GAZETTE -CITY 11EPLT-ITNENT PITTSBURGH: I,IONDAY WHIM% JUNE 9, 1869 Moans rens 11.0111 P2l/3051(811. -It has been the wail onstom with committing -Magistrates to retain the motley and other articles alleged to be stolen found upon enclosed persons brought before them. until they have had their trial, when it very nften happens pat the nature of therierdirt such as to leave the right 'of nos. session uncertain in either ..eoutplainant." - or eased.. Two Cillea.orthle kind catie.befeeethe .:'Court on Saturday.. A persett7tuteherged with" the larceny 'of a six-horse - boil wagon, and is took possersioript the(wegon , On Friday the defendant was, acquitted, and the ' question with the Constable.wita—.4o Whom be was to give the . agon. :se , j a kid."..echice from . the Court, but the Court refasedto sajanythlng in the Witter. litho casket the negro Dattiste, eharged.with Larceny; it appearelhat when he wattarrested the Alderman retained $ 25 in gold Impala hie possession. Be was acquitted. `The Alderman and gayo the money to the prosecutor, but es the stolen money was in papa; the.'-defendant was acquitted, his counsel contended helves entitled to the money. .;The;Court again declared that it had nothing to do with the tpatter—end that everything alleged tube stolen, lasi found in the possession of ac cusedpersona, amid be at once given into tho possession of the. District Attorne, when with out difficulty the ownership of them could be settled by the nature of the verdict. Wisratus : Parana—We published some time ago a few extracts from the Preparation flews of Ephralm's City of . Zion, published away oat Wes,, chiefly remorkoble_ on acconnt of the in numerable big words contained therein. It is the organ,of . a comnemist company, but more partiouilirly is - Intended to aid the fortunes of the editor,=while ihe head of the company and turnslhe land upoliwhich they are settled. We lune been favored by, n friend in Chicago with a copy' of ;Lake Zurich 'Banker, published in the city Of Like Zurich, Clients, and edited by Beth Paine, another eccentricity.. The chief peon liarity of this sheet is its bitter hostility to land lords in Chicago, its totmlapted. abusive per scaudity, naming crier every individual whom its 'editor dislikes accompanied with the vilest ep ithets. It contains a list of names of residents MOM:ago, with. quotation marks opposite cub. as—par, 76a• ots. discount,lol 0. discount, &e. It is redundant of capitals, and italics. In this city of. Late. Zarioh, the editor owns a union Store, offers 600 acres of ground for sale, with houses, and promises soon to have more. In re gard to principles they are widely at vari ance with those of most Mutations, and some of Ms articles, from the familiar use of sacred names and events Mule therein are blasphem- OW. Roma Lawns or Am.:mesa Cur.—This association, which has been in existence for more than &year, and numbers ninety members, have appointed Massie. Arthur Hobson and Wm. MOOe to go West this wrack to purchase 12,000 acres of land, elther in lowa or Kaman The League has $14,000 is cast", and $BOO O in land erarranbt. Bach member is entitled to eighty -:-‘emetiof bind and a toem lot. 'immediately upon the ptiebase of the land the members of the :pap* lip indigent*. PICMPOOMMI Anotrr.—lL woman named Mira Aimushaw, from Lowletown, was robbed et the Allegheny depot on Friday afternoon of a &able wallet. containing about $75 in money, and a check on the Canton Bank for $3OO. High Constable Chore arrested an individual from the Eeet who is supposed to be a pick pocket, but nothing to identify him with the rob . berywits found in his possession, and he was 'therefore discharged. Suspicion attaches to two other persons who will shortly be arrested. AITICHMEXT 101IIED.-011 80,t9rday, in the Orphan's Court, it appearing that 0. 0. Loomis, Esq., had not complied with the order of the Court to pay certain moneye Into Court referred to in the petition of Stephen Cairns, administra tor of Alexander Cairns, deed, the Court ordered an attachment to issue against him for contempt Tin Or Jest have passed op.. 818 bills during the peat week, and but throe or four of that number have been ignored. ht. I. Stewart. Esq., the assistant District Attorney, deserves much credit for the prompt manner in which be • is pushing business through. teszteeto Tam Pensizinurr.—Thomas Pyle were taken M the Western ' enitentiary on Sat urday, in purstianoe of the sentence passed upon them last week. ,-D/STRICT COURT.--Jadges 'Hampton and Wil - (lamina the Bench. In the case of Smiley vP. Boyd and wife, the jury on Saturday found for plaintiff for $3O. . The Argument List will be taken up an Hon day. Mora zu - Divonen.—A subpoena was granted on Saturday by - Judge M'Clure, upon the prayer of Ann Nichols, by her next friend, William Smith, for a divorce from her husband, Joseph Nichols. Ennio Pasr.—A man canted George P. Smith Tim fined on Saturday, by Mayor Adams, for breach or ordinance in riding through the !greets of Allegheny at au immoderate , rate. dowurrran.--tlondnetor Croftorhdati trill for Manelaughter, we roported on Saticrdity, u pro greasing in Bearer, hie been honorably aewnlited --the County to pay the coats: Vsainaratinazasnizs.—Thle band commence a week's performance, to-night, at City Hall.— They come highly. commended, and wilt doubt less be well patronised. Great Ititiestaa Remedy—PßO BONO 00.—" firers mother should bare • boo to amiss handpOn our of arcidente to the children." —.6IOODINGPS RUSSLAA SALVE. le a - Noe:too remedy of, thirty Tear/ standing, dto rearetmended bypo Mateo*. 111. a greedy cum for Bags. Piles. Bone. CV.3l.,Peicont.uCridrdiftgad Old BarroHeed. Nerthe " TUUM r = sore (recommended Rinse,.see,) Whitlows. e Owe, Materre, Wie• Met Spider ros. idnabs. Belt Itheum, &Wet. Sore .4 Cracked Ltp• Sere Nose. Warts and YlealsWounda it • lineal valuable reand car whirl. mu be teeth:lM to. by thonands ithre his ased It la the city of Boston sod Melons for the tut thirty pram In balance MO this Salmi dash Wray, or Interfere with a phrsiden'e pre. smiptiena it is ands from the purest tosteriele, from • recipe Invught ISOM Bassie—otarticles grmring in that avant p , 11: 7 14 , m a priettare hare OU sea o.ptalos, T Prom ail o lu t here, gin i r da l thesta . selves, and retconmended it tooth. era • Rusin Save le pat up In laze tin boom. stompol e corer with a thetome of* hone and • dime bled edam which pieture is also 8121 rared o. the ereeP per. Buys, t!. Ctorte Box.„ REDDING *CD. Proprietors. Tor eels by IL DUNES At CO., No. 6.2 Smithfield street, OEO.II, NEMER. 140 Wood et. S. a..BLL6ItB a 00" car. Wax* sand eut • tadfiLlOGNO BROS, 60 Wood et Pittabools. BZOICILAM t McILENNAN. Poland st., Al mho or. ' ralatireor. A Card to the Ladies. .fteVl FOIL. DUPONOCYS GOLDEN. PRILIODICAL PILLS V MULES. thrsilltde Ws. end 711610TilliC obstructions of N. l '"• =ll r y "' "f u mgre . Rua whaler:amuse • . - All Medical Men Know - de well et many et !MN PPM Ami s h Was see is Regular; and whenever so obstruction 'teteertgemorhether from Mums. mid or any other male, the Emma Meth lasiflui Immediately to decline. ant thiewaut Mama s remedy We boon the moss of se 'mini almsutictur among Muss Measles. lleadmbe, • psla let the sid e. palpitetloa of the mut. toothless of food = and Maned sleep most alms mires from the ntermits. Lou of nolurm and ehemever tbatjs the tam tie, flue otulht r elrcir d lat i am ti re roefor _emu each WI. IMlch ••••••. =et be stntuy followed. and ell . Met Peonller to le uteleouter_ke tullwis • . • Flux ii‘uu Ye' Box, and sold by ell tbeßsurte end • by Bablirulf irßll9...stits i n c ie fo r Ab ' and f.,tv7, l Zatilsrilstja co. arm 147. rush. Ttny vpin .appir nods se ponni Wes urims, Ind rend the-Pills try; Mall on mulct or • $l.OO tliscautt einouriox P. 0.. - Win ArdAort . _ Yon-Detierve Credit for Your. Discovery. IE)ROFESSOR 'WOOD'S RAM RESTON. •ATM Is, no doebt. the moat wonderful discovery • o 00,10 Mt Pri4t , sa, ear it wit lesion perniariently, - gray new to its original color. awe - (i.e heed Cr the bald with s. inter luxuriant.krgletth remora et then ail dud. •• - raft and itching, noes • ennahla. and other annum-a •-•-• hrepriona, nth as wild. end. ete. It will ones, ar übe insals.sterrous or halloo/lest headset; pasha nun hats tall. 111= 1. f:Tirs t i. r. Mil.rni areme old g lig e° , "'Wt.] and the thet followina ts trans .dlatinw:untd member of th• meal°33"lo",,P, - ' • •• • PanseSsol D. WoOn-Mtar Fir: Umrd i gted, I egg& you • te‘detts. • After being' bald far a long (Inc. sad 84 all• Ster. bah . reatcraithrie utast. and henna ' • Nth soy. 1 grne, indriord, On hewing at ..eW to 'Sire ir trla4 . I Dhow =self in the hands of .11 end balmy heed rabbet with hood stiff lanati and the bestoratire then spettad end war subbed tn till the seal, who sebsw. - Thle ntnnited, glary mornirgt. nlid lathing , weehs the Tonna bait "arouttend• and pew mill: lban Avian higt3ll the pownit tiro* end la now think. -bate endeteccrinit 'and's:Magneto the touch; 'threes. ler Been wee harsh and wtrr. whet tittle th ere gm of it. sad Mat MAW wan filmarlittre'rghtdle. 11111 see your restarstiro Mane twine a week, arm' shall soon bees m o od , whine 1113/ Dellea's horar was really benenturti r heane .., of : diea me rt.":e46.11%"1 " Ir i linrlgesT i n • , resentreghtag youy, penerstion to . o....,l=atnitgr o bat wisely AUL Warta th "'"'" " '‘ sewn tali . The . ..::betabilseroknow tutz . ft4tltlutzgv„,, rumarl=Rriand 4.11 enquiries srepilde Yin deism credit roa r ; disw,stsrots!l_ oyskr±, olloyyy my Muhrita the P... bora epuparra does tar. I I • • . rteult. o.l.&rara.ta_y, It= of tignd The vidarehinsd.Bev. 7. It. Braga. bra satnister ii oogyllog. and motor of the .tirtholor Church. et "g‘ raraytrlM4. - .ter. • gerirknian of_erwit tangents endilailMOM.7 MO? 11.1. Mira, _ • Broogneld. Jennies 12.1865 isonstiellawn.-.Boar eh:, nub:tuns& to ot e4s • 'Bela ILIASTOILIST DM it Om ran psms to ore Mit ewe has been *sentit la ratarrinfr. tedignitantlong dandroll and a constant te r der:we With which I Dantean troubled Et= mr 01)&10 4 ; =alum also re , „ stand my hair. which vat beriontin t a r ry te artainel 1 burs mod no other article. w th seething_ lb cobs mins plantar* ar . protit, Your IMAGO. sr. 144 1112 Bernd. coal a sit eniTV here. All mothl. Diaw CLeao. isediei l = "a spi. on MS potable • - harem, at P rof:P Wced's entablishmant, 11.4 'Kabob It. . BL: Mar 114i/in Bithlitirth be Geo.. U. irarrese.lio Wcei lag WI ell Dritiallea. • • elilew aBmT 'I3IIABISLiN TOOTH PASTE-LIMB Paste -- 11 - ' ls eirefalr Vol•••• unda the Ira of Dr. J. ~. V nalllbireildo brdroad it tor • nueVr l years with .-.- admit moos In Ma maks. -It te confidently . mom. .. zt - ,-.4. maidel to thorpablio sr b•lng "nal= to say- _Pa i rt•ox r.; now ut ri z kr, w ar - 4 1324 tratigz 4 Za. the hew 410 CV= DINVOIut Ilsrlat 6, & •- • . rmLEL—A two story Inlet dwelling fa ts on Roy st. between Penn and tbo elver to Dal. e. /admire of ath2.s - No. 211 Liberty Weed. . , I ' • . ..„ WAREHOUSE, No. 114 Second street, throe doors eut of Wood Pt El:moi A re . SCROONNIKE of I: a CO. fel No 1L Wool knot. WEVILLRHALL FOR RENT. Also the 11 Offlow it NatlDa Bali Bralcilust, =sr art bp the ittsburgOi- and Osesssisslite . R. wor...._and tor., ititb .I).•llisistim same. Irsokirs or GEO. w. it HBOIS.. • isittt NO. 11 Fourth Ist ' , FOR RENT—A Dwelling-Houle cm nand st,_batnoten Marta and Patna Eta. - ._.- Ikon, Nom on corner of Conn and Dina - An .I.lno, Inns on Iland rt. - -BentLow. .122d7 td , strwroz wows. saw ' No 92 Yonne, at -- - LET—A large and cominodione Ware. f eud for any 'dolmas Impious. Moot: 0186 Wood stmt. nazk door to Chide en. In• pull. of - JOHN ILAPTas, son corcior Wood and Sloth ids. CHMETEHY MARBLE WORKS, Ne.'1383 Lillertyßred. - balm Wayne, PITTSBURGH; PA. MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTICAL MARBLE MASON. 1117 SHES respectfully to inform his friends VV and the pup In mend, ttat he has tossed the above promisee, Ter the msnntectmrt end sale of even werist i r=l4 WORK, sub. u Tombs, Shads pod Gran MASAI. of every variety end (bran JrAivi Centro Table, Pier. Bureau and WASH STAHD TOPS. Which he ls anion SA kw es set other Estertilehnient West ot the Idmantelne. Ills start la entirely new. and hes teen selected or himself, upends for Ms merket,.., Do le Wee mural to build Dunn Unite, Endue Barbel IVA withlllsrbie or atone. end to execute ear other Pork his an. In env of tne °amm eamatca.nesia. whelping Pittsburgh. (=tent etismsed at ty no:wag to llon. vne Wllklm, nom GeltneyS Jae Oa Jotoo liticenteurr, W L Rinterel_ Chu ItIVIMN ES% /I / 1 4. 4 1: n ThOn rAlq, A it Cur dew It It White. _ , T f tefletite l gattsod with all kinds t iseutern end Do: meetlo Hartle either bobbed or in 01 rough, at whole ude prime. Be hes an made orreagetunts with the manntestaro ers or the _ben Wands. for constant supply of Hydreolle tbrunt, Water and Louisville Ume.' and Planer Par% both be Lead and Shun Wort. all of vehicle he Is prem ed to tarnish stunt nett. nekUcd.terlybasob DELAY NOT. Ye who Consider a fine head of - Hair ikr ATURE'S GREATEST ORNAMENT, but 4xa it b to lea an BANDEIVE. MALY TONIC, übtch restores the health= ks of th e map, mums We to meet on the bal and chec ks any tendency to. wards US haling ant and thin. pret i m - , F MV2 t rart l , gdlc t eTat 1 " 41= 0"' MI6 Mademoiselle Garnier's Day and Board ing School; ELL be opened on the 20th inst. for the reception of Pupils. TIN department lie day bee been to encoaufel operetlon for the hit tee months. and in mmpliance Irish her Wands' video itTile bee fitted her hoe" Bo .268 Pena etreet.near lisnd for • limited number of young lady Warders. She hoe wired the smistanoe of well qualified and competant teachers, to anklet bee to the cheat department. Besides Whoa/A • thorough tonne of geglishielenstlon.lnniele, Gum /Wan and Ppealsti, Os more err ;leas oaten In the theme. ; Tim Medea! department Is under the charge of =two genhencin teachers and • tole. Tha ttilti t ru i r%lf h wlpai t =tr o d e ar= = =the city of Pittsburgh. with u faun garden In the mso. In ebb:hatch young lady be. ths petelless of eratt. eating • part forhaeoun mienument.orterimpromment bt Colny. Three ereekusestlat mill be Creme tehristaiss. Dads. the fine scum, arearuirmusts bare been nude ta tote the youngladles ono. • emu In the country. Though the yonWecliss win be required to unite In the nsmW nor. Rap, Ugh remote Will advise with the pititalyel width church they mee t attend an Panda o One of the teeth • en ellistoompy tb. , M4 end the of that de nentiln Mien Ida he required to ,lelo the *Mend ing hts ahnrch. Terms per union, for hisidlng and vsehing. sad tub hon. Sm. Rersaucla—lktr. W. A. hinCinrer, Bair. Mr. Arnistrang. Mr. 11.81aber. De.P. lrieb. Ku. Mr. time; and the par. ants other present Dna. retylOantilitlineT Meyer, Stout & Morganroth, Scraptors,-Stuccolariakers & Wood Carvers, No. Pam 81., war Irvin, okIMURES of an kinds; also Onaamonts in Ilooter of Ports, Wool sal Marble. sta. sr &cant. bolktbay. both Indio sad oat. Drit.toso &MOT dooniptlon sad stslo fornishod at the obortost make. otatlid For Sala WHOUSE now occurrled by the entre' riter, No 14 Second divot. Tbli property' In mumble order. tarnished vltb U. and nut and Cold Water. Vor oarlenlno, savant of j det&dtf dam aflame Cooloy.l4N2r etree. FOBEDBT FOB SALE OB TO BB LET. IFLUST CLASS FOUNDRY BULLDENO, Pattants,FlaskaMoit otaorill to odd co tot fart of pors.on moderato tattoo or,szt salvo biathlon Mit otth • topltal would to to Pont mind ion an • maxim, Attatott el& FM Win. B. Talcon & Co., I ran%Ma - se VARIETY AND FANCY: GOODS. LL A .o ! .. as o so ral tmen fo, tu t s o w f ii:7l.,37 euti . cles ... in a o r n r lino lIIE Co-Partaership_ heretofore existin g tunder the style ofWll, IIeCUTINIT.ON alt 00.1 a eats day diaaolved by aistrael consent. EL D. Norton baying ernikersem fn. the bemuse, All the Imalaess of the old 11111 be fettled by Wm. iteCuteDeon. NORTON. WM. IeeCUTORSON. M=:=lB /lissaMtion. NOTICE is hereby given that tho partner ahtp heretofore exlettay bebesed the anderefgalef. ander the demo nut style of CARTER a REM le this day dsmolved try the yrerthaeo of the Interest of James Rees ir Many Carta. • Thbbatanses of Um Era *Me Jettleet byElenty Carter. _UMe atom anthediaed to am the Beam of the eta la asdo HENRY CLAILTNE: d°i Pitted.3lamh 31. ItGliempaliad 511.110 RED. KNAPP & CARTER • Arru t ftbrin HOT PRESSED NUTS AND WASHERS, Warabatee To, SS Water anat. or Al.rket h . CIGUILTS KNAPP a ILLNE.Y CART SR hare astarad lota emputtarahlp, muter Clio Arlo of limp a Caner, In the tosaafectars sad ado of Uot Pruned Nato and Wuhan. sad are premed to MI orders to )alleisea at mat, he t Nail Nog Has:tory for Sale, B. JENKS wishing t o return East, of. • fee to soil at a great bargain. his Hog idaebitnT. Cooper non. gulag JUrs, Mom !tore., awash . Timber Wheel.. two auto. go. he. This nnalolletonant is to nao• armful operation.. turning ant Trost he. to fix handed kap per gar. anti regular ennoonaa wanting that MUM to. daily. To snow that woad to agar. in the moo. [Matsu of nal teen, tbo wont - le are. eittB=o. •• It will to ro!ti st a veryC. bargoirt. Those wi dna, to parchaao cut ago the 3in fall °paragon hi Wang 010 Waite ntoonbergerla g !tilt, = bianhanbre ot.. at th - • upper brideo actors the Lileghent riot. organ:tn. • Removal. (?SANK VAN GOWER has rem.oired to • Ito. 78 nuts.wr 81%; stroll 7 cropoilto bls old stV, and la stenrjouporod to soppy kW imatozn . r l t . thz: lb ir...nUr 'Mb . I.4'X'rzt,foli. Iloalol7 Trbasolsz j ibettrto th•Cto,ra Haricot n 1 ao=2l/a:eh; Ear Beettambst tb• DANIEL =ENE= 14.ANUFAC1IMElt of Tallow 'pocking boo. Chem had limey edema War m -Mtba Marintaottny. scam of Washington ma Franklin sm.l3lrininatism MOW. elite= Q.UNDRIES-- 60 hhde prime No Sagan 20 Mb Bill:Won Obldea Syrup !Masser, 30 dr Troth firmed Extrs noun 100 no No. 1 Nem ficerLorpc 100 do bledlara 3 Nachersh 00 hide WO riet AO Loge 2 Co: 60 Wood whole do lam 1 TeLmnel Ithad; 60 bbl . fresh Lonehotle lemos_ 110ssols wires Aran Bk) °NW: k31.112Li for ..l. by WATT 1 WILSON. m 731 No WS ?Abort, West MEW ARRIVAL OF MANTILLAS-- bIIIRPHY t zupzurtatm hart opened this mere. log. Dyne ISes Yolk.. froth emortment of alik and Lam Mentnneorbleb they are emus ..2.7 kowtow Do enentY. Men. Cambria and Jammet rionnelos% nY the et, Aland by the yesd—rseadni from the low bend to tali out 1111g L a.r.t.r.roginar..... d .t.1 1 =.4 Dotted Swim, I. , and may misty!! warm mum. goods Me men and names war. yeetdbwn - NEIRPIIY to BURCIIFIELDare reoeiying Not thxdo Mfg fen dag u i tit tosylnd this morn gng prtn4 Thug Mantilla". alastumard.4i aals. Oos isinrtinnot of mom, mass sad Bar. Cit u baband sad lit 3.oo4gattanni ica•Ullo, Also, wry la bi=a o i f t ihnteeddized I wigs . kw. MaATFo &L_ YOB BOY'S WBAR-44rLaci cheek,.smea gums. hursallga. &MUM sustain. sue Wilmot auicaritti. Mufti au • Elmira sae s exist Taiiry__of game lase la? arm vux. fa maki DY Nuarns BUBCFINELD, • saiitileiril earth nit cm 4th sae Alicia su. rsTHE STOCKHOLDERS (H? THE ,0010A1f0i1101311,VABL1 RAILROAD COMM. en - hereby _atlned rthataha Dhvltani of the We and PetAselvenbe RatisnadOSlSOAA__ X/YI whDD ase Btowthsidefa UT* attend with the Ohio and Indiana and 'rosin Oul u Itentoad Commutes. In nornmanseist Ansa ot the Dues