed
Skeet. corner of Vlrsin alley, nod j•P. ntouN 0_
A tweutrellre cents per bottle.
rein a the reline:ter Er darean. Core the pals :ad
You ch"sh the statue
le truly the wonder of the eget , It 0U1V1P14 , 2 , 113 I el3lltast
thence re...lnit.., to get sCelan! • • .
• h curer notecase (44 inustate. •
ats Cratere. or /UM to eee Sronaoh and Bovelr,
Coon INU ere and Ctoelleol Pere from 4 COW.
rum .R.L•trotetinn and.Nouralgill,
Orriv , terrtint, /fruiter, toolds and 'Burns. •
Co tarns and any Pain in
Orrer :a.. =ntl i flozp:ZWlrrall itaLtruty. .
Qtres thin to Meader, Limbs. or .
Cixer/pre and Milt and Rm.: -
Thle le no humbucsoealelne, and no really eheuld
srit...ont • bottle to care of arcHent or reliant ragmen:-
Ith asedertenlelly. eleny s giving lamellate teller,-Jr
the W(l3.lillItIVL U.I. weld Fresh, ireuld elel=.
••Wbile most phreletene tato whoa menthe to ter,y; • • .
I mete my CUMt to belt•ermettere day.". -
Ten yeses residence with rho Red Elsie. in the Itrott:
together with es trlee nest tchoethintrareln the eel:Mt
sent of Europa. eareeletlest deny With the-very ollte of
the Idelllcel yrotoxfom bee enabled Pent HERD to retreat
to the works the WONDRIIYUL Itta.OrtErltl GIL. • •.
Zoe sea by ell renkett P
. ablenaggla e, and et Prof Ree , TO
la TDlrd errett. •
R. A. FAIIN.ESTOC Co„ awl Dr. OW. A grfilart
lirbatessia Aguas.
Pittabw i Lliedgc. Farm Iluzval,
00041.,VEZ.7h t k Paik
extecel-32 of For.h-th
a nd
;1 , 001
They (Too oote - .not orice,t!on of er . e au,:
:goon sea. onfestle for teszeolohthg . LH, fel: oh
The Nom, 03w 06100 cir,e o-tra 103
Lcotoine over `..'..3.00ni loreee 6..hretlo sod etoi Con
ote:h h.V.t tee.. oh.l Loergraero soca :r11,12t.
• L 0
. tirr rrr rC. - noici (Orin:a:en o-nel olee.eora
nto earorohy panted ra..l .1.1. , • - f”.
roy mot of Cho C0!,..1 tcloo.
In , " to cal the lettoettee,.. o..2,rrry 0.0 .c.
tr . teem:ow Do: on:tooled tee. • •
t•Le e'relho of 1i...e.0hr.,•hr0 orotti all Cho Be ..reoa
Int.rooons a 6 hinter. :het O. ally - thy eeee.l
ea:tirr.t.tua 1 , !Ids eoo,•Oh•.1, - 4 exwoh. - 7. ilehhe • r ply
fhi.Pooka taxce le. hi co Mot . iheo
tooderst.- ettor.perr., .veh WI. I
3, , C•rr tt* Ott yjt;.l-..,..e., rt,ukc.3 ALT
(.1 , .!r.r2 tookum...= r=t Van., u• 11
etAnd Cu awl. - Is. lc
ty- 1.14ac.0
T; - .Pep, 44.
r A.:I4E %mild ritvvc:-
; ehtiy atteatirm tiLl hien 12 11,V1 01.
1712 2 44,. 42.
E 1) :0 1411. !a= MlGitt Fruit: Trtwe.
ree,..,• 41.-Wbb. es. ta-we. Orecr.! . .choo Ate.
Or ADyln, the. erteek te.r,te emilozie Prez,
Lecut rroi 114.13eard ett oar own sainne. 3.1
the,' sarieti— Pe.vt, retreat tiwaleweel wilt Met.
Cr, Ma. Cur..% de.
LP. Ev.erteree,n, tect, I Ve.tert.ef we t,we min?)
[5013/Steel, F., nue: Per- n, wcat. , r4t lame, lwantiti. .111
to Mow-ally 2.e.e.: with.. Call cog- n t or Ana. We a.
101,1-rt emlwn. erd.” lett (I, l'atAtestitl
ale 11. 1.11,12;. a,.thlcinn.l'tiarrewt. I w =Be.
ew Pe an. AIRMAN ST the rdlAttax.;b Nei:rent. 1.1; =We,
set: va! tee p.see,l.ll , attew.led a.
v mOtees.
A snxT— f , C 47.. Cnttr...,...t, t.. Ta r t
I,:etz itztaSt.
Confidential ;Medical Advice
t tor the ewe fßmivsl Weans,
arm the Senn! In arm On el Tenth and Maturity by Dr.
AMC'S a KM. Ileffalo, N. Y. 017.03, comer of Main ems
Q... 7 eta. npataire
.eoffrafE.V.llllC 1111yENIYON.
An In etrnment for the care of genital Dobillty.or more
properly known. Seminal
theervos Debility,
Low Spain. Leettude, Wealnovs of l3 auk and Lambe,
Dinmen of 'ninon, 00, du,cam, elating Ito sloth:a for
holemei mett.ri:rony , blot smanthropical
and eulc.dal in his pr , re.oltiee, le Modestly • :rented. and
permanently aged In from 15 to 20 daye. by the no. of
tole intrument. when need coniointly with modlrinea
Dr. Ante & toe ere the only Phydelane In the Pieta
who ate mombere of the Royal Oldies& of Surgeon% hone
don. graduates of ace of the mat eminent College/Iln the
United otatca, tats reason In announcing that they
have invont.d a =Oat important Instrument Pr the enze
of the above Demme. It nee been sonjected to a test by
the moot eminent phrelelana in London. Pa-la Phliseleb
phis and hew Vries It has to rm doclaved to on the only
0000.1 In.drnment ever yet dinnvered 1, the cure of
Seminal Weaknene, or any Dance of the graltal organa
Dr. A tine A pole, In order to eatiefy the moat akeptimi
41105 the sneritr of them instrument', pledge then:mired
that In any meter.a when they may prom unmtinfacton
ry atter a fair trial the money will be reloaded br return.
Ina the lottrounmot In goof War.
Perform win:dog the Wane wain! Inetrument 0010, ob.
agree tar& the prim, with the aceompenving
meagrely reeked and gent by excrete. le 510.
IV REEEDIE.3 AND QUON m or nin g
Slay be connolteldrons 8 o'clock e n toe morning until
2 at night- inerarY stage and tymptun Of Disuse,
dary, Ilymptomr,fleminal .Weakness. Impotence and
fitricturea ot tbo Utethra.,&:. with invloialde rergenr.—
The treatment they adopt se the remit of upwards of 10
ream' exters:re and enema:U.: practice In London. The
most Inveterate =easel Dien ner eradicated In 8 or 9 dare,
and tams of a Wighensture In 1 or 3 dam, ate moderate
°enema The cure effect.. without confinement or hind.
ranee tram bud urn: also, node& end Paine In the benne
and I.mbe effectually enultcat,l.
ILL a melancholy face. that Monet lido fall Welling
to dimes owing to nroklifni mar. who, by the ore of
that_deadly Mercury. =math , * bunetitettloo.owtse
Alle 1a.% shish ; 0011,
blotches on the head. node. body ;
dimness, clash; nolte 01 the Cara destueeon the
shin bonn e ulcerated core throat. diseased nee', wltn
nocturnal mans in toe head and limbs, till et length •
general debility nod decay Ofthe rontltation enemaasa,
and ele
• mneholy death ruin • pdicd to their dreadful
—Denmetteo debliltr.relninal weak= se, impotenry. An
unhappily Dogma and prevaDnt at ia l to either from
OW, abuse, lateral:urns:dr. carne of pleasure, mendal
rampathy. otb-r injurious canoe, harm ridded In •
abort time to their mode of treatment, and they have ill
many are arrogantly horde.% effeetsd a complete ion
The above diseases are genetally serted In the mast
important organs cf the human frame. ea manifold are
toe dartgere which they exam, their alibis., and the
atataattaaaall which they may motel.. not 0131, Cu tie
health, but that of Me or:laming also, are to fedora, that
we are struck with empties when we ecnelder that the
study has farmed the shuttle.. client of im few Ittcleal
aiata It le doubtless In the very /united number of the
:totter, that we look for • reason why the treatment of
those complaints Is so Inferior to that °fall others, snd
that Co tensible improvement has Weremede In It for a
Por:od of more time throe motorise, during which the
ammo Mesas have been employed as oon thrum to be pre.
toothed at the present clay Then It ie br no sense *Oa.
desist if the treatment of three dimple rat= become the
domain as it were, of orterke end enmities. who, nevoid
of all mediral science and right whatever, orrograte to
thaataalaa the plwer of doeldlog upon the health. and
upon the life even, of their fellow Crtaillitta. The - IQ:nom
re have in view Le, to match the irtetime of those pre.,
terrine leers them., which Severance sod amltilts are
continually laylug for them. /I we SaCe atia,artt talk Will
realer the handset steomplislunet.t, and our long sod
laberlons researehee their noblest reward.
Dr. AMOS ds SON have merle arrangements whereby
rataafata elate forwarded with sectary .anddlepateh to
any part of the world.
ed.lrese Dr. AltOS Sr SON, earner Main and Quay ste w
Runic, N. Y. a dethniawly
fel Wonder of the Age.
F DR. TOBIAS' Celebra Y
ted Venetian Lin.
CCCaaa leant don cacao. Cholera. Deeentern Croup, Calle,
tvzhe 4 o7soepste. Youlleing.iitet re, tool teerhe.Cheined
ILuele, Cold Fet, Moony= iota& Vtlatm. Chronic
atteruzwellsze, evelUntoe, ;Oki Son. Cote. Burt., R,,:eee
end Pales oil. Weeturen In the Llnkbp Reek end Chest.
/10.4 1 / 4 /C—.l^Lt
Dr. 'rotas, toe warranted hie Liniment Or eight yearn
without ever haring ad.:mend curie Clothe retorn of the
noel—all that le eked Le to wee It aceording t o the dl
m: lona.
Ns One all! over ho Without O.
After once wing It. If you do not feud it better than ter
thing you hare <Yet tried berme
Get Your limy . .Returned.
lellrThotoatide of Certitlatos hare been received sneer.
ti r r . ce,Lta ., t.p . okn2 , 7lg hare never need the Dentreanort
a .
to Way Me 000 kH preys that he ever pnbilened a Law
out a•-•Ie duric the time he has had medicine be:bre
the DIM
Call en the wren. po r t
.., ilrt contanaLueuene.
nine certiOmtee. o t o y ing. of the large mm of
the Venetian 14Mment here elated It Is irdurhone to take
Luternaily. Dr, lonise has taken the
DA TnrlL
I, &arca I. Them, of the enr ol flew York. being...dull'
aeon:, do dement:la: I compound a Lamm= called Vent.
TIM and that the ingredients of valets it Is tompcved are
perfectly harmiese to take internally, even /s, doable
i tlmtentity ...mod la the Direchone n e soix . m i t s avach
!rev York January oth. 10016.,
hewn to tbl. d.b Def.= me..
Praaanno %root... Mayer.
Price and fre ankle, esidhy the Druturina and Patent
Medidne Dealer,' throughout the United ntates.
WAD* for tale Dr. Tables' florae Liniment in pint
be:Dela: 00 carve Intmatel royal= to coy other.
Dr. SebiaP Mil" 00 DeurtLani et., flew York
DX. a.IicLANE'S- •
_Liver Pills and Venal - age,
R. I. SCOTT, regular ImAnato . and Vire.4. amt.:odes to
end mporkram In.
deed by a cummemlable deelre to alleviate hems* ender
M. ea well att to enrol, hno <Zoned an MORO VSMEN
ont the miginal LieraPos, end Vimnirmi of Da. O. Whew
haring smeared these remedies Ing the media.% porter o
Dr. O. mrLane. for many_yeara
Our Improved Idrer Me and Vermin:lse p.ere greater
efiloscr end are more salLI In their oiler_ ton than the
Liver F'ULs and Vomitus. smeared amcdinu to the eels.
Mal reseigt 02 Dr. U. to We ebb derlaration
undmrlandirmly, rardandend t hemto the an:tinted ae
being both pleasant and =AM.. and believe them anpi
Mr to may other Lem Pill or Vert:Wen. ever
Pea Cerlificat4of Dr. 0. McLane=
Tho Whole World Conquered!
Dr. I. Scott's Celebrated Whito Cirsassts:
The universal relief attnted by application. °filth tele
omted fling of l'ain !TIT cuts of Ilhetunatica, flout
L um wns o b' f . f. ' 7, Joint Dorn ,
Het...a.? Pm t ea t
or any other M1..44 or tebkha Ado Hiller or I.lnunant
is teed. enabiaa las to aeserapoaltltel that Dr.l, boott'•
tileneated 11, , ate aroatalaa .ielca to the molt
Ws and pleasant remedy yet dimovered, Romaine astnn.•
!thing propertles /Sr Arden, duo= c.d marrow% emir
=lnns et ma,he
lobßay attavntlons of its VISCILMI.
ty tam.. of solaal judg me n and lotriet Integ
rity, should iodate all to adept It as •t standard Fatally
itaxedy. The =et tarn north* nothlon
,t2I• than the Po:loofas testimony of Dr. C. McLane, dir ,
last:done:l 14 • great diec , ,rerar of medical vein...dim
>list idtIWARTO - Mt. Va.Sert. 12,16`•6.12,16`• 6. m 0 . / tV/. That. / hats exatmeei the ItanlTAltt
vtr; IfTeen:T.'.lMWgroz=r,trlc.,r4
'gc7:4'frbLiVl-0 lset
WEN. !ma to the atnse eatement the =TO willteglT
/ fan tin kb7elf in 1./.172 tahakerT, L would lathier
3/A1 I that I hate frrammtly me/ Isla Chlebreted IMite TAT.
L'lttum.lattittell to my prettice, vitt, the happlett'effeam,
that 1 4a etvesientt•mly recmtmetel It.
:I. D. .
AU the ebo. Medlin. trePared dada- the tu
drr,qelon of Dr. 1: fad:, Mt! by WI". RD. end Her.
Ver;ep " ige D.O.r e wt.... hammed I.lirr P . el
.rz.rored Veradruire are • Ivned Dr. 1. Dente a C.V. el.
Hord by rxrDenate of dace,. Tbe geradtte C.Detadt
wl Whl. tdreasslan Lltdecent eSimed Dr. L Cott
Ire tereni.l ih ebanstatv of I. bent; DLD.
DD. 1. scam &thlrrie , rs -
Bank Plere...Morreatotra s ys. •
Dr. F.T.Th.r.D. 140 Woad Dlttebtagb: Whole
... an ra.
11ENDSItr..0 4 DP.D..Td2l.lb2rtr Alma
J. P. ViXlllNd, Allegheny, v..= Dr&
en error je.Mfi•El
Time it Better than Pibuoy.
TrIIEREFORE, of you do - riot stunt your
oredlt named, be behl. Alma at the ear& or your
fnanda depart so:. got Werther Clock that trill keep
time, and thalliaoe to err. !Wm I. at
P •
Ajv or Jl, STOR
Where ca ruth
dW e r t t .
hog ofal W an d
,a . In
C M o ak rB Ir .
eases, Open or hunting, from ti to $l5O. Cloche ertrr
eerie °femme or frame; gothic and round tor: Paean, and
°c.a....Marine and dtaatle. Thirty hoax and Xistit.dar.
caged In wood. Iron or paper macho. JeweLT erkiterr'
•flybity.aterNadln=ly lOW linter!, Watch Cbalor, Buck, WM, ODII and rllrer.renchr. Bracelet., Arm.
late. Gold aoo allrrr hproteclm, Isms. and Pearl - rorti
monies., ea.
To those who wlallnumhasa anything In mar line; we'
would my that havhhr booth t ourgmd far OAHU, we
can aell Medea thsw own Roux in far aryl notArltristand•
1.2 tbe enertlon rolling at wholemde priori Made by
came lutbo Imelpes. andiudge for yonnalrel, •
N.l l .—Watchwellochz andriwelry Of all kinds ropalrol
In a manner not to be eserlled., •T. W. woof:fuer.
engird 23 Flab betweed Wood and efarket.
Watches and,-Jewelry
Pd. I. ROBERTS,. has jiltt
returned Mout the tastun cities
• .L
lelthen entire nor and cholas stock of
are Wat.ther,Clockus4Jeweir,Which
he boo • purchased mostly direct from
the manufactnnrs far sub. which en* An
bits him to Sell at the bilowing eery
'ovular: • ••• • ...•. ••- ••- .
Gold Patent Mier' Wstcheil, In open and hantlrd
Gold Lavers,lB kurnt uses. failjewellea 250010 50 00
Gold LePhoes • • 22 00 to.; 2500
• . Levees. - • ' ' 00 to - 6000
Gold Guard, lon and Vest Chslat--.—.. 1000 to ov
(kid Reis and Fella
-00 le 10 00
Gold ' , collet 7, 4 and 0 --.. 2. Ca to MI 00 •
Gold. Gelato and Melee lireset7l.l6s., - -L... 150 to 150.
" xarl 60 to 000
Pine Gold Welding 2 60 to " I TOO
Roby. Peul and Omni Monet Zinn 60 to 000
Got! Pons .and 100 to 10 00 -
mod Crwe. and Nerkinan ...... 300 to 1204
Fine Gold • - 00-
Ewe Go.d • 6 CCM: 900.
Geld and Steno Blum Itatt7as Maim- - :MI to - 110.
Fine Gold Bads /flour •076 to 200
Alto, Enter and Plated tiptona. ItniVes sod Fork', Tow
Sate. OsstorM A choice mut of Jot: Om/ and Fancy
Goodin Patina. 8 tataers. Punch - and Itslina Pain
Also innendlets uric:3. or Clocks of ;otter., sood i
Gma Wtchs, C mit* and•leweiry roJaltsd. - Remember the..
klate,ls Binh el , ...nest Mulust.
ocl;dtf . . JOAN 51, ROBRILTS. • - •••
dOO ands wain a.n;
: bOO boxes German Clan ,
• 610 bane Piltdada dadad
0 easlallarriaon
bartn. now - • • '
to narrate Nardi catch:at Tail • •• • ,
Id toga_ pordared aranin ra laand and dor
ED by A.N.E,1301.31.118 a DEO. '
ola coma Kauai and rrellt ets.
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne ':and Chicago
'3~- r - -
Three :Trains Daily. -
Passenger Trains wrn ran daily, OKCellt
Bundaye. as G,llawa leave littaby_egli for Q 441112 at
3s nt.9 a. in. and • Maze trains oill: care
dose counecZna ac ilractilr:aaith Celina fcz Ceileanksdk
Dayton, Cin4ncall. 41,1. ta:nr, Indianapolis Terre
Dante. Evaurellie; a ll al pants ea leads extending
West and nocitl west thsanali Indiana, tillabis aDCI
Kentucky, ant weal Da at Pent War= with/Aka Erie. Ka.
bleb.. and 1 , 140v:a fialLvad iar. Laviezierart, Laayatta
D00 , W,. Decatur,- Pipeineen, iikvaloston, Altein. and
Ht. Lonla
These train,. connect at 'llainsileid with Tralus en the
To tanduety, and Newark read, Air SaridnakyatT
and Tolcdoi, skin ftr att. Verrinu, Virirazic and Kaamille.
Dennectiona art Made at dillarea fop Cleveland. -Dual
. kirk and NOW°. -
CU.: O mike rim .a - Iltr.setigres
nith -train, on, the Pennsylvania Centre] Kind for
Narrisburgh.T L. blladelphts; Baltimore. KeaKeaTorn and
i Tbrenglt 'fitkets are eold to Odutubue,Pag - ton,.Cf.idjs
natl. Louisville. Ht. Louts, Indler.apone, .otltePmtalne
Ctd.o:o• I 10 1 mc7t7.'Dtmlistly Intersulds.
Cairn, Srtvgneld, IL/Molt, Demur, Blcordrinton, P.O
tie. La ralle. Quin., and Ilurlirgtoo. Ito..,] Yrrt
Wayne, Cierelend. Toledo. Dna klik. Buffalo and all the
ptineinat title, In the Wert.
Thiough Tnlrs - b , thls m.k be had 'et - allot
the obore Oates fr . , Pittsburgh, Phdla.slphla..Balttmore
and Nene - • .
The NnW .100031H'OBATION•
teem Nemßrightaa for litishnentit .17 a. 45.
0.0,; returning !ems flitaDv...-gb at 9,30 o.n. an 6
For Hetes d further Informstlin arrir to A. T.
JOHNSTON A erat, at the arr.-t nrost.rd - Baltroad
dimly on the corner. at the llononzahels tie-nee. Pitts.
homy. or et the INlrral street ,t.'llo to GNOME PAH.
KIN. 'f - kket. Amer. .1. L. 510011 E. Suet.
JOHN KELLY and Y. KNOWLAND, Passenger Agents.
P.lnsylvaxua Railroad.
groat Conttilronte7 corm
Atientle eltlee with Westetn.',Nortliwesteri. aw e.
uthwehtera ELstea, by seantloaone Beltway . direet.—
This roevi IlLto Pittstriab with drily llne
Otesinere town rorhe ea the Wettrrn r.ivere, .2 at Cl•ra
land sal eanciusty with , to all.rerte en th•
Northweetern Lolarvaattne the 4.1.0 e: dire....• Meaner! an.l
reliable trade bywhlrhfititlGP.l. ear. be Pavan/ea to a n !
front the ()me Nor.
RAMS Afrrif Kra P22II:ADELP____ 41.
PiEUPP OLA6B.—lioeta, thou. lists. anal
Cape. PookajPry Geode, (to t•Lsee. bat.
&adrenals.) Dross (la boxes)* balw) l • -
BPOOND (NatE.S.—Dol . sestii
libletine and 2Yekln .. g or - 121nel b .l )
00253 exabe.) Ulm' lees. e. Leather. l&z. Ter 1.1)) 1.
tan roils or taxes.) reed, and &leap Pelts)
. ..
MIND CLl3.9.—Anri.s' , Reel, Chains - On •
eashe.)-Neinta,thwon and:Ptck. - welted.) ••
(Woe* oriateubt,)rols - esonanothetax , B.Lh par 10.'1
trell &IST)!Ct¢an or Tfl Il a' ce ent - W
and Pork Oa own, or 0p.,. AM r Wm - sir 10t.-9e
trottl ftath ' re mottle.
Olta.LN.-50 tal. pea 100 the. until Anther notle
°aril:M-32 pPr bale not exceeding 600 lbe auant.ete
til farther notice.
1M..110 shipping goal, re= any rola: Pon et Phiis
rhis. be rartionlar to reekage "cis ..eun...•••oeNsis
Rollmate. All Good* =Waned to the Agente -oh - Eble
Need at Phliadelrhla or. Plttebornb. will be !Tr:earl - led
without detention.
PUN= Anl373.—lre--718,"'Wo=11t/ Lielipbje.
Tenni N. N. Ewa it oc, Bt. 1m0... No: P. G. trltiley-*L.w.
Erman - 1115.1'nd ; Co.. end Cotter Jew
ett, L.311111.11f. 8.0. hteLL - aza,llwlison. t3 ,,, igs •
ash 8C5....r.nd Irwin & Co., Clnelanatt, Obie; --. 11.
Plana * Co; Zemeaville Ghlo; leech Co.. No. 2 Astor
Howe. new PaittNe. itV CU= Mr. e. nal No 8 Batter,
Pleor. New-I:mkt Fr!. haeetter. - Philadelnhle: Macrae,
Noon", raNftw*llleo.O.Pracelesne,Pittsburgh.
It. General Pedjet Arent, YeNoietats
J Lon rich ".; 9=i4Ltoores. lh. ialar
PittsWgh }lna Connelsville
( ; and aftor Thursday, - the 4th day of
ismtroi,l3sl3, the Plttebargh sad ConneUellle
will be open fur the Issuers:stational payengera
and freleghte to near Idelfoespurt, when It will mate o,
tooting with the swift, new Yeamer, Col. tamed, run.
liirlath.l.B to Pittsburgh. .
at ‘:37 o f nfe r iST:intrigrarPi r itTeDir:t e ll n rit Tille
Beturninr. pungency" will learn Monongahela .whert,
at Pittsburgh, there the Monongahela Bridge; b 7. the
rune etyma at 3 o'olcog P.M. and stone et Cometlettle
- .
' Fen4l46 will la forwarded by thir counettl.t.O. betwe
Cousellxville and Pittlborshat ferrate,.
rare from Cossollaville to Pittatmr6h $l,OO.
Puns:ars thts s ples6sot dmdrable mate
Q 64 El. BLSOKEITUNE, east.
rimE shortest and quickest route to Chios,-
!fg n e , . and the Wr h b, le 9/.1.
ter 112 . LVELt i ll), g o bs.
ilf4 o er t i tffilVelengrtend ' idle * or*
Three Dall7:!ralos
Pittsburgh end Cleveland
Your Dally 'intro between Cleveland and Chicane. •
Time to Cleveland. 6 bourn Chicago. 26 boor.; and EL
Goals, hours. • • • '
On and &den Tharalax. pct. 16:1. 18.50, the trams wOI
run as Ibllown
tea ridelatlCP.' l7u Allo2ooo.
Lams Pittsbarnb.. 30a. st. 340 p, u .0.01 A. N,
Rochester....-8.45 " 4.10
dulls at Cleveland -223 P.ll. 9.10 " £1,04
The above Int= ollievll at Cleveland with !tams for
Toledo, Chime, Rock 'shunt Galena and Danielth. 1
Passengers for all stations between P.ortester and Walk
elm at Liverpool, toast take the Meal Train at 2..71
a. sr., as the Express Train mates but one rtop (Literwil)
between there 1.1 U.
Paseengare for ell nations bckw Wellsville tonSt take
the am r. et. train from Pittsburgh. Ths Mail Train
mates no C..70111113cal at Well utile for Palms below: The
train learn tltenbenville at 1000 a.m. arm re at Wellsville
at 11.33;eonneethig these with Mall Train arriving at
MUM:iron .0 2.03 r. N. Retnraino, louvre Wellsville
upon arrival of Urrrees Train from Pittsburgh at b.C.5 P,
14 and arrive et Ennbonville at 430 e. it. The train oon•
nests with the Stenberivale and Indiana Bailees.: and
with 01100 o? Luta between leteulanville and Unsealing.
Passengers for Cleveland end the North-soot wW Co
particular toast their tictete Rot:heater and
211:3 VII T. 00925118 CtinIIMV.
la Mao. u names,. Us. ale.. 24 Oa.
Foteeeter, ve ITo b1e0wn.....16,90 14.40
tneveland-.4.00 Fulton.- -17,0) %LTG
tquidasiu-4to 11l
tIIMIIII:va-tv.E.0 00
morale-. V.50
" Ni..R rails 9,00 Irverri- 00 19
nine, 10 . .00 93
" Dun 10,00
etilenta.-.12.00 10,09 "La 64.110...-.19,00 TOO
ISLLoods-1e.:10 11 00 " Root 1r1and.19,0013,75
Euiwanileakto 13.00 " 1400
" man 14,79
Paeserecers ate reeneeted to moms their tickets at the
chioe ache Corarneys to alotionce.hele, 11.13.1 e. 3d door
below Ohs comer. J. DURAND, Napa, Cleveland.
aide .1. A. OALUMEIBY. Act.. Pltteharah.
eln Re arta mo fter S
r- a r.
d oada April +l 7, Perereger Sr
Allows 17. (3uadrr. arecre,.
. .
i3alena and Chicago Union Padlr one .•
Pawn= and
A ..111
patown .. • .-..51.30 Pil
Iba tra.oe4 frtaVNAVID cssizu. lOWA.
natant A tit
T A nnugh Eisen= • ...... .4300 PI.
Beloit air - "lfialson — liianoirt.
-.:—....-..4.00 A M.
Pa/manger-. ......
.13 A M.
PaeeaygerPia River Valley Railroad.
nut can= zaEx. WEL7a7 .1105 ni4olloan.
Lean ltnepart AMU IL-arrito to LIMA M.
Leaven= elth 8.15 A M.- . •• :4.a0 PM.
Lean DutdalUt 0.10 " . • 4.05 AM.
011101110, rtrvroN ADD lOWA =ln.
Lone Fulton 0.15 A AL-arrive In Mow. 71.40 AM.
•• 4.00 P " • •-•
DCLOIT ADD MADISON 11114.1071. 10.50 ti.
Le . F• Toonllla 11.40 A M.-ertlya to Chkaa, 4.40 .
•• 10.00 I` M.- "
0.00 A M.
Pox urns vAiism zerso.u).
Loan Elgin at 9E7 A IL-antra la Mango IMO A Id,
P " . 10.54 P
P 4 AD the above balms manna with the mamma
Linn dirartnag Iran Chicago to all points Mu tt ,
P. A. lIALL. Bunt. (nrfalyd) • mrl
ANU "T.: I •
C.11.4h1:13 OPHOII.G. • -*
Q.N and after Nonday next !lire Till be
nano daily trains 'between altt abash and. Pbiladel
p —Tkiii.slololl4o Pittebnigk
for Philadairlde et 6..7) A. At.
MI NAST 14 , ,i13 tear., rut/burgh for Plailedelrhia
at . /..SO SHx . P. - ' - I
NIGLIT*VPIttdd Eyre. Pittaturkik for
Plinabinhis at 9.80 • •
loenamodatkm 1 - alit learpoi PI ttenurgb dr&
17, except Bandar, at o' eoi, P. 3 1.,..rakinthrt's
oat:lodation Train learns Pitt, innr.h 4 , 41 icit O'siertk
o'elook P. fd.and d.:* It. /inattog on far ea
Turtle Croce:akin:ln%
The &bora lnt. wound et I • l'iirsh with. tie Sala
Mutt to andiron Bt. Loots, Mo.: Alton..oalena and Chteo-
Mank Atirjr:
petit DaYton.diningfaid.Bellernataine_ anadtuttry,
Clereland. Ooltuatnut, Zanerrillo, liskotlien and '5 - c.d.,.
Obled ago, With tboNteato Parket Boat. inoto and to rir,
OILLIaIh, hr. Ming,
sea tLOGISTIIg and
Through Tickets t bad to ce /run either of the
Ice grtber Dartandara wee llandkilla at the different
starting point.' Purging.= frOrn the Weet win and this
thee ttortent and most eine . dill:rug root , to
gankkora Nem l'ott. htuhhi• • -
-J. aTZWAST, Agrol..Phslenam Liner..Paitrealr
ruoa. BIOOILff • ACIANT. foarageir- Antra thZ.,,e,-.4:
Ajt.lNt—llaelng =de enemies p • -
paratlona this Winter, Ire ISTO now pre
W de a Neneerr business br kIiNSA-CANA
and ILI 1ui10.8.11, scam it to and then the EnnVru Cities:
We eas wears. our Sebnele and all taco dlneesect to pat.
make the Penna. Canal and Railroad, that no ti ne win
be seared tO render sent satisfaction to re ot
Eastern and Western Freight. The strollers:a et he In..
rained Flame on the AUrShen7 rortsgs Fallow/ will at
/,ceased deszatell toe, tranionisslon of might.
Chas on PENN street. at the 13.50? Fade.
rohltard • - - - - . - is - - .I'D & LIMON
185 a. AIR.' LIME ROM. 1856
... .• - .
y tAssE u it. far. St. -
aim,. tha West and
Eanth•Weenshoribt take either ot the Great Railroad
to Cliknox thins =swain It nark - the Train, v:
Uhlman, Alton and EL /401, !?abroad, shit', lc= i 41.0.,,t
ED Lica an EL Utie, •
Trains hen) the. Union ralioL Not of {Tater eL, an 114
EL Louie Dir - Eft EiliT; bilnlare airosEL.d. Fia .. r
B2lEt. Lori: rgat t a z .4 3. i. nkturvi
.. . / 6 ..10 r. g.
07anaao.a.biebnistiLtkii:X..t dirrct Mate. and
mamma denticart too
Bloombutotilill e aCent . E, Jsrr•
aflame, Naples end slt mint, OD the pr Meow%
Kansas. Connberrland and Tonneau* Divan" win note thr
Mr t oP"1
srroa b"a, tan / 74' = " t i o l ar're 'Piga MPeta l n i!-" b 7 t :E.WD I :
• Thronsi 'netran over TAD roots can is r,ttmarti a1..q.,
, t3iOOS IL &Make aMeas 'U .N. , . York, 'limos, POI , . -
Itceirgit lah,V===?,...ll7=,
~ ta r g l 1ivt1 ,.. ;1
.....,...r.. ? , .. .77 Dearborn lie
Ttroont ttz wi :lX the or , ! . ,t....p...., c, ,, , ,,,, .
• is seponsitte Damage men sill *Trull ESE , tr uo ttE l4 -
o I the 'ulnae mils going Inte Chian° to Chia • e
Wuhan to an paint Dairen on ttre line- • - ' • -
. P. goNo.&11, Je...,801.-,.
.a..i. a. eaatta . ..l . l aroe zia.
Important to Book Agents:
.. .
ratilE•tobeloribor in..addition to thei.i*ge
tat of Opk, for Arouer•l tel.T•rl., ‘..0. now pablotlitm .
• tM o , ILLUSTRATerD WORKS, to be .0/4 Kehl*
;holy tr, agents, of • etrto oath:elf -here toltutrnif•ao..;
books, rosuJortn• them lar i ?mamba to 14 7 - tblr.g now'
la the handl eta,.lolle. Pr; tell partiouhay. ad dim, .
. it
„zoi , r.
. 108 and ill) 1:;'°•111"4C1.- 112R4
- k.' . '
YLOOD ENGRAVING executed Trith des
VITII 2 IAWIME c ar t s. b ,. 12,24 . ,41,
_ B. 81111101.114,21 Ilogibm.
IXICUST Yount' sad Byearforestalcsoin
11.1LPartioalas atrantios mkt So lone ;ostas* 2 3:1
Esadiatono Boit 11241132,41.
. .
...lIMIRECIM.L.II7.T TOM Till ITernamen 04tErtial •
N. HOLM ES .1 SONS, Brokers. -
,To. 67 Norkelabehreet .22dat end Etat; g0.,•/%140._,
- • 2.2.B•NEYLVEIak • Branek at egaoata-__
Bank of Eittear.- •81..18ar Banat at X ads..-......
Bata of do. sa Braok Y dr+
ble=.Blanare of p,..E62: (a r trACIV. do
, I
Bask of 43ookeate.-:...-par' Ektuded:,,, do ream. 3:6, d *,.....,........
Bank, of North Ameraa-ne2 Lafaatt• ne"6 - '",
Itaak.aNatiat laertleasar 0310 Llfolas.a•TartGo.. do
tank of "-2 an2fiTanBl6,.....par Welf=ti Euerce Bank- do
Bank ofl'enn TatanM-TnrEaudl Nota,------ .64
annaterda Bank OfPro,'-',02:1 - NEW raotoisii.
Panara • 23.1eausEke Bk-rarldEadrent saaa__ . x
Casa 8antc........«,...4.- -Pal- NEW 202.2...
Remington Bank.—......kariNew • Tork' 0811..--,.....ree
Adanntae. 2 took. Bank-Sarßotualltir i klr., -6:
alochantry„Bank--••= &
~,,, • •, •
rits •D • ''', . a.--- 7 .---- 62 , ;,„,„. 77 ---2-.--. P".
Fa:tame Ba.;;;.. - ....par N..)WIT & Da , AW - Air.
Traoccran'anank__,...-P.„sll:6Evert 8ana............ 6,i
Wttanaank,.......--284 - • V° U 4 A• •
Bank Of anatonstmaio... • 6. • Banl'of ta YaL862.....-n
Boa: of Mater CO=Ef-Ta Bank ofis.,BSchmand... •
Bank of Dame-_ .... . • Bank. Ya. • NorfoLic
Bank of Bet tlo , tbeeter-rar Tamar iik - of Vile i.U.
Bak of Easanterwa-,-. alora,amd2Bfoookpo.ea 3 4
Duo,. of Gettyabearb,-. /Nora, Eaten: Bank.... ••
Rua of Lanstorn.,—. - Et0 d ,..j00.,..„..- -
Dank of Midadorn--- 6i" NOBTLI atililLata. .
• tlcatonnerY to.Bank--ra nal a ear* v 02 2--- 2
eoe.s az; atexmaa ooo o-ou!e.o.k- 0t 8.0. ofK. CaroWa ..
CH =s Bk 1 0.4• a tar Lank, Wilatnaon. 7.
.Derlateden tank.....*-ol•ar 111 , rettants'Bk.,Newlsath, 1
taesoa twa-- , wont os.souN.A.
2:Utak—, -- 64 kkoftto t. a Warta.
Warmer/ Via/Web Co-rar pea o: fk ayt h c.,.., aa
roan=,' Bk. of L..e....nn....r.r Boat a eliszlerter......"
Panners'Eak of Iteadinkaz Tamara's 2dAelloaVs. Pk
cu.,. BI: ofahrdtal Po..e-aa BROM& • • .
hr.:: Drtre. WArneeheet. 1.1,t••=,.,fa i n , a 1 ,...„.
ltrualdinitk I , :sol.bltsinZ- Paul of Aneue.a..--....•
Itarritana 8ank.............. • Ilk of 11:31,1316^:t: Any,.
' tionataleßank.-.......... 6.1 . TEB:72: - ,a:k.
landador Bank...-. " nerl.6.ll6ohat Barr- , a
[ammeter Panty Bank....ari • 2.2ETuvri - :
Lekanon Bank -._---- ....... PA
o f Bratutty:Efaii.. !:
Ham' Bona of Itd.frelliera Bt. f :name, 1ine,,,,, d o ,
L i lo
Bank-- .........tar .Nerthent.liVelkectecky d.-.
Wert a Book_ -nalSouttar , .l ,6 <IR sir d,,
Worming B2Wilteabarerra .41:i ANA. , ,
Tort Bak----:-.1.• 2,4,81 ate Br, 6.1 branaes.. s
2--lief ti0ta.....,.--...- ..6, • B.LEadUILT.
_ • :Ella ' ' tßk oBlan• .
16/61 N.
Ohio S tate Eard - ---...., ri ff . 8:1=16/81 N. • •
Break at .1.... 5- -0n..:.......,.,. " ootltaila• A Yfroa. , Co. okts 6
Brach at Ata-a....,..... do • ITICIIIGAN. .
Branch at TreMeerert--. do. Partare.Bl.onaler ari- .: •
alma at Cal hootno- -do painada 2,,a.,......_ 2
Brack 6104.re1e5d.,.....-- 4.0 lareimuee 01:21 , 02,..-. . M
gemell at Tclade..-.-..- do Btato tank-........- ....... 6
Brach at riv'tee...--.... , de_.... CANADA.
Rata at telaran..---• do Pk of N. - AMA:Ia. Toronto •
Branch at 081=1a76 ...._ doge. or r.ho aesdo,T oooo to i
Broach at databa , ....... deuced: .el P10atie5.1,.......... 6
Branch at Baia.- -..- do aof a toad.. Toronto e
Brandt a elaafead--.... de EALITE.2, 6 I EXCILVEGII.
Brandt 1011116UT-,--- lope NOT.YSIe----..---.. S.
lama at anannat de ,On Phadapkia. , ......... do.
Brach at Waeklogton...... delon PAlttreere.--- ... do
Enna at Ca -11. s- --.., do WESTERN ZEMAN° 2
D ,
0.000 Lemouta-,...: •da a 1....--....„ ' ~
- • .... •
Brandt at litabstalJle... do L0a5ei 11 n.......,-. - , : ••
Brads a ta.Terna...... do 00. 1,09411
Enna at Naark,...,-..- do GOLD ANDEPaIIa t A , tl B.
Raab at BF•fe.lo.-... do Doubloon?. 8P.d16.....-110.b.l
Wine/Mt ;...atb,...-.- do do Paula.... -.18,14
Sant at Troy_ -.....,.. do Baas 01d..,-......-_.a.rd
tranotat lit. Pleaeant.- do Nagle. cror-,......-.....16.00
Weak at 7-extree_ -We- .. do KradorlasToro.........- 42
Nand at
1 1
0., do Ten Thaler& .... ....,...i. 7,8
tonna et f10a......-..... do as
00 -......_. 6,0
10...0a, st Portamontn-:,.-. do 50rere1a5......... 4.8
Hammel ' ' - e.r.tou.--......... dOiTern ticelderg....... .. ..,-. Z.../.. - '
Itetler. e`.... 4 .a5eer..5.....:...... 10 Narctelese...-...,.-......- MI .
llranea at lerate.Allnt Cuyalvega ._ . . de,Demte...:-.,...'._..r....-.- IA
, ,
. • PII.EPARED BY •• • •-• •
Dr. C. - I. JACKSON, Pa. .
. Will Gamins:ly cure
f4rPrae or Nemo. DeiraNlN' Niter= of Me Efdpspo rag!
aA disown min= Inm. a Merrd , rrel • - •
Ltirrer' . ^ • ,
fionstllnt• • '
• .
Rou e inward Me, • ; ,
fulness of Idrail to the ; ! •
field, Aridity of tips Stormoth r •
Nausea. Ilesrthurn. Dil=stfor Ifood.
:Nimes or Weight itt.the Stomach, Sour
Eructation,. Monk= or Fluttirin or at the fit •
of the Stomach liettotaing of the Heed. flurried
and =colt Breathlow. Muttering at , the LIMA,
Oluallug or euffe.rationeenealane whenlua Irlogrwt.
dimness of Vhdon. Detect webs before the Slaht. Mir. •
end Dull Pain loth* Heed, Dentienar of Perrot,'
ation. Yellownce of the Skin and _Elea.
- Poin is Um tide. Pack, Chest, blink. r
• Ito. Sudden Pipet." of Neat..
• s Buruhig In the ilech. •
Comment Imantolowe - •
• alien end grist
=hits •
The proprietor In caillur the 001,511060 t the puDßo io
this prermation, does so with a feellnd lit the unmet eon.
faience In 14 virtues and adaptation to the diseases
which it Is recommended, • •• • •- - • : •
It is no new sad untried article but one that bas steed
the test of a ten love trial Winne the Ammillan people, •
end Itareputatlon - and tale Ii =rivalled by any
guepuratlone extant. The testimony-1n lte even by•
tile most prominent • end well known physklau and lar
dividuals Mall mate of the country to ton/4.M end a
osteltil perusal of- the Almon publlebed annually by
the proprietor. sad to to bad mids of Inv of his Anna;
=not but satisfy the most. 11901 that thle retied,. is
really dew:ring the =vat celebrity it has ohtained: • • -
ell antral OM4. end Manufactory. No 10 Arrh 5t.,X1111..
adenine. Pa. .
_ _
Pennsylvania TeAuxtony.
Ctrttif , ra iToodwanf, _Mot.. the toed inumou traveller
far al Durermen Iron Works, ltrry Cb 117.
- Ihreannwow, Jan. 11.
Dr. O. Jackson—Dour —•l wen for tee feats
retteir afaleted with Qtranielh7iesa Annum. kr
was ettended br &I:untie/Mt bat ohlaidann taint ocurefrin•
but all of no avail / wed torn's,. remeolier. but
cool y find =thin.: to benent me until I woe Intlowtd to
wu GeraglitArtre, an4.4e..l4,rrtarg4fu ni. lu4tittektiol
ore effects of the ,Ocrinnn Thtlau Dyxpiisia •
and Cornplaini. • - •
Gertittste e• J. 1 141M1118,Etn..."Xo. " 7
ti at
wing Oromicie," ?lh-crab, re, who, Feb. Z.. 1 , Z5, etre -
"for some weeks rant Tar taro nu Eeca Wien your time
run Batas. with a happy erect. • PIA hat ham Winded
more or Issa,_ fOr antral rum with. Gizmo of the Lint-
and Drope-W.a. and =tit shertnamtmed ming the flitter'
not.binE bad ems ha moth reliet lice health itnow •
ref WIT imnrortom•ebrutttenwod, cud we hove ...Mr ten-. 7
too to belltte the 'Muer perfectly - restored.- fate's's it
LI the bwt Inedinint the hes ever nod.. . • .
Nori - ons
St•limamm. itorit•totto, Po-, 'Juno fA 11:41, , ,
...Mr wino tuts teen anticled with a nervottentebillty , 21noe
SOOOeMber. /ESL since. which :J.. 1. , butt beta a.bie
end ear threkbro or medicine nut wool,/ benat her in` •
least, naUt on• der /*Wed et the store of Dr. , i/Urreh, - •
Of tads town. for tome tourtarem Iron. and deem-IC .1 to
tam tfuk ateietiotui Wthou
My W, be handed cot I6t
of p•per. to. ret4. woo= +wax I Foam ono den. Ming
ruor Germ. Bittern, hstreadle,:ely yitelrnd few tot- •
U. from Mra. and am pleased to Mate that the me of oho •
tt , rhea done her more gcod than al) en, mettle/ ne oh.' ,
hes beretzillre Inter, 1 Wirt you
rend me shed dot.% ,
. .
Liver Clomp •
J. wont. waythraborg,
.with vemare teet;fr, to the et:tonal ion- tier.
ram Littera.Meth:lap Wan/ vas eavntlys • aleted with
dimare of th Tor which 1 verioes romedlee.
but tr , th no benefklat elrect. until I wee Leen:text to tar
lour B/Or.whlett baPPr to Etste have entimls
cttieime.They are entiray vegetable, }roe Ilea also
Want., zed plemeat LANK's and melt Pr i x IS tents
per boil..
Sal by Dr:m.4We and dtcrekeereere W er . ery toga i:tr.l
villace in the United Stet. tact Cleoellee. •
Awl by YLE,IUSti 1113.03.--arel Dt. OW. FL" EltYßilt
PittOnarrh. Pa.
No. 888 Liberty Sine, belolo Warm
i ew ß lTy=r fulli to tt r at m bu bis i
ssaid Lire - "
swris pre miss% fog Cm
E., sorb manntacturs and. le of !rem.
ear MM. of StAllgLe: WuP. as • • •
Monmaerds, Tbodm, nSets and Craw Chen/. "
of every satiety ;deltic.; • •
Si. A. MT. ./ . .I.EZTZ, . • •
Ceatre Table ' Pier, 13tLreati and
Which be is oftreng an tors as any other rarmbnehrrent
West of the bloanuJne. Illeatoca te calmly nor. and '.=
tee been selected sat himmkengrennyCu ma.k
An is also prepared to band amml 'Vaults, Endres Boast Lob., withaLarble or Rom% and to =mute any
hierine, to any of the Cemeteries adjoining Pinsturan.
orders_ 17=11 Wended to dlryarch.'
r. on . astun • -
Iron. Iv=r:St ' .• .'Jno " Ctkielett. j . ass: •
iota flaboannugar, W L Magnet. IMO:
thme lireser, 'J LW. • -.•.•
Thal att. sp, • A Cueing,
W P Baum, En. - It hite,
The trade. furnished nab. ea Mods or Foreign. and Vs. -
rreesttc hhabio either &skimp or in the t o ogo ,at envie.
Lie hss Mlva:l* arranaements iritb th, manufartor..
nor' Lb* beet brandy fed* comaant eurniT 11 .1 1 mnan -
4.`dmeni, Water and venire - NM Lid,. and Platt...Parte,
both tar lamd end HMI= Work. all of ableb he us Imps,
ed to farnlab snort notice- - rahliedprlearterds
Ii cllOl - 11 HILO., EMUS'S , k c 9•
DAVE...V.I'ORn •
Enke Oollnottron on all. Istnta on an 4 nest of Um; WEI
timigil t i o lr t eL ti P t mg . sttention Own to sit bennor on.
S JONES k COI jLitiobonato • "
S. S. SW/FE .11.1u0NOTON. CI& •
E. W. CLAM( CO.. PbSottelphis; •
OlSlZESB'llktili tioltnnore:" •-•••- " • '
E. W. cults. bdnor k CO. Nor-Sort -". •
4.3. 17 Ana 99 mom orn . smi, merestimn, • --- '- -
1 W. W...respeotnilly thfoms his frierids:. ..:
Pr6' I n tlm em r= 6", ttldirtgriatgfg I,l:t ° r4 t :..
abr.' mr eau intlas city. A. nab determined to 'uphold' L. '
Its aoriveithoesooned materially best warannat and"' • '
dad and Item the extent of Ms ceder:, and - :..
foollityln numnbatrang. I. toonoblad to 'sedum Tot. •
ranted FltatilTlJES at am lorreot •
/Le herbs always no band the frrentest.
no of era .
dmativtion of Ihroftma r from tho cheapest and plain ' ."
to tho m o a t elegant Sad wetly, that a home. many - part- - ,
la one, may farab i t h ilrim Wm os lock or marinfeeteted -.,..
NW ld attsortment, width : for rbb.lieca of e :t= h =' . .-1 '
mama bemmsed In arty a the Venom titbit ,- .-,
lords XXV .4,-teto Eoppg 40 flatalbreonn- - ' _'- ' L
100 Sono LI l'lntla and bar = Duane and ihregibgt, '.
100 Clan.
.-• . •
~ 4.-- Tabor: L '
do.'lt Monona./ Ctualre 1.1 Brmatuy t Book owe.
40 do Walnut dot B) been Cone Sect Mali* •
LICO Ilahlny Boenieg Cbalro 24 Can. Seat Poaching char .-.
60 Walnut do do; 12 LOW Witting Beets.
100 hishommy Ihrons . : Hot sod Towel ilando; -. .
40 Walcott ,_ do ittlemmg. : • . . •
1001.1orbls top Cont., names Conteliallon Chace/ '''''' L '
00 'do - Brewing Burner 1111.abethein • d o; _, . ' L.. -
•SO do Wiababadi arcootlon '; - doc
ln iedA l d oa - - ' , l it ' , -•-: M - .... 4 flia44 ; d 'a t
00 Plan , ..Broooing barman§ Gott& and Italitaarg ..i .-- ..
40 Mahogany Bedoten dm Wbattota l:''
Et Walnut do
.. Papier otal , Toli • ''.. .-.
1 7 0 Qattara do • . Elnalmoke •--•do L. ' ' ' ..:
-00 Charm* aol Pottor,Sed. fi and Pier '' do' . - nav
•- - -
210 0 Mammy Wardroben liolicorlon Dialog Tat,
10 Cherry do
A tno,• ,area emortMentolcoadnon ParnlturAuid arlr_d, . •
Cabinet mater, suposea lath ixtblegb,flbb lb& , '
liteambrato and Mots fanaara at tbit obocteet mtv.....-
All ordom reontalr attended to. _• - • - tithed . -
taU°l2l Wholesale , AIERCTIANTS dire iliiided.Lo
• f small:is thee ztrialii intietr Wittlor.
t jelighforiPoit u rif Wen in:gra lin s igt e " lo " -
fiction audio tne =on reszonable semi: The rock to.
rive and WhliaraliNreif mud mei eau;
D. do Letter do Aro— d q '
All Our of Wilfrid rams need La tha uLuAir.t
znataniottatritca Plab2 and Ornamental Notn pie
sma traw tfraygif ITaWis
white. Mr. raft Amber; eic,
OM4I En amtlltd. ragout, co
Amid's. McDuff a Nom?, Warren,
Boilan and Con er PI tan I illb?*""t"
aairnerhtll 'cflebra an ted prtellt "z'x'4ftu 4l ..gdmis...d ed.
reriorstii:rioant "et ' " /''•`"
Qtans, litsiands, ana
R. 11A,
, 110.4 dui Alar Lit stmt.
,f Brit
rorE subscrilier is now ogeat :tar dm saio;.
- . sfrairookirtanootwtoresm trazogul.:.,..„:
...=P:i.,....„n ar .b 7 t be. l %it A l s Waite ~ ' mins .ma b.Nr
PrcanDtty rum. Thaw brick Cr. beterod to be,e.oll !.,,.
fatality to any tbst are bran/Am to Ms mast. . , . ,
• =5 .•
A. trARDY.W.L.TeII7.4inZ,.!,
_ -
!us HAZER cams forsw4
rk s.lWnr =vim ,
...., -
021 :.. -...- - oantrouo,/4t, aztsl4.oclfW,