PITTSBURGH GAZETTE • • ' VA/LT—MX 40.11u9jm a=n¢ ai, Dayaleas 11411"•744.17 SVEZKLY—Tvodtollaurmr arrazmati adrs.uor. 0 I %ZIA It 125 supplied on OA To1lowb2; eondlthlnc fen t c 0 .,, ;. 03 9sm ezrtt,n JoSA trJ Are :matted, cola t rAPlrr Sto - g,ecd..reeit qv, Tc.F.r lisle:3l[l. rot • 'PATES-Q$ ADVERTiSINO:. 9ne moans, (10 Ilnle of licrpe.rell or Agar...) S. Do one 6.. eacho Do Do OM month. .... e Do orr. ... . Do : -twelve Cank%(.o.llnts or le. P.t • Vat dollar tor moo additional Hoe. Up] EqU3Se•changeeole at per an• nurn,) exclumrsor • loresch litireml w2.3,e,larsetslorer one meet • cr each saaawmal reerly es t• Adrartlnements 0rr....y.110ar eguio awl co: orer 11 ft , .r 711.16 to tlargml .5 equere D r a halt • P un i c not, aceonotable legal t..7ond then:op.:lnt ebarged for • Annotaclo, candle:taro:7.M. to be chorine. the ...01 ea other elii'rtiesmente. • • .- • -- • , Adverebyelnata not marked on the copy!, a ;,p,.:1014 nticor t of. ir.4.l i tions,llll i te continual 1.,1• w t. t* M t rtillne atiL.Zaaafr . o . ,lse-s ft errlttly thalrerrnimmedia..• atirert'eetriont. the benefit of °LW,. croon. te well Sc a11.a3.4--tlit•m•TlL not immolle.tely c..nuected . with their emu baainsF„ ell ettl.33 sdrati=tntx. to laecth or °there's., be Toni th. le enrazed. 1.....0he....re110t [hansom) mt.. Por all nth transient edrertielnc. Mlle trill Iv:separate? rendered. an prompt pay - swot in destrol. Alt odrertlaomenta Mr charitable trtlLthltintS; in= ~ .I . .....M,tosrwthiPi and other public r.ttloce, Political itar...,es awl notices, to he oSarged heir mice, ter adnuet • _ *- • !terrace notices to be oberred 00 oent, •• - Death notlme !ranted without charge, noises e.,x , mre, fontralloritarionsor obituary notlivo, suet whee. • 90 ecoOmPartleti.to be paid for. 'lt4golsr adrettleerr, col all Other, 'tending a:miter:lola. tions, or retiolriusr notice, derigned to call .•tentlon to Palm C.Pomrts, coy patio enter:AV-len:A wh.ro charnel. are made for admittance.-ell of.noi , rale r reciationi—everT nate. , leelgose. to ca.i attantir° • to t.toeutot - Prlres, calculat.,l or introdol the3,l In 'elluel interest, can oar be Intertedoolth on l-r. atanding that the sane Is to be paid for. If intealeS tr ineerial in thelom.l solemn. ice same rill Lo'ohara e thsraietot•lo cents per line. • 1 3 1 , h0P tr, far. notlerO to be charred 411111 , 1 , 1c._ 'PM= License Mina. VI tech . - - re be dimmed nnaer arty rates. bus all.ri a diuvnl; .thirtlittres and cavetbfil k 'pee cent tram tb, • - no. Iral•nricast in may rirtas. Oat 80utga,..14 - aetnnartionn.. . Do. .c..-.butattbsar4l,7 IFLULT2rInnin. Ons'Snnue. (10 lince)One l.l tetertlan.....-..51) cent-, '; ' Do, esat raidittorml insert-10, .. mt. , Slltroadattsdrertinentran Dald lersclvancr ~Eitatoot Geo. -, lliltenberger. dee'rt j ETTERS of Administration of the Estate OtdecCde Mast:bem deed; have hoes; granted to reia.h ding sad Unsold dursuir, Rseentore. de, all PirBo.ll 10 cleated to the estate are requested to make Tiers ineatsann ell • persons haeltis Oedema anon the sante to present theirtlaltae, dilly attested. to the undeiSisttied. .No id Third street, Pittsburgh. JOsidEl KING, .„. . • . tidditLY, ex o ntore.... Tim Tzecators of the Will?of Goorgo liil tanbtrgor, late et .4.l.leidssnr City. deed, offer tor isle a. reasonable term., the Stenalou s Out Houses. end eir oosubled by the dm-tassel,' ter Ming on the booth Oonsurans. in Allegheny. City. end well back' gong }Sandusky etre.; to Water &cast'. Thle well known' property le on • of the most els gible, codittryllous and Its tractive resliermes in th o:ty. Atd.3. for sate valus,b , , nodding Lots handsomer saw ate between Poursy tennis Aye.= sad the MO./m.114S riem.. la thetth Warl thesis,. of Pittsburgh. • . OSIAIT KING, 8.1611, 001tMLY, }Rueutors, Rest Ora. oopy.J TOTIOE IS HEREBY given -that appliea- Ilea inn Gs rgala to _the nest I.eztela tare or Ye an= I slib." the Cairene Deparit Yank of Eettaloare :or an erattrn In their charter. allowing the. the nrielleZa of inareaslnz their capaht stook to S 500.000. velth all Ite lawers and. prlriirela en jay ad be mbar ban k anthr the ws of this i FL 9. J0N11.., e • • f a partnership heretc fore exlatlaz t—tweell the no h,-ribere under the of dleStfd4 t, der be Matuel cement. lialv. - ef , he'lne Kell his entire lntereni to Jam W.ZoSill sal Jel u. 4[1t , .. who will use the wane of the 110 dem In set 'nog the bnclr.ole. et the old stead, ho 2:7 Ltesrtr st.• • JOIIX efeld/W-4 • WeLIZEIL eatoE kittOord'i. Issa. r • Jd.H. V. CIe4ILL., • • • pug l+lcatEL AND JAS. D. MeGILL iiii7. tittle.; veratite.l theeatire latere.re of. Walter C. line la air lite Lima or Megille k. Roe, trill caution. M. IS'lrtlittelarlemery'crl ttamralirlart Ilarloete.. =err Ilia ettloef7OLltlaterllLl. 4 SIN, I.: Waraltentre Na iit7 Lit. env etreee. . .101 IN ESKVILL. ' Pitteacirzti.ltapt, 2%1455. • ' , Jn.a. U. ItriGILL - . ST .1177. t:mmtylr°Y.lrmi.atteprear7 in r i :J t ot 3to. ill and D.Ele.llll. wttro pas• will und, ttnt etyts ofJOLIN littitt.G.. SON'. and will MminAta at tha old etand. coritally tbtm to my friends .dttt, p n'alle nonentity. Itt.nt/CM. Sent 4', 4'.5d P7ALTEII U. ROE . _ _ Of mum. nivinerion • • b • C0., 1 Litn / o.__ W 3lOl-'9l Frtgkfilr&Vu ' TlT:lE f re... an uli Meot.oget the Etockhol4e,i lIWYOZWAYE LA NAPICMTION COMPA-Vr wl!I is hold Lt. the Oillee of the Comprirry. No: Cirsot ATI.% in'the City of Pitt.. ,• bargh.oti the Bch Q.). of January. 15i7, ' U..) at 2o'elockl.. - 11., far the efeetion 0M....8 for the riosol.lg year. 1711. IIdiffEIVELL, iiie/3.trr.ehri ' Secretery. Winter. , Goods. Isere now openlog a very large assort int of ITT.3Stor tiairtaliir dad rria Ydar's Pre. entc. 71etad a largo ea:. of Vilna. Long .3 Suter?, Broth Elikw:49,llbr Itthre. Guth. rn.t, C, . at greatly redrieed =lie% on erzo - anthiswitoa Wad so Ter ad valued, Arid belcx rao'wf the varthewne, ws are cow a b'w to offer fiEr4)l7/x. CIA)A2,s. d.A 4 7 ~Ortisi,ed•u ether d,eleealt. able. for , theaws4a at ?OW Prk heladt" , egh eaeh erb Fe% we wili I.r. JOHN DEAN • Co., d!BAlleal.ro , City. ' JOHN DEAN 1-; CO., YederalStroct, abovo South C•oramohe, ALLTOILEIVY dooda, Bhat9le. F urs, AND de.511.7 DOXPS2A7 GOODS' .9.61M1.2.41.LF. JAMBS L IEoN Cc CO., WEol.l.l.tier DZSIIVS u LED P1L5C1A.C742133 or CABINET FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, •Nct. 96 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh: ifI.ONSTANTLY ONHAND'EVERY VARI. etr at, Parlor and Chamber Thialture and Chaise, eoroweing, come or the most beauttful deeigne Of ware exhibited nertoiths Alleghenies. erring to the 0,4.4 atone orders. and improved 10.11. !flea for insoonfaetrairm we are prtoLvol to sappjg.,..ere article-in our line at the losry loweet rektedyte. — ,,sten nD tri's style to giro entire est.4„, , tttetra, arerr taste. P,X , V , ,,=X. , SOnlitatilli rut or the iblicaing. made in ttosentext...Yidicgnny or Walnut; Wardrobes.,, adeTables, Tete-s•Teter. SlaTsbies, • Elotsa, • Pant •Extonsion Inning Ottomoir!. ' I,. Tables, - Parlor Chaim, I genetssire and Idoehrsers, /heath flooldog Chaim. ' , Chevaliers. • Thnseing Hamar, .Jectty Lind Beisteate. Cots Lounge. Ae,„ As. tlentreTst,:es, • Tflth • vast noloty at Cowman Pceniture anti •cthir artlebos Ricilootosto metitlOD. We etp:Clally invite attentlen cf those So tereetal to 000 now otyle of -• • •CJI7IGE 1141)2TEADA. Wrdastor heeard.etryte and are dapalor to 007 thintrnhello nee. • - o•Knet Makers Oa dpilod with everiartiela in their l'es of hamoned at tweet ntaistele nem. aria attention giren co riuntehinig Steamboats and. mogewnnica to ottradaro are Inef:ed to call atime Exhibtdcal R00.6..1a Fourth [:net. neer Wont 'rim.* Emh*DPf to tlrrr onr sto:Y. mlLdkeT A T CO,ST.' . .' " . 6..‘50 , 10 " ' 7 ' r iti= d , rifr:j l :ll. l . trlbiri; o.,,,iijllzeilinfr.Dl=lS7.l.o,4, rii2loo. (..i0r , 010g... Infant's RoDerc ~,,E oole.Po igla Was.c.s.Csabsin .ni _ ARISV brollo teats, T.0.N.. cad 0, coi, 41179 D illiVslllv.,l:oed h , to a. . Luo ..1.31.15t.c BI.Ic Lces Veil/. - ' 7 c"t i l iforlt; * P . mt r ctZig, ''. l. "' ' • 1312 .., J0..11.012 . N8 Ini.i! No. :7 ....STOVES! . STOV.EBR 'VILE Most complelo assortment of Cook. Ma r Parlat,witl4.l.l.- 310VES to to . at ;:1!, rap i9141% ." /3 4 1 . 164 1 o i 4 1 mum Alr-tie.s. ; ?a. , 7 No. r Muni*, • Coral do, TrODIN .4, 114rt0,'• Parlor. Ertuatlr Tr oth c, ecttag• do. • I...cmatjit ete . " 4"e • I fron'City. _ o Urr.:lPlLlAll4o , ,kinc. DI. tp....1; L4 , 71. 1. 7 10 11nr2 ryz , lirtna.o ,.. e t n E rA o :elrl lice. no retl.T.l;ll.o.t. &(1; h,:n era:llly • , • ttpB' Gro. W, nunci, ROCERIES, FRUITS, LIQUORS Toed • th, Pagols 1.F.0 b•. ale r. prioll CAILIe; 7$ 'sonnet s ol,v 103 kone l..ll*rss, sturifllac limn Jo • do; 60II:mforarine,orol],..1. sod 4 , ,,T.1et5.1 s3u3sr.li 103 bow. 0,10:0 1 tf,', MIN rxtts d,; 10 czar No.l daltron; 2.Y.) Intel, IL It ILf r ltstmo:; 4 7mIron rigi; • • 103esp,r bytAik eh; IWO IW FronnS Pintas k Prazer; tal 104 ZS. to (I , lrrnott I • I kegs Ensitlikt tio4tztl; • • rq gz2lnts Frown nranly; ' • 104.dors4oIl.n , VIrtth • .41... s srou,ll Splen3 warts-nevi vats tar,Rther wltt s na.yrel smortra.ent ron.l, wht.% wo son vb.olgiesls enc.olim Any otbsr boom In the two title., hOWerver cf.; 104 p‘o.tooeonn of 5000 other extabllsh 10101.4 C• 3! Gz 111 ISORTd. 1100.6 BROWNLEE. Iv= e , f.07 Oh , uj,o nd k /111.mowl AllOn 0111.2.0; Q.ELLEtti• 01/130 II SYRUP— • trl.J.:ol.l4'Lle`slwr Pm. ..Ohio, 1 • '3ln.elt 100. .18.5(t. Ida, 0. i. thala —ll,r B/r: - Ixtrerlal Covet daoidad " Vo * ri g h '. t'eVri..glVgir nn of 0181801 with ' eou:ta and ttl , lo. s l b.,e aaa./ ft aead la a attltltude of cukrr. m.l • rera 00,,. Phyale!ave prrecrip- Untie meaeuranry don nn 080 C- s *.tb EYY*P 11 4* vary pomp: cleat, rAltoriza tbe paVeate Salo had 0.. aro , * alsemsd tbalr .ale..r) to health. (non Incredibly ‘.l b.Aerfully ray to thole having. oar.. Mac to a..., 000th tembly, try R.-0. lie La Onab Xrrap. Tray RV, o,Ctfull. -, . n, /Mtn P. tOITTEL Pie4arct a . d. aobl 2.MieCIItS rilk. corner or Weal asrlir.,ad .• d"" 114, ITCKWIIBA'r FLOUR--400slo, fay lbs • .11•LP*Ab; . i= 4 . , / sir.:ltr, sbrre a.:4 for rale by • : -• ' - , P; LrYtIA: ARP 011.-20 bbla 1161, Tilinter'Strain joljtta'reci.l .al br Qet- LltrLP.. 03. 1i0.1.12 2tlet.. 111UFFEE-- - -ICO Lgx prima new crop Rio 00e4.tze..trrea'.1 end .fe . .c.".1.> • • .11 -ck-s radand for sae by ff INSEED 011-1.0 Big puroto arm° for br .inlP LICIEFETT.- . UCKW_LIL AT-50 eacto for sal oby .a_p . ! IF:NT:YD. ontirm. intrltll4lNLS—sll'. per. 100 lbs. 2,6101,- IL/ 4,1 , A11 - 0:7•:.4. 6/16 •b s. • or ea o d~tb. • • . HOMES couiris:' BLACIC-25 bbla in rtora and for a:A gate ' ..: 64115 - FLIMING 8803. BIuetC3VII.EA'X '-;-21.* aka roCIAnd and for A.R•44 • SELL, at mount. FLaZtlt,;--1,5 , auks extra, now landi- Inz•n"a tt!ait4i r'"41 311 1 3 . 11;41; CO: baia; eacits b .. sttin,g ; tou -Agsr wennsnafor isrs 1w4445+75 ,. sw ! •:(sl, l 3ii;App.los:fas.- - -1 , - •--7 , •: . :=• :,40 / 4 " , '• . :'7, ::, :'4.,5UX , c01 , 'P?ti ) 11 . • - •i>,•.••: . .:.. • ~•-::-.-;!...,,•.-•.:.E:::::;:•,:t*.L-;:.:,•:.:•r0-";:..:-.•,,:.:4.•:',i-!.,.:•:.•:E•r: PUBLTIMP) DAILY AND WX213.2,T 5Y • R. RIDLIIE & CO., . 'arms ya,irEntertrzszi,.tzmi isrthrstrrarctar NOIICES NEW YORK: HAWES, .GRAS AWr & .51,1110GA_NY & .ROSEIA 00 D i N. 176'3 17S Centre rit., tier ye:L, i tho annexed r.s:lortrziont and /31,:t.n. did Stock or Slahosiny, Er owned, .Se„ and would remark alit the advantages we tomes In basin: toe Pre/an wont., Imlseted by crar own a:cents. and IntDorted dime. Li .1.0 In anasmfacturin z Veneers, Be, s our own Pawlillia afford us fulatirs toolrrra lame and extreme.' 1,4 ant Stoat, at the very lonal prices, rls: 3.000 frot . ,ot Rosswo,d Vermeer. Fart extra ne, 223,0 an tdahoganY•Croteh Selmer, '235.00 artesebedsd and tlnttled Vearent 5.000 a shaded Veneer% '11,030 " Eat: Veneers , 64.tar1 Gne.Wainut Veneer,. - Sl*o 3111-ter and Accede 1 Elan,. ' 12iy.nte Marls Veneers. r; - 000,' • Melly Veneers. 15e00 • -Vit ae E4treds. Imo° tiox , smAY &ants Plank- Ino Patterns ez-vorcr.d Os= C , st.lnet and Phan 'forte. ‘. Aieo,.3l.2loenn)!;" Red and Vpanlsh Cedar Ltvs„. Wee, Band Paper de. - Etared Veneers, of all kends. for Prams !daunt:Mu:mt. anlo:lydeeP COOPER'S :Refined Sheet and Shred • LainOlass. jeilOß BLANC MANBE, TABLE JELLIES, de, A prime artiste OP: CouleetionPre hotel are allr UM. To be obtained. with directions using. of the Detected Gioeere end Ilzoeci,te thtoughout the Unitetll3tates. hole;arcul • P.BTra COJPEEt. Tow rork. DIBRELL(' ~ 17.9.1 T PIPE WORKS: DIRRRIL & JAQIJEcs;..:. 142 Contra StTet, New York, MALNUFACTURERS AND DEALIIIIS in Wrong - ht /non Plprz,Fittillm Toole, and Avery eta Dtlon of emarato , conneotad Vl'eter Bon Our heeling and llghtinc L1155n,./". Cr. Archer, or.-:. pries o4 teDzollinge, nee pall% Alto,Velvalt, Cooke. Potos - 4, 0.43 : Rues toad, to order. Our derow I:rutting Ylattdatortre .letty new, own Potent—oroniated 0 do doable tho Iro-k of cur ...11. er Invention. Orders mitotic" rttamptly attood+o $12.1413,111 et' !h• arit.V.Ark • .; tarELE .TE' 1 113.MMIS SDIONIFF SUP. MERCLIANTii, Cotton and Woolen Machinery. .acit4l and Briers. AtarAtnige That. biting, do, - I ta p.-tm-s And Dealers In Blnnnlncturere Arthien, No. 67 Pino St., • NOW York, i. 11. , =agurits Er the WOODJAUFk AM:AI - RI DION 170}:tite," • Sled* Enema and Boiler*, ' Ezell:Wee Arent) In Nom 'talc fox LOW 1:141. IIF.ACIIIILE SIMI.' aahluist or , Tool,. ... - Hough's Patent Rlastio Skirts. !IMES Fc•PRANCE, No.- LBhrcJay strottt, p Nevlrotk. .WT/ON—rieue Lt. genuine except they Imre the ~.ttal. o ltizrt, . .:t4. Aplneautv r tll7, 0 1 ., : . 1221 7.371ae1r.• PHILADELPHIA Shot and Lead. TAROP SHOT & BIOULD - .S110T; all eiza yAlro, Bin LAD, at tho town: ftoh miner, re: Foto nts_ - • • Tlll/51aB • Mat and Bar Lead Ltenafootmer, No. 33 ITalnutteenftt, Philedelpela. Free of etujigellt • • TWO SPLICIPID PARLOR tvaipltiuz. • VNTITLED "Bolton Abbey in the 'Olden R.A Zama,. a splendid steel exieratitut. from the U. braced painting bp Landserm., and *be -Teparturnot th, /mantes from Atipt, large and beautihll engraving from a Pedal= hp lit ". . Roberta. The rt•tall price of the store engravings In $.3 prr ropp. Fut will Le mr.t free a., cb rare as foliom. ;'rbt etam,lbera barn ...bathed a BOOK AORIVOY Phlbse.alghla, and will faralth nay- boot or public*. tiMiat 'the rata. Prioe fres of footage. Any means a:Zdagwarding the ral , miptlon prim , of ant of the esines, eneh as Harper!'.Oc der a. Patn a / 3 4e. Ora. Frank Lathe Fl4tocra; do., the Meg salons one TM. or tbs-abaa .o.santzfn raelnaNfopo /urge, cr. if Elltits•lbitig to aOl and a (I:llYAtjg Indies' ard • noPT [lcahn of Mentor , ' ear:tering, Emvelopee of every. de.mlptlon and rise In large or mall quantities Icanbtrd. Peal Pre Die*, coent toorder. Srorr desetiptloo or,t list idtIWARTO - Mt. Va.Sert. 12,16`•6.12,16`• 6. m 0 . / tV/. That. / hats exatmeei the ItanlTAltt vtr; IfTeen:T.'.lMWgroz=r,trlc.,r4 'gc7:4'frbLiVl-0 lset WEN. !ma to the atnse eatement the =TO willteglT KD / fan tin kb7elf in 1./.172 tahakerT, L would lathier 3/A1 I that I hate frrammtly me/ Isla Chlebreted IMite TAT. L'lttum.lattittell to my prettice, vitt, the happlett'effeam, that 1 4a etvesientt•mly recmtmetel It. :I. D. . • AU the ebo. Medlin. trePared rol.ly dada- the tu drr,qelon of Dr. 1: fad:, Mt! by WI". RD. end Her. Ver;ep " ige D.O.r e wt.... hammed I.lirr P . el .rz.rored Veradruire are • Ivned Dr. 1. Dente a C.V. el. Hord by rxrDenate of dace,. Tbe geradtte C.Detadt wl Whl. tdreasslan Lltdecent eSimed Dr. L Cott Ire tereni.l ih ebanstatv of I. bent; DLD. DD. 1. scam &thlrrie , rs - Bank Plere...Morreatotra s ys. • Dr. F.T.Th.r.D. 140 Woad Dlttebtagb: Whole ... an ra. 11ENDSItr..0 4 DP.D..Td2l.lb2rtr Alma J. P. ViXlllNd, Allegheny, v..= Dr& en error je.Mfi•El Time it Better than Pibuoy. TrIIEREFORE, of you do - riot stunt your oredlt named, be behl. Alma at the ear& or your fnanda depart so:. got Werther Clock that trill keep time, and thalliaoe to err. !Wm I. at P • L.OI3OIIRBY'S Ajv or Jl, STOR Where ca ruth dW e r t t . hog ofal W an d ,a . In C M o ak rB Ir . es eases, Open or hunting, from ti to $l5O. Cloche ertrr eerie °femme or frame; gothic and round tor: Paean, and °c.a....Marine and dtaatle. Thirty hoax and Xistit.dar. caged In wood. Iron or paper macho. JeweLT erkiterr' •flybity.aterNadln=ly lOW linter!, Watch Cbalor, Buck, WM, ODII and rllrer.renchr. Bracelet., Arm. late. Gold aoo allrrr hproteclm, Isms. and Pearl - rorti monies., ea. To those who wlallnumhasa anything In mar line; we' would my that havhhr booth t ourgmd far OAHU, we can aell Medea thsw own Roux in far aryl notArltristand• 1.2 tbe enertlon rolling at wholemde priori Made by came lutbo Imelpes. andiudge for yonnalrel, • N.l l .—Watchwellochz andriwelry Of all kinds ropalrol In a manner not to be eserlled., •T. W. woof:fuer. engird 23 Flab betweed Wood and efarket. Watches and,-Jewelry Pd. I. ROBERTS,. has jiltt returned Mout the tastun cities • .L lelthen entire nor and cholas stock of are Wat.ther,Clockus4Jeweir,Which he boo • purchased mostly direct from the manufactnnrs far sub. which en* An bits him to Sell at the bilowing eery 'ovular: • ••• • ...•. ••- ••- . Gold Patent Mier' Wstcheil, In open and hantlrd Gold Lavers,lB kurnt uses. failjewellea 250010 50 00 Gold LePhoes • • 22 00 to.; 2500 • . Levees. - • ' ' 00 to - 6000 Gold Guard, lon and Vest Chslat--.—.. 1000 to ov (kid Reis and Fella -00 le 10 00 Gold ' , collet 7, 4 and 0 --.. 2. Ca to MI 00 • Gold. Gelato and Melee lireset7l.l6s., - -L... 150 to 150. " xarl 60 to 000 Pine Gold Welding 2 60 to " I TOO Roby. Peul and Omni Monet Zinn 60 to 000 Got! Pons .and 100 to 10 00 - mod Crwe. and Nerkinan ...... 300 to 1204 Fine Gold • - 00- Ewe Go.d • 6 CCM: 900. Geld and Steno Blum Itatt7as Maim- - :MI to - 110. Fine Gold Bads /flour •076 to 200 Alto, Enter and Plated tiptona. ItniVes sod Fork', Tow Sate. OsstorM A choice mut of Jot: Om/ and Fancy Goodin Patina. 8 tataers. Punch - and Itslina Pain Also innendlets uric:3. or Clocks of ;otter., sood i Gma Wtchs, C mit* and•leweiry roJaltsd. - Remember the.. klate,ls Binh el , ...nest Mulust. ocl;dtf . . JOAN 51, ROBRILTS. • - ••• dOO ands wain a.n; : bOO boxes German Clan , • 610 bane Piltdada dadad 0 easlallarriaon bartn. now - • • ' to narrate Nardi catch:at Tail • •• • , Id toga_ pordared aranin ra laand and dor AIdSX,WDREL SINO. IeARDA LAM) OIL BARRELS WANT ED by A.N.E,1301.31.118 a DEO. ' ola coma Kauai and rrellt ets. • iZ=Z RAIL BOAi)g, Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne ':and Chicago RAILROAD.-' '3~- r - - • Three :Trains Daily. - Passenger Trains wrn ran daily, OKCellt Bundaye. as G,llawa leave littaby_egli for Q 441112 at 3s nt.9 a. in. and • Maze trains oill: care dose counecZna ac ilractilr:aaith Celina fcz Ceileanksdk Dayton, Cin4ncall. 41,1. ta:nr, Indianapolis Terre Dante. Evaurellie; a ll al pants ea leads extending West and nocitl west thsanali Indiana, tillabis aDCI Kentucky, ant weal Da at Pent War= with/Aka Erie. Ka. bleb.. and 1 , 140v:a fialLvad iar. Laviezierart, Laayatta D00 , W,. Decatur,- Pipeineen, iikvaloston, Altein. and Ht. Lonla These train,. connect at 'llainsileid with Tralus en the To tanduety, and Newark read, Air SaridnakyatT and Tolcdoi, skin ftr att. Verrinu, Virirazic and Kaamille. Dennectiona art Made at dillarea fop Cleveland. -Dual . kirk and NOW°. - CU.: O mike rim .a - Iltr.setigres nith -train, on, the Pennsylvania Centre] Kind for Narrisburgh.T L. blladelphts; Baltimore. KeaKeaTorn and Bolden. i Tbrenglt 'fitkets are eold to Odutubue,Pag - ton,.Cf.idjs natl. Louisville. Ht. Louts, Indler.apone, .otltePmtalne Ctd.o:o• I ..et 10 1 mc7t7.'Dtmlistly Intersulds. Cairn, Srtvgneld, IL/Molt, Demur, Blcordrinton, P.O tie. La ralle. Quin., and Ilurlirgtoo. Ito..,] Yrrt Wayne, Cierelend. Toledo. Dna klik. Buffalo and all the ptineinat title, In the Wert. Thiough Tnlrs - b , thls m.k be had 'et - allot the obore Oates fr . , Pittsburgh, Phdla.slphla..Balttmore and Nene - • . The NnW .100031H'OBATION• teem Nemßrightaa for litishnentit .17 a. a...ad/1 45. 0.0,; returning !ems flitaDv...-gb at 9,30 o.n. an 6 For Hetes d further Informstlin arrir to A. T. JOHNSTON A erat, at the arr.-t nrost.rd - Baltroad dimly on the corner. at the llononzahels tie-nee. Pitts. homy. or et the INlrral street ,t.'llo to GNOME PAH. KIN. 'f - kket. Amer. .1. L. 510011 E. Suet. JOHN KELLY and Y. KNOWLAND, Passenger Agents. MVO P.lnsylvaxua Railroad. groat Conttilronte7 corm Atientle eltlee with Westetn.',Nortliwesteri. aw e. uthwehtera ELstea, by seantloaone Beltway . direet.— This roevi IlLto Pittstriab with drily llne Otesinere town rorhe ea the Wettrrn r.ivere, .2 at Cl•ra land sal eanciusty with , Etear.re to all.rerte en th• Northweetern Lolarvaattne the 4.1.0 e: dire....• Meaner! an.l reliable trade bywhlrhfititlGP.l. ear. be Pavan/ea to a n ! front the ()me Nor. RAMS Afrrif Kra P22II:ADELP____ 41. PiEUPP OLA6B.—lioeta, thou. lists. anal Cape. PookajPry Geode, (to t•Lsee. bat. &adrenals.) Dross (la boxes)* balw) l • - BPOOND (NatE.S.—Dol . sestii libletine and 2Yekln .. g or - 121nel b .l ) 00253 exabe.) Ulm' lees. e. Leather. l&z. Ter 1.1)) 1. tan roils or taxes.) reed, and &leap Pelts) . .. MIND CLl3.9.—Anri.s' , Reel, Chains - On • eashe.)-Neinta,thwon and:Ptck. - welted.) •• (Woe* oriateubt,)rols - esonanothetax , B.Lh par 10.'1 trell &IST)!Ct¢an or Tfl Il a' ce ent - W and Pork Oa own, or 0p.,. AM r Wm - sir 10t.-9e t7ilOb,l/1/%11-31rer bbl trottl ftath ' re mottle. Olta.LN.-50 tal. pea 100 the. until Anther notle °aril:M-32 pPr bale not exceeding 600 lbe auant.ete til farther notice. 1M..110 shipping goal, re= any rola: Pon et Phiis rhis. be rartionlar to reekage "cis ..eun...•••oeNsis Rollmate. All Good* =Waned to the Agente -oh - Eble Need at Phliadelrhla or. Plttebornb. will be !Tr:earl - led without detention. PUN= Anl373.—lre--718,"'Wo=11t/ Lielipbje. Tenni N. N. Ewa it oc, Bt. 1m0... No: P. G. trltiley-*L.w. Erman - 1115.1'nd ; Co.. end Cotter Jew ett, L.311111.11f. 8.0. hteLL - aza,llwlison. t3 ,,, igs • ash 8C5....r.nd Irwin & Co., Clnelanatt, Obie; --. 11. Plana * Co; Zemeaville Ghlo; leech Co.. No. 2 Astor Howe. new PaittNe. itV CU= Mr. e. nal No 8 Batter, Pleor. New-I:mkt Fr!. haeetter. - Philadelnhle: Macrae, Noon", raNftw*llleo.O.Pracelesne,Pittsburgh. It. General Pedjet Arent, YeNoietats J Lon rich ".; 9=i4Ltoores. lh. ialar PittsWgh }lna Connelsville RAIL. RQ~AI~ glil3.Wffa. ( ; and aftor Thursday, - the 4th day of ismtroi,l3sl3, the Plttebargh sad ConneUellle will be open fur the Issuers:stational payengera and freleghte to near Idelfoespurt, when It will mate o, tooting with the swift, new Yeamer, Col. tamed, run. liirlath.l.B to Pittsburgh. . at ‘:37 o f nfe r iST:intrigrarPi r itTeDir:t e ll n rit Tille Beturninr. pungency" will learn Monongahela .whert, at Pittsburgh, there the Monongahela Bridge; b 7. the rune etyma at 3 o'olcog P.M. and stone et Cometlettle stBP.M, - . ' Fen4l46 will la forwarded by thir counettl.t.O. betwe Cousellxville and Pittlborshat ferrate,. rare from Cossollaville to Pittatmr6h $l,OO. Puns:ars thts s ples6sot dmdrable mate Q 64 El. BLSOKEITUNE, east. CLEVELARD ABD ETITER3ITRGH RAIL •ROAD;' PITTSBIIRQII WA.x.NE CHICAGO .RALLEOAD, VIA ROCIIIRSTEI2. rimE shortest and quickest route to Chios,- !fg n e , . and the Wr h b, le 9/.1. ter 112 . LVELt i ll), g o bs. ilf4 o er t i tffilVelengrtend ' idle * or* Three Dall7:!ralos Vet Pittsburgh end Cleveland Your Dally 'intro between Cleveland and Chicane. • Time to Cleveland. 6 bourn Chicago. 26 boor.; and EL Goals, hours. • • • ' On and &den Tharalax. pct. 16:1. 18.50, the trams wOI run as Ibllown tea ridelatlCP.' l7u Allo2ooo. Lams Pittsbarnb.. 30a. st. 340 p, u .0.01 A. N, Rochester....-8.45 " 4.10 dulls at Cleveland -223 P.ll. 9.10 " £1,04 The above Int= ollievll at Cleveland with !tams for Toledo, Chime, Rock 'shunt Galena and Danielth. 1 Passengers for all stations between P.ortester and Walk elm at Liverpool, toast take the Meal Train at 2..71 a. sr., as the Express Train mates but one rtop (Literwil) between there 1.1 U. Paseengare for ell nations bckw Wellsville tonSt take the am r. et. train from Pittsburgh. Ths Mail Train mates no C..70111113cal at Well utile for Palms below: The train learn tltenbenville at 1000 a.m. arm re at Wellsville at 11.33;eonneethig these with Mall Train arriving at MUM:iron .0 2.03 r. N. Retnraino, louvre Wellsville upon arrival of Urrrees Train from Pittsburgh at b.C.5 P, 14 and arrive et Ennbonville at 430 e. it. The train oon• nests with the Stenberivale and Indiana Bailees.: and with 01100 o? Luta between leteulanville and Unsealing. Passengers for Cleveland end the North-soot wW Co particular toast their tictete Rot:heater and 211:3 VII T. 00925118 CtinIIMV. la Mao. u names,. Us. ale.. 24 Oa. " Foteeeter, ve ITo b1e0wn.....16,90 14.40 tneveland-.4.00 Fulton.- -17,0) %LTG tquidasiu-4to 11l tIIMIIII:va-tv.E.0 00 morale-. V.50 " Ni..R rails 9,00 Irverri- 00 19 nine, 10 . .00 93 " Dun 10,00 etilenta.-.12.00 10,09 "La 64.110...-.19,00 TOO ISLLoods-1e.:10 11 00 " Root 1r1and.19,0013,75 Euiwanileakto 13.00 " 1400 " man 14,79 Paeserecers ate reeneeted to moms their tickets at the chioe ache Corarneys to alotionce.hele, 11.13.1 e. 3d door below Ohs comer. J. DURAND, Napa, Cleveland. aide .1. A. OALUMEIBY. Act.. Pltteharah. OUTE SPRING ARRANOSILIOT. • "lOrm eln Re arta mo fter S r- a r. d oada April +l 7, Perereger Sr Allows 17. (3uadrr. arecre,. . . i3alena and Chicago Union Padlr one .• MA ui LINZ. FOR 7112011 7 .0.11T,0ALENA AND DUNLEITIL Pawn= and A ..111 patown .. • .-..51.30 Pil Trifiai Iba tra.oe4 frtaVNAVID cssizu. lOWA. natant A tit T A nnugh Eisen= • ...... .4300 PI. Beloit air - "lfialson — liianoirt. ros lIRLOIT.I ANESN/LLZ and MADISON. -.:—....-..4.00 A M. Pa/manger-. ...... .13 A M. PaeeaygerPia River Valley Railroad. nut can= zaEx. WEL7a7 .1105 ni4olloan. TRAINS A STWAB.D. • MINA ADD OtaadOCl TRITON ILAILItOLD. Lean ltnepart AMU IL-arrito to ahte.ro LIMA M. Leaven= elth 8.15 A M.- . •• :4.a0 PM. Lean DutdalUt 0.10 " . • 4.05 AM. 011101110, rtrvroN ADD lOWA =ln. Lone Fulton 0.15 A AL-arrive In Mow. 71.40 AM. •• 4.00 P " • •-• DCLOIT ADD MADISON 11114.1071. 10.50 ti. - Le . F• Toonllla 11.40 A M.-ertlya to Chkaa, 4.40 . •• 10.00 I` M.- " 0.00 A M. Pox urns vAiism zerso.u). Loan Elgin at 9E7 A IL-antra la Mango IMO A Id, P " . 10.54 P P 4 AD the above balms manna with the mamma M. Linn dirartnag Iran Chicago to all points Mu tt , JOHN B. TURNER, Prem. P. A. lIALL. Bunt. (nrfalyd) • mrl PeDixsylirimis Alt ANU "T.: I • C.11.4h1:13 OPHOII.G. • -* Q.N and after Nonday next !lire Till be nano daily trains 'between altt abash and. Pbiladel p —Tkiii.slololl4o Pittebnigk for Philadairlde et 6..7) A. At. MI NAST 14 , ,i13 tear., rut/burgh for Plailedelrhia at . /..SO SHx . P. - ' - I NIGLIT*VPIttdd Eyre. Pittaturkik for Plinabinhis at 9.80 • • loenamodatkm 1 - alit learpoi PI ttenurgb dr& 17, except Bandar, at o' eoi, P. 3 1.,..rakinthrt's oat:lodation Train learns Pitt, innr.h 4 , 41 icit O'siertk o'elook P. fd.and d.:* It. /inattog on far ea Turtle Croce:akin:ln% The &bora lnt. wound et I • l'iirsh with. tie Sala Mutt to andiron Bt. Loots, Mo.: Alton..oalena and Chteo- Mank Atirjr: petit DaYton.diningfaid.Bellernataine_ anadtuttry, Clereland. Ooltuatnut, Zanerrillo, liskotlien and '5 - c.d.,. Obled ago, With tboNteato Parket Boat. inoto and to rir, OILLIaIh, hr. Ming, sea tLOGISTIIg and Through Tickets t bad to ce /run either of the Ice grtber Dartandara wee llandkilla at the different starting point.' Purging.= frOrn the Weet win and this thee ttortent and most eine . dill:rug root , to gankkora Nem l'ott. htuhhi• • - -J. aTZWAST, Agrol..Phslenam Liner..Paitrealr ruoa. BIOOILff • ACIANT. foarageir- Antra thZ.,,e,-.4: jya-rya laria g ,E MON. • & CO.-=-TRANSPORTATION Ajt.lNt—llaelng =de enemies p • - paratlona this Winter, Ire ISTO now pre W de a Neneerr business br kIiNSA-CANA and ILI 1ui10.8.11, scam it to and then the EnnVru Cities: We eas wears. our Sebnele and all taco dlneesect to pat. make the Penna. Canal and Railroad, that no ti ne win be seared tO render sent satisfaction to re ot Eastern and Western Freight. The strollers:a et he In.. rained Flame on the AUrShen7 rortsgs Fallow/ will at /,ceased deszatell toe, tranionisslon of might. Chas on PENN street. at the 13.50? Fade. rohltard • - - - - . - is - - .I'D & LIMON • 185 a. AIR.' LIME ROM. 1856 TO ST. LOUIS. KANSAS AND. NEBRASKA.— t. ... .• - . y tAssE u it. far. St. - aim,. tha West and Eanth•Weenshoribt take either ot the Great Railroad to Cliknox thins =swain It nark - the Train, v: Uhlman, Alton and EL /401, !?abroad, shit', lc= i 41.0.,,t ED Lica an EL Utie, • Trains hen) the. Union ralioL Not of {Tater eL, an 114 EL Louie Dir - Eft EiliT; bilnlare airosEL.d. Fia .. r B2lEt. Lori: rgat t a z .4 3. i. nkturvi .. . / 6 ..10 r. g. 07anaao.a.biebnistiLtkii:X..t dirrct Mate. and mamma denticart too Bloombutotilill e aCent . E, Jsrr• aflame, Naples end slt mint, OD the pr Meow% Kansas. Connberrland and Tonneau* Divan" win note thr Mr t oP"1 srroa b"a, tan / 74' = " t i o l ar're 'Piga MPeta l n i!-" b 7 t :E.WD I : • Thronsi 'netran over TAD roots can is r,ttmarti a1..q., , t3iOOS IL &Make aMeas 'U .N. , . York, 'limos, POI , . - Itceirgit lah,V===?,...ll7=, ~ ta r g l 1ivt1 ,.. ;1 .....,...r.. ? , .. .77 Dearborn lie .sfrehor,‘LE, Ttroont ttz wi :lX the or , ! . ,t....p...., c, ,, , ,,,, . • is seponsitte Damage men sill *Trull ESE , tr uo ttE l4 - o I the 'ulnae mils going Inte Chian° to Chia • e Wuhan to an paint Dairen on ttre line- • - ' • - . P. goNo.&11, Je...,801.-,. .a..i. a. eaatta . ..l . :twat-N.or.rw. l aroe zia. . Important to Book Agents: .. . ratilE•tobeloribor in..addition to thei.i*ge tat of Opk, for Arouer•l tel.T•rl., ‘..0. now pablotlitm . • tM o , ILLUSTRATerD WORKS, to be .0/4 Kehl* ;holy tr, agents, of • etrto oath:elf -here toltutrnif•ao..; books, rosuJortn• them lar i ?mamba to 14 7 - tblr.g now' la the handl eta,.lolle. Pr; tell partiouhay. ad dim, . . it „zoi , r. . 108 and ill) 1:;'°•111"4C1.- 112R4 - k.' . ' YLOOD ENGRAVING executed Trith des VITII 2 IAWIME c ar t s. b ,. 12,24 . ,41, _ B. 81111101.114,21 Ilogibm. IXICUST Yount' sad Byearforestalcsoin 11.1LPartioalas atrantios mkt So lone ;ostas* 2 3:1 Esadiatono Boit 11241132,41. MONETARY. . . HATES: OF .DIFCOITET.. ...lIMIRECIM.L.II7.T TOM Till ITernamen 04tErtial • N. HOLM ES .1 SONS, Brokers. - ,To. 67 Norkelabehreet .22dat end Etat; g0.,•/%140._, - • 2.2.B•NEYLVEIak • Branek at egaoata-__ 'de Bank of Eittear.- •81..18ar Banat at X ads..-...... Bata of do. sa Braok Y dr+ ble=.Blanare of p,..E62: (a r trACIV. do , I Bask of 43ookeate.-:...-par' Ektuded:,,, do Elatunalcie.Bank.....ar ream. 3:6, d *,.....,........ ~,.. Bank, of North Ameraa-ne2 Lafaatt• ne"6 - '", Itaak.aNatiat laertleasar 0310 Llfolas.a•TartGo.. do tank of "-2 an2fiTanBl6,.....par Welf=ti Euerce Bank- do Bank ofl'enn TatanM-TnrEaudl Nota,------ .64 annaterda Bank OfPro,'-',02:1 - NEW raotoisii. Panara • 23.1eausEke Bk-rarldEadrent saaa__ . x Casa 8antc........«,...4.- -Pal- NEW 202.2... Remington Bank.—......kariNew • Tork' 0811..--,.....ree Adanntae. 2 took. Bank-Sarßotualltir i klr., -6: alochantry„Bank--••= & ~,,, • •, • rits •D • ''', . a.--- 7 .---- 62 , ;,„,„. 77 ---2-.--. P". Fa:tame Ba.;;;.. - ....par N..)WIT & Da , AW - Air. Traoccran'anank__,...-P.„sll:6Evert 8ana............ 6,i Wttanaank,.......--284 - • V° U 4 A• • Bank Of anatonstmaio... • 6. • Banl'of ta YaL862.....-n Boa: of Mater CO=Ef-Ta Bank ofis.,BSchmand... • Bank of Dame-_ .... . • Bank. Ya. • NorfoLic ......k.i. Bank of Bet tlo , tbeeter-rar Tamar iik - of Vile i.U. Bak of Easanterwa-,-. alora,amd2Bfoookpo.ea 3 4 Duo,. of Gettyabearb,-. /Nora, Eaten: Bank.... •• Rua of Lanstorn.,—. - Et0 d ,..j00.,..„..- - Dank of Midadorn--- 6i" NOBTLI atililLata. . • tlcatonnerY to.Bank--ra nal a ear* v 02 2--- 2 eoe.s az; atexmaa ooo o-ou!e.o.k- 0t 8.0. ofK. CaroWa .. CH =s Bk 1 Be.d.as 0.4• a tar Lank, Wilatnaon. 7. .Derlateden tank.....*-ol•ar 111 , rettants'Bk.,Newlsath, 1 taesoa twa-- , ..----..pe. wont os.souN.A. 2:Utak—, -- 64 kkoftto t. a Warta. Warmer/ Via/Web Co-rar pea o: fk ayt h c.,.., aa roan=,' Bk. of L..e....nn....r.r Boat a eliszlerter......" Panners'Eak of Iteadinkaz Tamara's 2dAelloaVs. Pk cu.,. BI: ofahrdtal Po..e-aa BROM& • • . hr.:: Drtre. WArneeheet. 1.1,t••=,.,fa i n , a 1 ,...„. ltrualdinitk I , :sol.bltsinZ- Paul of Aneue.a..--....• Itarritana 8ank.............. • Ilk of 11:31,1316^:t: Any,. ' tionataleßank.-.......... 6.1 . TEB:72: - ,a:k. landador Bank...-. " nerl.6.ll6ohat Barr- , a [ammeter Panty Bank....ari • 2.2ETuvri - : Lekanon Bank -._---- ....... PA o f Bratutty:Efaii.. !: Ham' Bona of Itd.frelliera Bt. f :name, 1ine,,,,, d o , L i lo Bank-- .........tar .Nerthent.liVelkectecky d.-. Wert a Book_ -nalSouttar , .l ,6