PiTrPAiiokOtt%.4 - 2Et , te IraIILiBEND DAILY AHD WIYILLy BY \ L. , ,ltill:Dlrß.: 4. 0 0..,.., :„! -. . OM* Oa MU nun. L9e3ra =O:SW..O Mai, - .• TEEMS: . . . DAILY-tilLudolliwim arantnt, manta Walt yrarly In ignobly._ • .. . . WY llaileraerlLllM=l. in al tete'. Clubs will Ito owalkewit Cu follawin ntusi...-.. zrenalttras: Tea it , :1—...i...----... x 0 al .12rAdveneo - to are strictly r•lred,rald to papa b w n the ;war Ls out, =.e.” it's renews ... •Cl. l: ...'..--..,1---.... ~: • • BATEa . • ono mate , acs oillooparall or etuntni. oleo 0 et Do each additional Ineertiott..... 0 vs Do .1.75 . • Do . 'Clem CO • - Elo three Toots 4 : co, rer tent month .—... , 5 Doi: !tan 7CO • • g.: . Da ;arm • oteectp one dollar t curb addition auto.. ' anum) r d Oat acntante 7 4eroupitst oho/n..o*. ant Mu," trarjr=t,WriaCcAriii.;;6, ' ter each addlacnial Nuys Inrmrted rantrr yturly rote ball pace. • Adverannienta arceediaga arose; and - not weer Mid; lea awned la ei eon., and a Lotto, Pa lialitts not acomontable for' legal adrarase.ntat' ••T••• the • soulitgarened he. `her pnildbeettra. - • • annosaria . •nn.ltre antcrece to be eivernied the serer at other adwortlanuente. - . • - Atleorrtl•eraknts not mortal on the ropy tar aenetlrled stainha of ineertlecte, will to onntinne,.,t t.tll forlnd. tad payment around at •• • • - • The orlyllege of icon culedtertfett le ataittlyiltat tad to their oleo let reollier butane, end all adrortlaement• rr thb.o•st or ourt,i,errons, ne ale adrertheuran. honiodlatelycoahouted nith.„o99lo own buelneen. Ito all elarrop of a4vorrltereenta: In length or otbrowlnr,. be Toni theenitned.trlii he charged at the Tor all each he •Let aetreelielon Indeent-ately released: and prorontparneat Is oestted. All admUommit for chartable' tnettallont..the pia? mono, ward. toputhip. ether publir.sacestinta, wad al political Ulnas= 1116 , notIne, to be. charged half pram nay able etrictlyeln %dm= • • jderrlaut swam to be ablltted an neat% , Death nation intertal without charge. =lute ohne= Pa Bled Dr tteues•l Izatitatione Obltlibt7 ruet:Oet: cud whys Jo econnienbid.to.be paid for. • . Itegabirsdnietleets. and allottitire settle; eomitoilitio Dons. or •Seartlig . notion nealentla to tali env:Mob to NU; bolreee, Clobeetta, at any imbibe ententelhheat e whin charm are made ibr admittesene—ou notioet of Imi tate ateneistionie , irseery an* dethroed nto atteatd= to riatataterpren. calculated an haterndod annorde Individual interne. nut omit be - iatorted With tho e under. gepObeEv i t t h l e lb u tzs e a- to be t ted 117 r. If intraded st of 10 touts pet rao ' • -- " . " 111 thUinti Bishop ot mo; co - b 6 mute; (Able pries. TattralloespaPeationalla each Baal ltat•t• AgetrOV an,toottoneeii e/tvertlane*.ni be to be eluesedmattetteorlt =et. ter r eillowel • ant t thittptbretasid Otiottled pee osa tram the =pant • • 1111:111.24 1121•11linIT IS =SI ?ima. Ono *more. Wee Initomom ..,--... LO Da, mob odditimal • Om kitm. CID Itne•oris loserrt cents. MA eV% .4tuthrnal Isuiertlon.. —25 eta -dinar NOTICES &C. JISSOLUTION—The partnerstttp . nerete• fors etlEtinis. between the •gobearibers. Valdes-the sty ofIiERILLRit non is this der dlseol.ed by metal eonssmt. Waltero.llo. hs.ttlq.old ble entire Interest to John btoolll and hot D. blefllll, who will um the berm of the late EEO in Wang the business:et the old eland. Re LtbartY EL ' jOIIN MoGILL. W aLTISIt O. ROL Plttebt*, Rept, F. 1854:_jAd. D. AIrOILL • '_._ A - O.N.uoViiIII I AND JAS, D. MoGILL bevies porthmei the sett.* Interest of Walter 0. to ukelele firm of. Meanie Roe. 11 wale. the ' Wholesale Orem, out Oomtalmlort Dnehorm. nod, the style ofJOEINMeOIIk.t SON, at Wevehoose No 217 LIN art. exert - JOILN swum, Pittsburgh. 8.7 t, 27,1858. .749. D. '111.0311L. LLAVIESTO soil my entire - interest in the Arai of bleGllls & Roe to my farmer partners, John and James D.ll DILL who here masedated under the style ofJOLLY BIeOILL is SON. and will continue the boldness it'the old stand. I cordially commend them to my Mende and /heraldic senerelly. Plttaburatt. amt. /7.1658—m30 • WALTER 0. ROE. .110TICE. "TAPING- DISPOSED OP MY ENTIRE IDLlTl LVltdifT:ir h z,=td m tz.T . .,2 3 . thr n 71421,1. co,: xt issrainr . rthe that'..!' wW lout to them kr Danautt. D. N. WDSTIL Preeteensazt. Bent. Partipship. Ppm undersignea 'Avis eutqredinto . part- A. narehlo unlit thettar. nod stria of B. It TIMM t 0u...^-tar the puma:sof raveling an the boeintes of *riot. lug ani rnahliehtnn the Att;tntrot WAWA - att4 haring portheeed the entire Interest of D. N. WWII! to the Oct• sett; and damned the llsbillthe witthe odic*, those we- W. bnelnans eonnuate the Delco' VW Daily notteeesordthElY. E. RIDDLE. • D RIDDLE. BUR ELL ERRETT. DAN'L L. RATON. FOR RENT. LET—The Skim No 241 Liberty et., or Wood, .t or.osat coraDNd t7 R N. W l = 2 = 4 as a Drug Store. Par lurthie tothrsoation *coati oa thapreralsss. ao2 B. N. WILIERILBHA2I. fWEILLI_NG HOUSE TO RENT, eittuite o. Binalaglauxtreontaine • bray double ran., dLniog rows. Irltenea and 8 ehembete. with "rank helve. oiliarstrs; walla soft eraterorittit garc.male. elwata ..21 pantry. The atm., le plemantlyalrested. 18 +. 0 000 , 6 ' , sit frac, Me efts.: etaziltrabee pus the howl, every lialf hoar. - reitmediste melon ow be had. ~,..8.- OUTKUHTratIOB.6t Pdarketert.' ' To L VITAREIIOI7SE, No.o It. 14 Seoond street, y v ttrfie Jr= rut of Wood Enquiry of J. ECIIOONMA RM, & CO. No 13 Wood garret. 0 BENT—That most delimit:A° store, No. WO.l gtre.t. , .rpis at riots. 0210.1 _ - . .. FOR RENT ' , Dwelling House on Hand et, twitiocen Liberty sad Fart ets. tors B.o.outon corner of Pa:u.h and Elaud Ca. Also, Store on Eland et. . . • _. Rout lorr. AF,l7tO ACITIIN 1120212 F, adfl3, No R 2 Fourth et. IFOR RENT—A. new brink house. of 6 room, and • Pall. oltande on Centre AIVII:* • Thlg 711.114 I. papered .31 tow! flolgoet fr-sztfir xnant/a to par lor, lot of ground 25 by lul r• a gyp:op.-a well of good end,. al. • =arta. gent 11150 per wear. _ .„,,.. • - jut 25,C117.4.PKAT 4, eox. Al t .lidattat, at. ..,._.. ... . - JA ES - W. WOODVIELZ, CABINET YUEN ITllltr MANUFACTURER. not. PF a. Pima. gram prs.ans W. W‘' . /!espedztully 'informs bin friends :1 1 . and enstamers. that Kee inet 4:amplest. We stock Paroltstre, *back C. decidedly the I..stand beet em ores. Fs: sae ho Ude dty. de be to deisembold to uphold bla stock. set thesenqued sehtcials, test warkmanshlp, and newest dedgme and neon theeats. of We orders tel ntalltslamarrelketarkg.ha is enabled to. Trodttee war. ranted /9187:11TUBB at ths lowest Be keen* edema au hand thettaatmtet desniptleo of foralton., from tkh etssapert " =pLlE to the most elegant and costly, that a or any, at am, CIA be ferakstedem - hhe 01 . 19513.1 , 14., : 11104 mrsortment..1M. far est af 741 sad thotr mama be in= t 2 lu .3 . of ths PULL 100 Botha Co Plonk Zul s*- 111..t e!.B D ing and Breakfastsues 100 tkdere Matnhcanzr CUB,. 42 Bemetary A Book atm do Walhat deg 310 Dotes Cans Seat Chain; 10/ Bakker horde . Mud= 24 Cana Best Baking eh.. i 0 ~...a.Lunt - _4lu. 12 Wks? Wilting Death 100 nalangsalßlrani - Hat and Tinsel sands: so wm Itlautreen ICKlBlarbdetog Ciente* ratite DMTUIItiOII chat= 60 ,ds. Drendo Bureaux illsaberthen dos Winded. Win 13 ded. do do 17 • goorotkno- • f.• des - VOMUDhad - 100 Oommod • do trent • doi lo moo aotaksi4B.uchani -20 W ohrg. alnut . do .Al b Wan lab Contain. .• P'mt" tOO Cherry and Pokier Sad. flail and Pler d d b 20 tdahogad.7-W.bohteh • 'nand. Dining tab./ • 10 Walnut Ottomansg - - i ih e ri l LS ;Sea - rtisenl4 Istitatare and Will Cabinet nagg. snapttedaltb articles In their eteandhath ematudela fund.. at tnt Stentast nedlna. nederdprometts attended tedrso `RIDING WHIPS --a full anes.expent, ...very arneiets,' adtable for the eV. PlneTAlng 414. =tram and screams an B:queued - to oaßnsd ezi=hes our sur.k., which be found nermtete. BonBr. Rldlng, °rovers' end. Drey Whiten Raw ULU and that Wenn. Whine; hinen.. l lteCe and C.b Mahal. and everything. In ths /be. et LIVeRn RIII/dhrs. 11 80 rinett. ~:zittrwaxi. a.l24att ' • WELLS. .n.IDDLE bOO. ' - _ - - . Bawl okley. Acadapy: A CLASSICAL and Commercial Boarding 13chool fat Boss. mills P. It W. k Pt. and DlEr Binh L 2 mliestrann Pleadsintb. • • ifins.Jo2.- B. itIiAVELLI. W.. Princfre. The TimnW.Olothlandook srlh ornumenea on MONDAY. Poe asonlais and oiher annellenlars, eiodulre of - Mears. John Irwin • at fireon;.: 67 ' Water .etc Messrs. Nnrhs. Mac. Hoorn Oiti%losALibiny it, or to the Plinelp &wick. Instil* P. Chiaillegornrconoty. Pa. • re3oStsrhor 5 08../SEELBOURNE, - AUSTRALIA. - 1111217 A L IRE Ths mignsfacsat A 1 enpnar ant; AAA WaLEJL - .1,8C0 tons Nathan, Daman. =zoo inanchr, %km the tuna prompt despatch of Mono?, tasz line, thollarressel damn-oohed brths under. dent 0 dochitzr.m. , h , „ , ,,„,trAish r tot• d eWang gin It ra.'d=trclA.:ll74l:llgirgiiallt7de.gs. fl Barb saaaaatiaa ithaam aaaa, choke benha•-• Apply to tnis ULM. en board as sitar P Sass Riser or to HULL PA, L6hD a classic& nel9;6lnt • Watt street. . Cottage Ranee and Garden. • EOR • nALR; A COTTAGE HOUSEept: and EIARDI2I, &mated alonrt 16 Minutia. altaa collo dilegoony Market Mime. in pleaLr Lu d excellent neighborhood. The hones contains nye yooms with enthoime kitche; iropplied with hydrant maten..l Thom hi Wm &gout. stable end behoove*. El as end the elryharaimess MIMS to within a lbw lomdreilties of the Wm. Om COMM' sea Within ir gent cllstanee eyery The finntod Is 93 feet 4 1O:b61 'hoot by LTA deep—ham bits on the coma.runahurbech to an alhrT. Throe an rxarbuitteti. ad "LIP d MILT rrso Omer. 1 straabenT Iredl, " rhilhath asparagus 1. / 111 . 17 1:=2"a,. ` taar‘a Y." Mr -I._.MqVggibtrh , ollCtutre sit 'the ism:elite Ma: XVOOD:ENORAITING Wroatited with du vy path LN ALL tTB =MILES, • ths:lXer !I'!re et tan krnentleoninWPACll PAWN , J. a. nx vatoup.. Ae. Union Dal Corner Toorth ang 871111=131VstmNInatonaM S.B --Particular attention , mid tca lava Pottem BU Bead& Ste= Boataindßrantlis Cunt. EST rocejna Ironx tho waits - of Jogiab app1e4.1456 . 0 lat MOLA..I7IIX • MUCK. Mr YOURASM grO EtMr4a tO eaJtsaleamthara t Inhett, sti Q =ANGERS': W.. tarriCtiaitil e Ai r 10, will tairo..;',ltraglnr* RITSCIIII Vic • lame "d'a'ac*.s your & " ° lr3 4 4; , I V r.liiit AniiMAr. 11•41.ur atm idin..k.; abttra r Oinattinw , do 4.4 litintilithblail of all kt•i• smor" a u 1 1• I k = Cloths. Chalprres and other smnds for !Seta . and. Do r e Plea. M.) ths . Pia 3edbepb mragl of 4 4 h mt, 'arnsorl4o nails is Indi. saki tomainiz IS =Dia from tberilliT; on thel/1/tan of/4re °ma: /1/ sculea kw% Ake /2 . Wel/4k at. Dia Orest, Ow/am DA mew azeeleare4/.01/ne in - tabu. tug, TD. tz, prom:nate . ate 2 D/0/7 loft /Sou Pt. - visitweboarded and puidesed, frame kitchen. I soda ottDattof hasisarsolanaam. sus other/11M U..fti ere' on Ms ragnalsoo. d tram, bans Cora and other ihnvrn, aunt/. Anti to.' •./c2:411/1/. , - -11LAK RICHW.GI f 4 BOOKR. • , D L4D .I Ctruabed and Lea/tn.-an 165 do o. 2 dolatiri.Sta..Pfraqio At do Bt. Ja p mo H s bat mom Etompo3toLlases; 41 bozo Y. /L &aft Theor t i riiv a 44 a st do .31,4 iloand 3 tutu Olaf B. 1 3.31014 IS t IO do . 1.003134 .03.11tt014 tad Buetcety 114 , i/. 1 71 . 23 , •At,efrA ..0 Er .7164 . ati0. asez 9103 %%RR& PAPQN/Cbiliieb Idd IL dap )111 - . zco' DdIAMIL PUB . LIED THIS DAY, Vie! iltioiesiitis Poetry of the Engliin IBo3laimm =Do,. tUfta. ararpecia a