PITT'4IIURGf! GA ZEll'F, susw-aiLD.P. , W=m - IKObe,moriai, m 4 1 2, MG Ttonblioan Declaration of Principles. sporran nt PELTSZOI3I3O3IIIANTION. &masa and Oa aftennt teetkenthe meal of , to ulna allow tne f ie Itant,:dligti:sttr. • e Model Onoto."9=Ttoit=oe preheat; to SO; tOn l6,4 •22 r ,.. t. h; u ~a g" i lm fra insmaa bre thren 1t.,....5-;zijaintaek:rand anal/ reeltato to or their lo.teeo Invaders. and iciiodiatWo aoteatobo oar na a to . thU t ah he r e," afarladonnedeat ft .. tug the oftsibtjagonal adrotaistiottou 'by Acorn thallf to be weak and AlfEambuut that Ha con. Alonso. In Wm' ta idoattned with eh. woven or Ike ..e.kated coortosarf t _arttb th e cactostco of - frog= bocat tbo torritcri. of on. lactlooleli d wed, tt to a latennk Dann. outermiattko og todnt:lnmi. and orettntor • " -_ • " ernis: . - 'llll - tiA r is Pculensper annual. cosisblro in Lhasa, W.E.P.KX fro Mars pwe snnum. In anywnea— Wats wrill:l.r.rraidask the 1.410 , 10 g eseditloor - ren t pit an093:6....—..,.—.......5 5 00 . Tin As slassen—ww.:*•--:-. 10 00 Sple*Aawsneepsyseents nr , godietT Merle, mad tb. p c .,...-Orpod "bonitos..? is oat. unto' 1tt.11111111111%1 g6rFor Telegraphie News see ad page. For City aml Commercial Nears fee 4th page, . 'Bear won Wools Vora f—Sho Chicago Tri - best Is not dlspooe3 to concur in the view that Illinois is a doubtful State is bee politioai prodi lecithins. It gays *.T.llitois is set down, in politicabialculadots, as doubtful," by Repnbileues in other States; and asnertain for the. Black Democracy, 14 the loaders on that aide. In ha, our friends abroad .glro up the State to the enemy, in their comps. .taboos, conildering it the hardest to carry of all the Fres Statea--Califortila excepted. But la enter our protest against surrendering the great Prairie-State over to the Border Ruffians .sonsinetemonlott.sly. We firmly believe that she will give, her electoral vote to the Anti-Slavery Candidate fer President next November. And •int lathe:more believe ! that Illinol a will not ,only give the largest majority for Free 800% alike -five Western Stites, but that she will poll* fat ti majority, in proportion to the vote emit; that say of theta and we pot this predlo • em mead, though not a prophet nor the eon of, a prophet." fbe facts adduced by the • Tribune, in the subsequent part of the article from which we quote. go tar to sustain this cheerful view. and ,an are glad to be able to think the prospect BO favorable. Saw Cams awn Dalantarmt BALIAUT. COX-. waim.—This company has been organised by dm-election of the following officers: , Praideal—gen. WM. ROBINSON. Direetora—Crunxxs W. Ricamrsoe, Jon" W. WALLACE, WILLIAM H. SWIM, luau 11A13EALL. Thlsis an ~ , ,Atirat selection. Von. Roule tte', the President, has large experience, Influ ence and energy, and Is thoroughly occputinted with the route and all its connections and de pendencies. This short road is iutp_ortent to Pittsburgh, as a connecting link between eepsrate improve ments, thui greatly increasing the facilities for trao and intercourse with a region with which is eir — a this city has esjoyed a profitable delnem connection, but which without this link will moot likely be turned into other channels.— Wehope Gen. Robinson will have asmuch success in ibis project as in the larger one of the Ohio &. Pennsylvania Railroad, and that by next spring he will be able to eelebrate the opening Of his road. Art> Wan faculty to ail the wiro plalots far which they we designated. If you eau else this to Mean. aim lon west perlatt liberty to do so. Very reepertlfully. rare, J. L. CLARK. R. D. En ad•ertlrersent Ilelntold'e thmuloo PropustiOra. bpZir2int Beroftaa. Moots of Mercury, Ccmstuap rths./Ironaltis. DeumDna, Raerrancisea..effrctimu or The etoreardieces. /Arr. _idme, • ~41 , ear *meat Leur re beta Ita4el owt FretWer. WADI wad Genital Deatnern will came. twee and other ehronl, diteesea. unlwe cured Dr. IIEATLI. No. 750 zroedney, N. liorlg.,terotes bb %We time to caring lb.. end all amigo attaations. Ile Invitee the alined to call, espechgly them ■he beta received no benefit hem newton], treatment by abbe.. thee:atm.. W. worir cared by Dr. liestln—litaream ()Mauro. Odd Drcedernt . J. D. Deters, Jane Leath*: IL F. banker aid child o:andante). Y. O. Mende ttleaream).'l. Sbiablne K te r Kim Ind trate, AO. Dr. Math la an honoretie and elithdrardolan and enr iteara—L Omen, at. D. J: A. Amttl& Y. D...t. K. Soot]. M. D. Hon. A. Loomis. tlon.O.rne Petrie. Don N. :S. Den. tan. AXIOM flab on Nor York.. Mon. Jude. Carron. Cite J.da4 Nor Yak. Pafento at a &Adana can mow& the doeto, try tatter, dating their ewes tally. and receive adrioe, and •0 the ememary tenaellee.l.7 mall cr etyma. thereby obviating the ileasulty or • tereoul elan. ills Introdrintml =ca. edth inuUytirs inagn,llllP4 VIII be ..at tree to any ed. dress p.--1.10 tb drat eV 31 al. Dr. Ll.:b anvo to 101 Spiv. stmt. ormats the St. !a:tabu Bova. NELSON & CO.. POSTLEY HA.NIIIIICTUILLItS Or . Cast Steel and Iron Gun Harmls. SOLID 80X MSS, Cut Steel Plated di Hammered bards d; Spades Was, ilotteckr. Stolle. Mumma, Harrow Tooth. Ale. mutational:, NO. IT DIAS KJIT at. .PITTSBURCIII PA. Parahooar - oleameoll omi oxamtao oar stark 'Wars paregadag olombaro. Manua A Juit Judgment.—Public opinion ill a bat baton natl . flow moo about atiatatlna without Mato seta nib land the !unmet orontlatitair. abut u 7 that lts vadat/aro hush. but aerortloduo they ate 'aincesUy JUL and aortae{. "Smaadya Ilallest Dlocovery." ban now boon on trial him= .12 Mrs, and dazing that p. tbotuands a tonneaus hare alms to otua hat. favor. One tenths that he via eared or toraols after Miting 6 tura Oat ther lint he }band Inmodlsta ostler atter rattan with balatheam thy :hymn. and It h mob Mime as ado that ban mood the rano to nada the Mowing vordkt Maly at estermlnallin and moat. Mao trots the rota. ivory homy with .blob It ;emu In =dad, and we roommond It to the ontaldastlon of the ittlichd. Sold by DR, am EL EL SUER. 140 Wald stroet. wet. JAILCS P. YLSIIINO. ALEX., HUNTER, MM US FLOITR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD; •LARD OIL. D PRODUCE GENERALLY, No !MD Liberty Street. ay2l:amd PITTZIIO2OII JOHN_COCkiLRAIX & BROS. ne.pi INAuTUlthitti OF Iron Railing, Iron Vault; Vault Doom, Window Button, Window Crumb, Nos. 91 Second st., O. 86 Third et., (botweon Wood and Market,) RITTSBURGII, PA., Ifni° on hand a variety of now patterns raw and Fiala. mailable lbw alto avan& Partlaalar at Witten sattattui Unive Lott. Jobbuts am at short British and Continental Butane. mom ar °CACAO, 811131111111 & CO., ON TUE ,UNION BANK, LONDON, IN SOU OP SI ►ND UPWAIXDP Those Drone are available aS all tho Fria ciriPtowul °Maitland. IteothauV mut Irtland. and Um, Cantlant. • As also dm, ILIUM artaz os M. A. Gnmebanta & Bailin, 1240117 . 01 tr 4 MAW, Atd4lll.l9lk ill lleatittain to on owto of dorm:Lai Ihntseilond and trollono. Prisons totiodlost to tom! obroodutayrtooorottitotorb itotottoto o(Ctoillt, m wh;oh Moao7 ton be obtained, ea math, In any Wirt of tunic • Oollicocais of BOL. Vot•s. gad 4024 Ncrtritimi la ay. tam wig niain w au P t er.ft.T..Alus a 0 0 , 9 ishl3. - Wm& (*roar Ilan! MOM, wrr. LIAM AitNO auwasso LD na TO • WILLIAMS thilson Furnaces, Wro'tlron Tubing 1.10 PITITNOGICRISALLy. lei Wan*" and nu:maim . ' af Bata:atm W. a A. trill mend lbr. Wanitat guid V/agitt(ef b) puma Met Wall:4MM arebilionNatrues. Ottareame. os* llooltals. laotartas. Oran Hour, (butt Ikrair Jell (totals or stlines. Ho. it& Marts% aL. Plttelnite EAGLE STEEL WORKS. JOSRSK D/LWOBTH & 00., tracassouge =um. X'nOrt • 034 , • ItOrrllloCmrtu.o Or Cast Steel. &nem Sew. Mister. Polish ST-It 1111'6 101 1 1gEL; _ AXLES YIOES, SPRINGS, PACKS, Mattooki, Wadies, Hariow.Teitb, La. ' •FAREturtmr. ha.lv vault emu% • is•tvon Wcodsall Pkoltb4•l6, _ .P/TTSIII7II.OII, • lama, 111141.14. n , bon:getaato - MAU° Powderßtiy_ - yotr sod to• Vegan' Unit 140 wood it • 38 dot •4elmed_y's - Medical' Discovery , - • usu. U.1117/311101. lb Wealute • Old P 6111160114; Intl old, of 'fine quad -tr. boat,. aw nu sr nos xmniata woad. Cittis Maimed atirio • PELIAPg4sP_ W-A- , ' NEW ADVE , 11 ' , Fire and Jara inmmuceComPlalT , —,- No. NO ANIESTNUT STREET ' ' SEALED PROPOSALS will Do reeeived OPPOSITE' pfa'CVZITOM Hoax& . 1.. .. d., 11 _ 0 , 4 avi. for bi OW c:f.olgoLoa. uato Will make an rinds o r •llmuluirm• tither forotablog toot, als, labor ao4l..ereouo. todvo.cid= Porpot. or LlatßaScot ov=ltriptln of Proper:lT of building to the rmront Otsth W t - .5d , . g—r--11"11MPP!'ELNO, Prue Beat . P4toburol Avotrset to to moo p.ci ple am.uono.'or b- a toro . bs tb ... e 7, ,, 0th ., a 411321:18 IllZt. Plano Aulaz 11. W.Boltarro. Yin Prooldest. t No. el no.. 1,46? MOOD, et....E „ ours D Km ,. DIRZOTORS: Mit P. R. R. x. cutoiiNooLat. j¢. g. )33, Cleo{Mnm a ItEU at. = mama e. 8.13+1 , 1 , 7. •10°.0.1."1- -^ • • J 'Width R" .. . o. e.onao. B. J. Ilecire., 1. Mayrot:Llnk Secretor/ 3. G. 0.1171 N, Agent. Third and Wood Wort. PITTSBURGH • Life, Fire it Marine Insurance Company; Office, Cornea. Market and.Watcr Streets. PITTSBURGH, P. Holm GAL 1140 0 : .1 - taktesi. TEM (111 LEAN. neer. This Company makes - met:7 Insurance spp mrtalning toor connected with LIYZ atm& „ Aipoow—aw. Mill end Carte hicke..ne a.) iitenedolltivereend trinnterile, ant aimine MAC Cen• may And againet Loss or Damage by Fire, And ageing the Penile a the Pea end liimlinition " it b ile:Ves=tthe lownsetsstee conandect with ..Soft loallpartice. • • a= Robert Galway. mam Yamnal MrClarkm •-• I intaran ".n'"' S J j ossrp .b. ba tt. . Maratimldl. Warn. David 11. Chanatern Jam* Marshall, I Cl u Zug. Davidltlebtr, William Carr, Janus W. Milan. Robevt FL Huila), Chas: Arhathnnt. Jam. D. EIVIIL ALraandsrt !India". MG suirMS-Ivie PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBIIROH, Oornor Fourth and Smithfield Streeta. Authorised Capital 6100,000. mstla mdranivas AND OMER riyorEßrr Airattut Loss or DSMISITO by Hires And the Perils of the oft and Wand Narigat . o. and Tranapertation. =Um= Wax. F.Jobatten, liAdrPattassoft, Jacob Palmer, W. IdeOlintock, Jae. P. TIMM, Oa,. W. &dila. D. E. Park, 1. Orin am or& Wad* Darerto& A.. 7. Jne aetra, l o r r le c A. A. o n ..r. nn Presider& Don. WAL Ir..rODNIECTON. Vito Frothier& MDT PATTIMBON. Oteretary Trasruer. A. A. CALM& IWII Farmer? and Mechanic? Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PIDELADELPIIIA. TIIO9. D. FLORENCE. Pfeddent. MM. 11. !Immix,. Beat t. 17. STATIIIIHNT Or lIUMINESN. Prom Oa First day or Auvut to th.lloll.l—first. day or Doadater. amount Matted In Mnrito, do Ylr. do Total oraroloto* La Five or. Dian IN V t 3 . 4731/ A e Hood. of A conoty. littaborob ...d litt.burffl.FO'r 1714721 3.6 liollroa4 ._ 93,400 00 0.1100 Elf blortneo of Hod Istar;.. ....-. 49,940 00 (In 1111orno, Collators) lloob lo Hook and on totoJ ._ .. _ 11,093 28. 41.143.3 subonibod (001 08.00 doll _ 97,000 09 PteMiLlta loot., not 68,397 3t Don Irons and foocupol b 1 Honda) —lll,blB GI laponocs and Oornzabodons Total anonot of Lows Ineurrikl. but not ist Minato], I.ce4 60 ..3,000 CIO S4.GrA Thle Comps c y lonaree and cane ri.4.• oft th e Mae eud llied.lo.l tritmtule.. Imam egalrut Lou dat. sws dna. LE•••BlltvrellreatiLurted awl ptlyWd ilx.mecte—lioe.. T. M. 110Wo. preel Mor.hmt Jams. Wool. • • ••• • • • Par Infuriates opyl i t t : 1031115 J. 11WITEIL, Agent. Olaf fe tip. DO afar et. dot Ycod andidariret. Reliance Mutual liunizawie Company OF pm LA DELPILLA OPP= SO. TO WALIS7S7' srapar. Cup_atai• .11.71.674—Anita. =AI, Surety /setae& EIRE INSURANCE—On Teraltere, ha. In tree or country. The mutant principle, rointined . with the recant/ of Stork CaLital, entitles the Insured to share to the profits of the Ccnrearty.tothottt WtOUt77 for lama • • The Script Oertleratee of thie Mn. peen for groat; ere eottrertlele. want° the Capital Stork of the Coultly. cum TINOLNI, Preal.lenr -11. M. theowear ecretary. DISI.G7TOSS: Lewis 11.,Aehintret. Clem Ttusdu. Wm. P.. Thoutwon T. C. Rrlri.lll Z. hotte r:T. IL L. Canon, Hobart Tolsad. Edward G.Jaraaa Wm. Moran. Arehnold Uettr. Wm. 11. Semple. Mgr. J. O. 00)1FIN. Ammt. mhll-M moat Third and Wood detract. Irral l tA l l!k r DtPde NY. ol j noz. S s. E. E .L. Y r Tnlnl INSIET .o It ; rat sta., Phila.:leaked. 111MIIIIs1: INSURANCES. _ O ES On VSEL& CA1200.1/1:81111:1T. to all Cart. r( the world. LYLAIiD 1101U1SANCES, On 0.415. by Rivera Canals, Lakes and toad Carriages. to all rat. of the Union FIRE vssonescin On kfareharld lee mnually. On atom, Daelllo Mona &A AS.= Or t Writs t. Nov. ,v g. 18.5 k. Sonde and klortotioad. and Baal Estate.—...—Slol,43) DA Philadelphia-My and other asalo co Stank l ln Lanka, Railr .-.- oads and Inintranu Dna. 88.040 10 RetrlloseGile 188.440 Cub on Asstd. 28.826 OS Valance doe at Asettolm-Prea.hrtam on ye • Sollseado omantly landed:and ot.W dobta TIM) amount arAseata.—..---.-4617.319 Of i:w&sd l Itazaball 144 Jame* L. Taylor, Jacob T. Btastist. G. M. Wand. Fici=Eu raln. &auk'lL Sigkas. 1,4,42gtar. ==EI r.dctuast tlowa Jatta.U. Darts. Robert Rartori. 1 Jam . ...IV . A , . Jain /1. P..pete*. I wa.. *gorge ri. LOD. Jo.bas L. moo. Mooed Darlio Rio s. ' James Tetooeste-•. , :. H. Jones Brooke, J. U. Johrtwo, /mos IL lteTerlatga. Wm. C. Detotgr_te. Juno°. IWO.. Chutes 8.1,.der, TbdoplalltsoPeuldilmr. J. T. LAtoR, Pfttob.tith- Dr. R. B. Heaton. D. T. orann. I.lrmb Crete. John B. term le. ••• W. 4 1 . 1 ,1 _1t1A.R.1 111 , 1 ""..."... "?,. . T111i311.8 ., V Presid.mr. UMT al -IF No. 9tWatrietittru4 . h. Citizen's Insurance Comyy of Pittsburgh. NIL DLOLLIT Prtriant. ALVOYA SA".. „ /t,;WAMISMITZ% g,s/!T AND *A. INSURES lIIILL AND CARGO RIAND OD TIM 01110 AND Al/ASDALPPI ILIVIDA AND TRIBDTARIE.% rAT * Ttr .6" a 4''" Agrlfo Li zi """ .11173172111."14* Rama Rabat p, Jr. tlartancb. Paw 11. Pnauck. W..? sm.; J us. 2L Ooopet. 4dua =2 64l"ik maker I Wla. HENRY. icULLINS CoCOMMISSIONowiv °o MERCHANT, 'muff, Diplits,"nss, No S 5. Wood Piadburgh. HOLMES & COLLINS. (TIRC/Men TO T. 11...V1CR1L1314) Agriculturalliya,tehouse, AND ' RBED , STOIII3, No. 129 Wood Street, ap2l-1 liwT PI TT Sit U RCM.. Niw You, Jane 15th, Ibso. Now York Liverpol Line of Packets-4k . JOHN THOMPSON, N 0.410 Ll bdrty 'trot. IlllesTaniTh Rao is the-only Farm In tha ato - ea city authorized to sill Rasura Cartldestes foi mr Liao of Now York and Lhartool Nast. waNaLum GUNNELL, -• ST floulla at, New York. alwaya on hand • SUM Drafts for an, onansd. Naiad* at any Bank In Itnaland. Ireland. Scotland and Wales. • . ,• *leo, Wawa.* on trooo tlawaork and Phliadai. t rbodaryT a•T .Na aloTunharti.°Krtrh...LN* Nelson's. Antbrotnes. The Azaketype •ie • deetdcoily the . moot tril m tut.: tototani end di:amble style or Po rt rait ever to the an. Their Coos lelett velvety and hums. odour Ins demo. neva obtained by 10Wocent Being (skin op glanetbey en exerellosif and Yel Inv lime the ift,rwreotipa. icon, a* pot MO-Ma to a. 7 moan Lain children ere pictured wt only more UM,. tifully bat In ehnost Inappreciable point of Lime by the AzobrotypA By ro eLturrwrosees can pictnroi M mote en perfectly beautiful. W. nopecrially moat ony hinds ao,ttoand 4Lok i tu r oLotoorr to ow= the pro. ' , ikn's OA Y. *LI in. • Mee Boilla v ltila • net Inn. son Ihur et. BIUBMIT. Sculptor, -Modica. Stucco Workor and woos ocroti. 10 Thltd street, beloved Wood and Idabel And% PObbomb, Psy Moro oon.taotlron baud au oddrtmold or dw 111wp Oontto pods, got pubm, do 'Holloway's. PM, by the doson or - gn) es Wept' -0 CO. 11.1(X101111% 146 Wood 0. ArtifWall:fipple& of an improved (at - ask at WIN - U6Oll WIM•& IRO Wood rt. 60 dot:MalAcm - in we, at Geo. RYSER'S. W 110 Wcovist, EWES Holloway's Ointment, .old in nay ivionti at a1...14 • GM, L. Essexit'aito Wood sL . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS VALUABLF. PALM FOICSALE—The apt Y !whetted, AdsoldstretolOtths Patatr of Thomas Maim. dnwth, will oder for ewe, bppubtla maim Cr out. ern cor therembeeme. SOMALI; TUN THIRTUNTH bhp of !IMO PITT, the tohowlatt dowalbeel OPAL OP. 'At 114 situate I o Bala rOshriagelow tommblp, W est in lard b i t t Ma. mu. from the tillage or attallbe. about the Fame dletstureboult or Megrim. Mutat andPlttetturfrh :Umbra. &Dotal ohm from the Puma. Rehm& Tote term waterlog .150 Werm. TM* wummeenhatly emated nut the Mot of 110wrlart • /11‘threlme sad &bear liormiw e "bout /9 Mrs Irma 1h sad Lb miles nom aba coonlymel: The um mmeimmemoorstago 1101Thli LTD AAUP, his Appal ohOHAB,D, , The land Menai watered; imd mu et • bill o&. of .curtteottorb .1 tie Lltlih tlf MP UM, with me abut:dame of Ltirmeteah. strismthouis COAL oleo verpabandesth there are about rim. , ACIIiE3 OP COAL of -t..tutet olachtr In thictvw . A the Wow about sib MI TL TY 1.158.H0 D., Coneuttozr , Mtn Oar- Walnuh r eggerL home& ir • l orTf nil tAulm i tr i at i a:ftw u ttEL ' lttme.=y4 l) : ill Ilm""'doreellgulantod II occo l""u eored Mimeo of del:et flatte uf ma re .1a the countt i. t lZeogrphr_Crr .t. arr w inte tc h , T. gold make iielli r triali r lit Tee PittaboTle mut co.stumr u 'l n ta z A Z toquas is =lima, to ingamstymr: !Meltwater la - • 1% - rn at e = l t moms won ttue math= rambles lettlath ape el " meowym . b."l"tf oi l li 1 4'04 ell.6loirAr a do tDs rg uthw ' . Bale tte P lliall—Otromm a acaelathefollmilarja tirommeresared sftrirw- UTTEIte-4144 Choic4 8011. 1 bld., Bald mri jupwa,24,oo,4loo2sor t ud noe u x in -• m. ,rjOTHX-13ZED- 6 0. bbli: IP Biota and for .17 .aSi - 3:IIVIVEL2iIOI4-, 4,IIICIAA AND MOLASSES- • LI LDL7t•e. V.O Env.: 10 Nam , 1 ,. . M0w.... Oct naltrtnomat. Axe Age tcr [13711=1.4* JAS. 'hie:Ml.ll A OM. 17 . 2 A. VA liroast. • 3 504 K. I,;„Eni - .'bry",l!: l . tayl2 72.4 171117. d At. .14/ lIITEGOODSAT 3kl' URllYaltollC.ll. YIELD'S—WA barelaci:nen. Plain; Nana melt, Fries an dlicanet 11.11 n.at and bane plain 041 bow.. Gs and mots% spatted d figural dna conslos, infanta' 7011514 tuaquip,..tr.. and a tun asiortmon t E.. brolderie, • Alm, plain and maxim beregeikAinmec and cm cadlen by tbe are and in 00b00 timer Mae by tla. salt and in r•bcr: antler plain slits and moire natal:rta. se tt and lugs nommen t"or laansa ON wadies, etklntica ;Anted brilliantaa and .Erk Mich And American prints,— illuth. amt. comae of fourth eti, my= AND ON LONG CREDIT-6 50 , acres iLlor lend In 101nole. Musts In the countlee or Moul trie. rhelby. Melon, May. *lea. Dal sib. Platt, W ;ohms ton. Jaffe:in% tkok.Ottan. Joe Darla. te,46. 4, ' Them Lodi are near railroads, Umb3r and etzeacas—rleh verb, Pr'oo from 1:1 to $2O an sera OAly 10 reroot to has balance 01010 rem,. do d 'For We hr nun 0 CUTBS NET k BON. DI Marketati ralllE • LONG EXPECTED 1300E!-The Soarron .mmea Paper,. by Frederick - P.'(icer me, rno n.av izaa, The acres •111 no doubt Da ,the ropular 'Penn Book. and is dotlood to staig. fl.• Claribastati. a Soog that's be no author. a deed aritboot • owe. perp.trsted by Q. It.Pdlisodar Just red/ and kr We by W.A. toILDENFENNt I =rid Fifth at. appalte tbe Theatre. ItONNETS & MA.NTILL AS—A. A. Mason I Co. ',sin on .11onday, Mad UM, another oplandbilot o.Boonata and IdaMMaa to at material? and Um mended and most dodsab.,, addle. 1271,1 QIIAVTLS! SIIA I NLS—A. A. Masna Co. hareistat roe,' anon= 11 , 11MIOr war Matt cf arr rules of te'ls. and Priwel Gahm:ten. Shurb!, to vhlelt