The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 09, 1856, Image 4

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Moans rens 11.0111 P2l/3051(811. -It has been
the wail onstom with committing -Magistrates
to retain the motley and other articles alleged
to be stolen found upon enclosed persons brought
before them. until they have had their trial,
when it very nften happens pat the nature of
therierdirt such as to leave the right 'of nos.
session uncertain in either ..eoutplainant." - or
eased.. Two Cillea.orthle kind catie.befeeethe
.:'Court on Saturday.. A persett7tuteherged with"
the larceny 'of a six-horse - boil wagon, and
is took possersioript the(wegon , On
Friday the defendant was, acquitted, and the '
question with the Constable.wita—.4o Whom be
was to give the . agon. :se , j a kid."..echice from
. the Court, but the Court refasedto sajanythlng
in the Witter. litho casket the negro Dattiste,
eharged.with Larceny; it appearelhat when he
wattarrested the Alderman retained $ 25 in gold
Impala hie possession. Be was acquitted.
`The Alderman and gayo the money to
the prosecutor, but es the stolen money was in
papa; the.'-defendant was acquitted, his
counsel contended helves entitled to the money.
.;The;Court again declared that it had nothing to
do with the tpatter—end that everything alleged
tube stolen, lasi found in the possession of ac
cusedpersona, amid be at once given into tho
possession of the. District Attorne, when with
out difficulty the ownership of them could be
settled by the nature of the verdict.
Wisratus : Parana—We published some time
ago a few extracts from the Preparation flews
of Ephralm's City of . Zion, published away oat
Wes,, chiefly remorkoble_ on acconnt of the in
numerable big words contained therein. It is
the organ,of
. a comnemist company, but more
partiouilirly is - Intended to aid the fortunes of
the editor,=while ihe head of the company and
turnslhe land upoliwhich they are settled. We
lune been favored by, n friend in Chicago with a
copy' of ;Lake Zurich 'Banker, published in the
city Of Like Zurich, Clients, and edited by Beth
Paine, another eccentricity.. The chief peon
liarity of this sheet is its bitter hostility to land
lords in Chicago, its totmlapted. abusive per
scaudity, naming crier every individual whom its
'editor dislikes accompanied with the vilest ep
ithets. It contains a list of names of residents
MOM:ago, with. quotation marks opposite cub.
as—par, 76a• ots. discount,lol 0. discount, &e.
It is redundant of capitals, and italics. In this
city of. Late. Zarioh, the editor owns a union
Store, offers 600 acres of ground for sale, with
houses, and promises soon to have more. In re
gard to principles they are widely at vari
ance with those of most Mutations, and some of
Ms articles, from the familiar use of sacred
names and events Mule therein are blasphem-
Roma Lawns or Am.:mesa Cur.—This
association, which has been in existence for
more than &year, and numbers ninety members,
have appointed Massie. Arthur Hobson and Wm.
MOOe to go West this wrack to purchase 12,000
acres of land, elther in lowa or Kaman The
League has $14,000 is cast", and $BOO O in land
erarranbt. Bach member is entitled to eighty
-:-‘emetiof bind and a toem lot. 'immediately upon
the ptiebase of the land the members of the
:pap* lip indigent*.
PICMPOOMMI Anotrr.—lL woman named Mira
Aimushaw, from Lowletown, was robbed et
the Allegheny depot on Friday afternoon of a
&able wallet. containing about $75 in money,
and a check on the Canton Bank for $3OO.
High Constable Chore arrested an individual
from the Eeet who is supposed to be a pick
pocket, but nothing to identify him with the rob .
berywits found in his possession, and he was
'therefore discharged. Suspicion attaches to two
other persons who will shortly be arrested.
AITICHMEXT 101IIED.-011 80,t9rday, in the
Orphan's Court, it appearing that 0. 0. Loomis,
Esq., had not complied with the order of the
Court to pay certain moneye Into Court referred
to in the petition of Stephen Cairns, administra
tor of Alexander Cairns, deed, the Court ordered
an attachment to issue against him for contempt
Tin Or Jest have passed op.. 818 bills
during the peat week, and but throe or four of
that number have been ignored. ht. I. Stewart.
Esq., the assistant District Attorney, deserves
much credit for the prompt manner in which be
• is pushing business through.
teszteeto Tam Pensizinurr.—Thomas Pyle
were taken M the Western ' enitentiary on Sat
urday, in purstianoe of the sentence passed upon
them last week.
,-D/STRICT COURT.--Jadges 'Hampton and Wil -
(lamina the Bench.
In the case of Smiley vP. Boyd and wife, the
jury on Saturday found for plaintiff for $3O.
. The Argument List will be taken up an Hon
Mora zu - Divonen.—A subpoena was granted
on Saturday by - Judge M'Clure, upon the prayer
of Ann Nichols, by her next friend, William
Smith, for a divorce from her husband, Joseph
Ennio Pasr.—A man canted George P. Smith
Tim fined on Saturday, by Mayor Adams, for
breach or ordinance in riding through the !greets
of Allegheny at au immoderate , rate.
dowurrran.--tlondnetor Croftorhdati trill for
Manelaughter, we roported on Saticrdity, u pro
greasing in Bearer, hie been honorably aewnlited
--the County to pay the coats:
Vsainaratinazasnizs.—Thle band commence
a week's performance, to-night, at City Hall.—
They come highly. commended, and wilt doubt
less be well patronised.
Great Ititiestaa Remedy—PßO BONO
00.—" firers mother should bare • boo to
amiss handpOn our of arcidente to the children."
le a - Noe:too remedy of, thirty Tear/ standing, dto
rearetmended bypo Mateo*. 111. a greedy cum
for Bags. Piles. Bone. CV.3l.,Peicont.uCridrdiftgad Old
BarroHeed. Nerthe " TUUM r = sore (recommended
Rinse,.see,) Whitlows. e Owe, Materre, Wie• Met Spider
ros. idnabs. Belt Itheum, &Wet. Sore .4
Cracked Ltp• Sere Nose. Warts and YlealsWounda it •
lineal valuable reand car whirl. mu be teeth:lM to.
by thonands ithre his ased It la the city of Boston sod
Melons for the tut thirty pram In balance MO this
Salmi dash Wray, or Interfere with a phrsiden'e pre.
smiptiena it is ands from the purest tosteriele, from •
recipe Invught ISOM Bassie—otarticles grmring in that
avant p
, 11: 7 14 , m a priettare hare OU
sea o.ptalos, T Prom ail o lu t here,
gin i r da l thesta . selves, and retconmended it tooth.
era • Rusin Save le pat up In laze tin boom.
stompol e corer with a thetome of* hone and • dime
bled edam which pieture is also 8121 rared o. the ereeP
per. Buys, t!. Ctorte Box.„ REDDING *CD. Proprietors.
Tor eels by IL DUNES At CO., No. 6.2 Smithfield street,
OEO.II, NEMER. 140 Wood et. S. a..BLL6ItB a 00"
car. Wax* sand eut • tadfiLlOGNO BROS, 60 Wood et
Pittabools. BZOICILAM t McILENNAN. Poland st., Al
mho or. ' ralatireor.
A Card to the Ladies.
V MULES. thrsilltde
Ws. end 711610TilliC obstructions of N. l '"• =ll r y "' "f u mgre .
Rua whaler:amuse
• . - All Medical Men Know
- de well et many et !MN PPM
Ami s h Was see is Regular; and whenever so obstruction
'teteertgemorhether from Mums. mid or any other
male, the Emma Meth lasiflui Immediately to decline.
ant thiewaut Mama s remedy We boon the moss of se
'mini almsutictur among Muss Measles. lleadmbe,
• psla let the sid e. palpitetloa of the mut. toothless of food
= and Maned sleep most alms mires from the ntermits.
Lou of nolurm and ehemever tbatjs the tam tie, flue
otulht r elrcir d lat i am ti re roefor _emu each WI. IMlch
••••••. =et be stntuy followed. and ell . Met Peonller to le
uteleouter_ke tullwis • . •
Flux ii‘uu Ye' Box, and sold by ell tbeßsurte end
• by Bablirulf irßll9...stits i n c ie fo r Ab '
and f.,tv7, l Zatilsrilstja co. arm 147.
rush. Ttny vpin .appir nods se ponni Wes urims,
Ind rend the-Pills try; Mall on mulct or • $l.OO tliscautt
einouriox P. 0.. - Win ArdAort
. _
Yon-Detierve Credit for Your. Discovery.
•ATM Is, no doebt. the moat wonderful discovery
• o 00,10 Mt Pri4t , sa, ear it wit lesion perniariently,
- gray new to its original color. awe - (i.e heed Cr the bald
with s. inter luxuriant.krgletth remora et then ail dud.
•• - raft and itching, noes • ennahla. and other annum-a
•-•-• hrepriona, nth as wild. end. ete. It will ones, ar übe
insals.sterrous or halloo/lest headset; pasha nun hats tall.
111= 1. f:Tirs t i. r. Mil.rni
areme old g lig e° , "'Wt.] and
thet followina ts trans .dlatinw:untd member of th•
meal°33"lo",,P, - ' •
•• • PanseSsol D. WoOn-Mtar Fir: Umrd i gted, I egg& you
• te‘detts. • After being' bald far a long (Inc. sad
84 all• Ster. bah . reatcraithrie utast. and henna
' • Nth soy. 1 grne, indriord, On hewing at ..eW to
'Sire ir trla4 . I Dhow =self in the hands of .11
end balmy heed rabbet with hood stiff lanati and the
bestoratire then spettad end war subbed tn till the seal,
who sebsw. - Thle ntnnited, glary mornirgt. nlid lathing ,
weehs the Tonna bait "arouttend• and pew mill: lban
Avian higt3ll the pownit tiro* end la now think. -bate
endeteccrinit 'and's:Magneto the touch; 'threes. ler
Been wee harsh and wtrr. whet tittle th ere gm of it. sad
Mat MAW wan filmarlittre'rghtdle. 11111 see your
restarstiro Mane twine a week, arm' shall soon bees m o od
, whine 1113/ Dellea's horar was really benenturti r heane
.., of
: diea me
rt.":e46.11%"1 " Ir i linrlgesT i n
• , resentreghtag youy, penerstion to . o....,l=atnitgr o
bat wisely AUL Warta th "'"'" " '‘ sewn tali . The
. ..::betabilseroknow tutz . ft4tltlutzgv„,,
rumarl=Rriand 4.11 enquiries srepilde
Yin deism credit roa r ; disw,stsrots!l_ oyskr±,
olloyyy my Muhrita the P...
bora epuparra does tar. I I
• • . rteult. o.l.&rara.ta_y,
It= of tignd
The vidarehinsd.Bev. 7. It. Braga. bra satnister ii
oogyllog. and motor of the .tirtholor Church. et
"g‘ raraytrlM4. - .ter. • gerirknian of_erwit tangents
endilailMOM.7 MO? 11.1. Mira, _ •
Broogneld. Jennies 12.1865
isonstiellawn.-.Boar eh:, nub:tuns&
to ot e4s
• 'Bela ILIASTOILIST DM it Om ran psms to ore Mit
ewe has been *sentit la ratarrinfr. tedignitantlong
dandroll and a constant te r der:we With which
I Dantean troubled Et= mr 01)&10 4 ; =alum also re ,
„ stand
my hair. which vat beriontin t a r ry te artainel
1 burs mod no other article. w th seething_ lb
cobs mins plantar* ar . protit, Your
sr. 144 1112 Bernd.
coal a sit eniTV here. All
mothl. Diaw CLeao. isediei l = "a spi. on MS potable
• - harem, at P rof:P Wced's entablishmant, 11.4 'Kabob It. . BL:
Mar 114i/in Bithlitirth be Geo.. U. irarrese.lio Wcei
lag WI ell Dritiallea. • • elilew aBmT
-- 11 - ' ls eirefalr Vol•••• unda the Ira of Dr. J.
~. V nalllbireildo brdroad it tor • nueVr l years with
.-.- admit moos In Ma maks. -It te confidently . mom.
.. zt
- ,-.4. maidel to thorpablio sr b•lng "nal= to say- _Pa i rt•ox
r.; now ut ri z kr, w ar - 4 1324 tratigz 4 Za.
the hew
410 CV= DINVOIut Ilsrlat 6, &
•- • .
rmLEL—A two story Inlet dwelling fa
ts on Roy st. between Penn and tbo elver to Dal.
e. /admire of
ath2.s - No. 211 Liberty Weed.
. ,
I ' • . ..„
WAREHOUSE, No. 114 Second street,
throe doors eut of Wood Pt El:moi A re .
I: a CO.
fel No 1L Wool knot.
11 Offlow it NatlDa Bali Bralcilust, =sr art bp the
ittsburgOi- and Osesssisslite . R. wor...._and tor., ititb
.I).•llisistim same. Irsokirs or GEO. w. it
isittt NO. 11 Fourth Ist '
FOR RENT—A Dwelling-Houle cm nand
st,_batnoten Marta and Patna Eta. -
._.- Ikon, Nom on corner of Conn and Dina - An .I.lno,
Inns on Iland rt. -
-BentLow. .122d7 td ,
strwroz wows.
saw ' No 92 Yonne, at
-- -
LET—A large and cominodione Ware.
f eud for any 'dolmas Impious. Moot:
0186 Wood stmt. nazk door to Chide en. In•
pull. of - JOHN ILAPTas,
son corcior Wood and Sloth ids.
Ne.'1383 Lillertyßred. - balm Wayne,
1117 SHES respectfully to inform his friends
VV and the pup In mend, ttat he has tossed the
above promisee, Ter the msnntectmrt end sale of even
werist i r=l4 WORK, sub. u
Tombs, Shads pod Gran MASAI.
of every variety end (bran
Centro Table, Pier. Bureau and
Which he ls anion SA kw es set other Estertilehnient
West ot the Idmantelne. Ills start la entirely new. and
hes teen selected or himself, upends for Ms merket,..,
Do le Wee mural to build Dunn Unite, Endue Barbel
IVA withlllsrbie or atone. end to execute ear other Pork
his an. In env of tne °amm eamatca.nesia. whelping Pittsburgh.
(=tent etismsed at
ty no:wag to
llon. vne Wllklm, nom GeltneyS
Jae Oa
Jotoo liticenteurr, W L Rinterel_
Chu ItIVIMN ES% /I / 1 4. 4 1: n
ThOn rAlq, A it Cur dew
It It White. _ ,
T f tefletite l gattsod with all kinds t iseutern end Do:
meetlo Hartle either bobbed or in 01 rough, at whole
ude prime.
Be hes an made orreagetunts with the manntestaro
ers or the _ben Wands. for constant supply of Hydreolle
tbrunt, Water and Louisville Ume.' and Planer Par%
both be Lead and Shun Wort. all of vehicle he Is prem
ed to tarnish stunt nett. nekUcd.terlybasob
Ye who Consider a fine head of - Hair
but 4xa it b to lea an
übtch restores the health= ks of th e map, mums
We to meet on the bal and chec ks any tendency to.
wards US haling ant and thin.
pret i m - , F MV2 t rart l , gdlc t eTat 1 " 41= 0"'
Mademoiselle Garnier's Day and Board
ing School;
ELL be opened on the 20th inst. for the
reception of Pupils. TIN department lie day
bee been to encoaufel operetlon for the hit tee
months. and in mmpliance Irish her Wands' video
itTile bee fitted her hoe" Bo .268 Pena etreet.near lisnd
for • limited number of young lady Warders. She hoe
wired the smistanoe of well qualified and competant
teachers, to anklet bee to the cheat department. Besides
Whoa/A • thorough tonne of geglishielenstlon.lnniele,
Gum /Wan and Ppealsti, Os more err ;leas oaten
In the theme. ;
Tim Medea! department Is under the charge of =two
genhencin teachers and • tole.
Tha ttilti t ru i r%lf h wlpai t =tr o d e ar= =
=the city of Pittsburgh. with u faun garden In the
mso. In ebb:hatch young lady be.
ths petelless of eratt.
eating • part forhaeoun mienument.orterimpromment
bt Colny.
Three ereekusestlat mill be Creme tehristaiss. Dads.
the fine scum, arearuirmusts bare been nude ta tote the
youngladles ono. • emu In the country. Though the
yonWecliss win be required to unite In the nsmW nor.
Rap, Ugh remote Will advise with the pititalyel width
church they mee t attend an Panda o One of the teeth •
en ellistoompy tb. , M4 end the of that de
nentiln Mien Ida he required to ,lelo the *Mend
ing hts ahnrch.
Terms per union, for hisidlng and vsehing. sad tub
hon. Sm.
Rersaucla—lktr. W. A. hinCinrer, Bair. Mr. Arnistrang.
Mr. 11.81aber. De.P. lrieb. Ku. Mr. time; and the par.
ants other present Dna. retylOantilitlineT
Meyer, Stout & Morganroth,
Scraptors,-Stuccolariakers & Wood Carvers,
No. Pam 81., war Irvin,
okIMURES of an kinds; also Onaamonts in
Ilooter of Ports, Wool sal Marble. sta. sr &cant.
bolktbay. both Indio sad oat.
Drit.toso &MOT dooniptlon sad stslo fornishod at the
obortost make. otatlid
For Sala
WHOUSE now occurrled by the entre'
riter, No 14 Second divot. Tbli property'
In mumble order. tarnished vltb U. and nut and Cold
Water. Vor oarlenlno, savant of j
det&dtf dam aflame Cooloy.l4N2r etree.
Pattants,FlaskaMoit otaorill to odd co tot fart
of pors.on moderato tattoo
or,szt salvo biathlon Mit otth • topltal would to to
ion an • maxim, Attatott
el& FM
Win. B. Talcon & Co.,
I ran%Ma - se
LL A .o ! .. as o so ral tmen fo,
tu t s o w f
ii:7l.,37 euti . cles ... in a o r n r lino
lIIE Co-Partaership_ heretofore existin g
tunder the style ofWll, IIeCUTINIT.ON alt 00.1 a eats
day diaaolved by aistrael consent. EL D. Norton baying
ernikersem fn. the bemuse, All the Imalaess of the old
11111 be fettled by Wm. iteCuteDeon.
NOTICE is hereby given that tho partner
ahtp heretofore exlettay bebesed the anderefgalef.
ander the demo nut style of CARTER a REM le this
day dsmolved try the yrerthaeo of the Interest of James
Rees ir Many Carta.
• Thbbatanses of Um Era *Me Jettleet byElenty Carter.
_UMe atom anthediaed to am the Beam of the eta la
d°i Pitted.3lamh 31. ItGliempaliad 511.110 RED.
Arru t ftbrin
Warabatee To, SS Water anat. or Al.rket h
lota emputtarahlp, muter Clio Arlo of limp a Caner,
In the tosaafectars sad ado of Uot Pruned Nato and
Wuhan. sad are premed to MI orders to )alleisea at mat, he
Nail Nog Has:tory for Sale,
B. JENKS wishing t o return East, of.
• fee to soil at a great bargain. his Hog idaebitnT.
Cooper non. gulag JUrs, Mom !tore., awash . Timber
Wheel.. two auto. go. he. This nnalolletonant is to nao•
armful operation.. turning ant Trost he. to fix handed
kap per gar. anti regular ennoonaa wanting that MUM
to. daily. To snow that woad to agar. in the moo.
[Matsu of nal teen,
tbo wont - le are. eittB=o. •• It
will to ro!ti st a veryC. bargoirt. Those wi dna, to
parchaao cut ago the 3in fall °paragon hi Wang 010
Waite ntoonbergerla g !tilt, = bianhanbre ot.. at th - •
upper brideo actors the Lileghent riot. organ:tn.
• Removal.
(?SANK VAN GOWER has rem.oired to
• Ito. 78 nuts.wr 81%; stroll 7 cropoilto bls old stV,
and la stenrjouporod to soppy kW imatozn . r l t . thz:
lb ir...nUr 'Mb .
I.4'X'rzt,foli. Iloalol7
Trbasolsz j ibettrto
th•Cto,ra Haricot n 1 ao=2l/a:eh;
Ear Beettambst tb•
14.ANUFAC1IMElt of Tallow 'pocking
boo. Chem had limey edema War m
-Mtba Marintaottny. scam of Washington ma
Franklin sm.l3lrininatism MOW. elite=
60 hhde prime No Sagan
20 Mb Bill:Won Obldea Syrup !Masser,
30 dr Troth firmed Extrs noun
100 no No. 1 Nem ficerLorpc
100 do bledlara 3 Nachersh
00 hide WO riet
AO Loge 2 Co:
60 Wood whole do lam 1 TeLmnel Ithad;
60 bbl . fresh Lonehotle lemos_
110ssols wires Aran Bk) °NW:
k31.112Li for ..l. by WATT 1 WILSON.
m 731 No WS ?Abort, West
bIIIRPHY t zupzurtatm hart opened this mere.
log. Dyne ISes Yolk.. froth emortment of alik and Lam
Mentnneorbleb they are emus ..2.7 kowtow Do enentY.
Men. Cambria and Jammet rionnelos% nY the et, Aland
by the yesd—rseadni from the low bend to tali out
1111g L a.r.t.r.roginar..... d .t.1 1 =.4
Dotted Swim, I. , and may misty!! warm mum.
goods Me men and names war. yeetdbwn
- NEIRPIIY to BURCIIFIELDare reoeiying
Not thxdo Mfg fen dag u i tit tosylnd this morn
gng prtn4 Thug Mantilla". alastumard.4i
aals. Oos isinrtinnot of mom, mass sad Bar.
Cit u baband sad lit 3.oo4gattanni ica•Ullo,
Also, wry la bi=a o i f t ihnteeddized I wigs . kw.
cheek,.smea gums. hursallga. &MUM
sustain. sue Wilmot auicaritti. Mufti au •
Elmira sae s exist Taiiry__of game lase la? arm
vux. fa maki DY Nuarns BUBCFINELD, •
saiitileiril earth nit cm 4th sae Alicia su.
,0010A1f0i1101311,VABL1 RAILROAD COMM.
en - hereby _atlned rthataha Dhvltani of the
We and PetAselvenbe RatisnadOSlSOAA__ X/YI whDD
ase Btowthsidefa UT* attend
with the Ohio and Indiana and 'rosin Oul u
Itentoad Commutes. In nornmanseist Ansa ot the
Dues <lithe Butes of Pennsslsants, Oldnandlana and
Flinn% km MAO consolidation tubber to nesneer.
Plttoborgh, ran wino and mks= Italtrolst
and •moth/ to tau tale nonalderation :22Z%
Sr or udostten of satd Asseessent at Cow
eolt v be held ha the Oliver l'ittibusgh on ths
LOW AULY I yA k at thliOdlee es t the odd
° TM A t f Int ' VNlkehholt A , Bee'VOUIPT-R.
Stock and Note Broker..
14 ONDS, Mortgages, Promissory bloke and
Lome on Oollatonsl• nostotl**l Etoak• bon 44 awl
on Cloamoladon.
- Having on Intandiro anjoAntance vrlth Mould
coan, wo oro onsbloct to ungotOttitionno ontnutod us,
pro:astir antics womb)* tame . aplo
O& MAN COURT SALE—By virtue of
ao order of the OrphaneOnut Alloohen
.I.lo W eArern ' snrin t lflVotV i tt . kalralt a ,
F lit.
doy of June IS 0: . or !I
Ine Allowing nal 14
lot. sons choke. &II3T•17 dedrabtoßolldloslati. saw
bored harms to anon Ina:Wm onitstrdniteet t =
sere Veleta oltnond Ora mldt.o=
north lemon. , 7 , n.siV , and tlso station. on
the Ohio and Pentta..sallnad. worimity of Shoes
lots to** Seadinu7 and ,the rallsead-belov only from
bur to Ore hundrod hot no eatk-rondell MO= Tir7 die
. ratio Inman!, We of the istirdad from .114
and a s
atentalt=a th
thins rods to tarliVooV i tj i l m orreeila
nershia This toe isenet to Paraded
80. A lotus. the north o Oa en road. Inesir
Mods. tbo Penni, Bodnrr.steinlains Sot or St I. Snow•
don, Is deal Moms. b. Made. Paso and the nen do
STIM .O On. horny • front or sIS fa t toward, the Bearer
road. and onondlas back. unto wild 1000
rest.ntallsatent On sena •
jolgyemiirtt v
land noarl=ltssf
some dhn.odon►aa U. last. tont...Was Ars saw
mew iota ow Weer detirably 10404 and wail rand
g d r i 1 11 1' P hi l 2l6 " l=l a r ....= " ort=rt
Sumo • oser.O7. nn
rthoons • .
Penns onantuirattbar intornstion. as to tb* I
sod easnerta• dr tne lota sdoonoll swim:
11110141XIITA Altdrnola at 16d, ten slosot. - Plttre
burgh, ar WteetlOQ Ia p.fkb4 Oa
M. CII ial4 . 3 MIMUSPW riada O
s dgO rastentte ar 4 m l Om. de
ed , .
j. 44 . 1 .4 3 1 02=A 2 . Oda'
ern.. I L
comums ;or Anarrnenos, von JUNE.
Om w. Ole& y. 00517112. lino LAMBEIT
Jams CL llata, Venus RIU"
FTMXO3IO ,O 01000 , 01 1 0nrcea.
mender Morning. Jane 9. 1850. I
PLOUB—tbe reseinta are fiat. but the Ileinsmt la not
preening. and there h no activity to ruia...Eales au abut
and from 'vegan of 116 thd.= bbl, surer at tin: and 40
23,and 791obleinier sod extra .t 0456 sod tr,,z. 'Pram
otere,2sbbiseaper .t 20,00; 10 do extra et 40.04; 75. V.
60 end 24 do at 10.74; and 63 do family extra. In lots. at
11111:06111v-R—e , es of 28 bble Mohan on 0010150 terms,
and 12 ben Abo Oahe at 12.aaab.. . _
BACON—eales cll6OO Sbou/ders and Etama at IEC<9
71(. and 10 10,000 Es Shoulders at 734. and 1.7 for
aitkig 6.00016 Mica at 10;16,000 Es Shoulders a hams
at 2,% and 10. thirty dayr, 10,000 as do on private ternu,
16 tea Cincinnati StigarChirsa 'Elaine at 12, slaty darn.
and 1000 Ds dust 111 c. nun.
PORE—sales of 50 bblsMess Pork at 516,76; 12 (1., tour.
try do at SHP; snail do do Shoulders at ti i.
01L—cs sale of 2111bla No 1 Lard 011 at SO,
POTATOES—a sal* from stout of 100 hue Ilea at 28.
ASHES—a Watt 6.;k0 Soda Ash, Imparted• at ;N.
ELl:Ms—The maltst hiu continued to Wear holders, and
nrl.=, f g. i lgor t ag 4,' = °2?.".%".ll:;.tr
6IISIL the Woe coroprislits 100 hbda Wednesd:T. 30 on
Thursday and 400 yesterday, loaning an sairreseato Wt the
then Caro or 850 bbdo and fur tne , weak of 1: 00. We wow
nuobn Intorloc , l44Bo}o. Common 834(4 1 17.0 Palo 7%48,
0/148.5. •Ed taw. , sugo. Ems eoto.,
mended Itlgans. Weeleerecelpis 2180 Mutt sod Y 6 bbis
!daimons—Wring tallght nindot. locka lisrattill forth.
or ,tdosnced. fermenting commanding 184400 sod prime
Retailed 42041. The sales oomprise 350 bbl. on Wedeln.
day. SOO on Thursday cod 800 sesleoool. cooSloie 00 00.
[rost* for the three dorn of 1160 bbls and for . the week of
MOO. Week's rootipta 1672 bb and DI net al,
• N. Y,Trito
LOUISVILLE, b. Latrobe-40 tads bum. Watt & IVII .
sou: b lobacoo..l Ids Donald; 21 do bsoon, 1122 bbls flour
Maki (*Mars, ash; 11 bbds tobacco. 20 IMO Putalry
D 0131341111, 477 W 11a1110110-60 bbl, bras lick water.
&builders. tut: 20 bss candles, AtsrelL Lee b ea 10 to
haw, Warm Robinson; 210 bdsl, Dalsollka , ;29 9 do,
Loyd tbacuou;l7(l b 131.• whiner. Obis wine. SUD"T
ebotasig 41Splirs load,Captails.
Orb—Zl bssdams. 2 do lino. 60 tos
WU. 110 labs 011. lads tobacco. nut; bbla ail, 11
Bavaria:2M Ms Orsbtak Thomat 26 balm Darer,
NABLIVILLE, by Pled Losenx—eosks note. 31311 wheat.
Masi a 07. /4 vtga. sundry ctll 9 l/neek
pa , PAUL, 1r St Louie-7:las bacon, Loyd 1 Leeson
939 balk ddek./ IS Oeld; 711.1 m bbl. tour
10111 s tobacc auk utfi
Ort.o i Pmora74R It R-4 Ws flour. Shrlror
Dlloo:=3 l:, bas orb% 71.1 mart j rh :
Itl ale
.1m b ark. Itabroitock arTea l ir stje ri k, ebbloTthor. 61!
.23 do buturr,ll6 bus pntotorr. Aro ryo.
Woos, 3.547 , 31 oats, 16 Ws arida*. 63 bolo 110ar.14 do oldor,
46 dos buckets. 3 tun mai. a top6um3.llBlkg
1..Y.P01LT6, by Ohio a Penni It i 4-673 Afro dry goal..
76 do bordor ro. 1363 pa Iron, 636 641. do. 76 6. steed.
317 do euttlro, 1667 lEgo naim, 376 .ks mfr.. 335 boO too,
16 oars can. 66 pkoo chug; 361 Milo adt,ll7 do door. 34
ksa glau 7 3l bales har.463,Mrs immortal, tril kes lead. di
1361 s dab. .74 do ',biota. 130 DL CLIMIT.4 3416 OZ. ror
lleb. Ciodvvetl: F Lee
rev& Nashville; Lerrobo. LauhniDer. JW Wellman, t 10;
Alleges. Bt. LouLB Bt.Laule. do; thedolph. Immune.
DEPLIITILD—TIereda. Wellsville: Otb. Wheeling - . Cooke.
Env.- On entanisiennuon scu.r. were 3 teeth nun
Lathe ehannd and an a eland.
401114146 =IV Mt 155 Mum= ostsrrn .
N. HOMES & SONS, Brokers.
No.IT Marta el. [drool runs mad Fourth Ida PAlsturga
1 ZNNSTLYANIA. Branch at -Tanis...—. 4
Sudr. of Pittatocatin.........D. Wan at Youtetovo, do ,
31=11Wr i en' lo 4l - o7.11: C lot= ?I liCtuti 4 l . no
= c ' il North Attio - r1a.... "- par Lanett& BAWL- - ..-.--- ro
Donk of North'n LI OtdoLllalue.Arreastes- do
Itoetiltri .131 qt l ot ierra Dank.- do
ol Dank elto--.P. ""' NEcv wair.iiiii:''
= "d ttlectunles . lll‘..yar AB aolront Dankn--- 4
Girard Ilauk--------- NNW YOWL
Konalagton Itank.--Dar sw York at/ -..--str
tlazilfrk.:=ll.Bankm.D. ountri fm .- :G
Sourkwarl 8.4
---. 1: ?4*.YMETITC6I . IIrar..
Tradannareallank.........-mat All entrant 140 kn.--. 9
Wee... 11ank...-....--sor VIBMINIA.
Dent of ®am - 9 Rant of the Valloy.-- 4
Nal ofObesterrOoenLY-POLTlBaakotV.,ltletactond- "
Sank of DonrWs ---...-Fx. Bank, Ya., Norfolk "
Danli WALL Co. Quota - VALIDerf 3114 of Virginia. "
Naas of Oornantown---4ar Harehlotte , tldech.ll... 4
= g G u et=th.....: F.)4 Nurk=stent_...llank-...
IN 5"
Banc of 11.1ddlatont-- 34 n0u. , 91 . CAVILINA.
Iltattiormery On Ilaok--par a oo -
W.....taiorthrunbniand. Bank of St. WI. Cann% :A
13k A Brides CO-Dar BsoW,WIBNIk1 1 1••• I
kroy=-Itek Bank...---parrerchannwllk,NetronnL I
M.l.lwak-----...P0r SOUTII CAROLINA.
8ank—........... 14 Blot the st.of it :C.ohna 1
nor Hints Co...par Sank of South L4.lmhua. I
slLßkofLaneutur-par Dank of Charleston- 7
T, W Taaabursuut 6.t11-
Ege m al .... . jr or Acrusta--.. 3
Bang.-.......Pr M Allsolyes ."l2. 4% 7lll222' Ts Ki2 . A -7 e -... :
Pflamwaist, Nat ILICITUUK Y.
min k
.t- Mc otHiattnetz,Looln . • i.
Inas' Dank of Bk oflautlernyhuntoo
Dank--° , Kentucky
Wag Bank---rar Mora Bkof Kentruhr
Wyondrut Ilk. Wlllsaterretar INDIANA.
York Bank.—.---- 141Stals Bank I hootehee- 9
Dallsfllotsa....-----... la DASK4IIAL
01110. .D 1 ofinata atlauurn.- S
Otto State Sack.— ..... Ai W tNSIN.
Branch at Akron-- .- do Manua a.n. Co. alto a
Stanek atutthene--- ~ WA- do M.N.
3= b h a i t ik l=-..
d o I , 4l=etts'Esn ... k :
Dna& alClevelaruL- .- dc. losaratio Onapany 3
Branch at Itdado... .... ... do Rat* Doak- . - 3
Branch at Daytm---
. 110 . 1 11.6.4ar
Broach at DaUlte.....-.... Int of N. ASldttlal, Tozzato 3
Itßoch . Cobb, m:on ..- do Elk alb* People. Toronto 5
Branch at Ashtabula.* do Bank o 1 Slootasol .- - 3
ItniNeb at Wm-- .-- do BR of U. 0666416. Torooto I
Brack at alsonne/d---- ds lit MITERS NICIIANCIN.
Itntadk at lUpley...-.- 41. Neer York---- . 4
Brunk at Olnetanatt ..- do i, ta Phlladodpkta-...-- do
Manch at WastdruNnt.-- do Italthoore-- .do
Brea:chat gals.— 010 wsirrEit.N raortr.4 . 6B.
WNW* St 14. 04,41 fia.01../.3..4"....^." .pi
NrboL at
143.641 at. IN. Voroos— do St. Lout_..._.__- -
Bninch at Netrark--....... do GOLD ANDSYCIA • kl . n W.
= l l 9auh :1421r:- . 7.. di Dmbdlr4= CU
Besse& 01 . Ta y. .„ . ..6- do Eogio, on:n - - —.10.03
=at i0n55446---. 11:36141465/ant--- T.SO
26133 ch at 4_____.__oo4 6.00
NI S TI it f 2". ”- - : dc. Mihr.= --- -. tilb a
mull at itanans....—. d a o , lll atonnos. - BAC
0f 05 1 56 4 5 .....- ar. unew---. --. ilk
l eil=n.--:
DISSOLUTION—The Partnership hereto
ellttlart nada the name Old style or
b Otto day 411motrod by rout.l coluout. lithos of the
putout w autbortml to attSe ttt_Onslneon or oalt t
Jouti 1110N1YiOl1k
Apotll. nue. OWLS.II, VOWEL
Meta of licmtgamay a Leah.]
Flour, Grain, Bacot. Lard and Batter,
Next door to the _Old Stand,
No. 114 Vint Mel 4116 Second Arm.
Awns 1166aballa.w., Pthetheat Warmers' Deposit Dank
Abu 114 aT.. 66= 6th Wood 666.
WR 1 6 A %
Pitte= s =an: tithmorally.
alter, Julei (la. P
ilaraatt. Nesbit • thoratace. der
J. 0. Rutin .11 Oa; thaelsaath aals,
No. 21 Diamond,
rum awrfieno N Newham's &ore.
Voartaotlyos head sad for .W. Wholesas sod Rota
Wash sad Roth Tabs. Wooden Bola,
Peaks and Nall Pens, Horn Bakes, -
RUM! Ilia% • Mao Walk Basra,
ow/ we
Bonen • Ones SHIN Maros.
• elhory
lastrUlharne Wash Boer% Mahan nse Vim and ,
Drew Bake%
e Hacks% llalahisaels, •
(IKON Blak No 41 ..
11111.0 thsr ttanded 'dada or Wan In ha lint taaito urr i, d sad
...• Sir s . • milliarr
L. maul:
tin sale parebala at Beal latatic Wootton of
E L ;ip, to a I°"'" 2 Cg. tot a staVari t rAMLVitg d •
tma ArtleamAa,llka Vanes. salaam sad °than.—
Mak 63 laartat stead. sys 7
REMOVAL—Tho Drtig Btoro formerly co
melbas 2te. 115 Wood at., hal batovromomd w Fs
ma at. coma of Wood and sixth Ma, ohms tb
sonsittne would take plums So mmUELK nlo former pax
nom and
ill ono slob to Poothom Drama
. . _ JOUN RAM fa,
sigg.T.TAII TATS;Plumber srid Gas Fit
wt. No. 10 Malt stew*, neat • L 11747172. and 472
Pinn Amt. ant door 101110. ParklttscreAclol44, sad 244
no 44- appostts Setowartes Drum Store. &Dube.y.
. 4 4;ji mi, dikaript4m of titling fur Water. 044 and
Leather and Flat Beltixi
'EAMES . MILTS, copper rivitad; also
I /las DatioxlStEssaters, osband and suds tsar
der. se SD Usenr et. littaleursb.
ssb2leasi4 W. W. WILLion
acVIINDS.- DETAILS—To berm a boooming
con of cloths boldee balled tha
to of a Wool
00000nable land. !ablation toot be pad to the Ulm
sabot and puttied at the same. Of coarse no ono would
pat tar ones upon • atutuaes runt bet Mb Would bega
co% doch thodr MilitaT4•24lll/01011 , rialeutwely, any one
ool L ream the mattrisJ, but It tab, Luta Cod taped.
etnal to =ha • Witting gamma: Ulttotoot aged or eked
tannin Mita• Pan kr mit and trim:eel asonenta,
It la In Ulla barUcalar that Ma profteoloaal eoatamer aad
cola the mars mules et yearlog sowe, The plum to gee
tbo unalloodbonella ol thlo t ale I. as
. • • OfilterEtt'S Gothlo
earner Wood street sad Dlsmond T.
We study to &tool ' . ' - • a
CAUTION TO RA? RS-439ft hats man
obetanott to MN not y, ha Men offironi for lila
dty and otimrha=ln my mama and trade
111111913. At SA It n to
eantlan Mang= dut um of any Int_ll=tor
Zama and tads tows In NAL 1114IIIillbtWed bp tham. sad
adalata eel tut stot. tatamfaotand by me. nonloJnlng
wltnolt lALIMAMAII at my saw and trade moat, and
111111 tile =eh legal intasurao sa 1 may to adynrod are
Wing all onions who ham Nomtotoro tatorfored
Ze i 22l6sroaltalatarlamdtbzwlabta toth,Mewpm%
No ppeßtllwon In thla =Wry la astnoriaci to manufattor•
7127. 14444.°K AIX, ran
. 14507•PARDINFIC8. h a y and Attora r ; No: 54
War Wait Now Wyk. Nay M. Ma Attain
iscalmliwect•olnas fbr aste on favorable
won,• lam. outfit ofOtallniEllta Wu Bth Ward
oftU city. Too lots front on tavlvenla Menu.
Watsoth iforthsh/coutrWartra nth., owl Blurt straits:
an hal •kw stlautaB wallt from the Court llnna• and
lilt Daaold vn7 'hasp—
Pram lulu= of swaning • convenleat and healthy
la a sisaa tea Wan, at 'Maw Dornbaaa
o. mom la
ranial7ral6ragrarlitla TM ' AZ to ala
aboworlbar. • C. Attu at Law,
9UTILERSTLO I I-7 200 blitt'oboiao ex-
Mao aika loe ado lota to suit,
DAM Q. alllan, =NINO y and Ilin4 W.
(P PuE
A ' n relyAwnSgeAtaNlT• prFepliftln. DDlewnt 1n
uuncrldied its notion uportilin
t 7t. vonts:
and enern Irvin. As an [Phil Oc. •d IA ter. re
Pb, ittd. Medicine
1145 NO EQUAL IN THE TroßLn.
"r T r"' °I."
Iwean 111 all W nepd IC
as whore • g Plny.lo An /literates
asrequed. mut would not now do without IL It bit be
Al well as the Wert • famiir fnnals - IA • IA ffes. chadrm
drink ft wan plea/urn /I tea/ nor noatuatt lord:err
clonsun. Apra/neer rtragfpoubbot otpernlc. cozily, I Tor
-SrWASE now to =Witt,. =iron r
It s read* to WO fy to Its eoperlor virtual, todependutin
s punitive rod antlebilloos 000111103. eurAl the
'9" ifilifirAVEarierSiti CURE
•for /Indent:fa Liver C o mpinlnt. J. dr odloi Manny Coro.
&Int, Bllitoon Eevor. lidos In the Ful.t, Enek.Brenst And
inta,Eoldle. Onuoui Worm", Lumbago, Blotching on the
Enln. Eimplee. Ls:tents!, Eruptions. ObetrucUonn to the
6 stem. Cretier 11, of the Itorrel4f.l=lM.M.firr
r m not.:ll kritTim'a,.."lf. clunk , . by Ito rurrfo ' r
randlcinst 'Mts.., the ulcerous humor from the bloo d.d•
norrupt hue Cum tbe nt.13101. Misting It hngh the
natural charineirctr Elvvionerre run 111.. n
and naves the
nyntom healthy. I ask coy Mends to tent the above Med-
Vt!l t ..7::; °, 7. l t h rt=i 47l m i
not doubt In worth.
Slap Its funq introduction. no candiclne ha. stnlund
Such wonderful popularity end Its esies here Marone&
twrond the meet tan Colas. hop. of Ito Mends. Neigh
bor. rerommeaditne newt istad lINKQUALLEOPI!INIL
l'hystchnes eArry It with them. CI:MURKY
after ono trial..nd 0000013 should use nn other In their
fernilins. People 111Ing o low end =why e 0.101.. sub.
met to dewily sonanan, when revert. Ago, and fever.
and billion. nomplainte Are more apt to be,wlll find the
l'LlgoldOnthisrtk” the most Dann remedy yet 10101.—
1:11. It a trial.
.le by A. R. A D. sands, C. V. Clicks.. A Co., and
0. D. tuns, New horn.
Fun 44.030....C0rup50y10g eneb bottle. Priee LO and
Anne of tan and twenty doter.
Printing' bloom. 400 linn•Jway, N.V.
Sold by H. N. WICK' gitillA 11, ...At Wyatt{ Nt.. Plllo'
burgh; W. RAVI:With: IS. North llnuover
deltd e d
Health and Strength mast Inevitably fo
low it, Use
AND tho various &Erections consequent
Imo • disordered Meow/ ix Llvez. Fueb at hung..
Addlty of thelitcanseb,Oellekr Palne,lleartburn. L.....
.. 4 knaat. IN.P.ndeney. Coetleenese, Blind ind Mere Ina
Klee. In on Nereerne. lltteunatle sad Neseralrle AM.
Mow.. IC hut In
Intant.% waved highly Wee°.
dal, and In rithers effected • decided ewe.
Ratan dude no now enemy to mamba, with this de.
Beath' tonic ha ch. system. Its offsets ere aimmit trtairi•
Yet the cure nowioneut, camiroatdcates rielont
aiookto the mama. hut to atvorshig vdol euet37
thoroughly ersdiestee ttu dleesse.
When it e medicinal virtues sr. AO tinietinlally arkirow le
edged. .rod particularly bar. where Übe becOme Op pp
ular • family mealiduee thstit I. Ll et cocci of the
grocer.. ae w , LI email the druggist , . It would ream need
les,. to offer further erldenet yeti there are di:lrbil..
Porn. wholes. tried tawny .dote td remedies.. acid still
rarer from lifereseia In one orator,. .1 It. dreadful forum s
we subsetn the following certificates. the authentic-BY of
which cutuot he doubted, coming.. they ,L, faro perm.
so well known.
What it to doing for the Sick.
Sehmth loan. Twa thewell known lithographer.
earn "I beer trot !senile need throleare's !foliated Bitters,
sod toutlt 10,0010011 relieves Indboution sad debility..
ker. N 6= 0.0 listvc Mond *Peol.l relief mum
its nee fora rodent heatsob.,"'llh whieh I bed long eV.
J e W. Vinola.ll, ears, "I hese newt Boerimee's
'Holland Bitters royeelf. and recommended It to others.
derived at It Ur lii.
great nenett front its nee for weskweee ... I d the
etemmth and
e t
alia.Vel6renitatat r " f h"
toy heart and WA, erten( arr.
The eali tor of the Kittavulog Pyre 'Prom saer
ens of the beet phytleidris In tilt. plass had
have'. llotlstel (Wen crowlme cc the wont form of ares
9. Pranci• Felix. only manufacturar of U. "original Fs.
Mart of dafiew. Wi ld e ... know thst your nsti.a Bitt<r•
111 - 0. of the test In the world for • disordered
etomarh m liver,.
Dr. I.oollo. editor of the'Partel,' Baltimore. mammo
n It, • gmelleine doWerving the of the nubile.
Dyße = itart, the Needing elsegisn thyriciart of Penna..
hag bed It feel tport/y dtaNng the but 3 yam. with
roccerel e QOM/ hated 14410, of the ellgwetive co
on; orOf the eretom 01.1.1 if.
The Inatiearer of 1101100'. TWAT. , neon - este; 1 need
It myeelt land was therefore induced to cry its egged upon
my wife, (troubled with the great deblilty womoon to all
of • ecessuroptles habit.) awl really 1( 1. doing her more
goodthr ..)thing she b.. 0000 taken."
witialda—PpolutZrtro7t to oe, O I ,O Ic2:IZP I A ' bvee t,,,, ,DLL.
ed. It will more grsteful aremscle cordial, gwesemed 0,
singular remedial peurercies.
0.137103?--Tbe great PC milarity of Ibis delightful aro
ma has induced coon? WI ta , loue, whleh the peddle ehould
tTLlV• „ i g n s ' ti ' rt&c b, l t l t ', 4 g. g4rir
Ors • ?air Arta. T une boar. will lasi:co .' you hew han
dled? mired mit le to ad I h•ge Irritations
sgirgold st nee bottle. or 0 Lwttt , w ga,Ott
thewle Promietme.
BENJAMIN ('AO!, J., _A Ott.
Idsonfeeturing PharttrwAratiste and (Mmuhts,
ecr.AiglehL i ag . 3d sta., Pittsburgh.
, P
Philaddiehts. T. W. Dents Sons, I.IIN. 24 street. New
York. Bargee Part, :01 Broadway, owner Drone. Be.
el Brother,. Icy.( and Henna Avenue.—
Quelnuall. elm Li, Park, tlituaco. Berclay Brothers. 11l
• W.W.I. lArilii.,rerdard Adana.% Oa. N. °titans,
J. Wright 110. Trull delikieol.o
Patent Riveted and Stretched
From the hfrumfactory of Bit E Brothers,
the Belting of this 'manufacture has
moat awarded the Raid Mendel ould Mimes front
•mon evay fair and Institute throtnEhout the United
&atm the most Wont by tfue American Institute, Nov
Tort. at their last meeting In the Fan of 1%63. It le ofste.
parlor quality. essay araneh of the badness bolos condurt•
ed under the personal °treat the Prindp•ig their Mao
01111•610OG0 by U 166111147•• 41 thole onto 'waving too..
Insuring freedom from eats sad scares, tanned at their
own faener l t elks the toll , rs and shoulders bare been
trimmed o returned to Nets Tort thee.liahlY Wheel.
fresh rtan t . yeti. earri.a net and d
Crotched on rearranges VIM ever - =Okra 1611:1701relMali
telrilaktOd sad Melted with I bele patent owner fleet., an
burrs vNett nuke a peribetly even surfer* on both Arles
of the band, canting then to reit troll on the
and giving power o( me then 20 pee cent. eon._ thole
nude to thooodutery• manure. To toentnallos of at Undo,
to oottonand woolen 3..arairacturere. rolling mill 4 paper
resters, cawing nod planing ettablitheneuta, 01/11010 of
Cid lie, eotOn ens. Okuda works, die bonsai. in abort
to every comma. this Bolting Is sieedall7 reergootehded.
Belting. of
For ty Ws
given to the quality of this
Ws by 11. ME I..ifiGhl, No. =I Übe.),
Down* the hood of Wood. not2.lotrd3nalson
rE SUBSCRIBER wo ild rofipectfully in
lam ha Mend. and
adobl that he htui war&
•atar ° Tn.:Ad hb haa . laD4l b taw sob mill
Chair Manufacturing Establishment.
Th. newt extensity and comb ale of the kind the
Wlth • etoek of over (ArtgerdlLLlON feet of o.N:4lM:sa
belr. well 1.11.0
trnenee244 and • strong force of O
lisys, elvn h•
at nth. nosetis
he will eu strong
la • few
will be ready to attend to ttatlhe rls
ordeal of hie nmaneroue
Mead, and enetetnet A ee
VAltirTY or
Wilt be introduonel and raid at low prime
Paatlcular attontlon "'fibs Won to tba otategattafffit
of Othefeinthir Imitable Mr lethembouto and Hotels.
'Web RID Do gal cascoomme..lsting toms, sod at prima
that wilt doff othettltlol4
Mode at a men; ao math for durabll.
Ito and neatorsoof will be Mid at the miaow'
Woo of from 8.1.41) to per set:
cod TUlththlit of all time .1000
to order.
Rooms with Steam Power to Rent. •
WVotears. VIM/04 Mgr Cloth. Nulling mat Cabbed
biotin . noaloggatenelf ahem on hand, rid wlll bo
mold to the trades% a email Writhes on Heater., cod orlato
/I. 11. /IVAN,
aallalrtleadt No. 31 Pllttestreet
M'O,ORD & 00..
.1 1 •
131 .reet,
v the larkest , end moat sotanlate — s• ask In the than .
MOT: b P= " A:ZT:O l 7ll "ll gir R r At t i l iriall U L ' iri
HAT& and ChEldronri floods.
Ladies' . Riding . lists and Gloves.
Ons ehau l i ffena ere u reh . es to maks It th e Interest of pus
allrOadssa u gld with sonnapeneen We
Valttable eropeny tor Sale,
PN Liberty street, adjobaig the Methodist
u. rare, Canal Ilealn. Thin is now the only
rable plem orproperty In this redetbrrhoodnot already
bourbt agaM Etrair i ll4.4 o l l .Chr i ty 4 front.
I bt= Orem Yowl KIN (so, Cie.strise w the
This properti Is
howmoat &Urania as a Hotel. The building
• gore' robetanthl three atm brick. with old
the neerdsory beet bnlldingn, has Pm a long them been cc ,
remind ay the Union 1lotel„, doing good tmeitieel. Capt.
Wises and other. derange of making • good ineeatanent,
-siaa lt do 101 to examine th e promise._
vot, - =WAIL! , MUM
UNDRIBB-741 Eta Tennessee Fl
h our;
.41 - eat;
bble Green;
1 loud;
11 bay,a troob
On steamier JatabPfet N SlTlrNtir_r Isis by
)"• , 01D105.11'i 00.
Iltbenamm Fire insurance Company
of London.
katharizeil Capital, $10,000,000.
einotornie re rtotattirare.
4... A .h. tercod oe. t Co . J th.u dat rue . r j r .. .. m
Myers. Catalan= Co.. Wm. afro t
Powers Weientmea, White. litorene aCo
&tent for the United Stet...—
-__United Realm branch 01000. No.SO SockA. HARDYet. Fourth eve..
A. ,
Aemnt for Pituborsh,
ple- owner Front end Fern eta
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., of Philtura.
pERECTORSI Charles W; Galician., Goo.
W. Richarle , Thom. Wart, Mcleod D. .1,1/11,TObizi
IstrklitehtoEirl9l.:l. '4"1:6". Brown. .
CJIARLES N. BASCatEIt, President-
Cum= 1. Reserie. RecretarT.
Fhb Company coat/nom to nub initiranem.perinaneit
or limited, on nay description of Property in town and
ram as low %are coneirtent wyth on eecuri Thu ti.
wiett.leiPOZUtr:l and tndd 10:eltainint lame 'lacelfrn=
.word ample protection to the marmot
Floe emote of tbe Company, on January Ist, 11.51, as pub.
debed agreeably to the - Act of Amenably. ware es fawn.
:Walt ;
Cash. ko
$1=2,708 44
paid =:f One MICA cMt r o=cagtiot ,
WI Pomo by Wire, thereby effording oidond. of the ad.
vantence of aroma.. as well as their ability and dielaws.
tion to meet with pronaptnme all
(left S. F.. corner of Woo 4 and Ltd Ma,
Western Insurance Company
Will Insure against all kinds of Fire arid
Itszine Risks:
MlLlar,Jr.. nue. Scott, Jag. Washer
J. W. Maim A. NUM*. Geo. Dora*
And Ackley O. W. Itictotem. Nadel Holum,
c mum .•G. W. Jookzole i. Limetheoete
• Wm. H. Audth.
Si - A Woo Leutitutoa sausoced by Directors well
Imown In this commonalty. and who will liberally_ adjust
and promptly pay all Issue* at th e ()rms. No. 92 Water
Mast, Mang a *WO %Vahan:WWl: , sip h.
isabo •
011:0 1 4 . . c D . o.
i. , •-•
For the cure of Scrofula, all direaree of the Blood,
and intpurilies of the System.
TlilS wonderful preparation and certain
rentedy Lo that mceedruded of eU oomplalnts, by
rucie obtained • onrotation In emirate precast.. and with
out the dldoradorrneffto
by any otter mettlednehltharto known.
It is not den l ed In tido chore advertisement. to give a
treatise on .o.loize or tribertmlez diseases. as that is
now ready for perusal and oo u be had of all one agents,
nierelay at it has
whim all other remedlee have felled.
Amongst the manydiceasee that. this medicine ham nwt.
the Wet remarkable mires are the Whorl=
Maley, Proneldtin
and all dissatee of the dune
and home pain in the Chain
never DMA Yrotedlethniker of the
month. Consamptlonjloor
bat. snd allother of the Womb, Nosy•
imancee.Cormthwis.alleatansone demos, Dye
pepria t lntleminatbarotthetyee,PeTsipelsaGleet ,
ythiptse nee. ppletthgand Veil:onion of Blood.Pllea.
WhoOYftit o
o ugh. Dlvleldel. Lifetluiree 4=410 2 11nd
all &Kam orthe Liver. Impotetwonineontlewore Of thine,
In beet rev ever tried; Chills lfw
vor, Gravel, or Pions in the Bladder, L=ba and
ail forme of atierinnittinla. Palpitation
ef the Wes; Thump and itoweesa. terwriale or
Delleisneyelßlood: Atrophy
_or Waatlns of the
Body, and Xreseletient Doll, end
tls,Debility.DWaeaof thCBDI... and
antraM Diaticese
Breat the H.& Phort
t h. lastedenon. Bick
Ilesdachs,Dleeatiratieenof the Path
nonenter Compisints, Ulcers at
Pores generally. all impor.
Ida of the blood nom
Moe I Ent cammeond graelks nN. York mole a
emi,,ai tf . .= . wea alt:t r oet s ty a i rdr i dd . .
and for whirls no certain or eamesefol mode of treatment
could ha adopted. I began to maks myself
ye ar with
it in all its most 'lndent moms. and sitar too year, of al.
meet onremltting labor, 1
and brown to apply
the .Yerofolom Antidote" to my preenee, with the MUST
REMARKABLE SUCCASS. It Inenow been known in
my practice oner sight yeamand ONISCILL ham the demand
hewn, (wittont edentielrm lo the newton.* from to
wts of its mtranolons wee, w Idols Rotenone from mouth
to mouth, that I bare determhced to gin the mffering
throughout the ovutazr. the audit of its wonderful rue
Wye growth,. I too folly wore times who may feel
disposed to 007 it , that it perfectly 111tolmosto, sod*
Purely Vegetable Preparation.
Ind bai made mare permanent mores than all other meal.
do pat together. I have Ike. tying tom dmkever
one hundred uffscattursp TErraromais widet,
reenbe MOM and rya 07.11 who deeln It. sad not One Of
them are ordinewasea,bat sorb as to Mew, the
1q tOL
will m inew ad. to toOttl •0o 000
dinoed to call at Broadway. M. V. between I/ end 2
V'' l4 - It . driortion enmingeo y
ofd N. WICYIIIIet, sal Weeny Gt7rl l l.tfi
W: nstoroltiOtr, Neetts here
E thnils.e, P.
Principal Oface. 109 Eltooklom.7. N. V. de.2470
lielmboliPs Gelllllllo PrOpaTaliplls.
. LaLltS
Le • certain. of and elfectusiremedj
ybr DU.aaref the Slodalm_ Kidney. Oravd,
or y.
%cm &mid Dirmuct, 00. one, Rennie e a r t h,
end MI Mew. of the t er o ull , (=hether
Item whatever mama they oar hem nriglostektold
ml.p and creak remedy I. Orered to the
and guaranteed to cum all the above complaint..
It rearebee out Lim very room. of the dimes. driving out
MI the - Mammal fluids of the body. thm r =ying ths
rater and tendering the care arfain and atuaL
We eiate.hey - grain edlellammatlon.which other
remeduie invariably masa and me be team withhate
trdutrie and *sperms to patient. This Infalllrde muds
hemmed tbermands upon Montan& from the bands of
AfrroVsnennekklf not from premature graves. In cams
tt Infecuon. the Oompound limbo to the only article .pr.
hy cram leastoondkuce et the &Minted in perfumaing
ItmnLlmm mercury, or other injurbeas drag
La • purely Vendable onenearlawn. it Is very agreeable
te the meta, crestea no percautirde odor. and maybe Won
by mamma eithereas without hinders.* horn Multiage
or ...My ativirea as plain directions for me angina./
the medicine. header. if you here toy the abate arm rut at cw 41s them. Deawle.d..l7o.A„
With Ma mallet. You mn cart maul; and Mu DM
MT 411757 42 V D MEL PREVAIL.
This Medicine epeedlly and ettvetnaLly cruel the mail
virulent term anent Mamma, and eradMites every par.
Mole of Infectious matter from th• metal. Teetering the
PeUreut to • perfect Mate of Ziesina and Poway. And se •
medicine which must benefit everybody. from
ttue Ittal]ply
delicate:to the conaned sod deepalrhig uo equal b
to be Mend. It acting both aa • Mae newt I....baite 01
any of the above ailment.
Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla,
/yrmvrw the Blood, swearing an Guntur arising how
mem efYercvp.o ~.oa ndieprextmaiagl, chronic
anutstational durum arihng,froes an armors gait Ol she
Ipood,dmlfh. enlyreliabi.taaddratogal known=
she cure of tieufala, hag Rheum. &aid Haut V
Ohs Throat and /fgt. attine ood tgegingi ea , Dem%
Mir. hough oaths race,aud al/ Scaly AttllpUent CiOA4l
It MU. Ittoprietcarolthemmerlishme tote
able to etate Uut It is now nearly those years dohs thee
were fam Intro:treed daring Web time they have boot
extensively teal In smione parts of the United Stater,
and bare dyed to toUent and enaotitkour the highest
degree ohattsfactlon in the Various masa In which they
bantam employed, readherin tmert:country.limpitaL or
private prW,lori. they bare mrarlahly given the most-de
rrided and unenulschal eattefection. end aroducod Uh most
V . :sr r i sg t =ti , a , I effects.
labed llenine letterzpLi
the socortly and from theise.= of several medical
ealletw.rhocononding to theMenet term the value or
Uwe madkines and tads superb:left mar all other m
atch comptalntras the proprietor math
tonerous prepantlana of 8.0011 rlllO - and es
Botha and Wirth, modasot • pretreetur them bars Oren
Ellen. all of which amuse • will differ secordlng to the
mode of p=ou which mob indhirlual 01•7 win& •
atL l a and the au ""jr. 17 1, defame m t0 7 win
opstratkerto taeiao the extraoliva matter* and.
In carjßarotare meet truprently Marone:y media and
not run yam& Unpaired. If not nurftred totak
Inert, by • thindielcroy and unskilful' inanagement .01
those mracqualnhil hi Ur pharmaceutics,' • preparatlmt.-
It la, tbsgefore,ot the blOsat aonsliertakat and hifter.
Sane. to the gurgle and to the Walt, that them Wield
to atatulard preparation. of autism
- thin and .
h egi alluded m the mint
,1 Lore .22/ o . 1.13213. et emiorimetre the
t• to
amertsUtt the omit etlectoalmod* of
andsracting the ?It
thee of the grantaparills and B aehr, to dimersur the'
whatrellaible anut Ms their iseldhlU=. Tbomperimentre
have resulted mostfavorably and It to hit /iamb pleasure
I now Misr to the public and the Meat, my Owaporind
Utnirthsrhsors contain ag tbstelrtnee of
...the arth
oleo they are reprorented to be made from In a highly eon .
contated Arta, and are themon aothreprrstarstlonsithloh
to made Temtablespoonfuls of the knimet harem,
riga arldeder • • Mut or water ts regard to the Litho* dhe
I drink, ana . . embattle Lally meals In strength ear gallon
Pi Ulm* tiemararilla or
d ecoction a, aurally m.l*.
Stalest Both Win gs
a. Si per teeth, or, for 15.
Chatlticatee Mimes terril an p d resummen oia getlone from CAM.
entitled !Wore and hsel.: ner
T. amatoParir
Pre . Prepared and tom by
UttarLBOLD oath
radical and Anahotscat Chesia,
e.OOI Mecum t Street. near this Girard Ileum. Phil
To he had of Drnaairtsd meters In eVel7 seethe o.
Um United Mateo and Mau an de&
Q 1 1:0 0. : 1 11. " 116 il lrelilt, 1 1V D Wohl r C st. 47 ilttsbodth.
wrw Agents.
Ail letters eir the =Mho directed - to the hol. proprietors
receive immedhte attention, and MA dellmlee u mUs.
The Wonder •of the Age.
• Nve! F DR. TOBIAS' Celebra lt ted Venetian Lin
iment &Minton* OhDp DlSOntio7, Croup, Colic,
MAI! =IUD umuToothaehe.Challmid
' llestise Com reetidto item Insect Kings. Chronto
litieumaUsim, Burnam.. Id Cute. En2lOns
and gabs no Weeknemin O the a riNl Ineek li rent Meet.
Dr. Tobias has warranted Ms liniment Or right years
without met loving a demand mole for the return MU*
motow , all that limn! la to use It aecordlng to tbadle
No Oleo will over be .Withost
Alter ewe lulu it. unix do not IWO It better than 507
thing you have emir tried before
Oa Your honey Reiland.
Cattlamtes tore been reeelee=st,
rarezi u rtsz t l=d fr s o irgi AWN, to
Dli 100 or
wino by Cm who toes UM/ Wad the UnierMlT M. lll-WOW
Dr. Tablas otters to toe'
to any one who wII men that he erne onbilebeg fain
otrUficate during the time he toe hod Ms maids" Win
the Publbe .
Call on the auntie and get • limphlet ontignltut gene
certifiestss: mum embus of the larm WO of
the Venetian Igedeireat ban stated it le Injatiouto to tato
it Internally, Dr.Toblu los eaten the fallowing
I. moron L , Toau.a the et t city d New Ton. tern duly
emu do noose that I anoponiod • Intanweellest
ma, md UM:the IngreMents 01 mach!' le manposed are
b Ur n 2r
Perfeell7 U Ity awned l artigme tagt.intemmli inn fo doable
the Di Ons n
•••• •
Pert iaatun Vtb. 1m66,
bwom to le 407311*.
Ai. 66 and 60 mats, wild by Um Drugglem ma gaunt
Medicine AMAMI tbeingloot the United Mateo
- WU,* tor male Dr. golds.. Morn Lledment in Mot
bbtues 60 mom% IrarnititerlA my other.
- Dr.Totdu' Urge, 03 Oo leadert. Mew Welt
Alumni . •
oraaar t=mutt R. R.Xl r,
rlttabacrela: Sab.-6,1&511.
Antr a t e gr i fe r a t u o ur v ir l th . , 'at
rat i cfo t fair t t c% tol t
la %at% o W° N S
THOU./AND DOLLARS out. - bealintSEY,
iragnisaz mega eaallanstaally at to
Cams Of salt
lkt3Tat /a C. sit/ .IDittzsmati. - Sbastrourat oftrtn•
tiro. Da thew Haat. la tgartUtal att
atagroadutt. As Inattairelotanna aim lo t! it •
t ! ,W 3 _
tmm , ? M a . Ott a a t t O aorly,a ufLm iCCZOZW
NAZ rihl lPjr.gafte
' ;1,7,
way sours FITITI mar risrsrraArss !sox
Pittsburgh to Dayton it Indianapolis.
• '
iffil" r gi g ili q ggi ttA I_, S•
Via Crestline Fa Columbus!
flOWßoarkfrost pittsburtds to traria:nth.
CTING at Cincinnati with U. S.
L./ Dldl Liao Steamer.. (Arington sad 'Lexington Rail.
rend, Ohio and IdbaWiapl Railroad: and M. Lernalde
cO Bout.
ougarting via Columba. and Sonia. with the Barton
and Xenia. and Indiana Wallthads.
f=„ l 4LTlV:l3l. l l,littrZAg t ,l frt .
Oothmbrui and Xenia. to Payton. 'lndlaustelle. Lafal
et* Veva Dante. BL Louts. Ae. Er.
Th. unh
andami Columfms. eouneeting Wi th eh.
epeiusto,Yezingtesi lissilroild, U. B. Slall Line
Btea-rwa, Ohio
offe and muema
facilitiesno ppiaciscat route aux ..ana Lawrertre.
burgh Route. rs other eve, as
through Octets by all the above mates ran only ba pow
rand T
ontolmbus and tha Little Mizell Bathowl.
The T from Crealine via Columbus being the Short
est to Cinettutati. enal. • itiOrl , diod KA Wort. Oon
nations are corrl% and Paoreworm have roll Ulna for
meals, By the sorest and Belisiontatharoute from Coat.
deaneries and brerthwecA tared to cegutre; and coop
polled to oneragnothe distance.
By the Tuataras Columbusto Cincinnati and Indianan"
BrPawirtigers this MIT SOUL. baltutsd and
By th. Parfet and Bolistrntaine rout*.
over tbs rengho.wt rood, to Ohio. •
Ihrts DrittTh rex Columbus and Outdo" f.
1a 4'o 100 Pittsburgh by 3.ll(fo'cloth, S. h.
rasetline, Columbus, Xenia, thneinnsti. Louisville. ht.
Louis. Lexington sad Ithilanopetth , via Lawrenothirrith
Route. This train arriler afeinensnall core hour and
Arty inluntro to advance of the 800001 and BellsOinthine
Tasm—Leares Pittsburgh at An'
-Cemtllnb Columbus, Xenia and ClitrionatL Tuts Train
makes mODeetooonly via Columbus to thucinnati.
Tium—Loam Pituborgh at 81:03 o'clock.r. tor
°nattily, Columbur, Xenia. Choththati. Lothsrine;
Louis, Ando gton and Indianapolis. via Leurranothergh
Throe /Any Proms, Chlusebus.Doxfoa and indisnqpilia
Lae Tacw—Leaves Plttabrujgh at AID o'clock • W. • for
erestllne, Colsonsbuß, Xmas. Payton. ifthithaP , lii.
atto,.Terr• nismennui, lit Lords. Calm. iirreholPi.
lo Titial—ther es Pittsburgh at TBAYtioth r. h.AvCrHt
One. Calcontnes. Xenia, Dayton. Inclienspnlist, 'Lafayette .
Terra Haute, olueeooea, et. Lords. (Alm •
3D Taarll—Leases Pittsburg. hat MOD eelnct IL for
eresitline, Columba,. Xenia, inisten,lndiassipollsiLifsie
We, Terre Cant% Vincennes, EL lonia.
" N. B. Sectire your tickets vi. Cothrobro• and on me
atu• of counectlons
Steamers leave Cincinnati daily en bierouhls.
lg. Ness Orleans, tn. its,
Ofitunbus, being the Mewl nage. the Time Tables of
the Eagan Roads are arranged to run la dose methanol=
with this reliable rout.
Perr all informstion and Through Tixtets, plea. apply
at ChuOhio and Pennsylvania Raiirrod Orden. Ammar ot.
mnder tionongthela Boum.
A. T. JOHNSON. Tl•lst Agent.
Or at Federal Street Btation.
OW PARKIN. Tieketg•nt-
oio. 0. EIC.4OIONB. Conant Agent,Cl ncionat
Arent. Pittsburgh. di2tFnolo.4ll,
n end otter Elonday. April 7,14 A, Pawnee Tr
wwill Liao Wells K. Depot daily. (dondays excel:4.W
Galena andChicago NE. Union
PailWarer ..... A ?e
awairaliCT.TiOriaiiiii-WW.ri7Fir •
Ma =Oa, =Mr= AND =MAI, IOW&
._Reloit and Madison trawls.
Fox River Valleyßailroad.
ran COMM tail,T
Psornger- --AGO A M.
lAA's Itssersit 620 A AL—salre In Crblo6o LAO A 10.
Leave DIM slth 6.16 A " 4.40 P M.
Leafe Daslaith 6.10 P M.— " " 4.06 A 11,
hero Detect An 61.
4AOt, ChlTgo 1 1 1 0: 4 8 0 0 .11 .
Lame Patattle 1 1 1 00 % In M. 115011? 11 .
Lort*Elgin at 9.. 2 1 6 A;lli.--attlta in (211 . eg0 1. 1 11.401
toren the ad.* tral 61.
te - onatet with the Crest Karam
Ulm dirertlen frtni C3!46. ti o VALV in Er
".A. ['ALL, Sant. (mrklyd) tny t i
- renrusylvaxaa Railroad.
b ' MEN 1.
p QN and a ft er Monday next there ni ll be
true. daily trains between Pittsburgh and Pbliadel-
110ILNIssli MAIL TRAIN kale. Pittsburgh
for Philadelphia .0 030 A.
MN VAST LINE learn Pittsburgh On Philadelphia
EXPB.P.SB MAIN learns Pittsburgh for
philadelphis 50000 . IL.
Blairsville Amoinodation 1 On leaves Pittsburgh dal.
17. attend antidar. at 4.30 0 , cog, P. 31. :tutees de
onoodatton Train hums Pitts mph daily at 11 o'cloek
11.., LIG o'clreit-P.141.aud0.2.1) ILL far
Turtle Creek Bride's.
Th. above lines conned at Pittsburghwith the Rail.
made tdand,fress ht. Louis, Alton. Galena and Chka•
111.; Pun t, Lexington and LOILIMIIB.. Tern
Liantalsolbspn. I...hustle and Indianapolis!. Instatneisr
ytoo.Springheld.lldlolbatalue, &Musky. Toledo.
Clews d. Oslunibus, Zanesville, Diaedlion Woolder.
Ohicc also. with the SW= Pulsed Bode Iran and to Nsw
almaNg, tor. Lours. Imam= andergaggers:
Through Ticket@ .ean to had to or from .Mbar of the
Pr father Particular; ens Ilandbllis as the =cant
eterthig Dutra. Paseengers from the West will god ttds
theßaltho shortestras. and meet etr!.loria route to Philadelphia
J. New Terre Or
rms. 1100 dorrn.Parbotorr Late; 1 hit.thePkt.
Michigan Southern or Northern India a
- _
L OlEd\ coniec
l , shig il Mlr B =T t e l C=
a ih g=ira y 1
In Balla witit the llllnolsCantral ad Chi
ago sad Idairappl Railroads and lambi Rim Line o
For la Bailo. Rt.Loals and all polot
a the Lllitools latelsolupklUatra
la—frproas Mail Train Issas Toledo at A. IL. lab ,
MOW Chisugost 1.21
tid--Aisuming gnaws Train laves Toledo at 11 A. M.
arrirtat In Marto at 9.00 P. id.
3d—Aitarnoon 6apreo Tram lava Tolado at 1.40 P. M..
writing in Chicago at 11.00 CAL
dthWrcrais Train hares Toledo at Ll 6 P. IL, ar •
arca a at AAA A. 31
Ono on Bundays. at Ll 6 P M. azul
entrust ChLa at ZA6
Four Daily alaamth.Otareland and Toledo Railroad.
roanactint with ta atom
by taiirut the Obloand Rama. Raltroad to
biantl E =od the Sandusky and Mansfield Manna to
will tare comma, with tb* Ifineland and To
tal Lailriad. Or by Laing ta Disailandri=a=
Its/Road at Alliance, will tan masa at
thallealand and Tols4ollallroad. matins the time from
Plttidargb to Dania via IL R. N. 1. Ragtag in
01=Tickets ran be procured at t ekes of the
i/ h and Pittoborth and Ohio and Pam. Raftrtals.
nadatha Elonangshala Hop" or at the aria
Pittsburgh. els gath. 2sB4.—tf M. P. sad N.l. A. IL
DEshortest and quickest route to Chios
.... the North West. lITACLIMLAttI).
mute to Quo Llwattrod mare shatter and 'lota
glue home quieter than the chaoltoas one via Indian.
Vet ite Deny lly""Astaibettesen Plitebstrgh to
T CleveLstd.
Te Trains and Ltitago. •
to Olerveland. 6 twat% Ctdeago Clateland .
O 4 ho i wl% and 61.
Lads, Irt haunt_ _
On and ns Zundst, May Ztth.lS6a. tII• tr•!m
thts nod •111 nos sa fAloirc
Thant:mot the Ciiiio an:ll;;;n:lialfroadlosvlng Pat,
harsh ab3.006..n. end 7.30 A is, and SCO r. n. _
Lime Able= st 7.1.8 a. it and ILDO e.. ss Kt:. 0
Aran In =nand at N. 2.30 Tian
maineethig them matiCtereland and Toleclo 1M
Toledo, Chicago. Rook Island and St Lochs
PISKEINKI fur nimbi an
ima tha North
riterl.s Pils:M CI Me AO • a ,blCll
1 1.1siArerli6 TobitA Ct 4r47. B ettls. Root Wand.
Calms and thief orth•Wast,mlto ilat to atrgh slat
cint detramnoall take the Trial lesang tteborgh at
TOOL. a.' as 1= Is the only train hi Mae ma
mma.= aro rad tO the above taints,
The trains Plageorth st 8.00 %LK. and - Walls
Title at 1.00 0.. . are the only ones by which pammtvre
can mach Matt= math of .41111= 61 -Matrons on tits
Steamers Pm= LOW end lama leap their hiMang.
Maiidto lionongehda iloa or morning (Sundays
esioptadl at 10 o'clock fOr W ' commang
sitil the train tearing 114.00 P fe. at 0.00 Oa
=KW VAT:W c alligegwi n :
h o i= Al pal
etomosr, far Mama mil Castarga. '
Tioinde Am Chicago and otturr =Ma on the Northomiet
eta Wellsallo. am sold as PAM to $1,60 Ime than Ida Al.
llama, - ' • ,_ •
The trains = Carreland mom= at Hamm milli Us=
Air thsrshoss Pane and Alarm.
Peaaanßßmm for Donn HA Philadelphia and other stse
Una m laitanams can go through same dal
mlthTn.= from ainaland to Toledo and .ago-Lan
Cleveland af 6.60 a. 16., 1L415. 0.69, 9.46 P. is Are=
In Memo 00 10.20 P. iii. 810 1. X. BAO A st.
T. at
11.1.11 TIA MU= LID =mum.
Ist Clam _
__. W.:Ws •TM dam 24 6141 S
SO lliamr-.11.211 To La teas-18,60 612 60
Olneland-A,OD' " g."..T. 1 ^MAP IA 0 0
ie 1habia......,8,00 . lows MCI- 21 ' , B. . hi IS
.. Toleds-,....6,60 i• aslens.....-..10 '••• 14 00
ii lialwankla.lB,6o . ,-i• Sr ringBeMA 0,16 20
. Chicago- 16,00 - 10,90 i'i• norlingtan4lo.oo LS 430
" M00MV....16.00 - LIAO • - Dosaleas; -16,03 . 13 TO
11Lta5....38,60 18 DO " N0r15...........16M - 14 00
Emigrant Ism to Chimo, PAO; Boct Wane.= .
Haggles chid= Mtn= to Clsvehmd and
Paatopmi arecoa moan Umlr tlarate at the
i =t0... 1 ?stSaiPT. 11 . tiii r nr o E 110 . &eh ham me
=2O ..,' . -4: L. 0/..1141.11Ck.711t. PlKlbUria.
AtAt t iu. - -I.tutr:raw. libltx„,thlmuteatutg the
taa.ataa maw. IT a &mammas Railway dant.—
Tata road also oatmeal, at Plttabanga with daily litt• 01
Stamm to WI porta al
_tbs_Wiatans Wm Cdaya.
laad and - daataarj 151= it toau porta,oa tat
a ff a.= mar_ iiraltinlittaaalai g o and
Trlrl ita/ iirmAzeirimciriirsaases
lIIHAZOLATOL- , Mew. DTI Goods ape p. upe,
la itiaLarts,
K7ooadi ((toboar d wai t = Dte iOlll,
Tnal.oftlgr—ugt_tti.. p
sad Etat
_pa 01111 get r i4 - 6:11466a:ir Maar
1 . 017111110 e. DIC01111:3
. Ptak' • I) t ed. MI par 1002 s
MU &al •
.bbt tasotraao.Ona:
OBA —Watt pa ao itroszkui cart.
oarros—s2 DU bele MUMMA/1U WU lii We i ll" 12
41 1 1 7 11 d V S. I , 6Cnr ,
- awls -conob ir ,* Art=
'Ju r , r", =at 1
t. N -
Vat. duadat,P .... 1'144 1 4 na elm
mom Ge 0.116
i Ma
a . IA6. y;
ilfigta aaga ea &' :
It. nmoutisn ,_aenerrowiszt.toe
-. UMW= am Atoms. Pg. •
Ohio .and Indlaia. - Baltroatt:'. ••••
. .
. --..
tl 0 : „..,
124 ' , d i i
hosim PI = i ll lily of tba ILI! t tr Ul
liartioull as Da at NII!!. st qinanaliit at r
It &MI I st 100 pat:. . -
wureotossthis 41
ey quitli at *palm
Fortheouglt tickell",
• be CliAti.s..ll.-o , llwWlecepbals Pi
la IliaMP=llmer. athlamali- , ZOL:
lOW _. 11111211 W 111 l Ogg .-,
1858. .1.18, LOB BOWL lisag
AZSENttow.t.tUEßnbouSblotai St. LoniE,th e e rus liat arid
tto Mimeo, gums sonnsoll• srith .the Tra.4o. ot
man; Linda 11.1sinoaar Idastiiensi a direst
Alt Una toEL- Tents. - , •
Trains Days the Union &TA. bat 14-.111112? 11.. as Sa
nwa Might Erma: WIT. Sondes azieptad. ISO L...
at. Low t DaDroan HatusdaSs 1110 p.l
ec louts t
iratelt s Xmlerant. Dondays ." INOO a, at.
To Saunas:Wl /Ssorastatbia tosnsan4
poornsers Osstlzud Ito •
Noovills, NSD.b snaan
Ea..; Camatorlana and Tanneass• DIM* will lota Taw
Irsportantsastax In illsaanso, banteksollso lam In Elms.
Dist., and ZS salvo Iwo to Ulan 33.7 sap sta.
T hrough noses own this nate on he ;mama at mi.
various a. B. Makes alas in NAB
Tttßork, Bestea. Plate
oe t tja z, ==t u l m tst./. l3 =hc i tm e i
the own rany's etten, Dearborn ob•rtlis the
Tremont lionew mist thrD 'sot et. the Mtmb thootre t.
juatroad, toot of Water st. - • •
...want*. Demote emu mill alsere' bent the Mists
a the various roads ad. Into •ft to Pagano.
thttoshh to soy point . rd oath.- Dh...1 s
• • B. MOLBLih. Sr *SIP
Li. J. O. ;minx rim 61141. g.,
lIE trabseriber has removed hie Forward -
Ins and Comoolosion Fotabllsbroont to Coe CORN tit
RONT C rgaftY SW, lawn he tan too lamed bore
orao, A. HARDY.
, ,
Pittsbn;gh, - Malvin • Orlndianapolis
• ._
ges i E
RtilvdidfOAD •
PI toforward freight from
• East or PI Sorel at low rotas ABB with most.
Dam sad speed. A/1 14 arrstivi4oota sad orstortirsis
aro area as toes, entire astoNsetioo.
No &aril as' BMW. or covamtsdack stidadlsCa.
Tbrourk rrOts shoo frost PITTSBURGH or NADI.
PERU. 011106130, and ota". p A cob . tikta th•
cor A ", rme A ra: X. l .4 sta
. Allegheny: Tafley.Aaffroad.
0 A 0 ' T ••
clYrind Idler MONDAY,-liirat 3d, 1356,
Tiro Dail; Traloslal leave l'lttehargh as fame—
it I. Itundaa 8 Ma. an. gonad at ..1111 . 01. f
toe. Tann:tato, Charderr, Freeport. ' limlnetaa sad
arriving at istitiaslnit at ottoek, a, N.
iraterasomodatieo. 640 r. n.. stoppla6atatat l ma,
tiding at Klttannting at LA K.
&inning. sea Mttansdni es 8311aann Wo.. 1, Aeons.
madattm. 7 a.' stopping at all atatlo.l; gni •WS at
littstainh at 10 aoa. • , • •
N 0.2. Darras. 16 ah. stropping at Romano.
ytrayort. Wanton. ZaTertom. Wolf= and !Sham
numb, arriving at Pittagn at 7.40 p.n.:
Stages will tun from Klttazugn6 In Cetillettlao with the '
Trains, as Ma followlns tam=
rex. rase
Rural Vlllasec.....__sl..llB 26
ftaltaburtn...---- 2 BO Dradra 2 25
Patio= 3 RS 1 76
611241<.0 1 76 KallarslnalT.—_--- 2 00
Red 2 26 Texas -------- 1 25
EtalmarOurg..--.-- 2 61134tb1abera...—...—. 2 76
2 16 6liotgardestrarg-----. 1, CO
Iteedalreag--.-- a Ca Mannandala...4.--.. a':6
-- 00 Itroolvll6.---4 -.. a 76
Yawners by. teem the 8.30 a. a. Train From PM
bora t O r snivel Pt all CO. oboe. Dimes Ur ranee day.
labels to all UP above elaers nuo to esterase at
Ticket omm In the DeZdt on Tali= at.aat,
Omfibawwwill Ism the cornet of Want and TM.
and Perm and Wl7Bl ata, at . /.40 A. Maud 86 It 138 ma.
with CO. Tralna.
fan 6. J. HOPPER. ammintandant.
. • W
owns (IS YIflU WW2, UM altrnillatt whs.,
DAILY—Sh dollare per, ammo, payable 1. 0 /
La advanoe.
WKSKLY—Two &llama in
and In advance. Gab
am La moaned on the &flaming oondiLloaal .
Five copies per T oo
'Dm moles 12 ill
Twenty capita. do moo
fantastic* payments Ws ithetly v;oralred. and Q.
paper 10 'topped wben the yeaz I. not. =deo let. nave
Kam. 00 Un ms of Neifareil or Agate.)
Do ' one Umertion- —4 oh
Do each 100mF0ii....... 011
Do one weet I 74
Do two 043
Do three weeks 406
Do one 600
Do two 1 00
•Do • three ...... DOl
Do • four mon, 10 00 ,
Do • 01: CO
Do hrehe 10 0
dtandlng Cards. (6 lines or Lisa per . annise)
One dolbm 930 additlonal lboa. -
One souars.elimignable at firostinh Com .0-
num,l rid.. of 86 • s
for meti iittaml sonnm,inseated Guinn* month,
for each adoimonal eoaan bloorto4 ander Dm reacts mt..
MD Minh
bilyartiorments imemallng • .11.14 and not cm. Meet
ILn i t , to th j . m . baglict as a I% u mr• 111 a . =
b.r=rxlr=d4fat .
as other oAratiremouts.
Aft:Avast:u not maxima on the enor flir a meals;
number of imerticam, will be continued till foetid. 100
ferment met. aeordingly. •
The prleileice of momatodrertiooro U ettielly Mated to
their mrsi iirmedis Dulness, end all adrmthisments
the benefit of othe croons, as well as MI advertisemens
'not immediately onn neat. with their own bembeem. ea
all thaws of adrerthemen . t 0144 . 0 0 . 0 5A 1 be
_ . " — blirs till be eermtnal
tendered, and pinollM,MMimmt &Om& • .
All odrertismihmts etaillatde Instltutkom,ono
zanies, weed. toinisldn. mid other pantie loo.tiook .4 al
imlltleal math= andliotioss. to tw MI
able •
marriage not/mote be ChaltNia My cm= •
Death notices iaserted withoot elms% miless
nint by ham al Inritatirme or obituary notlois. and whoa
o anonto be paid fOr. '•
Regular actrarliOus. and ail others Mad
1 1 comiouniar
Um!, or rotrairing notions desigeod m/1 atteution to
i schere ins& 4 t io Dnbbk
fate anon mina design. to mil att.tloa
to rink onterorisoo.deabited or intended to promote
Milivistl m. an only Disortad• with Dm under.
Et.dlng ua that ha the unto te tO be paid fed. It 1nt0... to
be Ins ~ d se the local oilman. the ones will In chant.
at Umtata of 10 tense per lino.
Elam or gar nottem to be rimmed triple beim.
Taman Limns Intiblanaiamb - •
Rea StateAmente and Anetimeerif admattsemenza no
to be chased Dada reedy mt. but allow. a dimount
thirtythem and onesthirVor emit from the meant
Mini Oa MIMI= m Ups !Ow
One Initisrey three tommiona-.......—• -.......81 ea
Do. mob additionallenortme..--
iinfanannanill in van= rums.
Ono ilimare, (10 Ilmed on. cams.
Do.: mat addltlooll cent.
All trans:hilt easertioniungs 40 Ds sold in Whoa.
MA A OOLD AND COI7GIL tate !t ncernion; neon and
undo& asixedlng to dimness_ ft thobottls. Int ttlo dr .
finny will soon to conned, None will lanunder from
noutes when they front on la. w idth sr
- Persons adlltoted i th • isatoloonan,_ breaks them
ot trier rod at n will ttod try taking the Alberry Nc.
tors] on going to they noefbenny;of to wane
koonlem and ornequant
fronins. and oltimste calt i solAto "lt ttionints reli.f
who san thus allbered. bythls Inv! st& MOO.
Iron Its atneatd•e-nr In than callsOranY Ind
themeelne nowllllng to Ono Ib tuseirbea the neosedt,
for tt hes ann.
.rosurams.exrusrato maxims this .
lonizable. as by Its onion on use rho:meant nol N =
taken In small drisatnlss. It reponse all hoencons to a
er hnini a rd Ism:dant y_locrones Qs power 111/It / 112
Is morally moth rellnad. and atm oho/17
condby ebony PonoraL Bot than AM sore. MN II
Obllftlite as to yield sortrely to =ado. Chen
Pectoral letll care Mon lfdor can to mond.-
BIIONOSITIB, co irritation of thettoced and lorio=
Von of Os t=se, Abe carol by Winn Many
al to small mi n't doom unonotartahlo op.
no/don Is soon ralbmed. • .
6 . CIIIOUP—Ohne an tootle of entizoony. to be tallow
brie and frequent Hasa ot the Cherry Pectoral,
red flatiron& If Won In kwon. It WI
• alay tr taoh®ap and won amid
_TM/ 3npLIM is twatf tetioad fug_rsamdr.
AClristrall Mamas bays been attics& 'bees whole Ma:
i ntriz ari tected lam
sahroaconsulmacea otdio
that mitts= the, Maw imemestemers schee:
Insistees an repertadhers af Pa •
ha is l'ho
0 IdE
.erobeLlO C Ll r en ty
b fitn
wTaliea m ny o t ha sMr ou etisana(sMa t-
Ws it shocia be bettaraimu: Ova hotti tho Pt" I°
the Md. and °thee utrbieassatimintitales lust
101100NdUlleIllaii In its atsimeat Ilbotai to
tam ander the advice &fad nmeldastifsesdbie,aad
la emu tese with a azahl mut tiDttratt 4 ...._
tkinS optbt .11.inearamosir tho 4 6,
" Mt. " =Mt MU to Ruda*
Far satlal coaaustientiN I. ib imam ava.
ry Pedant Wald tot atria la doer SWIM
teat antra sad our bar. stiattantalo Now
tolior•a talaetuntl7 emcee than tram .n mad der
ed pest all am. Then ate many umaisteds laMtared al
am the amity revs fret ray ttlg= ors that
tha seid tmalth to tba
Many man of • tadat : tufttan!
,• Wife
amadenni to this medicine, bee ernalbrtS •
.natwaei.t7l7 mr=dome thalami4 l e• r u
fattens of atestte. Nothing behtfa
.new tatiehtstaba Naas sobitated at thumb a
mac., could attenste sett m,the hmadstica It
Was. mum many maw raudies Oast WM go
amianciltr. - ken Wird and btu is
caned triads bstaveriS maSerted ta on the
athieted Itta an near sadi V .,4 acme tai .
7111Tht a hart the i maibi t "ta that
:hi emedidos InalUbly ems —atill fa
bad *lathe Rum Peelatidoes
mom ff:isourishir maths nal
m only aladies mr shla
ltuempiamaluathem Meta wad mad better lam 2 tiV e s
itt:= has usdbeity become Um bud .tn
s the mamma or tifictsel. tabs
. .pu_: . ,Asstattef theactsetesa t • to
a • • .I.tirtXD KU Zi 4 ' ol°- Bt.
• " - J - 0
. Axax
Ars-ow trial eft 00.—
it mall
' • No.-157 Booth Street Hew York.
twwa t , CAPSTANS, Common Iron and
• ma ehosatt Basdhiltabtroush end Camel?.
15 ..niu gr Appouria, winatuses, Chia au=
Redder ElaTd Eftecerjastaltie Leading
sad tha:MC •Platio sad itte Itestnag puy
014 . rAtl =ltt M;h, E a = =ell=
fl 'ft a "Tre: Seenfartity
Libillmallos Beata vs sad
muss at eletaille. Cahanalneta
allamitsanains te Um MU otamatoat lava si r =
Toms, mamba with n Ism nasty of the mei= war.
abo *MUM thliMoltmenta
:pf, . Miran -. IN 'NEW -BRIGHTON
Eilio.4iontlers on ths LIIIIAZZ
MO 00. Xreet.l Masai las b 154 b } 4W;
vl4l hishorien vatic, whoa. Ab10:144 '. -A•4 1411 ,....
abIVD. sal idled 'frith 4 lans)- tor W. zosiles. Wlll ...
old "with or unbolt Elmo. • Posswas ii/IM ......."
ha ?Varagrieoßitaxle a 'Tina. / ea et.
IMm ntf to t. itn . _ ATELY-50 men
. ..vaibomlzttpa .•=4 134° ,..1rt 7 147-
• , Wirate Issoltioagur
6... • • •
. 3, /simrcii= - 12 1 .1112 .,
4 1 .2 4 . %A; alx* so WC:es; • itsdli•
"Add to go strunt . • elszt •
20 do ito - : • .Haag • l• •
moulder. cod .13144Atbres4
I. Q - AND EATHiatasabl