The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 12, 1856, Image 2

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    PITT'4IIURGf! GA ZEll'F,
susw-aiLD.P. , W=m -
IKObe,moriai, m 4 1 2, MG
Ttonblioan Declaration of Principles.
&masa and Oa aftennt teetkenthe meal of
, to
ulna allow tne f
ie Itant,:dligti:sttr.
• e Model Onoto."9=Ttoit=oe preheat; to SO;
tOn l6,4 •22 r ,.. t. h; u ~a g" i lm fra insmaa bre thren
1t.,....5-;zijaintaek:rand anal/ reeltato to
or their lo.teeo Invaders. and
iciiodiatWo aoteatobo oar
na a to
. thU t ah
he r e,"
ft .. tug the oftsibtjagonal adrotaistiottou
'by Acorn thallf to be weak and AlfEambuut that Ha con.
Alonso. In Wm' ta idoattned with eh. woven or Ike
..e.kated coortosarf t _arttb th e cactostco of
- frog= bocat tbo torritcri. of
on. lactlooleli d
wed, tt to a latennk Dann. outermiattko og
and orettntor
" -_ • " ernis:
. - 'llll - tiA r is Pculensper annual. cosisblro in Lhasa,
W.E.P.KX fro Mars pwe snnum. In anywnea—
Wats wrill:l.r.rraidask the 1.410 , 10 g eseditloor
- ren t pit an093:6....—..,.—.......5 5 00
. Tin As slassen—ww.:*•--:-. 10 00
Sple*Aawsneepsyseents nr , godietT Merle, mad tb.
p c .,...-Orpod "bonitos..? is oat. unto' 1tt.11111111111%1
g6rFor Telegraphie News see ad page. For
City aml Commercial Nears fee 4th page,
'Bear won Wools Vora f—Sho Chicago Tri
- best Is not dlspooe3 to concur in the view that
Illinois is a doubtful State is bee politioai prodi
lecithins. It gays
*.T.llitois is set down, in politicabialculadots,
as doubtful," by Repnbileues in other States;
and asnertain for the. Black Democracy, 14 the
loaders on that aide. In ha, our friends abroad
.glro up the State to the enemy, in their comps.
.taboos, conildering it the hardest to carry of
all the Fres Statea--Califortila excepted. But
la enter our protest against surrendering the
great Prairie-State over to the Border Ruffians
.sonsinetemonlott.sly. We firmly believe that she
will give, her electoral vote to the Anti-Slavery
Candidate fer President next November. And
•int lathe:more believe ! that Illinol a will not
,only give the largest majority for Free 800%
alike -five Western Stites, but that she will
poll* fat ti majority, in proportion to the vote
emit; that say of theta and we pot this predlo •
em mead, though not a prophet nor the eon
of, a prophet."
fbe facts adduced by the • Tribune, in the
subsequent part of the article from which we
quote. go tar to sustain this cheerful view. and
,an are glad to be able to think the prospect BO
Saw Cams awn Dalantarmt BALIAUT. COX-.
waim.—This company has been organised by
dm-election of the following officers: ,
Praideal—gen. WM. ROBINSON.
Direetora—Crunxxs W. Ricamrsoe, Jon" W.
Thlsis an ~ , ,Atirat selection. Von. Roule
tte', the President, has large experience, Influ
ence and energy, and Is thoroughly occputinted
with the route and all its connections and de
This short road is iutp_ortent to Pittsburgh, as
a connecting link between eepsrate improve
ments, thui greatly increasing the facilities for
trao and intercourse with a region with which
is eir — a this city has esjoyed a profitable
delnem connection, but which without this link
will moot likely be turned into other channels.—
Wehope Gen. Robinson will have asmuch success
in ibis project as in the larger one of the Ohio &.
Pennsylvania Railroad, and that by next spring he
will be able to eelebrate the opening Of his road.
Art><swea STOOKS is Glastszt .—A paragraph
from the frankfort Actionart, a German paper,
has been translated to show the present temper
of the German holders of American bonds, and
we append it
'There is a great contrast in the dullness
that prevails now, to comparison to the activity
which we had to report a few weeks ago. Bad
ness Las fallen off eo much that we cannot name
any transactions, except, perhaps, in Illinois
Ceuta* Construction Bonds, which keep up pret
ty well. The het defalcations (failures) i°
/merino, particularly that of the New Albany
:and Salem Railroad. the Bonds of which have
been spread from Frankfort all over Southern
:Germanj and Switzerland, hate produced each
.sOlt abhorrence of Ameriotn Securities that even
the most current Bonds ere extremely bard of
sale. It is a pity that so many of the doubtful
Bonds are held in Germany, where they were ta
ken indiscriminately, provided they offered
some temptation in a high rate•of interest. The
German capitalists will and must be more pru
dent. in future, sad ezperienco baring made
them wise, and before entering in any new en
terpriart they will certainly take sufficient infer
-Matt= as to the gass*Bes wldetrimob
ties offer.".
•. Tax. lbranwstmvan Cossurrios.—We extract
" , thefellowng from thomoney article in the Phil
adelphia Mgr ,-as being of !Meseta here:
4 , 4 Th6T Cimmittee recently appointed by the
friends of the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad,
in' this city, for the purpose of raising one hun
- died sod fifty thodund dollars to aid in cam
' pleting andaqiiipping that road, are busily en
. the , object of their appointment, and,
• sit we hear, with emery prospect of success.—
The failure to Immure from the authorities of
- .Pittsburgh and Allegheny the means additional
necessary to complete the Pittsburgh and Sten
benville road, the link connecting the Steinhart
. iille_and Indiana road with" the Pennsylvania
. ‘•'load, It is not supposed will defeat the original
. pitmen of a through line from Philadelphia
West, mitring the Ohio at Steubenville by bridge.
This matter at most will but be_ delayed a few
•. months. The Pittsburgh and Steubenville road
=not long lay hilts present unproductive condi
tion. ItPidsburgh does not finish Rand make it
prokinctive, the creditoraief the Co. willforce the
• road to • sale, and In the hands of individ.
nailsitwonld no doubt be speedily finished,—
In the interim, it Is proposed to use the Wells
ville road, which is now nearly completed. The
policy of an unbroken gauge, which was at one
. time deemeA of se much importance, in now
questioned, and it is argued that the Tenneyi..
• vaniaTtallroad, and of course Philadelphia, would
be ' benefited if the Steubenville and Indiana
Radread was of the Ohio gauge; ea it would
then command a share of the trade of the other
Ohio roads, carry it to Pittsburgh, and ones at
Pittaburgb, It wapiti have to come to Philadel
phia over the Pennsylvania road. There may
be something in this,. or 'there may not. All
this we desires, that our capitalists shall look
Auto - all - these eseesel•prolleete of subscriptions,
and .be satisfied that they are wise and • politic;
Wore they Advises. their money. The west of
case in this matter In times 'mist has resulted in
largO wade Of mealui. The pending applica
tion, if it is IS good one, ahouW not trailer Deg
het because other !huller applications from the .
Immo region itaie
,proved unworthy; and if
;good, send* win but the more Commend it."
. . . .
4 BIS:MASAI .‘l3ovr."—Thelfsehlugtien cor.
reepeselent 'of, the L Y. Courier and Enquirer
writes:• : • _ ~
. . .
"TM strife between- Mr. Buchanan and the
Nebraalta candidate is inereLiing in bitterness.
Mr. B. and his friends ado determined that he
shall be Preeident; and as he is now sixty-six,
he and they
-resist all postponement of his
Alaimo. To begin the story at the cad, he Bo
- ohm= men are rapidly making up their minds
tc bottthe Cincinnati nomination. If giros to any
• The elanni extension party is; betrayer, eat-
Laded of Ito ability to elect a,..l'reeldent without
any aid, and Its ant care will be to
-• elect a platform on which no Northern man but
-the last abject and eared, tin stand. • Thls is
, e*ly.:,preclaimed as part of the policy by
'Mob on the slavery issue are to
• be driven into the ranki of the "Abolitionists,"
"as the repudiators denominate ftepublicans and
A Cenenetnn Ortittost.—The BeUiatore Pa
tr • •
awls steams supporter of Kr Fillmore, and
'tts PAlthe Is leveling lit the West. - From the
time_he reached Pittsburgh, he fouidfilmself in
s new political stoop/00re, end, the power, en-
Ostend v i gor; of Repttbilco , wsigrew upon him
ermy step ',of hie Westward Journey. Writing
from Canton, lilinols,, he sip": • ' •
101 l la difficult hi' comprehend the crompleilon
of political :attars. ' The emtest, In this State
beitimeet entirely between Republicans and
Democrats. Anti-Ne braska Mips' triumphant.
fir; Doctlismill.get a complimentary vote at .
the. ChreirmatlConrentimi, fint nothingtriore.-
431 rat among-the old Whigs, I am
to,eay,Ja act ot.the qteretion.” . -
..4018141ungzetno' 1100 tale of sephited Re.
publican atumpalo paper, pabilehe4 Mao
-104,14.10bil - IL firencb. 'Fag. 'griee ono
tic for Cf.intitbs, , ar fifty mate per copy, in
ebbs at
Istrorrarr DICCOMIONFOMOISiD. — The Wash
, ;Osten Mar is:BOW ed that It is not the purpose
of - the Supreme Court the Putted States to
a Aubloii upon , thin 'we tram Missouri
raiding _before them, iwrolideg the. question of .
t heotnurtitatlonslity of the Missouri restriction
duriugtheic current esselms. Bo the Presideo
' tial'aisddort will dome off befori they dispose of
this storsontous question.
Eu' out of the fifteen electoral astriats is
bars chosen their delegates to piano-
The news -received from the Petersburg
AA Amherst districts, indicates the'election
both of those of*Pidron &togas,. This Makes
delegial Mate thus Mr, stand fe! General
piers 10, far*. solut4
"Indica" and the Councils
Mn.. SDITOItr—I have no 'Wry to prolong,
tlnnentsfisrill, the contest provoked by your an.
res Penden t, "Jtultice," and I as. nothing In LIS
duet communication which specially calls fors
reply. He entered the lists Indulging In inso
lent and undeserved flings at the members of
Councils, presuminr, doubtless, that they would
Submit - es tamely to his abuse as unfortunate
litigants who have no other alternative; but hav
ing met with ea unexpected rebuff, he retires
with enbdued but sullen mutterings. He has not
met one of my facts, nor sueseeded in disprov
ing my allegations; while thb main statements
on which hie attacks were based hove been shown
by tee to be unauthorised add unfounded. lie
sneers at the incontrovertible truths he challen
ged me to produce. and strives to turn their
point with the forte of ridicule; but this is an
old trick, and has lost its potency.
Your correspondent, I judge, does not relish
the manner in which he has been handled. He
should not, then, have given,the prover.atlon.
He possesses no mouopolyof laying hard things,
and should not complain of the exercise of the
common right of self-defence; Councilmen are
pubUo servants, whose acts ace, open to public
scrutiny; but as they occupyi posts conferring
neither honor, profit, ner,zopeonal advantages.
and have to discharge laborione duties solely for
the public good, they are entitled to the poor
Immunity of freedom from abuse. For one,
while I acknowledge my reoponeibility to the pub
lie, I am not deposed to let every carping critic
set me up as a target for the shafts of his venom,
or be drsgooned by every truculent scribe who
dances to differ •in opinion from me. Having
vindicated myself and fellows from each assaults,
I am content to abide the public cordite; and I
trust thathereafter we shall hate fewer manlfe B.
cations of this traducing spiele—that the floor of
Councils will not again be invaded by "unanswer
able" Senators, singling out members to salute
with the epithets of "thief" and "liar," or thin
skinned correspondents In the press again pro
voke blows too heavy for them to bear.
A Couscrtaaw.
Latest from Kansas.
Lemmas, Friday Night, April 25, 1856.
Jones was taken yesterday to Franklin, a village
about tour miles south-west of this city. ills
case is ooneldered critical: the bell having lodged
in the region of the spine. It is general 4 be
lieved hero that he was shot by a Pro-Blavory
man who lives - near Leeompton, with whom he
had bad some difficulty about a claim. Corso
berating circumstances gals sustain this belief,
as It is known that be has been dogged by this
man for 110M0 time—that about dark a stranger
redo into town end tied his horse behind one of
the Mores—that immediately after the shots
were fired this man mounted his horse and reds
off, before those who saw him know of the at
tempted murder.
The Mail has been. stopped somewhere in Mis
souri, for though the usual quantity of newapa•
per matter came ham the East, not a single
letter was in the bags. Is Postmaster Campbell
a party to this?
The prisoners were taken undei a military
escort to Lecompton, sad were required to give
bail in $5OO each to n Justice of the Peace to
appear at Court at its next session. They were
charged with not assisting Jones to execute the
Territorial laws when called upon to do to.
Tho Kansas Committee are in session to-day,
although they adjourned yesterday, probably on
account of the excitement. Some developments
are being made in the testimony which will as
tonish the apologists at Washington.—N. Y.
',Attunes, liarautv April 28, 1858. 7— The
troops are now qnsrlered at Franklin. The
Kickspoo Rangers are encamped on the oppo
site side of the river. Cot. Sumner, and troops
under his COMMelld, left for Fort Leavenworth
yesterday. The Lenience boys are getting ready
to give the Rangers a warm reception The
cannon are in readiness and a picket guard is
out to-night. T.
Carreepondeme of the N. lf Tribune.
Latrazsos, Wednesday, April 30, 1856.—1
wrote yeti on the 50th, giving &few facts In con
nection with the attempted murder of Sheriff
Jenne.- Since then nothing of any moment has
occurred. The prisoners were taken to Lecomp
ton, and, without even a primary examination
Wiens a Justice of the Peace or any other officer,
were held to bail in the ram of $5OO each. They
were guarded by the troops till they found ball,
which they did immediately, and were escorted
a mile or two out of Leoompton on their way
The investigating Committee are very bevy
soliciting evidence in the Whitfield and Reeder
case ' and from what I have beard I can assure
yen that the outrages of the Ruffians have bean
more atrocious than any of year readers have
yet heard, especially at the election of the 30th
of March, 11355. Conflicting reports are made of
Jones's calm, some believing he will die, others
that he will get well. My own opinion Is that
be will recover.
• • - .
The Hickapoo Rangers are encamped about four
miles from here on the north. There are said
to be three hundred wod fifty armed men le the
camp. 'They come to swinge the murder of
Jones, and to mist the United Btatos troops."
Such is the language said to have been mad by
one of them to an Indian named Rienzi*. Bat
although Lawrence is In a state of defense, there
will be no collision between them and the Free-
State men, as this will be prevented by the
troop:, who are stationed about four miles from
this city.
The troops came here yesterday morning to
arrest Mr. Dellzler, the Governor's private Sec
retary, who is a peaceable and good citizen; but
as he was so unfortunate or so criminal as to
refuse to wild Jones to make an arrest when
that worthy asked him to, he, of coarse, must
be arrested. Bat Balton, (Jones's Depot!) and
his dragoons could not end their man, as he was
not &theme.
There was considerable excitement here last
night among s portion of our community, as it
was currently reported that the “Kickapoo Ran
gers" contemplated on attack upon this city, but
nothing of any importance has occurred.
LIATEWROITE Cm:, Kansas, April 213, 1856.
Col. Sumner bad his men encamped about four
miles this side of Lawrence while he went to
Lecompton to me Shannon. On his return, be
quietly marched his men back to the fort.
Lamaism, Kansas, April 30, 1850.—1 n my
last I mentioned that the Kleimpoo Bangers
were encamped on the opposite Bide of the river.
Two of the citizens of Lawrence went over that
evening to reconnoitre the position, &0., of the
enemy. They were seen and fired upon, and
chased by some rangers on horse baok, but by
dodging in among teem, escaped. We have gem
learned that the enemy intended to murder them
if might. They are very bitter towards the
people of this city, became Jones was shot here.
Yesterday it rained very hard, and the Rangers
dispensed. Where they now are le not known.
I A gentleman visited Franklin last evening and
reports that Jones is not expected to recover;
the wountlis a bad ono and very much inflamed.
Sam. 'Anne, in whom - ficit a lady of Lawrence
throw some hot water, when he came to march
for and arrest her husbtuati, is very badly off,
one aide of his face is scalded bad, taking off his
beard and skin. It will be a lont time before
he will be out again. The report that he bad re.
signed hie office is confirmed. The Congress
Commissioners are busily engaged taking testi.
many. Yesterday an old TOMS named J. David
son,- who hes a clam about three miles from this
pity, and voted last January. fora Weather and
other officers for the State of Ranstur; testified
that-he was a member of a semeteoclety in lila
semi, whose 'object it was to make Kansas a
alive State. The society is called. by various
mimeo, such am ...Blue - Lodge," Smial Rand,"
"Friend's Society,'! .Bons of the - South," &e t
Lie Joined the society in Cam' county, February,
1860, came here with a party and voted on the
80th of Diaroh: •
Boma baggage wagons beioriglng to the United
Suttee arrived ttkLty, loaded • with provisions,
camping and cooking utensils: U. S. troops are
to be stationed among the people of Lawrence to
force them into subjeotion to the nets of the
Legislature. Shannon, with' the unction of the
President, has ordered these troops to be a posse
at all times for the Sheriff. • • The' sqiatters are
to be arrested by scores, taken to Losolopton,
and-triod before the judges there far some alleged
offense against the terra This la what they call
Sqatter Sovereignty sip here. T.
By the Latest Mails
Sr. Lours, May 9.—The Ewes correspond•
not at the Rept/Cif:an sive, Sherifiletted is some
what better, hut his recovery is still - donbtful.
New Yon", May 9.—Totalities:toe hav been re
calved here of lb fearful accident, which occurred
on Wednesday evening, an the Alialosippi and
Mieeoarl Deltolvd, War. Davenport, lowa.
The Express train trout lowa city rim eft the
Dad, while going at a rapid rate, cenehtg tent
ble destruction.
Twelve pentona ere laid to have been kilted
and a great many others wounded.
The entire train, congaing - of the looomotive,
font paseenger care and Witagrollo ear? were de"
mollehed. - -
The Reno is said to Lave LS en tidal one.
None of the names - of the .viottNno holm folohttd
Thera is quite an a:Remora bellow mar
ket, owing to the telegraphlo report from Ball
fax, of an ulna: in the English ma'ket of sic
Withrow per cwt. Holders reftustito att. It is
enapeated that , the telegraph hasblade:ad.
giving online Instal of Rana -
Chief Engineer Cazion, of the /int Yeatlrs
' Department, was tuunereltally 4:abided :et y
by brother-110s% named Liverish.'
, It Is' old thit Carson had Insulted Mrs. Lev
his own sister, moat grails, trod thus pea
'yoked the smelt. le molt shookingly
and . mutilated. .Nobnikt Jilingered. torevisit
'MAO 014, 1 4. UMW
L Etteiiiiiitiri4 . 43tay ,
.. _., • .
t he .: L i ver ldis;--no Diver Pills of Dr, I
Xer.D..u. first used by Wm excloditelY in.hle oil): ' I.T6. lll4ln ..aficei ilil lds iV rtte ib u i tlo °' rl, fr : M loa ti: Dittebstr Ulat- ilt am
practice, eo dhow ions Peri they la all Wes tf Liter: Mule as bolded dolf XL - - -
Complaint; that th y lentaufte famous, and sane:Wit' thei: DR. C A LVINm. PITCH
is m ee 'e e ” e t me impolstmeot In tine city tlIl the let and
attemtion of the ...Doe f"./W. lucid IM ''' g'''''' .l " . I tii,....... -- ",... - 7111. - ',aria other main 6, ntl. the itth cf
They set wait emit certainty and relmlaritr. the imilent / : , { ,^.,Ai m - „ h ,.b...7_ b. . 1 .11,4 daily aibb ., ...
,0. 0 0,1.„ f. a. ow dionstati of Ids &sem. and - I muted) it ble Yocum at the
tsgrednillyzestatei to health. ',With ohm* the ;Mort is I '., , ST . -11 -'LAIR H . OTBL ,
almost otharrdoni. 'lnman:4lY etleogrtadat 'lrentedlata I roster Perin lad Pt. Clair t ie.
relief. atter haring to mouths sorted Waage and need. I Entrap:lt 'to) It w oo ro M u s n o . n_ Penn Street.
kise of another deemirtion. In Yalu. /Carat,. of lb. ear Y7/1./10hel RP • ;
liver an ter:common la this country. and are of ten fright. , _ ‘..,_ _ 9
I ri."' iltiN h lifi r ifiliON ASTHMA
folio eberect. , Timm 'hoes/dries co sayer the premed. AItD
Ron' tralrtemeaf thlt denr.crone and aaettlnr. 4 .11.. .. : CHRONIC BRONCHITIS,
should at once procm‘ a btu of Dr Yield oe's %Ile, proper. ' In the treatment of which the einrhurnoct of aprrin...t.
eel by FUXIN° DELOS. of Dithiburilb. and pe balm. there. Conettentlesal and iiisiiiiii iksiisesi *e ated'mthat
by. blared a• Paid Of Minty. _ • ta,o.tione tees green him* de.r.• of sower. which am
Inver attest a partial 111DUarreat treatment nt /Late Obatl.
11MP13 24,1 1. 1 11111iti IN eusllll to ash for Olt. /PLUMS le end d geranadirawn and (rem ample extvrionam.
ORLEIMATED LIVER PI LT.& casaufaetwod by NAP WU I Dr. Fitch f eel himself failre . li.flnVe a re ve ttl,f r a t , /t i. , l e vz
=OH of Plitiaronlart. DA. The, are other Dills purport/rig I Vigil It: fg.7 1 4:, ~it, r"' ''"
triter Um Pill . 00. berate the publte. Dr 111 . Lane.• . D.. l'A u ytalume aleahe . l2ol3ll . u . lte o l_for Catarrh , either tn
genuine Uric Ylllee also Ms erelobrated Var_gilictic cat it.. b.a.l /{ came tatruaLliiiii Pill .. v ; i . kl:F.,, , arit.g .
now be had at all Pinecialde dra.E.L'ar.,. , rn A.,,,,,m,..,,.M. ,, t0 Moaned thrd aunt 0101 • mart. _ ,
mama Om agoaturo 0 - ---- ---• rem., or oteenroo central metunvett anew.. alit err
my.fidaerS Hove In matt ofteatlmes of • y wee, emoting. Ile may be
-, consulted eor Dyepesels and Chronlo InfLemmatione of the
Stomach and Dowels, aniZ=.,llAgraet, ae a,t,
igi;.l.;#44ll.?r.g.'7A'P°_ifV.F. e..r....
Itar the Pittaburah Wit owtta
ti:.3 ~ ; :.a, y;:7
Have you a 'Rupture m to Bovelo -
would moat remeetrolly Welts the attention or these et.
fitted with heroism rapture of the bowel,. to my otwn•
did aamttment of Troves of ,Moos pattern.. MO to tOlt
'my see, applied sod sztlareetton goareatted IO 10001
etze, at my ollioe. Na (40 Wood turret, Pltfrbareb, Pa,
Owe agile aolden Loner.. AtOOO. the Truceem mold by
me VIII 00 tame
Marsh's Make/ Care Truer:
/reach Pleases, wry light unlnc;
Gum Skutic rruircs;
Children,' Twista stfigle and 400le;
Mbaka nurse 4 cluldrfne arid adulis,
Dr. S. /Veer Seipertrr helm
The pees of Trunes vary from IA to 11:10, hernial or
Ruptured patients eau be idled br remitting mom, and
sendlag the measure around the lilhe. Matlog OMNI
the rapture le on thO right or lett old. t Mao ash and
Dr, Banning's Loot or Body Bros, for the our. of Pro.
limns Uteri, Waskons of the Chem or Abdoiner4 Aloe
abrade Dlethroa. and stir * saknua 41 4 PlOndinlos • 'Oak
.01 &wow condition Or till abdatollul,lllWal
Dr. Fades Abdootnal JhurPrr:er,
Snaha/Static Ataongnal:Delis:
/antic &Ns:
And RNA: overland of Supporter now in um. I !LW
ShOtatkr.Elll[ o l Of oar Meta for week ebeeted end
stoop shouldered persons,
Mark &dine. for broken %Isaiah*** veiny.
surrx Awry Band*" of klndr.
SY , OWs of mem , rosrAly aref pattern, end In hut every
kind of mechanical appliance used in the oared sneer.
Dn. Rana would stets tO parsons to want of Drones
or Tramps that he mu often mud to lull the 'sellout by
writing, lot It le alwaye hater to me tb*petiont vol op
ply the Tram or Brea Address
DA. DEO, 11. SLIASICIL, 140 Wood at.,
railfedlwS Men of the Waders Mortar.
The only Medal Aiiirded by the New
Took Exhlbllimt to the Ensiles or foreign Sew. Alasin
Matures her been obtalitod, susioncet nummoue compell•
tors, by LEA A DERRINS, for their
whereby further Is *Donny le altottled of Its Mins the
Pest Pence extant.
The ecebrlty of this Bence Ims extended to ma/ enen
war the .late, and Its a flimsy In grornotien Mere.
healthy becoming daily more observed and acknowledged'
In the Upped EU.= It to hold to be the moet agreeable
aandlinut, molls =tented for Its tunic end Invigorating
IMODertlee, Its habitual use enabling the =mach to as=
the 12 . 44.
Wo the Chlortinent uf Emu*, them muddles have been
tartibed to by a gentleman. Who writes to ISA • PM ,
IhlliB thus "I have ortied a bottles( tear Worearterettlre
Bane* In lb tour I heroic= completed through Spain and
Portent', and believe I owe ray torment state of health to
Its cart your tines Is stomachic. and I think medicinal. 1
aux with truth my there la nothing In • traveler'. Wa
gtail De meattal to Ma esnthrt. at lent to them countries,
a you Bence,
In Irutle.alert where It is ,found at the map of mar
regiment, a medical gentleman writes Um Madre* to
me brother in the same proton= et:Worcester, In the
following tame. Kell Lea • Pasha that their game Is
highly Unmoved In India, and that It to. In lart Manion.
the mart paletehis ee well u the mos. wholesome UP.
Mb mum Is suitable for every variety of dab. and
the =lves= demand which Its etosilance bee created has
led to many Irettationa being aerated to the Dublin under
a variety of names, but the guano may be known by lb.
names of . LEA t PZEltlller being (=messed nnen ape
patent metallic capasles, or Went glob .topper of lb.
ppttle well u ape r i tt l end wrapper.
Rot. Agenu for the JOIAITSCAN SOWV.,
405 Waal eml. Now Ten,
Fever and Atrtte.—A case of eight months
stunting oared br BcERRA MS HOLLAND B/ITEIL4
3i/CILUL K213.T, 1510 117 Orsat K. war BlDlLblleld,
"Let July. while running to UM rim. ou • colts.'
boat plybsit between ti.tehn and Nes Orleans. I was MP
h.. with Fewer •ad ague for eight Wog months I .of
fend with this drentfal Menem The greats tut of this
tit. I .. unable to work, and event at :met MY doling*
foe different maileinea, bat lonnd no permanent Miele— ,
Three week. am,, °near cm' friends hula.] 0000, ref MY.
tog Beerharea Boiled =tux. saying that a rare wan
guarantepl. After taking It Mr one weak, I most my I
was • mund no. I hare been at work now for two
walla. and Imre bad no totem of the shills censer .ba.4
I eattty that tb. am* Uat®mtit tros
Diamcad norm or R. Pagano' clo AD thle W.
Dalley's Eagioal Pain Extractor
Inflammation and Pain WO as inseparable
se rim and Beat. jallammallesa proloom palst. and cabs
grairoma lallanasoadlom 1111ssmor Urn to unnatural
bast, throbbing or maims.. Do Matter is be that It to mar
ad by a fosar, s hurt.. Ewa, psis.. rbassontbins
earn or sling. Mara I. isdissumation. • Imonlesd
bents or Thai:mud 'anions cannot alto at to.
conolumisni: TO asthma gab. aml maim isaturs. Wan,
mistimagnart las subdotd. To somullellab MM. to. Marla
M th. IMYslclan am always dlnictad. Thomands or
skims; and lan ttiosnacul cltha Tina and most sagacious
parsos who baba sad MILT% OLUISCAL PAM TS.
TBACTOB, am musincad. and admit that lie santrol over
DIDADODSDOIS 1. most nendarbal and loaniadlats. bastantly
allay Log tba palm nautraigdmilmlankaati 401144 0.0014
asendlon. and Brehm nabs?. to suaner oosno, 0.-
..slag sod instant No burn, sail<iimr, or allinant la
too Amur to ylild to its sooLtdag and =Mg no MEM—
Aral, it y and tbs cum boo monumnatd.
gur•ll ordain sbould be nigramad to C,T, Clicksass
Cu, 111 Barclay st., New Tort.
bold in Pituburgb by oc7. a. ISET4BR. 110 Wood M.
Capt Vance, of Virginia.—Ploaaant
All. Coal Mina Yob. 0. IM6.—Pa. I. Mem & y
novo to one of may blade bore • Snit a a aMr Mo.
Mao . 'lsproref torinltoco. It opostod Illto s cars.
and to not onnoestlnd. and brondbt ft , ln td, boT balms
two and threo bandrod sum& My boy bid bode 107
.lob. but to wall and dant tiA. nano mond ma roar
dozed mos at your Imorand Iredintfan.
4. B. Yaltat.
Dr Irlane. Damned lam PIDI sad hairr)l74
our Dr. I.Dootra Calebralad Whit* Clrraithat Ltch
mina prepared solely on.ler the snyerrlakna of Dr. L
Peat, • Bripalar Menu' °mingle and Physic:lane eaten
do merge.
None avouln• only ea prapared by Dr. I. Scott a
rep Pro r Wm; Dank Plae., RWIT.Mn.. V. Dr. ID -
Laos's Improve' Line Plan .n 4 Improved Versolrage
areorapanled by eartfloste of O. McLane.
dll trio above liedirlooa rale by
Dr. ONO. ICIIYdDIi 140 Wood striper, Whatesala &fast
41.8. P. FLEW bO. allaidurar, nor B. R. boor. Irhola
lisle agent.
Celebrated Female NM.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir James
Pub. M. D. Phisiolan listesoctUnns7 to tbs Qttico.-
Inoslcalo Itsdidno Is nor Winn in UM curs al sil
tba* painful Loa danger= Omens Incident, Is Us
male constitution.
ft moderato all coma. tesofives obetroothhea, EAI
brings ea the =tad, period 11th reenlettly, Theo
Mlle should be and two es thaes ersekh preview Who.
flnesnent: they Ibrilfy the ecreetttutlen. and Mena Uts soh
Wier &ulna labor, enabling the mother to mem has
aolhe with warty to tedielf end eatid.
Isiell owe ortierioesoest and Bethel ateethear, petti
Mel:leek end Mate. Ileetinash Fatigue ea Plight Iran
tton, Palpitatich a Ms Lieut. Uinta of ephitejlittar
las.' Wok Lteadithe. sad ell the painful Memo omit
timed by a dliordaed enter; Moe Ms ,tit .mat •
oure viten al other mows lure Wal e awl although •
parsed remedy, do net content tote. Wetzel. matte:air.
or oar other refeeraL •
lalldlteatkee eoxsoolastoir elegh Oche^ Pthe.
the Maid Btatee end Omuta. One DM=
- &go Air fa kr Ws cosekter.
L O. BALDWIN & Ock. Wzb&ibir, A. T.
=ITU & NOM, Auburn. N. T. anew &MIL
A-11.00 and 6 ragtag* nsals to 061 ow
ttuniatra mint, irtli Won • tottlaal Uwe PI TY by Mum
tank In Pittibar44irkr,lNlNCl 'GROB. caw of
LIA t 0
. 14 6 eorsOr
tititriet.. M
sad Drapisourally. • ITllhrle
Pure Cod Liver Oil—Every bottle war
rantad tubs ;sir, Co 4 Lbw Oil. •
jhr at SAaosatinn,
/I* lb an qtamedd,
Artr tho cars V ox at,
• For OW aollittuat.oo.
ibr Qs errs 41.171 m.
Ibr th, are Vali SAW Dimans.
Fbr MI VChri.“4 Mmeimtar.
nr CU acre of Chrtente:/brs ism
Its at csin qr Milo Mottling;
lbr mg an Of GUlthstar Etwahig.
Par Ow an Vaults of Mg Soria .
Pter as cure ofTutownary Cbinaiplkn ,
• Xs VW cars 4fGhstateDrenoltillt.
, ibr llas turd a.•
Ibr uti ce „,,,, ma s Qas /taddEr and Kidovaa,
MMa cum a)" Condaadansal Iftakaas and Cknerat.
. _
Addr(4r. .
Bold by tbo clout / Loll= add Is tort:or by ta• daub or
. 11 15 1 ==lop. , U arM 3 O I IIST. M . u Ol . ` U
•L. Wow ot tko uotoralarrior. ~ a ••lt (tarn . 1
Wm. A. Bachelors Heir .834.--410
Baran& Dilotarthig nor pound *mkt Imre' attabild
the waistrod favor secardpd , to tbla Bye, tb• oelalnsi. my.
or fantod LWOW. Katona Is not more trim 44 Itomolt
than the brown or bleak nroduoad la the roddist. drams
or IMO frowsy bola by IL gad* and sold. or andlod,
also wire. • maul at Baronotoro Wls Factory, 1)3
arOadinw. New Tat. Win. A. Batottolor lion the boa or
all arandoo, otawro an 1121.4410111 L
'rot moles la mold In Plttabandh br G¢ol4oll B.
111111911114 141 Wood at. - nri2.2lniawb .
86 Fourth rt. near Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.;
Boggy, Carriage, Riding, Drovers ,
Zeep co m nsta n ittli on hand, ric,aived direct
boa tagr i s i os T ir=cu ilw rs.o
_earl I= need sr
rePittal% ""'
Wir ti tTir e ..62ro reitrari,:l64. Moats :ta
- -
a=tteglatiliFriCrlt jaarlqll Agaii
t S."" A l l a jtir mutLiwto,..its-
r"Xor 8210:- L
-ilandlomo:Pro erty for se3o,
Ansa at tbitbiii at thirbe4 bstuan the dir
011111129.021114L41411 OW on Acasozczudas by she
ANFTsystm isolsteil..lz:za. visitor; •
loom - . , *o.f amosuriabirett.P‘
DLL PITCH In he whited br hlo sonehoto, DR. 3. W.
Itris, who will bo with him Om tts 10th of titan and
with whososoolotones he hobos to attend t , ratlonto from
• distonro with has ..!olsy than hos berotonno boon mt.
'Foldable. Mould Dr. • Mob uodor the no 0w01,7 of
leaving on the Id of June Instead of remaining VII Cho
wi l2th, the appnintment will be concluded Le. Dr. fork., who
stoo roman until Naturdzy positing July 120.
To orrommodato
It:Knowing and extend. wortorn
orootloo,llt. U.N. Fitch will epos In Jane rust, • mato
eight ogle.. at Dattolo, Now York. whore ho will bo. sitar
hosing rittobursh, and whets all tommunleotions will
liefother bo addrossed.
111, CAI.V,IN VITOII vishao itdisUnctly tiador.
.1041 that It••Imo on lemon any wrofeominnal connection
with tlr.ll. S. VI row, and would call attention tothe card
whir , hi Cotton hiliklielfrolll4 upon to putdioh •
hie rottirw from Zorot*, haring Wetmore to the
7°, 11 ,17 ',ll',t l 4"LiP.• tal h . Atl l l7,lr4`''' "r"."4
Invalid. doolrina to annonit Dr. lif,tch ohcald In
PaxsongerTrains will run doily, except
iseeetri. as follows
Warn Pittsburgh for thattilus at 716 A. M. and 3 P
Lantos Cliastlins for Pittsburgh at 0 A 01 and 1240 P
%boss trains climate alum oonnotUons at Or ortllng.
with trains Mr Columbus, Payton, Chounnath liodsfoto
Ur% Indlanapollo, Chicago. et. Louis and all points on
toads attending Wert and tbtoogb Ohio. Ill•
dlana and Illinois.
loth trains front rlttobargh eanueet a thinineld with
Trains on Earaluakr. llamasld and Newark runt. for
Maraca, Toledo and Band war, maktai u
quick and more
einnaetloni to Chiang.. as by any other route. Conroe*
tloni aro made at AIWA.. •Illa Trait. on Cleveland and
Plttibursh 14 . 44 . for Cleveland. Cbleaen, Dunklek and
Paefendere leaelos Tlttiburgh at 3 P. M. ror tlandoskt
Toledo and Chicano. hare th. lament of • nieht'a reel at
Idaniflald or okeatand. and arrive In Chicano early alit
Thronah Tlekete are mold to Cul gmbui, baytoo, Cll.lO
Loutrrllle. !IL louts. Indlanapolle, Ilellsfuntalta.
Ohlielgt4 Rock Island. lowa City, Hoolleth. allbeautla
Calm, Sprlngtlald, 111. fort W./21., el,•••lanr1 sod the
principal eltlee In the West.
I barge Newlhighton far Plttsbarnh at 7 sal 1,4 0.
W. Leaves Plttitatrab for New Brighton it 91; a a., and
Yor Ticket. and farther Iniscri T tlon, &onNly t o
At th• tlarller strive, raider the
Oa W e a Mahn Tic a t s Ace e ct
J. 11. MOOSE. P. .4.
J. iszmy, remoter lleat
?Utah:loth, May 1. RUA mr6
Dr. Oeo. W.
rou. TRY CURE or
(to - outts, 031,1 m, Croup, Comma" llloadlog Longs
Author& Ilronetithi, Influenza. Apgar:.
Cosrasuptiou. Ind all disuses of U.
Throat nut Chat
Dr. Geo. Phillt-e
rolvras Milo? AND CURE or
Ithaumaticia. Nanal.l.a. 'mates& Matins. Plaoratla
Path; Pala to tba Pilo. Chat. Back and Va..
Ilwollad and Palatal Jr.luta. Waal, Back.
Cramp. dere Throat, Swains, ha
The thoosaade who hare wet thew Medicines attire
to their excellent sterns by • notate:mama at their We.—
To theme who hare not need theca reword.] may TRY
Tlay.n and they will find tleim to be all they aro 'eine
m:dad. and that they will act with weergic•Uie Wed.
lilt. t/EO. W. PULLIAM. Pols Prorrieter. - antipasti.
for rale wholesale and Wall by
1311CLUIASI l MclthitliAN'
(nal TM Allegheny City.
A Copy of a Letter.—New York, .1 lily 15,
1t365.-eat. 11. T. Itsurwart—ijewe SY, Tour Wald To.
end, are ecrtalaly highly eanoritested. I lad them the
mpg active I hare ewe coml. and consider them ••11 We
thy the madmen> Wan faculty to ail the wiro plalots far
which they we designated. If you eau else this to Mean.
aim lon west perlatt liberty to do so.
Very reepertlfully. rare, J. L. CLARK. R. D.
En ad•ertlrersent Ilelntold'e thmuloo PropustiOra.
Beroftaa. Moots of Mercury, Ccmstuap
rths./Ironaltis. DeumDna, Raerrancisea..effrctimu or The
etoreardieces. /Arr. _idme, •
~41 , ear
*meat Leur re beta Ita4el owt FretWer.
WADI wad Genital Deatnern will came. twee and
other ehronl, diteesea. unlwe cured Dr. IIEATLI. No.
750 zroedney, N. liorlg.,terotes bb %We time to caring
lb.. end all amigo attaations. Ile Invitee the alined
to call, espechgly them ■he beta received no benefit hem
newton], treatment by abbe.. thee:atm..
W. worir cared by Dr. liestln—litaream ()Mauro. Odd
Drcedernt . J. D. Deters, Jane Leath*: IL F. banker aid
child o:andante). Y. O. Mende ttleaream).'l. Sbiablne
K te r Kim Ind trate, AO.
Dr. Math la an honoretie and elithdrardolan and enr
iteara—L Omen, at. D. J: A. Amttl& Y. D...t. K. Soot]. M.
D. Hon. A. Loomis. tlon.O.rne Petrie. Don N. :S. Den.
tan. AXIOM flab on Nor York.. Mon. Jude. Carron. Cite
J.da4 Nor Yak.
Pafento at a &Adana can mow& the doeto, try tatter,
dating their ewes tally. and receive adrioe, and •0 the
ememary tenaellee.l.7 mall cr etyma. thereby obviating
the ileasulty or • tereoul elan. ills Introdrintml =ca.
edth inuUytirs inagn,llllP4 VIII be tree to any ed.
p.--1.10 tb drat eV 31 al. Dr. Ll.:b anvo to 101
Spiv. stmt. ormats the St. !a:tabu Bova.
. Cast Steel and Iron Gun Harmls.
Cut Steel Plated di Hammered bards d; Spades
Was, ilotteckr. Stolle. Mumma, Harrow Tooth. Ale.
mutational:, NO. IT DIAS KJIT at.
Parahooar - oleameoll omi oxamtao oar stark 'Wars
paregadag olombaro. Manua
A Juit Judgment.—Public opinion ill a
bat baton natl . flow moo about atiatatlna without Mato
seta nib land the !unmet orontlatitair. abut u 7 that lts
vadat/aro hush. but aerortloduo they ate 'aincesUy
JUL and aortae{. "Smaadya Ilallest Dlocovery." ban
now boon on trial him= .12 Mrs, and dazing that p.
tbotuands a tonneaus hare alms to otua hat.
favor. One tenths that he via eared or toraols after
Miting 6 tura Oat ther lint he }band Inmodlsta ostler
atter rattan with balatheam thy :hymn. and It h mob
Mime as ado that ban mood the rano to nada the
Mowing vordkt Maly at estermlnallin and moat.
Mao trots the rota. ivory homy with .blob It ;emu
In =dad, and we roommond It to the ontaldastlon of
the ittlichd.
Sold by DR, am EL EL SUER. 140 Wald stroet.
No !MD Liberty Street.
ne.pi INAuTUlthitti OF
Iron Railing, Iron Vault; Vault Doom, Window
Button, Window Crumb,
Nos. 91 Second st., O. 86 Third et.,
(botweon Wood and Market,)
Ifni° on hand a variety of now patterns
raw and Fiala. mailable lbw alto avan& Partlaalar at
Witten sattattui Unive Lott. Jobbuts am at
British and Continental Butane.
mom ar
°CACAO, 811131111111 & CO.,
Those Drone are available aS all tho Fria
ciriPtowul °Maitland. IteothauV mut Irtland. and Um,
Cantlant. •
As also dm, ILIUM artaz os
M. A. Gnmebanta & Bailin,
1240117 . 01 tr 4 MAW,
Atd4lll.l9lk ill lleatittain to on owto of dorm:Lai
Ihntseilond and trollono.
Prisons totiodlost to tom! obroodutayrtooorottitotorb
itotottoto o(Ctoillt, m wh;oh Moao7 ton be obtained, ea
math, In any Wirt of tunic •
Oollicocais of BOL. Vot•s. gad 4024 Ncrtritimi la ay.
tam wig niain w au P t er.ft.T..Alus a 0 0 , 9
ishl3. - Wm& (*roar Ilan! MOM,
wrr. LIAM
AitNO auwasso LD na TO •
thilson Furnaces, Wro'tlron Tubing
lei Wan*" and nu:maim . ' af Bata:atm
W. a A. trill mend lbr. Wanitat guid V/agitt(ef b)
puma Met Wall:4MM arebilionNatrues. Ottareame.
os* llooltals. laotartas. Oran Hour, (butt Ikrair
Jell (totals or stlines. Ho. it& Marts% aL. Plttelnite
tracassouge =um. X'nOrt • 034
, • ItOrrllloCmrtu.o Or
Cast Steel. &nem Sew. Mister. Polish
ST-It 1111'6 101 1 1gEL; _
Mattooki, Wadies, Hariow.Teitb, La.
' •FAREturtmr. vault emu%
• is•tvon Wcodsall Pkoltb4•l6,
lama, 111141.14. n ,
bon:getaato - MAU° Powderßtiy_ - yotr
sod to• Vegan' Unit 140 wood it •
38 dot •4elmed_y's - Medical' Discovery
, - • usu. U.1117/311101. lb Wealute •
Old P 6111160114; Intl old, of 'fine quad
-tr. boat,. aw nu sr nos xmniata woad.
Cittis Maimed atirio
PELIAPg4sP_ W-A- , ' NEW ADVE , 11 '
, Fire and Jara inmmuceComPlalT , —,-
OPPOSITE' pfa'CVZITOM Hoax& . 1.. .. d., 11 _ 0 , 4 avi. for
bi OW c:f.olgoLoa. uato
Will make an rinds o r •llmuluirm• tither forotablog toot, als, labor ao4l..ereouo. todvo.cid=
Porpot. or LlatßaScot ov=ltriptln of Proper:lT of building to the rmront Otsth W t - .5d , .
g—r--11"11MPP!'ELNO, Prue Beat . P4toburol Avotrset to to moo ple
am.uono.'or b- a toro .
bs tb ... e 7, ,, 0th .,
a 411321:18 IllZt. Plano Aulaz
11. W.Boltarro. Yin Prooldest. t No. el no.. 1,46? MOOD, et....E
„ ours D Km ,.
Mit P. R. R. x. cutoiiNooLat.
j¢. g. )33, Cleo{Mnm a ItEU at.
= mama
e. 8.13+1 , 1 , 7. •10°.0.1."1- -^ • • J
'Width R" .. .
o. e.onao.
B. J. Ilecire.,
1. Mayrot:Llnk Secretor/
3. G. 0.1171 N, Agent.
Third and Wood Wort.
Life, Fire it Marine Insurance Company;
Office, Cornea. Market and.Watcr Streets.
Holm GAL 1140 0 : .1 - taktesi. TEM (111 LEAN. neer.
This Company makes - met:7 Insurance spp
mrtalning toor connected with LIYZ atm& „
Aipoow—aw. Mill end Carte a.)
iitenedolltivereend trinnterile, ant aimine MAC Cen•
And againet Loss or Damage by Fire,
And ageing the Penile a the Pea end liimlinition
" it b ile:Ves=tthe lownsetsstee conandect with ..Soft
• a=
Robert Galway. mam
Yamnal MrClarkm •-• I intaran ".n'"'
J j ossrp .b. ba tt. . Maratimldl. Warn.
David 11. Chanatern
Jam* Marshall, I Cl u Zug.
Davidltlebtr, William Carr,
Janus W. Milan. Robevt FL Huila),
Chas: Arhathnnt. Jam. D. EIVIIL
ALraandsrt !India". MG suirMS-Ivie
Oornor Fourth and Smithfield Streeta.
Authorised Capital 6100,000.
mstla mdranivas AND OMER riyorEßrr
Airattut Loss or DSMISITO by Hires
And the Perils of the oft and Wand Narigat . o. and
Wax. F.Jobatten, liAdrPattassoft, Jacob Palmer,
W. IdeOlintock, Jae. P. TIMM, Oa,. W. &dila.
D. E. Park, 1. Orin am or& Wad* Darerto&
A.. 7. Jne aetra, l o r r le c
A. A. o n ..r.
Presider& Don. WAL Ir..rODNIECTON.
Vito Frothier& MDT PATTIMBON.
Oteretary Trasruer. A. A. CALM& IWII
Farmer? and Mechanic? Fire & Marine
TIIO9. D. FLORENCE. Pfeddent.
MM. 11. !Immix,. Beat t. 17.
Prom Oa First day or Auvut to th.lloll.l—first. day or
amount Matted In Mnrito,
do Ylr. do
Total oraroloto* La Five or. Dian
IN V t 3 . 4731/ A e
Hood. of A conoty. littaborob ...d
litt.burffl.FO'r 1714721 3.6
liollroa4 ._ 93,400 00
0.1100 Elf blortneo of Hod Istar;.. ....-. 49,940 00
(In 1111orno, Collators)
lloob lo Hook and on totoJ ._ .. _ 11,093 28.
41.143.3 subonibod (001
08.00 doll _ 97,000 09
PteMiLlta loot., not 68,397 3t
Don Irons
foocupol b 1 Honda) —lll,blB GI
laponocs and Oornzabodons
Total anonot of Lows Ineurrikl.
but not ist Minato],
I.ce4 60
..3,000 CIO
Thle Comps c y lonaree and cane ri.4.• oft th e Mae
eud llied.lo.l tritmtule.. Imam egalrut Lou dat.
sws dna. LE•••BlltvrellreatiLurted awl ptlyWd
ilx.mecte—lioe.. T. M. 110Wo. preel Mor.hmt
Jams. Wool. •
••• • • •
Par Infuriates opyl i t t :
1031115 J. 11WITEIL, Agent.
Olaf fe tip. DO afar et. dot Ycod andidariret.
Reliance Mutual liunizawie Company
OPP= SO. TO WALIS7S7' srapar.
Cup_atai• .11.71.674—Anita. =AI, Surety /setae&
Teraltere, ha. In tree or country.
The mutant principle, rointined . with the recant/ of
Stork CaLital, entitles the Insured to share to the profits
of the Ccnrearty.tothottt WtOUt77 for lama • •
The Script Oertleratee of thie Mn. peen for groat; ere
eottrertlele. want° the Capital Stork of the Coultly.
cum TINOLNI, Preal.lenr
-11. M. theowear ecretary.
Lewis 11.,Aehintret.
Clem Ttusdu.
Wm. P.. Thoutwon
T. C. Rrlri.lll
Z. hotte r:T.
IL L. Canon,
Hobart Tolsad.
Edward G.Jaraaa
Wm. Moran.
Arehnold Uettr.
Wm. 11. Semple. Mgr.
J. O. 00)1FIN. Ammt.
mhll-M moat Third and Wood detract.
Irral l tA l l!k r DtPde NY. ol j noz. S s. E. E .L. Y r Tnlnl INSIET .o It ;
rat sta., Phila.:leaked.
On VSEL& CA1200.1/1:81111:1T. to all Cart. r( the world.
On 0.415. by Rivera Canals, Lakes and toad Carriages.
to all rat. of the Union
FIRE vssonescin
On kfareharld lee mnually. On atom, Daelllo Mona &A
AS.= Or t Writs t. Nov. ,v g. 18.5 k.
Sonde and klortotioad. and Baal Estate.—...—Slol,43) DA
Philadelphia-My and other asalo co
l ln Lanka, Railr
.-.- oads and Inintranu Dna.
88.040 10
RetrlloseGile 188.440
Cub on Asstd.
28.826 OS
Valance doe at Asettolm-Prea.hrtam on ye
• Sollseado omantly landed:and ot.W dobta
TIM) amount arAseata.—..---.-4617.319 Of
i:w&sd l
Itazaball 144
Jame* L. Taylor,
Jacob T. Btastist.
G. M. Wand.
Fici=Eu raln.
&auk'lL Sigkas.
r.dctuast tlowa
Jatta.U. Darts.
Robert Rartori.
1 Jam . ...IV . A , .
Jain /1. P..pete*. I wa..
*gorge ri. LOD. Jo.bas L. moo.
Mooed Darlio Rio s. ' James Tetooeste-•. , :.
H. Jones Brooke,
J. U. Johrtwo, /mos IL lteTerlatga.
Wm. C. Detotgr_te.
Juno°. IWO.. Chutes 8.1,.der,
TbdoplalltsoPeuldilmr. J. T. LAtoR, Pfttob.tith-
Dr. R. B. Heaton. D. T. orann.
I.lrmb Crete. John B. term le. •••
W. 4 1 . 1 ,1 _1t1A.R.1 111 , 1 ""..."... "?,. .
T111i311.8 ., V
al -IF No. 9tWatrietittru4 . h.
Citizen's Insurance Comyy of Pittsburgh.
rAT * Ttr .6" a 4''" Agrlfo Li zi """
Rabat p, Jr.
Paw 11. Pnauck.
W..? sm.;
J us. 2L Ooopet.
=2 64l"ik
I Wla.
'muff, Diplits,"nss,
No S 5. Wood Piadburgh.
(TIRC/Men TO T. 11...V1CR1L1314)
No. 129 Wood Street,
ap2l-1 liwT PI TT Sit U RCM..
Niw You, Jane 15th, Ibso.
Now York Liverpol Line of Packets-4k
. JOHN THOMPSON, N 0.410 Ll bdrty
'trot. IlllesTaniTh Rao is the-only Farm In tha ato - ea
city authorized to sill Rasura Cartldestes foi mr Liao of
Now York and Lhartool Nast.
waNaLum GUNNELL, -•
ST floulla at, New York.
alwaya on hand • SUM Drafts for an, onansd.
Naiad* at any Bank In Itnaland. Ireland. Scotland and
Wales. • . ,•
*leo, Wawa.* on trooo tlawaork and Phliadai.
t rbodaryT a•T .Na aloTunharti.°Krtrh...LN*
Nelson's. Antbrotnes.
The Azaketype •ie • deetdcoily the . moot
tril m tut.: tototani end di:amble style or Po rt rait ever
to the an. Their Coos lelett velvety and hums.
odour Ins demo. neva obtained by 10Wocent Being
(skin op glanetbey en exerellosif and Yel Inv
lime the ift,rwreotipa. icon, a* pot MO-Ma to a. 7
moan Lain children ere pictured wt only more UM,.
tifully bat In ehnost Inappreciable point of Lime by the
AzobrotypA By ro eLturrwrosees can pictnroi M mote en
perfectly beautiful. W. nopecrially moat ony hinds
ao,ttoand 4Lok i tu r oLotoorr to ow=
the pro.
' , ikn's OA Y. *LI in. • Mee Boilla v ltila
• net
Inn. son Ihur et.
Sculptor, -Modica. Stucco Workor and
woos ocroti. 10 Thltd street, beloved Wood and
Idabel And% PObbomb, Psy Moro oon.taotlron baud
au oddrtmold or dw 111wp Oontto pods, got pubm, do
'Holloway's. PM, by the doson or - gn) es
Wept' -0 CO. 11.1(X101111% 146 Wood 0.
ArtifWall:fipple& of an improved
(at - ask at WIN - U6Oll WIM•& IRO Wood rt.
60 dot:MalAcm - in we, at Geo.
RYSER'S. W 110 Wcovist, EWES
Holloway's Ointment, .old in nay ivionti
at a1...14 • GM, L. Essexit'aito Wood sL
Y !whetted, AdsoldstretolOtths Patatr of Thomas
Maim. dnwth, will oder for ewe, bppubtla maim Cr out.
ern cor therembeeme. SOMALI; TUN THIRTUNTH
bhp of !IMO PITT, the tohowlatt dowalbeel OPAL OP.
'At 114 situate I o Bala rOshriagelow tommblp, W est in
lard b i t t Ma. mu. from the tillage or
attallbe. about the Fame dletstureboult or Megrim.
Mutat andPlttetturfrh :Umbra. &Dotal ohm from the
Puma. Rehm& Tote term waterlog .150 Werm. TM*
wummeenhatly emated nut the Mot of 110wrlart
• /11‘threlme sad &bear liormiw e "bout /9 Mrs Irma
1h sad Lb miles nom aba coonlymel: The um
mmeimmemoorstago 1101Thli LTD AAUP,
his Appal ohOHAB,D, , The land Menai watered; imd
et • bill o&. of .curtteottorb .1 tie Lltlih
tlf MP UM, with me abut:dame of Ltirmeteah.
strismthouis COAL
oleo verpabandesth there are about rim. , ACIIiE3 OP
COAL of -t..tutet olachtr
In thictvw . A the Wow about sib MI
TL TY 1.158.H0 D.,
Coneuttozr , Mtn Oar- Walnuh r eggerL home&
ir •
l orTf nil tAulm i tr i at i a:ftw u ttEL ' lttme.=y4 l) : ill
Ilm""'doreellgulantod II occo l""u eored Mimeo of del:et flatte uf ma re
.1a the countt i. t lZeogrphr_Crr .t. arr w inte tc h , T. gold make
iielli r triali r lit Tee PittaboTle mut co.stumr u 'l n ta z A Z
toquas is =lima, to ingamstymr: !Meltwater la
- • 1% - rn at e = l t
moms won ttue math= rambles lettlath ape el
" meowym
. b."l"tf oi l li 1 4'04 ell.6loirAr a do tDs
rg uthw ' .
Bale tte
P lliall—Otromm a acaelathefollmilarja tirommeresared
UTTEIte-4144 Choic4 8011. 1 bld., Bald
mri jupwa,24,oo,4loo2sor t ud noe u x in -• m.
,rjOTHX-13ZED- 6 0. bbli: IP Biota and for
.17 .aSi - 3:IIVIVEL2iIOI4-,
LDL7t•e. V.O Env.:
10 Nam , 1 ,. . M0w.... Oct naltrtnomat. Axe Age tcr
[13711=1.4* JAS. 'hie:Ml.ll A OM. 17 . 2 A. VA liroast.
3 504 K. I,;„Eni - .'bry",l!: l .
tayl2 72.4 171117. d At.
.14/ lIITEGOODSAT 3kl'
YIELD'S—WA barelaci:nen. Plain; Nana
melt, Fries an dlicanet 11.11 and bane plain 041
bow.. Gs and mots% spatted d figural dna conslos,
infanta' 7011514 tuaquip, and a tun asiortmon t E..
brolderie, •
Alm, plain and maxim beregeikAinmec and cm cadlen
by tbe are and in 00b00 timer Mae by tla. salt and in
r•bcr: antler plain slits and moire natal:rta. se tt
and lugs nommen t"or laansa ON wadies, etklntica
;Anted brilliantaa and .Erk Mich And American prints,—
illuth. amt. comae of fourth eti, my=
AND ON LONG CREDIT-6 50 , acres
iLlor lend In 101nole. Musts In the countlee or Moul
trie. rhelby. Melon, May. *lea. Dal sib. Platt, W ;ohms
ton. Jaffe:in% tkok.Ottan. Joe Darla. te,46. 4, ' Them
Lodi are near railroads, Umb3r and etzeacas—rleh verb,
Pr'oo from 1:1 to $2O an sera OAly 10 reroot to has
balance 01010 rem,. do d 'For We hr
nun 0 CUTBS NET k BON. DI Marketati
ralllE • LONG EXPECTED 1300E!-The
Soarron .mmea Paper,. by Frederick - P.'(icer me, rno
n.av izaa, The acres •111 no doubt Da ,the ropular
'Penn Book. and is dotlood to staig. fl.•
Claribastati. a Soog that's be no author. a deed aritboot
• owe. perp.trsted by Q. It.Pdlisodar
Just red/ and kr We by W.A. toILDENFENNt
I =rid Fifth at. appalte tbe Theatre.
I Co. ',sin on .11onday, Mad UM, another
oplandbilot o.Boonata and IdaMMaa to at material? and
Um mended and most dodsab.,, addle. 1271,1
hareistat roe,' anon= 11 , 11MIOr war Matt cf arr
rules of te'ls. and Priwel Gahm:ten.
Shurb!, to vhlelt <boy Invite sitanstm icipl2
n ()NNE r RIBBONS—A superior assort
. meat of flue Bonnet Itibbcru. entlrOr new d 711.1.
jnitte.db7'n7l2 A. A. siseoN AW.
t/PrOrie lands In Michigan. Maas. Sunman] Iflanap
au a nd; t)blo tamp and Oterrelnad Invony for nle. by
m 71 2 . - E. OUTILDEort SON 6.1.31arnt
Ida Green sod Duff. of different widths, far window
'des.' jest reo'd from our roarrohetorr. and for at.,
Isholorale .t th. Oil Cloth Warercoma. No 110 fdsrtet st.
Z.."021/2 J. h IL ruiLues3.
Ity 4 and wldir eh. doe, far tale u ll6Ol
Cloth Wuerocott, No 116 Market at
. J
.14 .11 1 31
Arz9AB /12
.$109.101 31
. 300.000 00
200 BOZ. Tonle, Stand and Bureau
Otters, minted alto sod pelloroe, sad of Olt
termsqulltlaa, few ate low at wholasn'e or retail , at the
till Cloth Warnoonee No. Ile Market st'
toyl2 J:lll. POI LL11.24
CREESE-100 tuxes prima now outing
Chees.Jost nmod sod for osloly
mon R. 1113TCLUNEON. No.llo Second et.
DRIED APPLES-20 sacks just rea'd and
far see by lt lIIITOIIII,I3Oti.
?IkAIAUKEB.AI.--30 bblt., No. &Large; °
IVji bblr, do do. Xedlam.j cut teed and for sale 07
ma7l3 . B. 7IUTOLIINEO2I.
OREFIRING-50 bbls. No. 1 hokled gul
in 7 ow, ono SO& ..1 • t . • •• . •
m 712
WIIITE bble. and 30 blf. bids
Ant sited and Itrr sab Dr EL nurctioscrs.
The Taylor iron Works for Bale-
TIUS elegant Bolling Main. Newport
KT. b now offered for gals. It le beentiftdly located
on an eem hector LiCkleg river.' YU mill house 200 .
feet long lir 160 wide, heat., engines, one of 10 inch ell•
lode.. and 10 loch etroke, and the other al Inch and 8 teat
stroke, • ith pump, doctor. well. to. in complete
oiler. Alms► roll threlng lathe, dr ittroemer with B.Y.
moss or gro.d. Tho mill le wlthth ten dm or being
reedl to manufacture iron. no shore &scribed properti
will be'old at Public Auction. on toe nremisze. on WED.
kittBDA T. June 4th, 111g f. a.t. 10 A. if.. =leer pnieloroir
a r'''orao Illebray rate Vo 00 made Earth. an the rel P—
. Pow' I.
D UD= th. GJt
es. S 9 CO. Newport. Kr. mylo
Rail ie4 Factory for Sale; •
LI B. J.E,Nlid Trir - king to return East, of.
11.4. shop, sell at a grist bargain. bit Holt Maththerf;
Crow Drying Kiln, three nen" on. pan. Timber
Whes'a, two Carta, ao.„ to This utabilanment la 10 cur
- earful cgotatlon, taming out front five to alx Modred
tags per gar, ategrogolar =nowu ranting that num.
be daily. To any oce that rants to engage In tta men
nfaetory of lull keno. the preaent la • rue thane, aa it
rill na sold at • TITY great bargain. Those vl thing to
Pomba. •th the the in full operation by oal do M
oans gboenbarger mill .a Bolling Mill, on Pletbanies at at g
roar bridge aortae the Allogheny river. myluamda
Pltt•barahllma9 14
ASPECIAL MEETINtt of the Stoektiold
v. or t'.e , Ettabarah wad teabonallle hall Rcai
NA), .91 hel3 Co Tea-clay Vt. liar, 1834 at the
Deka ..f the Company No. lit Fourth anat. atIO o'clock.
FuINE SHIRTS !!!—Thd subscriber would
call its attesU®d astalsruen to Ws stost al Want:
oblitt ram sidzusoma 4, by Wirehns4r C Scott and
Oldenbanh d INgezrt. .Tha toost versed filth= sytkis ,
!Inds at micas must= frtm 51,60 to dtt.7s each- ()Assn
reed acid Drolostly attended to by CHNbTEU..
ES Woods:- coy. cf Diamond &net,
We study Waimea. ray/V •
tied • supply of this excellsae Parsee lituths .e.o.
la. wader urea calthallso islll_produce 5 taus of IIsY
to the atm HOLM/.:1 CIALNP.
00710 155.129 Food st.
IONOEISIT It A TM/ LYN—A .new article
*Avast:tog Soar, Intruded to /W.A.
in every mpoet, on band owl far sale by .
INDIA BED-300 lbs for sato by
■ moo B. A: IhItINIZTOCIa W.
ROSE PINK-3 bblz lbr sale by
istylo 11 A. TAHNXIsTOOK a CO.
BBORAXREFINED-25001b9 for salo b
owo B. A. PAC!. 4 IESTOCK t CO.
eati IS /JR SLR VS 0, frock our , toid a:metal-.
Datled bozos or one dram at. Hick Orden
br mall or otborwiro prosnotiy.fdlo".' • •
m7lO nutann a COLLINS. Wood et .
CODA ASII ot.agabd and uniform quality,
manutectured by the Pa. Anti btae.Co.. at Tareattbs‘
on baud and kr gale Dr' ylO • PLX3II.ICti
2000 LBS FLOUR SULNIUR ili store
sad for gal* Dr ILEMINGIIIIOB
1 DOZ Phytician's Saddlo Bags instoro 'runt
fbA. nla L 7 my/i) FLEMING BROS.
0200 EBB OA= MAGNESIA - in store
and for Ws 17 FLEMING -BEM
eyaaC 13.1' Peck , r isTIO 312311NG BROS.
Cot gut flOrllog
Is. M. Mar
Blres.A b.
Jam B. •
Oa • and (mei br FLESUNI 817.09. •
Am lby sill• by -
BIITTER-11. boxes choice " Roll Butter
Ws &treed and for oah, try
oa7lo LIENRY U.
Dwelling for, Sale.
A N excthent Dwolliag House, with Size
Orden, containlani pod atabla and oat blinding, Lautosted On Ranh Canal at, between Chestnut at. suld
Ltd Lane. Allegheny City Thn wishing to °lnds. •
abate* realdene4•lll dadtils an epportnnlty veer WO=
.. ._ . . .
. . .
ercts wlll be :tide . Salmi. of ,
- B. C. SHACHLYTT * CO. Wood lit.
50771111 d or 1111886r* WELLS, 3 Mart? It.
itICR—Tho Allegheny Gas ContipSay
4 itss desisted • Eknal-Asuntslalit/Sad of Your Is a r
C•Pina PsSable _ins sltn. oho lith
Inst. IL.• EL DAVI - Tsui&
Allseksns, Ms 7. 1865.—m9;dtd ,
BemovaL, •
rmored to No. Gs, 21Idato new bade
Log.* mirth K. emelta UM:Omer iplace of basinsfa. -
m 7 7,3 td CRAP. .COLTo2l.Tress
~u vu totzT f) ) L113137 .=
ortp.nd Note/ having 4, 604 or /2 rnontbe
to rnia. mrßl•d*. B. 11101 LANG
alO EXCIIANGIE-41000 in Iron &Nails;
$l,OOO I n. gash villtdolebansod ant sn anignrid
boo. or Bond and ifortradr, aad ring rd.' In rot.
yar ct.
Intirest. i fu l Lltha a drfa I Vais to tuV i -tri prinpoiky g :11111 to;
proved. -
SLOOO In cub TBI b exattarind for an arrpnrl Bond
nz.d diortirma, Moto* I parr io ran. Andy t
• . B. SULAM SOY, .
ma • .• •• • • Burko's Building ten at.
ATEW EMBROIDERIES—A...choke lot of
LI floe Preach Collars aid etbar noodle wart goodijost
opened at 1.11.111.NAV Trlscualcualtor..
m 3 9, • • idarket st.
000? as - •
au it Ana: a ilimmuut St.•JT barket
ItULLED BUCKWHEAT-20 sacks flue
2.i sad treat reed sad troth' -
au - BELL LIGOISIT. Water a``
A complete wortment at low whale, mined at - :
say 9 ItUßNYl3Trlmsatas !tow. 77 Market at...
*Drs. Gilbert &.Kepfiedy
Witiamt garland Orezatbas.
Oftloe 746 Broadway,
- .
•- . • •
1 1 1.-Uov.T.N.lpetct, Lion. T. Datl.r NULL!
• "-Judi. ' Judi. Y. W. 11011.44
Urn. If min*Lopes, OW. 731anc Whits,
D4pt. Isiah Dellgra. • - (*pt. Win. Lathers, Took IL BOW.' XX- •• ti.DaLhrta, At, D.;
W. .L.A.U.Xn. X D. L B:Peacoat, X D.
• • KU to
ri.Clor. istl3. /ZIMUSS:O3
Doti. .
trnd. P. B tard6a.
D. P. Palmer. ranter otititmeer Leo;
n. 2,4 °dee. NsT4lCoart-Tuctor, Nary lard, nat.
Prep.leorn nftho OlDirtl Homo, PhD. - ' .
- • lAir-Sesol Ars PaxpAlX • • ' xT8:101.d
UT/MEW Alim - RIVATELY —= A good
Y . instal( Rids tor hetele..B aka la aortal aura
Tore to-the too elder. 6 eala to go to tbertattar. 4 good
cooks fa hot elo,a lot solvate, hada& '4 ennoble node.
• elerk:4 paw deo to Han to to
nab anelkan dada;
Le!Me . pter.4 porta. • bly. to letma the taccoodles
a-SiMstlutwith 41=4 luta, piewrith warmer.
u ezrand% nedienerio yang woo 'to Aqua
aii". l Anti!' ilit.llJ3'll Isdalllavee OEM
11 " 11 • • ' : . ..,.ito Matt et,
uNpnes - -io bble, White Beaes;
.• .s6lsgtNo Y Lard
. '' 3 bole. ElLtomp italltnt.on d 0 bbb. i. 4
.bb.h0.113. 4 14a$01 llorn3l3' .
. 10 ; Boa, 3174, root. 100 Iba. arch,
trt *ilo aiid los icor ; JOUNIPLUTO CM
, imesllaitTooth Tuts,- lo onl.oood woloo (hi no.
IDlvlslon of Dr; rioattoo; sad u z.osouskolad to the
Mato Y ba.g.ropericto lay :Tooth:Yost, or PowOot
main.WO. tcedaaarin C r .n 4 blwariffni ael UM 2 4 2r
bog tutor. s p r i gluogoll Simm_altmaioli
natb,le,,foo aarbs - -JO3-YLIILLING, -
ANIS , earrotDismootiord liaokot
QI7I4DREEEpt iiiis'Extii.Farrill? , Roo t;
InlttrbvPolwirmr I 0 bac. Rue
s Grum , -.. . A elk Bacon, begjav, .
,'. le sks Festbeil•L ' ''' -'/ •• •• _
'---',' 21. - - lilies; ,ro mire= tmuneriMi th t
br ,- - • my& • - ieltAuDicallicrort",
MINEKALWATER;-I law° jast Teed a
bob rof EatiMo 654 .11,u• Udc Watarv.
.ita,SLElluiuria.Dit 4 and af indai
ICIOTH-BRIISHEX-44arge aesortmenlk
Netb trarbis ts6l br
AU 0/„... 7 1w.•, =Mum, 10,060
pas. do. ilge
... 1 11.4 5 % ) . t inter lin)4ahigs te,cot
ii.., U. PIAGET, No. 27 1-2 Fifth et, • .
- - between Wood and Market. thannbetarar
every of every description end of Plated
Ware ores,. ....lee ofplatlng. Also. deeet in It a • , .
J Wirer We. Cooks and Peer *elder. . .. . .
trae..Tited Wars of Tartans 1.1,...w ornstantly im bara
to suit these panne who mar wish to eelmt the artleise '
and to hare them plena to Petlenlar 'weight.
P. E. PFLEYTEL tnlimme htniends and retro., tut - -
halms joined- Ildnrsenf -tb WIT, PI GET to undertake ' ...
arbaterer relates to the - Week department In the stem
=lestablishaumt ..• Lilacs. that .to well llama • -, .
ten e 4
sel l •• halals Hee will ulnae the patronage Grum. t "
, suich some itripßallatO 10 Ltilk COtteCtiMi lad Weser- : • 4,
'neon either Watson. .„, L2z , •
Watches and -Jewelry,
now creates no entire new
ore Gold abut Meer Patent Isere.r.
Anehem and Lobe Watthme. In open rig
and hanthsgmeehofthentooteeiehrated
fig& "d Awlae
•Test axed rOgClunne.e . ljh •••• A
Rem. lliniature Came Ureenhetr. (kid
Emend Case; Pendle, Tooth l'acte.beeer.olale, Eat and
heal Twerp" /Entre Breast MA Ear_ Blase, Cole Ihnt,
," , Zabs'"" L 'itlftltrlaZ . L. D l,lol ° •,ll7.l ,n, 3l
Owns. Aka. Lerl, stork tb! test Anus Contr. at
.11 2treere atemk has hem ' ' ' fietehered Sheet .reote the
Eastern Menufscua'an. an rejected with ova care ase I
the retail treats and -*lit torpid at f men airanee on
Wetches.l3/oels Joretr tspiing; owing &laza
smsinit exrcitteil Intim belt litanntr and Sheer Were
and Jewelry made to order, J. M. ItiIIIEBSE,
ayle • MEL at, near 1/erkele.
rjrIIE subscriber has - . on hand a full and 1
accopleteasartosant of Vanty brass awls, lag ree'
m an count lelnq <---.
Ina french Cassino:an
Blatt i BrA7 " ,
' Ilmeallt&Vasinm ....
Enallah Bah Yeatleen
• french Omani& Van Ann I
• eleeVr .. op-nalne Veuttoln I.
V•IIel lrenth MAO. Teillal Casalmenn t
Freprh Silk Mahn.
Franen Ittoadanth; , t
The long eirnalence Of the anneember warrants him In
annexing nal and. csaulate satlafaction to all *ha may l
Ant Um with a call. toth alto theqianltty of
and the ettlng clan Manna. JOII.MI 11 , .
Meyer,: Stout 11C - Iti organroth,
Sculptors, Stucco Workers b. Wood Carvers,
No. 222 Pam et., near Irvin,
IGUR.F,S of all kinds; abo Ornaments in
Piaster of Puts, Wood out Marla.% eta. fOr daborst
tuUdioz., tom males Goa oat .-
,einge 010Ttr1 dOlniptioollllQ tt7le glanterma site*
shorten notice. _ . magra
• - • • . • LOCUST GROVE
Roxvpainio, , smina.7. Wit none.. to the blends
ot e Learttutten, that the nee, tirunx R, Maxim, have
Lag been soutpelled by protracted ill hearth. to)velgu his
chugs se Belot of the wpm they here teen so farbosate
es to wage the valuable mantas or the liw. 01:0.11EIS R.
BIDER, of Saw York, for the esotatlon, and who ens
ter. et 01..e . geot tit* discharge of his duties.
v. hl eminent Ills
nese tor the ensk committe; to him, and they bogey* that
ender hie manager:let:lt the Sa e =hot to 120'
earns Wag of puhtle lime end ettePort-
Pew.; hasten danghtera or nerds to clued , " we par
ticularlydesired to stew:lslet thautstgess weep the advert
teams n hien this Institution ' agora , . both w respects Its
position, two end bed( ndlea
tram the tits; andel. the &shales fee the thorough - end
refuted *ausarten presented in tts efficient cow °Maths. -
~.,..4 . : 11..1 1. .t ai111,1 on spllksuon to dm Rector
.. ,
.. • Pittston h A
John IT. Shoonborsor. 0,,,,..4-• -0,,, 11 ,,,= 0,1, . nut.
MIL= Y. Jolmstno, Oliver - V.r. - iirsog. -3*.
Tbocitare B. Leman, Goa; a...1148den. B.
arar.Ltalrod mimaT - -
The Spring of thet yeer is the moat proper
time to take domains and irettlyhie A:taloa. of whtela
!mem', Panama staiada ors em
-Celebrated Panacea,-
Kos T Cake tn.
. • T:TA. •
Inrigent ConmlnpunSCßOGretraFl & ur.While Bn
Rheuatism. Dienses of the Liver end Ulu. end ei
Dianne galena from Impunities of the rood, and Ad-
frets of Mercury. •
QW - AI3PS PANACEA 11,3 beea for nito
4.,tinzo:oyeargellebraisd la thls country sad la Ramps
(•0100 extraordinary cans—for cartilkates of which ref•
aroes iB made to the dinetlons and books (which may be
had gretb) sommpany Leg thersamea. home of welch
else the particulars of urea toofrlghtfol for general pub
lleatlon, where the patients hare ten, emeet Wee eV
with ecroalls, and were deemed lantrable by Phyablaze
It has beta two 11a hospitals ant private ;mania, and
has been recommended by ths mod celebtated phyddsao
mad other indrient pa:sow. Amore othets by— •
W. MU**. AI, D. Prof. of eargery. Pa. Unlyeralts.
Valentino Mott. EI :; D., Prot at Sorg. N. Y. University.
W. P. Dente% hf. . Prot. of 311111. Pa. Thaversits.
N. timemaryillf.l)...ProE of •Phralo P. theiretwitr.
T. Parke. M. D. President Co ll ege of Physicians, rhila.
ar.Del Vail°. Professor of. Bledlcine,
Uarana. -
- Tore Nauman de fur Professor of Surgery. L:sboa.
.1. Chipman. Member Royal College Batmen. ',hoodoo.
O. W. ander. late Nil:deur to Stede.
Sir Thom. Pearson. Major aertral British Army.
Gilbert Roberta:es. britlah Cousin, de. to
• The wonlerfal cotes Wetted br. sweors PANACEA.
hays too many Tam madelt to larainable remody. The
Panacea 0005 not cordate mercury de gay tom. and beteg;
ea lonossat megaration, it way On =tram to the moat
The thiefl pries has 'been renitto4 to el 50 tour bottle:
(sontnialog three half mate) or three bother, roe Si.
Beware. of Im_paaitian..
f s Panama. is la round Coa l loot Red.
wrath the loe.hfrs bra ;lethan— 14..
/laving the name of Jas. da , atm eta/treed on the sealing
*as, and,written on Wm label_ entering the ens, and a
eplead.i.l engraving Cu the side of the bottle .la Deaner 4 1 .
tn., bent note am:raters ' of Philadelphia. In the center
of which is a pxtrait Ed the late Wee. 61/11.1.31 (ropyright
• If person. pneetiatlng the Panatela be careful to ob•
mere that the name ;4 IV AI Al ie torseetly awned, they
need not be imposed on.• . _
• Also, Bwaim's'Vekroithge.
• A.veleabis //milt Arediemo,p a hlehtr ePtrored
rawly (Cr all diteaftearislog Dcbit44 or the Dim ,
tine n. 41141tr . the etneleth. Worm;
Choler. zamam - Dre , hutrY. F. thd Z , in.
Pllret b iloklihadathr,..tat, Co. Pee the P phlet
"gensierd i trlg a 2Bll , 4l7r/..e.13 1ne a/4 1 .7 . IMPtE OLD
ST AlVD,lsecrenth beltnr Chartuut. PhileglellibLl, and
sold by all the reapectatde Drire.nin. w the United &stn.
170 Wllinw S treet, New ork.
DL 1.1-11c.LAYES
• . Liver. Pills ant lierinifuge,
• 1MP.17.0r813:,
Jll.'l. SCOTT, a regular graduate and
rayeldaa of astactive plootko arg IXPIE10.0.111.•
u ill eed br acommeneable detreto anlaviatahuaran audet
nil.uwallutoßeet.hee annotation IMP/tOriMMUNT
on tn. minima LovarmaabOVOLVlllMa Or Da C. arLaxi
ball pared Mese mwedleo timMedleal partner of
Dr.O. furvaarrmart
Our improved LIM rum rarrenolaireposere =Mar
efficacy and am mote mild In thalr operation than Ma
Liner Elle and Varmlfunat posparataaaadlna to to. Crir
Mal receipt of Dr. o,slclana- We mate Oda declaration
undentandlogtri and recommend Manor* Us alnlettrd as
Lenox loath pleasant amt curative. and balm them isp*.
riot to an r other Lim Rill cr Yersollamrairt
Azad Coll, ficate of Dr. , CC Ne4 . ole, r = -
• 'The Whole Worhi-Catineredl
Dr. L Scott's Celebrated74ito Omani=
" -LinimßuE
• Tho nutmeg ralle4 afforded rilaidUrryof this
touted Aiwa Pala =arm lko inhrr mu lrt m of riloonatti Elk ar. ktrS
fZVTthrat Ihrorrra namg=
*Jatat• Wham, Atin.• eSmirr -BetiaZ Buroa .
or an d other die.. or which s•Palo Killer or "
Ir oswankoat° run WA. trey that Dr. /, hott' i
Ctlebratal lihra arearruot ..Uarahrti the most railablo,
'AM sort Dlassaut moody Tit AlaroVerar.
istrtorrliroirrUrgr kasha, diocht . zar ar •VM miti,
vir crorta cty.
=ram Chhrin..,..CAn•Th ' l;rhahhit hod strict intro.
ittri=rtnanos al to adopt It as • araodard .TaWS
Ilatood lmn g i. ar meet grkeredalora TIP or. " hjahl a rttarg
ticorolard aa • great Arroyarte rsrre62fl2rgA,dl64
T t/ mars.—
pasTAi. fe (ATM/ P Lime iMi=mdthe
I. V 4 1 , 4 is ard el l V e t Wf m u (bra
wring sty monist nabob' us Us n
ot 'ming the lest
Y.tistsss Thos. sad that 1 teLent Ise bee DEPROVND
MEM. I mate the abort etstemeaSths man •
w/*ISO IN/ istoutio. thew , ludatosenl would =
daze that / bus freuusatly used bletela bruiel.W ¢2li.24 Lilthiad preoU.w. wlat tb.e. hanks/ etttote.
and that 1 osotosucloattsusly rest:nand ts.
rill the above Ntettelotti propored 0.514 i undsw the tsw
yerststou of Dr. I. ektott, by,Dru.gists and Ma-
The e . r7r le..
it. • bt, . Idelluie's litsgrand Liver Pllts sad
hmeeed Yenta= ass Pjrned Dr. L. busts • Co., arato
pealed by owtifteste 0 The aurae Letstost
ed White Clreesdanldutosen./ Walked Dr. 1. beet& Cd.
eseattranted 'nth sir tate Of L. b
U ots, IL D.
Bank Mee. 11est,_ s.
Dr; GIXLII.E.SLE 4 / 4 1.10 Wood st.,Plttsbusgb, Mob.
upoz.t. Ali NOWA CU
_ .
mu IN Jammu conociont NOM, 4.4
lb. Ti /acne C=4 tam* Bea actiartant.
_ vai dNiliTtammutiommit EmattZerri.iestmalleik
no. O. HAMA lillyniciamitnd Surgeon,
'Jr No. CS Rand en..4„ - rnunuirgu;_ - . :,
rum:meet. Zroanr.Wassetwei Pa)mar_,...W. W. Wll•
km W.ll. Williams The=rata 13411, '.T.,' W K.rr . 14 T.
Malian. Wad. B. notaN: i IL EV Ai:X. Km, OM
T. Zama% 7ae. XI-.lm 'l4ild • tloCua CL. uott , ..
RtV , MII 2 .I -,,7
I:I.,ARDEN LAND -Pro=r *
nale—Wa ogre fee ado nn: oil and well
Pereyon ea Allegheny elver, (known as flolton'a /My)
a w n it ex in l m l o nt k n t di lU
ineh.pkne tstnategr yoeend MU*
the moth
- of Deer creet between' the cam/ and the ties. and Mee.
slne Halton'. - Stan= oaths 'Allegheny. Valley Balhond.
wDtp old tea and amengy paysienle: • ' _
Ann. *atm of lead nage ohm Reed et. (on the city MO
Dearth. &Hamelin, Tanolte. From it* peculiar location
sad annastreaeo of wenn. nmedna through 1t would salt
logienale nollee..enlohna. thee man fleeomerta Arals .
40 • • ma • - • Melilla.
-I -
fit OOKS z a — eho**, cea= .'af Agmcal'
li p tura y_ottc::;Lii - 44,3-= 7: 1 7 1 -
, g
' 7 ' llT "` - " sr gw. l . l .--...a.
- .4.-agrb4.F -,,
''ARM ROR'SALE.-;=We after for 8010 a
Lit:if:4ll7 acre% about Z)i oak. ET., LoganNl Eta ,
fon th..Atlegfuroy - Valll=t ti zir i ,„trg ra --
Anti mikklu son arcad se.
11 . 61116 teril. eta 14 11=e• aLtte IREI2 . dartti and-cultl
irsted. !alum.* drobrr. -194 ,- wbsre watered bi ...ow=
iTring.. , tivtl -to :i =A. BIAKICLY a Mean,
id r liF• l ').!;'! ° .V2X4ollll EEC ifis 24 Abort at.
10.-bbla medium .4 ,7 ?:43')H00ker01; I
- Imo sulk fortaby-b
- vtxrt wtbsori.
ARD-11-bbls and 511 kga forsake by
west a WILSON.
11 , YE.IZOUR-72trbblo.11idi toed arid
GREME—' 1-Ibl. e by
ilothatt &dams , a* bnatiftlitrte.4llll bor.
iistreamointtorta,,Amenalqoartna iksr maim
/ " 6 "W. P. KAR B a4 w ood . 4lXC gr.e.
fI R NAMBNTAL::-.CetztretPietOts, Testerk
aur Asommf tfeettriKleiL:Aditalycles, with
peat Thritivg otaamar.ta Ratpapary Wby_
JRE Alfa PRl.NTS4arecat variety
of sattorras 11: a. br.,, • fir, IlfAnTratl at*. _ y
INDOW - gla rt Elini4 irti.Vausle and ret•
sr..till. mit W. P. WajmuLlS a-CO.
la AIM 10It SALE—A:largollarge, Ma'
ALFAS& itz oi ismba: far mil•lir o. co;
IVIED APP.1421-e - eahltiircred anct for
i •l .I.i ~ Q}.~~).i'~"+Ps ~,?~tv.'Ct`tili!lS~f ~ •::i
iaLT 1 61 4 elk ,-
us. teepatitt , bac rimmtrop,,: