The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 16, 1856, Image 4

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    PiTrPAiiokOtt%.4 - 2Et , te
\ L. , ,ltill:Dlrß.: 4. 0 0..,.., :„! -. .
OM* Oa MU nun. L9e3ra =O:SW..O Mai, -
.• TEEMS: . . .
DAILY-tilLudolliwim arantnt, manta Walt yrarly
In ignobly._ • .. . .
WY llaileraerlLllM=l. in al tete'. Clubs
will Ito owalkewit Cu follawin
ntusi...-.. zrenalttras:
Tea it , :1—...i...----... x 0 al
.12rAdveneo - to are strictly r•lred,rald
papa b w n the ;war Ls out, =.e.” it's renews
•Cl. l: ...'..--..,1---.... ~: •
BATEa . •
ono mate , acs oillooparall or etuntni.
oleo 0 et
Do each additional Ineertiott..... 0 vs
.1.75 . •
Do . 'Clem CO • -
Elo three Toots 4 : co,
rer tent month .—... , 5
Doi: !tan 7CO •
g.: .
Da ;arm •
one dollar t curb addition auto.. '
anum) r d
Oat acntante 7 4eroupitst oho/n..o*. ant
Mu," trarjr=t,WriaCcAriii.;;6,
' ter each addlacnial Nuys Inrmrted rantrr yturly rote
ball pace.
• Adverannienta arceediaga arose; and - not weer Mid;
lea awned la ei eon., and a Lotto,
Pa lialitts not acomontable for' legal adrarase.ntat'
••T••• the • soulitgarened he. `her pnildbeettra. - • •
annosaria . •nn.ltre antcrece to be eivernied the serer
at other adwortlanuente. - . • -
Atleorrtl•eraknts not mortal on the ropy tar aenetlrled
stainha of ineertlecte, will to onntinne,.,t t.tll forlnd. tad
payment around
at •• • • - •
The orlyllege of icon culedtertfett le ataittlyiltat tad to
their oleo let reollier butane, end all adrortlaement• rr
thb.o•st or ourt,i,errons, ne ale adrertheuran.
honiodlatelycoahouted nith.„o99lo own buelneen. Ito
all elarrop of a4vorrltereenta: In length or otbrowlnr,. be
Toni theenitned.trlii he charged at the
Tor all each he •Let aetreelielon Indeent-ately
released: and prorontparneat Is oestted.
All admUommit for chartable' tnettallont..the pia?
mono, ward. toputhip. ether publir.sacestinta, wad al
political Ulnas= 1116 , notIne, to be. charged half pram nay
able etrictlyeln %dm= • •
jderrlaut swam to be ablltted an neat% ,
Death nation intertal without charge. =lute ohne= Pa
Bled Dr tteues•l Izatitatione Obltlibt7 ruet:Oet: cud whys
Jo paid for. • .
Itegabirsdnietleets. and allottitire settle; eomitoilitio
Dons. or •Seartlig . notion nealentla to tali env:Mob to
NU; bolreee, Clobeetta, at any imbibe ententelhheat e
whin charm are made ibr admittesene—ou notioet of Imi
tate ateneistionie , irseery an* dethroed nto atteatd=
to riatataterpren. calculated an haterndod annorde
Individual interne. nut omit be - iatorted With tho e
gepObeEv i
t t h l
e lb u tzs e a- to be t ted 117 r. If intraded
st of 10 touts pet rao ' • -- " . " 111 thUinti
Bishop ot mo; co - b 6 mute; (Able pries.
TattralloespaPeationalla each
Baal ltat•t• AgetrOV an,toottoneeii e/tvertlane*.ni be
to be eluesedmattetteorlt =et. ter r eillowel • ant t
thittptbretasid Otiottled pee osa tram the =pant •
1111:111.24 1121•11linIT IS =SI ?ima.
Ono *more. Wee Initomom ..,--... LO
Da, mob odditimal
Om kitm. CID Itne•oris loserrt cents.
MA eV% .4tuthrnal Isuiertlon.. —25 eta
JISSOLUTION—The partnerstttp . nerete•
fors etlEtinis. between the •gobearibers. Valdes-the
sty ofIiERILLRit non is this der dlseol.ed by metal
eonssmt. Waltero.llo. hs.ttlq.old ble entire Interest to
John btoolll and hot D. blefllll, who will um the berm of
the late EEO in Wang the business:et the old eland. Re
LtbartY EL ' jOIIN MoGILL.
Plttebt*, Rept, F. 1854:_jAd. D. AIrOILL
• '_._
bevies porthmei the sett.* Interest of Walter 0.
to ukelele firm of. Meanie Roe. 11 wale. the '
Wholesale Orem, out Oomtalmlort Dnehorm. nod, the
style ofJOEINMeOIIk.t SON, at Wevehoose No 217 LIN
art. exert - JOILN swum,
Pittsburgh. 8.7 t, 27,1858. .749. D. '111.0311L.
LLAVIESTO soil my entire - interest in the
Arai of bleGllls & Roe to my farmer partners, John
and James D.ll DILL who here masedated under
the style ofJOLLY BIeOILL is SON. and will continue the
boldness it'the old stand. I cordially commend them to
my Mende and /heraldic senerelly.
Plttaburatt. amt. /7.1658—m30 • WALTER 0. ROE.
IDLlTl LVltdifT:ir h z,=td m tz.T . .,2 3 .
thr n 71421,1. co,: xt
issrainr . rthe that'..!' wW lout to them kr Danautt.
Preeteensazt. Bent.
Ppm undersignea 'Avis eutqredinto . part-
A. narehlo unlit thettar. nod stria of B. It TIMM t
0u...^-tar the puma:sof raveling an the boeintes of *riot.
lug ani rnahliehtnn the Att;tntrot WAWA - att4 haring
portheeed the entire Interest of D. N. WWII! to the Oct•
sett; and damned the llsbillthe
witthe odic*, those we-
W. bnelnans eonnuate the Delco' VW Daily
notteeesordthElY. E. RIDDLE. •
LET—The Skim No 241 Liberty et.,
or Wood, .t or.osat coraDNd t7 R N. W l = 2 = 4
as a Drug Store. Par lurthie tothrsoation *coati
oa thapreralsss. ao2 B. N. WILIERILBHA2I.
o. Binalaglauxtreontaine • bray double
ran., dLniog rows. Irltenea and 8 ehembete. with "rank
helve. oiliarstrs; walla soft eraterorittit garc.male.
elwata ..21 pantry. The atm., le plemantlyalrested. 18
+. 0 000 , 6 ' , sit frac, Me efts.: etaziltrabee pus the howl,
every lialf hoar. - reitmediste melon ow be had.
~,..8.- OUTKUHTratIOB.6t Pdarketert.' '
To L
14 Seoond street,
y v ttrfie Jr= rut of Wood Enquiry of
No 13 Wood garret.
0 BENT—That most delimit:A° store, No.
WO.l gtre.t. , .rpis at riots.
0210.1 _ -
. ..
FOR RENT ' , Dwelling House on Hand
et, twitiocen Liberty sad Fart ets.
tors B.o.outon corner of Pa:u.h and Elaud Ca. Also,
Store on Eland et. . . • _.
Rout lorr. AF,l7tO ACITIIN 1120212 F,
adfl3, No R 2 Fourth et.
IFOR RENT—A. new brink house. of 6
room, and • Pall. oltande on Centre AIVII:* • Thlg
711.114 I. papered .31 tow! flolgoet fr-sztfir xnant/a to par
lor, lot of ground 25 by lul r• a gyp:op.-a well of good
end,. al. • =arta. gent 11150 per wear.
_ .„,,.. • -
jut 25,C117.4.PKAT 4, eox. Al t .lidattat, at.
..,._.. ... . -
not. PF a. Pima. gram prs.ans
W. W‘' . /!espedztully 'informs bin friends
:1 1 . and enstamers. that Kee inet 4:amplest. We stock
Paroltstre, *back C. decidedly the I..stand beet em ores. Fs: sae ho Ude dty. de be to deisembold to uphold
bla stock. set thesenqued sehtcials, test warkmanshlp, and
newest dedgme and neon theeats. of We orders tel
ntalltslamarrelketarkg.ha is enabled to. Trodttee war.
ranted /9187:11TUBB at ths lowest
Be keen* edema au hand thettaatmtet
desniptleo of foralton., from tkh etssapert " =pLlE
to the most elegant and costly, that a or any,
at am, CIA be ferakstedem - hhe 01 . 19513.1 , 14.,
: 11104 mrsortment..1M. far est af 741 sad thotr
mama be in= t 2 lu .3 . of ths PULL
100 Botha Co Plonk Zul s*- 111..t e!.B D ing and Breakfastsues
100 tkdere Matnhcanzr CUB,. 42 Bemetary A Book atm
do Walhat deg 310 Dotes Cans Seat Chain;
10/ Bakker horde . Mud= 24 Cana Best Baking eh..
i 0 ~...a.Lunt -
_4lu. 12 Wks? Wilting Death
100 nalangsalßlrani - Hat and Tinsel sands:
so wm Itlautreen
ICKlBlarbdetog Ciente* ratite DMTUIItiOII chat=
,ds. Drendo Bureaux illsaberthen dos Winded.
ded. do do 17 • goorotkno- • f.• des -
VOMUDhad -
100 Oommod • do trent • doi
lo moo aotaksi4B.uchani
-20 W ohrg.
alnut . do .Al b Wan
lab Contain. .•
tOO Cherry and Pokier Sad. flail and Pler d d b
20 tdahogad.7-W.bohteh • 'nand. Dining tab./ •
10 Walnut Ottomansg - -
i ih e ri l LS ;Sea - rtisenl4 Istitatare and Will
Cabinet nagg. snapttedaltb articles In their
eteandhath ematudela fund.. at tnt Stentast nedlna.
nederdprometts attended tedrso
`RIDING WHIPS --a full
anes.expent, ...very arneiets,' adtable for the eV.
PlneTAlng 414. =tram and screams an B:queued - to
oaßnsd ezi=hes our sur.k., which be found nermtete.
BonBr. Rldlng, °rovers' end. Drey Whiten
Raw ULU and that Wenn. Whine; hinen.. l lteCe and C.b
Mahal. and everything. In ths /be. et LIVeRn RIII/dhrs.
80 rinett. ~:zittrwaxi.
a.l24att ' • WELLS. .n.IDDLE bOO.
' - _
- - .
Bawl okley. Acadapy:
A CLASSICAL and Commercial Boarding
13chool fat Boss. mills P. It W. k Pt. and DlEr
Binh L 2 mliestrann Pleadsintb. • •
ifins.Jo2.- B. itIiAVELLI. W.. Princfre.
The TimnW.Olothlandook srlh ornumenea on MONDAY.
Poe asonlais and oiher annellenlars, eiodulre of - Mears.
John Irwin • at fireon;.: 67 ' Water .etc Messrs. Nnrhs. Mac.
Hoorn Oiti%losALibiny it, or to the Plinelp &wick.
Instil* P. Chiaillegornrconoty. Pa. • re3oStsrhor
1111217 A L IRE Ths mignsfacsat A 1 enpnar ant;
AAA WaLEJL - .1,8C0 tons Nathan, Daman. =zoo
inanchr, %km the tuna prompt despatch of Mono?,
tasz line, thollarressel damn-oohed brths under.
0 dochitzr.m. , h , „ , ,,„,trAish r tot• d eWang
gin It ra.' fl
saaaaatiaa ithaam aaaa, choke benha•-•
Apply to tnis ULM. en board as sitar P Sass Riser or to
HULL PA, L6hD a classic&
nel9;6lnt • Watt
. Cottage Ranee and Garden. •
and EIARDI2I, &mated alonrt 16 Minutia. altaa
collo dilegoony Market Mime. in pleaLr Lu d
excellent neighborhood. The hones contains nye yooms
with enthoime kitche; iropplied with hydrant maten..l
Thom hi Wm &gout. stable end behoove*. El as end the
elryharaimess MIMS to within a lbw lomdreilties of the
Wm. Om COMM' sea Within ir gent cllstanee eyery
The finntod Is 93 feet 4 1O:b61 'hoot by LTA deep—ham
bits on the coma.runahurbech to an alhrT. Throe an
rxarbuitteti. ad "LIP d MILT rrso
Omer. 1 straabenT Iredl, " rhilhath asparagus
1. / 111 . 17 1:=2"a,. ` taar‘a
Y." Mr -I._.MqVggibtrh , ollCtutre sit 'the ism:elite Ma:
XVOOD:ENORAITING Wroatited with du
vy path LN ALL tTB =MILES, • ths:lXer !I'!re
et tan krnentleoninWPACll PAWN ,
J. a. nx vatoup.. Ae. Union Dal
Corner Toorth ang 871111=131VstmNInatonaM
S.B --Particular attention , mid tca lava Pottem BU
Bead& Ste= Boataindßrantlis Cunt.
EST rocejna Ironx tho waits - of Jogiab
app1e4.1456 . 0 lat MOLA..I7IIX • MUCK. Mr
YOURASM grO EtMr4a tO eaJtsaleamthara
t Inhett, sti
Q =ANGERS': W.. tarriCtiaitil e Ai r
10, will tairo..;',ltraglnr* RITSCIIII Vic • lame
"d'a'ac*.s your & " ° lr3 4 4;
, I V r.liiit AniiMAr.
11•41.ur atm idin..k.; abttra r Oinattinw , do
4.4 litintilithblail of all kt•i• smor" a u 1 1• I k =
Cloths. Chalprres and other smnds for !Seta . and. Do r e
Plea. M.) ths . Pia 3edbepb mragl of 4 4 h mt,
'arnsorl4o nails is Indi.
saki tomainiz IS =Dia from tberilliT; on thel/1/tan
of/4re °ma: /1/ sculea kw% Ake /2 . Wel/4k at. Dia
Orest, Ow/am DA mew azeeleare4/.01/ne in - tabu.
tug, TD. tz, prom:nate . ate 2 D/0/7 loft /Sou Pt.
- visitweboarded and puidesed, frame kitchen. I soda
ottDattof hasisarsolanaam. sus other/11M U..fti ere'
on Ms ragnalsoo. d tram, bans Cora and other ihnvrn,
aunt/. Anti to.' •./c2:411/1/. , - -11LAK RICHW.GI
f 4 BOOKR. • ,
D L4D .I Ctruabed and Lea/tn.-an
165 do o. 2 dolatiri.Sta..Pfraqio
At do Bt. Ja
p mo H s bat mom Etompo3toLlases;
41 bozo Y. /L &aft Theor t i riiv a
st do .31,4 iloand
3 tutu Olaf B. 1 3.31014
t IO do . 1.003134 .03.11tt014
tad Buetcety
, i/. 1 71 . 23 , •At,efrA ..0
.7164 . ati0.
asez 9103
%%RR& PAPQN/Cbiliieb
IL dap )111 - . zco'
Vie! iltioiesiitis Poetry of the Engliin
=Do,. tUfta.
ararpecia a<ae non „
Celebrated COMIC Poems. of
The AntlmJscobln. Mooted Addrosams, Lb* Ingo/4 , b , Up
end!. :
alsolnrcoogs Idagszb3l4 /kmiley's Milgeollsny. and
men *Ullman. than
xero UMW= 11110.14.1 ye,
The Choicest numerous Poetry of
Tokott. Mime*, rettu, A I L : t }3=,
- & l AN Bsiyer Lththtl,
12=krier .Bcott, Bouthey.
Note% Ltrdatsatmy wed Meet
By .). PARTN,
reltuna, lea; tPI9 se , rum $ 1 .50.
r. •
IM P &RSA.. •
Aneterili boPubllshal in eine day..
Levan aedcar to Jarpesaa_vh. twx::
_ (Nowt+
laut alio detteis tram-the time oi their Ituarter . Until
th. &were , JtNOhlu; had a'slo perretal letters rate the
Eynon& td Yds trottker Joseph. and other Isuporteat ger.
sewagee with Emmert= Illustrated ante sad etteedotas,
"bylotui & 0 dams,
lelSlkwN Noe. Me Ane_ sto Dual. street. Wow York.
'RAWLS, GE.A.14921 & CO, •
OG • moms, or •l'
O :
Boa: 178 & 175 Carat* 4.,11,0,w'Y0rt4.
gr.l FEAR 4 ; 8 .w:um:ed. ampamMit and splen•
iur WA Stook undatto.y.
temukr,that ttom lidtante ge m:u we Ma Homewood. , to, and wouldne In baying flOe
foreign Iroltde.'Wecteu I.V out owteseenta . an alneuulleo
direct. as also In utanull,ot cuing Vesteere,au, at our own
- Eawllllha afferd vs Hail Mem to offer a large and extreme.
tr an. Btixkoit thent" le east Prima 'nal
auS.ooKVleet, of llceewooll V 11 1161,7,,,,Nal nun fine.
844,000 , i - " Idahamoury Oro. tea %engem,
885.000 ).., ~• , arambsded atulldettled Woman
t25,800', • . " . eat CAI Y , llPeal.
241:0) '• . HiHn Vunele.. , '
01000 , • line Wok= Wore,
aOOO • w • • 1311: ,r sue, maw mean, ,
.o.; - .•
a t.
IL V. • ~,
124,003 , : nate toil, Ve
i... t • ~ ..t, 5
7000 i • miaboasam } l ', l t, t .- ,; at iNmuk. • I
760 Ystiarne essorrad alum 0 , ''' e , t end Pilllo Porte
llouldlne ... ,
illeov Idahogany, .-,1 alld opt.
Logs. 11147 , 5Tam711 ,4 4net. le. .81, , ,, allamellV, :u ,,urea, of all
abed, 0r name kfauerfectutera .aolikaywr/1
~142 Centre , Skt'Oet, Now York,
241•0 1 : 1 0,0111REREI AND . DXALEN43
lolV o rtraoht Iron Moss, TlO3ocs. Tools, sad VW]
411:12 ... t ir t s=o
i onsf , = . l steam s: u v
PrtroteWs, Efoolleit hieses. rut.
rlesead Dells.
11 4 / 3 "4, P i • Flmng. 'long.". Sahli and Baltu
Our Berm Cattiest Iteebloss Ise entirebrise, sad oa
ct Petent—learaztted to do done's the siva of 111 V oth
sr OneOon.
• Orders tolietteß: seetioue of the aountm and
trorartty atteadld learhhers
&RDBEW & J73817P,
'Cotton and Woolen Machinery.
Serra. Doc. and n.Ocrt. Dales In OantomonomovArtlcloc
No. 67 Pine St., Nem York.
N. B Vellfth th 11114.011 mar WOLLES."
Sao= Ensines and Boilers,
_Aisonc7 In Nor Itark
LOWELL 111 ACRIZILIOP , Dina lOnlatill Tools
Efottgte Patent Elastic Skirts.
k. PRANOE, No. 1 Barclay moot,
a al Yor
CAUTION—None ase_emonlite einOnt the] A. 71 MO
tenth jrzirflllirittent. All i onaniklur w r.4 legion In.
• Free of Charall inaci
D iv -TITLED "Bolton Abbey in the Olden
wi=4.4lettged=mirialet off
•• pentlng E gynaohtrtn an4 Th b e
;Lail' If the
ensinlytAre SS Der envy, bat vill be (two.
stasero as follows
The istderribers bale established BOOK AGENUT
In Yh
at the niladeltdds, a thall scrim nd sill
tree nte
al raists any book or publics.
ilea patess
~AnY Pantese .. ..
e"%dl" tlu
w„,n,p h u "bicd Goa:: . 14A%i: Ors
50rank vlll receive the Itles•
ulnae kir me par and a vow of the shoes ow:Win' en ,
r m . ,.. ....T1nAS fn." or
.aab aultvgr. slabserlbit=p and •
's Ladles'
. trinsts=4 . nral."tt a sy erre ' refelve both hfasashos• and
• copy of attar of Meehan enges
Savekars °teeny dmaiptSon and Me In Imre or mall
tinantitlee fennlehed. Real PeasseaMntln.untbotdes
Avery demlytion 018u:wing on Wood execetedvlth
neatness and dlspll4.- Viers of nollll=l7 . yez
Headhasts, ~L lll o lol,llsehlnesT. Boot 111
Clartinsates, andnees Cards , All ardesi , rtit by nal
=.ln ti s r en t ? ' 44/ 4 oat ZT:2l4=f V0r. 1 0.11,
the tr4lnz ‘ by audios estenses
Peres= at n distance berth LSI< • hie irtkial, 221.4
It to their aduntase to 41rr this ratesceibsrn se vs
ironldast ea limenta for the We of the ems
rad3SlAvly.o. (espial 60 loath Third .1..43401d% Pa
Leather! Leather!! Leather!!!
Nol 6 South Third St., Phil&
sire general assortment of all Itinds of LUTHER.
linoooo. AO. Ate.
anL9. EG Lti ' D
0./14 SOLE L£ArZfER.
Iftarket Street, We of l`trentietti.
O. P. JACOBY dt C.,
1 - 311POItTEES or and dealers in O
thc varioas
L Fcrelgn end homesths Marble.. Otatnat7. de., bare
0.11t.21 t Ott hand a larsps and select seecetrusat
TOM.H.S. SION (lm BLB TOM of every
dincrintion. cot r.t elled by .1 In the cur for boantr.
L ll4 2 -Pd ptl 'l an pat ' , bele Fdr., th
iter lirdeLd ' tr. Use clab ar de =Nit MI.
- rt . i..1=4 11 7 -Write attinum to ow, (stock oo bow.
CO2OIIESS Boor:nuralltra.
LEVI= .fr CO:, No. 240 North
y V Third Mew. rb bar. bien apreloted
lot tbe city al Paitsdelphla. &ate of Noose Ns
tda su.2 Th. 7 authorised to sell the Q.
Mole fabrloe. make Cow-nets sad tek•Ahters at the
Veraysore loweet rate .. OBACE IL DAY.
AOW Y Y andOeneral Arent..
ft . k.. MN lA. /St tbartlaatlet,o
The cuadenlcoed tun cla 11flcd ion it , ftegten!
of Coatroom boot Wobttir.E.w.hlei t . hopoCrr.farago. Imola
sale and
MIA" the
k!rs:l7evroli.a Co.
No 2N !Forth Ibtrd
oys, Toys, and .FP.idoy Goods.
gro, it - oral:gig, &hoer,. trot crud Itoce, PAIIis.
=,,, Cates, Beads, O. Char CMS.
osse Dominoes, liartnookse geourasone•Tiwe
Wong Gage sr4 Gls. To
Woo, Taney Articles prong
dercrlptlon, whirl will be told at the loweet Prism
Please nail telt. purchasing elsewhere, a; N 0.90 N. 24
Attract. weitglattle
No. 29 North TaIRD Street, PRILA'DA
sor , toro of /HENCE OILINSILINNo
Epp, ILAI3 d OAKBOLS Lad. g1i,417...f4141+
Hemp Hasa Manufactory.
A STIQPNE, Quarry. Street, above dooond
``' moq
L". 1" , waCK cf., / kinds. fill -17
CARD-FALL, Ei 5 6.
Fourth Street Otiet• 13tore.
W. 87 D
rear AI&H, trad, near woo Mo 2L.T.JAT.DIL
tn ted.
nzatrtfally Invited to ow mint Stook. salectaltor
Woo. blending
apt Quality Voiotia. r and iapesta7 .13a.
theatint 4 1 2 T ar t ".Broloola pon litodltdo' and Low
mi.i.rerkArzliritled andgrtaiMalland Stab
t% en Clotho, rims to 24 toet Inds, Isztono
CnXbx Noonan Adak d and
..,____ . tzeakt ri ettrz and Tank Cotteo lui Cron and Cocoa
.12 I r ro tin t D 44 n t tW r' Intl:1 1 411 1 Z
Windoartdukdokanota tad Butt ;41a. alt4l
lenkh oda ha meta az we at 'errazazu ,sta. ,
we &Nana ;team to ntrana ate '• Cat
Cotton Duck, for Steamboats; Tarpanlins
con ans.usto s 4.33) 10/IDA.IO er.
WILL Finish to cider, CANVAS 12 to
76 kale. Irlds. light in 4 bran. Th. Ffid6 OM.
onu.t. alronnur ad/Mtn* to ttn• tor or Atom.% GM.
roopenatns mut Mr extenrint tam on tb. 'tom.
ton Ohio. and never Au &gat togfre Vie nortrov•
Vinraytedridgon. 110111 also bollard, torTnntr Nat.
u tr,t no
*anal to anrtblor .3M YM ern. nen or nor In au
irrSroCaU Pri4uTAt:lr r'inda'd
Obtems Reps, 4 Welt. raverlor ra V i
ern do.
- • -imam&
ft w ori ma r cuosawa.A.t. , .6amth.naß lnt i ng :
Thee. Boit !?"IMOdku..., Valk i re . Ocarput, RIOS!!
8 Long Wharf and 2 Commatnli
-• • • OSTON
noi eb
r i. musk B
via. niicaxv.
rontondalr gith..lB6l3.—SuarAttal
O vazehinlaM DriadinirOx.
9At MI 8-SION R 11 AN
29 1411VZ.Z. 4 ao coxintscuz BT.
Bt. Louis. .No.,
tarilniersdii Lew., rtantw Pro ldaas,' mow. Grain
An.nnindtod and promptly esandad.
Mew% T, 11. Neill% A 043., Ilttobstrib.
pouND--on Wednerediy, ' tam
al: - Oita • POI:MST WALLET, the
alid_poirra tame . OD the own
...tat at Alderman Witton's cab% 6t h ' " trolly*:
arazqtraad rattail talantatt tea norm th e
r Alt
ro,to S-5_ Lovarin .
.601 us bed and
drown atm 0 11 5 14 ts eagni;
sql tab, a c mo ll tairem : IS bpi 81111 1. 2 C CrOig;
to Etwv r be
or by Beau costae. vz Oo
.tu alLi be
4 S— .I 6A
:Illsm 0. tb. u . t.. —• —Ma
alb - TS—Some un- na*
snada Prints sem.
ursdi _ ti_Mbeds Pulverised, 'Pow.
Bina tbr lob
T li rl•lbinvinew hod tar sto.gcr
the= one quarter of =Ur from ths see=
MI the Ferfacre aset• Pa =
lertearkla of /mirth smut, stel skeet ,
three eadleffmt. Wks frem Pitrebdro
- lIIIRDOCE. Towne-err
otter be *We • nrer Luce entheit...l .
trim eztd Ideate ealtelde ter tranralantker E.. 11. rad mud
The - pow arms ease XI senior Morn
eantalaa ancr tree*. ehrabe and rh.nt%
Mao trait trees, mad 20,000 Evergreens ar.4l,3bra Le, v.
of eme etre tirr menet to =bards end Plevmrl V OO .
Plant" =WWI/ k.ked tent =ceding L0.11..01,c.
oalSrt Oda United etateo.
We lean to tall thosttention of t= Entry 01. a.-ab•
vender. In the Dada to ovr =rival/4 arn , ,
rghe baize ef lefroorrehreeing nearly all the Ye arrea
11=1/. /magma= end that *
Terthr eht ,
ealthetipa In this peal= of ceerary. Taata gro
TV.°,l4= l —
'°d , "--IT°,ln.
..tca 7 tettenee tha city of P rieroired et '
Orders addressed to as through Wllkln ran Mk-. h.. a
iihteborett, Pa., or loft at our stand an smart dales lo
IA- Damn <l = Market. nt ll Dr=ioE7 attaap.e .0!
Finit Trees, Evergreens, oto.
sibsoribor would most roars:wa
ll:My cal the attontion of We friends thud the y
in, U 0 to hie the
Wan etwokol Trutt Tr.. hrer..
WU. thew, Greenthare shad..tea
(n`sWri.ntwk In large and One. Of Farr, we re
Moire TOO Dwarf and Standard of out own robing, of
aboloarasietien Pelob.,bereral thousand Oa % with Chen ,
rt. Pram._ AptiMt,lturftrslea,Ocasebershet, Unrrante, an
Our : , D . r.tfrpreens,fewil ilfeet,of which we here nun,
tnousarldnAre non Persona wanting largo losalltP. wIU
be llberalltdrelt with. Cell and 6oe our stork. WT. al.
Joan metal:ix aefoa. Orden left at the Pittsburatt P. 0.,
Mr. it, Ogren. Liberty St., the Outland Namely. le, tollea
•on i`encne...thenne, to th e Pitt burnt NII2X.rj. tjj
;ma Oakland. will be Do©Dlh attended to.
Y. a.—Planttog dohe neatly to trim.
ooltnikwh 20110 ISOOOOOII. Ja
13SEDB:—RALPIT CO. Vozloa stent. Vele Pork
110leed• sea IletalL eal-tt
P l i o . ol iAMATlON.—Whereas, in and by
• th 27th Inaba of the dot of the Cannella. en
Sembly of Pe
erinsylverds. meld July 2d. 183 J , tint tied
1 . 4.11 An relating to th e Hlections of tide Common.
wealth," His enjoined ma the Sheriff of every county to
give notice clinch Amami to be held and enumerstelis
etch Coffer what °Moen are robe elected. In purettence
thereof, J. BODY PATTERSON. Sheriff of the county of
LAllesheny. do therefrom mate Gown and glee this pub.
Ito notice to the electors of said cormty of Alleitheny.that
b 1e17, 14 08 11 4 t a iVW41% ' VEIT! !P . a.;
singes! Blatt= /Matelots tiutrein.
And ea direend by the ISth Section -of geld Aet of duII%ISM?, 1 her
glee suttee that every Fenn fexceptiog
Jaintiose of the Peace) who shall hold any office or els
rlis t tisnt of p4ll4.."tirolo . nder tliteoovernmsmt lit the
Ponited=ot, whether t it cogm t luit i tlLller or ' oth.
win. 0 rubor:noels officer or agent who tem shall be ws •
Floridunder the legteletin executive or judiciary doe
Partmetat of th is State or oetne United States. or of any
city of Incorporated district, and also that every member
of Incorporated andel the State Legblature, and ot the Se.
boot or. tbmenon Councils of nu city. or Commissioners of
mir Incorporated district, Is by law Incapable of holding
or egad/Ingot the sam• time, the once or aPPolotmeet
of Judge, hospector or Clerk , of any election of this Om
Manwealth: and that no impeotor.Judge or other °Meer
of *ay such election shall be eligible to any oftrae to ho
then voted for.
And farther. that by the 4th &aloha( the got of April
10th. 1840.1 Sis provided , that theatorsold 13 th Fection
of th e Ant ofJuly Id. MD, shall not be so o nstrued as
to Mena wymilitte Manor borough officer from ten
nog as judge. Inspector or ant., at any gamma or ape.
dal election In this Conunowrealth.
The Conon of On First Ward of the city OfPittsburgh
to meet at the house formerly occupied by Bea Jane Lit.
tte, at th e comer of Fourth sad Perry streets, to gall
The electors of the Seamd Ward, of the city of Pitts.
burgh to meet at the Public School Howell. Oaf d War!.
The elect:rs of the Third Ward of the city of PI ttsburgh
to mete; the Oman house.
The electors or the Fourth Ward H o me ottr of _Pitts
b o l rg tatr It t gw v r i t h elks Snug
1 % , i4s , pg . =
to meet at thn * Plansyleastie, House, occupied by Uotielb
Bede!. jaw Aloe. Steward. In said Ward.
The electors of the Ward ot the city of Pittsburgh
to meet et the Public School House. to said Ward.
The *botanist the Seventh Ward of the city of Pins
burgh to meet at the Paha School Horne to eald Ward,
The electors of the Mahn. Ward of toe city of Paw
bUrgh to molten the Pubol. School Bonn in nil Ward .
The Ingenue of the Ninth Ward of the elty of Pitts.
bard to meet at the Public School House In aid Wart.
The electors of the Shut Ward of the city of Allegheny
to meet at the bonze of J. Wood/trauma ta goldruson street,
' Tae ekotars st the Second WardoMes city or Allegheny
to meet at the home of widow Thompson, northwest
corner of Ohio street and public aware. -
The electors er the Third Werd'of the elty of Al egbeny
to meet at the Publlotichool House In said Wari.
The electors of the Fourth Ward of the cite of Alleglunt
to meet et their:nose of T. emlth. at Um aorner of Robin.
An and Amin:son Wrens.
The deems of the Coreogh of Birmingham to meet at
the Town liell, on sarret. la add borough.
The elector. 61 the
of ihmt lnolo to
get at the itethown OBoe of thine IL. Il
ormsby. she In m
The ...era o
fDnoueme borough to meet at the Public
School House la mitt borough.
The *beton of the borough oflawrencerille to meet
at the Potato School House In rid borough.
Pb. elector. of the borough of dbarteborg to meet at
the house otJanses sharp In sagd borougt‘
I The elector. of the atcliewport to meet at
the Toon, Hall insald borough.
The electors of the borough of South Pittsbnuth tome,:
et the house f..^noserlY son:Tied hr. A hicAntlch. at Cu
end of the Stermageheht Bridge. In geld borough.
The neon:sof the tc - roogh of West Pittsburgh to meet
at the wheal house In said borough,
The elecnors of the borough of West Illubsth to meet at
the Pubilo School Howe la .14 borough.
The electors at the borough of Tarawa= to meet at
the Puha° School House In add borough.
The elector. of the borough of Manchester to most at
the Pubitethetheot Heels.
The electrs cribs through of glisabeth to meet at the
hones a—tinhorn, formerly occupied by John
Welterran said borough.
The Cent. of the borough ot enrlckly will meet
Public nhool bons In gala borough.
The el.:ore of kin township to meet et the bows o
Jot Orindod. on the Mechanize' .4 Warners Turnpike
R.I In .11 sereenetil y. esapt the quallara Vetere reeto
Wog mettle= tice.ll, land IL of Ll:welly die riot. who
thanvote of all general el:coital. In am Ninth Wee, of
the city of Pittaborgh.
The ale , tors cenobite tessuebta n o meat at the hour
ofJohn Thither.. th e rills. of 'Liberty.
The eleotors erg/anion Ihnolet N 0.7 to Peebles ...D•
thio to meta tits (ilea notel,to add to..adp
The electen In Connie township to meet at the hones
of William ticCiel_,l Jr, the village of Len Wenn.,
The elect - re of Within. bownehip to meet at the boom
ofJohn Shaffer. on the Onewourg Tenant-to Boat In
any loanable.
J b
hee u teetcre
nsmerrilleo.l4 at Plum teaussowne hin tobtes Meet at the boon of
ow elector*. Dan. township to meet et the house
ote, Tailor. on the Dort.= Tannin. Weald
t. 140.
Tbee.eotere of Poem township toning at homes ot
Hobart Nauldamt on the Llechbnovh Bond the
to said
The hi e. Ana of Versall b e to to meet at the Pub.
Ile ;1..1 out the germ of bend 0h,., war the
White house fen:only oMlikfecl by Tomo u heel, now by
allas A. Sisal
Tbe Webs ter f Alluteth townthlp to meet et tam Nauss
of lien. , tame:ft ocniPted by John Walker.
The elmborm of Jefferson township to meet at the house
of Michael ehre. fonnemy occupied by Jebo Xing to end
The...boron of kWh: township to Meet at Ile hogs* of
Samuel Wiboo, formerly oocuplid by dames iL Need. In
Aga tronistay.
The el.tere ann.. Bt. Clear towuettle to mat at the
hon. of Jame Ofmt tr.lll old to e ruble
The Wens. of Lewes Ft clair suernehlp f , rant at
the holm lately toot hr.?. Heil. at the sanction of the
larminchans and tilli toads. In add township.
Tth elector, 44 Clnstlees township to meet at the house
of William Obey, oo the Pittsburgh wsd Steubenville
ag,== R ts hi nt t!y te tre7at ra t n t d h . e ln bo a ' ll.l
The electore of Findley township to mut it LIU Douro el
McClelland A. Armor, tbrinerty corn fed by J. tlh3rter. to
Lbe village of Clinton, Weald
The churtore of Moon township to tout at itetuel house
4,1 n townatrip.
The glaciers of Obio township to meet at th.e, house of
Henry V. TbOmpeciLin sold tome/bib
The Cut= of Iranklin township to met at the limits
comply! by J tisier i =san, old township.
The electors of
townehly to mut atthe school
turruello. AM mild towneleir.
The Wan. of Baldwin townablp to moot al the house
John Omen, ha mild townshiss
- The electors of Snowden tomato to milt at the home
od_Pstsr Dorm lo said itainiehip.
1 h.
Olf=yrr.tiViacti toes
it s It .
The steam of Notth Pauftw tow nahip to met at the
- home now occupied by Prantis Jandion, at. Bodnar.' Mlli.
In said tonna/up. .
, 11m electors or Bass township to meet at the housed
llolak Balsa s = the branklin road, to said Unruh*
.The electors of Pine township to MOOS at the house of
-Haub Ortuniny, said tOulluddri.
The electors of MoOandiere Lowniblp to meet at th
house ofl sai township.
The el e ctor. of Watt Deer townstdp to meet at the bolsi , .
of Nathan Conlor r in paid
Ths electors of Mud Deer=te to meet at the Polidi
&Mud Etouseln the boroughof Tuentous,
• The elector., ofrinilte township to meet At School Limbs
No.l [hereafter to be sailed Chapltad
.-The electors of Bweickisy township to meet at the llonza
cif Samuel Itlecide. sail townsip.
_Ms Lectors of Indiana township to meet at the house
oompled Alss. Turner. In sold uornehlii.
The electors Meister township to meet at John thaw's
MIL to sold township.
The elector. ofttomout townehip to meet at the &idol
Hoagie in ilhounitown.
She QuAged uteri of that put of Indium township.
to Alistroy aunty, smiting within U. 10/101Pring do.
scribril in:dories. to Eh Waning et • point on (11.
itiledhen7 rim, at the Mina line of therlsrm of Joho
Cable • and nrchins a northirroly mune. Isite ths
fainiriofraid Cable and John Boyd to the nortad
nor of Uablellium—thence running a westerly mores to I
the Maks tom:obis MU. in nth • manner as to emirs..
SU terms or hits situated in Cuttinshares dlsuirt. ard
known se the Kiser tomes. within - said honodarlee. obeli
be after sots at the Moral election In lhe emonsh of
iihumburg, at the election poi, Of mid borough.
Ad which time and pious the stioJilied electors.. tau.
sold will by ballot Tarifa
Twenty , sentipossons to ha Xhirdors of a ?midden arid
Vice Prue:but atlas Bolted -States. -
Mina :under my band' in Pittaburgh, this to day
of October, A. D. 100, and of the illidepsomoco of the
11011.1 Mates the eighty third. -
'arron's Imoroven Monad Water Prom
Composition Roofing.
114441 1 ,17117 G bewares. the last elerren years ex
elludrol7 MM. manutirture of the above
ejecur Wu. had In all the velt u acltles Cr th
Ming which thus It Ina boon egr o =
'Vatisti of etrocunianoes, and teen
eel w
ea~l herever .a part
nee ahoved that It could be dont. and
n j Ulttn
tr.° c.; in MC tear bollior wheal Jobs ttisj
tnniovntod our men and materlaie tro. Philadelphian..
of .harge,rwe hare been Induced to • • ana branch of our
bush.. in ihie=l:4 taloa ta orders to
my extant. ve a offer our roof.* to the patron
aoe pf the out.wg of pit:shalt¢b and elanety Ito eterap•
vsea, durability and perfect pope., etenbut boa fin a./
- .Mr rend. lt ths mart deauvole twang In nee .
The bot vitro for this rooting la hr.! analtair to one
knob ths trot-bat can under tionetrable cirereteho ;
t: 41%e uek learnut t I.4ruigetra m ny kin=
have theta , ntvonieed bar en etbod i rth the ire eve
ration otl:lnt i rur roots, ertlab utsv beliatUrneet Tor
t h i retr A Mitatlon sneerer A. megi, r a g itc.
24 71 fth10.4,11ttathruit;
The above roving Mar been. on the tolicnring
ichoUrDepot, Litertatria hart Ward Publle
outr. Birth Ward Ablla &boot ilonar. Macula
ja ry= Dadg tathwet.U., WlX7llooliblllZt
An=AlVonr,toiltrt Flrituatirlowithaela;
toosem 44 , 1 , Wt:v 4 Z-- Lt. e,DarVitt.sweci.
tr y Wer ir. tri : erj a ,
.a=h a V ,l Pet. Pee=VAldenr
Bor thtle z
THE HOUSE now ocoopiod by tho: t ubila
chire( 2l N l44 ,„,..“.„...s.i.edtr th L ou .Brr 'LITZ
W tt enqUiMer
irMO Jo
Jonuaocolluan aternmtL
' lIRDRIES--40 tea Rico.
1.4 WI his SVlncknr Wass. ased skein
200 Ims Roane and ram ,
• ic% d 0 argiilgsti°4
zoo 110.thr gat o k od Ortla Ili 14 lb 104 lb Mali
. 'fa trawl
" 20 'egg (simnel 11:1301;
30 tags BlitenedZerhant 011;
IS 3: ro a ri,Z l cOL'lsl.v
213.3d0a nokenn a . •
100 do •atGelwd nba.
With • fall manta:tent of all goodato
_oat A 1...
follanottatont of tne loading sstielea of Plttebnfan3fate•
eflotntse. and to shish we tastes, Ms attention clout
eintleinere sad to Imo
lettltlVLa linefOltrif. '
Nes 100 and 132 &mond street,
tanrson Want and flinittleld.
• bxs. Uround t'oppet.
30 do do 'Odaipc •
547' 'do do Chmamoto
50 do Amerman Afturtard:
25 do Landau do - -
• - 16 do boatoo
26 C4IMB 4 11 .11.2/ do.
/a Moro dadforcoal• br r. LITTLE a oa . .us e m eL
Cannel Coal.
now be pre of
lf d 10. the
tous st corms of Youth mad wood eta at Dr. Dot order est
Wrest store thaltattuld street. otneollta the P. 0.. or .1 D.
Wsteon's store, ranter of Ltbsrix sad Wens sta. Pate ,
lush, aid Ane,sheare4tl, asp* os Derele
.sustli store, corearysderel ata . .•=r4
del 0.112 501 w OUTErId e' 23 iLt. IP • Doest:
o •to te •.• " 1100_. "
• UMW oSi 400.17. 'imuo '7llO. wiIDED*OCS
i gg im :
310. 014E81S OREXN AND 8LA.0"74 miall.Aol3 SllSlCHumoorgas for rale by
roan :emu, aeon, .iyay r* nix item a te,
1:: . e
c . l
• -
An entirely weetabl• p mPtemathh •E t ,....t ° th e
takte, tineseelled ite action upon doe Ter. titomeah,
huh hahrael entan. A. an Antbbillkons end Alterttive
Physic. tbia Medicine
I hare\natifif gnt5,1F7",. 1 ; ; V:11." - e.uLitiarde ono
years lo ail ewe where e by. Alteranre
wu Mildred. and would not now do without It. It le the
w ea P
the\ eafent femily m lioine In une Chregrere
drink it eaIAP/eartire. It weN not naurcue De wagger
emetata. k0ra...4 no oPh'riaal_ M"'"`
.4 0, 44 , ri u sure to ogginua a rennirifizerrons :Jungian
afa arParav, lutakut. Already
aieeeady to testify tO repr_elur etrtnea_hadepende.
Its Duriratlve.d Otlahila'• "h" "'"lthe
wont oases of liervirtlse in a few dnya It Iv •
for Bzulache. Liver Cntoplibot. Fauna., Kidney
toletta reran Palm the alda BeakOlreast and
himb , i Labia OraniPla Worm,, 'Lumin o. Blotches I
FiroPlea,, Ontaruans Eruptions, Oortroctione m the
D y
4 : 4 oSrapat lon of die hrnrArf •I"'"bni
iuley. Female Irregueeritle4 Dowel Wm. plaints, loon stall kindle An It cleanse. by It. cupeylor
uediefnal vlitueei the rthrereone tormOrtema the:blood end
corrupt bile front the stomach, carryingit off threhlih the
Wm. , ht rinuato.las nut =ode and I the
MU. , health/. I ask toy friends to keel.. enure Bled
%tine, and pronounce a verdlot se they shall.. be Imprecate:
bytheerldence. Those who know n pmfesalonally
not doubt Its worth.
Mince ite dent; Introduction, no medicine lue etteMad
hhhh .. .dell.] Popularity and ite Wee have ittereastd.
beyond the mat seaplane. hop. of Be friends. •Nelett•
bora recommend It as •• awe and UNI:OO.ALLEO Par:TIC
Phlahleee tarry It with them. CIIILDREAV will
aim ono trial. and Panetta should aw no Other he their
llies People living In low and marshyennobles, entrk
lent to deadly sithuonas , when. germ. Ague and lever; 'l.
andbillionepsoopiehota are mom ant in hal pad the
trio IC Oaroartle!
a roartle!the mast Doter' rem yet tried.—
Wholesale by A. B. A D. Banda 0. V. 011ekrurr A Co., and
0. D. Ring, New York,
Full directione atoompanylng esob battle. Prior PP and
=Aar tenitzd tatgzr.
Cold lir 11. Nrt.VIOKERSIMI, N. 4.
It., eittY
burgh: •W. LIAVIIIBTION. North Ilanorer fit Carlitile,
pe rm . de3-lvd
Health and Strength must Inevitably
low its Use
A ND, the various affections consequent
tart ty VtrZel m raikil; avbvitua,
gratl , Det=tr,l64" 6 "Jr.lllr4,;,is.thW.
mvt ii hf o Uutiorms lar d =
. 17 - 4 ,. .d1 y
Natnre fade no new az=y to combat, with MI. do
lightful tonic In the mote. Minn! med.eel. yet the morepertogreml. It communicatee no violent
aback to theentain s hut by anntaing Pa dial 00 to
normal anti.. it to throw off theme" ma thug
thoroughly madiattee the Wanw,
ben Ica medicinal virtue. en go universally acknowle
edged. sod parttallarly here, ernes It hoe Nome go pole
alai• fanny medicine, that It le odd by many or the
= U.
. 41 nal/ the droggigte. It would .aeon We+
eirer further ovidenceo yet .o then en doolemem
mon who ban tried many adverb..' remellee, .4 still
metier from Dygreona In on• person of Ite drekiful
we subjoin the faftwing tartliates. the authenticity of
which cannot be doubted. mud= se they dd hTL won
so erial !mown.
Whet it is doing for tho Sick.
Wm. Faluarhoun.Y.o ths well known Ilthograpnr,
nye '1 Inn Rpuently nod Barhay. Helloed Bitters,
and end It bovariably - ralleves Indigeaticn and OebUlty.'
Rev. Satan' Babcock ea ye . 1 Mood eikodel ronof from
tie fara mean linadoehe. with alit. I had leog etif
,W. P. oodeme. gad, Yoe - 1 have not Bocrhares
theand 11111 n, r. 9, and recommended It to others,
illl.linyi It to he )tist what It le mi tenoted ^
did-Jonah. Neely, of Lower Lira, arr `I have
derived great helmet !kora Ile use fag ermined. ti the
steamed and indigution"
nattesupal.i,,:eriz : I Ld ar : 1 0 0: an tit;
raiblart and idle. ariethe frem Indination"
editor of the Itiltarai pee Pr ez ...l mam /Lisa
trge oottt erbeg d" .a bl e &lout (mm of 'a u =
oWy ma thr. , .crirt of th Mt
tract of ()nem'. my& t(hetyourilolland itit..
ie on °Me tom otedimmee Ir. tar world fora disordered
stomach er
uvea -
Or. Loons. edits of etio•earkel • Baltimore, peono.c.
es It a malign deferring the muMience of the puha&
Dr. therhem, the leading Omni. Phythd. of
ha, preenribedli. fneinnair fining the int 3 pram
marked mamma ochilltat&d Mates of Um °decoder or
gen, orof the nab= meneraily.
Tim manages of Balloire Thiene gad.on ming I mad
lt myeell. and gnu Um.. Ind.,' to try Ito 1•111.111;an
r if., (trouble( with the enat debilltr common to all
Of • oninumptive Rib!!,) and really it le doing het More
good time myth hog she hag era tab.."
NOTltir -Whoever expecte to end in this a batman
will he dleappcintrb but to tee Ma, weak and low episite
ed. It will prove a gratotill amonotio psosssi of
singular r.tordlal bromides.
CIADTIONI-ethe greet popobuit7 of thile dellOthil Arse
bow iminmd many Imila•lons. which the nubile abonkl
guard again et pure:ming. Bo not persneded to buy any.
Wo .0.0 Until You bare ;Ina Carbon's llalland DU.
ten. fair trial. One bottle will emennew yon how MS.
niudy ...rim It le to an three Imitation.
11 . 1‘014 at SIM per bottle. or 0 bottloe to woo, by
the eo+e Proprietrea
OtanubotmingllNoo.4llN ssar, /at 00..
l'hardiawnythrta toodDlandits,
or. emltbrold arid ad rte. Pittahlrgh.
COM. Ann..
WOOS. T lark. 80i .W. *oft. t Bona,lB2N. 21 draft Now
York. Barrow t Broadway, amuse Damao. Bab,
Omar*, Mims Brottwra.o4 aLE: Pawns. Avarua
Olaclowatf. John f): Park. Barclay Brother; 233
8 Water rt. R. Louis. Bamard t 00. N. 01 .17d r&a.
J. Wright Oa • asyl4 .
For tho erne of&rofula, a! 'mum Vag Blood
and Imixtritiat of ' I
TUTS wonderful fleaparat, - • •
remedy lb. that loagt - dre•sde
zera t ittalr f ta=atton .
briny otharMedkdize Wawa: •
bran deedimed ln or
wear.* leatfalowg or Laois.
".Teall7 tar perusal an, se..
latal manly ea y that It 114
vllsa all ether remedies hail le
Among rt. th, martydler,,, t
--••- -cm:Lute:7h ae
!.. p. , e In
“st retools,
AM all atm •
.41.,06.3n1.111021.•:.11.3 ,
tollasometlotsottbe ,
Pimpled Bete. dpitt:osseod
Whoottlos ensgh,Dropslos.
Cram. theLly,r, , , j 3
athletes. Ohs best osalSy:
TAINPRMiIhinIntLI.T.2 I Budder, yemoa ao, ?•,:'
0, the 1 1...1. MIC.O *¢¢ Abeicems.r. Armrtila
Derode=e'os mod; Ata obby or Westing of the
nosty._sod Emeoletlara, uotle and OarDitn•
Sloe. Debility, Dimes* of the Spleen sad
Kidneys, Mob:less of the Head. Eons!.
amour lb. Breath. Blettshoors. Slob
B..ded^ PiscOlototlonsof theillohs
Elumace 00soblahlts. Posse and
Bores srenerely, wimpos
e H o
Wes or. the. IslOod Loom,
When I arst murmuredpestles In Wow York mete 20
Mre ago. toy attention wee shocet. inconedlateiy ogled co
the many and Increasing cam at borottderta onmidnlnta.
alX:g e w m tdch wV:t r. cr o tatewndil mode of tr i egtri
It In all IL =Zobrist limns. and = r un ywtre r oral! ,
most tinremittlng labor, I prepared and begen to &Mr
.. liczefulosur AntIMAP 1:117 pnwittes. with tha drosr
RIMARICABLE MCCAW. Rhein:Low bean 10sown In
ml vraeUes over algid yearn end pant has the demand
o f ke n tt l =4 l T h e u rlrlieg i ts= for
SZnoth. that I hare determined to itre mein s=
thennihout the oonnuy. the b mein of Ito Wonderful cox.
Wen Probertiee. I can fully amnue. Owe who may Awl
dupeeed to by It. that it Is perfectly wholoreme, and ►
Purely Vegetable Preparation.
And hum& more permanent tare. than ell other mod!.
gilt tar ed Wg IVRIbL z .IOr4 I D W r i i e r / I
can he Been and read by all who decals It. and not one of
them ore ordinary per, hat rash as to town lb.
UTMOBr C0.671.1).V1C6
znedirbse to any. howeratliscredalorns
Vegnilf=argr= 7 2ll24
des P. lid
directions acceinnany each bottle, and tt eta be had
0 1 ,_ WRlXlCR.9ll4ld.24ll.lberky tic., Pittsburgh: a.
Ith nareratice North lisiterer VerlW4 Pa.
Principal Otionilo9 Broadway. N. r. debded
v 100 bb!s. Rectified Whlakey:
la hz ?Id lion, Dr u a n garar7
2 Dbl. Wary "IMO!
22 do Rop,2.2.mfasd lioddre 14 / 2 ,13
• 10 de Olivet =Ude irluei
basksta Iliddalck'so222o2222K
dosao choke Draad142,,121 Qui war.
j a wa, b r "11. 2111:011Z/plet.ttlk 0.
LIND-11Mo' wade extensive' • • . . ' .
raglans Ude stew. ware tem
to de • hears.budneme a/PERNA A
nod RAILROAD, sitscsante and Dom the Easton ClOse.
We Pan acme oar friends and all those dhPalted •to pats
scales the Penna. Canal and itaitroad,' that mods:* ntlt
be epated so madam weal 2 mtisfactims to &ADM it et
Rastenn and WeetentcrthM 7 . The avoidance at the Its
eland Phuses on the Adel ?. Portage Ramped nu ge t ,
Ineseand despatch wee aunsilen of might. ,
' Ortlee tat PANNAttrart, at the Cana Bast%
i .tahltaed ' - Ll' , •YD A' MON ' '
. - - ---- -
I Athensam Fire insuralice Company
i of London, I
GRE f R. E.
I authorized Capital, 110,000,000. SPRING AIIRANGICILUTT.
1121{225 , 71. 9 111 Pllsl...{Lpgie IA and &Per tocroday, April I. 1.850, Peon= Sr
I tot it ' sl . 4 c cs Co..
Alan larlania.vill Lan Wellget. Depot dAII7. (BURLAP. egeeplatt •
. bllowe
tome .
31rrore s-laonora A on..CI 3 I.) " MIK L ee S k Co- ;. Gaimm and Chicago Union Raßroat
, Tower. A WelAritmen white, ewes. AO , t -• HA INT.LNR.
agent ot the Unitel State.- I FOIL FRZERORT,GAL3LNAANDDErsumen.
Halted mote. Breach Olges, N. MoothNor.rth eta...A. 1 ~:, -- "" - '` C q Al '
a 3L
A ar.n A t . to P i l i ttlF; 'l. b. ' l Pam.W"7 " -- 1 --- "`" , "'""r""•---- ) 480 PM.
Front ..., Ferry .
MG o.or. reLT.Ii ATP =Mel lOWA.
- '
, Franklin Fire Insurance Co., of Plulad'a. ! gr., , ,,,,-, t „,„,,, _ ........ _:._ _. ...„ 0 . p 81.
pIRECTORS: Charles W. Baneker, Coo.. Beloit sea Ilattieon.B . ratWh.
, M. Richard. Thoe. Hart. glordecti D. Lewle Toblea l FoR
liEmer. Adolphe E. Rorie, dminsed thent. David B. P.rown, ' p..,,,,,,,„_. .... __ , .........-._-.----8.00 A Ai.
Jacob E. B=lth, Morrie Tatters). •-••I ••• • ••• -9.15 A Pd-
QUARLES N. HANCHEE., Proskient I pm e ,_. ......-...,,..„- - ... ..„... .__.Bo PM.
0.112.148 1. Byrum, Demetary.
I Fox Itrer Valle y Railroad.
Thy. Company coatitmw te makedommermeegeGltagtegt •
or limited, on emer y gegrairdlou of Property La teen And rot mmeret TANA 5'.1.1., SAD SiCelyns'a;
timptry, 4 rase... low ay are consmtent with werOMP. ' 1 P.1. . 4 .---- .... -------- . 7 ..- 7----8 6 . 20 ° tit .
The Ofrodrparty hale peened • limp. evattingerit fend. P....1M-•-•-.77-- --- """"" - e" . " --. * . '
which, with their (1414.1 and Premium& only Lunisted, 1 -
afford Molls protbakal to the semen TRAINS EASTWARD.
The mama of the Company. on JailtuLrY 1A:1861.. up i
fished agreeably to the Act of Aseenbly, were as foliewe. •
l en s, tie-
Ta Freeport 6.80 A 31..-errira In Chictgo 1.40 A Al.
ortgeilee..... ......... . ...... ........1913.1 68 . •a Don elth 8.15 A M.- " " 4..40 PM.
Real Pstate 54,577 78 l neve Donlelth 410 P 3L- "• " ..• 4.08 A*
03,068 17 CHICAGO, 'alma AHD lOWA LIPID.
Stmt .'
61.849 00
L. le 63,340 :..ere
r.,A Fulton 6.156.15 A I±l,4liire is Chime° 1 1 40 AM.
Oee ---."
• ••
POD P At,- . PM.
Leer. romellle 1150 A td.-.a.r . r . ive in Mezzo 040 P M
10.00 P ... 4.05 AM.
Leave Elgin at 9.21 A M.-arrive In ChMago 11.40 A M.
•• •• . alb l' H.- " " • 10.60 PM.
gdrA II the above to.trwooatect-wltti thezrezt /astern
Lluee diverting from Chicago tollpointe Rut.
am B. TURNED, Prmt.
Do.rOclyd) . myd
111.XL7,7421 44
Mope their ineorporattun, a period of mu, they have
paid upwards of MM. Foot Iltuareal Thtiteawl 1/.4
la lose. by Fire, thentby attorthog erldettes of the ad
wardwavw loattreoca, an well ea their ability and diapold.
floe to rood with prootptneas all Habitat,.
.1. D ADS Lit COV FIN, Agent.
al/19 Delne 8. R. corner of Wood and 28 eta.
Waste= Insurance Company
O. DAUM rug,
Will Insuro against all kinds of Fizo and
&twine Risks.
G Killer, Jr. Thm. 307022 C
&Mt he. Mutat
J. W. Bather. - NMled. ,
Geo. Dsr.i., e),
AtteMa Ackley 0. W. Illaketame. Nathq
UM... O. w. Jackson. J. Llpplmott.
Wm. . Sralth.
/11r tmea lustitut ion Li mamma/ by. Director. well
men In UM ammunity, and who will literally agjest
• PmtoPtlY Pay all Mem at the Orercr, No. 02 Water
treat. fliparui Oo's Wareham/IQ upstate., Pittsburuh.
' The 01
tresitest Medlin! Discovery
VR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has dheuv
.. Iltd In on. of our common barn. weeds ter[l.dy
ff tlget every JAW sythonoofrotaihe .-nzruk,
cow., ratia.
Ile ha. Won it In °err elven bon - Ira:I casco And never
Palled ...In two ...throb thowee humor.) 1.1.
now lu hi. pdasselno roar two hundred certificate. of I.
value, all within tern. ml le. of Ittatou.
Two bottle. Sr. et errannel to rare •,
o nee
Pauree buttlee will eure the wow hod of pimple.
Two to three tenth. will now the system of bolls.
Two bottle. are warranted to en. the worst .nker In
Ur mut/land stounch,
Th wan.. to five bottles de. tad to We the wont
we of eryslpeho
~ ( 11111 to two bottle... varrant...l to care BJI h..:
the tons,
Two bottle. are Invented; to we rn.lng of the. t
and W.I. among the halt \
Pour to .1.1 battle. are warranted to .n corrapt a d
tinegglra& run eail erontio\ of the Ain
Two to thne bottle. are warrantal So curs the mos. dr
prate case of rhenmstina,
Two to throe bottle. a. ...W
we of tingwann. ad to cure the •Snet
I Three to lour hotel. are warranted to our. welt rheum.
Ave to eight bottle. will cure the wont eye of
A benset Is always experienced from theilrat bottle,
and a peendt eurs le warranted wben the above quantity
Ls taken. ,
Nothing looks eoiroprobable to those who hare In vain
Wed all the wonderful medicine. of the dm:, ar that a
nuntron IrvedIrrOWIZEI In tn. pa.froest, and along °Mato.
walla alrould rare every humor to the !M..: 0.0 It Ur..
• Axed Wt. If you have a hum:or It has to .tart There
aneco Ife woe an., hum. or be': art m itifit i atT; time
tte d vll l l4 stf/h r.. i peddled
t. ' k= Iti h effects In every we! to
bra already do. some of the greatest curd der done to
Atraschturtt... I gave It to
• year ofd, to Old
pools of eisty. I have men War e MOT wormy Ire/Wig
old] cl.n. whale drag arts
.oft and lobby. restored to •
perrThet ittaomalth by onal bottle.
To thoe• w h odemi:Bert to si ck headache... bottle
will always roe It. It err gnat relief to catarrh and
dlr... Sow who bare been octstlv•lhr. year, ha...
ken and been regulated by It Where the body in wind
It works gull. 11•87. bat where there Ia any deranswent
of the funetlonsat nature, It will swan very dnattlar nob
Ingo but you must not be alarmed—they always dips.
year to from tour days to • week. There I. never • PLO
result rm. It. On the witrary. when that helmi
tt .
the rILL beard
r tii ""ili rigr .Pr rti
. I to
trrntr l= o f thtmat tY¢ ca get 7:
bcq whip[ the
In meet oil, dlssolv. gorofulousthing whey
f the
neck end under the .an. Price AO cent. ' Pr. o f f the
Madicel Discovery SI per bottle.
Dfrownosa los Des—Adult. one tables - pool:1W per day.
Milt. over eight 7.211. woontnl; children from
Ave to el s . mem tea spoonful. As no dlraction can be
made arylloable to all conitltutiono take enough to open.
stew the bowel. twice • den
/dr. CANN IVY Aired pertenal sttor.dan. In bad ma.
bold. Wholesale and Retail. at Dr. KEYAZIVIOI4O Wood
strrt, corner of Vligin alley. and J. I', /MEWING, All.
itheny. rchfrtlrda•A
Le Wonder of the Age.
E h r o n : ". TOBLIS' Celebrated Venetian Lin
aura dogmata., Cholera, Dysentery, Croup, Celle,
monde Comitlngellumps Tootbahe Chapped
Hood,. Coldlfest. Moaquito hithe lnsect &them Mamba
Elwallugu Old Bore.. Borne, Brat,.,
Mad Pa th s oa Weakness It the Una Reek end (Neat.
O BOICBUG— Tit 17.
Dr. Tobias ha , warranted bln Liniment for •1 ht yeas
Without evaluate, • derothd made for the Worn ol the
inmarf—all that le asked I. to U. It enameling to the di-
Osto Intl ever
not.itut It,
Iftsr cud aloe It. If sou do dit better than so,
thing you have sea tried before
Get Your koney Retunuq.
darfhausemis of Pertlfl.ata ham been reudred %peak
Ina of Ns nas clause. hoes-days tt Ie the practice to
Mitts passe with marinates from unknown perm., or
afreaby thus who hem near act* the medicine—now
Dr. Mehl. oda, to pep
tans ens who w
that Pe ever lanoNned • Noe
the attage during • time ho ha had his melkthe before/
Cobb on the agents and got • Pansidet nontainlnd an.
olcatertlikatett Jo pranas •nrions of Co. Luta sale
the Ythetima I Iniment hero statel I. urious to tithe
It haternsity. Dr. Toole. hes math th e 'Dosing
L tithca I. Tomas, of the T city l) a Nee. York. bilne dot,
wear., do depot. that I compound • Lune.? caned Ilas•
mat, and that the inardlente of oath it le mmporial are
perfeetty laradose to take basnally, enin In double
tlgtastantity named in the Direct.ona TrtitapiaaLl.ets-h
New Yore Janary 000. ItILA barn to thistle) before me
Pam de and 60 a POLeilebo Weer,. M
via raid by the
ice d thd Pa
Staid,. Demers throughout th. United Claes.
.Also for vale Dr. Tobias' Hera Lhalment In pint
Not 60 Nest warranted again, to any 03 bet.
DT. Tobias' utloe CO ComstLthd to, New Yak.
Liver Pills and Venntinge,
DIR. 1. SCOTT, a regular gradue.te and
7 DWl:khan of exteselea emetic., and exesrlence.
dated by e eammendable desire to alleviate harnen exam.
kof . t g , :Alan tola ca nW nr inc , tsd an 13P D 40 c T . 6 3
lidprepared them termaitee utile meant peztner a
611 r rirpmAdre7l=ll Venzdhurepnosem granter
etleacw ars more mild in tbelr operation than the
euTrreeeptidDlvita.7."V ',..:k. — d'a VP"' Vg
undtbstandingly. and noonunetulthain to the allileted an
being both pleseant and cantle. and believe them mite
rant to anyother Liver Mos Versnifears seer
Foal ark` =is of Dr. C. NeLasut, V 05 7 1,..
The Whole World Conoueredl
Dr. I. Soott'a Celebrated White Oireaesiat
Alta Liniment. -
.aNd nue at.e.e by application. of Ude o ut
p ofPain Killen in came of Rhennustlan, Gout
tir4TlTat..• Dirrden.papralat6fl=LlP
B Viller or Liniment
F.Wgrell=l ( l:::reutti P V,t'y that Dr , BeenVe
eMtge an: amine Liniment is the most reliable,
gad t leasant remedy yet hserrered.
proportletfor heoluse &mum wed taeprompe and&
oaken arpois, Ms many attestatlong i of Its virtues, ad
ertiede, Themint incredmons 0111 isoulre nothin g
• or. Man tbsanintist testimony of Dr. C. Mama, M.
.... gmlehed a* a treat e , erernirer of medical remedies.
- :
.. Ih.. co C:rtetry, Ik Tarl bare Agrr:lt t ..ha .l2 gel ' elt fir
s tF a ' . l l n .Vee d tl... .ho
_tee "'" I=ultre :AV of "a Lim?''.P'll.
anaMioxlitnal mdn..m o 0. nay ~ m an.r l Tr, " a elf? and
r 4.47 Te... n i r tut 1 behave E's 13., /247-worm,
'NZ. Lt 7.4 g74.:=4, th . ° I tt2dn i . j =
tat 'Met I bare frequently wed hie Meowed Waite Cir.
lama Lios/tot
In my praetlceorith ths bappbest Wed/.
t conryentituely reambromd It.
D. Ale./.62CD. AL D.
-- •
All the above Medic:iron rtared molely under then.
, r , 1.10n of Dr. I. Seott.told by Dru, globe and Aler.
tlt4=reb.l7r....otMeLene'm hamar! Mier Pills and
.selernred Vennineire are planed Dr. 1. beat mem
, enfee by sertiteatebt 0 McLane, Ths tontine Celebrat
e White Circualan Liniment Welled Dr. L beat t Co.
- mumbled with denature of L hoot:. M. D.
DR. I. wow a M.,. asrroark, er , rt
-le :'
agent. EMU. 11. IlleTbßli. triVo.l74.l'ittsbula.
J. LIENDERhOv t 8R0.262 Liberty et. tarmL
J. P. rt..., NU, Allegbeny.naar Beinuad_pepot. Wholes
ea Anent.
_ __ _.... ..,..
Cider and Vinegar.
an.e.ofPitubunthandAl- ...r.—, i ..
_... leghen a L g i ant:lV:4 h .: I c la , Ibe t t
=are bluT laved in it ' l e or • .-A-1:.
""Wine 'Pinar made from r .1.,'",.." c ''
~..f.:t Ohio grata. aluli 0' WM*" ;AWL,
11 " A C •
ider ilnegarthat gill - .1.,.....
, . bar reducing me half and - Tee+ .Z
itilibr rated Vinegar. .....
The attention of nte familia hotel tapers and the
angry manhanti 0 partic u lar. la directed to thla ine.
Cida that will keepetwatt until mat Fall,.
Thtabor! Vinegars girl Cider arra tad tali aa tar s
lied tali/ a. BALLOO. WI Water • 14g lit it.
• WILLIAM TATE, Plumber and Gee
r tar. ISfo. 10 Fourth need, noir Lltentr. and 472
Pann Street. Bert door to lad. Partiturn'a Mtn, and Peet
at, merit* Pchworte• Drupe Mo an•Rtuzq•
airirtr7 4as ration of Pittlno for Wo.n. au and
m 72114./
For Sale.
rilliC!! Flint Glass *Wks known no tiro
Infers Glastrorks. Throe work, ar otmy eltnabot
On eh Pane k Of t6 ii Allogtonyrlvor In the 6 th Ward. Choi
bore Nan label," ~ad and ore adadrably orreheed.—
The whole ostabltrlbnent 0111 bo sold en rwonsble toneno
and nuatmulre coat= tronefored to any pante, dod.
roue of ensigns la tlde la:rules branch of manatee.
tare. For portlenlore lqulre of
808 T ofaKNIOUT. Do, 4113
or of . O'llaßA DENNY.'
nor. of Market and third eta
Situated On the soothed• of the Ohio Penna. fie,
road, at the town of Oolutoteann. Coneelne of
newts one hundred oars of land. with • two .to bud..
ties= and well at the toot. a bank barn. lee„ 51?91/ 41,
wed and hors bamoa, a young =hard. So. *u.• . ,
Mont tirentrttre atuet on the north of the
/ i t di
n R V
ir k
.5 * t Y . : 4 " 'tit th e
, . Rerr's In l and Saw Mills for bst.l.e.
Am . authorized to eel the above mina,
With thehuichlnery and 01l the valuable richt& s
re atabreceel to the conveyames hum che Wee of
• thil4 Ilerr, to Mathew It alartisma • .
T • capacity or thus mills la well known . They are
i r
imerotterai Ihr sale at • keratin. A aced 'title wLII he
etude to the purebtear_,..Aeoly to
' .2) cr IL DIUDY WILINS, 115 Fourth et.
To Teachers, Literary
321' 'Broadway
Institutions. de.
New Yink.iniblikitho AMERICAN 20170A.TIONAL
811110,12 i z Zipl ,. l4lk=
.1! ix Do d. orks.
IneledluEmlileal ncrtless, tanm,ack main tbr exemln.s.
Una. De tntralantlo a. to. . teltrlmdaver
• belt-nesting Etna Sox . Cron: r th Subscriber having purchased the cx.
e!t A udre Veal of J. Johartosllratent Boland 4 .
niter's Patent ealf-lhating thneezerratrawy
extenalrely aimed In nwinfactruinif INi - rum Innen
.Im:don eith the ahem he keen oorietantir Cu hand at
nH warattora, on
d iedaral ointt u Anchor Cotton
lentdd coy
ent* ttre
, .
LULL. Pura-
Pennsylvania Railrak.
(El and after Monday next there will be
thie. daily train. tabu. Elttaburgh and Philadel
-1111 3101041LU1 MAIL Tr...MY learn Pittaburgh
For Philadelphia at 0.30 A. 31.
xnn FABT LINE leaves Pittsburgh for Philadelphia
at 2.50. P. M.
TUX fiI(MIT XXPREBB TRAIN !urea Pittsburgh tbr
Philadelphia at 9.10 P. M.
Acoommodation tan leaves Pittsburgh dal.
1 7, oxcart Bunday, at 4.30 o'zkP. Rrintmi's At,
oormaistion Train lea Tell Pittr &Ur at 11 o'clock
TriteVA o'clock P. M. aada.2o Sauxoing we far u
Trulle Omsk Bridge,
Ma Ulu. lima connect at Pittsburgh with ths
roads to Andiron Bt. fouls. Mo.: Alton. Galena and Mies
go. /IL; /ran and Louisville,- Kr.; Terre
Mao* /addedrecirp
D ayton.liprinerfald,Belldbntalne,Banduagy, Toledo.
Cleveland. Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster,
Ohio: also, with tha Maud Packet Boats from and to Nag
Clemens, Br. Loma, Lamaism. audemcnuen.
Thostagla Tlekate esti be had to or from either of th.
atove rasa , .
Poe tarther particulars, us nand-bills at to. diderent
muting Dolma. Pateerriters from th•
01 W
and We
the ethortem and mom expeditions rout. to Mils , ethhi•
Baltimore, New York. or Roston.
J. aTE WA RT, Agent .1121111.107 Lint; Pdtstasept _—
TllOO. ZdtX/kg Awn, r Amour gum.
Michigan Southern cc Northern India
JIAII 4 _,RQ_A.I .
EROM TuLEDO TU CtuCAGu, connect
-1.5t mgo s taCleateg a a . fif f t e , :f p, p bmzerta:
kilehigan. and with tall a=" and Rock Island ts
inconnectlon at la Salle with the 1111.1aCorntral sod Chl
ago and Mississippi Itallroada and Illinola River Li. a
Steamers for La Salle, Rooklsand. ElLLoula and all point
en the lli.ols and Illealesippl Rivers.
let—Dan:ea' Mall Train leaves Toledo at 2 ..t. 11(.. arrly. '
lnatn Chiftgost IST P. M.
2d—limaing Nygren Train Toledo at 11
anis - hog In Chins° at 9.00 P. M.
lid-ocilleonoon - moo Train ham Toledost 1.10
arriving in Chicago at 11.00 P. IL
4th—Night Irma, Train leaves Toledo at 11.15 P. M.. or
-4.r0 st 845
One Train on Sundays, leaves Toledo at 8.15 P M. and
arrives st Odes. st i. 45
Arca Dally Trains on the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad.
connecting with the above.
Peasen by taking the Ohio and Nona Relhotad to
and the handtukky and hiscarleld Dalloos& to
will there connect with the Clerebad and To.
Lido Railroad. Or by taking the Ohrvelandand Pittsburgh
Railroad at , dlllattes, will then connect at Cleveland with
thsClevelandand Tole. Railroad. making the time from
Pittsburghto Ch... via M.E. X.l Railroad In 212Iontel
Through Tie to aim be poormad at the aloes of the
CQeland and Pittsburgh sod Ohio and Penns. Railroads,
under the Monongahela Rot" orat the Deot.
L. D. 11110810, Agent.
Pittabtregh. 1854.—tf IL 8. and N. LR. R.
ZLE ellorteAt and quiaeitirouto to chi ea
go sal the North West. Is VIA OLWVELLISID.
route Is One licndred miles alsorterand, about
112‘.1 hours dulatar than the dm:Mom:roue rla
_ _
1111ly Tralns between Pittsburgh t:Zi Cleveland.
Tour Dallr between Cleveland .0 aftlmast.
Time to C h.= 24 b... dot.
Lam* 37 hours.
Chiuml ter Tuesday, .'day 201. h, Md. the teal. ao
Ltllift*d. Will rsun se rotinwer
Fit ..t.f.LLANS.
TbefTratneld theOLLio Peru.. C ih , adlear ng \ L3r.te.
burgh 0k.3.00 A. N. Sad " mad 3.00 \
tiara Alliance st 715, kr. and 11.50 O. K. and 6 iso.r.s.
Amide in
Ciorreland at 10.00 s K. 2.20 P and 0.30
conerrsing them ertthCleveland and out.,.ilroWor-
Toledo:Chicago. Rock band and Pt L
Passengers lor Toledo. Chtioago, Pt Louts and the Noith, tearing Pittsburgh on the 123 ru train. by rintng
rts Clereeland.via Irrift ha Chilton° 310 curt Lowman&
Parman gars kr- Toleric, Ciatmov, no. Louts, itoct /stand.
Galena a nd the . North-Wert, who in. to gogortugh wlth.
ont, will take the Train 1.111. Pittsburgh at
Lars. at, ae Otte ie the at]]o
ugh o train by which air. COD,
r". g.. 7 1.4.17115 . learTran Atteortrah i lt ‘ ZOr and t Tr 011)..
Mlle at 4.03 r. a. are the van
'kr LOLL. Loamenarta
can mach totarlone tooth of =Lance or ktatlons On the .
Steamer!. Innet City .W 4
M Din /S e P na l lease !halt landing.
opparits Monongahela llon-e, etery morning (B.4.aya
nyerytedl at In eel.. fit Naellerllle cont.:alma theta
with the train leaving at 4.04 rK. lance at ti.5(.1 and
aatteLatanlan4 e n. weanecting with the
tank. tut Toi-.4e attl Chntro awl Can.Lral Ralf ki.n.
steamer, !he Detroit and Clatago.
Ticket., for Ch1...g0 and other prints pa the llorttcret
via Vielleille, are sr. at A1../o.m Atka lam than I Al.
The trains the Claw,lnnd connect at Hudson with lamina
Tot On/ oho. Fele and Akron.
/lemmatise for
loot e r, New
Philade other sta.
without detention.
LICP3OLI Turn...rowan Extension. Can g 0 through ea., do/
Tredve iron Cleveland to Toledo and Ohloaao—lawre
Cloveland at 6.50 a. 145, 030. 8.45. 0.45 o. Arrive
C 111.4.0 r. IL. ale a... lAO e. W &Oa
14 Clay.. 1.1 14 dam 2d Chou.
To 6111..1.—.44.00 i To Le MI .- 31,66 632 W
Cllewelaal _4,00 1. R o oklolondll3.oo 14 00
. lowa CH/ 6 14
" oalerta--13 10 11 00
1111wau11e.15.150 " 6nsinl4foltLlS,'lo It On
14,00 10, 00 w Noel 'ne0n...19 11. 40.
13 11 .—.16,56) 11.40 Dunlich —l4O 13 60
14t-Lottla--_16.50 1044 " Pe0r1a....:....18,00 14 00
ktoolatant lam to Chicago, 61.00; Hock Island, $lO.OO.
Etaagago dotted timoutny to Cantata and Maga.
era areraquested to procure that tickets a 166,
0121= e Company . . In itonongattela Elmo, bolo. the
comm. J. DURAN ,D Ennt, Clantand.
ml2O J. A. CAU9LlDOE.A4itt...Elttabargh.
7emuyhTuwi Esitroad.
lii' great Central :onte connecting the
Atlsno chins with Western,' Northwestern, and
therseitern !Rates, by a continuous Railway direct.-
Titll ro
ad also ottinents at Pittsburgh with daily •tine et
Steamer. to all ports on the Western Rinser. and at Dime.
land and Se Stamm to all ports on the
Width routs
malting tine met c==wri and
hum tbe
ADMIT mn be to and
iitATZ3II.drICXPILTLAD4I27I7.I d112723.0171WEL
roger CLAIM-Math allow, Dry (Reds g o . v .,. vv..
ao l ca,_
altAlit' ag Bt"B.3 4lternedititmi.
TilaDry 0 ...... 0ceir flu balemweadwascaLeew 76c. per 1001 a,
ritir&M-Anyini, ZVI. Raton
sbz/I,B.oastog.tte. Sole per Maw
Pork (= 1) and Lard tit bo per 'robe
11 7431 p, bbl Si Nrthe n t'
GRAIN-Di ens. Per 100
Dn. unttl r flarther notion
OOTIN-42 per bale art exceeding WO Dos +relent. ....
ill further hitlen
1 7 . *thiXh o li gLrts ... rwa . azizin.LE:stk.of Ptilladeb
m:roo: 6- 111 Goods consigned to the Agents of Ms
Road et Philadelphla or Pittsburgb. will be forwarded
without detention.
gamine lame,-Sicase Potter, Boebon; J. L. Dillon, N
Tort N. J. &whir. Philadelphia; Magus &Rams. haltb
limom: (i.e. , Ototrial,4, iitemPittehthrtgiL4rirtgßA 'la
aeg'riledisonaind.; Patlla& Co, frt. Aig , liii,x; J
8 lOW. A Son • , Dunnville, Indians.
R. ELHOlDlSON,GnuralPreishiggent..Pgaw4it
J LONDAXIIT. wart AO Wen. Pi. DAD/
Pittsburgh and connekvme
Phyther oyenao 41 - Rahau .Al/.
!mi and tnnuyortation.
Commencing on IllandnYs A.S. 17 7 b.,
N and after Monday, the 11th met.; the
.. e.teso l n r ...e.tment ft.a.. will nut from peanut..
I a rfrir witbnonting &Hain
raneenwsn lean Uniontown by Bunting A ilairscoaeh.
es at 0 5. M.
Onnisillis br P t. C.ll. R. nos at ROO A. M.
mf i tz. B l4k;tl b b i r r e . r j uar l: = loo
And arrn—in Pittsbayktrilipie.
Punninias lean Pittsbarat at 9.5 P.. • !
insba's Otation 4 P. Id. •
andwes iltatkos.6.l6 P. 11.
h'i''' Conne/isrille alt 7 P.M. and arrive at
ta`..= re tr
and Pittsburgh,
ins nom Uniontown to Plttfburgh......—.--....:72.78
• otremotnni.,
" Walt Newton 9.105
• "
• -.... 1.01
Passennes Ond this ill pleasantlet. nd - clustaest
b r a
between Uniontown. COnnsilswilia. to. to Pieta-
Mos P. Cl. Railroad.
bunt n. ULAUVITO.7.II6 Pont.
ConnUnille. Ana. 11001850. • an 9
Allegheny parley Matron&
1 --...—...-..........--...-,,-.:.-
all points on Um Alleglienyl/lrar.
113LTinli tlEl Noma-Ths - TraMs `will start Trona
Canon street Instead of Taylor street u brutolbre.
Two 1)0117 Trains leave Pinata/mynas Ibilowe
. ?darning Ea - Drees, at 8 o'clock. A. 11, for ' Hittonnlat. '
Blanco. bronklin, Rod Bank. BrAly's Bud, alahonina
Halmenbrow. Brookville, and all ponas North.
Bvening Accommodation leaver 6,60, p.m, down,
at a ll Way Matlock
PAITZ TO X 117 . 1 . 1,1 2c1NG.......... . .....-.-..5/ 25 '
Rhomiwa.___ ..... -. I 761 Clarion.. ........,......22 251
od 8.a , __._......... 2 25, Beln terabaris---..-... 2 60
Corlarille.... ...----. 2 -.1, Iteedabtizir
Brady's Ensijd - ---..-... 2 5' I dahmaine-7.72.:-"-..-7. 1 n
lHallerebrum ...- ..... ..-. 2 0 t Texas -- -....----... ... 2 25
t eLhig 2 eav-....--. !'. p 3 yania1cabc...............: a Go
, ............, z , LincArine_. ... .._ 3:5
Passersers will pious yrcours. their Ticked at lb. 13.
pm. on Carson street. mal A. J. /MAT Z% Baca.
1 1858. AIR L 1 'EOM'. 1858
TO ST. T.01.7_,T5; 'KANSAS
AICD-N ASSRt. for St, tua, rho *eat and
Soitth•W eat tbord4 take .{then of the 01 . 8 kr004
om to Ohleoka , there vernmettek Rath the Tr 11123
IVMO' Alton and ' 2! • " a _
71.111 N loan, the Colon Eappr, BIM 4,111111b1
BL Leads Day Sror•- da. l . l 7i.klind67l ticOlre l * •
givapat h rir,„,4= 4:..- vatr
To Emma and lcebram• Mon me :mot tkrevtroatel at*
rummy drettned
Y.lolotant Perlaufield, 'Jae*
roarille, Nolo* aca ail mita. ea the ti Hanna, Cumberland nod Tames. Rivera will lute tbe
Importantemtrur Ulster/so, balug T 9 miles lea to monk .
1n5i0n..1 , 2 69 ramlem koriaMdt tbau L T 107 01 k
a t&
Thymzknekele over tblv mato on be trureue at
zealot. It. it, Ti:lax Mem In Nov York. kekt m -
IWergtlntrZitilbtrri, g u kstr. a tr a m t
tio.• 48
' b oltrale 'g r 'wht..l)"'"f, ~h.-ai'W....°llU.l
.milouslble.llercroge manila Wenn be at IZL• remote
o I tba 111111760
thelnigh 0 111%M 14 .9'" " r fe .
.1 makciia_
ONLY Bourn ism TAlNDinsriuncs Z cat
Mr sob= wrizi ram zurz.r RAIN - 3)710x
Pittsburgh to Dayton & Indianapolis.
maisFugmamm ,
Via Crestiine & Columbus.
cute-UseTwatefroot .RY..plalth to
PONNECTING Cinomnsta nth U. 8.
1._./ Mall Line Shemers, Covington and lerinzon•
roadOhlo .1 Mississippi Railroad, aal the Le'rehee"
Me Roots.
as tint: its Columhts and Xenia. with the A n o n and Xenia, wad Lallans Railroads.
"Ide. ele s .ria Ceittminde and cineinnatL Lex.
et. LOW!, Irdlanap.lia de. de. via
tot : Lb. and Xenia, t Dar st, Ind:Anne:di; Way:.
Otte, Terra Haute. !IL Loni s a. Ste ° &a.
The Little Wird rla Columbus, oonneetillitedall with th e
' 3 "ihdthh Lexington Railroad. U. P. Line
! atear•ers., Ohio and aliadenpet Raumad..and Lawrence
burs h Route. otters facilities ao other route can t e. so
thNeyra Caste br an the above ranee eau oniT Pro.
=red via Control,ae and the Little Wand RallrOad.
The route then Creetlhae via Clonunbuo being the sneer.
est to Cincinnati. enables gionfoeat,,,,d
eertain, and stere tun to time for.
y th e toreet end belle d
emtaineroute f 3 ro:greet.
line, Sidaanerensnd oreskuneet ma is i researed. one.
Peed to overoosnethe &nano.
By the mate 'la Columbus to ctheinratt and Indiana_ ,
one, Paevenners rode over roads ballasted and smooth.—
By the forest and Relefontaiste route, Paseengsre 14e
over the roughest wads In Ohio.
Three sung, hazes. rte Cohnabes mod ClnCiti•
ars Tnent—lLeavea Pittecurgh_ by doVo'clak. a
Outline, Columbus, Xenia. tandtinald„ sewe,im,„
Louie. Lexington and Indianapolis. via lagreneebanth
Route. mot term armee at ateinnall GI. hour and
thstr tninnteein advert.. of the /Dr.! and Eallegntalne
ftn Taat.--lasavag Pittatrarah at f= o'clock. A. lc lot
P•ast.lfna, Columbus, Xenia axhi Cincinnati 41als Train 7
nabs ccoutection only .t Columba. to Clncl
3D rums—Lams rittebnzgh at 3.90 o'clock, t. m. lar
Cmtline, Oolguntnu: Xania, Cinclaattl. Loutoie. -
Louts. Lezinaton and Endlanapolie, via Lawre.....cbatith
fins Decay rratu, via ClAriabus.Dal,tem and in& asapais
lm Tama—Learso Pittsburgh at 33:14 °Wool a a. tor
CrestUne, Columbus, Mulls. Dayton, Indiansroras, Lahr:
rtes. Tema mute, Vino... LGuLa Cairo, Crszurrills.
2o fuar—Leave• tlttablarghat 7X o'clock trrOrut
Oalumbna, X. 11111", pknoo. I.dinaardis. lAlk7ato°
T. Eau., Vinoencea, St. Lomb. Gam: Jr.k.urville. a., •
31, Takta—Lcaves E•lttabm7ll. at a-oo o'clock P. M. Por
OrostLlne, Colombo& Xenia, Dartokr. Incllartspolk4=
du, Terre Haute, Vinottatea. - 81. LouL% Okiro, Its
N. It. Secure your tickets Its Columbus, end you ere
sure of tonneettone
Stew:erre leave Cleclura. daily Memphis, Vickie
burgh.„llatches, New Orleans, ke. ic.
The Cblambue, belng the direct rade, the Time Tetaseer
ths .Esetern Hoed e err arruuged ruz In close soar.elon
with ebb reliable route.
huts. Minn anti Ilizough Tickets, phase spade
at the Vida and Pennsylvania Railerad
• nce,) under the hicnolnahals Fiense. (crtrner of.
A. T. Jalle•t , UN, Ticket Anent
Or at FederalEltreet Statkat.
GNU PAREIN. Tlcist Afient.
GXO. 0. SIMIONS, Donal Agent.Clnclonati.
Agent. Pittiburgh. der2o.nolo4UY.
OCLAZ.ST. mans Ma SiLI PITIEBLTATI am:arm or
N. HOLMES k, SONS, Brokers.
RC 67 Market st_gehoom Third and hearth sta. Pittoburca
PILNISSITLYANLL 'Branch at ro oot t,, 4;
.„... 1
Bank of Flttaborpit t —Par Branch at Xsola..-..... do
Bank of do-....per Branch at Younicatown.. do
• 14131(antir . aof do-Par Cle m Bank. Cincinnati.., do
• Bank of CorMnrsoe----Yer ComerterdM Bk.Cinein'l. do,
Mahood.' Baltie- -,-...par Franklin Bank ....-....... do
Bank of North America-par Lafayette Bank_._...._ do
.Bank of North'n Libertlealmr Ohio LlfalnnAfTrantOm. do.
Bank of Pounsylratala— Western Remarks Bank- do
Bulk ofPoun Toornshlp-par Small NcteL.- .
_... —. . M
.Commmcial Bank of Pa--par NEW FiGIAND.
Farmers' sabhachanics' Ilk-par t 8anker......... .1,,
Girard Bank- .---Par NEW YORE-
Emminton Ilank-.-.—par Neer 'fork City---i--par
!Imola. St Mach, lank-Por Country,-16 , ...-_,-...- M
Mechanic? Bank. -----Par MAR lip. -
Ho Wok Baut----Parillalttrooret...... --.-nar
W. - P .. ' -ger Ouncibry---.. A t x:
Eoutheark Bank..-.--.par IN. lEMET A - DELAW
riestoan'oßank ----par !All mdrent 8ank5........... 36
estemßank.—_ -Par 112141LNIA.
m i
Bank of Ch.amberslormak- M Bank of tim Vo ll ey-- M
Bank ofChoetcr COCCULT-m Bank ofra..likbmond-.
Bankof Danville. --par Ey Bank, Vi. .Norfolk
Bank of Doi Co., Glassrler- Zarmare 'Bk of amitt.
Bank of Gormantown...—par merchanteell nk 3,
Bank of rintryoborgh-- 06 North Westena Bank_ a -
Bank of L0viatrarn........... - Branctue---...,....- M '
Bank ontliddktoern.--. St NORTH CAROLINA.
let.stipm.ry C o. Ban_ ~-ki. par Bank oh oft .
or Aar__ g
Bosh or Northtunierwa..par Beak of St. oni. Caron , . 2
lkdorabla Bk & Brldße oo..par Com. Bank. Wilmington. 2
BoYMotoon Bonk- --rm merchentVgt,Nsarb orn . 2
Easton Bank ..par BOOTH CAROLINA.
Brio Bank -.-.. .16 Bkoftholltank/Oarollna; 2
Farmer/ Bk of Bucka Co-par Bank of South Clanolina. t
of Bulk of Charboston..— 2
1r Bank of ibmdingnm Banter?* Meehan'? Bk 2
Farm. Bk of Behrylkill Co-per GEORGIA.
I 7
nuns n. t Ihry i
v li=nr o tli ,
i imnat t nitm. &Bye Co ,
flßonk -a--413k of firrusnerkk. Ata . . g •
domaCala Bank._. __.. TENNESEE.
imname Bank-- -par Allnotrant Banks- -.. 6
Lancaster County Bank-.par Jinni/CRY:
Lebanon Bank,-
„..,..........par Bk onlantuciT,Lonisro M
Maw? Bank on . dtasrulesar Bk of Lanto'43,_Thurstan do
Monansahola Bank- . .....per Northern BkolEmtmirr do
Want Branch . 130 .--parSouthernßk offientdocky do
Wyoming Bk, WUmba.-rpar INDANA.
York Bank h State Bank A branches_ N
ItallnlNoter-- ...—.... M MISSOURI
OEM 3L` Maw. 1111asoort- Id
Okla State Bank-- Si WISCONSIN.
Branch at Almon.-- - do Booby a lira .p.Co:chka 6
Branch at Athena.._..,,.,_ do MICUIGAN,
Branch at Brolneport do Pumer?Moonanireßank g
Branch at Chillicothe— do Peninsular Bank---... I
Branch at Cleveland.... : do treuranct Ccropanr...- a
Branch at Toledn—.- do Elate Bank— —... II -
Brand, at Dayt o n do CAN ADA.
Branch at Linlawera.-...- do tk MN. Arnerica,Toronto 3 .•
Ilmarth at Colmob in do Ilk of the P.M., •amota 3
Brant at Ashtabula do Bank of glontreal--- 3
"Brooch at S .. .do Ilk of U. Canada. Toronto a .
Brooch at M akin..._
ane , ' t -,... at BASTE/CI EXCLIANM. ~,
Branch at V !piss ---..... do Ca Nen Y0rk....----- la
Branch svointhmatt....-... der On Philedelphla...—... do
Brand, at .fartinsMn-... de On Baltimore... do
atm:what Chic......-.-_. do, wrsr..E.Kai Exami — iii R.
=2St Lalietiner--... do . Olurionmi----....- ~
,at Stoutearlite.- col Lauts•Rla--.--- . a
Branch at lot. Vernon-- do Si. Louis.-- .-- .. .
Branch at Neenzt do GOLD ANDliSkClk tA t GIL
Beane:tar B , Innteld---, do , Doublorms, lipanieb.--sako
Zwick at retta--:..... de: - do ratrith..-_16,60
Branch of Tney. ____ ... da , Rail.a old- . -JOO
Bra at Bat. Fitment.- &O
no., 10.00
Branch at remeorllia...-- do,Brederleksd'ora_ ---...........- TAO
Branch at Ncroalk.-.-.... din.: TOM., .--- 7,50
Bich et
Branch at Perternou - th...- . do'Soyeretem------- 4.M3
Branch et Eaten- . delTen Guildm----. ,1,96
Branch at Aterelnus. *-- .do litt N g eotm....------. 2 , ,5r
BraoM at Maseillon..-- do '
W at.
N 0.74 .Paterth crept, oppc.titt RankPett,tam).
ceLlasa Tratkaatticua at moat libmi rater..!/
Or.. C. AL P
JACKSON, Phila ,
Ma effectually cure
U - sonic cr Nervous DthataTy. /kr-an Elfund.ca4
11 , .. , en twitted (meta . Wen:end
Liver ar
gu r :l 44 ' . "
Coartip. •
_ Inumn
Fattest of Mud to the
Read. dalelt7 at the Stomach. .
Nausea, lleamborn,lttnraforyood..
Yahoos or Wehatt In the tomao soar •
ftruotationa Slaking or nathing at the lit ".
of the Stomach. Solnunlas of the Heed. Honied_
allticult -Breathing, FLOtterlas at the wort, ~oatl —
db i r7 eltheh iteb
and, e r te or k& l : vier
calm. Yet:comma of the. Sato and yea
t Salo la the We, But, Chest, Unite,
2.0.. Sudden I n of Boat,
Bortibut In the flesh.
Conatautlmatantnia •
ofkelland =eat
)=. "
TleOuroutiette In canine the attentlem of the peddle to '
thin preparatlon. does so olth a feelbzg of the ntumet eon.
Science to Its virtues and adaptation to the disease. for
width It Is recommended.
It is no new and wattled article bun*. that ham stood
Meted of a ten Taste trial before the Anteamin People.
and M. mutaten and tele ts tunieelled by .7 shauar
Inntaratkuut extent. The teatime:7y In Its Scent Steen br
=Al i t T ' SYr:rd e gr d rejln "" g
Meta paro:al el the ltbniusa
of anima by
the monde/tor, and to be Warta. of etty of his Agents,
cannot but wady the rood ekeptlosl that this remedy to
ade4l4a. •
1--- . _
Pennsylvania Teatimony.
etramemee 4.! IL wandwn.Z.l, tha teal Pam% bunclia.
AY atc.Dtraconnon iron wa•ka /Mrs fib ..112. • -
_ ' orm:nom Jan-11.18.55. f.,
,Dr. C. Id. Jectem,Dicar Elc-n yea tar dm yeace se. ' .
yersly elided oltla C i n c onis B . 2 teraDytadorta Pm sidolii - 7
mu attended by te . 9174110,415 bra y maths onfahu. -
bat •/1 of no avail. I ahe dot MMus ramedler, but '
could Mid nettling to Manilla:is until i ices Induced to..
, t.tjatif Gamma Babas, and after taking lbw battle of , -
b 5 :rad manly aced. and ulls nolo saktfaidDle.
ore ewes of the Oereteas Bitters in Dyspepsia
and Liver Campl_aixi.
chtivivesst• te J. CI. ClllLTlPitPaportar for tbe qtr. -,
tang Oronicle."Plttsbarsh. who, Pa, 21. Ind. am: "
for eons weekammt soy cife been talon 'mamma
-mm Bitters. with • hay yr effect. She hie bean aldletod
a me nd
or bum Tic Jou% with Mamie of the. Ikea ' ' • '
and DesprWs. and maul she commenced using the Illtad•
Ong 11.4 anus hct moth relief. Ike health ts now .
npully Impiwinir, appetltescod, mot we tuna may re. -'' '
pen to bonen she will be par. motto
the b restated.. Ma says it i
hi ut motto*. .h. has scar med.°
Nervous - Debility. •, - '' '
J. IL Tli numaiD± 3 7ldetrre Pa. , Taw MOM tame-
llfy .01 bee teen anlicted vim • nernme debility
to .. '
September MI, dons wi n e Lia I. bare bemo usable to
end any daysician or m that Irdold berddlt bar In
the lent, =Mane day I called st lb. tare of Dz. M
to m of this te for mice tincture of Ironand described to
Mat the .Whitton. et my alan be Mai handed me • Jot i,
or men to red. apron which i found ens &Joining
7.0 W .dne nu Ditto.. L DommillaullY Drocured • foal..
~,.. mm a him, and no. Nomad to stab that the um eftha
Slitters has done her more aced than oil the medicine she '' .
.., .
ham hentolbis taken. I with nu 47 end me • tau dosen
Liver OompLibt,.
c Jr. pm, If min Mum s I 1.... May 22d. 1654. atm
-971111 Staab pleasure I teeflOY to the virtue of
sour Gem
man /littera. Sometim Enna au greenly effilated with •
• Mamas at the Lim; hr which .1 I d' ln mnodies..., I
bat with no beneficial effect. until twin e lnduced to try -
Jour Bitten, which I sin now taltpr to stat hamenttrals ,
eared nu!
They LL . "LOTLY ts vtabla tree hem all aleenotic rim - ' '
Wants, and plesaanbin taste and smell. Palm 78 cents
per both*.
and and
B°ll .°T in. drif4 dtatest'Vd=in "v"...tv_n..-...
Ind ter ii.X.)llSiti B&7& sad Dr. atb. it 4 . 2 ....
Plttelaucch. Pa. toliarhaarT
• •
4vEsPos wA.
ask. o.llealaos on .11 Tr4ot. Mt , re , ).!
.lb. '
OR! 1 hire. • Prompt *umlaut givext IA nu onotnca - -•
to Metz touss,
Rasa ro—
MinC O •
rta n la d d ri o T lv cm ta
; LL.o z • •
wrwiz. tv Louaa. lw ino 1U
N*. Tort
Ot[.voatca I.R.OVIER.TOti. Clinntmstl. Jultai " • 1
Vasible kroperc7 tor tale,
a 'kb/ Liberty street; adhe - Methodist" ;;; -
UPOrsTs Yard:star carat a le kw th e erd7 '`•
s.,,,dratsepas aa of proms, lasoeoLhotabaid :
bmgh...v by thus Peartrylyashattallooad Geropany. Nront..,
hag on Ironer o 0 rest, an Elm street. 100 lintsaaa- marts the m!• .
.Me Grave rani 85,f0e a , to Liberty 100 Teat •-. . • .
Thia property la most 4.2...yar•i. us listaL Tha bundhat
how cm I t..C.4 .11hauttlal MM. Miry Wet. .IUI tli .
.reha casoeseery_. b,,,,...ettldiage, haa for a Ist=“a bear&t4e-..,...21
lactip Itd it rit;an e dre4s7;rs ottule a, ctod inreethaeate : - -..-1 .
Will do well to exasasa the =tutees •
• , .., T
- EDWA)III PAUL . . ', - 1 .-
' - • Piro : Itrick t
.r u :absCriber is 'now agent fcir
of Ars Brick ibianfabtayel tiy 3Y...fah Clobtv,lS - • •
• test Itlttaamtuty, AS ths Allsabor I LW
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